An E&I Enterprises Story
copyright 2000 by Stormbringer
Revised 2009
Sam Kingston couldn't remember how he got to be in the white room. One
minute he was living on the street in Los Angeles and the next he was
confined in a small white room. He vaguely remembered a man giving him a
bottle of wine before he blacked out.
He was on a hospital bed with his arms restrained. Three doctors were
examining him, two men, one young. one old, and a woman. He was naked
except for his ratty old boxer shorts. Sam looked down his gray beard at
his old black body. "Who are you? What are you doing to me?" he asked.
"I’m Doctor Foster," said the younger man. "That's also Doctor Foster,"
he nodded at the woman, "and this is Doctor Slavisek. You agreed to try
out a new drug for us."
"I don't remember agreeing to nuthin."
"All the wine you can drink Sam and a shot of heroin a day," said Doctor
Slavisek. Sam liked the sound of that.
"That's an interesting tattoo," said the female Doctor Foster examining
his arm.
"It's the Budweiser," he replied. The woman doctor was one fine looking
bitch. Large breasts strained at the fabric of her lab coat
Doctor Slavisek was an older man closer to eighty then seventy. He
stabbed a needle into Sam's already needle scarred arm and Sam sighed as
the heroin quickly coursed through his veins. Sam smiled and blinked as
the drug took affect.
"Let's do it," said Slavisek bringing up another needle filled with
fluid and stabbing him on his upper arm.
"Lets hope subject C doesn't end up like A or B," said the male Foster.
"You can't have an omelet without breaking some eggs," said Slavisek.
"Besides there's plenty more homeless people out there."
A week later, Sam got off his cot and stretched. His arthritis wasn't
all that bad today. He walked over to get a bottle of wine and stopped
in surprise. He didn't feel the need to drink today, a need he had felt
every day for the last twenty years. He shrugged and grabbed a bottle
Sam looked around his room seeing it clearly for the first time since he
had gotten there a week ago. He had been drunk or doped up until that
moment. A video camera was mounted in the upper corner of the room
taking in everything. A small connecting room without a door contained a
shower and toilet. He looked at the shower. 'Why not?' he thought.
Sam Kingston stepped into a shower for the first time in over five
years. Getting rained on didn't count as bathing, though every now and
then the police would haul him in, hose him down and delouse him. The
hot water felt great. He grabbed a bar of soap and looked down at his
old, wrinkled body. He was 64, though life on the street made him look
older. He had a long gray beard with patches of black still in it. He
looked at the soap then at his dirty body. He had a lot of cleaning to
After about twenty minutes of washing, Sam's hand was soaping his
crotch, moving closer to his dick until he was running his hand along
his rod. Sam felt his dick getting hard for the first time in many
years. Delighted, he couldn't waste this opportunity and started jerking
off. He turned his back to the video camera and started stroking his
penis. He had always been proud of his dick. It was close to seven
inches long and it had gotten plenty of use on Vietnamese whores and his
cheating ex-wife.
It hadn't been this hard in over ten years and the damn thing looked
thicker then he remembered. After ten minutes or so, he grunted as the
cum shot up from his balls, striking the wall of the shower, a large wad
of sperm sliding down the wall and disappearing down the drain.
Fuck, but that was the best load he ever shot.
He leaned back and let the water soak his head, before beginning the
daunting task of shampooing his long dirty hair. His hand paused on the
top of his head. For the last twenty years, there had been a growing
bald patch on the top of his head. his hair was growing back.
Two weeks after his arrival at the facility, the female doctor came into
his room. Sam could see a security guard outside his door as she
entered. "How are you feeling, Sam?" she asked.
"Fantastic," he replied, closing the book he was reading and setting it
next to the cot. One of the male doctors had loaned it to him to ease
the boredom. It was on genetics. "I haven't felt this good in years. It
doesn't hurt when I piss any more."
"You were suffering from advanced sclerosis. Your last x-ray shows it's
improved considerably. I notice you’re not drinking as much," she said.
