Your Money or Your Mouth
Copyright 2000 by Stormbringer
Revised 2009
Note: This story was originally released in four chapters.
Heather slowly shuffled into her apartment building after another
evening of waiting tables at the diner. It was close to midnight, but
Mr. Potter, her landlord's door was open and she could hear his TV
blasting some war movie. She tried to be quiet and sneak by his doorway,
but he spotted her and ran outside to intercept her.
"Where's your rent money this month?" he said stepping out into the
Heather was shy and had trouble looking people in the eyes. She looked
down at the floor and saw the ever present comic book in his hand. She
was surprised to see that this one was X-rated, she didn't even know
they made such a thing. Heather looked up, catching him trying to stare
down her blouse at her over proportioned breasts. She hated being ogled
like that, but had grown to accept it. "I'm sorry Mr. Potter. Money's
been tight this week, please give me more time," she begged.
"I'll give you two more weeks," he replied openly running his eyes from
her long nylon covered legs to her blonde hair all messed up under a
hair net. "Two weeks and then I start looking for a paying tenant." He
crinkled his nose at her with distaste and then he turned, going back
into his apartment.
Heather brought her sleeve up to her nose and took a whiff of the ugly
pink uniform. Sure enough, she stank of meatloaf. She sighed and slowly
climbed the three flights to her one bedroom apartment.
Heather was eighteen and had just started college. In high school she
was a cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in her class
despite her shyness and the fact that she wasn't into partying. She had
even managed to stay a virgin up until a couple months ago when she had
met Jack.
Jack had managed to talk her into sex after only a few dates
accomplishing what no high school boy had done in three years. Jack was
tall, good-looking, charming, and she knew immediately that he was the
Now Heather wasn't so sure. Jack was lazy and he didn't even take her
out any more. All he ever wanted to do was drink beer and poke her with
his penis for a few minutes. She didn't know why sex was such a big deal
to all the other girls. She barely enjoyed it.
Heather was worried about her money situation as she entered her
apartment. She took off the hair net and let her long blonde hair fall
down to her shoulders. She removed the foul-smelling uniform and turned
the shower on.
Nude, Heather looked at herself in the mirror. A girl with high
self-esteem would have been proud of the body in the mirror, but Heather
was embarrassed by it. She thought her breasts were too big for her thin
body. It made her look top-heavy. One jealous girl had even spread the
rumor around that Heather had gotten a boob job in high school. She also
hated her nipples. Her areola were as big around as a coke can and her
nipples poked out almost an inch long. Her nipples always seemed
half-erect, drawing even more unwanted male stares since she had
trouble covering them up. None of the girls in the shower room at gym
class had even come close to having breasts or nipples this big and she
hated her breasts, though Jack had gone gaga over them.
Heather climbed into the shower, thinking about the money. Tuition had
just taken her entire savings and she was stuck living on $2.65 an hour plus tips.
She would have to struggle to come up with her rent money in two weeks.
Two weeks later. Heather's car had broken down. She had managed to save
a little tip money that week, but having the car fixed used it all up
and then some. She didn't even have enough to get it out of the shop and
she was working extra shifts at the diner to raise the money. She was
tired all the time and her school work was suffering.
Heather tried to sneak past Mr. Potter's room and had thought she made
it when she heard his voice behind her.
"Heather, you’re a bum," he said, "and you’re about to be a homeless bum if I
don't get my money."
"I'm sorry Mr. Potter," said Heather starting to cry, "but I'm broke
this month. Isn't there any way you could let me slide this month?"
Heather felt a shiver travel up her spine as he openly ogled her body,
licking his lips nervously. Sweat broke out on his brow and he dabbed it
with a tissue. His beady eyes and his up-turned nose made her think of a
pig as he stared at her.
"I'll tell you what," he said nervously, "I might be willing to let you
slide this month if you give me a blow job."
Bile rose in Heather's throat and she felt like gagging. She would never
put a man's penis in her mouth, not even Jack's and especially not this
creepy old man's. Mr. Potter was skinny, shorter then she was, and
almost completely bald. Under his unbuttoned shirt, course gray hair
covered his chest topped off by a tacky gold chain. He was simply one of
the most disgusting men she had ever seen.
Potter could tell she didn't like the idea and said, "I'll give you
tonight to think about it. Bring either your mouth or your money to my
apartment at 8:00 am or I'll be padlocking your door by noon." He looked
at her hot body from her legs to her breasts again, wanting to drool
when he saw the outline of her nipples pushing out her uniform blouse.
He turned and entered his apartment.
Heather had trouble sleeping that night. Jack had called wanting to come
over, but she had told him she wasn't feeling well. She pictured Jack's
penis in her mind. It was short and skinny, probably just under five
inches long when erect. It was around the size of a lollipop and
wouldn't be all that hard to put in her mouth. Plus, he only lasts a
couple of strokes and it would all be over in a couple minutes. She had
made up her mind by the time her alarm went off. She really didn't have
a choice.
Heather dressed for school, wearing a conservative top over jeans
despite the heat of the day. She kept thinking that it'll all be over in
a couple minutes as she left her apartment, slowly heading down stairs
Heather gulped as she approached Mr. Potter's door and she raised her
fist, lightly rapping on the door, almost wishing he wouldn't hear her
knock. He opened it immediately, almost as if he had been waiting on the
other side. He was wearing a robe belted around his waist. The area
around his crotch was tented out obscenely and she wondered what he had
shoved under his robe to make it bulge so much.
"Well, did you bring your money or your mouth?" he asked leering at her.
Heather just held her head down and whispered, "My mouth."
Potter’s eyes lit up with excitement. He stepped aside and she entered his apartment. It was messy, with dirty clothes scattered on the floor and dirty dishes piled in the sink.
Comics were scattered on the tables, most of them x-rated. Heather was
surprised to see that many of the super-heroines had buxom bodies that
resembled her own.
Mr. Potter sat down in a recliner and spread his legs. "Come on bitch,"
he said, "you know what to do."
"No I don't," answered Heather, a little shocked at his language.
Mr. Potter was surprised. "You mean you've never sucked a guy off
"No," she replied still looking down at the ground shyly. "I've always
thought that oral sex was dirty and disgusting."
Potter was a little disappointed. He had assumed such a hot bitch was
probably an expert at sucking cock. It occurred to him that he could
teach her how to service him properly. He perked up a little when it hit
him that she had probably never had her pussy eaten either and he might
be able to use this knowledge to his advantage. "Fine. Then I'll tell you
what to do. Kneel between my legs," he ordered.
Heather's knees were shaking and she was relieved to kneel down. She
looked up at him waiting for instructions.
"Ok Heather," he said, "here's the deal. You suck on my cock until I cum
and you don't have to pay this month's rent. If you can't make me cum it
doesn't count. Understand?"
Heather nodded wondering what the big deal was. If he wasn't any
different from Jack, he'd orgasm after a couple of minutes. She also
didn't like his course language” Just don't orgasm in my mouth," she
"That's fine," he responded. "Now undo my robe and take my cock out."
