The Unwanted Houseguest Rebooted 12 Epliogue

Chapter 12: Epilogue

Beth winced when she heard the tires squeal behind her, followed by a crash. She hoped she wasn’t the cause of the accident. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that it was a simple rear end collision and the two drivers were already out of their cars, arguing. There didn’t appear to be any injuries.

“Almost there, Atlas,” she said, pushing the carriage in front of her as she went for her daily jog. They reached the end of the block and Beth slowed, turning the carriage around. The baby was sleeping peacefully. She pushed him in front of her picking up speed until she reached her preferred pace. She didn’t glance at the accident, but both men quit arguing when she passed and she could feel their eyes on her body.

Beth was wearing yoga pants that tightly hugged her well-rounded ass. Her belly was exposed, tanned, flatter and trimmer then it had been before she got pregnant. Her sports bra tried and failed hold her EE cup breasts in place. They bounced each time one of her feet hit the ground. The argument picked back up soon after she passed.

A mile later, she was back at Mary’s, pushing the carriage into the garage. She lifted Atlas out, breathing steadily, but feeling enough energy she could have done another two-mile jog. She carried Atlas into her room, setting him down on the bed while she stood and pulled the sports bra off over her head before leaning forwards and pulling the tight yoga pants down. Almost right on que, Atlas started crying. His green eyes staring hungrily at her dangling breasts.

She lifted him to her bosom and sat naked while he suckled greedily on one of her large nipples. Beth sighed with relief, feeling the milk draining from her heavy breasts. The doctor told her she was hyper lactating which is to say that her breasts were over producing milk. She was producing a lot of milk, but she wasn’t convinced her body hadn’t just synched up with Atlas’ greedy desire to nurse all the time. He was already in the top 100% for size and weight of the average six-week-old.

Her free breast suddenly squirted out an inch-long gusher of milk. It happened almost every time and the reason she preferred breast feeding nude or at least topless when she got a chance.

The suckling began slowing down as Atlas’ nursing was putting him back to sleep. Her wet nipple popped out of his mouth as his head fell down. Beth lifted and carried him over to Teddy’s crib. She put him down and walked over to get a breast pump to remove the rest of the milk from her other breast.

She filled a bottle and checked the classifieds on her tablet. There was nothing available that could match the money she’d make stripping. She sighed at a society where women could make more nude dancing then teaching children, but truthfully, she missed the stage and the adoration of the crowd staring up at her nude body. It was also almost Christmas and the winter crowds were starting to flock to South Florida. It was time to go back to work and she decided to keep dancing until Atlas was old enough to wonder what mommy did for a living.

Beth stepped into the shower, washing her hair and the sweat off her body. She dried off and examined her body in the mirror. She was flawless. Her body had bounced back quickly and along with her diet and exercising, she was more toned now then she’d ever been. Daily Aloe Vera and Cocoa Butter applications around her stomach and thighs had virtually eliminated her stretch marks with her tan hiding the faint remains.

Beth gave a glimpse to the baby and satisfied he was still sleeping, she laid down on her bed, turning on her side to pull out the black dildo. Her body became aroused just looking at the realistic shaped plastic shaft. Her nipples were hard and already leaking more milk as she spread her legs and brought the head down to press against her pussy lips. Beth whimpered as the head penetrated her. She tensed up and relaxed as she worked the dildo a little deeper with her hand. She increased her pace, tensing up again when it hit her cervix, a broad smile crossing her face when she buried the foot-long shaft. Beth’s pussy squeezed down around the toy, cumming hard. Two tiny jets of milk shot up from her hard nipples as she came. A relief she hadn’t felt in months washed through her body as she slowly removed the dildo. She was fully healed and ready to have sex again. Beth put the dildo away and got up off the bed.

She heard Mary pulling up outside as she walked over to the closet and pulled out Charli Ray’s little redneck cowgirl outfit. Beth was wearing it as Mary came upstairs and entered the room. “Going back to work?” asked Mary.

“Tonight, if you can watch Atlas.”

“Happy to,” said Mary, walking over towards the crib.

“There’s plenty of milk in the fridge when he gets hungry.” Beth finished dressing, slipping her feet into the cowboy boots. “Also, tell Teddy I think I’m ready for him as soon as he’s free.”

“Christ girl, he’ll make himself free. He’s been dying to sink his cock in you for months.”


The staff at Temptations was thrilled to see her walk in dressed for work. She’d stopped by before to show off Atlas. Coincidently, she’d chosen the same day Zoe had chosen to visit to show everyone her blue-eyed black skinned baby. Zoe had also had a boy and her baby was every bit as large as Atlas. Zoe was having a harder time getting her body back in shape then Beth was. She still had a distended mommy belly hanging out under a small tee shirt. Her butterfly fairy tattoos were unidentifiable. Esteban grilled Beth and when she’d be coming back to work. He wanted to promote her as a star performer. He pulled out his cock and ordered her to suck it while the dancers passed Atlas around gushing over the beautiful baby greedily looking at all their large breasts.

Today, Esteban was out of town so Beth had a talk with one of the managers about making her schedule more permanent. Mary loved watching Atlas, but she wouldn’t be willing to give up spending her nights with one of her bulls. She’d need to find a babysitter at some point.

Beth was surprised at how excited she was getting just waiting to go back out on stage. Her nipples were already hard in anticipation. Arachne was her lead in as she was a crowd favorite. Apparently, Titus’ voluminous seed hadn’t gotten to one of Arachne’s eggs or the spider-woman stripper was on birth control. A young buxom Latina that went by the stage name Amora was excited to be following Beth. Amora wore a big blonde wig and a sequined short dress. She had developed her own following and basically was just doing a Charo impression that only the older men got. Arachne finished dancing and collected her money, giving Beth a wink as she returned back stage.

“Let’s hear it for Bethany Beach,” yelled the DJ as Kid Rock started playing.

There were whistles and hoots as the crowd went wild. Beth strolled out and began her routine. She began to make money even before she’d removed her clothes. She’d missed this more then she’d realized. Beth danced basking in the adoring gaze of all the men in the club. There were cheers when she freed her now slightly larger breasts, leaking milk making them glisten under the stage lights.

Her set finished and Beth bowed, trying to gather her bills off the stage even as men continued trying to give her money.

“Wow!” said Amora, staring jealously at Beth, though Beth couldn’t tell if it was at all the cash in her arms or her breasts.

Beth walked out to mingle while Amora was doing an erotic slow dance to Bolero. Men immediately called her over for lap dances. Beth wiggled her ass back into a young man’s crotch as his friends hooted and hollered. It was the young man’s 21st birthday and he was like a kid in a candy store all wide eyed with disbelief to be in his first gentleman’s club. She moved on to her next customer as Martin’s Livin’ Lavida Loca switched over to Miami Sound Machine’s Bad Boy as Amora went fully nude.

Beth returned backstage after giving 15 lap dances and sitting at the bar with some men, getting them to buy her expensive drinks. Her least favorite part of her job.

Beth walked out on stage for her second set amazed at how crowded the club had gotten. She began to dance noticing many familiar faces. Men were staying to see her dance again. Normally, men either moved around sampling Miami’s numerous gentlemen’s clubs or left to try to get laid in many of the clubs in South Beach. Now new arrivals were pushing to get up close to the stage.

Her nipples were hard and glistening again under the gaze of over a hundred men. She turned her ass to the crowd, bending to lower her panty, spinning around fully nude. Nearly two hundred men stared at her nude body, waving bills, but all those men, all those eyes suddenly came down to just two brown ones. She stumbled in her routine momentarily, but caught herself, turning her gaze deep into the crowd as her body sensed the lone alpha male in the bar. Teddy grinned at her, just one face in the crowd, but as far as Beth was concerned the only real man there. She locked eyes with Theodore Freeman and the crowd gasped and cheered suddenly as both her breasts discharged a squirt of milk. Beth crawled across the stage as men showered money down on her, but she was only dancing for one man and he was so far back in the crowd he didn’t even have a good view.

After Titus, Teddy had one of the most perfect cocks she’d ever seen and tonight she was finally going to get that big black hunk of man meat in her pussy. Her pussy was gushing and her thighs were wet. The men by the stage could see how her body was reacting. They watched milk dripping from her pendulous breasts. Bigger bills were replacing singles as men rewarded this sex goddess with larger offerings. The money wasn’t slowing. A fight started between two men jostling to reach the stage to tip her. More men filled the gap as the bouncers pulled them back.

The DJ sensed something was going on. He was staring too and the music had stopped for nearly a minute before he came to his senses. “I think Bethany might have one more song in her,” he announced. Ass-N-Titties by DJ Assault started playing. Beth thought it was crap, but it seemed appropriate and the crowd roared.

Afterwards, one of the dancers had to help her gather up the money. Beth was in a hurry to get to Teddy, but the crowd would have none of it. Men pulled her into their laps waving twenties at her. More wanted private sessions, giving her even more money to squeeze her breasts, letting her shoot milk in the faces or mouths. Her nipples were acting like leaky faucets, drops of milk constantly forming and dripping off the tip of each nipple. Each time someone touched them or she brushed against someone in the crowd, they gave little squirts of milk. She hadn’t even made it halfway through the crowd when she found Teddy. He held up a twenty.

“Hey, I was next,” growled a man, waving his bill at her, but Beth ignored him. She straddled Teddy’s lap and buried her breasts in his face as he stuffed the twenty into her already overflowing garter.

“I need you bad,” she whispered in his ear.

“Ditto baby,” he grunted as she on the hard shaft in his lap, bouncing to simulate fucking. He looked up at her, trails of white liquid sliding down his cheeks into his enormous mustache. “How soon can you get off?”

“Not soon enough.” Beth bent her head, kissing Teddy. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot,” she said, rising off his lap.

Beth tried her best to get backstage, but so many men were demanding lap dances, she was worried she’d feel threatened if she turned them down. She danced to the point of exhaustion before finally making it backstage. Beth pulled maybe three hundred in twenties out of her garter staring at it, seeing a few fifties and even a hundred in her fist.

“There’s more in here,” said Lulu, opening a drawstring sack. Beth dropped her handful of bills into the bag. “This is literally a sack full of money,” said Lulu.

“Wow,” she Beth.

“I want to know how much, but I didn’t have time to count it. We’re all making a fortune out there and my sets about to start.”

“Thanks, Lulu.”

“No thank you. We’re all setting records tonight.”

Beth dressed in the cowgirl outfit and one of the bouncers escorted her out the back door. She was grateful, the crowd was really worked up and a lot of men were milling about out front. She felt safe with Brian. He was nearly as big as Titus and an off-duty cop. He’d made it obvious he was interested in her when she first started dancing, but he had none of the presence that real men possessed and she’d turned him down. “That black guy looks suspicious,” said Brian, nodding his head toward the parking lot. “He’s right by your car too.”

“He’s cool,” she reassured the bouncer, patting him on his bicep.

“Alright. Amazing job tonight Beth.”

“Thanks.” She left her bouncer and walked over to Teddy. “Jesus, take me home and fuck me.”

“Your wish is my command, dear lady,” said Teddy with a laugh. “My place is closer.”

“I’d rather be close to Atlas.”

“Mary’s happy to watch him all night and she knows I’m here. I’d rather do my place.”

“Fine then. I’ll follow you.”


Teddy was a tenured professor and had made some money. His home was fancy and on a canal with a nice sized fishing boat, “The Salty Swallow,” tied up on the dock out back. “I’m impressed,” she said. The entry foyer was decorated with African relics. There was a large wooden shield on one wall and a zebra skin spread out on another.

The house wasn’t full of just African cultural symbols either. There were objects from all over the world and a lot of them were sexual in nature. One display held small Japanese figures in various sexual positions. Another the same only the figures were Indian and showed acts from the Kama Sutra. A vase from Ancient Greece was painted with people having sex. A stone from Ancient Egypt showed a topless woman on her knees before a Pharaoh type figure with an erect penis. None of the males were particularly hung. “A few are authentic, but most of replicas,” explained Teddy as she looked around curiously. They moved down a hall lined with lovely photographs of African animals on a Savannah with one showing a younger Teddy sitting in a jeep while a lion stared curiously at him. The door at the end of the hall was open and showed a large bed. This room was furnished normally and looked comfortable. “That’s the master bedroom,” he said, obviously.

