by Sarah Pearson
December 2001 (6 months before Sarah's Awakening)
Lauren set the three beers down as she came back to the living room. She and Rob, her boyfriend, had been living together for a few months and had absolutely been loving being on their own. He was the best boyfriend she'd ever had when they had started but things had been rough for them for a while. They had their first troubles when she graduated high school but he dropped out due to a combination of laziness and boredom. He then went into the working world but found that without even a diploma he needed to work two or three jobs just to keep his head above water. Eventually he began to blame her for how hard he needed to work, frustrated that she had one job that earned her more money than his three combined. On top of that, she was in college and had been getting closer to graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and he was jealous. He had always considered himself smart but here the world was proving him wrong. A few years after graduation from high school and Rob was working three entry level jobs and getting high while playing videogames every night instead of making something better of himself. All of that culminated in the two of them breaking up for a few months, at which point Lauren went through a bit of a sexual renaissance.
Rob began to drink and drug himself into a stupor on a more regular basis and lost two of his three jobs. Lauren, on the other hand, bounced back and found a new boyfriend who had his life together and the two of them soon after began consummating their new relationship. The first night in the bedroom, when he ate her out for the first time, she was amazed that someone would cater to her needs in bed. She was further amazed by the fact that he was also an inch longer than Rob and about twice as thick. Soon, instead of being a chore and a frustration, sex became a luxury and she enjoyed her new boyfriend fucking her often. But when Rob had a change of heart and desperately wanted Lauren back she realized she still had feelings for him and decided to give him another chance. A few months into the rebooted relationship Rob had his life together again and decided that they should move in together. With dreams of having a similar sex life as with her previous boyfriend, she agreed in a heartbeat, only to find over the next few months that her wants were supplanted by his own. Slowly but surely he began eating her out less and less and expecting more and more blowjobs and more and more quickies instead of romantic, sensual sex.
Despite Lauren's sex life becoming more of a disappointment, she had decided that she really was happy to be back together with Rob now that his life was more on track. They were clicking on a personal level and the only thing she was frustrated in was the bedroom. He seemed practically addicted to receiving blowjobs and had insisted that she either swallow or allow him to cum on her face, things that she had never liked doing for him before. She put up with it, though, in hopes that it would keep him happy and acting responsibly.
Lauren was slender and lithe. She was about 5'0" and not even 100 pounds. Even though her breasts were only B-cups, they looked large on her frame. She had a short crop of brown hair that didn't quite come to her shoulders, the bangs combed forward over one eye. Rob was also short but somewhat out of shape. He had long hair and unkempt facial hair. Lauren set the drinks down on the table in front of herself, Rob, and their friend Zach. Zach and Rob had been working together for a while and they had eventually found they shared a lot of common interests and even lived in the same building. Zach lived downstairs with his girlfriend Latasha. He was tall, almost six feet, and well-built. He was a handsome black man clean shaven with medium-length hair. His girlfriend was Rob and Lauren's height and built like a wet dream. When Rob and Lauren had first met them, Rob had been unable to tear his gaze away from Latasha's bust. She must have had DDs at least and it made Lauren somewhat self-conscious that she was so unabashed about them. On the few occasions that they had all hung out together and had decided to hot tub, Latasha had always worn a rather risqué swimsuit, showing off her cleavage. But for every moment Rob seemed to be eying up Latasha, Zach seemed to be eyeing up Lauren.
Lauren had always found Zach attractive and blushed whenever he looked her over more intentionally. It intimidated her a little bit to be looked at like that but at the same time it also secretly thrilled her. She liked knowing that other men found her attractive and she had to assume that was why Latasha showed her body off as much as she did.
"Boom, looks like I win again!" Rob said, victoriously tossing down his controller.
"Dammit," Zach said in frustration. "How much do I owe you now?"
"That's $100 all together now," Rob said, practically beaming.
Zach shook his head as he pulled out his wallet. "Double or nothing?"
Rob laughed. "Nope. Pay up."
Zach stopped and looked at Lauren for a moment. "What if we bet something more interesting?"
"Like what?" Rob asked, sipping his beer.
Zach winked at Lauren. "If you win, you get $200 and a blowjob."
"I don't want a blowjob from you," Rob answered quickly.
"Not me…Latasha. I've told you how good she is."
Rob stopped for a moment. Zach had told him before that Latasha was the best cock sucker he had ever met and that he had never been disappointed. He had gone into some detail about her technique and Rob had pleasured himself a few times thinking about his friend's busty black girlfriend sucking him off.
"Um, no," Lauren answered for him.
"Honey, not so fast," Rob answered. "We could use the money. If we did bet, Zach…what would you get if you won?"
"My money back and a blowjob from Lauren."
Lauren felt a thrill go through her at the thought. Her surface thought was revulsion and annoyance but then intrigue. If she was willing to admit it to herself, she was a little turned on.
"What do you think, honey?" Rob asked her.
"How sure are you that you'll win?"
He smiled. "I haven't lost a match all night."
Lauren thought for a moment. "Okay…I guess it's okay…we could use the money."
Rob picked up his controller. "$500. And Latasha is topless when she blows me."
"If she blows you," Zach said, the smile fading from his face a little. "And deal. But if I win, Lauren is naked when she blows me."
"Now, I don't–" Lauren started.
"Deal. Alright, Zach, I'm gonna enjoy this," Rob finished.
Zach smirked and picked up his as well. Lauren had watched them play before and had always seen Zach put up something of a struggle but ultimately lose to Rob each and every time. Now, though, he was like an uncaged animal. Zach flew through the level killing Rob faster than her boyfriend could even spot him, slaughtering him as though he wasn't even playing. Rob's mouth hung open in disbelief and frustration as Zach beat him. Instead of their usually 20-25 in favor of Rob, the score now was an unfortunate 25-8, in Zach's favor. Lauren swallowed hard as Zach got the last kill, realizing what that meant for her. She was a bit scared and a bit angry at Rob but already a part of her was excited.
