The Housewives of Coxville County 4 by Ota

The Housewives of Coxville County 4
Code Black Ivana Swallow's story

From the medical journals of Ivana Swallows;

- Foreword;          

    First and foremost, I would like to personally thank the faculty and staff of Coxville County High School for their boundless support in – finally – getting this project sanctioned by the Coxville County Westside Admissions Board of Health & Research. Without Miss Dianna Murdock – senior secretary and keeper of school records – Principal William Long, and their combined efforts, this study simply would never have happened. I would also like to thank head county librarian Mrs. Bobbie Sue Kindle for allowing me full access to county history medical records, and her extensive knowledge in guiding me through them. To the opposing majority of those who stood against this study and rejected my numerous requests to submit my findings to our county university, I would like to issue a sincere and whole-hearted thank you as well. Without your vocal and vehement opposition to this study, I would have never been impelled so strongly to change my presentation's focus from nutrition in Coxville, to the study I now present to you. If my numerous requests to the parents, teachers, administrators, practicing doctors, county executives and our own great mayor Van Buskirks had been met with a smile of approval and good blessing, it would be been ineffable proof that my medical research was simply not important or groundbreaking enough to merit study.

    The strong apprehension and almost - dare I say - fearful responses to the subject matter of my research stands as proof of how important it’s carrying out is to our community and – if I may be so bold – to our great country of the United States. Too long have we let the old wive's tales and ridiculous yarns of myth dictate our beliefs and leave us stagnant in the face of scientific research and advancement. If we are to keep our great county as such, we will have to drop the shroud of old-fear and relinquish our childish need to clutch at negative racial stereotypes hoarded from the Dark Ages. I’d be remiss in neglecting an innate sense of pioneers’ joy and invigoration in being the first – and only noted – studier in the medical field bold enough to delve into this topic.

    I would be equally remiss If I neglected to mention how elated that honor has made me. This hitherto uncharted matter, once deemed taboo and shrouded in the ireous secrecy of our forefathers, will now be soundly and quite thoroughly, put to a much needed rest. I can guarantee that all who read this medical journal – proponents and nay-sayers alike - shall be enlightened, informed and quite engaged at the results. I myself – an avid seeker of medical knowledge – swells with anticipation to delve deep into this topic. To cure the ills of old world myth and archaic legend once and for all. That being said, and breaking medical ardor and tone, allow me to present you the findings of my research; let’s get the bottom of this!    

    - Ivana Swallows

    Principal Long sat slouch in his office chair, the long brown fingers of his hands erected into a steeple as he gazed across the way at his visitor. The upside down U shape of his mouth and surly sour-puss expression his bushy white moustache seemed to always convey betrayed the fact that - today - Principal William Long was in a rather happy mood. There was a slight glimmer, a sheen in his dark brown eyes and bald pate, that conveyed a spry sense of elation rather than his regular irritated and appraising glared.

    "I take it you have everything prepared then?" said Long, still as a statue in his seat.

    "Oh yes, I've got everything just about moved to the new school infirmary."

   "Wonderful. Glad to hear it."

   "Though...", the visitor added in a 'by-the-by' tone, "If I may make a suggestion; you'd do well to tell your janitors to learn how to be just a bit more mindful when they work. Those two act more like repo men when they're moving things, they almost ruined a box of very delicate tools I need."

   Long's mustache twitched the slightest bit. It didn't matter how sweet the tone, nor sugary the request, whenever Ivana Swallows made one of her 'suggestions' the recipient always felt as though they were being insulted. Some biting quality in her voice that just made whoever she was speaking to want to cut their eyes, and utter the word "Bitch!"under the breaths. Long - to Nurse Swallows good fortune - was able to suppress an outburst upon hearing her most resent request.

  "I'll be sure to have a word with them about that. If there's anything else you need them to do for you, anything moved or rearranged, I've given them strict instruction to drop whatever they're doing and have them do it to you, immediately."

  "For..." Ivana replied.    

  "Pardon?" said Long.

   "You'll have them do it for me, immediately."

   "Ah...yes, of course" said Long, a subtle start and grumble in his voice that Ivana had never heard before. "That's what I meant. They'll drop whatever they're doing and have them do it for you, immediately."

    "Are you feeing alright, Principle?"

   "Why, fine Nurse Swallows. Never better...why do you ask?"

Nurse Ivana Swallows sat in the chair directly across from Principle Long, his large brown desk putting space between them. She wore what was supposed to be a simple white button down blouse, a cream colored woman's vest, a mid length black skirt and modest matching heels. Supposed to be, but on the body of the beautiful, buxom and exceedingly curvaceous figure of the caustic brunette, the attire selection had the same effect on the eye as lingerie. Her mid-toned skin color - the Italian side of her lineage she'd always been told - made the colors of her outfit pop, especially the white of her blouse that was only just suppressing the ample curve, roundness and heft of her immense bosoms.

    Ivana sat in the chair with her legs - shapely, tanned and highly toned - crossed. She shifted one leg to the other, and twisted the slightest bit to realign herself with the arm rests. Long took notice of how the motion caused her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly beneath her white garments. No bra, he thought.

   "Its just that..." Ivana hesitated. An old line of wisdom she recalled learning long ago about 'not biting the hand that feeds, or looking a gift horse in the mouth' crossing her mind. "Its just that you've been so...helpful the last few weeks."

  "As opposed to the other forty-nine some odd weeks of the year when I'm not?" Long replied with a mocking chuckle.

   "No, that's not what I mean. What I mean is...If I'd have asked you for an office meeting three weeks ago to discuss with you....I dunno...the lunch menus of our cafeteria in reference to my research of nutrition in Coxville County, you'd have had Ms. Murdock simply take down my requests, and would have forwarded me an email about a month later, not sitting with me here right now drinking coffee."  

Ivana nodded to the coffee mug at Long's desk, the words "World's Greatest Grandpa" written in bold on one, and another - significanly colder - mug with the smiling image of a Cheshire cat on it.

    "I am a busy man, Mrs. Swallows..."

     "No, no I know..." Ivana said, doing her best to be cautious and not say anything that would sour the principle's seemingly ever-soured mood. He'd been at the helm of support for her and her project (for whatever reason) and she wasn't about to screw the whole thing up on account of choosing the wrong set of words. "You're a very busy man, and no one understands or appreciates that more than me. Its just...your sudden interest in my study just seemed so...out of the blue. I must say, it took me for a loop how fast you responded to my request for the school medical records of its athletes."

    "You needed something important done for a very important medical study", said Long. "What sort of principle would I be if I simply put that on the back-burner in favor of...I dunno...lunch menus or football games. It simply wouldn't be right."

    "I see" said Ivana, less than convinced but receptive of his answer all the same.

     "Its like you said in the draft of your foreword you emailed me, which I absolutely loved by the way; this research of yours is important, not just to the county, but arguably to our country. Me not helping you with whatever you need would mean my failing - not just as a principle of this institution - but as a citizen of this community and moreso this very country. That's not something I'm prepared to let happen my dear."

     "Well..." Ivana almost didn't know what to say. "I truly appreciate that Principle. I wish more of the faculty had been minded, as you on subject."

   "I may be old Mrs. Swallows, but that doesn't make me a fossil or a fool." Long said, an uncharacteristically jovial smile switching the upside down U on his mouth into a slightly upward cocked one. "And, as a black man, I'd be a damn fool to not want people out there to know the truth about us."

    Ivana found this comment strange. Does the old fool WANT people know that NOT all black men are hung like..." the brunette's mind wandered. It drifted backwards to an image of her on her knees. Sucking and sputtering wetly on the knobbed head of largest penis she'd ever seen in her life. mmhmmmhmh! *GURK!* She could recall the frantic, almost pitifully obssessed noises that had escaped her mouth throat while she sucked and struggled on the thing. She recalled the taste, the slickness and how overwhelmingly hard and thick it was as it wedged itself firmly in the tight corners of her mouth and the innermost parts of her cheeks, before imposing itself down her throat. She recalled lurching from the seemingly endless span of fat inches and remembered how all the other girls - Sammy Spitzmen, Anya White and Bianca Blackwood had choked gagged from the effort in a similar fashion. All of them tried handling it, and all them failed...except Ivana.

    Ivana had managed to tackle that big brown monster (more or less), and actually made it explode in a spray of thick white semen...the only to succeed where the other girls had failed...aside from Jenny fucking Summers that is. That night, Ivana recalled Jenny Summers, the leader of that memories' events. She sucked, slobbered and slurped that brown beast down, and then took things one step further when - in act of exceedingly base and slutty behaviour - fucked the dark skinned youth right in front of them. Bucking and bouncing, grinding and groaning like a bitch in heat.    

 It was obscene how much Jenny loved it. Almost as disgusting as what the blonde bimbo then recommneded to them not long after. You girls go out there and get your own, was the gist of the dare. Go out there and get your own Big Black Cock...

    "Don't you want that?" came Principle Long's voice from across the room.
Ivana half jumped in her seat from being snapped back into the here and now.

     "E-excuse me?" she said with a start. "Do I want it?"

  "Why yes...don't you want people to know the truth about racial stereotypes in Coxville? I mean, that is the whole premise and mission of your research after all."

She nodded, the strands of her dark brown hair bobbing almost childlike as she did.

 "O-Oh yes, of course. I feel that stereotypes like penis size and body type no longer have a place in our community. If we don't do the work and prove to people what's what, then who will?"

  "Getting to the bottom of it, as you so eloquently put it." said Long with a smile, his all-too-white teeth sparkling in his mouth.

What's this old coon so happy about, Ivana thought. At the end of this, everyone will finally know the truth about black they all AREN'T hung like horses.
The idea and plan had come to Ivana that same night of the Coxville book club meeting. Making her way home - her jaw sore from holding Samson West's giant cock in her mouth - she'd learned one of two things;

The First; that lockjaw is by no means an exaggerated condition when dealing with monster cocks.

The Second; Jenny Summers had developed an outrageous - boarding fanatical - obsession with black men.

  In all their years knowing one another, Jenny Summers always did have to go overboard to win over people, invariably winning with nil more than her looks. Even back in high school; when Ivana would get straight A's, Jenny would thrill everyone by winning some stupid Miss Dairy contest. When Ivana would rank top of her class in math, science and just about every other subject, Jenny would dazzle everyone by becoming prom queen and wearing a new dress. For every acheivement Ivana made in way of her intellect, Jenny would always trump with some base display reliant on her femine wiles and bimbo behaviour. It was enough to make Ivana sick.

    This cruel reciprocity carried between Swallows and Summers had carried on all the way to now it seemed. Ivana was advancing her medical portfolio and career by studying the nutritional benefits and reprocusions of  health in the county, and in response, Jenny wowed everyone (their circle of friends made up of Sammy, Anya, and Bianca) by fucking someone. Not even just someone, a black man for crying out loud. It was disgusting. Not (perhapss) the act itself...Ivana (in guarded secret) admittedly thought it was rather intense and (perhaps) a bit impressive how Jenny could take something so large into herself. But that lay beside the point. Whatver Ivana did, Jenny would be right there to destroy her stride and take the wind from her sails by acting like some glammed up yellow-haired strumpet.

   But that night - and oh what a night that had been - Ivana created a plan. Yes, Ivana would beat Jenny at her own game. Her own game, but with a strictly 'Ivy-fied' slant. Her health study research's focus would switch. Instead of nutrition, her study would be a survey on the bodily health of Coxville citizens. A thorough comparison between blacks and whites in the county. Jenny had boasted and bragged how ALL, not some, not a few, but ALL black men had huge cocks. Now, Ivana had to admit, Samson West did happen to have a hung and heavy member on him. The weight and fullness of it still rang solid in Ivana's mind, and - admitted silently and only in the darkest hours of night - Ivana would allow herself the secret bit of pleasure in know she was the only woman of her group able to make that massive penis to Jenny fucking Summers she would then have to remind herself. And yes, the big bruiser of a nigger who Jenny had so sluttily fucked on camera (the footage taken covertly by Ivana) had an even more massive member. That was two, Ivana thought. However, two is a vastly smaller number than ALL. All the negroes of Coxville county could not, no, DID not come in such behemoth sizes, of this Ivana was certain.

   And so, the plan was simple; expose this truth for what it was. Prove through simple scientific study - basic physical observation - that Jenny Summers arrogant vow of black superiority was absolute, one hundred percent, false. Ivana would mark down and take note of a 4 inch black penis here, a brown penis of a meager 5 inches there, round the numbers together and prove how Samson West and that janitor monstrosity had been flukes, two freak occurences in an average of perfectly normal, perfectly normal black cocks.

  Then, when Ivana's findings were submitted to the Coxville County's Board of Health & Research, and everyone FINALLY saw for themselves that black men were no more endowed than ANY other race on earth, then Jenny's sails would be the ones to falter. Her tryst with that big black skinned galoot will have lost its appeal and edge, and by relation in the eyes of their friends and peers, so would she and the ridiculous, outright LUDICROUS claim that ALL the black men in Coxville had huge cocks. It was a plan that only Ivana could have conceived. Proving herself to not just be a diabolical dynamo, but a SEXY diabolical dynamo almost got Ivana as wet as Samson West's cock did when it was probing the depths of her throat.

      And here sat that old fool Principle Long in front of her, nodding his head and giving her support blindly. Did the old pervert think he really had a chance with her? Was he willfully sacrificing and setting fire to the ONE age-old myth that black men had going in their favor for them, BESIDES being prime atheletes? Had he really outted his own race to scientific scrutiny at the simple exchange or her showed him a bit of cleavage and wearing that one skirt that all the boys seemed to like on her? He couldn't have been slipping that far into senility to believe such nonsense, so she figured it must be the former.

   It took Ivana all of three minutes to convince Long that this study NEEDED to be done, to show everyone the truth. The old coon was all too eager to agree and approve. Ivana had to admit that the speed of which she'd gotten the green light to commence the study - guised as a simple series of random physical check ups held in the school - baffled her. Prior to going to Long for help, she'd tried initially to go straight to the Board with her project.

    Her request - to do a penis survey and comparison between white and black males in Coxville - was denied soundly and swiftly more than several times. It seemed like the ones in charge were simply shouting 'nay' at the top of their lungs upon reading the cover of her request, hence why Ivana had been denied by the Board several times, and had given an emphatic NO when she approved the mayor himself for assistance. Mayor Van Buskirks was keeping in line with his predecessor, Mayor Smith, and was blindly denied any form of study in the nature of race in Coxville. The rotund town runner even mailed her a terse letter of response stating - as she later found out while reading through Coxville historical records - word for word the reply of the late mayor;

   "There's nothing unusual about our colored citizen's penises. While we appreciate your interest in proving an old wive's tale false, we find that the subject matter and manner of your study is unsuitable, and greatly inappropriate for the Board's consideration or the wholesome nature of this community."

    Van Buskirks regurgitating what the previous mayor had said only made Ivana that much more driven to get her research approved. She'd have preferred not going to him for help, but in the end Ivana found a stout and very useful ally in Principle Long. He'd backed her to best of his ability. Mrs. Murdock - his ancient secretary - gave her their full support, and not only allowed her access to hitherto restricted medical files, copied ad kept filed away in the school archives, but Long himself even took a hand in getting Ivana's plan in motion.

   "Let me make a phone call" was all Long had to say on the matter. Ivana recalled the name "Laveau" from the conversation, and not long after that, Ivy had received the official green light from both the mayor and the Board. It had almost made her head spin how fast it all happened. And she recalled thinking, If I'd have known how fast that would have worked, I'd have flirted with the old coot from the beginning. And just like that, the premise of Ivana Swallow's medical study had changed. She would take down a viciously untrue rumor about blacks in Coxville, she'd win the recognition of her peers and elders and all those who owed her praise, and - most important of all - she'd finally upstage and soundly defeat that whore Jenny.

  Ivy giggled, a genuine bubbly chuckle that in reality had very little to do with Principle Long's quip.

"Exactly that Principle Long...getting to the bottom of it", once and for all...


    Ivana Swallows sat at her new office desk, a wide U shape of a smile framing her full lips making her resemble that spoiled little girl who had - in fact - gotten the pony she wanted on Christmas. Her desk was a polished oaken table that had been a (conspicuously generous) new addition to accompany her new quarters in Coxville High. The area was ideal; freshly polished and sterilized tile floors of an affectively eye-pleasing - if spartan - black and white checkered design. A stainless steel sink. The new and freshly painted cabinets on sides right and left of the office stocked with whatever Ivana’s necessary doctoring accouterments she may need. Clean light colored shelves that had been brought in and installed, and – Ivana’s favorite feature of her new office – a brand spanking new exam table.

    It was large and wide enough to hold a patient (really any two patients she'd guessed by its width) of any size, yet not so large that it appeared to take up too much room in its place at the center of the space. As if that were possible, Ivana thought, since her new office was easily twice the size of the old broom closet she'd been cramped and forced to work in.

    Years of work she'd put into researching health for the benefit of Coxville. Hours upon hours of reading, research, study, pleading requests, hours of exhausting labor and more than a few not-so-subtle "accidental" gropes of her ass and breasts from male patients complaining of a faint - and suddenly fleeting - cough, and in the end, what was that got her efforts acknowledge, her hours of physical labor and academic ardor rewarded? Why, the comparing of the menfolk's penis sizes, that's what she answered in her head.

   The busty and exceedingly curvaceous brunette was not angered by this thought however. Quite the opposite. If she'd known that all she had to do to get this sort of backup from the school and the Board was champion an assurance to the men in a study that says 'your penis sizes are just fine gentlemen, no need to panic!' she'd have put this proposal to Principle Long and the Board ages ago. Really, Ivana didn't care for the study, not. Penises were penises and their size - at the end of the day - really didn't matter that much to her...not really, not actually. Ivana chewed at that thought for moment, feeling the slightest bit of unease at that thought.

    She shrugged it off with ease however, and continued jotting down her notes onto her journal. She'd had three patients in that afternoon. Three down, several score more to go. The number of responses she'd gotten for her study had been astounding. Principle Long had put out the word and summons that any male student - Age 18 and up exclusively - would be allowed to participate in Nurse Swallows medical study. The necessary permission papers were issued to those who responded, and everything - thus far - had been signed as was progressing smoothly. Other participants -fathers, class alum, interested members of the community, etc- of higher ages (20 and up) outside the school had been contacted via the school news letter and other county forums. Upon reading the words 'conducted by Coxville's own Nurse Ivana Swallows' and seeing the accompanying picture of the gorgeous 34 year old woman next to the article, the replies swarmed Ivana and Principle Long's inboxes.      

     The responses to Ivana's study was so strong in fact, that she'd actually had to ask for Ms. Murdock's help in scheduling appointments to take them all. Ivana was booked solid with willing study participants for the next month! Nurse Swallows was overjoyed. She'd had a solid base and office to conduct her research, and more than enough patients to get a full controlled study of the county. It was a perfect balance between white and black males, with the smattering of other Coxville citizens who fell into other categories bringing up the rear as a back up and control group.

    Ivana did find it curious how - upon looking at the population statistics - how the male population of Coxville was predominantly occupied by black and white, with Hispanic, Asian and perhaps one of two other races making up whatever was left out of the percentile of 100. A curious thing, but one that Ivana knew to be circumstance of the deep south and the county's secluded history. Either way, it made for an almost perfect field of study. 55% of the men in Coxville were white, 44% were black (though those numbers didn't include the blacks who left town), and the remaining 1% consisted of those who fell into other racial categories. It was better than anything Ivana could have hoped for, and the smile on her face had been worn so long that her cheeks were now beginning to ache. With the numbers in her favor, it'd be an easy feat to debunk Jenny's ludicrous theory that white men were invariably small, and blacks invariably large. The population itself would prove her rival a fool and a slut (Ivana pictured what the blond slut would look like handing 44% worth of cocks). Ivana would win through proof and research, rather than playing Jenny's debaucherous little games.She wrote down some finishing notes on her most recent patient;


- Subject; 19 yo/ Male.  

- Name: Walton, Dale.

  - Height: 6'1"  

- Weight; 156lbs  

- Race; Caucasian    

    Ivana jotted down the remaining particulars of her last patient. A tall, gangling young man, his initial excitement and confidence melted into apprehension when he entered Ivana's office. Sitting on her exam table, his legs so long that he could have touched the floor by simply pointing his toes downward, he relaxed a little while she asked him all the necessary health checkup questions of ailments, allergies, previous medical visits, diet, sexual activity and so forth.

    When Ivana got to the latter question, the boy couldn't hold back a blush and eeked out an unsteady "N-No", before falling into a deathly silence. She attempted to break the awkward silence with smalltalk, making note of his being a Coxville High alum. He nodded and gave a squeaky affirmation. She asked him if he had a girlfriend, his face went beet red, and even more so when Ivana asked him if there were any girls he presently had his eye on. He gave her a terse 'yes', but afterwards Ivana suddenly noticed the color fell from the boy's face upon encouraging him to ask this mysterious crush out on a date.

    "I-its...a bit complicated..." he said nervously.

   "Isn't love always?" she replied.

   "Not like the way it is with me..." he said, and then left the matter at that.

 When Ivana finally rose from her rolling chair - her body heaving and her parts bouncing the smallest bit in that manner all Coxville women unconsciously do, all the while unaware of its affect on the menfolk - looked at him and said,

    "Alrighty then, let's have a look at you", and began to approached him, the young man suddenly tensed as though he were about to seize up in spasm.

  His body was about as stiff as a cedar tree when she was up close to him, while checking his neck with her fingers and gently feeling the points between his arms. Ivana always liked this part of her exam. She drew a silent pleasure from feeling like a full fledged doctor in those moments. The young man refused to budge an inch, like a little boy in the face of a hissing cobra, he was frozen in place whenever Ivana drew too close or laid a finger on him. Her touch was gentle, steady and carefully guided along his neck, ears and shoulders. This only served to jostle two reactions from him; stillness or a nervous twitch. In the latter part of her exam, it began to actually annoy Ivana, for the young man's motions went against every instance or necessary reaction that she needed.

    He'd refuse to move when she needed him to move, his nervousness around the buxom nurse making a check of his reflexes a nightmare. And he would fidget and half-flail whenever she needed him motionless, his knees bucking and kicking like a frightened horse before she could even near him with her reflex hammer. He became jittery when Ivana leaned in close to his ears in an attempt to search his eardrums. It was like chasing a rabbit in a wide open field. And his fear of looking Ivana in the eye made checking his own all but impossible.

   "Mr. Walton, you're going to have to relax. None of this is going to hurt, so if you could please stop fidgeting."

    The boy muttered an apology, but only lilted into a momentary stillness before he began to jerk and twitch away from her. No wonder he's not having sex, Ivana thought. If he's this scared around women with their clothes on, I can only imagine. When Ivana finally asked for him to drop his pants, she'd have sworn the young man was about to faint. She assured him that everything was fine, and that noone but them would know about what transpired in the confines of her office.

    It took several minutes, but eventually she was able to calm the young patient into undoing the buttons of his pants and dropping them to the floor. His tight white underwear seemed to match his pale skin, and Ivana silently noticed herself preparing to be disappointed. When the young man's briefs fell to the floor, Ivana put on her best 'neutral' face, one that did not convey judgment or any sort of real emotional response to the young white man's unveiling of himself to her.

  "Ooook..." She said while jotting notes and adjusting her white gloves.

She approached him with the measuring tape, and her approached caused him and his manhood to visably recoil from her. The head of his penis retreating into itself as she neared it.

  "Its alright Mr.Walton. No need to be nervous, I'm just going to measure you. It won't take a second."

Dale gulped, causing his pronounced adam's apple to bob up and down in his throat. She slightly kneeled and aligned the measuring tape along Dale's manhood. To get a proper length she tilted the device upward so as to get the full estimation.

  "Alight Mr.Walton, just go ahead a lift it up for me really quick so I can get the right measurement."

He did, and she measured, her response restricted to a curious,


Again, he gulped. She set the measuring tape down, jotted her notes, and then looked to Dale again.

  "Alrighty, why don't you go ahead and get yourself erect."
At that, Dale went a deathly pale.

  "W-well I...I" he stammered.

Oh for Pete's sake!, Ivana thought, Men. Can't get them to leave their dicks alone at home, but put em in front of a woman and all of sudden...

    "I'll go ahead and turn my back while you get yourself ready, K?"

Ivana turned her back to the young man. She heard him rustling and light muttering to himself, the fringe mumble of a curse word or two, as though he were arguing with his member, bickering and bargaining with it in order to wake it up. A few prolonged minutes later, she heard Dale nervously say,

   "O-Ok, ready..."

She turned, and again immediately dawned her 'no-judgement' face. She quickly approached with the measuring tape, jotted her findings down on her clip board, and gave Dale her warmest feigned smile.

    "Alrighty Mr.Walton, thank you so much. You can go ahead and get your pants back on now."

Dale scrambled clothing himself once again, and as Ivana shed her white gloves and wrote some finalizing notes down, the young man stammered a finalizing question;

    "'d I do?"

Ivana looked at him for a moment.

    "Well" she began, making sure her voice was linear and without contempt,

   "This exam isn't something you're judged on Mr.Walton. You don't pass or fail.

I'm just documenting what I find. But, from a physician's stance, you're a very healthy young man. I'd perhaps recommend a bit more sleep and perhaps a bit less caffeine for the sake of your nerves, but all in all, you're in tip--top shape."

This summoned a smile of elation in the young blond man's slim face that Ivana might as well have told him "That was GREAT! You've got the biggest cock I've ever seen! Congratulations!"
He released a slight nervous laugh, interpreting what he would from the dark haired nurses statement.

    "Awww, jeez. Well...thanks."

Ivana smile, a upturn on her beautiful lips that crept nowhere near her eyes. As Dale collected himself and headed for the door in his departure, he waved to Ivana, and she waved back.

    "You can go on ahead and use my name in your study if you like Nurse Swallows!" Dale said jovially.

  "It's all confidential, but thank you all the same dear." she replied.

    When the door closed behind him after the respective exchange of thank you's and goodbyes were swapped, his tall lanky silhouette showing and then disappearing from the front of her office door, Ivana let out a giant sigh. Whether it was one of relief or disappointed, Ivana did not know if it was one, the other, or perhaps an aggregation of the two. She complimented herself on how she was able to leave exams on such good notes with her subjects. As she went back to her desk to couple her most recent notes with the others, she observed the last bit of info she'd added to her findings.

 - Subject; 19 yo/ Male.

- Name: Walton, Dale.  

- Height: 6'1"

- Weight; 156lbs

- Race; Caucasian  

Male organ measurements;

- Flaccid; 2.5"

- Erect; 3.5"

Size placement; TBD (early estimates rate as below average/lower percentile).

 Another sigh escaped Ivana's lungs, her heavy round chest motioning up and down. No one said the truth would be easily won, she thought. Her most recent patient did not bring her any relief or assurance that Jenny's claims were false. But that was alright, these things were bound to come up during the course of her study. In her heart and mind she knew Dale's less than stellar endowments consisted of only one out what would be dozens of patients. She'd find a balance in size in her future patients, of this she was certain. And - she was equally certain - there would be a black penis among the multiple that was just as unimpressive as Dale's that would even out the numbers.

    She nodded her head at this thought...and then suddenly had to shake the image of Samson West from her head. There was no comparison to be made between Dale and the West boy. Measuring the tiny pale white thing belonging to the Walton boy against that huge black monstrosity that Ivana knew - from an up close and personal experience - dangled between the West boy's legs.

  One or two anomallies are to be expected Ivana thought, nothing more, shaking the memory of Samson's giant cock  head brushing against the back of her throat, and wondering comparatively estimating how  the Walton boy's cock would barely make it passed her lips. Ivana warned herself against generalizing. West and the brute from the video were exceptions, not the average she reminded herself. Dicks that big couldn't be the norm among blacks in town. How would black women even take it all, she pondered, and teased for the slightest moment the sensation of having something that large and hard and dark penetrating her soft tight white gash. Get your head out of the gutter and get real Ivy! she scolded herself.

    That dribble that Jenny was trying to push on her and their friends was just that, dribble. Untrue and unfounded. Ivana would prove this, and she'd put that blonde bitch in her place once and for all. Her efforted realigned, Ivana looked over to the black office phone sitting at her left. She pushed one of its buttons and her the sudden beep on the speaker as it dialed one of the other lines in the school.

  "Ms. Murdock!" Ivana said, her voice booming as though about to make a

command.  A shaky old woman's voice replied from the speaker.

   "Yes Nurse Swallows?"  

   "I'm ready for another patient. This one African-American if you'll please."

    Ivana had to half-check her tone of voice, noting that her request sounded more like she was ordering off the menu of a fast-food restaurant. It took a moment before the old secretary gave a reply.

   "Oh, alright then. I'll send him to you now."

   "Thank you dear!" said Ivana before closing the line.

The cold steely look of determination on her beautiful face was dawned like a war-mask. She replayed the mantra in her head as she rose from her seat and prepared for her next patient.

  We're gonna get to the bottom of this.


   When the next patient walked - really barreled - through her office door, Ivana could barely hold back a gasp of shock from the thunderous noises of his entry.

  "Yo! Yo! YO!" yelled the tall, burly negro as he shoved the door open, allowing it to slam shut with a clamor so loud that Ivana was surprised the glass hadn't shattered in the door frame.

The young man's dark brown eyes scanned the room, before settling themselves onto Nurse Swallows.

    "Daaaaayum...dis place clean as a mu'phucka! Some old advanced Docta House type shit."

Ivana cringed on the inside. God, did they send me the biggest THUG on the list on purpose, or is this just my luck? Ivana thought. She could feel the brute's eyes on her before she even met them.

   "DAAAAAYUM ma! You even finer in person dan in yo picture!"

He approached her abruptly, a motion that caused Ivana to stir in discomfort the slightest bit. The raising of his large dark hand - a gesture of greeting - caught her off guard, and she half-flinched at the negro's approach. This caused him to laugh.

   "Ha-ha! Don't worry ma, I don't bite...less dat's part of tha process."

He held his hand out to her, and she took it, spending perhaps a moment too long looking at it in hesitation before shaking it. Ivana noticed the young man's hands were huge, easily enveloping hers. They were also hard, felt like they were made out of granite and rough leath rather than flesh. A thought passed through Ivana's head. That age old myth about what came along with big hands, and she quickly dismissed it. That stupid old wive's tale.

  "Pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me." Ivana said, wearing her best fake smile.

   "Shiiiit, ain't no thang ma!" the young man replied. "Seein yo fine ass in person is my pleasure, believe-you-me!"

He gave her a wide smile, all of his teeth a pearly white, except for the shinning gold tooth where his left molar should have been. The smile did not put her at ease. After situating herself, Ivana got to jotting down her necessary notes.

- Subject; 20 yo/ Male.

- Name: Wallace, Warren

- Height: 6'3"  

- Weight; 220lbs  

- Race; African-American

   Warren "Wa-Wa" Wallace was a tall dark skinned black man. His imposing height was only trumped by his wide muscular build. Standing before Ivana, he may as well have been a brown bear standing on its hind legs. He sat on her exam table, his feet just barely dangling over tile floor despite her raising its height to near maximum, while she assembled her tools. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked from one side of the room to the other. She could feel his brown eyes exploring one part of her ample body as she reached upwards into the cabinet for one tool, and zoned in on other parts when she bent over to retrieve another. Unlike her previous patient, Wallace-

    "Call me Wa-Wa" he insisted.

  Wa-Wa was never short of hesitant with his words. He assailed her almost non-stopped with questions an inquiries, and filled in the moments without questions with comments. Most of his questions pertained to the reasons behind her study.

   "Whatchu so curious about dick sizes fo?" Wa-Wa asked, a casual cheeriness in his tone. "You ain't gettin enough at home wit cho man or what?"    

   "No..." Ivana replied tersely. Where did they dig up this scumbag? Ivana thought coldly. "Nothing like that".

Her calm demeanor was being pushed to its brink within mere moments of meeting this obnoxious thug.

  "Its a necessary study for the county."

   "Why?" He asked, an almost childlike arch in the deep bass of his voice.

   "Because its been rejected as a study in the county for decades."


   "Because the preceding heads of this county were fearful of doing the study."

     "Damn...well why?"

   Ivana's head had been veiled behind her silver clipboard when asked this last question, maintaining an effort to keep herself busy with writing down notes, and preferring to not look Wa-Wa head on. Her irritation towards the barrage of childish questions however had trumped her reluctance to acknowledge Wallace deep - rather intense - stare. All of once, Ivana found herself staring head on at the burly Negroes, her clips swing from the area of her face down to hem of her form-fitting skirt, the clipboard - still held firmly in her hands - connecting with her thick thighs with a sharp plap! sound.

    "I don't know, Mr. Wallace!" Ivana said, her voice leaning a bit more into a blunt shout than she'd planned. "I suppose the same reason they invented those ridiculous spray-on hair products, Viagra, blow up dolls or why Hummer SUV's are still being purchased by the dozen in this country; MALE insecurity."

  This was spoken with the intention to sting Wa-Wa, a Ivana-styled jab at his no doubt inflated ego. She expected this last remark to sting him into silence, to cease his insipid line of questioning. Her face waited for his to curl into an expression of offense, a glare of anger hastily reshaped to hide a wound machismo. Ivana's face however curled into a look of confusion however, when instead of ire and anger, she saw a simple smirk planted on the large black man's face. The creases of her confusion deepened on her brow when the young man, his voice a deep sonic boom, broke into an uncontrollable sputter of laughter.

    "WA-HA-HA-HA!!" bellowed Wa-Wa, his held tilted back and a hand on his stomach. One would have thought he'd just heard the single greatest punchline to a joke ever conceived.

   "Oh SHIT! Doc got jokes. Wa-HA-HA!"

Ivana was not prepared for this reaction, and her clipboard, once held firm in her delicate fingers, had slipped almost out of her grasp. When the silver object almost fell from her hands, Ivana jutted, barely plucking it from its decent, before a unprepared smile hastily formed on her beautiful features.

    "Hehe!", the restrained titer coming from her voice, choked off only at the last moment before bursting into full laughter. She hadn't expected Wallace to take a stab at his masculinity so lightly.

  Unexpectedly however, the reaction had somehow eased the tension in the room. And after a few long seconds of laughter, Wa-Wa's giant bellowing outlined with Ivana's slim giggles, the flow of doctor and patient resumed.

    "Alright Mr.Wallace."

    "Wa-Wa", the man corrected.

    "Uuuh, ok...Wa-Wa. Let me have a look at you."

    Ivana waited for Wa-Wa to suddenly tense up. To recoil at the notion of a woman being in such close proximity to his person. She set down her clip board and approached. Ivana noticed that instead, the large black man's demeanor hadn't changed. If anything, his joviality had increased. His lips were curled back into an expectant smile, all his pearly whites, plus one gold canine, on display as the busty nurse drew closer. It was the opposite reaction to Dale Walton's visit. As nurse Swallows went about her exam, lightly touching Wa-Wa here, gently pressing on him there, Ivana noticed something about the black man.

   "You work out often Mr....uuhh...Wa-Wa?"

   "He-he, I get it in when I can, Doc." replied Wa.

  "I can tell, you're in pretty good shape." replied Ivana as she gave the mass of one of Wa's massive trapezius muscles a squeeze. He was significantly passed 'pretty good' shape, though Swallows chose to keep the compliment restrained.

This summoned a chuckle from the man.

   "You know it. Gotta keep up my strength fo tha ladies, you know?"

 She didn't, and didn't particularly want to know what sort of strength this giant brute would put on a woman. Though Ivana had been hoping to find Mr.Wallace's member in the sensible realm of - say - six inches (erect), she'd noticed up placing both her hands at the dark brown man's jawline that that hope was swiftly fading into a pipe-dream. He's built like an ox, she thought.

  "Any irregularities in your diet?" She asked while lightly tapping his knee with the reflex hammer.

  "Been feastin mostly on blondes as ah late..." said Wa-Wa, a testing tambour in his bassin voice.

He wanted to jostle a response out of Ivana, she knew this as well as he did. However, choosing professionalism over allowing her emotions, she ignored the comment, pretending to be too focused on checking his reflexes.

