47 The Blackchelor

The Blackchelor
An E&I Enterprises story
Copyright  2003 by Stormbringer
Revised 2009

This story was originally released in multiple parts. There are currently seven chapters with more planned.

Part 1: Kate’s Date

The Blackchelor was aired on E&I pay-per-view in June 2004

1. Case Dismissed

Kerry cried openly on the witness stand as Reginald Jordan stood to
cross examine her.

"Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury," he said, walking the
file up to the young preacher's daughter and black cock loving slut.
"I'll make this short and simple. E&I Enterprises is a porn company and
that's a matter of public record. Of course, myself and most of you find
what they do distasteful." Jordan was laughing inside, but outside he
had the perfect poker face on. The jury was clearly sympathetic to the
young woman. "E&I invested heavily in the Blackchelor including giving
the winner the prize valued at one million dollars. What has happened to
personal responsibility in this country? What, I ask? Kerry Martin
didn't have to do any of the things she doesn't want people to see on
the television. She states she didn't know she was being filmed. Well
Miss Martin is either a liar or an idiot."


"Sustained," said the judge.

"Pardon me, your honor." Jordan opened the file. "Is this your
signature, Miss Martin?"


"Exhibit A. This is a signed contract clarifying that Miss Martin would
be filmed at all times. AT ALL TIMES. It is also a release form
declaring that this reality show would be aired on television. Isn't
that right Miss Martin?"

"I didn't know it was a pay per view sex channel."

"Miss Martin, if you sign your name, then you're to blame." Jordan
looked over at the jury. "If she signed her name, then she's to blame."
He looked at her lawyer, the courtroom, and the judge. "If she signed
her name, then she's to blame."

"I didn't know what I was signing!" cried the young woman.

"Your lawyer wasn't there, so I don't care. When you sign your name,
you're to blame."

The judge banged his gavel. "Mr. Jordan, this is a courtroom, not a Dr
Seuss book. However, Miss Martin, when you sign your name, then you are
to blame. Next time have your lawyer present. This was a waste of the
court’s time. The law is clear, ruling in favor of E&I Enterprises. They
may air their little reality show. Case dismissed."

2. A Reality Show With A Twist

"Tonight four women will compete to get chosen by one man. The woman he
chooses will get a month long stay at the Trinibogo Springs Spa for its
patented youth and body enhancing treatment. This prize is valued at one
million dollars. What the women don't know is that the man they will be
competing over is neither rich nor famous. In fact, he works as a
gardener and occasionally in amateur porn as seen here on E&I pay per
view. "I'm Ann Dutton. You may recognize me from my E&I films such as,
"The Black Man Cums Thrice" and "Wendy and The Witchdoctor." I'm here at
the fabulous Holden Hotel in downtown Los Angeles." Ann walked through
the ritzy lobby and the camera paned around showing the courtesy desk,
bell boys, and guests checking in. "We've secured the penthouse
honeymoon suite for our "Blackchelor" and suites for each of our four
contestants. Our story will unfold here at the Holden Hotel and Los
Angeles over the next ten episodes. Our "Blackchelor" will spend a day
with each contestant. After getting to know each woman, he will
eliminate one from the game. We will then proceed to second dates with
our contestants after which, the next woman will be eliminated. The
remaining two women will go on third dates with our "Blackchelor" after
which he will pick the winner. The lucky woman will receive a month long
stay at the Trinibogo Springs Spa, a prize valued at one million
dollars. I'm your host, Ann Dutton and this is "The Blackchelor."

The music and credits rolled.

"I'm Ann Dutton and I already mentioned that our four women of non-color
are not aware the man they will be competing over is a black man. These
women have all been selected from backgrounds unlikely to have dated
members of a different race or culture. There's one other thing these
four women don't know. Our black stud will be paid ten thousand dollars
for each contestant he fucks on camera. That's forty thousand dollars if
he gives the big ole black snake to all four women. That's a lot of
money to a gardener. Lets meet our contestants."

3. The Contestants

"Good evening ladies. I'm Ann."

"Hi, Ann," the four women all said. The women were all stunning, in
their twenties, and wearing evening gowns.

"Well are you ready to meet the handsome bachelor?"

"Ready, Ann," they said.

"Lets introduce yourselves first. We'll start with you, Kate."

"I'm Kate O’Hara. I'm from Omaha, Nebraska where I work as a dental
hygienist." Kate was a gorgeous redhead with bright green eyes. She was
tall, willowy, and quite buxom for one so skinny. She had the pale white
skin common among redheads as well as the light rosy freckles on her
cheeks. She was wearing a sequined green dress and appeared nervous and
desperate, though she had a bright smile.

"I'm Nancy Hu from Honolulu, Hawaii. I'm eighteen. I just graduated high
school and I hope to be a professional surfer." Nancy was Amer-asian with long, straight black hair, and a deep tan. She had a cute, innocence about her and was shy enough she was blushing as she looked into the camera. Her dress was blue and strapless.

"I'm Kerry Martin of Topeka, Kansas. During the week I go to school
where I'm studying to be a social worker because I want to spend my life
helping people. On weekends, I help write sermons for my father who's
head of the first Baptist church of Topeka." Kerry must of drove her
father nuts. She was a blue-eyed blonde with the face of an angel and a
body designed by the devil himself to tempt men. Her dress was the most
chaste, ankle length and it covered her shoulders, but it did little to
hide her incredible figure.

