The Housewives of Coxville County: Prologue by Ota and The Ogre

The Housewives of Coxville County
By; Ota & The Ogre

   The crowd went into uproar as the basketball fell through the white
netting of the rim, a loud burst of sporadic cheers on the left side of the
gymnasium where fans of the Coxville basketball team sat.  Yet another
three-pointer had been aimed, shot, and stuffed right through the open net
in an audible swish.  The game was quickly turning into a blow out for
Coxville's cross-town rivals from Bartown.  The baying cheers of the
Coxville crowd all but drowned out the low groans from across the way,
their competitors, who slumped, cursed, spat, and shook their heads in
mixed distress and partial disbelief as they looked up at the lit
scoreboard.  Home- 18, Guests- 4.  It was beyond disheartening.  Barely
into the second quarter and the visiting team's morale were smashed all but
to shards.  It was late November, and ever since Bartown's football team,
the Beavers, - suffered their loss to the Coxville Cocks with a score of 14
to 8 in the previous football season - it seemed that Bartown had since
been suffering from a steady string of bad luck in all their athletic
endeavors when it came to facing their longtime rivals.

   The performance from Coxville's players, once considered "fair" by most
other team's standards, had since developed into something almost
otherworldly in the span of what seemed to be overnight.  Their strength,
speed, team work, and stamina had grown exponentially since the last
season, leaving Bartown's coaches as perplexed, unprepared, and soundly
cajoled at their opponent's superior skills.  This sudden drastic increase
in physical ability seemed to be exhibited most, no, solely by their
African-American players.  The vast majority of young men who made up the
Coxville team were black, with the few Caucasian players actually on hand
displaying their ample ability to keep the bleachers warm.  Because of this
disproportion in the team's racial cast, the entire Coxville basketball
team appeared to be nothing short of unstoppable machines.  Jonah Houlihan,
Bartown's head basketball coach, was thoroughly stumped when it came to
creating or utilizing an effective countermeasure to Coxville's relentless
onslaught.  What the fuck sort of training had they been giving these boys,
he thought.  From the tip off of the game, they had aggressively
outclassed, outmaneuvered, and overpowered Bartown's predominately white
team of young players, making them appear to be nil more than novices to
the sport - their three consecutive championships all but a distant memory-
as the ball was repeatedly snatched, slapped, and jostled from their hands.

   Another loud wave of cheers echoed through the gymnasium as one of the
Coxville players, a tall, well-muscled dark skinned number, quickly
recovered the ball after a failed shot taken by one of Bartown's players, a
shorter, blonde boy of far less impressive physical stature, bricked from
the rim and bounded backwards into the fray.  The Coxville player nimbly
made his way from the far end of the court and to the other side.  Along
the way, and in one graceful spin, he dodged two of the oncoming players
just before jumping into the air, and hurling the ball in a feint to a
fellow player, another young black youth, of darker complexion, and even
more lean muscular definition that was positioned just near the right side
of the low post.  The darker Coxville player immediately caught the passed
ball, already in the air by the time it flew into his large open hands, and
lifted his arms to slam the ball into the white net with a loud smash.

   "Wow!  Did you see that?!" Said George Swallows enthusiastically.
"We're killing these guys.  Championship, here we come!"

   George sat in one of the middle bleachers, a point where he had a
perfect view of the game.  The gymnasium was packed, bustling with shouts,
cheers, hollers and other such sounds that filled the area with resounding
electricity.  The kind of living energy that came from many people being
gathered and excited in one place.  Most of, if not all of the faces, were
familiar ones.  Many of the local high school students occupied the lower
rows of the bleachers, most of them gathered in groups no smaller than
five. Five girls and six boys sat together on the lowest bleachers.  Kitty
Summers, her signature blonde hair that was styled into a pony tail, sat at
the center of her band of fellow cheerleaders, who were in turn clustered
with several of the boys from the football team.

   The sight of them sitting there was considered an unorthodox one for the
small southern town.  Kitty and her entourage of Miko, Patty, and Pamela,
as well as the always seemingly out of place Susan, were sitting amongst a
cluster of young men, all of them black, and all of them of varying shapes,
sizes, and shades of ebony.  Miko and Pamela were to Kitty's right, and
Susan and Patty to her left, with the boys sitting at varying point's
in-between.  Kitty sat in the center, an arm wrapped from behind around the
chiseled torso of her boyfriend Samson West, a tall and built young man,
who in turn had his right arm casually slung over the blonde girl's
shoulder.  To the right were Miko and Pamela, who sat on both sides of the
tall, bald and contradictively nicknamed Little Leroy, his arms slung
comfortably around the both of them, his long sinewy legs stretched forward
in leisure.  Miko was wearing a particularly high cut skirt and girl's
hoodie that seemed to be a youth large in size.  Her slim but curvy figure
clung to the cotton and denim fabric.  Pamela was wearing a pair of shorts
that seemed to be trimmed all the way up to the highest point of her upper
thigh, showcasing her immaculately smooth legs and tanned skin.  Her
ensemble was completed with a t shirt that cut up at about the middle point
of her torso, showing her slim waist and flat stomach.  Both girls rested a
hand each on Leroy's stomach, a defined mass of rippling muscle that shown
through the fabric of his white tank top, their hands close enough to one
another's that their fingers often brushed together.  Patty, the tall,
built redhead was wearing a pair of tight fitting sweatpants that presented
the promise of the bountiful curves of her hips, thighs, and rear end.  She
wore black shoulder cut shirt that exposed her shoulders, and the black
straps of her bra which kept her large breasts mostly tamed.  On the shirt
in bold white letters was a tagline that said black in the new black.  The
pun and joke of this phrase would strike an onlooker upon noticing that
Patty was on the large arm of the big and burly brown skinned boy named
Max, and how both of her arms were coiled around his massive singular one -
while Susan, once considered to be the meek bookworm of the group, now sat
on the lap of the tall and long limbed boy, who's nickname among the group
was LD.  Susan wore only a slim chestnut colored skirt that had various
flower patterns on it.  Her hair was let down, and fell in long straight
strands down almost to the middle part of her back.  Both of LD's dark
hands were clasped onto her hips.  At times an idle hand would venture down
to caress one of her smooth legs, and on rare occasions travel a bit
further towards her inner thigh.

   The display summoned a silent ruckus among some of those in attendance.
Parents, member of faculty, and a number of fellow students looked on in
profound - though ineffably silent - outrage at the spectacle.  It wasn't
enough that almost all of them had begun dressing more provocatively, had
become infamous for their consecutive absences from classes, and had since
relinquished all their previous social ties to be with this gang of dark
skinned hooligans, but now it seemed like the young women were making a
show of flaunting their new behavior.  The young girls, cuddled up with the
group of young black men - clad in revealing high cut jean skirts and t
shirts.  It angered many within the crowd, though their protests were
confined to low mumbles and covert pointing amongst the populace.  For the
most part however - such as with many towns priding themselves on their
virtue and wholesomeness - the people who noticed the state of the girls
and their boyfriends ignored the display in favor of praising the action of
the game.  For small towns that pride themselves for their wholesomeness
can only do so, not out of the comfort of knowing there is no dirt or
controversy to be found, but out the willful ignorance of keeping such
matters swept firmly under the proverbial rug.

   Closer to the top of the bleachers was Mr.  and Mrs.  Brown, dressed
down as always in a recherché fashion, their daughter Stacy sitting next to
them.  Mr.  White sat with one hand on
rested on the silky, milk white leg of his gorgeous wife Anya's, who seemed
to be either disinterested in the gesture, the game, or both.  With him was
his son Todd, who stared grievously not at his parent's (really parent,
since under no circumstances would Todd ever consider Anya to be his
mother, but rather his father's most recent purchase), but down at Kitty as
she cheered the team on while wrapped around Samson.  Todd, being Kitty's
previous boyfriend, had not yet come to terms with the act of Kitty dumping
him in favor of Samson, this fact being shown in the seemingly permanent
scowl that now seemed to be permanently carved into his young face.  Closer
to the ground floor was principle Long, who seemed to be more invested in
keeping a head count of those in attendance than the actual game.  If
anyone had taken the time to monitor his movements however, one might have
noticed the faint hint of a smirk lining the old features of his brown face
whenever he looked over at Kitty and her party.

   "I tell you Harold, these kids are on fire tonight.  Houlihan over there
looks like he doesn't know whether he wants to rage or cry" said George
Swallows, who was sitting next to his long time friend Harold Summers.

   George slightly nudged Harold in his side with his elbow, using his
other hand to point across the way of the court to the Bartown's head
basketball coach.  Indeed, the silver haired Caucasian man looked to be a
state of stunted anger and profound sorrow, his eyebrows furrowed at a
downward angle, while his face muscles tensed and his mouth drooped
simultaneously in what couldn't be rightly discerned as a scowl or frown.
Harold seemed to be in somewhat of a trance, a vacant thousand yard stare
aimed down to the lower bleachers where his daughter sat.  He snapped out
of it with an abrupt jump in response to George's nudge.  He shook his
head, derailing whatever train of thought he was in, and looked over at
Houlihan.  He stared for a moment, and then began to laugh, more a nervous
secondary chuckle as though he was trying to catch up to the conversation.
George immediately broke into laugher behind him, paunch stomach giggling
somewhat as a result.  George put a hand to his thinning brown hair while
lost in amusement.

   "Ha-ha, oh wow, look at him.  Hey honey, get a close up of Coach
Houlihan's face, it's priceless."

   To George Swallow's right sat his lovely wife Ivana, a handheld
camcorder in her flawlessly manicured hands.  Her husband had recently
bought the recorder, and had brought it along to give its said high
definition capabilities a test run.  Ivana focused the camera on the
disheveled coach, the high quality of the camera capturing every contour
and line of the man's face.

   "Oh now that is just too funny", Ivana said, the faint hint of her
southern accent made prominent by the statement.  "You'd swear he was a kid
who just got an IOU from Santa on Christmas morning".

   George continued laughing, Harold's laughter now dwindling to more of a
light snicker while Ivana giggled from behind the opened lens.  The plan
had originally been for George to be one recording the game.  As it turned
out however, in making idle chit-chat with Harold, George handed Ivana the
camera, and had since seemed to push the objective down as a simple
afterthought.  It was a common move for George as far as Ivana was
concerned.  In their nine some odd years of marriage George had never been
one to follow through with a plan, despite the fact he was often the one
proposing them.  He was often struck with an array of seemingly ingenious
ideas, a family outing here, a plan for building a shed there, a new device
to be installed or used at home that never made it out of the garage once
purchased.  This was how scatterbrained her husband was, and it was
therefore countered by Ivana's habit of taking action to take part in
whatever venture George had planned as a solo act, with George giving
occasional commentary in gest to maintain the illusion that he was at the
helm of the enterprise.  Therefore she had spent most of the time using the
new camcorder, pointing and aiming it back and forth in capturing the
action of the game, a single red dot on the lower left side of the
viewfinder to mark what she was recording every moment.

   Basketball wasn't by any means Ivana's favorite sport.  Not that she
couldn't appreciate the degree of skill that it required to do such feats,
like the muscular black youth's slam dunk that she had just witnessed.  Her
reluctance to be present at the game spawned from the fact that tonight
she'd simply rather be doing other things than field testing George's
soon-to-be-forgotten camcorder.  In all likelihood she would have much
rather preferred to be at home, relaxing in a long luxurious soak in a hot
bath, washing and priming her deep brown hair, and laying in her warm king
sized bed to enjoy the new book on diet and health she had just received
that day in the mail.  She was so enamored with her plans for that evening
she had initially told George earlier that day she didn't much feel like
attending the game when he had brought it up.


   "I don't think I'm up for it tonight.  This week really took it out of
me, and I think I'd rather just stay in and relax tonight.  Catch up on
some rest, maybe get little bit of reading in", she said.

   "Awww, come on honey.  We haven't had much time to be out and about at
all lately.  What with my hours in the office during the day, and these
extra hours you've been working at the school, the only time I get to see
you is when you're asleep", said George in a tone that sounded dangerously
close to a whine.

   "I know, but the last place I want to go out to is the school where I
work George", Ivana replied tersely.

   "True, but 1) you're not going there to work, you're going there to have
fun and enjoy the game, and 2) you'll be making me happy, because I'll get
to show everyone that my gorgeous wife has got Coxville spirit.  I told you
I was captain way back when."

   Only every time words with the letter B comes up in a sentence, she
thought to herself.  She fought the urge to roll her eyes.

   Many years ago in his youth, George had been captain of the Coxville
basketball team.  Back when George had a stomach rather than a gut, and
when the number of loses held by the team made them infamous for being the
sacrificial lamb of the county.  George had always hoisted himself as more
of the optimist, and never wavering from his "can-do" attitude.  Much of
that charm and optimism was what had originally attracted Ivana to him.
His bright smile, boyish good looks, and bright character struck something
warm inside her, and matched with his decent physical state at the time,
she saw him as something of a catch.  These days he still maintained his
cheery personality, his optimistic outlook on all things, but everything
else she noticed had taken something of a back seat and then some over the
years.  His once full head of thick brown hair slowly thinned and retreated
from his hairline bit by bit, revealing more of a shiny white skull almost
every other day it seemed.  His stomach, once taut and lined with a decent
amount of muscle, had grown soft as marshmallow and expanded, as well as
grew hairy with age.  When he smiled his boyish appeal could still be seen,
but only just barely.

   She still cared for him greatly, loved him as much as any devoted wife
in a wholesome southern town such as Coxville could love her husband, but
she couldn't ignore that such a degree of depth and time in knowing
someone, made one privy to every single one of their faults, be it minute
or major.  George's increasingly lax efforts when it came to physical
fitness were one such fault, and stood in stark contrast to her efforts.
While George gorged himself on potato chips, burgers, French fries, ice
cream, candy bars, and whole cases of ice cold beer, Ivana spent an ample
amount of her time working on, pushing, and perfecting her body.  Every
morning and night she spent an hour on the stationary bike - what with
jogging being completely out of the question given how large her breasts
were - and engaged in a grueling workout regimen with her friend and ad hoc
personal trainer Sammy Spitzmen.  Sammy was young, nine years Ivana's
junior, and at the pinnacle of her physical health.  Sammy held seemingly
boundless reserves of energy, so Ivana's workouts primarily consisted of
simply trying to keep up with the hyperactive, remarkably fit and bubbly
redhead.  Her efforts, despite her inability to keep up with Sammy, had
paid off.  At 36, Ivana's body was a pillar of womanly health and beauty.

   From head to toe there was not an ounce undesirable fat on her frame.
Her arms were trim, with just enough definition to them to appear strong,
but maintained their feminine shape and appeal.  Her stomach was flat, and
set up well for the outward curvature of her most desirable hips.  She
worked tirelessly on her lower half, particularly her gluts, which never
seemed to lose shape or mass despite the dozens upon dozens of squats she
did almost daily.  But alas, it still carried ample muscle under the soft
outer layers.  Her ass had always been big, as were her breasts, a full and
round set of GGs that, despite their size, curved upward near their peak,
and stayed pert regardless of how hard she worked to reduce them through
exercise.  Her behind got her a slew of glances as she walked down the
halls of Coxville High, particularly from the black male students, who
never seemed to be without a low whistle or a stunted O shaped expression
as she passed them.  She often ignored it, chalking it up to immature
adolescent behavior, and the ineffable fact that black men can never seem
to contain themselves around women with large posteriors.  The extra work
to her lower half paid off particularly well in her thighs and legs, which
shown tight and showcased fine lines that made many of the younger girls
she saw at school turn colors when catching the hungered gaze shot at them
by their boyfriends.

   Her figure, matched with her very scantly tanned natural skin color - a
trait of her Nordic and Italian ancestry - made her something of a knockout
around Coxville.  No light claims, considering that many, if not most of
the women in town were considered to be stunningly beautiful by any county,
or even the state, or even possibly the country for that matter.

   Her shape made her able to wear basically whatever she wanted, or
rather, whatever she wanted that was considered reasonable with her
profession.  As head nurse and health consultant of Coxville High, Ivana
Swallows had the right to take certain liberties with the style of her
dress.  The way she saw it, it was her duty to remain as a close to a
living picture of health as possible, to act as an example to her patients
and colleagues.  This responsibility that she prided herself on, granted in
her mind a privilege to wear what she wanted.  If she found a particularly
striking new sweater or blouse that she knew she simply had to own, she'd
buy it, and not think twice about wearing it to work with, perhaps, a bit
more of her cleavage pronounced than would normally be merited for someone
of her caste and position.  Lately she had been working longer hours at the
school, preparing for a meeting with the parents of students on proper
health and nutrition for the school year.

   While it was common for schools to have PSAs promoting proper health
habits and exercise amongst the student body, Ivana pushed for Principle
Long to forward the message publicly to the parents of students as well,
convincing after weeks and weeks of proposing, editing, and further
proposing, to host a public parent-teacher meeting on proper diet and
effective physical activities that could implemented in their every day
life.  After all, teenagers seldom retained such information for prolonged
periods of time, and their whimsical belief that they could all eat junk
food in bulk, and maintain good health with menial exercise often guided
their activity level more than not.  This fact irked her fiercely.  She
adopted the belief that an unfit, unhealthy student body was merely the
reflected dereliction of duty from their parents and instructors, and Ivana
Swallows was by no means a derelict.

   "Besides" George began again.  "Jenny will be there.  I'm sure you two
girls would love spending some time to get together and visit for a while."

   As soon as the name "Jenny" escaped George's lips, Ivana's left eye
twitched.  It took every fiber of her being to keep her body from doing a
full wince.  She found it to be the vocalized equivalent of nails on a
chalk board.  Her nerves jutted, and on the inside her soul curled into a
tight red ball as she turned to her husband and said,

   "Oh really?  Well...I guess I'm not THAT tired.  Besides I wanted to
pick up a few notes from my office anyway for the upcoming health awareness
meeting we're having at the end of the month."

   "Alrighty then, sounds like a plan", said George, his face beaming with

   Ivana held every ounce of raw anger and annoyance buried deep within the
pit of her stomach.  If she was going to be there, that low clout blonde
headed bimbo Jenny Summers, then she would undoubtedly be there doing her
absolute best to show off and frolic around the place in front of everyone,
flashing her big (probably fake) tits in front of everyone present to
garner some pathetic nod of acknowledgement.  And if Jenny Summers was
going to be at the game, then Ivana Swallows had to be there as well.

   "It'll be a perfect opportunity to test out that new camcorder I bought
the other day", said George as he took a large bite of a particularly large
ham sandwich, dripping with mayo.

   Slowly, Ivana pressed down her anger, and forced her full lips to turn
up into a wide smile.

   "Yeah, that sounds like a great plan dear."


   Ivana had spent most of the first quarter of the game simply getting
used to controlling the camcorder.  It was small enough device that she was
able to hold it in one hand, and the flipping viewfinder made aiming the
recorder easy to keep a subject in sight.  The only trick she found to it
was zooming in and out.  During certain motions of the game Ivana wanted to
get close up shots of the players when they engaged in some of the more
spectacular moves.  The button that controlled the span of the frame was
very sensitive, and moved simply by her touching a finger to a grayish
switch located on the side of the camcorder, and motioning it forwards or
backwards slowly.  Because of this some of the shots would look jerky,
zooming in too fast that it would focus on the wrong part of the court, or
too close to a player while trying to get a medium sized view.  Once she
had accidentally zoomed in directly on the crotch of one of the Coxville
player's as he ran up the court.  It was purely an accident, and a part of
her laughed on the inside at the act, but another part of her twisted in
shock at what the camera captured.  As the young player, a tall, long
limbed African American boy of considerable musculature, ran down the
court, she could see the steady bouncing of something in the front of the
boy's shorts.  The length and shape of it resembled a small baby's arm, or
even a segmented nightstick as it bounced up and down with each step as he
ran.  What the hell?  What's he hiding in his pants?  Ivana thought to
herself.  Against her initial thought to simply let the matter go for fear
of looking like some sort of pervert with a fetish for filming young ball
players, she continued to follow the boy's crotch with the camera.  It was
a tad difficult following him as he jogged to the other side of the court,
but the angle soon became perfect as he neared closer to their side of the
gymnasium.  As his steps approached, Ivana could make out more of the
hidden shape.  The structure of it, the way it flopped up and down slightly
with each stride, Ivana was eventually able to make out what she was
seeing. Oh my god, is that?  That can't be his...penis, she thought.  It
can't be, she continued as she looked closer into the viewfinder.