   "Brunettes be ah proper meal in ma book, though" continued Wa, his voice even more challenging. "Been havin me a hankerin fo one fo a long minute now..."

Again, Ivana ignored him. Crude nigger, she thought, biting her tongue all the while to keep herself from giving the big brute a piece of her mind.

  Ivana's evaluation of Wa-Wa continued in relative silence. It was while checking the man's reflexes, observing his remarkably thick thighs and heavily muscled legs as she struck his knees with her reflex hammer, when she caught sight of it. The outline of Wallace's penis was - from even a rough estimation - ten inches. Shit cursed Ivana in her mind. This big nigger is hung like a horse. From the fabric of his trousers she could see that Wa-Wa Wallace was in possession of a what looked like a policeman's night stick resting flatly inside the man's pants.

    "Good reflexes" Ivana said, trying to take the edge of her own frustration at the revelation.

I can't use him, she thought. Ivana cursed her luck. Out of all the black men in town, she - of COURSE - had to have the one other black man in Coxville who looked like he could appease the sexual needs of a Belgian Blue cow. After a few more feats of her checkup, Ivana said;

    "Alright Mr.Wallce. That'll do it. Thank you so much for coming in."

Wa-Wa Wallace's jovial expression abruptly melted into one of an almost childlike disappointed.

    "Wait....dats...dats it?"

Ivana, keeping true to form, didn't even raise her head to acknowledge the burly Negroes question.

    "Yes" she said flatly, her eyes still cast down to her clip board as she half-wrote a few nonsense lines down on a line of paper.

   "But...I thought you were gonna check me out. You know, get a measurement of ma-"

    "No, Mr. Wallace. That actually won't be necessary."

    "Tha fuck?"

    "My having you in doesn't automatically guarantee you'll be used in the study, Mr. Wallace. It simply means that we have your information on hand, should I need it."

 "Should you need it?" parroted Wa-Wa.

   "Yes" Ivana replied, head still down at her board. "And as it turns out, I won't be needing yours after all. Thank you so much for coming in though."

The mood of the black man suddenly went from happy to sore, and flirted with outright anger.

    "Awww, shit!" Wa-Wa said some moments later.

    After another few moments of waiting to see if Swallows had simply caught him in yet another joke, the giant brown man hastily adjusted his clothes - having at some point undone his belt buckle in anticipation - and angrily trod out the door. Ivana could feel each angry footstep as he stomped from her examination table, to the office door, and down the hallway of Coxville high. His embittered exit was marked by a loud smash of her office door as it was angrily swung closed behind his departure. The glass did not shatter, but it did rattle quite a bit in the door frame. As his massive shadow faded from the view of her door, Ivana rose her head from her clipboard. She sighed, a mark of relief melded with frustration. Swallows knew what she'd done hadn't altogether been clinically fair or even personably nice...but if a potential subject of her study proved himself unusable, then what else could be done?

Wa-Wa Wallace, as it was made sense in Ivana's mind, was simply ineligible for involvement in her study. Why? Came a tiny voice in the back row of Ivana's head. Because his body type did not fit the criterion for my research, she replied to herself. Why? The voice in her head followed again, nigging and nagging at her like a child. Because his build wasn't what I was looking for, Ivana replied. Why? Came the voice yet again. Ivana's frustration flared up in kind, and suddenly decided to drop away the line of questioning she'd posed for herself. Because his cock was too BIG!

  Ivana finally confessed to herself. And with that, came a wave of dread. Dread...and an odd contradictive wave of relief over the shapely brunette. Ivana Swallows' plan relied solely on proving to everyone that black men in Coxville were NOT all larger than average. If she was going to finally put Jenny in her place, take the blonde bimbo from her false high-horse of slatternly superiority , she'd HAVE to have a concise, comprehensive and, most importantly, irrefutable compilment of evidence to that fact. It simply wouldn't do to have an entry - her FIRST black entry no less - reading;

- Subject; 20 yo/ Male.  
- Name: Wallace, Warren
- Height: 6'3"
- Weight; 220lbs  
- Race; African-American

Male organ measurements;
- Flaccid; (approx) 10.5"
- Erect; UNKNOWN

Size Placement; Above Average.

No, Ivana simply could not have that happen. If she was going to prove that slut Jenny Summers wrong, and finally put her in her place, she needed to find smaller black cocks. Smaller black cocks...and LARGER white ones.
  "Ms. Murdock" belted Ivana over the office phone.
   "Y-yes Nurse Swallows" came the totteringly pleasant voice of the old woman.
   "Send me in another patient please. And for the rest of the day I'll only be taking
 in caucasian males. All the African-American potentials will have to be rescheduled for another day."

Ivana added this with a harsh trilling of her voice. She knew that Ms.Murdock had her on speaker in the waiting room, and imagined the news for the men who had gathered there would be divided into two responses; a hail of high-fives and triumphant smiles for the white men, and a wave of sour faces and dropped defeated heads for the black ones. Ivana couldn't fight the shape of a smirk curling on her full lips.
Another moment, and Ms.Murdock's voice came again on the speaker.
    "Oh, well...alright..."

    The old woman almost sounded disappointed herself, though Ivana knew that couldn't be right, and Ivana quickly dismissed it as a flexing of her imagination. From there, nurse Swallows readied herself to the onslaught of remaining penises. Thick, full, lengthy, healthy white cocks. White members that beamed a healthy pink color when stroked and woken up by their eager owners. Among the multitude were bound to be a few whoppers for Ivana to document, there had to be. There's gonna be Ivana assured herself. This thought comforted Ivana for all of five minutes. When one by one the white men came in, and one by one was met with failure. 3" here, 4" inches there. A hail of white cocks ranging 5" inches, and a hail more ceasing growth at 6". Her results weren't 'bad' per se. But not one among the gathered had a penis reaching anything close to what she'd seen from the black men.

   The largest of her subjects - a cocky, brown haired young man of no older than twenty - was particularly pleased upon Ivana asking him to remove his pants. He was above average, packing a shapely white penis of a flaccid 6". It wasn't bad, and Ivana's face even managed to sneak a smile passed her conscious senses. This inspired the young dark-haired man to smile in kind, and flirtatious add;
    "Like what ya see?"

Ivana's glee at finding a white cock that WASN'T the size of a roll of dimes was thwarted by
the young man's cockiness. Looking up at him, she suddenly felt the urge to strike him with her clipboard.The young man's face was just so smug, so over-confident and chuffed with his erect 7 inches, that it almost completely soured Ivana's joy at finding a usable subject who could give credence to her study.

    "You're about average..." she replied, flatly and in a tone she hadn't used on a boy since high school.

The reaction didn't settle on the young man's face before it did his penis, for it suddenly deflated before her eyes. Like a balloon a clown would use for molding shapes having its air drained away all at once, it went from upright, to drooping sadly at the uppermost part of his legs. When his face twisted into a dry sneer, Ivana smiled a bit.

    "That's not bad. Its perfectly normal actually."

Ivana said this as a means of damage control. A sweet by-the-by to an otherwise sour bit of news. This gave the young man no comfort, and he said nothing upon his departure from her office after they'd finished up.

   It had been a good find...but it still wasn't enough. And throughout the rest of the day this plagued Ivana Swallows mind as the cocks rolled in, and limped out. A hail of shorties, with a few averages peppered in between. And the few who merited being called "large" still didn't come anywhere close to what Ivana had seen on the black men. Roughly five white penises of 7" inches, one ranging closer to 8...versus four black cocks. The latter four stood at an average of 10 inches....flaccid...It was enough to give Ivana pause and make her face turn pale with worry. A worry, that was oddly marked by a light but steady mark of excitement based somewhere in her gut. When she finally gathered enough data over the hours of the day, Ivana left her office, went home, logged everything on her personal computer, and laid her head down to rest in the soft pillows of her queen sized bed. She would eventually doze off repeating what had become the mantra of her study;

We're gonna get to the bottom of this...


   Days consisting of this pattern bled into one another, eventually forming a week. A week of tens if not scores men coming and going from her office. Men entering with the upbeat smile and a noticeable pep in their step - the bounce and upbeat stride of a man all but certain he was about to get lucky - and exiting with the sour disposition of one thwarted in that goal. The busty nurse barely even felt the passage of time as she compiled her data. When she did note the time, it was only out of frustration in the fact that there simply wasn't enough of it in the day to satisfiy what had become an obsession of proving an old wives tale false.With each departure, Ivana's notes grew. With each departure, she was able to build a slow but continuous confidence in her findings.

    The second week presented an influx of decent (yet not particularly awe-inspiring) members added to her study. Unlike the first week, it war marred only with several subjects who Ivana knew most certainly would not be admissible in her aim of proving the age-old myth of 'small white cocks' up as false. It seemed like every positive step Ivana advanced in her research was met with two steps backwards when a penis of four inches, three inches (or less in a couple tragic cases) posed opposition to her work. As the second week concluded, Ivana had made a fair amount of progress. Enough progress to where she was smiling - despite the lingering bite of knowing she'd not yet found her 'Great White Cock"- as she made her way out of her office on the second friday of her research. Her gorgeous facial features beamed as she walked down the halls of Coxville High, and many noted her trek down the school corridor - the more ample parts of her body bouncing slightly inside her clothing from a noted spring in her step - as a happy one.

   This satisfaction - this contentment with the length and width of white cocks she'd measured thus far-  lasted for all of five minutes...

  On the night of that second friday, Ivana Swallows lay awake in her bed, her stark green eyes wide open, her sleep held at bay with ponderance, deduction, the looming pang of worry and punctuated with an even rarer (lesser acknowledged) pang of elation. Friday's study - despite having collected useful data on dozens of native white men in Coxville - had taken a severe blow. The brown haired beauty's work faced with yet another unforeseen variable. Staring face-up at the ceiling of her bedroom long into the AM hours of the night, the boar-like snoring of the sleeping husband lying next to her composing the soundtrack to her restlessness, she lie awake with knots in her stomach and her thoughts racing miles per minutes. Ivana found herself sucked into the particulars of her study long after she'd concluded the day's work. She was a woman possessed, wrought with pressure and the (quite frankly) daunting task which - realizing now more than ever - towered before her. Her days filled with flaccid and erect penises, measurements, comparisons, speculations, statistical checks, estimations and guesstimations and reciting evaluations from those already documented consumed her every thought.

    Ivana had realized this earlier that night, while in bed with her husband. She'd found herself thinking about work even during sex. While George huffed and puffed his way to a quivering explosion of orgasm, she'd found herself unable to take herself out of the role of "Nurse Swallows", and the strange (unacceptibly coincidental) tribulations that posed against her research. While George Swallows' sweaty body bucked and rocked atop her, his white underwear briefs bunched round his ankles, his hirsuit and doughy stomach brushing against her flat, hairless and well-toned one, she silently sized up and estimated him. Five inches in length, three inches wide, she thought, running the numbers through her head as George pumped furiously into her. Beneath her husband she could feel the full measure of his manhood attempting to broach the further walls of her womanhood, and missing the mark by far more inches than what he had to offer.

    "Huhng! Huhng! HUNHNG!" was the noise George would make while throwing himself into his wife's deliciously curvy hips.

    The noise he made always made Ivana think he was apeishly grunting the word hung beneath clenched teeth and a flattened tongue. Hung, her George was anything but. Lord knew Ivana Swallows loved her man. Loved and was devoted to him as much as any proud woman of Coxville could love her husband. But she had no delusions about the size and power of her husband's member. Sex with George invariably consisted of her trying to slow him down from his own frantic pace. Saving him from himself was how she classified in her head. Holding him close to her and wrapping her firm legs around the top of his marshmellowy behind - which had increased in size and softness over the last few years - so as to force him into a more even pace, to give their sex a longer span of time than the three minutes that had become the average of their marital romps. Anything less would cause the sweet, worrisome fellow to beat himself up for it afterwards. To be frustrated and downtrodden from how quick his body reached its finish.
   "Huhng! Huhng! HUNHNG! OOOHH Ivy!" he called, enjoying the feel of Ivana's thick muscular thighs clenching at his hips. Years of marriage, and she was still tight as she was on their wedding night.

    Doing this, as Ivy had learned, slowed George down by force. Subtracted the number of inches her could slide into her by about half, her thighs acting a barricade from the deeper regions of her body and therefore lulling him into a more even pace. Ivana replied with her wordless half-moans of pleasure, apeing George's deep grunts kindly and doing a rather good job of convincing him he could still give his smoking hot wife the "good high and hard one".

    "Oh, OoooH, OOOOOH! George!" Ivy cooed, one eye closed, the other open and looking up at his face to gauge his status.

    One minute, thirty-six seconds into their love-making, and the slick sheen of sweat had already formed at the crown his dark widow's peak and hairy shoulders. He's about to blow, Ivana thought with disappointed. He's getting faster at this. In response to this deduction, Ivana tightened her grip more around her husband, her thighs clenching the slightest bit harder on his doughy hips and ass. This closed off the retreat of George's swollen pink cock from her vagina, and guided him to go into her in smaller, more controlled pumps. She estimated this bought him another minute or two. Ivana soon caught herself drifting into the thoughts of her study. George's attempts to satisfy her reminded Ivana that - more than anything - she NEEDED to find larger white penises.

    The ones in her notes would suffice in proving that not ALL white men's members ceased growth at three inches, like the cruel stereotype insisted. But a white cock of a seven inch maximum would be worth next to nothing if ALL the black men sharing space in her journal were packing an average of ten inches. Ten inches...or more Ivana reminded herself, recalling the sour note in which her second week ended. Friday was supposed to have been a victory for her. A victory for the Coxville woman against her hated rival/best friend. And while the earlier hours of the day showed promise throughout, it (of course, knowing Ivana's luck) just HAD to be unmade at the end of all things, by the time the sun had set. Ivana turned uneasily to her side in a tiny and mostly uneffective attempt to turn her ear away from George's snoring. She didn't recall her husband reaching his climax and rolling over into a bear-like sleep she was so entangled in her thoughts.

   "Damnit..." she cursed under her breath, as memory of what happened at the end of friday came rushing back.


  It was the final day of school for the students until the new year. The students of Coxville High scattered from the classroom doors, fanning out in a hail of hoops and hollers of joy and celebration and then filing out from the main corridor and into the streets outside. Ivana Swallows had been caught in the stampede while on her way to Principle Long's office, carrying in her hands a copy of her notes. She'd be glad to be rid of the noise for a couple weeks. Free of the young shouts and that squeaking noise teenagers seemed to be exclusively capable of making with their shoes as they trodded down the halls. A couple weeks of lingering silence in her office would do wonders for her research. As the old saying went; 'no rest for wicked', and though she'd never admit it aloud, Ivana Swallows couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of pride in comparing the saying to herself and her work, her curvaceous body slightly bouncing inside her clothing pairing with a winning smile spreading across her lucious lips. As daunting as her task was, she had to admit she hadn't been this exhilerated in...hell...ages. Her work, though she it knew it to be slanted and less than honest by her own hand, excited her. There was a thrill in her research. A lesser noted satisfaction in the knowledge that she was engaged in something which both her peers and elders alike pressed down as something forbidden. A rebel in her small nook of the south.

The affair and thrill put an extra pounce and bounce in her step. And people were noticing the aura of Ivana Swallows glowing with a faint but intoxicating allure.

    "Bye Nurse Swallows!" Chimed a group of girls as they passed her in the hallway. "Happy holidays."

   "You too girls. See you next year" Ivana replied with a kindly wave.
    "Bye~ Nurse Swallows" called a group of young white teenage boys in unison as they passed her, all of them totting skateboards in hand. Their collective tone lingering and barely containing a flirtaceous edge.

    "Bye-bye~ boys. You be safe during break, you hear? I won't be around to fix you up if you bust your behinds riding around on those things."

    The boys chuckled among themselves. They were a group of skaters (three in total) who made it a point of finding new and increasingly creative accidents to get themselves sent into Nurse Swallow's office. Ivy, not having bothered to ever memorize their names, took to calling them "the Stooges".The spreading knowledge of Swallows' studying around town had only inspired the Stooges to double their efforts, Ivana had noticed. One particularly interesting incident came in the form of all three of them appearing at her office (at the same time) with complaints of pain in the groan. Kindly old Ms. Murdock swiftly put down their game when she barked;

   "Kickin each other in the jewels will have that effect, ya numbskulls!"

before hefting the three boys out with a quickness and strength Ivana didn't even know the old woman still possessed.

   "S'all that blasted MTV those boys watch. All that "JACKHOLES" and "RAD BOYS" nonsense. Mimick it like monkeys in a zoo, I tell ya."

Ivana bore them no ill will or ire about it though. The three of them; a ginger haired boy with a peppering of freckles across his nose, a tall gangly boy with sandy blonde hair, and a short young man with long jet black hair going down to his shoulders and a snow white complexion which Ivana felt was far too pale for someone who lived in the south. The trio of skateboarding thrill seekers were quite adorable in her eyes. Three wide eyed puppies who were constantly finding excuses to be in her company.

   "Sure thing Ms.S" chuckled the tall blonde boy.

    They lingered at the edge of the hall, watching Ivana pass them with an anticipatory glee. They made little effort to conceal their adoration with her body. Their eyes weren't just undressing her, they were ripping the articles right off. Ivana knew this, and took no offense. She liked knowing that she was still desirable to younger men. Loved knowing that her body and sass could still reduce fit young men into stammering messes. She subtly put on a little show of hardening her steps as she passed. Half-strutting like a model down a catwalk as she strode passed them. Their eyes couldn't decide whether to focus on her gorgeous face, stunningly toned legs, round bubble butt or her deliciously large round breasts compacted into her clothes. Their eyes scanned up and down as the trio watched the small show being presented to them by way of Ivana's body. As she neared closer to Principle Long's office, Ivana was called to again. Only this time, the tambour and manner of the greeting had a altogether different effect on the sexy school nurse.
   "Yo~! Nurse Swallows!" Boomed other voices from further down the corridor.

Unlike the first hail of compliments, these new voices left a sour and - rather taken aback - expression on her face. A group of tall muscular young black students further up the way shouted their own breed of hello to the busty nurse.

   "You lookin fine, ma!" came another voice, this one even louder than the first.

    "As always!" added yet another.

At these greetings, Swallows' simply turned her nose up, choosing not even to acknowledge the five some odd black youths as they stared her up and down with equal - no, superior even - interest in the nurse as the trio of skaters. They were half-huddled by the row of lockers on the far side of the hall. Like the trio of skaters, they'd been enjoying the show of watching Ivana stride down the school halls, standing out among the crowd of teenage girls as a proud lioness would among a pride of cubs who've yet to fully bloom (for the most part). Kitty Summers and her group of cheerleaders still made for intriguing eye candy as they made their way down the halls, on the arm or at the bicep of several young black men, all of them members of the football or basketball team.

    "You have yo-fine self a merry ass Christmas, Ms. Swallows!"

    "And a VERY happy New Year!" called another.

    Ivana refused to even bat an eye or utter an word as she passed the black youths, her facial expression restricted to the slightest twitching of the eyebrow at their deep bassen voices. Ugh, they're all so fucking vulgar Swallows thought. To think, Jenny would really have me and the girls mess around with thugs like that. The mere thought of it set a fire in Ivana's stomach. A silent rage she'd been nursing still, long after the attempted coaxing from her best friend/rival, Jenny Summers. The blonde female cheerleading coach had prompt Ivana and their friends, Sammy Spitzmen, Anya White and Bianca Blackwood to partake in a challenge some time ago, while attending their monthly book club meeting. A sort carnal 'hunting' mission for black men in Coxville. A ridiculous challenge that Ivana was ENTIRELY too smart to fall for, but served as the spark of inspiration she'd needed to finally bring the blonde slut down from her societal high-horse once and for all. In Ivana's head she'd not forgotten the night of the book club meeting (not by a long shot).

     The night when the blonde bimbo had presented them with this ridiculous dare. Ivana could admit to falling for Jenny's vigor and assurity of "black superiority", what Summer's called the POWER of Big Black Cock. Ivana could even admit to her being (at the time) a bit taken with the idea. So taken and out of sorts from Jenny's boistrous and resoundingly confident boasting that she'd given in and had joined in the sucking-off of that Samson boy along with her. Jenny always did have a knack for getting people to do what she wanted, simply by flexing her enthusiasm at people. Ivana ultimate chalked up her reaction during the event, and the subsequen guilt pressing itself down on her mind, to simply being caught up in the moment. Watching Anya, Sammy, BB and Jenny bob their heads and choke their tiny throats on that (big) black cock of that West boy had thrown her (against all reason) into a kind of frenzy, the throes of some sort of fit akin to "mob-mentality. She'd read up on the subject and decided that, judging by the similar symptoms, that had to be only logical explanation. Ivana had simply gotten lost in the moment, that's all.

    Currently, while passing this group of dark skinned hoodlums, Ivana could hardly believe or fathom how she'd been so gullible, so easily led to hit her knees by that manipulative blonde cow. I mean, Ivana thought, the tiniest voice of contrary chittering in her head as she neared the group of boys, That boy Samson was in excellent shape. And this was true, Samson West was an athelete of notable physical prowess. Every bit of him looked like it'd be carved out of black stone. And yeah...the boy had a dick that hung down between his knees. This was also true, for Ivana had seen it first hand, had choked and sputtered on it like the other girls had. Ivana even went a step further as to the foot long thing explode in a spray of white before he face.

    As Ivana neared closer to the black men in the hall, she quickly sized them up. Sure they're big...HUGE even she thought. The group of gawking black all stood at an average of six feet. GIANTeven, she continued in her mind as she passed the center negro boy; his height of 6'4" looming over her with a hungry desire as she strode proudly passed, her head and chin cocked up in an appalled scoff, maintain the aire of the youth's elder and superior. And sure, they've got muscles, she continued, noticing the physique of the pack of black men as she walked, utilizing a particular skill of noticing their bodies without looking directly at them...Lots of muscle. Without turning her face or even shifting an eye, Ivana Swallows could see the build of each individual negro. Jesus, ALL of them - not a single exception in the group - stood without an impressive abundance of solid and well defined muscle. Biceps, triceps, abs, deltoids, quads and so forth on display in their various ill-fitting t-shirts, skin revealing tank-tops and baggy sagging shorts.

    They all looked like they bench-pressed cattle and did a thousand crunches a day in their free time. It should be noted here, that Ivana Swallows - despite her observation of the black men - had not looked anywhere near these young men's crotches. She'd forced herself not to, whether out of some unspoken sense of dread, or out of a shadowy fear of having her fears of what could have been hanging between this pack of over-muscled brutes confirmed. Lots and LOTS of muscle...under that ugly dark skin thought Ivana. In all her good sense as a woman of the south, a Coxville woman, she knew the sight should have sickened her. That thick, deep, dark, chocolate skin...Ivana got lost in her thoughts. So entranced by how unattracted she was to the group of blacks, that she reacted a half-second later than perhaps was expected to the shock of the PLAP! noise that went off.

    The quick jolt on her body that instantly caused the icy mask she wore before the youths to altogether melt away, her full lips reshaping from a tight line into an O of shock. The noise of it startled her before the sensation did. The fleshy sound jolting her back to her senses before the connection of a giant dark hand coming into contact with the inner curve of her left ass cheek did.

*GASP* Ivana sputtered. The resulting bounce and ripple from the negroes' round target inspired the entire group of erupt in a hail of laughter and wolf-ish, OOOOOO-WE!!
Th-that nigger...smacked my ass! Ivana's brain finally catching up to the situation. One of them, one of these low-brow hoodlums, she couldn't tell who, had actually reached over and smacked her on the ass as she walked by! Ivana reacted before she even knew fully what her retort to the offense would be.

   "What the HELL?!" she belted, her voice unsure of whether to yell or squeak from the stealthy assault. "Which one of you DID that!?"

The black men, five in total, all suddenly adorned the same facial half-expression, a collective; "Wha? I didn't do nothin" look all framing their strong African features. Five chilsed dark brown masks trying (poorly) to look innocent, while barring the smiles which wanted so desperately to burst forth.

   "Speak UP! Which one of you SAVAGES did it!?"

   This insult jossled one of the youths to break his mask of feigned innocence. He rose from his leaned position on the locker, his smile replaced with a hostile frown in an instant, and stepped forward. His wide girth and frame caused the exiting students near him to give him a wide berth on general principle. If any other students in the hallway saw the offense, they'd opted to keep quiet about it, choosing instead to continue walking towards the hallway exit.

    "Whoa, whoa! Who da fuck you callin SAVAGE?!" came the burly negro, his dark features somehow darkening even further as they settled on the irate nurse.
    "Yeah, dat shit ain't cool Nurse Swallows." Came the voice of the shortest negro in the group (who stood at a mere 5'11")

    "What OTHER pack of BARBARIANS am I standing in front of right now, genius?!" Ivana said in stark defiance. The black youth in the center - the largest by Ivana's observation by far - then stepped up. He stood at more than half a head taller than her, easy.  However, her ire at being touched had caused her to elect fight over flight. Her anger outweighing her fear.

Almost out of a further defiance, Ivana unconciously cocked a curvaceous hip to one side, the back of her right wrist pressing against the cocked hip in a kind of dare issued via body language. An unspoken and (unconciously sexy) silent challenge for one of the riled up blacks to even try laying another finger on her.

"Now, the one that did it can either step up, have his shinning moment of manhood and come clean, OR!" Ivana scanned the group with her emerald green eyes, testing the metal of the gang in front of her. "I can have all FIVE of you in Principle Long's office RIGHT now ! I'm sure you've ALL been in his office enough times that he can suss out which one of you has the biggest problem with keeping his hands to himself!"

   "Hey, I ain't liken yo tone, lady!" Came the largest youth from the center. "Even IF one of us DID touch yo old stuck up ass, you ain't gotta talk to people like you all high an mighty an shit."

The giant black youth directed his scowel down at Ivana. She couldn't help but feel the slightest knot of unease form and begin coil in her belly as she looked faced down (or rather, faced up) and into his intense brown eyes. Jesus, this guy's a giant! she thought. A part of her teased the image of him being able to pick her up effortlessly with one arm. Another part of her - the Nurse Swallows still conducting her study - teased the smallest desire to look down at the giant black man's crotch. 9.3" flaccid, rough estimation of 11.5" erect, she guesstimated. This latter voice went unacknowledged. The giant was an intimidating blend of muscle, mass and height, with a cast-iron jaw that made him look at least several years older than he was. It seemed like the entirety of him had been carved out of solid black marble.

   "Oh yeah, IF one of you touched me?" Ivana continued. Scared or not, she knew she couldn't back down to these guys. No, she WOULDN'T back down to them. These after-school hoods had the NERVE, the outright NERVE of getting offended for THEIR touching HER body?! "Because I hallucinated a giant gorilla hand smacking my ASS!"

This angered the group even further, and a part of Ivana - the sensible southern belle part - wanted to take a huge step back as the rest of the group stood up to their full height in response to her insult. 9.5" flaccid  9" flaccid,  7.6" flaccid. 10" flaccid, her head guesstimated, though she knew there was no way she could have really calculated the boy's sizes simply by observing their builds. This latter part too was ignored, and Ivana stood her ground.

   "THA FUCK?!" came one of the youths. "GORILLA hands!? Bitch I outta--"

That was a far as the muscled youth's threat went however. For just as the five youths chests began to puff in outrage at Ivana's insults, a sixth, larger voice entered the dispute.


The voice was an explosion of sound. A battering ram of vocal tone that broke through the rising clash of Ivana and the five youths, a boom of deep thunder formed into language overtaking them.

   The black youths and Ivana all turned in the hall to the voice's origin. Among the thinning clamour in the hall, stood a man. He was tall enough that he stood above most of the exiting teenagers in the hallway. He was bald, older than the youths yet built with similarly defined mounds of muscles, and had a clean shaven bald head that, at the moment, sported a single sprouting vein under the skin closer to the man's temple from what could have only been a mounting anger.

   "Ah shit, its Coach!" muttered the shortest negro under his breath.


As he spoke, the towering form of Coach Black strided towards the group, his arms and legs swinging and stomping as though he were a military drill instructor about to have at his untempered subordinates.

   "Ah man, s-sorry Coach!" all five of the teens seemed to belt in unison, shrinking back like five dark skinned puppies before a rolled up newspaper.


Ivana hardly had time to catch her breath when she saw swiftly the band of unruly blacks scatter from their posts near the line of lockers. Their heads were bowed low as they passed the bald black man, the comical sight of even the largest youth - who stood a fair bit taller than Black - limp away from Ivana and their conflict, his pride, swagger and aggression melting away in mere seconds before the superior male.


   "NO COACH. SORRY COACH!" The boys - because that's what they'd been reduced to in a single moment - belted.

   "SORRY! WE'RE GOIN!" They all said, repeating the phrase all the way like a kind of holy mantra which would protect them against Coach Black's wrath.


 As the boys fanned out and rushed down the hall towards the locker room double-doors, Coach's steps eased as they reached the vacinity of Nurse Swallows.

   "GO! GO! GO!" Black barked after them, chuckling only after they were far enough distance away not to hear him.

   It wasn't until that first big intake of air that Ivana had realized she'd been holding her breath. She let out a deep exhalation and half gasped in want of more air. Her heart was hammering so hard in her well-endowed chest she half-worried Coach Black would be able to hear it.

    "You got the not-backin-down part right" said Black, his once booming voice now lulled into a smoother, but still deep bass. "It's your bark that needs some work."

Ivana looked at Black, then at the fleeing group of youths as they scampered down the hall. Her shock to the offense suddenly sprang forward, as though it had been caught in a pause of suffered a delayed reaction in the heat of the moment. She pointed at finger at the departing youths.

   "O-One of those, those THUGS smacked my ass!" Ivana sounded like she could hardly believe it now. "I mean, WHERE the hell did those kids learn their manners? The kennel?

    "I hear ya, I hear ya" said Coach Black, his hand up in a mock-gesture of surrender. "Sorry bout them. They're a bit gassed up since the last game. Pent up aggression, you know? It happens."

    "Well, it WON'T be happening again. Not after I inform Principle Long about this. That's sexual harrassment for crying out loud."

    "And I'm gonna make sure I take it out of their hides the rest of the week" replied Black, his wide grin forming on his full lips.

   Ivana knew that smirk. She'd seen him aim it at her, Jenny, their mutual riend and co-worker Bianca Blackwood, Bobbie Sue Kindle, and just about every beautiful woman he came across. It was a cocky, upturned and overly self-assured turning of his lips, and it always filled Ivana with the urge to smack him. With Jenny - as Ivana could have very easily guessed - it had had the polar effect of making her melt like butter, a fact which Jenny herself had confessed several times over by now. Ivana had made it a point to avoid Coach Black when and wherever possible in the past. Prior to her learning Black was Jenny Summer's silent boyfriend, she'd shown zero interest in the chiseled physical education teacher. She didn't trust his smile, his cocky attitude, and was more or less appauled by his overly competitive nature. He reminded her of all the jocks she'd gone to school with in high school. The linemen and quarterbacks who all stumbled over themselves and each other for Jenny's attention. As it turned out, Coach Black had been no different than them. The way Ivana understood, the moment Jenny decided to step outside her marriage and fool around with a black man, Black had been right there to answer the blonde bitch's call. Up close though, looking the tall, dark and exceptionally well-muscled Coach up and down, even Ivana had to admit that Coach Black was a particularly stunning male specimen...for a black guy, she made herself add. Ivana was fairly confident that all she'd have to do to steal Coach Black from Jenny was bat her eyes and run a finger down his chest.

    Hmph, so this is Jenny's prize black stallion...Ivana thought, as though seeing Coach Black for the first time. In a way, she had. Seeing the tall bald Phys. Ed instructor as Jenny's secret paramour made him appear almost brand new to the gorgeous brunette. He went from being a cocky co-worker who would sneak glances at Ivana's ass and breasts at every opportunity, to the cocky co-worker who Ivana knew was fucking (quite vigorously if one was to believe the stories) her greatest rival. It was an odd thing, the role of Black having switched in what appeared to be an instant. I could take him, Ivana thought. She wondered to herself what exactly she meant by take him. Take him from Jenny or take him in a different way. Wrestling with the thought actually caused the knot in Ivana's stomach to return and coil again the slightest bit. Coil, but then descend deeper into her body. Drop one floor lower than her belly and settle somewhere between her legs, a tension being held there that she couldn't altogether fight or explain. They'd begun walking down the school corridor before she even knew it, not quite gauging the moment when her trek to Long's office had become a stroll with Coach Black.

    "So", Black began casually, "how's your study goin?"
  The two walked slowly down the hall side by side.

    "Its...Its going..." was all Ivana could bring herself to say. She couldn't/wouldn't tell him how difficult her search for big white cocks and small(er) black cocks was going.

   "Word is you're only acceptin the white boys."
   "No. That's not true" Ivana rebuked, have waving the hand which her notes at him. "I'm only starting with the caucasian males in town. It only makes sense to go through one element of the study completely, BEFORE moving onto another."

    "I see..." replied Coach Black, not wholly convinced by his tone. "Well, when you're ready to see a REAL male speciman, you know where to find me. Ha-ha"

Black marked the offer with a showy flexing of his arm and a wink at the buxom brunette. Ivana half turned her head to the black man before bawking out loud and turning her nose up.
   "What interest could you possibly have in my study?"

    "What chu talkin bout Ivy?" Said Coach sheepishly.

Coach Black had taken to calling Ivana "Ivy" some time ago, after hearing Jenny refer to her as such. Ivy was a nickname Ivana reserved for her friends and family. Black was neither, and thus her face adopted a momentary scowl whenever she heard him call her by that name. However, as it might be noted, she never rebuked or demanded him to STOP calling her Ivy. A contradiction which the busty brown haired nurse had noted, but not yet taken steps to remedy, simply opting to 'go with the flow' as it were.

    "I recall you falling asleep at the faculty meeting about my nutrition study last term."

   "Yeah..." Black confessed, slowly. "I told you, I was just restin my eyes."

    "You were snoring."

    "I wasn't snorin."

 Ivana shot him an icy glare of challenge.

   "Well...I MIGHT have dozed off for a minute or two."

Ivana scoffed again and sped up her walk, her pace overtaking Coach Black's own to the point he had to walk faster to keep up.

    "I mean, come on, even you gotta admit that study was a pure snooze" said Black. "Ain't nothin even remotely interesting about the caloric details going into our children's foods."

The last bit of Black's sentence he'd adopted a stern, flat and rather iritable tambour in his voice, a mock (but suprisingly accurate) mitation of Ivana's voice.

     " one who specializes in physical fitness, I'm rather disappointed to see how little you care about the health of your students."

    "Look" replied Coach Black confidently, "My nutrition policy's real simple; put whatever you want in your mouth, just be prepared to work it off double time when you hit me up for a workout."

The part about put whatever you want in your mouth loomed in Ivana's brain for a moment. She wondered if Coach Black knew about what she and the girls had done the night of the book club meeting. If perhaps - after one of their sweaty trysts - Jenny had spilled to her nubian god the details about what they'd done with the West boy.

    "You know" Ivana replied, flattly. "I think that mentality might have something to do with why blacks have a higher rate of diabetes and heart disease in America."

   "Ouch, harsh Ivy" said Black.

   "Just the facts as I read them, Coach."

    "If you check me out, you'll see I'm about as fit as they come though."

    "Hmmm..." Ivy replied, feigning as though she were thinking about it while looking him up and down. "I'll have to take your word for it."

    "So is that your way of saying I won't be admitted into your precious medical study?"

    "Not at all what I said. Anyone at the age of eighteen or older is allowed to participate in the study."

   "Really?" said Black, a skeptical tone on his tongue. "That ain't what I heard."

    "Oh?" replied Ivana.

    "Word is, I heard you had a visit from a pal of mine, first day of your study. Wa-Wa."

      "Ugh, Mr.Wallace..." said Ivana, not even trying to mask her revulsion of the previous case study. "He WOULD be a friend of yours, wouldn't he?"
    "Said you turned him down, flat. Didn't even bother to check him out."

     "I said anyone who wishes to participate in the study may participate. That's not however a promise that they will be admitted into the study."

    "Mmmmhm" muttered the chiseld black man. "Sounds sketchy to me."

