The Last Elf
copyright 2002 by Stormbringer
Revised 2009
This story was originally released in 2 parts.
Thorns ripped at Suzara's Bedwin cloak as she entered the forest at the
valley's edge. She tried to listen, hearing no sign of her pursuers. The
tear in her covering revealed the top of a large white breast and the
hint of gold glittered in the sunlight. She had ripped off her headdress
earlier so as to see better as she fled for help. A gold band encircled
long blonde hair which fell halfway down her back. A gold torque
encircled her neck and large gold earrings dangled from her ears.
Suzara's husband was a wealthy man.
More rips appeared in her cloak, showing more glimpses of flesh and gold
a she fled deeper into the forest. The Bedwin covered their women in
cloaks from head to toe, not for modesty, but because the women
controlled the husband's wealth. All men were considered equal on the
street when their women were cloaked. In private, wives were often asked
to disrobe for guests to show how successful their husband's were. The
poorest women were practically nude under cloak, the wealthiest had gold
covered breast plates, loincloths made of golden chain mail, chains of
gold around their belly’s which were broken off to pay for goods and
services. Suzara's husband was very wealthy, if he still lived.
Suzara came to a small brook and slipped in the mud, falling face down
in the water. She rose up and shook her head. She found herself staring
at a pair of leather boots.
"This valley is under my protection," said a male voice, in heavily
accented Bedwin.
Suzara rose up, staring at he who was known as the forest ghost.
Buckskin breeches were tucked into the boots, a belt filled with knife
sheaths, throwing stars, as well as a long sword encircled his waist. He
also wore a buckskin shirt with a quiver of goose quill arrows sticking
out over his shoulder to go with the long bow in his hands. His face was
too angular and his blue eyes were too bright to be human . Long pointy
ears rose up through long hair the color of fall leaves. An elf!
"Why do you bring orcs to my valley?"
"They attacked my village," said Suzara, standing up. "A small band
pursued me. They could be on us at any time."
"No, they stopped on the edge of my vale."
"By my ancestors an elf! No one knew the forest ghost was an elf. We
thought you were all dead."
"Not until I pass from this earth, Bedwin. Then we will all be dead."
"I am Suzara, wife of Bedwyr, clan leader of Fiswen, if Fiswen still
stands. The men were trying to hold off the orcs, but they are
"The foul things breed faster then you humans. Luckily orc women are
few, most babies being boys."
"Unlucky for us. The orcs don't come looking for gold, but new breeding
stock. One tried to take me, but I stabbed it." Suzara held up a dagger
stained by a green tinged white ichor and found the dagger flying into
the stream as the elf smacked the edge of his bow against her hand.
"You fool, it's covered in sperm!"
"No it's blood," said Suzara, confused.
"Orc sperm is their blood wench! If it got anywhere near your thighs,
you could find yourself with an ugly green child. Wash yourself."
Suzara dropped her cloak. Her body was magnificent. Large gold
breastplates sprinkled with opals supported heavy pendulous breasts. A
big ruby adorned her belly button above where numerous gold bands
encircled her trim waist held up by full hips. Her loincloth fell almost
to her knees, the golden chains tighter near the waist to hide her
crotch. She was wealth indeed. And she was also very beautiful. Hawksil,
the last elf, groaned as his cocks grew. "You know the price for my aid?"
Suzara lowered her eyes into the stream as she washed herself. "I know.
We didn't know it was an elf, we thought you were a great reclusive
warrior. Maybe even a wizard, but not an elf." Elves were as horny as
orcs, just not as bestial about it. His price would be sex and it would
be good, the best she had, so good she'd never be satisfied with her
husband again, but it would be for the good of the village.
"Hurry, I grow," gasped Hawksil. "First, you must relieve the pressure
before the orcs start moving."
Suzara turned gasping. He was not the sure footed agile, warrior elves
were rumored to be. He moved slowly, limping as if in pain and he had
what looked like two snakes under is buckskin. "By my ancestors..."
"Hurry, take them out."
Suzara kneeled and untied his breeches. Two penises, elves had two
penises! That’s why human maidens became lovelorn after mating with elves and they were two large penises, each ten inches long, as big as her wrist and not fully hard. The top one was straight as an arrow, the
lower, not as thick, but it curved upwards slightly. Human penises never
grew beyond five inches, unless they had fell ancestry, orc, dwarf, etc.
His balls were swollen monsters too, as big as melons. "Hurry," he
growled. "Hold your hands together making a large circle with your
"Like this?" Suzara touched her thumbs and forefingers together making a
six inch circle.
"Yes, now place it over the top penis." She did and the penis immediately began to grow to fill the gap between her hands. As it grew the lower one started shrinking. "We need to get the cum out as quickly as possible. In one big load. I've been alone in this valley for fifty winters without a female."
The penis now filled the space between her hands. It was two feet long
and looked like a big piece of firewood. She didn't want to take her
eyes off it, but did long enough to see that the under penis was now
little more then a bump with a pee-slit in it. Without the second penis,
she could see how big his balls truly were. They reminded her of Fiswen’s prize bull's ball sack. "I can't take this monstrosity!"
"Ha, ha...urgh," he winced. "You'll take it later. For now, there's some
honey in that pocket. Use it to lubricate my cock and stroke it off. I
won't be able to help your people until my balls are drained and the
last time I got hard, it took two weeks to go down, I nearly starved."
"Don't you masturbate?"
"No, self-ejaculation is a sin."
The honey in the elf's pocket was still in a large comb. Suzara squeezed
it over the huge shaft. She was well-versed in orally pleasing her
husband and used to having a penis stuck in her face. The elf's penis
was different as she ran her hand through the honey, spreading it over
the top of the shaft. She felt an infatuation with the huge penis
growing in her bosom. Her nipples hardened, hurting her as they squashed
against the breastplates. The penis was redder then her husband's as it
took much more blood to fill it. The dark veins seemed puffier and there
was more of them. There was no foreskin and the ridge around the head
was more angular, pronounced and arched. It's pee-slit was as big as her eye and seemed over proportioned even for the big cock.
Suzara began coating the big cock with the honey. The elf was groaning
now a mixture of pain and pleasure. She felt a growing since of urgency,
not to get aid for her village, but to please her master. All that
existed for her at the moment was making the two foot cock cum. Her
hands massaged honey into the big, knobby cock head and she began
stroking it. "Oh, I love your cock, master elf."
"Hurry wench, and you may call me Hawksil."
"Yes, master Hawksil." Suzara increased her pace, her arms swiftly
growing tired. She was skilled at handling male organs, she could suck
off her husband in five minutes and had even gotten one of his dinner
guests off in under three. If only she could use her mouth on this big
one. She did, sticking the tip of her tongue in the pee-slit and licking
the sensitive tip. The monster swelled more.
Oh thank Spermes," growled the elf, wincing, "here it cums."
