The Jungle Queen Vs The Pygmies.
Comic script copyright 2017 by Stormbringer
Jean: The Jungle Queen, wife of Zantar, King of the jungle. She’s wearing the adornment from the pinup. The anklets, necklace, etc.
Wasse: The Pygmy with blue markings. The Chief
Nzito: The Pygmy with green markings
Awe: The Pygmy with red markings
Mutulu: The Pygmy with yellow markings (changed from the pinup which has two with red markings)
They will be referred to by the color of their markings.
Synopsis: Jean the jungle queen from the pinup is swinging from a vine when she is captured by pygmies. They strip her and gangbang her doing every position. They lead her over to a cooking pot where she scrubs herself off later dressing while one pulls on jeans. She asks them to bring more tribesman next week indicating it’s a regular game they play and they weren’t as primitive as they appeared.
Cover: Jean naked standing on a rock under a lovely small waterfall.
Title: Jean the Jungle Queen Vs. The Pygmies
Story by Stormbringer
Art by Kaoscomics
Page 2 vertical left panel, two square right.
Panel 1: Jean standing on a rock in the sun. Her bikini top is hanging from a branch. She is posing tying on the loincloth.
Header: Deep in the Congo.
Panel 2: Jean swinging on a vine.
Jean (thinking): Better get home to Zantar.
Panel 3: View over Jean’s shoulder of two pygmies red and yellow holding a net between them.
Jean (thinking): What the….
Page 3 horizontal top and 2 square bottoms.
Panel 1: Jean caught on the net. It’s tied to a pole carried by red and yellow.
Red: “Awe fuk fuk jungle queen.”
Yellow: “Jean suk suk Mutulu.”
Panel 2: Previously published pinup image.
Panel 3: Jane tied to the pole. Red is removing his loincloth. Yellow is naked, stroking his cock. Blue is holding his spear and cutting her top off. Green is using his spear or a stone knife to cut off her loincloth.
Jean: “Zantar will hear of this, Chief Wasse.”
Blue: “Wasse fuk fuk Jean.”
Green: “Nzito fuk fuk Jean.”
Page 4 4 square
Panel 1: Angled side view of Jean, arms tied over her head. Yellow is standing in front of her, titty fucking her while pulling on her nipples.
Yellow: “Mutulu fuk fuk tits.”
Panel 2: Close up of her upper body. The cock between her tits is exploding all over her face.
Noise: splooge!
Panel 3: Red is cupping Jean’s legs under his arms. His cock lined up to enter her. Sperm still drips from her face. Yellow is standing behind her, holding his spent cock.
Red: “Now Awe fuk fuk.”
Panel 4: Same image only Red is now fucking her. Green is bent down and licking her nipple.
Jean: “Oh no! Your big cock is making me cum.”
Page 5 Top half, 2 lower squares
Panel 1: God view of Jean’s body, hands tied over head. Her head is turned sucking Green’s cock. Motion lines show Red fucking her hard.
Jean (thinking): So much bigger than Zantar’s penis.
Red: “Fuk fuk.”
Green: “Suk suk.”
Panel 2: View centered on her pussy, spread open and pouring cum. Red’s cock is rearing above it blowing even more cum over her body and breasts.
Noise: Spurt!
Panel 3: Close up of her face, cheeks bulging and spilling cum around the head of Green’s cock.
Noise: Gulp!
Jean (thinking): So good!
Page 6 2 square top and half page bottom.
Panel 1: Jean on all fours. Her hands are still tied together. Blue is standing behind her, lining his cock up to fuck her.
Blue: Big chief Wasse fuk fuk Jean now.
Jean: “Do it Wasse. Fuck me!”
Panel 2: Jean on all fours getting Dp’d. Motion lines show Wasse fucking her hard. Yellow has shoved his cock in her mouth.
Jean (thinking): Pygmy cock is so good!
Panel 3: Same scene. X-rays show both Blue and Yellow cumming inside her.
Jean (thinking): Cumming all over Wasse’s cock.
Page 7 2 square top, horizontal bottom
Panel 1: Green lying on his back, holding his cock straight up. Jean, hands tied in front is straddling his legs. Red and Yellow are behind her, poking her ass with their spears.
Red: “Jean fuk fuk now.”
Yellow: “Yes, Jean fuk fuk.”
Jean: “Yes, I’ll fuck him just quit poking me.”
Panel 2: Angled frontal view of Jean lowering herself over Green’s cock. Red is holding his hard cock behind her.
Jean: “You Pygmies are so big!”
Panel 3: Side view of Jean riding Green while Red fucks her ass. Blue is behind her and she is sucking his cock.
Red: “Awe fuk fuk ass.”
Blue: “Jungle Jean suk suk cock good.”
Jean (thinking) This is so much better than fucking Zantar!
Page 8 2 vertical panels
Panel 1: Front view of Jean sitting Half impaled on Green’s cock. Sperm is pouring down his visible shaft and squirting out of her pussy. Her hand is holding the base of Blue’s cock while the head squirts all over her face and into her open mouth. Her tongue is sticking out. Sperm is dribbling down her chin.
Noise: Spurt!
Jean: “CUMMING!”
Panel 2: Jean standing against a pole, her arms are over her head. A hooked rope is attached to her tied wrists. Yellow is pulling on the rope that’s pulling her erect.
Jean: “What now?”
Jean: “I can’t take much more.”
Page 9 2 vertical
Panel 1: Angled side view of Jean standing. Yellow is in front of her fucking her. Red is standing on his shoulders and Jean is sucking him.
Noises: fuk fuk and suk suk by the scenes.
Panel 2: Similar view only Red has put his legs over her shoulders and is fucking her face, his hands holding her head. Yellow is still fucking her, but is reaching up and squeezing her tits.
Jean (thinking): I’m cumming again!
Page 10 2 square top, horizontal bottom
Panel 1: Close up of Yellow’s cock half in her with cum squirting out and running down his shaft.
Panel 2: Close up of Jean’s head. Her cheeks are bulging and squirting sperm. Red is cutting her bonds with either his spear or a stone knife.
Panel 3: Frontal view of Jean squatting. Blue is leaning over behind her and his balls can be scene under her pussy. Green’s cock is sticking out in front of her head and she is licking the tip. Yellow and Red are on either side of her and she’s jerking them off. Motion lines show her hands moving.
Blue: “We fuk fuk Jean good.”
Jean (thinking): These little men are insatiable!
Page 11 split panels top and bottom
Panel 1: A similar frontal view of Jane. All four cocks are cumming all over her. Blue’s cock is sticking up between her legs, shooting upwards, Green’s is blowing all over her face. The two she’s jerking off are spraying her tits.
Noises: spurt spurt
Panel 2: A stereotypical large cooking pot on the right. Yellow is throwing logs on the fire beneath. The left shows Jean being carried by the other three pygmies.
Jean: “You’re going to EAT me?”
Page 12
Panel 1: Jean in the cooking pot, her belly on up is visible. Her hair is now wet and she’s washing her hair. Blue in jeans now is sewing her bikini top.
Panel 2: Jean standing in the pot, more of her body is visible (crotch on up). She is tying the loincloth on. Blue now in jeans and a tee shirt is handing her the bikini top.
Jean: “Thanks for the hot bath, Chief.”
Blue: “Can’t have Zantar finding out his mate likes dark meat.”
Panel 3: A dressed Jean pulling back on a vine prepared to swing away. Blue is nearby. The other three still nude are laying down looking exhausted, maybe propped up on trees.
Blue: “Same time next week, Jean?”
Jean: “Of course and Wasse, bring some more tribesman. These tired too easily.”
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