   To her disbelief, she could just make out the meaty surface of what must
have been a penis of an easy ten inches straining the fabric of the young
basketball player's red and white jersey shorts.  My word, no way that
could be his penis, it's far too long, and...thick, she thought.  Indeed,
the sizable member was as thick as it was long, if not more so.  The
outline of it barely fit into frame as Ivana closed on it with the grayish
button.  The sweat on his pants casted a wet quality over the full outline,
which gave it more definition, and she could just barely make out smaller
lines lining the penis that could only be veins, full veins the size of a
child's fingers.  My lord, thought Ivana.

   "What's wrong honey?" said George.

   Ivana stirred with surprise at the abruptness of George's question.

   "Wh...What?" she said flustered to the point she almost fumbled the
camera out of her hands.

   "You said my lord like you just spotted him on the court.  Is the camera
working alright?"

   Ivana hadn't realized she had spoken.  Had she really said "my lord" out

   "Oh, oh no, it's just-"

   "Here, let me see, maybe we'll just have to delete some of the earlier
footage or-"

   "No!  Ivana said, a bit louder than necessary that it made George's eyes
widened in surprise.

   "I just...forgot that I have to get a few of my notes from my office is
all.  Remember, for the meeting?"

   "Oh yeah, that's right."

   "Yeah, I'm actually going to run down there and grab them really quick.
I shouldn't be more than a minute."

   "Alright, well here I'll take the camcorder and film the rest of the

   "No!" said Ivana in an even louder tone this time, unsure now of whether
or not she had been recording the sight of the young black man running down
the court.  She didn't want to run the risk of George looking into the
viewfinder to spy recorded footage, taken by his wife, of a tall, muscular
black kid with the outline of a penis flopping around in his pants that
made his (rock hard) look like that of a toddler's by comparison.

   Ivana feigned clearing her throat, making it seem like her outburst was

   "I actually want to mess around with it a bit more, I'm starting to get
the hung-I mean- hang of how it works; I want to get a little better at

   George's face went from one of confusion, then - to Ivana's worry- a
brief contortion bordering on suspicion, before it finally settled on that
warm, boyish smile of his.

   "Ha-ha, alright then.  That sounds just like my lady, once she jumps
onto something, she doesn't get off til it's mastered" he chuckled.
"Alright, well I'll save your seat for you.  Hurry on back though, we're
only in the second quarter, but I do want to get some of the later parts of
the game on film."

   Ivana smiled,

   "Sure thing hon."

   "Oh, and Ivy", came Harold from the other side of George in a somewhat
weary voice.  Harold had taken to calling her by her short name, pronounced
"Eve-e" years ago.  "If you see that wife of mine, tell her to hurry on
back so she doesn't miss the game.  She went to get us some drinks from the
concession stand almost twenty minutes ago, and hasn't come back yet."

   Harold looked at her with a drained expression.  His eyes were strange,
a bit of strain and redness to them.  Ivana had noticed this as an
increasingly common state for Harold these days.  Harold once had a
physique that was hefty and greatly similar to George's, a thick paunch and
round features of flesh.  In the beginning it had looked like he had simply
got into the habit of steady workouts, a healthy weight loss.  Now however
it appeared more to be a product of him simply not eating.  His face held
two hollows where he once had full cheeks the like of a chipmunk, and his
once normal fitting clothes seemed to fit him baggy like that of the youths
she saw every day at school, just not nearly as stylish.  His eyes bore
dark rings around the edges that confessed a lack of sleep.  Ivana looked
over at the lower bleachers, and to his daughter Kitty.  She knew that the
girl had recently changed, taken to that Samson West and his crowd of
black derelicts that she and her little cheerleader friends had developed a
fancy for, and in turn caught an array of questionable habits in dress and

   Ditching classes, staying out late at night, dressing more and more like
street walkers than A-students.  She speculated that this drastic change in
behavior somehow correlated to Harold's drastic change in appearance and
demeanor.  And not just that, it seemed to be catching on to the other
girls as well, like a kind of virus.  The other cheerleaders, all once
young ladies of the highest caste and caliber of Coxville, had adopted the
same unladylike habits after they started hanging around those dark skinned
roughians.  Even the pretty dark haired girl, Susan, who had once been
known to everyone as having perfect attendance and straight A's in all her
courses, and always seen reading a book of some sort, had now fallen into
the crowd.  Nothing good is to be found in that, thought Ivana, looking at
the young blonde girl who was clasped tightly on the muscled form of
Samson.  The young girl was already turning for the worse, already gaining
weight in places that would be seen as unattractive if not for her
naturally athletic figure.  She struggled to keep a smile from forming on
her lips at the mention and thought of Jenny that this caused by relation.
A sniggering bit of satisfaction was found in Ivana at the tarnish to
Jenny's legacy.  Not much, as Ivana had no real qualms with Jenny's
daughter, but a slight triumph was found none the less.

   "Sure thing Harold, I'll let her know", she said from behind clenched

   Ivana turned to make her way through the aisle.

   "Oh and honey", said George.

   Ivana half turned to her husband, now frustrated from what would
undoubtedly be yet another request.

   "If you're going to pass the concession stand, think you could get me a
coke and some chili fries?"

   The mention of it made her stomach turn.  She didn't understand how her
husband could voluntarily eat that junk.

   "And THAT's the sort of thing I'll be speaking against at the meeting"
she said, a bit of bite to her tone to let George know she most certainly
did not approve of his choice in food.

   "Then I'll have to enjoy them tonight while I can", replied George,
dawning a somewhat smart assed grin that said touché.

   "Sigh...fine, diet or regular?"

   "Diet, I'm willing to compromise", said George.

   "Alright", Ivana said, and started walking through the aisle again.

   "Thanks honey, the best as always", he smiled, punctuating his remark by
giving her a slight smack on the butt, which made it giggle somewhat from
the impact.  She liked the feeling, but George's spoiled behavior soured
the sensation somewhat.

   As she made her way down the aisle, another cascade of loud cheers
erupted from the crowd.  Ivana looked back before exiting the gymnasium to
see that the Coxville basketball team had scored yet another three pointer,
the same black athlete from before bouncing on one leg in a recovery motion
from the jump shot he had just made, the long meaty outline of his cock
bouncing in unison with the motion.  Thick as an arm, she thought to
herself.  For some reason unknown to her, she lingered on this thought, and
to the sensation of George playfully smacking her behind, and how the force
rippled through her ass.  The combined thoughts of the player's huge penis,
and the smack caused Ivana to oddly shudder as she exited through the
gymnasium's double doors.


   As Ivana walked down the hallway that led from the gymnasium, she
rewound the footage on the camcorder, before hitting the delete option.
She didn't want to chance George finding what she had previously recorded,
and she figured it would be much easier to simply tell him she accidentally
deleted the earlier part of the game should the situation arise where he
actually held possession of the recorder again.  The hall was empty,
everyone was most likely gathered back in the main hall of the gym, and she
could hear each one of her steps reverberate through the barren hall with
the echoing clack of her high heels.  The force of her steps caused her
large natural breasts to bounce slightly each time her foot came into
contact with the ground.  Ivana was a very large DD, and her bountiful
mounds had always been a source of mixed appreciation and woe for the
middle aged beauty.  The size and mass of them made running long distances
a near impossible feat, and she often had lower back pains that she
suffered silently.  Her husband George loved them however, the fact that
his hands were only capable of grabbing a meager handful that covered only
a portion of her breasts was an incredible turn on for him.  Ivana often
caught the eyes of many of the local townsmen (and some women) to be cast
down at them during daily conversation.  She often had to reprimand the
younger men at school, and lecture them on how crude it was to not look a
person in the eye whilst talking to them.  The act irked her to say the
least, but a part of her, the lesser known Domina that dwelled inside of
her, found the gesture to be oddly flattering.  She liked the notion that
men and women found her attractive, desired her, and envied her, stood
jealous of her figure as something to be achieved.

   Of course this wasn't the case for everyone in town.  Not everyone held
her to be the end all form of beauty in Coxville.  On the contrary, when
the issue of good looks among the women folk in town came up, the premier
name to be referenced rated Ivana as a "close second" to Jenny Summers.
She had actually heard this time and time again in hushed whispers from
students, even faculty of the school, and by relation the rest of the
people in town.  In fact, a quite often scenario was Jenny's and her name
being uttered, compared, and contrasted in the same sentence.

   "You get a load of Nurse Swallows today?  Damn, she's soooo hot", she'd
hear young men in the hallway whisper in the hallways when they thought she
was not around or could hear them.

   "God, I'd give anything to bury my face in those tits."

   She should have been offended, part of her in fact was, but the reverse
came in the form of a smile of being charmed by the statement.  Why
shouldn't men be attracted to her?  Young men especially are bound to
express appreciation of the female form, and Ivana was, to her own credit,
a very sexually appealing woman.  The notion that she was something of a
sex icon to the young boys flattered her into a faint blush, all the way up
to when someone would counter with,

   "Yeah she's hot...but Mrs.  Summers' SHE'S AMAZING I tell

   Ivana's spirits would be lifted, only to suffer the plummet every time
she heard this.

   "Now Mrs.  Summers has a PERFECT body.  That hair, those eyes, those
curves, those tits, lord almighty, those things make you want to stand up
and beg for buttermilk", they'd say.

   "You're right about that one.  Hands down the hottest woman in

   Hearing that title, "hottest woman in Coxville", always served as the
final jab in the gut to Ivana.  She HATED the fact that so many of people
in town had such an all-encompassing title for Jenny Summers.  As if she
was the end all-be-all to sexual desire in the county.  It made all of
Ivana's efforts, the exhausting daily exercises, the assiduous dieting, the
meticulous effort put into her wardrobe and the perfect appliances of
makeup - just enough to let her natural beauty show- all of it, seem to be
for nothing.  It worked her nerves to the nub to think all time and energy
merited that of second class to someone like Jenny.  Jenny, who as far as
she saw, was only popular because of her looks.  Yes, Jenny Summers was a
stunningly gorgeous woman, she had been even back when they attended high
school together.  Back then Jenny was smaller in frame, her body slightly
more athletic and less curvaceous.  Not at all unlike the way Jenny's
daughter Kitty looked now, or rather, used to look before falling in with
those young punks.  She was the spitting image of her mother, and similarly
the subject of much admiration from many of her peers (and secretly some of
the faculty judging from rumor), a male and female.  Ivana was certainly
nothing to scoff at herself, and her peers gave her a similar sort of
appreciation.  However it was a marvel to Ivana that so many people failed
to notice how wholly imperfect she was.  The amount of praise garnered from
fans of Jenny didn't at all cover what Ivana found to be an utterly false
personality from the buxomly blonde.  She was always so damn happy, so
openly fake.  A forced kindness always seemed to beam from her statuesque
porcelain face and bright smile, enough to make Ivana's lightly tanned face
redden.  But alas, all those around her dotted on her, gave her nothing but
unyielding affection, while giving Ivana what seemed to be any leftover
accolades that remained after they were done praising Jenny for simply
knowing how to inhale and exhale oxygen properly.

   Jenny Summers, the Queen of Coxville, made Ivana Swallows sick.  So sick
that it eventually convinced Ivana that she needed to make friends with
her, approach her as a potential best friend with the aim of exposing Jenny
for the fraud Ivana knew she really was.  The entire span of their
"friendship" had been one carefully aimed shot for Ivana to finally bring
what she knew to be a farce into the light that others could see.  Ivana
would gradually wear her down, bide her time until she found a way to out
her.  Show that the wholesome southern belle facade merely masked something
low class, something crude, that didn't at all merit having such a perfect
life, with endless admiration and all the fixings and added appreciation
that Ivana worked her behind off to receive the runoff of.  Ivana was so
caught up in her mental tangent, going over the checklist of how false
Jenny Summers really was and reasons she despised her, she hadn't even
noticed she had been hovering over the desk in her office, standing blankly
over a slew of papers, her notes for the upcoming meeting for more than
five minutes.

   She sighed, coming back somewhat into the here and now, and kneeled down
to collect what pages she felt she need.  Her desk was a mess, papers
scattered everywhere.  She hated things being unorganized.  Things at work
had just been maddening as of late, and she hadn't yet had the time to
thoroughly clean the office.  As she rustled through the pile, her huge
breasts hung lower over the desk, wafting slightly as she gathered the
pieces of white paper.  After she gathered the pages she needed, she
stepped back into the main hallway of the school.  It was dark, a stark
contrast to how bright the halls seemed during school hours.  The darkened
state of the place made her somewhat ill at ease.  She didn't realize how
creepy the school looked at night.  The wide hallways intended to give
enough space for the steady traffic of students and faculty during each
school day now seemed to hold a vast emptiness, one where it seemed
anything could pop out of anywhere at any time.  Ivana walked nervously
down the hallway, the clanking of her shoes louder than she liked as they
echoed steadily.  Her steps were so loud that she actually missed the first
audible moan when it was bellowed into the air from somewhere further down
the hallway.  Ivana stopped dead in her tracks.  She stood stock still,
trying to determine whether or not she had just heard something.

   She figured it was just her mind playing tricks, making up alternative
sounds for her own movement and giving form to simple shadows strewn about
the corridor of the school, which already had her a little creeped out.
This was her initial conclusion...until she heard the noise again.  A low,
almost guttural groan from something that she couldn't determine.  Her
heart began to pound harder in her chest as she stood as stone in the
center of the empty corridor.  She thought it may have been an animal.  A
cat perhaps, who snuck in through a cracked or open window - opened with
the intent of air out the summer heat, and forgotten - in search of idle
mice, and had found instead another cat competing for the same prize?  Or
maybe it's some pervert trying to get the drop on me, Ivana thought.

   The latter idea motivated her to slowly, but not too slowly, unlace, and
step out of her high heel shoes.  She wasn't sure which direction the noise
came from, and if it was a pervert, she was going to make sure she had
something on hand to fight with, as well as create an easier means for her
to escape.  She hated the idea of running, but if she were attacked, she'd
have no choice.  Again the noise came, this time louder than the last.
Definitely a groan, but this time it sounded more effeminate, a womanly
howl more than a masculine grunt.  Ivana began walking forward again, her
feet now making only scant patting sounds as the soles of her feet planted
themselves one after another on the cold smooth hallway floor.

   That noise again, this time louder.  Definitely a woman, definitely
emitting from one of the nearby rooms in the corridor.  Added to the sound
now was a blunt and steady smacking that Ivana could just make out.  As she
approached closer the source of the disturbance, an idea crossed her mind.
If there was a pervert, or perhaps thief walking through the school, they
would most likely be caught off guard if they attacked her to find a
camcorder being shoved into their face, their image caught on camera for
the authorities to possibly identify him.  Should that instance arise,
Ivana figured that would be enough to throw the prowler off kilter enough
to allow her to get the first blow, perhaps even frighten him into running
away.  She flipped the viewfinder open, and hit the red button that marked
"record".  Try this curve ball you derelict bastard, she thought to
herself. The noise once coming from one of the classrooms allocated to the
science department.  It was one of the larger rooms that stayed open later
than the others, for students wanting to do extra credit for chemistry.
Bizarre however, as Ivana thought that even though the room was open for
longer hours, it was surely locked at night after the janitors got done

   All the same, there was most definitely someone inside there, and by the
sound of it he was breaking into something.  The distinct sound of a hand
or fist crashing into...something.  It sounded like a pair of heavy hands
coming together in applause in the middle of a steady stream of water.
Whatever it was it sounded too soft to be a lock or safe of some sort.
Besides there wasn't really anything of value in the room to steal anyway,
was there?  Ivana pondered this as she took another few quiet steps towards
the door.  The groans took on the form of two people, not one as she
originally thought.  It sounded like a man and a woman, though by the
intensity, the nonsensical grunts and groans coming from both, one could
hardly define either as sounding human.  The smashing sounds grew louder,
and as Ivana placed her ear against the door she pick out an increasing wet
quality to the noise.  She pieced together that the sound of the smashing
was what gave rise to the grunting.  The harder the slam, the louder the
subsequent grunts would be.  Someone's...having sex in the science room!
Ivana realized.  How wholly crude!  She figured it had to be a couple of
young students, capitalizing off the crowd gathered in the gymnasium for
the game, and likely the lax duties of the janitors leaving the door
unlocked to watch the game.  Probably a couple of the (black) students who
didn't have the good sense to take their bedroom escapades to the bedroom.
Young hormones at work, with a mix of no scruples or tact.  Well, someone
is about to get busted, thought Ivana.  If an anonymous and concerned
citizen were to film these two derelicts in the act, and recommend to
Principle Long that they should be suspended, even expelled for indecent
behavior that would get the message across that such horrid acts were not
to be tolerated in Coxville High, let alone the Coxville community.  Long
was under the gun enough as is with the problem of student attendance and
grade performance, and Ivana knew he certainly wouldn't let something like
lewd conduct compound upon the pile, not if it meant his neck was exposed
to the potential danger.

   Ivana snickered at the thought of besting a pair of unruly youths, but
also there was a bit of excitement that grew in her.  A thrill that her
increasing heartbeat attested to as it thumped harder and harder in her
chest.  The sounds that these two were making, they were
couldn't quite place a word to it.

   "Gawd damn dis pussy is fuckin good", came the very deep baritone voice
of a man from inside the room.

   Oh yeah, they're black alright, Ivana concluded in her mind after
gauging the twang in the voice.  No scruples and even worse grammar, she
thought.  She readied the camera, holding the viewfinder up to her face,
her other hand quietly, slowly twisting the silver door handle, and ever so
gently pushing it open.  When the door swayed inward to reveal the scene,
the slow unveiling of two sweaty masses of flesh and muscle, she forced
herself to hold back a gasp.  HE was black alright, but the female with
him, most certainly was not.  What Ivana saw was almost surreal to her.
She was by no means inexperienced or uneducated in the subject of sex, but
what she beheld seemed to be far much more than simple intercourse.  The
man, a big, burly brown skinned individual with a monstrous frame - a giant
by all accounts as far Ivana was concerned - was standing with his back
more cocked at a side angle to Ivana, facing her enough that she could make
out the curvature of his solid chest and strong facial features, with his
head facing downward that he didn't notice her or the faint blue light of
the camera from the slightly opened door.  Even in the near dark, Ivana
could make out his smooth dark skin that glistened with sweat, droplets
rolling down his chiseled back, highly sculpted lower torso, his Adonis
like ass and titanic thighs and legs strewn with hard muscle.  His dark
blue workmen's pants pooled around his ankles, just at his white socks and
brown work boots.  He was pumping vigorously, relentlessly into the woman,
a very curvy and fit white body, which was just as sweaty as he was,
glistening in the moonlight that poured in through the window.

   She was bent over onto the nearest adjoined tables nearest to the
smallish sink and gas setup.  The audible smashing Ivana had previously
heard was the sound of the man's thick body, his hips smashing with an
incredible force into the soft, round ass cheeks of the bellowing, writhing
female.  The desk was angled in such a way that Ivana could clearly see the
deep brown pair of humungous testicles that swayed back and forth, swinging
underneath and slapping loud near her pubic area of the woman.

   "Oh shit!" cursed the woman in a mesh of surprise and unbridled
pleasure. "You're burying that big black cock so DEEP!" she groaned.

   The white figure reached a hand up and clasped it onto a faucet head
that was nearby, clutching it tightly and exposing a gold wedding band as
she continued getting pounded from behind by the huge black man.  Ivana's
breath grew shallow before she unconsciously held it completely, her heart
hammered in her chest.  Her hand holding the camcorder shook with the
combined fear and adrenaline rush of what she was witnessing.  Her reaction
was bizarrely split, divided in two in her take on what she was seeing.
The prim and proper woman in her screamed out at the woman in protest,
while her inner voyeur quietly stared on in frothing glee at the spectacle.
Despite both forces holding equal ground in her head, the voyeur won the
final decision, and Ivana quietly continued to film.  She took up her other
hand to steady the camcorder and calm her other shaking hand, fighting the
urge to slide her hand...someplace else.  Drawn to the sight, she watched
as the screen automatically brightened to compensate for the eclipsing

   The camcorder illuminated the room through its lens, and Ivana got a
better look at the particulars of both characters as they continued their
animalistic tryst.  She could better see the rippling muscle that composed
the entire span of his large body.  He was dark, chocolate dark with the
added darkness of the room.  His face showcased powerful features, a wide
nose, large dark eyes, full lips, and a chiseled jaw line that clenched
tightly as he labored behind the woman.  Ivana zoomed in on the man's face,
close enough that she could see the beads of sweat pouring from his shiny
bald head.  He's so...dark she thought.  He wasn't familiar to her, not in
the slightest.  His workmen's pants and short-sleeve button down shirt that
lay flat on the floor looked very similar to the uniform the two other
janitors at the school wore, the tall and slim dark skinned black man, and
the fatter, lighter skinned one whose names she never cared or bothered
learning, much less to remember.  This one, who seemed to be an even height
and build between the two, might have been new.