Zach set the controller down on the end table. "I'll wait downstairs. Lauren, feel free to come down any time in the next hour or so."
"You just had to go for the higher stakes, didn't you?!" Lauren practically screamed at Rob after Zach had left the apartment.
"And if it wasn't bad enough I was going to have to blow him, now we don't get the money and I have to do it naked!"
"I really think–"
"And for what, Rob? Why did you have to tack that on there? Because you've been ogling Latasha's tits from the start, that's why! I'm not good enough for you?"
"Honey, let's just–"
"No, forget this," Lauren said, storming toward the door. "I'm gonna go get it over with. I'm gonna go blow our neighbor and friend and when I come back, don't think you're ever getting another blowjob from me yourself!" She stormed out the door and slammed it behind her, resolving herself to just get it over with and deal with the emotional turmoil of it later. She walked down the stairs to Zach's apartment and, after a moment of hesitation, knocked on the door.
Zach opened the door quickly and let her inside, closing it behind her just as quickly. "Didn't feel like waiting, huh?"
"I can't believe you're actually going to make me do this," Lauren said with her hands on her hips as she looked at him, irritated.
"A bet's a bet," Zach explained. "Besides, you might enjoy it…I hear from Rob you guys haven't been clicking in the sack lately."
Lauren looked enraged. "Seriously?! He tells you about our sex lives now, too?"
"I'm sorry if that hurts you," Zach offered. "I didn't mean to offend you, only suggest that maybe you'll find something worthwhile in this experience."
"I doubt it," Lauren muttered under her breath.
"Well," Zach said expectantly and a little annoyed, "the bet was for you to do this naked so why don't you start by stripping down?"
Lauren felt a tear well up in her eyes as she nodded and then reached down and grasped the hem of her shirt, hesitating for a moment before pulling it off over her head. She slipped the shirt up her body and tossed it aside, showing her tight, thin, lightly defined stomach. Her bra was plain and unadorned and Zach barely gave it a second thought as the thin scrap of a white girl in front of him reached down and unzipped her jeans, pushing them down her slender, shapely legs. She looked at him and saw the lust on his face and suddenly felt emboldened, removing her bra and thong with less hesitation, realizing that she was greatly turning him on. This would probably be pretty easy as an experience. She had always gotten Rob to cum within minutes when she had blown him and Zach couldn't possibly be any harder to deal with. She tossed her bra and thong aside and stood in front of him naked, her hands defiantly on her hips as he looked her up and down, a bulge growing in his pants as he licked his lips.
"Good…now come take out my cock."
Lauren gasped. "Uh…I…okay…" she stammered, sliding down to her knees. She scooted in close to him and ran her hand across his bulge, surprised at how hard he seemed and how the pants were working to make him seem huge. She undid the zipper and the button and slid her hand into his pants and boxers, grasping his cock. She gasped again as she realized her hand struggled to close around it and then slid her fist down, looking for the head. Impossibly, Zach's cock kept extending down and down and down.
"There's no way…" she couldn't stop herself from saying.
"What's wrong?" Zach asked, his face covered by a proud grin.
Lauren looked up at him. "It feels like it's so…big…"
"Big? I'm about average," he said with a grin.
Lauren fished his cock out and pulled it out of his pants, her eyes widening as the huge black shaft appeared before her face, jutting out from his body, rampant and throbbing. "There's no way you're average…"
"Well…average for a black man."
Lauren licked her lips. She had never imagined that cocks got so big on black men. She hadn't only had a few experiences with other men and none of them had ever come close to being as huge as Zach. Even Rob, who insisted he was decently well hung, was less than half his size. Her eyes crossed as she stared down his huge shaft, suddenly wondering how on Earth she was supposed to suck him off. Her second thought was how amazing a cock like that would feel in her pussy, stretching her out wider than anything ever had. She lingered on that thought for a few moments and then suddenly wondered how Latasha had sucked Zach off and been fucked by such a huge beast of a cock.
"It's not gonna suck itself," Zach said, reminding her why she was there. Lauren trembled in front of him, suddenly realizing that she was completely nude in front of this black Adonis of a man, wondering what she would let herself do if she didn't have a boyfriend waiting upstairs. Her pussy quivered, screaming at her to throw herself back and beg him to fuck her and show her what a real man's cock was like. She silenced the thought and looked up at him, starting to slowly move her hands up and down his enormous shaft, practically drooling at the sight of twelve inches of black meat pointed at her mouth.
"Lauren, wait," Zach said, reaching down and putting a hand on her head. "You don't actually have to do this…Rob lost the bet and he can just pay me. We shouldn't have put you and Latasha on the line like that, it was wrong."
"No," Lauren said, objecting quickly, then catching herself. "No, I…I want to do this…I want to honor the bet."
"I…okay," Zach said with a smile. He knew she wouldn't have backed out when he offered: no woman ever had. Latasha hadn't when he'd won her from a previous boyfriend. That night not only had she sucked him off but he'd fucked her pussy and her huge tits and had covered her in cum, awakening a complete big cock slut in her, a woman who had barely even enjoyed spending time with him before. He had since broken in her ass and even introduced her to group sex with more women and more men at the Zebra Club. Now she did whatever he wanted, which usually amounted to keeping his balls as drained of cum as possible. Here, now, kneeling in front of him, was the newest young woman that he would have keeping him satisfied on a daily basis, even if she didn't know it yet.