Heather's first class of the day was in women's studies and she wondered
what her classmates what think of the base act she was about to perform.
She reached out a shaking hand and opened his robe down to his belt,
revealing his chest and stomach. She was surprised to see that his body
was pretty cut and trim. He was lean, muscular, and probably fairly
good-looking when he was younger. His white chest hair covered his upper
torso and a line of white hair pointed the way to his crotch under his
navel. Heather decided that she should quit dawdling and just get this over
with. She reached out and untied his belt. It came loose and something
smacked her in the chin with enough force to sting her a little.
Heather jumped back and stared in awe at the old man's crotch. His penis
was simply gigantic. It had to of been twelve inches long and as thick
as her wrist. She had no idea that penis's came in different sizes and
she didn't know how she was going to get this monstrosity in her mouth.
She heard Mr. Potter cackling a she stared at his penis.
"You ever seen a cock that big?" he asked still laughing at her.
Heather shook her head, still staring at it. She hated to admit it, but
his cock.. his penis was beautiful. The head was plump and smooth, about
as big as a plum. The rest of his rod was hard and thick. She thought
that his penis was so big and hard that she could hammer nails with it.
It wasn't fair that Jack's big, muscular body had a little limp penis
and Potter's short, skinny body had a proud, massive cock.
"First bitch," he ordered, "I want you to lick around the head."
Heather gulped and reached out her hand to hold it steady. Her fingers
closed around the tip and she caressed it, still in awe over the size.
It was only the second penis she had ever seen and the first she had
looked at this closely. She hadn't even really touched Jack's penis
before, with the exception of squeezing it to make it hard enough to
penetrate her. She hefted Potter's mighty penis in her hand feeling how
heavy it was. She lifted it and looked down the rod to his testicles.
They were also gigantic and they hung down low, heavy in their sack. The
underside of his penis was dominated by a large blue vein that seemed to
throb with each beat of his heart.
"Quit gawking and start sucking," said Potter, growing impatient.
Startled out of her reverie, Heather stroked her hand down his shaft and
gripped the base, realizing that her fingers didn't even touch around
the thick shaft. She brought her head forwards, disgusted to see that
the pee-slit was opening and closing, as it dribbled out large amounts of
precum. She touched her lips to his cock, feeling the hard skin of his
cock head against her lips. She tentatively licked out her tongue and
flickered it across the tip tasting his precum. Heather then swirled
her tongue around the big bulbous head, running it along the hard flared
ridge and back up to tease his pee slit.
"Oh yeah, baby," moaned Potter, " Now lick up and down the sides."
This really isn't that bad, thought Heather as she finished licking
around the head and proceeded to lick up and down the foot long shaft.
"Now take my balls in your mouth," he ordered.
Heather ran her lips down the big vein on the underside to the base of
his cock. The monster was resting against her face, the tip pushing into
her blonde hair as she licked his balls. She took first one and then the
other into her mouth, licking her tongue all around the big hairy
"Enough," he barked, "Now it's time you started sucking, bitch."
Heather ran her mouth back up his rod and then she stopped staring at it
for a minute. She put her lips back on the tip and opened her mouth. She
pushed down, feeling her jaw stretch as the big plum-sized head entered
her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head as she sucked on it in her
Potter loved how hot and wet her mouth was. "More bitch," he said,
wanting to feel his entire cock inside her mouth.
Heather relaxed her jaw and pushed down taking several inches of his rod
into her mouth. She felt the head sliding into her throat and she
gagged, removing her mouth from the shaft to catch her breath.
"You are a worthless bum," said Potter contemptuously. "You might as
well give up now and start looking for another place to live."
Horrified that she would still get thrown out even after going this far,
Heather immediately swallowed the head back into her mouth and began
swallowing again.
Potter wanted to shout with triumph as this buxom teenager slowly
swallowed more and more of his cock into her mouth. She reached the
halfway point and began gagging again. "You really suck at this,
Heather," he said. She looked up at him angrily, with a look of
determination on her face. He loved seeing her look at him like that
with her lips wrapped around his cock. She started swallowing again and
he said, "Relax your throat and just let it slide in."
Heather wasn't a worthless bum and she was determined to prove to this
old man that she could do it. At eight inches, she began sucking,
catching her breath when her mouth was on the tip and trying to take
more of his cock with each swallow. Her jaw was loosening and it was
becoming easier as she got used to it. She was also ashamed at how her
body was responding to this degrading act. Her half-erect nipples were
rubbing her bra and she could feel dampness on her panties. Her whole
body felt alive and ultra sensitive, even more then when she made love
to Jack. Concentrating hard, she pushed down feeling the old man's penis
push into her throat and she kept going. Something tickled her nose and
opening her eyes, she saw his gray pubic hair staring her in the face.
She had taken it all.
"Why you cocksucking slut," he said laughing, "It looks like we've
found something you’re actually good at."
Heather swore she could hear her nipples pop out, rock hard, and her
vagina started gushing at his compliment...insult? Why would her body be
reacting this way? He seemed to enjoy demeaning her. Still, she was pleased to know
that he was enjoying this.
"Now slut," he ordered, "suck that cock hard and fast."
Her mind rebelled against following this disgusting old man's orders,
but her body leapt to obey. She sucked on his entire cock for what
seemed like an eternity, developing a rhythm of sucking on it and licking
around the head as she caught her breath. Heather experimented finding
that he reacted more with her lips squeezing tightly around his shaft.
Finally, it seemed to grow even larger and the old man started moaning,
bucking his hips into her mouth. She knew he was close and she quickly
sucked up, removing it from her mouth. She held it steady pointing at
her face. It seemed to tremble in her hand and the head was simply
gigantic. It had turned a dark red and seemed like it was about to
explode at any second.
"Gawd dammit bitch," screamed Potter. "Make me cum."
She saw his fingers clenching the arms of the chair and he seemed
ready to leap out of his seat with frustration. Heather was used to
cleaning up Jack's few drops of semen from her vagina after sex and she
was curious what it looked like oozing out of a penis. She slowly
brought her fist up from the base to the head and back down again. When
she reached the half-way point, the pee-slit opened wide and it seemed
to spit at her. She blinked as a large wad of sperm exploded in her
face. The monster penis acted like a living animal as it leaped out of her hand and
blew another wad into her hair. She fell back in horror at the sperm
bath and another wad flew on her blouse. She watched in awe as more
wads of cum flew from the engorged head until the pressure was gone. He
wasn't done yet though, his penis kept pouring out sperm onto the floor,
soiling the carpet.
It was Potter’s turn to look at Heather in awe. "Damn slut," he said,
"that was the best fucking load I ever blew."
Heather felt a shiver run through her body when she heard that she had
pleased him. She watched his penis. It throbbed with each beat of his
heart, shrinking slowly until it hung over the chair, still at least
eight inches long when soft. She looked up at her landlord, he was
staring back at her lustfully. She looked down at his penis again and
was shocked to see that the monster was swelling again, growing bigger
and longer as it grew erect once more. Jack never got hard right after
cumming! Heather felt sperm trickling down her cheek and not knowing
what else to do, she ran from his apartment.