The elf’s sperm was like getting slapped in the face. It ejaculated with
enough force to snap Suzara's head back. It had filled her mouth and she
swallowed it rapidly, a grievous sin amongst the Bedwin. Bedwin wives
only swallowed their husband's cum, his associates sperm was spit out in
a little bowl kept under the table for just that purpose. The elf's cum
was hot and sweet. It was the most fulfilling meal of her life, it
revived her strength and made her crave more. Suzara held her eyes shut
as she was bombarded with cum, huge wads splattered across her breasts,
smaller ones peppering her skin until she felt her entire body had a
layer of sperm coating it. The cuts and bruises from her long flight closed and healed. Suzara wiped sperm from her eyes and watched
as the two foot monster shrank. Each inch it decreased in size, the
under penis seemed to grow an inch, soon there were two plump foot long
penises and then two limp eight inch penises.
"Never again will I wait that long," swore Hawksil. "Clean yourself
woman, I'll go take care of our guests. Wait for me under the oak up
where the stream forks."
Suzara watched as the elf tied his breeches back up. He checked the pull
of his longbow, loosened the sword in his sheath and swiftly bounded off
through the forest. She lowered herself into the stream and began washing his cum off every now and then scooping some up to taste. There was not a mark on her flawless skin after she wiped her blood and the dirt away. His sperm turned stringy with water and washed off with the current. Elf sperm! The ingredient in dozens of spells and potions. Enough to make her husband the richest man of the Bedwin ten times over.
Gorsh was an old orc, not old enough to be killed by any of the younger
orcs with him, but old enough to sense something unnerving about the
forest. He stood under a large tree trying to peer deep into the bowels
of the old woods. The five younger orcs were impatient and angry he had
halted them. Let them wait. Caution kept you alive. Age had bent his
once proud seven feet down to about six and a half feet. His muscular
torso was moving down into his belly and he was slower then he had been,
but he could still take any three of the orcs with him.
Gorsh raised a wicked looking axe up to swat an insect that whished past
his ear. "Alright lets move," he hissed through rotted yellow teeth.
Another insect brushed past his ear and there was a thump behind him. He
turned to see an orc had fallen to his knees. The warrior had a vacant
stare, bloodsperm appeared, flowing out of a hole in his neck and he
pitched over, face first. "We're attacked," screamed the old orc.
Three of the younger warriors readied themselves while one remained
slouched sitting on a rock. The fool’s asleep, thought Gorsh. An orc
banged his sword on the sleeping orcs helmet to wake him, but he just
slid off the rock, dead already. The one who tried to wake him suddenly
had an arrow sticking out of his neck. He fell over as did an orc
standing before him, bloodsperm appearing on his neck where the arrow
had passed through to kill the orc behind him. "It can't be," whispered
Gorsh. In less then a minute, four warriors were down, killed by
unnervingly accurate arrows. "Take cover you fool," he yelled at the
remaining orc. The orc raised his sword only to have his arm pinned to a
tree by an arrow. He howled in pain.
Gorsh needed to move or he was dead, but it was too late. His throat
constricted, he raised one warty green hand up to his neck. It wasn't an
arrow, it was a noose. The rope tightened and the old warrior was lifted
to his toes, gasping for breath that eluded him. A tall, lean figure
slid down the other end of the rope and the noose tightened even more.
"It can't extinct," Gorsh gasped.
"No, there's one left," said Hawksil, through gritted teeth as he pulled
the noose tighter.
"" Gorsh's vision was fading, things were going black,
very little air left to speak. This was a coward's death. Gorsh had
slain dozens of orcs, five humans, two dwarves, and even a forest ogre.
Hawksil understood. He drew his sword, stepped back still holding the
rope and swung forward. Gorsh's body hit the ground seconds before his
head. The elf agilely landed on his feet as the tension in the rope
slackened. The remaining orc was howling with pain trying to pull the
arrow holding his arm pinned out of the tree. He hadn't even dropped his
sword. Just as the ugly creature thought of snapping the arrow, Hawksil
pulled a three bladed throwing dagger from his belt and let fly.
Suzara unhooked the finely crafted gold chain holding her breast plates
on and removed them freeing her large breasts. The gold loincloth
followed and she proceeded to remove all her husband's wealth from her
body. Her skin was very pale from being covered by her cloak when in the
sunlight. Her nipples were large, but faint, blending into her skin. She
yearned for the elf, but deep down wanted to remain loyal to her
husband. It was a high price to pay, but then her husband could already
be dead for all she knew.
"You're very beautiful."
"Thank you," she replied. The elf had jumped down from the tree, his
feet not making a sound as he landed ten feet from her. She didn't know
how long he had been watching her, but the bulges in his breeches made
her think he had watched her strip.
"I see you've readied yourself for me." Hawksil began removing his
"May I suck you?" Suzara hoped he would be satisfied with her mouth, so
that she could remain faithful, though her pussy quivered as he removed
his pants.
"Of course, not only may you, but I demand it."
The elf approached her and she watched his cocks swell up. The top
appeared fourteen inches and the arched, lower one around ten. There
seemed to be about two feet of cock always divided up between the two.
He stood before her as she kneeled in the soft moss under the oak, his
two plump cock heads bobbing inches from her mouth. Suzara kissed both
heads, not sure where to start. Since the lower would get in the way of
her sucking the upper, she decided to start with the bottom one. She took the upper and gripped it in her hand, holding it upwards as her other hand held his undercock steady and she took it in her mouth.
Suzara was a skilled cocksucker, but only with a human-sized penis. The elf's size presented a new challenge made worse by the fact that as soon as she took the head down her throat, it suddenly grew two inches making
her gag while the upper, shrank a little in her hand. She also noticed
his left testicle appeared to grow along with his undercock. She caught
her breath and took him back in her mouth while stroking off the
overcock with her hand.
Suzara felt like the luckiest woman on Earth at that moment. There was
only one elf left in the world and she was the one sucking on one of his
precious cocks. She forced herself to swallow more, managing ten inches,
twice as much as her husband had. "By Spermes, you can suck cock,"
moaned the elf, grabbing her hair and guiding her head. She felt proud he was pleased with her abilities. His cocks were swelling. Her belly
craved more sperm and soon she got what she craved.
It wasn't like the blast that hit her face when his cock was two feet,
but the first jet was enough to sting the back of her throat as her
belly quickly filled with a spreading warmth. Her belly was soon full
and she pulled back, cum overflowing her mouth and pouring down her
chin. His undercock hadn't even finished cumming when the one in her
hand began jerking uncontrollably. A wave of hot goo suddenly coated her
hair and splattered on her back. "Sooo good," she moaned, smacking her
cum soaked lips.
"Too long," said Hawksil, stepping away from her and resting against the
thick trunk of the oak to catch his breath.
Suzara returned to the stream to bath in the cold water once again. The
hot sperm in her belly kept her warm and the sperm on her skin took a
long time to cool. "Why two cocks?" she asked.
Hawksil was resting under the tree watching her bath. "Because elven
women have two wombs of course," he replied. "All Spermes children are
gifted with sexual gifts. Orcs have their bloodsperm, Dwarves their ever
hard hammer cocks, and elves bi-organs with sperm nectar. You humans do
not bear any gifts like this, yet you thrive, I don't understand why."
Suzara was filled with a sense of euphoria as she bathed. The hardships
of the day, the attack on her village, even the fact that she might be a
widow couldn't depress her. Already she felt hooked on the elf's cock.
