Jane Stalwart and the Lost World 2

Jane Stalwart and the Lost World

Copyright 2024 by Stormbringer




Chapter Two: Transformed By the Lost World



Darkness turned to light.


Jane stirred, becoming aware of a sharp pain in her foot. The pain deepened, daggers piercing her skin. She yanked her foot back, causing her body to swing slowly back and forth.


She opened her eyes. Things were blurry at first, but as her vision came into focus, she pulled her second foot back just as razor-sharp fangs were snapping down, closing on thin air. The creature fell back to the ground, hopping from foot to foot, looking irritated.


Fascinating, she thought, staring at the dinosaur, it resembled a velociraptor only velociraptors were roughly the size of turkeys while this theropod appeared her height. The raptor hopped back, bending down, it picked her boot up in its jaws and shook it vigorously much like a dog shaking a stuffed toy. It spit the tattered boot out and made another futile leap for her. As long as she kept her legs up, she was safe.


Momentarily safe from danger, Jane also became aware that she was staring down at the dinosaur over bare breasts, her nipples were hard, achingly so. Several rivulets of sweat were rolling down her chest and over the slopes of her breasts. “Lost your top again,” echoed Patty’s voice in her head, voiced often by her former lady’s maid and friend because of Jane’s proclivity for having her blouse ripped off.


Her top was not the only thing she had lost. Jane risked lowering her legs long enough to see that her feet and legs were bare, and she could see the dark black curly hair covering her pubic mound. Faint scars covered one foot where the raptor’s teeth had penetrated her flesh through her boot. She raised her legs again when it appeared the raptor might make another leap.


Jane glanced up. She was dangling by her parachute cord, the rope caught by branches, the chute itself ripped to shreds by the wickedly sharp thorns lining the vines covering the trees. The same thorns that must have ripped her clothes off her body while miraculously leaving her unharmed. She could make out pieces of torn clothes and parachute. There was no sign of the pack holding her supplies. She was completely naked. No, not completely. Her belt had survived around her waist, somewhat tattered, but intact, and more importantly, her survival knife was still in its sheath around her belt.


Time to get out of this mess, she thought, looking around at her surroundings. There was a large branch close by that she could probably swing to. Luckily, the thorns seemed confined to the emergent layer of the jungle, while the canopy was relatively safe and filled with branches and non-thorny vines.


Jane lowered and raised her feet, causing her to swing on the cords toward the branch. The raptor honked repeatedly; its call being echoed by other creatures in the forest. Her legs reached the branch and wrapped around it, holding her still. She almost let go when the angry dinosaur leaped on the tree. Its nasty hooked hind claws dug into the tree bark as the creature tried to scramble to reach her, but it slipped and fell back to the ground. It honked again, leaping angrily while watching her.


Jane pulled herself up on the branch and squatted, pulling out her knife and cutting through the cord to free herself. She glanced at the beast to keep an eye on it, stopping to stare when she saw that it had been joined by two more of its kind. All three were watching her, eerily frozen still.


Jane rescued some of the parachute cord, wrapping it around her shoulder. She looked down again. A half dozen velociraptors were now staring up at her. They moved aside as a gray leathery-skinned beast walked through the pack, turning its hateful gaze upon her. The raptor was old, and covered in scars including one vicious gash across an eye socket, that left the pupil a cloudy white. She stared back at the beast repressing a shudder for the one-eyed raptor’s gaze felt malevolent, like it wanted to kill her out of spite and not just for food.


“Looks like it’s safer sticking to the canopy,” she muttered, looking around and seeing another branch that looked strong enough to hold her. There was a vine hanging between her and the branch. Jane leaped towards the trunk of her tree, kicking herself off and twisting her body so that she could grab the dangling vine. She found herself grinning with excitement as she landed safely on the next branch. Not only was she an Olympic-level gymnast, but her genius-level intellect allowed her to calculate algebraic and calculus equations in her head nearly instantaneously. Swinging through the trees would be a breeze for her.


Old one-eye gave a loud honk. Jane glanced down just as the raptors scattered. Within seconds they were gone. They crashed and stomped through the jungle and just like that everything went silent. She snorted. They had not gone far. They were hidden, camouflaged, waiting, hoping she would come down. Well, bullocks to that.


Her nipples ached again. They were engorged with blood, fully swollen. It almost felt like an invisible hand was pinching them and droplets of milk appeared on the tips. The invisible hand was not just pinching them, it was pulling on them like it was trying to pull her breasts along with it. Jane stared down at her breasts in horror, silently praying her worst fears would not be realized. Her breasts were growing again! After bathing in two mythological Norse wells, her breasts had grown to the point they were barely contained by an American large size D brassiere. Now they were expanding back to the giant size they had grown to after being ejaculated on by the COCK of Osiris. She felt her breasts filling with milk making them heavier. The extra weight threw her off a little, but the cheeks of her rear end were filling out as well to help balance her out. Her breasts stopped growing, but her nipples stayed swollen which left her in a slightly distracting state of constant arousal. The good news was that this was proof of the presence of large amounts of vril in the lost world and her breasts should return to normal once she left the Lost World.


It was hot and humid. Her nude body was covered by a glistening sheen of sweat. It was not too uncomfortable in the jungle shade, but she would need water soon, and with no canteen, she’d need to stay near a source of water. Luckily, from her parachute, she had spied the large central lake and it appeared it was fed by many rivers and streams meaning water should be plentiful.


She looked down, giving her shiny body a quick once-over, and was surprised to see that she had been wrong. Her body was covered by scars. She had not escaped the thorns unscathed after all. She was not sore or in any pain. Even the throbbing in her foot from the raptor bite was gone. So were the scars on her foot! Jane’s brow furrowed and she raised her right arm, looking at one long jagged line of dried blood down her entire forearm. She used a fingernail on her other hand to scrape away the blood. “Fascinating,” she gasped, seeing that there was not any sign of a wound beneath the dried blood. Rapid healing was another side effect of Vril!


Jane Stalwart squatted on her branch and looked around at her surroundings. The sun was high, and she could not tell which direction was Northeast until it started setting. She decided to just take the easiest path through the canopy and see where it took her. Her eyes focused on the closest vine and a strong branch several hundred feet away. Her mind did the calculations. Vine, vine, leap off the springy branch, vine, grab the branch, swing for the vine, run along the tree trunk, vine, vine, and finally, branch.


Easy, she thought. And it was.


Jane had trained in long-distance running by a Tarahumara Indian and could run at a steady pace for hours if needed. Swinging through the canopy was not much harder for her though her arm muscles were not as built up as her leg muscles were. The naked woman traveled for several miles, pausing occasionally, not so much to rest, but to listen for signs of danger. In the beginning, she caught movement out of the corner of her eyes, or a bush would shake or a low branch sticking out from a tree looked suspiciously like a raptor tail. After a few more miles, there were no more signs of the raptors still pursuing her. So, Jane felt reasonably safe when she found her first signs of water.


A strong stream of water poured steadily over a small rock outcropping creating a picturesque little waterfall with a small bathing pool beneath it. Some large boulders surrounded the waterfall. Gorgeous orchids, some common to the Amazon rainforest and some of unknown species covered the flora around the pool. Some grew from the ground and others used the trees as a host species. It looked safe and inviting, but Jane still sat frozen for close to an hour staring at the waterfall below before she decided it was safe enough to come down from the canopy.


She landed on a rock, crouching, eyes scanning her surroundings, ears listening to the noises of the rainforest. Jane crept forward, stepping down onto another rock, her eyes scanning the pool. It was not deep, and she saw no signs of danger. She stepped into the pool, unhooked her belt, and laid it down on the rock before wading towards the waterfall.


Jane stepped under the waterfall, letting the water wash over her nude body. She threw her head back and drank her fill. The bottom was sandy, so Jane crouched and grabbed a handful of coarse sand using it to scrub her body. She had more lines of dried blood than she had at first noticed, but underneath there were no wounds and her foot had fully healed. She even felt great like the very land was invigorating her.


