Monday, December 10, 2018

This Week

Kaos updated Gardeners 3. Maybe 7 weeks to go for the next comic.

Made a little progress on the Houseguest epilogue. I will have some time today to work on it, but that's it until we get past Christmas and things slow down. (and dependent on me getting a day off at all).

Hey everyone. Every year I like to ask fans to show appreciation for all the free stories and hard work by sending me an amazon gift card ( Its comments that keep me going, but some financial reward helps for all the hours I put into writing every year. Anything amount is appreciated and if you can't, leave some feedback over at literotica.

Special thanks to Mebrat, Jon, an avid fan, the guy who sent me the Mall3 story, and anonymous for the Amazon Gift Cards. The grand total is now $260.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

This week

Kaos updated Gardeners. The sex is upon us.

I have started the final chapter of Houseguest.

Special thanks to anonymous and "a reader" for the Amazon gift cards. My total so far is $55.

Hey everyone. Every year I like to ask fans to show appreciation for all the free stories and hard work by sending me an amazon gift card ( Its comments that keep me going, but some financial reward helps for all the hours I put into writing every year. Anything amount is appreciated and if you can't, leave some feedback over at literotica.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Background image removed

I got three comments about the background image making it harder to hide what you were reading. Sorry, that was something I never considered and I certainly don't want anyone getting in trouble with spouses or bosses. I'm keeping the cover plug for Kaos as the only upfront sex pic. As long as her current project is one of mine, I'll promote it with the cover image. That goes for other sites too. If there aren't any current projects, I'll keep it blank.