"No, I don't seem to need it any more and when I do, t takes forever to
get a buzz."
Dr. Foster made a notation in her notebook and then she took out a small
booklet. "I want you to take this test for me," she said handing him a
pen and the booklet.
Sam took it and looked the questions over. It was an IQ test. He took
the pen and quickly began answering the questions. Dr. Foster observed
him, helping time several questions. He finished the test quickly and handed it back. The doctor quickly
checking off his answers.
"How'd I do?"
"Your as smart as King Solomon," she replied.
"Your IQ is genius level. Are you having any problems?"
"Just one doc."
"What's that?" she asked looking up from her clipboard.
"This," he said lifting up his robe revealing his semi-hard cock. He was
damn proud of his penis. It had grown three inches and fattened up in
the last two weeks. He was masturbating several times a day now,
shooting large amounts of sperm into the air each time. He wanted to see
her reaction to it and was disappointed she didn't look all that
shocked, though she took an involuntary step back.
"Yes, I'm aware of it. The x-serum triggers a pubescent growth spurt in
the genitalia. It'll quit growing in another two weeks."
"Shit, it's gonna get bigger," he said grinning at it. Sam pictured the
doctor on her knees sucking on his cock. She stared at it and he watched her tongue flicker out to wet her lips. He was about to ask her to blow him, but she was hastily retreating out the door.
One month after Sam's arrival. Slavisek sat watching the two monitors in
his office. The two black men were both masturbating. Subject B was furiously
stroking his obscene penis in his room and subject C was jerking off his foot
long penis on his bed. Neither seemed to care about the video camera's
any more.
"I think we've almost got the dosage right," said the male Foster. "If
we can tone down that penis and body growth, it'll be perfect."
"I disagree," said Slavisek. "You know how many men will pay to have
bigger penises? We'll make billions on that fact alone, not to mention
hair growth, muscles, and eternal youth."
"We hope," said Foster standing as his wife entered the room carrying a
file under her arm.
"How was the physical?" asked Slavisek to the male Foster.
"Excellent," said Dr Foster smiling at his wife as she sat down.
"Strength, endurance, vision, all superb. We've created a super man."
"No," said Slavisek, "not an uber-man, just a perfect man. Perfect in
every way. Even his scars are gone and his tattoo has disappeared
"Speaking of his tattoo," interrupted Susan Foster. "I found out that
the Budweiser is the emblem of the navy seals, so I got his records from
the military."
"And?" prompted Slavisek.
"C is an interesting subject. Our IQ test matched one the navy gave him,
so the X-serum hasn't had any affect on his intelligence."
"We didn't think it would," said the older Doctor.
"B showed no signs of increased intelligence and of course A was dead
inside of a week."
"The interesting thing in his military file was a psychological profile.
The navy considered him to be a natural born leader, but with one
problem, C's a woman hater. His mother was a prostitute, who abandoned
him when he was eight. He was then raised by a sexually abusive aunt. He
married in 1965 just before being shipped off to Vietnam. In Vietnam, a
whore killed one of his team members and he came back on leave only to
catch his wife in bed with his best friend. He was arrested for nearly killing his friend, though he never hurt his wife. On top of misogyny, he was discharged for showing an increasing rebellion against "white" authority for passing him over for promotion. The navy psychologist wanted to
write a book on him."
Bill Foster put on the gloves and looked at the thick black penis
distastefully. Slavisek wanted the man's penis measured. The old man
seemed fascinated with this aspect of the X-serum. C was drugged and
restrained on his bed.
Bill crinkled his nose in distaste as he grabbed the man's penis by the
tip and yanked on it a couple times. The monster immediately turned rock
hard with little prompting. It really was quite impressive. Suddenly,
the thought of having a giant penis when he took the drug didn't seem
like such a bad idea. He wondered if Susan would enjoy having a penis
this big in her. The image of his wife riding the black man's penis
flashed in his mind and he quickly suppressed the image.
Bill decided to get this over with and quickly measured the length,
writing down 12.4 inches on a notepad. He wrapped his gloved hand around
the base and was disgusted when the black man began thrusting his penis
through Bill's hand. "Need...cum," muttered C in his sleep.
