The Meeting (Stealthbomber)

 The Meeting

by Stealthbomber

Jubal Mfune Dean of LIU

Reginald Jordan – Chief Consul for E&I

Jamal Washington - PHD Student at LIU

Angie Simpson – Anthropologist (From 42 Working Vacation)

Will Jefferson - Advisor to Solomon King

Tyrone Jones – Solomon King’s right-hand man

Scipio Africanus Duffy – Professor at LIU

Kwadwo Afrane – Professor at LIU

Solomon King, Reginald Jordan, Tyrone Jones and Will Jefferson read the documents before them,

each man concentrating on the words on the pages, every now and then an eyebrow would lift, or a

grunt would escape their mouths.

The meeting was being held in E&I Enterprises new offices in downtown Manhattan, in a former

Trump building. The offices replaced the former HQ in the converted warehouse that had been the

heart of all E&I operations for years.

The offices were located very near to the top of the building, but not on the top floors, that space

was rented out as it was far too valuable to not be.

The E&I offices were spread over two full floors and were served by dedicated elevators and housed

the commercial and legal sections that managed the ever-expanding business empire of Solomon


This meeting room was windowless and was in the core of the building, all of them left their cell

phones outside and no electronic devices were allowed in the room, and there were no connections

for LAN or telephony inside the room. It was as ‘black’ as could be made with respect to electronic

bugging and surveillance devices.

Jubal Mfune, the Dean of Long Island University sat along with Professor Kwadwo Afrane, the

scientist who was the principal author of the report that the leadership of E&I were reading, along

with his PhD student Jamal Washington.

Eventually the men finished reading the report and none said anything, all obviously waiting for

Solomon King to speak first.

After a few seconds of silence, that Mfune found difficult to sit still during Solomon King eventually


“I congratulate you Professor Afrane, and you Jamal, solid work.”

“Thank you Mister King,” replied Afrane, his west African accent thick and lilting. The Professor was a

recent immigrant to the USA, sponsored by LIU and Enhanced several days after he arrived in the US

to start work on this very project.

It had taken a little over a year to complete the project, the time it took was more a factor of getting

MRI time than anything else. LIU had gotten its very own MRI and numerous other expensive

medical scanning devices, and these had been used almost exclusively for Project Ishtar.

The University had received matching grants from State and Federal agencies to pay for this

equipment and now LIU had one of the best equipped medical research facilities on the East Coast

outside of the bigger and more well-known Universities.

“Hold up, hold up just a second!” Reginald Jordan piped up, “who’s this bitch? Who is this ‘Angie

Simpson’, who the fuck is this slut?”

Noticing that Afrane was a little taken aback by the tone and demeanour of Jordan’s question Mfune


“She was a woman who published am Anthropological paper several years ago after visiting

Trinibongo, the paper documented the unique morphology of the genitalia of the male population of


“You mean the fact that they all had huge, enhanced black cocks?” Jordan snapped back, correctly

sensing that he was being talked down to.

“The very same, she divorced her husband and went to live on Trinibongo, becoming a breeder. I

thought that her academic credentials would lend some additional weight to this study, and her

research input was invaluable.”

“You also gave her a shot of the Y-Serum if I remember?” asked Will Jefferson, “Why?”

“She has joined the Department of Comparative Neo Anthropology at LIU, and like I said, her work

has been invaluable so far.”

“Does, does this cunt know about X-Serum?” sputtered Reginal Jordan, his face beginning to darken


“Of course not!” Mfune snapped back, “Don’t take me for a fool Jordan! Just because I was born in

Africa does not mean I’m stupid!”

“Enough!” Solomon King barked, “enough.”

“This paper has been published in open scientific literature under the title ‘Sexual reproductive

selection strategies in west African tribes during the era of the transatlantic slave trade and its

impact on sexual dimorphism in African American male descendants.’ This paper is stripped of any

references to project Ishtar and where the word ‘Enhanced’ appears it is replaced by ‘African

American’ and where the word ‘unenhanced’ appears it is replaced by ‘Caucasian’. Most of the

paper is turgid nonsense, Miss Simpson proved very diligent in being able to discover ‘genetic’ links

between Enhanced males and West African ancestry. The bitch is completely unaware of the truth of

the matter she was studying,” Mufune explained, a rather smug look on his face.