   "Ugh, you like dat big ol nigga dick stretchin out yo pussy huh, dirty
white bitch!"

   "Agh, yes, fuck yeah, I love that big nigger cock.  Ah!"

   The dialogue between them caused Ivana to pan back out with the camera.
She made the focus go further down in examination the source of the loud
slamming noises.  If Ivana hadn't gasped before, she most certainly did
when her green eyes fell on the image conveyed by the lens, as it focused
on what was to be seen below the black man's waist.  Ivana's eyes widened
with shock and awe.  A full, rock hard penis of incredible length, the
biggest she had ever seen.  A solid 12 inches, and of significant girth she
saw, in crystal clarity made by the camera.  The color of deep ebony, it
resembled a large night stick or billy-club, but dare Ivana thought, fuller
- more robust - with thick dark veins running up and down the meaty shaft.
It was pulling back from inside the woman's exposed, gapping pink pussy.
The lens blurred for a moment, readjusting from the angle change, and
showed a high definition close up of the huge dark member just before it
buried itself all the way back inside the panting woman's pussy.

   "Oh my god", whispered Ivana, a shake in her voice from watching the
black stud go deep, what must have been belly deep, into a quivering and
incredibly wet white gash.  The woman's pussy dripped clear liquids down
her pale toned thighs.  The slick liquids bathed the black stud's cock, and
it was clearly visible each time he pulled back to his of his fat cock
head. Ivana shivered.  Never in her life had she seem a woman get so
thoroughly dominated, punished sexually, and with such force than what she
was observing.  She'd have felt sorry for the poor woman and her brutalized
pussy...if it weren't for the moans this girl was emitting.

   "Ugh fuck!  You're gonna make me cum on that huge motherfucker!" the
woman said, her grip on the faucet getting tighter.

   Her moaning became quickened when the black stud sped up his pace, his
hips pumping with an even louder set of slams rewards his efforts.  The
woman's screams grew maddening as her climax approached.  When it finally
hit, Ivana moved the camera ever so slightly to the right, and panned out
to get a shot of the woman's straight legs shake as her pussy dripped a
larger quantity of clear white liquids from her sweet pink gap.  A tuft of
long blonde hair whipped up and back in ecstasy from the onslaught.  Ivana
pulled the image back a bit more and the hair wafted backwards, exposing
the enraptured face of...Jenny Summers!?

   "Oh my god!" Ivana said at the same time Jenny did, though Jenny's was a
more invigorated one of passion more than shock.

   "Ugh, yeah, I'm bout to nut too baby." Growled the black man as his pace

   Jenny turned her face around to look at the black stud.  She took her
free hand, the one not clutching the faucet head for dear life, and placed
it on the rock solid abs of the toiling Negro.  In a gesture of power he
grabbed her arm, pulling it back and forcing her to lift up slightly from
the table.  Jenny's large breasts flopped up slightly with the motion.

   "Oh yes!  That's it baby, pound that pussy.  Give me that hot white
nigger load!"

   The stud obliged, and gutted her pussy hard until every muscle in his
body tensed.

   "AAAGH FUUUCK!" he roared, pumping a few more finalizing thrusts before
a thick white spray spilled inside Jenny's filled up pussy.

   It pooled from inside in thick wet globs, spilling onto the classroom
floor.  As his orgasm continued, Jenny pushed up from the table and turned
towards the man, his huge cock flopping out of her pussy, and she quickly
kneeled down, grabbing the cock firmly in one hand, grabbing a handful of
the man's testicles in the other, and swallowing the humungous head,
sucking at the rich, creamy white bounty that came from it.  Like a child
to its bottle, she sucked and sucked on the throbbing head, opening her
mouth wide to take a mouthful of pearly white cum.

   "GARRGH!" He shouted in a toothy snarl, before his body finally relaxed,
and his face calmed.

   A long moment went by, the air quiet except for the man's slow
breathing, and Jenny's steady mmmmh sounds as she gulped the cum down and
licked what remnants remained from the now softening head.  The veins of
the cock pulsed a little before they finally calmed to a minimum, or, as
much of a minimum as a thirteen inch penis could.

   "Ma cousin Jerome was right.  You one bad bitch Mrs.  Summers.  Shit, I
ain't neva seen a white bitch take all ma meat like dat beefo", the man
said in more of an exhale.

   " me Jenny", she said in between swallows and licks.  "What
was your name again?" she asked.

   Ivana couldn't believe her ears any more than her eyes.  Had Jenny, a
married woman, this complete slut, just fucked a man, a BLACK man no less,
without even knowing his name?

   "Tyrone..." he said, looking down at her as she lapped at the cum that
had dripped onto her large breasts, her long blonde hair shifting a little
from the bobbing head motions.

   "Well...welcome to Coxville High Tyrone", said Jenny.  "You be sure to
tell your cousin Jerome I said thank you for giving me the chance to show
you around campus.  I mean, you're only filling in for him tonight and all,
but I know how big the place is.  You can easily get lost around here."

   "Yes ma'am" chuckled the black man.

   Ivana saw this as her queue to leave.  Quietly and quickly, she turned
and scampered away from the door.  Now that the pair wasn't occupied with
one another, they were bound to hear her, or see the blue glow of the
camera.  Ivana made her way silently back outside the school building, and
leaving the exhausted pair behind.


   Outside it was still barren, empty and cold.  Ivana found herself almost
ghost walking back to the gymnasium, back to her husband George, somewhat
in shock from what she saw.  Jenny Summers, the Queen of Coxville, caught
on tape being fucked senseless, thoroughly broken into by one of the
biggest, blackest men she had ever seen.  Biggest in every conceivable way
and sense of the word.  The image of the man's huge penis still burned in
her mind.  It was so potent she had to stop, move off to the side of the
walkway, and rewind the footage.  She had to get another look at it, of
him. Clear images of his muscles, cock, balls, Jenny's tight robust and
curvy body bent over, her pussy getting pounded.  The moans, curses, sweat
and loud smashing sounds all of it was captured on the camcorder.  Jenny
Summers, little miss perfect by everyone's standards, reduced to a panting,
sweaty, slattern.  If everyone found out about this side of Jenny, this
dirty wanton persona that had been unveiled this night, they'd...The idea
formed in Ivana's brain before she even knew it.  This is it, thought.
That's it, I've got it.  She held the key to her greatest rival's demise
right in her hands.  This was the bit of proof she needed.  The greatest
weapon to her competition's fall literally rested in Ivana's hands.  Ivana
rewound the footage, shut the camcorder off, and walked back to the
gymnasium with a wide, genuine smile on her face.  There was an extra
bounce to her step as she walked back into the gym and up the flight to her

   "Where are the chili fries?" asked George with childlike pout on his

   Oh darn, I forgot all about George's disgusting chili fries, she

   "I'm sorry hun, they were fresh out at the concessions stand", she lied.
"They'll probably have another batch ready by half time.

   "Oh...alright then", said George, the same pout etched across his face.

   God, he was such a baby when he couldn't have things his way, Ivana
thought.  Harold leaned forward and looked at Ivana.

   "How was Jenny?" He asked.

   "Wh-what?" stammered Ivana.

   "How was Jenny doing at the concession stand?  You saw her there right?"

   "Oh...I...I didn't see her."

   A strange look crossed Harold's face, a question mark almost forming
atop his head that was soon replaced with an expression of worry.  If only
Harold knew how much of a dirty whore his perfect little wife was, Ivana
thought to herself.  Knew how filthy and perverted she really was, doing
that huge sweaty black man...that huge, sweaty, incredibly built black
man...that huge, sweaty, incredibly built black man, and that giant black
penis of his.  Ivana lost herself in the thought of it again.  Her green
eyes glazed over, falling into space at the memory of that huge mass of
ebony flesh ramming itself into Jenny's pink pussy, again and
again...unmercifully.  It was then that for a brief moment Ivana had a very
strange thought.  In her mind's eye she pictured the black man in his
entire adonic splendor.  She imagined his huge member, ramming itself
relentlessly, unmercifully into a pink open slit, doing the exact same act
with all its intensity.  Though only instead of the pink open slit
belonging to that whore Jenny, in her place, the one being thrashed
relentlessly...was Ivana.

   With that a long, toe curling jolt of electricity went from Ivana's
head, and sunk down all the way down her back, and flooding in between her
legs.  The feeling would have made her black lace panties wet with her own
juices...if they hadn't already been soaked with leavings of Ivana's prior
excitement that came while recording Jenny's scandalous behavior.  The plan
had formed in Ivana's mind seemingly with an instant.  The entire plan
laying itself out in a single detailed image in her mind.  She would
finally expose Jenny for the dirty slut Ivana always knew she was, that was
a promise.  If Ivana had moved, felt herself, the fabric of her black
skirt, she undoubtedly would have noticed how drenched her panties were,
right when the buzzer signaling half time went off in a loud blare,
echoing, and cutting through the cheers within the Coxville High gymnasium,
the scoreboard reading 24 to 8.



   The sun was just setting over Coxville County.  The bird chirps that
assailed the orange sky were slowly fading out, and being replaced with the
faint baying of dogs as they barked in far off distances.  The sprinklers
in the Summer's house had just shut off, leaving wet dew on the lawn of an
almost emerald hue when seen at particular angles, and cast reflections of
the sun onto the idle beads sitting atop the thousands of blades of grass.
The house was large and lavish, though something that one who lived in the
community would consider typical, down to the white picket fence and
centered welcome mat written in cursive.  Inside Jenny Summers set a tray
of ice down on the living room table that sat in front of the large white
couch, which was on the opposite side of the large flat screen television
that was mounted on the wall, just above the collection of old football and
new golf trophies that sat arranged in order of year in a brown oak mantle
case.  Stationed just below the television and in between the mantle case,
was a DVD player that had been affixed to the wall for easy use.  To the
immediate left of the couch sat Harold's favorite reclining chair, a
luxurious brown piece that had fallen into the "do not touch" category the
very day he had bought it.  On the opposite end of the chair, to the right
of the couch, was a smaller couch used to sit guests, positioning them in a
semi circle around the glass table.

   "Ivy" called Jenny, "you almost finished with that lemonade?  The girl's
will be here any minute".  The gorgeous blonde set the ice tray down on the
glass table.

   "I know when the girls are supposed to be here Jenny, I can keep track
of time you know.  And yes, I'm almost finished", the equally beautiful
brunette Ivana snapped back.

   Jenny walked over to the couch, fluffing out a couple of the seating
pillows and aligning them.  Ivana Swallows meanwhile was in the kitchen,
putting the final stirs on a pitcher of lemonade with a large brown spoon.

   "Oh Ivy, you have the movie right?  I thought I'd placed it on the couch
awhile ago, but now its not here" said Jenny.

   A slight smirk crossed Ivana's face upon hearing this.

   "Oh?  No I haven't.  You sure you didn't put it someplace else?"

   "No, I could have sworn I'd brought it here earlier", Jenny replied.

   Ivana finished stirring the lemonade, and grabbed the pitcher by its
handle.  She walked into the living room, each step with an audible clunk
from her high heels, a less than convincing perplexed look on her face as
though to express confusion as she looked over to the couch, and at the
empty space where the now disappeared DVD was.

   "Well it isn't there now", said Ivana in response.

   Jenny had a hand buried in the side of the couch, combing it from side
to side to see if the DVD she'd been looking for had somehow fallen in
between the spaces.  After a few moments of less that successful searching,
she came up empty handed and frustrated, and placed her hands on her hips.

   "Darn'it, I know I had it here somewhere", said Jenny.

   "Hmmm" began Ivana in the appearance of thought.  "Why don't you retrace
your steps?  I mean it didn't just get up and walk away after all."

   Jenny hesitated for a moment and then nodded her head.

   "Yeah, you're right.  Let me go double check the bedroom, maybe I left
it there."

   Jenny Summers wore a white, tight fitting blouse that was tucked into an
even tighter fitting black skirt that ended just at mid thigh, showing off
her taught legs and wide hips.  As she turned from the couch and headed
towards the main hallway and to her bedroom, Ivana caught a full side
profile glimpse of Jenny's body as she left the living room...and a part of
her twitched at the sight.  Over the last weeks Ivana had begun to notice
that her long time rival Jenny had put on a couple pounds.  Nothing drastic
and hardly noticeable, but for Ivana noticeable all the same.  Certain
parts of her were a bit softer and puffier than usual.  Her face didn't
showcase her immaculate high cheekbones nearly as much as it used to - her
chin developing the scantest bit of pudginess near the jowl area.  Her
waist and thighs weren't as slim, not as tight as they used to be, which
must have attributed to how tight fitting her blouse and skirt now were.
However, Ivana's disgust did not spawn from repulsion towards Jenny's
softer, less toned appearance.  She was angry because, somehow, these new
"imperfections", if they could called as such, had made Jenny look...dare
Ivana thought...better.  The extra facial and body weight that was now on
Jenny, somehow made her appear...younger, more youthful and giving her face
a more girlish appearance.  One who had somehow ceased aging in the face at
the cusp of womanhood, while body still bloomed magnificently into a near
perfect figure.  Her jowl area, now a bit more full, extenuated more of her
natural beauty, capturing the curves of her full lips, and the contours of
her chin, nose, and giving her bright blue eyes more of a foreground to be
taken notice of when looking at her.

   And more still was the fact that the added bit of weight to her body had
- in what seemed to be in total contradiction to Ivana- made her appear
more physically healthy and voluptuous than before.  An hourglass would not
have served as a decent description of her shape.  Her breasts, still
large, still round (if not moreso now), had maintained their natural shape
an appearance of softness.  They still curved upward near the nipple, and
they still held a natural bounce as Jenny walked down the hall.  They were
held tightly in place by the fabric of the blouse, while her waist and
stomach didn't bulge as one would expect with weight gained, but merely
distributed the weight in equal measure throughout her entire body.  Her
mid section had gotten a bit wider, but so did her hips, ass, thighs, and
legs in accommodation.  Jenny had just gotten bigger overall, with the
muscle she had from before holding the extra meat firmly in place.  The
weight gain had taken the shape of mass more than bulk, making Jenny
resemble more of a super-heroine rather than a swelling whore, some sort of
finely aged goddess from Norse mythology rather than a low class fraud who
hadn't been watching her diet as of late.  And what perhaps disturbed Ivana
the most, was that glow Jenny now seemed exude.  Over the last few weeks
Ivana had started to take note of a kind of...radiance emitting from Jenny.

   She always appeared to have a slight sheen to her skin.  A natural glow
that gave her pallor a healthy looking tint of pink, that in turn
emphasized Jenny's long golden hair.  When she smiled, showcased her set of
pearly white teeth, her entire visage beamed.  It was the kind of glow
Ivana noticed a woman would have after a long hot bath or stint at the spa,
or...Ivana thought to herself, the glow you get after having really good
sex, she finished, biting off the thought as quickly as it came.  Ivana did
not know this sort of glow herself really, at the very least not as well as
Jenny had proven to, but her and her girlfriends in the past had always
noticed, somehow consciously been able to read the physical signs of their
peers after one of them had had a particularly enjoyable romp with one of
the male (and in some rare cases female) students.

   It pissed Ivana off to no end.  The slut went around doing god knows
what with other men at that, and somehow managed to look
healthier, better for it?  The mere notion made Ivana's stomach turn.  She
toiled night and day to maintain her physique.  She scrutinized and
calculated every single morsel and calorie of food she put into her body,
while of course all Jenny Summers had to do was sleep around and swallow
black spunk to look just as good (and then some).  And for it, everyone in
Coxville loved her, little miss perfect Jenny Summers.

   Ivana's fists clenched for a moment.  Clenched, and then released.  She
let the anger slip, pass from her in a single exhalation of inner heat.
It's alright, she thought to herself.  Everything is fine.  Jenny won't
look at all like the rosy little princess that everyone sees her as after
tonight, that's for damn sure.

   After a few moments Ivana poked her head into the hallway, making sure
Jenny was out of sight before she made her move.  Quickly as her step in
heels would permit, she strode down the hallway, her enormous tanned
breasts bouncing slightly with her pace, and over to the coat rack that
stood next the front door.  She went through the pockets of her brown
jacket, one she had brought there earlier that day and had hung on the
rack. From one of the deeper inner pockets, she retrieved a slim black
jewel disc case, with a silver DVD inside titled "Coxville Book Club Film".
From another pocket in her coat, Ivana withdrew another jewel case with a
DVD inside, and it too read "Coxville Book Club Film".  The two discs were
identical, except for one minor difference.  On the second DVD there was a
small period made at the end of the title, a dark subtle mark that only
Ivana would recognize between the two discs.

   Ivana's plan was simple, though she had gone through each step in her
head meticulously, over and over again that entire week.  Ivana's
objective, the destruction of her best friend and greatest rival Jenny
Summers, was about to commence.  After years of bringing up the rear
socially, Ivana now had all the pieces assembled to turn the tables of her
seemingly inescapable station as Coxville's second best woman, the primary
piece to the plot having been given to her by Jenny's own hand.  The plan
had taken shape from the events of what had happened the previous week
during a Coxville High basketball game.  In short, Jenny, a married mother,
had been caught - discovered in the most crass and crude of methods - with
a very large, very black man in one of the school rooms on campus.  Ivana -
who had stumbled upon the act - had filmed the disgusting display with the
new camcorder her husband George had bought not long before.  The panting
and puffing, grunts, groans, and cussing, loud slams of flesh on flesh, and
base animalistic behavior, had all been captured on high definition film,
immortalizing Jenny's true whorish self.  After the deed was done, both
parties spent, Ivana had taken the footage home, and through a bit of
searching on the internet for instruction, and a quick trip to the local
electronic store, had succeeded in making a DVD copy of the act.  Jenny,
the Queen of Coxville as many called her, would be exposed for the lowly
fraud that Ivana had always known she was.  And the forum for this
unveiling would be held at none other than the whore's own house, in front
of her best friends, who just so happened to be the loudest band of gossips
in the county.

   The girls in the Coxville Book Club had been gathering on a monthly basis
for almost a year now.  It had begun with idle chit chat one day between
Ivana, and Mrs.  Bianca Blackwood in the faculty lounge at Coxville High
where they worked.  Bianca, being a teacher and also adept with keeping in
shape, and Ivana being the head school nurse, would often engage in idle
tete a tete on topics pertaining to diet, their workout regimens, the state
of nutrition (or lack thereof) in the school, and other topics of interest
that they both shared.  One day the two women were discussing their
thoughts on a contemporary fiction novel - a modern romance that they had
both found particularly intriguing.  Eventually during the conversation,
Jenny Summers - much to Ivana's dismay - had been brought into the
conversation by Bianca, after discovering Jenny had also read the novel.
Bianca asked for her thoughts on the ending, one which Jenny found the
happy ending of the story to be an unrealistic, on account that the blue
eyed and fair haired male protagonist did not seem to be nearly as
masculine, or as physically equipped to satisfy the needs of his tall, dark
haired female counterpart.

   "He just didn't seem...well...manly enough for her.  I mean all that
crying he did near the end during that rain storm, and the way they
described him physically just made him seem so...pale and skinny, built
like more of little boy than a man.  Not nearly enough for a tall fit girl
like her", said Jenny with matter of fact fervor.

   This in turn struck up a small debate between Jenny and Ivana on their
separate takes on some of the finer points of dialogue and plot found in
the story.  They went on for the entire span of their lunch break about the
characters, their interpretations of the imagery and their metaphors, as
well as what they felt was an incredibly erotic use of superlative language
in certain prose.  By the time they had finished, they were so enamored
with the discussion they had decided to reconvene at a later time so that
they may continue it.  A discrepancy in scheduling made it difficult for
the three women to find time for them to all meet up in the lounge at the
same time.  Jenny was swamped, what with her taxing instructional duties as
cheerleading coach, and Ivana and Bianca had their own affairs to attend
to. After a minute or two of comparing conflicting schedules, the trio
decided that they would meet the following month, but not at the school, but at
Jenny's house, at a time when all three women would have a few spare hours
to their name.  Smilingly, the girls (Ivana included out of fear of seeming
like a killjoy) had agreed.