Jane stepped out from under the waterfall just as a great cat landed on top of the boulder she had first jumped down from the trees onto. It crouched, feline eyes turning towards her.


Jane stared. The cat was smaller than a lion but heavier with the coloration of a South American jaguar. Its most distinguishing characteristic were the pair of foot-long saber-like teeth stabbing down over its lower jaw.


A Smilodon!


Jane stared at the cat, not turning her head, but her eyes moved staring at her knife still in its sheath lying on the lower rock under the cat. The beast was staring back at her. Jane took a sideways step towards her knife and then another. The Smilodon’s hind quarters rose. Jane knew what a big cat about to pounce looked like. She took another sidestep and then ran for her belt.


The Smilodon sprang off the rock just as her hand closed on the hilt of her knife. She turned holding the belt up as she pulled the knife free. The saber-toothed cat’s front claws ripped through her belt and raked her belly, digging deep into her flesh. Her free hand grabbed the monster’s neck as her other hand plunged the knife into the cat’s side, stabbing again and again, knife plunging into flesh repeatedly. She was sure her blade had found the creature’s heart yet its jaws were still trying to close down around her head. Its claws raked her again, this time in her thighs. She buried the knife and released it, her hand grabbing the cat on one of its saber teeth. She held the jaws open surprised by how weak the force of the Smilodon’s jaws were. The creature shuddered and collapsed. Jane threw it off her and onto the boulder.

She clutched her bleeding stomach, hunching over and gasping for breath. The claws had torn into her belly and thighs, but already the pain was fading as the wounds closed up. When she felt better, she stood and walked over to examine the beast, pulling her knife from its side.


The big cat looked just like a typical South American jaguar but for the foot-long teeth extending down from the upper jaw. “Slightly larger than a jaguar,” she muttered, curiously.


Jane pushed her knife into the cat’s belly and began skinning the creature. The one side was pretty ragged from the thrusts of her dagger, but the other side was whole. Still, she wouldn’t have much material to work with, not even enough for a short shift.


Jane skinned the Smilodon and washed the skin off, leaving it on the boulder to dry. She returned to the waterfall, this time keeping her dagger with her. She set about washing the blood off her. She still had some scars, but even where the cat’s claws had dug deep were closed up. Jane Stalwart had remarkable recuperative abilities, but this was quick even for her. Lucky, they had been deep enough she would have had to work out a way to give herself stitches if it weren’t for the land’s healing properties


She didn’t feel safe on the ground and figuring fashioning an outfit would take some time; she carried the skin up into a tree branch and set to make an outfit that would cover at least some of her nudity.


Jane worked hard and fast, but it still took her several hours to make something wearable. She glanced down once to see that the corpse of the Smilodon was gone, a smear of blood along the rock indicating the direction it had been dragged. Clever beasts, she thought, suspecting that she hadn’t left the raptor pack behind after all.


Jane held her top up and examined it. It resembled a brassiere, but smaller. She’d managed to cut out two triangles of skin, poked three holes in the points of the triangles, and tied strands of twirled skin through the holes. The strands were long enough, that she could tie one behind her neck and the second behind her back. The third connected the two triangles between her breasts. She tried it on, tying it behind the still-wet black hair around her neck. The triangles only covered a third of her large breasts, but they protected her nipples which were showing no signs of softening. The top was a little tight, but it held her breasts firm and kept them from jiggling too much.


The second half of her outfit was two pieces. She’d fashioned a new belt from the parachute cord tying a short piece of skin to the front to cover her crotch down to her ass with a thin thong of skin running from her fanny through the crack of her behind and tied to the top of the back of the belt. She had enough skin to hang off the front of the cord to create a loincloth, but only a third as much to hang off the rear. The back loincloth bared most of her ass and it would flutter when she moved baring the rest of it. Oh well, she thought, sighing. It was better than nothing.


Jane set off again, swinging through the jungle, her brain calculating paths so easily, she found herself moving through the canopy as fast as she moved while jogging down a paved road if not faster.


Jane’s stomach growled and she realized it had been some time since she’d eaten. A short time later, she found some Eugenia berries and plopped a few into her mouth. The fleshy berry was good and the juice helped quench her thirst. The humidity was keeping her skin and hair damp as well as making her thirsty. Most of the berries were low to the ground. She froze, looking and listening, but the only sounds she heard were far off. Jane dropped to the jungle floor and ate some more berries, pushing her way through the bushes, her eyes widening with surprise when she spied the fruit.


The Eugenia she’d been eating were known as Surinam cherries, but the fruit on the next bushes resembled temperate climate strawberries only the berries were the size of her head. They were ripe, bright red, and plentiful, and some had been munched on by herbivores.


Jane walked towards them amazed at the sight. When she arrived at the nearest bush, she used her knife to slice off a large chunk of the giant strawberry and took a bite of the sweet fruit. It was delicious! She took another bite, juices running down her chin. When she looked back up, the velociraptors had formed a semi-circle around her with old one-eye in the middle. Jane dropped the giant strawberry and pulled her knife, knowing that it wouldn’t do much good against so many of the beasts.


Jane spared a glance around her, but she’d wandered too far off from the nearest vine or branch that would take her back up into the safety of the trees. One-eye threw his head back and barked, the others repeating the gesture as a group. Jane opted to run.


She spun on her heel and raced away as fast as her strong legs could carry her. The raptors were in hot pursuit and they were faster. Beyond a cluster of giant strawberry plants, she saw her first sign of hope. A loop of vine hung off the branch of a tree above a gravel-filled clearing. It was high, but a strong leap should do the trick.


Jane burst through the bushes, but where she expected firm ground her feet sank calf deep into the gravel. Her momentum carried her forward, knee-deep, then thigh-deep. Jane stumbled in the thick muck.




The lead velociraptor leaped over the bush and landed in the pudding-thick mire. It barked, still struggling to reach her. The rest of the pack came to a rapid halt along the edge of the pool. Jane knew it was best not to struggle in the quicksand, but the trapped raptor didn’t. It was straining to reach her with its forearms, sinking faster and faster into the sand. It was still staring at her, jaws open, teeth dripping with saliva as it sank into the sand up to his head. The beast only closed its jaws when the quicksand threatened to pour into its mouth. It was still staring at her as it sank out of sight.


Jane sighed with relief. Quicksand wasn’t that dangerous if you didn’t panic. The problem was that the vine was still out of reach and straining for it might push her deeper. She decided to risk it, trying to stand and kick back, reaching up for the vine. Just as a clawed hand grabbed her leg and pulled her deeper. The raptor wasn’t quite dead. Jane looked up at the receding vine. She reached in vain for her salvation, taking a deep breath just as the raptor pulled her under.


Jane’s arm was still rising from the quicksand, the hand reaching out for the vine, slowly sinking. The claw finally released her leg just as Jane’s lungs started straining. Jane felt herself beginning to blackout.


And then a human hand was wrapping around her wrist. She gripped it back as her rescuer began to pull.




“My Johnson’s gone all big!”


Jim Crowe quit examining his engines and glanced over at Archer. His co-pilot was holding his pants open and staring down at his crotch. Lt. Bullock was on sentry duty, armed with a rifle and keeping an eye out for trouble. He was shifting from foot to foot while reaching down to squeeze and pull his junk to the side. Jim turned his attention back to Burke who was examining the engines with him. Burke’s hand was in his pants adjusting his penis. He was frowning and seemed to be measuring himself


Jim felt it too. His cock was straining to burst out of his shorts. His balls felt bigger and heavier. He wanted to pull it out and see exactly how big it had grown to. He wanted to give it a good wanking to take some pressure off his nuts. But his first duty was to his crew. Jim sighed. “Well, Burke?”


Burke yanked his hand out of his pants. He turned his attention back on the engine, running his hand over his bald pate, beads of sweat flying off. “I can get the engines working, I think, but we still got a missing propellor.”


“I can make do with one,” said Jim.


“I could use your help, Cap?” asked Burke. “You’re as good as I am at gettin’ engines running.”


“Sorry,” said Jim. “Draft any of the boys you need. I’m going to go find Major Stalwart.”