Bill wrapped the tape measure around the thick, thrusting rod, bending
close to the thick shaft to read the measurements. He paused sniffing
the man's crotch, then sniffed again suddenly he felt weak and inferior,
his own penis shrank into his scrotum.
Bill lifted the shaft and looked at the man's huge balls. He bent
forward until his nose touched the hairs on the man's balls and took a
big whiff. He then ran his nose up the rod and smelled the dark,
plum-sized head of the man's foot long clock. The head was leaking a
tremendous amount of pre-cum and he bent towards it until the pre-cum
touched his nose.
Bill nuzzled the head of the man's penis. He found his lips parting, his
tongue flickering out to touch the head, slowly at first then increasing
until it was swirling all over the tip of the man's
Bill's entire focus became getting that big cock off. He wrapped his
lips around the head and sucked it into his mouth, gagging at the
unfamiliar sensation. He began bobbing his head rapidly over about five
inches of C's shaft while stroking the rest with his gloved hand.
C started bucking his hips into Bill's mouth, moaning in his
semi-unconscious state. Bill's right hand grew tired of stroking him
after about ten minutes, so he switched to his left and back to his
right ten minutes latter.
Finally, C's cock swelled up and Bill could feel the pressure building
as it throbbed in his mouth. The man's sperm caught him by surprise,
filling up his mouth with the first wad and Bill swallowed to make room
for more. Bill was yanked from behind, the cock in his mouth sliding
out, the second blast of cum splattering on his face.
"What the fuck are you doing, pervert?" It was the guard who monitored
the security camera.
"He needed to cum," said Bill licking sperm off his face before bending
back down to lick up the rest. Bill was happy, he felt an incredible
feeling of satisfaction coming from C.
The guard pulled him off again and was about to say something when he
stopped sniffing the air. The guard looked at C's cock for a second, his
mouth falling open in shock. He licked his lips before coming to his
senses. "Shit, I feel it too, let's get the fuck out of here." He
grabbed Bill by the base of his neck and hauled him out the door.
Slavisek watched the video of Bill sucking C off for about the tenth
time. He had been monitoring Bill when the man suddenly started sniffing
C's crotch, cursing when the guard interrupted the proceedings. Susan
was sitting by him, looking away from the camera. Bill was in the
bathroom washing his mouth out with mouthwash for the hundredth time.
"Why?" asked Susan shaking her head.
"Pheromones," said Slavisek, rewinding the video and playing it again.
"Look how your husband is sniffing C's penis." He enjoyed watching Susan
squirm at the image on the screen. "C is giving off pheromones, scents
that trigger sensory impulses in other animals. Like the dominant wolf
in a pack. All the other animals sensing when he's hungry, angry, ...aroused."
"So we've set back evolution a million years," said Bill coming out of
the bathroom.
"In a way," said Slavisek. "Bill you were simply showing your
subservience to a dominant male." He grinned as Bill ran back to the
"What if it had been me?" asked Susan. "Would I have done it too?"
"Probably, and it's my guess you would have mated with him." Susan gasped and
turned to stare at the video.
"I suggest we wear masks in there from now on."
"A good precaution, but I think it was Bill's close proximity to the
man's penis that triggered the reaction. Have you felt anything around
Susan blushed and nodded. "I find I get aroused whenever I'm in the room
with him. His presence is incredibly....masculine. I've even been
dreaming about him lately."
"Fascinating," said Slavisek.
"Disgusting," said Susan. no man should have this effect on a woman, let
alone on my husband."
"I think the pheromones will tone down a bit as his genes slow the
regeneration process."
"I've felt the same thing around B too," said Susan.
Slavisek shuddered. B was their second test subject and the first to
survive. The X-serum injected in him released too much steroids and
testosterone, turning him grossly fat. His penis had grown to around
eighteen inches and his balls were the size of melons. He masturbated
three to five times a day, each time his ejaculate measured around half
a liter. Apparently the X-serum heightened the male orgasm to the point
where subjects became addicted to cumming. "Have someone put C under,
there's a storm coming and I want a final examination of his body done
before I head home."