Ivana wanted to rebuke the cocky dark skinned adonis, but kept herself calm as they neared the double doors of the gym locker.

      "Like I said before Coach Black, your sudden interest in my study surprises me. You don't exatly strike me as the erudite type."

    Coach Black's pace suddenly slowed, and unexpectedly (even to Ivana) Ivana's pace halted upon realizing the black man no longer following her. In a second of undefiniable panic, Ivana worried that her insults had gone too far. That her caustic nature had finally caused Black to become angry with her. She couldn't quite discern why this risk bothered her so much, why the risk of Black no longer wishing to be around put in such an abrupt state of worry. Her heart eased when she noticed that Coach's secession from their stroll wasn't one brought on by anger. Observing the double-doors of the room marked "BOY'S LOCKER ROOM" Ivana realized Black had simply reached his destination. Principle Long's office lay further up ahead and around the bend of the school building, and this was simply Coach's stop.

    "There's quite a bit about me that I think would Surprise you, Ivy" said Coach Black, his cocky smirk shooting at her in its full glory. "I'm game when you are."

Ivana's heartbeat quickened a beat, that coiling between her legs at some point melting into a small but steady heat.

   "I..." Ivana began, subtly looking Coach up and down from her position in near the door. My god...he's all muscle too she thought, as though realizing Black's beyond impressive physique for the first time. His body, matched with his award winning smile (which even Ivana had to confess was rather handsome up close) sent a rush of heat rippling throughout the Coxville nurses' body.

    "I'll think about it. Research on the African-American males in my study begin next week. If I find myself short-handed, I MIGHT give you a call."

The MIGHT was all Coach needed to shift his smirk into a full on smile.

     "Lookin forward to it" he said, before pressing himself against both double doors and shoving them open with a showy display of manly force.
   It was then that it happened...

Now, it could be debated that Ivana Swallows simply saw what she saw by sheer accident. That she was already close enough to the open doors to be able to peer inside the boy's locker room by simply turning her head. It could also be debated that she simply gave in to her girlish curiousity and, in a single spark of yearned adventure, took a couple steps forward to get a better look at what/who resided inside. Whatever the reason, whether accident or deliberate, the sight beheld would haunt Ivana from there on.

   Ivana's eyes had difficulty making sense of it at first. She'd spent the better part of the week looking at a small army's worth of white cocks. 3", 4", 5", 6" and a few nearing the realm of 7". THIS thought, this was something else entirely. The locker room was filled to the brim with young men. Young, strong, athletic young men at ages (she'd guessed) between 16-18. A bevy of young, strong, athletic young BLACK various stages of undress. The entire locker room a loud clamor of boyish noise. The squeak and shut of opening and closing lockers, that male-musk aroma of the room wafting into her nostrils. The scene lasted for (perhaps) six seconds, the time it took for the gym doors to slowly bridge themselves shut. But in those six seconds, Ivana's whole plan, the entire goal of her study, was dealt a mighty blow.

    A small army of muscular, beyond well-defined bodies the color of deep brown and caramel, dark coffee and a couple that crept close to onyx in shade. The half naked ones caused her eyes to widen in shock. They've got muscles on TOP of their muscles, Ivana thought. Arms like boulders, backs and shoulders built like Belgian Blue cow, abs that looked like they'd been photo-shopped into real life. deep bronzed complexions sporting physiques that her husband George - even in his prime - couldn't dream of holding a candle to. And then, Ivy's eyes scanned downward, and her throat couldn't help but let out a gasp.

    "Jesus!" she choked, getting a glimpse of the fully naked black men in the room.

  9.5", 8.6", 10", 9.2",10.5". Her head took a mental note of each male in the room, sizing him up instantly with a precision and speed she didn't even know she had until that moment. The larger black males of the bunch, the ones spanning 6' plus had cocks the length and width of a simply inconceivable size. The arms of black babies and the containers of ebony Pringles cans dangling freely between their thick muscular thighs. Wafting to and fro like it was...NORMAL to have cocks that huge and full. The shorter young men, the ones shorter than 6 feet (even the ones who Ivana would have stood taller than) seemed to have shorter cocks, but were compensated in some freakish balance of nature in having thicker members than their peers. It was like nature had somehow redistributed their lack of inches in height, and instead repurposed them into having fatter cocks. Bulbous cock-heads that made Ivana's lady parts quiver at the mere thought of invasion swung heavy and proud beneath them. 8.7",9.0", 8.4", 10.6"! !!! Thick slabs of vein-laced flesh swinging this way and that, pendulous and proud in front of the curve-graced brunette nurse. Giant pairs of testicles hanging low like two dark grapefruits seemed to be the standard in this crowd, and Ivana shivered at the thought of how much semen must be sitting in each pair. Her mind drifted back to the group of young thugs who'd she argued with. Went back to her ass being smacked. It was a den of bulls, and Ivana could - in a strange silent way - understand how restless bulls would get in the face of a fit female. She couldn't quite fight the idea that the giant black hand that smacked the soft white flesh of her ass had wanted to empty testicle THAT huge and round into her. A load from balls as big as these would likely drown me, she confessed, remembering how taken aback she was when Samson West came in her face. Some of the boys in this room seemed to be superior to him even!

Sweet Jesus, ALL of these niggers have huge cocks! Thought Ivana.

    Her chest began to heave, actually hefting as though she were having trouble breathing from the spectacle. Her mouth was in an O of shock, her lips reshaped into a silent expression of befuddlement and a hitherto unexplored rush of...what? Terror or excitement? Ivana couldn't tell which. As the menagerie of huge blacks cocks paraded in front of her, the surreal show of dark penises coming to an end as the double doors finally sealed themselves, Ivana caught sight of one final individual; Coach Black himself.


  Coach Black howled to the roaming mass of young black males. He was stripping out of his fitted jeansand was in the middle of dawning his signature pair of red workout shorts. Even from her current distance as she was, Ivana could make out - clear as if he were right before here - the compacted mass sitting inside his tight white briefs.


Ivana's womb shuddered at the thought of what a cock THAT long and THAT thick could do to a woman. He stood at the center of the clamoring youths like a king would his subjects. His muscles rippling as he dawned his fitness attire. The fourth official black cock Ivana Swallows had seen first hand (even if she were in denial about the room full of other black youths) measured at 11 plus inches...soft. Ivana's heart was hit by a cold wet splash of realization.

   ...All their cocks are too big...

Ivana's heart sank, while her vagina subtly grew moist (a phenomena that Ivana would only realize much later). Her face fell into a deep scowl that fought with a frown.

  All of them...every single damn one of them...

Samson West was huge. That was one, and at the time Ivana accepted the idea that one in a dozen black men in the county could be carrying a cock that long and thick. The brute in Jenny's video and his inhumanly long dong made two. THAT Ivana could even swallow (figuratively speaking), for TWO black men of notable size and girth wouldn't be inconceivable either. Wa-Wa Wallace and his crudely fat dark cob of a cock had tipped the scales at three. And hell, Ivana could even admit to herself that she EXPECTED Coach Black to be in possession of an impressive piece of manhood. Lord knew Jenny wouldn't shut up about it. Ivana could (begrudgingly) accept that, she could live with that. She felt like she might have been forgetting another negro she'd seen with an impressive

But this...THIS? An entire ROOM full of the brutes. A whole locker-room teeming with cocks that made the entire list of white men she'd been carrying around in her notes (like it was something impressive) seem about as equip as a troupe of pre-adolescent boys. The measurements she held in her hand like they were sacred findings were NOTHING compared to what she just saw! And in the wake of this, another frightening thought quickly crossed her mind.

    Those were just the black men from ages 16-18....

The thought hit Ivana like a fist. Excluding Coach Black, ALL those boys in the locker room were teenagers. Teenage boys varied in time with the finishing of puberty. Some boys stopped growing after 14, others didn't hit a growth spurt until 18. The thought of some of those boys (twenty or more in the room by Ivana's count) having inches ADDED to their bodies 10.5" and THEN a growth spurt...the thought made Ivana's insides ache.

    All of them...An entire room of young black men carrying cocks THAT big...and who STILL carried the threat of growing bigger still with age. Even if one fudged facts on the numbers, there's no way that was possible. Absolutely, positively, no way. But alas, Ivana had seen the proof with her own two green eyes. Witnessed the spectacle herself of how; in Coxville County, EVERY black man - despite reason and all evidence of science stating otherwise - was in possession of a Monster Cock. When the double-doors finally closed all the way, Ivana's head dropped, along with the notes that she'd been carrying in her hand.


Ivana's recap of the beyond frustrating ordeal left her feeling drained. Emotionally, physically, spiritually she felt worn down to the nub. A flood of worrisome ideals and nagging fears overtook her. What am I gonna do now? How am I EVER going to find enough white cocks who can measure up to all THAT? They couldn't ALL possibly be so huge, could they? It must have been some kind of crazy fluke, right? Somehow the ENTIRE minority of blacks with huge cocks somehow ALL found themselves in the locker the SAME the SAME PLACE....JUST as Ivana was walking by. That HAD to be the only possible explanation...right?  The questions nagged and tugged at her like the undertow of a great sea. Her anxiety gradually gave way to an etherial weariness, her worry slowly melting into a glassy exhaustion. And there, in her wide bed and next to her beloved snoring husband, Ivana Swallows lulled herself into an uneasy sleep, uncertain about how she could possibly bounce back from such an overwhelming find of evidence, but - at the moment - too exhausted to care.


   That night, Ivana Swallows had a most peculiar dream. She'd never noted herself as being one to recall her dreams in the past, not ever. Invariably Ivana awoke to (perhaps) barely the scarcest fragments and blurriest of lingering images about her dreams. So this particular reverie - a crysal film in high definition in its vividness and clarity - struck her as far more than odd.
In the theatre of Ivana's mind, she saw herself back at Coxville High. She was alone and standing in the main hallway of the school, which somehow appeared to be both rich and full in color yet (contradictively) stuck in a bichromatic pattern of black and white. Everything, the lockers, doors, drinking fountains, steps, rails, everything in sight was either an inky black, or a stark white. It reminded Ivana of one of those old black-and-white films from the 1920s she'd love to watch. Everything carried a high glossed and definition, yet seemed trapped between the two hues.

    Gathering herself and getting a gauge of her surroundings, Ivana began to walk down the hall. Immediately she noticed the lack of an echo as her heels (black in color)  clacked on the solid floor of the corridor hallway. Looking down, she noticed the difference of the floor. It wasn't the singular (and rather tacky) off-white shade of the hallway floor she knew it to be in real life. No, in her dream the corridor was a richly and thickly layered checker-board of black and white. It reminded her of the same kind that was in her office. Indeed, it was the very same kind of tile. The thought left her mind as quickly as it entered, her actions - as they often did in the realm of dreams - choosing to move on involuntary, and proceeded following the details of some unknown script. She continued for some time, looking here and there at her surroundings and occassionally calling out?

"Hello? Is anyone else here?"

Though the words came out of her mouth, Ivana somehow knew that - in this strange dual-colored vista of her mind - they weren't being echoed throughout the hallway. No, somehow Ivana knew that the words that were coming out of her mouth were not conveyed through audible sound, but through the grainy square box and slightly shaky old-time text of a title card. Through that silent, unknowable link that seems to hold reign in one's dreams, Ivana knew this.

    "Hello~?" came her words, sounding not in the air, but showing up in written captions.

    No sound, not a single utterance. Ivana continued her trek, not at all sure of where she was going or what she planned to do when she got there. In the strange way that dreams did, she could somehow see herself from above. That peculiar god-view granted to the dreamer allowing her to look down on the sight of herself as she walked down the corridor. Ivana could see that she - the Ivana that was walking some feet below her - wore a nurses' outfit. A stark white skirt that was (phrasing it generously) perhaps a bit too tight for her body. A slim-fit white skirt made of some slick-looking fabric that looked more like lingerie than an official nurses' uniform. It clung and hugged firm at her ample curves, teasing at the round mounds of her bubble butt and restricting her walk to a confined shift of a gait that kept her thick muscular thighs clasped together. One thigh had to swing and shift round the other for her to take a step. Her legs were adorned in a pair of sheer stalkings of some unknowable dark color (likely a lighter variant of black by her guess) and rode up high to around her mid-thigh. The bareness of her legs - the skirt cut so high that it always appeared to tease at the point between her legs - was noted as the most modest element of her clothing. What on EARTH am I wearing?

     The rest of the tight-fitting uniform lacked such consideration for covering her body. The short sleeves of the white uniform showcased in full her smooth and rather toned arms. In one hand Ivana noticed that she was carrying a black medical clipboard. Around Ivana's neck were the plastic and metal pronged ends a stethoscope. The thick rubber tube of the acoustic device hung lazy but firm between the open (and beyond bountiful) flesh of her cleavage. Ivana's huge mammeries were pressed together to the point of agony inside the skin-tight garment, her immense GG breasts looking even larger somehow mashed insidethe white folds cloth (or whatever fabric the uniform was made out of) and looking about ready to burst the tiny buttons of the uniform if not given their freedom soon. The circular end (the chestpiece as Ivana full well knew) of the stethoscope was tilted and positioned up and outward inside her cleavage, the round silver (currently white colored) end pointing ahead like some sort of tiny satelite dish as Ivana continued walking. The rythmic bouncing of her immense breasts somehow - in a feat of physical magic - did not disturb the chestpiece nor knock it out of place as she walked.          

    Attached to the clipboard was a small stack of white pages, of which Ivana could not read, despite having full control over the distance and angle she could observe the dream. In this inability to read the chart's contents, Ivana faintly recalled some far off fact she once read about how people were invariably unable to make out words in their dreams. Considering that she was able to read the words of dialogue rather than hear them in her dream however, she doubted the factual truth of this idea. All the same, while trying to read the clipboard - her viewing eyes attempting to peer over her own shoulder and gaze at the sheet below - she could not make out any of what the pages read. Indeed, there were words written upon the white pages. Words written down solid and in a thick, finely handwritten black ink. But Ivana could not rightly discern the individual letters. Each time her eyes settled on one letter, an H here or an O there, the full line of text would suddenly turn into a jumble before her vision. Reshape or suddenly reconstitute out of focus and into a blur of indecipherable characters which her eyes could not process. After several failed attempts of trying to make out the first page, Ivana withdrew from the effort, chosing instead to watch herself walk.

    Her trek seemed to take a life-age, the hallway at least three times as long as it was in real life. Along the way Ivana noticed the same line of doors made up the various rooms in the hallway. All the square portals lined in an enfilade fashion on both sides, from one end of the hall to the seemingly endless other. By the time Ivana had noticed a change in the shape of the walls, it had felt like some minutes had passed. Ivana - the walking Ivana - suddenly stopped mid-step. The abrupt ceasing of her trek caused the spying Ivana to start, breaking in mid air as though she were following close behind in a state of flight and almost bumping into herself. The sudden stop from the walking Ivana caused the mounts of her ass to jiggle in her uniform the slightest bit.

    Is my ass really that...jiggly? she wondered. It wasn't possible for her to see how her whole body looked while in motion like this, and the response of her body from abrupt movement struck her a curious. Ivana was a fiend and stickler about physical health. She'd spend hours upon hours per week honing and maintaining her sumptuous physique alongside her friend Sammy Spitzmen. Sammy, a sweet girl (if a bit dense and more than a bit clumsy), had been the focus and guide of her workout routines. Her personal trainer in all but title. Ivana had to acknowledge on several occassions that the gorgeous redhead's stamina and in-gym ferocity trumped Ivana's own by whole floors. It always struck Ivana as an odd nature. The lithe and remarkably toned ginger housewife couldn't take two paces in a even-kilter space without falling flat on her tight round bottom, or knocking something over in regular life.

    Inside the gym however, Sammy was a goddess of balance, speed and precision among men and women. Ivana was able to keep her 36 year old body in the definition and shape shape of a woman in her 20s just by trying to keep up with the hyperactive redhead. Despite her most stalwart efforts however, Ivana never seemed to be able to get rid of that extra bit of jiggle in her rear end. That extra bit of junk in the trunk as the dark-skinned brutes had voiced to her on many an occassion. After clocking in hundreds of squats over the course of each week, her full apple shaped rump neither reduced in size nor hardened in its outer shape. Ivy could feel the inner muscles were strong and solid as could be, but that extra jiggle and puffiness on her posterior never seemed to go away. It was maddening to see now from a bird's eye view. Her ass popping and quaking subtly like twin half-sphered jello molds with each step.

   Walking Ivana then half turned on her heel and suddenly faced one particular door. Ivana noted this to be the one door which stood out among the multitude. Large double doors which stood high before her. Ivana immediately recognized them as the double doors to the men's locker room.

    "I know you're in there!" said/read the walking Ivana, facing the closed door and cocking one of hourglass shaped hips to the side in barely hidden belt of impatience and mounting iritation.

   "You gonna open up, or what!?"

Almost immediately in reply, the double-doors began to open.

    Free of any hand, the twin portals spaced themselves, ever so slowly, to reveal the interior of the room that laid beyond it. The watching Ivana held her breath in anticipation, a part of her already knowing what resided behind the titanic twin doors. It was almost motion-for-motion the same sight as what she had beheld earlier that day while at the school. A small trope of a dozen or more men in various states of undress. It was all rippling abs, bulging arms, strong chiseled backs and thickly muscled thighs. Though there was no sound, Ivana could imagine the grumble and clamour of noise. The sound of (black) teenage boys engaged in their insipid immature form of crude gossip. And walking Ivana beheld the slew of dangling manhood before her.

8.6", 9.0". 9.2.".9.5".9.7" , the numbers were recounted in her head, both Ivana's heads.

    9.9", 10.2", 10.5", 10.8." the numbers increased as Ivana watched the precession of dark shaded men walking this way and that througout the locker room, stripping in front of her as though she weren't there.
Then, suddenly, they all acknowledged that she was there. All the men, shadowed titans of pure muscle and strength, all turned to face her. Their dark eyes all looking at her in unison, scanning her body trapped inside the ill-fitting garments with a deep hunger. Their eyes gazed at her face, lips, hips and her full breasts. They gazed at her thick strong thighs and shapely calves, curvy hips which were cocked at its familiar defiant angle, and at the space between her legs which was only 'oh-so-slightly' kept veiled by the hem of her white uniform. The hail of dark eyes looked upon the marvel and majesty of her body, and they wanted.

    "I don't have all day."

    Walking Ivana then did just that into the boy's locker room. The double doors yawning open and unmoving as she walked - no, strode - into the locker room. Her head and chin were up, her eyes were defiant and her body bouncing ever-so-slightly with the confident beat and pace of her step. The watching Ivana shifted herself and line of vision. As Ivana entered the room, she began to observe the black men, all of them standing stiff and at attention as she appraised their bodies.

    "9.2", 9.5", 9.6", 9.7"..."

 The watching Ivana could somehow keep up mentally and confirm the men's sizes as she went along, their minds somehow connected as the moving one jotted down notes onto her clipboard.

    "9.9", 10", 10.2", goodness, and a FAT 10.2" at that! What've you been feedin that thing, boy?"    

    "Blondes mostly, ma'am."

   "He-he, well, looks like a change in diet might be in order."      

   "WHAT'S THE HOLD UP, YOU MAGGOTS?!" came a voice onto the title screen.

    The young men, their cocks dangling heavy, strong and low, remained at attention as another male figure entered the picture. Unlike the others, Ivana was able to make out his shape and non-voice almost instantly. His titanic over-muscled body sounded the indentifying alarm in the brunette nurses head immediately as Coach Black.

    "Well what's it look like?", said/read walking Ivana, while spying Ivana closed her position from above to adopt a closer view below. "Health inspection. You boys are long over due."

    Already the viewing aspect could feel her insides tense and moisten at the sight of the tall chiseled negro. Up close, she had to admit, Coach Black was remarkably attaction (for a black man). She saw that Coach Black was bare, except for a stark white - rather ill-fitting - towel that he wore loosely around his hips. Already she see the fat expanse of inches peaking from the slit of the towel, veins already growing full with blood.

    "Well...", began the towering lead Coach. "Whose fault is that? We've been in here waitin the whole time. You the one who been messin around with all those tiny ass lil white cocks."

   Ivana - the walking one and the spying one now - both replied,

     "It only makes sense to go through one element of the study completely, BEFORE moving onto another."        

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah" said/read Coach. " here now... must mean you're ready to play with the big boys."

   "I don't play, Coach..."

Walking Ivana had been jotting down notes on her clip board as they spoke. Even while looking directly over her shoulder, Ivana couldn't make out the letters. The numbers however;

   9.2", 9.5", 9.6", 9.7", 9.9", 10", 10.2" she could make out just fine.

    "Now..." Ivana began. "You black boys seem to be averaging about 9"."

Tapping the black-ink pen which she'd somehow conjured out of thin air against her lower lip, she explained to the assembled black men.

    "My prognosis rings the same for all of you I'm afraid."

Ivana paced back and forth, her head rising from her clipboard only when she'd ceased the repetitive motion.

     "Looks like all you boys all share a similar deformity; Africanus Phallus Gigantus.

The dark men looked around the room at one another, while the shade identified as Coach Black stood motionless, his buff arms crossed over his bare chiseld chest.    

    "These early measurements I've taken show you all exhibit similar symptoms; abnormally large penis and equally sizable testicle, heavy muscular tone and definition, and - lest I forget - a sex drive bordering on nymphomania. However..."

Ivana then abruptly stopped her pacing, the meat of her cleavage swooping slightly in the company of her jiggling ass as she dramatically turned to face the onlooking band of shadow-men.

    "I'm afraid these measurements only yield the results of your conditions...while in their flaccid state. I'm gonna need you boys to get those cocks good and hard for me, so I can better understand, and get a FULL and THOROUGH...GRASP of the situation."

And the shadow men, all in unison, stood at attention once again. The all bore deep smiles on their ebony carved faces.

    "STARTING..." Ivana said/read. "With you!"

Ivana's glance fell directly onto the shadowed Coach Black.

    "Lose the towel..."

   And by the busty brunette's command, the towering black figure discarded off the white garment in a shrug. The spying Ivana couldn't hold back a feeling of excited glee at how her walking self commanded these big burly niggers. She was in control, she was confident, and - more importantly - they seemed to follow every command she gave them. As the towel fell away, the other shadows in the room remained standing like manniquins along the line of lockers. Their cocks all suddenly erect and standing high in wait for her. She'd get to them, she'd get to them all in due time. In the meanwhile...

      "Oh my, my my~" came the cooing words of the walking Ivana. "11.5"...flaccid."

A smile formed on the full lips of the stacked dark haired nurse.

     "Easily the most severe case of Africanus Phallus Gigantus I've come across yet."

A smirk, a very familiar cocky smirk, formed on the face of the shadow man.

 "Can you cure him, doc?" came the words of some faceless shadow man from the standing crowd.

  "With Africanus Phallus Gigantus, there's no such thing as a cure I'm afraid...just treatment."  

    And in a flash the walking Ivana's skirt had fallen to her ankles, bearing the fair skinned glory of her body to the watching crowd of men.

    "I'll do EVERYTHING I can for him. Do EVERYTHING I can for ALL of you."

And with that, the head shadow advanced on the white woman, his full door-knob of a cock head already holding a clear dot of pre-cum at its tip. As she motioned for it with her hand, a wave of heat overtaking them both as she gripped the dark shadow's manhood at its stem, the spectating Ivana could see the words appear and overtake the theatre of her mind in a bright beam of text.


   Music began to play from somewhere. A cheery, up temp rag-time that seemed to fit the pace and tambour of the rapid pace of the images which followed. By then, the watching Ivana hadn't realized she'd - somehow - lost control of her ability to control the scope and angle of her viewing of the strange dream. She only noticed she'd lost control when she'd - against her will - noticed she was panning backwards from the action, getting pushed backwards and away from the spectacle of dark shadowy men crowding her naked self. She shouted and jeered, telling the giant gallutes to stop, and then - at some indeterminate point - began barking and demanding they step aside;      

    "Get outta the way, I can't see!"

    She could not see the action, not up close at lease. But that connection, that unspoken link she maintained between the walking aspect of herself and the spying aspect, could FEEL. Spying Ivana FELT the push of the Black shadow's cock wedging itself in the pocket of her cheeks. She could feel its heft, weight, thickness prying her mouth so far she swore her cheeks would bust. She could feel her hands stroking up and down along the impossibly long thick shaft of the Black shadow's member, feel the wet slather of her spit as it coated it. She could feel the roundness of his testicles in her warm hands as she massaged, tugged and kneaded them; first with her fingers, then with her hands and later with her lips as they sat atop her face.

     The spying Ivana could feel all of this, even as the double-doors, in a wide and loud yawn began to slowly close before her.        

   "Hey, wait! Don't close the door, I'm out here! If you close the door-"

The twin portals continued on their path of closure, the scene inside the locker room growing smaller and smaller with each moment.

   She could feel the clamor of hands groping and pulling at her body. The tweak of a nipple, the clutch at a thigh. The deep tug at a tuft of hair and - most notably - the intense jolt of a giant black hand smacking her ass cheek, that familiar wobble of her jiggly ass meat grating at the nerves of her womanhood as the caught sight of the final image of the locker-room. As the portal of the room near its completion - the view now but a vertical slit before her - she caught a final glance of her walking self.

Somehow, the lineup of well hung studs had all surrounded her, but left just enough of a gap in their huddle to show Ivana - bent over on all fores on one of the locker - room benches - a circle of dark penises surrounding her in a semi-circle.

    "10.2",10.5", 10.7", 10.9", 11"!!

The numbers sped through her head in quick estimation as she saw Ivana - herself - grip two cocks with her hands and open her mouth wide in wait for a third. They were all hard and hoisted strong in front of the naked nurse, who was rearing up for the entry of the Black shadow. The last thing the spying Ivana saw, was the sight of the Coach shade lifting his own black phallus into the region of where she knew her unguarded white pussy would be.

    "OH MY GOD!!!" belted the spying Ivana, the silent film ending and the air erupting with the sound of her voice, just as the doors sealed shut.

And judging by the shocked look on the walking Ivana - how her green eyes suddenly darted open wide and round as the face of Black Shadow's turned into one of strained effort with his hands cupping the fullness of her jiggly ass cheeks - OH MY GOD was likely what this other physical version of Ivana was saying, thinking, FEELING at that exact moment as well.
And with that, the dream came to its abrupt end.


 The following week presented about as much progress as the previous for Ivana Swallows. Sitting at her desk, her brows furrowed into busy arches, she hastily scrawled notes from memory of her departing subjects measurements.

  4.5", 5.8", 4.4",each number jabbing a phantom iritation into her nerves, each number marking a small (pun unintended, yet fitting all the same) defeat in her eyes.

    As of late, Ivana was spending the bulk of daylight hours in her office. Her mornings - fueled with no fewer than several cups of Ms. Murdock's immaculately brewed coffee - were filled with supplementary research. When not scowering the web for info pertaining to anatomic averages of the male organs based on race, demographic and so forth, reading emails from colleagues and inquiries from 'able-bodied' men champing at the bit to participate in her study, Ivy was communicating with various medical entities, comparing, confirming and (every now and then) debating her findings of said research on the phone and via email. Ivana's goal was a shared estimate, a fair general consensus on the black and white penis. Not so much rooted in the question "who was larger?" but for a fair  and unbiased measurement for what constituted 'above average'. Upon finding this elusive 'median measurement' she would get to finding enough black and white men in town carrying it on their person to prove her theory about the non-existence of "universally Big Black Cock". Falling in line with her well noted policy of 'examination not being a guarantee of use in the study', she'd be well equip to present her findings to the county, and (of course) to Jenny Summers.    

 However, this target was proving far more a elusive and challenging an endeavor for the busty nurse by the hour. Ivana had spoken with close to a dozen institutions (from sectors both public and private, credible and a few less-so) that second week, asking them the same series of pointed questions she'd composed over the course of her study. Her efforts only presented a singular (irksome) pattern. That pattern - to Ivana's growing dismay - was; the general consensus on the "Black Vs. White" question was...that there really WAS no general consensus.

    Representatives from some institutes told her the difference between white males and black was a matter of mere centimeters, while other (more openly bias) parties from some of the more liberal black owned and directed institutions cited the black phallus as being, on average, larger than other races in the realm of whole inches. And still in other groups, those from the more conservative, predominantly white run institutions (with an equal if not superior bias AGAINST the old wive's tale), went so far as to tell her that there WAS no average size difference between blacks and whites; assured her that there WAS no concentration of black men carrying larger reproductive organs than whites, neither in the state nor in the coutry for that matter.

 Hearing this gritted on Ivana's nerves, as she had first hand knowledge and had been presented with unshakable proof that that was a complete load. Ivana's memory was still haunted with flashback stills and phantom clips of that small army of dark shaded male members, which would be (without a doubt) deemed above average across the board if presented to any medical institute for measure and comparison. Knowing that the conservative whites were downplaying the issue as much as the liberal blacks were embellishing it left the brunette researcher hanging up her office phone in a frustrated grunt and a flustered shake of her head. The black institutes had assured her "ALL Black cocks are HUGE", the white institutes had assured her that  "ALL Black cocks are NOT huge", and the groups that remained on the fence assured her that "BLACK and WHITE cocks were ALL about the same...give or take". By noon that thursday, Ivana had heard just about every scientific explanation there was on the topic, and from it all was able to announce her findings in a single summation;

   "A whole lotta NOTHIN!" Ivana belted, letting her head fall to her desk in defeat.

Her spell of rumination was only broken by the sudden entrance of Ms. Murdock, who had entered the office with a suprising stealth not at all belied by old woman's frail and half-hunched form.

   "Tough day, deary?" said Ms.Murdock, her voice calm and warm but startling the brown haired nurse from her spot all the same.

   "Oh my!" gasped Ivana in a sudden squeak of surprise, which twisted into a short laugh at the end. "Ha! Ms. Murdock, you half-scared the daylights outta me!"

   "Sorry about that deary. Thought you heard me knockin." said the old woman sweetly.

   "Try a tough week..." Ivana sighed, in response to the old woman's earlier question.

Ms. Murdock carried in her hands a cup of coffee. A smooth white coffee cup sitting atop a sleak looking black saucer. Despite the elder woman's many years, her hands showed not even the slightest signs of shaking, and remained steady through the entire motion of her placing on Ivana's desk.

    "Brought you another cup." Ms. Murdock exclaimed, setting the item down on the desk with a light clack. "Though I'd bet if you stepped outside you'd swear off coffee for life. S'hotter than hell in a fur-coat out there today. Wouldn't know it was Christmas time to step outside."

   "Really?" said Ivana, not having noticed the heat at all in her cool air-conditioned office.

Ivana had been cooped in her work space the entire week, arriving early in the morning -  before the heat burned through the morning clouds - and departing only at night, when the temperature had cooled.

   "Oh yes, this heat waves been going strong all week, I'm afraid. You've been held up in the cool all this time, so you haven't noticed."

   "I suppose so" said Ivana.

Ms.Murdock motioned over to the far wall of Ivana's office. The old woman stared at the two large posters which hung there. The one on the left showed a detailed diagram of the human body, both front and back, black bold letters spelling out ANATOMY on the upper right of the poster.

   "You just put these up?" as Murdock casually.

   "Hm?" replied Ivana, her tone spacey and absent-minded as she went about writing in her notebook.  

To the right of the anatomy poster, the second one loomed. A larger-than-life diagram of the male reproductive organs. A profile shot of the male penis, its various parts listed and pointed with a series of straight lines.      

 "These posters deary. I don't remember these being posted up the last time I came in."

Murdock's eyes lingered on the second poster behind her glasses.

   "Whole lotta women would be happier if man-parts this big came standard, don'cha think?" said the old woman, a smirk in her voice.

   "W-what?" said Ivana, snapped up from her thoughts by the old woman's words.

   "I'm joking deary...more of less" said Murdock.

     "O-oh yeah" said Ivana, looking up, seeing Murdock standing next to the superimposed image of the male phallus, and (finally) catching up to the old woman's humor. "Ha-ha, yeah, that'd be nice."

Ivana didn't want her thoughts to teeter back to the locker room incident (much less the dream), but they did. Ivana nervously shifted herself in her chair and switched her thick crossed legs around.

   "I brought those in from home the other day" said Ivana. "The male body is the focus of this study. Figured it'd give me fuel and inspiration."

 Murdock cocked an eye gleefully.

   "Inspiration" the old woman half-choked the word out. "You want inspiration on the male body, all you gotta do is take a gander outside at Coach Black's football team. He's had those boys running and jumping and sweatin up a storm since early morning. More muscles and tight bodies runnin around than what should be called legal."

At this Ms.Murdock chuckled to herself, a surprisingly young and girlish sound escaping her ancient features.

   "Those boys on Coach Black's football team are liable to drop before mid-day though. This heats liable to kill the poor things. I keep tellin the Coach he's too hard on those boys."

   "Well" Ivana added bluntly, "I very much doubt men like Coach Black take things like heat-stroke or exhaustion very seriously. Pretty sure he doesn't believe in on account it doesn't make him look good or something."

  "Oh my" said Ms. Murdock. "You're in a mood today, deary."
Murdock turned away from the posters and walked back towards Ivana and her desk.

  "What's wrong? Those egghead fellas givin you a hard time about your work again?"

Ivana sighed deeply, letting her ample curvy body go slightly slack in her chair."The opposite actually", she said. "This is one of the few times they're deciding to be helpful"

  She didn't know how, but regardless of how foul a mood Ivana would find herself in, Ms.Murdock's sugary old voice and genuine motherly concern always impelled the brunette nurse to confide in her. At worst, Ivana could manage being half-cross or iritated with the dottering old woman. But even in those instances, she'd always find herself apologizing and later spilling her guts and feelings to the old school secretary.    

     "Too helpful, if you can believe that. Only problem about that is, everyone's swearin up and down their conclusion is right, and everyone else's wrong. Makes it almost impossible to come to a conclusion on a topic when one sides saying heads, the other tails, and the everyone else in between is too busy inoffensively neutral  and safe to weigh in. Its really making the work drag on when you don't have a baseline."

Another heavy sigh escaped the nurses' hefty chest. "I swear to you Ms. Murdock, these men...see, THIS is why wars get started. All of them fighting over the answer to the point it drives em' all nuts."

   "I follow you with that one" nodded Ms.Murdock. "Only you can do as a woman is keep pushing for the truth. Word-of-mouth be damned. If you ain't got a base from the eggheads to use, you'll just have to make one yourself."

The advice from the old woman was blunt, basic in its simplicity, but inspired Ivana to nod in agreeance all the same.

   "You're right..." said Ivana, blankly as she reached for the cup of coffee and rose it absently to her full lips. "If I'm gonna settle this, I've just gotta somehow make it all work. Validation and confirmation from outside parties can only get me so far...the rest is just gonna have to be hand-ons, nose-to-the-grind-stone work!"    

     "Wouldn't count any other way, deary." chuckled the old woman as she turned to leave the room. "Well, I'll let ya get back to it then. Give me a holler when you're ready for more patients.Not even noon and they're already crowdin the danged office. Principal Long is gonna be mighty sore about it when he gets in"

   "Already?" Ivana said in ill-masked wonder.

   "Oh yeah" replied Ms. Murdock as she opened the office door. "Ain't seen this many young men lined up like that since the Depression."

   "Oh my..." said Ivana, noting the time and half wanting to smack herself for losing track of it so completely.

   "You've become something of a celebrity about town with the men-folk, deary." Said Murdock with an old sugary smile.

    "Oh, Ms. Murdock, stop it!" she said, not trying to hold back the onset of a blush from forming on her cheeks. Another strange thing about Ms.Murdock was her ability to bring out Ivana's modesty. Anyone else who would have dared calling Swallows a 'celebrity among the men-folk' would have been given the caustic questioning reply of  "JUST a celebrity? Not a goddess?"

    "Not foolin ya, Ivy" the old woman continued.

   "Young handsome men coming from all around to have you check their man-parts. They're gatherin by the dozen for a reason. They've all seen your picture ya know, s'why they're all so fixed to come round."

   "Well, I guess it can't be said good looks don't benefit science."
Ms.Murdock nodded.

   "Yes yes, if it gets em' in the door and on the table, it certainly can't hurt."  