"I love my husband master elf. I don't wish to be your slut."
"You will be my slut, once I enter you, you will not resist me. You can
still love your husband, though he will never truly satisfy you again.
You might still get pleasure from your unions."
"I don't understand, the tales..."
"Are greatly exaggerated. They spring from lovesick teenagers who
encountered elves in the forest and wished to remain with them. Some we
kept as pets."
An image of herself curled up naked at the foot of Hawksil's bed flashed
through her mind. It was not an unpleasant thought. The cold water and
her continued horniness had her nipples rock hard and glistening with
water. It did not go unnoticed by the elf. "I am ready," he said.
Suzara looked up thinking he was ready to travel, but he was still
naked. "How can this be?" she gasped. His cocks were erect again, a
straight foot long monster and underneath that one, a curved cock of equal size protruded from his crotch. Elves recovered much faster then men!
"Come I am ready. Get on all fours before me."
Suzara felt as if she were enthralled by those cocks. She rose up from
the stream, never taking her eyes from his penises as she walked over to
him and obeyed.
Suzara stared off into space as his hands touched her hips. He was
guiding one penis towards her pussy which was now dripping with more
then just water. She felt the head slide up her labia, then it was
putting pressure on her pussy. Her labia parted, the opening growing
wider as the head pushed in. "By my ancestors, it's big, too big."
Suzara almost panicked as an image of his cock suddenly turning two feet
long entered her head. Luckily, it wasn't that big, just a lot bigger
then what she was used to.
Hawksil was working his cock in and out of her, soon going deeper then
her husband ever had. He was fucking her with the overpenis, she could
see the undercock through her heavily swinging breasts. It stuck out
from her crotch like it was her own penis. The slit on the end, opened
and closed as if impatient for a chance at her pussy. She watched it
slowly withdraw as he pulled his other penis out.
Suzara felt empty without his big cock in her, but she was soon stuffed
again as the undercock entered her. The upper one now rested along the
crack of her ass. "Oh that's good master elf," she moaned. Her pussy had
stretched out around the invader and now that she was used to it, the
pleasure started taking over. "Oh my sir, I think I'm going to cum. Oh
yes, it's happen...cumming!" Suzara shuddered with pleasure and she felt
her juices dripping down her thighs. "That was a big one."
"That was nothing. Human women are capable of a lot more." Hawksil
pulled his lower one out and pushed the upper one back in, working it
around in her pussy a couple thrusts. "You're about to find out how good
it can get." The elf released her hips and guided his undercock's head
back towards her pussy lips while lining up the overcock's head with her
"What are you doing?" she asked, panicking. "Not there, you're too big."
Suzara gritted her teeth as the plump cock head pushed against her anus,
stretching it out until she thought it would tear, then it was in. The
healing powers of all the sperm in her belly dampened her pain as the
head plowed deeper. It suddenly retreated an inch and the one in her
pussy stabbed forward as the cocks adjusted to her size. They appeared to grow to fit whatever cavity they were placed in from the circle she had made with her hands when jerking him off to her tight little anus. The sperm in her body numbed the pain and Suzara found herself pushing back into the elf. "It does feel good master." His cocks plowed forward and soon she had taken them both.
Hawksil began fucking her hard. He pulled his cocks out, slamming his
hips forward. His size, speed, and endurance all superior to a human's.
Suzara caught their reflection in the stream water. His hips were a
blur like a hummingbird's wings. Her thighs began stinging from the
constant slapping of his big, heavy balls, but it was a minor annoyance
compared with the pleasure coming out of her pussy.
The orgasms came in a rapid series, getting bigger and faster until they
blurred together into one long continuous orgasm. There was a ringing in
her ears, her own scream of pleasure. If there had been orcs nearby,
surely they would have been able to sneak up on the lovers. Just when
she thought she couldn't take anymore, he came, both cocks spraying
their copious loads deep within her bowels and womb. Her orgasm was
gigantic, an orgasm on top of her continuous orgasms. Suzara's arms gave
out and she fell face down in the moss, the elf still pumping his cocks
into her up thrust ass.
It was raining when she came to her senses. It was a hot rain, a hot gooey rain that splattered on her back and in her hair. The elf's cum. His cocks were shooting their last wads across her prone body. "Your a good fuck human, you may have some of Spermes' seed in you after all," said Hawksil
Suzara wanted to collapse on the moss and sleep for a month, but the
sperm in her belly gave her the strength to carry on. For the last time
that day, she struggled to her feet and made her way to the cold water
to clean his cum off. She finished and walked over to her gold
adornments, slowly dressing.
"Come, lets go see what's left of your village. First, we need to find
your head covering."
Part 2
Oblag shuffled his huge booted feet and looked longingly back into
Fiswen. Smoke rose from a few burning buildings and he could hear the
occasional clash of steel, battle cries, or the screams for mercy from
captured women. The orc next to him growled mournfully wishing he too
were joining in on the fun. The battle hadn't been going as well as
expected, a large, armed party of humans had been out hunting and caught
the orcs mid-pillage. Now, the village was split into spheres of control
and many human women had made it to the human controlled areas.
"Pussy!" The orc beside him shouted suddenly.
"Cocksucker," replied Oblag, drawing a barbed axe from his belt.
"Not you stupid, a pussy, coming up the road."
Oblag looked down the street. A Bedwin woman had come out of the woods,
moving slowly towards the city. Like all Bedwin a cloak covered her
entire body to hide her husband's wealth. "Grodock's cock! A woman, and
she's coming this way. I get her pussy."
The other gate guard looked about to protest, but backed down for Oblag
was the bigger male. "I get her mouth then...and her ass."
"Done. I've been waiting ten winters for some pussy." Orc women were so
few these days, that neither orc had ever been with a woman. The few
raids they had previously joined, had netted little plunder. "Hope she's
got big tits."
"Most Bedwin bitches do. Shit, my cock's hard already."
"Mine too, lets get her." Oblag and the other orc started walking
towards the unsuspecting woman. They were both limping from their
erections until undoing their breeches and freeing their big cocks. Oblag was proud to see he was the bigger male in more ways then one. The
other's cock looked under eleven inches and his own passed a foot in
length, above average for an orc warrior. He couldn't wait to see if
pussy felt as good as he was told.
Both orcs died virgins.
The other orc reached her first. The Bedwin suddenly sprouted steel from
under her cloak and Oblag watched a jet of bloodsperm shoot up from
where the orc's head had been. He didn't even get his axe out before a
throwing dagger took him in the forehead knocking his helmet off. Oblag
fell to his knees in time to see the Bedwin pull of her headpiece. He
thanked Grodock, he hadn't been killed by a mere woman when he saw the
narrow male face with pointy ears just before he died.
Hawksil took off the rest of the cloak as Suzara ran out of the forest
carrying his bow and quiver. The woman was nude, but for the gold
covering her body. She looked uncomfortable being revealed in public and
swiftly ran to retrieve her cloak. "Not quite yet Suzara. Keep your
clothes off."
Suzara didn't complain. She was completely infatuated with the elf's two
cocks and hadn't argued with him the whole way to the village. Even now,
she wished she were back by the stream fucking him even with her town on
fire and her husband missing somewhere in there.
