My Desert Odyssey
My Desert Odyssey
copyright 2005 by Stormbringer
Revised 2008
Part 1: The Cyclops
Before I married my husband Phil, I used to drive four hours through the
hot Nevada desert to be with him on weekends. We were both 19 and had
been dating for two years. He had moved from Arizona to a small suburb
of Las Vegas named Henderson. His Uncle had offered him a better paying job
then he could ever get in our small town. I was living at home with my
parents and planned to move out when Phil and I got married in a years
time. Phil had taken my virginity after a couple of dates and we had
developed an active sex life. He was a great lover though he was not
very experimental.
The hot wind whipped through my blonde hair as I drove my Mazda
towards Las Vegas. Every time I made this trip it got duller and duller.
The only saving grace was the fucking I would get after the four hour
drive was over. Then it was four hours back to Arizona on Sunday
evening, only to do it all over again. One benefit of the boring drive was that
I got to work on my tan as I drove the convertible through the desert. I would strip
to my bikini as soon as I left my home town. There was a two hour
stretch of road off the main thoroughfare to Vegas that was so empty of
traffic, I wouldn't see another car for over an hour. Once there I
would remove my top and hike up my bikini bottoms so that I was
practically naked. Phil loved my overall tan and the only white marks I
had were on my ass and two straps down the side. Today however, it was
cloudy and I had kept my white blouse on over my bikini top. The blouse
was soaked with perspiration and clung to my body. My tight white shorts
were also soaked and you could see my bikini through my clothes.
About half-way through my trip, my car started losing gas rapidly.
Luckily I was near a small town that I occasionally stopped in to eat at
a diner there. I knew that just outside of town there was a run down old
gas station. Luckily, just as my car ran out of gas, I was able to coast
into the gas station. The place was falling apart and there was an old
man in a rocking chair sitting on the porch. An equally old mutt lay at
his feet. The faded paint on the sign read: Johnson's Auto. I got out of
my car and the old man’s jaw just about hit the floor when he saw my
outfit. He smiled revealing a missing front tooth and he openly ogled my
body. He must have been about 70.
"What can I do for you missy," he rasped.
I explained my problem and he said he'd have a look at it. I
asked him where his bathroom was and excused myself. The bathroom looked
like it hadn't been cleaned in fifty years. Careful not to touch
anything, I freshened up over the sink. Looking in the mirror, I could
see what had caused the old man so much excitement. When Phil had first
seen my naked body, he had freaked and ejaculated before even touching
me. He said I looked just like a porn star named Jenna Jamison. I had
never seen her, and it took a couple tries before Phil was able to
contain himself enough to take my virginity. My breasts were large and
had gotten a lot of attention in high school. I had full hips, lean
legs, a flat belly, and a tight ass. Phil called me his wet dream.
I was shy around the boys and wasn't much of a flirt so it was rare for
me to show off so much of my body to a stranger. I had observed all the
other girls in school using their bodies to get what they wanted from
men, and looking at my nearly naked body in the mirror gave me an idea.
Phil and I didn't have a lot of money back then, so I decided that
maybe, if I showed off a little of my body to old man Johnson he'd fix
my car for free. I removed my bikini top and unbuttoned my blouse a
couple more buttons. You could then see the outline of my big red
nipples through my top. I walked back outside.
Mr. Johnson was back in the rocking chair. The hood on my car was open
and it been pushed around to the side. I asked him if he could fix it.
"Sure I could," he replied still rocking.
"Ok," I said, "would you fix it?"
"I would," he replied. "If I had the right part."
Exasperated, I asked what he meant. Johnson told me that in order to fix
my car, he would have to ride back to Arizona, get the part, return, and
then spend about two hours doing repairs and he didn't work at night. I
was stuck. Johnson asked me to follow him inside where it was cooler.
