Little Man, Big Cock
An E&I Enterprises Story
Copyright 2004 by Stormbringer
Revised 2010
Note: This story was originally released in three parts.
December 2003
Solomon bent down and stared into the glass case. "I'll take ten of the
gold bands and two with the diamond stud."
"Excellent sir," replied the salesgirl, smiling. This would be a decent
commission for her. "I'll get them wrapped right up for you." She took
his credit card and looked at the name on it, Solomon King. She knew she
had recognized him. He was considered the black Daniel Trump of New
York. She swiped his card and wrapped his packages. She returned with
the bag. "Here you are Mr. King. If I may sir, it's none of my business,
but what do you need twelve belly button rings for?"
"They're gifts," said Solomon smiling. "And this one is for you, if
you'll join me for dinner tonight."
The salesgirl stared at the diamond ring. It had cost the black man $300
hundred dollars and he was offering it to her. "But my belly button
isn't pierced, sir?" She looked up at him and shivered. He was
incredibly masculine.
"Get it done today and this is yours," said Solomon. The girl's big
brown eyes made her look like a doe caught in his headlights.
"O-ok," she heard herself saying.
"Call me at this number and I'll have a limo come pick you up." Solomon
handed the girl a business card. He turned away from the girl and winked
at Bull.
Bull followed his boss. The obese black man was already carrying several
bags of gifts for Solomon's women. "You really going to give her that
ring, boss?"
"Fuck no, Bull. I'm just establishing that she's a whore willing to do
things for money. She'll forget all about it after I'm done using her
tonight. I'll send her to you when I'm done."
Just the thought had Bull's cock stiffen which wasn't convenient when
you had an eighteen inch penis. His cock was too big for any woman, so
he got off thigh fucking them or letting them jerk him off. Bull was
picturing his fun with the girl and almost bumped into Solomon. His boss
had frozen and was staring up at Santa Claus or more specifically the
Santa had a long line and the first child was crying. A beautiful
teenage girl in a green elf outfit was trying to get the child to come
over to Santa. "You're scaring the children, Dopey."
"Sorry, sorry," said the second elf, who happened to be the one Solomon
was staring at. The second elf walked over to grab a candy cane and
looked down into Solomon's face.
The dwarf was black. His age was indeterminate, but wisps of gray in
his patchy hair suggested he wasn't young. It didn't appear he quite
reached four feet in height. It wasn't surprising he was scaring the
children. He was hideous. His teeth were yellow and crooked. His eyes
bulged out a little. He turned to waddle back to the children and
Solomon could see a large hunch on his back.
"You can'ts be serious, boss?" asked Bull.
"You know me too well, Bull. Well why not? It's never been done. Look
how that female elf is treating the little guy."
"You sho you wants to waste a shot on a dwarf?"
"I'm very sure, Bull. I'll turn him into a porn star.
It'll show whitey that even little black men have bigger dicks then
them. Get Hank for me."
Bull took out a cell phone and dialed Hank McGraw. He handed the phone
back to Solomon when Hank answered. Solomon explained his plan.
"I'm intrigued," said Hank on the other end, "But why did you call me?"
"I want you to increase the steroids a bit."
"I don't need to remind you, that toying with the formula might have
negative consequences."
Solomon looked at the grossly obese Bull as he spoke. "No, you don't
need to remind me. Just do it. I want to see if we can help the little
guy." Solomon terminated the connection. "Lets find out who he is Bull
and get a recruiter to talk to him."
Lester "Nibbles" Nibelung ignored the stares. He was used to them. He
moved as fast as his short legs would carry him down 7th avenue in New
York. He tried not to rub his arm, but the ache was too great. The
needle had been quite large. One month from now he would have a new life
or he'd be dead.
The black men had been upfront with him. They didn't know how this
"Xserum" would affect his body. They'd given him a dosage larger then a
normal sized man's. Normally, they had told him, his five inch penis
would have grown to about nine inches, but they expected more with the
bigger dosage. They also expected his cock to produce more pheromones
which supposedly women found hard to resist. The promise of some pussy
was ultimately what sold him on the idea. After all, immortality as a
dwarf wasn't exactly a dream come true. However, pussy to a 55 year old
virgin sounded pretty damn good.
It sounded too good to be true, but the black man who'd contacted him
had whipped out a hard foot long cock and beat it on Lester's head a
couple times. He'd also brought Lester a couple pornos showing equally
hung black men fucking white women. Lester found himself daring to dream
this might be real.
Several days later, Lester woke up with an erection and aching teeth. He
took care of the erection first. It didn't look any bigger, but it was
painfully hard and at his age morning stiffys were rare occurrences. After taking care of his dick, Lester checked himself out in the mirror.
He smiled at his reflection. His crooked yellow teeth looked the same,
but every tooth and his gums were sore.
One week after getting the serum. Lester called Hank McGraw. He'd been
told to call Hank weekly and give status reports. "My cock is bigger, Mr. McGraw, by about two inches. It's hard all the time too. I also think I done growed an inch. I feel pretty good too." Lester hung up the phone and looked at himself in the mirror. His entire life, his head had been patchy with large bald spots. Now the bald spots were growing in.
Pleased, he left for work.
"Hurry up Nibbles," yelled Shane. "Get them stubs moving. The little
monsters are already lining up. Hopefully you might scare a few away to
lighten up the line."
"Alright Shane," said Lester. He always changed at the department store.
Walking the streets of New York dressed as an elf elicited more comments
then he cared to hear. Shane was an eighteen year old high school senior
and the granddaughter of the owner of Gacy's department store. He'd
worked with her for three years and she'd been a grade A bitch for every
one of them. She was the hot blonde, buxom head cheerleader type and
high school boys were known to wander around whenever she wore the sexy
little elf outfit.
Unfortunately, Shane was right about Lester scaring the children. He'd
only kept the job this long because the old store manager had felt sorry
for Lester. Now the old manager had retired and some new hotshot
businesswoman had taken over. Mrs. Millman was skilled, but also rumored
to be fucking the corporate veep on the side. She'd exercised her power
by firing mediocre employees almost immediately. Lester had noticed her watching him work several times over the last week. Nor did she care for Shane, but Shane was untouchable.
