Blonde Ambition


Blonde Ambition: Climbing The Corporate Ladder

Copyright 2024 by Stormbringer



Hope Hightower pushed her chair back and stood. She raised her arms over her head and stretched first left then right. She sighed and looked around the empty office building. She stretched again, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked away from her desk and over to the large glass window of the office building. The lights in the office reflected her image in the window.

The twenty-six-year-old blonde beauty liked what she saw. Her long blonde hair hung loose, and her bright blue eyes twinkled in the window. Her makeup was light because she was a natural beauty and needed little enhancement, but she wore lipstick and some eyeliner. Her impressive bosom pushed out her sleeveless blouse exposing the tops of her breasts. Her black skirt stopped just above the knee showing the lower halves of her fit legs. The image was a little too sexy for her office, but she’d worn an open jacket for more modesty before the last of her coworkers had left.

She’d been a teenage beauty queen and had tried modeling, but her breasts were too big for professional work. Her offers were more focused on her body than her beauty. The money offered went higher and higher for the fewer clothes she was willing to wear. She’d given in and worn a skimpy string bikini at some boat shows. Playboy had even come knocking on her dorm for the women of UNLV pictorial they were shooting after watching her on the UNLV Cheer squad. The headhunter had made some offers, even wanting her to try out for a centerfold shoot. She’d refused as she was a decent girl, didn’t sleep around, and was now engaged to Ben, whom she’d met when she took the job in NYC. Their wedding was set for next year. He wanted children. She wanted to wait and see how her career went. It was causing friction in their relationship, especially since they worked differing hours and weren’t spending as much time together as either of them would have liked.

Hope turned sideways, examining how far her nearly E-cup breasts pushed out the front of her blouse. What was that quote from Working Girl? “I have a head for business and a bod for sin. Is there anything wrong with that?” The answer was yes, because nobody took you seriously when you had a bod for sin. Hope looked stunning in her outfit, but she looked more like a porn star playing an executive than an actual executive. All she was missing were the fake black glasses. She would have made a fortune as a nude model, porn star, or a stripper. Vegas organizations constantly wanted her to dance in their clubs throwing some amazing dollar figures at her and she knew they were probably pretty accurate. Many of her college friends danced to pay their way through school and more than a few dropped out to dance full-time. Hope had accepted a paying job to wear a skimpy bikini around one of the bigger casino’s pools and she’d appeared in ads for the club and even graced a billboard on the drive into the city.

But that wasn’t what she wanted. This was what she wanted. She leaned forward so that her image disappeared and the Manhattan skyline appeared through the glass. The skyscrapers were lit up for the night. The top of the Empire State Building rose behind the nearest office building across the street.

She stepped back, her image appearing again in the window. She found it strange, that with her looks the company didn’t have her sitting beside some executive, smiling at the clientele to help broker deals. Instead, she had the late shift, alone in an office, in a dangerous city, monitoring overseas markets as they opened. It was 10 pm here in New York, noon in Tokyo, 11 am in Shanghai, and 8:30 am in Mumbai. There were 29 African stock exchanges and Lithocorp was in heavy competition with Beijing over mineral rights in Africa. She guessed somebody had to do it. It certainly beat working her way up from the mailroom.

Hope walked back over to her cubicle and sat down. She didn’t stare at her computer screen; she swung her chair around towards the corner office. Lithocorp had the top three floors of the building. The big man was on top with the upper executives. She was on the third down. The Veep of international acquisitions was in charge of her floor and he’d just retired. She stared at the open door to the office. Usually, it was closed and locked, but having been just vacated, the cleaning crew had left it open.

Hope got up from her chair and walked over to the office. She peaked in through the open door. It was empty of all personal items and only had the furnishings. The top of the desk had been cleared off. She was up for the job, but wouldn’t get it. The position was Ellis’ to lose. She detested the sycophantic executive; he was arrogant and full of himself and he’d made more than a few suggestive comments to her. They weren’t enough for her to go to HR, just hints that he’d love to have her as his personal assistant working directly under him, his dark eyes staring at her cleavage during the offer. She had a shot at the job if she pushed her gender. There wasn’t a lot of diversity at Lithocorp and all the top executives were white males. That wasn’t her style though. Unfortunately, Ellis had more seniority and had brokered some big deals. As a man, he was also better at entertaining clientele. She strongly suspected there were more than a few strip club visits and prostitutes paid for on the company credit card.

Still, a girl could dream.

And dream she did. Hope turned around. She walked briskly towards the elevator. She turned back around and straightened her skirt. “Ding,” she said, pretending she was exiting the elevator. She strolled towards the office. “Good morning,” she said, nodding, pretending everyone was standing up to greet their boss. “Thank you,” she said, pretending to take a cup of coffee from her assistant… Ellis. She walked back up to the office door and closed it slightly. The nameplate had been removed, but in her mind, it read, Hope Hightower, Vice President of Acquisitions.

Hope opened the door and stepped into her office. She walked over to the window, hands behind her back, and surveyed the city, her city. This was just the first step. Next year she would be on the next floor up and in a few more years, the top floor. The old man was… well, an old man and he’d be hand-picking his replacement. “Congratulations, Miss Hightower, you’re the new CEO of Lithocorp.” He reached up from his wheelchair and shook her hand.

She saw herself on the cover of Fortune and Business Weekly.

Women to Watch!

It takes more than Hope to reach the High Tower!

The most powerful women in business!

She was rich. She was powerful. She was… horny?

At some point during her fantasy, Hope’s nipples had begun to puff up. Her nipples were large and became quite prominent when they hardened. They were pressing into her bra now, uncomfortable as they scraped her bra’s cups. The bottom of her panty was wet too. “Well, girl, it looks like power turns you on,” she muttered. It didn’t help that it had been weeks since she’d been with Ben and was starting to get frustrated. All she had were her fingers to satisfy her. Her fingers…

“No,” she said, shaking her head at the thought. “No. Maybe? No. Why not?” The vice president’s office didn’t have security cameras like the office floor, so why not? It would be a nice way to pass the time, relieves some stress, and frustrations.

Hope stepped back from the window so that her reflection appeared again. Her hands pulled her blouse up out of her skirt before they moved up and began unbuttoning her blouse. It hung open before she slipped it off. Her bra was pink and lacy. She liked wearing sexy underwear. It occurred to her that anyone in an office across the street could see her standing in the window in her skirt and bra. She was surprised that the thought made her nipples swell even more. Posing and modeling especially in little bikinis had always had that effect on her.

Across the street, she pictured another executive, standing at his window watching her. He was loosening his tie and opening his shirt even as she was pushing her skirt down. She stood back up, now stripped to her underwear and high heels. The man pulled his shirt off before pushing his pants down. Hope unhooked her bra, sighing as her breasts were released from their constraints and her nipples were no longer rubbing her bra. The cool air from the air conditioning caressed her sensitive nipples, doing nothing to alleviate their swelling. Her hand slipped into her panty and over the golden whisps covering her pubic mound. The tip of her finger found her clitoris and the hot wetness of her pussy. She was surprised at how wet she was, at how turned on this was making her. The man across the street pushed his boxers down, an impressive swollen erect phallus popping out to salute her. He was bigger than Ben, more muscular, better looking, and best of all he had a bigger salary.

Hope stepped back from the window, lest someone actually see her and what she was doing. It should be safe. It would take binoculars to get a good view, but that wasn’t impossible. She wiggled her panty down her lips and let it fall to the floor. She sat down in the desk chair. Her chair. This time she let her fingers probe into her pussy. She was wet and hot. Her unsatisfied pussy was ready for this.

“Yes,” she moaned, fingering herself. The chair wasn’t comfortable for this. She pushed it back and raised her legs, resting her heeled feet on top of the desk. She leaned back, letting two fingers slowly move around in the entrance to her pussy.

“So, what does a top executive like yourself do to relieve stress?” asked the reporter for Fortune, standing on the other side of her desk and looking between her open legs. “I see,” he said, jotting something down in a notepad.

She needed to cum and could feel it, but this wasn’t the most comfortable position either. Hope let out a little mewl of frustration. The office had a couch across from the door. It looked more comfortable. The leather seat of the chair clung to the bare flesh of her thighs as she stood, stinging her skin. When she was Veep, she’d demand a more comfortable chair. Of course, she wouldn’t be sitting in it nude or maybe she would.

The couch was more comfortable. She raised one leg and let it hang over the arm of the couch, her heeled shoe dangling from her dainty little foot. She spread her other leg, heel on the carpet. Hope pushed her ass out on the edge of the couch, sitting on her lower back. Her fingers found her pussy again. Her other hand squeezed her breast, fingers pinching her sensitive nipples. She gasped, pinching and pulling hard on the nipple as her fingers worked quickly between the folds of her pussy lips.

“Oh.. oh… OH! Cum… cumming!” she gasped. Her arousal squirted out over her fingers, splattering on her thighs. She wished Ben were here, but honestly, her self-induced orgasm had been better than any she’d had with Ben.

Hope smiled. She raised the hand from her breast and brought it up to her mouth, biting down on her knuckle as she let the waves of orgasmic pleasure crash over her. Her large bosom continued to rise and fall as she caught her breath. Her hips were slowly lifting her crotch over and over again into the imaginary thrusts of her lover… the man in the office across the street.

She sighed in contentment. She might have to make this a habit.

Hope was right about the vice president’s office not having security cameras, but the office floor did and the red eye on the security camera had followed her into the office and remained fixed on the couch waiting for her to appear again. The red eye was nearly invisible, but it seemed to swell as the woman reappeared nude and sat down, spreading her legs, watching while she fingered herself to orgasm.


Hope was glad she was alone in the elevator as she rode it up to the top floor. Because Hope worked nights, she arrived in the office around the time most of her coworkers were preparing to leave. It left her little time to socialize and as a result she hadn’t made any friends at work. The summons to the top floor had been waiting for her when she arrived at her desk.

Hope was nervous and forced herself to relax. She looked great today in a sleeveless blue dress with white trim and blue heels. The elevator stopped and she stepped out onto the top floor and almost bumped into Ellis as he was entering the elevator.

“Hey Hope,” he said, with that arrogant smirk. He kept a short black beard that he liked to stroke. He wasn’t a bad looking guy and probably would have been more handsome without the beard. “Good luck on the interview,” he told her, sniffing. He sniffed and crinkled his nose frequently which made her suspect he had a cocaine habit. “I had mine earlier and whatever happens, I hope we can work more closely together, a lot more closely.” His eyes flickered down to her cleavage and back up to her blue eyes. His were just as blue as hers.

“Thanks Ellis,” she replied. “Good luck to you, too.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need it,” he replied, winking at her. His eyes flickered down to her breasts again. He passed her and stepped into the elevator. As the doors closed, he pointed his index fingers at her and gave her another wink. His nose twitched again as the doors closed.

Hope turned and walked down the long aisle. There were no cubicles up here, just actual offices. She saw herself sitting in one. “You wanted to see me, boss?” asked Ellis coming into her office.

“Yes, Ellis. You’re fired!”

Hope smiled as she approached the executive meeting room. “Hope Hightower to see Mr. Sterling,” she told the secretary.

“Yes, Miss Hightower. You may go right in.”

Hope took a deep breath and opened the door to the office.

Winston Sterling, the old man, sat in his wheelchair. He was well into his eighties and always made Hope think of Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons. He was an old frail man hooked up to several machines. There was an IV drip attached to his wheelchair as well as an oxygen tank. It wasn’t a motorized wheelchair and he was pushed around by his nurse, a stunningly attractive black woman with breasts as big as Hope’s. His nurse was leaning forward displaying her impressive brown cleavage as she held an oxygen mask over Mr. Sterling’s mouth.

The nurse’s uniform was ridiculously short and more resembled a Halloween fantasy nurse’s costume than an actual professional. The skirt was so short, Hope caught a glimpse of the tops of her white stockings attached to a garter as she bent over. Her legs were fit and athletic like a runner’s. She moved the mask aside.

“Thank you for coming, Miss Hightower,” said the old man. “Mr. Hawass will be conducting the interview.”

Hawass was a top lawyer for the firm. He was Egyptian and wore black wire rimmed glasses. He was known as a no-nonsense guy. Hawass was sitting at the table with a briefcase beside him and an open folder in front of him.

He spoke. “Miss Hightower, thank you for joining us today. I’m afraid this interview is mostly a formality as Mr. Ellis has more experience and seniority with Lithocorp. Just this past year, Harry negotiated two new mine deals in Africa for platinum and chromium. However, Mr. Smythe, our previous Vice President of acquisitions, saw something in you as an up and comer in Lithocorp and suggested we interview you for the job as well as Mr. Ellis.”

“Thank you, sir,” she replied. “I’m happy to hear that Mr. Smythe felt so highly of me. Truthfully, I wish he’d stayed on in Lithocorp.”

“While your educational background is impressive, you lack experience in negotiating mining contracts. This job involves dealing with foreign dictators and warlords and we are in direct competition with the Chinese government for control of mineral rights around the world. It’s not for the faint hearted.”

“I’m aware of that, sir. Africa is a mosaic of complexities. These dictators and warlords are in reality pieces in a game of chess between the West and China. I don’t just monitor the foreign markets here at Lithocorp, I also keep up on all the news coming out of these countries as well as all the State Department reports. I write up my own reports on the African political situation and hand them over to Mr. Smythe. One such report, I believe was essential in Mr. Ellis negotiating that chromium mine contract in Zimbabwe before the Chinese were even aware that a new deposit had been discovered. I’m very good at chess, Mr. Hawass and Mr. Sterling. I know all the gambits.”

The old man smiled behind the clear oxygen mask.

“Let’s talk specifics, Miss Hightower,” said Hawass. “Say you’re negotiating with General Nkosi. The man who controls the diamond mines in the war-torn region of Botswana. He’s ruthless, cunning, and has a penchant for violence. How do you deal with him?”

Hope paused in thought for a moment. “Simple, I don’t.”

Hawass looked up from his papers and raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t? I presume this is on moral grounds?”

Hope took a breath. “Moral grounds are fluid based on the value of the product and diamonds simply aren’t that valuable to us here at Lithocorp. Diamonds aren’t used in hydrogen fuel cells or electric car batteries. Now, if General Nkosi controlled lithium or cobalt mines, we deal with him. If he were fighting a communist insurgency, he would certainly ally with us over the Chinese. The State Department might even supply him with weapons to fight the insurgents at our request. Of course, this is hypothetical since Botswana is currently a quite stable democracy with no insurgencies and favorable to the West.”

“Well done, Miss Hightower,” said Hawass. “Now given the current situation in the Congo…”

“I’ve heard enough,” said Sterling, holding his hands before him with his fingers touching in another Mr. Burns type gesture. “You’re the first person to ever get the diamond question correct, Miss Hightower. They have their uses, but the market demand is not as high as the minerals needed for electric cars or smart phones. I’m beginning to see what Smythe saw in you. You’re sharp, Miss Hightower.” He waved his hand at Hawass.