Once inside, the air-conditioner made my nipples become erect and strain
at my blouse. The mutt laid down by the door. The old man stared at my
breasts the whole time we talked. I asked him what it would cost me to
fix the car and when he told me, how much. I started to cry. Sobbing, I
explained, about my fiancé, and how we didn't have any money. I put my
head in my hands. I hoped he was buying into my act. When I looked up,
I found myself staring at the biggest cock I'd ever seen in my life. The
old man had unbuttoned the flaps of his coveralls and had stroked his
large cock to full erection. The one-eyed monster had a large wart on
the underside near his balls and another just above it on the top. It
was strangely beautiful and hideously ugly at the same time. The thing
must have been over 10" long and twice as thick as my boyfriends.
"Look bitch," he said. "This old cock ain't been hard for ten years till
it saw you walk out of that car, big titties flopping like one of those
girls in them beer commercials." "You treat it well and I'll go get the
part for you."
I angrily shook my head and headed for the door. The old man whistled
causing the mutt to jump to his feet and start growling at me. The hair
on its back was standing up as it barked at me. Frightened, I backed up
a step towards the couch. Old man Johnson pushed be back down and stuck
his cock in my face again. The dog settled down near the door but kept
watching me.
"Listen up, all you have to do is suck it for me and I'll fix your car
for free." he said.
His cock swayed hypnotically in front of me. I realized the fear had
turned me on and I was as wet as I'd ever been. I still didn't want
anything to do with this old disgusting man but, the combination
excitement and not paying for the repair swayed me. I tentatively
touched the big head with my tongue, and licked around the tip. I then
took all the head in my mouth and started to blow him. He threw his head
back and moaned, muttering something about it being such a long time
since he'd had a blow job. He grabbed the back of my head and forced me
to deep throat him. My lips made it all the way to the big warts until I
started to gag. He took his hands back off and let me go at my own pace.
After a while, I realized I was enjoying it. Phil wasn't into blow jobs
and I didn't think I was very good at them, since he never asked me to
give him one after the first couple of times. However, this old man was
reacting like it was the greatest thing in the world and I was proud of
myself for giving him such pleasure. I opened my blouse and stuck his
cock between my big breasts, putting the head back in my mouth. The
intense titty fucking caused him to blow his load after a few minutes.
His semen blasted into the back of my mouth, then quickly filled my
mouth leaking out the sides and down my chin. There was so much, I
removed my mouth to swallow and received another load in my face and
then another all over my breasts. I rubbed his huge cock all over my
breasts and licked up some of the semen.
"Gawd damn-it, that was good," he said. "Sorry about the mess, but that
was ten years worth of semen you just got."
He told me he was going to leave to get my part now and would be back in
a couple hours. The old man said he'd fix my car in the morning and that
if I stayed with him that night, he'd teach me about the magic warts on
his cock. He then drove off in a truck as old as he was and I sat down
and cried.
After cleaning myself up in the bathroom, I put my bikini top back on
and headed down to the diner for some food. The only car there was a big
Cadillac that belonged to two black guys sitting in a booth. They
checked me out as I sat down.
After ordering, I sat back to think over the days events. I was ashamed
of myself for giving the old man a blow job and I was horrified to think
that I had actually gotten into it. Was I a slut? Was I some kind of
exhibitionist? I couldn't get the thought of that big dick swaying in my
face, out of my mind. That old man had lasted twenty minutes. What had
he been capable of in his twenties. I didn't want to fuck him. Did I?
He was old, dirty, disgusting, and there was no way I could take that
one-eyed monster in my pussy. What did he mean when he said magic warts?
Then I noticed something strange. There was an itch deep inside my
vagina. It was not a physical itch but a mental one. It was at a depth
that only a really big cock could reach. Deep down inside my brain, my
subconscious was telling me I wanted to get fucked by a giant monster
The waitress interrupted my train of thoughts with my order. She noticed
how distressed I looked and asked if anything was wrong. I told her all
about my car breaking down and how worried my fiancé would be about me.
She said she was sorry and returned to work.
"Excuse me miss," I looked up to see one of the black guys had come over
to the table. "May I sit down," he asked? I nodded and he introduced
himself as James. James told me that he and his buddy Ryan had overheard
my conversation with the waitress and could take me as far as the fork
to Vegas if I wanted a lift. I looked them over, they were both big
beefy football player types, but they were well dressed, polite, and
seemed like nice guys. I told him I would let him know before they left.