Mrs. Millman was waiting for him when he left the employee area dressed
in his elf uniform. "Mr. Lester Nibelung?" she asked.
"Yes maam," replied Lester, as if she didn't already know who he was.
"Times are tough, Mr. Nibelung. I just wanted you to know that once this
years contract is up, we won't need you back next Christmas. I'm sure
you understand."
"I understand, Mrs. Millman." Lester would have been horrified, but he was starting to believe the Xserum might work. This was his only job. The rest of the year he collected disability.
"That's a good little guy..., thank you Mr. Nibelung." Cindy Millman turned and strolled off as her face turned red.
Lester sighed. She wasn't the first person to call him a boy, but it did
grow tiring. He watched the cold-hearted compassionless bitch walk off.
Her heels had her nearly six feet tall. Fit, powerful calves showed
under her knee length skirt. She was a good looking woman at forty. Both
Shane and Mrs. Millman had the bodies of porn stars.
"Wow, Mr. McGraw, this shits da bomb. My dicks almost ten inches long and my balls are bigger. I just jerked off and swear I can fill half a 12oz can with cum. Oh, yeah right, I guess you are used to that. Well, my hunch appears to be shrinking and I'm standing up straighter. My teeth are straightening out too and are whiter. I'm getting more muscular too. I've never felt better."
Lester hung up and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair didn't
really look right to him. He picked up a razor and started shaving his
head until he was bald. Not that he'd ever be attractive, but shaved he
looked twenty years younger. He hadn't shaved his chin all week. He
started shaving it, but instead just shaved his cheeks letting a goatee
grow in. Last week, his facial hair had been half white. This week, it
was all dark.
Pleased, Lester grabbed the elf outfit and left for work. The start of
his shift was uneventful. During their dinner break. Lester was sitting at a table in the cafeteria with Santa when he felt something on his head. "Is this seat taken?" asked Shane. "Oh sorry, Nibbles. I didn't see you there." Shane lifted her tray off his head. "Never mind, I'll go sit over there." The sexy young blonde in her elf outfit walked over to join some students from her high school on break from their jobs. Almost every weekend for three years, she had done the same joke. Some of the teens at her table snickered. Others looked embarrassed.
"Absolutely amazing," said Hank McGraw, walking around Lester's nude
body. "Your hump is nearly gone."
"The stuff straightened my spine," said Lester. He was sporting a large
eleven inch erection that wouldn't go down ever since Tyrone Jones had
called him down to a warehouse on the docks. Hank McGraw had wanted to
see for himself the results of the Xserum on a dwarf and had met Lester there. Lester wasn't the least bit embarrassed to be showing off his cock to the big white man. He was proud of it. His cock resembled a third leg. Flacid, the head brushed the ground when he walked. "This thing can be damned inconvenient."
"Get used to it," replied Hank. "Tyrone will get you some of our special
underwear. It's elastic and holds our cocks pretty good. You'll still
find erections cropping up at the most inopportune times."
Tyrone entered the room. "Lester, your scene is ready. Follow me."
Tyrone turned and left. Lester followed. "The plot is simple. We're
doing a glory hole movie." They came to a fake wall with a step stool
for Lester to stand on and a hole in the wall. "The actress is an
aspiring model desperate for money. She's never done porn. We're paying
her a thousand dollars to suck of an anonymous cock on screen. We've got
a white actor behind a false wall across from you. She has to examine
both your cocks and choose one to suck off."
"How do you know she'll choose me?" Lester had never had a blow job and
that's what had his cock so hard since Tyrone had phoned him. Not to
mention, he was getting $500 dollars for this scene.
"Hank thinks you’re a heavy pheromone producer. That should do the trick, but if they don't we'll offer her more money to do both cocks or get another actress in here."
"Don't I get to see her?"
"Look through the hole." Tyrone stepped aside as a cameraman strolled
up next to him and filmed Lester's nude body as he leaned on the step
stool. Lester's heart skipped a beat when he saw the girl. She looked to
be in her late teens and appeared nervous. She was certainly pretty
enough to be a model. She wasn't sexy, more the picture of beauty and
innocence. She had long brown hair, was thin, and had small breasts. She
wore a white blouse that was unbuttoned down the front. She wore a blue
bra and had a sexy, flat stomach."
"Go ahead and say your lines," said the cameraman.
Lester nodded. "Look at that limp white dick over there. The next bitch
in the booth better prefer big black cock."
Lester climbed the steps and guided his huge erection through the hole.
He could hear, Tyrone yelling action. The next thing he heard through
the thin plywood board was a girl's voice. "Jesus Christ, that thing
can't be real."
"Suck me, honey," yelled a meek voice that Lester assumed was the white
Lester was waiting with baited breath. He could feel the cool air on his
cock. The cameraman yelled Lester's lines for him. "It's time to make
your choice, bitch. Find out what a real man is like or stay safe and
unsatisfied. Choose!"
"Sorry," whispered Lester. The cameraman just grinned and shrugged.
"Well," said the girl. "I'm afraid it's just too big. I'm going to suck
the little... I mean white... the normal sized one."
"She means it's too black for her to suck on," whispered the cameraman.
"Yell your line."
"Just come touch my big black cock and tell me it's not superior."
"How come it's not getting hard?" asked the girl, obviously talking to
the white man.
Lester didn't hear the man's response. He assumed the girl was either
sucking or stroking the man's penis. A few seconds latter, Lester felt
air blow on his cock. "Mine doesn't have trouble getting hard," he
yelled. The air caressed his shaft again. He assumed it was air exhaling
from her nose.
"No, it sure doesn't," said the girl. "It's so big and manly." Lester's
heart was beating fast. Then his cock jerked and he jumped slightly as
it happened. Her hand closed around the shaft of his cock. "It's so
thick, too," she added. "My god, I've never seen a cock this big. It's
twice as big as any of my boyfriends." Her hand had started stroking it
now. It paused on his big knobby head and squeezed the hard bulb.
"Come on suck it you white bitch," growled Lester. The words seemed
natural flowing out of his mouth. They weren't in his script. He looked
at the cameraman to see if he'd fucked up, but the man just gave him the
thumbs up.
Something hot and moist suddenly flickered across Lester's pee slit. His
cock seemed to swell up even more as her tongue twirled around the
entire bulb of his cock head, then down around his helmet. She stopped.