Beth walked into it, pulling the now familiar knot on her plaid cowgirl shirt. It opened and fell off her back as she shrugged out of it. She was wearing a tight pushup bra. There were wet stains around her nipples. She unhooked it, sighing as her breasts sprang free.

“Not here,” gasped Teddy, staring at her breasts. He motioned towards a closed door in the hallway.

Beth followed him, a little hurt. Was she not good enough for the master bedroom? Did he only fuck his sluts in the spare room? Was Mary allowed in the master bedroom? Maybe, he just didn’t like sleeping in a wet spot all night. He opened the door and stepped back, motioning for her to enter.

Beth walked into the guest room, half expecting some weird sex dungeon. What she got was almost as strange. The room was decorated with more sex objects only here was where he kept the alpha male art.

The bed was large and the room was almost as big as the master bedroom. Spread along the wall, facing the bed were all sorts of phallic representations with the majority black African, tribal figures with enormous penises. Some large penises were on stands. One shelf held wooden penises, many partially rotten. They looked old and all of them were a foot or more in length. One was white, curved and appeared carved out of an elephant tusk, the point rounded into a mushroom shape. All the objects were pointed at the bed. “Many of these are authentic.” Teddy walked to a black figure in a barrel. “And a few are tourist novelties.” He lifted the barrel and a huge penis on a spring popped up.

The wall above the headboard was filled with shelves holding more figurines only these were gravid females. Squat shapes with big bellies and full breasts were everywhere. Teddy noticed her attention. “Some are replicas of Venus figurines found in Paleolithic sites around Europe.” There was an oval rock carved with swirling patterns representing three circles together. “That’s a replica of the giant rock in front of the Newgrange burial mound near Dublin. The symbols aren’t indentified, but I believe they represent breasts and a pregnant belly.”

He wrapped his arms around her from behind. His wrinkled black hands undid the buttons on her shorts and pulled the zipper down, before sliding up her waist to cup her breasts. Teddy kissed her neck as his fingers pinched her nipples, drops of milk leaking out as he kneaded them. Beth moaned. She turned into him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, his handlebar mustache tickling her cheeks. Teddy’s hands came down to her hips, struggling to pull the tight jean shorts off.

Beth helped him. She broke the embrace, swaying her hips and working the shorts down just as she did to strip them off on stage. She bent down, to pull them all the way off.

Beth fell to her knees, reaching in to undo Teddy’s pants. She aggressively yanked them down, watching his great black cock rising up to full erection. She helped it along by wrapping her lips around the head and bobbing her head as she sucked the tip. Beth loved his cum. It was even better than Titus’, but she pulled her head back until his cock left her mouth. She planted a kiss on the tip and looked up at him. “As much as I love sucking your cock, Teddy, I really need this big boy somewhere else.”

Teddy grinned, helping her to her feet. He spanked her ass, pushing her in the direction of the bed while he finished undressing. Beth sat down on the edge, scooting back on the bed. She stared at his bobbing cock while Teddy grabbed her leg and worked her boot off. He dropped the boot and she lifted her other leg so that he could strip her completely, leaving her fully nude. She’d removed her navel piercing as her belly button came out during her pregnancy and the hole had healed.

Teddy climbed on the bed, kneeling between her legs. He guided his huge black cock down towards her opening. “I’ve waited half a year for this.”

“Me too,” she whispered, staring at his cock with some trepidation. Teddy had the biggest she’d seen yet at fourteen and a half inches. “Go easy,” she whispered, her heart rate increasing and her body trembling.

Teddy grinned, pushing his huge cock head down between her pussy lips. “Don’t worry, it’s like riding a bike.” He pushed forwards until the head of his cock was inside her. More inches soon followed as he seesawed it in and out.

“Jesus, you’re big Teddy,” she moaned. Beth’s hips were already responding. At the halfway point, she had her first orgasm and another every inch after that. Her legs clenched around his hips, pulling him deep. “Fuck me,” she cried, writhing on the bed.

Teddy released her legs and moved above her. He looked into her eyes while pumping his cock in and out. He pushed forwards burying his giant shaft up to his balls. Beth trembled, cumming hard around his big black cock. The old feelings were back. Her vaginal muscles were clamped down hard around his shaft, her tremors pulling at it, trying to milk the seed from his shaft. Her body really was built for taking big cocks.

Teddy laid down on her, slamming his hips into her while she raised her hips into his thrusts. They kissed before the old man buried his head into the pillow beside her gasping for breath. Beth gently nipped his shoulder, gazing up. Her eyes took all the figures with the pregnant bellies above her. Her gaze turned down Teddy’s back at his flabby black ass rising and falling and at the myriad of cocks all pointing towards her spread legs.

“Aargh!” grunted Teddy. “Here it cums. Take my seed.”

Beth’s eyes widened as she felt his cock twitch. This was a breeding room! Then her eyes were rolling up in her head as the first of his seed struck the back of her womb and she began having the really big orgasms that only came when the alpha was cumming inside her.

Ten minutes later, Teddy pulled his deflated cock out of her and rolled off, still gasping for breath. His grey-haired chest was slick with white milk from where her breasts had leaked on him. Beth slipped off the bed and headed to a bathroom in the hall to clean up. Her womb was so full of semen, she looked like she was in the early stages of pregnancy again. Her stomach slowly turned flat again as she sat on the toilet trying to drain all his semen out. There was a shower in the bathroom and she took a quick one before returning to the bedroom.

Beth headed towards her clothes on the floor, but stopped examining the array of phalluses closer. Her eyes were drawn towards the large ones aimed right at the center of the bed. They were clearly authentic, half rotted and some were broken. “Those are Fon Legbas,” said Teddy, rising off the bed. He stood beside her, one wrinkled black hand caressing the firm globes of her ass.


“The Fon are a large ethnic and linguistic group in Benin and Nigeria. Legba is a trickster deity gifted in languages and a messenger of the gods. The Fon carve these images of his godly cock and stick them into their fields to ensure the fertility of the land. Those were a gift to me on one of my African expeditions in… 1978, I believe.”

“You are an interesting man Teddy.” The hand on her ass squeezed her cheek affectionately.

“Some voodoo practitioners in New Orleans believe an avatar of Legba came into America on a slave ship and spread his seed around to so many female slaves that it explains why there are so many hung black men in this country.”

“Do you believe that?”

“Perhaps. Likely, it wasn’t a god, but one strong paragon that spread his seed around. Even more likely, the slave owners just used the alpha male slaves to breed more slaves.”

“But if they’re so successful at breeding, why aren’t most men, alphas?”

Teddy shrugged, but looked thoughtful. “Good question and one I’ve given lots of thought to. I’ve no answer, but perhaps nature only allows so many paragons to exist in a given population. Something like the predator to prey ratio.” Teddy paused in thought. “African lions have a predator to prey ratio of 1%. Apply that to alpha males and there would be three million paragons roaming the country. Maybe seventy million in the world. I’d do a survey, but for the big problem.”

“What’s that?”

“Men lie about their penis size.”

Beth laughed.

“Speaking of penis size, mine appears to be getting bigger.” Teddy was looking down.

Beth followed his gaze. His penis was sticking out from his crotch. “Hmm, looks enticing, but I really need to get back to Atlas.” Her hand was already on the proud old cock stroking it to full erection. Her hand didn’t let go even as Teddy was backing up towards the bed.

“He’s fine with Mary,” said Teddy.

Within minutes, Beth was cumming all over Teddy’s cock as she bounced in his lap. His lips were greedily sucking the milk out of her nipples, even as little jets of milk shot from the other nipple each time she came. “YES! Give it to me, Teddy. Give me your seed,” she moaned. He was enjoying suckling at her teat so much, he didn’t respond, but his hips started bucking faster. He finally released her nipple so that he could bellow like the old bull he was at the first discharge of his cock. Her nipples sprayed milk in his face as Beth came so hard she nearly passed out. As it turned out, she could barely move. She collapsed on her black lover, their lips nuzzling at each other for a good twenty minutes before Beth had the strength to climb of his spent cock.

Afterwards, Beth was still topless as she pulled her tight jean shorts up. She was thoroughly satisfied and smiling, she couldn’t stop smiling and it made her beauty all the more radiant. Teddy strolled up to her. He was still nude. “Oh no, not again. I really must go.”

Teddy laughed. He was smiling too. He placed his hand on her lower stomach, holding it there. “Good fruit comes from good seed,” he said. They both stared at his hand over her womb. “Tsonga proverb.”

Beth nodded. “I really must get home.”

“Give me a lift?”

“Of course, but I’m a little worn out.”

“I just want to sleep by Mary.” Teddy started to dress. “Assuming she doesn’t have a bull over that is since she’s watching the baby. I find I like her presence in bed beside me.”

“Maybe, she’ll say yes someday?”

“She will. I’ll meet you in the car.”

Teddy joined her in the car. He was carrying a bag with him. “What you got there?”

“A gift for you.” He reached into the bag and removed a huge black dildo around the size of his own cock.

“Ah, thank you,” she said, taking it. The wood was heavy and thick. “It’s wood?”

“I carved it myself. It’s modeled after my own cock.”

“You carved a dildo from your own cock?” It was extremely realistic looking. The veins and ridges all matched Teddy’s own shaft. It had also been oiled to the point the coloration matched Teddy’s skin tone.

“No, I carved a Fon Legba from my own cock.” He chuckled. “But you could use it as a dildo… alright, it’s a dildo. You got me. Don’t worry it’s smoothed out perfectly. No splinters.”

“Why would you…?”

“As you get older, you start thinking about death. I’m not afraid of death, but the thought of my cock not being able to pleasure women anymore bothers the hell out of me. My Fon Teddys are a way for my cock to live on long after I’m gone. Well, that and the fruit of my seed.” He leaned over and cupped her bare belly again. “Birth is the only remedy against death,” he quoted. “Nigerian proverb.”

“Sorry Teddy,” she said, and she was sorry. “I’m on birth control.”

Teddy’s proud look fell. “Damn,” he cursed. He looked crestfallen.

“Sorry, I just didn’t want to go months without a cock like yours again.”

“Fine, but if you do want another child…” He sighed. “I’ll just have to settle for the student or two I seed every semester.”

Beth raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment. Morally, she didn’t believe teachers should sleep with students. Ms. Dykstra had been known to have affairs with some of her girls and there were even rumors of lesbian orgies in her home. On a few occasions, Beth felt her professor was throwing some hints her way to having an encounter.

She gave Teddy a ride back to Mary’s and luckily, her former mother-in-law didn’t have a bull staying over. Mary happily passed Atlas over to Beth and led Teddy back to her bedroom. He obviously had been lying about just wanting to lay beside his lover, for loud moaning and grunting soon was coming from Mary’s room, that lasted an hour.

Beth nursed Atlas and put him down for the night as she slowly fell asleep.


The money was too good for her to quit dancing. Beth changed her plans and quit looking for another job. She decided to keep at it as long as possible or something better came her way. She’d just gotten out of her seat at the bar after thanking the businessman for buying her a drink when Esteban called her into his office.

“I’m sending ju to L.A to make a porno, puta,” said Esteban, his eyes running up and down her body. He never failed to appreciate what he had in having Beth working for him. “It will increase jur profile.”

Beth grimaced. “Thanks, but I’m not interested. I’ll stick with dancing. I’m not a porn star.”

Esteban scrunched his face up doing his Scarface thing. He bobbed his head as he spoke. “There’s already movies of jurs up on your profile page, puta. We jus need something mo professional.”

“Those were taken without my knowledge, Esteban and like I said, I’m not interested.” Beth spun around on her heel, preparing to march out.