He returned to his table and I finished eating. I knew that if I
stayed, I would give in to the itch and fuck old man Johnson. I had done
too much already, and didn't want to cheat on my boyfriend. I told James
I would appreciate the ride and asked if he would pick me up at the gas
I called Phil from the pay phone. He wasn't home so I left a message. I
told him my situation and asked him to meet me at the intersection where
James was going to drop me off. There was a budget hotel there and if he
got us a room, I'd wake him up when I got there. I returned to my car,
got my things, and left a note for Mr. Johnson. In the office I noticed
semen stains all over the floor and couch and I caught myself licking my
James and Ryan pulled up a few minutes later, and I noticed their
luggage was in the front seat, so i had to ride in back with Ryan. I got
in and we sped off.
Part 2: The Lotus Eaters
We had been driving for ten minutes away from the town where I'd left my
car and old man Johnson's ten inch cock behind. James and Ryan were
nice, likable guys, funny, attractive, and charming. After driving for
awhile, Ryan reached over and put his hand on my knee. I reached down
and removed it and politely reminded him that I was engaged and on my
way to meet my fiancé.
"Sorry," he apologized "I just couldn't resist it. I've never sat
next to such a beautiful woman."
James looked in the rear view mirror and I saw a glance pass between
the two black men. The thought that they could easily strand me in the
desert worried me. I reminded myself that I was not going to cheat on Phil, though the itch deep within my vagina still craved sex. James reached under the dash and pulled out a joint.
James lit the joint and took a deep breath. He then passed it back to
Ryan. Ryan inhaled, held it in for a few seconds, then blew it in my
"Woops, sorry about that," he said.
Ryan passed me the joint, but I waved him away and said I didn't do
drugs. The Cadillac was rapidly filling with smoke. They passed the
joint back and forth until it was gone. Each time they both seemed to
blow the smoke towards me. I tried to roll the window down to get some
fresh air but it was an automatic and wouldn't budge. I asked James to
do it from up front but he told it was broken. He said he'd crack the
front window a bit to bring in some air, but he didn't want to waste
the air conditioning.
After a few minutes, I started to find everything they said really
funny. We had been in the car a half hour at that point and I hadn't
realized what a riot these two were. James lit another joint and passed
it back to Ryan. They were taking small puffs this time. Ryan would hold
it in and bulge his cheeks out and cross his eyes. When I laughed at him
he laughed too, once again blowing the smoke in my face.
"You sure you don't want to try it," Ryan asked. "Now is your chance, and nobody will ever have to know."
I gave in and took a hit. He instructed me to take as much into my
lungs as possible and to hold it, then blow out slowly. We passed the
joint around till it was gone. Each time I took a big hit they would
take little ones and pass it back. Ryan passed it to me, I passed it to
James, James passed it to me, I passed it to Ryan, and so on. It wasn't
till much later that I realized I had taken two hits for every one of
theirs. Ryan put his hand back on my knee. I figured there was no harm
in it and I let him keep it there.
I asked them what they were planning on doing in Vegas. James said that
they hoped to get jobs as show-guys, as muscular black men were in big
"What if you can't find jobs right away," I asked.
"Well we also work as male strippers," he replied.
Ryan was sliding his hand up and down my leg at this point. I felt so
alive at that moment. Every nerve in my leg was reacting to his touch.
It felt so good.
"You’re lying," I told him.
"No, I'm serious," said James. "We'll rake in a couple hundred bucks a
night doing stage shows and more then that doing private dances. There’s
a lot of money in the business. Girl, with a body like yours, you could
make a fortune as a stripper."
The thought of dancing in front of a bunch of strangers, excited me
incredibly. My nipples got erect and I could feel wetness running out
from my vagina. The itch got worse. Was it true what they said about
black men, I wondered?
"I'd like to see you guys perform sometime," I told them.
"Why not now?" James said, and he pulled over.