   The following week Ivana and Bianca arrived to Jenny's house.
Unexpectedly in tow was Sammy Spitzmen - the young redheaded girl who lived
next door to Ivana, who had been informed of the meeting just after a
rigorous workout with Ivana at the local gym they both frequented - and
Anya White - the tall dark haired wife of Bianca's neighbor Tom White.
Sammy - having hours of free time to spare that evening, and still bursting
with energy even after having finished the majority of her chores at her
suburban home as a newly married housewife - decided to tag along with
Ivana, despite her admittedly limited knowledge of the book that was to be
the evening's main course of discussion.  Anya, a tall and curvaceous woman
of remarkable beauty not commonly found in Coxville, had decided to
accompany Bianca after speaking to her on the phone, on the grounds she
merely wished to be out of her house for a few of hours.  Being born not a
member of the Coxville community, but a foreigner from a small,
unpronounceable town somewhere in Romania, she saw the meeting as an
opportunity to befriend a few of the local townswomen, and establish a
cluster of people of whom she could perhaps call her friends.  Having also
read most of the book herself, a practice of her own making to develop her
still budding skills with the English language, Anya had decided the
meeting would be a refreshing event to take part in.

   Despite several spills of lemonade and blunders with kitchenware onto
the floor from the clumsy Sammy, - who was all left feet unless exercising
- and the difficult language barrier found in communicating ideas to the
thick accented Anya, the gathering couldn't have been any more joyous.  The
girls exchanged thoughts, ideas, and voiced discrepancies with one another.
They filled Sammy in on the details of the novel that she didn't quite
understand, and Jenny and Ivana had engaged in a particularly lively
debate, once again over the plot's ending, that only ceased after Bianca
intervened.  Before they knew it, the moon had risen and Jenny's husband
Harold had returned home, weary after a long day at the office.  With his
arrival, the girls decided that they'd conclude their gathering, but pick
up the discussion the following month, same time, same place.  And thus the
Coxville Book Club was born.

   As the women talked more and more during the club meeting's interim,
they passed on knowledge of other novels that they thought one another
would be interested in.  This pattern of passing information became
routine, and before the ladies knew it, they were reading almost a book a
week.  Jenny in the comfort of her bed at night next to her snoring
husband, Ivana during the waning quiet hours in her office at the school,
Bianca in her classroom whilst taking a break from the arduous, often
irksome task of grading less than stellar papers and essays, Anya after a
taxing yoga session or an argument with Tom, and Sammy while cycling or
during a less intense portion of her daily workout routine.  Over the
course of that year they had discussed dozens of books, and held over
dozens of conversations.  Things had progressed in much the same pattern
that entire year, all the way up until now, with Ivana swapping the second
disc into the case of the other, and vice versa, and placing the switched
DVD not into her own coat pocket, but into Jenny's, which had been hung
right next to Ivana's.

   Things, for a time, were good for the girls.  Good, yet not without
their own stint of tribulation.  The few more recent months had been
something of a low point for the club.  Interesting though the discourse
amongst invariably girls was, though the novels they read kept them fairly
entertained in the duller hours of their everyday lives, the ladies
couldn't help but feel the faint approach of boredom creep closer and
closer upon them with each gathering.  No amount of intriguing literature
could banish the strain of routine after all, as all the women soon began
to realize, though kept quiet amongst themselves for fear of sounding like
a nag.  Meeting again, month after month and sometimes biweekly, had turned into a habit.  With that
habit came the feeling of mundaity, and with the feeling of the mundane
came a hesitance to attend.  Conversation grew stale, subject matter and
context began to lose meaning and worth, and the girls soon found
themselves in an increasing number of prolonged silences.  To bolster their
spirits with a change of scenery, the girls decided to rotate the hosting
houses from month to month.  One month would be held at another girl's house,
from Ivana to Sammy, Sammy to Bianca, Bianca to Anya, and Anya back to
Jenny.  They changed the genre of books they read from contemporary romance
to fantasy, thriller, some horror, and even a spot of science fiction by
Sammy's suggestion.  This served to create more discrepancies amongst the
group than it did strengthening bonds.  The subject matter was just too
broad, left people either torn, dissatisfied, or wholly confused.  Soon
they decided to jump more into tales of classic origin, and to give the
club a bit of a jolt to their sessions, they decided to add film to format
in order to spice things up visually.

   The plan this week for the book club was to watch a film version of the
most recent novel they had been reading, a period piece about a single
mother raising her children, and finding a new romance in a wounded soldier
guilty of desertion in the south during the Civil War.  After watching the
film, they would discuss their thoughts, and compare its contents to the
novel.  It was a sure fire method to get the girls talking again, to get
them interested again.  Ivana however, had a different film in mind for the
evening.  One that would most certainly get the girls talking.  In the
event Jenny decided to place the blame on her for switching the DVDs -
transfer the outright guilt of unveiling the craven carnal appetites
harbored by the blonde to Ivana's questionable tactics of deception - the
evidence being found in her own pocket would ruin any remaining credibility
that was to be salvaged.  Their peers, after seeing what was on the planted
DVD, would most likely be too shocked, too appalled by the footage, to give
any credence to Jenny's claims.

   It would be considered a product of Jenny's own lack of caution in
labeling such a lewd video of her being engaged in such abominable acts, an
attempt to dupe Jenny's husband Harold should he come across the DVD and
wonder of its content.  Surely he'd find nothing suspicious in Coxville
Book Club Film being written on such an unassuming disc.  And by the time
the footage was shown, its contents showcased, and the accompanying fallout
from its unveiling exploded, would the particulars of how the DVD came to
be, or how it came to replace the original film really matter?  The
identity of the mysterious third party who recorded their tryst wouldn't
take precedence over the film's footage, nor would Jenny's lax skills in
hiding her depraved trophy of the act count for much in the court of her
peers.  Possession is 9/10s of the law, and the evidence being 100% true in
regards to the female participant's identity would be two strikes out of
three for the blonde haired harlot.  In switching the DVDs, Ivana was
setting a fire that would finally burn her long time rival to her very
foundation, ashes to ashes.  Her peers, her best friends, after seeing how
disgusting Jenny really was, would turn their backs on the blonde in sheer
revulsion.  Word would surely spread through the teacher's lounge in low
grumbles, through the gym, through phone calls and so forth, about why the
girls had suddenly decided to erase Jenny from their list of friends.  What
with the town being so small, and the lips of the other girls being so
loose when it came to gossip, ripples were sure to follow.  Jenny's
reputation would be annihilated, the facts and proof laid out for all to
see, and after the subsequent divorce from an outraged and heartbroken
Harold, Jenny would remain as a scarlet shaded slattern, the blonde pariah
of Coxville.  The social leper, who's true, tarnished colors shone for
everyone to see.  It would be glorious, and it made the smirk on Ivana's
face twist into a smile resembling that of a busty Cheshire cat.

   It sent ripples of pleasure throughout her body, a twinge of excitement
for the execution to begin.  It wasn't evil, wasn't petty or cruel if it
was for the reputation of the town, Ivana had told herself numerous times
since making the duplicate DVD.  What she was doing was a service to her
town, exposing indecency for what it truly was.  And what was on that DVD,
the raw, sweaty, loud, forceful display Ivana had seen, was indecency at
it's most potent.  So potent that numerous times Ivana had secretly wanted
to watch the footage again to grasp what it was on camera that in person
left her so awe struck.  Despite her innate nodding to put the DVD in, to
push play outright to see it, Jenny and that big hulk of a man, him pushing
his enormous...thing into her with the subtlety of a mating bull...his
huge...Ivana shook herself out of the trance.  Disgusting, she thought to

   Ivana could hear Jenny riffling through things in her room.  It made her
jump, thinking that perhaps Jenny was returning to the living room.
Hastening her pace, she walked back over to the couch, and lifted one of
the pillows that had been sitting there.  She placed the second DVD, the
one with the period, onto the couch, just between the seats to avoid any
lingering suspicion of it randomly disappearing and reappearing again out
of thin air.  Jenny would equate the finding of the item to her simply
overlooking the lesser explored crevasse of the couch.  By the time the
footage was played, it would be far too late for Jenny to deny or protest.
Just as she settled the DVD in its place, and put the pillow back on top of
it, Ivana heard the sharp ding-dong of the doorbell.

   "That's them!" shouted Jenny from the other room.

   "Alright, I'm finishing up this lemonade Jen, let them on in and we'll
find it afterwards", replied Ivana.  She scampered away from the couch and
back into the kitchen just as Jenny strode through the hallway and towards
the front door.

   Jenny tugged and pulled at her clothes a bit, adjusted the pin that held
up her hair, and she opened the door to a high pitched hail of voices.

   "Hey girl!" squealed Sammy.

   "Helloo!" said Bianca.

   "Yenny!" said Anya in her thick eastern European accent.

   "Hey girls!" said Jenny with a bright smile.  "Come on in."

   She hugged each girl as they walked in, each woman holding matching
copies of a book as they passed the threshold.  As the four of them walked
through the foyer the living room, Ivana had just been making her way out
of the kitchen with the cold pitcher of lemonade, seemingly for the first
time in several minutes.

   "Hey ya'll" said Ivana.

   She set the pitcher down lightly on the glass table, and made her way
around the room, giving hugs to the other girls.  Some idle talk,
compliments on one another's outfit and their origin were passed around.
The girls laughed, making small talk about the goings on of their day, the
strenuous nature of their workout at the gym, their frustrations with
certain students at school, and the lack of appreciation from their husband
and/or respect from their stepsons.  When the girls finally got settled,
Jenny stated that there was a slight problem in finding the film of the
evening, bringing up the disappearance of the DVD they were supposed to
watch that night.

   "You mean this one?" said Sammy almost immediately in her typical
girlish tone.

   She sat up slightly in her seat on the couch, lifting herself up from
one of the pillows she had been sitting against, and felt something hard
and somewhat pointy against the cushioning.  Low and behold, Sammy had
found the missing DVD, holding up the black jewel case and disc inscribed
with the words "Coxville Book Club Film." in bold dark marker.

   "Oh, that's it!" said Jenny in surprise.  "I swear I near tore that
couch apart looking for it."

   "Well, obviously you didn't look well enough hun", said Ivana a more
smug expression than perhaps merited, a smirk painted her face and
reflected in her green eyes perhaps more than she intended to convey.

   "Well...I suppose so.  Oh well, we found it so that's all that matters."
Said Jenny briskly.  "Ya'll girls ready to get started?"

   That's weird, I could have sworn I checked under each pillow, Jenny
thought to herself.

   "Oh absolutely, I've been waiting for this all week", said Bianca.
Sigh...I hope this doesn't go on for too long tonight, I've still got a
mountain of papers to grade thought Bianca.

   "Yep, let's get this show on the road!" said Sammy enthusiastically,
somewhat bouncing in her seat like a teenage girl.  Did I forget to turn
the porch light before I left?  I could have sworn I did?  What time did
Steve say he was coming home tonight?  Early I think.  I hope he's not too
exhausted tonight, rambled Sammy in a no specific pattern in her mind.

   "Ya, I can't vait", said Anya.  I'm yust glad to be avay from Tum and
zat leetle preek Tood she thought to herself.

   Jenny took the DVD, and walked over to the television mounted on the far
wall.  Using the remote she turned on the flat screen TV, and with the same
remote activated the DVD player.  The screen illuminated in a brilliant
high definition shade of bright blue.  The girls gathered in their seats,
Anya, Sammy, and Bianca sitting on the middle couch, while Ivana stood just
in front of Harold's reclining chair, too excited, too enthralled with the
promise of the oncoming storm.

   "Everyone keeps telling me the movie was better than the book", said
Jenny with her back to the girls.

   "Yes, it's gotten very favorable reviews thus far.  I'm actually really
excited to see it for myself", said Bianca.

   "How'd you manage to get a copy of it so early Jen", came Sammy.
"Didn't this only just come out a couple weeks ago?"

   Jenny bent over and forward a bit, placing the DVD into the player and
pushing the open/close button on the right side of the machine.  Her
posture and position reminded Ivana of that night, bent over on the science
lab table.  She had to shake her head again to oust the image.

   "Well", Jenny began with a hint of hesitance.  "I've got a friend who
works for the S.A.G.  We were talking one day, and I got around to telling
him we were reading the book, and he told me that he was reviewing the film
version.  It went against a rule or two, but I was able to convince him to
let us borrow his copy for a night to use in the club meeting.  That's why
I was so panicked about it being lost.  It's his only copy."

   Did you fuck him too, you slut?  Thought Ivana.

   "Wow Jenny, you've got connections", said Sammy in tone that hinted of

   Jenny and the other girls laughed, while Ivana stood silent.  Once the
DVD was in the player, the opening slid shut, and small text on the upper
left corner of the screen read "play" in bold white letters.  This is it,
thought Ivana.

   "Well, maybe one or two.  He's already seen it for his review, so he
didn't see any harm in letting up use it for tonight."

   "Alright girls, here we go, this is gonna be good", said Jenny as she
turned and made her way towards Harold's reclining chair.  Jenny had been
told numerous times of his desire for his chair to be unused by anyone else
aside from himself, however Jenny had time and time again showed little to
no concern for such a request, especially these days it seemed.

   "S'cuse me Ivy" said Jenny stepping passed Ivana to get to the chair.

   The girls all leaned forward in anticipation, Ivana stood just next to
Jenny as she swung her large curvy bottom into Harold's recliner, and sat
on its edge.

   "Ivy, vhy do you still stand?" asked Anya looking over to Ivana.  "Com,
seat." She said, placing her hand on the open space on the couch.

   "Oh I'm fine Anya" replied Ivana with a light smile.  "I was just gonna
grab a glass from the kitchen."

   And with that Ivana turned and headed towards the kitchen, making her
presence less known as she slipped out.  The blue screen turned to black
for a long moment, as the DVD player read the data on the disc.

   "Hurry Ivy it's starting", called Sammy.

   She waited, listened, and stilled herself as much as she could with
anticipation.  After another long pause, the silence of the room was broken
by precession of audible grunting, pants, and moans that Ivana knew to be
familiar from the other room.  The video had started, and for a moment she
swore from the kitchen she had heard a simultaneous gasp from the girls at
once.  A collective breath of shock from the living room as the various
noises filled the area.  As the loud pounding noises commenced, the deep
baritone of the black man's voice vibrated in the surround sound, before
the familiar accompanying female voice chimed in with,

   "Oh shit!  You're burying that big black cock so DEEP!"

   Ivana could hear the soundtrack of the video playing in the other room,
each sound emphasized by the surround sound speakers positioned at
different points in the room.  She had to clamp a hand over her mouth to
keep herself from laughing out.  It was happening, it was really happening.
Jenny Summers was being destroyed at this very moment.  Ivana wanted to
rush back into the living room to see the expression, the look of stark
terror on her face in being exposed in front of the others.  She wanted to
laugh, jump around and poke a finger in Jenny's face with an exclamatory
"HA!" However, despite her innate want to capitalize on the fall of her
rival, and the...odd..  truly odd sensation of warmth that started pulsing
through Ivana's body in response to the noises, the slapping of what she
knew to be dark honed muscle slamming against soft white skin.  The
sensation crept from her head, to her chest, her nipples now hardening
slightly for some reason.  She noticed now her heart was beating quicker
than normal, the feeling, a deep warmth going down to her stomach, her
legs, and then back up her thighs to give a rush of heat to her"Ugh!  You
like dat big ol nigga dick stretchin out yo pussy huh, dirty white bitch?!"

   The phrase sent another strange pulse through Ivana's body.  She turned
and began making her way back into the living room in haste, all the focus
in the room undoubtedly being directed to the screen, which she now wanted
to see for herself (again) as well.  Oh shit, the glass, she remembered.
She opened the cabinet and retrieved a small glass from the middle space,
closed it, and walked out towards the living room once again.  A part of
her was surprised that none of the girls, Jenny especially had jumped up
and hit the stop button on the DVD player.  I mean, Ivana did admit that
the footage was rather...shocking.  The vision held you in place in much
the same way watching a car crash or watching a building explode would.
Not a single person in the living room stirred, moved, or spoke from
Ivana's angle as she crept back into the room.  Now, for a bit of acting on
my part, thought Ivana.

   "Did any of you girls want any-", an abrupt pause.  She gave a practiced
gasp of shock intended to imply that she had been taken off guard from
seeing the footage for first time, which in effect wasn't entirely untrue
to her she thought.

   Ivana had forced herself to not look at the video again since the night
of the game when it was first captured on the camcorder.  Perhaps from some
sort of irrational fear that she would somehow be tainted by the images if
she subjected herself to it again.  Since then, the whole ordeal had
distorted into merely a kaleidoscopic slew of abstract parts of images.
Animalistic grunts and cuss words, single muddled shots of body parts and
patches of sweat had replaced the entire memory of the ordeal, leaving just
particular...feelings in their place that Ivana thought was strange for
her. Strange, because of their habit to cause her heart to race, and
equally (if not more so), strange because the sensation of her heart racing
in the manner on hand, was often associated to her wanting sex.  And now,
days later, all the pieces had now reassembled before Ivana into a singular
panoramic image.  However this didn't help the fact that she had caught
herself thinking about more times than even she was willing to admit to
herself.  The crystal clear images of the black man, his gargantuan penis
plunging itself into Jenny's pink muff now recaptured, this time perhaps
even more thoroughly, the intensity of their fucking.  Yet another surge
went through Ivana's spine as she reached the open space of the living
room, the jolt so strong this time upon seeing once again the black stud
giving it to Jenny without a shred of mercy, that she actually dropped the
small glass that was in her hand.  It hit the hardwood floor with a sharp
crash, which oddly made Ivana's surprise now seem more genuine.  This crap
can't possibly be turning me on, Ivana thought whilst trying to collect
herself.  As she did she noticed the slight feeling of dampness between her

   "Fuck!  You're gonna make me cum on that huge motherfucker!"

   "Ugh, yeah, I'm bout to nut too baby."

   Still silence persisted outside the soundtrack of Jenny's writhing and
the black man's grunting.  Ivana wanted to observe the faces of the other
girls, but she couldn't manage to pull herself away from the images that
paraded in front of her.  It was just

   "Oh yes!  That's it baby, pound that pussy.  Give me that hot white
nigger load!"


   The same climax, the same close up shot of the black man's huge member
flopping out of Jenny's beaten hot pink pussy, thick white globs dribbling
profusely from the opening of a cock head the size of a fist.  The same
motion of Jenny quickly turning and falling to her knees, taking the
bulbous thing into her mouth.  The same thick liquid pumping into and down
her mouth and throat, her head bobbing furiously in the process.  The same
white remains dribbling down her chin and onto her heaving tits.


   The intensity waning, tilting back into but a steady pair of exhausted
breaths.  Ivana had intended to savor the next part, drink the next bit of
dialogue in as though it were the last dregs of a fine rare wine.  But she
was too occupied with her own physical situation.  The wetness that now
soiled her white cotton panties.

   "Ma cousin Jerome was right.  You one bad bitch Mrs.  Summers.  Shit, I
ain't neva seen a white bitch take all ma meat like dat beefo".

   And the piece de resistance, the cherry on top, the killing blow.

   " me Jenny", came the woman in the video between bouts of
licking and sucking on the man's softening, but still monstrous dick head,
her face now in full view of the camera.  "What was your name again?"

   The rest fell into a blur due to a lack of relevance.  The climax had
hit, the countdown reaching zero, and when Ivana finally turned her head
away from the glowing screen, she surveyed a room filled with only a host
of ghost white, jaw dropped, effeminate faces.  Sammy, Bianca, and Anya
sitting next to each other on the couch, frozen as though they were statues
made of pure ice.  Their eyes glued to the screen all the way up to the
final frame and eventually cut to blue, the word "stop" appearing on the
upper left side of the screen.


   No one spoke, no one uttered a word.  Ivana looked down to Harold's
reclining chair and at the snow white face of Jenny Summers, her rival-or
rather- her ex-rival.  When Jenny finally spoke again, it seemed distant,
tiny and on the cusp of being ethereal.