Sam played dumb as the orderly stabbed him with the needle. He chatted
with the man for a couple minutes before pretending to pass out. Alcohol
and the heroin weren't affecting him any more, though he still went
through the motions for the security camera. It was always good to have
potential adversaries underestimate you. Though the doctors had treated
him decently, he didn't trust anyone who kidnapped homeless people off
the streets and kept them prisoner so that they could experiment on them.
The orderly pushed his bed out the door and down the hall. Sam silently
counted the man's footsteps to see how far from his room he was going.
He was being taken back to the examination room. He heard the Foster's
and Slavisek talking. "Here's my ebony Adonis," said Slavisek as the
orderly pushed Sam in. "My beautiful specimen."
"Really doctor," said Susan. "sometimes you sound just like the
proverbial mad scientist, like Dr. Frankenstein."
"No, Doctor Foster. Frankenstein created a monster, I've created a
perfect man, a new Adam.
The doctors ran their standard tests, though this time they
concentrated on his crotch a lot. Sam felt them scraping sweat from his
cock and balls. "Want some more Bill?" laughed Slavisek shaking Sam's
cock at the other doctor.
"Fuck you," replied Bill.
Sam couldn't control it any longer. The old man shaking his cock was
making him hard. "Oh my," said Susan. "I've never been near him when he
was fully erect before.
"Masks on, masks on," shouted Slavisek releasing Sam's penis. Sam felt
his foot long cock smack against his belly.
For the rest of the examination their voices were muffled by masks.
Slavisek took one more skin sample and said, "That's it then, I've think
we've learned all we can from C now. We'll keep him around to look for
side effects another month and then eliminate him and B."
"Why don't you keep him alive, show him off to the board of directors?"
said Bill.
"Too risky," said Slavisek. "Think of all the offers he would get from
the competition. You can't trust anybody to keep quiet, especially a
black man, they would sell their own mama for a piece of crack. You two
finish up here, I'm going home for the weekend and I want to beat the
"Bastard," said Susan after he left. "He gave this guy a new life and he
can take it away just like that. What if DaVinci destroyed the Mona
Lisa right after painting it?"
Sam struggled not to react to his death sentence. He figured it would be
something like that. His biggest problem with his captors was the fact
that none of them treated him as a human being. He was a subject,
an experiment, a letter, a creation, etc. They always referred to him as C to
themselves and only called him by his name when they addressed him
directly. Anyway he had a month to escape.
The doctors finished and the Foster's rolled him out into the hall. He
heard Susan kiss her husband and say, "I'm going back to our room. Why
don't you hurry up and keep me company."
"Alright honey," said Bill, just let me get C back and I'll be right
"And Bill," said Susan, "don't take off your mask."
"Ha ha," he replied sounding kind of pissed.
"You don't have to worry about that and the guards been ordered to
monitor the cameras constantly whenever someone is in the room with C."
Sam heard footsteps leaving and the bed started moving towards his room
again. Escaping would be difficult. They'd know where he was anywhere in
the building. He had no idea how big the building was or how many
guards. He could handle maybe three, but they were armed and he wasn't.
He was in better shape then he had been as a SEAL in 'Nam. His muscles
were bigger and he apparently didn't need to work out to maintain them.
Whatever the odds were, he would have to risk it within a month.
Bill wheeled him into his room and was unstrapping Sam's arm when the
lights went out. Sam immediately tensed up. "Oh great," muttered Bill
going to Sam's next arm. As soon as his second arm was freed, Sam
grabbed Bill by the throat.
Sam stood up as the doctor fell to his knees clutching at Sam's arm,
gasping for air. He looked around the room. The emergency light had come
on, illuminating a small portion of the room, but enough that he could
see the frightened doctor. Sam released Bill's throat so that the man
could breathe. "Now little man, I want you to tell me exactly what's
going on here," said Sam, ripping of the doctor's mask.