The sun was setting and the desert was cooling off fast. I asked Ryan
and James what they were doing, and they told me they would give me a
taste of their act. They told me to face away from the car as they
changed into their things in the trunk, and they'd tell me when to look.
"Ready," they yelled, after a few minutes.
I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes.
James was dressed like an African witch doctor. He had a big clip on
bone in his nose, a feathered headdress, straw skirt, and a claw necklace rested on his muscular chest. Ryan was dressed as some kind of Masai or Zulu warrior. He was wearing only a leopard-skin loin cloth, and carrying a oval wooden shield and a long two-part spear that he was
screwing together. His chest and face was covered in war paint.
They told me to stand by the car. James got up on the hood and Ryan the
trunk. They set a boom box on the roof and hit play. Tribal music blared
from the speakers and they began to dance. They jumped around to the
beat, moving their arms and legs in unison. I clapped with delight as
they both did a back-flip from the car to the street. They climbed back
up and began removing their costumes. As they stripped, I gazed in awe
at the two perfect bodies that slowly revealed themselves to me. When
the music stopped, James ripped of his grass skirt and Ryan his
loin-cloth revealing two immense bulges barely contained by tight
g-string pouches. The next song was more seductive and they swayed to
the rhythm, thrusting out their crotches to the beat. Sweat ran down
their beautiful ebony bodies, making them look like well-oiled body
builders. As the song continued, they ripped off their underwear,
revealing two thick, long penises hanging down about six inches. They
finished their dance completely naked and jumped down to me. I applauded
and told them how impressed I was with their act and other endowments.
They then asked if I would do a show for them. I thought it over and
told them to turn around.
I went to my bags, and took out a short blue mini-skirt. I removed my
shorts, put the skirt on, and tied my white blouse through the top
baring my belly. I picked up James' skirt and headdress to use as pom
poms, completing my cheerleader look. I hit play on the boom box and
they turned around, their mouths falling open with amusement when they
saw my outfit. I noticed they hadn't bothered getting dressed and were
still buck naked, their large penises dangling before them.
I started to dance, first I did some high school cheerleading routines,
and then I started to get into the beat. I threw the pom pom's away and
I started slowly unbuttoning my blouse. I threw that over James's head
which he quickly snatched away. Their mouths were open as they stared at
my big tits contained by my small bikini top. I turned away and bent
down, lifting my skirt to show off my g-stringed ass. I then spun around and untied my top, covering my breasts with my arms.
"Show your tits, show your tits," they started chanting.
I slowly uncovered my breasts revealing them to two strange black guys I
had known less then two hours.
Their large cocks were rising slowly to half-mast.
I bent over and slid my bikini bottoms off under my skirt. When I had
started dancing I had planned on stripping down to my bikini only. Now I
figured I would keep the skirt on and then quit. I flipped up the skirt,
giving them a quick beaver shot, and then I raised my nipples up to my
mouth and slowly licked around first the left then the right. Then the
music stopped.
Their cocks were fully erect now sticking out before them. James' was
about nine inches and Ryan’s was about eight, but incredibly thick.
They were both beautiful compared to Johnsons' warty cock. The itch was
screaming for me to put something in my pussy, but I ignored it and
jumped down.
"I'm glad to see you boys enjoyed my show," I said, "but, we should be
As I bent over to pick up my bikini top, I felt James grab my ass and he
quickly stuck his finger deep inside my vagina. God, it felt so good.
"James, please stop," I moaned. "I can't do this, I'm engaged."
He removed his finger as I turned around to face him. Suddenly, Ryan
grabbed me from behind. He quickly used the witch-doctor necklace to tie
my hands to the center of the spear. Ryan raised the spear up over his
head, so that my hands were held high over my head, forcing me to arch
my back and thrust out my breasts. James ran is hands over my body,
lingering on my breasts. He leaned over and teased my nipples with his
teeth. I was tingling all over. Never had I been so turned on in my
life. James kneeled down and removed my skirt, leaving me completely
naked. His long tongue licked out and tasted my wetness. I sighed and
shivered in the cold night air. He spread my legs apart, and began
probing me with his tongue.