Lauren leaned forward, her tongue flickering out and licking across the wide head of his cock. As soon as her tongue made contact with his flesh something awoke in Lauren and she leaned forward, stretching her lips wide and sliding the entire head into her mouth, beginning to eagerly suck on it as she realized this was turning her on more than anything romantic Rob had ever done. Here, kneeling in front of him, she felt a sense of purpose and calling like nothing before. This huge cock in front of her was hers to pleasure and adore and she was going to do the best she possibly could. Again, her pussy screamed for her to beg that he fuck her instead but again she quieted it. How long would she be able to do that, she wondered.
Zach reached down and brushed her bangs out of her eyes as she slowly slid more than just the head into her mouth. She looked down his cock and realized that ten thick inches still stood between her and completely swallowing him. She realized that none of her experience blowing Rob had even remotely prepared her for this. On the other hand, her ex-boyfriend Rick had a good seven or eight inches and she had learned to deepthroat him during their time together so hopefully that would be useful here. She relaxed her breathing and pushed forward, letting her mouth fill with his hot, thick rod as she began moving her tongue all over him and sucking deep and hard, trying to coax him to work toward cumming. It had never taken Rob more than a few minutes with his penis in her mouth for him to cum and it had barely taken Rick ten or twenty. She looked up at Zach and he smiled down at her. Lauren looked down and redoubled her efforts, soon swallowing a good six inches of his cock, bobbing her head up and down the length, jacking him off with her lips. She knew it would be hard to take the entire thing but part of her wanted to do it both to accomplish something for herself and to give him as much pleasure as possible. On some level, this wasn't about the bet anymore it was about appeasing the fire growing within her pussy.
"Mmm, that's good," Zach reassured her. "And don't worry, I don't expect you to take it all." For some reason this frustrated Lauren and she decided to try even harder. She closed her eyes and suppressed her gag reflex like she'd had to do with Rick as she pushed forward, feeling the head slide into her throat. Soon she was at ten inches of Zach's cock down her throat, his fingers running through her hair and guiding her as she bobbed up and down the impressive length. She slid the entire length in and out, face-fucking his cock and soon found her nose bumping into his crotch. She looked up at him for approval and he beamed down at her, loving the fact that his entire cock was buried in her mouth and throat.
"Damn, girl, that's impressive," he said. Lauren slid her mouth off of his cock for a moment to thank him, then went back to sucking him off, constantly deepthroating his cock and moving the entire thing in and out of her mouth and throat. She wanted him to cum and loved sucking his cock and soon realized that she didn't want this to just be tonight. Part of that scared her as she realized she hated Rob for having such a small penis. She didn't think it was fair that she should be having sex with him when this huge black cock was down here. She hated Latasha for getting to suck and fuck Zach every day and wished that she could trade lovers with her.
After about forty-five minutes with his cock in her mouth and throat, Lauren suddenly felt his balls tighten and his shaft beginning throbbing quickly. Before she realized what was happening she felt his hot cum firing down her throat, filling her stomach. She pulled back instinctively, horrified for a moment that she was swallowing cum, and then felt her mouth fill with his warm seed. It wasn't as disgusting as she had thought and she swallowed it, his cock slipping from her lips and the last few shots splattering across her face and chest. She scooped the cum off of herself and licked her fingers clean, savoring the taste as she looked up at his cock, still rock-hard and waiting. Instinctively, her legs spread open a bit from where she had fallen back on her ass. Zach knelt between her legs, not waiting for permission, as he brought the head of his cock to her pussy lips, beginning to push it into her.
Lauren's eyes closed and she moaned as the head of his cock began to spread her pussy lips. She shuddered at the sensations of pleasure and completion as he prepared to take her. Suddenly, though, fear got the better of her and she pulled away, letting his cockhead drop from her pussy. She sprang to her feet and quickly began getting dressed.
"What's wrong?" Zach asked.
"I…I can't let you fuck me…I liked sucking your cock but I can't do that to Rob," she lied, knowing the reason was that she couldn't bear to be fucked only once by a cock like that. She knew that if he fucked her now she would never be satisfied by Rob again and she knew Zach already had a girlfriend in Latasha. She pulled her clothing on faster to make sure she kept her resolve.
"Just once, girl…you should find out what it's like."
She hesitated. "I can't."
"You can," he said, slowly stroking his cock and looking at her. She wanted nothing more in the world than to strip down again and climb into his lap, impaling herself on his huge rod. Her resolve held out, though, and she apologized as she left the apartment quickly.
Four days later, Lauren had successfully avoided running into Zach in the apartment building. She had once passed Latasha near the mailboxes and fortunately avoided anything more than exchanging the usual pleasantries and quickly excusing herself. She had gone back to her apartment that night both uncontrollably aroused and quite a bit ashamed of herself. She had cried for a little while, realizing that she had been forced to oral pleasure a man as the result of a bet and hated Rob a little bit for it. That same day he had expected the two of them to have sex and she coldly turned him down, telling him he would be lucky to get another piece of her in the next month, let alone that night. Since then things had been tense between them and Lauren was wondering if this would end up being the straw that broke the camel's back for their relationship.
She came in the front door of the building and headed for the elevator, only to find it being repaired. Instead, she started the climb, hopping quickly up the steps until she reached the third floor where she came around the corner and ran smack into Zach, who was on his way down the stairs.
"Oh excuse me, I…oh," Lauren said, beginning to apologize and then realizing who she had run into. She blushed deeply.
"Lauren, hey…I had been hoping to talk to you," he said in a sympathetic tone of voice. "About what happened a couple of days ago…"
"I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it, Zach," she answered.
He nodded. "I get that but I think we need to. I'm sorry I made you go through with that."
Lauren teared up a little. "Thanks, that means a lot to me."
"And I shouldn't have tried to fuck you."
"No, you shouldn't have," she agreed.
"Do you think we can still be friends after all this?" Zach asked, looking hopeful.
Lauren hesitated. "I'm…not sure…I'm not even sure Rob and I can get past all this, to be completely honest."