Heather ran into her room and locked the door. She looked at herself in
the bathroom mirror, disgusted to see the unbelievable number of strands
of sperm covering her face, hair, and soiling her blouse. Still, she
also realized that this was the most turned on she had ever been and she
would be calling Jack to come over that night.
Heather felt the sperm liquefying and it started dripping down her
cheeks and over her lips. She unconsciously licked her lips tasting a
man's cum for the first time. She realized what she had done and grabbed
her toothbrush, covering the bristles with toothpaste to try to cleanse
her mouth. Heather would have to take another shower and she worried
that she would be late for her women's studies class. She glanced over
at her alarm clock and did a double take. She had already missed her
class! She had been with Mr. Potter for an hour and a half.
Heather could swear that her panties stayed damp all day. She ran into
Jack near the end of the day.
"Feeling better I see," he said, a little put out and frustrated that he
didn't get any last night.
"Sorry honey," she replied wanting to tear into his pants right then and
there. "Please come over right after school and we'll spend the evening
in bed. I'm off work tonight."
"And what do you want to do in bed?" said Jack perking up.
Heather wasn't one to talk dirty, but decided to see how Jack might
react. "I want to suck your cock and then fuck your brains out," she
said smiling sweetly.
Jacks eyes widened in shock, then he grinned from ear to ear. "I don't
know what's gotten into you, but I like it. I can't wait for tonight."
"Just don't be late," said Heather running off to her next class.
That evening, Heather was climbing the walls with sexual frustration as
she raced back to her apartment. She ran into Jack on the way there and
hand in hand, they entered the building. Potter was waiting in the hall
"Don't forget rents due in two weeks," he said.
Heather sighed, she was two weeks late today and now she only had
another two weeks to raise $500.
"What a creepy little guy," whispered Jack as they ran up the stairs.
“You have no idea.”
The young couple entered her apartment and started stripping. Heather
was still embarrassed by her body and flicked the lights off. You could
still see pretty well and she jumped under the covers to hide her
nudity. Heather watched Jack strip off his pants and she felt her heart
sink with disappointment when she saw his limp little noodle of a penis.
The words, "creepy little guy", came to mind. He climbed into bed beside
her and she practically pulled him on top of her in an effort to get him
inside her.
"Hold on baby," he said lying on his back and pulling the covers down.
"You said you wanted to suck on my cock."
Heather smiled seductively and looked up at him as she slowly kissed
down his muscular chest towards his crotch. This was going to be easy
compared to her ordeal from this afternoon. "Just warn me before you cum,"
she said before sucking the head into her mouth.
"Yeah, suck on that big cock," said Jack as she swallowed him whole.
Heather practically snickered as he called his pathetic little penis a
"big cock". He doesn't even know what big is. It was so easy sucking
this little thing, it wasn't even a challenge.
Heather had bobbed her head up and down his penis five times, when she
felt something warm and sticky in her mouth. "You jerk," she said
angrily, "You came in my mouth." She swallowed his two or three drops of
cum, thinking that it wasn't really enough to complain about and it actually
didn't taste bad.
"Sorry honey," he answered before yawning. "It just felt so good that I
couldn't control myself."
Heather didn't care, she just wanted him hard again. She tugged on his
penis trying to make it erect. She hadn't known men recovered that fast
until she had seen Mr. Potter's big cock rising again after blowing him.
"Jesus, Heather," he said sleepily, "I'm not made of sperm you know."
Crying out with frustration, Heather desperately tried to make him hard
again. She tugged futilely on it and took it into her mouth again,
nothing worked. Then it hit her, Jack loved her freakish breasts and she
brought them up, wrapping his little penis around them. She squeezed her
breasts tight, pulling them up and down, trying to make him hard again,
but all she got out of Jack was a snore. He was fast asleep.
Jack slept like the dead all night. It was still early and Heather got
up and did some homework, but she had trouble concentrating. All she
could think about was her own horniness and her landlord’s massive penis.
She finally crawled into bed around midnight, tugging on Jacks penis
once again to no avail. She hoped he would be ready to go again in the
morning. She had trouble falling asleep that night.
Heather was on her knees, fully clothed about to be forced to suck on
Potter's pathetic little penis. A window shattered and Jack flew into
the room, nude except for a red cape. Jack's giant penis was hard and
over a foot long. He strode across the room and smacked Potter across
the head with his mighty penis. Potter flew across the room, slamming
into the wall. Jack turned his super-cock on her and hosed her body with
sperm, before grabbing her and flying out the window towards the setting
Heather awoke from her dream around dawn. She sleepily reached out
feeling Jack's penis was still limp and tugging on it didn’t work. She rolled over falling asleep
Heather was kneeling about to suck on the little penis again. Looking up
she saw Jack grinning down at her evilly. The window burst and Potter
strolled in nude except for a red cape. Energy flowed in waves down his
body making his gray chest hair shine with power. The energy seemed to
flow into his massive cock, as the tip crackled with electricity. Potter
leaped to Jack and smacked him backwards with his cock, before turning
it on Heather and spraying her with sperm. Heather reached out and
grasped his cock. She was nude this time and she pointed his cock all
over her body, making sure she was covered in his sperm. Potter pushed
her back in the chair and shoved his cock into her mouth. It pumped
gallons of sperm and she lovingly swallowed it all, before he moved it
down, pointing it at her vagina. She parted her legs and he slammed it
in with one mighty thrust.
The alarm woke her up, the dreams fading fast from her memory. The area
between her legs was soaked and she reached out for Jack's penis, but it wasn‘t there. He had left already.
Part 2
Two Weeks later, Heather stumbled home from work completely exhausted. Mr. Potter,
her landlord, was waiting for her outside his apartment.
"Your rent's due," he said.
Heather had just paid for all her text books and had no money. She still
hadn't been able to get her car out of the garage. She couldn't look
Potter in the face as she asked, "I don't have the money. I was hoping
you'd let me get by if I sucked you off again." She couldn't believe
that she had just asked to suck him off. The last time he had left her
with no choice, but now she was offering him her mouth.
"Why you little cock hungry slut," laughed Potter. "You want to suck me off
again don't you?"
Heather didn't answer him, but her nipples popped out and her vagina
started gushing when he called her a slut. Why did her body respond
like that when he degraded her? The truth was, she did want to suck him off
again. Heather had thought of Mr. Potter's cock everyday since she had
first seen it. She had quit sucking Jack's cock as it just wasn't as
rewarding and he was never able to get hard again enough to fuck her
"Ok, deal," said Potter, "but this time you have to be naked and you
have to strip in front of me."
The thought of the old man seeing her nude, disgusted and horrified
Heather, but she nodded. She had been to skinny as a pre-teen and had
always been insecure. She had gained weight in all the right places by high school, but
her breasts had grown unusually large and she thought she looked
top-heavy. "When do you want payment?" she asked.