"Fuck you," spit Bill, rubbing his throat.
Sam squeezed the back of the doctor's neck. "If you don't start talking,
we'll have to find another use for that mouth of yours." He smiled as
Bill's eyes grew wide with the realization that Sam hadn't been drugged
during his examines.
"We're part of the human genome project," said Bill spilling his guts.
"We call what we're doing the Gilgamesh Project and our goal is human
Sam listened with rapt attention to Bill's story. His genes were
regenerating constantly. That explained why his tattoo had disappeared
along with the needle marks from his heroin habit and a bullet scar from
'nam. His foreskin hadn‘t grown back though. "What's a big cock have to do with eternal youth?" he asked.
"An unexpected side effect. We used a combination of steroids and
testosterone in the genes which created your increase in mass and
genital size. The X-serum is geared towards men, we were going to start
a female version upon completion of this one."
'Fascinating,' thought Sam, wanting to hear more, but the power would
not be out forever and he needed to make his move now. Sam released
Bill and went over to his bed and ripped up his sheet.
One minute your a Viet cong soldier walking with his squad down a jungle
path. The next minute, claymore mines have killed your buddies and your
surrounded by big scary men with green painted faces. That was how navy
seals gathered intelligence and the look on Bill's face reminded Sam of
those Vietnamese soldiers and like those soldiers, Sam quickly tied him
up and gagged him.
"Take me to B," said Sam.
Bill lead him down the dark hall lit by the occasional emergency light
to a door identical to Sam's and stopped. It was bolted on the outside.
Sam opened it and stepped inside.
The first thing he saw was a grossly fat black man holding what looked
like a miniature baseball bat between his legs. The bat was a giant
penis and the man was rapidly stroking it. As Sam watched the head
swelled up and ejaculated a tremendous amount of sperm in a wad that
flew about three feet from the head and he still wasn't done, more wads
of cum flew from the head for at least thirty seconds. The man turned to
look at Sam with the same look of ecstasy written on his face that Sam
felt went he ejaculated.
Sam looked around the room. It was identical to his own in all ways
except the walls and floor were covered with cum stains. "Who're you?"
said the man.
"Put some clothes on, we're getting out of here."
Sam pushed Bill out of the room and waited for B to put his robe on. The
room stank of semen too bad to remain in there. A minute later B came out
of his room dressed in a hospital gown just like Sam's. "Who're you?" he
asked again.
"I'm Sam, a lab rat just like you. They were planning on killing us, so
I'm busting out of here. What's your name?"
"Benny, though my friends call me Bull."
'How appropriate,' thought Sam. "Well Bull. you want to come with me?"
The obese man smiled and Sam said, "let's go then."
"You have a car?' Sam asked pushing Bill. The frightened man nodded.
"Where are the keys?"
Sam lowered the gag long enough for Bill to say, "In my room."
"Take us to your room then."
The building didn't appear to be too big, though oddly there weren't any
windows showing the outside anywhere. It was also strangely deserted.
They quickly arrived at Bill's room and
entered. It was larger then Sam's. He looked around, but the light from
the hall was barely enough to see by.
"Honey, hurry up and come to bed," said Susan's voice from the next
Sam's eyes opened wide at the thought of Susan Foster lying in the next
room in bed. His cock quickly turned fully erect and when it got hard,
he had to cum despite needing to hurry. He handed Bill over to Bull and
motioned for Bull to be quiet. The big black man grinned as Sam
stripped. When he realized what was going on, Bill started moaning
until Bull put his big beefy hand over the gag in Bill's mouth.
Naked, Sam shut the door to the hall making the room pitch black. He
then walked into the bedroom.
"Oh Bill, I'm so horny," said Susan. "I think that jungle bunny's
pheromones must have gotten through my mask. I can't wait till your dick's as
big as his."
Sam leaned down feeling the bed and Susan's leg under the bedspread. He
grabbed the cover and yanked it off her body hearing her yelp. Sam
grabbed her ankles and spread them wide. Sam laid down on the bed
between her legs. He'd always wanted to taste white pussy.