"Oh, oh, yes," I moaned. "my b-oyfriend n-ever does t-his.
"White boys, don't know how to treat a lady," Ryan whispered in my ear.
I put my legs over James' back, so that I was hanging from the spear in
Ryan’s hands. I began thrusting my pussy into James' face, wanting his
tongue deeper.
"Oh fuck, I'm coming," I screamed, hearing it echo through the desert.
My orgasm was immense, being intensified by the pot. I came all over
James' face.
James wiped his face, and stood up grinning evilly. Ryan then hauled me
backwards by the spear an threw me on my back over the trunk of the car.
They knew at this point, that I'd let them do whatever they wanted ,but
must have enjoyed having a buxom white girl tied up and at their mercy.
Ryan still held the spear leaving me spread eagled for James' pleasure.
James lifted my legs and pulled me to the edge of the car. He slowly
inserted the head of his huge cock and started doing little thrusts,
penetrating deeper with each one. When he buried it to the hilt, I was
disappointed that it still fell short of my itch by about an inch. Even
so, I moaned as another orgasm over took my body. All thoughts of my
fiancé were gone as James' began giving me the fucking of my life. After
he filled my pussy with his cum, Ryan took his place. Ryan’s thick cock
stretched me out like never before, and I lost count of the orgasms they
gave me. After Ryan gave my pussy another cum drenching, they untied
me and we got dressed.
As we continued driving, I gave both guys blow-jobs in the back seat,
while the other drove. Ryan and James asked if I go with them to Vegas.
They said people would pay a lot of money to see two black guys fuck a
white girl like me. I strongly considered it.
I saw Phil's black Trans-am at the motel when they dropped me off. I
leaned over and French kissed both black men and I thanked them for the
wonderful ride they had given me. They told me to look them up if I
ever made it to Vegas and sped off. The manager had seen the black men
and asked me if I was alright. I told him I was fine. I knocked on
Phil's motel room door but, there was no answer. I told the manager I
was with the driver of the black Trans-am and asked if he'd let me in.
He gave me a funny look, but he the shrugged and unlocked the door with
his master key. Phil wasn't in the room, and I figured he must have been
drinking at the lounge. I stripped off all my clothes and collapsed on
the bed. I should have cleaned myself up first as I stank from all the
sweat and my legs were caked with Ryan and James' semen, but the
combination pot and the long day put me right to sleep.
I awoke some time later to the light being turned on. Keeping my head
turned into the pillow, away from the light, I told Phil to turn it back
off. I heard him rummage through his suit case, and Phil slowly pulled
back the covers and climbed into bed with me.
Part 3: Circe
I felt Phil climb into bed with me. It had been a long day for me.
During the last 24 hours, I'd been forced to suck on the giant cock of
an ugly old man and fucked by two well-hung back strippers. I had found
the room unlocked and Phil absent, probably at the bar. I was too exhausted
to do anything but climb in bed and fall asleep. I was
sleeping on my stomach when Phil returned to his room. I
felt Phil put his hands on my waist and he pulled me up so that I was
kneeling. I felt Phil's cock head start probing around my pussy. I knew
he'd be horny having not seen me for a week and he certainly wasn't
wasting any time. I'd been thinking about old man Johnson’s huge cock
all day and I'd been in a constant state of arousal. Phil’s cock slid in quickly.
Wow, he felt a lot thicker then normal. Quickly, the cock pushed its way past Phil's reliable six
inch mark and I realized I was having a sexual encounter with a fourth
hung stranger in a day. It was big, real big, about the size of James’ black
cock and as thick as Ryan’s. It came close, real close to scratching the
itch deep in my pussy, that deep down I knew only Johnson's cock could
satisfy. The stranger was fucking me hard, using his cock's entire
"Fuck me, fuck me with that big cock, Mister," I yelled. "I don't know
who you are, but you sure can fuck."
He just kept pumping hard. His cock was strangely unyielding. I'd never
been fucked with a cock this big and hard. The thought of being fucked
by a complete stranger with a super hard cock caused me to have a
massive orgasm. The stranger pulled his cock out and after catching my
breath, I rolled over.