"I've never wanted a cock so much." Then something warm and wet entirely
engulfed his cock head.
Lester's cameraman disappeared having gotten his shots. He returned a
moment later rolling a television. The screen showed the girl slurping
on Lester's cock. The cameraman gave him the thumbs up again then
disappeared. Lester watched the screen fascinated to watch such a lovely
white girl trying to suck more cock then she could handle. And it was
his cock! He felt her lips slide down his shaft well past the halfway
point as he watched her do it on screen. She looked frustrated that she
couldn't take it all.
The girl gripped the base of his shaft tighter as she started bobbing
her head rapidly. Minutes went by and he felt his balls tighten up. His
cum seemed to burst from his balls, filling her mouth. She stroked his
shaft and he could hear gulping sounds on the other side of the plywood
wall. His wet cock suddenly felt cold as the air caressed it. He looked
at the screen and watched his last wads of cum coat her breasts. She
rubbed his sperm around her nipples while looking into the camera. Then
the girl turned away.
Lester quickly pulled his cock out of the hole and bent down to look
through it. All he could see was the white girl's smooth ass. He glanced
at the screen. The limp white penis had been replaced by a black cock as
large as Lester's. The girl was crawling over to it on her hands and
knees. A shadow fell across Lester and he looked up to find himself
staring at a fourteen inch black cock. The giant black man towered over
Lester by nearly three feet. He motioned with his thumb for Lester to
scram. The man moved the stool aside and pushed his cock through the
"Cut," yelled Tyrone. "Lets push the walls closer together so T-Bone can
fuck her while she sucks off Lamar." Tyrone came around behind the wall.
The black man couldn't help staring at Lester. The dwarf looked like a
tripod. The head of his still plump cock rested on the floor and a small
pool of semen had leaked out of it. "Good job," Lester," said Tyrone.
"You can get out of here."
"Can't I meet the girl?" asked Lester. She had given him his first
blowjob and he was a little in awe of her and a little jealous to see on
the screen she was still sucking the other black cock.
"Why?" asked Tyrone. "Maybe some other time in your next movie. We'll
call you in a couple weeks. Some scripts are being written especially
for you. "Pauline and the Pygmy" and "Snow White and Dwarf Black" are
almost finished. I was also thinking "Dorothy in the Emerald City's
Hood." You're gonna be a star, Lester."
"I can't wait."
"I can see that," laughed Tyrone pointing at Lester's cock which had
risen off the ground, hard and ready for more.
Lester grinned at his reflection. His cock was hard, but then it usually
was. The pee-slit pressed against the mirror, coating the surface with
fluid. His cock was now a foot long, but he was staring at his teeth.
The dentist had cleaned then bleached his teeth. They were now straight
and white. "I dare say, I'm moderately handsome," said Lester to his
reflection. The dwarf had grown several inches and was now 4'3" tall. He
stood up straight, but still had a minor hump on his back. His torso was
huge and rippled with muscles as did his arms. Unfortunately, his legs,
though also muscular were still short and stubby.
Lester grabbed his elf costume for the last time for once happy to go to
this humiliating job. Tonight would be easy. Tomorrow was Saturday and
the last full week before Christmas. Santa would be mobbed. Sunday would
be busy to, but the mall closed early and the office floor would be used
for the department store's annual Christmas party. He had plans for that
Lester arrived at the changing area just as Santa was coming out. "Hold
on a second, Lester. Shane's changing. Nice teeth by the way."
"Thanks, Joe," said Lester smiling to show off his teeth as Joe the
store's Santa for the last four years walked off. Lester then hurried
into the changing room. "Holy fucking shit," he gasped, then froze at
the sight before him.
Shane looked up in disgust. "God damn it, Nibbles. Didn't Joe tell you I
was in here?"
"I missed him."
"Well get the fuck out of here, you little pervert. I'm glad you ain't
coming back next year."
Lester's eyes narrowed. He looked her up and down slowly before turning
to leave the room. Shane, the sexy slut, was wearing Christmas themed
underwear that resembled a Santa hat. A red felt bikini covered her
large breasts and her crotch. The bikini was lined with white fur. She
looked absolutely gorgeous. He'd also liked the look of shock on her
face when he'd openly ogled her hot body.
Shane's shock continued later. Lester had been limping during work
handing out candy canes. During dinner break, he limped over to a table.
Shane came up behind him. She lowered her tray on his head, probably for
the last time. "Is this seat taken? Oops, sorry Dopey."
Lester banged his head back which through the tray against Shane's
breasts. Her two slices of pizza stuck to her elf outfit for a moment
before falling to the floor. Her soda splattered on her nylons and the
tray hit the floor. "If you ever put that tray on my head again, bitch,
I'll bend you over my knee and spank that hot ass of yours."
Shane froze unable to talk. Her cheeks turned crimson. She looked both
humiliated and furious. The teen stomped her foot down, then spun around
and stormed out of the lounge. As soon as she was gone, there was a
smattering of applause from other employees on break.
"I've seen you've grown some big balls to go with those muscles," said
Santa Joe, sitting across from Lester.
"Bigger then you know, Joe. Speaking of muscles..." Lester put his elbow
on the table, arm out in the classic arm wrestle position.
Joe took the bait. He took his Santa coat off. He was wearing a white
tee shirt with red suspenders. His muscular arm had a faded Navy tattoo
on it. He took Lester's hand in his. Thirty seconds later, Santa was
rubbing his hand from where it had slammed into the table top.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Shane never spoke to Lester more
then was necessary. Her elf costume was still stained from the pizza.
The last child finally told Santa what he wanted for Christmas and the
trio cleaned up. Joe left first. He always hit the bar at the corner in
his Santa outfit. He bragged it got him laid at least once a season.
Shane stormed off to change first. Lester usually held back and let her,
but today was different. "Me first, bitch. I got somewhere I need to
be." Lester pushed past her and entered the changing area first.
Lester stripped his clothes off and climbed up onto the bench. His cock
didn't need any help getting hard. He stood still, facing the lockers
until he heard the predictable footsteps behind him.
"Say cheese, freak," said Shane's voice. She'd grabbed the camera used
for taking pictures of the children with Santa. The flash went off just
as Lester spun around. "Holy fucking shit," she said aping his exact
words at seeing her earlier.