They ran the whole way here, probably twenty miles with only a short nap
last night and a brief stop. Hawksil's cum had given her the strength to
keep up with him and she had swallowed another load this morning after
napping. She still felt refreshed and energetic.
They stopped in a small cave outside his valley and the elf had
retrieved a chain male coat which glittered silver and gold in the
sunlight when he put it on. It looked brand new, but Hawksil had
explained he'd put it there for safekeeping fifty years before when he'd
exiled himself to the valley to meditate. It hung over his buckskin
breeches and he covered the chain with his shirt as well as his cloak.
The cloak was hooded and always seemed to blend in with his
surroundings, whether forest or stone.
Hawksil tested his bow, nocked an arrow, and they marched towards
Fiswen's gate.
Fangar had a fifteen inch cock. The war chief of the Ogrum mountain tribe never wore breeches because the big thing couldn't be confined when it got hard. Instead, he wore a chain loincloth, but still the green knobby head and several inches swung visible to all including the terrified human mother.
The woman stared at the rising cock through tear blurred eyes for Fangar
was standing over the dead body of her husband. She clutched a small
child to her bosom. The woman’s cloak had been torn from her body, showing that her husband hadn’t been too wealthy. Her breast plates were little more then nipple rings and the hint of areola peaked out around them. Granted, they were obviously big nipples.
Her husband hadn't been rich enough to cover her pussy with gold either and Fangar's cock turned completely hard as he stared at it. She only had one small gold chain around her waist, gold earings, and a gold ring in her navel. No, not rich at all, but Fangar was here for pussy more then gold. This woman would the 99th to bear his baby and the thirteenth he'd knocked up on this raid alone. Upon impregnating his hundredth female, Fangar would be welcome to Grodock's mead hall for eternity where his days would be spent fighting and the hundred mother's of his children would be his sluts at night. "Give me the child," he growled, hefting his scimitar. The curved sword had flakes of obsidian stuck in it giving the vicious weapon a serrated edge.
"Noo, not my baby," she wailed.
"The child can live, his brother will need a slave. Come to me." Oblag
unhooked his loincloth and let it fall to the floor. The woman looked
horrified at the sight of his huge green cock. It was dark and traversed
by puffy white veins coursing with bloodsperm. A rope with a knot on top
circled the base and he untied it, the ballsac hitting the floor, his
big testicles swinging freely now. The woman wailed again when she saw
his huge nut sack. They had to be big for they pumped bloodsperm
throughout his entire body. His heart was only a filter for the potent
seed. "Wipe, that shit off your nose and I'll make you forget all about
your mate's little dick."
The mother had wiped animal dung under her nose to keep the cock stank
from affecting her. She went over to a pail of water and started wiping
her nose, while the child watched from a cot. Women of all races
couldn't resist an orc’s cock stank. The smell turned them into sluts hungry for orc sperm and orc cock. Once the smell was gone they'd come to their senses, but by then it was usually too late.
The woman sobbed as she cleaned off her nose. When clean, she turned her
head and found Fangar had moved forwards, his cock was pointing right at
her mouth. "Oh my," she said, staring at it. The big orc watched her
expression change quickly from grief stricken and fearful to amazed,
then lustful. "I had no idea," she said, reaching up to grasp it. "It smells so good. It's so big." She arched her back and ran the tip of his cock across her breasts using the knobby head to flick off her nipple disks. Her nipples were long and thick and must of been painfully pushing into the disks. She pulled forward on his cock, a drop of precum forming on the tip of the orc's huge cock, precum that rivaled a human male's orgasm. She rubbed the tip of his cock around her nipple making the hard little knobs glisten with precum. "You've got to let me suck on this monster?"
"Do it, slut."
"Thank you." The human nodded her head excitedly and moved the cock head
up to her mouth, pausing only to inhale a big whiff of it through her
nose. She twirled her tongue around it, greedily lapping up his precum.
Fangar grunted as her tongue dipped into his pee-slit. She took the head
in her mouth, quickly gagging. Having the biggest cock in the tribe made
him chief, but it had it's drawbacks and never getting a proper blow job
was one of them. "You’re too big, master," sobbed the woman. She was crying again, this time with frustration.
"Use your fucking hands, slut."
"Oh thank you, master." The woman still looked unhappy she couldn't
swallow the whole thing, but she settled on slurping on the head while
using both her hands to jerk off his shaft. He watched her trying to
milk his cock for awhile. He loved seeing his big cock sticking out of a
slut's mouth, but it was foolish of him. Each time he came weakened him
a bit from bloodsperm loss, and he'd cum a lot this raid.
The big orc figured it would be prudent to forgo the blowjob. "Ready to
get fucked slut?"
"By the gods, I've never been readier, Master."
"Get on all fours on the cot."
Fangar watched the woman push her child out of the way and kneel facing
away from him on the cot. Her pussy slit was dripping wet, already
engorged and spread apart in anticipation. He didn't keep her waiting.
He placed his big green hands on her waist and pushed his hips so that
the head of his cock rested between her spread pussy lips. The fat head
moved forward and the lips stretched wider then they'd ever been
stretched until slightly closing as the head disappeared.
"Oh master, it's so big," moaned the woman.
"Is it good slut?"
"Oh, it's so good. I...I...Aaahh." She shuddered as the orgasm overtook
Fangar took the opportunity to push more in. The woman's pussy was going
crazy around his cock. It clamped down around every inch, only to
balloon up seconds later as her juices gave it a fresh coat of
lubrication. Her pussy muscles felt like they were milking his cock and
the orc chief grew impatient, starting to slam his cock home now. His
right hand squeezed her ass cheek before he brought his thick thumb with
it's black sharpened fingernail over to her tight little bunghole. It
always excited him to see an unused anus with it's tightly puckered
sphincter. He pushed his thumb through her sphincter and the woman
screamed in orgasm again. He wanted to break her ass in, but he was
growing weak and slut number 100 was still out there.
Fangar fucked her hard, also fucking her ass with his thumb. He came,
the woman screaming with pleasure. He felt weak as he pulled it out. The
woman's pussy seemed reluctant to release it. The head fell out with a
popping sound. "More, fuck me more," she moaned, still pushing her hips
back towards his crotch.
Fangar's two bodyguards stood just inside the door, saliva drooling down
their fangs. He looked over at the girl. She was pretty and would be
worth keeping as a personal slave, but sensed he could do better. There
were still plenty of women in this town left to capture. "Take her," he
said to the two orcs. "The gold is mine."
"Master! Help me!" screamed the woman as the two orcs began undressing.
"Please don't leave...oh my." Her hand was already caressing the first
visible cock. "So big and hard."
Fangar left the room to find a battle to join picturing his triumphant
tribe marching into the mountains with beautiful slave-sluts tied to
crucifixes. Standards that would draw more orcs and more tribes to
follow him. When he was strong enough, he'd lead a horde into the human
lands and the orcs would never go horny again.