"Right now, slut," he said. She was moving to come into his apartment,
but he stopped her. "Go shower first, you stink, and wear something sexy
when you come back."
Meatloaf night again, she thought, smelling her uniform. Heather nodded
and walked up the stairs to her apartment. She stripped and entered the
shower. She thought about what she was about to do with her landlord.
Her women's studies teacher had said that all sex is rape and that men
force women to prostitute themselves, even husbands. It shamed her to
think that she was prostituting herself, but she shivered with
excitement at the thought.
Heather dried herself off and fixed her hair. She didn't have much money
and couldn't afford new clothes. She didn't have anything really sexy to
wear and settled on a sweater that showed off half an inch of skin
around her waist. She dressed and hurried downstairs.
Potter was naked except for a pair of Superman boxer shorts. He sat in
his chair reading a comic book about a blonde super-heroine with the IQ
of a fruit fly. She had gigantic boobs and always found herself getting
fucked by the super-villains she was fighting against. His young
tenant's knock interrupted his reading.
"Come on in, slut," he called. He watched Heather come in. "Dumb bitch. You call that
sexy?" She wasn't showing off her navel or her legs.
"This is all I have," she responded a little upset that he wasn't happy
with her outfit.
"It's ok," he said trying to cheer her up. "You'll just have to hurry up
and get naked then. You can start by taking your sweater off."
Heather started to pull her sweater over her head, then she saw the
light switch. She automatically reached out and turned it off.
"What the fuck!" screamed Potter. "Turn that damn light back on." His
tenant switched the light back on seeming a little scared by his
outburst. "You come over begging to suck my cock and you think you can
do it in the dark. Now take off your fucking sweater."
Heather leaped to obey him pulling her sweater over her head. She
quickly moved her arms across her breasts.
Potter briefly noticed a bulky, ratty, old bra before she covered up her
breasts. Her waist was slim and her sexy stomach was flat. "Now slowly
unbutton your jeans and pull them off."
Heather noticed the big "S" on the front of his superman boxer shorts
was starting to tent and she found herself craving to see his cock
again. She unbuttoned her jeans and slowly unzipped them.
Potter couldn't believe the body on this young eighteen year old girl.
He watched her big boobs dangle down as she struggled to get the jeans
down over her hips. When she was down to just her bra and panties, she
straightened back up covering her underwear with her hands. "Now take
off your bra and leave your fucking hands down at your sides."
Heather unhooked her bra and gulped as she removed it. Standing topless
in a well lit room for the first time with a man. She struggled not to
cover up her breasts. She heard a tearing sound and looking at Potter,
she saw that his mighty cock had ripped through the Velcro on the front
of his underwear. It somehow seemed appropriate for that cock to be
rising up from the superman emblem.
Potter felt like an angel was standing topless before him. No wonder you
can always see her nipples, he thought, looking at the fat, inch long,
rock hard, rods. They look like miniature cocks, he thought. Her breasts
were huge and firm. Her areola were as big around as a beer can, cone
shaped and topped off by her long flagpole nipples. Her nipples were
up thrust proudly, one pointed a little to the left and the other to the
right. "Take them panties off bitch," he said. "I want to see you
Tears started rolling down Heather's cheeks as she pulled down her
panties revealing her naked body to the old man.
Potter just about died when he saw that she was a natural blonde. He
heard her sob, taking his eyes off her boobs and her pussy for a second.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a freak," she replied sobbing.
"You’re the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he said. "Turn around."
Potter made a circling motion with his finger.
"I don't believe you," she replied, but she circled around for him.
"You stupid slut, you don't know how lucky you are." he said looking at
her tight ass. "I've seen dozens of pornos, fucked hundreds of sluts,
and none of the women have ever compared to you." Of course in forty
years, those nipples will be hanging down past your navel, he thought.
Shame they can't stay young forever. "Come here."
Heather assumed it was time and she walked over towards his spread legs.
Her knees wobbled as she fell to them before his supercock. Her
landlord shoved a comic in her face. The woman on the page, had large
boobs and big pointy nipples. Her breasts seemed too big for her body
and... "She looks like me!" said Heather, surprised.
"Yes Heather," said Potter putting the comic away. "The artist drew a
perfect woman. Your body is perfect." He thought that the truth dawned
on her a little as she seemed to brighten up. Time to bring her down a
notch. "Now I've never had a perfect woman prostitute herself to me for
a blow job before. Get sucking."
Heather wanted nothing more at that moment then to have his cock in her
mouth again. She bent forward and kissed his cock head. She grabbed it
and struggled to get his boxers off, but she couldn't bend his cock
enough and she gave up. The opening on the boxers was quite long and she
pulled it open and pushed it under his testicles, so that his entire
cock and balls were freed.
Potter could swear he heard a contented purr come from her throat as she
locked her lips around his cock. She hadn't forgotten anything from last
time and she was actually getting better. He was sixty years old and his
cock had gotten hundreds of women to fuck and suck him. Heather was on
her second blow job and already she was in the top 5%. He let her suck
on it for about fifteen minutes before saying, "You sexy whore. You
love sucking on that big cock don't you?" She didn't answer and he
grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back. "I said, you love
sucking on my cock don't you?"
Heather was more pissed for being interrupted then for having her hair
pulled. "Yes, you bastard," she said, wiping spit from her mouth. "I
love sucking on your cock." Potter released her and she immediately
returned her attention to his cock.
Potter let her suck him off, loving the sight of her lips wrapped around
his thick shaft. When she came up for air, he said, "Am I bigger then
that big ape you’re dating?"
"His penis is a little worm compared to your big cock," she said without
thinking. Heather suddenly felt guilty for betraying Jack.
"His little worm doesn't satisfy you does it?"
"Yes it does" she said, knowing it was a lie and knowing that Potter
knew it also. "I love him." Heather wanted to stop the conversation, so she
returned to sucking him off.
"Tell me what's on your mind whenever you catch your breath."
Heather didn't know what he meant, but the next time she came up for
air, she said, "God, I love you big cock." and the next time, "I wish
Jack had a cock this big."
Heather watched Potter lean forward. He reached out for her breasts. She
tensed up waiting for him to roughly paw at them, like Jack did.
Instead, she felt a gentle caress move down the curve of her breast and
he gently took her nipple between his fingers and ran them up and down
like he was jacking off her nipple. A wave of electricity shot through
her body and she moaned at his touch. He caressed her breasts for a long
time before moving both hands up to her shoulders. She moaned as he
began massaging her shoulders. His cock was growing, seeming to tremble
in her mouth and she knew he was getting close, so she increased her
pace. His hand moved up to the nape of her neck and began rubbing it.
She felt him tense up and she knew he was about to cum. Heather backed
up, but the hand on her neck clamped down holding about half his cock in
her mouth. Heather swore she could feel the vein pulsing in her mouth
and the pee-slit open on the swollen head of his cock.