Ms.Murdock then, standing between the open door and the hallway, sighed.

 "Reminds me of when I was young..."

Ivana raised a brow, feeling the wistful fringe of nostalgia (and the possibility of a story) coming from the old woman.

   "You were in a medical study?"

   "Medical study? Pft!" The old woman scoffed. "I was talkin about all the men comin around."

 "Oh, really?" asked Ivana, a question mark forming over her gorgeous features.

Murdock, visibly seeing the disbelief on the younger brunette's face continued,

   "You wouldn't know it by lookin at me now, but back when I was your age..." Ms. Murdock trailed off to strike a half-pose, the slightest womanly cocking of her left hip and lifting of her arm to her neck, "I was quite the dish. Men would be linin up by the dozen to court me. Looked a lot like the zoo you got going on around here."

   "Well, Ms. Murdock!" Ivana smiled, not able to hold back how the old woman's gesture was more comical than it was alluring. "I had no idea you were such a vixen."

The old woman in turn cracked a smile at the comment.

   "You laugh deary, but back in my prime, I had all the cute boys wrapped around my tiny finger. Had to beat em' off by the dozen. You shoulda seen it. Would'a given you and Jenny Summers put together a run for your money."

   Ms.Murdock and Ivana chuckled at that, and - though she laughed out loud - Ivana had to press down the pang of anger at Jenny Summers being included with Ms. Murdock's reverie of her past beauty. As though without Jenny Summers there would be no 'height' of womanly beauty.

    "Anyhow..." Ms. Murdock then said, slipping from memories of the past into the present. "That's enough strollin down memory lane for one day. I'll get back up front. Those fella's are likely to get restless without my womanly charms to keep em' sated." The old woman winked an eye behind her glasses.

    "Ha-ha, thank you dear." said Ivana, a genuine warmth in her voice. Ivana truly did love the old woman. From the beginning she'd been nothing but supportive of Ivana and her research.

 As she exited, Ivana took a sip of the hot liquid sitting on her desk.

     "Mmmh! Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Screw womanly charms, give em' a cup of this coffee if you want them to settle down. This stuff is divine!"

  Ivana knew she'd told Ms.Murdock that at least three times by now. But, sipping on the dark liquid, she was impelled to say it yet again. The stuff had been keeping her fueled  for the better part of the week, and was about the only thing she'd honestly been able to look at with any sense of steady ease and elation as of late. As the door slowly swung close, Ivana could hear Ms. Murdock chuckling at Ivana's comment. In the silent space of her office, Ivana took another moment to collect herself. She took several more deep swigs of her coffee, and then went about a small routine of psyching herself up for the influx of male patients.

    She checked her supplies, readied her instruments, looked over some notes from the previous day, and went about reading the list of current potentials who had gathered from Ms. Murdock. Despite the snags to befall her study, she was ready. She was prepared to go all out for this, and had readied herself for the coming onslaught. She'd get to the bottom of this, one way or another.


    The afternoon hours were occupied with a steady stream of male patients, coming and going in an almost mechanical coveyance from her sterling quarters. Ivana had decided those members (those cocks) simply would not do in helping her study bear fruit. She needed to find a single, solid number, "how large WAS large, and do black men typically come in this size compared to white men?"        

    However, as the day continued, Ivana took certain...steps to insure she'd break even if nothing else. After Ms.Murdock's departure, Ivana had pondered the old woman's advice.      

 If you ain't got a base from the eggheads to use, you'll just have to make one yourself.

These words had gotten the gears turning in Ivana's brain. If the (overwhelming) majority of black men in the county were abnormally large, then Ivana would have to improvise. And if the number of white men in town were coming up short (literally) she would have to give them proper inspiration. And so it went;

  When a white male would enter nurse Swallows' office, he'd immediately notice one of two things; the assault of the steady uncomfortable heat looming in the ether, the unpleasant swelter of southern weather causing his cock and balls to droop lower than usual from the subtle yet constant stress of the environment. When a male patient would inquire about or request nurse Swallows to turn on the AC, Swallows (a devious smirk on her lips matching a dry tone of voice) would flattly apologize and say;

  "I'm afraid the AC in here is out of order. Repairman said he won't be able

to make it until later this evening."
After seeing the discomfort form on the male patient's face, Ivana would then proceed with,

  "Now...let's have a look at you."

When Ivana would lean over to check her patient's vitals, that the male subject would notice the second thing about Swallows' setup. The bountiful cleavage hanging full in her half-parted (really more than half) skirt. The white outfit, complete with black stockings and the clunky white heels Ivana knew so many men liked on her, would aid in the attack. She remembered the outfit from her dream, and after heeding Murdock's advice, had shift and tightened her actual white skirt to look as much like the one in her dream as possible. Why? Inspiration, Ivana thought. Her scent - a combination of lavender oil, cane sugar and the slighest suggestion of sweat from the heat - would cause the male patients to stir and squirm when she got too close.

    By the time Ivana was prepared to check the male's measurements, he would be hanging lower than usual from the heat, and doubly ready to get hard for the sexy nurse, after minutes of getting up-close visuals of her bountiful body subtly bouncing shifting mere inches in front of his eyes. Catching her scents as she went in close, her full half-exposed chest pressed ever so slightly against the racing chests of her male patients. While checking patients with her stethoscope, she'd note the irregular pace, the rapid-fire hammering of the man's hearts as they hammered in their chests. It made Ivana feel powerful. Admittedly, she confessed to playing a bit with the males a bit as they sat there. Taking perhaps a second or two longer bending over her desk to retrieve her pen, pressing her huge breasts perhaps a half an inch too close to a young man's face as she leaned in during the binaural portion of her examination. When the men's pants dropped, they were already hanging lower than usual from the heat. Pink half swollen members that dangled at 5.2", when without the heat and visual aid they might have been 4.6" or 3.0".

When hearing the words,

  "Alrighty, let's get you erect."

The men would almost rise on Ivana's command, some already dripping with clear secretions from the presence of the busty researcher.

    "Impressive" she'd say here and there, and would swear the simple compliment would near drive some of the men to climax, for they would then hastily pull their pants up, their hips and legs making a jerky motion that made her think they were in the midst of shooting their loads into their jeans. The act would cause Ivana to roll her eyes, and politely dismiss the over-eager man for the next. This method made for a much better compilment. Several white cocks peaked at a bit longer than 7" while hard, one even peaking just below the 8" marker. This news caused a smile to curve along Ivana's full lips.

   Finally, something I can use, she thought with a exhalation of relief. For some reason, unspoken and less understood in her mind, seeing as many male parts in one day hadn't yet driven her over the edge. Ivana had been so flustered after the less-than-stellar results of the first day that she'd have sworn she'd develop an aversion to the male phallus within the week. Somehow though, that hadn't happened. She figured it more than likely spawned from her seeing the study as a competition rather than work. Gauging the number of decent sized white penises in comparison to the black ones. Ivana was white, and Jenny Summers was black. Every pale white penis she saw that went above her expectations was a point for her. Seeing the pale thing grow and turn an angry pink color was a mark in Ivana's favor. And every time she came a black penis - .loathed as she was to behold such a thing up close - was a point for Jenny. So far the scales were tilted in Ivana's favor.

  Admittedly the last two days had consisted of Ivana taking in ONLY her white male patients, but still, she'd made some headway. If she kept this method up, and this heat wave lasted just a bit long, Ivana figured she would have enough decent sized white cocks to actually formulate a decent roster of white men for her study. No one would know about her small bits of assistance she'd given to aid her white men. Its not like the men would come forward after the fact in outrage for Ivana deceiving them into making their cocks bigger. No, Ivana had an edge, and with it, she would finally beat out that yellow-haired whore at her own game. When the next book club meeting came around, and the girls were all confessing to Jenny how NONE of them had followed her advice, Ivana would - an insult to compound her disappointed - would lay the news on her. That Ivana Swallows had done the research, and had proven, once and for all, that "there WAS no such thing as Big Black Cock". The lie (Ivana knew it to be a lie to some degree, but still) made Ivana wet. Imagining the look of defeat on Summer's face actually made Ivana wet!      

    And even if one had been able to spy on the mental images of Ivana's mind, it was doubtful one would be able to convince her that, accompanying the imaginary sight of Jenny Summer's defeated blue eyes and stunning white features,images of more than a dozen full sized black cocks weren't nudging themselves along the edges of Ivana Swallows' mind.That the phantom feeling of Samson West shoving himself in her mouth, and the ghostly tingle on her full ass cheek from where the burly negro had smacked her, wasn't also aiding in the brunette nurses' moistening delight.


    By 4:00 that Friday afternoon, Ivana Swallows had worked herself into a nimble, almost robotically precise, pace. Men would stream in and out within ten minutes of each other, five if she worked in just right verbal turn of phrase to get the men erect fast. She'd worked up a few dozen white patients, a little over a dozen of the bunch she was confident in their actual use to her project. Ivana knew that time was working against her, and worked twice as fast to compile as many useful white men into her study as possible. As for the blacks who, by Ms.Murdock's reports, were getting restless; they'd just have to be held at bay for as long as possible. Ivy knew this too to be running low on time. Between the half dozen emails from Principle Long (who's interest in her study still baffled her) asking as to her progress, Ivana knew she'd - eventually- be left with no choice but to start admitting black males into her office.

    The prospect of this filled her with a phantom ache in her belly, a light tingle similar to that of butterflies in the tummy or the shakiness one feels before engaging in a fight. All those black cocks hounding her, waiting for her outside like hungry wolves clamouring for a meal. Ivana had to shake her head to ward off the thoughts...ward off the dream. All as not lost however, for Ivana had a plan for those black brutes. It was a desperate one. A tact constructed out of desperation in response to the alarming (still arguably fictional) revelation Ivana had witnessed upon spying Coach Black and his over muscled young thugs in the men's locker room. Again, she shook her head, growing frustrated at the increasing frequency the memories and thoughts were popping up to vex her today.

   "Ms. Murdock!" belted Ivana proudly into the intercom. "Go ahead and send another one in, please!"

   "Alrighty Nurse Swallows" came the old woman's voice from the black machine.

   After the brief exchange, Ivana walked into the back portion of her office, which merely consisted of a two divider curtains placed at an adjacent angle for privacy. Behind them was a rickety metal gurney which Ivana had salvaged from her old office. In her old quarters, it took up almost have the space. Now, the thing barely occupied a corner of her new work area. Despite the much larger space and brand new equipment of her new quarters, she'd decided to keep the old thing. More out of sentimental want than a practical need. She'd bought it herself years ago and had fond memories of using it in her early days at Coxville High. Back when helping people and making them feel better made her smile. Before the cynicism towards her profession had settled and taken root in her chest. Now the bed's purpose had dwindled to but a stashing place for excess medical tools. Spare rubber gloves, an extra stethoscope, bottles and bottles of hand sanitizer and so forth.         All of it specially delivered and courtesy of an uncharacteristically generous Principle Long. Ivana knew in her bones that there was more stock in this than the grizzled old negro was letting on. And moreso, she knew there was more to how Long had come across the funds to provide Ivana with the swanky new office and brand new materials. Not that Ivana was ungrateful, but she knew the school's funds didn't go even remotely as deep to provide her with all this.

  Deep...the word struck a nerve with the brunette nurse. Never realized how horny that word makes me, she thought. It was an idle thought. The kind of fleeting 'in-head' comment that everyone has when left to their thoughts. Know what would probably go REALLY deep? Ivana teased herself. A nice, blac-- STOP it! Ivana shut herself down before allowing the inner voice to finish. She was rummaging through the small pile of items in search of a spare pair of rubber gloves (she'd gone through so many) when she heard the door abruptly swing open. The clatter was so loud that it made her jump in place. Her next patient had come in, but had entered like a raging bull. Her shock shifted into anger from the intrusion, what in the HELL-- she thought from the start, and walked around the divider readying a particularly biting comment to the friggin' caveman that had just barged into her office.

   "And just WHAT in the--"

But that was all the busty nurse was able to belt out. Her full sexy mouth was left hanging open at the sight of not one, not even two, but three black men standing before her.

   "W-what..." Ivana began, her voice losing some its fire upon setting eyes on the intruders, "Now w-what's all this?"

Two black men, who Ivana instantly recognized as being a part of the rowdy bunch who'd accosted her in the hallway the previous week, stood before her. They were positioned at sides left and right of a third black, who Ivana didn't recognized...not at first. The negro in the center was slumped - his large legs and feet half buckled and leaning against the balanced weight of his homies - between their chained burly brown arms. The third young man - dressed in nil more than a pair of baggy gray sweatpants, blue trainors and a black tank top shirt - was being held upright as though he were unable to walk on his own two feet. His head was slumped forward, hiding his face and showing only the neatly cropped top of his black hair. Even doubled over, Ivana knew her was a giant, 6'4" if he were an inch. It took far more concentration than Ivana thought necessary for her NOT to make a rough deduction on the young negros other measurements. His skin tone so dark it was almost jet black. His long - exceptionally muscular-  arms hung like limp cable wires over the two other young blacks.

   "You got a man down, Doc!" said the negro on the right, the ad hoc 'shortest' member of the group who stood at 5'11" by Ivana's recollection.

   "W-what happened to him?" said Ivana.          "Heat-toke" said the one on the left, the one who'd taken particular offense towards Ivana using the phrase 'gorilla hands'.

    "Heat-STROKE, nigga!" corrected the first.

  At this, Ivana could only roll her eyes. She recalled Ms.Murdock's earlier statement about how hard the cocky Coach was working the young men on the football team. She hadn't cared at the time, the interest of Coach Black and his youths plaguing her thoughts bad enough just lately.

   "Coach had us doin laps" continued the first. "New kid ain't used to Coach's system yet. By lap thirty he said he felt light headed"

  "Yeah" co-signed the second negro. "Started complainin 'bout his head an shit."

   "Then he just fell over" finished the first.

    "Yeah, just fell over" parroted the second. "Can you help him, Doc?"

   Damnit! thought Ivana. That idiot Black! The muscle-bound oaf was interferring with her schedule, throwing off the pace of her study with his 'Elitest of Physical Fitness" garbage! She had to severe this distraction, quick. After releasing a large sigh, Ivana retrieved a white paper cup from one of the cabinets. She filled the paper cup with cold water from the sink tap, and quickly handed it to the youths.

   "He's just dehydrated. Have him drink this, then keep him near the water-fountain until he's able to walk. Keep him off his feet for the next half-hour or so."

Ivana was all but pushing the three youths out of her office as she spoke, guiding them to the door with half outstretched arms when the door suddenly swung inward on them. A short, half-balding white man in his mid-thirties half-shambled in. His bright blue eyes went wide upon spying the sudden sight of three super-muscular black youths standing before the busty nurse. His jaw dropped open, just as all their heads turned to face him.

"U-uhhh..." drawled the man, his glance shifting randomly between Nurse Swallows and the odd black trio. "M-Ms. S-Swallows?"

The middle-aged man looked beyond confused. One could almost see his mind go the phases of attempting to decipher the strange sight, jumping from the conclusion he'd found himself in the wrong office, to a sudden emergency which suddenly required the busty nurse's attention. The youths however, did not give him the time to form a question.

   "First come, first served honkey!" growled the young black on the right.

   "Yeah, you see we got a Code Black in here! Beat it!" belted the other.    

  "O-oh my!" squeaked the balding man, who abruptly about-faced and slammed the office door with a loud clatter.

    "W-wait, come ba-" called Ivana, but to no avail. The man was out the room and down the hall before she'd opened her lips to speak, his speed making him a blur despite his portly size.

    "Ugh, DAMNIT! Now look what you did!" she said, the tone of her voice falling somewhere between a bellow of defeat and an explosion of anger.

"Our boy here mo impotent than some white man tryin to show you his little shriveled up dick, Doc." Said the youth on the left.

    She'd have never admitted it out loud, but the youths words stung her as half-true. Even in the best of circumstances, Ivana knew that last fellow would have had (at best) 5.4" inches for her. Somehow, she didn't even have to see the balding man naked to know he wouldn't have been a useful addition to her study. The skill she'd developed to tell a man's size just by looking at him had developed gradually since beginning her study. It was the strangest thing really. Her guesstimations on a man's length and width, in the beginning, being subject to simply that. However, Ivana soon started noticing that these 'guesstimations' - more often than not - would turn out to be spot on. Looking at man, she'd allow her mental voice to randomly weight in on the size of him;

   4.2" inches flaccid, 5.4" erect. she'd think as they entered her office. A blind guess really, one driven more by posture, build, facial features, etc. Nothing concrete which would serve as a valid indicator of the size of one's manhood. Then, perhaps three days into the process of her study, something strange happened. Upon stripping the man down to his bare ass, she'd have to hold back a gasp at discovering her early estimations to be near perfect. At first, Ivana would be off by the slightest of margins. A centimeter here, half an inch there. By the time the second week rolled round however, Ivana Swallows had seen so many penises that the trick had almost reached superhuman levels of accuracy.

    The ability of the brunette to guess their sizes with but the smallest of glances gradually grew. Eventually, the 5.2" flaccid, 6.1" erect guesstimation, turned out to be precisely that when the trousers finally came down and the measuring tape was used. It had caused her research to move at a quicker pace than she'd ever dreamed. It had served her well over these seemingly endless days...but now...

   "Doc, you gotta help him out betta than dat!" said one of the youths, not so much as a demand as much as a plea.

   "Yeah, he ain't doin so hot, Doc. He needs to lay down somewhere fo a while. Coach's orders."

   This caused Ivana to stir in her tight fitting garments.

   "Let's just get one thing straight" Ivana said, raising a finger at the pair of them. "NO ONE -  LEAST of all Coach Black - gives me ORDERS. Do I make myself clear?"

  Immediately the two youths nodded, looking like two little boys being scolded by the nurse.

   "This interuption has disrupted my work, and I don't appreciate it, AT ALL! He can stay until he's properly hydrated and able to walk, then I want him OUT! And If I get ANY more interruptions, he'll find himself on the choppin block in front of Principle Long for interferring with a faculty member's duties. You be sure to tell THAT to Coach Black when you go back to him, NURSE SWALLOW'S orders!"

The two youths nodded their heads, and after scanning them both with her most ferocious green eyed gaze, Ivana continued.

    "That being said..." Ivana scanned the room. Her eyes eventually settled on the silhouette of the gurney. "Put him over there", pointing a manicured hand to the gurney.

The two boys smiled at this, and even the third slumped negro seemed to let out a groin of relief at the words.

   They moved the young man to the bed and carefully set him down on the cushioned cover of the gurney.

   "Just rest up here a bit, dawg."

    "Yeah, Nurse Swallows' gon take care of ya."

    "I'll make sure he drinks enough water until he's feeling better. Expect him to be on his feet in about an hour."

The two boys issued their thanks, and it half alarmed Nurse Swallows to see how grateful the youths seemed at this. See, all it takes is a little assertivenes and flexing of authority to make these savages behave she thought, her lips physically shaping her inner smugness. Within the next minute, the two negroes were gone, and with the shutting of her door (just like that), Ivana Swallows found herself caring for what had to be the blackest negro she'd ever seen in her life. Just great, Ivana thought as she appraised the youth lying on the gurney, one of his huge dark arms draped over his head and covering his face. Looks like my research has lost an hour.


   "WHEN HE CAN'T GET YO' MOTA RUNNIN, CUZ HIS RIDE OLD AND BUSTED!"  boomed the deep bassline voice of Jerome the janitor as he strode down the empty hall of Coxville High, the steady squeak and rolling thrum of his moveable trash bin and cleaning supplies serving as a backup noise to his accapella rap.

  "YA CALL THA WRECKA!" came the second equally deep voice of Deon, his tall angular partner, who carried a mop and used the sweep edge as a makeshift microphone.

The pair of janitors belted out a hardy laugh after reciting the lyrics and walked down the barren halls.

   "That's my SHIT, son!" said Jerome, a toothy grin framing his strong african features.

Jerome was a walking example of the phrase 'larger than life". At a little over 6', he was a wide and girthy black man. His skin was a medium shade of mahogony, with a shiny bald head that seeme to carry a semi-gloss at all times. Wide and with a spanning belly that protruded from his rather ill-fitting workmen's garments, he exuded the kind of aura that fell somewhere between hired muscle and garbage man. A hard, 'working man' sort of aura that often inspired people to give him a wide berth when passing him on both street and school hallway.

  And with him - as always - was his co-worker, the dark-skinned tower of a man Deon. If Jerome was the walking example of "larger-than-life" then Deon was the epitome of the phrase "walking-tall". The brown skinned man stood at just shy of 6'5", a fact trebled by the size and scope of his surroundings it seemed. Wherever Deon went, it seemed like the space his occupied could only just barely provide him with enough space. His long limbs, arms and legs which seemed to be capable of stretching to any length like a black Mr.Fantastic, always appeared to have the hint and quality of spanning forever. Even as he strode next to the lumbering brute Jerome, it seemed as if the man's legs were walking a fair ways ahead his rotund comrade.

  "Ha-ha-ha, hell yeah!" agreed Deon, "Dat's dat HOT shit!"

The two were making their rounds about school. By 'making their rounds' that reall meant the two janitors were roaming the halls, rapping, shit-talking and generally having a blast in the act of slacking off. The pair would go at this for as long as they stayed off the radar of Principle Long. They knew he would eventually catch wind of the fact the two comical negroes' duties were being done half-assed (if done at all) and would summon them with a fresh barrage of insults, reprimands and a stern threat of termination should their lax upkeep of the school continue. They'd take the slap, turn with their tail between their legs, and then get to work...eventually.

  This day was the same as any other for the pair. They'd just left the office of the infamous balding titan of Coxville high, and they'd taken their latest verbal tongue-lashing with the same degree of poise and seriousness.

  "You bring dat good kush you got from yo cuz?" asked Deon.

   "You bring da rollin papers?" replied Jerome in kind.

From one of the chest pockets on his blue jumpsuit, Deon surrepticiously pulled out the head of several thin brown colored sheets. The sight of it made the round black man smirk. In turn, he subtly reached into his pocket, and from it pulled out the end of a plastic baggie. The baggie was filled almost to the halfway mark with a grassy green root, chopped fine into tiny slivers. With this it was the towering Deon's turn to smirk.

   "Hell's yeah" he said.

   "Where we gon do it?" asked Jerome. "We can't use the broom closet no 'mo, not after bossman Long put in da security camera."
The Principle was in the habit of monitering everything on school grounds at all times. The two janitors knew this, and had been called into his office on many an occassion to watched filmed proof of their antics.

 "Don't know..." said Deon with a shrug of his angular shoulders. "Locker room?"

   "Nah, Coach Black said he ain't wantin us smokin in der no mo'"
  At this, the tall negro blanched.      

  "Tha fuck?! Dat nigga ain't have no qualms smokin in der wit us befo."

  "Dat was befo football season started. You know how he get when it come time to rev up the young'ns. No booze, no brown, no bullshit."

   "Cept' for white bitches" chuckled the tall black man.

   "Cept for white bitches" concurred the round black man.
   At this they both laughed.

   Deon and Jerome, as would be learned within an hour of knowing them, did everything together. They were all but inseperable in work and play. This had been proven and taken to the extreme with the women they bedded. Coxville high had a series of secrets, a stream of unseen activity that went on behind closed doors. The two janitors knew this, and hid engaged in such antics on more than one occassion.

    This included their taking turns in having a hefty go at Jenny Summers. They'd filled her tight white holes with every inch of meat they had between them, and then - with the aid of Coach Black - had hosed her down with their thick white seed. They'd been coasting on that particular high for some time since. The only thing that made the memory even sweeter, was the added recollection of how they took turns filling the younger Summers girl, Kitty, with their sizable members. The tiny blonde sucked and fucked them with as much reckless abandon as her mother, and succeeded in draining both janitors balls of every drop of semen they had to offer. There was something about Coxville high that made such behavior possible. Something about the town that was unlike any other in the country. Both men - in their own brutish, ill-mannered way - knew this knowledge well. Carried it silently in their minds with the same silent slyness they carried their weed and rolling papers. And though they were but simple caretakers of a high school in the outwardly racist nook of the deep south, life for Deon and Jerome was good.

   "Dat reminds me" said Deon. " 'Rone told me he smashed her out in one ah da classrooms a little ways back."

   "Fo realz?" replied Jerome, a shred of surprise lifting in his deep voice.

   "Damn, dat ho' wasted no time, huh?" he added with a chuckle.

   "Said he had her 'bout breaking the pipes and tables she was taken the dick so hard."

   "Man~" cooed Jerome. "I'll bet. Nigga ain't tell me shit bout that. When he tell you, dis?"

    "While ago" said Deon. "Mo than a week ago. I think it was durin dat last ballgame we had against B-Town"
 'B-Town' was short for Bartown, an equally small southern town which sat just across the county line from Coxville and Coxburg.

  "A week?!" replied Jerome. "Dayum nigga, well why da fuck I'm hearin bout dis jus now? Nigga's ma cousin, and he told YOU first? Dat's some ol bullshit."

   "Maybe cuz you too much of a gossipy bitch to be told shit?" Deon said with a teasing sneer.

    "Eh FUCK you nigga!" belted back the round negro. "I keep a secret betta dan yo old dry-snitchin ass. Hell, YOU just told ME about it. Dat makes you a snitch."

The rebuttle threw the taller black man for a bit a loop. Technically he had just snitched, spilled secret info about Tyrone, Deon's cousin, who had been recently hired as a nightshift janitor/security guard. The addition to their staff was made (begrudgingly) by Principle Long, after a series of complaints from faculty came in about vandals breaking into the school at night. Aside from a few items being stolen, nothing severe had occurred. The frequent intrusions however did leave behind several blemished walls, marked up lockers and doors with more than a few crude cartoon depictions of various sex acts in both the boys and girl's locker rooms, featuring recognizable members of the school faculty and one or two (or three) students. Because of this, Long added one more member to the staff. Really, the 'janitor' roll was just a cover for the addition being the security guard of Coxvill high. However, Principle Long - in his all encompassing eagerness to save money and cut school costs - signed up Tyrone - Jerome's giant of a cousin - as a school custodian, since paying a "janitor's" wages would be far less costly than paying a 'security guard'.

   "Anyways..." grumbled Deon, "let's get dis last room cleaned so we can burn this. You know Law man Long gon be on our asses, we don't get at least a little work done."

   "True dat" agreed Jerome.

The two men aimlessly turned a corner in the hallway.

  "Where we gotta go again?" asked Jerome

  "Uuuuhhh..." Deon mouthed for a long moment, trying to recall their destination.

When his memory failed him, he reached into his pocket to retrieve his chore list. The crumpled up and hard-used piece of yellow paper had to be uncrumpled by the tall black man's long dexterous fingers and turned over at its end before the words could be found.

   "Uuuuhh, ah! Here it go...We gotta hit nurse's office!"

     The boy's name was Zulu, of all the names on God's green earth, thought Ivana. Zulu Stone Jr. That's the name she was able to get out of the young negro before she, rather heavy-handedly, had to force him back down onto the rickety gurney. Ivana was hesitant to believe that could possibly have been the tall black youth's real name, more likely one of those stupid street names all those young thug-types had, she thought. But after noting her disbelief, he told that Zulu was - in fact - the name she would read if he showed her a copy of his birth certificate.

   "My old man insisted I have a strong African name, like his old man did before him, you know?"

She didn't 'know', didn't get it and didn't want to. But, all the same, she nodded her head.      

  "Peeps call me Z.J though" he muttered as Nurse Swallows went about checking his vitals.

  Prior to that, Ivana was (hesitantly) placing her fingers on the young negro's neck and shoulders. She didn't particularly feel like giving the boy a check-up, as it would take even more precious time away from her study, but in the end she decided that due-diligence was the smarter action. Didn't want any parents complaining about how neglectful the 'school nurse' was should anyone decide to complain to the Principle. She quickly checked his reflexes, and had him followed the traced movements of her index finger. By the end of her initial check, she'd deduced that the boy had suffered a very mild case of heat-stroke, with no permenant damage being done to his body.

    Several times she had to make him lie back down, using both hands to half-shove him back down onto the soft padding of the gurney and berate him for trying to move against her strict command to "stay put!", as was attempting to move for the sink that stood on the far end of the office. He was obviously parched beyond belief. His slow, lumbering steps were all the proof Ivana needed to see how weak the boy was. In his current state, he'd have been lucky to make it half way across the room before falling over exhausted. It was a clear case of dehydration. The very last thing Ivana wanted was some big black man pass out in his office. That'd be sure to throw off her day and send her research even further afield of schedule.

   "Hey, hey, hey!" she barked at him, placing a hand on his sweaty chest to prevent him from motioning foward. "I said back on the mat, tough-guy!". She guided him back down to the white gurney's mattress top. "You wouldn't make it three steps without keeling over, and I most certainly don't feel like trying to scoop you up off the floor!"

    Ivana already knew this before even checking the boy out. He was tall, far taller than even Ivana first noticed upon getting up closer to him. Not only was the young black man lengthy, but he was solidly built as well. His clothes, soaked clear through with sweat, betrayed nothing but sculpted muscles. Jesus, she thought as she checked his shoulders (which actually hiked up several inches they were so huge), he's built like a brick-shit house...He was easily the darkest negro she'd ever seen, his pigment an almost jet black (sans his lower lip, which was a light pink shade) that stood in solid contrast to his wet clothing as it clung to his tightly muscled skin.

   "Never heard of the phrase know your limits, I take it?" Ivana scoffed as she settled the boy back down.

    "Sure I have..." replied ZJ, his voice a deep chocolatey bass, so long Ivana could almost feel the reverberations of his voice in her chest and stomach. "Know your you can break 'em".

With this comment, a smile. A 'devil-may-care' 'cock-sure' grin formed on the dark-skinned negro pink lips. This caused Ivana's own lips to curl up in annoyance. Her face went half a shade red, and her delicate hands balled into fists. And he's making a joke of it!? she thought. He's setting my research back, ruining my schedule and funking up my office with his damned jock-sweat and he's cracking JOKES!?

   "Yeah, alright tough-guy!", Ivana shot back, her voice low and sharp as knives. "You're just lucky I'm feeling generous today! I'm in the middle of a very important study, and I don't have time to coddle hyped up jocks who think flexing their muscles is more important than drinking water! You think I WANT to waste my time playing 'Mommy' to some muscle-bound oaf who can't be bothered to find his way to a water fountain!?"

    Ivana noticed she was just about yelling at the young man, her words just streaming from her mouth without check or filter. It acutally shocked her how hard she was being on the weakened negro. She hadn't intended to sound so harsh and handle him so roughly. But that smirk, that damned smirk of his reminded her so much of Coach Black that it just ignited a rush of anger in her. A flash of remembering that same look on the Coach that all she could see was red after that. That's who Ivana was truly mad at. After all, this kid showing up in her office so suddenly - throwing a monkey-wrench in her entire routine for her study - was his fault. Did he really have to push the jocks he commanded so hard? Couldn't he just let them lift weights in the air-conditioned gym like any normal Phys.Ed teacher? After a moment of awkward silence, it was Z.J. - his face drooped into a sullen display -  who broke the stilled air.

   "...Sorry bout that, ma'am..." was all Zulu Jr. had to say, his deep velvet voice now shockingly polite as he relaxed himself onto the gurney, giving up his fight against Swallows to reach the sink. "Coach is just real serious about pushin us is all. Since I'm the new guy on the team, I wanted to make a good first and impression and all that. I should'a taken more water breaks though...Dats on me...hate to be a bother for ya..."

    His words had almost felt like a slap to Ivana's face. An O of shock formed on her gorgeous lips. She hadn't expected this sort of response. Not in a million years. In all likelihood she was waiting for the young man to give her some snarky smart-alec response. She was well-prepared to hear a "Bitch, shut your mouth!" or a "Suck ma dick, stupid white ho!" Any number of crude insults in response her heavy-handed and rough-tongued management of the boy and his weakened condition. She expected more of the belligerent anger she'd seen in the group of young black thugs who had smacked her on the ass some time before, but instead...she got an apology.

  "Sorry", "I hate to be a bother for you...". It was like being slapped in the back of the head in a pitch black room, she didn't see it coming at all.

  "W-well..." Ivana stammered, not sure how to respond. "Its not ENTIRELY your fault..I guess."

  "I'm..." Ivana struggled to continue. If there was one thing Ivana Swallows struggled at, more than anything, it was apologies. From the youngest age, getting an "I'm sorry" from the gorgeous brunette was a task trumped only by pulling teeth out of a raging lioness. However...despite her pride and nearly boundless stubborness, on this day, the words;

   "I..." came from the busty nurses' lips. "I MIGHT have been a bit harsh". The closest thing to an apology Ivana could say WITHOUT simply saying the words 'I'm sorry'.

    "No worries, ma'am" replied Zulu, lifting a large dark hand and swatting it gently in the air as though her 'apology' were an irksome fly.
  "Oh, I know its not" Ivana then shot back, not letting this (wholly out-of-character) moment be dwelled upon or linger a moment longer than necessary.

    "But someone in my position should never let their personal frustrations out on a patient, no matter what. Its that idiot coach of yours I'm really mad at, not you."

   "S'all good ma'am." said Zulu.

Another moment of silence had passed, and in that span of time Ivana realized that this young man, this Z.J. had been the first black man she'd EVER managed to have a semi-polite conversation with. That wasn't saying much really. She managed to go the bulk of her life without having many conversations with the 'dark men about town', let alone having anything close to a 'heart-to-heart' with any of them. The thought baffled her, but there it loomed, plain as daylight.
   "You said your name was Z.J., right?" asked Ivana, her voice the one to break the silence this time. It was then that Ivana realized that she'd seen this young blackie somewhere before. She couldn't quite discern where.

   "Yes ma'am" Z.J. replied.

He seems familiar, she thought. She'd seen him some place before...some place where there was sports and hollering and hoop-la of some sort. Her memory fought for a moment before frustratedly shoving itself aside.

  "Call me Nurse, please. Nurse Swallows" Ivana replied, about ready to blow up (again) if he called her 'ma'am' one more time. Mrs. Murdock was a "ma'am" and Ivana simply refused to be given the same titie. "I'm not nearly old enough to be called ma'am", she added.

   "You aren't from around here, are you?" She asked, curiously. She'd noticed his accent and manner of speech to be different than most of the other black guys in town. A distinct 'otherness' about his word inflection and tambour. She'd hoped getting the boy to talk about himself would reveal this sense of familiarity that poked at her brain.

   "No ma-" Z.J. began, but caught himself the instant he saw  Ivana's green eyes flash warning at his brown ones. "No Nurse Swallows. Me and my Pa moved here from Atlanta a ways back. Still settling in to the whole 'small-town' thang."

   "Atlanta, huh?" Ivana replied, more curious now.

This caused Ivana to cock an eye-brow in interest. Small-talk began among the two of them. Nothing too personal, just the typical 'who are you and where do you come from' breed of banter. Ivana learned that Z.J. was actually a newcomer to the Coxville. It made sense, because while the boy struck her as 'painfully familiar', she hadn't recalled seeing him THAT often around town. A negro that dark would have been spotted easily by her eye, except for maybe at night, she thought jokingly She learned that Z.J.'s father - Zulu senior - was a bodyguard.
  "He's watchin over some big wig from New Orleans."
Ivana recalled briefly all the rabble and excitement about the newcomer in town. Some business yuppie that had moved to Coxville after - allegedly - learning he had familial roots in the county's history. The story sounded like an excuse for some billionaire to slum it and try winning over people in the south for some political campaign. She'd seen the type before. Silver-spoon types running through town for a few months trying to win over the local folk with speeches of 'maintaining traditional American values' before striding off on their way to the next town full of rednecks. A few, upon meeting Ivana, had attempted to woo her into dinner and a trip to his hotel room. The busty brunette had done well to rebuke their attempts, noting how their eyes always seemed more focused on her vast chest and meaty curves rather than her eyes. They'd tried this tactic with her, and even moreso with Jenny (a fact that Ivana hated with an iron-clad fervor). Ivana recalled getting an invite to this "Brooks" character's home. Some fancy suare intended to impress the local people of note and (most likely) garner some points among the gossip mill that he was, in fact, a genuine member of the southern 'upper-crust'.