Five orcs limped after the woman. They limped because her voluptuous body had turned their cocks hard seconds after they noticed her running
towards them. The woman was one of the most divine creatures they had
ever seen and she was filthy rich. Her bosom was huge, yet most of her
tit flesh was covered with gold breast plates studded with gems. She
wore a large gold loincloth, gold bands, bracelets, and a tiara in her
long golden hair. Her belly glowed red in the sunlight as the beams
reflected off a large ruby in her navel. The wealth was nice, but it was
her body that drew their attention.
The woman ran when she saw the orcs. She looked unsullied, yet her
Bedwin cloak was missing. She must have escaped another band of raiders
before the cock stank got in her nose. Well their loss was our gain.
The first two only had eight inch cocks so their erections weren't quite
the burden the bigger orcs were. They reached the woman just as she
disappeared around a corner and found themselves staring at two arrow
heads in a drawn bow. The woman had squatted under the bow. Two arrows
were resting on the yew bow, both drawn, their iron heads about seven
inches apart. Then the arrows were gone, the first orc noticing a pain
in his chest while the second's hands clutched his throat and made
gargling noises.
The largest orc was known as Mad Mary, because his father hated him and
was still a lot bigger then Mad Mary so the bitter orc couldn't kill his father yet. He watched the next two orcs round the corner and froze as
bloodsperm spayed out of a hole in the first's back and an arrow
appeared in the chest of the second standing behind him. Mad Mary drew
his sword and hit the wall. He listened, but there was no sound from the
first two orcs. All four had died within seconds!
Mad Mary stared at the corner, readying his sword as the tip of an arrow
appeared, then a drawn bow. He roared, swinging the sword forward and
around the wall. His blade caught the long brown hair of an opponent
that was rapidly dropping to the ground. Mad Mary recovered quickly,
bringing his sword up to plunge the point downward, but his enemy had
already dropped the bow and drawn a long hunting knife from his boot.
The knife was rising up into the joint connecting his breast plate with
the chain mail around his crotch. The blade ripped across his abdomen
and the big orc fell face forward.
"Is it safe, mother?"
"Yes, dear."
Missa was eighteen winters old and quite shapely. She was to be married
in two tendays when she'd lose her virginity. She was hiding in her
Parent’s dressing room, nude since she was inside and hadn't had time to
grab her Bedwin cloak when someone started trying to bust their door in.
Her father was behind a barricade out on the street, but there had been
battle sounds as the orcs attacked. The fight had gone like this all day
with attacks and counter attacks, losing streets to orcs and reclaiming
Streets for Bedwin‘s.
Missa's mother smiled at her, greenish white flakes covered her face
from her eyes down, the heaviest concentration on her chin. Missa was
totally nude, unadorned since she was unmarried and had no wealth to
wear. As her mother opened the door, the teen noticed her mother was
also unadorned and more of the greenish white flakes covered her bare
breasts, belly, and was so heavy around her crotch that it matted her
pubic hair. "Mother, what's going on?" she asked as her mother opened
the door all the way to reveal five orcs standing in the room. The
beasts were already nude and their cocks were rising at the sight of the
hot young girl.
"Trust me Missa, you'll love it." Her mother smiled lovingly at her and
pulled her into the room.
"As the biggest here, I claim the right to impregnate her," growled a
muscular orc as he grabbed Missa's shoulders.
"Please don't," cried Missa. "Let me go." The orc forced her to her
knees until the ugly thirteen inch cock head was rubbing all over her
face leaving a slimy trail of precum from cheek to cheek. Missa clamped
her mouth shut moving her head away from the green monstrosity, but she
needed to breathe. As Missa inhaled through her nose, the cock stank hit
her and she quit struggling. She stared fascinated at the bulbous
Cock head before leaning forward to kiss it. The kiss turned to licks,
then the entire head was in her mouth as she sucked on it.
"Ass," called one orc.
"Mouth," agreed the other."
Missa was sucking on half the big one's cock now trying not to gag. The
ass and mouth orcs were standing beside her waiting their turn, she
grabbed their smaller nine and ten inch cocks and started stroking them
as she sucked off the leader.
The big male pulled his cock out and roughly pulled Missa to her feet.
The young woman stared fascinated at her mother as the teen was led over
to her parents bed. Her mother was kneeling between two orcs slurping on
a rather large cock while getting fucked from behind by a cock almost as
large as Missa's master's.
Her master laid down on the bed and held his cock up to the roof. "It's
breeding time bitch." The orc had a hard muscular body, his broad, green chest covered with coarse black hair as was his hairy crotch. "Mount me," he ordered, grinning and baring yellowish fangs.
Missa stood over her master and slowly squatted. Her young pussy was wet
and ready for the large appendage. She looked down at the cock, greenish
white fluid pouring down from the tip to lubricate it. She lowered
herself until the head rubbed against her slit. Missa moaned as her
pussy lips spread apart for the head stretching wider until the head
began to enter her. Impatient, Missa pushed down hard. She bit her lip
in pain as the head ripped past her hymen taking her virginity. The pain
soon faded and was replaced by the most intense pleasure of the girl's
young life. "I like this cock," she cried, as her legs gave out and she
impaled herself on the monstrosity.
"Orcs aren't the best archers, but eventually they'll hit something,"
said Hawksil. He and Suzara were watching orcs on a roof top firing
arrows down into a small group of trapped human warriors. "Stay here."
The orcs never knew what hit them. Three were dead before they thought
to look behind them. One orc tumbled forward off the roof to fall before
the humans. The arrow had passed through him and the other orcs thought
he had slipped. They laughed as he hit the ground with a splat. The
second orc to die was in the rear. He fell forward with an arrow in his
back. The orcs realized they were under attack when the third orc spun
around screaming an arrow stuck in his right shoulder. He twirled around
and fell off the roof.
The remaining three turned in fear. One orc flying off the roof as an
arrow appeared in his chest. The next died as he raised his bow. The
remaining orc, eyes wide with fear now, managed to get his bow up and
drawn, but he had nothing to shoot at. The arrow took him in the
"Who has saved us? Our thanks," called the lead human.
"Bednard!" Suzara came out of hiding and ran to him. "It's Suzara."
Bednard couldn't recognize Suzara under her cloak. "Thank Spermes, you’re pure."
"Well, not exactly," she said, and the elf stepped out of concealment,
putting down the head of his cloak.
"What? You’re can't be. You're extinct."
"Not entirely. I am Hawksil."
"Bedwyr sent me to find the forest ghost and ask for his aid. He had no
idea it was an elf. Have you seen my husband?"
"He's defending the bazaar and most of our women are there, but first I
must check on my own family. They're barricaded in our townhouse. Come
with me, then we will find Bedwyr." They jogged down the block to where
the orcs had first overrun Bednard's barricade. "There's my townh...NO!
The doors busted in." Bednard ran towards his house.
Hawksil slung his bow over his shoulder and drew his sword and an axe
for his left hand. He followed the human into his house with the other
soldiers close behind.