   "Girls I...I"

   Ivana crossed her arms under her enormous breasts in triumph.  She had
done it, Jenny was finished.  There was no way she could deny this.  Not a
chance in hell she'd deny being the woman in the video, not with the camera
showing such a clear shot of her face, all slimy and covered with thick
white emissions.  A state and position far worse than one being caught with
their hand in the cookie jar.

   "Well..." began Ivana, breaking the long stint of silence and trying to
keep her face as straight and stern as possible.  "Jenny...I just don't
know what to say.  I'm shocked really."

   To this the other three girls finally brought themselves out of their
stupor to nod at Ivana's statement.  All of them leering at Jenny, all of
their faces wearing the same wordless O of shock.

   "To think you were capable of something so...I mean...what in your right
mind would posses you to...sigh...I can't even put the words together."

   Ivana was coaxing the other girls into joining in, to fill in the blanks
of her purposely broken sentences.

   The girls only nodded to mark that they agreed.  They were still quiet,
but all of them were listening, present, and in complete compliance to
Ivana's every word.  Ivana suspected they would be as such from now on,
what with their great heroine Jenny Summers now being torn down from her
pedestal, and Ivana being the only acceptable choice remaining to lead
them. Fitting actually, more than fitting, perfect, she thought.

   "So ladies..." she said, looking over to the three on the couch.  Ivana
dropped what little resistance towards gloating, "do you have anything to
say to Mrs.  Perfect?" There was no point in holding back now.  All Ivana
would have to do, with the explosion already set and ready, would be to
strike the match.  It was, surprisingly, Sammy who spoke up first out of
the trio, an O still formed on her tiny mouth.

   "Jenny..." came Sammy in a mousy tone.

   Here it comes, thought Ivana.

   "Good Lord, girl!" she then blurted out.

   "I- I had no idea you could, that was- I'm-" stammered Bianca.

   "My verd Yenny-"

   "That was...THE..." her mouth emphasizing the word "the".

   Its happening chimed Ivana in her mind.

   "Yes Jenny" began Ivana "that was purely-", but she was cut again by

   A key characteristic of Sammy Spitzmen was that whenever she was truly
awestruck, her bright green eyes would widen and beam with an incandescent
shine.  She resembled a girl on Christmas morning that had just walked down
to her living room to find a pony, a brand new princess dress, and a
full-fledged castle waiting for her.  This was the expression of pure glee
and amazement that was painted on her face when she shot right up from the

   In response, Anya rose from her seat with a similar expression that
almost had the same degree of wonder and enthusiasm, while Bianca remained

   "My goodness Yenny..." said Anya while shaking her head.

   "...Did not know you ver such...such intense zexual, such power,

   "Well..." Bianca said adjusting her black round rimmed glasses.

   "What about your husband?"

   Bianca will back me up for sure, thought Ivana to herself.  She's the
most conservative woman I know.  She'll think what Jenny's doing is
unforgivable...I'm sure of it!

   "Fuget er usband," interrupted Anya with a biting tone to her voice.
"He's probably a yerk too!"

   "Well..." Bianca said lowly.  "It's...certainly not what I was

   Here it comes!  She always starts off calmly before digging into
someone, thought Ivana.  Despite her certainty of Bianca's response, a
distant part of the brunette crossed her fingers.

   "I mean...I know we've had something of a drought in terms of
interesting topics as of late.  But for you to have a side-lover outside of
marriage is extreme in and of itself, but with a BLACK man Jenny?  and in
Coxville of all places?!

   Jenny gulped in response to the sensation of her throat drying up.
Ivana reveled in seeing her nemesis squirm, watching her stew in the hot
seat of scrutiny for a change.  It was a delicious sight that left the hint
of a delectable flavor on the brunette's tongue that caused her to subtly
lick her full lips.  YES!  Ivana cheers mentally.  She folds her arms to
signal to Bianca that she was on her side.

   "If nothing else it's certainly a bold move!  And if there's one thing
that we've learned during this year in our club, it's that pushing
boundaries are often quite useful in maintaining the interest of your

   Bianca said this with a raised right index finger in an exclamatory
gesture, as though she were back in the classroom giving a lecture to her

   "...And to go as far as to film the event, just to push the idea of a
novel plot...well, I don't know if you're crazy bold or just plain crazy,

   The three women eyed Jenny, however it was not with the disgusted
accusatory scowls that Ivana had originally envisioned.  Sammy stood almost
on the tips of her toes before Jenny like an excited puppy dog about to go
for a walk.  Her face didn't display the outrage that she'd originally

   "The plot?"

   Jenny replied with her frozen state of terror now broken by a look that
bridges confusion and surprise at the accolades that she was now receiving.
I can't believe they're taking this so well.

   "Yes, Jenny..." came Bianca, knocking Jenny from her thought.

   "The plot of the novel that we've been reading.  A married woman with a
child who despite her social caste and environment, goes against the moral
grain of southern society, roots, and upbringing to pursue a relationship
with a black man who's escaped the Confederacy.  This was the concept of
the story." god Ivana thought.  That IS exactly what happened in the
story.  Ivana was so caught up in planning and executing her offensive
against Jenny, that she had completely forgotten what the climax of the
novel had been.  The big twist of the story, Rosewood Embers, was the
identity of the deserting soldier.  Though described in bits and pieces
throughout the novel, at the erotic climax of the story he is revealed to
be a dark skinned black man, an ex-slave who had joined the military on the
side of the Confederates, only to abandon them and his duties during the
chaos of a particularly battle.

   It had struck Ivana as odd, and shocking at the same time.  She had
learned from Bianca that during the Civil War, over 65,000 Southern blacks
had been in the Confederate ranks.  Of the 65,000, an estimated 13,000 of
these men saw actual combat during the war.  Many others, and
understandably so, soon abandoned their positions when the tide of war had

   Many of them had either defected or headed deeper into the less
populated regions of the Southern states.  There was a deep historical
validity that had struck Ivana whilst reading the weighty novel.

   Her feelings towards the female protagonist had gradually developed from
the beginning of the story into a mode of sisterly admiration, only to be
decimated upon the revelation that she willingly bedded one of those men.
It had struck her as revolting back then, but now...  Ivana wasn't entirely
certain of her stance on the matter was.

   The video of Jenny, the apparent intensity and raw passion in their
fucking had struck a series of lesser strummed chords inside of her.
They'd left her not so much curious, but...Ivana wasn't entirely sure what
to call it.  The word and expression remained on the tip of her tongue,
ever-present there but ultimately out of reach.

   All she knew for certain was that the act in question and contemplation
had stirred something inside of her.  Something so brutish and primal that
she was now starting to have - in some mysterious and ill defined capacity-
a new found...understanding of the woman's actions in the novel.

   "He WAS black wasn't he?!" Sammy erupted.  "I KNEW IT!  The way she kept
describing him and all that deep tanned muscle talk."

   "Yes Sammy.  She did go quite a bit in detail during some of the
more...descriptive portions of the novel.  Our maverick Jenny here was so
moved by it, she actually decided to go out and try it out for herself.
It's highly unorthodox and incredibly morally questionable and beyond
brazen, but...I must say, the more I think of it, dare I say the impressed
I am."

   And that negro she was with...I'm surprised his posture isn't completely
ruined by carrying something THAT big thing around.

   "Wow, Jenny..." came Sammy.

   "I've never seen anything like it before!  I mean, I s'pose I've been a
bit curious about it once or twice.  What with all the rumors going around
about, you know...all the stuff they say about them having great big man
parts and all." Bobbie Sue and Steve always tell me that it's just a silly
old myth, but my goodness...that fella was HUMONGOUS!!!...and sooo fit too!

   "Yeah, he was a giant alright," Jenny added with a hint of a smirk on
her face and with emphasis on the word giant.  Her tone seemed rooted more
in the fond memory of encounter than simple fact.

   Jenny felt herself feeling more relaxed and returned to her jovial
demeanor after realizing that the threat of condemnation had passed.
Despite her initial fear of being reprimanded by the other girls, she
realized that she actually enjoyed the attention.  However a question still
loomed ominous above her.

   How did that ended up on a DVD?

   She shuddered on the inside at the thought of someone outside of her
active circle of partners knowing of her lesser known appetites for black
men.  Jenny had always taken fair steps to keep not only herself, but her
daughter Kitty's activities with the local black men of Coxville a guarded
secret.  Though this current storm had passed, Jenny knew she'd dodged a
seriously dangerous bullet by but a fraction of an inch.  Like Bianca had
said earlier, this was Coxville.  Things like her with Tyrone, Coach,
Black, Principal Long and so on just didn't happen in their small, time
encapsulated region of the south...not in the open at least.

   The only ones who knew (to the best of her knowledge) outside of those
involved with was her husband Harold, who at present seemed to be the most
likely culprit.  Harold had been extremely jealous of the black men in town
whom Jenny decided to engage, and his jealousy was trumped only by his
intense arousal at the sight of seeing his wife -the hottest woman in
Coxville- get fucked senseless by the hung dark skinned bulls.  He'd never
admit it out loud, not even if pressed, but Harold never came harder than
when he saw his beautiful get manhandled by giant black cocks.  Jenny
thought it likely that Harold's fetish for playing the voyeur had recently
evolved to him wanting to film and document her encounters with the various
well hung blacks of Coxville.  To a degree it was fine by her, watching
herself get pounded mercilessly by that big stud Tyrone had turned her on
in ways that were new to her.  Even now she felt moisture forming between
her legs.  She was cross however with the fact Harold's little experiment
had been left to lie around so far in the open.  She loved the idea of her
being filmed, but resented Harold's lack of tack in keeping the footage
hidden.  Jenny loved black cock to the extent she'd tackle as many as she
could when and wherever she could.  However Jenny's addiction to black men
did not slate her grasp of common sense.  She'd be damned her reputation in
town were ruined on account of her husband's stupidity.

   It wouldn't be a chore at all to reprimand him on the matter.  She had
established dominance over Harold quite some time ago.  Unlike what most
people assumed, she didn't care nearly as much, if at all, about her
husband knowing she preferred the full, robust, male organ of men of the
darker hews in town.

   Harold isn't my master, she thought with a slight grin, not with his
pathetic little pencil dick!  Watching herself get pummeled on the video
only reinforced that fact.  Harold doesn't even have a fraction of what
Tyrone or Coach Black has.  Hell, he doesn't even compare to Samson and
he's still in high school!

   "Hwge liek bull!  He vas so- Hwge an- beeg an Black!" ..." said Anya to
Sammy as they engaged in a two way parley about Sammy's earlier comment on
Tyrone's body

   "I've never been even remotely interested in black men, Jen.  But I must
say, the physique on that one was rather remarkable." said Bianca

   The world had flipped inverted on itself.  It didn't register to Ivana,
it just simply refused to make any sense.  How did this happen?  She had
gone over this plan thoroughly with a fine tooth comb, with every piece in
turn being meticulously combed again and again in her mind down to the
smallest element.  They weren't supposed to be like this, sitting there all
bright eyed and giddy like a bunch of little high school girls in a gossip
circle.  Sure, it was...intriguing watching Jenny take such a huge thick
dark...  thing into such a huge and physically built was
pretty amazing...granted, but...but"I can't get over it Jenny, you and a
black guy?!" Sammy smiled.  "Bobbie Sue and Momma always make it sound like
its so disgusting, but after seeing it for myself, the contrastin colors
and all, it actually looked pretty cool."

   "Yenny, how ded you take et all?" came Anya as she leaned forward,
bearing a generous portion of cleavage in the unbuttoned area of her black

   "Yeah, how did you take it all?" Sammy echoed with a glint of wonder
coming from her emerald colored eyes.

   "I mean, that thing looked like it was about the size of my arm, and
almost twice as thick too!  I'm afraid something like that would split me
in two."

   "Indeed," Bianca added.  "I'm a little curious myself actually.  You
seemed so into it that it hardly looked like you required any real effort
on your part."

   Jenny nodded her head in contemplation.  Ivana remained standing a foot
or so behind her, both her arms folded stiff like two twisted branches on
an oak tree.  She'd kept them preoccupied and concealed out of concern of
acting out the voice howling in her head to just strangle the blonde bitch
where she sat.

   "Well, I won't lie to you, It's harder than it looks.  But after you
finally get the head in and take the first few pumps, your body just...I
dunno...adapts to all that extra meat.  Your muscles and insides kinda
relax and...give way.  The first time is always the hardest, but trust me,
in the end it's well worth it.  There's no better feeling than having your
pussy getting completely filled with all that warm, thick ebony meat."

   "Wooow, Jenny...that's so lewd." Sammy remarked jokingly.

   "Vooow" echoed Anya in her Russian lilt.

   "Hmmm, interesting..." added Bianca.

   The three women leaned forward on the couch with perched ears waiting
for Jenny to continue.

   "Well, who needs a novel when we've got our very own living Rosewood
Embers heroine right here in front of us, ladies." Bianca said jokingly.

   The girls all giggled mischievously, as though they were back in grade
school sharing in the punch line of some crude joke.

   "Tell us more Yenny", said Anya.

   Heroine?...bah!  Ivana sneered in disgust while Jenny went into more
descriptive detail, the girls clung to every syllable that came from the
busty blonde sage's full lips.

   The questions soon followed in rapid succession, each one overlapping
the other.  What's the biggest she's ever had so far?  How did the semen
taste?  Was it sweet?  Was it as thick as it looked?  How'd she psyche
herself up to do it the first time?  How long did it take for her to get
adjusted to such a huge thing?  Sammy Spitzmen presented the question of
how many calories she thought they'd burned during the encounter.

   "You guys were sweating like crazy!  I bet you it was a lot!"

   The girls laughed at this, thinking the redhead was simply making a
joke, however the look on her face seemed to be one yearning of genuine
knowledge.  So how often did you do it before that night at the game?  How
did you discover black men?  And again, how did you manage to get all that
inside you?"

   Jenny answered each question as fast as she could, trying her best to
keep up with the women until Bianca said,

   "My word, I just don't think I'd be able to do it", a response to
Jenny's experiences and methods of coping with such vast male members.

   "Oh, don't be silly BB..." Jenny waved a hand in friendly dismissal.

   "You've got a lot of cushion back there, girl.  More than any other
white girl I've seen in Coxville.  I've had ni-"

   She stopped herself, not wanting to refer to it quite so freely to her
girlfriends just yet.

   "I've had black men inside of me that were SO much thicker and fatter
all around.  I'm talking thicker than a grown man's forearms and longer
than a baby's leg.  I think, with a little practice you'd be a natural."

   "Good heavens!  You think so?" Bianca asked taken aback by the claim.

   "You bet!  Trust me on this.  A nice bubble butt like yours was made for
taking big black cocks.  Plus..." Jenny paused a moment for emphasis.
"Black men love it on white girls.  They just can't get enough of it!"

   The girls giggled at this prospect, all of them taking that time to
steal glances of Bianca's rear, a large, heart shaped mound plotted on top
of the couch cushions.

   "Look, BB.  If my booty can take something that huge, I'm certain you
wouldn't have a problem, not with all you've got going on back there.  You
and Ivana both."

   "Wha-what?!" Ivana blurted.  "My ass isn't not THAT BIG!"

   Jenny gave her a sideways glance.

   "Ivy, as many times as I've heard you fuss and moan about not being able
to find pants that fit you..." Jenny giggled leaving Ivana to grumble and
grind her teeth.

   Meanwhile, Bianca turned to the side and propped up her lower back up in
an attempt to get a better look at her posterior.  It is rather large,
Bianca thought.  The astute blonde had held what she (and many others)
considered to be an abundance of hind quarter in that area.  Her husband
Ronald had never made any outward complaints about it, but in the same
breadth he had never particularly praised her for having such a large
behind either.  She'd always attempted to cover up any lingering
insecurities she had through her conservative choice in clothing.

   However, the attempts often times backfired miserably.  No matter how
finely tailored the dress, slacks, shorts, and sweatpants were; her
backside has always appeared more plump and prominent, and exentuated by an
especually toned and curvy lower back, that always tended to arch and
expose lines of muscle, and sway in conjunction with her hips as she

   The only time anyone had ever made a remark about her had been in school
by the students in her own classroom.


   Whenever Bianca turned her back to the class to scrawl a name, date, or
topic onto the black board; she would hear an array of whistles, hoots,
hollers, and a fair share of explicative slang terms that she knew were
crude and are only aimed towards her behind.

   Bianca would bear the abuse, until she'd finally turn around in
frustration to track down the culprits.  She'd look around to see nothing
but a host of innoncent faces staring back at her.  All of them free of
guilt, except for a few of the young black students who had positioned
themselves in the back of the room.

   They would all stare back at her, their faces barely masking their
laughter with scrunched lips and tightened jaws.  After shooting them an
icy glare and giving a stern warning against disrupting the class, she
would eventually turn her back once again to the class, only to hear the
jeering commence again.

   "DAT ASS!"

   "3B in the house son."

   "BAM, there it is!"



   Is that reason why they made such a huge fuss about my behind?

   "Sammy.  To answer your question from earlier, about how I discovered
black men.  It's kind of HARD to explain, its a long story."

   "Oh, don't worry about that!  You gotta tell us Jen, please?" Sammy
begged, eager to know all the gritty details.

   "Yah, from ze begeening Yenny", said Anya with an approving nod.

   "Yes, do tell." Bianca said, once again adjusting her glasses.

   Jenny Summers could have lit a stick of dynamite and thrown it in the
center of the living room and it wouldn't have jostled a response to flee
from the women.

   They huddled around Jenny, who sat on Harold's recliner.  Despite her
state of utter shock, anger, and disappointment; Ivana maintained her
position beside Jenny and found herself actually listening in just as
intently to what the busty blonde was about to say.

   After another long pause, Jenny then began her tale.

   "Well...  do ya'll remember that one football game against the Bartown
Beavers a ways back?"


   By the time Jenny had finally completed her stories, her adventures in
discovering the wonders of big black cock, the girls all swam in the
lingering mental collage.  Anya, Sammy, and Bianca stared up at Jenny from
their places on the floor, gathered round her reclining chair as though she
were a kind of fabled goddess given physical shape.  Ivana hadn't moved an
inch throughout the entire duration of the story.  Her legs and lower back
ached from standing up in such a stiff manner for so long, but she was also
amazed at the tales she had just heard.  Unbelievable, was the only word
that could cross her mind.

   "And that's it.  I haven't gone back since.  Why would I.  hehe?  "

   "Woooow Jenny" said Sammy.

   "That was rather remarkable Jenny." Added Bianca.  "With Coach Black?  I
just didn't know you and he were so...familiar."

   "Iz this Cooch Bleck really az such stallion?" asked Anya, a devious and
curious glint in her eye.  " think...Yenny, you to
say...hooka up me with him?"

   "What?  Said Jenny with some degree of surprise.  "You want me to set
you up with Coach Black?"

   Anya nodded her head vigorously.

   "Yah, I vant to meet.  Vant to zee cock of black vor my own zelf".

   Jenny took a long moment to ponder this question.  Hell no!  She thought
to herself.  Coach is MY big black cock.  I'm not sharing him with anyone.

   "Hmmm...I'm not so sure about that sweetie.  He's really...picky about
his women, you know?"

   Anya's head dropped at this.  But not just her, Sammy's wide grin faded
to a pout at the news as well.  Even Bianca's shoulders collapsed a bit, as
though her own hopes of meeting the stud that had apparently given Jenny
such life altering pleasure had just been dashed.

   Hmph, and if you got him, I'd be a shoe in, thought Ivana.  She knew she
could get Coach Black if she wanted to with next to no effort.  On a few
occasions she had spotted him giving her a number of particularly thorough
glances when they would pass one another on campus or in the teacher's
lounge.  She had never spoken to him before, but now she was curious as to
how fast she could get him to give her the same treatment that he had given
to Jenny.  Looking at the girls, their saddened expressions, made Jenny
feel sorry for the disappointed lot.  She wanted the girls to know first
hand what it was like, how amazing black cock really felt.  A first hand
experience trumped any sort of verbal recant she could have given.  How can
I help them?  Jenny thought to herself.  It was just then that god himself
must have received Jenny question, because in that very moment, came the
long, loud ring of the doorbell as it alerted the girls that someone was at
the front door.


   "Oh, Samson", said Jenny after she opened the front door.

   Samson West was a tall, muscular young black man of very athletic build,
with a shaved head and skin of a solid brown shade.