   Ivana had read the hand-written invitation once, and then chucked it back into the pile of discarded mail.

   "Junk" she said, disregarding the article into the pile. Her husband George was crushed she decided not to go, and spent several days after sulking.

The argument of 'but everyone who is anyone is gonna be there' was thrown about. To which Ivana simply replied,

   "Honey, nothings stopping YOU from going."

This of course, in George's eyes, couldn't be done. No way George Swallows could be seen at a public function WITHOUT his fox of a wife Ivana. He and Ivy both knew this, yet kept it unspoken. Ivana had work to do and she simply couldn't be bothered to attend such falsely jovial engagements. Over the course of their conversation, Ivana took several breaks to walk over to the sink and fill the small drinking cup with cold water. She would then bring it over to the young negro and make him drink the entire thing down in front her, before dialogue resumed.
  "We've gotta get you hyrdated before you start moving around again. I don't want you passing out and getting your boy-sweat all over my clean new floor" she half-joked.
There was something in this that Ivana knew she could use. The more she spoke to Z.J. the more it became apparent to her. There was potential that could be exploit to her benefit in Z.J. the "new kid". She could use this young man somehow. He was aggreable, followed her commands without much back-talk, fairly well-spoken and (most importantly) was an outsider. As far as they both knew, neither Z.J. or Zulu Senior was a native to Coxville. There was potential in that, Ivana just knew it.

    "Interesting..." she said, not really to Z.J. as much as it was to herself.
  The cogs of her brain were starting to turn. This could be the answer to my black specimen problem.

    Yes, she would be fudging facts about black men in town, considering that neither Zulu or his son had been born in Coxville. But still, they were residents here...which technically meant they could be allowed to participate in the study. It wasn't much, but she could at least use it. Aiding her thought was the added fact Ivana could not 'size' this boy up. From the moment he'd entered her office at the arms of the other two black athletes, she had been noticed her 'ability' to correctly guess penis sizes failed to work on Z.J.'s. His arrival did not set off any of Ivana's latent triggers. His weight, build, posture, age, etc hadn't set off her newly acquired ability of (somehow) knowing a man's penis size with but a glance. For some unknowable reason - it hadn't worked on him. When the other two blacks brought him in, she was able to speculate (10.4", 9.5") immediately between the both of them. Her little 'ability was working fine, it just didn't seem to register with this new boy. Judging from his height and build, Z.J. (Ivana speculated) would probably come in at about average size in the penis department. The misconception that "tall men = long cocks" was a myth that had been debunked years ago. Ivana knew this, and speculated therefore that Z.J. would be the perfect 'black" specimen for her study. The perfect example of how NOT all black men were hung like horses. Jenny Summers would read the proof and weep.

   A part of the busty nurse wanted to feel sorry for the young man. He'd proven himself to be a rather agreeable (even the slightest bit amiable) young man...for a nigger, she had to add mentally. She didn't really intended for him to be fodder for her study. Didn't want him to be some sort of sacrifice in her mission to bring down that blond bimbo Jenny Summers. But, as the old saying went; 'needs must when the devil drives.'

She walked over to the sink with the cup again, refilled it, and brought it back to the young man.

    "Drink up!" she commanded. Ivana was plotting her shot.


   Getting the tall ebony skinned  Z.J. Stone to agree to be a part of her study wouldn't be a problem. She'd already gotten his basic stats down;

 - Subject; 18 yo/ Male.

- Name: Stone, Zulu Jr. aka "Z.J."

- Height: 6'5" (He was a tall one)

- Weight; 256lbs (Almost entirely muscle)

- Race; Black/African-America (No doubt about that)

  Male organ measurements;

  - Flaccid; ??
  - Erect; ??

Size placement; TBD...  

    She'd noticed as early as the first cup of water that the young negro had been eyeing her quite deeply in her outfit. Appraising her thick curves and vast round chest silently as he drank. As Z.J. took a deep swig from the latest cup of cool water, he tilted his head back. He used the motion as an excuse to open his eyes and get a nice glimpse of Ivana's immense cleavage packed inside her white nurses' outfit. Ivana pretended not to notice, letting her gaze settle on the dark bump of his adam's apple as it bobbed up and down with each gulp of the icy drink. She couldn't blame him really. The attire Ivana Swallows wore of this day was intended to...inspire...her subjects. The brunette nurse had not intended for any of the blacks on campus to see her in this outfit, as it was intended to be used on Ivana's white subjects of study. It was all part of her plan. When taking on a white male patient, Ivana would;

- When a WHITE male subject entered; Turn the air-conditioning OFF, as the heat would cause the man's penis and testicles to hang lower than usual. They'd complain of the heat, but they'd be greatful when the resulting droop made them look larger.

-  When a WHITE male subject was in; Use suggestive language or "BUZZ WORDS" that would get her white male subjects to think about sex or sexual acts.

- When a WHITE male subject was being evaluated; COMPLIMENT her white male patients, as female approval of a man's manhood would cause further stimulation of the testicles and penis.

On the other end of the spectrum;

 - When a BLACK male subject entered; Turn the air-conditioning ON. The resulting cold would cause shrinkage to the subjects penis and testicles, making them smaller and - therefore - usable in her study.

  - When a BLACK male subject was being evaluated; give NO COMPLIMENTS. This went without saying for Ivana, but using terse and disinterested language around a man who felt exposed would cause him to falter when it came time to show the Nurse their manhood. The less interested she appeared, the quicker the black subjects would want to leave.  

 - When a BLACK male was in the office; Ivan would dawn her large white lab-coat, which did an...adequate job of hiding her body. Her endowments made completely shrouding her body near impossible, but it would do well enough in serving her purposes.

    The outfit Ivana had on that day; the sheer white, tight-fitting, hip hugging nurses uniform, factored into this plan. It was - perhaps - half a step above just being lingerie. Ok, it was lingerie, Ivana confessed. It had been a little number she'd bought about a year ago. It was a Halloween costume that she'd worn once, and had intended to take back to the boutique she'd initially bought it from. Her husband George had loved the get-up so much, that he'd all but begged her to keep it. Lord knew George needed all the inspiration he could get to get it up these days, so Ivana decided to keep the garment for the 'special occassions' when she and George would try their hands at having a baby. The efforts had been for not, and Ivana had eventually thrown the old thing back into her closet. There the ill-fitting piece stayed...until today. Z.J.'s sudden appearance had left her without a chance to throw on her bulky lab coat, and through all the chaos that had errupted thereafter, she'd simply forgotted about it. It remained unused and slung over Ivana's rolling office chair.

    Z.J.'s occupying her office this day had most certainly not been a part of the plan, but all the same, she enjoyed watching the boy attempts to sneak glances of her shapely hips and plump ass, her muscles as they flexed beneath the fabric and the subtle struggle of her huge breasts as they attempted to bounce free of the oppressive confines of their garments. She wasn't 'into' black men, but she liked knowing that they were into her. On a polar note however, his presence was increasingly becoming a distraction to her as well.

    She told Z.J. he could lie down in her office for forty-five minutes (give or take) and drink another cup of water every five to ten minutes until he got his strength back. He was to remain on the gurney, behind the thin white drape intended to give those lying upon it privacy, while she tended to other tasks about her office. Ivana allowed the the boy to rest, giving him water at intervals of five minutes, while she tried to get what work she could done.

     However, not long after, was when Ivana couldn't help but notice an increasing...awareness of the young negro. She walked from end to end in her office, and could feel the subtle tracking of the dark-skinned youth's eyes following her silhouette from behind the white curtain. The act made her feel...antsy. Jotting down notes and triple-checking her subject list was interfered with by the feeling 'eyes' on her. 'dark brown' eyes from the tall young man resting mere feet away from her. She would build up to getting the youth's measurements, most likely asking him to drop his pants when he was able to stand for longer than ten seconds.

  When the feeling of Z.J.'s pressence eased, Ivana grew bold enough to attempt bringing in another potential subject. The examination had been going well. The ceased air conditioning had been noted by the man, a red-headed white male in his early thirties, and Ivana could tell he was quite taken with Ivana and her sexy variant of the nurses' outfit. She'd neglected to mention the (assumed) sleeping negro mere feet away from them, and asked the young man to drop his pants. He did so, and Ivana was thrilled to see him standing erect (already) at more than seven inches (6.6" by her estimation). She then had to watch in dismay, as the confident smile instantly fell from the young red-head's face, melt away like ice cream in a summer heat, when they heard the booming voice of Z.J. called out.

   "Nurse Swallows, its burnin up in here!"

Upon realizing there was another man in the room - and a big black man by the sound of him - the red-headed white man did a half-shriek of shock. His full erection instantly fell limp (3.3") and his pants were barely half way on his pale white buttocks as he sped-walked out of the door to her office.

   "I didn't realize there was another DUDE in here!" he belted as he fled.

Ivana was pissed, but had to press down her anger. It was her decision to try and bring more men into the office while Z.J. was still occupying it, after all. That's what I get, trying to multi-task she thought. Her only advice for young negro was to 'make himself cool' while he recovered.

  Eventually, her stride broken and brought to an indefinite halt, Ivana walked over to her phone and used the conference call feature to contact Ms.Murdock.

   "Hold my other appointments for about an hour please, Ms. Murdock. Unexpected patient." she said tersely and gave no further explanation.

   "Oh my--" replied Murdock's voice over the phone's speaker. "These boys look a little restless. What should I tell them exactly, Nurse Swallows?"

   "I dunno, tell them to take a lunch hour or something. I'll get to them soon."

With the flat beep of the phone, the call had ended. Ivana added the accumulated data of the red-head to her compilation of notes. She spent some time after checking her emails and listening to her voice messages on her cell phone. She had received three messages in total.

One from George; "Hey honey, just calling to check in. Wanted to know if it was going to be another late night for you at the school tonight. If so, I think I'm gonna go grab a couple beers with Harry and Steve Spitzmen after work."

'Harry' was Harold Summers, Jenny's round gut little toadie-turned-husband. Ivana sucked her teeth at this, but listened on.

   "IF you DO end up making it home early, let me know. I figure we could have ourselves a bit of...personal time, later tonight...IF you catch my drift. He-he!"

    George marked the end of this with a small series of small kissing noises mouthed into the phone. Ivana merely rolled her eyes at the audible gesture. She'd never been much for the 'mushy' stuff. Besides that, Ivana had been left rather irritated at George's last performance in bed...however long ago it had been. It felt like ages since she and George had last been intimate, and even longer it felt since he had given her anything even close to an orgasm. Personally Ivana blamed George's diet. He'd let himself go in a big way over the years (the beer was a big part of the problem) and his once firm, semi-chiseled stomach had gradually softened into a doughy mass. Their stomachs didn't clap together during sex like they used. More like her flat toned stomach was rolled up, pressed and brushed against George's soft gelatinous gut. It wasn't that she was shallow (not really), it was just that health was something Ivana took deep pride in. She loved knowing that she was a woman who, even in her thirties, was considered 'in her PRIME' by her peers, lessers and elders alike. She'd wished deep down that George would aid to her social success in looking the part of a husband who she deserved, rather than the one she ended up with. In the back of her mind, Ivana thought that perhaps their having a child would inspire him to get back in shape. Drop the junk food for weights and get his body in order to live a long and happy life, for their son or daughter if not for her. But, of course, it couldn't have gone Ivana's way. One thing leading perpetually to another had delayed her getting pregnant time and again. She knew she was at least partially to blame for this. It irked her to think that the hours upon hours, YEARS of watching what she ate could be so easily undone by having a baby. That one thrust from George's cock (5.7" erect) could spell a finalizing doom for her epic physique. It was vanity, Ivana knew this, but she'd earned her vanity through hard work, damnit!

   Instead, Ivana decided to focus on her budding career as a physician, seeking to become an expert on human diet and nurtrition. Putting off the matter of children until she was sure, good and certain, that she was ready. She was still young enough. She had plenty of time. 33 was plenty of time to bear children. Once Ivana had finally succeeded in putting that whore Jenny in her place. THEN, she could think about the 'pitter-patter of little feet'.

  Another message was from Sammy; "Hey Ivy!"

The red-headed always sounded like a bubbly camp-counselor on the voicemail. She was like a hyper-active puppy, Ivana always thought.

   "I'm heading to the gym now...STILL waitin to hear back from you! You already put off our last session, and I'm lettin you know I'm gonna real mift if you--"

A sudden dull *clunk* and jagged clatter from Sammy's end of the phone. Ivy's dark brows simply dropped in an irked expression of embarrasment for the ginger bodybuilder, being able to envision, with almost cinematic clarity, the image of Sammy stumbling over something while leaving her message.

   "Ouch! Dang it!" Came Sammy's voice. "A-anyways, I'm gonna be real mift if you back out on our workout, AGAIN! I keep tellin you and BB, that extra cake around your fanny isn't gonna go away by itself. Call me back, bye!"

   Ivana sighed. She really did want to go to the gym with Sammy. Blowing off some steam hitting the heavy bag or running on the treadmill would be the greatest release for her these days. As its been said, Ivana took great pride in her health. She found no better workout routine than working out with the red-headed Spitzmen. Just trying to keep up with the plucky fire-haired woman had kept Ivana's arms and legs well-toned, her shoulders rounded and defined, her stomach flat and showing the traces of a six pack she'd loved maintaining. Sammy Spitzmen stood something of a wonder to the brunette nurse. If not a marvel of humanity, then definitely deserving a study herself in the nature of polarized human appitude The maitwenty hours of the day proved Sammy to be a walking accident, a klutz in every sense and definition of the word. However, during the few hours she was in the gym each day, Sammy was grace, balance and endurance personified. Ivana had half-joked time and again to Sammy's husband that perhaps converting their house into a full-on gym would keep her from stumbling in the bathroom each morning. She knew it would rise the ire of the beautiful red-head to back out on their workout AGAIN. Ivana knew she would be in for an earful after flaking on Sammy the last time. She had attempted to defuse the situation (long-distance) by leaving her a voice message on her home phone telling her she was swamped with work and would make it up to her the following week.

   At the time, Ivana had been in the elated state of 'eureka' with her plot to take down Jenny, and all her focus had gone towards prompting the higher-ups to approve her study of 'penis sizes in Coxville County'. That had been Ivana's honest-to-god reason for ducking out on her workout. This week's reason? Following UP on that plot and putting enough info together to form a decent argument AGAINST Jenny, and her ridiculous wives' tales. Sammy hadn't called her back that day however, and Ivana took that silence as a sign she'd dodged the bullet. If Sammy were smart, she'd go into business as a personal trainer, Ivana thought. Sammy Spitzmen, Sheriff of Physical Fitness struck her as a fitting title.

And then, came the final message. It was short, twenty seconds total in length. But it was enough to send Ivana Swallows into an almost frothing rage;

    "Hey Ivy, its Jen..."

Ivana's teeth gritted together in a half-snarl. That low, sultry cadence of Jenny Summer's voice could never be mistaken.

   "Just wanted to drop you and line and see how you were doing. Harold and George are going out tonight for beers, so I figured we could have a 'girls evening', maybe watch a movie and do each other's nails like we did back in the day. Whenever you're done playing mad-scientist, drop me a line. I'll be home after six. Later lovely!"

Ivana's hand was clenched-near-white on her cell phone. PLAYING MAD-SCIENTIST?! That SLUT had the out and out NERVE to refer to her work as PLAYING.MAD.SCIENTIST!?! The notion of Jenny sitting on her end of the phone, probably jacking off some huge dark bruiser of a nigger cock, just filled Ivana with a white-hot rage.

   "That...fucking..." Ivana didn't even have the words armed to use against the yellow haired slattern.

The last phone call had left Ivana in a haze. A red haze that drove her - now more than ever - to cut Jenny down at the root. Disproving the myth of "Big Black Cock" would be Ivana's mission, for LIFE if it required. She'd bring her down, ONE way or ANOTHER. This, Ivana vowed to herself. And as the brunette's first volley, she would use Z.J. 'the outsider' with (what Ivana couldn't possibly be wrong in speculating) the NORMAL sized black cock. Not massive, not huge, but NORMAL. The myth of ALL black men being hung like prize stallions would be shown to all as just that, a MYTH.

   "How you feeling back there?" called Ivana from her desk. By her sweetened tone, one would never know she had just been in the frenzy of inner rage mere moments ago.

   "A lot better now..." the youth said plainly.

    "You feeling good enough to stand? I've got a schedule to keep" said Ivana.

     "About so...want to give it a few more minutes. Heads still swimming a bit" replied Z.J.

 She couldn't see Z.J., not fully at least. The ceiling lights in her office showed him to just be a large dark slab, a stilled black shadow-body from behind the gurney's curtain. Ivana could easily turn in her chair to see him, but kept her back turned away from him and at her desk. She decided she would get the easiest calls over with first. It took her merely a minute to get George on the phone and tell him to 'by all means' go have fun with Harold at the bar that night. He asked her -rather sheepishly- f she planned to 'be home early' tonight for some 'late night fun'. George's attempt at a 'seduction' voice did nil more than make Ivana crack a smile and chuckle over the phone.

   "That's what I love to hear." said George. "Nothing sexier than the sound of my woman's laughter".

Ivana straightened her voice and let him know that she would be back as early as she could, but instructed him 'not to wait up' for her. She could hear George pout over the phone, and dismissed him with a terse "Oh, don't be such a baby. I'll see you later". Upon calling Sammy, Ivana wasn't the slightest bit surprised to get the red-head's voicemail.

   "Hi~, you've reached the voicemail of Sammy Spitzmen. I can't get to the phone right now, but please leave a message after the beep. I'll get back to ASAP. BYE!"

  The beep chimed in over the phone, JUST as Ivana turn a full 180 degrees in her chair. Ivana's line of sight fell to the sight of Z.J. silhouette from behind the gurney curtain, and the busty dark haired nurses' jaw dropped.


   Z.J. was - to say the least - a PRIME male specimen. Even from Ivana's obscured vantage from the other side of the curtain, she could see the young negro possessed rows upon rows of suprior rock hard muscle. His long limbed body stood tall and languid, the top of his head poking just above the top of the curtain. My god, Ivana thought. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him. She felt like she was viewing some sort of peep show from her seated position at her desk. She was caught up in the subtle performance of the black youth's body as it stretched and he slowly rotated his arms and shoulders, getting back into the rhythm of standing on his own legs again. She'd always been...intrigued by the bodies of blacks. They always seemed to exagerated, all their parts so prounced and full. It wasn't an outward attraction for it, she held fit white men at the top of her list for human aesthetics, but the extremes of the black (male) body always fascinated her from the standpoint of a nutritionist. Playing the voyeur from her position, Ivana had to snap herself from her O shaped observance of the tall negro. She'd been sitting there in a silence for about five seconds on Sammy's voicemail without saying a word.

   "Uh-uuuh...h-hey Sammy, dear. Sorry I couldn't make it to the gym with you again tonight."

Ivana's eyes shifted from the floor, to Z.J's shadow and back down to the floor once more before gazing back up at the youth's adonis-like figure from behind the veil. Is he...the thought stuttered in Ivana's brain when she noticed it, unwilling to even fathom it.

Instead, Ivana slowly, ever so quietly stood up from her chair. Her cellphone was still pressed up to her face as she crept around the perimeter of the gurney.

   "I know I'm gonna catch hell from you later, and...that's..."

As she rounded the right corner of the curtain, she could see Z.J.'s silhouette broaden and become more detailed behind the veil. The young negro's muscles were more visible now from a closer vantage point, and Ivana could (for some reason) feel her heartbeat begin to quicken behind her vast chest. She equated the rise in her, basically, stalking the boy like some sort of office-bound hunter.

  "That's fine...." she said, her inflection on the word fine perhaps a bit more suggestive than intended. She hadn't expected for Z.J. to half-turn at that moment and give her a solid side-profile of his insanely muscular thighs and ass. "Work...has me swamped right now is all. Something's..."

 She'd rounded the edge of the curtain, her brown hair just barely peaking past the edge of the curtain when she caught sight of it.

Ivana Swallow's her heart sank as her pussy simultaneously (and rather mysteriously) began to quiver. The tall negro was turning from side to side, stretching his back and torso. With each twist, Ivana could see the outline - the thick and IMMENSELY long - outline of Z.J.'s cock from behind the fringe of the curtain. It simultaneously baffled and defeated the busty brunette. Her inability to 'size up' Z.J. and the fact he was not a Coxville native had given her hope. She was all but certain (in folly now it seemed) that his cock would rank in at MAYBE 6". Normal by standards and therefore disproving Jenny's ridiculous theory about ALL black men and their alleged Monster Cocks. Ivana's heart fluttered, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Z.J.'s form from behind the curtain. She was just at the edge of the veil, but was apprehensive to look any further. By then she could actually see Z.J.'s body, split down the middle between curtained shadow and full body.

   "Something..." she repeated, droning the word as filler in the presence of being thrown by the sight of what she was seeing.

   From her angle, the ink-skinned negroes cock looked like a third arm on his long frame. A length and width of unknown inches that looked like it belonged on...Ivana hesitated to even finish the thought...a FUCKING HORSE...

Ivana was so caught up in the sheer sight of Z.J.'s body, a near jet-black amassment of manly muscle and atheletic curvature, that she did not even see his face as it turned to spy hers watching him from the edge of the curtain. When Ivana's green eyes finally scanned up to see the tall ebony titan's deep brown one's gazing back at her;

    "Huge..." drolled Ivana, inadvertently finishing her sentence over the phone.

Z.J. said nothing, just stood there, rooted to the spot. It was as if he was allowing Ivana to get an eye-full of him. He even went about stretching again, ignoring Ivana's voyeuristic appraisal.

"Something...huge, uh...came up at work." she stammered. "MASSIVE, really...couldn't be put off, I'm afraid."

Her thoughts were barging into her words with no filter now, and Ivana had to stop herself before divulging more than she intended. Her eyes couldn't help but gaze in amazement at the long, thick tube-shape of black manhood that dangled full and (to Ivana's amazment) flaccid between the dark-skinned black's thighs. 11.3" Ivana calculated, a combination of amazment and defeat fighting in her at once.The knobby bulb of his cockhead stopped just near the start of where the young man's knees began. Solid veins zig-zagged the span of him, trailing up to the V shaped muscles that began his stomach, equip with an astonishing eight-pack of deep ebony color.

   "I'll...I'll just have to meet up with you next time, dear. So sorry...I'm just. I'm just up to my ass in work over here. I'll make it up to you. We'll meet up for a jog this weekend or something. Ok? Bye hon."

Ivana terminated the call abruptly, not even taking into account she'd rushed the latter part of her message, slurring more than a few of her words and stringing others along in a sloppy sputter of language. Upon looking at Z.J.'s body again, she realized her mouth was hanging open, her jaw dropped at the sight of him.

  "Uuuh...everything alright, Nurse Swallows?" He didn't seem particularly taken aback by Ivana's intrusion, not even attempting to cover his naked form before the brunette beauty.

   "W-wha-" Ivana couldn't formulate the words. Her eyes were too fixed at the multiple spots on interest on the tall black man's body. "W-why the heck are you naked?! Where are your clothes?!"

She sounded flustered, jostled and unprepared for the sight of his naked black body in her office. At this, Z.J. only raised a thick black brow.

   "It was hot. You said I needed to cool off, right?"

   "I meant with WATER! We had to get you HYDRATED" Ivana retorted. "Not running around my office NUDE!"

Her face went a shade of red. It took all she had to look Z.J. in the eye and avoid gazing at the long and thick stretch of meat that dangled between his legs. Her periphery couldn't help but notice how fat and heavy it hung between his thighs, like some kind of obese snake.

  "Oh..." Z.J. replied plainly. "Well...It was just so hot in here. Yo AC must be busted or somethin. Ma clothes was all sticky and wet."

Ivana didn't tell Z.J. that she'd purposely had the AC off for the benefit of her previous subject. She had to admit, she'd left it off for a bit longer than necessary, especially for a day as hot as this. She also had to admit (silently) that he was right about his clothes. The articles were soaked clean through with sweat when he'd came in. She tilted her head to the left to see the young negro's clothes had been hung up on the top of the gurney's curtain to dry. He must have done it when I had my back turned, she thought. Ivana turned her body away from the young man, a late response to acknowledging his nudeness.

   "I...I take it you're feeling better now, then?" Ivana said, her voice cracking in a way that was uncharacteristic of her normally concise and clipped tone of voice.

   "Yep...better now" said Z.J. "Just wanted to give my clothes a little while to dry."

Ivana did everything she could not to turn or sneak a glance at Z.J.'s body. God, how the hell do they get big and fit, with all that junk soul food they eat, she thought. Her eyes went from the ceiling, to the floor, crept along it to see that the tall black man still had his white tennis shoes on, and then quickly tilted her head back up to the ceiling upon realizing her gaze was creeping up the young man's chiseled legs again.

  "Good..." Ivana said. "Another few minutes, then you can git..."

  "Heard you's doin some kind of study in here, said Z.J. as he motioned to the side of the gurney. He shifted out of Ivana's line of sight. The gesture made her a little nervous. She didn't like NOT knowing where the young black man was in her office, didn't like her being out of her line of sight. Her parents had warned her since youth to be doubly aware of her surroundings at all times,

    "Especially around those darkies!" her father would add vehemently. His warnings would only increase in frequency upon Ivana's hitting puberty, her body budding with shape and ample womanly endowments that seemed to happen with some regularity among the women folk .

   "Yes..." she said, plainly.

   "On like..." Z.J. began. He was heading to the sink on his own with the white cup he'd been given. "On like, dude's dick sizes in town or somethin?"

  Ivana noticed the boy to be very much back in step and firm-footed now. Way more oriented than before.

    "Its a statistical study on male penis size in the county."

   "Yeah...that..." said Z.J. " measurin all the dude's dic--"

   "Penis!" Ivana interrupted. "Male PENIS sizes...If you HAVE to refer to it, could you PLEASE do it without using any crude slang?" she corrected him. The word Dick just seemed to be jostling something in just then. Struck a strange cord in the deepest part of her stomach that she didn't altogether trust (though didn't particularly dislike as well...).

   "Right, ma bad, you measurin all the dude's PENIS sizes in town."


   "To disprove the uninformed and ,quite frankly RIDICULOUS, myth about ni-uh-certain demographics of men and abnormal penis sizes, wrong."

  A moment of quiet, Z.J. gulping down the cool contents of his white cup. Whether he caught the slip in Ivana's words or not was never known.

   "Why?" Z.J. said, again, meshing the word with a refreshed sigh after drinking the cool water.

   "Because..." she hesitated. "Because I want to discredit an idiotic old wive's tale that is wholly untrue."

   "How do you know it is?" Z.J. asked. "I mean, from what I heard you ain't had too many niggas in here. So how you know its untrue?"

   "I just do" replied Ivana.         "How many nigga di-I mean- penises you done seen so far? One? Two? Hell, ANY? Well, BESIDES mine now, I guess he-he."

   "A few dozen..." Ivana lied.

   "Z'at so? And how big was they?"

   "I can't in good conscience tell you that. Doctor-patient confidentiality."

   "Right~" droled Z.J. his tone slack and sounding unconvinced. "I ain't askin fo names or nothin. just if the bruds you done seen this far live up to yo 'myth' is all."

   "Not particularly. No more than average, I can assure..." Ivana lied again. In reality the few black members she had seen were the length and girth the size of her forearm, at least. She'd never confess that to him though.

    "Average huh?" Z.J. mouthed, sucking back the dregs of his paper cup. Ivana could tell there was something else hidden behind this remark. Some crouching bite of snark that he kept hidden.

    "Yes, perfectly average for any man in the county."

     "So, what inspired you to do all this? What's with the interest? From what I hear, this town ain't never been too keen on the idea of comparin dark and white meat. Not until the dude ma pops works fo rolled into town and started makin waves."

    "Is that so? You seem rather informed for someone who hasn't lived here very long."

    "I get around. I hear thangs."

    "I'll bet you do" muttered Ivana under her breath.  "Fine, you want the truth?"

    "I always keep it one-hundred..." Z.J.'s dark eyes fell to her green ones, settling on her emerald pupils with an unwavering focus that, quite frankly, alarmed her. She was used to men looking away from her glance more often than not. Not being able to maintain eye-contact with her for longer than a moment or two upon settling their vision onto those piercing green eyes of hers. Z.J. just stared back her intently, his brown eyes unmoving to the point she (for the first time in...well...ever) had to look away first.

   "Fine...whatever that means. I...I want to prove someone...someone I hate, wrong..."

    And just like that, Ivana had said it aloud. It genuinely surprised her her that she'd been able to say it at first. To lower her public facade and confess herself and her true motive to someone...let along a perfect stranger. Whether it was momentarily jostled and spilled because of her inability to sustain eye contact with Z.J.'s intense (rather hungry looking) gaze, or whether because she felt there was no (real) harm in letting an outsider in on her secret, she didn't know.

  "Hmm...interestin" Z.J. muttered, stroking his chin a bit in digestion of the answer. "Seems like a lot of work to get at jus one person. Dats real hate if I eva don seen it" said Z.J. from beyond the curtain.

  Ivana turned on her heel, her gaze still aimed at the checkered black and white tile of the floor.

  "It is...but trust me, its worth it." She said, the curl of bitter resentment loomed in her tone. She REALLY couldn't keep her hatred for Jenny bottled up anymore. That stupid voicemail she'd gotten from Jenny had left her fuming on the inside. All this she had done was done out of a sole devotion to putting that blond slut in her place, once and for all.

   "Damn...the hates real round here..." repeated the tall negro. "So, you doin all this jus to prove to somebody you ain't like dat nigga's AIN'T got BIG thangs goin on down below?"

  He spoke as if he didn't believe her. Like he was repeating himself to get her to finally cave and admit she was simply joking.

    "This person has it coming, trust me. You're not from around here, so you don't have much grasp on the history of this place.  Not nearly as much as you think you do. This person I'm working against, has everyone thinking she's some sort of goddess. Like she's infallible. Posing to everyone as if she's the most wholesome thing walking the earth, when she's really just the opposite."

     "A she, is it?" Z.J noted with a wink, allowing the dark haired nurse to vent (and therefore out herself) while he partook of another cup of water.

Shit, Ivana thought. How could I slip up like that? Ivana was starting to think she was really off her game today. The distraction of Z.J. landing in her office had thrown off her entire routine, leaving her staggered and ill prepared for unexpected events.

  "You talkin bout Coach Summers, huh?"
Ivana's eyes grew wide with surprise.      

   "How did you..."

    "Oh, come on. You really think I ain't notice? I seen you shootin her hella eye-daggers in the halls during school. Just bout err'body in school worship the ground she walks on. Like royalty an shit..."

    Ivana was shocked. Was her hatred for Ivana really that transparent? She was always so careful about keeping her distaste for Jenny in check. So much that everyone took them to be the closest of friends. In Ivana's mind, they were definitely close...but 'friendship' had very little to do with the relationship.

    "Can't hardly blame em' though. Coach Summers if fine as a muthafucka." He marked the statement with a light slap of his dark knee with his huge palm. The gesture made his long cock dangle the slightest bit and caused Ivana's mouth to water (though she wouldn't realize this at first).

    "And THAT'S the problem. EVERYTHING thinks she's some kind of goddess or something. Like she craps daisies and apple pie."
Ivana voice grew to a near shout.

    "Hey, hey, cool it down, ma." Said Z.J. his hands lulling her lioness anger.

   "She's alright an e'thang. Wouldn't kick her outta bed fo eaten crackers. She got mean steez among the bruthas, that I know fo sho."
Ivana's hands were balling into fits. Z.J. noted this from his position at the sink, and quickly changed tactics.

 "She ain't really my type though" he said. "I'm mo into brunettes...". There was a subtle bit of suggestion in his voice. In reality Z.J. was into all women, but kept his liking of Coach Jenny bottled for the sake of the brunette nurse, who he now knew was carrying more than a bit of bad blood and animostity for the "Queen of Coxville".

    "I know I shouldn't be telling you this. You're just a student. But I feel like..." Ivana hesitated, her fists slowly uncurling back into dainty hands. "I feel like telling a perfect stranger is about as open a field for honest as I'm ever gonna get in this town. Everyone knows each other. Small towns and secrets don't particularly go well together, if you catch my meaning."

A final strong gulp and bobbing of his Adam's apple and Z.J. replied;

  "Yep...I think I do. Ain't no thang. E'rbody gotta vent every now and again. You helped me out with letting me chill in here, least I can do is return the favor by hearin you out. Na'mean?"

She did...sort of. Z.J. was earning points with the busty nurse. She'd never have expected a black man such as him would the one she could confide in in her struggles and lingering feelings. Another moment of silence. Then the quiet was broken by the sound of Z.J.'s footsteps. Ivana turned on her heel to the sight of the tall negro settling himself down onto the check-up bed that sat at the center of her office.

  "So...can I be a part of yo study?" said Z.J.

   Ivana jaw dropped.


   "I mean, you need male specimens, right? I'm a MAN, I'm here. Why not use me fo yo study?"

  Ivana stared at him, the first time she' been able to look at the black man without her face turning red.

   "You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to do."

   "Oh yeah, I totally get what you tryin to do. You want to make a study saying all nigga's ain't packin, because you mad at Coach Jenny fo hitting tha skins wit Coach Black."

It was a crude explanation, but alas, the boy was correct...half of it at least.

    "I'm not JEALOUS of her. I've absolutely NO reason to be jealous of her...especially not over that lecherous muscle-bound oaf Black.

    "Use me..." he said, ignoring her outburst.

    "Well..." Ivana began, but stopped herself. "Thank you for the offer, but you're not eligible for my study."

    "Why?" Z.J. began.

    "You black men really do like asking that, don't know? Why this, Why that? can't you just take a NO for what it is?" She was getting a little sick of being hurled the word "Why", and her demeanor suddenly shifted back to that of the irritable nurse.

     "If we took NO fo an answer, ya'll would still have us up in chains and shit. Still callin ya'll massa and using bummy ass seperate toilets and shit."

Clearing the air and getting her innate hatred for Jenny off her chest to someone was liberating, pleasant even. But still, this young man was now overstepping his bounds.

  "I'm not about to get into a racial debate with you. But to answer your question of WHY; for starters, you're not a native of Coxville."

   "So what?" replied Z.J.

   "Its a REGIONAL study. Meaning people BORN to the county."

   "So what?"

   "Jesus, what are you, dense? You weren't born here, therefore you can't be a part of the study."

  Z.J. chewed at that notion for a moment, gleefully let it sit on his mind before he replied.

   "True, I wasn't born here."

  Ivana smirked, as she often did whenever winning a debate.

   "But I'm still a RESIDENT. I live in the confines of yo regional study, and therefore identify as a valid candidate, fallin just in the age marker of 19."

Ivana's smile melted.

    "I'm still a MAN. I'm still sho as shit BLACK, and you need all those thangs fo yo study. I meet the criteria. And even if I wasn't born here, I'm willing to bet ya anythin that if we look far enough back in ma genealogical history, we'll find one or two niggas who done crept up outta or through this backwater ass town. Me and ma fam been bound to tha south since yo ancestors yanked us off tha boat. Whose to say a couple brutha's in the Stone tribe didn't creep through Coxville years ago an shit?"

    With that, Ivana's smirk died on her lips. He was crude, but he did have a point. And even IF he wasn't from Coxville, one would never be able to tell as such. One glance at the tall, over-muscled black man would have any onlooker assuming he'd been born and raised here like all the other blacks in the county. While gnawing at these points, Ivana had to keep her eyes on the floor...AWAY from Z.J.'s cock, which (from upper her periphery) looked to be dangling off the edge of the check-up table where he had propped himself.

   "How bout this, Nurse Swallows? Say I'm NOT from Coxville. Let's say that not ONE member of my family ever set foot in this town. That would make the evidence of yo study lean in favor that ALL black men are packin."

A single nervous twitch from Ivana's arms, the slightest twitch of her nose as the words struck her like a slap.

 "That don't bode  too well fo you. Not if you tryin to disprove the MYTH about black dick..."

    "Either niggas in Coxville all got that big D, or niggas outside Coxville do."

His words hit her like a kick to the chest. He had another point. He was one potential subject, but the possibility, the threat, loomed (dangled) in front of her.