“Get jur ass back here, puta,” he grunted. Esteban pushed his chair out from behind his desk. He lifted his rear off the seat, pulling his pants down. “Ju do what I say or jur ass will be back waitressing.” He tugged on his cock, making it hard. “So puta, jur gonna make movies for me and jur gonna fuck me and you fucking call me jefe.” He bent his cock down towards her, shaking it in her direction.

Beth’s cheeks were red with anger. She glanced down at his cock. It was a nice cock. He grinned smugly when she marched towards him. The grin fell when she leaned over and poked him in the chest.

“Listen you… hijo de puta, I’ve gotten job offers from every fucking strip club in Miami and even one in Vegas. So, I can take my talent and probably some of your clientele elsewhere whenever I want. I’m not doing porn for you and you’re going to start showing me and the other girls some respect. Stop calling us, puta, comprende jefe?”

“Jes Ma’am,” said Esteban, looking at her with surprise and new admiration.

“Good.” Beth looked down at his cock before turning to leave. She gave it a second glance. It hadn’t wilted under her verbal assault. If anything, it looked even bigger than normal. Beth sighed and straddled Esteban’s lap. She slowly sank down onto his shaft. It was a nice cock after all.

Satisfied from three nice orgasms, Beth finished cleaning Esteban’s seed from between her legs. He was lazily smiling, leaning back in his chair. His spent cock dripping between his legs. “Ju sure ju won’t do porn fo me? Ju a natural, puta… I mean Mrs. Beth.”

“No means no, Esteban.” Beth almost made it to the door.

“I jus thought you might like to work with jur friend Titus again,” he said. Beth froze in the doorway. “I can get one of the other girls, Arachne or Amora maybe?”

Beth turned around. “I’d be starring with Titus?”

“Jes, he’s agreed to make several movies for me. That big pinga worth mucho deniero. Ju two have a natural chemistry that comes out well on film.” He was grinning now, sure he had her and he was right.

“Alright, I’ll do it, but just this once.”

“Jur flying out Monday.” He reached into his desk and pulled out an envelope.

“I’m taking my baby and I’ll need one for my mother-in-law to watch him.”

“Who da fuck do ju tink…” Esteban was slowly rising out of his seat in anger. His hands were down on his desk. Beth stood nude, tapping one foot, eyebrow raised. “Fine,” he said, sitting back down. “I’ll see what I can do.”



Beth’s heart was beating rapidly when she walked on the set. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. The movie was a spoof of Rocky. The scenes were ridiculous. The script was thin, limited dialog with mostly fuck scenes. The amount she was getting paid barely made this worth it and Esteban told her she was making above industry average. She was going to get an “Introducing” credit in the film. She had four scenes and would take home $3000. All her reservations fled when she saw the giant black man turn around.

A grin spread across Titus face when he saw her. He barreled his way towards her and took her in his arms, hugging her so tightly he lifted her off her feet. Her nipples were hard and leaking when he set her down. “How are you? How’s the baby?”

“Good! Great! We’re both great.” She was nervous for some reason. Her hands shook as she fumbled for her phone. She held it up, showing him some pictures. “He’s here with me. Your mom too.”

“I have to see him,” said Titus, proudly browsing through her phone’s gallery. “It’ll be good to see mom too. He’s a big guy.”

“Yes, he takes after his father. In more ways than one.” She raised her eyebrows and Titus smirked, still staring at the pictures.

The director called them over and the cast sat down for a review of the script. They’d rented an actual boxing gym and there was a bedroom set. The entire film would be shot in only two days. The director was full of himself, considering himself a visionary who was going to change the industry. He wanted the actors who were both physically perfect and who could actually act and he wanted a story behind all the sex scenes. The cast and crew respectfully applauded when he finished and Beth was up.

Beth was in the first scene with an actor named Rico Mann. He was playing her husband, the current champ set to fight a relative unknown boxer. He was white, with a powerful physique. Beth had already met the man and was impressed with his appearance. He wouldn’t be hard to be with. She closed her eyes and pictured David and one particular time they’d been very happy together as a married couple. When she opened her eyes, the actor was her husband and she was staring at him with genuine affection. He was shadow boxing in their bedroom when she came into the scene wearing sexy lingerie. They talked about the upcoming fight. She told him they should do something to relieve his stress. She stooped and pulled his shorts down. She knew she could handle acting when his less than impressive penis fell out and she still looked up at him affectionately as she sucked the hard penis, the head barely reaching her uvula. He lifted her to her feet and they moved to the bed. Again, she faked enjoying fucking the seven-inch penis in a variety of positions until he pulled it out and shot his seed on her tongue and breasts.

Afterwards, there was applause. Beth was given a towel and she was wiping herself off when she realized the applause was for her. She blushed and thanked everyone.

The crew moved to the boxing ring. Her husband was set to fight, Cocky, an up and coming boxer, but the manager was upset the ring card girl had called out sick. He asked Beth to fill in and her next scene was walking across the ring in heels and a skimpy bikini while holding a card up for round 1. She walked over and kissed her husband so that the viewer would know where her loyalties were.

They announced Cocky and Titus stepped into the ring, holding his gloved hands up. Beth’s pussy quivered as she gazed at his bare chest and the cock flopping around beneath his shorts. Apparently, both men knew how to box and the actually went at it for a few rounds. A makeup girl, applied cosmetics to Rico making him look more and more beaten. He was knocked out in the following scene with a victorious Cocky standing above him. Beth ran to her fallen husband, cradling his head in her lap as two men carrying a stretcher came into the rink.

She was still in the bikini for the next scene, storming into the locker room, screaming at Cocky for being too brutal. Titus was wearing a towel, he turned and let it drop. She froze, her eyes focusing on the thirteen-inch black rod as it slowly rose to attention. Her hand came out to stroke his cock while he raised her head and kissed her, pulling the strings on her bikini top. Beth fell to her knees and was soon voraciously sucking the huge black cock that had changed her life. There was no direction and the crew was quiet as they stared at her sucking the massive black cock until Titus filled her mouth with a load of cum before pulling his swollen cock out to blast his seed all over her face and tits.

“Cut,” yelled the director after the last little bit of sperm had left Titus’ cock. “You’re supposed to fuck her before cumming!”

Titus smirked and looked over at the director. “Keep filming.”

Titus cock never went soft and he fucked her in several positions. She was on all fours on the bench while he fucked her from behind. She was in reverse cowgirl, facing the camera while furiously humping his dick as hard and fast as she could. Finally, she was on her back on the bench while Titus cupped her knees in his arms. He couldn’t resist and buried his cock for the first blast of seed into her womb. The director didn’t complain as the cameras still caught plenty of semen shooting all over her body when Titus did finally pull it out. That was supposed to be their scene, but Titus lifted her and carried her into the locker room showers. One of the cameramen decided to follow and continued filming the two embracing and washing each other under the shower heads.

The filming was done for the day. Titus was ordered to save up his seed for tomorrow’s shoot and Beth was told to get plenty of rest. Tomorrow she had a lesbian scene and a threesome scene. Titus returned with her to the motel to see his mother and meet Atlas for the first time. There were hugs and tears all around and Titus didn’t want to put the baby down as he stared proudly at his son. They all had dinner together and afterwards, Mary smiled and told them she wanted Atlas to stay in her room for the night. Neither, Titus nor Beth followed the director’s orders and the two made love all night with Beth screaming out her love for him as she had orgasm after orgasm.

The next day, Beth was back at the gym, searching for Cocky when the sick ring card girl accosted her accusing her of trying to steal her job. Their fight amounted to ripping each other’s clothes off, before the anger turned to lust and they were kissing then going down on each other. Beth watched jealousy as the ring card girl went off and bumped into Titus. She’d seen videos of him with dozens of women, but for some reason she excused herself and couldn’t watch that sex scene. She came out to watch another scene between a new black boxer every bit as big as Titus fucking a black actress playing his girlfriend. The movie’s final scene was Beth returning to the gym dressed like a slut, looking to fuck Cocky again. There were two black men sparring who called her up into the ring, circling her and complimenting her before slowly pulling her dress off. They were real men, but their cocks were only ten- and eleven-inches longs. Still, she had multiple real orgasms as they double penetrated her first mouth and pussy before switching to ass and pussy. The movie ended with the three of them spent on the ring looking up as the black man from the last scene walked into the ring. He was wearing American flag shorts bulging out from his enormous cock. “I’m looking for Cocky,” he said.

“Who are you?” asked Beth, looking up from between the two black men.

“I’m Apollo Seed.”

And with that set up for a sequel, the movie ended. “And who are you?” asked the actor playing Apollo, looking up and down Beth’s nude body as she stood up in the ring. “I haven’t seen you in any movies before.”

Beth’s already hard nipples seemed to double in size as the came under Apollo’s scrutiny. Her breathing increased. “Beth Beach.” She found herself blushing. She’d just fucked two hung guys, but this man had her panting like a bitch in heat again. “This is my first movie.”

He held out his hand. Beth looked down and saw that staring at her had made his cock swell beneath his boxer shorts. She reached out to take his hand, her mind wanting to bypass the handshake so that her own hand could go straight into his shorts and pull out his huge cock. She’s watched his scene with the black actress and knew that this man could go toe to toe with Titus in the size department. She shook his hand, his touch seeming to send a shock straight to her pussy. “I wish we’d had a scene together.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” said Beth. “What’s your real name?”


“Of course, it is,” she said, smiling. She realized she hadn’t released his hand and finally let go.

“It’s short for Domitian,” said Titus, coming up to the ring. “As in the Roman emperor.”

“Oh,” said Beth. “OH!” She looked back at Dom. She could see the resemblance now. “You’re one of Gus’ sons.”

Dom smirked, nodding and Titus added. “And my little half-brother.” Titus held the ropes apart so that Beth could climb out of the ring. “Dom was interested in the biz, so I gave him Esteban’s contact.”

“I guess we’ll have to wait for the sequel, Beth Beach?” asked Dom.

“Sorry, this was a one-time deal, but I strip at Temptations, Miami, if you should find yourself in the city.”

“Then how about tonight? If Titus was willing to share that is.”

Beth shivered. The thought of being shared between these two perfect male specimens had her dripping with arousal. She looked at Titus eagerly. He appeared to be considering it. “Not tonight, bro. I’d like to spend some time alone with her.” Titus led Beth to the shower and drove her back to her motel on the back of his motorcycle. The four of them had dinner again before Mary took Atlas away so that Titus and Beth could have another long night together of holding each other and fucking. Beth cried when they parted the next morning and Titus had trouble giving little Atlas back to her. He stood watching as Mary, Beth, and Atlas drove off to the airport in the back of a taxi.

Beth went back to work, dancing and earning months of waitressing money every weekend at Temptations. One evening off, she was staring off into space thinking about Titus while sitting at the dinner table. Not counting Teddy’s Legba dildo, she hadn’t had sex since Los Angeles and was starting to get frustrated. “You want me to use the strap-on on you, dearie?” asked Mary. “You look like you could use a good cum.”

“No thanks. I think I need the real thing.”

“You want me to call Teddy? Or one of my other bulls?”

“Actually,” said Beth, looking over at Mary. “I think it’s time, I start my own collection. Can you watch Atlas?”

“Sure dear,” said Mary, knowingly.

An hour later, Beth found herself staring at the Bull Pen at the BBC Boutique while half a dozen black men stared lustfully at her. She ripped off the numbers of the three most hung males on the bulletin board. The black man that had previously pierced her navel was just finishing up putting a pin through a woman’s nipple. Just watching made Beth wince. “Are you free to pierce my navel?” asked Beth as the man went about sterilizing his tools. He did a double take when he looked at her. “You pierced it about a year ago. You wanted me to take your number. Darren is it?”

“Da’rion and I do remember you.”

Beth glanced down at the man’s sweat pants and the prominent bulge beneath the material. He’d put her hand on his cock, a cock very close to Titus’ own ebony perfection. It had smelled funky, unwashed, but manly. It still smelled, she could smell Da’rion from here, but the stench wasn’t a turn off. It was masculine. “I remember you too,” she said, as his sweat pants began tenting out. She reached down and squeezed his bulge. “Perhaps we can work out an exchange?”