“Then we’re done here, Miss Hightower,” said Hawass. “We’ll notify you of our decision in a few weeks. If as presumed, Mr. Ellis gets the promotion, we’d like you to work directly under him so that you can began to gather field experience for future promotions. This would come with an increase in wages.”

“I’d certainly consider it,” she answered the image of her on her back in some hotel while Harry Ellis slammed his dick in and out of her filled her mind.

Hawass raised an eyebrow again at her hesitation. “We asked Mr. Ellis who he’d like directly under him and yours was the first name that came up. Apparently, he sees your value to Lithocorp as much as Mr. Smythe did.”

“That’s good to know,” she replied.


Hope rode the elevator down, her brain constantly picturing her having sex with Harry Ellis. She was laying on his desk while he banged her. Her boobs were pressing into the glass window of his office while he slammed his dick in and out of her. Across the street, her hung fantasy voyeur from last night watched her and Harry through binoculars. She wasn’t going to sleep with Harry for a promotion, but the images were starting to arouse her. He was probably pretty good in bed and Ben certainly wasn’t taking care of her needs. It might have been fun sleeping around if Harry wasn’t such a sleazeball and if Harry weren’t so… well hairy. She hated kissing a man with a beard.

The doors opened and Hope stepped in to an empty office. She sighed. She was a people person and hated being alone. An affair with Harry would fill the empty void she felt whenever she was alone. Like last night, she pretended she was the boss with everyone greeting her as she arrived at work. She didn’t continue to the vacant office this time, but stopped at her cubicle and sat down at her desk.

How was your interview?

Hope’s brow furrowed. It was an inter-office message. “I think it went very well,” she typed.

Good! I’m rooting for you, Hope.

“Thanks. I appreciate the support. Who’s this?”

Someone who has been watching you, Hope.

“Well, that’s a bit creepy.”

I’m looking out for you, Hope.

A video feed opened in her messenger and she saw an image of herself sitting at her desk. She turned glancing up at the overhead camera and then back at her computer screen. She caught her head turning. It was a live feed.

“That’s more than a bit creepy, whoever you are. Turn that off.” The picture did go away, but almost immediately an attachment came through.

Watch what I just sent you, Hope. I’ll be waiting….

Okay, that’s really creepy, she thought, opening the attachment. It was inter-office and safe to open. A video opened and all she saw was a couch through an open door. She hit play. The color drained from her cheeks when she appeared nude on the screen. “Dear god,” she mumbled in horror as she watched herself sit on the couch and spread her legs. The camera image zoomed in as she presented it with a perfect beaver shot. Her fingers slowly made their way down to her slit as she began to finger herself. The image was so good, she could see how wet her pussy was.

“Who is this?”

I want to help you, Hope. But first finish the video. The expression on your face when you orgasm is priceless.

She obeyed, watching in horror at the image of herself masturbating. Despite, how horrifying the situation was to her, her brain registered how amazing she looked in it, stroking her ego slightly. If this ever got out, she’d be ruined or at least her business career would be. She would be forced to go to Playboy and try out for a pictorial or worse, leave New York and return to Vegas to become a nude dancer in order to make a living.

“What do you want?”

To help you. I’m going to help you, but there’s a few things I want you to do for me first.

“And if I refuse?” She typed, knowing the answer.

I can send your video to everyone in the office from the old man on down. I can even access your social media contacts and send it to them. Who knows, it might make you famous.


Now that’s just rude! I think I’ll just go ahead and send it to the old man. I Hope he doesn’t have a stroke.

“Wait!” She typed send. “What do you want me to do?”

That’s better. I really have your best interests at heart, Hope.

“What do you want me to do?” she typed again.

Open you bottom file cabinet.

She leaned over and opened the lower of her two drawers. All she saw were her file folders. She sat up, but instead of typing looked up at the security camera and shrugged.

Behind your files.

Hope reached back down. Her drawer wasn’t full and all her files were to the front. She reached behind them. Her fingers found something large and tubular. She grabbed it and pulled the object out.

She stared at it in shock. Her jaw dropped. In her hand was a large black dildo.

I want to watch you use it.

It will be better than your fingers.

“What the hell! It’s too big,” she stated out loud.

It’s not too big.

“Wait, you can hear me?”

Yes, Hope. I can hear you.

Now remove your dress.

You look very lovely today BTW.

“There’s no way I’m putting that monster anywhere near my vagina,” she said.

Suit yourself. You look so sexy when you’re cumming. Everyone in the office should see it.

I will send the video out in 5 minutes unless I see you stripping off that dress.

“Damn you,” she said, sobbing a little. Hope sat the dildo down on her desk. Its base was flat and it could stand straight up. It had to have been between 10 and 11 inches long and as thick as her wrist. It was at least twice as big as Ben’s penis. She stood and began unbuttoning the front of her dress.

That’s better, Hope.

“That thing is way too big for my vagina,” she said, grabbing her dress by the waist and lifting it up her body.

Call it a pussy, Hope. And you’d be surprised what your pussy can take.

“Why such a big one? Why is it black?”

The big ones only come in black.

“But it’s not realistic!” She tossed her dress on her desk.


Go do that thing you do where you pretend, you’re the boss and are just getting off the elevator. I want to see you walk down the hall.

Hope flushed a little that someone had been watching her play out her “boss” fantasy. She was wearing some of her sexiest underwear. Like yesterday, this set was pink and lacy, but the material was also sheer and the panty was a thong. Now she was standing on the floor of her office wearing a skimpy set of lacy pink thong underwear. Her nipples and the blonde patch between her legs were clearly visible through the sheer material. It was underwear more for a romantic evening then to wear for work.

She kept her heels on as she walked over to the elevator. “Ding,’ she whispered, so that her voyeur couldn’t hear her. She strolled down the aisle, nodding at her pretend employees and pretending to take a coffee from someone. When she returned to her desk, he’d responded to her complaint about the dildo being unrealistic.

But it is realistic, Hope. That’s the Shaft Johnson 10.5” vibrating lifelike dildo with 3 speed settings. Modeled after the legend himself.

“Who’s Shaft Johnson? Never heard of him.”

I can rectify that.

Now lose the underwear.

Hope sighed and unhooked her bra. She sighed again as her breasts sprang free. Her big titties didn’t like being confined. She slid her panty down to her ankles and stepped out of it, kicking off her heels as she did so. Once again, for the second night in a row, she was nude in the office. “I suppose you want me on the couch again?”

Your chair is fine. I want to be able to talk to you.

Hope was surprised, but grateful as she sat in her chair. The overhead camera could barely see her in her cubicle. He was only seeing the back of her head and maybe her bare shoulder.

Now pick up the dildo.

She did as she was told.

And where does it go?

“In my vag… pussy. It goes in my pussy.”

Use the lowest setting to warm up. Now watch and enjoy.

The last message came through with another attachment. She clicked on it before turning the dildo over and flipping one of the switches. She almost dropped it as it began to vibrate. Hope slid down in the chair so that her pussy was hanging on the edge of her seat. She slowly brought the dildo down between her thighs. As she looked down her body, she noticed her nipples were sticking up slightly of her areolae. The tip of the dildo was shiny too from where it was rubbing against her pussy lips. The situation was slightly turning her on.


Hope looked up at the screen. The attachment had opened a movie. A blonde woman was knocking on an office door. She was dressed like a bimbo and obviously a porn actress. Her build was similar to Hope’s except that the cleavage she was displaying had a hard rubbery appearance that made them defy gravity. Hope blushed a little when she realized how much the blonde was dressed like she had yesterday in a white blouse and black skirt. She even had on the fake black glasses that made her look like a porn actress pretending to be a working girl

“Come in.”

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Johnson.”

There was a large muscular black man wearing a suit sitting at a desk. A nameplate on the desk read Shaft Johnson. He stood and loosened his tie. “Yes, Mrs. Lovecock, I wanted to talk to you about that promotion.”

She sat down in the chair in front of his desk what put her eyelevel with his crotch. “Why yes, Mr. Johnson. I’d do anything to get the job.”

Hope rolled her eyes. These things were so cheesy. She was starting to rub her crotch against the head of the dildo as the vibrations were starting to have an effect on her.

Shaft Johnson removed his tie. “Well Lili, the job will require us working very closely with you directly under me. And you have to be really good at dictation.”

“Of course, sir. I’m very good at dictation.”

“Show me.”

And just like that the music started a Lili was sitting up in the chair loosening Shaft Johnson’s belt. “Well, that didn’t take long,” muttered Hope. Lili was squeezing a sizeable bulge beneath Shaft’s trousers and stroking it before she took up the task of unbuttoning his trousers and lowering his zipper.

Hope’s eyes widened in surprise along with the actresses as Shaft Johnson’s huge black cock sprang up out of his pants. Her grip on the dildo tightened inadvertently pulling on it as she felt her pussy lips spread open around the large head of the fake black cock. Her nipples were throbbing in a dull ache. They were swollen so much they were lifting her areolae off her breasts. Just as Lili Lovecock’s lips were wrapping around the head of Shaft Johnson’s cock, Hope’s pussy lips were spreading open around the plastic replica.

The vibrations were sending waves of desire through her pussy as Hope stared at the video. Damn if the thing wasn’t really more than ten inches long. Lili bobbed her head over four or five inches before she’d stop and look up at the black man while she stroked the shaft. She grabbed the base and closed her eyes as she smacked herself in the face with it. Hope looked down at the plastic shaft with the head wedged inside her. It was a near perfect plastic copy of the dick on screen.

Lili went back to sucking Shaft, slowly unbuttoning her blouse and unhooking her bra. Johnson was doing the same until he was shirtless. He had a fit muscular chest, but it and his arms were covered in dark tattoos. Hope adjusted herself and opened her thighs wider as she pulled the shaft into her. She was panting at four inches and started sweating at five. The throbbing in her nipples had turned so unbearable she had to take one hand off the dildo and squeeze the tip of her breast. She moaned as her nipple’s sensitivity increased the pleasure beginning to grow in her pussy. Her pussy gave a little squirt that coated the end of the plastic shaft with her arousal starting to lubricate it.

Shaft had grabbed the back of Lili’s head and forcefully shoved his entire giant cock down her throat. Hope could see tears rolling down the actress’s cheeks. She looked like she was trying not to choke, but she wasn’t fighting the black man either. When Shaft released her, he pulled his entire cock out of her throat. It stuck out in front of him, bobbing, as he helped the actress to her feet.

He lifted her up onto the mostly empty desk top. She raised her hips so he could pull her skirt and panty off before she laid back as he began to feed his cock into her. He pushed her legs up so that the camera could capture most of his shaft disappearing into her. He slowly fed more and more of his cock into her increasing his speed until her big fake tits were shaking up and down.

Hope stared at the scene, pulling the dildo into her until it was deeper than Ben and soon several inches past Ben’s reach. Hope wasn’t sure that she could take any more of it, but the actress was taking the whole thing, than so could she. Hope mewled as she pulled it in deeper. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she cried. There was still an inch to go. She scrunched her face up as she pulled it all the way in and her orgasm exploded out of her womb. “FUUCKKK!” she cried. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful and the vibrations were making it worse. Her orgasmic contractions were trying to push it out of her, but she held tight to the base, her finger finding the switch to turn the vibrations off. Only it wasn’t the off switch. It was the high-speed setting. The dildo leaped into high gear. The violent pulsations along the bulbous tip seemed to pull all her pleasure back down into her womb only to explode outwards again into another powerful orgasm that rocked her from the hair on her head and down to the tips off each toe. This time, her contractions were pulling the dildo into her, her pussy tightly gripping it to hold the pleasure giving dildo inside it as long as possible.

Hope didn’t think she could take another orgasm like the last two. She forced her hand down between her legs. She found the switch and flipped it. Only the dildo began to shake even harder and another orgasm shook her body. “Fuck me. Fuck me. FUCK ME!” she screamed, picturing herself on the table being fucked by Shaft Johnson. Her crotch was bucking up off her chair like it was meeting the thrusts of her black lover.  Her strength nearly gone; Hope began to pull at the base. Her pussy still didn’t want to let go of it, but she forced herself to relax, her hand and pussy briefly fighting a tug of war with the dildo until she pulled it out and dropped it on the floor.

On the screen, Lili had slid off the desk and she was squeezing her tits together with her head back and her tongue out. Johnson was jerking off, his huge cock spurting long strands of white semen after long strand of white semen across her face. The large volume of ejaculate was explained by the two coconut sized testicles dangling beneath the huge cock.

The video stopped.

Hope slid down in the chair, legs spread and her arms dangling over the chair arms with her head thrown back looking at the ceiling. The only sounds in the office were her heavy breathing and the violent shaking of the dildo as it vibrated on the carpet beneath her feet.

Told you it would be better than your fingers.

“Shut up,” she said. Her chest was still heaving, her bosom rising and falling. She sat up and reached down to grab the dildo and find the damned off switch. “Are we done?” she asked, switching off the dildo. Silence. “Are we done?” she said again, louder.

You told me to shut up LOL.

Yes, we’re done. You can keep the dildo. We both know you will be using it again.

“It’s going straight in the trash.” Hope paused. “Are we good?”

We’re good.

“You’ll delete the video?”

Fuck no!

But I promise I won’t share it with anyone.

“Who are you?”

A friend. I’m looking out for you, Hope.

Enjoy the rest of your night.

I’ll talk to you later.

“What does that mean? I thought we were good.” There was no response so she leaned over and typed, “We’re good right?”



Hope rested her head in her hand for a moment, rubbing her temple. She grabbed the dildo and walked into the vacant office. She wasn’t supposed to use the private restroom, but fuck it. She walked nude over to window, staring at her reflection in the glass until it disappeared and the night skyline appeared.

“You better be worth it,” she told the city, before turning and entering the bathroom to clean up.


The next day was Friday. There was no contact from her mysterious blackmailer. Based on having access to the security cameras, her computer, and personnel files, she suspected he was someone in security or IT. The only other possibility was a top executive. She grinned picturing the old man himself communicating with her from his computer. He certainly couldn’t get it up at his age and maybe watching women use big dildoes was how he got off. Unlikely, that he could have planted the dildo in her file cabinet though.

Most of the day was uneventful. There was no word on the promotion. She stayed at her computer monitoring the markets and reading news reports from around the world. There was an intriguing bit of news out of the DRC. New deposits of cobalt and tantalum had been discovered. Congo was heavily investing in mineral exploration and despite the issues of conflict minerals and slave labor, she wrote up a report recommending Lithocorp look into mining rights for these new deposits. With her supervisor’s position vacant, she sent her report straight to the board, hoping Mr. Sterling would see her name on it.

Hope had a decent weekend. She and Ben got to spend some time together. They had an intimate moment and with the exception of the condom covering his penis, the flesh-on-flesh contact was wonderful. She was on birth control, but she hated how messy semen was and was never going to let him have sex with her bareback until they were trying to conceive. She found his penis somewhat lacking after her experience with the large dildo. The moment he left for work Monday morning; she retrieved the Shaft Johnson from its hiding place. She laid in bed nude and searched for his name on her phone. She ended up watching a video in which a white woman’s husband left for work and a minute later, Shaft was knocking on the door. “Howdy neighbor,” he said, before taking the woman in his arms.