"What’s the matter, don't you want to cum." I asked him?
He reached over me and turned the light on. I almost fainted with
shock. HE WAS A SHE! And a freaky she at that. Her hair was shaved
except for a purple mohawk. Her nose was pierced, as was one of her
nipples. The word BITCH was tattooed on her abdomen just below her belly
button and just above a large strap-on dildo. It was the mid-eighties
and punk rockers were not uncommon, but I had never seen anyone pierced
outside of their ears. The thought of being fucked by some freaky
lesbian had me shaking my head in denial. She laughed at my discomfort.
She asked my name and told me hers was Circe and that she was in an all
girl punk band called the Sirens that was meeting for a gig in Vegas. I
felt sick to my stomach and tried to rise.
Where do you think your going?" Circe demanded. "You cant leave until
I'm done with you."
I didn't answer and grabbed my clothes. She grabbed my arm, roughly,
and I felt a sharp stinging pain on my ass. Circe had a short many
tailed whip in her hand. I screamed in surprise and pain.
"Aagh", she whipped me again. Circe ripped the clothes out of my arms
and pushed me back onto the bed.
"Listen slut, Your not leaving until you eat my pussy." Circe said
"No, no not that," I yelled as the whip smacked across my breasts and
then my belly. I was crying now and begging her to stop. I nodded,
sobbing when she asked me to suck her pussy again. She crawled up my
body and positioned her pussy over my mouth. "Your going to eat me and
eat me good bitch," said the punk rocker, as she lowered her pussy to my
I stuck out my tongue and licked around her clit and then began
deep tonguing her. It had an aroma that I found not unpleasant. She
began grinding her pussy into my mouth and moaning loudly. I felt the
same strange sense of pride giving her pleasure that I did sucking old
man Johnson’s cock. I knew what I liked when James had gone down on me,
so I began giving Circe the same. She moaned and climaxed in my mouth.
During the next couple hours, Circe
and I took turns fucking each other with her collection of dildos. At
one point, she handcuffed me so that I was leaning over the motel table
and fucked me again with another two-pronged dildo, the smaller
penetrating my ass. Circe and I both orgasmed several more times and we
must have been loud for the man in the next room banged on the wall and
yelled for us to shut up. Before I left, I leaned over and kissed her
on the mouth. We stayed like that kissing for awhile before she pushed
me to my knees and made me kiss her BITCH tattoo.
Then without a word she closed the door in my face.
I saw Phil's car in front of another building. What are the odds of two
black trans-ams being in the same hotel on the same night. I couldn't
let Phil see me like this, so I hopped the small fence to the hotel
pool. I quickly stripped and jumped in. I tried my best to clean all of
Ryan and James’ dried sperm of my thighs and Circe’s cum from around my
mouth. I noticed welt marks on my breasts and abdomen and my ass hurt
telling me I had more welts down there. How had I allowed myself to
sink this low? I asked myself. I was sexually exhausted but the itch
was still present deep within me indicating I still wanted more. I
thought of good old boring Phil and wondered how I could be faithful to
him after the adventures I'd had. I did love Phil with all my heart and
I vowed never to cheat on him again. I broke my vow two days later.
Epilogue: Return to the Cyclopes
I knocked on Phil’s hotel room door and he let me in. We hugged and held
each other for a while. He was a nervous wreck from worrying about me.
It was about 2:00 am at this point and I made up a story about missing
my ride and finding another much later. I begged off sex that night and
told him I'd make it up to him in the morning. The rest of the weekend
went as normal. The exception being, that I tried to hide my body from
Phil so that he wouldn't see my welts. He saw the ones on the front of
my body on Sunday after they had faded somewhat and I told him that a
bush had smacked me when I had gone to pee in the desert.