Da’rion gulped. “Yeah slut, perhaps we can. I’m gonna need you to take care of that first if in you wants me to concentrate.”

Five minutes later, Beth was on her knees in the stockroom sucking Da’rion’s huge black cock. Every time her lips kissed his pubes, brought her nose closer to the manly stink around his crotch. She inhaled through her nose each time, taking in his scent. Beth looked up at him. His head was back and his eyes closed. He was breathing heavy. They were surrounded by row after row of black dildos and vibrators, lining the shelves. It was like a modern version of Teddy’s breeding room. She felt his balls tense up, pulling her head back as his bulbous cock head swelled and blew its first load into her mouth. Beth moaned swallowing and sucking her new black man’s delicious cock.

Nor did she let it soften. She kept it in her mouth sucking his cock as fast as she could while stripping her top off. Da’rion stepped out of his pants and laid down on the stockroom floor while she pulled her shorts down her legs. Beth straddled Da’rion while he held his cock up for her. Her wet pussy quickly accepted his bulbous cock head and they both groaned as she sank down on his shaft. He sucked her nipple while she slammed her pussy up and down his hard cock. “Seed me lover,” she purred cumming all over his cock.”

“We gonna fuck again?” asked Da’rion, running his hands along her sides and staring at the hot white body still grinding her pussy into his cock.

“Better,” she moaned, her vaginal muscles still quivering and squeezing down on his shaft, pulsing inward to get as much seed in her womb as it could. “You’re gonna be my Bull.”

His cock twitched. “Yeah bitch, now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“We can work out the details later,” she said, slowly raising herself off his shaft. “You got a shower here? I’m sure I’m not the only woman to get laid back here.”

Da’rion chuckled. “No, you ain’t. We got one.”

“Great. Let me get cleaned up and you can pierce my navel.”

A short time later, Beth was wincing as Da’rion pierced a hole through her upper bellybutton. “Where’d you say you danced at?” he asked, sterilizing the hole.

“Temptations,” she replied, sucking her stomach in as she tensed up.

Da’rion whistled softly. “That’s a good one. Not far from my house, but the prices are out of my league.”

“Oh, I can get you in, stud,” she said. “Even get you drinks on the house.” He stepped back and helped her up. “Plus, it’s pretty damn convenient that you live close by. I get pretty worked up dancing nude for all those men.

“My lucky day.”

“I’ll need you to come to my place most of the time. I have a new baby.”

“You’d never know it.”

Beth stepped over to a large full-length mirror holding her shirt up to expose her belly admiring her new piercing. It was pierced above her navel and her birthstone, a dark blue sapphire sat in her bellybutton with a chain dangling beneath showing the Q inside a spade. “I love it.”

“Thanks. Looks like I got another customer.” He nodded towards a handsome muscle man who was showing a pale skinned freckled redhead some BBC piercings.

“Damn,” said Beth, eyeing him appreciatively. He was built like Titus, but truly handsome.

“That’s Flex. He’s a weightlifter and does a lot of muscle mag covers. He’s here a lot. I gotta go help him. Give me a call when you need me.”

“Wait! What’s your number?”

“You already got it.” Da’rion nodded towards the Bull Pen. Beth walked over to it, recognizing Da’rion’s cock in the picture. Yes, he was one of the phone numbers she’d grabbed earlier. Beth smiled; she knew how to pick them.


Beth turned as she heard the feminine voice. “Ashley!” The young woman ran up and gave Beth a hug. Beth couldn’t help noticing she had a lot more cushion going on. “How are you? How’s the baby?”

“Helios is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Did you…?”

“Atlas, and I’ve never loved anything as much as I love that little guy.”

“What’s going on with Titus?”

“I met him in LA a short time ago and he got to meet Atlas.” Beth didn’t tell her why they met out West. “What about you? Still modeling?”

Ashley winced slightly. “Not since I gave birth. I’m living off savings. Hopefully, when I can get back down to my pre-birth weight.” Her eyes went wide. “Hey! We should get together for a playdate?”

“That’s a great idea. Get them started socializing as soon as possible.”

“Plus, they’re half-brothers.”

“Yeah, I guess they are. Well, let me give you my number.”

Ashley took her phone out as Beth recited her phone number and Ash entered in into hers. They hugged again and parted. Beth watched her for a while. She appeared to be alone, but she didn’t go up to the Bull Pen for a number. She was watching the black men looking through the porn section.

“Gurl, that’s a fine booty,” said one, an older gray-haired man that looked closer to sixty then fifty.

Ashley smiled at him and glanced down at his crotch. “Thanks,” she said, coming over to talk to him. She was out trolling for some cock and it looked like she’d found one.

The next month went by pretty fast. Da’rion was a great Bull and kept her satisfied. Her other two picks were equally satisfying, Ellison and Duncan. Ellison looked like a complete idiot to Beth. He wore a red and white track suit with the pants falling halfway down his ass. He had gold chains around his neck and a gold tooth. His cap was always turned sideways and he always tried to talk like he was from the ghetto though Beth found out later, he was a spoiled rich kid. He was kind of scrawny with cornrows in his hair, but he had a thirteen-inch black cock that looked like a policeman’s baton. He didn’t even know how to use it. He’d just shove the whole thing in and bang away as fast as he could, but he always lasted nearly a half hour and his cock could get her off half a dozen times before shooting its wad. Duncan was mature and married and not as readily available. He was a romantic, liked to bring her a single rose every time he came over, and complimented every part of her body as he slowly stripped her down. His cock was a fat foot long and the blackest cock she’d ever had. Duncan and Da’rion also knew each other pretty well and had no objections to taking her at the same time when Beth felt horny for two cocks at once. Ellison was only willing to do a threesome with another bitch or two. So far, that hadn’t happened, but she was starting to crave a woman’s touch again and didn’t think it would be much longer.

Beth was a little distracted at the park the first time she and Ashley got together. As it turned out, Ash was pregnant again. She wasn’t even sure who the father was. Beth was at the swings pushing Atlas who was in a baby seat swing. Esteban had just told her she was going out to LA again to make Cocky 2. She’d seen the first one and was stunned by how sexy she looked, but she had no interest in porn. She just wanted to dance, fuck, and raise her son. Unfortunately, the contract she’d signed in the first one had a clause that she’d appear in any sequels. She’d texted back and forth with Titus and discovered that he would be reprising his role as Cocky, so at least she’d get to be with him again.

“I was saying,” said Ashley, trying to get her attention. “How would you like to move in with me? It’s a great place, but since I’m not working, I could use some help with the bills and I can watch Atlas while you’re working.”

“That sounds great. I think I’m going to need to start looking for a place.” Mary had finally agreed to marry Teddy and Beth figured she’d be moving in with him and putting her house up for sale. “I’d like to see it first. Is it in a good neighborhood?”

“Follow me home and I’ll show you.”

Apparently, Ashley had done really well modeling for her house was closer to a mansion. It was on a canal connecting to Biscayne Bay. It had a high security fence around it. She had a speed boat, a pool and tiki bar with an outside hot tub, six bedrooms and five baths. There was a three-car garage with three cars in it, a BMW convertible, a jeep wrangler, and a fancy Lexus. Plus, there was a teenage neighbor girl who babysat when needed. It was all paid for, but Beth would need to share in the electric, internet, and other bills. “I’ll move in when I get back from LA.”

The young woman jiggled happily as she bounced up and down and gave Beth a hug.


Apollo Seed had beaten Cocky in the ring. Beth had a scene where she blew Titus while he was all bandaged up in a hospital bed before climbing into his lap and riding him. He told her that he’d lost her in a bet with Apollo and now she’d have to give her body to his rival. Beth was cumming all over Dom’s cock when she heard the news. She’d been nominated for Best New Starlet, Titus for Best Male Newcomer, and Cocky for Best Film.

Four months later, she found herself dressed like a total slut in a dress slit along the sides to show off most of her body and so low cut, her nipples kept popping out. Titus stood beside her, looking like a black James Bond, in a tuxedo and they were preventing the award for Best Cinematography. Soon after that, both Titus and Beth became AVN award winners and Cocky took home Best Film too.

The after party was outrageous and both Beth and Titus were being offered roles and handed business card, and a few flash drives filled with scripts. As the party goers slowly got more and more naked and it looked like it was about to turn into an all-out orgy, Titus and Beth left and went back to their room where they fucked all night.


Beth ran her hand up Titus’ hardening shaft until she encountered the other hand. She stirred, raising her head and looking at Ashley before both women scrambled to slide down the bed to suck their black baby daddy’s wonderful cock. They’d shared his and other black men’s cocks before and didn’t get greedy until the cock was about to spurt. Titus had been staying with them for two weeks now and both women had dropped their bulls while they had their king bull living with them.

To Titus credit, he didn’t seem bothered by Ashley’s weight gain. He even seemed to enjoy grabbing onto her love handles and pulling her back into his cock. Luckily, Beth had convinced her to go on birth control after Emma was born. Emma was lighter skinned then Helios or Atlas and a delightful happy baby, though she couldn’t make it through a night without crying. Titus doted on her too, but he took more pleasure in playing with his two sons.

“We need to go,” said Beth, looking at the time.

A short time later, Titus looked dashing standing on the beach. He was wearing only white pants and a white bowtie around his neck above his bare muscular chest. Teddy was dressed the same, but the old man wore a tee shirt. Titus looked back at Beth just as appreciatively and Teddy’s eyes were roaming up and down her skimpy white bikini clad body. Beth smiled at both men as she took her place across from them. A tear rolled down her eyes when Atlas walked down the aisle barefoot. He was wearing a tiny white tux with no shoes and tossing rose petals behind him. He moved a little too fast, but that was fine.

The music started and everyone stood as Mary appeared. She was dressed in a white one piece. Her nipples were hard and her entire areola were visible beneath the material. Beneath the veil, she was staring lovingly at Teddy and his eyes had never left hers since she’d appeared.

The wedding and reception went smoothly. Titus stayed with Beth and Ashley another two weeks, helping his mom move her things into a storage unit and Teddy’s house while they were gone to honeymoon in New Orleans. Nights, he’d watch Beth strip before she got off, climbing behind him on his bike and riding home so they could join Ashley in bed. The month he was here was one of the happiest of her life and to his credit there were only two nights he didn’t come home and she suspected he’d hooked up with one of the other strippers at her club. One had been throwing herself at him and was apparently a big fan of Cocky and wanted to be in his next movie.

They had a going away party and the entire family cried when Titus rode off on his motorcycle, but he promised he’d be back.

Beth saw him again in Las Vegas where she won Best Female Performer for Cocky 2. Titus was nominated, but didn’t win an award. Domitian however won Best Male Newcomer. Cocky 2 lost in the Best Film category.

As Beth traveled the country, doing guest appearances at various Temptations, she found herself giving advice to dancers and the clubs itself. She saw the plights of the dancers. She knew which ones danced because they had drug habits, which ones danced to provide income for their children, and the ones dancing while putting themselves through college. She also saw the unfairness of the girls being independent contractors without benefits or healthcare. Jefe Esteban sent her to Orlando in a last-ditch effort to save the club. Though she drew a great crowd that night, it wasn’t enough. Though Lily assured Beth that she and Emma would be fine maybe even better off if Lily moved to one of the bigger clubs in town. Beth still wanted to do something to help them. She made an offer to Esteban to buy the club. The Cuban was a suspicious one and didn’t think she’d waste her money buying a failing business if she didn’t have a plan to turn it around. He agreed to give her a 51% share so that if she failed, he still recouped some money and if she succeeded, he’d still reap half the profits.