Hope pretended she was the woman being visited by Shaft after Ben had left for work and in a way she was. Hope had never slept with a black man or thought about it. She’d seen only a few adult films and known had featured an interracial scene. There was something erotic about seeing the dark black actor with the pale white woman. The dildo did its job and gave her two huge orgasms that let her fall into a deep satisfying sleep for two hours where she dreamed she was the housewife in the movie.

She felt great when she left for work later that afternoon. The huge orgasms were a great way to relieve stress and even put her in a good mood.

You can keep the dildo. We both know you will be using it again.

Hope smiled as she entered the Lincoln tunnel. Yeah, there was no way she was giving up the dildo.


Good evening, Hope. I hope you had a good weekend.

What was left of Hope’s good mood dropped when she saw the message come through. Earlier, Harry Ellis had been “measuring the drapes” in what he was convinced would be his new office. The more she thought about it, the more she wasn’t convinced Harry was right for the job. The Vice President of Acquisitions was in charge of going overseas and making deals. Harry was the guy that got them drunk and took them to gentlemen’s clubs when they came to New York. Hope didn’t have overseas experience, but she had taken foreign relations as part of her business degree.

Again, he made suggestive comments about wanting to work more closely with her that were worthy of the cheesy dialog in the Shaft Johnson and Lili Lovecock video. She was almost surprised that he didn’t ask her if she took dictation.

“Mr. Sterling did suggest he wants me working directly under you so that I can gain more experience,” she said, wincing as the words came out of her mouth. Ellis would certainly take that the wrong way.

And he did. “And I look forward to showing you how experienced I am,” he said. His eyes fell to her cleavage briefly before looking back up and giving her a wink. “Catch ya later,” he said, pointing his index fingers at her before leaving and heading back up to his floor.

That encounter had soured her mood and now her unknown blackmailer was contacting her again.

“What do you want?” she said., glancing up at the ever-present overhead camera.

To have some more fun with you.

“You promised you wouldn’t share that video.”

And I won’t.

But I didn’t promise I wouldn’t share this video.

Hope was halfway through a sigh of relief when the attachment came through with his last comment. The overhead camera couldn’t have captured too much. She clicked the attachment.

Hope’s heart rate increased and all the color drained from her cheeks as the video started. This was much worse than the long shot of her fingering herself on the couch. Hope was staring at a closeup nude of herself holding the giant black dildo pointed at her pussy. She could hear the audio from the Shaft Johnson movie as she watched herself begin pulling the dildo into her pussy.

“How?” Her eyes widened and flickered up to the built-in webcam on her laptop. The privacy shutter had been opened. The company required that it be kept closed unless in a meeting. Her voyeur must have opened it when he hid the dildo behind her files. “Damn,” she muttered. She reached back up and slid the shutter closed.

Open it. I like looking at you, Hope.

Hope winced but reached out and opened the shutter. On screen, she was having her double orgasms. She stopped the video in disgust. “What do you want?”

I think it’s time we met.

Go in the office and open the top drawer. There you will find your instructions.

Hope pushed back her chair and stood up. She turned and walked over to the empty office. Smythe’s empty desk sat in front of the large glass window displaying the city skyline. She walked around to the front and opened the drawer. Inside was a sleeping mask and two wrist restraints attached to long chains, as well as a note. “Harry, you fucking perv,” she mumbled, certain it was Harry Ellis blackmailing her. That explained his presence in the office earlier.

The note was a list of typed instructions.

1)     Appear nude in the doorway when you’re ready for me.

2)     Wrap the chains around the feet of the desk.

3)     Sit on the desk.

4)     Fasten one handcuff.

5)     Put on the blindfold.

6)     Fasten the second handcuff.

7)     Wait patiently.

Hope appeared in the doorway, but she wasn’t nude. “No way,” she said, shaking her head at the ever-present security camera.

Is Hannah Hightower your mother? Hailey-sister?

The words were waiting for her when she got back to her desk. “No,” she gasped, watching as the next message appeared.

I won’t send them the video… just a link to the video on Pornhub.

It should upload in a few minutes.

Maybe they will think it’s spam and not click on it?

Maybe not.

“I hate you,” she whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

That’s no way to talk to a friend, Hope. I want to help you, but I want something in return… YOU!

Quid pro quo.

“What do I get out of this?”

All will be revealed, but for now you’ll have to settle for total sexual satisfaction.

Was I wrong about the dildo?

I bet you used it again… how many times?

“I told you I was going to throw it away,” she said, not quite lying.

“But you didn’t, did you? Bet the Shaft Johnson gets you off better than Benjamin Bohrer.

Benjamin Boring would be a better name for your fiancé.

Did you watch another Shaft Johnson video while you used it?

“Stop it! Just stop talk… typing.”

Then you’ll do it?

“I need time to think.”

Take all the time you need. You have 6 hours 17 minutes until your shift is over. You know what to do.

I’ll be watching…

“Creep,” she muttered.

Hope wasn’t a procrastinator and she didn’t really need to think about it especially after seeing the video of her masturbating with the black dildo. It looked like she was willingly doing it for the camera. If he posted it on Pornhub it would get thousands of views within days, millions over time. Her nipples began standing at attention as she thought of all the men that would jerk off watching her video. She only sat at her desk for a few minutes before pushing her chair back and standing up. His final message staring back at her. I’ll be watching…

Hope stared up at the security camera and turned around, strolling into the office. The chains were light and plastic, more a novelty sex toy than a real restraint. She wrapped them around the two legs of the desk and placed the handcuffs on the desk beside the mask.

Hope stood up straight and marched over to the window. She stared at her reflection in the glass and began to strip. She was wearing a pink skirt with a matching top that looked like it was one dress, but if she reached up a line of flesh would appear. She pulled her top off and slid her skirt down her hips. Having sex with Ellis wouldn’t be that bad. He was actually good looking, just full of himself and sleazy. He’d probably be pretty good at it. The worst thing about him was that he’d probably slept with dozens of strippers and prostitutes.

Her bra and panty matched her dress, but were more practical than sexy. She neatly folded her skirt and then her top, placing it on top of the skirt. She carried her folded clothes over to the couch where she would appear on camera. She faced the couch as she unhooked her bra and added it to her neatly folded clothes before grabbing the hem of her panty and sliding it down over her shapely rear end until it fell to her feet. She bent and picked it up, dropping it on the bra, and a little disgusted with herself to see a wet spot on the crotch.

Hope turned and with the exception of her pink heels, she walked to the doorway. She stood looking up at the camera a moment before raising her hand up and giving it the finger. Stupid, to antagonize him, she thought, but couldn’t help herself.

Hope walked over to the desk and turned around, lifting herself up so that she was sitting on the edge. She reached over and close one restraint around her wrist. She grabbed the mask with her free hand and had trouble putting it on. She ended up leaning down so that her restrained hand could hold it over her eyes while her free hand pulled the strap back. The elastic strap was tight and held the mask firmly in place. Hope felt around for the second restraint. The chain was loose enough she could bring her hands together and lock the second handcuff.

She tested her arms. She could raise and bend them, but not reach all the way out. She pictured the future VP Hope Hightower or Hope Boring… Bohrer sitting in the chair behind her, forever being reminded that at one time she’d sat on the front of the desk nude and tied up waiting on some mystery lover.

Hope put her hands down and waited. There was only darkness and silence. As her ears adjusted, she could hear the rapid pounding of her own heart and then the soft hum of electricity running through the ceiling lights. Other than that, just silence. Strange how quiet an office was with no one in it. There were no sounds of people typing at keyboards or phones ringing constantly. It didn’t seem natural. She strained her ears for more sounds, but there was just silence…


The elevator stopped on her floor and she could hear the doors open.

Hope’s breathing quickened. Her hard nipples swelled even more until her areolae rose off the front of her breasts.

The door creaked slightly.

Hope gasped and jerked when she felt her heel press into her foot before her shoe slid off and made a soft thud as it was tossed nearby. Her second heel quickly followed the first. “Not a heel man?” she asked.

“Your instructions were to be naked,” came a deep baritone.

She cocked her head slightly. The voice didn’t sound like Harry Ellis, but then he could be trying to disguise his voice. “AAHH!” Hope jumped when a finger flickered over one of her hard nipples. There was a gap of a few seconds before there was a soft pinch on her other nipple. He squeezed it between his two fingers and tugged on it twice. Again, Hope flushed with shame when a soft moan escaped her throat.

There was nothing for a moment and then his hands were suddenly cupping her knees. They were large hands, rough, and masculine. He squeezed her knees before he started sliding his hands up her thighs. They curved around her hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh of her rear end before he slid his hands up her waist and over her rib cage. A second later his huge hands were covering her tits, squeezing and kneading them. His hands really were big. She had bikinis with cups smaller than his big hands. Again, she was starting to think this wasn’t Harry Ellis. Harry’s hands were smaller and softer. The hands of a man that rarely did any labor.

She moaned again as he pinched her nipples between his fingers while squeezing her breasts. He stepped closer, a hard knob suddenly poking her in the knee. Her eyebrows flew up as the massive knob slid up her inner thigh leaving a wet sticky trail. Her mind was in denial that the thing rubbing her leg was his penis. It felt absolutely massive. She squeezed her legs together, her thighs molding around a huge penis. The head was probably as big as a golf ball and the shaft was huge. He pumped his hips a few times, the head of his penis pushing into her blonde pubic hair and splattering it with precum. She quickly spread her legs releasing it. The head jerked up, leaving a trail of precum along her lower abdomen to her belly button.

The tip of the huge cock pushed into her belly button before it started sliding up her stomach. Her legs spread wide open as he moved between her thighs. His hands were still kneading her breasts. Her lips parted again in a soft moan and suddenly his big lips were pressed against hers. She felt his tongue probing against her lips, but she jerked her head back. “No kissing,” she hissed. Kissing felt like a betrayal, like she was giving in to her blackmailer.

Surprisingly, he listened. The man pulled back. His hands did a reverse of what they’d done earlier. He squeezed her breasts before sliding his hands back down her waist. He adjusted her slightly, pulling her forward until her pussy was sitting right on the edge of the desk. His hands slid down her thighs and finally back to her knees.

He pushed her knees farther apart.

There was pressure on them as he braced his hands and lowered himself to his knees on the carpeted floor.

Hope frowned. She could feel his hot breath on her thighs. She gasped; a shockwave of pleasure traversing through her body as his tongue licked up her slit. His tongue licked rapidly up and down, sometimes flickering over her clit. Hope had never had a boyfriend do this for her and Ben hadn’t even tried. She didn’t care for sucking a man off either, but an earlier boyfriend had borderline forced his dick in her mouth and she’d sucked Ben off twice, once for his birthday and once the day he proposed.

Her mystery lover started switching between licking and stiffening his tongue so that he could thrust in and out of her. It was feeling better than any sex she’d ever had, not including the Shaft Johnson dildo. His hands had slid off her knees and under her thighs lifting her legs. She wrapped her legs over his shoulders and crossed them behind his back. Hope bent backwards, humping her hips up into his incredibly prehensile thrusting tongue. “Ohhhhh!” she moaned.

Hope reached over to him; her restrained hands could reach the head between her thighs. His hair was short and kinky, not the long unruly hair of Harry Ellis. Nor was his jaw bearded as it was squeezed between her thighs. She was somewhat relieved she wasn’t being blackmailed by Ellis, but that only deepened her curiosity over who her mystery man was. He seemed to be a very big, strong man which fit the bill of no one on her floor and no one she’d seen on the other floors.

“Fuck!” she spat. “Please?” Hope mewled as she pulled his head into her crotch, humping his face. He was just thrusting his tongue now into her willing pussy waiting for her to get off. And she was going to get off. A big one. “Gonna cum,” she mewled, digging her fingers into his scalp, her body starting to tremble, and then came the explosion…

Hope threw back her head and cried out in pleasure. Her orgasm had been huge, one of the best of her life, only beaten by the ones she’d had with the dildo. She gasped, trying to catch her breath. She was still holding his head into her pussy. He was no longer licking or thrusting his tongue into her. He was planting soft kisses on her pussy lips. His jaw and cheeks were so soaked from her orgasm, she was embarrassed she’d cum so hard.

Hope released his head and relaxed her thighs so that he could get up. Only he didn’t. The kisses turned to licks again. She gasped as her pussy was feeling ultra-sensitive. No thrusting tongue came this time, but something pushed into her. The tip of his index finger worked its way between the folds of her pussy lips. It found little resistance slipping in past his knuckle. The man’s finger felt almost as big as Ben’s prick and when he pulled it back and slipped a second finger into her, it felt as big if not bigger than Ben’s dick.

His tongue came back. This time it focused on her clit, flicking and sucking on it while he kept his fingers knuckles deep in her pussy. He flexed his fingers running the tips over some sensitive spot deep in her vagina. It didn’t take long for her to start grinding her pussy into his fingers. She cried out when he sucked her clit between his lips. Hope was panting as her orgasm began to build. Her pussy was contracting down around his fingers as her orgasm neared. She was going to cum again and it was going to be a big…

And then there was nothing.

He pulled his fingers out and he went back to kissing her quivering pussy lips

Hope was too surprised to say anything. She sat on the edge of the desk leaning back still grinding her pussy into his absent fingers wanting more than anything to cum again. For a brief moment, she wondered if she had done something wrong. He planted another kiss, but this time he also wiggled his tongue back inside her eliciting a loud gasp from her. He pulled back, reinserting his fingers. This time he didn’t keep them inside, but fucked her with them. Hope’s body instantly responded, grinding her pussy into his fingers. She was already worked up and the orgasm began to quickly build again. He sucked her clit into his mouth and she threw her head back. “YYEESSS!!” she cried as her pussy began to spasm around a thrust of his fingers that never came.

“NNNOOOO!” she squealed in frustration, her eyes wide with disbelief, but she was only staring into the darkness of the blindfold.

He pushed down on her knees and stood up between her legs. The head of his cock pressed against her pussy lips, rubbing and sliding over them, occasionally pushing forward, pushing her labia inside her until she began to spread open for him and then he’d pull back. She tried matching his push the next time she felt him pressing into her. Her mystery man held it still and Hope found she was the one rubbing her pussy around the tip of what felt like a cock head even bigger then the dildo’s. He pulled back, the tip of his cock leaving a slimy trail along her inside thigh.

“What are you waiting for?” she gasped.

“Ask for it,” he said. She jumped in surprise, used to his silence. Again, his voice was deep and masculine, a commanding voice that came deep from his chest. The head of his dick returned to the entrance to her pussy.

“Put it in,” she demanded, trying to push her pussy into it, but she was already hanging off the edge of the desk.

“Not good enough.”

Hope borderline growled she was so frustrated. “You want me to tell you to fuck me? Is that it? Well then… fuck me. Aaahh!” The pressure on her pussy lips grew, pushing inside her until they finally spread wide… really wide… around the head of his penis as it entered her. She was aware of a hard groan from his throat as he finally pushed it in. “You’re big!” she gasped as he worked his cock back and forward.