“What does a city boy like you know about surviving in a jungle filled with monsters?”


“Detroit’s an urban jungle filled with monsters, but I get your point. Still, Jane might need help. Ask Spanky if you need anything.” Jim looked around. “Where’d Spanky get off to?” Archer had been standing just ten feet away looking in his pants.


“He wandered off that way, Cap,” said Bullock. The skinny kid was flexing one bicep and it looked bigger to Jim’s eyes. The kid was filling out his uniform more to.


Jim felt bigger to, larger muscles, and a broader chest, not to mention the growing bulge in the crotch of his pants. “Well, where’d he go?”


“Don’t know. Looking for a place to shit, maybe?”


“Dammit, this place is dangerous and we can’t go wandering off.” Jim turned his head as Dr. Smith was climbing down the wheel well. She wore khaki slacks and a white blouse. Jim looked away then back. He hadn’t realized what a nice ass the Doc had. It had looked rather flat in her dress, but her slacks were showing off her plump well-rounded rear end much better. Lisa’s foot touched the ground and she turned to face him. His eyes flickered to her chest. Her tits hadn’t been this big yesterday. Her blouse was unbuttoned at the top, showing a sheen of sweat on her chest. The other buttons appeared to be straining not to go flying off from the pressure of her swollen bosom. She’d tied the blouse up beneath her breasts to reveal her taut stomach and the cutest bellybutton Jim had ever seen. Her hair was down for the first time and fell halfway down her back. “Doc,” he greeted, feeling his Johnson trying to swell in his pants at the sight of the lovely woman.


“Fortuitous we found this flat area to land,” she said, her lovely blue eyes looking around.


“Maybe, maybe not,” he replied.


“How so?” she turned her attention to him.


Sweat beaded his brow as he fought not to look back down at her cleavage. Her tits looked even bigger than they had a moment ago. “Our make-shift landing strip isn’t natural, ma’am. It’s a herd trail down to the lake. You’re standing in a footprint.”


“Oh my,” said Lisa, looking down at the size of the print. “At least a herd this large would have to be herbivores.”


“Extremely large herbivores,” said Jim, stealing another glance at her boobs while she looked down at the footprint. It was bigger than an elephant’s. “We need to stay vigilant.” Smith pulled a device out of her pocket and stared at it as she stepped off the trail and into the brush. “Where do you think you’re going, Doc?”


“This is a Geiger counter. It should detect Vril radiation. I’m just going to survey the area and see if I can get a general direction of any vril deposits.” She stepped through some brush.


“Doc, it’s dangerous out there,” said Jim.


“You do your job Captain and I’ll do mine.”


“Nobody listens,” complained Jim. “Calhoun, grab a rifle and go keep an eye on Dr. Smith.”


“Sure thing, Cap,” replied Julius Calhoun, grinning. Keeping “an eye” on the blonde white woman wasn’t something he minded doing at all.




Archer found a fallen tree to lean against. He’d stripped off his hot shirt and tossed it over the trunk. The tree’s bark had been partially stripped by some large animal, but he didn’t have time to be concerned about that. Right now, his Johnson needed some air.


Lee undid his pants and reached inside, his hand closing around his cock. It was thicker than normal. Excited to see it, Archer freed his Johnson from his pants. He was a strong, powerful man, but unfortunately, as he aged, ate more of his wife’s fabulous cooking, and enjoyed beer a little too much, he’d developed a bit of a gut. Normally, staring down at his penis sticking out from under his gut, he could only see about half of his six-inch shaft. Now, he was staring at a good seven inches and it was only semi-erect. Lee squeezed the swollen tip and tugged, feeling it swell quickly. His cock had always been nicely shaped with a flat tip and a flared crown. The shaft curved up slightly. Fully erect, he was now staring at a good nine inches, with three more inches hidden under his gut. His Johnson had doubled in length and thickness!


Spanky reached under his cock and gave his nuts a good heft. They were equally swollen and it only took one testicle to fill his palm. They were, perhaps, five times larger than usual and a lot heavier. They were also aching painfully.


Lee Archer pulled his hand back and spit in his palm. He began coating the head with his saliva, spitting again when he realized he’d need more. Archer beat his meat almost compulsively and had once been caught by his brother, who immediately started calling him, “Spanky” and the nickname stuck.


Satisfied his newly massive cock was well-lubricated, he leaned back against the tree and began jerking off.




Lisa calibrated her instrument, aiming it around so that the radio waves could reach everywhere on the plateau, though there were some high points and cliffs that might block her signal.


She shifted uncomfortably, reaching up and unbuttoning another button on her blouse. She glanced down, shocked to see that the blouse was already unbuttoned halfway down her bosom and the topmost fastened button was already straining around her expanding breasts. There was a “twang” as the top button flew off.


Doctor Smith reached down and unfastened the next button and the next, and finally just opened her blouse. It didn’t help much as her brassiere was only sized for her regular B-cup breasts and it was starting to painfully constrict her chest. Her nipples were sensitive and swollen, pushing hard into the rayon satin bra. Lisa shrugged off her blouse, quickly reaching behind her to unhook her bra before it cut off her breathing. She sighed with relief when the constriction stopped.


Lisa threw her blouse over her shoulder. She couldn’t return to the colored airmen topless and thought she might be able to wrap the blouse around her breasts in some fashion. It wasn’t just her teats that were expanding. Her flat rear end was growing an impressive firm pair of buttocks rising out from her thighs and the small of her back. The extra weight in her behind was helping to balance out the weight growing on her chest. It was also causing her crotch and waist to constrict. Lisa unbuttoned her slacks and wiggled them down her hips before they got so tight, she had to cut them off.

Lisa pushed her slacks down and stepped out of them. Luckily, her panty seemed to be handling the added growth in her rear end, but barely. Normally, the flesh-colored panty covered half her stomach and ran down her thighs. The waistband had been pulled down under her navel, almost to her pubic mound. The bottom had ridden up her thighs also and the material in the rear was starting to dig into the crack in her buttocks, leaving some of her lower cheeks exposed.


“Ridiculous,” she muttered, glancing down at her body, though secretly she was impressed by her new look. The pinup girls’ American airmen put on the noses of their planes didn’t even have tits or asses this big. Her breasts had gone from a teacup to a challenge cup to a very challenged cup.


Lisa Smith bunched her slacks up with her blouse and carried them under one arm while aiming her signaling device with her free hand. Lisa was walking around a large prehistoric-looking fern when a grunt caused her to look up with alarm.


Lisa’s jaw dropped just as the bundle of clothes in her arm fell to the ground. The Blackbird’s copilot was leaning against a tree naked, his hand stroking an enormous black phallus. The thing was monstrously huge. The flat crowned head was as big and as black as a dark plum. It was so swollen it looked like it could explode at any…


“FUUCCCKKKK!!” grunted Archer. His cock bucked upwards; an oil can’s worth of white semen spewing forth from the tip.


The tip of the giant strand of semen struck her lower lip just as the bulk of it splattered on her chest, bare breasts, and belly. Archer let go of his huge black cock, the giant rod jerked out of control, discharging even more of the voluminous white seed, covering her tits and stomach. Lee Archer’s eyes were wide as he stared at the blonde white woman’s nearly nude body while his cock ejaculated all over her.


“You filthy ape,” she spat in disgust, still staring at his cock as it twitched. Cum still flew out from the tip, but not with enough force to reach her. “Yech!” She took her eyes off his cock to stare down at her breasts. Big gobs of his thick semen were sliding down the slopes towards her nipples. Her hands slid up her belly, scooping up his viscous seed. “Your disgusting filth is all over me.” Her hands squished his sperm into the bottoms of her breasts, sliding up her heavy breasts. “Mmmm,” she moaned as her hands rubbed over her tits. Her newly elongated nipples were so sensitive now. “So much cum,” she muttered, rubbing the sperm on top of her breasts into her fat nipples. “Mmm,” she moaned again, sucking her lower lip into her mouth and tasting the semen that had landed on her lips. “Disgusti…” Lisa’s tongue flickered out, licking around her lips, lapping up the rest of his sperm. It was good!