Beth’s first step was to fire Jeff. The waste of a manager had rejected all Beth’s advice to Lily about tying the dance routines into theme parks. Beth drove back to Miami to pick Atlas up. They’d be living in Orlando for a few weeks while she got the club up to her standards. He didn’t object to leaving Ashley and Helios once Beth took him to Disney and Universal. Lily happily allowed Beth to stay with her while she was in town. She hadn’t taken Beth’s advice to find herself a black bull, but she had bought herself a black dildo and found she’d liked it. The first night when Beth pulled out Teddy’s Fon Legba carving, Lily found she liked the smooth piece of wood even better. Nothing Beth did to convince her could get Lily to try an actual black bull. They even watched Cocky one night while Lily came repeatedly staring at Titus and Beth on screen while Beth fucked her from behind with Teddy’s dildo.

Beth stripped every night and business was picking up, but she didn’t want to live here permanently. She needed a manager; someone she could trust and someone with some creativity. Big John was thrilled to see her sitting in a booth at the diner they’d stopped at along the way from New Orleans to Orlando. Her offer to run her club intrigued him as did her idea to write dance sketches for the girls. With truck driving killing his back and her offer to match his salary and give him a percentage of the profits, John was sold. They sealed the deal by fucking all night in the dirty cabin of his truck. The last time, she’d been pregnant and couldn’t take his entire cock. As for Beth, she hadn’t had the real thing since arriving in Orlando and was delighted to get a big black cock throbbing with life.

Beth and John scouted out some better real estate and found an empty club for sale in a busier part of Miami. Between the two of them, they were able to take out a mortgage with enough money to remodel the place. Temptations Orlando would be bigger and better than ever. The girls were wary of the obese black man, but Big John was a decent guy, his confidence inspired them and when he held his first staff meeting to share all his and Beth’s ideas, the strippers left with greatly increased morale. “You with the frizzy hair,” he said, pointing at one stripper.

“It’s Daphne.”

“Get yourself some glasses and a house Gryffindor costume. You’re dancing as Hermione from Harry Potter. And speaking of Daphne, you,” He pointed at a voluptuous redheaded dancer. “You’re Daphne from Scooby Doo and you’re going to be Velma,” he said, to a squatter woman with short hair. “Are any of you good at sewing and working on costumes?” A couple girls raised their hands. “Great. The faster we can get these new routines going, the better. I want Disney Princesses. I want Marvel Superheroes. Don’t none of you be afraid to come to me with your own ideas either. This is Orlando ladies, the most entertaining city in the US and I want Temptations Orlando to be the most entertaining club in the city.” The women all stood, applauding.

Beth leaned over to Lily. “And that Lily, is a real man.”

“I can see that,” said Lily nodding. She stared appreciatively, but confused at the fat black man.

Seeing that her club was in good hands, Beth was preparing to head back home to Miami. She was packing her things at Lily’s house when her friend got home. Beth heard her heels clicking on the floor as she approached. Lily was in her sexy Snow White stripper outfit. She’d given up altering her official Disney costume and bought a Halloween one online. The skirt was short and she wore white thigh high socks with red garters attached. It was short sleeved and low cut with a push up bra that showed Lily’s impressive cleavage. Lily’s eyes were wide and she appeared to be shaken up a bit. “You okay?”

Lily just nodded, staring off into space. “I think I just met one.”

“One what?”

“A real man.”

“Let me guess, he was black and you want to fuck him.”

“No and yes.”

“Good for you. White real men are just as good lays as blacks, they’re just harder to find. Where’d you meet him?”

“At the convention.” Lily was still staring off into space. “I was handing out fliers and he approached me.”

“Good looking?”

Lily nodded her head, still looking shocked. “Yeah, handsome. He was surrounded by others of his kind. The center of attention. He promised me he could fill the club for a free lap dance and I agreed.”

Other of his kind? Beth furrowed her brows wondering what Lily was talking about. Living together for the last few weeks and fucking every night had made their friendship grow stronger. Beth now considered Lily her best friend and the closest friend she’d ever had. She’d grown closer to Ashley too, but the young woman was too immature for Beth. “For heaven’s sake Lily, tell me what’s gotten into you. Did he show you his cock or something? How big was it?”

“No, but I could see it under his pants and it was big. The head looked like it was about to pop out from under the hem of his pants.”

“You mean shorts?”

Lily just shook her head. She turned and headed to her bedroom to shower for work that night. Beth watched her walk away. Titus was a big guy and his cock stopped at his knee. Confused, Beth went back to packing. Lily still seemed dazed by the man she had met when she returned from her room. She was carrying her Snow White costume by a hanger.

That night, the strippers were all giggling and peeking out through the curtains at what sounded like a large crowd. Apparently, Lily’s friend had kept his promise and filled the joint. Beth was finishing putting on her make up when her set started. She was sticking to her cowgirl routine. She liked the songs and looked amazingly slutty in the outfit. Thank you, Charli Ray. Her first song started and Beth came out to much applause.

Beth started dancing at first blinded by the lights on her. When her eyes slowly focused, she almost stumbled in her routine. The seats were filled with dwarves! Beth tried not to laugh as she finally understood Lily’s shock and how a cock could be so big it went down to a man’s ankles.

“Cocky! Cocky!” A few shouted.

The little people loved her. It was one of her best nights for tips. Beth bowed, sweeping up her money. Lily went out and there were more cheers. Snow White was stripping to a lot more than seven dwarves. Beth quickly threw on the hooded cloak appearing behind Lily. The cloak only tied at the neck and Beth’s nude body was displayed under the open cloak. The dwarves cheered, staring eagerly as Lily finally saw the cloaked figure, feigning a scream. Beth reached in her pocket and pulled out an apple. Lily took a bite, handing it back to Beth. Lily swooned, wiping her forehead, she looked out at the crowd and pulled the pin out to let her hair down. The next song turned harder as the newly transformed princess began to strip for her cheering crowd.

Beth walked out to make the rounds. She gave fifteen lap dances. One dwarf with a cocky attitude sat up in his chair, legs sticking out as she danced. Dancing always turned Beth on, but this dwarf had her nipples aching and her pussy flowing. She could see the swelling of a huge cock running all the way down his leg. He’d have to keep his leg straight out for a while. “Lily’s friend, I presume,” said Beth running her tits on his face.

“Mick,” said the dwarf. He was ruggedly handsome with a slightly oversize head. His torso was long with smaller arms and bow legs, maybe four feet tall. He clearly worked out for his musculature was quite impressive. “I gotta say, you have the hottest body I’ve ever seen on a woman.”

“Thank you,” said Beth. She heard that at least once every set. “And thank you for filling the place.” Beth backed into his lap, shaking her ass at him.

“My pleasure.” He ran his hands over the smooth globes of her ass. “It’s a three-day convention. I think I can provide a crowd every night.”

He reached into his pants for his wallet. “On the house,” said Beth.

“Umm,” said Mick, pointing at his leg sticking straight out. “Send Lily in here,” he ordered.

Beth nodded. Lily was surrounded by fans. Half probably had Snow White fantasies. She was giving a public lap dance. Beth motioned for her. “Mick wants his dance now.” Beth grabbed Lily’s arm. “Good job hitting that convention.”

“It was a little person’s convention.”

“You don’t say. Anyway, if we can keep this place this crowded, we got it made.”

“I’ll say. I made $500 dancing. That’s a record.”

Mick’s eyes lit up when Beth opened the door and ushered Lily in. “Hi there,” she smiled. Lily started dancing.

“I’d stand to greet you, but I’m a little stiff in the leg.”

“I can see that,” said Lily.

Beth returned to the floor and gave a few more lap dances. A few of the little people were asking where Lily went. She hadn’t returned from the private room with Mick yet so Beth went to check on her. She opened the curtain just as Lily was pulling Mick’s pants off. His cock had been straining at the material and flew up as soon as his pants were pulled off. Mick sighed with relief just as both Lily and Beth gasped at the sight of his cock. Her gasp alerted the two. Lily looked up at Beth only briefly, her attention focused on the dwarf’s cock. “Jesus, Beth,” gasped Lily.

“Jesus, Mick,” said Beth. The dwarf’s cock was a foot long, maybe a little more and every bit as thick as Titus. Considering it was more than a quarter of Mick’s body size, the thing was a true monster cock. Beth shook her head to clear it. Lily’s hands were already on the shaft, measuring it, feeling it girth. “Go ahead and have your fun Lily, but don’t get me shut down. I’ll get a bouncer to guard the curtain until you’re finished.

Lily nodded, lowering her mouth to Mick’s cock head.

Beth went back out to the floor, turning down some lap dances. She sat at the bar as the bartender handed her a box of glossy 8x10s. She spent the next half hour signing around 3 dozen autographs at a discounted $10 each. Lily came out, followed by Mick. Her friend was working her jaw and licking her lips. Her cheeks looked puffy. Lily was walking fine. She’d only blown him. The fucking would come when her shift was over. Beth hoped they wouldn’t keep her up, she had a long drive in the morning.

They kept her up. Beth pulled the pillow over her ears as she laid on the couch listening to Lily’s screams of orgasmic joy. Emma came out worried about her mommy. She and Atlas were sharing a bed since Beth had the couch. Atlas could sleep through anything. “Is mommy okay?” she asked, worried as Lily cried out again.

“She’s fine dear. Just having fun with her new friend.”

“She’s making the same sounds she makes with you Aunt Beth, only louder.”

“That’s because your mommy is having a really good time. You’ll see how happy she is in the morning. Now go back to bed, sweetie.”

Emma went back to bed and finally fell asleep before the second session started up. Lily was more vocal this time. “FUCK ME MICKEY! FUCK ME!”

Beth woke up to silence as the kitchen light flickered on. She saw a hand come up over the counter and fill up a glass with water. Mick downed it and walked out of the kitchen. He was nude. He was really muscular with defined abdominals and pectorals. His cock was semi-swollen, angling down before him like it was sniffing the ground and reminding her of a tripod. “Sorry if we kept you awake.”

“That’s alright,” she replied, staring at his cock. It was fascinating to look at, big and beautiful. It sniffed its way along the floor to the couch right under her head. Beth threw the blanket off her. Mick’s eyes widened when he saw her lingerie clad body. Beth was dressed because of the children, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t look sexy. Her crotch was covered in a lacy white sheer panty while a sheer nighty hung from spaghetti strap on her shoulders. The nighty stopped at her ribs hugged her bare breasts. Beth smiled as the head of his cock rose up off the floor, appearing right before her eyes as it rose above the couch cushions. Mick took a step forward, his cock head moving towards her mouth. Beth opened wide and started sucking on the knob. She could taste semen and Lily on the end of his cock.

“My lucky day,” moaned Mick.

“Mmmhmmpf!” moaned Beth sucking more in. She released his cock as she sat up. “Come up here,” she said, thinking he’d hop up on the couch so that she could kneel and finish him off. Instead, he climbed up on the couch and straddled her legs. He stuck his cock between her breasts. She lowered her head to suck the end as he humped up and down in her lap, titty fucking her for the next fifteen minutes while she drooled all over his cock. His cum was overwhelming and drooled down her chin, but it was some of the richest most delicious semen she’d ever tasted.

The dwarf pulled on her hard nipples as his cock went floppy against her chest. “I’ve got to fuck you.”

“Some other time,” said Beth, licking her lips. “You’re Lily’s first real man and this night should be for her.”

Mick winked and hopped down off the couch. He took a final drink of water and returned to Lily’s bedroom. Her cries of pleasure started up again soon thereafter, but by then Beth was so tired she fell asleep.


Beth arrived home later afternoon the next day. Ashley met her at the door, kissing her on the lips while Atlas ran into the room to hug Helios. She took the next few days off from stripping to spend time with her son as she was flying back to L.A. to make the third and final Cocky movie. That would end her contract and porn star career.

Seed! Cocky 3: The Rise of Apollo was the low point in the series. The boxer plot had just about disappeared and it was just a normal boring old porn movie. Titus didn’t return for the movie. He liked the quick money, but he preferred finding and seducing his own women over fucking willing sluts. Beth wasn’t even the big female star. She only had two scenes, both with Domitian, one alone and one with another woman. Seed wasn’t nominated for any awards that year though downloads were pretty good and the visitor count on Beth’s website was skyrocketing. Autographs were selling faster then she could sign them.