“And you’re tight.”

Her pussy spread wider around the shaft just under her head. “Really big!” He pulled back until the large flare of his glans flickered over her clit and then he pushed forward again. “UNH! Too big! Slow down.” He didn’t, but he wasn’t going fast either, just probing deeper with each thrust. “What the fuck it that thing?”

“That’s my cock. Like it?”

“No way that’s real.” Her brain pictured him standing between her legs working a dildo inside her or wearing some kind of sleeve over his actual penis.

The man slowly withdrew his penis from inside her. She felt a slight sense of relief, but she was already raising her legs intent on wrapping them around his hips and pulling him back inside. He withdrew his cock. She sucked her stomach in when the head pressed against her navel before sliding up her stomach and resting between her breasts.

“See for yourself.”

The chains rattled along the desk as she moved her hands over to her lap. Her fingers brushed his shaft and she wrapped one hand around the shaft above her blonde pussy hair and her second hand above her bellybutton. She gasped. “Not real,” she muttered in disbelief. Her hands slid up the shaft until one fist was wrapped around the big knob at the end. The head of his large cock filled her palm and she couldn’t wrap her fingers around it. Still in disbelief, she squeezed her hands tightly around the head and shaft and tugged on it, trying to pull the sleeve off his crotch. “I don’t believe it,” she whispered sliding her hands down. Only the top half was wet from being inside her. Her mind must be playing tricks on her, not being able to see it, but she estimated it was at least a foot long. “It’s bigger than the dildo!”

“The dildo was to prepare you for me.”

She gulped at the implication. Her lower hand slid down to his crotch until she could feel his pubic hair. The shaft was a uniformly stadium shaped, flat on the top and bottom with curved sides. It swelled larger just under the head. It was hot and veiny. She could feel his pulse in his veins. At no point in her examination of the huge phallus had she felt the ridged base of a condom, nor had the head been capped by a rubbery receptacle. “You’re not wearing a condom?”

“You got one?”


“You not on birth control?”

“I am, but…”

“Then it don’t matter.”

Hope thought of Ben for a moment. He was supposed to be the first man to ever put his penis inside her bareback as soon as they were married and ready to start a family, not a well endowed unseen stranger. “Just don’t cum in me,” she whispered which made her curious if the man’s balls matched the size of his cock. The hand at the base, relaxed its grip and slid under the shaft, going further down then she expected so that she could cup his scrotum in her hand, or more accurately just one of his testicles. His entire testicle sat in her palm hot and heavy, filled with semen and the second one was nearly as big. “So heavy,” she muttered, running her hand back up from his heavy balls to the shaft. Her other hand had reflexively started stroking the end of the huge cock.

The man pulled back, the thick cock sliding through her fingers until it slipped out of her grasp. The head rested on her pubic hairs, sliding down, poised to enter her again. “Just don’t cum in me,” she said again, feeling like that more than anything else would be the ultimate betrayal of her fiancé. Her pussy was eager for it, but she still sucked in her breath when the head pushed inside her. “Unh,” she grunted as his big cock worked its way in and out of her. “Go easy,” she gasped. “I’m not sure how much I can take.”

“You gotta body built for big cock, Hope.”

He paused when he was as deep as he’d been earlier with five or six inches stretching her out. It was as deep as Ben could go, but three times as wide making it an entirely new experience for her. He started slowly pushing deeper working the huge shaft back and forth keeping her full, but occasionally almost withdrawing the whole thing before pushing deeper. Soon the head had penetrated her as far as the Shaft Johnson. He paused again.

Hope closed her eyes behind the mask. She pictured herself as an actress in a movie with the legendary Shaft Johnson’s big black cock buried inside her. She herself would never have sex with a black man, but the thought of having an unprotected big black cock inside her was making her womb ache. As she was getting used to the extra thickness, he was starting to feel good, really good. All that was missing to get her off was the vibration switch.

Hope would never have had sex with a black man, but then for all she knew her mystery lover was a black man. She wasn’t overtly racist; she just wasn’t attracted to black men and had never had much interaction with any. Ben hated them and she scolded him for it, but he’d been cold-cocked by a black thug in a random act of violence once and was regularly accosted by several screaming black homeless men near his work. Ben wouldn’t be able to handle seeing her with another man, but a black man with a cock more than twice his size becoming the first man ever to fuck his fiancé bareback would have cold-cocked him worse than being punched. He’d never forgive her, even if she was being forced… forced by a man she’d just begged to fuck her. The only black person she’d seen in the office was Sterling’s female nurse. That meant he probably wasn’t black. Still, when asking him about the size of the dildo, he’d typed the answer…

The big ones only come in black.

Her mystery man adjusted his hips and Hope instinctively held her breath knowing what was coming. He worked his hips around, pushing just a little deeper. She raised her hands, the restraints stopping her from wrapping her arms around his back. She settled for grabbing his biceps and they were big biceps. She held on, trembling slightly, the ache in her womb growing with anticipation. He slowly pulled most of his cock back before slamming his hips forward. The pressure caught her off guard and she jerked as she took him balls deep. The pressure in her womb, pulsed and then exploded outward in the long-anticipated orgasm her body had been craving. Hope wrapped her legs around his hips and crossed her ankles, holding his cock inside her afraid that he might pull it out as she rode out a giant orgasm that had her toes curling.

“Wow,” she gasped. Her pussy was tingling, pulsing and contracting around his cock.

“Wow,” he grunted in agreement.

Hope leaned forward, resting her blonde head on his hard chest. Her vagina continued squeezing his cock, molding itself around his huge shaft. “What’s happening?” she gasped. The spasms were feeling good and she thought she might cum again as her pussy adapted to his size.

The big man balled her long blonde hair in his fist and yanked her head back until she was looking up, her mouth opening at the sudden pain. “That’s your pussy resizing itself to my big cock,” he told her. His hot breath exhaling on her face.

“Resizing?” she gasped, fearing she’d never be satisfied with Ben. “Mmmpph!” she jerked as he brought his lips down on her, his tongue pushing into her mouth. She struggled for only a few moments before giving in and pushing back with her tongue. The moment she gave in, she came again. It was big, but smaller than the last one and she didn’t stop kissing him, moaning into his mouth the entire time she came around his big cock.

They kept kissing as the mystery man slowly started working his cock. He released her hair and placed his big hands on her waist. Hope released his biceps and let her hands run over his chest. She couldn’t raise them above his shoulders so she let them explore his torso. He had a hard hairless chest, his muscles prominently ridged. His chest was broad tapering down to his waist. Her hands slid over his hard stomach. She wasn’t surprised to feel the pronounced ridges from a muscular six pack. “Fuck me,” she begged, softly biting down on his lower lip.

The man began fucking her harder. He kissed her lips, bending her backward. She lowered her hands from his chest so that she could prop herself up. He lowered his head down to her tits and began licking around her swollen nipples. “You like my cock, slut?” he asked before sucking one hard nipple between his lips.

“Oh god,” she moaned, humping into his thrusting cock. The monster was going to make her cum again. He buried it, held it still for a moment, and then slowly started pulling it out. “Nooo,” she whined, tightening her grip around his waist to hold him inside her, but he was too strong. Only the head was left inside her and soon the flare of his glans was brushing past her clit. “Keep it in. Keep it in. Fuck me,” she pleaded.

“Answer me.”

“Yes! YES!” The head started pushing back inside. “I like it.” His tongue was twirling around her wet nipple. “I like your cock.” He was more than half way in now, his cock pushed deeper into her welcoming pussy. “I love it. I LOVE YOUR COCK,” she cried screaming loud enough the whole office floor would have heard.  “I love your big cock. Fuck me with your big cock.” He started thrusting again and when he sucked her nipple back into his mouth, she showered his giant shaft with another powerful orgasm.

Mystery man grabbed her wrists and slowly lowered her down so that she was laying on the desk. He was done teasing her. He pushed against her legs until she was forced to let go and he cupped her knees under his arms. The desk was high enough her pussy was nearly lined up with his shaft, but he had to lift her ass slightly up to make it perfect. When it was perfect, he started fucking her hard.

Hope’s eyes rolled up in her head and her mouth open. Her large bosom was heaving with each thrust of his cock. He fucked her hard. He fucked her fast. Her entire world became the giant cock fucking her pussy. He fucked her through a series of multiple orgasms. He lasted a long time especially at the speed in which he was fucking her. Finally, he buried his cock as it gave a powerful jerk.

“PULL…” she cried, realizing what was about to happen, but it was too late. A large burst of semen flooded her womb with so much pleasure and warmth that she was immediately glad he hadn’t pulled out. The second eruption of his seed had her pussy convulsing around her throbbing cock until she was cumming hard again. It was her biggest yet. There had been no build up and it caught her off guard. Her nails dug into the mahogany top of the desk as her pussy began a series of contractions designed to milk his cock of every drop of his seed in order to prolong the intense orgasm.

He finally did pull out and though she wouldn’t have believed a man could cum so much, several large wads of his hot seed were splattering on her body, striking her neck and breasts. The chains slid across the desk as her hands reached above her searching for his shaft. When she found it, she tightened her grip and rapidly jerked it off, not surprised to feel several smaller wads of cum strike her tits. It didn’t seem to want to stop cumming.

The cock slid down through her hands as the man leaned over her. She raised her head and he gave her a kiss on the lips. He pushed himself up, his cock sliding through her grip as he backed away. Her hands dropped into a wet pool of his semen that had slid down into her bellybutton. Despite her dislike of messy ejaculate, Hope found herself rubbing his seed into her skin. Her hands slid up her waist and over her breasts rubbing his cum into her nipples. He stopped her, grabbing one wrist and turning her hand over. He dropped a small metallic item into her palm. She wrapped her hand around it. A key.

Hope laid there catching her breath, too sexually exhausted to move.


She heard the floor’s elevator arrive and then the door closed. She knew her mystery lover was gone. Hope pulled the mask off and was instantly aghast at the sight of all the semen covering her body. She quickly used the key to unlock the cuffs, freeing herself. The erotic charge she’d gotten from being inseminated for the first time was fading rapidly at all the sticky mess covering her body. She could feel gobs of his semen sliding down her thighs, leaving slimy wet trails. “Yech,” she said in disgust.

Hope used the executive washroom in the office to clean up. She luckily found a roll of paper towels under the sink and washed her body and thighs. Her chest still felt dirty and there seemed no end to the fresh waves of semen leaking from her pussy.

She wet a paper towel and went back into the office to wipe any traces of semen off the desk. There was also a large pool of it beneath where they had fucked. By the time, she’d finished wiping the pool on the carpet up, there was a new pool beneath her legs where she was squatting.

Fed up, Hope walked over to her clothes to get her panty, but it was no longer sitting on her clothes. Nor was there any sign of her bra. “Asshole,” she growled, walking back to the doorway and giving the surveillance camera the finger again, but she wasn’t sure if he’d arrived back to where he could see her.

Again, she cleaned her thighs before returning to the couch and grabbing her clothes. Of course, she had worn a skirt today. She still had several hours in her shift and she’d be leaking the whole time. She grabbed the soiled paper towels and threw them in the waste basket, taking the bag out. She’d drop it off in a trash can outside when she left.

She spent the rest of the night sitting on a wad of paper towels as she sat at her desk convinced his semen would never stop leaking out of her.


Compared to the previous day, the next day at work was pretty boring. She arrived at her desk and watched her co-workers slowly leave over the next few hours until she was alone on the floor. The world markets were mostly flat. There were some significant Lithium deposits discoveries in Wyoming and Nevada which she wrote a report on for the executives to review. She resisted the urge to glance at the security camera. She didn’t get any messages from him either, but she did get a text.

Wake me when you get home if you’re up for some fun.

It was from Ben.

Ben mistook her urgent frustration for enthusiasm. Hope ground into his crotch trying to get his little dick in deeper, anything would do, just a tiny bit would feel better than this. She tried riding him, but his penis kept flopping out. She settled for just rocking back and forth in his lap which did give her a little pleasure. She moaned in disappointment when he climaxed. Again, her clueless fiancé took it for a moan of pleasure and the discharge covering his condom covered penis convinced him that she’d orgasmed. He happily left for the restroom to toss the condom and clean off yet more of her mystery lover’s leaking semen.

Hope laid down in bed wondering about her future. Ben could make her happy, but she doubted he would ever sexually satisfy her again. Especially, if what her mystery lover had said about her pussy being resized now for his much larger cock. Maybe, if she got away from her mystery man her pussy would return to normal and she could enjoy Ben again. If not, she still had the Shaft Johnson and maybe they made bigger dildoes.

Thinking about her dildo had her itching for it. She tried to sneak out in the middle of the night, but woke Ben and had to slip back in bed. He was off the next day and she couldn’t use it that morning either.

Hope was extremely sexually frustrated when she arrived at work that evening.

She sat at her desk, drumming her fingers on the table as she looked for motion on the foreign markets as they opened one after the other. There was no movement and no news. It was going to be a boring evening unless she found something to occupy the time. She was torn between wanting him to message her and glad he wasn’t. Maybe he was done with her? Not likely. If a man had that kind of power over a woman, he wasn’t going to give it up. He’d have her as his sex slave as long as she was employed at Lithocorp. Hope shivered at the thought, even as her nipples swelled and her pussy began dripping at the thought.

Hope got up to use the bathroom and used the one in the Veep’s office. She flushed and stopped in the office, staring at the desk. She still wanted the job. Her mind raced between images of business professional Hope sitting behind the desk and naked slut Hope sitting on the desk getting fucked by a blacked-out figure. She walked over to the desk and hopped up on it, closing her eyes and spreading her legs, her mind recalling the incredible fucking she’d gotten two nights ago. Why was she reliving this fantasy and not the boss fantasy?

Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer.

Hope slid of the boss’s desk and returned to her own. She found a sharpie in her desk and wrote out Hi! on a piece of paper. She pushed her chair back and held the piece of paper up to the security camera.

Good evening, Hope.

The message came through almost immediately. He must be watching her almost constantly.


“Damn,” she muttered. Yes, she typed. She held her finger above the enter button for a few seconds before pressing it.

Do you still have the blindfold and restraints?

Hope knew he could hear her, but felt embarrassed speaking out loud so she typed.

I have the blindfold. The restraints are in my car. Should I go get them?

No matter. Remove your clothes and go kneel at the elevator.

“Blindfolded?” she asked, pushing her chair back and standing.

Not yet.

And strip where I can see you.

Hope walked towards the office and turned to face the security camera. Today she was wearing a white blouse, black slacks, and black heels. She kicked her heels off and proceeded to unbutton her blouse. She pulled it off and bent to undo her slacks. Her underwear was some of her sexiest. Ben had bought them for her (actually for himself) for Valentine’s Day. The bra and panty were sheer and lacy, made of thin material. The panty was low cut and barely covered the top of her pubes. The rear wasn’t quite a thong, but it was close. She folded her clothes and entered the office setting them on the couch.