Zach nodded. "I understand that. I'll let you have some space but I'd really like it if we could still be friends."
"I think I want that too," Lauren said, stepping around him and starting to head for her apartment. She approached the door and pulled out her keys, switching over to the one for the door.
"Oh, and Lauren?" Zach said, getting her attention.
"Yeah?" she asked, looking back.
"If it's any consolation, you were really good," he added, then disappeared down the stairs.
Lauren blushed and had to stop for a minute to compose herself before entering the apartment. A few minutes ago she had been feeling nothing but shame about what had happened a few days ago but now…now she was almost feeling pride. He had told Rob how good his own girlfriend was at giving head so if Lauren was also really good…well, that compliment carried some weight. She smiled and headed back into her apartment, realizing that she was suddenly very proud of herself.
Two days later, Rob snored heavily next to Lauren. She was lying awake, her pussy throbbing with desire. They had set aside time to finally resume their sexual relationship but instead Rob had gotten drunk and stayed up too late playing his videogames and when they finally retired to their bedroom he was worthless. He had mumbled an apology and quickly fallen asleep, leaving Lauren completely revved up with nothing to do about it. She rolled over slightly and opened her nightstand drawer and reached for her dildo, hoping to get at least some satisfaction out of the evening. She pulled the small, five inch tool out of the drawer and then thought better of it, replacing it. She turned and lay on the bed, propping herself up a bit as she spread her legs and began to play with herself gently, her fingers lightly probing her pussy lips.
Dutifully, she imagined her boyfriend beginning to play with her pussy with his hands, getting ready to fuck her. Slowly but surely, though, she found herself replacing him in her fantasy with Zach. His hands turned black, his face switched to Zach's and soon instead of a short, white penis barely protruding from between his legs a thick, black monstrosity jutted out just over a foot, throbbing with desire. She slid a pair of fingers into herself, imagining Zach entering her. She remembered how it had felt to have his huge cock pressing against her pussy and her ache renewed, her body feeling even more pangs of desire as she remembered what she could've had. She began sliding her fingers in and out quicker, unabashedly imagining Zach fucking her now as she built herself to climax. Lauren moaned quietly as she came, shuddering. She relaxed as her orgasm subsided and then realized that she was even more turned on than she had been before.
She looked over at Rob and turned up her nose in frustration. It was his fault she wasn't being satisfied right now. If he'd been able to avoid drinking and playing videogames for hours he would've been able to give her the fucking she needed right now. She frowned and felt herself growing angrier and angrier as her body grew more and more aroused and unsatisfied. Finally, she resolved that if she couldn't get satisfaction here, she'd find someone who'd appreciate her. She slipped out of bed silently and pulled on a robe over her naked form. She slipped out of the apartment quietly with nothing but her keys with her and made her way down to Zach's apartment, her heart in her throat. She hesitated outside of his door, almost turning back but her body screaming for appeasement. Instead, she reached out and knocked lightly.
Seconds later, Zach opened the door. "Lauren?" he asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Instead of answering, Lauren simply slipped into the apartment behind him and shed her robe, letting him see her naked form again. He licked his lips and smiled and closed the door behind her, appreciating her thin, toned body. Her breasts really did look big on her body, despite only being b-cups. He locked the door and then stepped toward her.
Lauren sank to her knees, and reached her hands out, running her fingers along the bulge in his pants. Zach moaned as Lauren felt him through the fabric and then began unzipping him, slowly working her way in and pulling his impressive length out. She ran her tongue along the length of his cock, relishing the taste, as she felt her body screaming its appreciation, loving the fact that she was getting another chance to pleasure his huge cock.
She looked up at him. "Is Latasha home?"
"No," Zach answered, smiling.
Lauren looked at him somewhat self-conscious about being nude in front of this powerful man. She felt suddenly like she shouldn't be doing this but her body's impulses were clear: she needed to be doing this. She looked up and saw that her hands had never left Zach's cock and she had never even stopped stroking him. She looked up at Zach and he nodded approval, shucking his pants and pulling his shirt off over his head, leaving himself nude as well. Lauren leaned forward and opened her mouth, sliding the head of his cock in, suddenly moaning with appreciation as she tasted him again. She slowly moved her lips up and down the first six inches of his cock, moaning in near ecstasy as she felt her pussy twinge at the feel of his hot, throbbing cock in her mouth. She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose as she fellated him; her tongue glided across the underside of his cock expertly and her lips tightened and moved up and down the entire length, deepthroating him on each stroke, her hands gently playing with his balls.
Whenever any part of his cock emerged from her mouth, Lauren immediately and dutifully began jacking him off quickly. Within twenty minutes, Zach was bucking his hips into her face as he felt his orgasm closing in, his cock throbbing and pulsing as he prepared to fire another huge load of his seed into this tiny white girl's stomach. Lauren responded by shoving his entire cock into her mouth and throat when she felt he was close enough, the head deep in her throat as he began cumming, jet after jet firing straight down into her stomach. As he neared the end of his orgasm she pulled his cock out enough to take the last few shots in her mouth, letting herself taste him before she cleaned off his cock and let it slip from her mouth with a wet pop.
"Holy hell," Zach said, breathing hard. He sat on the living room couch and Lauren crawled off of the floor, curling up next to him. "You are getting to be damn good at that. You might even be better than Latasha."
Lauren blushed. "No, I'm sure I'm not."
"Listen, I'm the one who's been getting blowjobs from both of you. You have less experience with my monster and yet you're almost as good as her. It's scary how good you might get with a little more practice."
"I'm not sure how much more practice I'll get," Lauren said, absent-mindedly starting to play with her pussy, her body still screaming for attention. "I want to stay faithful to Rob, I just wanted to get one more crack at sucking your cock."
"Why?" Zach asked simply, with a smile.