"Why so surprised, Shane?" said Lester. "I may be a dwarf, but I'm still
black." Lester grabbed the base of his cock and shook it at her. "Take
another picture."
"I don't fucking believe it," said Shane, but she took another picture. She couldn't wait to show her friends at school. "How..."
"Over a foot long," said Lester. "Come get a closer look." His cock
swelled up even more as Shane moved closer to get a better view of his
cock and hopefully a much bigger scent of his pheromones.
"Fucking A, that thing's a monster," said Shane. She couldn't understand
why she was so fascinated with it, but she couldn't take her eyes off
it. It wasn't just that it was large. It was also manly. She was fucking
her school's quarterback, but his dick wasn't even half as big as the
Shane straddled the bench Lester was standing on. His cock was lined up
perfectly with her mouth. He carefully walked on the bench towards her.
She pulled her head back as the big cock came within inches of her
mouth. "Whoa, back off there," she cried.
"Just thought you might want a closer look."
"Is it always that hard?" Shane thought the dwarf's cock looked as hard
as granite.
"Yep, it's always this hard. Why don't you touch it and see for
Shane didn't want to put her hand on this freak's penis, but she might
never again have the opportunity to examine a cock like this. Her hand
came up and grabbed the shaft just under the head. "God, it is hard!"
"It's good for giving pussies a big hard pounding," growled Lester,
making thrusting motions with his hips. The black monster spat a large drop of precum just uner her nose. Shane crinkled her face up in disgust and loosened her grip on his cock. Lester took the opportunity to slide it back and forth through her circled fingers. His giant cock head grew larger as it approached her face, the head glistening with precum and spitting out more of it at her face. It was getting closer with each thrust. It looked huge under her nose as it brushed her lips. On his next thrust, it pushed against her lips so forcefully, they parted and
Lester's cock head brushed against her tongue.
This sure is a lot better then getting your dick sucked through a hole
in the wall, thought Lester. Each thrust of his hips was pushing his
cock deeper into Shane's mouth. The white girl looked frustrated as she
stretched her jaw wide open to accommodate his girth. She seemed
frustrated with his thrusts and suddenly grabbed his hips to hold him
still. The entire head of his cock was buried in her mouth and Lester
held still as her tongue examined his big cock head. Shane suddenly
pulled her head back and stared at Lester's cock. She was breathing
"Suck it you sexy white slut," barked Lester. He could see her internal struggle in her eyes.
Shane looked torn about what to do. Lust won out and she wrapped her
lips around his cock head again. Once she'd made up her mind, there was
no holding her back. She bobbed her head rapidly sucking more of his
shaft deeper and deeper, even taking him deeper into her throat then the
fledgling porn star had. Shane even wrapped her hands around Lester's
hard ass and tried to pull him deeper into her throat.
"You sure know how to treat big black cock, baby," said Lester. "Do you
Shane looked annoyed as she looked up at Lester. It was as if she'd
forgotten Lester was a part of the big cock in her mouth. She shook her
head without letting the cock plop out of her mouth. Shane had managed
to swallow a good ten inches, impressive for an eighteen year old.
Suddenly, Lester's cock gave a little jerk. It began pumping sperm down
Shane's throat.
Shane pulled her head back and got a mouthful of cum just before the
head plopped out of her mouth. She accidentally swallowed just as a fresh wad of semen shot across her face. Sperm hit her elf outfit too and Shane figured it was just easier to take the head back in her mouth and swallow his cum as quickly as it filled her mouth. Her boyfriend's
orgasms only filled a tablespoon, but Lester had already shot enough
semen to fill her mouth five times.
Shane let the big cock fall out of her mouth. She stared in amazement as
it softened and the head fell to rest on the bench between his feet.
Lester hopped off the bench and began to get dressed. Shane stared at
Lester's black cock until it disappeared in his pants. "I know what I
want for Christmas now," she whispered. "I want a big black cock of my
"You'll shoot your eye out," said Lester before turning and leaving the
Part 2
"Two more stinking days of this," growled Lester, strolling into the
changing room. He was pleased to see Shane turn bright red when she saw
"Yeah, I'm ho ho ho-lidayed out," said Santa Joe.
Lester changed when Joe and Shane left to greet the already growing line
of children worried that it was too late to get the presents they
wanted. You could see the desperation in their faces.
Overall, the shift was uneventful. Shane blushed every time their eyes
met and for the most part, she avoided him. During break, Lester
overheard her talking to some teen friends about going out that night
right after their shift.
Shane told Lester he could go change first. She was trying to stay away
from him. She went to talk to one of her friends waiting to get off. She
talked to her friend until she assumed Lester would have dressed and left. Finally, when she couldn't wait any more, Shane went to go change.
Shane hadn't seen Lester leave, but relaxed when she saw the room was empty. She was horrified by what had happened yesterday, but she had enjoyed sucking off Lester's big black cock. There was something about his penis that she couldn't get out of her head. It's smell had filled her with lust and she could still smell it in the tiny room. She looked at the bench where she had first sighted his monster cock and her pussy grew wet. She could even see a spot on her panties as she stripped down to her Christmas underwear. It just wasn't right.
Shane had found herself checking out the bulges on black men shopping
the mall, but hadn't noticed any discernible bulges. As soon as school
restarted next year, she was going to ask around about black men. There
were a few good looking ones on her team. Maybe their cocks smelled as
good, she thought smelling the air again as Lester strolled around from
behind the locker.
"God damn it, this underwear is supposed to contain my cock, but it aint
working," said the dwarf.
"Lester! I thought you had left." Shane looked at his briefs. They
looked stretched out just by his balls. His thick black shaft was hard
as a rock and sticking out over the top of his underwear.
"Needed to take care of some things. Speaking of taking care of things,
you did such a good job yesterday of taking care of this cock. Why don't
you help me get it back in this underwear?"
After yesterday, Shane wasn't sure if she could resist sucking Lester off again and she was right. Her lips were around the head almost
immediately. Instead of being horrified and ashamed by what she was
doing she felt whole and complete, even happy.