Hope returned to the floor, looking directly at the security camera as she unhooked the tight bra, sighing as her breasts were freed. She turned, presenting her ass to the camera as she bent and slid the panty down her legs. She took her underwear and froze as she was about to set them down on her clothes. Not wanting him to steal her panty again, she disappeared into the office for a moment and hid her underwear under the sink in the restroom.

Hope reappeared, nude and walked over to the elevator. She kneeled and waited.

She could hear the cables working behind the door as the elevator began to rise.

Was she about to see her hung mystery lover? She hoped he was handsome. Was he white or black? She hoped he was white, but the thought of him being black didn’t disgust her. Especially after watching the Shaft Johnson videos and seeing a hung black man in action with a white woman. She closed her eyes picturing her perfect man with a fit muscular body. The guy that played Thor came to mind. She smiled, crossing her fingers.

The noise grew as the elevator got closer. She could feel the door rattle as the elevator arrived on her floor and settled as it stopped.


Hope opened her eyes as the door slid open.

She saw nothing until she moved her eyes down. There was a brown paper bag on the floor sitting in front of the door. It rattled as she grabbed it. She looked inside and saw more chains and cuffs. She reached inside and grabbed it. The contraption was somewhat confusing. It appeared to have two handcuffs and a leather strap, which she realized was a collar. The collar was connected by a chain to the two handcuffs. She grabbed the bag and stood.

Put the cuffs on in front, then the collar and blindfold and kneel before the elevator again.

By putting the collar on, you are submitting to my will.

Hope reached down and retrieved the blindfold from her purse. She pushed her chair back and swung it around so that she was facing the security camera. She gulped as she raised the collar up to her neck and closed it around her throat. She locked the cuffs around her wrists. She had about a foot of chain between them and the chain connecting them to her collar was loose enough she could raise her wrists face high. She took a deep breath, rose from the chair and walked towards the elevator. Hope kneeled at the elevator and put the blindfold on.

After a few minutes, there was a thud and then the noise of the cables through the door as the elevator started rising again. Her nipples swelled and hardened, puffing up her areola. She could feel her pussy drooling in anticipation of getting her mystery lover’s huge cock in it again.


Hope raised her head as the elevator door opened. She heard nothing until the door closed again. Her heart was racing, the beat echoing in her ears and that was all she could hear.


“Ow!” she grunted in surprise as his weighty piece of meat smacked her in the face. It smacked her again, his cock noticeably harder now. The next smack was less rough and more of a tapping as his cock was fully hard now. The head pressed down against her forehead, sliding down and pressing against the blindfold, sliding down her nose. The head pressed against her lips.

“OPEN!” He commanded.

Hope jumped in surprise, her mouth opening to the point her lips closed around the head and glans on the massive cock. He pushed. The glans sliding under her upper lip. Hope’s tongue flickered over the tip as she began to bob her head. She wasn’t a fan of blow jobs, but she didn’t hesitate giving him what he wanted. Ben had been thrilled the few times she’d sucked his dick, but Ben had a skinny little five-inch prick, not a thick foot long horse cock. He’d been easy, but her mystery man was a challenge and Hope enjoyed a challenge.

She reached up and grabbed the shaft with both hands, bobbing her head faster over the end of the giant cock.  He groaned slightly and placed his hand on her head. It was a large strong hand that nearly engulfed her scalp. She raised her bound wrists and wrapped her hands around the shaft. His cock was so big she easily held it with both hands while sucking the end. Hope started twisting her hands and jerking his shaft as she tried to get more of his cock in her mouth. She was managing to swallow about an inch past the glans before her gag reflex kicked in.

Mystery man placed his hand back on her head and stepped back. She released his cock as it slid through her hands. She felt him grab the chain just under her collar. He pulled her to her feet. He kept his hand on the chain, pulling her to turn left before leading her away from the elevator. Blind, she let him lead her down what she assumed was the aisle between the cubicles and toward the vice president’s office.

He stopped and grabbed her shoulders, turning her slightly and adjusting her position. He moved his large hands on top her shoulders and applied pressure, pushing her down. Hope slowly lowered herself, squatting before him. His giant cock was sticking straight out. The head caught on her hard nipple, flicking it. She stumbled slightly as she squatted. The head of his cock hit her chin, pressing down as it slid up her cheek. The large ridged flare of his glans caught in the bottom of the blindfold, pulling it up over her eyes as she fell to her knees. Hope blinked in the sudden light as her mystery man’s cock came in to focus.

It was perfect.

It was magnificent.

It was as black as the ace of spades.

She gasped as she took in the massive black cock. It was the manliest looking thing she’d ever seen.

He’d heard her gasp. “No peeking,” he said, leaning down and pushing the blindfold back down over her eye. She briefly caught a glimpse his muscular stomach and abdominal ridges before things went dark again.

Hope kneeled, breathing heavily as she pictured her brief glimpse of her mystery lover’s cock. He said nothing, did nothing, as she sat unmoving for a good minute, getting over her shock that she’d been sucking a black man’s cock, that a black man had fucked her, and that she had been the one to invite him back after her initial blackmail.

She sat up on her knees and reached out with her manacled hands. His cock found her palm as he pushed down guiding it to her hand. She wrapped both hands around the base and guided the tip back towards her lips, planting a respectful kiss on the tip before she started sucking him again.

He grabbed her head and held her on his dick, pulling her forwards as she sat down on the office couch. She crawled forwards between his knees, sucking his huge cock and trying to suppress her gag reflex as she took him deeper.

He groaned. “Suck that big black cock, slut.”

Hope shuddered, but didn’t stop, relaxing her throat and impressing herself as she managed to take half his twelve-inch shaft down her throat. Her pussy gave a little squirt of desire, but she didn’t know if it was because he’d brought race into the conversation or because he called her a slut. One or both was making her even wetter than she already was and it shamed her.

“I knew you’d be a great cocksucker, Hope,” he groaned, grabbing the back of her head and guiding her to suck faster.

A lustful whimper rose in the back of her throat as she sucked him faster, tightening her lips while also pumping the base with her fists. For the first time, she was enjoying sucking a man off. This was different then Ben or her other boyfriend. This was a real man with a big black cock that deserved her worship. The Shaft Johnson videos had primed her for the real thing. There was something particularly sexy and erotic watching those white women suck Johnson’s big black cock or seeing his huge shaft fucking a white pussy senseless.

“Yeah, baby,” he groaned. His cock was swelling, growing even bigger and harder. “Gonna nut in yo mouth, slut.”

Hope whimpered again. Her previous jerk boyfriend hadn’t warned her and ejaculated in her mouth. The taste had been awful and seemed to linger in her mouth for hours. She’d let Ben cum in her mouth once, but refused to swallow it. Still, she’d tasted him and it had been equally unpleasant. She was disgusted at the thought of the black man cumming in her mouth, yet his words were making her suck him faster like she actually wanted it.

His cock grew and trembled, ready to explode at any moment. When he came, it wouldn’t be a little spurt across her tongue like Ben’s ejaculate, it would be a massive voluminous load that filled her mouth several times over. She still couldn’t believe the volume he’d cum last time.

She was right.

His first load instantly filled her mouth to the point she developed chipmunk cheeks and his seed was squirting out the sides of her lips. He was still holding the back of her head giving her no choice but to swallow his seed. Her mouth filled again almost instantly and by now her brain was registering that the black man’s semen didn’t taste disgusting at all. Her mouth filled again and this time she willingly gulped it down, enjoying the taste of the black man’s hot seed.

“Swallow all that nut, slut,” he grunted.

Hope groaned in lust and continued sucking the end of the black man’s cock. His third wad didn’t quite fill her mouth and by the fourth blast from his cock, a stream of semen was striking the back of her throat and then fanning out across her tongue until it was just spitting out little spurts of semen. Hope pulled back, keeping her lips pursed around half the head of his cock while her hands pumped the shaft to coax out more of his delicious seed. She was rewarded by another half dozen Ben sized wads of semen on her tongue.

Hope pulled back and licked her lips. She was still holding the big shaft and could feel it throbbing in time to her mystery man’s heart beat. It took a moment, but eventually it lost some of its steel hardness.

He reached down and grabbed the chain just beneath her collar, pulling up. Hope braced her hands on his knees and pushed herself up. He grabbed her hips and pulled her forward until she was straddling his lap. His cock head rubbed over her slit between her legs.

She squatted, feeling the head pushing her pussy lips inward, until she opened for him. His cock bent and then pushed inside her. It was fat and swollen, but partially limp having lost some of its steel after ejaculating. Hope reached out and placed her hands on his shoulders. The chain hung down from her collar between her breasts before rising up to connect to the cuffs. She gripped his shoulders as she raised and lowered herself over the end of his cock. Once he was safely inside her, his hands gripped her hips and pulled her down into his lap.

Hope sighed as she sank down until she was sitting in his lap. She was surprised at how easily she’d taken him, but this was what her body had been craving, full penetration by her mystery lover’s huge cock. She started riding his shaft, his hands gliding down her waist until he was cupping her ass cheeks, his strong arms helping raise and lower her.

Her hands slid up his neck to cup his smooth shaved cheeks. She brought her mouth close to his face. “Fuck me,” she moaned. “Fuck me.” She wondered if he’d kiss her after he so recently had cum in her mouth. He did. She opened her mouth allowing his tongue inside as she continued to ride him.

His cock reversed course. It swelled, hardening, the head plumping up and pushing deeper inside her as she sank back down into it. “Aaaahhh!” she gasped, cumming on his cock.

“That’s it, Hope. Cum all over that big black cock. That white pussy’s squirting all over my black shaft.”

“Un-huh,” she groaned, sucking on his lower lip as she came.

“Your little dicked white boy make you cum like that?”

Hope trembled. “Unh-unh,” she grunted as her pussy suddenly spasmed and clamped down around his cock, cumming again. She ground into his cock prolonging her orgasm. She flushed in shame that his dirty talk turned her on so much and adding the race elements only made it hotter. Even his belittling of Ben seemed to make it hotter. The black man only chuckled.

He squeezed her firm ass cheeks and started lifting her up and down his shaft again. Hope braced her toes on the carpet and helped him pushing up and sliding down. He sat up and she fell back, quickly throwing the chain over his head to keep from falling. She arched her back, thrusting her tit up and out.

The black man brought his head down to the right of the chain connected to her collar. She felt his breath on her tit before suddenly her swollen nipple was sucked between his lips. Hope gasped and pulled his head harder into her breast as she sucked and nibbled at her nipple. Her womb grew hot as another orgasm approached. It faded as her nipple slid out of his mouth. He pulled her closer relaxing the chain so that he could move his head over it and suck her left nipple into her mouth. His tongue flickered over the hard nub before sucking it back and forth into his mouth. The heat in her womb pulsed, imploded inwards around the tip of his cock head and then exploded out into a huge orgasm.

He released her nipple, bucking his hips and rising her up and down his cock as he fucked her as fast as he could. Her body flailed like a rag doll only held upright by the chain behind his neck as he fucked her through her orgasm. “Yes, yes, fuck me,” she cried as she came back to her senses. “Fuck me!”

“With what?” he grunted.

“Your cock. Fuck me with your cock.”

“What kind of cock, slut?”

“Oh god,” she groaned. “Black… cock. Fuck me with your big black cock.”

“That’s better, slut. You like that black cock?”

“Yes,” she hissed, nearly overcome with pleasure. “I like it. I love it. I love your big black cock.”

“We gonna keep fucking?”

“Yes. YES! Anytime. You can fuck me anytime.”

“Who own that white pussy?”

“You do. Your pussy.”

“Ares,” he said.

“Ares?” The Greek god of war?

“Ares owns this white pussy,” he grunted fucking her harder.

“Your pussy, Ares,” she agreed, liking the sound of his manly name. “My pussy was built for your big black cock, Ares.”

Ares let out a loud grunt. He quit bucking his hips and let her ass slam down into his lap. His cock jerked and her womb flooded with seed. Hope threw her head back and screamed in pleasure as her biggest orgasm yet exploded out from the head of his spurting cock. He came and came and as far as Hope could tell, there was no lessoning in the large volume of semen he ejaculated the second time.

She collapsed against him, resting her forehead on his while she tried to catch her breath. He was breathing heavily too, his huge chest expanding and contracting. His cock continued twitching inside her, dribbling more semen inside her even as his seed began seeping out around their conjoined crotches. The flow leaking out of her grew as his cock deflated.

“Off,” he ordered, tapping her ass.

Hope groaned and put pressure on her weak legs to raise herself out of his lap. His spent cock flopped out of her pussy, followed by a constant flow of leaking semen. He stood and guided her towards the executive restroom in the office. “Get cleaned up.”

Hope entered the bathroom and heard the door close behind her. She raised her hands and pushed her blindfold up. She looked a mess. Her cheeks were puffy and there were dried flakes of semen around her lips and on her chin. Watery semen was dribbling down between her legs to hit the carpet, so she hurried over to the toilet and sat down trying to force as much of his seed from her body as possible.

She did what she could, but knew she’d be leaking for hours. Hope washed her hands and face. She walked over to the restroom door, stood up straight. “I’m coming out,” she called, before pulling her blindfold down.

Hope opened the door and stepped out into the office. She paused and stood, expecting Ares to grab the chain and guide her, but there was nothing and she heard nothing. “Hello,” she called. “Ares?”

There was no answer. She waited a bit longer before pushing her blindfold back up. The room was empty. She walked over to the entrance and looked down the hall past her desk. She raised her chained hands up towards the ceiling camera. She sat at her desk and typed out a message to him.

“Forget something?” she typed.


Hope spent the next four hours of her shift, sitting nude at her desk with her hands manacled together and attached to her collar. She had to get up every thirty minutes and clean all the semen leaking from her pussy. Each time, she returned to her desk, holding her bound wrists up to the camera in hopes he’d respond. She tried to work and monitored some of the markets, but was mostly too worried about what she’d do if he didn’t respond. She could probably manage putting her pants on, but with the manacles, there was no way she’d be able to put her top on. She scanned the company directory for anyone named Ares and when that came up blank, she tried the building directory. Nothing.


Hope sighed in relief. “Finally,” she muttered. “Yes! Get up here and uncuff me, now.” There was no immediate answer. “Come on,” she said out loud and looking at the camera. “Well?’ she typed.

“I’m waiting for the magic word.”

Hope sighed. “Please?” she typed.

“Assume the position and wait.”

Hope thought about it a moment and decided, “assume the position” was kneeling before the elevator. She got up from her desk and walked back over to the elevator. She fell to her knees and gave a glance up at the camera. The blindfold was still around her forehead like a headband. She considered defying him and not pulling it down, but if she angered him, he might leave her handcuffed. She raised her chained hands and pulled the blindfold down over her eyes.

Again, she waited and again she eventually heard the whir of the elevator motors as it began to climb.


The doors opened.

Hope cocked her head to listen. Her chains rattled as his fist grabbed the chain dangling from her slave collar down to her manacles. He tugged on it, pulling her to her feet. He steadied her and then grabbed her wrist and worked a key in the lock.


She pulled her wrist free. “Thank you,” she said.

He grabbed her other wrist.