“Sorry, doc, you surprised me is all.” Lee was staring intently at her hands still rubbing his jizz all over her bare tits.


Lisa’s gaze came off her breasts and turned her attention back to his cock. She stared at it fascinated, absentmindedly scooping up a wad of his pudding-thick seed and bringing her fingers up to her mouth. Her tongue flickered out to lick it off. “It’s still hard?”


“I think that’s mostly your fault, doc,” said Archer.


“Oh!” said Lisa, glancing down to see that both her hands had their middle and index fingers out rubbing his sperm into her hard nipples. “OH!” She stopped, realizing what she was doing and who she was doing it in front of. She held one arm over her breasts to cover them while staring in fascination at Archer’s giant black cock.


“It's so big, Lieutenant,” she said.


“Started growing the second the plane landed, I think.” He reached down and grabbed the shaft, wanting desperately to stroke it again. “Seems my Johnson isn’t the only thing around here to have gotten bigger.” He nodded towards her breasts.


Lisa flushed, pulling her arm tighter against her breasts yet unable to take her eyes off Archer’s giant cock. Lisa Smith stepped closer leaning in to look at it. Archer released the shaft again so that she could see the entire thing. “It’s got to be a foot long,” she gasped, leaning closer.


“Thereabouts, ma’am.”


“How big was it before?”


“I’d guess half as big. It’s doubled in thickness too.”


“Amazing,” she muttered.


“My nuts is… excuse me, my testicles have grown a lot bigger too.”


“Obviously,” she replied, thinking of the incredible volume of semen he’d sprayed on her. Her hand came out, fingers outstretched towards the head. “May I?” she asked, looking up at him. He just nodded vigorously, her hand moving forward until the tips of her fingers brushed over the hard head.


Lisa grabbed the head and squeezed. It was as hard and unyielding as a rubber ball. She was no virgin, she’d slept with her fiancé, the professor, before his untimely death, and recently, an American intelligence officer she was working with discussing project Vril. He’d put her in touch with the President. They were technically still in a relationship.


Of course, neither man had a prick like this. James had started developing erection problems and his five-inch penis was often floppy. The intelligence officer had no problems getting his penis hard and had some stamina to go along with it, but his penis was a rather skinny six inches. The army man had a great body compared to Professor Powell’s rather pudgy torso and she greatly enjoyed sleeping with her muscular army man.


Archer’s giant black cock put their penises to shame.


“It’s so big,” she gasped. “And hard!” Her hand slid down his penis. “So black…” It was so rigid; she could have hammered a nail in with it. Lisa lifted the shaft, gasping again at the size of the two black balls dangling beneath it. Lisa’s tongue licked across her lips, remembering the taste of his seed. She’d liked it. She spit on her hand and rubbed it into the flat head of his cock. “I’d like to see how much semen it produces a second time,” she explained. She spit again, coating more of his cock, stroking her hand up and down the shaft.


“Uh, be my guest, doc,” said Archer, leaning back against the tree. His hips started to buck slightly pushing his huge black cock through her hands even as she spit again, trying to get the big shaft better lubricated.


The negro’s cock felt so big and powerful as her hand slid up and down the shaft. It was hot and throbbed with his pulse. Her hand looked so small on the thick shaft, her fingers not even meeting as she gripped it. Her stroking had milked out a final drop of semen from the tip. It glistened under her gaze and Lisa found herself leaning in to lap it up off his urethra. She savored it on her tongue, no longer able to deny how good his seed tasted or that she wanted more of it. Her mouth never left the tip of his cock as her tongue twirled around the head before she took it in her mouth and started sucking. This was new territory for her, something she’d never done for the professor or her handsome army man, but something about this large negro cock made her want to suck it.


So, she did.




Julius Calhoun walked slowly through the brush, keeping an eye out for dinosaurs or any other sign of danger. “Doctor Smith,” he called out, but not too loudly. Where had she got to? The blonde woman wasn’t too far ahead of him.


It was God awful hot and humid here in the jungle. Calhoun paused long enough to pull his tee shirt off over his head, dog tags falling back down to his chest. He patted his face down with his shirt before tucking it into his pants. He glanced down, rather impressed with his chest. Always rather on the skinny side, his muscles suddenly seemed to have become better defined, and at some point, he picked up a six-pack of abdominal muscles on his stomach. “Looking good, Julius,” he muttered.


Calhoun raised the gun and proceeded through the brush. He quickly brought the gun up to his shoulder when he heard a loud grunt. Julius stepped forward, pointing his rifle as he stepped around a huge fern that looked like the top of a palm tree planted in the ground. He slowly lowered the rifle, staring with disbelief at what he was looking at. He’d found Dr. Smith and Lt. Archer for that matter. The lovely blonde doctor was on all fours, bobbing her head vigorously up and down Archer’s dick. Lee had one black hand over the back of her head helping guide her. His head was thrown back and it was his groan Calhoun had heard. Archer was no rapist and the white woman wasn’t being forced. She looked like she was enjoying it.


She was enjoying it. Or at least, it was arousing her. Calhoun’s gaze fell on her panty. Her thighs were slightly spread and he could see her pretty white cunny was soaked and a little slip of her underwear was wet and clinging to it. Most of the rest of her underwear had pulled up into the crack of her moon-shaped ass.


Julius gulped, reaching down and undoing his pants without taking his eyes off the white woman happily blowing his copilot. His dick was rock hard, he tugged it out, finally gazing down at it when he realized how big it had gotten. He had squeezed it through his pants, but this was the first time, he’d looked at it. His short prick had doubled in size pushing past eleven inches and was as thick as a soda pop bottle.


He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them, lowering his shorts under his now coconut-sized balls. There was no way Calhoun wasn’t going to jerk off watching this. He spit in his hand, stroking his big cock, watching Lisa bob her head and occasionally catching glimpses of her erect pink nipples sticking out of her milky white titties. He stroked faster, his gaze increasingly falling on her cunny. She was so wet; he could see her slit through the soaked underwear. Her arousal was running down her thighs. She wanted it.


Julius Calhoun didn’t want to get court marshaled and he certainly didn’t want to get lynched, but if the white woman was willingly sucking one black pecker, then maybe she wouldn’t mind fucking another? He gulped when he realized what he was about to do. If she objected, he’d play the recalcitrant negro and pray she didn’t press charges against him.


Julius Calhoun stepped forward. Archer raised his head and stared at him, then down at Calhoun’s prick. Julius kneeled. Lee watched intently not ordering him to stop. Calhoun grabbed the bunched-up panty and pulled it out of Lisa’s ass. She kept sucking Archer’s dick even as Calhoun pulled her underwear away from her pussy. Her white pussy was gorgeous. Her slit and lips were a lovely pink, and the hair coming off her mound was as blonde as those on her head. He gazed in awe at the forbidden fruit before bringing his black dick up toward her pink slit. Its hard blackness stood out strongly against the whiteness of her skin. Calhoun inched closer, pushing his cock down until the head was gently touching her cunny’s slit.


Julius gulped again. His heart was beating so hard, he could feel it in his ears. He pushed down on his prick, her lips parting around the big head of his giant negro cock.


Damn, dis white cunny gonna feel as good as honey, he thought, pushing forward and watching her pink pussy lips swallow the head of his black cock.


There was a muffled groan from Dr. Smith and she quit bobbing her head for a moment. But it was only a moment before she went back to sucking Archer’s giant Johnson while pushing her ass back into Calhoun’s cock trying to get more of it inside her. Julius grabbed her hips and held on as he began working his cock in deeper.


Archer threw back his head and groaned again. He looked down. Calhoun had grown a monster of a prick, nearly as big as his own, but it looked thicker and he’d already worked about half of it into Doctor Smith’s pussy. She’d only hesitated a second when Calhoun started pushing his fat black Johnson in her and didn’t even know who was fucking her pussy. He looked down at his big mitt of a hand holding the blonde bitch’s head. His wedding ring glistened on one finger. He felt a twinge of guilt at cheating on Delores, but she’d never sucked his cock. The most she’d done was give the head a kiss as she was mounting him. Doctor Smith’s mouth felt way too good for him to stop what she was doing and if he died on this mission or during the war, this was gonna be the last thing he remembered, a blonde bitch with tits bigger than Jane Russell’s doing things he’d only seen women do in the Tijuana bibles he had hidden in his gear. This was a fantasy come true.