Lester removed the sexy red bra as she bent deeper into his cock. He
backed up and led her to the floor. Shane soon found herself on her back
with Lester sitting on her stomach. His big balls were splayed just
under her breasts and Lester was sliding his cock between her titties.
She let a boyfriend titty fuck her before, but the little white cock had
disappeared between the large expanse of her breasts. Lester's cock hit
her nose. She arched her back to take the head in her mouth.
Lester tugged on her nipples as he slid his cock between her breasts.
She was holding her bosom tightly together for him. He could feel her
writhing with pleasure underneath him. "You like sucking black cock so
much, just imagine what having this thing stuffed in your white
pussy would feel like." Her body shuddered beneath him. "If you want it,
I'll fuck you, but this cock will ruin you for all others.
You can come over to my apartment if you want to try fucking a real
"I can't," said Shane between thrusts. Turning down his offer was the
hardest thing she'd ever done. "I'm (slurp) going (slurp) out (slurp)
with friends (slurp)."
"Probably for the best then. Tonight would have been your only chance.
Tomorrow is the Christmas party. Then we'll never see each other again.
Getting close, slut." Lester was pleased to see her clamp her lips
around his cock. She told him she didn't swallow yesterday, but after
tasting his seed, she obviously decided she no longer objected to
swallowing more. In addition to a belly full of cum, she got a good
coating of semen on her face and her breasts too for good measure.
Lester dressed and left while Shane cleaned up. Her two girlfriends were
looking for her when he left the mall. "She left already, ladies," said
"Oh," said one of the teens. "Well that bitch could have told us she was
canceling. Thanks Nibbles."
Lester hadn't been home for an hour when there was a soft knock on his
door. He had stripped nude as soon as he got home. His cock was simply
more comfortable swinging and dragging freely. "What do you want?" asked
Lester opening the door.
Shane looked embarrassed. "I want that," she said, pointing at his cock.
"You want what?" Lester felt his cock head rise off the floor as he
spoke. "Tell me why you're here."
"I want your black cock. I want to feel it in my white pussy. I can't
stop thinking about it."
"Come in." Lester stepped aside. His cock was sticking straight out now.
"I'll show you what a real man can do." It wasn't just bravado either.
Lester had complete confidence in his new cock despite the fact he was a
Shane stepped inside. His small apartment helped nullify any doubts
she'd harbored. It stank of sperm. The smell had her pussy gushing with
desire. "What do I do?"
"Well you can start by getting naked."
"You'll need to wear a condom."
"No problem." Lester walked over to a drawer and pulled out an unopened
box of rubbers. E&I Enterprises had connections in the industry and they
were sized for big cock. The box even read, Black Magnums, sized XXXL condoms for the African male. He opened the box and looked at the condoms. The were color coated white and black. The white condoms had an oversized receptacle that would stretch to accommodate his orgasms. The black ones had a weak receptacle designed to burst at his first load. Lester grabbed a black one. "Here, put it on," ordered Lester tossing her the condom packet.
Shane caught the packet and ripped it open. She kneeled in front of
Lester which given his short stature made their heads even. He kissed
her. Shane kissed back. His hands worked up under the back of her shirt
and unhooked her bra. He then lifted her shirt up and they broke their
kiss as he tossed her shirt away. Shane couldn't believe how sexy the
dwarf looked. Shaving his head and getting his teeth straightened had
done wonders for his appearance. His muscular physique would make any of
her male friends envious. His hunch was his only disfigurement and it
was barely noticeable.
Lester's cock was sandwiched between their bodies. The head nearly
pressing against her chin. Shane took the opportunity to roll the condom
done the shaft, but not before kissing the bare head. She didn't like
covering his cock, but knew the condom was important.
"Stand up and take them pants off," ordered Lester. "God damn, I love
them white titties." Standing put Shane's tits right at Lester's eye
level. He waited until she'd pulled her pants and underwear off, before
clamping his mouth over one of her big nipples. He squeezed and kissed
them both. Lester then kissed down her belly and let his tongue slip
into her belly button.
Lester fell to his knees and found himself staring at the top of her
bush. His mouth was lined right up with her nub. At least being short
had one advantage. Lester stuck his tongue out and twirled it around
Shane's clit. Her legs immediately opened wider and his tongue slid
deeper inside.
"Oh my god, Nibbles." Shane reached down and caressed his bald head.
"That feels so good."
Most of the enhanced men, Lester had met had told him that they usually
didn't do oral very often. Basically, they didn't have to. The women
were so wet and ready for big black cock, they didn't need foreplay.
Fuck that, thought Lester. He was enjoying himself. The best thing was
the view. He could look up across Shane's sexy belly at her large
breasts. Her nipples were hard and engorged. Between her breasts, her
head hung down. Shane's eyes were closed with pleasure and her mouth
hung open, softly moaning.
"I'm going to cum," groaned Shane.
The beautiful teen's pelvis started thrusting into Lester's tongue and
she squealed as she came. "More where that came from, slut," he growled. "Go lay down on the bed." He smacked her ass as she turned.
Shane walked over and laid down on the bed. It was a child's bed and too
short for her long body. Her head and shoulders rested against the wall
while her legs hung over the bed. The bed was also low to the ground.
Lester walked to the foot of the bed which lined his cock up perfectly
with her pussy. "Un-fucking-believable," whispered the teen as the
dwarf's foot long shaft aimed a her crotch.
Lester was thinking the same thing. Despite his bravado and bull
shitting, he was still a virgin. He'd watched a dozen videos or so of
enhanced black men taking white women, but he still had doubts over
whether or not it would fit. He pushed forwards and watched in awe as
his cock head pressed against her slit. Her labia smashed against the
rock hard cock head until her pussy lips stretched out around the head as it pushed inside her. Both the blonde white teenager and the old black dwarf stared intently at their merging crotches.
"God! Stretched so thick," stammered the teenager. "Big ugh feels good."
"Yeah it does," groaned Lester. A month ago, he hadd feared he’d die a
virgin. Now he was fucking his dream girl or at least a bitch with a
dream girl's body. He slowly worked his cock around, pushing it deeper
with each little thrust.
"Ah too deep. So thick. Oh gawd," moaned Shane as Lester's cock pushed it's way deeper then any man had been. "I don't think... can't take... aargh." The last, she almost screamed as Lester buried his cock. Lester started to withdraw, but Shane wrapped her legs around his waist and held tightly. "No, let me feel you way up inside me."