   "Hey Jenny." Said Samson in a voice that seemed deeper than normal.  To
Jenny the boy seemed to grow a full inch every time she saw him, though, of
course she didn't mean this in terms of height.

   "How many times do I have to tell you Samson, its Mrs.  Summers if
you're going to be dating my daughter?  Jenny shot at the black youth, her
arms akimbo to emphasize the point.

   "Ah, sorry bout dat... Mrs.  Summers" said Samson with a big, scantly
sarcastic wide smile.  I'll play along.  Long as you keep letting me pound
you and your daughter's pussies out, he thought.

   "What can I do for you Samson, I've got company at the moment, so-"she
let her words trail off, testing the boy to see what the purpose of his
visit was.  On the inside she anxious.  She wanted to pull him through the
door right then and help herself to what was sitting, coiled in his

   "Well, I was wondering if Kitty was around", said Samson."

   "Kitty's not here right now.  She's out with some of the other girls."
(Whom Samson could easily remember).

   "Oh..." replied Samson, letting a second or two linger before continuing
the conversation.

   "But..." came Jenny, as though the idea were but an afterthought.
"You're welcome to wait for her here until she gets back."

   Samson grinned, knowing that his patience and hesitance would pay off.

   "Oh...alright, sure that sounds great Je-", he stopped himself, spying
the rise of Jenny's angry glare signified by a furrowing brow that made him
anxious and equally aroused at the same time.

   "Well, don't just stand there like a log, come on in", Jenny said,
waving the boy inside.

   He looked at her, and for a moment he thought he caught the slightest
hint of a smirk etched on Jenny's face.  He passed the threshold, and
followed Jenny into the living room, all the while admiring the steady sway
of her large round ass as she walked.  He'd known in quite some detail what
rested beneath those clothes, and the mere memory of it sent a slight
twitch to his dick.  He entered to living room, and upon seeing the host of
women sitting in the living room, the way they were- well three of the four
of them at least- were all huddled together, jabbering on at great length
and speed about something.  Looking over at the fourth woman in the room,
who Samson recognized immediately from school, he noticed she stood a ways
away from the group.  Stood like a statue, with her arms crossed underneath
a pair of the biggest, rounded, most succulent looking breasts he had ever
seen.  Dayum, Samson thought to himself.  Those titties are legit.  Almost
as big as Jenny's.  Mrs.  Swallows was a particular favorite amongst the
boys at school.  She would often turn her nose up at them whenever they
tried to compliment her on her outfit, how it fit every portion of her
thick curvy body, and tanned silky smooth skin.  All the guys speculated on
how wild she gets in bed, and if she was as good at taking black dick as
Mrs.  Jenny was.

   Feeling his presence, the trio of women - all of them a bit older,
closer to Jenny's age - suddenly ceased their banter and looked over in
unison at Samson.  The act caused him a momentary jerk of discomfort, until
of course, he got a better look at them.  One of the women he immediately
recognized as Mrs.  Blackwood, his own teacher from school.  Samson, and a
pair of his friends Anthony and Deon, had secretly given her the name Mrs.
3B, which was an abbreviated nickname for Mrs.  Big Booty Blackwood, for
her exceptionally large, and almost overwhelmingly shapely ass, that he and
his boys would often talk about in and out of her presence.  She was
dressed in much the same way she would at school, if not a bit more relaxed
with a few more of the buttons of her blouse being undone.  A black blouse
that did an "alright" job of covering her large round breasts, but showed
an enticing amount of cleavage from its loosening, and a black silk skirt,
that stretched tight around her firm curves.  Her blonde hair was tied up
in its signature bun, which all the boys thought would look sexy if she
simply undid it and let her shoulder length blonde hair cascade down to its
full shoulder length.  The thought sent another jolt to Samson's dick.

   The other two girls he wasn't as familiar with.  The taller woman, the
one with the deep shade of glossy jet black hair, darker almond eyes, and
delicious set of womanly hips and thighs, he knew to be the step mom of
Todd White, a fellow student and member of the football team.  She had also
been the subject of quite a few discussions among the young men in the
locker room.  They'd taunted Todd, asking him if his step mom, the hot mail
order step mom, spoke in whatever weird Euro language it was that she spoke
while his dad pounded her.  Often their playful insults were met with Todd
giving them the finger.

   "You mad?" Stubby, a squat young member of the team would jeer.

   "Nah nigga, he's butt hurt because pa-pa won't let him hit it." Deon
would add.

   "Shiiit", exclaimed Stubby in response.  "If I were in yo spot Todd, I'd
be bustin the GUTS out that bitch every night.  Have that ho screaming my
name in her native tongue."

   Stubby added to the statement a pantomime gesture of thrusting his hips
back and forth, and waving a hand left and right near his crotch, smacking
an imaginary ass.

   The last girl in the room Samson hadn't recognized at all, at least, not
really.  She was the smallest amongst the women there, but she had to be
the most physically fit out of the lot.  Her short wiry frame was nothing
but toned muscle from head to toe, with ample curves of her own to spare in
hips.  She wore pair of tight black spandex pants that showcased the
perfect shape of her trimmed thighs, running trainers, and a loose fitting
gray sweatshirt that said "push it" written in bold black cursive letters
across the middle of her robust looking chest.  Part of the opening of the
sweatshirt hung low, exposing a part of silky, slender shoulder, and a
portion of a pink bra strap, and was cut off on the lower area to show off
an impressive set of lower abdominals, from top to the V shaped bottom.
She still maintained every inch of her girlish features.  She had a
beautiful face, with a small cluster of reddish freckles speckled across
the bridge of her nose to both sides of her cheeks just under her eyes,
which were a pair of striking bright green eyes that peered straight at
him. It was fairly obvious she was the youngest of the group.

   Jenny, who was still ahead of him, turned and said,

   "Why don't you sit with us in here until Kitty gets back".

   "Oh...alright", said Samson.

   Damn, these bitches are fine.  If I'm gonna stay in here I'd better take
a seat quick before they notice I'm gettin hard, he thought.

   "Hey ladies!" called out Samson in a jolly tone.

   "Hello!" the women all said in unison, all of them smiling at him in a
rather dreamy state.  All of them looking him up and down, fixing their
eyes on his flirtatiously.

   "You caught us in the middle of our book club meeting", said Jenny,
standing next to him.

   "Ah, I see.  That's nice - I guess", said Samson, a feigned fascination
evident by his tone.

   He looked around the living room, averting his eyes from the gathered
band of women.  He needed to find a place to sit down before the boner
forming in his pants became too obvious.

   "I think you'll like today's topic", Jenny then said, her voice taking a
seductive dip that Samson knew all too well.

   "Oh really?  Why's that?  He responded.

   The room went quiet.  The three women remained seated on the couch,
while Nurse Swallows remained standing behind Jenny.  Samson noticed the
stiff and serious way Ivana kept looking at him.  The icy glare and
statuesque posture from the busty brunette had intimidated him a little,
her standing there like some sort of bodyguard.  At the same time however,
Samson couldn't help but find himself being further aroused by nurse
Swallow's piercing stare, imagining the mean expression worn on her face
whilst holding a mouthful of his cock in her mouth.  He suddenly felt
Jenny's hand as came up and gripped the fabric of his crotch.

   "Mind if I show you?" whispered Jenny, now face to face with the young
man, a dastardly smile on her fine white features.

   "Hmm, looks like you're already getting the idea", said Jenny, an
obvious reference to feeling his awakening manhood.

   The other girls seemed to be somewhat taken aback by such a forward
advance.  Their eyes grew large with wonder, and then focused in
anticipation for what would happen next.  From over Jenny's shoulder he saw
Nurse Swallow's eyes fix down on Jenny's hand as it gripped the meat of his
hardening cock from under his sweatpants.  She's so forward, like this is
nothing for her, Ivana thought.  Wow, Jenny's going for it right now,
thought Sammy.

   "No, not at all", he said, grinning.

   "Come on over here into the light Samson, so the girls can get a better
look at you", said Jenny, her hand sliding from Samson's sweatpants to his
hand.  She guided him to center of the living room, where the light shone
the brightest.  The three girls still sat on the couch, while Nurse
Swallows motioned a bit closer towards them, just in front of the big white
reclining chair.  He faced the girls on the couch, while Jenny kneeled in
front of him.

   Taking both her hands, placing two fingers on each side of his sweats,
she slowly pulled them down.  After a single, long moment, the pants fell
to his ankles, freeing his long, thick brown, half hard cock.  The girls
all gasped, and then gazed.

   "Oh my gawd!" said Sammy.

   "My word Samson!" said Bianca, adjusting her black glasses.

   "???  ???????"!  said Anya in her Russian language.

   Oh my god, it's as big as my forearm, thought Ivana.

   Jenny took a single smooth hand, and gently slid it up Samson's thigh,
before clutching Samson's now throbbing manhood, and hoisting it up and
slightly to the side for the girls to get a full view of it.

   "This, ladies" began Jenny, as though advertising it, "is what it's all
about".  She then took his large cock into her other hand, and turned
towards her smiling face.  It bulged, a pump of blood to organ caused the
network of veins strewn from top to bottom to pulse, which in turn made it
grow right before the girl's baffled eyes.  "Big" Jenny pursed her full red
lips," Black", as she gently kissed the head, clear white pre-cum now
dripping from the urethra.  "...Cock."

   Using her tongue, she then began licking the head, brushing her pink
tongue across it as though it were a dark ice cream cone, just before she
slowly slid a fair portion of the rest of Samson's cock into her mouth.
Ivana's jaw dropped, Sammy and Anya held each other's hand while they both
gently bit their lips.  Bianca had unknowingly slipped her black glasses
off of her face, and was now softly biting on one of the rim edges, not
even aware of the gesture.  Ivana had hardly noticed that she had finally,
after over an hour of standing stiff as a tree, collapsed back into
Harold's reclining chair.  Jenny sunk more and more the dark meat stick
into her mouth, slowly bobbing her head back and forth in long sensual laps
that became wetter and louder with each pass.  She devoured most of him in
her first few runs, and then proceeded to slide all of it into her mouth,
and deep down into her throat, holding it for a few moments, slightly
moving her head from left to right for emphasis, and then pulled off his
cock with a loud pop as her lips sucked a bit harder on the dark head.  She
exhaled, a bit of slobber running down one side of her cheek, and said,

   "Get closer ladies, you might want to take notes."

   Jenny looked over and winked at Ivana, which in turn made the busty
nurse churn with silent anger.  She scowled at Jenny, a gesture intended to
wordlessly accept her issued challenge.  Her plan had failed miserably, but
Ivana would be damned if she'd let Jenny come off as the instructor, and
her the student...even if she did make that huge black cock disappear in
her mouth and down her throat like magic, she thought.  As per her request,
the girls got up from their seats, and gathered around Samson on their
knees.  Ivana remained standing, choosing a position higher above the
others, and preferring the downward view of Samson's cock as Jenny once
again began fiddling with the head using her tongue.  And with that, the
girls training began.


   Ivana was still far beyond pissed at Jenny, thoroughly so what with the
added sting of the bizarre twist the night had taken in her rival's favor.
How had they all ended up like this anyway?  From the moment they pushed
play on the DVD player it seemed like the entire world had gone off its
axis.  Slipped into some sort of off kilter parallel version of the world
that caused them all to change into such craven things.  But alas, such
thoughts fell to the backend of importance while watching Jenny work on
Samson's huge pulsating member.  It was an amazing feat, even Ivana
couldn't deny that.  The beautiful blonde sucked and slobbered and sloshed
on the huge brown hose-like piece as though she had been well versed in it
all her life.  The wet slurping sounds that emitted from her efforts caused
the girls to squirm with excitement.  Eyes widened and shot from place to
place, not quite sure whether to pay more attention to Jenny bobbing head
or to the vein riddled cock that was rapidly growing in length and girth in
her wet mouth.

   It von't stoop growing, thought Anya, her lips pursed tight.  She could
feel her mouth begin to water slightly with each passing moment.  She grew
increasingly anxious, eager to get that big fat cock of black in her own
mouth.  Could she?  She wondered.  It was unlike anything she had ever
seen, in her home in Russia or even after she moved to the states.  It was
marvelous, made her husband Todd's penis look like a tater tot by
comparison.  ????????, she murmured.

   Jenny pulled the large ebony rod from her mouth again, and grabbed a
part of it with her left hand.

   "One thing you always have to remember ladies, is that black cocks
require a lot of spit", she said, then punctuating this remark by spitting
a big thick glob of her own clear spit onto the top of the vast organ.  She
held it up and it dribbled from the top to the bottom of Samson's penis,
and down to his strikingly large pair of ebony balls.

   "Goodness", said Sammy.

   "Looks rather...messy", said Bianca with a slight grimace.

   "It's a messy job", replied Jenny.  "But sooo much fun, and it really
helps out in the end.  Watch..."

   With that Jenny went back to work.  This time she more than doubled her
speed, her head moving to and fro so hard and fast that her hair swooped up
in arching motions.  The spit had acted as lubricant, and made her head
bobbing far easier now.  The effect showed in Samson's groans increasing.
He looked down to see Jenny gorgeous face moving vigorously on his cock,
her blue eyes looking up at him hungrily, and her full pink lips pursing
tighter on him.  His teeth clenched.

   "Ah, fuck I can't hold out!" he bellowed.  "Here it comes!"

   And with that the girls saw Samson spasm on his feet, while Jenny began
to suck harder at his tensing cock.  The dark veins bulged as his juices
flooded into Jenny's greedy maw.  She sucked and mewled and mumbled
unintelligible slurs on his bucking monster, swallowing it as fast as she
could.  After what seems like an entire minute she reluctantly released it
from her mouth, not a drop of semen spilling onto the floor, for every drop
had been taken.  It was a mouthful, but Jenny swallowed the huge load in a
single gulp, a single blotch of white coming from puckered lips.  She
immediately wiped the blotch up with a finger, and licked it off as though
it were the frosting to a fine cake.

   "Wow Jenny", said Sammy in awe.  "I had no idea something that big could
fit down your throat!"

   She took about a solid foot down her throat like it was nothing, thought
Ivana, her jaw still dropped.

   "You very lucky boy to have Mrs.  Jenny to taking into your mouth your
ewge cock, no?" said Anya, gazing up at Samson seductively.

   "Oh my goodness!" Came Bianca suddenly in a gasp.  "He's getting hard

   The four other girls all looked to Samson.  Low and behold, his brown
cock was already swelling back up to its original hard state.

   These white bitches are just so damn fine, my shit just won't stay down,
he thought.

   "Now then..." came Jenny after a moment of savoring the taste of
Samson's seed, "You girls want to give it a try?" She smiled, looking
around at the shocked faces.

   There was a long paused.  All four of the girls frozen in their place,
all eager to try their own mouths on the young Samson, but all of them
apprehensive as to how the others would react.  Eye shot back and forth,
conveying all the worry and mixed with anticipation.  In the end, one voice
broke the lingering silence.

   "Out of my vay ladies!" came Anya in the pitch of a command.

   Inspired and without any further hesitation, she gripped shaft of
Samson's cock, and without another word shoved it into her mouth.  ????
??????!  ?????????  ???????, ?  ????  ??  ???, she thought.  She was used
to being able to fit the entire span of her husband Tom's penis in her
mouth, down to the balls.  But this black throbbing mass of hard meat was a
struggle just to get the head settled in passed her lips.  Casting caution
to wind, she reared back, and then shot her head forward, taking a vast
amount of the erect cock into her throat.  It was too much for her, and
after a few hard forward and backward jerks of her head, she gagged and
spat it out in a messy spray of saliva.  She choked, and Jenny had to

   "Whoa, not so fast, Anya" she said, patting her back as she coughed
through her failed attempted.  "It's something you have to work at.  Good
first try though.  Alright, who else wants to try?"

   Immediately a hand shot up from Sammy.

   "Oh oh, I do!" she wailed, emphatically as a school girl who knew the
answer to a complicated math problem.  Her eagerness made Jenny giggle a

   "Alrighty then, here you go" she said, pointing the now licked clean,
meaty cock at the smiling red head.

   Sammy slowly reached one of her small hands forward.  I can't believe
I'm about to do this, Sammy thought.  Steve would go berserk, and I don't
even want to know what Bobbie Sue would say.  But... her hand fell upon it,
feeling its warmth, its velvety texture and the robust veins pumping more
and more blood to it, making it grow larger in her hand.  It's just so big,
so thick dark.  Her bright green eyes became mesmerized at the
swollen cock, and soon gave in to the swelling temptation that had been
growing in her since her eyes had adjusted to the film.  She opened her
tiny mouth as far as she could, and slowly motioned the big thing into her
mouth.  Careful so as not to copy the mistake Anya had made, Sammy worked
Samson's cock into her mouth cautiously, making sure that the vast piece
didn't overwhelm her tiny mouth.  Gradually she fell into a rhythm, and
picked up her pace.  She slurped and sucked as much as she could get into
her mouth.

   Her neck length red hair wafted as she enthusiastically bobbed on the
engorged black rod.  At one point she turned her head to the left, the cock
still nestled in her mouth.  The shift in angle made the huge cock protrude
outward from the side of her left cheek, the head of it looking like as
though Sammy had an immense jawbreaker held to the left of her mouth.
There's so much of it, she thought.  Can't get it all in my mouth, but I've
gotta push.  Try as she might, she couldn't get the entire span of Samson's
cock down her throat, but what she could get she sucked on hardily and with
great fervor, encouraged by Samson's groans that came more frequently as
she increased her speed.

   "Very good Sammy", said Jenny as she oversaw Sammy's technique.  She
could tell Sammy was into it, her energy showed through her rapid head
motions and the moans coming from her.

   Look at her go, thought Ivana as she watched the small redhead suck and
slurp on the huge thing.  It didn't really surprise her, what with Sammy
being as energetic the other ninety-nine percent of the time as she was.
It turned her on seeing the lithe little redhead try choking herself on the
young black stud's monster cock, half of it now shiny and wet with Sammy's
spit.  Jeez, this thing is humungous, way bigger than Steve's, Sammy
thought.  This is actually really fun, and this guy has a really great
body. Sammy rose a free hand and ran it up Samson's thigh, along a trail
that ended at his tight six pack abs.  She rubbed then gently, appreciating
their solid texture while soaking in the rapture of the huge dong ramming
into her mouth.  If Sammy hadn't known any better, she'd swear the
combination of sensations had her on the verge of a powerful climax.

   Samson remained standing, walking on clouds as Sammy ravenously bobbed
on his cock.  Man, the guys are gonna be crazy jealous when I tell them
about this shit.  This little red head bitch is a straight monster.  I love
it.  He equally enjoyed the soft touch of her fingers as they brushed
across his stomach, stroking his abs with her fingertips.  This wasn't
entirely surprising to the young man, as her own physique conveyed the
proof of her being a very strict individual with exercise.

   "May I try now?" asked Bianca, leaning forward so that Sammy could pass
the throbbing cock to her.

   "I think it's my turn!" interrupted Ivana, moving Sammy aside from the
end of Samson's cock after a long lap on the underside near his balls.

   I'll show her, she thought, pushing her way through and falling to her
knees.  She grabbed up Samson's cock into both her hands, and glared at it
intensely.  I can take this, easy.  Ivana then took his cock into her mouth
and slowly, inch by inch progressed on the arduous task of fitting the
ebony mass all the way into her open maw.  Holy shit!  Thought Samson.
This bitch is serious.  She's getting at my cock like she's mad at it.  She
nearly got the entire length of Samson's cock into her throat.  My god it's
stretching my throat out, she thought, tears being to run down her cheeks,
strained gurk sounds sputtering from the deepest part of her, until she
finally bottomed out and pulled back, long ropes of thick spit connecting
her pouty lips to his cock.

   "Not bad Ivy", said Jenny.  "But", she then added.  "You didn't quite
make it all the way down." she jested, pointed to the one dry stop on the
final inch of Samson's cock that she couldn't devour.  Ivana's face

   "Your turn BB", Jenny then said.

   "Oh, a...alright", Bianca replied nervously.