His sperm burst into her mouth, filling it with the first blast. She was
surprised at how hot it was as it slid down her throat filling her
belly. More blasts came, overflowing her mouth until sperm trickled down
her chin, leaking out of her cock filled mouth. The blasts stopped, but
more sperm poured out of the tip like a hose watering a garden. She
realized that he had stopped holding the back of her neck and that she
had continued trying to suck up more of his sperm into her belly. She
didn't take her mouth off his cock until she was sure, she had sucked
out every last drop. When he was done, embarrassed, Heather quickly
threw her jeans and sweater on, running for the door.
"Your rent's just gone up Heather," he called out to her. "From now on
you have to do this once a week."
"I understand," she said weakly before running from his apartment.
Part 3
Potter followed the fire marshal up the stairs. It was time for the
yearly inspections and the marshal was checking the tags on the fire
extinguishers to see if hey had been serviced properly. They checked the
last extinguisher on the top floor and the fire man filled out his form
and headed back downstairs for his next stop.
Potter noticed that the door to the roof was cracked open and curious,
he peeked out. Heather had spread out a blanket on the flat roof and was
trying to get some sun. He didn't think she was going to be all that
successful, because she was wearing jeans and a long sleeve blouse. She
had rolled the sleeves up on the blouse and she had tied her blouse in a
knot to expose her belly. He shook his head and returned to his comic
Monday, blow job day. Heather entered his apartment and walked over to
his chair. This would be the third time she had sucked him off. Potter
had even quit jacking off in anticipation. He knew the shy bitch would
be swallowing a lot of sperm today.
"Do you want me nude again?" she asked.
"Why don't you put this on," he said, handing her a package.
Heather looked surprised at the gift. "It's not my birthday for another
month," she said, opening it up.
Potter watched her stare at the little bikini in the box. "I saw you
sunbathing last week and I thought you could use proper attire."
"It doesn't look very big."
"That's the idea behind a bikini," he said. "Go try it on." He watched
her take the bikini to the bathroom. He stripped down to his boxer
Shorts- Batman this time- and shrugging he slid them off and sat down in
his chair.
"I can't wear this," called Heather from the bathroom.
"Then take it off and you can blow me nude again."
That made up Heather's mind apparently for she stepped out into the room
wearing the bikini. His breath sucked in sharply when he saw her and his
cock, which had been dangling over the edge of the chair, immediately
fattened up and began to rise. She had an expression on her face of
surprise at the reaction her bikini had on his cock. Potter knew that
she was slowly becoming addicted to sucking him off.
Potter whistled loudly. He had guessed wrong at her size and the bikini
was too small. It was light blue and the fabric was stretched out so
much, that her large areola were visible and her nipples stuck out
proudly. He motioned for her to turn around and she obeyed. The material
on her panties barely covered her ass crack, just a little bigger then a
"You look damn sexy in that bikini," he said. "Now get over here
and suck my cock. You know what to do."
Heather nodded. She did know what to do. She could hear her stomach
growling in anticipation.
The next day, Heather could still taste sperm in her mouth. The old man
had cum enough to fill a bucket. She looked at herself in the bathroom
mirror. She really did look kind of sexy in the bikini. She grabbed her
jeans and pulled them on over the bottoms and she was reaching for her
sweatshirt when she paused. Why bother, I'm only going upstairs, she
Heather grabbed her blanket and headed for the roof. She had never worn
something so revealing in public before and she felt her nipples go hard
the minute she stepped outside her door. Heather passed a middle aged
couple on the stairs and felt a thrill go through her body when the
man's jaw just about hit the floor. The woman angrily pulled her husband
after her. Men all seemed to have a favorable reaction to her looks and
Heather found herself wondering if all the mean things her mother had
said to her were true or not.
Potter came out on the roof to talk for a couple minutes. It took every
ounce of her will not to cover up when she saw him, but then, he had
already seen her nude. He seemed pleased that she was wearing the bikini
he had given her and it made her happy to know that he was pleased with
The next day, Heather only had a half day of classes. Her drain was
clogged and she had called Potter to come fix it. She was wearing the
bikini around her house, because she couldn't afford to pay for air
conditioning. Her body was covered in sweat making her skin glisten,
when she opened the door and let Potter in.
Even Mr. Potter seemed shocked when he saw what she was wearing. Heather
decided that having men ogle her wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Potter crawled under her sink and began banging around on the pipes. He
asked for a wrench and she dropped to her knees and reached along his
chest, handing him the tool.
Heather noticed the outline of his magnificent cock underneath his
jeans. Her stomach rumbled. She wanted to see it again. Heather's hand
reached out and gently caressed the bulge in his jeans. He jumped a
little at her touch, but kept working. His cock was growing. It looked
like a snake was crawling under his jeans, towards his knee. She
unbuttoned his jeans and slowly pulled the zipper down. He raised his
hips so that she could pull his jeans down. His cock was sticking out of
his boxer shorts and she caressed it again. She yanked his boxers down
and took his cock in her hand. It was throbbing like it was gasping for
air after being trapped underneath all those clothes. This thing should
never be covered up, she thought, as she bent forward to kiss it.
Heather took the fat head into her mouth and teased it with her tongue
before she began to swallow. Her throat was getting used to being
invaded by his foot long cock and it was getting easier every time.
Potter had trouble concentrating, but he managed to fix her pipes. He
pulled himself out from under the sink and stood up. Heather never once
took her lips of his cock while he did so. He let her blow him while he
stood there. He liked having such a beautiful thing kneeling before him
with his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. He got tired of standing
and pulled a kitchen chair over to sit down on. "This doesn't count
towards your rent, bitch," he said roughly.
Heather just nodded and continued to suck him off.
Potter wanted to see her tits again and he leaned forward and untied her
top. He was surprised that she didn't protest and he leaned forward and
gently caressed her nipples.
Forty-five minutes later, her belly full of sperm, Heather sat back
"Thanks bitch. That was a nice surprise. Why did you do it?" said
Potter. Now was his chance, he thought. It had been several years since
he had tasted any pussy and a generation since he had tasted pussy as
young as hers.
"I d-don't know," she answered confused. "I wanted to do it. I like
sucking your cock."
"Why you little slut," he said delighted. "I guess I owe you for that
one. It's time I repaid you."
"I don't want any money," she said misunderstanding him.
"Not with money, with my mouth."
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Trust me," he said grabbing her hand and leading her over to the couch.
Potter positioned her before the couch and he swiftly bent down and
yanked down her bikini bottoms, leaving her naked. Heather yelped in
"Mr. Potter, stop," she cried, but he pushed her down and kneeled between
her legs, spreading them apart. "What are you....oh my god." His tongue
had just licked up her labia and flickered across her clit.
Heather had never felt such pleasure in her life. Sex with Jack didn't
even come close to feeling as good as this talented old man's tongue
did. Three minutes and seven seconds after he started licking her pussy,
Heather had the first orgasm of her life with a man forty-two years her
The blood rushed to her head and she screamed with pleasure. The old
woman next door pounded on the wall, yelling, "Keep it down, you slut."