“She fucking better be!” retorted Reginald Jordan, who still looked annoyed despite what was

explained to him.

“Dean, ‘turgid nonsense’?” asked Tyrone Jones, “I thought it was called Comparative Neo

Anthropology?” a barked laugh accompanying this statement.

Mfune smiled thinly in reply, “indeed, but it provides a scientific, or should I saw pseudo-scientific

cover for the promotion of African male sexual superiority that mister King wishes to see promoted.”

“Boss,” Reginal Jordan turned to Solomon King,” why are we wasting money on this crap? How much

did this cost anyway? A couple of million dollars right? We could have enhanced a few more

brothers for that cash, not wasted it on stuff we don’t need to know!”

“This study was undertaken in the pursuit of knowledge. To further our understanding of the great

gift that Enhancement is, it was not some frivolous exercise, like you seem to think it was!” Professor

Afrane finally deciding to get involved, his face furious at the slight Reginald Jordan was levelling at

his work.

What would this, this advocaat know about anything, he spent his life studying the words of white

men, his brain stuffed with the mush of decisions and rulings? This American fool knew nothing of

the working of the body, of its incredible complexity. To be allowed to plumb the bodies secrets with

the technology and resources now available to him. Why this was a priceless opportunity! He was

already hard at work on expanding the delivery methods for X-cite, documenting the effects of the

various new types of X-cite and their delivery methods. Fascinating work it had to be said, and the

‘benefits’ of carrying out such work were a delicious bonus.

He liked American women, especially blonde haired and blue-eyed American women, and with

Enhancement and his work he could have as many as he wanted.

“We should be pouring every dammed cent we have into enhancing as many as we can and getting

that cracker McGraw busy on producing a synthetic Corbronite! This,” here he picked up the paper

and shook it, “this is a waste of time, a distraction, a vanity project!”

“Peace Reginald, peace,” said Solomon King, letting the force of his words calm the situation.

“Boss, we still don’t know enough about the Gilgamesh Project to be safe. Every little bit of publicity

and attention we draw to ourselves makes us more vulnerable. We could lose this all in a heartbeat


“Here is the thing Reginald, nothing, and I mean nothing, has surfaced about the Fosters or Slavisek

in over two decades. And we’ve looked, trust me we’ve looked long and carefully. Secondly Project

Gilgamesh was a typical DARPA/CIA/NSA – insert word salad national security organisation here,

‘deep black ‘project.”

Here Solomon chuckled, “deep black’, hah, ironic….. Anyway, it was likely never even referred to as

Project Gilgamesh outside of Slavisek and his crew, it was probably given some code name like Have

Blue or Tacit Rainbow or some other combination of meaningless words. And its budget was utterly

black as well, I bet you no line item for it ever appeared in any Congressional oversight documents. It

was paid for by $500 toilet seats and $10,000 wrenches. The only thing we’ve been able to find out

about it was when we backtracked from the buildings in North Dakota to a holding company

registered in the Cayman Islands. And it has black ops written all over it, and the trail goes utterly

dead from there.”


“I’m not finished Reggie, let me continue. We keep a very close eye on Carbronite production and

sales, because we fucking have to. Without it we would be finished, do you know what Carbronite is

mainly used for Reginald?”

“Yeah, I do,” Jordan replied, looking unhappy at being lectured in front of his peers.

“Medical drug production, Carbronite is vital for catalysing the production of various medicinal

substances. It’s classed as a strategic material by the US Department of Defence, so vital is its usage.

The company that controls the single mine that produces Carbrontite has CIA written all fucking over

it Reginald. The only way we could get our hands on Carbronite in any volumes was by using King

Pharmaceuticals, and even them it took us nearly 5 years to get a license to purchase the stuff.

Before that we had to make do with odds and ends of Carbronite that we could pick up here and

there, even a few burglaries to secure the stuff. It’s not money that limits our ability to Enhance men

Reginald, it’s the supply of Carbronite. And trust me Hank McGraw is working night and day on

producing synthetic Carbronite.”