Doctor Smith was making choking sounds around his cock as she’d suddenly pushed forward until her forehead was pressed into his gut. Calhoun had slammed forward finally sinking his cock into her pushing her forward. Lisa gagged slightly with ten inches of black meat shoved down her throat. She may have choked if his gut hadn’t stopped her from swallowing the whole thing. Lee could feel her exhaling through her nose on his pubes as she adapted to having her throat stretched.




The blonde’s lovely blue eyes rolled up in her head as she stared up at Archer. Tremors rippled through her body.




“Fuck, that’s good,” groaned Calhoun. “The Doc just creamed all over my cock.” He had been sitting up on his knees, fucking Smith pretty forcefully. Now Julius sat back on his haunches and started pulling the doctor back into his cock and removing several inches of Lee’s Johnson from her throat. Archer could see Calhoun’s giant Johnson sticking out through the crack in Lisa’s ass and it was dripping wet. “Guess there’s one thing you like about negroes, doncha Doc?”




Her eyes were still rolled up like she was cock drunk being spit roasted by the two negroes. Calhoun was pulling her back into his cock and pushing her forwards doing all the work. “Fuck this is some good pussy,” grunted Calhoun.




“That’s it, doc, cum all over that big black cock,” he chuckled. Julius Calhoun wasn’t smooth with the ladies, but he spent all his extra cash on whores that hung around the airfield back in Alabama and was plenty experienced. Archer had only ever been with his wife for the last twenty years and he’d been happy with that, but it still felt great having 6-8 inches of black prick shoved down the bitch’s throat and if he got a shot at that white pussy, he wasn’t gonna turn it down. The increased size of his nuts had increased the pleasure of his last orgasm tenfold and if he couldn’t get any more from Dr. Smith, then old Spanky was gonna live up to his nickname and whack off as much as possible while in this Lost World.


Archer’s balls were starting to ache. Another nut was coming and it was gonna be as good as the first. The ache grew. Smith was still staring up at him with her icy blue eyes as his cock slid in and out of her throat. He desperately wanted to fill her stomach with jizz, but his conscious won out and he warned her. “Gonna cum, Doc.”


To Lee’s astonishment, she started sucking his prick faster. Even more astonishing, Calhoun wasn’t holding her hips anymore. She was doing all the work, pushing back on her arms to fuck Calhoun’s cock and forwards on her knees to suck Archer’s. “Oh, fuuuccckkk, doc,” he groaned as another powerful load of jizz began blowing out of his balls.






Doctor Smith was willingly gulping his cum down. She pushed back hard into Calhoun’s crotch so that the head of Archer’s dick was in her mouth. Archer watched her cheeks balloon out and indent as she swallowed a mouthful of his seed. The expression of ecstasy on her face sure made it appear that she enjoyed the taste of his jizz. The blonde suddenly choked, spitting out a mouthful of seed that poured down her chin. She was trembling through another orgasm, coughing out more of Archer’s jizz as she tried to cry out. Calhoun chuckled behind her, proud of his sexual prowess.


Archer’s cock spat several more streams of sperm into the back of her throat. It stayed hard for a bit before finally turning soft enough he could remove it. Lisa licked the underside of the head as left her mouth, still looking up at him. She blinked as Archer smacked his soft cock on her face several times. It was still a foot long and fat, but had gone limp. He slid out along the tree and pulled his pants up.


“Fuck me,” she cried, focusing on the pounding Calhoun was giving her. Archer was impressed that Calhoun could maintain such a pace without cumming, but then their increased cock size seemed to have increased their stamina also.


“Fuck you with what, doc?” asked Calhoun.


“Your cock! Fuck me with your big cock!”


“What kind of cock?” Calhoun pulled back so that just the tip of his eleven-inch prick was pressing into her pussy. He held her hips, stopping her from pushing back into him to get more.


“Please, put it back in,” she begged.


“What kind of cock?” he repeated.


“Neger cock! Fuck me with your big neger cock!”


Calhoun pulled her back into his shaft and she sighed with pleasure at getting what she had begged for. Archer frowned, he’d never heard it pronounced neger before, but shrugged it off. Lee stood and watched the erotic scene before him. Lisa looked incredible down on all fours getting fucked from behind by a dark-skinned black man. Lisa’s new giant breasts swung like udders beneath her as Calhoun slammed his cock in and out of her. Her new rear end stuck out, firm and upthrust, like it was begging for a cock.


“OH FUCK!” grunted Calhoun, pulling her ass back into the base of his cock and holding it there.


“WAIT! NO!” Doctor Smith’s eyes flew wide in alarm. Her look of alarm turned to ecstasy. “YYESS!!” she cried as she began cumming again. “FUCK YES! FUCKYES! SOGOOD! SO GOOD! So good,” she moaned, each strong spurt of neger seed prolonged her orgasm, her vaginal contractions squeezing and milking the big black cock for every last drop of his sperm.


Calhoun slowly pulled out, He stood, staggering slightly. Smith’s head sank down on her arms, her ass still raised into the air. Julius’ semen soon started pouring out of her overstretched pussy. “Yes,” she moaned, over and over.


“You two pull yourselves together and get back to the plane,” ordered Archer. “Doctor Smith, we’ll keep this to ourselves. No of us are behaving normally here.” Spanky Archer looked around. They were mostly in a clearing with only a few of the prehistoric ferns growing in it. The ground was mostly dirt and gravel. To his left was the jungle, strange noises coming out of it. Before him was a sea of tall grass going down towards the central lake. Anything could be hiding in it and there were animal trails visible in several spots. There were also plenty of three toed dinosaur footprints in the dirt around them. “Keep that rifle on you, Calhoun and keep the Doctor safe. We can’t risk being distracted like that again.” Lee had been so eager to spank off that he’d wandered away from the plane without a sidearm. He’d better get back and rectify that and make sure everyone kept a weapon on them. He was in charge until the captain got back and he meant to keep everyone safe. “No more splitting up after this. See you at the plane.” Archer turned away and jogged off.




“How dare you,” hissed Doctor Smith, pushing herself to her knees.


“What’s that, doc?” asked Calhoun, retrieving his rifle.


“You defiled me with your deficient negro seed,” she hissed, glaring venomously at the young black man. Her arrogant bitch face had returned.


“Deficient! Looks like quite a lot to me,” he said, approaching her.


Lisa’s eyes widened. Calhoun was still naked and his giant neger cock was still hard. It stuck out from his crotch a good eleven inches and as thick as her wrist. She couldn’t believe she had taken such a monster. “You came in me, you black ape! You might have impregnated me with a mongrel baby,” she said, unable to take her eyes of the massive black cock bobbing right before her eyes. “It’s so big,” she gasped, really seeing it for the first time. Archer’s had been bigger, but partially hidden by his large belly.


Julius noticed her attention and instead of starting to droop, his dick swelled and rose a little. Doctor Smith gasped when she saw it swell. “Don’t worry, doc, I’ll do the right thing and marry you. Then we can have lots of mongrel babies.”


“Damn you, Calhoun,” she hissed, raising her arm and running the tips of two of her fingers down his shaft. His cock leapt at her touch. She raised it with her fingers and glanced at his heavy scrotum. His thighs were muscular and close together pushing his balls forward. Each testicle was as big as her fist. She hefted one. “So heavy,” she muttered.


“They seemed to fill back up pretty quick, doc. I’m up for another round if you’re interested?”


Lisa gasped at the negro’s insolence. She looked up at him in contempt. “What makes you think I’d want to degrade myself like that again?”


“Cause, I know you never been fucked like that before in your life and if you don’t want to fuck again then why are you jerking my cock off?”


“I’m not…” Lisa looked down at her hand and was horrified to see that she was indeed stroking him off. “Oh my god!”