Heather now understood why so many woman made such a big deal about sex.
Heather's biggest shock came when Potter didn't stop licking her vagina.
She looked down between her large breasts at his bald head buried
between her legs. Her belly was undulating and her hips were rising to
meet the thrusts of his tongue. She thought that his baldness wasn't
really that ugly, it made him look virile.
"You like having your pussy eaten, don't you slut?" he asked, before
returning to teasing her clit with his tongue.
"God yes," she moaned feeling another orgasm approaching. "I love it.
Eat my pussy."
Potter's cock was hard again. He knew he could probably fuck her, but he
wanted to wait until she asked for it. He started jacking off as she
screamed in the throws of a second orgasm.
Heather was starting to think she would die from the pleasure. She felt
his finger pushing at her pussy and parted her legs to let it in. He
continued licking along her clit as his finger slowly pushed into her
pussy, where only Jack's penis had ever been before. Unlike Jack's limp
little penis, Potter's finger knew what it was doing. She had a third
orgasm as it began rubbing along a little knob deep in her body. The
blood rushed in her ears and she barely heard herself begging him to
stop, but he didn't and she came again.
The slut was writhing around in ecstasy as he fingered her. Potter's
tongue was getting tired and he was close to cumming. His other hand was
busy fingering her and he pulled it back and slid two finger's in. He
looked up her gorgeous body towards her face. She was staring at him in
awe, her eyes wide, her mouth was open and seemed to be saying, "No."
Then her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she screamed
again. Her hips leapt up pushing his fingers in deeper and her pussy
into his mouth as the biggest orgasm yet hit her.
Potter felt her pussy balloon around his fingers and his face got soaked
as she came. He pulled up and stood between her legs stroking his foot
long cock rapidly. "uurgh," he grunted as he came.
Heather opened her eyes in time to see his massive cock spit out a large
wad of cum onto her right nipple and then another onto her belly. A
couple more strands erupted from the head covering her nude body. When
he was done cumming, he leaned forward, so that his cock was in her face
and Heather instinctively kissed it, then cleaned off the head with her
Heather watched Potter quickly get dressed and then without a word, he
left. She felt a big wad of sperm slide into her belly button and she
scooped it out with her finger, licking it clean.
Heather laid down in bed early that night exhausted, but thoroughly
content. Her pussy was a little sore and felt sensitive. She had trouble
falling asleep as she kept thinking about old Mr. Potter eating out her
pussy earlier that day.
Heather didn't know what was happening to her. She was changing and she
thought it was for the better. Since paying off her landlord with a blow
job, she was even starting to think differently. She now thought of her
vagina as her pussy and Potter's penis as a cock. Jack's she still
thought of as a penis, somehow the little thing didn't deserve to be
called a cock.
Heather was also slowly starting to feel comfortable with her body. Her
mother constantly belittled her looks and Heather suddenly realized that
her mother was jealous. She was like the evil queen in Snow White, whose
daughter had usurped her as, "the fairest of them all." Anyway, men
surely didn't think she looked bad.
Two days later, Heather had one of her long days. Nine hours of classes
and five hours at the diner. She was horny and she squirmed in her seat
all day. Her pussy had recovered from being eaten two days before and
now it wanted more. She showered after work and laid down in bed. She
knew she would have trouble sleeping again that night.
She had barely been in bed a couple minutes, when there was a knock on
the door and Jack let himself in.
"Heather," he called, "are you awake?"
"Yeah Jack," she called back.
He came into her bedroom and turned on the light. He smiled at her and
started stripping.
"Jack, I'm not really in the mood," she told him, thinking why bother.
Jack stopped taking off his shirt and said, "Damn it Heather, you’re never
in the mood."
"I'm sorry, but its been a long day and I'm tired."
"Come on bitch, you can't leave me hanging like this," he said. "At
least suck me off again."
First Potter, now Jack. She wasn't a bitch. Why did they keep calling
her that? "Ok," she said feeling guilty and pushing back the covers.
Jack was surprised that she agreed. She hadn't expressed interest in
sucking him off again, since the first time she had done it several
weeks ago. He was even more surprised to see that she was sleeping naked
and she was getting out of bed nude with the light still on.
"Heather, when did you start sleeping nude?"
Heather looked down at her body. She hadn't even realized it. "I don't
know, I guess I was just too tired to throw something on." She watched
Jack pull down his pants. His little penis was the hardest she'd ever
seen it as he stared at her nude body. Yeah, she definitely wasn't ugly.
It was her mom they should be calling a bitch.
She kneeled before Jack and smiled up at him. He looked so arrogant
looking down at her as he stood there. He shouldn't feel arrogant, he
should be embarrassed about his little appendage.
Heather leaned forward and took his tiny penis in her mouth. The head
barely touched her throat as she easily deep throated him.
"God your lips look good wrapped around my big cock," he said.
The only thing big about you is your ego, she thought. Heather hadn't
even gotten started when she felt it jerk in her mouth. His penis
dribbled out a couple drops of sperm, barely enough to whet her
appetite. It wasn’t even rich tasting like Potter’s sperm, Jack’s was more like water.
His knees were shaking and he yanked his penis out of her
mouth as if he couldn't take having it touched any more.
"That felt so good, baby," he murmured, catching his breath.
Heather stood up and sat on the bed. He was smiling at her, but he also
looked like he was half asleep. She spread her legs and said, "Now it's
your turn. Come do me." She waited expectantly, but the look on his face
said it all. The thought disgusted him.
"No way am I going to put my mouth down there," said Jack.
Heather felt the tears start to roll down her eyes. "Then I don't want
to see you over here ever again." This man didn't care about her needs
at all. He only cared about blowing his load, as small as it was. This
was the man whom she had given her virginity, whom she had thought she
"B-But Heather, I...," Jack stuttered, shocked.
"Just get out," she screamed, standing and pushing him towards the door.
Jack grabbed his clothes and left as she slammed the door in his face
and chain locked it.
Heather laid back down in bed, crying. Her stomach rumbled and she was
still horny.
Potter opened his door and he wasn't surprised to see Heather standing
there. He had watched her boyfriend storm out a few minutes ago. She had
thrown on a pair of sweats and was barefoot. "Why Heather," he said
trying to act surprised. "Come in. What brings you down here?"
"P-Please Mr. Potter," she stuttered, "I need to cum. Please eat my
pussy again."
"Worthless boyfriend won't do it huh. Well I'd be happy to."
Heather learned how to sixty-nine that night. She liked it, but found her
orgasms distracted her from the big, beautiful cock in her mouth.
Part 4
A month later, Potter let himself into Heather's apartment to check on
her pipes. It was like a furnace in her place. He turned the air
conditioner on to cool the room. Heather was stopping by his place three
times a week now for oral sex and he figured that was payment enough. He
could cover the electric bill for her.
She was addicted to sucking his cock now and she was also hooked on
having her pussy eaten. She said it relaxed her, that it helped her
sleep, and she liked to cum after a hard days work.