“He’s no nearer to producing the stuff than he was a decade ago boss,” Jordan replied sourly, “have

Jamal here assist him, the kid’s a fucking genius!”

“Jamal is already working with Hank on this very problem, aren’t you Jamal?”

“Yes mister King, I’m just finishing off some work on my PhD and then I will be working full time with

Hank on synthetic Carbronite.”

“See Reginald, it’s all cool as the other side of my pillow,” chuckled Tyrone Jones.

But Reginald Jones was not satisfied, not truly, Solomon King had this priceless thing in the X-Serum

and he was busy wasting it on the likes of thugs like Tyrone Jones and the products of the

rehabilitation projects that Solomon King was so fond of. Street thugs and scum were being

Enhanced, and if they paid back the cost of their Enhancement, they were even allowed to operate

freely and out from under the umbrella of E&I.

He shuddered at the very thoughts of this, the fools and morons being gifted with Enhancement

would eventually blow their cover and bring the government’s attention to them. Sooner or later,

they would be found out and destroyed, and Reginald Jackson did not want to spend his last days

strapped to a medical examination table somewhere being probed and tested.

What they should be doing is enhancing as many gifted black college students, giving them

scholarships as opposed to wasting money on giving college scholarships to white sluts.

And that was the core of the problem as far as Reginald Jackson was concerned, for most enhanced,

and especially Tyrone Jones, who had Solomon King’s ear on most matters, it was all about the white


Not that he had anything against white pussy, but the lengths E&I went to in respect of getting white

sluts hooked on Enhanced black cock was a serious misuse of both time and resources.

The white bitches would come anyway, it was power that they should be concentrating on,

enhancing as many good quality black men as they could and leveraging power by this means. Not

by seeking to turn porn almost fully interracial, pleasurable and all that this sometimes was. And

most importantly they should be quiet about it, covert, not flaunting themselves.

His boss’s obsession with Daniel Trump’s women had been a serious flaw on his part, though in the

end the securing of Trump’s fortune had been welcome. But again, it brought Solomon King, and by

extension the rest of the Enhanced into prominence. And once people started to notice that

Solomon King did not appear to be aging, questions would start to be asked.

Fuck it, they were already in trouble with the FDA, who were trying their best to stick their noses up

their asses over the anti-aging clinic on Trinibongo, they should never have started that fucking

place. Now every haggard old Hollywood starlet was making a bee line for the place, popping back

up a few months later suitably rejuvenated and often knocked up with a black baby.

Questions were being asked, and powerful interests were starting to take a decidedly hostile look at

E&I. The pharmaceutical industry was absolutely up in arms about what was going on over on

Trinibongo, Senate hearings had been called and things were getting ugly, the drug companies were

spending furiously on the Hill.

Trinibongo was an independent country, actually a member of the British Commonwealth

technically, though the British never bothered setting up the normal Governorship. The island was

de facto governed from Jamacia but was now pretty much under E&I’s control.

But despite this the FDA was no respecter of anyone’s sovereignty when it came to medical

treatments of the revolutionary nature of what was being offered on Trinibongo. If some slut

wanted to get her tits, teeth or tummy tucked I Mexico then the FDA did not really give a fuck. If a

saggy titted, wrinkled seventy-year-old returns looking like a smoking hot twenty-year-old?

It was only a matter of time before they got Trinibongo shut down, or worse, the secrets of the Y-

Serum were exposed.

And yet all his boss seemed to be interested in was getting his dick wet and in visibly expanding his

overt power. He did his absolute best to protect his boss and to make sure that they prospered and

that they enacted their vengeance on white America. But sometimes he despaired, and a part of him

wondered if he might be better off transferring his loyalties elsewhere.

“Anyway, know we know why white chicks get knocked up so easily!” chuckled Tyrone Jones, “and

why they fall for our Pheromones. Though I’ve got some organ inside of me from a pig?”

“No mister Jones,” Professor Afune quickly replied, “your Bulbourethral Gland is merely similar from

a morphological perspective to that seen in Sus scofa.”