"Well, it's so big and…I dunno, it's just so sexy…" she said, shrinking back a little, shyly.
"Mmm, that it is…" Zach said, slowly stroking his shaft. It had shrunk and softened just a little but was nearly as rampant as it had been when she had been blowing him. She looked eagerly at his cock, wishing she was blowing him again. She was barely able to restrain herself from dropping to her knees in front of him and pleasuring him again. Zach watched Lauren staring at his cock and fingering himself and he began to harden again.
"Maybe I should repay the favor…"
Lauren started to nod but then shook her head. "No…no I can't let you fuck me. I shouldn't have even sucked you off this second time but I just had to."
Zach frowned. "I didn't mean fuck you. I meant that I would make you cum, too."
Lauren felt her body tingle with desire and need. "How?"
"I'd eat you out," he answered with a shrug.
Lauren smiled widely. She hadn't been eaten out in months and she knew that was just what her pussy needed. But should she really let someone else lead her to an orgasm? Was that cheating on Rob? Did she really care? Without responding, Lauren turned and leaned back against the arm of the couch, spreading her legs and giving Zach a view that only three men had ever had. Without waiting for any more invitation, Zach lowered himself down and immediately began eating Lauren out with gusto. Lauren moaned loudly as his tongue slid into her, immediately breaking the dam and launching her into an orgasm. Her pussy gushed and Zach smiled as he kept eating her out, prolonging her great pleasure. Lauren bucked wildly as he kept it up, only giving her enough of a break to briefly come down from her first orgasm before driving her straight to a second one. Zach's cock hardened as Lauren uncontrollably moaned and screamed in pleasure under his ministrations. He'd never had such a vocal partner before and it was a huge turn on for him, his cock throbbing and demanding pussy. He slipped a finger into her and Lauren shuddered with pleasure as he sucked on her clit. By the time she had her third orgasm, Zach took a step back and let her come down from it naturally.
"Well then…how was that?" he asked when she opened her eyes and looked sensate again.
Lauren panted. "That was amazing…"
"Imagine how amazing it would feel to have this huge cock inside your pussy."
"Yes, it'd feel so good…no…no, I can't…" she said, revealing her inner desire.
"Look how ready I am, Lauren," he said, pointing to his rampant cock. "Look at this huge cock."
Lauren couldn't help but look. She stared at his huge shaft and she wanted to throw her legs open again and let him fuck her. Her body belied her desire and she felt her legs moving open and had to force herself to close them, refusing her pussy to him.
"I…I can't…I want to but I can't. Can I just suck you off again?" she asked, licking her lips.
"Absolutely," Zach answered. "A man would never turn down a blowjob from someone as good as you." He stood in front of the couch, waiting, as she slipped off of it and dropped to her knees again. As she took his huge black cock into her hands and mouth again her body practically demanded that she just surrender herself to him and do whatever he wanted. She resisted again and began deepthroating him, bobbing her head subserviently up and down his huge, thick shaft, eventually coaxing another load of cum out of him. She readied herself to swallow every bit of his cum again but instead he pulled out, aiming his cock at her face and chest, spraying her with his seed, practically completely covering her face. He smiled down at her proudly as he looked at her, covered in his seed.
"I should go clean up and get back to bed," Lauren finally said a few minutes later, scraping some of the cum off of her body and swallowing it.
"Are you sure?" he asked, pumping his cock and she watched, amazed, as it started to harden again.
"I…yes…" she said, quickly grabbing her clothes and heading for the door, making sure to not turn around, lest she throw herself on him. She dashed out into the hallway, hoping it was empty as she ran back to her apartment on the floor above, covered in cum, slipping back into the darkness of her own home and quickly making her way to the shower, grateful that no one saw her walk of shame. As she showered and washed Zach's cum off of herself she couldn't help but realize that the throbbing in her pussy was returning and she couldn't help but think that next time just sucking him off wouldn't be enough.
Two days later, Lauren had managed to keep herself from giving in to her urges to go over to Zach's apartment and beg him to fuck her like she'd never been fucked before. She had slept with Rob again the day after Zach had eaten her out but he'd refused her hints at going down on her and had only lasted about eight minutes when they'd finally gotten down to sex. She was true to her word, though, and refused to blow him anymore, which frustrated him to no end. She had stroked herself to orgasms rather than waste time trying to get any out of Rob. Ultimately, though, her body was still constantly screaming for attention and more and more she found herself wishing Zach was sharing a bed with her instead of Rob.
Lauren was cleaning, trying to keep her mind off of her horniness when there was a knock at the door. She checked the peephole quickly and then opened the door to see Zach standing in the hall with a towel crooked under his arm.
"Zach? What can I do for you?" Lauren asked, genuinely confused.
"My shower's on the fritz, I was wondering if I could use yours," he asked.
"I don't know," Lauren said, not sure if it was a good idea to have him in her apartment, especially showering. "Rob's not even home right now."
"That's okay, I'll be quick. Please, I have a really important meeting later."
Lauren wavered. "Well…I guess…if you're quick."
"Thanks," he said, stepping past her, brushing against her a bit as he headed for the hallway with the bathroom in it. "I promise I'll be quick." Lauren's body tingled at the brief contact and she watched him go, her pussy already moistening as she thought of him nude in the bathroom. She put it out of her mind and sat, listening to the sound of the shower turning on and the curtain moving aside. As she tried to focus on just watching tv, she found her thoughts returning again and again to his huge black cock, just a few feet away from her in the bathroom. She had tried over the past week to not be horny and to not desperately want to drop to her knees and take him in her mouth. She had tried to return to a normal relationship with Rob but every time she looked at him she realized how much she was angry with him for trading her in a bet. She realized every time she saw him nude what a joke it was to have sex with him knowing that there was a cock like Zach's only a few apartments away. Her anger rose up and her horniness grew and she wondered why she should have to restrain herself from her natural inclination to pleasure such a huge cock. Finally, she resolved to go suck him off again. Quickly she stripped and then headed for the bathroom, making sure to slip inside as silently as possible.