He quickly checked the pipes, then looked around the kitchen. The only
food he saw was a well scraped jar of peanut butter and some stale
bread. A couple greeting cards were on the table and he remembered it
was her birthday today.
A beautiful girl like her shouldn't be working all day and then coming
home to stale bread on her birthday. Then Potter had an idea. He hated
going to the mall on a Saturday, but then he didn't have anything better
to do.
Heather got home around six that night after a hard days work. Potter
met her in the hall. "Happy Birthday Heather," he said.
"Thanks, but so far it hasn't been very happy," she replied, "unless you
let me come over for a couple hours tonight."
"Why you don't even need to ask me," he said smiling, "but I'm afraid I
have some bad news. You have a moth problem in your room and I had to
bug bomb it. You can't go home until tomorrow morning."
Heather looked distraught. "But where will I sleep tonight?"
"You'll just have to stay with me and I'll even take you out for a nice
birthday dinner," he said.
A nice dinner sounded good to her and a whole night of oral sex didn't
sound too bad either. "Can I at least go get a change of clothes?"
Potter shook his head. "Everything was infested. I had to burn all your
Heather was horrified. All she owned was her work uniform!
Heather stripped and climbed into the shower. A ring of dirt circled the
tub at the water level. Potter really needs a maid, she thought as the
hot water cascaded over her body, wiping away the diner smells.
When she had dried off, Heather went to the bedroom and found that
Potter had laid out some bags of clothes on the bed. She rifled through
the bags and was aghast to see they all contained either short skirts or
skimpy tops. She couldn't wear these out to dinner and certainly not to
school, but it was these outfits or her work uniform. She didn't have a
Heather couldn't find a bra, but she found some underwear in a bag. She
pulled the panties on, feeling them slip into the crack of her ass. They
were thong panties! Heather was surprised that they actually felt quite
comfortable as she felt the cool air blowing on her butt cheeks.
Heather tried on some skirts, finally settling on a light blue one. The
skirt only reached halfway to her knees and it showed of her legs,
She tried on some tops, going with a white halter that showed off her
entire stomach. Damn! She could also see the entire outline of her
areola under the white material. Why didn't he buy her a bra? She
looked around for the bra she had worn to work, but it had disappeared.
Heather found a pretty pair of sandals in the last bag. They showed of
her dainty little feet and completed her new look. At least, until she
could save up some money and by some decent attire from the thrift
You look sexy, flashed in her mind when she looked at herself in the
mirror. Her legs were long and slim. Her belly was flat and had a nice
tan from sun bathing in the bikini. The skirt even matched her
bright blue eyes.
Slowly, Heather was starting to feel good about her body. Wearing the
skimpy bikini, Potter showing her the comic book women, and men's
reactions to her looks were starting to build up the self esteem that
her mother had destroyed.
Potter's jaw hit the floor when she came out into the living room and
spun around for him.
"You like," said Heather. She was surprised to see that he had changed
into a nice pair of pants with a shirt with a tie. He actually looked
somewhat handsome.
"Me like," he answered. Potter was going out in public with a sexy girl
young enough to be his granddaughter. Not only was he taking her out to
dinner, but tonight he planned to fuck her.
To Heather, the biggest surprise of the evening was that she had fun.
She had a great dinner and, even though she wasn't much of a drinker,
several glasses of wine. Potter talked mostly about comic books and she
actually found the subject quite interesting. He was also very funny and
seemed to get even funnier after each glass of wine.
"Hey Jack, isn't that your girlfriend?"
Jack was seated at the bar on his way to becoming shit-faced. He looked
over at his buddy sitting next to him and then at the girl he was
pointing at. "No, Heather would shnever..."
He did a double take when he realized it was Heather and she was dressed
like a slut! Dressed like he had always wished she would. He narrowed
his eyes, staring drunkenly at the little bald man she was sitting with.
He recognized the man as her creepy, old landlord and his hand was
resting on her bare knee!
"Why that fuscking shlut," he said. "She's fuscking him to get out of
paying her rent." That's the only possible reason she'd be out with him.
He watched as Potter paid the bill and they got up to leave. Heather was
clearly drunk and the old man had his arm around her bare waist,
supporting her. Jack excused himself and followed the couple out
Heather couldn't remember ever having a birthday this fun in years and
the night wasn't over yet. She couldn't wait to have Potter's head
between her legs.
Mr. Potter helped a drunken Heather into his apartment. He held her
still and quickly flicked up her halter top so that her bare tits were
exposed. She was taller then he and he didn't have to bend down very far
to take one of her nipples into his mouth. It quickly turned completely
erect with desire. He heard her moan as he ran his tongue around long
nipples. He felt her grab his cock underneath his pants and she gave it
a little squeeze.
Heather felt Potter's hands on her shoulders and he pushed her down. She
quickly fell to her knees and unzipped his pants. He wasn't wearing
underwear and she easily yanked his pants down to his ankles. His giant
cock stared her in the face.
She took him in her mouth and began lovingly slurping on his penis. She
knew what he liked now and soon he was bucking his hips into her mouth.
Still, it took him thirty minutes to fill her belly with his sperm.
Potter stripped and watched Heather as she took the rest of her clothes
off. He pushed her back on to the couch and sat her down, kneeling
between her legs. She eagerly spread her legs for him and he could see
her juices glistening on her labia. Potter leaned forward and licked her
half-heartedly with his tongue.
Heather frowned and moved her hips around trying to get his tongue in
deeper. Nothing worked. "What's wrong?"
Potter stopped eating her pussy. "I’m sorry. My jaw's sore."
"Please, I need to cum," she practically screamed in frustration.
Heather had never felt this horny before.
Jack heard her beg the old man to give her an orgasm as he leaned
against the door. Good luck, he thought, nothing can make that frigid
bitch cum. He reached down and slowly turned the handle. It was
Potter looked up from between her legs. "I'm sorry I can't do it, but I
could fuck you," he said. "Think how good that would feel. My big cock
could fill you a lot more then my little tongue can. It'll make you cum
like you never have before."
Yes, Heather thought, that would feel good, but she almost said, no.
After her disappointment with Jack, she had decided not to sleep with
another man until she was married. Potter's tongue satisfied her sexual
urges, but now that wasn't working. Her horniness and the booze made her
give in. "Yes," she cried, "put it in my pussy. Make me cum. Fuck me."
Potter sat up. His cock was throbbing with desire. He had made her blow
him earlier because he wanted this moment to last forever. He moved
forward so that his cock was touching her labia.
Heather jumped when she felt the fat head of his cock touch her pussy.
She pushed down with her hips, desperate to feel him inside her, but he
just teased her until she thought she was going to die with frustration.
Finally, he pushed down and she moaned as she felt her pussy lips spread
around his cockhead. Her eyes grew wide at the shock of having
something so wide enter her and her old landlord became only the second
man to penetrate her. As her pussy lips closed around the head of his cock, she corrected
herself. Potter was the first man to ever truly fuck her. Jack didn't
"Your pussy is so fucking tight," said Potter as he pushed a couple
inches in.