"Bill what are you doing? Quit fooling around and fuck me."
Sam didn't answer her as he brought his face up to his pussy. God, it smelled good. He
flicked his tongue out and licked her thigh. Susan jumped at his touch
and his keen ears detected an increase in her breathing. She didn't jump
when he licked her thigh again, but she spread her legs even wider as he
ran his tongue up her thigh, stopping at her labia.
"Oh Bill, you've never done this before," said Susan Foster. Sam felt
her entire body trembling.
Sam pushed his nose into her pussy and took a big whiff. He hadn't
smelled a pussy in decades, nor had he tasted one. Sam kissed her thigh
and then brought his tongue across her labia. She jumped again as he
rapidly began running his tongue up and down between her folds, wiggling
it into her pussy until she started humping his mouth, moaning slightly.
Sam continued to thrust his tongue into her as he worked his arms under
her thighs and ran his hands up over her flat belly and up to her
breasts. God, they were nice and full, smooth, perfectly rounded. He
pinched her nipples between his fingers. They were fat and long. He
stroked them like they were miniature cocks and she began humping his
tongue even harder.
The bitch was loving having her pussy licked. Her whole body was
starting to shake and he could feel her head thrashing back and forth.
Sam decided to administer the coup de grace. He moved his tongue up her
labia and quickly twirled it around her clit.
Her orgasm lasted half a minute and her scream of pleasure lasted just
as long. When her cries ceased he heard her husband whimper in the next
room. "Oh god, its been so long since you've made me cum," she murmured.
Sam sat up, wiping the back of his hand across his chin. He hooked his
arms under her knees and kneeled between her legs, resting his foot long
cock against her pelvis. Sam freed one arm and wrapped his hand around
the base of his cock. He moaned as he rubbed his cock against her pubic
hair. This was going to feel so good.
She pulled her legs back as he pushed the head of his cock down against
her labia and pushed down. "Hmmm, it feels so good, so big," said Susan
and then she seemed to come to her senses. "Oh my god! No, it can't be."
The lights came on.
"C, you fucking bastard," she cried.
"Hello Susan," said Sam holding the fat head of his cock in her pussy.
It had been a tight fit at first, but his pre-cum and her juices were
quickly loosening it up.
"What have you done to my husband?" she cried through gritted teeth.
"Bull," yelled Sam, "bring the wimp in."
Bull walked into the room pushing Dr. Foster before him. The big black
man licked his lips when he saw the nude white woman being penetrated by
the tip of Sam's dick.
"C, take that thing the fuck out of me," she said.
Sam looked at her gorgeous nude body. She was shiny with sweat, her
bosom was heaving as she breathed deeply, and her nipples were hard and
engorged. "If you want me to take it out, how come you’re humping my
Susan was horrified, but he was right. She was thrusting her hips up
into his cock, wanting it in deeper. Her vaginal muscles were squeezing
the head tight, trying to pull him inside. She looked down his body.
Part of his chest was still covered by his beard, the part she could see
glistened with his sweat. She had seen him nude on video and when she
examined him, but never had she seen him fully aroused. His huge
muscles were prominent and bulging from his chest to his abdominals. She
looked down his crotch and gasped at the sight of the long cock
connecting their bodies. She gasped again when she realized how little
she had taken so far.
"I think you want to fuck me," said Sam. "I think you want to see how a
real man's cock feels."
Damn him, he was right. Everything about C was overwhelmingly masculine
and every nerve in her body screamed at her to submit to him. She did.
"Fuck me you bastard, give me that big dick."
He pushed another three inches into her and began working them around,
loosening her up. "More C, please give me more. I‘m so horny."
His response was to pull it all the way out. Susan was immediately
overcome by a sense of loss. She felt empty and unfulfilled. "Please,"
she cried, "put it back in."