   "Oh come ON" Ivana shot back, frustrated and half in disbelief at the conversation she was now having with a STUDENT. "ALL black CAN'T be huge. Its a scientific impossibility!"      

     "Yet, I'm sitting right in front of you that we bigger, stronger and mo hung than the white boys. You done seen the size of me. Been fightin awful hard to NOT look at me since I was fit to stand on ma own."

       Again, he had her there, though she wouldn't confess it (not yet at least).

 "What?" said Ivana, her voice a rather weak atempt at playing coy. "I...I have no idea what you're--"      

   "I'm dehydrated, I ain't BLIND, Nurse Swallows. You been strugglin NOT to look at ma dick for the last five minutes. Only make sense. You a fit, red-blooded woman in her prime. Only make sense fo ya to be curious. Specially considerin what yo job currently has you doin. You been having penis up in here all day. You been on the lookout for that big D. You can check out mine if ya want. It only bites when provoked."

Z.J. smiled.

   "Don't be crass" Ivana scolded him. "Talk like that's gonna get you booted out of my office immediately, WITHOUT your clothes."

    "Sorry bout that, Nurse" said Z.J. with a cordial nod. "I guess I can't speak fo ALL the niggas out there...I GUESS. But, if I'm packin AND I'm a outsider...That leaves you with a problematic question, if you tryin to disproved big nigga dick; How many other bruthas you think is packin out there who AIN'T from round here?"

Ivana neither said a word nor moved an inch at this. She dreaded the thought of that being the case. That would mean Jenny was right, which (of course) she wasn't. Ivana (of course) already knew it wasn't possible...absolutely impossible, she knew.

    "Definitely don't help yo cause, knowin mo niggas like me are roaming outside county lines.

  He was right, it didn't. The idea of there being more men like Z.J. outside of Coxville would put her entire plan in critical jeopardy, if not eradicate it entirely. It was a potential worry, but she (of course) knew such a thing wasn't possible.

   "Well" Ivana finally spoke up, "good thing for me, its all just a myth then, isn't it?"

  "Is it?" Z.J. smiled, letting the question linger in the air and play with the woman's nerves. "This look like a myth to you?" he said, lowering his gaze downward to his manhood, proudly. "I was born and raised in Atlanta, MILES and miles away from Coxville. I hate to sound cocky and not to brag or nothin, but I been told mo than a few times by the ladies that I've got mo than bit much going on down here. Made a few beg fo mercy, then left em' beggin fo mo."

  "Uh-huh" Ivana said flatly. "Let me guess, some giddy cheerleader? Some bubbly blonde bimbo? Called you her stud, her Brahma-bull? You were a god the entire time you were in the sack with her...both minutes of it?"

Ivana held nothing back in the insult it. She didn't know when exactly her conversation with this young man had turned into a verbal sparing match, but she was in the throes of it now. She'd had enough of his crass sexual remarks and was already preparing her next volley of assault in her head. The thrill of the rising tension in their debate had her heart pumping fast in her chest.

    "Gettin a hyperactive high school girl who can't help but get all googly-eyed at a tall basketball player isn't as big an accomplishment as you think, stud!"
There was nothing but sarcasm dripping from her voice at the word stud. "

  "Us 'grown-up' women need a little more than a wink from courtside and a lay-up to get us hot and bothered."

   "Oh, trust me, I know this" replied Z.J. "And yeah, you right on one thang. I had me a couple cheerleaders since movin into town. Turns out the ladies love ball-playin bruthas in small towns like this, just as much as they do in the big cities."

    That's where Ivana knew him from! The basket-ball game against the B-Town Beavers! He'd been the one (the first really) who Ivana noticed with Georges' camera. She was rather surprised it had taken her this long to recognize the black man. I mean, how could one really, as black as he is, she thought. Her head (and mouth at one point) had just been occupied with some much in the last few weeks. Her study, Jenny, her regular work schedule as campus nurse, trying to monitor George's diet, on TOP of maintaining their household duties. She'd been too swamped to remember a single face from a basketball game that might as well have happened ages ago. While using the recorder, she'd seen a distant glimpse of what the tall negro had to off long before now.

   She hadn't realized HOW much she'd come to see of the young man at the time (the huge thing looked fuller and far more menacing up close than on camera, she noted). She said nothing of it to Z.J. however. That'd be the very last thing he'd ever hear her confess. Instead, she rolled her eyes.
Posturing and self-aggrandizing themselves seemed to be a staple characteristic of black men, Ivana deduced. She could now see why Coach Black had such an avid interest in the boy's athletic development; they were two of a kind he and Z.J.

   "Now, where you got it WRONG Nurse. S." Added Z.J., leaving a moment of pause for the busty nurse to cling to for a moment. "Is that I ain't ONLY been popular among the younger females."

   "That so?" said Ivana, unimpressed.

  "Naw. Since movin into town I done had me a crack at a few of tha older honies too. Fit as fuck, thick as bricks, and fine as all hell."

 Ivana scoffed, a chuckle escaping her throat. Is this guy serious, she thought? Does he really think this is gonna impress me? Make me reconsider adding him to my study?

   "JUST like you is, Nurse...If you don't mind me saying so..."
  Ivana felt her heart slide the slightest bit upwards into her throat. Oh my god, she thought. Now he's trying to seduce me.

   "None of tha babes I been wit had a single complaint bout what I got. On tha contrary, across the board they all sayin they LOVED it."
Ivana's heartbeat quickened further. She didn't want to give this Z.J. Stone an edge over her. She stony demeanor wouldn't shake for any man, least of all the likes of him...However...

   "Me and tha fellas down here" continued Z.J. taking his eyes from Ivana's and trailing down to his manhood, the long ebony mass and equally sizable round balls hanging proudly over the edge of the table. "We done pleased quite a few kitties in our day. Ain't had a dissatisfied customer yet...and I ain't even from round here."

His confidence, that unwavering assurance in his sexual prowess, THAT worked Ivana's nerves. It irked her, but at that moment, the swelter of Nurse Swallow's office, hot damn if it didn't make her parts throb. Ivana's eyes betrayed her, and ever-so-slowly followed Z.J.'s eyes down to the spot between his muscled legs.

    "And I ain't tha only one. Plenty of other bruthas I know be layin pipe just as strong as I do, getting the as I been gettin on my 'ficticious" Big Black Cock..."

    Just then, Ivana allowed herself to play with the idea of getting fucked by something so big. Samson West, the negro who had been used as a temptuous tool used by Jenny to convert Ivana, Sammy, Anya and Bianca towards black men, had been a trial trying to hold in her mouth. His cock so long and fat that the brunette nurse fear choking to death on his manhood before she finally caused him to shoot his load. And Z.J. Stone, in his current position, looked like he had a cock that was longer AND a slight bit thicker! Her parts throbbed harder at the thought of being slammed by something so long and thick. Controlled and manhandled by a body that solid.

   "So lemme ask you again, Nurse Swallows..."

  He theatrically let another moment of silent to pass.

   "This look like a myth to you?"

Ivana's face was full-on flushed red now. She couldn't deny her inner thighs were tensing up, her body flushing with adrenaline. She deduced she must have still been coasting on the rush from arguing with young negro, but she wasn't entirely sure that was ALL there was to her sudden strange mood. She hadn't been fucked properly in a coon's age, and was starting to feel the itch now.

   "No..." she replied, maintaining her tambour of defiance and disbelief. "That" she said, cocking her chin at the unnaturally length member dangling off the edge of her check-up table like a predator, mocking her with its veiny half swings to and fro. "That, is an exception..."
No, that's a MONSTER! she thought. Her inner thighs screamed. She couldn't believe how hard-left this conversation had veered.

   "Heh! a tough cookie, Nurse." chuckled Z.J. "Tough and stubborn.

    "About THAT Mr.Stone, you are absolutely correct." A smirk crept across Ivana's lips.

   "Figured if I walked around in the buff a lil bit, let you see the goods fo yoself, I'd have you eaten out tha palm ah ma hand by now."

    "No such luck. I'm not into black guys." she said, bluntly brushing his admitted attempt at seduction aside.

  "Heh! Tell you what, Nurse Swallows?" said Z.J, a smirk crossed his own while raising one of his long dark index fingers in an exclamatory gesture. "I'll make you a deal."

Ivana unconsciously cocked an eyebrow at this. He's offering me wagers now, she thought.

  "Oh really?" replied Ivana, unable to hide the onset of a smirk across her full lips.

  "YOU'VE got a deal, for ME?"

The busty nurse had to admit, the young negro had gall. His bold, blunt and rather impressive debating skills had left her feeling rather intrigued with him. The kid had balls. Ain't THAT the truth, Ivana thought while stealing another glance at his manhood. She toyed with the idea of how much semen could come out of testicles so big.

  "This should be rich. Alright, let's hear it" she replied, confidently crossing her arms underneath her massive bosom.

  "You add me to yo little study. Take ma measurements, size me up, do whatever it is you gotta do."

   "OK..." Ivana said, waiting for the boon on her end, what she would get out of this proposal of quid pro quo.

  "However many inches I'm packin, soft and hard, you get to subtract by half. Scale it down to fit yo...agenda."

Ivana's eyes widened at this. She actually laughed a bit.    

  "You can't be serious" she said.

  "Oh, I'm dead serious." Z.J. replied. "If bruthas being too BIG fo ya is a problem, then I guess we'll just have to play ball, so to speak. Let you balance thangs out. I heard you been more than a bit...apprehensive, about adding the bruthas to yo study. You start lettin black men in on the action of yo little experiment, seeing them with as MUCH frequency as you do you do yo white patients, and they'll be willing to do the same thang."

 Ivana scanned the boy's eyes. He was dead serious. Not a chuckle or sign of a punchline peaked from any inch of his hard black features.

  "Did Coach Black put you up to this?" Ivana asked, caution flavoring her tongue.

   "Nope...this ma brain child. I heard some of the guys talkin about it in the gym. They kinda sore you ain't lettin them participate. They're real...eager, to help you out."

   "So what, you think that if I let you be a part of the study, that you'll...what...earn some points with them?"

   "Not so much that, but I'd be lyin if I didn't say It'd earn me some juice on the team. New guys gotta make his way in a new town somehow, right?"

    "That can't be all of it. WHY would you WANT to do this, really? Why would you LET me fudge facts about black men's penis sizes?"

  "You mean aside from having the braggin rights as the first OFFICIAL black man on yo study?"

Z.J. said that as if he knew she wasn't planning on using any of the few black males that had come into her office early on.

   "Why, to help a fine thang like you out? Sheeeit, what mo reason a nigga need?"

  "That's...sweet" Ivana said, the distrust not even veiled in her tone. "But it doesn't make a lick of sense. I'll need a better than 'cuz you fine Nurse Swallows!"

She mocked Z.J. by imitating his deep voice and use of slang. She expected this might discourage the dark skinned giant, incite him into outrage like the group of other who she'd berated for touching her. The memory of the burly negro's hand smacking her ass, the shock of pain and then lingering tingle making her pussy clench. However, surprisingly, the Z.J. did not flinch. He merely sat there and stared back at her with an unwavering grin on his face.

  "A'ight, I'll break it to you on tha real then."
She waited for his explanation. Either this nigger isn't as smart of I thought, or he's got something insanely clever up his sleeve, she thought.

  "I'm doin this to prove a point."

  "Prove a point?"


    "And what point might that be, Mr.Stone?"

   "I'll tell ya..."

   "PLEASE, enlighten me."

   "You see Nurse Swallows, it don't MATTER whether you subtract a bit, a fair sum or half of what us niggas got below our belts. We STILL packin mo than the white boys you be tryin to ego-stroke. You slice ALL the bruthas  down by half you come across, we STILL gone be packin mo meat fo yo pussy than ANY white boy you got holdin his dick out in yo lobby."

 Ivana's eyes furrowed at this. That wasn't a declaration, or even the black skinned ball player postulating...that was a challenge.

   "Are you SERIOUS?" belted Ivana.

   "As a heart-attack..." Z.J. replied, his demeanor was cool as winter ice. "Ain't no myth down here. We GOT what we GOT. Ain't no amount of pseudo-scientific, white-bread study bullshit gon change that."
   Nothing, Ivana's mouth tensing in challenge and disbelief. She wanted to call him out on it. Her body was screaming now. She couldn't help it.

   "So, let me help you out, while helpin the bruthas, and -most importantly- myself. However much I'm packin, subtract half. Add it to yo little study. I bet you ANYTHANG not a cracka among the bunch gon compare. We'll be given you what you need, kinda, to take down Coach Summers a peg or two."
And that, in the end, was what swayed the busty nurse.

  "Hmmm..." Ivana made a bit of a show about pacing the room in the mock gesture of 'thinking it over'.

In the end, Ivana only marked her response by body movement, rather than words. She walked the span of the room, her built body bouncing energetically inside her ill-fitting uniform, and swiftly scooped up her measuring tape and stethoscope in a single motion. She held up both proudly and said to the dark skinned negro;

   "Let's take a look at you then, shall we?"


 - Subject; 18 yo/ Male.

 - Name: Stone, Zulu Jr. aka "Z.J."

 - Height: 6'5"  

- Weight; 256lbs  

- Race; Black/African-America

   Male organ measurements;

- Flaccid; TBD
- Erect; TBD

Size placement; TBD...

      Ivana Swallows stood before Z.J. Stone. He sat, naked sans his white sneakers, on her checkup table as she went about checking his vitals. She used the stethoscope to check his heart beat, the reflex hammer to check his reflexes (exceptional as she discovered), and went about a small battery of other tasks. Her two fingers on the young black's shoulders while checking his ears, neck, chest and arm pits for anything out of the ordinary. She noticed nothing (besides the fact the boy smelled like wilderness from his hours running about in the blazing sun).

  "I must say Mr.Stone, you're about a fit a young man as I've ever seen." Even Ivana had to confess that Z.J. was at the peak of human conditioning. She sorely wished her husband George would take as much care of his body as this black man could.

  "I try to keep myself up to par. Tryin to go pro and all."
 Of course you are, thought Ivana.

  A few more small tests, and the moment of truth came. Ivana already knew the black man to be hung like a horse, but their arrangement would take care of that. Her ability to size men up with a glance did not (for some reason) work on Z.J. She couldn't even get a basic reading off the boy, despite his being right in front of her, bare assed as the day he was born. She hoisted her measuring tape.

  "Now remember, whatever you've got, flaccid and erect, I get to subtract by half." Ivana reminded the tall black.

  "Yep..." was all he had to say on the matter.

Ivana's heart was racing. It was the NOT knowing that was getting to her. Not being able to tell how massive this black baller's cock was. She simply had to know, and found herself getting elated at the thought of finally finding out. She winded back the measuring tape, starting at the fat base of Z.J.'s cock and pulling the tape backwards toward the bulbous head. Inch by inch the tape spread. 1", 2", 3"...

  Z.J. had a choice view of Ivana's cleavage from his seated position on the table. Looking into the tan colored split that made up the twin orbs of her breasts caused him to swell slowly. Got damn! he thought, great BIG ol white titties. It made his monster cock twitch just thinking about wedging his fat long stretch of meat between those big round white milk mounds. Ivana noticed the subtle jerk of Z.J.'s dick as she measured, 4", 5", 6"...

  "Please, try ontain yourself Mr.Stone. No cheating."

  "Cheatin? You the one given me an edge with those thangs, Nurse. S." Z.J. said, matter-of-factly.

Ivana could not even argue him on that point. She had picked out this tight white outfit for the purpose of getting men hard. She'd done this for the benefit of her white male subjects, but after everything that had befallen her that day, she didn't have much of a choice. She felt sexy in it, and even moreso now, after seeing how her presence made the over-muscled black jerk to life like that. It would only be a matter of minutes before Ivana Swallows learned, first-hand,other feats that huge length dark meat was capable of.

  "10.6", flaccid." Ivana was finally able to deduced. "Which, per our agreement, shall be marked down in my study as 5.3"

     Ivana said this to young man with a straight face, yet inside she was raging. 5.3 still ranked him higher than the average white male in her study, which was 3 to 3.5". 10 inches fell in line with abut the rest of what she'd seen from these black beasts. It truly vexed and confounded her that these men came in such ridiculously behemoth sizes. Jesus, he's 10 inches...while soft, Ivana thought. Again she teased the idea of what it would feel like to have something that large probing her insides. A cock this big would likely split me in two, she thought. It just didn't make sense, how in god's name did something like this happen? Was there something in the water that was being put in the town. Some sort of biological experiment gone wrong? It couldn't be. Worst of it all loomed the fact that thing big bruiser (and his monster cock) hailed from places outside the county. How many more? Ivana tought. How many more niggers are walking around with cocks this big?

   "Want it hard now?" came Z.J.'s voice. The question startled Ivana, making her head jerk up from her kneeled spot. The sudden motion suddenly caused her hand to slip, The measuring tape half-fumbled from her hand, winding it from 10.6 back to it compact state. The metal tab on the end of the tape scraped along the side of Z.J.'s exposed cock.

  "YEEE-OUCH!" hollered the tall black man as a quick jolt of pain seized. Z.J. jumped up from the check-up table, seizing his cock in hand and shuffle a pace or two to the right.      

    "Oh shit!" Ivana yelped. She tried catching the tape in mid-air, failed, and ened up batted it into the air. She went for this manuever several times,  the act making her look like busty clown trying to juggle a single item with one hand.

 She finally caught the tape on the third try, clutching it in both hands.

     "Shit! What'chu tryin to do woman, slice ma shit?!"

    "Well, if you hadn't startled me!" Ivana shot back.

    "Jesus..." was all Z.J. had to say in reply.

  He had his back to Ivana, his dark head dropped down in analyzation of his harmed manhood. He looked like a tall black hurt dog, whimpering over a wound. The busty nurse sighed, feeling remorseful. She truly had been startled. She didn't mean to hurt the boy.

  "Well...lemme' take a look." She said.

  "Hell naw, you just stay the hell back." said Z.J. clearly not trusting the woman.

  Ivana then approached him, impatient and with a sucking of her teeth. "Oh come on, it was an accident. Let me take a look at it and make sure its nothing serious."

After another moment, Z.J. - very slowly - turned to face the brunette. Ivana leaned down, tilting her head closer to Z.J.'s cock. So close to his flesh, she could smell the aroma of labor and sweat on him. He's really been working out today, she thought. She'd almost forget the sent of a man's sweat. She examined it with her eyes, and then - in a rather uncharacteristic move for Ivana

- took it into her hand. She hadn't even thought about it, being so wrapped up in looking for cuts or bruises. She found none, and immediately let Z.J. know as such.

   "Oh, don't be such a baby! There's not even a scratch on it." she berated him.

It was true, the tall atheletes long cock had been hardly grazed. The surprise and sudden friction with the tape had jolted him more than anything, and there wasn't even a mark on the side of his cock where the tape edge had connected. In short; the tape had just grazed the skin.

   "Bitch, you almost sliced ma shit. Don't try to pin the blame on me, cuz you jumpy around black dick." He retorted.

Ivana then looked down at her hands. Both of them hoisting Z.J.'s cock and tilting it at an angle. She had to ask herself; would a woman who is jumpy around black penises be holding one like this? And then, god...this thing feels so heavy...

She gripped it a bit harder,

  "Just..." she began "making sure its not bruised."

  "Oh~" was all the tower negro had to say in response. "Yeah doc, you do that."

     He was enjoying it. Ivana's hand were warm and soft. Dainty and yet held a firm grip along the base and near the top of his dick, where her hands were. Its so thick, Ivana thought. She couldn't gauge the girth of the young man, but her touch hinted to her that he was massive. And that's when Ivana Swallows, Coxville Nurse, did something unexpected. She gave the big negro a stroke. The smallest tweak of her hands along the shaft. The motion caused Z.J to groan, his cock to swell the slightest bit. In her hand however, Ivana could already tell he'd grown an inch in length and width just with her touch alone. Gosh, he just got bigger, she thought. And curiosity set in. Ivana wasn't caving in, she wasnt giving in to Jenny's ridiculous proposition of tackling men of the dark persuasion. She was just...curious. Curious to see how much bigger she could make this king-sized cock grow. Her study had her in the habit of seeking knowledge about the male anatomy, of both men black and white. So Ivana, harder and more languid this time, stroked his cock yet again.

  "Oh~ fuck..." cooed Z.J.

  "Doesn't look like anything's been damaged. You can stop your belly-aching now." said Ivana. Her voice was low, her head bowed to Z.J.'s sculpted chest as her hands motioned up and down, up and down along Z.J.'s long hardening cock.

  Another inch, in length and girth. God, he's growing again, she thought. I'd need about three pairs of hands to cover his cock entirely. Unbelievable.

  "Sheeit, if gettin a little banged up gets me this, I should get injured mo often" muttered Z.J. His tall buff bod stood over Ivana's. His muscles were hardening at about the same rate of his cock as he stiffened to the spot. Ivana's hands were magic, soft but firm, warm and inviting. His long cock felt like it was getting a professional massage. And then, Ivana Swallows did something else that was unexpected. She guided him back to her check-up table. She was gripping his cock in one hand and pulling him along as though they were strolling hand-in-hand.

  "Let's get a good look at you over here" she said. Her voice, a sultry cat-like purr, had Z.J.'s big black cock already rising.

 She settled him onto the top of the table, his butt settled on the edge, and went back to stroking him. She looked up at him as she worked to him grinning at her as her hands went up and down the length of his ebony rod.

  "Now I see why all the white boys gathered out there to see you. They been gettin this treatment the whole time?"

   Ivana just smirked, "What can I say? When I want results, I get them at any cost. Name of science and all that."

   Z.J. chuckled. "Science is bomb as shit, long as you involved."
He grew yet another inch in her hand, and just then she noticed the small dot of clear liquid coming out of Z.J.'s urethra.

   "Oh, whats this?" Ivana cooed. She took a finger and dabbed it on the spot. "Pre-cum...looks like nothing's wrong with the plumbing either."

   "Just a light leak" Z.J replied, playing along. "Sure that sexy mouth of yours will fix that right up."

Ivana hesitated for a moment. Did she really want to do this? Hadn't this gone far enough? How could she do this? could she do this to him? She was married for Christ's sake!

  "But..." she began. "I'm married..." she said. "I...I can't do this..."

  "Looks like you mo than capable to me. Shit, you already stroken me. No point goin back now, right? Besides, I ain't even all the way hard yet. Don't you need that fo yo study too?"

  "Well, yeah but..."

   "You already got me in yo hands Nurse. Might as well get you some fun in while you can. I doubt you gon get a chance at a dick this big and dark."

 She played with the idea. She'd seen the black men of this town. They came in varying sizes. Big, huge, massive, gargantuan, and so forth. Z.J. was most likely the biggest one to arrive in her office to date, and there was something to that she knew she wanted to savor.

  "But I--"

   "Shit" Z.J. interrupted. "you feel almost as good as Coach Summers..."
And that was what set Ivana off.

  "Almost? ALOMST?!"

  Z.J.'s eyes widened. "Well..."

    But before he could explain himself, Ivana was already tiltiing her head down toward his hips. In a single move, she'd opened her mouth and successfully managed to slide a hardy portion of Z.J.'s cock into her mouth. She sucked at the head, sucked it hard and with everything her mouth had. She twirled her tongue along it, tasting the bits of pre-cum that were steadily seeping from the youth now. It tastes delicious, she thought.

   "OOOOH SHIT!" belted Z.J. unprepared for the woman to suddenly devour him like that.

Kneeling down before him, he could only see the top of her brown hair and the trail of her white uniform's back as her head dipped low onto him. She ain't playin, her thought.

  By the time Ivana finally came up, she smacked her lips on Z.J.'s cock head, making a lot *POP* sound as she looked up to face him.

  "Now, tell me THAT was ALMOST as good as Jenny Summers."

   "Sheeeit..." Z.J. said. "I ain't never had a woman suck at my dick like that befo!" He was elated.

  She was riding the crest of adrenaline. God DAMN I'm horny! She thought, or perhaps had finally realized. Her pussy was sopping wet now, the juices of her body seeping into her panties. Fuck it, she thought. She was giving in. Fuck George. If he'd been fucking her right, she wouldn't be so pent up like this. She may not believe in Jenny's ridiculous myth, but a big cock like this wasn't something that she could let pass her by.

   "Gimme some mo." Z.J. said.

   "You want some more?" said Ivana, mocking the boy.

   "Hell yeah!" Said the dark-skinned negro.
Ivana then, in a flash of her hands, gripped his huge balls, hard. Hard to the point her flinched slightly from the force of it. It almost hurt.

   "Then, you're gonna show me how big this motherfucker gets. You're gonna do WHAT I say, WHEN I say it, and you're gonna like it. Do I make myself absolutely clear?" Ivana demanded, her voice a low growl. The warning and call-to-arms of a lioness ready to take what was hers.

 All these idiots thought that Jenny Summers was such hot shit. They didn't have a clue what Ivana Swallows was capable of. Didn't know how hard she suck, fuck, and being crazy. But then, in this office, Ivana had decided to show them. She'd show them all, in whatever way she could, how many times she had to prove it. That Jenny WAS NOT better than her. And this black man, this patient, Z.J. Stone would be the very first to learn that.


   Deon and Jerome rounded a hallway in the school. The round brown skinned janitor was fumbling with his keys as they approached the door.

   "Alright, let's make this quick so we can burn some trees." he said. He fumbled with the ring of keys at his hip.

   "Fo sho nigga." agreed his partner.

  The weed they had stashed on them was burning and hole in their pockets, and they couldn't wait to smoke it. Just one more room needed cleaning and they'd be free to enjoy it. When he finally found the right key, he jammed it into the look and turned it. With a snap the door unlocked, and Jerome bellowed;

     "LUCY~, I'm home!" in a poor interpretation of a Cuban accent,  as he then - quite unceremoniously - nudged the door open with a meaty elbow.


   Ivana squatted on her knees in front of her check up table. Her legs were spread exposing the inside of meaty tanned thighs and her knees bent  deep as she sucked and bobbed on Z.J. Stone's long black cock. Her feet flat on the checkered tiles of her brand new office.

  *SLURP! GURK! PLOP!* Were the noises that escaped the busty nurses' throat as she fed herself that long black pipe.
Z.J.'s naked form towered over her, his hands gripping the sides of the table's cushions for dear life. Ivana Swallows was earning her surname and then some. She was devouring his dick with voracity that couldn't even be compared by the other women he'd gone at since moving to Coxville. Damn, this bitch tryin to suck my SOUL out ma dick!


Sweet baby Jesus, she thought, her head lunging and pulling in fast wet passes along the dark rod. This boy's cock is huge! Ivana had known the dark-skinned monster to be large. He'd spent more than enough time naked in her presence for her to glean that much. But she hadn't counted on HOW truly large the young negro felft in her mouth. He was the perfect blend of length and width, her mouth packed to the maximum just trying to accommodate him.  His length and girth make it difficult for her to take all of him at once (she'd tried in her first pass and had near choked herself to death on it) but had fallen into a tempo with her spirited blowj ob all the same. A part of her still couldn't believe that she was doing this. Blowing a total stranger who had come into her office. She thought she may have fallen into some sort of erotic dream. Maybe fallen asleep at her desk after a long day of looking at male phali all day and fallen into some strange wet dream about black men.

  The spit slathering her lips and spreading along Z.J. long thick black cock however, corrected her on this notion. She could feel the saliva running down her lips and her jaw, trailing on the tops of her breasts. She could see the thick wet bubbles forming on the length black mass as her full lips bobbed and bucked, slabbed and pull at her black patient. She had both her tone arms placed at the thick legs of ball-playing brud, holding him place at her table while she worked him over. She looked up at Z.J with her stark green eyes to see he was tilting his head back and languishing at the feel of her mouth on his flesh. His big lips puckered into an expression of O as her tongue lapped as his engorged cock head. God, I love it. she thought. She loved watching his stand there, his tall, naked, super chisled frame towering over her as she serviced him. It filled her with a sense of power. She controlled this black man. This towering mass of muscle was being played by her like an instrument, and she was loving it. I LOVE sucking monster nigger dongs!

   She brought her gaze back down to her handy work. The shiny spit was getting everywhere now. Lines of thick saliva hanging off the Stone boy's shaft.

    "Got DAMN, NURSE!" growled Z.J. "You suckin the SHIT out ma dick."

   "MMmmHM!" was all that came from Ivana's mouth, before erupting in a another wave of *GLURK, SCHLOP, GLURK!* from her very much occupied throat.

Z.J. wanted to bury his entire cock down the busty brunette's throat. But he was caught in the rush, riding what felt like a prolonged orgasm from every pass the dark haired nurses' full sexy mouth made on his big black cock.

   He's loving it, Ivana thought. I'd like to see Jenny look so high and mighty now.

Her pussy grew even more wet at the prospect of Z.J. cumming down her throat. She remembered when the Samson boy came on her and her girlfriends. The white spray of manly seed that came from that nigger was thick and rich, to the women it tasted simply divine. She wanted to make this midnight color monster do the same thing. She started sucking faster, her hoop earrings now beginning to swoop wildly as her head when in for deeper passes on the big black wang.

   "UUUngh, FUCK!" hollered Z.J. behind clenched white teeth.

  He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Nurse Swallows was eating his big black dick for dinner, and she just quickened her speed. She started going so fast that the top of her head became but a blur for a few moments.

   *MMH! MMMH! GURK! MMH! MMH! GACK!* came the sounds from the deepest part of her throat. Ivana went so fast that accidentally took the black youth too far down her throat. She gobbled more than half of him, his long stretch of ebony meat jamming itself in the deeper parts of her. She lurched and suddenly pulled away.

   "MUTHA-FUCKA!" cried out Z.J. feeling what must have been the woman's tonsils.

  Ivana's elbow's bucked up in an involuntary shrug and her cheeks puffed up in a gag. Oh shit, too much! she thought. She pushed back with her hands, freeing herself of her black rod, but trailing behind her full lips thick trails of spit.

   "Oh! Oh my GOD!" choked Ivana. "You're liable to kill a woman with this thing boy."

   "And you mo likely gon end up eaten a nigga alive with suckin skills like that" replied Z.J.

Ivana, prosprated before the built black, took a moment to catch her breath.

   "Never had that befo, huh?" chided Z.J. "Ain't never had a dick big enough to knock the wind out ya."

   "I must say..." wheezed Ivana, spacing each word with the sucking in of air.

   "Cocks this big are new ground for me. My husband's look like a baby's compared to yours."

   "Oh don't worry, I'm mo than happy to work you through it. Hubby better get used to working with wider spaces, cuz I'm bout to wreck dat pussy."

Ivana looked up at him, her green eyes wide and wanton at the promise in his voice making her sopping pussy scream for more.

   "But what I want first" began Z.J. raising a long index finger. "I want to see what them big ass titties can do."

  Ivana looked down at her chest. The tops of her breasts were shiny with spit, the full span of them aching to be freed from their restrictive garments.

 "You know what..." Ivana began, a sexy smile forming on her gorgeous white features. "That sounds like an excellent idea."

Ivana stood from her position on the floor. Z.J. stared in awe as the woman rose to her full height, his cock growing solid with the promise of her naked body. Ivana took both her hands and pulled at the lapels of her nurses' outfit, slowly. Inch by inch her tanned boobs revealed themselves to hung stud. The sight of her showing herself to Z.J. left him wit the same expression on his face as she upon seeing his cock for the first time. Her breasts, when finally unleashed from the white garment, fell magnificently into the open. They bounced slightly with a healthy all-natural perk and heft to them. Her dark areolas were almost wound into tight buds, and the cleft between them parted slightly as though inviting the young black into them.

   "If this doesn't get you fully erect, I don't know what will." she purred.

  Z.J.'s cock was already reaching the realm of rock hard.

   "Now...lie back, and let me take a look at you..."

   "Yes'm" chuckled Z.J. as he lay back on the check-up table, his hands pulled back behind his head in wait of the busty nurse.


    As the door to the open swung open, Deon and Jerome were shocked to view the sight of...nothing...
A dim, empty room stood beyond the open threshold. The two looked into void of the abandoned space, dumbfounded at their discovery.

   "Tha fuck?" bellowed Deon.

   "Dis Nurse Swallows office..." said Jerome, as though somehow noting that fact would magically will the office back into existence.

They looked at one another and then back into the room. Empty. And then it struck them. Or at least, it struck Deon.

   "Dis Nurse Swallow's OLD office, nigga!"

   "Oh yeah?" replied Jerome, uncertain if that information was obvious, or some new revelation.

   "Bossman Long moved her to tha otha side ah campus a couple weeks back."

   "Tha fuck? He did" replied his partner. "I ain't know."

   "Nigga,  what chu mean you ain't know. We MOVED her stuff inta there, remember."

   "Shit..." he genuinely didn't remember.

    "Ah shit, dat weed memory."

    "Well shit, nigga! You didn't remember neither. Walkin yo hefty ass down here, openin the door and shit. You fucked up too."

   "Whatever nigga, let's go."

  The two then closed the door, locked it, and began the trek to Nurse Swallows NEW office, on the other side of the Coxville High campus.  


  And Z.J. thought Ivanas mouth was heaven. His big black cock between her tits felt simply amazing. Every nerve in his body was being carressed by her vast round mounds. The brunette nurse stroke her twin globes up and down, using the spit that had fallen on her chest during her blow job as lubricant.

  "Goodness, this thing is gigantic!" she confessed. "I need both arms to keep it in-between."

And she did. It took some significant effort and strength from her arms to keep Z.J. massive monster cock between her big boobs. Clamping them between her mounds required her to pressed her hands - which she baled into half fists - together on the outer sides of the breasts, and then squeezing them shut to keep that monster trapped between her bosom. The effect caused Z.J. to go rock hard, and the motion of her tits motioning up and down only made him that much more aroused.

   "Hot DAYUM!" bellowed Z.J. "I had no idea they did it this big out in the deep south."

   "And I didn't know how BIG you boys were doin it down here" Ivana replied, awash in the moment.

    "Oh you did. You just ain't wantin to give us a chance is all."

She wanted to silence the boy after that, show him what she could REALLY do with a dick. He was right, she had been avoiding the blacks in town. In some way she knew this was done out a desperate (futile) attempt not to succumb to the dream she'd had not long ago. That intense wet dream where she watched herself please a locker room full of black. Their cocks all so huge and hung that it collectively would have been enough to leave three brothels worth of women screaming for mercy. Z.J.'s big black cock was sawing up and down between her immense rack, and in that moment Ivana decided to add to the experience by going back to sucking the head of his bulbous meat.

   "Ahhh shit yeah!" cheered Z.J. looking down at the dark haired woman as she stroked and suckled him at the same time. "Get that shit baby!"

   "MMMMMMMH!" cooed Ivana. His head was filling up most of her mouth alone. The feeling of being so filled made her mouth water. Clear saliva drooled from her bee-stung lips, flowing downward onto her collar, and down further until they reached her breasts. God, I've never done this before, she realized. She'd never been able to titty-fuck AND suck a cock at the same time. Her husband George didn't even come close to this guy. Z.J. was easily the biggest cock she'd ever seen. And, in the back of her mind, she screamed in anger and frustration. She was falling into Jenny's trap. Somehow that slut had managed to break passed her carefully established defenses of her project, and sent this chisled giant of a man to her. His jet black skin made her only want to suck and titty-fuck  him harder, and she did.

   That fucking bitch Jenny, she thinks she's won. She thinks she's beaten me, Ivana thought, not sure if she should feel guilty for her transgression against her husband, or the fact that she theorized that Jenny had something to do with this. I'll show her. Her desire to show Jenny as her lesser drove Ivana onward, sucking and slobbering all over that broad black beast of a cock. Her hatred for Jenny turning her into a proper slut for big black cock.

    "OOOO~we!" called Z.J. What's with that mad face, Nurse. You thinkin about Coach Summers again?"

He said it as if he knew what she'd been pondering at that moment. The dark haired nurses' eyebrows furrowed, her features looking angry as she sucked Z.J. immense black manhood.

  "Dat's it, ain't it? You thinkin about Summers. Well, you be mad. You make that sexy mean face, while suck ma big black dick!"