Heather began raising her hips to meet his thrusts. He was slowly moving
in and out of her, letting her become accustomed to his size. She felt
the first orgasm building up before he wasn't even half way in. Then his
cock was yanked from her pussy.
Jack had crept into the room and watched the old guy's ass flex as he
began to penetrate his girlfriend. He couldn't see much of her body, but
the expression on her face seemed to indicate she was enjoying it. Jack
felt like he was about to vomit in disgust at seeing his beautiful
girlfriend with the ugly little bald man. Finally, he couldn't take it
any more and grabbed the man from behind.
"Put it back in," screamed Heather. She opened her eyes to see Jack
throw Mr. Potter against the wall. Jack's face was flushed with anger.
He spun Potter around and put one hand against his throat. She thought
Jack might choke him to death and Potter's face had gone white as a
The adrenaline rush caused Jack's penis to get hard. "Slut," he said
looking at Heather, "how could you fusck thish old man?" Jack looked
down Heather's incredible body. Her legs were still spread and her pussy
was wide open for him to see. Her labia was spread apart and her clit
was engorged with desire. He looked the old man in the face and clenched
his fist. He drew back ready to punch him, then he felt something
poking him in the balls. Jacks face went white as he realized the old
guy must have his hand down at his balls ready to squeeze. Jack noticed
that the old guys hands were hanging limply down at his sides, but then
what was poking his nuts?
Jack released Potter's throat and he gasped for breath when Jack looked
down at the big cock poking him in the crotch. Jack fell backwards
staring in horror at Potter's foot long cock.
Potter was scared to death of the bigger man but said, "Never seen a
man's cock before have you, Jack? Heather tells me you have a little
boy's penis." Potter started walking towards Jack who crawled backwards,
still staring in horror at Potter's penis. "No wonder you can't satisfy
her or any woman for that matter."
Jack couldn't think straight in his drunken state. He just stared at the
giant penis as it talked to him and told him how worthless he was. As
the penis came closer, Jack turned and ran. It could have Heather. He
couldn't satisfy her or any woman for that matter. He stopped running
long enough to vomit in the yard. Jack felt his penis retreating into
his scrotum and wondered if it would ever come back out.
Heather forgot about Jack the moment he was gone. She spread her legs
wide as Potter returned between them. She moaned as he rubbed the length
of his cock along her pussy lips, until he felt it was well lubricated,
then he pushed down and her lips stretched out to engulf the big head
Potter felt his cock head get swallowed by her pussy. Her pussy muscles
seemed to flex around his cock- trying to pull him in deeper. He didn't
resist and he slowly worked a few more inches in. How long had it been
since he had fucked a girl this young? Had they ever been this tight? He
looked at her face. She was staring in awe at the seven inches of cock
still out of her pussy.
Heather felt a deep sense of belonging as she stared at the cock
penetrating her. This big cock owned her and it had taken possession of
her long before now, almost since the moment she had seen it. An orgasm
overwhelmed her when he reached six inches. Jack had never penetrated
her this far and Potter was only halfway in.
Heather awoke some time later, not remembering passing out. She was
breathing heavy and her pussy hurt even more then when she had lost her
virginity. She looked down. Only about three inches of Potter's cock
remained. He wasn't moving and seemed to be waiting for something.
Heather didn't think she could take any more, but she wanted to try.
Potter had seen Heather pass out from the last orgasm and he immediately
took advantage of her comatose state to shove more of his cock in. He
was a little disappointed that she couldn't take any more then nine
inches, but then few women had, and only a couple took it all. He felt
her legs wrap around his ass, her ankles squeezing his butt cheeks.
"I want it all," she said through clenched teeth.
Potter felt her legs squeeze, pulling the remaining three inches into
her. She screamed through her teeth and she thrashed her head from side
to side. He watched sweat form on her brow and it began to roll down her
face. It looked like she was giving birth.
Heather had never felt such pain, but it was fading. Her pussy was
stretching out to accommodate the invader and she could feel her juices
flowing to lubricate it. She slowly unclenched her legs freeing Potter
from her grip. "Fuck me, Mr. Potter," she said.
Potter knew how to fuck a woman. He started slow, sliding only an inch
or two out. He looked down at his cock impaling her, he could never
figure out where it all went too. He decided to increase the pace and
began sliding six inches out. She started grunting and raising her hips
to meet his thrusts. "Slut, you like being fucked by a big cock don't
"God yes. I love big cock. I love your cock. I love you," she cried
cumming again. “I love you.”
Potter was a little shocked when she said she loved him. Potter began
fucking her with the entire length of his cock. The head would pop out
occasionally only to be buried again. He felt his balls slapping against
her thighs. "Only my cock's going to satisfy a slut like you from now
"I am a slut," she cried. "I only want your cock from now on." She liked
being called a slut, almost as much as being treated like a slut.
Anyway, it was a lot better then being called a bitch all the time.
Finally, Potter felt his balls began to ache. He slammed his cock into
her a few more times before holding it in buried to the hilt.
Heather felt his cock swell up even bigger, before it jerked in her
pussy filling her with his sperm. "I love you," she cried again, just
before the biggest orgasm yet hit her and she screamed in pleasure.
"I love you too, slut," said Potter as his cock continued to erupt in her
pussy. Potter saw her smile just before passing out again. He removed
his cock and looked between her spread legs. Her thighs were red from
where his balls had slapped against them and her pussy was splayed open.
As he watched a wave of sperm began flowing out, down her thighs and
soiling the couch. He bent down and carried the girl to his bedroom
Heather awoke the next morning beside Potter. She lifted up the covers
and looked down his body. His cock was erect in his sleep. This old man
was incredible and she wondered what he had been capable of when he was
Her pussy hurt, so she decided to just suck him off. He moaned in his
sleep as her lips engulfed his cock head and she vowed never to deny him
anything. No erection of his would ever be wasted. Potter woke up as she
sucked him off, but he quickly fell back to sleep after cumming.
Heather licked the sperm off her lips and went to the bathroom. She
looked at the dirty bathtub as she sat on the toilet. She would start
cleaning it after tackling all the dirty dishes in the kitchen.
Heather had dozens of good-looking boys ask her out after that day,
especially when they saw the slutty outfits she started wearing to
class. She turned them all down because they could never satisfy her.
She moved in with Potter the day after he had fucked her. It made paying
her rent a lot easier because she didn't have to walk up and down the
stairs every night.
The End
Author’s Note: I can’t remember where this story idea came from. It was possibly based on other “Landlord” themed stories. I consider this another “education” story like “Lessons From The Neighbor” where the female character goes a little further each time.
This story and some others started generating some complaints about demeaning the women by calling them “bitch” and “slut”. Some like the lingo, some don’t. I think I tuned it down a little in later stories. I do think that it worked well in this story about a feminist student who finds happiness in sexual servitude.
Another GREAT story!