"One condition," said Lester, fighting the urge to pound her pussy like a jack hammer. Instead he flexed the muscle in his cock making it jerk.
"Y-yes," moaned Shane as her pussy spasmed. "Anything."
"I want you to be my date to the Christmas party tomorrow." Lester
jerked his cock again.
"Y-yes! I mean no. Wait! Oh god yes!" Shane's pussy felt like it was
about to explode as Lester kept making his cock leap. "Yes, I'll be your
date," she screamed as a giant orgasm tore through her pussy. "No!," she
cried as Lester tried to pull it out again. This time Lester used his
muscles to break her grip on his waist. Lester pulled his cock almost
all the way out before slamming it back in. "Yes!" Shane quickly relaxed
her legs to allow Lester to fuck her. "Fuck me. I'll be your date. Fuck
me with your big black cock. I'll be your slut. Fuck my white pussy.
I'll be your whore. Fuck your white whore. Cumming!"
Damn, thought Lester. This is great. His bitch tormentor was turning
into his slut before his eyes. Next thing you know, she'll be calling me
"Fuck me, master," she screamed as she came again. Lester grunted at her
words and buried his cock. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Shane felt another orgasm building as Lester's cock spasmed. She also felt Lester's cock growing and realized it was the condom's receptacle filling with semen. It filled to the point it almost hurt and then there was no pain. Her pussy suddenly felt soaked. Shane could feel his sperm squirting huge wads deep inside her womb and her orgasm broke just as she realized the condom had popped.
Lester shuddered as he drained his balls into the writhing white
Teenage whore's pussy. Some primal need had just been satisfied. He'd never wear a white condom. From now on he'd only use the condoms designed to fail or no condoms at all. And he'd continue to fuck Shane's white pussy until he put a baby in her belly. Then he'd look for someone else.
Lester pulled out and looked at Shane's splayed sperm-filled pussy. He
grabbed the near comatose teen's ass and rolled her over.
He left her head down and pulled her to her knees to keep the sperm in
her pussy. Lester found himself staring at the tight rosebud of her anus
and his cock started to stiffen.
Tonight would be a night of firsts for both Shane and Lester. Lester had
just fucked his first pussy and now he wanted her ass. Few women allowed
their asses to get fucked and to give up their anal virginity was the
final act of submission to black cock. No self respecting enhanced
allowed a white woman's anus to go unstretched.
Lester reached down to Shane's sperm filled pussy. He pushed two fingers
in and paused. He found it unbelievably hard to remove his sperm from
her pussy, but he shrugged it off and scooped out a wad a semen. He
wiped it off on her anus and began rubbing it around her rosebud. Shane
moaned, but didn't move. She seemed barely cognizant.
Lester pushed both fingers into her ass. His fingers were short and
barely stretched her out, but they did help loosen her ass. The dwarf
pulled his fingers out and lined his still slick cock head up with her
anus. He pressed down on his shaft. Her ass resisted the pressure so he
pressed harder. Eventually his strength broke her resistance and her
rosebud spread open. It opened wide too, for his cock head was as big as
a golf ball.
Shane's leg spread wide, lowering her hips. Her ass was trying to escape
the large invader, but Lester persisted. The head was wedged in now, so
he released his shaft and grabbed her hips to hold her up.
"Aaargh," she moaned. Shane came to her senses when Lester's cock
reached the halfway mark. "P-p-put it back in my pussy, please," she
"My m-mouth then."
"Anywhere, but my ass. Your cock is too big. It won't fit."
"It's already in there, slut." Lester quit pushing his cock in. She'd
taken seven or eight inches now and it was becoming increasingly
difficult to push any more in.
"Ok, ok. Fuck my ass, just don't push it any deeper."
Lester started working his cock in and out of her ass. Shane grunted
each time he pushed forward. Lester increased his speed. Each thrust
forward seemed to send it a little deeper. Shane quit protesting.
Instead, she raised her front up so that the was on all fours and
started pushing back to meet his thrusts. At first, her thrusts were
barely perceptible, but they increased in strength until she was
slamming her ass back into his cock as hard as he was thrusting
forwards. "You like having that black cock in your ass, don't you?"
"Yes," she whispered. "YES," she said louder. "I love having your black
cock in my ass. I just love your black cock, master." Shane suddenly
sobbed, tears rolled down her cheeks, but they were tears of joy.
Lester pushed hard forward and shot his first wad. He was impressed to
see she'd taken ten inches now. With more practice, she'd probably be
able to take the rest. As it turned out, she didn't need more practice,
just more lubrication. Lester's semen filled her ass and greased his
cock up so that the remaining two inches slipped inside her before he
was done shooting it full of sperm.
Lester collapsed on top of the blonde teenager, his cock still buried in
her ass. After awhile, his cock deflated and Lester rolled off her. He
fell quickly asleep.
Lester awoke sometime later feeling his cock getting hard again as Shane
was gently tugging on his shaft. She sat up and swung her leg over his
crotch. She lowered her pussy over his shaft, not mentioning a condom
and Lester didn't remind her.
Part 3
Lester and Shane arrived at work together holding hands. Their fellow
employees stared, but didn't say anything. At one point, Lester made
Shane bend down to kiss him in front of a small crowd. Before their kiss
broke, Lester's keen ears picked up the clacking of heels on the floor.
He broke the kiss and sneered at the surprised face of Cindy Millman.
Mrs. Millman pushed her glasses up her nose as if she couldn't trust her
eyes. She was standing at the doorway of her office. Cindy shook her
head and headed off down the hall.
"Go ahead to the dressing room and I'll catch up to ya," said Lester,
smacking Shane on the ass. Lester watched her leave. He reached into his
coat pocket and pulled out a envelope. Lester slipped into Mrs. Millman's office and left the envelope on her desk.
Later, Lester handed out the last candy cane of his life. There were
still a dozen children waiting in line to see Santa. Santa Joe looked
like he was about to snap if another child sat on his lap. Shane looked
exhausted and could only walk bow legged from the fucking she'd gotten
last night. "Finish up, Shane," called Lester. "I got to go tinkle."
Some of the children laughed at that.