“Still, I can at least say I got a ‘bacon torpedo,’ eh?” Jones laughing at his own crude joke.

Reginald had to resist rolling his eyes at the rough humour of Tyrone Jones, a barely educated thug

who was way too senior in the organisation for his tastes.

“Anyway, enough of that, we have other business to discuss!” Solomon King announced, and they

talked of the efforts of Hank McGraw and Jamal Washington on synthetic Carbronite and the various

variants of X-Cite.

“I’ve been working on X-Cite for several months now, and I’ve managed to produce several

formulations of X-Cite, which vary in terms of the length of time their effects last for and in the

intensity of the effects.” Announced Jamal Washington, “there are now variants that induce almost

instant, overwhelming arousal, but whose effects fade rapidly, to those that induce low level arousal

for up to several days. I have been working on blending these together into various formulations, so

as to produce X-Cite that is able to produce specific, targeted effects. I’ve also been working on

reducing the costs of production of ‘base’ X-Cite and these variants, new production methods should

slash the cost of X-Cite, in all its various forms, by 50% at least.”

“Good, that’s good work Jamal,” Solomon King remarked, “I’m sure we can find use for these new

variants of X-Cite.” He was already thinking of adding X-Cite to the lube being marketed by E&I, even

better yet, add vials of X-Cite laden lube to E&I dildo’s. He would discuss this later with the right

people and see if this was a runner.

“And synthetic Carbronite?” This was the number one item Solomon King was concerned about, and

it would free them from dependence on a single source of this vital commodity.

“The issue Mr King is the chirality of the synthetic Carbronite, it’s skewed unfavourably versus the

natural compound, which exhibits almost a 50/50 distribution, synthetic Carbronite is 80/20

left/right. This is why, for example why we need two and half time more synthetic Carbronite for an

X-Serum shot but require only a quarter of the amount of synthetic Carbronite for a Y-Serum shot.”

“And you cannot fix this Chirality?” Solomon King asked.

A grin spread across Jamal’s face, “If I could do that I would win the Nobel prize for Chemistry Mr.


“And any progress on reducing the costs of synthetic Carbronite?”

“Yes, but I am approaching the theoretical limits on what is possible, I would say that I could get the

cost for a X-Serum shot down to just under 1 million dollars.”

“So about comparable to what it costs right now then?”

“Yes, but the cost of Y-Serum shots could be brought down to 250,000 dollars, increased

enhancement of females could be used to subsidise the enhancement of males?”

“It’s a thought Jamal, certainly one to look into, anything else?”

“Yes, the ‘wimp-shot’, apparently it also needs much less synthetic Carbronite, it will work with as

little as 1% of the Carbronite previously required!”

“Oh? Now that is great news Jamal!” laughed Solomon King, his mind alight with the potential of

what he could do with a shot that permanently shrivelled the penis and testicles of men exposed to


“I’ve even optimised it so that the wimp shot produces a micro penis and shrinks the balls to about

the size of olives.”

Cruel laughter greeted this announcement, along with numerous comments, he waited until the

men settled down before continuing, “sperm production also completely ceases, the men are

permanently rendered infertile and they are additionally incapable of attaining an erection, if you

could call it that…..”

More cruel laughter greeted this announcement, which he joined in, several of his unwilling test

subjects had been white men with above average penis sizes, and to observe their cocks shrink to

miniscule stumps had been savagely satisfying. Add to that their balls had shrivelled to barely the

size of olives, the scrotums hanging virtually empty. He smiled, he was working on converting the

‘wimp-shot’ into powder form, which would allow it to be used much more easily.

When he shared this fact Solomon King looked delighted with this development, obviously his boss

was thinking along the same lines as him.

Solomon King gave the go-ahead for the initial production of the wimp-shot, and for Jamal to

continue with research into other ‘delivery methods’.

“Oh, I almost forgot to mention,” Jamal added, “the T-shot, whereby it converts a male to an

enhanced female.”

“Oh yes, I remember you saying something about that alright,” Solomon King replied, “go on.”