As she parted the curtain she saw the look of surprise and excitement on his face as she slipped into the shower, dropping to her knees in front of him and immediately starting to suck his huge, hard, black cock. She took his entire length into her mouth and focused on giving him the best blowjob she could manage. About ten minutes later, Zach began to cum and, like before, he let the first few wads fire into her mouth and throat but then pulled out, covering her face and chest in his seed. He enjoyed marking her with his cum and part of Lauren liked it, too. She felt owned by his big black cock and the idea thrilled and excited her.
She stood and stepped into the stream of the water, letting it wash his cum off of her body as she showered with him, his cock hardening again as they constantly bumped into each other in the small space. It rubbed against her thigh and Lauren felt her pussy begging for it. It hung low, heavy, and hard and was practically throbbing in such close proximity to her body. Before long, she was on her knees again sucking him off a second time and likewise took another huge load in her stomach and all over her chest and face. She washed a second time and then, as she washed her hair to clean the cum out of it, she felt his cock slapping against her small, tight little ass cheeks. She looked back at him playfully.
"God, my cock just can't get enough of you," he said, looking her up and down, appreciating her naked, wet body.
"I can't get enough of your cock," she finally admitted, blushing a little.
"Ready to see what this can do in your pussy?" he asked.
"No…I can't do that to Rob. I'll suck you off any time you want but I can't cheat on him like that," she answered, more disappointment in her own voice than in his.
"That's okay," he replied. "I guess we should get out of the shower."
"Yeah," she answered, opening the curtain. They stepped out and toweled off and Lauren bent to get her clothes but then figured why bother and instead headed out into the apartment, nude. Zach followed her and in the hallway just at the entrance to the living room he embraced her and turned her to face him, kissing her firmly on the lips. Lauren's eyes opened wide at first but then sank into his arms, returning the kiss and feeling her body responding to his hard cock pressing against her hip again. They kissed for a few minutes, eventually stepping into the living room enough for her to sit on the arm of the couch when the kiss broke.
"Wow," she answered.
"Wow is right," he said, his cock now only a few inches from her face again. He ran his hand up and down the length of it as he looked at her. Lauren licked her lips as she stared at his cock and then something finally gave way inside of her. If she wasn't bothering to have sex with Rob anymore, why was she withholding sex from Zach. She slipped off the couch onto her knees and took him into her mouth again to get another taste, making sure he was fully hard, then she stood and turned, bending herself over the arm of the couch, presenting herself to him.
"Fuck me, Zach…give me that big, black cock."
Zach looked down at her perfect, tiny little body and took his cock in hand, slapping it against her ass cheeks again before he pushed the head against her pussy, feeling great resistance as his thick cock tried to enter her tight pussy. He pushed forward slowly but gingerly, greatly helped by her saliva on his cock and the incredible wetness of her pussy. She had clearly wanted this for a while. Slowly but surely he was able to force six inches into her, realizing that was the deepest she'd ever been penetrated before. Lauren's mouth and eyes were open in a tableau of shock and pleasure as her body stretched wider than ever before to accommodate his huge cock, feeling the thick, throbbing meat push into her body. Her pussy was on the verge of orgasm already just from having such a satisfying piece of man inside of her.
"Oh, my god," she finally said, breaking the trance.
"I know," he said. "Half in."
"Half?!" she said in surprise. "That's only half?"
"Yep…here we go," he responded, beginning to push more in. Lauren's orgasm broke violently as she suddenly felt cock sliding past the seven and eight inch marks, past where her ex-boyfriend had been. She felt his cock bump against her cervix and then, with some pain but mostly mind-bending pleasure, she felt him push past it. Thirty minutes after they'd begun, his cock was fully buried inside of her. Lauren looked down her body, half expecting to see a bulge in her stomach where his cock was. Behind her, Zach moaned as his cock finally sank all the way in, intense pressure on his cock as he stretched her small body. He was surprised she was able to take his cock at all and figured it had to be only because of how incredibly wet she was that he was able to get his cock into her. He'd fucked tight women before but this was easily the smallest girl he'd ever fucked and her body was ridiculously tight.
"Oh my god, I never imagined sex could be this good…" she moaned.
"We're not even really having sex yet. All I've done is get inside you…I'm gonna start fucking you in a few minutes once you're used to me." He gave her a playful slap on the ass. True to his word, a few minutes later, Zach slowly started pulling his cock out of her body. As it left her pussy, Lauren felt a feeling of deep longing and need return and so, as he slowly started pushing back in, she pushed back against him, wanting and needing his cock back inside of her. Soon, as she got used to him and her pussy got wet enough, he was able to speed up and begin fucking her slowly but regularly. Lauren moaned loudly as she came again from his cock pushing deep into her tight, little body.
"That's it, girl, get used to that big, black cock," Zach said, smiling. He gripped her hips tightly as he used her orgasm as an excuse to speed up even more. After thirty minutes, he was fucking her like any other girl who'd been taking enhanced for a while and she was practically screaming in pleasure. He pounded her pussy, bringing a third and fourth orgasm out of her as she closed her eyes in near-constant ecstasy. After her fourth, he finally felt his own balls contracting and as he came he slammed his cock as deep into her as he could, her eyes shooting open as his warm seed flooded her body. She realized that as he came in her that she had finally, fully, completely cheated on Rob and even though a part of her felt bad about it, a part of her also knew she was hooked on Zach's cock. She expected that as soon as he finished he would pull out and that would be it. He did pull out but at the same time he effortlessly lifted her up and pulled her down onto his lap on the couch, thrusting his huge cock up and into her again. She moaned and shuddered as he entered her again and planted her knees and started humping up and down the length of his shaft.