The fight was easy, a massacre even. The five orcs were too busy fucking
the two women. Bernard went mad, howling as he swung his sword and the
orc's head flew from his shoulders. Hawksil's reflexes had observed the
situation within seconds of entering the room. The orc fucking the older
woman was already orgasming when he lost his head and the woman was
already covered in dried bloodsperm. The girl on the other hand, had
smooth, clean skin despite the fact that three orc were plugging all her
The orc she was riding was the most dangerous, but the elf couldn't get
to him through the others. Hawksil threw his axe and without watching
it's progress, grabbed the orc fucking the girl's ass. The elf slid his
sword across the neck of the orc in his hand turning the beast sideways
just as it's cock discharged sending a blast of bloodsperm against the
wall. He dropped the gurgling orc and turned to the girl. His axe had
struck the orc she was sucking off right in the forehead and it had
fallen backwards, it's cock still hard.
"MISSA!" Bednard had killed his second orc and was turning towards his
daughter. The big orc knew it was in trouble, but his hand couldn't
reach his sword laying by the side of the bed. It was struggling to get
the girl off him, but Missa was fighting to ride him screaming as she
Came, too blinded with lust to think of anything, but the big orc cock
filling her pussy. Hawksil reached her just as the big orc's eyes rolled
up in his head and he howled. The elf yanked the girl off just as the
orc came. A big wad of sperm flew upwards of three feet to splatter on
the orc's stomach. Missa, now in Hawksil's arms struggled to get to the
orc's seed.
The orc had succeeded in grabbing it's sword, but the bloodsperm loss
weakened it and the sword fell back to the floor with a clang just as
Bednard appeared over his marital bed with his sword tip pointed towards
the orc's stomach. The sword plunged downward.
"I want a baby," screamed Missa, thrashing about in Hawksil's strong
"Let's get her outside to the fresh air." The elf carried the struggling
girl to the door.
"But my wife?"
"It's too late for her. The girl is safe."
The older woman was kneeling on the ground jerking off the still hard
cock of a dying orc. She was covered in greenish-white sperm and looked
more lustful and wanton then she ever had with Bednard. The soldier
grabbed his wife anyway, knowing she'd be exiled from the town.
The two women sobered up quickly in the fresh air and cried quietly in
the alley as two soldiers fetched them some cloaks from Bednard's house
and some water so that the matron could clean herself up. After that,
Bednard went mad throwing himself at every orc they encountered even
blocking some easy bow shots from his men as he ran crazily at the enemy.
Luckily, they encountered few opponents, but there was a great commotion
ahead in the bazaar. "Fangar! Fangar!" orcs shouted banging swords on
shields. Humans were shouting too.
They came upon the rear of the human soldiers who turned alarmed, but
relaxed when they saw more villagers. A large bald man with a big paunch
turned and said, "Bednard! You've saved three women, excellent, and Spermes an elf! But you're extinct?"
"So I'm told," said Hawksil.
"Yes husband, an elf," said Suzara, removing her hood.
Bedwyr's face shown with happiness and he embraced his wife, his grin
turning downwards as he realized the implications. "The elf is the
forest ghost?" His wife nodded. "The price, did you pay the price?"
"Yes, husband."
Bedwyr released her and flashed the elf a look filled with hatred. "Then
you're lost to me?"
"I still love you and I can still be your wife, but as long as Hawksil
lives, only he can satisfy me."
"I'm sorry, I had know idea it would be an elf."
"Don't be, it was the best experience of my life, but we can still live
as man and wife. There is more to a marriage then sex. Plus, Hawksil's
assistance has been invaluable."
"At least Suzara doesn't have an orc brat growing in her belly," said
Bednard, bitterly.
Bedwyr turned to berate the soldier, but saw by the expression on his
face what had happened to his friend's wife. The two cloaked women
started sobbing. "I'm sorry my friend."
The band turned towards the center of the bazaar where a big orc
strolled around beating his sword on his shield then would point it at
where Suzara stood, her long blonde hair waving in the wind blowing
through the open market. "That's a big son-of-a-bitch," said a soldier.
"I shall fight you, you big bastard."
"Bednard no, he's too good," shouted Bedwyr. Two other humans already
lay at the orc's feet. Fangar's warriors roared behind their barricade.
Bednard had already crossed the line and was approaching the big orc,
one so hung, his evil cock head could be seen swinging under it's
Hawksil saw it too. It gave him an idea. "I assume you are under arena
"Yes, elf," hissed Bedwyr.
That meant a code of honor existed between personal combatants and
Hawksil couldn't kill the orc chief with his bow. "Then I have a plan.
How many women are here?""
In the bazaar, Bednard was as good as dead. The orc wouldn't even let
him come within reach. Fangar held his sword out poking the human
every time Bednard tried to run up within reach. Bednard was already
bleeding from several wounds, one on his forehead that poured blood into
his eyes. The orc was laughing and circling the floundering human. The
big orc stumbled and lowered his sword.
Bednard charged, the sword biting into his legs, the serrated edge
slashing into his tendon as the orc recovered quickly. It was howling
with delight, Bednard had fallen for the oldest ruse in the book.
"ENOUGH!" shouted Fangar. He held his shield over the fallen human. The
underside of the shield was razor sharp and the orc slammed it down into
Bednard's chest. "WHO IS NEXT?"
"Fangar! Fangar!Fangar! shouted the orcs behind him. They stopped when
a shining figure appeared on the wall before the humans.
"I am next," yelled Hawksil.
It was a battle the like of which had not been seen in a hundred years
since the orc/elf wars. he orc was a hulking brute wearing cruel looking armor, a sword designed to rip flesh that ould require two human hands to lift it. The elf was lithe and agile. He had removed his cloak and stood shimmering golden and silver hues in the sunlight in his chain mail. Hawksil's hair was pulled back to stay out of his face. He held two swords of equal length. Both sides, human and orc remained silent as the two opponents slowly circled each other.
They came together with a clash of steel. Hawksil was clearly the most
skilled swordsmen. His blades were a blur as they parried and struck,
but the orc was skilled too and there were few cracks in his armor.
Fangar kept his shield protecting his neck and other exposed areas, his
huge sword striking out whenever he saw the opportunity. The orc chief
scored several hits, but elven chain is one of the strongest substances
in the world.
Hawksil managed to nick the orcs knee only to find himself flying
through the air to land flat on his back as Fangar slammed his shield
into him. Hawksil shook his head to clear it as the orc raised it's
sword over it's head and charged, then slowed to a stop, staring past
the elf. There was a commotion from the human lines. Hawksil could see
the orc's knobby cock head swinging just under it's mail loincloth. The
head swelled up and started to rise.
Behind them, orc warriors were climbing their barricades and charging
the human lines. Soon their charge slowed to limping gait as every orc
sported an erection. Many stopped to adjust themselves in a hurry to
reach the women.
Thirty human women stood naked, lining the human barricade. The orcs had
never seen so much naked female flesh. Suzara stood proud beside Missa,
thrusting her large bosom outwards. She had removed her breastplates so
that her nipples were hard and protruding in the cold air. Sunlight
sparkled off the ruby in her bellybutton and her blonde pubic hair.
There were teenage girls with their young firm breasts. There were thin
women, fat women, young and old with large saggy breasts. The orcs
didn't care they just wanted pussy.
Kneeling between each woman was a human archer. Hampered by their
erections, the orc attack was slowed and the humans got off many
volleys. The orcs returned a few, but most had left their bows behind
their lines. As the orcs neared the women, the human warriors charged.