“I’ve completed some initial studies, its technically feasible, but will require much more detailed

work. And in terms of cost it would be two to three times as expensive as a standard shot of X-


“Well, keep working on it Jamal, it would have some interesting uses, that’s for sure. Your number

one priority is synthetic Carbronite and making X-Serum shots from it, your second priority is Y-

Serum shots from synthetic Carbronite, third is your work on the W-Serum, then fourth is your

ongoing work on Xcite.”

Jamal nodded in response to this, not challenging this order of research efforts.

As this was the last item of business Solomon King gestured to Bull, who as ever stood guard at the

door, to bring in the traditional female accompaniment had been laid on for the enhanced men.

His faithful bodyguard opened the door and left the room, about a minute later seven young lovelies

filed into the room, wearing only high heels and smiles.

E&I starlets each and every one of them, and each also hopelessly addicted to enhanced black cock.

The girls moved to stand beside the enhanced men, a girl going to each man as they pushed their

chairs back from the table.

The girls all went to their knees before the seated black men and soon seven enhanced black cocks

were being enthusiastically sucked.

Solomon glanced down at the girl who was blowing him, a blue-eyed red head, pale skinned and

slim, but with a nice big rack, also a genuine redhead as the small patch of red pubes above her

pussy had confirmed.

The girl was blowing him with evident enthusiasm, and considerable skill, the slut was no stranger to

the art of fellatio, nor to the pleasuring of an enhanced black cock. He grunted in appreciation of the

bitch’s efforts, “yeah bitch, you know how to suck big black cock good.”

His words elicited a moan from the girl as she pushed her head all the way down on his cock, her

nose nestling into the pubes at the base of his cock.

She held her face there for quite some time, her tongue darting out to lap at the base of his cock,

before she slid her lips back up his cock, never once losing their tight, silken seal around his shaft.

Up and down the girl went, setting up a steady rhythm, deep throating him with barely any effort,

her tongue mobile and darting in her mouth, a delicious counterpoint to her lips.

Every now and then she would remove her mouth from his meat and slobbering all down it to pay

his balls the attention they deserved, all the while moaning and cooing. His enhanced nuts were far

too big for the slut to take into her mouth, but she worshiped them all the same, her lips and tongue

lapping and kissing at their hairy bulk.

To the redhead’s credit she showed no signs of tiring in her ministrations as after a half an hour

Solomon felt the first stirrings of his orgasm deep in his groin, the achingly familiar sensations that

he now knew were the various fluids that made up his semen beginning to pool and gather in

preparation for his actual orgasm.

Coupled with this his cock stiffened to an aching hardness, and the sensitivity of the skin of his cock

head increased correspondingly, he let out a contented grunt of pleasure, dropping a hand to rest on

the redhead’s head. He was sure she would swallow his load, given that she was no stranger to

Enhanced Black cock, but Solomon liked holding slut’s heads when he unloaded into their mouths.

“Yeah slut, gonna cum in your mouth, gonna give you a big load of black cum for you to swallow!” he

said, noticing that the girl moaned at his words, as if agreeing with his statement. Not that he cared

if she did or not, he was cumming in her mouth no matter if she wanted it or not. And she was

swallowing his semen, not that he expected her to refuse, even the most enthusiastic ‘cum-dodgers’

greedily swallowed the cum of Enhanced males.

Tingling, squirming pressure built up in his groin and balls, agonisingly pleasurable, his cock was

straining for his release, engorged and rampant. A feeling of delicious heaviness settled in his balls

and groin, he could now feel rhythmic contractions spasming inside him, almost as if he could feel

his semen sloshing and bubbling, eager for release. The slut was slobbering all over his cock head

with her mouth, just sucking her lips up and over the hard and flared ridge of his cock head, bobbing

her head rapidly back and forth, back, and forth.

“That’s’ it, yeah, just like that, you like black cum don’t you bitch!”

The girls only answer was to hollow her cheeks and clamp her lips as tight as possible to his flesh, her

tongue mobile and lavishing the spot below his pee slit with attention.

Solomon knew he was seconds from cumming, the pressure in the base of his cock was

overwhelming. He gritted his teeth and let out a snarled cry, trying desperately to delay his orgasm,

but the girls’ lips and tongue overwhelmed what little self-control he still possessed.

“FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!” he shouted as his cock bucked and his first wad exploded up his shaft, the

incredible, addictive pleasure of cumming as an Enhanced male slamming through his body and


He shot into the girl’s mouth, filling it with his thick, viscous jizz, which she swallowed desperately,

his other hand falling to join his other hand, gripping the girls head as his second wad followed the

first, equally copious wad, which was equally greedily swallowed by the redhead.

Again, and again his cock pulsed, bulged and spat his huge wads into the girl’s mouth and down her

throat, with never a drop of his cum spilled by the redheaded slut, who was moaning and gulping


Although impressed with the slut’s skills and her ability to swallow all his load Solomon King said

nothing as his cock jerked its last wad, bigger than the largest total ejaculate that an unenhanced

would be capable of. The redhead continued to suckle at his cock, trying to coax out the last drops of

his cum, as his cock softened slightly.

Without saying anything he reached down and hooked his arms under the girls’ arms and hauled her

up and lay her across the table before him, around the room the other sluts were all being fucked in

various positions, enhanced Black cocks pounding in and out of them to their cries of pleasure.

He let his eyes rove over the redhead, her skin was pale, her figure slightly fuller than was normal for

a girl of her age, her pussy was gleaming with wetness, he could see the inner lips of her labia

glistening and distended. Above her slit was a small thatch of red hair, he liked that, as he pumped

his cock back to full hardness, before lining it up against the girls slit.

The contrast between the girl’s pale skin and his slick, ebony shaft made him pause for a second to

admire difference in skin tones, before he adjusted himself and shoved his cock into the girl.

A gasp of pleasure greeted this from the girl’s mouth, her body arching as Solomon hilted himself

inside her, feeling his balls slap against her shapely ass. The girl was commendably tight and sopping

wet, his cockhead scraping past her cervix to burry its broad bulk into the slut’s posterior fornix.

As he began to thrust in and out of her the girl started panting and moaning, little, incoherent

babbles of words escaping her mouth every now and then. He increased his tempo until he was

fucking her the way white sluts were meant to be fucked, at a furious, dominating pace. He would

later the angle of his thrusts slightly, alternatively slamming into the girls anterior or posterior fornix,

or battering headlong into her cervix.

The girl howled out, orgasm after orgasm exploding around the piston of his cock as it slammed back

and forth inside the redhead’s spasming pussy. The girl’s pussy became one quivering mass of

shuddering, grasping flesh as a single, long orgasm overcame her, Solomon’s cock hammering away

at her insides relentlessly.

Eventually Solomon could feel his cum gathering and pooling in readiness for him cumming, he just

kept up slamming into the girl, never once altering the speed or depth of his thrusts until he buried

himself to the hilt inside the girl and threw back his head. With a bellowed shout he unloaded inside

the girl’s pussy, copious pulse after copious pulse of semen coating her insides and drenching her


He pulled out of the semi-conscious girl, a large dollop of his cum plopping out of her distended cunt

to splash wetly onto the floor.

All around him the orgy was of course till in full swing, some of the Enhanced having already moved

onto fucking their sluts in their asses.

Agreeable though the thought was of dropping off a load in the redhead’s asshole, he had some

other things to do.

Stepping back from the semi-conscious redhead he reached down and grabbed a handful of the girl’s

hair and dragged her across the table until her head was at the edge of the table. Solomon dropped

his slimy cock into the girls slightly open mouth and simply said, “suck and clean off my cock.”

This the redhead proceeded to do, with some instructions from him to make sure he was as

thoroughly cleaned off as possible.

Tucking his cleaned, but damp cock back into his trousers he went to leave, but first he asked Tyrone

Jones about the redhead.

“Oh, Lana?” Jones replied, busily sawing back and forth in some brunette’s ass, to her whimpers of


“Yeah boss, she’s new, done, five, maybe six scenes I think.”

“Any gangbangs?” he asked.

“Nope,” replied Jones, his face twisting into a grin.

“See to it that the next time she gets airlocked.”

“Yes boss!” Jones replied as he grunted and snarled out, as he unloaded into the brunette’s abused


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