“You had me worried there for a moment.” Hope rubbed her recently freed wrist while Ares grabbed the dangling chain just beneath the collar and spun her collar around until the chain was now dangling behind her.

He grabbed her wrist and yanked it behind her back.

“Hey! What gives?”


He grabbed her other wrist. Hope tried to yank it back, but there was no way she could match his strength. He jerked her arm behind her back.


A hard knob pressed into her ass cheek before sliding over it and leaving a wet trail. His cock? How could he be hard again? He’d cum twice earlier. Hope wiggled her shoulders, but her hands were now manacled behind her. She was more helpless now than she had been a minute ago. “Ares?” she asked, testing her manacles.

He said nothing, grabbing the chain behind her back, he angled her down the hall and pushed her forward.

Hope stumbled, but caught herself and took a few tentative steps forward. “Ares?” she said again, but he was silent. He pushed her in the back again forcing her to take a few more steps. She moved slowly forward. Her bare feet feeling out the carpet and she walked blindly forward. She must have veered off a little because at some point he grabbed the chain at her slave collar and angled her slightly to the left. He pulled on the chain, slowing her and angling her a little to the right and then turned her left. She was in the office. He moved her forward before holding tightly to the chain, stopping her.

He came up behind her, his cock pushing against the crack in her ass, sliding up her back as he grabbed her hips. Hope instinctively pushed her ass back into the hard cock pushing into her. He held one hip tightly, his other hand reaching around to grab and squeeze one breast, pinching her nipple between his fingers. Hope moaned, feeling his hot breath on her neck before his lips kissed her neck and then her shoulder. She pushed her ass back into his cock harder, grinding into his giant shaft.

Hope found herself leaning forward as Ares large body bent down. The edge of the desk pressed into her belly just before her stomach laid down on the desk quickly followed by her breasts pushing into the wooden desk top. His cock was resting on her ass crack as he grabbed her cheeks, kneading them and pushing her forward so that his hard shaft was sliding down her crack towards the entrance to her pussy.

He squeezed her ass, his cock pressing against her pussy lips. He pushed, slightly penetrating her. He worked his cock around the opening to her pussy, coating the head with her rapidly increasing arousal. Her pussy was drooling around the head, desperate to get fucked again, but he didn’t push it inside her.

“Fuck me,” she begged, trying, but unable to push her ass back into his cock. All she could manage was to slightly grind into the head, but that only made her need for it worse. “Please, fuck me.”

Her pussy lips pushed in and then spread open around the head as he worked the head of his cock around just up to the glans. “Yes,” she hissed wondering how he could be so hard again after cumming twice with her earlier. The thought that there might be two hung black men fucking her suddenly occurred to her. He hadn’t said a word since her arrived. He continued teasing her with the head of his cock. “Fuck me,” she pleaded. “I want more.”

Instead, she got nothing. He pulled the head of his cock out, stepping back so that he wasn’t touching her.

“Come on, Ares, quit teasing me. You know I want it. Please?”


The palm of his hand came down hard on her left ass cheek, catching her off guard. She jerked, flopping on the top of the desk.


“OW!” she gasped. The slap on her right cheek had been harder than the left. He was probably right-handed.

His hands grabbed and kneaded her ass cheeks. They felt hot, still stinging. She imagined her pale skin had turned red. His cock probed at her pussy again, pushing inside, still teasing her.

“Oh god, Ares. Please fuck me. I want it so bad.”



She jumped. It wasn’t as hard, but it still stung against her red ass cheeks. He hadn’t pulled his cock out this time, continuing to tease her with the head of it just up to the flare.

“Please,” she begged. “Fuck m… fuck my white pussy with your big black cock. OHGODYES!!” she screamed as his cock buried itself inside her white pussy and she found herself climaxing all over the huge shaft. There was no doubt in her mind that this was Ares’ cock fucking her. This was the cock that had resized her pussy and was making her behave like a slut. “YES! YES! Fuck me, Ares. Show me what that black cock can do.”

His thrusting increased, liking what she was saying. His hands tightly gripped her sore ass cheeks, but she was only barely aware they were still stinging as the pleasure coming from her pussy was overwhelming most of her senses. He spread her cheeks apart and there was a slight pressure on her anus as his thumb pushed down on it. She jumped as his thumb pushed its way through her tight sphincter, but she was too weakened from her orgasm to protest. By the time, she had recovered, she was starting to like the sensations coming from her ass. Her sphincter was tightening its grip around his thumb every bit as much as her pussy was squeezing his thrusting shaft. She babbled each time he pulled back, her words cutting off when he shoved his cock forward while fucking her asshole with his thumb. “Fuck… sogood… fuck… my… ass… black… cock… love… black… cock… love… you… love you… Ares… black… cock… black… only… black only… Ares… YYEESS!!” She cried out as he buried his cock and filled her with his first blast of seed. Each spasm of his cock sent another stream of semen into her womb prolonging her own orgasm. Her pussy was tightening around his shaft, contracting inwards milking more of his pleasure giving seed out of his balls and then convulsing out in an orgasmic burst when it got its reward.

There was nothing more pleasurable in the world then fucking this unknown black man.

Ares’ cock gave one final lesser squirt and he slowly started pulling it out while simultaneously removing his thumb. He grabbed her hips and pulled her ass slightly down so she was hanging off the desk. She felt his cock press down on her manacled hands. She grabbed the shaft and held it, bringing her other hand over to grip the shaft. It was throbbing, wet, and swollen to its largest having just ejaculated. She jerked it and he pumped the shaft through her fists. It jerked a couple more times. She felt a splatter of his hot seed strike her back between her shoulder blades and the final wad fanned out to fill her palm and coat her fingers. He grabbed one of her arms.


He pulled the handcuff off and turned his attention to the other arm.


Her hands were free now, but she kept them on his cock, still caressing it with her fingers. Ares grabbed her neck and pulled the Velcro apart, removing the slave collar. He pulled back, his cock sliding through her hands. He smacked her ass with it twice, his cock falling over the curve of her ass indicating it had lost some of its steel. It slowly pulled back until it fell off her ass.

He disappeared silently. Hope pushed the blindfold up and braced her hands against the desk, pushing herself up. She wobbled slightly, unsteady on her feet before shuffling off to the bathroom to clean up again.


The next day, Hope pulled her car into the office parking garage. The second she stepped out of her car, her nipples hardened pushing into her bra and her pussy began making her panty damp at the thought of another late-night visit from her mystery lover.

The gate guard nodded at her, the pot-bellied old man’s eyes sweeping her body once. She gave him a smile and a nod back. He checked her out every day, but she looked particularly good today. She was wearing a sleeveless blue dress that showed more cleavage than she would have liked for the office. It showed quite a bit of leg too. The hem stopped above the knee, but was slit at the sides. Her heels matched the dress. Beneath, she was wearing some of her sexiest underwear, a lacy pink sheer bra and panty that clearly showed her nipples and blonde pubic patch. The panty was a thong and if she bent over to pick something off the ground, it would appear like she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She felt naughty and was tempted to drop something so she could bend over to give the guard a thrill.

She’d dressed to impress and it was mostly for her mystery lover. She’d achieved a sexual satisfaction from their encounter(s) yesterday that she hadn’t thought possible outside of a trashy romance novel. She was still satisfied, but just the thought of another encounter was making her horny. If he weren’t up for another round, she hoped her sexy outfit might make him change her mind. And if that didn’t work, she could always take it off and prance around in her lacy pink underwear. It was the underwear she’d worn the first time he’d made her strip and if that didn’t send a message, she didn’t know what would.

The elevator stopped three floors from the top and she stepped out. The floor went quiet and most of her coworkers turned their heads to stare at her. Hope gulped. Was the dress too much? This was when she usually pretended, she was an executive and commanding everyone’s attention, but after the initial surprise had slowed her steps, she started hurrying to her cubicle to avoid the attention. The color drained from her face as she worried her mystery lover had released their sex tape.

Hope sat at her desk and found herself staring at an interoffice memo taped to her computer.

Dear Miss. Hightower, please report immediately to Mr. Sterling’s office.

Hope stood and stepped back with the message in her hand. “What’s going on?” she said aloud.

The man in the cubicle next to her… Steve she believed his name was jumped when she spoke. His eyes had been running up the slit in her dress, staring at her leg. He blushed slightly, feeling that he’d been caught. “H-Harry Ellis was escorted out by security today,” he stuttered. “We wouldn’t know, except that Sandra was on the elevator when the guards got on with Ellis.”

“Oh,” she said, surprised. “OH!” she said again, realizing she now had a shot at the promotion.

“And Eddie’s hooking up with Mr. Hawass’ secretary, she told him that Ellis was caught with a bag of…” Steve lowered his voice to a whisper, “cocaine and that’s why he was fired.”

The cocaine didn’t shock her at all. Ellis had the sniffing habit of a cokehead. “Thanks… Steve.” He smiled at her indicating she’d gotten his name right. Hope had no idea who Sandra and Eddie were. If she became the new Veep, she’d need to make an effort to learn their names.

The floor remained quiet except for the ringing of several phones as she turned and headed back for the elevator. Her coworkers and possible future employees watched intently as she pressed the up button and waited for the elevator to arrive standing in the spot where last night, she’d been kneeling nude submissively with her hands bound in front of her.

The elevator arrived, opened, and she stepped on. The doors closed and it began to rise. Hope closed her eyes and tried to calm herself and slow her heart rate. She suddenly wished she hadn’t worn such a sexy outfit. It was a cross between business professional and night on the town. She absentmindedly lowered her hands to the hem of her dress and tried to pull the skirt down, but that was a useless task.

She straightened back up, opening her eyes when the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open. She plastered a fake smile on her lips, threw her shoulders back and walked confidently down the hall towards old man Sterling’s office.

“Mrs. Hightower,” said the secretary looking up and watching her approach. Her eyes scanned down Hope’s dress and she frowned disapprovingly.  “You can go on in,” she said, pressing an intercom button and announcing Hope’s arrival.

“Thank you,” she replied. Ya old biddy.

Hope walked into the office. Hawass was sitting across from the doorway, looking at her inexpressively through his glasses. He didn’t even glance at her breasts. Unusual for a man. She turned towards the desk and froze. Sterling was at his desk with his sexy black nurse standing beside him. He had tubes and oxygen in his nose. The constant stand with its IV bag was by his side. But it was the black man that stopped her dead in her tracks.

He was huge, built like a linebacker. He was smirking at her with white teeth that stood out from his very black skin.  She stared at his face. He was not handsome. His features were stereotypically Afrocentric, dark eyes, with large lips and a flat nose. His nose wasn’t just flat, it was also crooked like it had been broken and not healed correctly. His face screamed street thug to her though he also had a military bearing about him. A close shaved crewcut on his head added the soldier impression.

“Miss. Hightower,” said Sterling. She quickly composed herself and turned her attention to the old man. “This is Mr. Bullworth. Ares is Chief Security Officer for Lithocorp. He’s somewhat off the books and more of a corporate “fixer” if you get my meaning. You won’t find him in the corporate directory.”

She turned her attention back on the black giant. “Mr. Bullworth,” she greeted. He wasn’t wearing a uniform, but dressed like professional private security. He would have fit in as a secret service agent in his dark suit and tie. He even had an earpiece in. She stared at him, her nipples hardening as she fought off a strange urge to fall to her knees before him.

“Mrs. Hightower,” said Ares.

“Bull, came to me with some disturbing information earlier,” said Sterling.

Hope turned her attention back to the old man, flushing when she saw his eyes flicker down to her prominent nipples trying to poke a hole through her bra. Well, the old man isn’t dead, she thought. His nurse was holding the oxygen mask over his face for him to take a breath.

“One of the cleaning staff discovered cocaine hidden in Mr. Ellis’ desk last night. We… knew… he was a user, but bringing that stuff into the office is unacceptable. Bullworth escorted him off site this morning.”

Hope glanced back at Bull. She fought the urge to glance down and check out the bulge in his crotch and focused on his face. Bull stared her in the eyes. “Your aware of the security cameras, Miss Hightower?” he asked, the corner of his mouth curling slightly upward in a smile. “I attained footage of him handling the bag of cocaine and we verified that his fingerprints were on the bag.”

“That leaves you as my main contender for the Vice President of Acquisitions, Miss Hightower,” said Sterling.

Hope was still staring at the black man, her eyes widening at what she was hearing. Bull’s lips curled up in a full smile before she turned away from him and looked back at Mr. Sterling. “I’d very much like to show you what I’m capable of, Mr. Sterling,” she said.

Sterling’s head drooped and he stared at her from the tops of his eyes. It made him look sinister. “Oh, I’ve seen what you’re capable of, Miss Hightower,” he said. “Hawass!”

Hope glanced towards Mr. Hawass. The Egyptian placed his finger tips on a sheet of paper and pushed it across his desk toward her. Hope took a few steps and picked it up. She flipped it over, her eyebrows shooting up as she read the impressive number on the card.

“That’s my best offer for now,” said Sterling. “We offered Harry Ellis more, but then he had more experience. Show me what you can do and that number will go up.”

“This number is quite acceptable, Mr. Sterling,” she replied gulping. It was truly an executive salary. “Are there any other benefits, sir?” she asked.

“Financially, we offer stock options as additional compensation. I highly suggest you take advantage of those options. I’m sure you’ve seen the projected numbers for Lithocorp.”

“I have,” she said, nodding. Dear god, I could be a millionaire in five years, she thought as all her dreams were seeming to come true.

“There’re other benefits, such as access to are corporate apartments here in the city. You can take Ellis’ apartment. Mr. Hawass will draw up a full contract for you to sign come Monday.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“There are negatives. Many of our mines are in dangerous places that you will be required to visit from time to time. We’ll do our best to see to your safety, but there are risks. The risk is part of the reason for the high salary. In fact, your first opportunity to prove yourself will be a trip to the Congo based on a report you sent me, Miss Hightower. Lithocorp wants the rights to those new cobalt and tantalum mines that have been discovered. Do whatever it takes to get control of those mines and I’ll immediately bump you up to what we had offered Mr. Ellis. Understand?”

“Yes sir,” she replied. “I very much want this job, sir.”

“Excellent,” said Sterling, holding his hands close, fingers touching.

Hope forced the image of Mr. Burns out of her mind. Old man Sterling even had yellowish jaundiced skin reminding her even more of a Simpson’s character.

“On last thing, Miss Hightower,” said Sterling. “The job you’re doing now has proven invaluable. I’d like you to continue working nights and monitoring those overseas markets. If safety is a concern, Mr. Bullworth is usually in our private security room downstairs most nights. He can escort you to your car and see to your safety. If you decide to move into your corporate apartment and I highly suggest you take advantage of it, Bull has an apartment in the same building and can drive you to and from work and take care of all of your needs…” Mr. Sterling’s lip curled up.

“Of course, sir,” she replied. “I’m happy to continue what I’m doing now. Especially with Mr. Bullworth to take care of me,” she added, glancing and nodding towards the giant black man.

“Excellent,” said Sterling again. “Then we’re done here. Monday, Mr. Hawass will bring your contract downstairs for you to sign and we’ll get the name changed on the door to your new office, Hope Hightower, Vice President of Acquisitions. Congratulations, Mrs. Hightower.”