They finished filming early and Beth still had a few days before her flight. Dom asked her if she wanted to ride down to San Diego and check out Comicon. Beth’s jaw hung open when she saw all the costumed fans wandering around. She couldn’t believe some the outfits (or lack thereof) the women were wearing. Here a woman wore a red wig and green cloth resembling lettuce over each breast and similar cloth over her crotch. “Oh my!”

“Poison Ivy,” whispered Dom, adding, “a Batman villain,” when Beth still looked clueless. “That’s a slave Leia.”

“That one I know,” she responded.

“Tomb raider, Mystique, Harley Quinn, also from Batman, and that green skinned woman is from Star Trek.”

“What about that?”

“Japanese something or other. I’m not up on anime, but it’s very popular.”

“That I recognize. Jasmine from Aladdin.”

“No, sexy Jasmine from Aladdin. There’s another one. Looks like a cross between slave Leia and Jasmine. Hot as fuck!”

After a long night fucking and sucking which ended with Beth bent over the railing on the balcony while Dom fucked her from behind while the sun came up. They packed up to return to Los Angeles. It was a three-hour drive and Beth was looking forward to catching up on her sleep. As they were leaving San Diego, a building caught her eye. “Pull over,” she said, sitting up.

“What! Here?” asked Dom, pulling over to an abandoned building.

Beth got out of the car and walked up to the building. It was a closed strip club called Hunks, that featured male dancers. It hadn’t closed that long ago and was still in good repair. Beth circled the building, peering in the windows. There were still tables and chairs. The equipment hadn’t been stripped and sold off. She looked down the road. It wasn’t too far to the convention center.

“Looking to buy?” asked Dom, smirking at the some of the posters of guys on the wall. His physique was superior to all of theirs as was the bulge in his pants. “If I worked here, they’d still be in business.”

“Yeah,” said Beth, nodding. “Let’s go.”

Her mind was so full of ideas it ruined her planned three-hour nap and most of her plane ride back to Miami. She’d used her savings to buy half the Orlando, Temptations. She’d still need Esteban as an investor and she’d need to take out a loan for her share of the business. The thought of putting a new strip club into where another had failed worried her, but then male clubs didn’t do the business that female strip clubs did. There was some competition in the area, but her idea was to have a Comic-themed club much like Orlando was turning into a Disney and Universal themed club with costumes and sketches on stage. Every year during Comicon they could have amateur nights welcoming costumed women from the convention to compete for prizes. Some would like it and go to work at Esteban’s clubs. Some would give her costume ideas. She wanted to have everything up and running by next year’s convention.

Beth discussed her plans with Ashley. Her savings were dwindling, but Ashley agreed to put up her place as collateral if Beth helped her get a job stripping. Ash was still lovely, but she hadn’t lost her baby belly and her thighs and ass were flabby. She’d be the heaviest stripper at the club or any of the clubs and Beth had visited them all for special appearances.

Esteban wasn’t at all impressed. He had Ashley remove her clothes and pose for him. “I’ll tink about it,” he said. “Ju may dress and go.”

“When will I know anything?” asked Ashley.

“I’ll get back to ju. Beth ju stay.”

“Please, she spends a lot and needs the money.”

“I’ll let ju know when ju come back for jur shift tonight. Now tell me about San Diego.”

Beth discussed her plans with the Jefe and that she would get a lone for her share of the club with Ashley backing her house up as collateral. There’d been an uptick in Orlando and Esteban was already pleased with the direction it was headed. He’d even admitted that her themed dancer idea was genius. “I’m in,” he said. Beth squealed and hugged him. He copped a feel on her ass while they hugged. “Now what about more movies?”

“Sorry, I’m done,” said Beth, sitting back down. “I’m just going to stick to stripping. I’ll still tour your clubs for you, but the movies weren’t for me.”

“Maybe a new club isn’t for me den.” Esteban sat back in his chair. “And I’m certainly not going to hire jur fat friend even if she is famous.”

“Asshole,” she said.

Esteban just shrugged. “Ju tink about it.”

Beth went home for a while, laying out in her bikini with Ashley while Helios and Atlas played in the pool. The poor young woman was excited, wanting to know if she had the job. She winced, staring at Ashley’s belly hanging over her panty. Her tits were fantastic though. She was just too overweight, yet somehow the narcissism of youth had her convinced she’d make as much as Beth did dancing.

Beth got a surprise when she went into work that evening. She felt a little broken, knowing she’d be giving in to Esteban’s demands once again. She walked into Esteban’s office and did a double take.

“Beth, this is…”

“Jim from the Gym,” said Beth.

The albino looked surprised to see her too. “Mrs. Shorthose, I’m surprised to see you here.” They shook hands. He held hers looking her up and down. “I was hoping you’d be a regular at the gym, but I see you appear to be working out regularly.”

“It’s Bethany Beach now,” she said, as Jim flipped her hand over looking for a ring and finding none. He did smile at her spade navel piercing.

“Ju know each other?” Esteban looked back and forth between the muscular albino and Beth. “Jim is a trainer. I’ll hire jur friend Ashley if she agrees to work out with Jim.”

“I’m sure she’d love to work out with Jim,” said Beth.

“Have her come by the gym tomorrow. Mr. Perez wants her in shape as soon as possible.”

“She’ll be there.” Beth smiled. “I could probably use a good workout too.” She glanced down at Jim’s crotch and he winked at her before nodding at Esteban and heading to the door.

Esteban sat back in his chair as Jim left. Beth’s eyes followed the giant albino. “Now jur friend has a job and I’ll invest in jur club, but I still want ju to make movies.”

Beth sighed. “Fine, but I only want to do quality movies with plots and I want all the actors to be real men.”

“It’s hard finding men like jur friend Titus or Dom.” He sat back and undid his pants, pushing them down a bit.

Beth smiled, thinking of the Bull Pen at the BBC Lover’s Boutique, Big John, Teddy and Mary’s older Bulls, her own and Ashley’s Bulls. She knelt between his legs, pulling out Esteban’s swelling brown cock. “It’s not as hard as you think. Jim there is hung like a horse.”

Esteban snorted. “Jim! A porn star! He look like a ghost.” Esteban laughed, sighing as Beth’s lips kissed his cock head.



“Do you have any rooms left?”

The old black clerk looked her up and down. “Sorry. No vacancies.”

“Your sign says vacancy.”

“There is one room, Mrs… but it’s…”



“Just give it to me. It’s been a long day.”

Beth walked around the room, talking on her phone. “Yeah honey, haunted. No, I’m not scared. I don’t even believe in ghosts. I miss you. These business trips are driving me crazy. I get so horny. Can wait to get your cock in me. Love you. Bye.”

Beth walked over to the full-length mirror. She was dressed sexy business professional with black glasses on her nose. She removed the glasses and began to strip until she was staring at her lacy underwear clad image in the mirror. Beth undid her bra and pulled her panty down examining herself nude in the mirror. She strolled into the bathroom, shaking her ass as she showered under the hot water.

Beth laid down on the covers, spreading her legs and playing with herself. “Oooh! I need a cock so bad. Damn, I need to get fucked. Ah ah ah AAAHHH!” She came. “Not the real thing.” She got off the bed and pulled the covers back, slipping in and pulling just the sheet up.

Fog rolled out from under the closet before the door slowly creaked open.

Beth was on her back as the sheet slowly began moving down. Her nipples hardened as her huge breasts were exposed. She moaned in her sleep as the sheet slid down her belly. Her piercing wasn’t in, her navel bare. Soon her bush was exposed. She opened her eyes. “Who… what are you?”

“Shhhh!” whispered the ghost. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the fourteen-inch pale cock between his legs. He hefted it and placed the head on her lips. Beth began sucking until it was fully hard. Her ghost pulled back, climbing on the bed between her legs. She raised her hips as the enormous white cock entered her, pushing deep, the muscular pale man fucking her fast and hard. He turned her over on all fours, fucking her doggy style before she rode him for a while. Beth leaped off while he jerked off, blasting his cum all over her face and breasts.

“Cut!” yelled Beth. “Alright Joe. Get a close up of me waking up.” The cameraman moved up as Beth pulled the sheet back up. She smiled as she pretended to waken. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “I feel great. Best night sleep I’ve had in a long time. Going to stay here more often. And what a dream.” She stepped out of bed nude. Beth looked down at the sperm sliding off her chin and breasts. “What’s this?” she asked, licking her lips and rubbing Jim’s sperm into her nipples. “Ectoplasm!”

Beth had changed her agreement with Esteban. She’d make movies for him, but she wanted creative control. She was now the star and director of Ghost with Big John writing the script. They changed the room for the opening scene, hanging a picture of President Eisenhauer on the wall. She’d found a black man on the Bull pen with a cock close to Jim size. He dressed up in a fifty’s era suit with a fedora hat. The opening sex scene was of him and a white woman coming into the room and making out. She sucked him before he ate her out. The two fucked until he pulled out the money shot, cumming on her tits. They exchanged I love yous just as the door burst open and a white man entered with a gun screaming at his wife for sleeping with a nigger. The black man backed up to the open closest just as the white man shot him. He’d be replaced by Jim as the ghost.

The next scene had a woman stay in the room as a ghost hunter. She sat her equipment up and tried to contact the spirit haunting the room to no avail. She laid down in bed naked just as the fog and soon Jim emerged. He did his scene with her. She woke up confused, taking a sample of his ectoplasm. The equipment showed nothing, but her recorder had her voice, “Fuck me with your big ghost cock.”

This was followed by a married couple. The wife gave her average dicked husband a blow job before the two went to sleep. He ended up standing and watching his wife and the ghost fuck. Swaying like he was in a trance while babbling, “Fuck her.” When they woke up. The wife told her husband how great he’d been last night with him looking confused. She then complained about the mess he’d left all over her tits.

The final scene had two young women (one of whom was Ashley) bring a Ouija board into the room and try to contact the ghost while sitting in bed in their underwear. “What do you want?” they asked. The planchet moved over to F before sliding over to U and then C.

“F U C K,” said one girl. “Fuck. E A C H. Each. Fuck each. O T H E R. Other. Fuck each other.”

The two women kissed, stripping off their underwear and going at it before Jim emerged from the closet and joined them. Ashley had lost her belly and was back at modeling weight. She was on her way to being the fittest she’d ever been.

The final scene was Beth at the front desk asking for the room again, but the clerk told her the room was becoming very popular, but if she was agreeable, he’d get her in for the night. She fucked him behind the desk. He was one of Mary’s older Bulls and they’d had each other before.

Ghost was a hit and a masterpiece. It swept the awards that year. Ashley and Jim both won Best Newcomer. Beth accepted the award for Best Actress, Director, and Picture. She left Vegas for San Diego checking her emails and seeing that John had sent her a script for Ghost 2. Temptations San Diego was well underway to opening in time for Comicon. She interviewed some potential managers and dancers until she was confident her new club would be ready to open.

Beth was grateful to get home to Atlas and her regular dance schedule. Ashley was dancing seven nights a week and her jiggly body was turning into a hard body from the nightly dancing and her workout sessions with Jim Mobley who had become her favorite bull. Her breasts had shrunk with her weight loss, but were still a full D-cup and looked better than ever.

Beth danced around 5 nights a week, only hooking up with her bulls and the occasional male alpha who wondered into the club. There was one exception. The white businessman that had flirted with her at the diner years ago came in one night and while she gave him a lap dance, offered her money to come back to his hotel room when she got off. His cock was amazing, as big as Titus, and she had a great night. She refused his money, saying she wasn’t a prostitute, instead tossing a hundred-dollar bill on the nightstand beside him. “Thanks for the cock. You were a great lay,” she told him, leaving to his chuckles.

Another night, she came out on stage and almost stumbled in her set when she saw the women seated in the front row. She gave them a wink and began dancing. Their money came out when she got nude. Somehow, it had gotten out that Beth had become a stripper and her lesbian classmates had shown up. They’d always been in awe of her looks, but now their uptight friend was oozing sexuality. Three of them pawed her during private lap dances and Beth sat nude between them at the bar while they got caught up. She refused their advances, but they were delighted to know that she had discovered her bisexual side and had an ongoing sexual relationship with a woman she lived with. She rejected their many offers for sex and most quit coming to visit her after discovering she was making porn. Only one, a bit of a bull dyke, who dominated the others came in regularly to see Beth dance taking a lot of delight in making Beth dance nude for her.