It was true, Ivana looked simply stunning when she scowled like that on a Big Black Cock. Her eyes popped and her lips seemed to clamp down harder of his dick.

  "OOOOH FUCK YEAH! You keep that up, yeah, JUST like that.
And Ivana did. She was gonna prove to this big black nigger who the real Coxville Queen was.

   *SLURP! SLURP! SCHLIP!* came the sound from her mouth. PLOP! PLAP! PLAP! echoed the noise from Ivana's giant jugs as they slapped aginst  the tops of Z.J.'s muscular thighs.

   "OOOOO~SHIT, NURSE SWALLOWS!" cried out the dark negro.

  That's right, you call out MY name, you big black fucker, thought Ivana, her lips tightening even harder on his fat head. She could feel him swelling, his manhood threatening to erupt into her mouth. She continued working him over, ready to up the ante to make him cum...until he made her stop. In the last moments when she was CERTAIN his cock (Now more than 12.4") was about erupt, he jumped up and stopped her. He all but had to pry her full lips off his dick head.

   "What's wrong, why'd you stop me!?" demanded Ivana, not sure if she was angry at his sudden interruption, or the fact he'd just denied her the taste of his his cum.

   "You backin out all of sudden?" She said this as though it were intended to egg him on. Trying to insult him and inspire him to get his head (so to speak) back in the game.

   "Nah..." He said plainly, as he stood up from the table.

   "What do you mean Nah?!" she demanded. Ivana was getting livid.

   "I stopped you because I wanna hit that pussy now."
Ivana's face flushed. She hadn't expected that answer. And before she could reply, Z.J. had her on her feet and was placing one of his large hands between her legs.  He was fishing around in there, pulling at her soaked panties and fingering her at the same time.

   "Damn Nurse Swallows. Yo pussy GOOD and juicey. Guess you got tha same idea in mind."

And in one quick gesture, he yanked at Ivana's undergarment. The article ripped and came away in one swift show of strength. The abrupt action caused her to gasp.

   "OH MY!" she eeked, feeling the fabric rip away along her soft skin.

   "Yeah, you ready to get fucked."
His words hit her blunt in the gut. She DID want to fuck him. She wanted his big black monster cock. His tight body was enveloping her, his long arms round her body. Z.J. had one hand probing her pussy, while the other was wrapped around her waist and grabbing at the curve of her ass inside the white uniform.

   "Oh go, oh yes!" she moaned as she enjoyed Z.J.'s long dexterous fingers. His digits alone were longer than her husbands cock. She grew wetter as she felt theblack man's hand grab and massage at her ass cheek. It was a careful, considerate version of the treatment she'd been given in the hallway.

  "Smack it" she growled.

   And by her command, Z.J.'s hand rose from her right ass cheek, and came down with a loud WHAP! that echoed throughout the expanse of the office.

   "OH, FUCK!" cried Ivana. "YES!"

NOW she truly ready to get fucked. Z.J. sensing the rise in her intent, pulled Ivana over to the check-up table. He lifted the hem of her tiny skirt, exposing her hot pink womanhood as it throbbed. A clean pink slit that was already dripping juices.

   "Yeah, you hot and ready" said Z.J. before burying his face into the woman's full round ass.

   "OH, MY GOODNESS!" hollered Ivana, as Z.J. took a few moments to taste his ornery nurse. He lapped at the folds of her pussy like wild dog, tasting a savoring her sweet wet flavor. I'm gonna cum, Ivana realized. And let out a shriek as her body shook in the thunderous quake of orgasm. Z.J. had made her cum with just his tongue, within seconds. This is incredible, she thought, her first orgasm from this tall, built darkie more powerful than anything she'd ever had in...well...ever. Then she felt Z.J.'s tongue pull out of her. She felt the palms of her dark lover's huge black hands as they parted her plump white ass cheeks.

   "Damn, fat ol white booty too." Z.J. complimented. In his hands they felt like two giant cream colored hams. "Here we go..."

The words almost caused Ivana to cum again. Then she felt the head of Z.J.'s cock probe at the outskirts of her pussy. The fat head had grown even larger to her surprise. Her shock at how far just the head of the negro's cock stretched was only topped by Z.J.'s at how resistent Nurse Swallows pussy was. It was beyond tight.

   "Man o MAN, you got a tight pussy Nurse Swallows."

   "No...UNGH!" Ivana corrected, her teeth clenching as the first inch invaded her.

    "Your cock is just too HUGE. SWEET JESUS!"

Another inch, and another, and another. Once Z.J. had gotten the head in, he was sliding slowly into the deepest parts of the brunette. It was incredible. Her pussy would fight his cock for every inch (having much in common with the nurse herself) and would pull and tug at the skin of his big black cock.

   "OOOH SHIT!" Hollerd Stone. for a moment he was sure if he'd ever get all the way inside her.

   "I swear to GAWD Stone! They grew you and that COCK of yours in a lab somewhere!"

   At this the black man laughed. "Ha-ha, just call me Super-Nigga, destroyer of white pussy EVERYWHERE."
And with that, Z pushed, bucked his hips one good time and sliding the bulk of himself into Ivana.  

   "FFFUUUUCK!" They both cried in unison. Ivana's pussy was creaming in its second orgasm, and Z.J. wasted no time punishing her tight white hole.
He threw his cock into her, pounding the now 13" inch member into her with no mercy. It was expanding as well as lengthing inside Ivan's tight insides. He could feel the walls of her womanhood clench and pulling at him.

   "Yeah! YEAH! YEAH!" he marked each thrust into the sexy nurse.

Ivana was rooted to the spot. Her body bent over the desk, legs spread wide, heels planted firmly on the checkered tiles, her hands gripping the edges of the table to brace for the impact of each thrust. Her white teeth shown bright as she cursed and screamed, cooed and cursed some more at the onslaught of her black patient. Z was pounding her good and deep, gripping her shapely hips with his massive hands.

Z.J. was throwing himself into her, showing her thick shapely body little mercy.    
    "OH! AH! UGN! SHIT!" Ivana cried out.


   And Ivana did. Using what grip she had, she threw her hips back into the black youth. She bucked and bronco-ed on her black bull. I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought. Moreso, she was amazed at how good she was at this. Z.J. was destroying her pussy. Giving her more cock than she ever thought her body could handle. And yet, SOMEHOW, she was still able to go toe-to-toe with tall dark skinned negro.

   "You want this big ass?" She asked, a challenge hinted in her voice. "GET IT THEN!"

  *WHAM, WHAP, BLAM, BLAP!* came the sounds from their wet parts colliding . Shit, bitch fucks as hard as she argues! thought Z.J. He wasn't particularly surprised by this realization. The woman had proven herself stubborn as a mule. She was giving back as much as she was taking, no quarter asked and none given.

   "OOOH SHIT, Nurse!"

 Ivana half-turned to face the jet-black man. The motion made her back and ab muscles flex, her obliques pops      

   "What's wrong, big boy? "This white pussy too good for you?"  Ivana flashed that caustic smile her. The defiant, condescending smile that screamed 'fuck you, nigger!'.  

   "Oh, hell naw." said Z.J. "Know what, bitch, come here!"

In one quick motion, Z.J. had scooped the brunette nurse up into his arms, her back still turned to him.

   "OH MY!" She squeaked, unprepared to be hefted so suddenly.

  Z.J. held her in the air, gripping her by the underside of her thick  tanned thighs. He dangled her above him and then, without ceremony of hesitation, lowered her down onto the span of his big black cock.

   "OOOOOOOH~GAWD" hollered Ivana, the sudden pressure and punch of Z.J.'s cock near knocking the wind out of her. Z.J. craddled her in his lengthy arms, bending his knees the slightest bit for balance.

    "Bout to sho you, bitch."

  He lifted her high, retracting his cock from her insides and stopping just at the head. Ivana couldn't help but notice how empty she felt after having been filled up so thoroughly. Z.J.'s exposed cock already missed the warm interior of Ivana's pussy. The curvy nurses' body weight was nothing compared to his superior strength. He dangled her in the air, his arm muscles popping in the effort of hoisting her in the air. And then, he dropped her back down. The abrupt sensation of being dropped whole inches from the air gave Ivana the sensation akin to hitting a sudden drop on a roller coaster.

She threw her arms backwards, wrapping them around Z.J.'s hulk-like shoulders and interlocking her dainty hands to maintain balance. The pounding Z.J. gave her in the standing reversed craddle position caused her to thrash a moan, the tempo of their fucking favoring Z.J. as the dominant one.

  "OH! FUCK!" cried Ivana, "FUCK.ME.JUST.LIKE.THAT.SWEET.BABY.JE.SUS!!" her words were broken into pieces with the rise and fall of her fit bombshell of a body onto her dark patient's cock. A stacato string of grunts, groans and curses that only impelled the titanic negro to lift her higher, drop her harder onto his big black dick

   "YES~" she cried, her hands gripping the young baller's dark hair as she came yet again. God, he's so strong, she thought as her insides quivered.

  "Dat's right, cum all on that black dick, baby!" encouraged Z.J.. He would only lower her to the ground when he was satisfied she'd come hard from his relentless pounding.

  When he set her down, she wobbled where she stood, her heels teetering as her body came down from being held high into the air. Z.J. had to hold onto her to make sure she didn't fall onto the cold tile flow.

  "Oh~oh my..." said Ivana, woozy and seeing stars from the ordeal. "I'm a bit dizzy."

  "We call that bein 'dick drunk' Nurse" smiled Z.J. proud and happy to know he'd given the busty brunette a hell of a ride.

He stood close to her, groping at her tits, licking the tight buds and suckling on them like a famished babe as she regained her bearings. She was moaning slightly, and grew wet as the mixed sensations of her previous orgasm and Z..J's pink lips pulling and lapping at her giant mounds meshed.

  "Dez titties tho..." muttered Z.J., mouthing a plump piece of Ivana ample breast in his mouth. What his mouth couldn't suck, his large hands grazed and groped, twisted and tweaked.

 When Ivana came back to grips with the present, she immediately dropped to her knees.

  "Oh my goodness!" she said, "that was incredible."

She then grabbed at Z.J.'s cock and took the long span of his sex back into her mouth. She sucked at it slow, but choked it down deep, her throat barring his long cock passage at about the half way point. I can't get it all the way down, she complained in her head. She wanted to devour that monster cock entirely. She'd seen Jenny do a similar feat with the Samson boy. And while Z.J. was bigger than Samson, she figured whatever skills the blond bimbo had at making black dicks disappear down her throat, she could do with equal if not superior skill. Ivana gripped Z.J. thighs, wedging her fingers so deep into the muscles that it almost hurt. And, taking a deep breath, she lunged herself forward onto his immense dark cock. The strain caused both she and Z.J. to buck.

   "MUTHA FU-" sputter the ebony skinned god, as the dark haired goddess threw all her upper body strength into choking him down. It was aggressive and caused them both to grip tightly onto one another; Ivana onto Z.J. muscular legs, and Z.J onto the woman's hair.

It took a long, gag filled moment, but Ivana feel the back of her throat being filled with hot wet tubular mass. It had gone down her throat and felt like it had settled somewhere near her chest. God lord, she thought. If I didn't know any better, I'd say his cock just got even bigger! Along with that, Ivana felt something else. It was on her nose, the tip of her button nose had pressed against something in the attack. She chanced opening her eyes, and spied nothing but dark skin. The V shaped realm of chisled abdominal muscles. Ivana's nose had pressed against the front of Z.J.'s hips, brushing itself into the patch of dark pubic hair. She could smell his sweat and manly musk full-on now. I did it, she thought. I took his whole cock in my mouth. And lo and behold, she had. She'd taken Z.J. Stone's massive black wang all the way down her gullet, the back of her throat nestling a full 13.7 inches of dark meat.

  "Oh shit! Ok, you bad Nurse Swallows" said Z.J. looking down and seeing what Ivana had accomplished.

The fact she'd gone so hard of his cock, without hesitation, made him go rock solid again. Quickly he retracted from the buxom brunette. Long streams of spit trailed behind his retreat. Saliva roped around his cock from Ivana's savage throat fucking. Snot was running down her nose, and she felt a little light headed, but she'd survived the encounter.

  "" panted Ivana. She had succeeded, but was left winded by the ordeal.

Z.J. then suddenly scooped her up from the floor and guided her over to the check-up table. He laid her down on her back and went to the act of licking out her sweet poon. His hands were going about playing with her massive breasts as he licked her hot pink gash. With his other hand he held up one of her toned legs. She cooed and moaned with approval at Z.J.'s oral skills, already feeling the tingle of yet another orgasm approach. Jesus, do all black guys eat pussy this good? she wondered. She'd always heard that black me steered clear of such acts. This negro however seemed to be making a meal out of her slick white pussy.

  "Oh~ yes Z.J." she groaned. His tongue was hitting all the buzz spots of her pussy. Each nerve getting brushed with the pink appendage as it probed at her in long wet volleys.

This went on for some moments, and then Z.J. rose.

  "Ready fo mo?" he asked, his booming black voice making her insides scream for more nigger cock.

  "Yes. Give me more of that big black rod."

Z.J. took his piece, and lowered it onto Ivana's belly. Its so long I can still tit-fuck and suck it from here, she thought. And the busty nurse did just that. Settled between the open space of her breasts, Z.J. had flopped his manhood onto her. She gobbled at the wet head for a moment, her arms thrown back behind her head. The tower black then trailed his king sized pussy-pleaser down the brunette's front. Down from her breasts, passed her belly and brushing passed the upside down arrowhead shape of her dark pubic hair.

  "Gimme more, you big black bastard." She ordered.

And by her command, Z.J. went to work. He pressed his bulbous dick-head at the opening of her unguarded slit. The pink lips spreed every slowly, and light groans escaped Ivana's throat. Here he comes, she thought. This hot bitch's hot pussy is the TRUTH, thought Z.J.. The heat from her womanhood was incredible. She was like a furnace inside. In a few cautious prods, Z.J. had settled the head into her pussy.

  "Mo you want..." said Z.J. just before thrusting himself back into Ivana's hot box. "Mo you GET!"

She wailed in ecstasy, the deep surge of intense pleasure making the brunette nurse cum instantly. The towering negro didn't give her a chance to ride the wave however. He just got back to pounding her poor pussy with all he had. His incredible length only allowed for about half of his monster cock to get inside her, but he was more than happy to power-fuck the dark haired vixen with it. He used one large hand to grip her by ankle, and settled the other down on the inner part of her thick opposite thigh. Bitch is LOVING it, he thought, observing the wild dark haired woman who had been helping him recover just minutes ago writhe and scream with new found pleasure.

  "Yes! Yes! YES!" She moaned, her hands still raised up over her, thrusting her hips back at the negro youth with a fierce intensity he'd never witnessed on a woman.

  Bitch is tryin to make me blow, he thought. The confrontational look in her green eyes said it all.

He continued to pump and buck his hips into her. He was gonna make her cry out and call him daddy, even if he had to fuck her in this office all day and night.

  "Come on, nigger! Give me that big black dick!" She barked at him, unwilling to let Z.J. take full control.

Fresh beads of sweat began to form on Z.J.'s brow, shoulders and abs. Drops of persperation trailed down his chest.

Whap! Whop! SMACK! came the wet register of black flesh against white flesh. Ivana's bodily secretions were coming from her stretched pussy more regularly now.

  "OH! OH! YES! FUCK ME!" she hollered.

 She had a series of small orgasms, and was able to stave off the larger ones. Z.J. gripped her by the tits and started pulling her deeper onto his cock. This niggers bound to split me in two if he keeps this up, Ivana thought. Then, Ivana - tired of being the one on the bottom - suddenly shifted. She pulled Z.J. back onto her, gripping his long toned arms and pulling him in close.

  "Whoa~" the tall black choked, not expecting such a burst of strength to come from the busty nurse.

His head fell close to her chest, and using the momentum turned over onto her side, taking Z.J. with her in the roll and turning it into a pin.

  "Now..." Ivana said, her voice low and almost serpine in register. "I get to be on top."

Z.J. blinked. This dark haired bitch had more power in her than he thought. She'd totally caught him off guard with that move.

  "Damn bitch, you a MMA fighter on weekends or somethin."

His cock was still wedged half inside her. Ivana, without a word, began to rock herself on his long cock.

  "Yes! Yes! YES!" she hollered as her hips found their rythym atop her dark-skinned stallion.

Z.J. actually caught himself gritting his teeth. He was gripping the sides of the table - which had somehow managed to survive their intense bout of fucking thus far - and could do not but let the big-tittied brunette have her way with him. Her thighs were so strong. They clamped at his hips like a vice-grip. The firm muscles of her biceps and triceps popped as she placed them atop Z.J. sculpted chest. Her thick thigh muscles tensed and flexed as she rocked herself into yet another intense orgasm.

  "OOOOHHHH~" she cried.

   "DAAAYUM~" Z.J. wailed in return.

Ivana had the table rocking in its welding now. Just jumped and popped, wiggled and thrusted astride the tall black man. It took the lion's share of Z.J.'s willpower not to lose his load while being riden by the older woman. Bitch tryin to kill me, he thought. Ivana then got to bouncing herself atop of him. Her thick and firm ass cheeks popping atop his long cock with an intense degree of control.

  "GODDAMN!" Z.J. called out.

  Ivana just smiled down at him. "Good pussy, ain't it? You gonna cum big boy? You gonna shoot that load?"

    Her tone held a mocking edge to, like a bully asking a smaller victim if 'they were about to cry' from being tormented. As she chided the tall baller, she was bouncing in his lap, hopping up and down on the near 14" of black monster cock that she'd turned stone-hard over the course of their fucking.Sex, like just about everything else in Ivana Swallows' life, was a fight. An argument or competition to be won. And more than anything else, Ivana liked to win. She'd be damned if this cocky young thug would her taking orders and calling the shots. She'd taken control of the situation, and reversed his grip on her. She rode him hard, bucking her hips in short but powerful thrusts that gradually grew into longer languishing ones. She did this to acclimate to the young man's immense length. His thirteen plus inches registered in her mind and body as a mile. The fear of wrecking her insides did not sway her stride either, oh no. Quite the oppsite effect, the feeling of the deepest parts of her pussy being hit by Z.J.'s cock, her insides being stirred around in her gut, only inspired her to move harder, fuck faster, taking his sex all the way down to his black testicles. Her fear of breaking her pussy melted in favor of grinding her hips deep onto the youth's own.

The pressure from the interior of her tight pink gash made the black patient think Nurse Swallows intended to break his manhood off at the stem. Despite the fact she was holding control and giving the black man a proper southern cowgirl ride, she was impressed with the black youth. Her husband George couldn't take her at this speed for longer than a few seconds at home. He'd gasp and twitch into a pathetic seizure of orgasm at the sight of her big bouncing tits and firm abs rocking atop him. Z.J. however, had managed to hold out for close to five minutes. She was giving him what she had and not holding back about it, but he was still hard as a fucking rock.

Z.J. despite wanting to blow his load into this sexy dark haired bitch, held strong. This bitch ain't gonna wear me down, he thought. And in one swift display of athleticism, he turned over the pair of them, yet again. The move caused Ivana's stride to break altogether, and she squeaked with surprise at being turned over so abruptly.

  "Bitch, you ain't gon wear me down" declared Z.J.

Still inside of her, he reverse the cowgirl position they'd been in back to missionary. He slid his body off the check-up table, leaving only his cock inside Ivana. He gripped her hard, harder than before, and relentlessly went at her unguarded pussy hard and fast

  "AH FUCK!" She cried out, her mouth opening wide with surprise at how hard he was now entering her. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK MOTHERFUCKER! She cursed.

  "Yeah bitch! Get this dick! GET IT!"

   "That all you got, you black bastard?"

Again, Ivana's trash talk inspired the negro to go harder on her. That intense cowgirl position was the proof he needed that she wasn't holding back. Therefore, he no longer had any reason to either. Z.J. gripped Ivana, one hand placed on the flat of her taut stomach, while the other gripped her firmly by the back of her head.

 "Bitch, I'm bout to teach you." He grunted, and then shoved himself, ALL of himself into her with a brutish grunt and show of blunt force.

 "UUUNNNNGH!" wailed Ivana with gritted teeth. "FUCK, that's DEEP!"

  "YEAH, IT'S S'POSED TO BE, BITCH! UNGH!" as Z.J. repeated the motion of pulling himself out, and then jamming himself into her, down to the hilt of his manhood.

  The blunt force and depth which the midnight colored negro used on Ivana caused her eyes to furrow. It was pain and immense pleasure in a single move. She was angry and aroused at the same time. Z.J. saw this in her face, and used it as fuel to keep going, to keep fucking her.

  "Yeah bitch, you GET this nigga dick!"

WHAM! WHAP! BLAP! was the echo of his long coco cock burrowing deep into her.

  "OH! OH! YEAH! AH! AH!" called out Ivana, each thrust rewarding his power with a loud scream. She didn't care if the entire school heard the noise, she was getting FUCKED by a REAL man. A big, black, jet-black skinned nigger, who had a third arm for cock, and who fucked with POWER and authority.

Z.J. slammed her again and again, loving the mean faces she was giving him as he used his big black cock to hit the back of her sweet pussy.

  "YOU.LIKE.THAT.BITCH?!" He grunted, using each deep venture into her pink casm as pace-setter for each word.


Her crass insults only made him buck into her more. She was gripping the edges of the check-up bed, Her knuckles turning white while the sparkle of her wedding ring reflecting every so often from the lights overhead. Ivana had NEVER been fucked this hard, this deep before. It had knocked something loose in her. Some latent animalistic trait that she never knew she had. She bore her teeth at the titanic black man as he gripped her abs tighter. Z.J. could actually feel the bulge his cock made in the deepest back of her stomach. It made his nuts roil and scream for freedom.



Z.J.'s muscles all stood at full definition and attention. He was getting just as much of a workout as she was. Ivana lost track of her orgasms, lost in hte blind rage of getting pounding by a black patient. Jenny isn't better than me, she reminded herself. I could out-fuck her against black cock ANY day of the week.

  "That all you got nigger?" Ivana chided again when Z.J.'s stride slowed.

This again inspired the black athlete to give her every inch of what he had.

  "You just don't learn, do ya bitch?" he growled. "Alright, I'm bout to sho yo ass."

Z.J. decided to get creative with his next maneuver though. He took his long left leg and propped it onto the counter that was near them on the left side of the room. He lifted himself above Ivana, angling himself high on top of her, his thick black monster cock dangling over her in threat of diving in on her pink pussy. Oh shit, Ivana thought, knowing already what was to come next.

  "Gon teach yo white ass." he said, outstretching his other leg far to the right and bringing him to his full height above the brunette nurse. "Reppin ATL bitch. Bout to dive DEEP on yo ass!"

And then, Z.J. Stone let his tall chiseled body drop into Nurse Swallows, the full brunt of his weight behind the blow.



 When Z.J. dove into her, she howled so loud that it actually echoed outside of the room and down the empty hallway. He was balancing himself on the office counter, using every inch of his height to advantage, and every inch of his long black cock to break in the ornery nurse.

   "JEEESUS!" cried Ivana, her angry face melting into an overwhelmed expression she could no long hold at bay.

The combination of Z.J.'s height, strength and huge black cock coming in at just the right angle from above had finally caused a crack in her prideful armor. Until this point she'd managed to keep a straight face and even dish out a bit of trash talk at the dark-skinned youth. Despite the fact his cock had been the single hugest member she'd ever seen or taken. She was shocked he hadn't torn her in two. Now however, she was all but certain he was going to pound her to pieces. He dipped and dropped his full weight on her, letting his hips slam into her with the full force a 260 plus pound athlete could muster. She screamed and hollered, writhed at the spot with gutteral moans as his cock repeatedly dove into her belly. Her walls were being pulled by Z.J. long and thick nigger dick.




  Z.J. was killing her pussy, which had turned into a soppy wet mess. An underside view of the action showed how her bodily fluid had long begun to flow. Clear liquids slathered the check-up bed, top and sides, spreading further and further along the surface and sides of the apperatus with each powerful descent Z.J. made into the brunette beauty. Ivana's pussy was getting DESTROYED. Z.J.'s white sneaker squeaked atop the counter and on the floor as her barreled into her. Pinned to spot, Ivana could do not but lie there and receive her punishment from the tower negro. This nigger's tryin to kill me, she thought, her body shaking with its most recent orgasm. When Z.J. leaned forward, his hands planted firmly on the surface of the check up bed, he could feel Ivana trembling beneath him.

  "Nigga dick ain't no myth, is it bitch?"

  "Oh! OH! AH! FUCK!" was all she could mutter.

 Z.J.'s muscular body would stay towered over her like this for some minutes longer before he finally wavered, his body finally ready to spill its bounty. He dropped from his propped up position, and slammed Ivana several more times with deep thrusts.

   "This is it. This is it. I'm bout to cum baby." he said.

  "Oh yeah, yeah! Give it to me. Give me that thick white cum." Ivana was beyond dick-drunk by now, and she simply refused to wait anymore for Z.J.'s thick hot load.

  One thrust. WHAP! Two thrusts. WHAM! A third. BLAP! A fourth. BLAP! And then the young negro pulled his long black snake out of Ivana, tugged it free and let the feeling of enfold him.

   "AAAAARRRGH SHIIIIIT!" He roared, his balls emptying all at once in a mighty spray.

  "YES~!" wailed Ivana, who opened her mouth and caught the first of what would be a slew of wet surges.

Z.J.'s seed sprayed all over, spraying down the check-up in a thick transparent white. His roar continued as he erupted, the veins of his huge cock throbbing with each knee-buckling jolt of pleasure. He held it firm, as though he were a fire-fighter spraying down some raging inferno before him. His cock had found itself falling between Ivana's tits in the initial surge. She'd braced herself as best she could by planting her right hand at the black man's chest, and placing the over and behind her head. The black youth's pulsing cock head had found itself nestled just at he opening of her mouth. So much thick creamy cum, Ivana thought. It slide down her throat hot and clear, her taste buds jumping in delight at the rich salty flavor of it. As her black buck's rampage of lust subsided, she held her position on her back gulping and suckling at the clear bounty.

  "Oh damn...oh got dayum..." cooed Z.J. his deep voice trailing into a bit of whimper at the sight of Nurse Swallows humungous tits, glazed over with his seed. "Best...check-up...EVER..." he panted.

Ivana had her mouth full, and said nothing, but was thinking the same thing. Her eyes glazed over with a wavering lust. She'd just had the fuck of her life, and she was basking in the afterglow. They shared a moment of silence, the only noise in the room being the steady heavy breathing of Z.J. as he collected himself from fucking the wild brunette housewife. Top that Jenny Summers, thought Ivana.

Their shared moment of quiet was only broken about a minute later, but the sound of a low, lilting whistle.

  "Well, well, WELL!" came a deep voice from behind the recovering pair. "Now DAT shit right der...DAT was magical!"

  At first Ivana thought that the voice might have been Z.J. But she realized within a moment that the voice wasn't his. It was too off, too low even for his bassen vocal pitch. Z.J. half turned from the spot where he stood. When his body cleared away from hers, his cock slinking off soft but still immensly long, Ivana could see where the voice had come from. There, standing just in the threshold of the door, were two men. One was incredibly tall, taller than Z.J. by half an inch, and dark skinned. The other, a much shorter but powerfully built man, stood further in the office.They were both bald and wore matching grins that hinted of mischief and the ill-hidden truth of having witnessed their epic bout of fucking.

  "Damn..." spoke the tall black man. "If I'Da known DAT was what I was gon be gettin in tha nurses office, I'da made damn sho to be hurt er'dayin this mu'phucka."

The pair laughed. Deon and Jerome chuckled to themselves as they entered the nurses' office. Both Z.J and Ivana could just stare at the duo as they entered and closed the door behind them.

  "Don't know bout you Jerome, but I think I suddenly don come down wit sumthin..."

  "You too nigga? Damn, ain't that a coincidence. I be feelin a little green around da gills ma damn self just bout now."


     The whole scene had turned surreal for Ivana. One minute she was attending to her daily routine, taking on patients in what was (supposed) to be her master plan against her arch rival. The next, she was getting the hardest, deepest pounding of her life on her table, against her vows of marriage, and with a BLACK man no less! What was even more unbelievable, were the lingering shakes and shocks of pleasure that buzzed throughout her epic body in periodic currents. And now, basted with sweat and the rich transparent bounty of her black bull (she could still taste Z.J. at the back of her throat), she lie on her back before two more horny black men! She knew them to be hard as iron and ready to have a go at her from the immense bulges pushing from the crotches of their jump suits. Silently, the gears of her uncanny ability spun; 10.4” and 14.7” semi-erect, she calculated. Her heart rate quickened once again at the notion of tackling this pair of behemoths. She estimated that of the two, the taller darker Negro of the pair possessed the longest cock (longer than Z.J. she dared to fathom). The shorter more rotund black of the duo, though possessing the shortest length of the three before, stood on top with the thickest cock. Ivana's parts ached. Such a fat member would likely break the cranky brunette. And yet, the thrill of the attempt had her getting moist again.

     "What chu' thank, Nurse Swallows?" asked the taller black man of the duo in coy but contradictorily aggressive tone. "You thank you can check me out down below? Make sho tha pipes flown right?"

 "Yeah, yeah" co-signed the shorter janitor. "Grab em and ask me ta cough, Nurse."

The two men chuckled.

   "W-what the hell? How'd you get in here?" demanded Ivana, lifing her worn bountiful body up from the table and looking on at them with a mix surprise and indignation. "I locked the door!"

   "We had a key" Deon replied.

   "We knocked an err'thang befo comin in" added Jerome.

    "Ain't no reason ta be embarrassed" said Deon, nodding slightly and noting Ivana's sudden discomfort in being surrounded by a bunch of big black men, her breasts hanging freely from her garments. Feeling caught 'off-guard' didn't even begin to cover it. "We see shit like dis all~ tha time, nurse."

    "Yeah" co-signed Jerome. "Me and Deon hear done seen mo’ pussy than one ah dem Jina-cologists. We ain't gon flinch at no nekkid bitches...especially when dey got big ol' titties like yo's."

The round janitor marked this comment with a jovial nudge at his partner's shoulder. Ivana resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the Negro’s obvious mispronunciation of the word ‘gynecologist’.

    "Not that we don't appreciate tha offer fellas" said Z.J., "but I think Nurse Swallows here done just had her last patient of tha day. She just got done givin me a THOROUGH consultation. Turns out I'm mo'fit than a mu'fucka."

Ivana could detect a hint of pride in the tall Negro as he stood naked next to her. A boasting inflection intended to let the two new males know "sorry, I got her first. Better luck next time."

   "I do believe I'm capable of speaking for myself, Mr. Stone." replied Ivana, letting the tall boy know who was in charge here. "I'm afraid" Ivana began, her tone poised and confident as though her naked chest and neck WEREN'T glazed in black man semen, "you've caught me at an inopportune moment. I'll definitely need the office cleaned though, so feel free to come back at a later time."

 The two janitors glanced at one another, each of them cocky an eye at the busty nurses' statement.

    "Dis bitch fo real?" said Jerome. "She just tell us ta come back later?"

     "Sho as shit did D."

     "Shiiiit" came Deon. "Fuck tha office, look like YOU need a wipe down, Nurse."

 At this, Ivana appraised herself. Indeed, the woman was left a mess. Z.J. had really hosed her down. he feebly began wiping at the clear remains, succeeding in only slathering it around and rubbing it into the fabric of her ill-fitting garments.

      "Tell ya what Nurse" came Jerome. "How bout we make a deal?"

Jesus, when did all the black men in this town become professional negotiators? thought Ivy.

   "You let us get our piece, give us a reeeeal good look over. We'll go ahead and take care of tha whole office fo ya."

   "Yeah", we'll cleans it up reeeal good fo ya too."

 Ivana chuckled, "Are you serious? That's your big deal? That's your JOB! Why in the HELL would I bargain with you two buffoons into doing your jobs?"

     "Because..." said Jerome. "We gotta report back ta Principle Long after we done doin our rounds..."

   "True dat, tell her nigga" agreed Deon.

 The hung negro let the threat loom in the air, half spoken but fully implied.

   "He'd be hella pissed if he came to find out you in usin' yo new office as a spot to get yo fuck on."

   "Usin' it to fuck on with STUDENTS, no less" added Jerome.

    "You know how he bout resources; If niggas misusin it, it shouldn't be there to use period."

   "You check us out, let us be a part ah yo little...project or whateva you got goin up in here., and we'll make damn sho we foget ta tell the bossman we found you in here gettin it balls deep from the young'n all bucket ass nekkid and covered in nut."

 The threat was clear and blunt in their voices. Ivana's breath caught in her throat for a moment. As far as she knew, the two janitors had her with this one. Their intrusion had left her at a serious disadvantage. Z.J. coming into her office (and then onto her) was completely unexpected. These two barging in to catch her in the act was equally unexpected. If they went to Principle Long about this, it would be the end of her. Getting fired would be the least of her worries. Her project would be forcefully canceled, her research scraped and her livelihood uprooted (if not altogether destroyed). And yet, Ivana's defiance insisted she keep up a face of iron before the two black men.

   "I seriously doubt that" she replied. "Principle Long would much sooner believe my word over a pair of burnout buffoons like you."

They both arched a brow, insulted but remaining silent. In the face of their threat to tell Long about her misdeeds (though one could only guess as to how the old man would really respond), the buxom brown haired nurse kept a stern face. She looked to Z.J. whose tall naked form stood mere feet away from her.

  "Mr. Stone, you wouldn't have any idea what these two would be talking about if they went to the Principle with such ridiculous accusations, would you?"

There was heavy bit of suggestion in Ivana's voice, that was only hardened by her adding;

   "You wouldn't want future...admission...into my office for care be rejected for spreading lies about its nurse...would you?"

The implication was there in every way but verbal. Z.J. looked at Ivana, got a sight of her green eyes as they nudged and pulled for his compliance. If he ever wanted to get into her tight white pussy again, he'd do well to keep his fucking mouth SHUT.

   "Look, fellas..." began Z.J. raising his sinewy hands in a gesture of peace, "I ain't knowin nothin bout no fuckin in no nurses' office" he lied. "Nurse Swallows here just gave me a load a water and a spot ta cool off after I passed out on tha field, checked me out to make sho I was good and sent me on ma way."

The two janitor's glared at Z.J. for this.

   "Sorry fellas. Streets gotta eat, na'mean? I ain't gettin caught up in lies and snitch'in and shit."

Both Ivana and Z.J. looked on at the men, who remained silent for a long moment. They were expecting them to rage or throw a fit at their having been mentally bested. Their word against Ivana's, with the policy "I got mine, so fuck ya'll" coming from the titan Z.J. left them in a bit of a bind. But then the two janitors did something expected. It was a simple retort, uttered low and so nonchalantly that it could only have been planned. They both shrugged their shoulders at the spent pair, an aire of 'oh well, we tried' carried in their gesture.

   "Meh" came the tall negro.

   "Oh well then" came the round one.

The two slowly, ever so slowly, turned on their heels, and then they said it;

   "Pussy can't be better than Coach Jenny's anyways..."

Its uncertain who actually made the remark as the two turned for the door. It didn't really matter. It had been said, and was uttered loud enough to sting at the busty nurses' eardrum.

   "What...was that..." said Ivana, her voice the low growl of a lioness affronted.

The two black men said nothing, just shrugged their shoulders again as they continued their small trek to the office door. Jerome had the door opened slightly by the time Ivana spoke up again.

   "My pussy can't be better than WHO..." her voice had gone from a growl to a ferocious roar now. Ivana was pissed. She abruptly jumped up from the desk, her huge breasts bouncing up and down with the motion of jumping up from the spot.

  Z.J. was still standing next to Ivana, rooted to the spot in the sudden shock of seeing the shorter curvy woman. He towered over the woman in height, but at that moment, her presence felt like that of a giantess. An angry (size) queen who had just been slighted in her own court. No way was she going to be scoffed at, not by THESE two idiots, and certainly not over who had the better pussy between herself and Jenny Summers.