Fangar had recovered from his shock and was bringing his sword up over
his head to strike the prone elf, but he was now sporting a fifteen inch
erection. Hawksil grabbed the tip of Fangar's big cock and yanked him
forward while bringing up his sword towards the orc's underarm. Off
balance, the big orc stumbled and cried in pain as Hawksil's sword
entered his exposed underarm and scraped on the armor on his shoulder.
Hawksil grabbed his other sword and stood as Fangar's shield fell from a
useless arm. Fangar still put up a good fight, but without his shield to
protect his exposed flesh, he was soon bleeding from a half dozen cuts
as the elf danced around him. The battle waged around them now. The
orc's size and superior armor were offset by their erections and the
subsequent loss of blood it took to fill such big cocks. The humans
were winning and some orcs were turning to flee the square.
Hawksil saw an opening for a kill thrust. He feinted with one sword and
struck out with the other. The sword sliced into Fangar's neck, but then
it fell from lifeless fingers before cutting too deep. Hawksil's
shoulder was on fire. He watched Fangar step back clutching at his
bleeding throat, the orc falling to one knee. Then there was a great
pain in Hawksil's calf as an arrow ripped into him under the chain mail.
The elf looked down expecting a cruelly barbed orc arrow, but instead
saw one of his own.
"As long as Hawksil lives, only he can satisfy me." Suzara's words kept
echoing through Bedwyr's mind. "As long as Hawksil lives..."
Bedwyr had stayed back from the human charge to cover the women's escape
using the elf's bow to shoot arrows at the orcs. Now the humans were
winning, Fangar was slowing down and all that stood in Bedwyr's way of
reclaiming his wife was the elf.
His first arrow struck the elf's shoulder, but didn't penetrate the
chain mail. Still, it must have hurt because the elf stumbled and dropped his sword. Bedwyr aimed lower, putting his second arrow through the elf's lower leg.
Hawksil turned to stare at him and Bedwyr lowered the bow. Fangar was
rising up behind the elf having pulled a dagger from his boot. He
stumbled forward prepared to stab the elf when a nude woman leaped on
him. A woman with long flowing blonde hair.
Hawksil turned when he heard the woman scream. Suzara's beautiful nude
body was struggling with the orc. She held a dagger in one hand and was
stabbing him repeatedly. Most scraped the orc's armor, but one thrust
took Fangor in the chin. Orc and woman spun around and fell to the
ground with the orc's body smothering Suzara's. The orc's dagger fell at
Hawksil's feet coated with poison of some kind. Suzara had saved him.
"Suzara! My love!" Bedwyr ran towards her. The battle was over now. The
humans had lost surprisingly few, but all the big orcs were dead. Their
giant cocks had slowed them in battle and they were unable to retreat as
the nude women had driven them crazy with lust. Many of the smaller orcs
had escaped and were heading towards the mountains even now.
Hawksil limped over towards Fangar, his one arm still hanging limply,
but the feeling was starting to return. The arrow had pushed his armor
in about an inch and pinched a nerve.
"Sorry, I was aiming for the orc," said Bedwyr running up to him.
Bedwyr and Hawksil struggled to pull Fangar's body off Suzara and some
other men came to their aid. They got the big orc off and threw him to
the side, staring in horror and disgust at Suzara.
Bloodsperm covered the woman's face and her tongue was flickering out to
lick it up. Her nude body was writhing like a bitch in heat. Orc sperm
covered her belly and her hands were busy scooping it up and shoving it
in her pussy.
Fangar chuckled, coughing up bloodsperm. The orc' s voice rasped as
Hawksil looked down at him. "The bitch is my hundredth. See you in
hell, elf." Hawksil pulled a throwing dagger out to finish the orc off,
but his eyes had already glazed over.
"Help her," said Hawksil, turning to Bedwyr. "You men hold her arms."
"What can I do?" shrugged Bedwyr, as two soldiers pulled Suzara's arms
away from her pussy causing her to howl in frustration.
"Eat her pussy, suck the sperm out."
"The Bedwin do not eat their wives’ pussys, elf."
"Time to learn then," said Hawksil. He grabbed Bedwyr's neck with his
weak hand and held the dagger against the human's throat. The elf forced
the man to his knees. The other soldiers didn't interfere.
"Please don't," begged Bedwyr, staring at the green tinged sperm coating
his wife's labia. Then his face was shoved into her pussy and he began
to eat.
Bedwyr's men began laughing at their leader as Hawksil released his
neck. He left the man there eating his wife's pussy in the market
square surrounded by his soldier and the dead. The elf's heart wrenched
as Suzara gave a little moan of pleasure from an orgasm, her first with
her husband. The cries reminded Hawksil of their time together and a
tear rolled down the elf's cheek. He had lied to the man. There was no
way, Bedwyr would get all the orc sperm and one was all it took. He
limped away from the battlefield to collect his gear.
Hawksil felt feverish as he loosened his breeches. He was bare chested,
an angry purple bruise visible on his left shoulder. He had bandaged his
leg, but the wound was festering. He had taken refuge in a ruined
tavern, that had seen some orc occupation and was lying on a bed on the
second floor.
The elf pulled his upper cock out and placed it within a large circle he
made using the fingers of both hands. The cock quickly grew to fill the
circle, twelve, fourteen, then sixteen inches. Hawksil sat up about to
commit a grievous sin amongst his people, but then they were all dead
and it was a necessary sin.
His strong hand was already coated with honey and he began stroking his
shaft as he bent down and placed his lips around the head, prepared to suck his own cock.
He didn't have to sin after all. There was a creak on the stairwell and
Hawksil pulled his head up. Whoever it was had caught him in a moment of
weakness, his weapons out of reach. The door opened and a Bedwin woman
"I followed you here," she said. "By the gods! It's as big as an orc’s,
but beautiful." Missa pulled off her hood staring greedily at Hawksil's
"Missa." Hawksil felt a little faint and feverish. "I need your help.
Get me off."
"With pleasure." She dropped her cloak and stood naked before him, no
gold or jewels covered her body being unmarried. She kneeled between his legs as Hawksil fell back on the bed. "It's too big for my pussy?"
"Just jerk it and suck on the end until I cum. I need you to feed me my will help heal me."
Missa's only experience sucking cock was with the orc earlier that day.
Hawksil was bigger and she could do little more then put the head in her
mouth, but she gave it her best shot. She used both hands to jerk the
shaft while sucking on the head. She started moaning with lust as she
got into it. She wanted to fuck this cock, but it was too big and it
made her sad.
"Hurry," said Hawksil. His wounds were causing him to slip in and out of
consciousness. Yet, his sexual reflexes were active and he was bucking
his hips as she sucked him.
Hawksil orgasmed and the force, amount, and taste took Missa by
surprise. She swallowed the first load inadvertently. As the warmth
spread through her body, she felt refreshed and invigorated. Her mouth
filled with cum again and she had to fight not to swallow it. She moved
up to Hawksil's face and placed her lips on his transferring his sperm
from her mouth to his. He weakly lapped at it.
Missa moved her head back down to his exposed crotch to find the big dick still spurting cum and a large pool of it forming, fanning out from the head. It took several trips, but she licked it all up and transferred it to Hawksil's mouth.