Something fully snapped in Lauren and she began moaning and crying out as she rode him, begging him to pound her tight, white pussy and for him to give her that huge, black cock. Zach's hands found her hips and helped her up and down his cock, fucking her with as much of it as possible on each quick, powerful stroke. Lauren was practically screaming in ecstasy as she rode him hard, getting bolder and bolder about how much cock she let slip out of herself before driving it back in, hard. Soon, she was cumming again and she felt his cock throbbing as he came closer to finishing as well. She collapsed forward onto him as she came, feeling his cock swell and began firing load after load of his hot seed deep into her body. As soon as he was finished, Lauren slipped off of his lap and down onto her knees in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth and licking all of the juices from it, her lips sliding up and down his shaft quickly as she took his entire length into her throat again and again.
She looked up at Zach for approval, hoping that she was doing what he wanted. Latasha had far more experience with his huge cock than she did but she wanted to give that black bitch a run for her money. She wanted this to be her cock now. She looked up at Zach and his eyes were closed and he moaned softly as she sucked him off for what had to be the third or fourth time already that day. Her tongue swirled around his hard shaft as she cleaned off every bit of his cum and her own juices. After only about ten minutes of blowing him, though, he suddenly grasped her head and gently removed her from his cock, laying her back on the floor. He knelt between her legs and slapped his hard cock against her pussy lips before pushing the head into her again. Lauren's fingers gripped at the carpet as she arched her back in ecstasy and got ready to take her third pounding from his amazing cock.
Lauren didn't even realize that she had passed out until a few minutes after she awoke. Zach was still pounding his cock in and out of her pussy but now she was kneeling on the floor facing away from him, her top half lying on the couch. It was an easier angle than some of the others he had chosen but she felt some discomfort. As she regained her senses she realized that, although she was still receiving great pleasure from Zach's huge cock in her, her pussy was starting to rub raw.
"Ahh," she hissed.
"What's wrong?" Zach asked, stopping.
"Nothing just…I really want to keep going but I'm getting sore."
"Oh…okay, no worries, I can be done with your pussy for now."
"Okay," Lauren said. "Sorry…I can suck you off again as many times as you want." She started to lift her front half off of the couch but Zach placed a hand on the small of her back.
"No, that's okay…still have one hole we haven't broken in." He pulled his huge cock out of her pussy, the shaft of it still gleaming with the result of both of their orgasms. He moved the head up a few inches and pressed it against her sphincter. Lauren moaned in shock and pleasure.
"No, Jesus! Not there! I've never taken anything up the ass!"
"Good, then I'm the first one."
Lauren hesitated. "No, it's just…my pussy was already so tight, I don't know how anyone could ever get up there, let alone you."
"You'd be surprised," Zach said, pushing forward. For a few moments, there was blinding pain as her ass refused to open for him but then, afterward, the head slipped into her slowly and smoothly, stretching her ass like it had stretched her pussy before. It hurt, quite a bit in fact, but soon there was an underlying feeling of pleasure as well. Lauren closed her eyes and bit her lip as Zach slowly pushed forward, just like he had with her pussy, slowly claiming her ass now as well. She cried out in pain again but Zach slipped a hand underneath her, starting to play with her clit. It helped a lot, Lauren found, and soon she was moaning and enjoying the attention as he slowly sank half of his cock into her ass, his fingers flying skillfully over her clit and labia.
"God, I love a white ass," he said, giving one of her cheeks a slap.
"You've done this before?" she asked, shocked.
"Dozens of times…I've fucked all sorts of women in every way possible."
"I…" Lauren started, not sure if she was objecting or hurt or turned on.
"You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've done."
"Tell me about it," she said, deciding to just go all in.
"Well I really love fucking a nice pair of big white tits. But what I really enjoy is being the first black man to break in a white woman's pussy and ass. Nothing like taking a black cock virgin."
Lauren chuckled. "I guess. How much is in me?"
"About six inches," Zach said, looking down at his cock. "It's pretty tight."
"Yeah," she agreed. "But I want the whole thing."
"Good girl," Zach said with a smile, starting to push forward again. Within ten minutes from having started, Lauren had nine inches of black cock buried in her ass and was biting her lip as Zach slowly but surely worked to bury even more. No matter how much anal sex a woman had in her life, Zach had always found it tough to get his own cock in there. Women were just never ready for an enhanced cock to take their ass.
One more inch in, Zach stopped. "Ten inches…I think that's about as deep as it's gonna get for now. Now the fun begins." He began stroking her clit faster as he slowly withdrew his cock from her ass. Lauren moaned in pain and pleasure as he pulled himself out, then slowly pushed himself back in again. Before long, he was fucking her slowly and gently in the ass, burying ten inches of his cock in her again and again as he slowly broke her in. If Rob had ever asked her to take it up the ass she would've looked at him, horrified. But now, here she was with ten inches of black cock up her ass after having sucked and fucked Zach for most of the afternoon. She lowered her head to the cushions of the couch again and simply laid back to take it, soon feeling nothing but pleasure as Zach fucked her ass. He picked up the pace over the next half hour and, an hour after starting to try, she was being fucked in her ass at a quick, steady, pace.
Soon, Lauren found herself humping back against Zach, driving his cock into her ass. She moaned and felt an orgasm building just from the anal sex. It surprised her. She had never thought that she could get off on being fucked in the ass and yet, here she was. As her ass loosened up from the fucking she soon felt Zach's balls slapping against her and realized all twelve inches had made their way into her tightest opening. She looked back in disbelief, realizing she now had more cock up her ass than twice what her boyfriend had to offer. She looked at Zach lovingly. Now that he had his cock in every one of her holes she knew she didn't ever want him to stop fucking her. As she smiled back at him and he looked at her adoringly, she looked up behind him at the front door of the apartment. It was open, and Rob was standing there, tears in his eyes and rage on his face.