   The mere notion that her womanhood, her ability to fuck, had been automatically labeled as 'less-than' compared to Jenny made Ivana's blood boil. The busty brunette nurse just gotten done taking one Coville's high biggest, black and most hung brothers 'balls deep' as the two had already confessed. She'd made the jet-black Negro roar and howl with pleasure using her juicy full lips, thick muscly thighs and round bubble butt. She'd just PROVEN (whether she intended to or not) that she could fuck just as good, just as hard and fast as that blonde bimbo could. Hell, considering how young and fit Z.J. was (the boy fucked like a god) Ivana was about ready to prompt the argument that she could suck and fuck black cock BETTER than Jenny Summers even. She'd be damned if she was gonna stand by and let these two oafs label her as 'less', not after the pounding she'd just GIVEN as much as taken from her ebony patient.

The sly insinuation had caused her to abruptly snap. To blow up like a brunette stack of curvaceous explosives.

   "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

The two black janitors froze in place, their backs to the unclothed nurse.

   "Get your black ASSES back over here, NOW! Anay that again, to my FACE!"

Another moment of pause, and Jerome and Deon about-faced on their heelstowards the irate nurse. And if a particularly triumphant (and rather devious) smirk crept across their hard faces as they turned to face the eager and angry Coxville woman, neither she nor Z.J. noticed.


    "How much longer will we have to wait?" asked the portly white fellow standing before Ms.Murdock's desk.

 The man was average height, with a soft-to-average build. His complexion milky, his nose long and pointed and with a thinning head of brown hair. He stood, hands in the pockets of his gray slacks, and with an anxious slouch about his posture. His tone was pitched in a manner that it almost resembled whining as he consulted his watch for what must have been the sixth time in ten minutes.

    "Nurse Swallows will see all her patients in due time, sir." said Murdock, favoring the computer screen she stared down at rather than looking up to the face of the portly patient-in-waiting.

    "You said that over an hour ago!" The man complained, his rounded gut shifting slightly in his buttoned up shirt in a gesture of exasperation. "I mean, how long could it possibly take her to--"

 Murdock didn't allow the middle-aged man to finish his complaint.

   "Mr. Sachs!" she belted, her voice suddenly booming with a power and authority unexpected of her advanced years. "Might I remind you that YOU volunteered for Nurse SWALLOWS' study. It was made very clear to you upon entering this office that there would be a waiting time, with your being seen based strictly on a 'first come, first served' basis. If this is not feasible for you, then by all means, feel free to leave. We have PLENTY of other candidates to take your place."

 Murdock allowed her words to marinate in the man's mind. His blue eyes had gone wide with the old woman's verbal assault. She could tell he was a bit embarrassed by the way his head dropped, like a small boy being scolded by an elder. Other heads turned in the room, all of them male and as Caucasian as the fellow standing before the wizened school secretary. Silently all the men shared Sach's irritation. They'd been waiting for more than an hour (some even longer) for their chance as getting time with the epically sexy Nurse Swallows. If stories had been shared among the gathered male patients of how they'd come to be at Coxville High, all would - at some point - note their main point of interest as spawning from the picture of the gorgeous brunette nurse. How the woman's gorgeous facial features, lush dark hair, stern and piercing green eyes, and STUNNING body had them all clamoring to the high school in droves, many without even reading the latter portion of the consensus' summons.

   Waldo Sachs was one such man. He'd taken one look at those big round breasts, compacted in what was supposed to be a modest looking blouse and blazer. Caught one glimpse of those delicious hourglass hips, firm arms, delectable tanned skinned and flawless facial features , and he was scrambling to sign up for her 'study on the male phallus'. He'd rushed out the door with many other men that morning. Men both married, single and otherwise spoken for and had driven with near blinding haste to get up close and personal with the incredibly sexy nurse. Many fantasies passed through their heads, all of them harboring the faint hope that 'their penis' would be 'the one'. That it would be 'their cock' that proves to be that 'one in a million' wang, that 'great white cock' that the bombshell medical researcher was looking for, and that she'd 'reward' them according to the script that had been penned in the mind of each man upon their arrival at the school. The wait however, was trying the patience of the hopeful patients. The wait making their eager cocks ache from what could only be described as 'long distance blue-balls'.

  "Now, if you have other engagements to attend to," Ms.Murdock continued. "We can certainly understand if you'd like to reschedule for another day."

 Sachs had nowhere in particular to be that day, as it was his day off.


   "I'm certain Nurse Swallows will be able to see you at another time" She repeated.

 It was like the old woman was trying to agitate him into leaving, shooing him away as though he were an irksome child.

   "Well. How much longer do you think she'll be?" asked Sachs.

   "With a workload the size Nurse Swallows has..." replied Murdock, taking her head away from the computer for the first time to glance at Sachs from behind her thick glasses, "she'll likely be awhile Mr.Sachs..."


   Ivana Swallows was crouched, bent at the knees, before Zulu Jr. and Coxville high janitors Deon and Jerome. Her legs were outstretched at the spot she occupied on the checkerboard tiles as she slurped and gobbled greedily at the three assembled men. If one were watching the sight from behind the dark haired nurse, they would see the half-naked woman's head bobbing forwards and backwards in ferocious motions, an onslaught of wet *SCHULP, SCHLOPE, GURK* sounds errupting from each wild pass of her brown hair. While she suckled and slurped the man standing at her middle, the two others to her right and left enjoyed the tug-job she was giving them. Her toned tanned arms raised to the two other hung brother's dicks, and making the muscles of her biceps and shoulders pop, flex and flare as she jerked the fat pieces of erect dark meat. Jerome, the round bald janitor, stood center of the small group, with his partner Deon at his left and the tall young'n Z.J. at his right. The two taller men's heads were tilted back, coasting on the warm hands of their brunette nurse as she pulled on their long dark cocks. Light groans escaped the men as she worked them over, with the lions share of louder groans escaping from the lips of Jerome, since he was enjoying Ivana's amazing mouth.

  This thing won't even fit half way down my throat, complained Ivana in her mind. The short pudgy janitor had (easily) the thickest cock of the batch. She compared to that of a soda-pop can, and estimated it to be well over a pound it weight. Jerome's fat brown cock was held heavy in her open maw, wet spit dribbling off the head and dripping onto the tiles and between her impressive chest.

     "Oh~ SHIT, dis bitch can suck a DICK!" complimented Jerome, his arms akimbo and looking down at Ivana as she bobbed back and forth on him.

Her lack of ability to suck him down all the way only made her motion faster on what she could swallow.

   "Mmm,hmmm,mmm~" garbled Ivana, each break in her making the sound marked by a choke or hiccup from her throat.

  Her mouth was a wet gentle flame that caused no pain, only warmth. Her tongue lapping at his urethra and the head of his cock threatened to make him blow his wad every few moments, the tingle of a orgasm creeping up in short waves, only to recede by the burly negro's self-control.

    "Shit, I ain't no how you managed to last this long, young'n" said Jerome. "Dis bitch's brain game is tha TRUTH."

    "Don't count me short, old timer." replied Z.J., his head tilted back and causing his hiked shoulder muscles to pop, "I done had me a few romps in the hay with some BAD bitches in ma day."

Almost as if answering the suggested challenge to her sexiness, Ivana's head went from Jerome's cock to Z.J.'s. She instantly had the tall black in her mouth, and was slurping him up with equal vigor to that of his elder.

"Oh~ SHIT~" eeked Z.J. Ivana's tongue performing magic tricks on his cock. He flinched, shocks up pleasure jolting and equally rooting him to spot where he stood.

The two janitors chuckled at how Z.J.'s knees slightly quaked and threatened to buckle for a moment under Ivana's sudden oral assault. She was taking him deep into her mouth, and her tongue was performing all sorts of evil tricks on his gobbled head. Ivana gazed up at her jet black stallion as she worked, her emerald eyes fixed up to his brown ones in defiance, her furrowed eyes telling Z.J. wordlessly; the only 'bad bitch' you're gonna praise is ME!

    *Mmph! Mmrhph,Schluuurp! Gurk!* Ivana bobbed and bucked at Z.J.'s crotch. The suction sound from her full lips on Z.J.'s long black cock sounded like small wet explosions, rapid successions of sucking and spitting, with the occasional gag escaping her mouth from the pulse of that black monster cock wedged down her gullet. the. From the side, Ivana's head was but a blur, motioning to and fro about Z.J.'s outstretched manhood.

 "Spoke too soon, lil' nigga" said Jerome.

Z.J.'s getting easier to swallow, thought Swallows. It made her pussy drip knowing that she could take down the hung youth with greater ease, her skills (naturally) growing with each passing moment. In Ivana's mind, she assumed she'd pick up this skill in half the time it took Jenny.  When she was satisfied she'd bathed Z.J.'s black cock with enough thick spit, she pulled away - a long trail of spittle following her lips and tongue - and turned her head left towards the tall janitor, Deon. She gave his long nigger cock the same treatment, though she silently struggled to adjust. The angular janitor was some length longer than Z.J. (if that were to be believed). Jesus, this one's grown to 15.3"!  Ivana couldn't help but do the calculations in her head as she sucked. Even if she cut the size of these black bulls in half, they'd still number bigger and longer than her BEST white patients. Even the short janitor Deon's cock (11.4" erect and STILL growing) her cauasian men would still come up vastly short compared to how thick his cock was. Ivana knew such a fight was a losing one from her end. But at that moment, Deon's fat head hitting the pocket of her cheek, she simply couldn't bring herself to care.

 "Oh~ shit, black cock, quarter pocket." the tall man joked as he watched the brunette nurse brush his big black dick back and forth into the side of her mouth.

   "Sexy white bitch, brushin her TEETH wit that nigga dick."

    This when on for some minutes. Ivana taking her time with her three black bulls, making a proper mess of the trio on black monster cocks with her spit. Taking occassional breaks from the routine of basting them in her saliva to gobble hardily at their giant testicles. Her free hands were ever-occupied with stroking those wet nigger dicks and kneading the balls that hung heavy and low beneath them. When the three were pent up to the point of bursting, they brought the brunette nurse to her feet and guided her over to her check-up table.

   "Time ta go ta work!" proclaimed the short janitor, as he lifted the dark haired nurse into the air as though she weight the sum of a sack filled with feathers.

   "Oh my!" she squeaked, unaccustomed to being hoisted so easily. They're so strong, she thought, as he settled her onto her back and let the pants of his suit drop to the ground.

  Her huge bare breasts bounced as she was plopped onto the surface of the desk, and she instantly fell to her back, ready and eager for what came next.

   "Better not catch you slacking off, big boy." said Ivana, as the tall janitor took his position to her left and Z.J. positioned himself at the opposite side of the table and let his long black cock sit just atop her forehead.

 Jerome wasted no time. He aligned his immense member between Nurse Swallows' thick legs.

  "Fine white bitch built like a brick shit house" he said, as he pressed his chubby cockhead into the lips of soppy wet vagina.

  She cooed and moan, and half groaned in pain as the enormous stretch of fat meat invaded her. Oh my GOD, he's splitting me so wide! she thought and then proclaimed out loud.

  "Dat's what its s'pose to do baby." said Jerome as he fed more inches into her eager snatch.

 Inch by hefty inch the rotund janitor enter Ivana Swallows. His two companions stood at her sides, and stood hard and high at her mouth and epic breasts. Two inches, four, six. Ivana hollered out loud, stopping only to lick and suck at Deon's long black cock or to lick at the underside of Z.J.'s

   "Give it to me!" Ivana commanded. "Give me that big fat nigger cock!"

   "You heard the lady" said Deon at Ivana's left. "She want tha whole thang bro."

   At this, Jerome nodded. "Then I betta give tha lady what she wants."

 And with one hard thrust.

   "Oooooh~FUCK!!" screamed Ivana. The remaining fat span of Jerome penetrated her, spread her wide and pushed in deep.

 By the third strong pump, Ivana was cumming and sucking at the same time. INCREDIBLE, she thought. She was feeling Jerome punch into her insides, hitting her in places she didn't even know could be hit and being stretched well beyond what she'd ever felt in her life. For the next few minutes, Jerome slam-fucked the busty brunette.

  *WHAP! PLAP! BLAP!* the sound of his body hitting hers, unintelligible groans and grunting from both sender and recipient being exchanged.

   "Got DAYUM!" moaned Jerome, "Bitch's pussy so HOT!" The wet lather of Ivana's sex made his path into her an rather easy one. She was tight, but her pussy had been trained by Z.J. to take such deep punishment.

   "AH! AH! OH AH~!" cried Ivana, her sounds garbled by the interchangeable stuffing of her mouth with Deon's long cock or Z.J.'s huge balls. Ivana's eyes watered, snot ran down in small trails from her flaring nostrils. She was being fucked and force-fed big black cock from multiple angles, and she was LOVING it!

 Oh my gawd, I can't stop cumming she thought, as another surge or pleasure overtook her like a tidal wave. Jerome held the nurse by a meaty thigh, and let her other dangle over the edge of the table. From his vantage he could Ivana's leg, thigh and ab muscles rythmically flex from his onslaught. Her giant breasts jumped and jiggled majestically from the impact and pull of their fucking.

  "Bitch can take a poundin" Jerome said with a thick grunt, holding nothing back as he buried himself deep, BALLS deep, into the brunette nurse.

 He could feel her stomach tighten as he hit the further wall of her delectable womanhood. The thrust caused her eyes to pop, and her angry gaze shot to him in a flash.

   "Think you breakin down them walls, dawg" said Z.J.

   "Ain't dat what a REAL man s'pose to do?" replied Jerome. "These white boys ain't knowin bout dat shit. Dey too busy tryin to 'make love' an shit."

 A mocking tone was carried in the phrase 'make love' as Jerome pounded into the nurse's unprotected pussy. He carried on like this until the taller janitor called for his turn.

  "Have at her, dawg." complied Jerome, as Deon motioned from round his side of the table.

 Ivana was too busy using her full lips and silky tongue to pull and lap at Z.J.'s big black balls to complain (not that she would anyway).

 When facing Ivana's open legs, the tall janitor turned her over from her back and onto her belly, her mouth coming away from Z.J's swollen testicles with a loud *POP!".

   Upon appraising Ivana's round bubble butt, Deon's hooped;

   "HOOOOO~WE! All dis ASS tho!" He placed both his big hands on the individual white orbs of Ivana's bottom.

 He used his long fingers to squeeze the meat of her butt, and jiggled what he could hold with his palms.

   "I know how you black boys love a big ass." Ivana said confidently, suddenly not feeling nearly as disappointed with her rear end as she'd been in days, months, hell YEARS passed. She wobbled her plump ass a bit, a tiny dance daring the tall black man to do his worst with that long monster cock.

   "White women round here be havin asses like tha sistas an shit" noted Z.J.. "Ain't seen nothin like it."

   "Dats Coxville fo ya" said Jerome as he took his position to the side of Ivana.

 The shiny white butt cheeks belonging to Ivana were then parted to make room for Jerome's long ebony wand. She groaned a long cat-like groan as he slid what felt like a yard of meat into her begging snatch.

   "Oooooo~GAWD, you niggers and your big ass DICKS!" she exclaimed, offsetting the feeling of having her insides probed and parted with outward aggression.

  "We be bringin that long and STRONG baby." said Deon, as his cock ventured passed the half way point.

 He couldn't quite go balls deep into her, as Ivana's pussy bottomed out before he could enter her.

   "Almost had tha whole thang in" said Deon, a hint of disappointed in his voice.

   "Almost!?" groaned Ivy. "Feels like I've got a BABY'S arm inside me. The fuck?!"

The three men laughed, and Deon went to work. The tall negro started slow, letting his immensely long penis slide in and out of Ivana's wet pussy. White fluids began to coat his dark rod.

  "Bitch creamin' ALL on it" he said.

Ivana didn't doubt this, for she'd been cumming in random explosions from the time he'd entered her with long black python. As he fucked her, the fat janitor Deon fed her his fat cock from the opposite side of the table. Z.J. stood off the the side, stroking his own member in wait for his turn.

   They're filling me up, thought Ivana, her mouth and pussy full to the brim with black cock. She'd recalled the tale of Jenny Summers and these two. Apparently (if the story were to be believed) these two had a proper go at Jenny in her own office some time before.

   I wouldn't have looked twice at those two before the Coach, she remembered Jenny saying the night of the book club meeting, but when those two dropped trou and let those fungous black cocks flop out, I just couldn't resist. I felt those two for about a week after they fucked me.

 Ivy didn't doubt it much now; these two weren't playing around when it came to banging hot white pussy. Deon's pace and force increased, his pounding making Ivana buck forward and thus take more of Jerome into the depths of her throat. These two fuck like animals, she thought. Not wanting to be thwarted by the pair, she put her own force back into their fucking. She matched Deon's thrusts with her own, and sucked hard at whatever Jerome fed her lucious mouth.

   "Damn, bitch fightin fo it" moaned Deon.

   "Shit, I know. Regular fire-cracker dis bitch is." agreed Jerome.

 They went back and forth, Ivana the middle player in a game of catch. Deon fucked Ivy into Jerome, Jerome thrusted back into Ivy's throat, and Ivy - using the gathered momentum, threw her ass back into Deon. And repeat.

 *BLAP! GURK! BLAM! GURK! BLAP!* came the sounds of flesh against flesh and throats being tested. Ivana's screamed were muffled by the amount of heavy meat shoved into her throat, and her sounds came out as but wet throaty chokes and hiccups. It went like this for some minutes, and by the time the interracial game of catch had hit its apex, Ivana was worried they'd break her brand new table.

 "Shit!" cried Deon, "bitch ain't no JOKE!"

Ivana was going all out. She wanted, more than anything, to hear them cry the words; "this white pussy better than Coach Summers". She'd hoped (expected) them to belt it out if she gave as well as she took. It was starting to anger her that they were giving her every compliment, made every audible ode to her sexual prowess, BUT the one she wanted most.

 "I want back in it, dawg." called Jerome some moments later.

  "Coo" said Deon, withdrawing his long member from Ivana's by now well beaten pussy.

"Fuck!" cursed Ivana, her mouth now free of Jerome's chubby black cock. "If you boys cleaned as well as you fucked, this place would be SPOTLESS."

"We get it in when we can, Nurse." said Jerome, who was climbing onto the table with Ivana.

"While you gettin at dat pussy, I'm finna get in this ass." Deon said this as he aimed his 14" plus inch black cock at the tiny puckered butthole of the brunette nurse.

 "You keep that thing AWAY from my asshole." warned Ivana, aligning herself atop Jerome is what would be a strong cowgirl position.

  Z.J. approached from his corner, long black dick in hand at the beckoned hand of Ivana. Despite her warning, Deon gently poked at the unguarded anus. He already knew how to change the grumpy buxom nurses' mind.

    "Whas'a matta? You afraid I'm finna break yo little white butthole?" He poked at it again, like a boy poking at something with a long black stick.

    "I've never done anal before." Ivana confessed. Deon (once again) knew exactly how to retort.

    "Shiiit~, Ms. Jenny hadn't neither...befo we got to her. She took dat dick like a champ tho, regardless. If you can't handle it though...dat's cool".

Deon had managed to pull his cock head away maybe half an inch before he saw Ivana shove her ass back at him.

   "GET IT IN!" she demanded, while at the same time lining up her hot pink pussy lips with Jerome's fat monster cock.

  As she slipped Jerome into herself, Deon - with an almost agonizing slowness- slid himself into the dark haired woman's star-shaped second hole.

    "Ooooh~. god, oh god, oh god, oh GAWD!" she moaned and muttered over and over again as Deon's bulbous cock head pressed and pushed at her anus. It was like she was reciting the phrase as a prayer, both her hands clasped together atop Jerome's bald cranium. Being entered by not one, but TWO cocks (two big BLACK cocks) was a struggle, an obstacle and joy wrapped into one for the curvy nurse. The pressure and pain being buffered by shocks of pleasure as they inserted their huge man-parts into her.

    "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my GAWWWD~!" she cooed by the time Deon's cock was at the half way point. It bent slightly, Ivana's ass cheeks clenching and her glutes blocking him further access.

   "Ooooh SHIT!" cried Deon, "relax dat azz baby. Let it in, stop fightin."

NOT fighting was the most difficult task for Ivana. She had to let her muscles slacken in order to fit that black master cock into her tight butthole.

   "Shit, I coulda told ya she was a tight ass, nigga!" joked Jerome from below, his face half-smothered with round white breasts.

Ivana removed a hand from his bald head and slapped him (gently) across the face with her fingers. "You hush!" she commanded, though her mean facial expression hinted more at playful orders than outiright anger. "Less talking, more pumping."

 It took what felt like a life-age before Deon finally felt the lion's share of his cock wedge itself inside Ivana. The progress was noted by a deep groan from Ivana.

   "SWEET JESUS!" she writhed. "It's in my ASS!"

   "You bet'cha nurse" agreed Deon. He was slow at withdrawing his black staff from the woman, not wanting to lose all the progress he'd made.

A few long strokes later, and he could feel Ivana's inner ass clench up on his manhood.

   "FUCK ME!" she cried, cumming from the long stretch probing deep into her. "Oh my LORD! Its so damn DEEP in my ASS!"

 When she settled, Deon and Jerome went about pounding the thirty-something year old nurse. During the onslaught, she writhed and moaned, groaned and gritted. She summoned the up-to-now sidelined Z.J. over with a stern glance. When he was close enough, she took his erect black cock back into her greedy mouth. *PLAP! BLAP! BLAP!* echoed double-time throughout the office. Deon and Jerome were fucking Ivana good and deep from two sides! Deon eventually climbed atop the table, joining the position fully and throwing himself down into the sexy brunette slut from above. Oh my gawd, they're gonna ruin my holes! Ivana thought fearfully, her groans and writhing becoming lower, more bassen and animalistic.

   Her mouth was too occupied with her third big nigger cock to say as such, but she was loving the thorough pounding she was getting. She very much doubted Jenny could top this, and from the pace they'd fallen into, it seemed the two brothas a above and below her were hanging onto their loads by but a thread. She could feel Jerome's fat cock pulse and throb inside her pussy from below, begging to let loose its creamy white bounty. From above, she could feel a similar sensation form Deon's too-long dong as he dived on her defenseless asshole.

    "UNGH! AH! UNNGH!" she cried, getting it from both ends. Z.J. meanwhile enjoyed the magic of Ivana's wet mouth as it drooled onto his cock and balls from the diagonal edge of the desk.

 At a certain point in their bout, the two janitors began going particularly hard on Ivana, their cocks hitting the back of her respective holes. Her eyes went wide and occasionally rolled into the back of her head, and the fear of being overwhelmed took her. They were fucking the shit out of her, and if she wasn't careful she'd break (literally and figuratively) under the pressure.

    “UNG! UNG! Yeah! Yeah!” hooted Deon.

    “Get her dawg! Get her!” hooped Jerome, encouraging his boy to go at the hot brunette harder, faster, deeper.

Their encouragement towards one another resulted in a tag-team pounding that had Ivana's eyes rolling into the back of head as she sucked Z.J. off. Sweet JESUS, I'm getting dizzy, she thought. They keep this up and I'll be split in half! She had no choice but to fight/fuck back. She lifted her ass, her plumped round cheeks coming up high - almost to the head - on Jerome's big black cock. She then, unceremoniously slammed down, HARD onto his cock, taking the round janitor down to the hilt.

    "MUTHA-FUCKA!!" he cried, getting all the pussy the dark haired bitch had to offer.

 In a follow up motion, Ivana then lifted her ass high, hard and abrupt, upwards onto Deon's long black cock. Her ass came in so tight, her hips holding nothing back, that when she bumped into him the tall negro was almost bronco-ed from the table!

   "OH SHIT!" Deon yelped.

    "Ungh! UNG! UNG!" Ivana grunted, repeating this double motion again and again. Her descent was marked by hard slaps as her thighs and ass collided with the two custodians.

Z.J. looked down to see Ivana was going harder than every on the pair, and his cock was still getting sucked inside out. She's a fuckin BEAST, he thought, his POV showing her face looking up at him like a hungry she-wolf. The pattern went just like that for some time. Deon slamming Ivana's ass from above, Jerome's fat cock pounding her from below. And BOTH men were met with equal force from the brunette, who slam-twerked her ass up and down with no remorse. If they knocked the wind out of her with their huge nigger cocks, she'd hit them back in kind with her round white bubble butt. I can't believe I'm taking three black monster cocks at once, she thought. Top THAT bitch! She came again and again and again. Her climax brought on just as much by the thought of trumping Jenny Summers as much being giving the fuck of her life by three huge black cocks. When the fucking hit its fever pitch, all three black men felt the surge hit them at once.

     "Aw SHIT!" cooed Deon.

     "I'm..." said Jerome.

    "Bout ta blow!" groaned Z.J.

   And Ivana, in a stunning display of swiftness betraying that of her thick curvy body, jumped from her spot on the table in a blur, pulling the portly janitor with her off the table and aiming his cock at her face as she dismounted onto the black and white checkered tiles. All three men were upon her in a single step, and in one huge explosion shot their white wads onto her gorgeous white face. Ivana's mouth was wide open, but the thick white cum went everywhere. Deon's bounty hit her cheek, zigged half into her mouth and then onto her cheek. Jerome's creamy cum went dead-center into her mouth and filled her mouth entirely in white seed. Z.J. - whether by choice or accident - missed Ivana's mouth entirely, instead spraying her exposed breasts down in pearly white juices.

    "FUUUUUUCK~!!! They all grunted. Three black bulls brought to their fall by Nurse Swallows' mouth, tight ass and pussy. She reveled in the white shower, going back to instict when Samson West had come on her and gulping down every drop that fell to her mouth.

    "OH GAWD YES!" she wailed, proud and triumphant. She'd made not one, not two, but THREE niggers bust the load of a lifetime onto her. Her victory against Jenny was sealed (in her mind at least).

   "Holy shit!" cried the men, their knees buckling under the 'come-down' of their orgasms.

 Ivana licked and lapped, gulped and swallows the huge white load. It was all over her. Had completely covered her breasts and neck in creamy ivory fluids.

   "Fuck boys made a hell of a mess" she panted, swallowing another gulp of cum.

    "Sorry bout dat..." said Z.J.

    "I ain't" said Deon.

    "Me neither" co-signed Jerome.

 The four particpants fell at the spot, exhausted. Deon and Jerome collapsed onto the check-up table, Ivana laying back against the floor cabinet, and Z.J.  falling to his bum at the spot he stood. They all instantly fell into the weariness of what had been a powerful bout of fucking. And Ivana Swallows, awash with black seed, could not have been more content in the victory of her transgression.


It would be another forty minutes or so before Ivana would make the call to Ms.Murdock. The message was terse but heartfelt;

    "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience gentlemen, but Nurse Swallows will not be seeing any more candidates today. She expresses her DEEPEST apologies and will be more than happy to reschedule you for a future date."

A hail of groans, curses, complaints.

   "Are you serious?!"

 "What the FUCK?!"

 "AWWWW, come ON!"

 “I took off WORK to be here today!”

Words like this and the like shot across the room in rapid succession. A staccato baying of male grievances voiced all at once. Murdock would only shake her head in a loosely adorned mask of sympathy for the forlorn Caucasian gents.

   "Real sorry bout this, fellas. Nurse Swallows just found herself a totally swamped with work today."

 Two by two, the white men filed out and down the halls of Coxville High, curses and sullen grunts making up the fanfare of their departure.

 "*grumble, grumble* Total waste'a time..."

" *grumble* Bitch *grumble*"

When the men had all gone, Ms.Murdock got back on the tele-com to Swallows' office.

    "They’re all gone, dearie. You’re definitely not their favorite person right now"

   "They’ll get over it” replied Ivana over the intercom. “Thank you kindly, Ms. Murdock."

   “Think nothin of it” replied Murdock.

Ivana sounded winded over the phone, her words spread out half a second long than perhaps they should have, as though she'd just gotten done running some excess number of miles and was just getting her wind back.

     "You alright, dear? Sounds like you just got done sprintin’ a marathon.

A moment of silence, likely Ivana trying to collect herself and NOT sound so exhausted.

 "Uh...n-no, no I'm fine hon. I guess all the work has just finally caught up to me is all."

At this, Murdock chuckled, "Been burning the candle at both ends, dearie. Those bulls'll wear ya out faster than anything, if you let em!"

This gave Ivana a moment of pause. Surely by "bulls", the old woman meant the influx of eager patients...surely...

   "Ha-ha, you're right about that one Miss--hey!"

Ivana's voice suddenly cut out, a fumbling over the phone.

    "Watch those hands, buster!" came over the other end into Murdock's ears. In the distance, the old woman could hear a faint chuckling. A deep hardy sort that could only have come from a man.

"Uh, a-at any rate. I've got some straightenin up in here to do, then I'll be on my way home. You go on and take the rest of the day off, Ms. Murdock. Call it an early one, and we'll pick it up later."

"I see…" was all the old woman had to say, responding to the brunette woman’s bid, but really listening in for more noise in the background. "THAT tired, huh?"

The old woman was always the one who had to tell Ivana to stop working. Never before had the buxom nurse suggested calling it an early day, NEVER.

  Ivana let out a big exhalation of breath. "More than should be considered legal, hon. I'm gonna finish up here and head on home. You should do the same. We women have worked long and hard enough for one day, I think."

 In the distance, Murdock could hear more low chuckles, along with some muffled cuts of words.

   "Hard workin black man--"  and then muffled noise.

  “Damn strai-“

   “Woe dat white bubble right Ou-“

  “Okay~!” chimed in Ivana, her voice loud in attempt to drown out the bass-line voices in the background.

   "Alrighty dear, you're the boss" said Murdock.

And with another short grunt, the phone abruptly cut off with an abrupt clank noise.

   Murdock sighed at from her desk while slowly packing her things away for the day. "To be young and nubile..." she said, a distant fondness and hint of nostalgia in her tone. That was all the old woman had to say on the matter.

    Zulu Jr. was in the boy's locker room. He'd just finished showering himself of the day's labors and was sitting in one of the locker aisle benches. He felt, for lack of a better phrase, fucking FANTASTIC. Ivana Swallows had sucked and fucked every drop of semen inside him and had left him feeling like he'd just gotten in the workout of a lifetime. His cocky smirk seemed permanently slapped onto his face. Thinking back on all the positions, the sensation sounds and lingering effects of having at that sexy brown-haired bitch would be the apex of his attending Coxville High. ZJ could hardly believe that all that had been labeled as an "order". And then - as if on cue – in came another voice from down the aisle.

    "So, how'd it go?" came the deep voice another man from down the aisle.

The abrupt influx of noise jolted Z.J. out of his reminiscence of the dark haired nurse, and made him turn to the source of the voice.

    "Went better than expected." replied Z.J. "If I'a known she been that strong a fuck tho, I probably wouldn't have bothered doin all them laps fo ya in the first place."

      "Nah" rejected the deep voice. "Had to look real. Swallows ain't no idiot. She deals with niggas fakin ill on a daily basis. You had to go in their genuinely exhausted."

At this, Z.J. shrugged his naked shoulders. He had to admit the older woman was a stiff. Even in the throes of exhaustion he'd just barely been allowed access to her office.

     "You give her the message?" asked the voice.

   "Yep" smiled ZJ confindently. "Had to go round-and-round with her a bit on the particulars. She a tough ass cookie."

   "Who you tellin?"

   "She down though" Z.J. continued. "Long as she can subtract half a what she gettin on paper fo her little study, she coo wit havin brothas in there. "

   "Good work..." said the voice.

   "Ain't nothin" replied Z.J. "Could'a sent me warnin about them other niggas joinin in though. Would'a saved me some trouble trying to keep my stamina up."

At this the visitor in the locker room shrugged.

   "Wasn't part the plan. Those two just happened to stumble in at the right time is all. Didn't seem like it hurt thing none though."

   "Nah, it was coo. I gotta say, ya'll got some proper white freaks up in this town. Bitch was LOVIN all that black dick. So much it actually ended up workin out betta than we could'a hoped."

The other man nodded.

   "You'll notice that the white women in this town are rather...enthusiastic...about their black men. They may not act like it in public, but when you get em behind closed doors...well, you got first hand knowledge ah how that goes..."

    "Shiiiet, no doubt about that. Feels like my nuts are made ah concrete."

The two chuckled. The man had to hand it to the kid, he'd done good. He could ignore the slight pang of jealousy at having at the infamously cranky and even more famously sexy Ivana Swallows. But this task had served his/their purposes just fine. The man ultimately decided the young ones would be given the task of opening the flood gates, while the REAL men would swarm in as the proper flood.

     "So...dis makes me a part of tha team now, right? I get Samson's spot when the season starts up?"

    "We'll gradually work you into his position during practice. By the time we get into the season, you'll have been rotated in, trust me."

 At this, Z.J. lifted a hand to his chiseled chest, making the sign of a boy-scout.

"Hey, I got you at yo word Coach. I trust ya. Word is bond."

Z.J. smiled, and in return, Coach Black smiled back.

     It took Ivana almost an hour to clean up her office (not to mention herself) of the mess she and the three studs had made. She'd shooed the trio off in a hurry when she spotted Jerome pulling out what looked like a hand-rolled marijuana cigarette from his jumpsuit pocket.

    "Nu-uh! You're not smoking that in my office. You're not stinkin up my space with that nasty weed smell. Git, git, GIT!"

Her bouts with the black men had left her exhausted, but not so much as to be unable to force the men out of her work space. The three men filed out, pressed on like pack-mules by the toned arms of the busty nurse.

   "Damn baby, just gon hit an quit a brutha, huh?" said one of the black men, his words cut off at the halfway point with the office door as it closed shut behind them. After wiping down her table, cabinets and floor of any and all traces of bodily fluids, Ivana collected her documents and placed them neatly on her desk. She did the math in her head and finished adding the three men to her study. Judging by the estimations, even cutting their dick sizes down by half still made them superior to her best white male patient.

    "Shit..." Ivana said, a confession of quiet defeat on her tongue.

    She knew she'd been going about this all wrong. She needed to make the wager with Z.J. so that she could still stay afloat in her challenge. She was in too deep (WAY too deep) to back out now. And while the deal she'd struck with the black skinned man gave her a workable angle, the main target of her labors still had to be taken down. Indeed, Ivana still had to take down Jenny Summers. And it was only after the epic pounding she'd taken (quite well actually) from the departed black men when she realized how she had to do it. Ivana wasn't certain when the revelation hit her. Most likely it was just a circumstantial bolt of inspiration while being split in two by the trio of black monster cocks, an epiphany birthed in the heat of the moment. Ivana showered in the women's locker room, her wet body glistening over her spent frame, her muscles defined and shining as hard as if she had gone to the gym with Sammy Spitzmen. Occasionally she'd feel the lingering tremor of pleasure from her previous bout with the black men. A twitch in one of her thick thighs, a tingle in the further walls of her deeply penetrated pussy. Her womanhood still throbbed from the onslaught, her cheeks and mouth feeling hard-used. All the muscles in her body were being bathed in hot water and were just now telling the report of how hard she’d gone at those black bucks. Her abs screamed and her arms and legs felt as solid as wet noodle. Those niggers pulverized me, she thought while washing her hair of black seed. While scrubbing her ample breasts with creamy white soap she remembered the image of seeing giant black members being wedged between them. The white of the soap resembling a faded version of the pearly white cum that jutted from the three big black cocks like the spray from a fireman’s water-hose. The thought and memory caused her nipples to harden and her pussy to dampen once again. She had to confess, the thrill of recalling how those brutes manhandled her, her struggle keep her composure while having her holes invaded and slammed into like pistons, made her horny for more. She knew she could take it (despite her occasional doubts during particularly deep thrusts from one or more of the trio), had proven herself. She’d proven to herself that she was a more than a worthy recipient of Big Black Cock. She’d done so by taking on not one, not two, but THREE giant nigger cocks at once. That meant something to Ivana, validated her in some twisted way, despite having gone outside her marriage with other men.  

   And it was then, in the women's shower, that Ivana Swallows concocted her third plan. It was blunter and far less sneaky than any of her previous ones, but she indeed knew it would do the trick, it simply had to. The previous events of the day had proven one thing and one thing alone to Ivana Swallows; she could take a Big Black Cock, several even, just as hard and deep as Jenny could. Her ample body was no less capable of having at those big over-muscled black studs than that big-tittied blonde's…and she could -no- she would prove it.

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