He teased her with his cock, rubbing it all over her pussy causing her
to writhe in frustration. "I ain't no fuckin letter, bitch. I have a
"Please SAM, I'll do anything, just put your cock back in me," she
sighed as he pushed it back in, not stopping at the halfway point this
time. Places deep in her vagina that had never opened for anything,
parted for him as inch after inch penetrated her. There was no pain,
just a deep sense of fulfillment.
Sam hooked his arms under her knees again and raised her hips off the
bed, pushing his cock all the way in. She came again when his balls
slapped against her thighs.
The look on her face was one of pure ecstasy as Sam began slow fucking
her. Damn, but he would like to of spent hours in her tight pussy.
However, with the lights on their escape would be discovered and he had
to hurry up.
Sam picked up speed slamming his mighty cock into her pussy with such
force his balls were constantly slapping against her thighs. Her eyes
were closed, as her head thrashed back and forth. The woman seemed to be
cumming constantly. He delighted in his new found sexual prowess. Sam
hadn't been a slouch in the sack, but never had he gotten the kind of
reaction from a woman that he was getting from Susan Foster. The woman
had turned from a prudish doctor to a wanton slut after experiencing
only a few inches of his new cock. This uppity married white bitch was
begging a homeless black man to fuck her right in front of her husband
and she was cumming like crazy.
Sam watched her face as he fucked her. She paused sniffing the air then
opened her eyes. Bull had removed his gown and was jerking his cock off
over face. Bull's cock was the biggest, ugliest, monstrosity he had ever
seen, but the girl just raised her head and kissed it worshipfully on
the tip and began kissing around the head every time it emerged from the
They really needed to hurry, so Sam just kept up the fast pace until he
felt the addictive feeling of the sperm shooting up from his balls,
causing his cock to jerk as it deposited more cum in her pussy then her
husband probably had in their entire marriage.
Susan screamed from a tremendous orgasm when he came. Her eyes and mouth
flew open just in time to catch Bull's orgasm. Sam couldn't be sure from
this angle, but it looked like Bull's pee-slit alone was as big as a
human eye and his first wad completely covered her face in a thick layer
of sperm. The cum crazy slut barely flinched as she brought her lips up
to the tip to catch the rest of Bull sperm in her mouth. Even after the
amazing amount of sperm in his first wad, his giant balls shot still
more into her mouth overflowing it faster then she could gulp it down.
Sam backed off the bed. Susan had wrapped her little hands around Bull's
cock and was busily stroking it, trying to milk out more sperm. Her
husband was curled up on the floor in the fetal position, his eyes glued
to the scene on the bed.
Someone knocked on the door. "Doctors, open up, the test subjects have
Sam's heel was already kicking out as the door swung open. The guard’s
face didn't even have time to register surprise before his knee had
snapped and he was yanked into the room.
The guard started screaming when the pain from his shattered knee hit
him. Sam mercifully pressed his finger down on a pressure point in the
man's neck until the guard blacked out.
Sam stripped off the guard’s uniform and carried it into the bathroom. He
paused before the mirror, seeing his new reflection for the first time.
He was bigger now then he had ever been. He appeared to be in his early
thirties again, though his hair and beard were still white presenting an
odd contrast to his youthful features. The bald spot on his head was
growing in young and black though. He assumed that if he shaved it would
all grow back black.
Sam found Bill's electric razor and quickly shaved his beard and hair,
the face looking back at him was one he had never expected to see ever
Sam dressed in the guard’s uniform It was tight and the pants were
several inches too small, but from a distance his ruse should work. The
guard didn't have a gun, just a club. It would do.
"How many guards are there," said Sam coming back into the room. Bill
was lying on the floor crying and ignored him. "Bull, Dr Foster here has
developed a taste for spunk, you got any left in that big thing?"
"Sure Boss," said Bull getting up off the bed, his grossly fat body
shaking as he moved. "This well never runs dry."
"T-ten guards," cried Bill quickly.
"Good boy, Now where do I find the lab?"
Sam casually walked down the corridors occasionally seeing guards down
the halls. He waved to them and walked on before they came too close.