Calhoun stepped closer. “Okay doc, I’ll fuck you again, but first ya gotta show it some love.”


“What do you mean?”


“Suck on that big black prick.”


Lisa sat up on her legs and bent his cock down to her lips. The black ape grinned down at her in triumph as she opened her mouth and took the large head of his cock inside. She stared up at him with hatred even as a contented moan arose from her throat. She liked having their big black cocks in her mouth. She closed her eyes to avoid seeing his dark skin as she slurped all over Calhoun’s prick. She cursed this land for making her behave like a tramp. This place even made their seed taste good. She was torn between wanting to taste his cum and wanting to feel his big cock inside her again. Why couldn’t it have been a white airplane crew, she thought as she sucked his cock deeper.


Julius was in heaven. He’d gotten plenty of blow jobs, but they had cost him fistfuls of cash and now a woman… a white woman was sucking his Johnson like she wanted to suck the black off of it. It wasn’t just any white woman either, it was a blonde with a movie star’s glamourous looks and the body of a Varga girl. But there was one thing Calhoun loved more than a good blowie. He pulled back, the Doc’s head moved forward trying to keep his cock in her mouth. “Come on Doc, lets fuck again.”

Smith turned around and got on all fours, wiggling her rear end at him.


“Na, not like that, Doc. I want you to ride me.”


“I don’t…” Smith turned around trying to object, but the spunky young lieutenant was already sitting on the dirt. She didn’t want to have to look at him, but if she were on top, she was in control and could jump off before he spewed more of his deficient seed inside her womb. “Alright,” she agreed, “Just warn me before you release again.”


“Sure thing, Doc.” He laid down and held his cock up for her.


The ground where they were was mostly loose dirt with little leaves are debris. There was a surprising lack of insect life crawling around. She straddled him and pushed herself up so that she could squat over his cock. The fat head of his shaft found her pussy lips and she sank down into it, moaning as he filled her again. Lisa sat in Calhoun’s lap, trembling as she came again.


“Feels good, doesn’t it, Doc?”


“Unh huh,” she agreed, gasping for breath. Her vaginal muscles were still contracting around every square inch of Calhoun’s big black shaft. Lisa wasn’t certain she’d ever orgasmed before, certainly not with the professor and though she found sex with her handsome army intelligence officer, she didn’t believe she’d ever came with him. If she had, it was nothing like she was experiencing here in the Lost World. “Oh fuck!” she gasped in shock. Calhoun had grabbed her breasts and was teasing her nipples, pinching and tugging on them.


“Gawd damn, look at these big white titties,” he said, in awe of her newly expanded breasts.


“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” she squealed, cumming again. Her pussy was going nuts around his cock, squeezing and contracting around it, like she was trying to milk another load out of his balls. Her orgasm kept coming when he raised his head and teased her nipple around his thick neger lips before sucking her hard nub into his mouth. Her nipples had swelled with her breasts, growing and remaining hard the second the plane landed on the plateau. They were ultra-sensitive and easily stimulated. She was cumming so hard, she feared she might pass out, so Lisa reared back, sitting up in his lap. Her wet nipple plopped out of his mouth, glistening in the sunlight.


Lisa placed her hands on his chest as she rode his giant cock. Lisa stared down at her black lover, surprised at how sexy her white hands looked resting on his dark-skinned chest. If he’d been a white man, the enhanced musculature and large penis would have made him a perfect physical specimen.


Lisa lowered herself again, pushing back into the root of his cock. Her face hovered inches over Calhoun’s. He reached out and grabbed the side of her face, pulling her lips down against his. She felt his tongue probing into her mouth. Instinctively she parted her lips, the tip of her tongue touching his before she suddenly realized what she was doing and pushed back herself back up. She stared down at him, horrified by his audacity. Lisa raised one hand off his chest and brought the palm down hard against the side of his face. “How dare you?” she screamed, as he winced from the blow. She raised her arm again, farther this time to slap him even harder, but when she brought her hand down, he raised his arm easily blocking the blow. His arm slid up, his black hand grabbing the back of her head and pulling her lips down against his again. She only struggled for a moment before opening her mouth and letting his tongue in. A muffled cry emerged from her throat as she came again while they kissed.


Doctor Smith gave in after that orgasm, riding his cock to several more over the next fifteen minutes, whorish words emerging from her lips. “Fuck me. Fuck me with your big negro cock. So big. So full. I love your big black cock, Calhoun. You fuck me so good. So good. So good.”


Calhoun loved every minute of it. He squeezed her tits, pinching and sucking her nipples. He gave her playful slaps on her bouncing rear end. “That’s it, Doc, work that pussy. Cum all over that black cock. Nobody else can fuck you this good, whore. This is my pussy now. Your pussy belongs to my big black cock, Doc. Gonna fuck you whenever I want. Make you my personal whore.”


“God yes. Your pussy. Whenever you want. Your whore. Please keep fucking me.”


“Oh fuck, Doc,” he groaned. “Getting close.”


“YES!!” she cried. “Don’t cum in me. Keep fucking me. More cock!”


Calhoun grabbed her hips and held on as she began bouncing in his lap even faster. “Final warning, Doc. Getting close. Gonna cum.”


“Don’t cum in me,” she ordered, riding him even harder. “Don’t! Cum in me. In me. Seed me. I want it again. I want your cum. I want your baby!”

Calhoun grabbed her hips and pulled her down into his lap as his cock exploded, flooding her fertile womb with his semen. “Yes,” they cried together as her final orgasm burst from her womb. His cock continued to jerk, sending wad after wad of semen into her pussy, her vaginal muscles, squeezing and contracting inwards milking his balls for every drop. Her fluids soaked his shaft and poured out of her, soaking his crotch and balls.


Lisa sat in his lap, staring at him with an expression of total love and adoration. His cock continued to give little twitches spitting out more semen into her womb. They sat like that for several minutes until his cock finally lost some of its hardness and began to recede. “Damn, Doc, that was amazing,” he said, sitting up and turning his head to kiss her.


Doctor Smith seemed to come out of a trance, her eyes widening in horror as she stared in his eyes, her expression quickly turning to rage and hate.




Her palm slapped his cheek harder than the first time. “YOU DID IT AGAIN YOU BLACK BASTARD!”


“Stop hitting me, you crazy bitch and keep it down. We aren’t that far from camp.”


“You inseminated me again!” she hissed.


“You begged for it,” said Calhoun, smacking her ass. “Now get off me.”


“I did not,” spat Lisa, a dawning realization spreading over her face. “My god! I did,” she whispered in horror. Lisa suppressed a desire to kiss him while slowly raising herself off his spent cock. Unplugged, her pussy started leaking a steady stream of his semen. She moved over to the rock, grabbing her blouse and using it to stem the flow pouring out of her well-fucked vagina. “All those vile things that came out of my mouth,” she muttered in disbelief.


“You weren’t yourself, Doc,” said Julius climbing to his feet, feeling a little sorry for the conflicted woman.


“You said them to,” she added.


“Not normal for me either,” he lied, swaying his hips and watching his giant black prick slap from thigh to thigh.


Lisa Smith stared at his cock like it was hypnotizing her. “Please get that thing out of my sight?” she asked.


“Sure thing, Doc,” said Calhoun, grabbing his shorts and stepping into them. He felt her eyes of his cock the whole time until it disappeared. “But I got a feeling that if we’re ever alone again and I pull this thing out, we’re gonna…”


“Then I’ll endeavor that we are never alone again.”


“And I’ll endeavor not to pull it out,” he lied again. Calhoun found his trousers and stepped into them. He grabbed his tee shirt, but left it off. It was hot and the shirt was tight on his newly enhanced musculature. “Let’s get back, Doc.”


“I can’t walk back to camp like this,” she said, standing and showing him her naked body in all its glory.


Calhoun gulped as his eyes swept up and down her amazing figure. Incredibly, he felt his cock stirring in his pants again. “What’s wrong?” he asked, cluelessly.


“My clothes don’t fit anymore.”