   She removed her glasses, and set them on the glass table.  She crawled
over to the towering Samson, until she got close enough to where her mouth
could reach his cock.  What am I doing, Bianca asked herself.  I can't do
this, I'm this boy's teacher for Pete's sake.  Her protests soon wandered
however, fell further and further into the silent corner of her mind as she
gazed at the huge brown dong dangling just in front of her face.  Bianca
had thought of thousand very good reasons as to why she shouldn't be doing
this, and dozens more reasons why she should eject herself from this
situation entirely.  However, the only thought that seemed to reach the
active part of her mind was; It's enormous, the biggest thing I've ever

   She took a soft manicured hand, and slid up slowly along base.  So
smooth, she thought, and warm.  In her hand she felt the heat pulsing
through Samson's body.  In her hand she couldn't quite articulate how the
mere act of holding it made her feel, just that it in turn made her just as
warm, and - as it was now apparent by the moisture in her panties - very
wet.  She reared up, and opened her cherry red lips.  She took in one hot
inch, then another, and then another.  Not wanting to rush like the other
girls did, she lingered for a moment, getting a feel for and savoring the
taste of the big thing that was now making its way deep into her mouth.

   It's so heavy, she thought to herself.  It must weigh over a solid pound
or so, and its girth is remarkable.  The weight of just the first few
inches of it pulsing in her mouth made her have to alter her position.
Still holding it in her mouth, she placed both of her hands flat on the
floor so that she could lean up further.  She arched her back, which
hoisted the upper half of her body closer to Samson's hips.  Samson got a
significant view of cleavage of the curvaceous blonde's full breasts, and
he also noticed what the motion had done to the angle of Bianca's lower
half.  The act of arching her back had made her behind perk up more,
showing the promise and outline of her large shapely ass.  Gotdamn, there
it is, thought Samson.  Shit!  Mrs.  Blackwood's got a phat ass booty.  As
she took more of Samson into her mouth, her back arched more, which lifted
more of her ass up in the process.  Samson couldn't hold it.  He reached a
hand over from his standing position, and grabbed a handful of Bianca's
right ass cheek.  He's grabbing my ass, Bianca thought.  The feeling of
Samson's big strong hand gripping and slightly massaging her cheek made her
even more wet.  They really do get off on white women with large bottoms,
she thought, somewhat charmed by the notion.  Motherfuckers soft too,
dayum. Samson's hands were large, but even still he only managed to grab a
portion of her ass.  Wonder what how that ass would feel riding my dick, he

   And the thought was what did Bianca in.  Imaging the dynamics of
Bianca's sizable posterior made Samson rock hard.  Without warning his cock
expanded another few inches into Bianca's mouth, and forcefully hit the
back of her throat.  She couldn't take it, and immediately lunged back,
gagged, and gasped when her mouth had finally freed itself.

   "Jesus!" belted BB in a wet gasp, dropping for a moment her rich and
proper southern belle argot.  "It wouldn't...stop growing.  Just
kept...expanding to the back of... my throat" she sputtered while trying to
regain her breath.

   "Well done BB", Jenny said.

   "Da, very good BB", added Anya.

   "I'm going again", came Ivana, who without another word clutched Samson
in her hand and shoved him back into her mouth.

   "Somebody's eager", chided Jenny with a smirk.  "See girls, it's just a
matter of practice.  Ivana's already hooked."

   Fuck you, thought Ivana.  Furiously she took her anger towards Jenny out
on Samson's cock, fucking her face hard with the wet rock solid piece.

   "Agh yes!" came Samson, his eyes rolling into his head.  "Fuck yes!
She's a natural!"

   The compliment spurred Ivana on, and in response she took him deeper
into her throat, this time actually managed to go all the way to the hilt.
This bitch isn't fucking around, she's gonna make me cum, he thought.
Samson was rendered speechless, and within a few more violent pumps from
Ivana, began to cum straight down her throat.  Ivana's green eyes bulged as
the thick liquid shot directly into her, causing her to fight frantically
pulling back from the wet onslaught.  Too much, she thought, her mouth
flooded with far more cum than she had anticipated.  Trying to mimic the
technique she had seen Jenny use earlier, she swallowed as quickly as she
could, without trying to spill a drop.  But alas, it was not fast enough.
She gagged half way through Samson's climax, and had to pull back out of
fear of choking on the monstrous white load that filled her in seemingly
endless surges.  In pulling back, her blouse was covered in creamy white,
leaving her breasts, shirt, front of her skirt, and entire lower half of
her chin a cum covered mess.

   Anya, Sammy, Bianca, and Jenny all stared at the rich mess that had been
made.  Speechless, they all just looked as the thick globs fell from the
tip of Samson's dong, and onto the overwhelmed Ivana.

   "My verd!" said Anya.

   "Goodness gracious, so much." Came Bianca.

   "Outstanding Ivy", said Jenny.

   After another moment, Jenny promptly got to her feet, and grabbed the
edge of the glass table that was positioned in front of the couch.

   "Alright, well it looks like you girls are ready for lesson 2".


   Jenny moved the glass table far enough to the side of the room and away
from the couch.  She then walked back over to the waiting Samson.

   "Sucking a big black cock is loads of fun", Jenny said in a giggle,
noting her own joke.  "But knowing how to fuck it...that's where the real
thrill is."

   With that she grabbed Samson by his still dribbling cock, and guided him
by it over to the couch.  When they were standing just in front of it, she
turned to face the young man, and push him backwards into the seat with
little resistance, considering his pants were still pooled around his
ankles.  He fell back, his cock flopping up with an audible clap as it fell
against his belly.

   "Now all that spit I told you about really comes in handy for this
part", said Jenny as she slowly slid out of her skirt, and let it drop
inaudibly to the floor.

   She walked over to the sitting Samson, and leaned forward onto the couch
with one knee placed to the side of Samson's hip.  The girls looked

   "Is she really gonna try putting that big ol' thing in her?" whispered
Sammy to Anya using just a side of her mouth to speak and hoisting a hand
to the side of her face in a gesture of covert speech.

   "I dun know.  Itz too big.  Will et evan feet?"

   "Well", interjected Bianca with added whisper.  "The female body can
expand significantly to give birth to babies, so its certainly not

   "That thing iz baby head" added Anya, not taking her eyes off the sight.

   "Well...yes...but...we have seen her take more if the proportions on the
video were correct."

   The three girls clustered together in discussion, all them acknowledging
one another, but none of them averting their gaze from Jenny as she mounted
the black youth.

   "But hey, doesn't the camera add ten pounds?" asked Sammy.

   "So thet would mean Yenny only took hiaf of grown man's arm" said Anya
jokingly, which caused Sammy to giggle as well.

   "Shhh!" chided Bianca, wanting the girls to focus their attention back
to the action unfolding.

   Partially straddling him, Jenny then lifted and swung her other long
white leg over to the other side of Samson's hip.  She was now in a full
straddle position, hovering over Samson's cock, which had hardened once
again, and stood erect like a black pillar, still slick with spit and
lingering remains of semen.  Jenny then motioned closer to Samson's face,
while at the same time moving one hand to the lower left side of the
recliner.  In one abrupt jerk she repositioned the chair by 160 degrees,
giving the girls a full view of the underside of both people sitting in the
chair, black on white skin.

   "Rule 1; always be sure to breathe", Jenny said.  "Especially if it's
your first time."

   As she spoke she reached a hand around her back, and gripped topmost
part of Samson's throbbing dick.  She would pause for a moment to let the
girls get a firm image of each motion.  Slowly Jenny then lowered herself
on the monstrous member, the other girls eyes glued to the sight as the
distance between Jenny's pink pussy lips and Samson's swollen cock was

   "Rule 2; Always brace yourself for the head.  The first four inches or
so are always the hardest."

   First four inches, thought all the girls unknowingly in unison.  Steve's
whole penis is five inches, thought Sammy.  That's all Thum (Tom) has,
Thought Anya.  This bitch really talks as if she knows what she's doing,
brooded Ivana quietly.  But the average male penis is only six inches,
thought Bianca.  Spying Samson's massive member immediately pressed down
this belief firmly now however for the proper blond, seeing being akin to
believing after all.  Can Jenny really take that much?  I mean, he's so
large, she pondered.

   Jenny continued her downward path onto Samson, slowly, methodically,
until their two parts finally touched.  Jenny's pussy slowly opened itself
as Samson's brown piece slid inside her.  They both moaned as Jenny's
pussy lips bloomed to take in more of the monstrous thing.  The looking
girls all sucked in air, some of them giving slight moans imagining
themselves in Jenny's place.

   "ugh", grunted Jenny.  "You grow an extra inch of what Samson?"

   He chuckled.

   "I've always got a little extra reserved for you Mrs.  Jenny."

   "O..Ok girls," said Jenny in more of a mouthed slur than actual speak.
She was trying to instruct while fighting her urge to give into the raw
ecstasy of having Samson inside her.

   She slid down further, making more of the ebony rod disappear.  Jenny's
pussy stretched to accommodate the sheer girth of the thing, and the image
made the girls excited.  I can't believe she's actually getting it in,
thought Ivana.  Soon Jenny managed to get the whole thing inside of her,
her round white ass sitting atop Samson's balls.

   "Oh my god!" shouted Sammy.  "She did it."

   Jenny turned around to face the girls, a girlish smile on her face at
Sammy's approving comment.

   "Nothin to it girls.  And if you thought that was something, watch

   Jenny then lifted her ass up, revealing once again the dark meat of
Samson's cock.  She brought herself all the way until she almost reached
the tip.

   "You don't want the head popping out", she said.  "Lord knows how much
effort it takes just to get it in".

   Without another word, she brought her ass back down, this time hard and
with an audible slap of skin against skin.  A collective shockwave passed
over the girls from the sound.  Jenny then picked up her pace, and
continued to bump her ass up and down on Samson's long rod.  The girls
looked onward, as Jenny continued to instruct them.

   Jenny leaned forward, poking her ass up so the girls had a good view of
the next lesson.  She placed her hands on Samson's muscular chest before
slowly beginning to motion up and down on his cock.  Gradually she began
speeding up.  Jenny decided to reduce the amount she took into her to 1/2
of him, so that she could instruct the girls properly.  This however wasn't
understood by the young and eager Samson, who took this fading back on
Jenny part as a sign for him to take the reigns.  He pumped his hips
upward, deep into Jenny's pink twat.

   " Ahh!  Aaaahhh!  SHIT!!!-Y-you're working with a lot here...girls
SO--ah--Y-you always want START at ...ah...AH! an
even-rhythm, -jesus- work your way up from

   The girls looked on in awe as they watched Jenny's ass bounce up and
down, faster and deeper on Samson's black dong.  Jenny's very own juices
began to overflow and leak onto his balls, seeping onto Harold's recliner.
Unable to hold back her own enjoyment, Jenny then began grinding harder, a
motion intended to show the young Samson that Jenny was still the
instructor here.  Samson grunted with pleasure, and then lifted a solid
hand to massage her large breast.

   "Fu- I mean...fascinating..." said Bianca, her own hand subtly lifting
up to her own chest to touch the inside of her bra.

   "My...look at it go..." came Anya, feeling her nipples harden slightly
in response.

   "Hmph, doesn't look THAT hard..." came Ivana with a shrug, doing her
best to seem nonplussed.  Unseen by the other however, her own vaginal
walls were screaming.  Jesus, look at the slut go and on all that cock.

   Jenny continued to gallop on Samson, until she eventually forced
herself to simmer down, and pulled herself up her pleasure staff.

   "And lastly girls..." Jenny said in pants.  "This the hardest part, but
all the funnest."

   The girls all gulped, nervous but matched by intrigued.

   "Samson dear, why don't you show the girls how well black cock fucks
when you're in control."

   Immediately Samson motioned up from the chair to stand, however he
brought down by one of Jenny's hands.

   "Ah-ah, laying back.  I've still got to instruct them", she said.

   With that, Jenny turned her back to the black youth, and climbed back on
top of the recliner.  She straddled Samson once again, however this time
her back was to him, and she was now facing the wide eyed gazes of the
other girls.  Jenny slightly twisted her body to the left as she came down,
towering over Samson's huge slick ebony tower.  Using two fingers she
parted her pink cat, and then pushed herself back down onto Samson's
chocolate rod.  She grunted again.

   "Ugh, damn Mrs.  Jenny", moaned Samson.

   By the time Jenny had fit about half the monster cock into her, she had
revealed to the girls she had been placing herself in a side saddle

   "Alright Samson, now show the girls how black cock moves when it's in

   As if the request had been issued as a command, Samson began pumping up
and into Jenny with incredible force.  The loud slapping had more than
doubled in pitch and intensity.  The girls could almost feel each impact of
Samson's cock as it rammed itself into Jenny's unguarded pussy.  Jenny
cooed, and then began to wail as the young man reached his arms around the
underside of the older blonde's thighs, holding her in place while he
fucked her.

   "Jenny is really getting into this...even more than before..." said
Sammy out loud, more to herself than to anyone in particular.  Sammy prior
enthusiasm had been replaced with a calmer, more collected persona.  Sammy
was far too turned on, too wet to be bubbly right now, watching Jenny wail
and writhe while the dark and muscular Samson grunted and gritted his
pearly white teeth.  To Bianca, the feat was a marvel.  Like watching some
magical act of nature in one of the documentaries she'd regularly enjoy.
Needless to say however, the wet traces forming in her panties served as
proof that the round bootied blond enjoyed this much more than anything on
Wildlife.  Anya gazed on with an intense look of enjoyment that oddly
bordered on sinister.  For a long time she had been looking for a means to
get back at her lecherous and unappreciative husband Tom.  She had resented
his increasingly uncaring attitude towards her, and resented even more his
lackluster skills in bed.  She wanted revenge.  And in viewing this man,
this big, strong, young, dark skinned stud as he pounded away into a woman
several years her elder - and thoroughly satisfying her no less - convinced
Anya that she had discovered the perfect tool to enact said revenge.

   Ivana Swallows had been so caught up in the act that for a brief while
she had forgotten all about her failed attempt at vengeance.  It was
downright incredible how forceful the young black youth was fucking the
busty blond senseless.  Watching Jenny's massive breasts heaving up and
down violently with each upward thrust, the semi-crazed look in Jenny's now
rolling eyes and the low, guttural grunts that made her almost sound
possessed by a demon at certain voiced apex's had made Ivana sopping wet.
She could only imagine how it must have felt to be so completely ravaged,
pounded, pulverized by something so large and...dark.  It was unlike
anything she had ever witnessed before, except perhaps the night of the
Coxville basketball game, which only added to the wetness forming in her
panties through memory.

   "Jesus..." she whispered to herself.

   Samson would keep up this pace for some time, eventually turning Jenny
to face the girls in reverse cowgirl position, which made Jenny's
abdominals tighten and flex in a way that had the young Sammy yearn to
slide a finger in herself.  Jenny would occasionally give a follow up tip
for bracing oneself for the blunt trauma of taking such massive organs, but
mostly the blond just wailed and writhed with the onslaught.  Until the
girls memorized every shift, shrug, and proper motion for riding big black

   Jenny would eventually be turned over onto her back, spreading her thick
and muscular thighs to the black bull and subsequently being burrowed into
in missionary position.  Jenny would lose track of her orgasms, one lined
up immaculately after another as Samson dipped into again and again with
increasing fervor.  Several times she'd try to give instruction, to give
the girls pointers, but every time she attempted to speak Samson's cock
seemed to thrust the wind right out of her as it buried itself into her,
belly deep.  Soon her words just trailed off into unintelligible moans and
grunts.  It was a product of her own design however, as she did warn the
girls beforehand that this was the hardest part of the lesson.  And the
young, energetic Samson West, seemed to still be brimming with energy.

   The girls found themselves being very much impressed with the young
man's physique, as the position gave a brilliant view of his highly
sculptured back, legs and ass.  Bianca was astounded by the underside view
of the young man's massive member.  The pulsating veins of his hot flesh as
it dunked into Jenny over and over made her own inside burn with curiosity
at how much of that black beast she could take herself.  Added with the
remembrance of how warm and firm Samson's grasp was on her large, the
collective emotion sent a chill of delectable electricity from the small of
her curved and toned lower back, and jutted to the pit of her womb.  Sammy
Spitzmen meanwhile was captivated by Samson's muscles.  She'd never seen a
man as ripped, toned, and immaculately sculptured as Samson outside of the
action movies she watched.  The rhythmic tensing and relaxing of his arms,
legs, hips, abs, and ass made her think of what a Greek god would look like
if he were pounding a fair maiden.  She had taken notice some time ago,
that watching the young black bludgeon Jenny made her nipples hard.  Turn
into two twin points of sensitivity that made her face reddened as they
brushed inside the fabric of her shirt.  Anya White found the ferocious
force in which Samson fucked Jenny to be simply awe inspiring.  She'd known
the black men of town were made infamous for their aggressive nature, but
the European beauty had not known in fact how fiercely that aggressiveness
translating to their sexual prowess.  The fast paced wham,wham,wham of
Samson's hips and giant testicles as they hit firm and wetly against
Jenny's thighs, ass, and quivering pussy made her own lady parts wash in a
raising heat of bodily secretions.  She'd never in her life been fucked
like that, ever.  And knowing that the young man would gladly oblige her if
she asked for the same treatment made her tongue near salivate with the
menu of possibilities.  Power-fucking was what the foreign brunette would
dub the subject, and based on the evidence she had been presented this
night, it was something that black men appeared to excel at in spades.

   "He has an incredeble body", said Sammy.

   "You could bend meetal spoons between cheeks I bet" said Anya.

   "Indeed", murmured Bianca.


   An hour or so later, Sammy Spitzmen, Anya White, Ivana Swallows, and
Samson West walked out of the Summers house.  All of them were physically
and mentally exhausted from the night's festivities and instruction.
Samson's walk in particular showed signs of significant fatigue, his normal
stride and posture being reduced to something reminiscent of a man in his
early eighties more than one in his late teens.  They were all exhausted,
however any onlooker watching their exit would have noticed a uniform
specter of a smile outlining all of their faces.  Sammy, Anya, and Bianca
all had a matching, almost dream-like expression uniformly painted on their
beautiful faces.  West meanwhile, despite his obvious weariness, held a
countenance that hinted of something beyond satisfaction.  A look of
composure and satiation that could, to the exclusive nameable few gentlemen
in Coxville County, only be identified and as the "post Jenny Summers
smirk".  Jenny watched the troop leave from the threshold, waving an
outstretched hand to the girls, and playfully giving Samson a slight smack
on his bottom as he exited her house.

   "I'll be sure to tell Kitty you stopped by", she said with an added
wink. "And girls, don't forget what I told you.  Same time next month at my
house if you're interested."

   They all complied in their own way.  Sammy turned around to give Jenny a
compliant wave,

   "OK Jenny."

   "Da", added the dark haired Anya.

   Bianca merely responded with a slight (seemingly embarrassed) adjustment
of here glasses.

   "Uhm...sure..." she muttered.

   Anya gave a terse wave and nod of her head, and punctuated the gesture
verbally with a simple,


   Ivana meanwhile said nothing.  She chose to simply keep walking down the
sidewalk that would ultimately lead to her house.  Harold Summers had just
driven up in his car as the girls and Samson had been making their way out
the door.  He smiled at the group, long enough until his eye settled on the
young West.

   "Hey girls, how was the meeting tonight?" he asked as he got out of his
car and collected his brief case.

   The three of them all gave varying responses.

   " say the least", said Bianca.

   "Really well..." said Sammy, though she forced herself to stop talking
before going into detail.

   "Wonderful", said Anya, though it came out as "Wundervool".

   Ivana said nothing.  Harold made a face, a confused contortion of his
features from how differently all of them had replied, but alas the four
seemed to be purposely leaving something out, something they wouldn't say
out loud, but their body language screamed in betrayal of their mode of

   "That's...nice." He said curiously, a part of him keeping from going
into further questions on the night's details.

   Harold said nothing to Samson as he passed by him, the two exchanging
nothing more than a silent swapping of disapproving glares at one another.
More accurately would be the disapproving glare Harold shot at the young
black man, and the defiant smirk that Samson gave Harold in exchange.  It
was a snigger that held some sort of secret punch line that the elder man
wasn't yet aware of.  Despite their broad gap in age, Harold Summers and
Samson West were enemies, and shared a less than jovial history via their
respective relationships with Kitty and Jenny Summers.  Over the course of
several encounters and dialogs, the two men held their opinions of one
another as less than satisfactory.  The added fact that West was currently
dating the elder man's daughter (his Kitten) failed to brighten the
situation as well.  The silence between them was broken when Samson spoke
up and said,

   "Long day at the office Harry?"

   The question made Harold cringe.  He hated when Samson, his younger by
almost more than two decades, referred to him as "Harry".  This was a fact
that the young Samson was well aware of, and made it a point to stab into
the older man with every open opportunity.