Titus returned and spent two weeks with her and Ashley with the three mostly in the same bed every night and both women giving up their Bulls for the two happy weeks before Titus headed off to the keys. He was very complimentary of Ashley’s new body and the only exception to their nightly threesomes was when Beth got home one night to find Jim and Titus spit roasting a happy Ashley between them.

Beth danced as Wonder Woman for opening week at the Comicon themed Temptations in San Diego. They held an amateur stripper-costume contest for three nights and had sixty contestants willing try it with their boyfriends cheering them on. Five of them liked it so much, they told her they’d consider doing it more often and luckily three lived near some of Esteban’s clubs. From there it was back to LA to make Ghost 2.

Beth did a promotional tour for Ghost 2 visiting all Esteban’s clubs. Her last stop was Orlando where she was going to discuss some new scripts with John. Lily was still with Mick and blushed while telling Beth that Mick wanted her to have a threesome with a friend of his. Emma was having a sleepover and she’d agreed to his proposal for tonight. Unfortunately, the friend turned out to be another dwarf, but this one was black and ugly. Lewis had crooked teeth and hunchback, shorter than Mick, but also a cocky air of confidence that only someone with a big cock would have. Mick was pissed off when Lily rejected him for a threesome, but Beth told him that she’d keep Lewis happy that night, leaning down to whisper in Mick’s ear, a broad grin spreading across his face. Beth did indeed keep Lewis and his foot-long cock happy until the two dwarves switched places during the night and by morning, Beth was sipping her coffee watching Lily cumming all over Lewis cock while Mick fucked her ass and just like that Lily’s problem with black bulls disappeared. Beth almost dropped her coffee cup when the idea hit her.

Back at the club, she asked John to come up with a script for Snow Whyte and the Dwarves. The dwarves were all for becoming porn stars. Lily refused. She didn’t want Emma growing up with an adult film star for a mother. She was already asking questions about what her mom was doing at night and Lily winced when Emma stated she wanted to be a dancer to when she grew up. She relented when Beth offered her $5000 to play Snow Whyte. She knew the character and she already had a costume. She agreed to it if she could wear a wig and use an alias.

Ashley and Beth flew to Vegas for the Adult Video awards where Ghost 2 surprisingly lost to a new company called Jamarcus productions whose movie, The Flag Girls Get Fucked, swept most of the awards. Ashley was thrilled to see some old acquaintances of hers from Islamorada were in the film and Beth recognized them from the video where Titus had shared Ashley with some other black men on their getaway to Holiday Isle.


Snow Whyte and The Dwarves

Beth played the evil queen. The older black man that played the desk clerk in Ghost was playing the magic mirror. The mirror was basically a hole in a wall so Beth could kneel and blow him or back into his cock asking him who the sexiest one of all was. She begged Titus to return for the role of the huntsman and he agreed. Beth fucked him while telling him to take her rival, Snow out into the forest to kill her. Lily dressed in her sexy Snow White stripper costume parody of her old Disney outfit. She begged the Huntsman not to kill her, removing her clothes and pulling his cock out. Lily hadn’t met Titus and was instantly smitten with his cock and powerful frame. Their scene in the woods was one of the sexiest ever filmed capturing half a dozen powerful orgasms racking Lily’s body. It was so hot, Titus almost blew it by burying his cock in Lily’s womb and filling it with his seed. Luckily, there was still enough to cover her face and breasts when he did finally pull out.

Lily wondered the forest until she encountered the cabin. It was messy and empty. She removed her clothes and went to sleep. The dwarves entered the scene, Mick and Lewis hammed it up, stripping and climbing in bed with her. The scene was one of the longest in the movies, capturing Lily being used by both dwarves in numerous positions. A disguised Beth poisoned Snow, but was captured by the dwarves trying to escape. Titus returned and woke the sleeping Snow White with a kiss and a fuck. She told the dwarves goodbye, kissing them on their foreheads. They waved as she rode off, stripping as they entered the house and climbing in bed where Beth was tied up where another hot threesome scene was filmed. Snow Whyte rejected the huntsman’s offer of marriage and returned to the castle where Lily had her final scene with the magic mirror, kneeling as he blasted sperm all over her face, his hands coming out of the mirror holding the crown and slowly lowering it over Snow Whyte’s head declaring her the sexiest fuck of all.

The movie was a hit and turned Mick and Lewis into stars. They moved off to LA to make movies full time. Beth drove up to Orlando to comfort her friend who was convinced she was in love with Mick and even more devastated when she found out she was pregnant. Mick had asked her to go off birth control before the making the movie. Lily skipped the promotional tour for her movie over pregnancy concerns, but kept dancing in Orlando until she started showing.

Lily won best new starlet, while Snow Whyte and the Dwarves also won Best Picture, beating out The Flag Girls Get Busted by Jamarcus Productions. The movie also won Most Outrageous Sex Scene for Beth’s bondage scene with the dwarves. Lily’s scene with the dwarves was also nominated in the same category. Ashley was a presenter and handed Beth the award for Best Director.

At the after party, Beth was shocked when Ashley told her, she was moving to LA to make porn full time for Jamarcus Productions. She loved making movies and Jamarcus had offered her a lucrative contract to work for him. The two women were close and would miss each other, but saddest of all was breaking up Atlas and Helios. Beth made Ashley an offer on the house and Ash accepted. The cash would help her get established in Los Angeles.

Lily had her baby, a boy with dark black skin. She was convinced it was Lewis’, but Beth quickly recognized the baby’s resemblance to Atlas when he was a baby as well as Helios. Titus’ voluminous seed had found another egg and Lily was suddenly thrilled to be a mother again, especially a mother to one of Titus’ sons. Beth texted Titus and image of his son and he responded to name it, Hyperion. Lily had gained some baby weight and was instantly smitten with the giant albino that showed up to get her back in shape. Unfortunately, raising two children put a strain on Lily financially and she too ended up moving to LA to make movies. Beth had lost her two best friends in a short period of time, but she’d still get to see them whenever she flew out West which was frequent enough.

At 35, Beth found herself a millionaire. She was producing a dozen movies a year. She had cut down her acting to only one movie a year, but it was always the best role in the best script Big John could come up with and she always won multiple awards. She was traveling all the time to all Esteban’s clubs, stripping and signing autographs, but acting more as a district manager recommending improvements and dance routines. Titus came and stayed with her that winter. He told her he was only staying a week, but it turned into 18 days. The next year, he stayed three weeks. The year after that, she watched his cock strain in his pants when she told him she’d quit taking birth control and wanted him to give her another baby. He stayed nearly two months and they fucked like rabbits, neither ever tiring of the other. She named their daughter, Melisseus, after a male Titan and the god of honey because she was so sweet. Plus, she could just call her Melissa.

At 40, she was a multi-millionaire, and something even bigger fell into her lap. Esteban had gotten himself into some kind of trouble. She never knew what exactly it was and he never told her, but whatever it was it was big enough, he was getting out of the country. He needed to liquidate everything and Beth took full advantage of his situation. He called her a bitch and a puta, but signed over control of every one of his Temptations as well as La Vida Loca, his mansion on the bay, Porsche, and yacht. She had enough money coming in every month plus after selling off Ashley’s old place, it wasn’t even a struggle financially paying off the loans. La Vida Loca was a nine bed, nine bath, 3 half-bath, mansion with inside and outside bars, and a huge pool. It was worth $40,000,000 and she got it for less than half the asking price, Esteban was so desperate.

Beth contacted some health care experts and accountants to brainstorm a plan to give her dancers healthcare and become employees instead of independent contractors. Most were desperate for healthcare and working for Temptations became the most lucrative job for exotic dancers with Beth’s clubs having their choice of the very best. Titus was staying with her all Winter now every year, even watching the children when she had to travel. Whenever possible, Beth would find him waiting in the audience whenever she came out to dance at Temptations all over the country and they’d always spend the night together. On one such occasion, Beth was hosting the Las Vegas Temptations, annual Halloween Bash. She was dressed in a very crowd-pleasing Elvira costume. The club took in over $100,000 that weekend alone and all the Temptations were holding holiday bashes. One hot young stripper was doing an I dream of Jeanie routine, while three more danced together as Charlie’s Angles, and another as Daisy Duke. Beth closed out the show, dancing last as Elvira, stripping down to a thong and tassels before going fully nude. She was the oldest dancer that night, but the hottest, and she danced like a bitch in heat making every man feel like she was dancing for them, but there was only one man in the crowd she was dancing for.

“What a nice surprise,” she said, hugging her nude body against his leather biker clad body. She could feel his cock harden beneath his pants. “Happy birthday,” she said, pressing her crotch into his bulge. Today was Titus’ fortieth birthday. He essentially looked the exact same as he did at 25 when she’d met him. Beth turned down offers of lap dances and joined Titus at the bar. He invited her to dinner and she quickly left to go change. “Fancy,” she said, when Titus took her to one of the best restaurants in the city. He wouldn’t let her pay and afterwards, he held her hand leading her towards the famous dancing fountain in front of the Bellagio Hotel. They stood and watched the water dance for a while before Titus released her hand.


“What?” she asked, turning. “Oh my god!” Her eyes widened when she saw her lover down on one knee and holding a ring up. “Oh my god!”

“Will you marry me?”

“Oh my god!” Titus grabbed her hand and stood, pushing the ring on her finger. “Oh my god!”

“I love you more than anything in the world. I think about you all the time. Beth, I’m ready to settle down and I want you by my side.”

“Oh my god! YES! The answers yes. Of course, I’ll marry you.” She threw her arms around him and the two kissed passionately to the applause of the few bystanders watching the fountain display this late at night. “When?”

“Now. Tonight,” said Titus.

He led her to his motorcycle and they rode off towards the Elvis wedding chapel. Titus helped her off the backseat. He’d already reserved a spot and Elvis was waiting for them. “Beth,” he said, holding both her hands. “You understand that I’m still going to need to get away from time to time.” He stared her in the eyes.

Beth remembered the older white biker she’d met all those years ago with Titus when Titus was telling her about alpha males. The biker…Butch was his name had known something about Nietzsche and his philosophy of uber men. He had been married, but needed to ride of on his bike from time to time looking for women to fuck. Funny, she couldn’t picture what Butch looked like, but she had a perfect picture of his big white cock in her mind. “I understand.” She nodded.

“I’ve slowed down Beth, but when I see a woman I want, I still have to fuck her. I’ll always come back to you and you’ve always been the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

“I said I understand jackass. And if you think I’m going to give up all my bulls, you got another think coming especially when you go wondering off leaving me alone. Plus, sometimes one cock just ain’t enough. A girl’s got needs you know.”

Titus laughed. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now shut up and marry me. I just wish Atlas and Melissa were here.”

“We can have another small wedding back home. I’d like mom to be there too.

“That’s a great idea.

And so, Beth and Titus were married by Elvis. She wanted his name and became Beth Cetewayo, but kept Bethany Beach as her professional name when she danced, acted or made appearances at conventions. She kept her businesses and properties in her name to protect her assets from the threat of paternity lawsuits against Titus.

Their small wedding in Miami filled Beth’s mansion with 500 people mostly strippers and adult film stars. Ashley and Lily flew in. Beth guessed there were more than a dozen of Titus’ children there and whatever their age differences they all seemed to instantly hit it off. All Beth’s bulls were invited and most tried to fuck her either before the wedding or on her wedding night, but she’d vowed to stay faithful to Titus that day though she did end up blowing Da’rion’s cock when he just pulled it out and waved it in front of her face. It still stank and she could never resist its smell. She agreed to meet and fuck him the first time Titus felt the need to ride off. It was one of the happiest days of her life with the only sad part being when Titus made a toast to his missing father. Gus had simply disappeared years ago.