“Thank you, sir,” she replied. Hope nodded at everyone in the room. Sterling still looked sinister with his head down, looking up at her with his yellow jaundiced eyes. Hawass nodded back, still expressionless. Ares was smiling. He gave her a wink that suddenly soaked her panty. She’d actually forgotten about him with all the shock from her sudden promotion and pay raise. She gave the black nurse a quick nod and smile to acknowledge her. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the nurse looking back at her with a hateful expression across her face and a lone tear making its way down her black cheek.

Hope turned away and quickly forgot about the nurse. She left the office, her legs almost giving out in shock over the sudden turn of events. She walked quickly down the hall towards the elevator. The paper with her salary was still clutched in her hand. She could move into an apartment in the city. An apartment in the city! With Bullworth as her neighbor. She suddenly pictured her nude body riding his enormous cock on a bed, leaning forwards and resting her white hands on his dark black muscular chest. Her pussy gave a little squirt of arousal at the thought and she knew she wanted to make that fantasy a reality. She reached out and pressed the elevator button. Dear god, if Bullworth was her neighbor, they could fuck every night and every morning for that matter. And in a bed! No more uncomfortable desk sex. Well, maybe occasionally.

Hope entered the elevator turned and reached out for the panel. Her finger pressed the button for the floor two floors down. Her hand froze on the panel. The light in the elevator was making her engagement ring sparkle. At no point, had Ben figured in any of her fantasies.

“Oh no, Ben,” she mumbled.


The elevator open and Hope stepped off, pretending the room was full of her coworkers… her employees congratulating their new boss. She stopped at her cubicle, but didn’t sit down. She might not officially be the boss until Monday, but why the hell not, she thought. Hope bent down and unplugged her laptop, lifting and carrying into her new office.

She sat at her desk and tried to pay attention to the markets, but her mind couldn’t focus. She pushed her chair back and spun it around, gazing out at the New York skyline. She sat back and crossed her legs. “Watch out New York,” she said. “There’s a new woman in charge and there’s no telling how high she might climb.”


Hope’s eyebrows rose when she heard the elevator. Her Pavlovian conditioning had her picturing herself kneeling nude before the elevator when it opened. She suppressed it. That wasn’t the way an executive Vice President should think or act.

Heavy footsteps sounded in the hallway.

Hope spun her chair around as Bullworth entered the room. More conditioning had her nipples swelling and her pussy leaking as she laid eyes on him. “Mr. Bullworth,” she said. He was dressed which somewhat disappointed her.

“Miss Hightower,” he responded. Bullworth approached uncomfortably close, coming between her chair and the desk. He leaned back on her desk. His crotch was eyelevel with her face and her gaze was torn between the immense bulge in his trousers and staring up at his face. No, he wasn’t a handsome man, ugly and scary better defined his features. What he was, however, was overwhelmingly masculine. His dominant presence and muscular body screamed testosterone fueled real man. Testosterone was produced in the testicles too and Bullworth had huge testicles.

“I suppose I’m indebted to you, Mr. Bullworth,” she said.

“Not at all,” he replied. “The old man wanted you for the job.”

“You didn’t set up Ellis?”

Ares’s lips curled up in that arrogant smirk of his. “Not quite. I did arrange for his drugs to be discovered more easily, but they were his drugs and they had his fingerprints on the bag.”

“Then thank you.”

Ares shrugged. “The old man chose you, not me. Ellis had become a liability. He spent fifty grand one night at a strip club in Vegas entertaining some clients from Russia. And they didn’t sign with Lithocorp. That wasn’t the only time either.”

“I see,” she replied, her eyes flickering down to the large tubular bulge running down his pants leg.

“You see… what?... something you like?” he asked, still smirking.

“Something I want,” she said, reaching out for his belt buckle. He pulled his shirt up out of his pants while she undid his belt. Hope was surprised to see her hands shaking slightly as she fumbled with the button on his trousers. She pulled his flap open and finished pulling the zipper down. Hope grabbed the waistband of his trousers, struggling slightly as she pulled them down over his hips, her eyes focused on the swelling bulge filling out the front of a white Speedo.

Hope grabbed the front of his Speedo, caressing the bulge beneath and squeezing it before sliding her hand up to the hem of his underwear. She pulled it out and down, freeing the thing she was so desperate to see.

Ares’ big black cock sprang up. The head hitting her in the nose causing Hope to pull her head back. “Jesus,” she gasped, grabbing the base and stroking it slightly. It expanded in her grip, hardening quickly. Her brief glimpse of the monster hadn’t done it justice. Her eyes were fixated on Ares immense black cock. It looked like it was carved from black marble with some darker blue/black veins running its length.

It hardened fully in her hand. “It’s so…”

“Big?” he finished. Hope continued staring at it in fascination. “Black?” he added.

“Perfect,” she finally said, pulling it down and leaning forward to plant a kiss on the tip. She stared up at him as she kissed the head. Her tongue flickered out and licked the underside of his cock. Ares had lost his jacket and loosened his tie before he came in. He still had the ear piece in. As she stared at him, he loosened his tie even more and pulled it over his head. She began sucking his cock while he unbuttoned his shirt. “Mmmm,” she moaned as his chest came into view. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. Hope ran her hands up his thighs and over his hard stomach to his abs. It wasn’t just his huge black cock that was perfect, his muscular body was also sculpted perfection. Everything but his brutish face was magnificent.

Hope went to town slurping on his cock. She’d managed half the first time and found it slightly easier to swallow six inches this time now that she knew how to relax her throat and suppress her gag reflex while breathing through her nose. She bobbed her head quickly, forcing the head further down her throat, but she started choking again at seven inches. She slowed down and was surprised to realize that she enjoyed sucking Ares’ cock. He’d called her a cocksucker the last time and that was what she was, a cocksucker.

“That’s enough, cocksucker,” he confirmed.

Hope moaned with lust, sucking faster. She pushed forward, pushing past the seven-inch mark and managing eight inches. Ares groaned and his cock throbbed as it enjoyed the deeper penetration. With practice, she hoped she’d be able to manage the whole thing someday.

“I said enough, slut,” he said, pushing her head back until his cock sprang free of her mouth. The head slid up the side of her nose leaving a wet trail. “Get up,” he ordered.

Hope sat up and stood. She trembled as she looked up at him. The large black man placed his hands on her upper arms and spun her around. The zipper to her dress was in the back. He lifted her long blonde hair up with one hand and slowly lowered her zipper with the other. When it was down, he pulled her shoulder straps down her arms. Ares bent over and kissed her bare back before straightening up and walking away.

Hope turned. He was before the couch, leaning over and pushing his pants the rest of the way down before stepping out of them. His underwear followed. His huge twelve-inch cock bobbed before him. It hadn’t deflated in the least. When he was nude, he sat on the couch, his cock rising up between his muscular thighs.

Hope walked around the Veep’s desk… her desk, pulling her dress down her torso as she walked. She stood facing him, her back to the door and wiggled the rest of the dress down her hips and let it fall to her feet. His eyes swept her body, taking in her voluptuous figure wearing her sexy pink underwear. He smiled and nodded at her to continue. Hope raised her hands and squeezed her breasts, shoving them together before sliding her hands towards the hook between her breasts. Her bras were always either too tight or too loose and she was forced to go with tight. She squeezed her tits tighter and unhooked the bra.

“Lets see dem big white titties,” grunted Ares.

Hope let go, her breasts springing free as the cup flew off to the sides. Hope smiled as his cock twitched watching her newly freed breasts jiggle. She also sighed with relief as the pressure on her chest subsided. She slipped the straps off her shoulder and let her bra fall down her back to the floor. Finally, Hope hooked her thumbs in the hem of her panties and slid them down her thighs.

Ares leaned forward and grabbed the front of her panty, yanking it down to her ankles. She raised her heeled feet and stepped out of them. He brought his large hand between her legs, palm up and slid two fingers along her slit, easily pushing them inside her. He chuckled. Hope trembled and looked down her body. She could see his palm and drips of her arousal slowly running down to fill it.

“Somebody’s wet and ready,” he chuckled, again.

Hope flushed, but nodded. “Yes sir,” she muttered. “Your big black cock makes me wet.” Her mouth curled up in a smirk when his cock twitched and a slight growl left his throat.

“C’mere,” he ordered, grabbing her hips. He pulled her into his lap, her hand automatically reaching down for his big black cock and guiding it towards her pussy. “Put that black cock where it belongs,” he said.

Hope felt the huge black knob piercing her pussy and she moaned as she sank down on his shaft. She sat in his lap, fully impaled, their noses nearly touching. Ares angled his face and their lips pressed together. She ground her pussy into his shaft while they kissed passionately and Hope quickly found herself cumming hard as she shuddered over his big dick.

Ares let her rest a moment before sliding his hands under her ass cheeks. He squeezed them and began raising and lowering her up and down his cock. She felt another orgasm building. The ability to run her hands over his huge biceps or down his hard muscular chest was so arousing to her, enhanced by the contrast of her pale white skin to his dark black body. It was a thrill to be able to see and touch him, so much better than being bound and blindfolded. Hope threw her head back and cried out as she had one of her biggest orgasms yet.

Ares lifted her up, raising her so high his cock fell out of her. She stood on weak legs as he pushed her back and guided her to turn around. He pulled her back into his lap, guiding his cock beneath her ass cheeks until he could watch his cock disappear into her pussy. Hope moaned, pushing back into his shaft as he reached around and squeezed her breasts, pulling and tugging on her nipples.

“Lean down,” he ordered. Hope bent forward. “Further. Touch the floor.” Hope braced her hands on the carpet as he leaned forward. His hand reached under the couch. She saw him grab a brown paper bag and pull it out. He pulled her back up and opened the bag.

Hope felt the collar close around her neck a moment later. “Ares, please? I want to be able to touch you,” she begged to no avail as he pulled her arms behind her back and cuffed her wrists together. He grabbed the chain connecting her collar to her wrists and pulled her head back. Hope looked out her door and down the aisle towards the elevator. Her eyes rose to the black dome of the security camera on the ceiling. The same camera that had gotten her in trouble. It was the last thing she saw as the blindfold came down over her eyes.

Ares slowly lifted her off his cock again and made her fall to her knees on the carpet. He pushed her forward until she was laying with her forehead on the floor and her ass raised in the air. He kneeled behind her and was soon fucking her again, holding her hips as he slowly worked his cock in and out of her pussy. Despite feeling humiliated, Hope’s body quickly reacted, humping her ass up into each thrust of his big black cock. One strong hand squeezed the firm globe of her rear end. She felt pressure on her anus again. His thumb pressed against her rose bud, pushing in inwards until it opened and his thumb pressed inside. Hope shuddered as the extra stimulation had her cumming again.

“FFFUUUCCCK MEEEE!” she cried into the carpet.


Bullworth continued the slow rhythmic thrusting of his cock for a surprisingly long time. Hope’s forehead hurt from sliding on the carpet so eventually she turned her head and rested her cheek on the carpet. “Unh… unh… unh…” she moaned with each thrust of his cock. He began picking up speed. “UNH UNH UNH!” Her grunts came quicker and louder as he picked up his pace with both his huge cock and his fat thumb. With each thrust, her pussy squeezed down around his shaft trying to hold it inside her. She began cumming again, one long continuous orgasm, her pussy expanding and contracting around his shaft trying to milk the semen from his balls. It didn’t take long for it to work.

Ares thrust forward and grunted as his huge cock shuddered and jerked. The first large blast of his semen filling her womb with his seed. Her own orgasm tripled in intensity, her pussy tightly squeezing the source of its pleasure, a pleasure that grew with each successive wad shot from the end of his cock.

“Ooooh,” she moaned as he pulled his cock out. It rested on the crack in her rear and Hope wasn’t surprised to feel more wads of his hot seed splatter on her back. She was thoroughly spent and groaned in protest when Ares grabbed the chain just under her collar and pulled her up to her knees. Her mouth was open as she gasped for air. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her head down before pushing her down slightly. “Why do you like having me tied up so much?” she protested, still trying to catch her breath.

“I don’t,” grunted Ares. “But he does.” He lowered her head another inch.

She jerked in surprise when something pushed past her lips and into her open mouth. Ares held her still as an object the size of a large egg rubbed over her lips. Ares lowered her and a large cock head entered her mouth. He pulled back on her chain and lowered her down. She was sucking the end of a second cock. Her eyebrows shot up above her blindfold as she realized there had been a second man all along. She began to struggle, but Ares dropped her lower and the end of this new cock pushed into her throat.

“Suck that cock, slut,” said, Ares behind her.

He raised and lowered her. Hope found her lips going further and further down this new shaft. She was wrong. This new penis was unfamiliar to her, nowhere as big as Ares’ giant black cock, but it was big. Close to the size of the Shaft Johnson dildo.

Hope relaxed and clamped her lips around the shaft, allowing Ares to do all the work, pulling her up and down this second cock. The head pushed deeper down her throat until her lips pressed into the root of the cock. His pubes tickled her upper lip. Ares pulled faster and she rapidly bobbed her head up and down the entire shaft which she estimated at nine inches. Impressive compared to Ben, but it was a lot easier to swallow than Ares’ monster cock. Not quite as thick either. She began bobbing her head along the shaft helping Ares move it along.

“Here it cums,” hissed a raspy voice.

The cock in her mouth jerked and pumped several loads into her stomach. Ares pulled back on her chain, until most of the shaft slid out of her mouth and the large head exited her throat. It erupted and filled her mouth with more semen. She gulped just as its taste registered in her brain. This man’s seed was as thick as Ares’ but the taste was salty and bitter, with an unpleasant medicinal undertone. She didn’t like it.

She didn’t want to taste it again, but her mouth filled with another load. Just as she was swallowing it down her throat, the blindfold was pulled from over her eyes. She blinked slightly; her face crinkled in distaste at the taste of the man’s semen. As her vision cleared, she found herself staring at a yellow jaundiced abdomen with a brown liver spot just under the navel. The man’s pubes were sparse and patchy with mostly more of the yellowish skin and small clumps of white curly hair that made it look like his crotch was balding.

Ares raised and lowered her along the spurting cock as she realized in horror whose dick she was sucking. Thankfully, the next spurts from his cock went straight down her throat, but the final blast left a large pool right on her tongue and her taste buds.

Ares pulled her back up on her knees as she stared at Winston Sterling’s cock. If it wasn’t for the jaundiced color, it was a gorgeous penis, fat long and perfectly shaped. It twitched and a small geyser of semen erupted from the reddish head. His semen even had an unpleasant yellowish color to it.

Hope slowly looked up. The old man was grinning evilly at her from behind an oxygen mask. The ever-present IV bag suspended above him. She wondered if that explained the medicinal taste of his semen.

The black nurse pulled his wheelchair back. She was wearing blue gloves as she leaned over him, a tissue in hand and cleaned the semen off his still hard cock.

Hope stared at it impressed. “How?”