   "Boy..." Harold began behind gritted teeth, but soon fell back upon
remembering how intimidating the full height and build of the younger man
was to him.  "You've no idea..." he mumbled.

   "Take care ya'll", said Jenny as they exited the driveway and headed in
three separate directions.  Ivana and Sammy went left, while Anya and
Bianca headed right, and Samson continuing straight ahead back towards his
own neighborhood about a mile or so down.  The night had already arrived.
The moon had risen to its full shape above the neighborhood, a single
luminescent orb that washed Coxville in a gentle azure glow.  Crickets
bayed in the distance, and the moths could be seen circling underneath the
nearby street lamps.

   "Hey dear", said Harold in a less than confident tone as he walked up to
the front door.  "How was my queen's day?" he asked, leaning his head
forward to kiss her on the mouth, but was only given her cheek after she
turned her head to the left at the last moment.

   "It was fine Harold", said Jenny in a less than vigorous reply and more
of slack drawl hinting of boredom.

   "Anything interesting happen today?" he asked, a part of his mind
subconsciously looking back at the fading image of West as he walked
further down the street.

   Jenny was silent for a moment.



   During the book club meeting earlier that evening, a small skirmish had
broken out in the Summer's house in the wake of Jenny's tutelage.

   "What do you mean you're going next!?" said Ivana to Anya in a near
yell. "I was the only one who was able to make Samson come during oral
practice, so I should be the one who gets to practice riding first."

   Sammy, Anya, Bianca, and Ivana were standing in a circle that gave all
of them less than a foot of personal space as they bickered with one
another.  They had -somehow and very oddly- actually found themselves in a
tumult over who would be the next to get in physical practice on the young
stud as he sat in sweaty muscled heap on Harold's reclining chair.  His
cock, which had been buried firmly inside Jenny Summer's mere moments
before, had simmered down to only half hard after hitting its third climax
of the evening.

   "Besides, he said it himself, that I was a natural, not oh my god Anya,
you're making me come.  That proves I did the best."

   In her mind Ivana honestly couldn't believe that she was really having
this argument with the girls, her closest and (mostly) dearest friends.
Four married women, bickering like school girls over who'd be next to mount
the young black man.  She felt foolish and more than a bit immature, but
only until her thoughts shifted back on how thoroughly satisfying it had
been having that huge swollen piece of dark flesh firmly jammed in her
mouth and down her throat.  The mere memory of it, its rich taste and manly
odor had made her mouth water.  The sensation of her lips being tightly
wrapped the shaft and the weight of it as she attempted to jam it further
down her throat sent her into a ravenous glee that she noticed made her
hands tremble with excitement even then.

   "Only caz you toke two turns Ivana", retorted Anya sharply, her dark
eyes peering at Ivana with equal fervor.  "I never know if Siamsoon would
come for Anya, coz Ivana is selfish!"

   "Selfish?!" gasped Ivana.

   "Da, selfish.  Like hog!"

   "Hog?!" Ivana blurted.

   Ivana could tell that the same distinct feeling, the overwhelming hunger
and satisfaction had infected Anya, along with the other girls as well.
All their eyes held a wide, almost glazed look of desire in them.
Something had gotten to them.  They'd all gotten a taste of big black cock,
dipped into the dark honey pot, and it had unlocked something feral inside
them all.

   "Why I...How dare you!"

   "Yeah, that's not fair Ivana.  You can't go first after taking two turns
at oral." chimed in Sammy, her cheeks puffing into a pout that in turn made
her freckles seem to pop with extra color.  "I had the shortest time
practicin, so I should go next", she added.

   "With all due respect Sammy" interrupted Bianca, "I believe I was the
one who had the shortest time.  That and the added fact I went last during
the oral portion of  Therefore I believe it would only be
fair if I went next."

   With that Bianca left the circle as if she were going to mount the young
man right then and there.

   Oh shit, 3B's up next?  Thought the weary Samson.

   "No vay" shot back Anya.  "I had shortest time sucking Siamsoon, I shud
go necks".

   "Now wait just a minute Anya-"replied Bianca.

   The argument continued and soon rose to a fever pitch, until Jenny's
voice finally shot in over the discord.

   "Ladies ladies, calm down!" she said.  "Look, I know you're all very
eager to get your turn.  But arguing over it won't do anything but set each
other off."

   Jenny, who had only moments ago come down from the precession of orgasms
she had atop Samson, had pulled his huge member out of her and turned her
sweaty naked form to sit on his lap in the reclining chair.  She would give
an occasional heavy breath as a result of her previous excursions.

   "Besides", she said after another breath, "the boy's only got so much in
him to give.  It's not fair to expect him to take on all you girls in one

   She stroked the underside of Samson's chin with one hand affectionately.

   "Isn't that right dear?" she said with a smile.

   "Shiit", replied Samson, putting on his best cocky grin to hide his
exhaustion.  "I'm a little tired, but I think I've-"

   "See", shot Jenny before he had a chance to finish.

   "The boy's tired girls, so let's give him a rest."

   The girls faces all dropped as if they had just been informed Christmas
and Valentine's Day had just been placed on permanent hiatus.

   "Well when we get our turns?" asked Anya with the same sour tone in her
voice, arms crossed.

   Jenny stood up from Samson's lap, got back to her feet, and began
gathering her discarded clothing from different points on the hardwood

   "Well..." Jenny began.  "That's an interesting question Anya.  I was
thinking about that while watching you all".  Jenny slipped her panties and
skirt back on, breaking her sentence as she did to build emphasis.

   "You girls all did exceptionally well and I really do want all of you to
get...equal treatment."

   Jenny slipped her white blouse back on, and buttoned them up once more.

   "So I thought, maybe this would be a perfect opportunity for you all to
go out and get your very own."

   There was a long stint of silence before Jenny continued.

   "Wait...what?" Came a bewildered Ivana.

   "You've all definitely got what it takes, and after tonight's
performance I think it wouldn't be difficult at all for ya'll to go out
there and grab some big black cocks for yourselves."

   Sammy, Ivana, and Anya all shot glances at one another, the puzzle
pieces of Jenny's proposition forming beginning to form a whole picture in
their minds simultaneously.

   "Vait", started Anya.  "So, you vant us to go and find other cooks of
bleck in town, by our own selves?"

   "Well it doesn't have to be by yourselves.  Group efforts are fun too,
but you'll never get the full experience unless you go out there and try it

   "But...that's absurd!" interjected Bianca.  "I can't believe you'd
propose something", Bianca's words died in her lips.  She had
wanted to say how appalling the idea was, how revolting the mere thought of
them all roaming the town, looking for black men to bed like some breed of
common slattern was.  It was disgusting.  She wanted to say as such, but
for some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to say the words aloud.
Every time she tried, the memory of having Samson's massive cock sitting
heavy in her mouth and his large hand cupping her ass popped into view,
sideswiping any premeditated notions of protest.  In the end the only thing
Bianca could bring herself to say was,

   "But we're all married."

   Jenny laughed, almost throwing her head back she chuckled so hard.

   "So am I BB" said Jenny with a smirk.  "I'm married, with a child,
working, and getting black cock's just like Samson on the side on regular
basis.  I've been enjoying the benefits of all of it.  If I can do it; you
girls definitely can.  Ain't you girls ever heard of multitasking?
Besides, being married didn't seem to stop you from getting a big mouthful
of Samson's cock tonight, now did it?"

   Bianca lifted a finger as if to present with a counter-point, but again,
her mind failed to draw the proper set of words when the time came for her
speak again.  She merely stood there, frozen in place with her mouth wide

   "Hold on a minute", came Sammy from behind Bianca.

   "So...there are other black guys that are hung like Samson and the fella
on the video in town?"

   The question seemed rather late by comparison to the current matter at
hand, but alas, the girls all turned to Jenny in expectation of an answer.

   "In this town?  Ones like you wouldn't believe girl", assured Jenny with
a wave of her hand.  "Samson, tell the girls, are all the black guys in
Coxville hung like you?"

   The girl's eyes all fell to the young man.

   "...Well...perfectly" he said.

   The girls faces all dropped in unison, a heavy blow being thrown to
their hearts.

   "Awww..." pouted Sammy.

   Jenny turned around in surprise with an added hint of anger at the naked
youth's answer.  Samson's face abruptly perked up and turned into a slight
grin when he said,

   "There are plenty of niggas who're bigger than homo or nothing.
I don't be lookin at em like that and shit, but you know..."

   Their faces all exploded at this statement.

   "Bigger?!" they all said in unison.

   Holy cow, I couldn't take half of what he's got, and he's telling us
there are black men in town that are huger than THAT, Sammy thought.  My
word, I can't even imagine something bigger than that, pondered Bianca.  No
fucking way, I almost choked to death getting that thing down my throat,
and he's saying they come even bigger, thought Ivana in disbelief.  Black
men in Coxville bigger than Samsoon?  Thought Anya, her jaw dropping open.

   "Yeah..." he added a moment later at random, as though he mentally heard
their thoughts.

   The three girls pondered this new revelation, and thoughts send fresh
currents of desire crackled between their legs.  They did not speak aloud,
only shot each other matching stares of disbelief at the prospect of their
endeavors this evening only being a...dare they thought...average showcase
of black men's skills.

   "Wow!" said Sammy.

   "So girls..." came Jenny.  "What do you think about that, wanna play?"


   Afterwards Sammy, Anya, Ivana, and Bianca had left Jenny's house with
only a slightly more convinced take on the matter.  They all agreed that
what they had witnessed, shared, participated in, had been unlike anything
they had ever seen, touched, tasted, or felt in their lives.  However they
also concurred with one another that they were still bound to their status
and role as housewives.  Even Anya, who took her role as nothing more than
a title, had showed reluctance out of worry of what would happen if Tom had
somehow become aware of her actions, and how the possible negative effects
that would effect her current lifestyle (a bitter though comfortable one).
All the same, Jenny laid down the ground rules with them, and despite their
reluctance, the four of them listened intently.  The rules were heavily
rooted in Ifs.  IF they were each to venture out on their own, and IF they
decided to hunt for their own black stud/s that were said to dwell in
droves in the southern streets of Coxville, that they would be obligated to
share the story and whatever evidence they were able to salvage from the
tryst.  Any lingering doubts as to the hows and wherefores took a backseat
to the forerunning question of when the girls would convey their
experiences to one another.  IF they decided to perhaps, alter the clubs
focus of future meetings, tweak the format a bit, it would be done with the
utmost secrecy.  IF they were to share their tales to one another at the
following meeting, they would be doing so with the guarantee that it would
be told within a closely knit circle of trust, for one being exposed would
by relation expose them all after tonight's festivities.

   Jenny all the while made it known that the girls weren't being pressured
into doing anything they didn't want to do.

   "It's just a suggestion" she said, but with something unspoken hidden
behind it.  "I just see a lot of potential in you all.  You've all got a
natural talent for taking on the heavy hitters, don't they Samson dear?"

   "Ohhh yeah Mrs.  Jenny", said Samson approvingly, his mind falling back
to how each woman's mouth felt on his cock, and savoring the prospect of
how each woman would be in a full on fuck.  If his body weren't so
exhausted, he'd try to find out for himself exactly how good each woman

   IF they were going to pick this newly presented concept of "physical
activity" up, then they would meet at her house the following month, the
same schedule as their book club meeting, to engage in the telling of their
tales, and then proceed to rotate from house to house in their traditional
fashion so as not to arouse any suspicion from any who may notice.  In
response the girls said nothing.  Ivana looked at Jenny, then Samson, and
pondered what Jenny's game was.  Was Jenny attempting to cover her own
tracks by getting the rest of them to engage in the same lewd behavior she
had been involved with?  Given them Samson as something of an endorsement
or free sample, in order to bait them into becoming just as smutty and
nasty as she was?  And if so, if that were the case, why did Ivana not feel
nearly as offended as she knew she should be?  Was it because the girls had
already given into their wanton nature in sucking the young man nearly dry,
and therefore affirming their devious nature?  The videotape, the wet
slapping sounds, the weight of Samson's huge cock pushing itself down her
throat assailed her mind's eye in a precession or images.  It certainly
seemed that way, certainly left the girls with few options aside from
agreeing to Jenny's proposal.  A kind of gesture stated if you're gonna be
damned, might as well make the most of it.  Samson then told them that, IF
the girls wanted, he could easily pass the word on to all of his boys to
keep an eye out for the girls around town, inform them that there were some
new sexy players willing to have a go with the bruthas in the small town of

   "Not that I'll need to say much to convince them", he added.

   Sammy, Anya, Bianca, and Ivana shot each other questioning glances, all
of them trying to grasp some sort of answer or advice psychically from one

   "Just some food for thought ladies.  If you want it...go get it",
uttered Jenny in a seductive whisper, letting the words seep into the
women's ears and sink into the pool of their thoughts.


   The girls later all walked out of the house, uncertain, but all the same
shivered at the thought of the following month,  If they weren't interested,
they simply didn't have to show up, but if they did... Jenny saw them off
as Harold walked into the living room of the house.  The middle aged man
was exhausted, and his only thought was to come in and take a load off in
his favorite reclining chair.  He angled himself just in front of it, and
fell back with an audible sigh.  Immediately as his back hit the surface of
the chair, he felt the wetness still slicked atop its surface.  The chair
made an odd shifting sound, one that only emitted from chairs after
excessive use.  He thought at first that this was merely a mental trick,
perhaps an imagined feeling of moisture.  The smell however, suggested
otherwise.  It was an odd, vaguely pungent scent.  It smelled strange, but
strangely familiar.

   "What the hell?" Harold said out loud, turning himself in the chair and
checking its position and surface with his hand.

   There was definitely wetness on it, a lingering array of what he could
only make out to be sweat and...something else.  Something that struck him
as very familiar.  The smell, for some reason, registered another scent
that he had matched with it.  This smell, this odor reminiscent of body
heat and physical labor -something Harold hadn't been familiar with in some
time- had since been matched in Harold's mind with that of chlorine.  The
chlorine of a pool.  This thought in turn gave rise to a memory of last
summer, and very particular pool party held by his wife and daughter that
made Harold's stomach lurch.

   "J-Jenny!" came Harold in more of a whimper than a boom.

   "What Harold?" came Jenny as she closed the front door.

   "Did you..." his tongue cut itself off at the thought.  He didn't want
to presume, but with such a strong set of evidence, and that damned smell
that was now assailing his nostrils, he couldn't help but assume the worst
about what had transpired before his arrival home after a long and arduous
day at the office.  Jenny strode in, arms folded as though she were
actually about to scold Harold for something.

   "Well...what is it?" she repeated, with even less patience in her voice
this time.

   A moment passed, and Harold looked down at the chair, pressing a hand
into the soiled cushioning, hearing the wet light squeak of whatever
liquids had seeped into the fabric.  His eyes shot up to his wife, whose
returned glance was even sterner now as she awaited his response.

   "My reclining chair, its...its all wet."

   "Yeah", said Jenny in a cold and blunt retort.  "Sammy accidentally
spilled lemonade on your chair earlier."

   "Oh..." replied Harold.

   "We cleaned it up best we could, but she got a lot on there pretty good.
You know how clumsy she is, the poor thing."


   Jenny sighed, outwardly expressing frustration.

   "Don't pout, it'll come out if you clean it.  If you're feeling that
sore about it, go buy some Spot-Be-Gone at the store and scrub it til it

   Harold said nothing, just shifted his weight on the cushion and making
it keen with a squish,squish.

   Jenny shook her head as though somehow...disappointed.

   "I got you some TV dinners.  They're in the freezer, help yourself.  I'm
going to take a shower, I'm exhausted", she said in a mix of a terse grunt
and a sigh at the word exhausted.

   Without another word, she turned and headed upstairs towards their
bedroom.  Harold was too preoccupied with touching on the wet portions of
his precious couch to notice the silver DVD that glinted gently in Jenny's
hand as she made her way up the stairs.  Harold looked around the living
room, surveying his surroundings.  He saw nothing was out of place or moved
to an awkward location.  Everything was as it should be as far as he saw,
until he looked down at the floor.  Just in front of him, near the coffee
table and plum center of the living room, was a small puddle.  A very small
circle of what Harold looked (hoped) to be water.  He shifted forward,
making the chair give another wet squeak, and he stared at it harder.  A
clear liquid that had been spilled in the middle of the floor.  His mind
went over several different possibilities as to how the substance came to
get there, none of which were spoken ever spoken aloud.

   "Lemonade...must be more lemonade" Harold said out loud, almost as
though in an attempt to will himself into believing that's what it was.


   Ivana Swallows walked home in a daze.  The aftermath of an evening gone
wrong in so many ways.  She couldn't believe her careful planning had
fallen apart so thoroughly.  What she could believe even less is how
thoroughly she had made herself a willing participant in that failure.  It
was supposed to be the fall of her lifetime rival Jenny Summers, not the
awakening of whatever craven sexual urges that had been stirring in Ivana's
loins.  And what strong urges they had been indeed.  Never in her life had
she been so aroused, as amazed and wanton with her sexual desires as when
she saw that huge black cock slide in and out of her mouth, slick and
shimmering with her own spit.  The girls were too entranced with the sight
to take notice of the small wet puddle that had formed on the floor just
beneath her.  She had been wet, dripping wet at the feeling its resulting
resonations through her body.  She wanted that black beast's huge thing in
her more than anything, though she'd never admit it to anyone outwardly.
She wanted it to the degree that she lost all sense of self and time.  At
the proposed idea of Jenny's...modified club objected, she had said nothing
in protest.  It was crude, crass, and completely defiant of her wholesome
southern roots.  But my pussy was so wet at the idea of it, she thought to
herself.  It pained her to think it, to admit it to herself, but Jenny's
idea was brilliant.  She couldn't ignore it, nor could deny the rush of
excitement when Sampson made his confession that he was by no the means the
end all to huge black cocks in town.  This confession automatically brought
Ivana back to the night of the basketball game, and that huge flopping mass
she saw hidden just below the thin layer of clothing on that one young,
muscular black youth.  His body, his deep brown skin, that incredible thick
pillar resting just between his legs made her legs shake as she walked down
the dimly lit streets, and neared her house.  As she approached her
doorstep, a question echoed in Ivana's mind.  Why not, she thought.  She
had made up her mind before she even passed the threshold of her front door
and closed it behind her.  Before she removed her coat and placed it on the
nearby coat rack, and long before she slipped herself into her lavish
bathtub with gloriously hot water and bubbles.  This will work just as well
as my other plan.

   The idea was simple enough, simple and deliciously effective in theory.
Going along with Jenny's little game of unleashing the girls out on the
town.  The lot of them, trying to elevate their sexual prowess to her
level, and then gauging their worth.  All the while, Jenny would be so
comfortable with her experience she won't even see Ivana coming.  Usurping
her status as Queen of Coxville right out from under her upturned nose.
Yes it was low.  Yes it was a debasement of her southern roots.  And yes it
would require her to do things that she'd never, even in her wildest
fantasies, even remotely consider doing.  But alas, if that was what it
took to finally show Jenny who was boss, then so be it.  After all, there'd
be no denying Ivana as her better if she outdid her in that particular
activity, now would there?  Alright, fine, I'll play along.  I'll get
Jenny, by getting as much big black cock as I can.

   The more Ivana thought about it, the more idea formulated into being a
win or win situation.  Watching the video from the game had been the
confirming bit of evidence; the response her body had given during her
training had reaffirmed and brought to the surface what Ivana had only been
subconsciously aware of up until that that night.  Big black cock
put it bluntly, amazing.  Unlike anything she'd ever imagined sexually.
And the idea of getting it herself, having it fill her moist pussy, struck
her as almost as big of triumph as defeating Jenny.  I'll show her, show
her what happens when she lays a challenge in front of Ivana Swallows.
I'll outdo that bitch at her own game.  I'll find the biggest, blackest
cocks in this town, and make her, and the other girls' jaws drop at how I
handle it.  It would be perfect.  It coincided perfectly with an old saying
she had heard.  If you can't beat them, join them...until you can beat
them. I'll beat you Jenny Summers.  Soon I'll be showing you how to take
black cock...just you wait.  This thought became a mantra, one repeated
over and over again in her mind as she slipped back into the mass of
bubbles, and a devious smirk etched across her full lips that turned to an
O as she slid two fingers into the water and between her legs, her mind
trailing back to night of the game, and the basketball player she had
accidentally recorded.

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