"What the fuck?!" he shouted.
Zach turned but kept fucking Lauren's ass. She moaned in response. "Hey, Rob."
"What the fuck are you two doing?!"
"I'm fucking your woman's ass, what does it look like?"
"Her…oh my god, you're fucking her ass?!"
Lauren blushed with some shame but not as much as she expected. She suddenly realized she didn't care if it hurt Rob's feelings, she needed to have this huge cock in her. "Rob…I'm sorry."
"Sorry?! I don't think sorry's going to cut it."
"Ever since you lost the bet and I sucked him off I'd been struggling with wanting more and today he came over and I blew him again and then one thing led to another."
"Not just today, you've been sucking me off for a few days."
Lauren blushed again. She hadn't felt like Rob needed to know that. "It's true…I love his huge cock."
"Huge cock…?" Rob asked suddenly. He changed his angle and saw Zach's footlong, thick, black monstrosity plowing into his petite girlfriend's asshole and suddenly paled. He felt his bravado slink out of his body and felt his own cock shrivel and retreat from the masculinity in front of him.
"Oh my god," Rob said, seeing it.
"I know…I can't believe it," Lauren said with a moan, thrusting back against Zach still, even having been caught by her boyfriend.
"I can't believe…in your ass?"
"In my ass, in my pussy, in my mouth…where it belongs," Lauren added.
Rob nodded. "I…no, what the fuck?! Get the fuck out of here!" he shouted, suddenly dropping his feelings of awe and remembering how angry he was. Zach shrugged and pulled out of Lauren, turning her to face him and then slamming his cock back into her pussy. Lauren moaned and shuddered in a way that Rob knew meant she had orgasmed. Zach hooked his arms under Lauren's and lifted her with him, carrying her with his cock buried in her pussy.
"No, put her down, Zach, I want you to get the fuck out of here!" Rob shouted.
"I'm leaving but I'm not done…I'll send her back when I am if you want her."
Rob stood, speechless, his mouth hanging open as Zach walked out into the hallway with Lauren, both of them nude and mid-coitus as they strode down the stairs to Zach's apartment. There, Zach opened the door and walked through the living room past Latasha, who simply smiled as she watched them go. He tossed Lauren down on the bed, his huge cock popping out of her for a moment before he climbed up onto the mattress as well. He motioned her up onto all fours and pushed his cock back into her ass as he reached for the side table, grabbing one of Latasha's E&I dildos and pushing it into Lauren's pussy, stretching her with over two feet of cock between himself and the chunk of plastic.
"Oh my god," she said quietly as her eyes opened. She had never thought of what it might be like to have sex with more than one man at a time. Now, here she was, simulating it with a huge plastic cock in her pussy and a huge black cock in her ass. She moaned and cried out in pleasure as she immediately orgasmed again. Soon, Zach was all-out hammering her ass fucking her and Latasha stood in the doorway, watching proudly as her boyfriend broke in another white woman, addicting her to his cock.
Lauren walked through the door of the Zebra Club, feeling all of the men's eyes on her as she did. Inside was exactly what she expected: a club filled with black men ogling white women dancing on the stage. She looked up at the dancers and was jealous for a moment as a long-haired brunette with very large breasts peeled off her bra, exposing herself to the men. As they hooted and hollered Lauren made her way into the midst of the crowd of black men. Ever since Zach had hooked her a few days ago there had been no stopping her libido. Her body had been crying out for black cock since then and ever since he had fucked her ass with a dildo in her pussy, she had been desperate to find out what it would be like to have two black cocks to work with.
"Hey baby, what can I help you find?" a large black man asked, stopping her. Lauren looked him up and down and realized he was every bit as ripped as Zach had been. Looking at his crotch she could see an impressive bulge there and her pussy quivered at the idea.
"Never mind, I can see you've already spotted it. Wanna go somewhere private?"
"Yes…" she said quietly. She had never thought about having sex with a stranger before now. Before sleeping with Zach she had never thought about swallowing, anal sex, sex with a black man, or even sex with someone she wasn't deeply in love with. Now she finally realized how closed-minded she had been about sex.
"Good, follow me," he said leading her into a hallway in back. They passed by a couple of private dance booths in which women were unabashedly sucking or fucking huge black cocks. They stopped in one of the booths in the back and the man drew the curtain aside, ushering her in.
Minutes later, Lauren was cumming as the man's huge black cock plunged in and out of her pussy. She was on her ass on the seat and he was crouched between her legs, hammering away. As she moaned in orgasm he lifted her and turned, sitting, with her on his lap. A few minutes later, he came, filling her pussy with his hot seed, then pulled out and left without so much as a goodbye. Lauren knelt on the floor, her chest heaving, as she realized she had just fucked a complete stranger just because of his huge black cock. Before she even had time to process, though, the door opened again and two more black men stepped inside, each with a huge, foot long cock as well. She found herself sucking off one of them and using her hands on the other and then alternating, before she even had a chance to really decide. Black cock was quickly becoming part of her nature and it scared her a little that she didn't seem to be in control of herself.
Once the two men had come they were replaced by two more, and then three more. She had sucked off seven men and swallowed what should could of their loads, having several splattered across her face. Eventually, one of the men decided to fuck her again and pulled her onto his lap, facing him. She began riding him hard and eventually came herself but then felt him grip her hips tightly and hold her still. She looked back and saw a second man stepping up and pushing his cock against her ass, which opened reluctantly, and within fifteen minutes both men were fucking her full out. She came repeatedly at the double penetration and moaned loudly until suddenly a third cock was thrust into her mouth. As she thrashed and humped against the three cocks filling her body she realized this was where she belonged.
She was home.
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