Sam quickly followed Bill's directions to the lab. He entered the large
room, probably the biggest in the building. Luckily it was unoccupied,
but there was a video camera mounted in the corner, slowly moving left
to right. He'd try not to look too suspicious, which was hard to do when
you were planning to blow it up.
Navy seals trained heavily in demolitions. Some chemicals from this room
mixed with cleaning appliances he had taken from a janitor's closet, and
with a candle he had taken from Susan for a fuse, Sam quickly rigged a
fire bomb to destroy the room. When he was finished, he looked up, the
camera had quit moving and was looking right at him.
Two guards ran into the room and pulled their Billy clubs. Sam pulled
out his.
Sam lit the fuse. He had rigged it to give him plenty of time to escape.
An alarm started to sound. He looked at the bodies of the two guards,
one was splayed out on the floor, the other's head was through a wooden
door. Sam wasn't a murderer, he dragged the guard on the floor over to
the entrance and pulled the second out of the door. Something glittered
through the hole in the door. He reached through the hole and unlocked
the door. Sitting in rows in a plastic container was dozens of vials of
X-serum. He grabbed a handful and shoved them into his pocket.
Sam pulled the bodies into the hall just as two more guards rounded the
corner. He ran from these two, hoping to keep them out of the lab. He
still had work to do.
His jobs finished, Sam ran towards the parking lot, out the door and
into the coldest hell he had ever felt. A blizzard was raging full force
outside, there was about nine inches of snow on the half dozen or so
cars in the parking lot and the new snow seemed to be sitting on over a
foot of old snow on the ground.
He saw Bull emerge on the other end of the parking lot pushing the
Fosters before him. Five guards came out of the same door seconds later.
Sam ran to help, but slipped in the snow. He looked up in time to see
Bull charging the knot of guards. A shot rang out and Bull staggered
clutching his stomach, before falling to the ground.
Sam shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out the guard’s set of keys.
The car key had the word jeep etched on it. He looked around and quickly
spotted a Cherokee.
Sam ran for the truck, risking a glimpse at the guards. They were
untying the Fosters. Bill Foster spotted Sam and raised his finger
pointing at him. The guard turned and pulled his gun. Bull tackled the
man seeming to come out of nowhere, moving with a speed seemingly
impossible for all the weight he was carrying. The two disappeared down
an embankment.
Sam unlocked the truck just as the other guards opened fire. They had
him pinned down and were advancing just when an explosion rocked the
building throwing the guards into the snow drifts. Sam used the
distraction to climb into the Cherokee. He started the car, threw it in
four wheel drive and spun out of the parking lot, the rear window
shattering as a bullet hit it.
He rolled down his window and used the Billy club to wipe the snow off
the windshield, he was driving blind, but sheer luck must have kept him
on the road. A second explosion rocked the building and then a third.
In addition to the lab, Sam had placed bombs in Slavisek’s office, and a
room filled with computers. He had turned off the water in the building
to disable the sprinkler system. Hopefully, the fire would wipe out the
Gilgamesh project or at least set them back about ten years.
Sam shivered as the cold air pouring in the back window overwhelmed the
Truck’s heater. He didn't have a jacket and would freeze to death if he
didn't find shelter soon. He reached in his pocket, past the vials of X-serum and pulled out the
guard’s wallet. It contained about thirty dollars, some credit cards, and
a driver's license that said the man's name was Sol Rubenstien.
Sam knew he wasn't in Los Angeles any more. He didn't know where he was,
probably the mid-west judging by the landscape, but he did know he was
free again and that was all that mattered.
The End
The story is directly continued in Solomon King 2.
Author’s note: Solomon King was born a composite of other ideas that I had planned on writing about. The original idea was about a genetically enhanced super soldier wandering around the country fleeing from authorities and having a series of sexual adventures. Something like the old Incredible Hulk TV show. The whole E&I saga started growing on me after this. I brainstormed idea after idea and the whole universe started forming. Read my series description and timeline for more information. I suggest reading the stories in order of the timeline.
The story that started it all. I hope you come back to this universe very soon as it's the reason I follow your work. Love the world you have created.