Late Sunday afternoon, Phil drove me back to get my car. Old man
Johnson was sitting just as I had first seen him, in the rocking chair,
the old dog at his feet. I remained in Phil's car while he went to talk
to the old man. I was nervous with fright. Would that nasty old fart
tell my fiancé that I had sucked his big cock and that I had enjoyed
letting him titty fuck me? As I watched, I saw Phil reach into his
wallet and pull out three twenties. That old bastard, I thought, he
promised me that fixing my car wouldn't cost anything if I blew him. The
old man’s eyes never left me as Phil led me over to my car. I got in and
kissed Phil good-bye. Phil and I both sped off in opposite directions.
The itch was really bad now, the worst it had been since I had first
seen Johnson’s wart covered cock. I drove for ten minutes before turning
the car around. I pulled up to the run-down garage. The rocking chair
was empty but, the mutt was still lying there. I walked up into the
office, the mutt growled but moved aside to let me in.
Johnson was sitting on the couch naked. The only thing that wasn't
weathered and wrinkled was his nearly foot long cock jutting out before him. "I
knew you'd come back," he cackled evilly.
He watched as I slowly undressed for him. Stripping before this dirty
old man was making me hot and wet. I was practically salivating as I
thought about getting fucked by that big warty rod. I walked over to him
and positioned my pussy lips over the head of his massive cock. I had a
constant orgasm as I slowly lowered myself down his cock. I paused at
ten inches, just above the warts. Here was the moment I had been
craving all weekend, another inch and his cock would be buried to the
hilt, finally taking care of my itch. I let gravity slam me down all the
way onto his cock. His warts slid into me and I screamed as the biggest
orgasm of my life then or ever coursed through my body in waves. His
giant cock head was finally scratching my itch and the wart on the top
of his dick was rubbing along my clit as rode him. He had called his
warts magical and they truly were. We fucked in several positions and in
each one his warts would stimulate me to orgasm after orgasm. Finally,
after thirty minutes the old man deposited another big load deep inside
my pussy triggering yet another orgasm. I moaned as he slowly removed
his big cock and the sound of applause caused me to look up, startled.
I saw a gorgeous hunk of a man standing before me. He was in his
mid-thirties and was shirtless under a pair of dirty cover-alls. His
arms and chest were rippled with muscles, but the biggest muscle of all
was the giant warty cock jutting out twelve inches through his coveralls.
"That’s my grandson, Billy," said old man Johnson. "Certain endowments
run in the family. Come fuck this uppity bitch, Billy."
I watched in awe as Billy stripped off his clothes. I had wondered what
Johnson had been capable of when he was younger and I was about to find out...
Well, that’s the end of my story. Every Friday and Sunday for a year I
would stop at a certain garage on my way to see Phil. Billy would always
be there waiting for me. The old man couldn't get an erection most of
the time and contented himself to watching Billy and I. Phil and I got
married and I made excuses to visit my parents a couple times a month.
Sadly, the old man passed away after a couple years and Billy took over
the garage. I see him whenever I can. I also got a good job in sales that
sends me into the city every couple of weeks. On one trip I looked up
Ryan and James. They were working a strippers at a posh club
downtown. They talked me into getting on stage once and I performed with
them. One time, an old pervert even paid us $500 each to watch us fuck
in his hotel room. I ran into Circe once, ten years later, down by the
pool at a hotel in Vegas. I was lying out in my string bikini, getting
some sun with Ryan and James, when I heard them whistle softly. I
looked up to see this beautiful young woman walk by wearing a two piece
bathing suit. I barely recognized her but deep down I knew it was Circe.
She had abandoned the punk look and had turned into a beautiful normal
looking young woman. She didn't appear to recognize me and kept
walking. Ryan said something about her body being so hot, that she
should be wearing a bikini as small as mine. Her bottoms reached up to
her navel and were the kind you wear to hide something, like stretch
marks or perhaps an embarrassing reminder of your wilder younger days,
such as a tattoo that said BITCH.
The End
Author’s Note: Another one of my earliest stories and raw by my current standards. I believe inspiration for this story came from watching a mini-series on television based on Homer’s The Odyssey. I was constantly brainstorming ideas and the thought of writing a sexual odyssey story appealed to me.
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I love it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a GREAT story!!!