Missa stared fascinated at the sixteen inch cock as it deflated. There
was a strange lump beneath it, under his breeches. Curious, she pulled
them down, gasping as the second cock flew up. This one had an upward
curve and was only eight inches, smaller then an orc, but bigger then a
man's. His balls reminded her of a bull's. This was one she could fuck so she began stripping off his boots and pants.
The elf was lying across the bed, feet on the floor, his breath rasping
as she mounted him. It felt good, real good as she ground her crotch
into his, but it was no orc cock. Just as she wished it was bigger, the
elf's cock seemed to shoot up an inch into her pussy, bigger and thicker
now. The deflated cock laying between her legs looked smaller too. Missa
came when the cock grew another inch and then another.
"So big, so good, oh fuck me, fuck me." Missa was cumming again when she
felt hands on her hips. Hawksil sat up and began kissing her as she
wrapped her legs around his back. She noticed the bruise on his back had
faded, even the pain of her tragic losses earlier in the day had faded
to a dull ache.
Something moved between her legs. His upper cock was growing again. Soon
there was a hard foot long cock between their bodies as she bounced up
and down on his other foot long cock. Elves truly were gifted creatures.
Hawksil kissed her passionately. He was lifting her by her ass, raising
her slowly up and down his shaft while she jerked off the large cock
sandwiched between them. The orgasms were weakening her, but she kept up
the pace. Hawksil was keeping up the pace too. He would lift her over
his cock faster to encourage her to speed up masturbating him. Missa
could feel the cock in her pussy growing as well as the one in her hand.
He was trying to cum at the same time and he did.
Powerful jets of sperm hosed her womb just as the cock in her hand
exploded. Missa bent her neck and caught the first wad in her mouth. The
second wad only reached her breasts, splattering on her nipples. The
third left a strand from her breasts to her bellybutton. The powerful
jets stopped, but sperm continued to pour out of his cock just as it was
doing in the one in her pussy. They collapsed side by side.
Later, they drank some wine in bed. "So what will you do now?" asked the
"Run my parent's business. I'll use the profits to form a mercenary band
to hunt orcs in the mountains."
"What of your mother?"
"She will be exiled."
"I see."
"As would I if you hadn't pulled me off that big orc cock when you did."
Missa shuddered. "I wanted to experience sex again before you left."
"You sound as if it will be your last?"
"No man will have me now, I lost my virginity to an orc, nor could one
please me if he did. Just promise we can do this again if you ever pass
back this way."
"I promise and I promise we can do it a few more times before morning,"
said Hawksil pulling her on top. "Ride the upper one this time."
"What will we do with the other one?"
"You'll see," said Hawksil moving his lower cock around to her ass."
Hawksil left Fiswen at a slow jog for his leg still hurt, though the
wound had healed. He had no destination in mind.
Behind him, on the other side of town a sad procession of women left the
gate bound for the mountains. Suzara, proud and strong helped Missa's
mother along as the older woman sobbed on the verge of a break down.
Close to three dozen other women followed them. Many had husbands and
children watching them leave. All the women were nude, no longer having
wealth to protect under Bedwin cloaks.
As they neared the forested hills, orcs stepped out of the trees. They
had been waiting for the exiles and the women wailed when they saw them.
The orcs forced the women to their knees, then began taking out their
cocks. The orcs spread throughout the crowd. The women began smelling
and kissing the big cocks as they passed. This was how they would spend
the rest of their lives.
And they were no longer sad.
The End
Note: A reader once described this story as having been written by a horny sixth grade dungeons and dragons player, which I was at one time.
Fantasy is my first true love when it comes to literature, though I moved on as a got older. I had hoped to write more adventures of Hawksil, the last elf, but haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe someday.
I did write another story set in the same universe and that is “Belinda and The Faun.”
Bedwin- A human culture found on the great Northern continent. The
society is male-dominated, but women are educated and raised so as to be
more useful to their husbands. They are living wallets for the males as
Bedwin have not developed coinage. The women are adorned with gold
wearing nipple disks, chains, gold linked loincloths, etc. Some of the
richest attempt to plump their wives up so that there is more flesh to
cover with gold. Outside women wear cloaks that cover their entire
bodies, but for eyes and ankles. Covering the males wealth keeps all
males on an equal footing in public. Bedwin women are monogamous, but
often perform oral sex on their husband's guests during meals.
Spermes (sperm-ees)- the one true god and a constellation. In the
Beginning, Spermes sat on his throne in the sky and masturbated towards a barren rock. The god's wad of semen splattered upon the rock and all
life upon the earth sprang up from his wads. Lesser gods sprang from
higher concentrations of sperm and steered the various races to suit
their needs. Spermes has nothing to do with the world, but wayward sperm
(comets)still appear in the sky from time to time.
Humans- The most recent race to appear on earth and the only not
descended from Spermes, hence the inferior sexual organs of the male,
but they breed faster then most of Spermes' children. Elven scholars
were never able to figure where humans came from. Males tend to be hairy
and are usually around 5'7" tall. Their females average 5'6" and are
lean, but large breasted with hips to match.
Dwarves- Bearded men around 4-5' tall. Their gift from Spermes is
never soft foot long cocks as hard as granite. The hardness makes them
last a long time as they are less sensitive. Dwarves went into hiding
after their war with the orcs and few underground cities are left.
Orcs- Green, warty men with flat noses and tusked lower teeth. They
average in height 6-7' and are very strong and muscular. Their cocks run
10-12", but their true heritage from Spermes is the bloodsperm. Greenish
tinged sperm flows through their veins, sperm so potent it's been known
to hasten fertility in women or lie dormant in wombs for days until the
female's fertile period begins. Females of most species become
enthralled in the presence of orc cock, behaving like sluts around them,
craving bloodsperm, wanting to bear orc babies. Orcs live in the
mountains competing with dwarves for their territory. The first great
war was fought between orcs and dwarves. Grodock the godcock, the orc demigod led them to victory, but at great cost to orc warriors. Grodock invoked a great spell, increasing the number of male births to swell his armies. He assembled a great horde, marching on human cities and elf forests.
Elves- the favored of Spermes children. They are tall and lean with
angular features and bright blue eyes. They are skilled with weapons as
well as science and the arts. They are doubly blessed by Spermes having
two cocks or two vaginas with women. Their cocks change size to totally
fill the cavity they enter. Their sperm tastes sweet and provides
nourishment as well as healing properties.
The elf-orc war started two hundred years ago ending with the elves
defeat. Grodock led an army of orcs, trolls, and ogres outnumbering the
elves 20:1. Despite the odds, the elves might have won, but that
Grodock had secretly allied himself with the dark necromancer. Just as
the elves were about to turn the orc horde, the necromancer animated the
dead orcs. Finding themselves surrounded by orcs and zombies, the elves
were wiped out to the man, but managed to kill Grodock. The next fifty
years, the orcs spent hunting down every last elf. Grodock made one
error. The spell he cast increasing the number of male babies, decreased
the number of females born and the orcs were never again able to
assemble giant hordes. Humans swarmed in to take the place of Sperme's
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