Lester didn't have to go piss. He had other plans. Lester slipped
upstairs. A few employees were adding finishing touches to the Christmas
decorations around the office and employee lounge. "Howdy Nibbles," said
one of the employees jovially.
"Merry Christmas," answered Lester.
The employee was arranging cups filled with ice around a large punch
bowl. He turned around but the dwarf had disappeared. The man shrugged,
finished his task, and headed over to the next table to lay out some
plates and napkins. As he walked away, Lester's head came out from under
the table.
Lester quickly unscrewed a small vial and emptied it's contents into the
punch bowl. Hank had told him the vial contained enough Xcite to make
any man impotent for a month. The women on the other hand, would be
exceptionally horny. Lester cackled and slipped away.
Cindy Millman grabbed a cup of punch as she passed the bowl. She took a
large sip. She hated her life. She hated her husband. One man would make
her happy and that was David Webster, executive vice president to old
man Gacy. David stood away from her in a corner chatting with some other
corporate officers. He glanced at her and nodded.
Cindy nodded back then downed her punch. She walked back to grab another
cup. Since David and she had started fucking six months ago, he played
aloof when she was around. Tonight, he'd even brought his wife.
Cindy was angry and jealous when she spotted the dwarf holding hands
with Shane. They looked patently ridiculous in their elf outfits. Joe
was still in his Santa costume. He'd be passing out bonus checks later.
Then Cindy froze in her tracks when old man Gacy's granddaughter bent
down to kiss the little black man again. "I dare say, Mr. Gacy won't be too pleased with your taste in boyfriends, Shane."
"What are you saying, Mrs. Millman?" asked Shane.
"I'm saying, young lady. I think it's time you looked for employment
elsewhere. Unless, of course, you want me informing the old man of whom
you are dating."
Shane stuttered a bit in shock before blurting, "Why are you doing
"Because I don't like little rich girls getting handed everything on a
silver platter." Cindy had worked her way to the top from nothing. "And
because it sickens me to see you kissing him. I trust you've cleaned out
your locker, Mr. Nibelung?"
"Absolutely, Mrs. Millman," said Lester. "Oh and Shane." Lester reached
into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "I don't think you need
to work here. You've got a models looks and I have connections in the
"I haven't heard of E&I Modeling," said Shane, looking at the card.
"Oh, they're getting more famous every day." Lester winked at Cindy.
Cindy harrumphed and stormed off to her office. She wasn't pleased with the way things had turned out. Of course, once they were fired, she lost power over them. Then her eye fell upon the envelope on her desk. Curious she tore it open. It read: Meet me in the copy room at nine sharp. Leave the lights off.
Cindy crumpled the letter up and tossed it in the trash. My god, that's
bold of David, she thought. She hadn't fucked David's big dick in over a
month and her pussy gushed at the thought.
Cindy's husband was cursed with a small penis at barely five inches. She
hardly even felt him inside her during sex. Then David had come along
with his big six and a half inch dick. That extra inch had done wonders
and she'd orgasmed for the first time. After that, she'd fuck David any
time and any place he wished.
A fresh wave of lubrication soaked her panties. Jesus, just thinking about it had her horny. She sat down in her chair and found herself grinding her pussy into the seat. If her office didn't have windows, she'd have considered shoving a finger or two or three up her soaking twat. She looked out at David. He had his arms around his wife. His wife was crossing and uncrossing her legs like she needed to go to the bathroom.
Selfish bitch, probably wants David's cock all to herself tonight,
thought Cindy. "Well I'll just have to tire him out," she whispered.
Cindy kept a mirror in her office. Her hair was up and her glasses were
on making her look every bit the business professional. Cindy took her
glasses off and reached up to let her hair down. Her hair was long,
brown, and fell halfway down her back. She colored out the gray streaks
and could easily have passed for a woman of thirty.
Cindy took out a tube of red lipstick and applied it. She opened her
drawer and pulled out a red Santa hat, placing it on her head. Cindy was
already wearing a daring skirt that stopped several inches above her
knees. She liked showing off her strong calves. She had three obsessions; business, David Webster, and fitness. Her body was probably
the hottest out of all Gacy's employees, Shane being the exception. Her
breasts were near D-cups and still firm, but her nipples now pointed
downwards where once they had stuck straight out.
"Mrs. Millman, we're exchanging gifts," yelled one of the secretaries.
Cindy waved at the woman she planned to fire just after the new year.
She stood and straightened her blouse. Then unbuttoned some extra
buttons at the top until the tip of her bra showed. Let David see what
he could have every night if he ever decided to dump that bitch he had
Cindy planted a fake smile on her lips and walked out of her office to
the admiring stares of every male in the room. First, she headed over to
get more of that delicious punch.
Cindy had a miserable two hours waiting for nine to arrive. The more she
thought about David, the hornier she grew. Of course, the jerk was
ignoring her. David also seemed a bit annoyed at his wife. She was
acting very clingy, rubbing against her husband and kissing him often.
Cindy had seen them together before, but they had never kissed. Other
female employees at the party were acting much the same.
Finally, nine arrived. Cindy looked around and saw that the early birds
had left the party already. Nibbles must have left too, but Shane was
still present. The teen was with some of her friends. She was holding
her hands open, about a foot apart. The girls she was talking too were
shaking their heads and laughing. Cindy didn't see David or his wife.
When the opportunity presented itself she slipped away towards the copy
The door was open and Cindy walked in. The door slammed shut behind her
and the lights went out just as soon as he spun around. Strong hands
grabbed her waist and forced her backwards. Her leg brushed against a
foot stool and her ass backed against the copier.
Cindy helped David by lifting herself up onto the copy machine. She also
lifted her ass up so that David could reach under her skirt and remove
her panties. His hands returned to her legs after he'd pulled her
underwear off. He forced her legs open wide, bunching up her skirt. His
hot breath suddenly blew across her vagina. "Oh David, please tell me
this isn't a joke?"
David's response was to flicker his tongue across her clit. David wasn't
much for giving oral sex, so this was a nice surprise. It also meant
that he didn't plan on a quick bang. David’s tongue plowed it's way
between her labia. Cindy would have grabbed his head, but she was holding on to the copier. His tongue attacked her pussy almost violently. He wasn't overly skilled, but his vigor soon had her cumming.