Some of Ashley’s former bulls came to see her as well as Mary’s older bulls. Beth had never seen so many alpha’s in one small area at once and unsurprisingly there was one fight between them and even more unsurprisingly, the pool area turned into an orgy that lasted nearly all night. There were nearly thirty monstrously hung nude black men hanging around with 5 dozen strippers and female porn stars. After consummating their marriage, Beth and Titus came down and joined the festivities. Beth found three tired black men laying by the pool and went about reviving their spent cocks while Titus set out to reacquaint his cock with the mothers of his children starting with Ashley, before going off to find Lily, and some others.

When Beth was 46, Beth was glad to have a male figure around the house when Atlas knocked up one of his teachers during his senior year. Unfortunately, Titus seemed prouder of his son then mad, especially when he saw the hot married teacher Atlas had just impregnated. Beth even caught him fist bumping his son when she turned around and saw them in the mirror. The teacher had allegedly caught Atlas having sex with two of the football cheerleaders and had been awestruck by his cock. Atlas got suspended and had to take night classes to finish his GED where he promptly knocked up a forty-year-old married woman from El Salvador in the class with him.

Things got worse when Mary had her family over to reconcile one Thanksgiving and David showed up with his new much younger trophy wife. Things were tense and the brothers buried the hatchet, but it was easy to tell David still resented his brother and he talked to Beth as little as possible. Titus couldn’t stop staring at his new sister-in-law. Beth reached her hand under the table during dinner and placed it on her husband’s crotch. Sure enough, it was hard as a rock as he stared across the table at his brother’s new wife. “Promise me, you won’t touch her,” she ordered Titus. Titus agreed. Unfortunately, Beth had given no thought to her 18-year-old son who was just as attracted to his new aunt by his father’s half-brother and his mother’s ex-husband. By Christmas, she was pregnant and hooked on big black cocks. Titus had a solution that horrified Beth, but Atlas was very agreeable and soon he was following his father’s footsteps and joining the marines.


Titus strolled out by the pool wearing his swim trunks. Beth was wearing a tiny thong bikini and talking on her phone. Her 53-year-old body looked as good today as it had the first time the giant black man had seen her and it never failed to make his 50-year-old cock stir. “That didn’t sound like work,” he said when she put the phone down.

“Atlas. He’s leaving for Prague.”

Titus smiled proudly. Atlas had returned after a four-year stint in the marines, a muscular behemoth of a man and even bigger than Titus had been after his tour. He announced that before he settled down and made some career choices, he wanted to go backpacking through Europe and visit nearly every country. Titus knew exactly what his son wanted to do in each country. He’d watched clips of a strange looking pale Icelandic girl sucking Atlas’ monster cock before his son had moved on to Ireland where he met a freckled redhead, then a British punk girl before a brunette from Scotland with some of the best tits Titus had ever seen. From there, it was a series of blondes and redheads from Scandinavian countries who seemed fascinated by the man’s dark black skin and the fourteen-inch cock attached. Atlas was now making his way through the middle part of Europe before moving down into Spain, Italy, and Greece. Melissa was starting high school, college prep and considering medical school. Several legitimate modeling agencies had approached her on the beach and she’d always been the most popular girl in school. She was almost a dead ringer for her mother, but with light chocolate skin.

“Want to go for a bike ride?”

“Always,” said Beth with a smile. “I’ll go get changed.”

“What you’re wearing is fine.”

Beth looked down her nearly nude body and shrugged, proud that her husband still liked showing her off.

Soon they were off, the gate to La Vida Loca closing behind her. Titus hadn’t changed. He still thought living was about experiences and pleasures. He was as fun today as the first time she’d ridden off on the back of his bike. He followed Biscayne Bay until he found a causeway leading into Miami Beach and they were soon riding down Collins. He found a parking spot and the two held hands until they were on South Beach. Titus released her hand so that he could untie her bikini top. Beth smiled as it fell into his hands. He looked down her body and growled with lust. She hadn’t changed much since the first time they’d walked down the beach. Her breasts were fuller after becoming a mother and they sagged a bit more, her proud nipples now pointing slightly down. “Happy Anniversary,” he said, kissing her. Beth looked confused when he broke the kiss. “It’s the 25th anniversary of our first walk down the beach.”

“Oh!” she said. “Wow! How’d you remember the date?” She asked as he took her hand and they began their stroll down towards the ocean.

“I remember the exact date of the first time I fucked every woman.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“I looked at the date stamp on the video.”

Beth nodded her head. “Do you still wish I was that hot young woman?”

“You’re still a hot young woman. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

She squeezed his hand. “Well, somebody’s going to get laid tonight.”

Titus laughed. “I get laid every night.”

“I showed have known. January 2nd, the first time we fucked.” They always celebrated the holidays by reenacting their first sexual encounters. She gave him a hand job every Christmas Day, he titty fucked her on the 26th and they always celebrated the New Year with a blow job. “A lot has changed.”

“And a lot hasn’t.” Titus motioned towards the crowd at the beach. Beth was still attracting the attention of nearly every male eye and plenty of the females. “They still all want to fuck you.”

A lot had changed though. People weren’t just staring at Beth because she was gorgeous, a lot of them recognized her. Two young guys approached, sheepishly asking for a selfie. They put their arms around her and smiled into the camera as Titus snapped a picture making sure to capture his wife’s bare breasts. A young couple came up next. The boyfriend was thrilled. His girlfriend wasn’t thrilled that her boyfriend wanted a picture with a topless porn star. She was simply stunning. She had raven black hair that fell past her shoulder blades. Her bare breasts were about a full C-cup, large on her trim frame. They were capped by quarter-sized nipples with almost no areola. She took the picture for her boyfriend. “You have an amazing body,” said Beth, looking her up and down. “You ever considered dancing?”

The young woman crinkled up her nose. “Uh no,” she answered sarcastically. “I’m an actual model.”

“Well if you change your mind, I own Temptations and we have an amateur night every Sunday.” Beth held her hands out and waved them down her nude, but for the thong form. “Sorry, I don’t have a business card on me.”

“Uh! I’m not a stripper.” She crinkled her nose again.

Beth looked her up and down. “Shame, you’ve got a real earner’s body. A good weekend night, a girl like you could bring in a thousand a night.”

“A thousand!” said the boyfriend.

“A night?” said the girl, the crinkle in her nose was gone and her mouth was hanging open. She looked down, her eyes opening wide too when they fell on Titus’ crotch.

“Only at a top club like mine, but yeah a grand a night.”

“I’m not going to dance nude,” she said, shaking her head, but the disgust was gone and the wheels were turning in her head. Miami Beach was an expensive place to live. Her eyes kept glancing down at Titus’ bulge with disbelief.

“Why not? You’re nearly nude in public now.”

“Sure, but this is South Beach and everyone is nearly nude.”

Beth shrugged. “Think about it. Come in Sunday for an amateur night just to check it out. You don’t have to dance unless you want to. Tell your server, Bethany Beach said your drinks are on the house.”

“Thanks, but…” The girl shrugged her shoulder.

“We’ll think about it,” said the boyfriend, taking her arm. “She’s right honey, you’re practically naked now,” he said, excitedly. She glanced back, but not at Beth, at Titus’ crotch. She seemed confused by what she was seeing.

“They’ll be there,” said Beth smiling. The girl would make an excellent stripper. Beth glanced down. “I see you like her.”

Titus looked down at his half-stiffy coiled up in the tight swim trunks. “Fuck yeah. I could practically smell her need growing every time she glanced at my crotch.”

“Maybe we should hit the club Sunday? If they show, you should be her first lap dance.”

“I love you,” he grunted.

“If you can nail her, bring her by the house. It’s been awhile since I had a woman that lovely.”

“I really love you,” he grunted again. “And what do you mean, IF?” They laughed together. “I mean it. I really LOVE you.”

“I know.”

“Serious Beth, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. When I met you, you were a waitress in a diner and now you’re one of the richest women in Miami. Everything you touch turns to gold.” Beth was half listening. She was thinking about Teddy Freeman and his theories on paragons. “You have an instinct for finding the right people for the job. Your business sense is amazing. And your tits…”

“Titus, you’re embarrassing me. Don’t stop.”

“I don’t just love you; I admire you.” He was staring in awe at her. His cock was rock hard now and it wasn’t for the young raven-haired beauty, it was hard with desire for his wife. “There just something about you.”

“Dumbass,” she said playfully. “You didn’t think that only males could be alphas, did you?”

Beth turned and started heading back up the beach. She turned to look back at her husband. He was standing still looking at her, his mouth hanging open. Beth held out her hand. “Come on Titus, let’s go home.”

Titus ran to catch up.


Note: And 163,000 words later, I’m done. This story really got away from me. The intent was to take the original story, change some things around and touch up the scenes a bit. It turned into a complete rewrite. This story mentions some characters from “The Flag Girls Get Fucked” and “Flex Appeal.” I’m labeling these as my “South Florida Stories” and they can be found under that category on my blog. I’m considering some standalone spinoffs such as a story about Mary’s first encounter with Gus in Jamaica, a story about Teddy setting his sights on Beth’s babysitter, and the story of Atlas seducing David’s second wife after meeting her on Thanksgiving. I’m not sure if I will get around to them. For now, I need to take a break from this series.


  1. Man, you're the best.

  2. It's very good story. One of your best.
    Thank you to wrote it.

  3. i like the idea of atlas with david second wife that would be awesome

  4. A masterpiece. Thank you!

  5. This is really well written and clearly one of your best. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you

  6. I would like to congratulate the author for this fantastic story. Better saying: Saga, for this is what it is. A saga of life, transformation. It's a privilege, being not only able to follow the development of this work itself, but also the author's own creative process. This formidably process of transformaion and psychological character annalysis has already been explored by the author for a few years now, as we can see in works like Flag Girls, Flex Appeal, Doctor Bitch and so many others. What we have here, however, is unprecedented and exceeds on so many levels what was previously done. When it comes to character development, this tale is a masterpiece. It was, in the absence of a better word, beautiful to see Beth's development, her inner conflicts and follow how she went from a modest and conservative wife, to become a sex slut who is not affraid to explore her own limits (if there is any). A true heroine saga, just like Campbell teach us.

  7. Here we have the proof that the most valuable from a story is not the destination, but the journey itself. Exploring the nuances of this conversion takes us on a journey through the human psyche in various stages. I like to think this change is very similar to the grief stages. I can explain:

    - Denial - Here the character does not believe in two things: What she sees, and how she feels about it. "It is not possible"; "It cannot be real"; "I don't feel attracted to it"; "How can anyone like it... how can anyone take it?"; "How can anyone feel pleasure from it?"; "It's just a curiosity, no harm."
    - Anger - The character feels angry, both at herself and at what arouses these feelings in her. "Look how arrogant and pretentious he is"; "How can I be attracted to that?"; "It is not my fault, it is my husband's fault on not being able to satisfy me".
    - Bargain - It is about trying to justify how ephemeral, fleeting, unimportant this relation is. "It won't happen again"; "Just one more day... Just one more a week... Just one more month."
    - Depression - Again, duplicity. The sadness of discovered what she is, of needing it. On the other hand, the sadness of knowing that this cannot happen, that there must be an end to this... that it will not be accepted by society.
    - Acceptance - "I am a bitch, this will not pass. I need Big Black Cocks to satisfy me and I don't care what society thinks about it."

    Anyway, this saga works very well all these stages, both the psychological aspects and the external ones. For this, I congratulate you, Stormbringer, for this incredible saga. It is an honor, and a privilege, to be able to accompany this creation. I look forward for other journeys, long and delicious, of the metamorphosis of beautiful women, into what they always were, but just don't know yet.

  8. It bothers me how horrible of a mother Mary is to David. Why couldn't he go with his father and be spared a torturous life with his awful Mother, Brother, and future wives. Kinda tarnished the story how awful everyone is to him

  9. I like to think that Gus finally tried fucking the wrong guy's wife and got a buckshot to the dome as a reward.