The nurse glanced up, a wry smile on her face. “Raw liquid sildenafil and many other things in that IV keep the old man going,” she said.

“And going and going and going,” he rasped, cackling. “Lillian knows.”

The nurse’s smile left her face and she maintained a stoic expression as she tucked the old man’s penis into his pants and zipped his trousers up.

“You’re quite the cocksucker, Miss Hightower,” said Sterling, struggling to pull his mask off his face. Lillian, the black nurse helped him. The old man’s hands were bent into claws from arthritis. “A useful skill for my new vice president of acquisitions. Smythe didn’t have it in him.” He cackled again.

“What’s going on?” she asked. She felt like a submissive slave, naked, bound, and kneeling before a powerful man on his throne. Even if the throne was a wheelchair and the man seemed like he could pass at any moment.

“Nothing Miss Hightower. I just like to have leverage over the people that work for me. Sometime it’s just an addiction to an expensive lifestyle and sometimes you need some blackmail material, such as porn videos, and kinky bondage fetish videos at that. I have records of all your encounters, Miss Hightower. Show her Ares.”

Ares was still kneeling behind her, holding the chain. He let go and stood, walking over to his trousers. He returned with his phone in his hand, but her eyes were focused on the monster cock slapping from thigh to thigh. He pressed some buttons on the phone and turned the screen around to her.

She saw Ares face setting the phone on a shelf. Over his shoulder she saw herself sitting on the Vice President’s desk, naked and blindfolded, her hands chained to the desk. Ares turned and walked towards her for their first sexual encounter.

The black man swiped it to the next video. She was kneeling bound and blindfolded nude as the elevator doors opened. The view closed in on her, panning down as Ares’ smacked her face with his limp meaty cock. “I’ve seen enough,” she said, looking away.”

“Stand her up,” ordered the old man. His beady eyes stared at her huge breasts. Her nipples were still erect. Ares semen was dripping between her legs and some of Sterling’s seed was sliding down the sides of her mouth. “There was also the Ellis problem, Miss Hightower. Harry’s methods worked. Some clients quite enjoyed the strippers and prostitutes, especially with Lithocorp paying for them, but that could be quite expensive. So, I figured…” Sterling leaned forward and began hacking. Lillian lowered the mask back over his face and let him take some deep breaths before the coughing stopped. He resumed, speaking through the oxygen mask. “I figured why not just have the stripper prostitute work for me!”

“I’m not a whore,” said Hope, indignantly.

“We are all whores, Miss Hightower,” said Sterling. “Some of us are just more expensive than others. If you don’t like it, Miss Hightower, then don’t show up for work Monday. I’ll post your videos on the internet and see you never work in this city again, but you’ll be free. When you do show up for work, Monday, then I’ll expect you to do whatever it takes to make the deal including using that amazing body of yours.”

Hope gulped as she stood there naked before the evil man. She already knew she was going to show up for work Monday. She’d use her brains to sign more clients for Lithocorp and if her brains didn’t work…

“What now?” asked Hope.

“Go lay over your desk,” he said. “I want to watch Bullworth fuck your ass.”

Hope gasped. “What? Hold on. There’s no way, I’m taking that thing…” Bullworth grabbed her chain at the base of the slave collar and marched her towards the desk. He quickly bent her over the desk, adjusting her so that her firm well-rounded rear end was sticking up over the edge. Hope’s tits smashed into the desk as she struggled to free her hands from the restraints. She looked up, seeing her reflection in the window. Ares was standing behind her and the black nurse behind him. The old man in the wheelchair was mostly hidden.

“Why don’t you get that big black cock ready for him, Lillian,” said the old man.

Lillian gasped, but reached into a bag hanging behind the wheel chair. She pulled out a bottle and walked over to Ares. She emptied some fluid in her hand and reached out and grabbed his cock. Hope watched her staring down as she began stroking Ares’ monster cock, but her head slowly turned up and stared Ares in the eyes as she brought his spent cock back to life.

“Do you miss that big black cock, Lillian?” asked the old man.

“Every day, sir,” said Lillian, still staring longingly into Ares’ eyes.

Winston Sterling laughed, his cackle turning into a hacking cough. He took some deep breaths of the oxygen mask. “I think that’s enough, Lillian. He looks nice and hard to me.”

Lillian broke eye contact and looked back down at her hand, still gliding up and down the now well-lubricated black cock. “It’s been a long time,” she said.

“Over four years,” said Ares.

“I said enough!” said Sterling, raising his voice.

Lillian gave Ares cock a few more strokes for good measure, letting her hand cup the bulging head before finally letting go. Ares cock sprang up, glistening in the office lights. He turned and stepped behind Hope, resting his large shaft on the crack between her cheeks. Hope’s breasts were so big, they raised her upper torso up too high to see his cock’s reflection in the window, but she could feel its slick hardness resting on her ass.

“Clean your hand off, then get Ares’ phone. I want this recorded for my collection,” said Winston. “And move me closer to the action.” Lillian glanced longingly at Ares’ cock and stepped away.

Ares kneaded Hope’s ass cheeks while slowly sliding his cock along her crack. Lilian pushed Sterling’s wheelchair closer, the old man leaning forward and staring with fascination at the big swollen black cock resting on Hope’s fair skinned rear end. Lilian hovered over his shoulder and aimed Ares’ phone at her ass.

“Do it,” hissed the old man.

“Please?” begged Hope, her wrists struggling to free herself of the cuffs. “No,” she whimpered as the monster cock slid down through her crack, the head stopping at her sphincter. Ares squeezed one of her ass cheeks and grabbed the base of his cock, poising the tip against her rosebud. He glanced up at the window, meeting the reflection of her eyes and then he pushed.

“AAAAHH!!” Hope screamed as her rosebud pushed inwards and began opening for the large invader. It stretched further and further until she feared her asshole was about to tear. She struggled with her cuffs and tried to work her body forwards to escape the pain. “UUNNNHH!”, she winced, tears running down her cheeks as the massive head pushed its way through her anus until the flare of his glans had disappeared through her tight hole. “TOO BIGGG!!!”

“Get her expression,” demanded Sterling.

Lillian moved around the desk, aiming the camera at Hope’s frightened face. “Relax, white girl. It’ll go a lot easier and you’ll learn to love it.”

“RELAX!” Hope gasped. “You try taking… UNH… this… UNH… FUCK!... monster.”

“I have, white girl, and I would gladly trade places with you if I could.” Lillian stepped back with the camera, smirking as Hope glared angrily right at the lens. “Now unclench that ass and you’ll start loving it.”

Lilian stepped away, capturing a full shot of Hope laying over her desk being anally fucked by the huge black man. She slowly moved back in, zooming in on Ares cock.

“AHH!” Hope squealed, not from the pain, but from surprise as Ares grabbed her hips and yanked her back so he could get a better angle to fuck her ass. Hope’s forehead was now resting on the edge of her desk. She turned her head and rested her cheek on the desk as Ares slowly worked his cock around her stuffed anal passage. She was grateful Lillian had coated the giant shaft with lube as it let her take him easier. She winced as the thickest part of his shaft pushed in and out through her sphincter. “Too big,” she pleaded for the last time. She opened her eyes and saw the crinkled piece of paper with her new salary written on it laying on her desk, her eyes staring right at the large numbers. She focused on the paper and not the pain as she finally relaxed and allowed her body to go limp. She quit struggling against the handcuffs and unclenched her ass cheeks. “Ohgod,” she groaned as Ares’ cock pushed deeper.

Ares bottomed out with maybe eight inches buried in her. He grabbed her hips and began slowly fucking her ass, increasing his speed every few thrusts.

“That’s it, Ares, sodomize the slut,” said the old man, gleefully.

“Unh… unh… unh…” grunted Hope each time he thrust his cock forward. “So full… unh… unh… ohgod… yessssss… fuck… oh god… fuck… ass… fuck my ass.” Hope moaned, her eyes rolling up in her head. “YESSS! Fuck me! Fuck my ass!” Her body began to respond, pushing her ass back into his cock as he pushed it forward. Much to her surprise, she had a short, but powerful orgasm that squirted her arousal over the base of his shaft and scrotum. When her eyes rolled back down, she found herself staring back into the lens of the camera being held by the sneering black woman.

“Told ya so,” said Lillian.

Hope glared at the black woman, but had to admit she was right. She’d want this again, but next time it would be on a bed in the company apartment and her wrists wouldn’t be bound behind her back.

Ares was grunting now, fucking her faster. “Here it cums,” he groaned.

Lilian stood up and hurried back around to her rear just as Ares thrust his cock deep and flooded her anal canal with one of his large loads of semen. He pulled back, grabbing his cock and jerking the rest of his cum out. Hope felt large splatters of his hot seed cover her rear end. More of his semen began pouring out of her sphincter and running down her vagina. Lilian moved in for a closeup.

Hope raised her head as Ares came around. His big black cock was still rock hard and bobbing in front of him. He guided the head towards her mouth and pushed it past her lips. She wanted to gag, thinking about where it had just been, but all she could taste was the lubrication. He leaned over her and uncuffed her wrists. Ares stepped back and withdrew his cock. It was slightly softer and now bent down from loss of blood and its own meaty weight.

He stepped out of her sight and she found herself staring at Sterling, sitting in his wheel chair. He had the oxygen mask back over his face. “Well taken, Miss Hightower. I knew you were the right person for the job. Don’t you agree, Bullworth?”

“An asset to the company, sir,” said Ares, lightly spanking her ass. “An amazing asset.” He squeezed the cheek he’d just spanked and rubbed the pools of semen into her skin.

Winston Sterling nodded at Lillian and she began to turn his wheelchair. “I think you’re going places, Miss Hightower. Come see me in my office Monday so I can try that pussy out. Oh, and lose the fiancé, he’ll only hold you back. Get dressed and meet me in my office, Bullworth.”

The black nurse started to wheel the old man away when he added. “And one last thing, Miss Hightower…”

“Welcome to Lithocorp.”




Bullworth entered the old man’s office. His eyes flickered over to his former fiancé. The old man was watching one of his porn videos. It was a closeup of Hope on her knees sucking Ares cock that he had filmed during their second encounter. “Magnificent, isn’t she?” said Sterling.

“I have to agree, sir.”

“Have the boys in IT edit all these videos into one long clip for my collection.”

“Yes, sir,” said Ares. Turning these videos over to IT meant they’d be in more than just Winston Sterling’s collection. There’d be a lot of snickering behind Hope’s back. Ares would want a copy for himself. “You wanted to see me, sir?”

“Yes, Bullworth.” Sterling had his mask off. He kept his office strictly climate controlled and had oxygen pumped in. His voice was clearer and less raspy. “I need you to start looking for a new nurse for me.”

Bullworth’s eyes widened. “Then you’re pregnant?” Lillian nodded. This would be her third with Winston Sterling and that meant her contract had been fulfilled. At one time, she and Ares had discussed having three kids together.

“Same contract. Full time, five years, five million dollars, and willing to service all my needs.”

There was more to the contract then that. Bare the old man three children and there was an early out. Plus, each child had an additional million deposited into an account for private schools and college. “I’ll get right on it, sir. Any preference? Black, white…?” His last nurse was Asian.

“Attractive. And big titties.” Sterling continued to watch a blindfolded Hope sucking Ares’ cock. The old man was a porn addict and had been so most of his life. He even had a porn library at his estate in upstate New York. There were thousands of VHS tapes with porn from the 70s and 80s. He even had film reels of older vintage stag films. “And I find a poverty background helps, like our dear Lillian. I find them more willing.”

“What will you do?” he asked, Lillian.

“Mostly raise my kids,” she replied. Full time nurse meant full time. Lillian’s previous two children with Sterling were being raised by nannies paid for by Lithocorp. She rarely saw them.

“Still surprised she gave up that big black cock for money, Bullworth?” asked the old man.

“You’re a mean bastard, sir,” replied Bullworth. “And you’re wrong. Lillian gave up love for money.”

“Everyone has a price, Bullworth.”

“That’s not to say I wouldn’t turn down getting reacquainted with that big black cock,” added Lillian. “Once I’ve recovered that is.” She patted her belly.

Sterling finally turned his attention away from the movie. “Film it and I’ll pay,” added Sterling excitedly.

“I’m sure, we can work something out,” said Ares. Lillian smiled. Her nipples hardened and pushed little points through the front of her uniform. He noticed and it was enough to make his spent cock grow a little. At one time the beautiful black woman was his entire world. He no longer loved her, but he couldn’t deny he still desired her body. He looked back at the old man. “And what about Miss Hightower?” he asked, trying not to sound too eager.

“Keep fucking her, but make sure she moves in to Ellis’ apartment.”

“I understand, sir,” said Ares. Harry Ellis’ apartment was wired with cameras and the old man would be watching their encounters.

“Just don’t fall for her, Bullworth. She doesn’t belong to you.”

Too late, thought Bullworth. “Who does she belong to?” he asked, trying to keep his face expressionless.

“Lillian open the file on Colonel Kambale.”

Lillian stopped the porn and opened another file. The image of a dark skinned central African appeared on the screen. He was wearing camouflage and carrying an AK-47. A cigarette dangled from his mouth.

Sterling had been sitting in his wheelchair, his clawed hand holding his mask over his face as he took several breaths of pure oxygen. “She belongs to Lithocorp of course and Lithocorp is offering her up to Colonel Kambale. Advance please, Lillian.” The next image showed Kambale with a white woman in an evening gown. “That is the Colonel during an economic summit in Paris.” The next image was clearly in New York and showed the African with a different woman. “And this is him before an address to the UN. What do the images have in common?”

“Blonde white women. Both tall and buxom.”

“The Colonel has a type. I’ve sent him pictures of Miss Hightower and he is very eager to breed our new Vice President.”

“She’s on birth control, sir.”

“Apparently there’s some herb in the Congo used for fertility that counteracts common birth control. The extract is to be mixed in with her vaccines.” Sterling paused when Bullworth snorted derisively. “Have some faith, Bullworth. Extract from the Mulondo root keeps my old cock going. Ask Lillian. Not that it matters how she gets Kambale to give us rights to his mines. She can use her negotiating skills for all I care as long as I get control of those mines. Ironic, it was one of Miss Hightower’s reports that brought these new discoveries to my attention. Those cobalt and tantalum deposits are potentially worth billions to Lithocorp. Until then you’re to prepare her for Colonel Kambale.”

“Prepare her, sir?”

“Just as the dildo was to prepare her for your big cock, Bullworth. Your cock is to keep her prepared for Colonel Kambale.”

“Seriously?” asked Bullworth, staring with disbelief at the unimpressive African man on the screen.

“Kambale is known as Uume Wa Tembo.”


“Elephant penis in Bantu,” said the old man, smiling gleefully. “The Dong D’Elephant in French.”




  1. Great story, i hope you do a second part from this.

  2. good story but a lot of typos, even Bullock becomes Bullworth at one point

  3. Great story!
    How do I find you on lensdump?

    1. There's a link on the top right of my page.

    2. Thanks! Couldn't see it on mobile view. Needed to switch to Web version

  4. That's another AWESOME story Storm! Thank you!