“Well, mine won’t fit you. Just wrap your blouse around your chest or something and I’ll tell the men to look away when we get back.”


Her blouse was soaked with his semen and turning crusty as it dried. “That won’t work.”


“Do you have a change of clothes that’ll fit?”


“No, just my blue dress and I probably wouldn’t be able to pull that down over my breasts.”


“What about Major Stalwart’s uniform?”


“I can’t wear the uniform of another country,” she said, dismissively.


“But you and she are about the same size now and for all we know, she’s dead?”


“Very well,” she replied. “Fetch me her uniform then… please?”


“You sure, Doc? I don’t want to leave you alone.”


“We haven’t seen anything dangerous since we’ve been here,” she said. “Please Calhoun? Just hurry back.”


“Sure thing, Lisa,” he grabbed his rifle and made to leave, but quickly turned back. “Maybe when this is all over, Lisa, we could catch a movie?”


Lisa pulled her shoe off and threw it at him. He ducked and disappeared around the giant fern. “That’s Doctor Smith,” she yelled.


“I’ll take that as a maybe,” he yelled back.


Lisa sat back on the tree and drew her legs up, wrapping her arms around them. What’s happening to me, she thought, recalling all the disgusting things she’d said while mating with the negro. Her lip curled up with a smile as she pictured Calhoun’s gorgeous black cock in her head… and Archer’s… such perfect specimens of the male phallus. Archer’s seed had tasted delicious, it made her want more. The pleasure she’d felt cumming all over Calhoun’s cock was indescribable… It made her want to fuck him again… and again.


Lisa was so caught up in her disturbing thoughts that she didn’t hear the rustling in the reeds behind her until it was too late. She sprang up off the rock and spun around as the figures began emerging from the tall grass.




Jane wasn’t able to wipe the mud off her eyes until she had a safe grip on the tree branch and when she finally saw her rescuer, she was stunned. The woman was simply gorgeous. Her beautiful face stared at Jane curiously through vril infected bright green eyes. Her face was framed with long blonde hair, straight, but slightly unkempt. She was dressed remarkably similar to Jane or to how Jane had been for she realized the quicksand had sucked off her makeshift Smilodon outfit leaving her naked again. She’d managed to cling to her sheathed knife and the tattered useless remains of her loincloth hung from it. The jungle girl’s outfit was better put together and made from lizard or dinosaur skin. Small slings of skin barely covered her enormous bosom, tied behind her neck and back. A similar skin panty barely covered her crotch and was tied at her sides, resembling a two-piece swimsuit only showing too much of her belly including her navel. Her figure was tall, athletic, and very fit. Her skin was shiny and slick with sweat, mostly clean, but for dirty bare feet and some mud on her arm from where she had pulled Jane up into the tree. Jane’s nipples began leaking slightly as she felt a growing desire for the woman.


The jungle girl cocked her head, staring Jane up and down. She tapped her chest. “Pa-oola,” she said.


Jane reached out almost touching her. “You Pa-oola,” she said, pulling her hand back and touching her own muddy chest. “Me Jane.”


Jane jumped when a monkey suddenly landed on Pa-oola’s shoulder and screeched/honked at her. It wasn’t a normal monkey though. The thing was more of a lizard-monkey. It closely resembled a capuchin, but had clawed, parrot-like feet and a dinosaur snout with sharp serrated teeth in its mouth. Pa-oola petted the creature’s head. “Jocko,” she said.


“Jocko,” said Jane. The creature looked back at her suspiciously before howling again. The honk was answered by velociraptors waiting below.


“Come,” said Pa-oola, “we must get away from the claw-foots.”


“You speak English?” said Jane, surprised.


The blonde jungle girl tapped her chest again. “American,” she said.


“British,” added Jane.


“Can you keep to the trees?” She spoke slowly, her English stilted, like she was out of practice. Jane nodded. “Follow, to my home.”


“Hold on,” said Jane. The remains of her loincloth were enough that she could tie it around her forearm to keep her knife handy. When it was secure, she looked up and nodded at the blonde.


Pa-oola turned and ran down the branch, leaping off the trunk of the tree and reaching out for a nearby vine. The monkey jumped off her shoulder and made his own way. Jane followed, emulating Pa-oola’s movement through the trees. The blonde was much more experienced at this type of travel, but Jane’s extraordinary mental skills allowed her to learn things quickly. Not only was she able to keep up with the jungle girl, but she found the experience exhilarating.


The constant sweat rolling down her body had the mud falling off her in clumps. Soon her nude body was visible again. They traveled for miles through the canopy. Jane watched Pa-oola swing from a vine, release it and twist her body around like a pole vaulter to pass over the back plate of a large stegosaur passing beneath them. Jane emulated her technique, grabbing the next vine, but stopping on the next branch so that she could observe the massive creature. There were three of them, slowly ambling through the jungle floor munching on a particular fern they seemed to fancy. Two were large, nearly thirty feet long from what she could tell. The body of both creatures were ten feet tall at the hips with the biggest plate at the arch of the back adding another 4-5 feet to the creature’s height. The third was about half the size of the larger ones.


Jane was so enraptured by the sight of the large herbivores that she lost track of the jungle girl. She continued in the direction they’d been heading, hoping that Pa-oola would notice she wasn’t right behind her at one point. She was so distracted, that Jane made a near fatal mistake. She leapt from a vine to a branch and then made a dive for a thick vine dangling in a loop off the branch of a tree. She realized it was a snake just as her hands grabbed the top of the coil, hoping she had time to reach for the next branch. Unfortunately, the snake was quicker, dropping off the branch, coiling around Jane as they plummeted towards the jungle floor. “HELP!” she yelled, hoping Pa-oola would hear her plea.


They tumbled down, smashing through several small branches, the large constrictor wrapping around her body as they fell. They hit the ground with a thud, the snake’s coils cushioning her fall, but the beast was unharmed, its scaly coils tightening around her body. She sat up, the arm with her knife was trapped within the squeezing grip of the snake. It’s large arrow-shaped head rose up before her face, jaws opening wide, revealing its razor-sharp fangs. Jane shot her free hand out, gripping the monstrous serpent just beneath the head. She kept her arm straight keeping that gaping mouth away from her even as the coils tightened further around her body. She held her breath, ribs hurting as the loops squeezed tighter, her finger tips brushing the hilt of her sheathed knife, but there was no way she would be able to grab it. Her strength waned and the snake’s head moved closer, the jaws unhinging wide enough to swallow her head. Her vision blurred, turning dark…  Jane’s grip around the beast’s neck slowly relaxed


Just as Jane’s hand fell away, Pa-oola stabbed her knife up under the jaw, piercing the mouth and stabbing through the beast’s brain. The coils relaxed, tightened again, and then unwound enough that Jane could gasp for air. Pa-oola’s knife was an Alfred Williams Bowie knife, sharp and deadly. She kept both hands around the hilt and slowly began circling around Jane, unraveling the snake’s coils from her body.


As soon as she was freed, Jane fell to her hands and knees, still gasping for air. “Thanks,” she gasped. Her ribs hurt, but didn’t feel like any were cracked. She glanced over at Pa-oola. The jungle girl was skillfully skinning the snake. Jane stood, bending down to brush off her knees. She stared at the giant constrictor. “That’s one big snake,” she said.


Pa-oola glanced up from her skinning and grinned at her. “No, this small snake. Only baby,” she said. “They hide in trees and drop on prey. Adults are too big for trees. Hunt on ground.” She looked up quickly when noisy chittering erupted from a nearby bush. “Come,” she said, throwing the snakeskin over one shoulder. Pa-oola shinnied up a nearby tree as easily as a Samoan coconut collector.


Jane found another tree with lower branches and pulled herself up. As soon as she was off the ground, a half dozen small theropods emerged from the bushes rushing for the remains of the snake. She paused to watch them tear into the snake. She recognized them as Compsognathus, supposedly the size of chickens, but these were as big as a well-fed Christmas goose. Jane looked around for the jungle girl and found her squatting on a large branch above her, waving impatiently for her to follow.