Cindy was just coming down from the orgasm when she heard the footstool
scrape. She assumed David must have been sitting on it to go down on
her. His hands spread her legs wide again. She braced herself as his
cock probed against her pussy. "Oh David, you feel so big," she moaned.
It felt like her pussy was opening wider then normal as he pushed in.
"Hurry up and fuck me."
Cindy had an ulterior motive to get fucked. She'd gone off birth control
and had calculated herself to be extremely fertile tonight. When she
presented him with his child, he'd have to leave his wife for her. But
that was all in the future. Now, it seemed, Cindy was about to get the
fucking of her life.
"Jesus, David. Your dick is really stretching me out. You sure that's
not your arm? God, fuck me with that monster."
The strong arms holding Cindy's ankles, stretched them wider and David
began fucking her hard. His dick was like a jackhammer. It was starting
to reach deeper then it had ever reached before. Cindy had her biggest
orgasm ever as the huge dick fucking her slipped in at least an inch
deeper then David was capable of. "Not that I care," she moaned, "But
who the fuck are you?" The big dick started fucking her even harder. The
man didn't answer her. "Sam?" she asked. Sam was a big, strapping
eighteen year old who worked in sporting goods. "No? You gonna tell me
who you are?"
"Nope," responded a deep voice.
"I think I love your dick, Mr. Big."
"Call it a cock, slut."
"I love your big cock. How big is it?"
"It’s a foot long."
He was bull shitting her. It may have been nine or ten inches, but not
twelve. "Nice, but I don't think... Ugh, argh... too deep...
incredible." Her mystery lover pushed the last few inches inside her and
she could feel a huge pair of balls slap against her thighs. Cindy
reached out and placed her hands on an incredibly well defined chest,
hard as a brick wall. She slid her hands up towards his face, but he
suddenly released her ankles and gripped her wrists. At the same time,
he jerked his cock in her pussy and Cindy had her biggest orgasm yet.
Her orgasm ended too quickly as he yanked his cock out. "No! please, put
it back in?"
"Roll over, slut," he growled smacking her thigh.
Cindy slid off the copier, then turned over laying across it on her
belly. She heard the stool scrape the floor and assumed her lover was
moving it out of the way. "Oh thank god," she moaned as his big cock head pushed up against her pussy lips again. She was cumming almost
immediately as he started pushing it in. This guy was making her forget
all about David.
"This is for firing me, bitch."
The hand came down hard on her ass cheek and Cindy jumped. "Tell me who
you are and I'll promote you as long as I can have this cock again." The
hand spanked her again and her ass started to sting a little.
"This is for being such a pain in the ass."
Cindy felt the man's fingers probing against her anus. One finger
pressed against her rosebud while the other disappeared. She heard a
sucking sound and something touched her ass and pushed inside. It was
round, wet, and smooth. She assumed it was a pencil. Nasty, but the
extra stimulation was making her cum again. She came again and again
when he started fucking her harder and shoving the pencil in and out of
her ass. She came again when a huge torrent of sperm struck the wall of
her fertile pussy. It felt like a fire hose had been turned on inside
The man pulled out before he had finished cumming and some wads struck
her back. She heard the step stool again and felt his hands in her hair.
The cock head probed against her lips and she opened her mouth in time to receive a tongue full of cum. He slid the head back and forth between
her lips and amazingly, the huge cock stayed hard. It never shrank an
inch and soon she was giving him a full fledged blow job. More
accurately, he was fucking her face with his superior cock. This guy was
really taking out some frustrations on her and she loved every minute of
Cindy gagged and choked, but managed to take some down her throat. He
fucked her mouth hard for at least ten minutes before pumping her belly
full of sperm. He pulled back until his cock head filled her mouth and
she was forced to gulp his sperm down to keep up with the flow. She'd
never swallowed before, but she wasn't about to complain to this
dominant male. She did feel like complaining when he jerked his cock
completely out and shot his remaining wads all over her face.
"My mouth is gonna taste like sperm," she said, hoping she didn't run
into any mistletoe later.
"Here," said the deep voice of her lover. His hand touched the pencil in
her ass and broke off the tip. He shoved the piece into her mouth. It
was slightly curved and tasted like pepermint. "Problem solved."
Cindy got off the copier, trying to scoop his semen off her cheeks and
into her mouth. If she couldn't find a tissue, it would be pretty
embarrassing to return to the party like this. She could hear him dressing. "Come by my office tomorrow and we'll talk about your raise." Cindy waited and the man never answered her. "Come on. Say something. Can't we do this again?"
"Christmas only comes once a year, bitch."
Cindy was blinded as the door opened and closed again as her lover left.
She stood and straightened her skirt before turning the light on. It
felt like gallons of semen started pouring down her thighs as she
reached behind her to pull the thing out of her ass. She brought it
around to look at. It was a candy cane.
Cindy laughed guessing who had just given her the fucking of her life.
With the Christmas reference and the candy cane it had to have been Santa Joe. He was the big former marine type and could have a big dick. But he had a big pot belly while her lover was hard and muscular? Nor had she fired him, though she had planned to?
Cindy got a shock when she noticed a little belled elf shoe on the
floor. Near it was an elf hat. Not far was Nibbles' entire elf costume.
"No way," she laughed, stopping when she saw the footstool just under
the copier where her head had been. She pictured Nibbles standing on it
shoving a foot long black cock down her throat. Impossible, she thought
shaking her head of the absurd image.
Cindy cracked the door open and peeked out. There weren't many people
left at the party. Nibbles was still here. He was just leaving, holding
hands with Shane. He wasn't wearing his elf costume anymore. Cindy
assumed he'd just changed for the party in the copier room. This was his
last day after all and the elf costume was company property.
Cindy saw an opening to the bathroom and made a quick dash towards it.
She needed to get cleaned up before someone spotted her.
Cindy cupped her belly imagining there was a warm satisfied glow coming
from her crotch. Maybe, she'd make David marry her anyway. She'd tell
him the baby was his. He wouldn't deny it and wouldn't demand a
paternity test. Then she'd track her mystery lover down when the baby
came. She laughed, now having everything planned out and glad it
couldn't have been Nibbles.
Dwarfism might run in his family.
The End
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