They proceeded on their journey through the jungle canopy. Pa-oola stayed closer this time and Jane made sure that every vine she was reaching for was a vine and not another snake. After another forty minutes or so of travel, Pa-oola leaped to a large branch and walked out along it overlooking a clearing. Jane followed a few seconds later. Pa-oola turned holding her hand out towards the clearing. “Home,” she said.


Jane glanced down into the clearing at the picturesque scene. “It’s beautiful,” she said. A multi-level treehouse with thatched roofs, ladders and even steps to different rooms occupied a large Kapok tree. The treehouse even had a deck just above a blue pool which was fed by a waterfall pouring over a mossy rock. The clearing and pool were protected by an arranged wall of thorny vines supplemented with stakes to keep out predators. Jane was impressed.


Pa-oola leaped and swung her way down to the clearing. A ladder leaned against the tree giving access to the treehouse through a square in the floor of the deck with a trapdoor. Pa-oola quickly climbed the ladder, followed by Jane.


Jane climbed onto the deck and watched Pa-oola spread out the snakeskin along the railing of the deck. The blonde turned and stepped closer, facing Jane. “I show home,” she said. The blonde reached behind her neck, under her hair and untied her top. It fell to the deck, quickly followed by her panty. Her breasts were similar in size to Jane’s and she was nearly the same height. Pa-oola’s erect nipples were nearly brushing Jane’s own nipples. Jane felt her pulse quicken as she stared down the jungle girls’ trim athletic body at her lush blonde pubic mound. “But first, we bath.”


Pa-oola stepped backward and fell through a gap in the railing, twisting into a dive and disappearing into the water. Jane untied her knife from around her arm, and set it on a small table nearby.


She dove in after Pa-oola.




Calhoun had returned to the B-26 to find the crew hard at work. Captain Crowe had left to search for Major Stalwart. The rest had mostly stripped down to their undershirts, now stretched and bulging with newly enhanced muscles. For the most part their pants still fit if a little too short and tighter on the men. They all had impressive bulges in their crotches, hands coming down to constantly adjust their pricks.


Cain was on picket duty, standing apart from the men while keeping an eye on the surrounding jungle and down the large herd trail they’d landed on. “What you been up to?” asked Langston. Like Calhoun, he was carrying a M1, but held his rifle in the high-ready position. A bayonet was sheathed in his belt.


“Grabbing Major Stalwart’s uniform for Doctor Smith,” said Calhoun. Langston Cain raised an eyebrow. “She outgrew her clothes,” he explained, grinning. Cain grinned back and gave him a nod.


Julius Calhoun ducked under the Marauder and pulled himself up into the plane. Jane Stalwart’s military uniform was neatly folded beside her rolled up sleeping bag. Lisa Smith’s blue dress was folded beside her bag. Calhoun agreed with Smith’s assessment that the previously scrawny blonde wouldn’t be able to even pull it on over her head with her new body. He grabbed Jane’s uniform and exited the plane.


Archer saw what he was carrying and gave him a knowing wink. He winked back. His Johnson swelled and extended an inch as he was reminded of the fun he and Spanky had just had with Doctor Smith.


Calhoun left the landing site, following the path he’d taken earlier. The vegetation was sparse with just a few of the giant ferns growing out of the sandy soil. Numerous three-toed dinosaur footprints were in the sand, reminding him that this place was dangerous and it wasn’t safe to be distracted by the lovely Doctor Smith. His cock swelled again as he thought about her. “Ridiculous,” he muttered, reaching into his pants to adjust himself to make his large cock more comfortable.


As Julius neared where he’d left Lisa, his semi-hard cock and aching nuts had him increasingly wondering if she’d be up for another round. She’d bitch and feign disinterest, but if he pulled it out again, she’d probably drop to her knees and start blowing him again. “Dammit,” he thought as his cock hardened completely.


Julius Calhoun rounded the giant prehistoric looking fern and froze. He dropped Jane’s uniform and raised his rifle.


“Lass deine waffe fallen!” ordered a German pointing his rifle at Calhoun.


There were six others all with weapon raised and pointed at Calhoun. Another held a machine pistol. Like the Tuskegee airmen, they had stripped down to undershirts or wore unbuttoned uniforms showing off chests bulging with muscles. He recognized their uniforms as fallschirmjager, German paratroopers. Another, sinister-looking, German stood out from the regular paratroopers.


The officer wore a black uniform and was holding Lisa tightly in front of him. His left arm was under her breasts, his hand squeezing her right breast flesh just under her swollen nipple. Higher on the arm was a Nazi armband. His right arm was raised and holding a vicious looking knife against her neck. His chin rested on her shoulder. His face was haughty and sneering at Calhoun. “Drop your Veapon, Afrikaner,” he said.


Julius stared at Lisa. Even in peril, she was gorgeous. Her nude body was glistening with sweat. Her large breasts were heaving as she gasped in fear. She looked at him pleadingly through her big baby blues. “Please, Calh… Julius, do as they say.


Julius gulped, filled with an urge to protect her. The Germans were equally trying to keep an eye on him and distracted by the naked blonde. Several staring at her in lust, enormous bulges under their pants showing exactly what they were thinking.


Julius raised the muzzle of his rifle and seven Germans tensed up prepared to gun him down. Lisa Smith shook her head, mouthing the word, “No.”


Julius Calhoun sighed and lowered the rifle. “Alright,” he said, throwing his weapon to the ground. “But if you harm one hair on her…” he paused as the Nazi began laughing. The SS officer lowered the knife from Lisa’s throat and released her. Lisa was also laughing at him with a sneer across her face. “Lisa, what’s going on?” he asked.


The naked woman took several steps forward and raised her right arm before shouting.


“Heil Hitler!”




Next: Chapter 3: Castaways of the Forsaken Jungle



1) Velociraptors were the size of turkeys. They were made larger to make them scarier for the movie, Jurassic Park. In 1993, the same year the movie came out, an American paleontologist, described a much larger species called Utahraptor that was as tall as a man and could reach 20-23' long that closely matched the raptors in the movie. For the most part, my dinosaurs are pulp era and not modern "feathered" interpretations.

2) Tarahumara Indians from Northern Mexico are well-known for their runners and several famous marathon runners were Tarahumara. They even had a form of prayer that involved running for extended periods of time. They referred to themselves as Raramuri which in their native tongue meant "Runners on foot" or "those who run fast".

3) In 1937, Warner’s introduced four cup sizes to its bras, A, B, C, and D. They were quickly given the nicknames, egg cup, tea cup, coffee cup, and challenge cup respectfully.

4) The giant strawberries are a reference to Sid & Marty Croft's, The Land of the Lost, tv series.

5) Jane Russell first came to fame in the 1943, Howard Hughes movie, The Outlaw. The film came under scrutiny from the Production Code Administration, citing that, "the girl's breasts are shockingly emphasized." The film was heavily promoted including the infamous "haystack" photos which were edited to make Russell's blouse appear ripped and her skirt hiked up. These cheesecake shots helped make Russell a favorite pinup among American GIs in World War II.

6) Tijuana Bibles were small 8-page palm sized erotic comic books often parodying popular comics of the time such as Blondie or Popeye. They were produced from the 1920s to the early 1960s, peaking during the great depression. In the movie, The Green Mile, the sadistic guard Percy Wetmore is seen reading one hidden within a book about caring for mental patients.

7) Neger simply means negro in German and a clue that Lisa Smith was a Nazi spy. It's considered a pejorative today and not widely used, but would have been the norm in the 1940s. It is not considered as offensive as the American "N" word.

8) Jocko was a regular monkey in the 1925 movie version of the Lost World.

9) Alberto Vargas was a famous illustrator of pinup girls whose art inspired or was copied onto the nose art of World War 2 bombers.

10) "You Pa-oola, me Jane," is of course, a Tarzan reference.

11) The giant snake is a Titanoboa. They hadn't been discovered until 2002 so Jane was unfamiliar with it.


1 comment:

  1. Lisa being a spy in retrospect makes a lot of sense. She knew a little too much to Jane's point last chapter