"Hi, I'm Paris Holden and yes, my grandfather owns the Holden Hotel
chain. I'm twenty-three. I like to travel and attend parties. I do a
little modeling and hope to try acting." Paris looked directly at the
camera and her smile was dazzling. She was thin and had a models
slightly waifish body with small breasts and a magnificent ass. Her
dress was pure New York fashion show. The belly was cut out showing a
flat, tanned stomach with a belly button pierced by a real diamond. The
back was cut so low, the top crack of her ass was visible.

4. Meet The Blackchelor

Ann took back the microphone. "Well these are our four very lovely young
women. Lets meet our handsome bachelor. Bachelor, come on out." The door
to the motel opened and a giant black man walked out. The women gasped.
They had expected a white man in a tuxedo and had gotten a very dark
skinned, very ugly black man in jeans stained by paint and a tee shirt.
"Ladies, this is Mustafa, our lucky bachelor.

"Where, behind the black guy?" asked Kerry.

"Is this a joke?" asked Paris.

Kate's mouth flew open. She closed her eyes and wrapped her hand around
a cross on her neck. When she opened her eyes, she stood up straight and

Nancy looked shocked. She continued blushing, unable to look at Mustafa.
She stared at her feet.

"S'up? You is all fine looking women and I can't waits to get to know
each and every one of yous better," said Mustafa, walking around and
looking each woman up and down. The women tended to focus on his arms
which bulged with muscles and his tee shirt stretched so tight across an
equally muscular chest, it looked about to rip. "Well I seems to be
gonna spend one day with each of yous. Who wants to be da first?"

Kerry giggled. Paris snorted. "I'll go first," said Kate O’Hara.

"See you tomorrow then," said Mustafa, looking at her from top to bottom. "Nice."

“Thanks.“ Kate shivered under his predatory gaze. Mustafa turned and waved at the girls as he entered the Holden Hotel and headed to the elevator.

Ann stepped forward. "Well, what do you think of your mystery man?"

"I knew this would be some kind of trick. All these reality shows are
tricks any more, but I'm just here for exposure." Paris winked at the
camera and spun around.

"Yes, I want out," said Nancy. "I knew this was a mistake."

Ann smiled. "I'm afraid, you're all contractually obligated to play the
game and don't forget there's a prize valued at a million dollars to the

"He's different, but I'm willing to get to know him better." Kate looked
unhappy, but resigned.

"I'm afraid I don't date black men. My family isn't racist or anything,
but we do think the races shouldn't mingle. I'll honor the contract though." Kerry smiled sadly. "I think it's cruel of this show to toy
with that poor man's emotions. We're four women a man like him could
never have. We'll break his heart. It's like you went out of your way to
pick the worst possible guy. The poor man looks like a big dumb gorilla.
He can't even speak proper English.

"I can assure you all that Mustafa is quite gifted in other ways," said
Ann, slicing her hand across her throat to cut the camera. "And now a
word from our sponsor."

5. The Sponsor

The screen showed a black and white photograph of a beautiful young
woman in a cave girl bikini outfit.

"That picture is from a movie I did forty years ago. I'm Raquel Walsh
and this is me today."

The still disappeared to show the famous actress attired in the same
bikini in the same pose wading in the clear blue water of a Caribbean
beach. The woman looked nearly the same, maybe ten years older, but more
fit and with much bigger breasts. "What is this miracle, you ask? It's
the Trinibogo Springs Spa."

The camera traveled through rooms of a spa, mud baths, steam rooms, a
muscular black man massaging a woman, etc, while Raquel continued
speaking. "One month and one million dollars, the Trinibogo Springs Spa
will make you younger, healthier, and more fit. It will enhance your figure or give you double your money back. How do they do it? I can't say, it's a patented secret known only to a select few Trinibogons. All it takes is one month to change your body forever and there's
absolutely no surgery."

"Look at me," said Raquel, appearing in her bikini once again. "I'm
living proof. I'm seventy-five years old, but my body is that of a thirty year old. My breasts are bigger, fuller, firmer, and one hundred percent real. I burn off calories so fast, I eat whatever I want and I now look younger then my daughter. And the biggest miracle? I'm pregnant!" Raquel cupped her belly and smiled lovingly at it. The Trinibogo Springs Spa changed my life and it can change yours too. The fountain of youth is not in Florida. It's on Tinibogo."

"The Trinibogo Springs Spa."

6. Episode 1: Kate's Date

"Ready for our date?"

"Looking forward to it," said Kate with a forced smile.


"Kate O’Hara. Do you have a last name?"

"Just Mustafa."

Kate took his arm. "Well where are we going?"

"Venice beach. I hopes you is wearing a bikini under dat sundress."

"I am," she said, the producers having told her what to wear. "Wow! Your
arms are huge. What do you do for a living?" Kate squeezed his bicep as
they got in a stretch limo parked outside the hotel.

"I'm a yard worker on Long Island. Champagne?"

"Yes, gladly, though it's early," said Kate. She sat beside the
oversized black man, a camera mounted across from them filmed the
conversation. Kate let her bare leg rub against Mustafa's sweat pants
covered leg.

"What do yous do for a living?" The black man rested one giant hand on
Kate's exposed leg.

"I'm a dental hygienist. Smile. Let me see your teeth." Kate stared at
Mustafa's mouth. "They look perfect, no fillings. I'm impressed. You can
tell a lot about a man by his teeth. You must take good care of them."

"Not really. This your first date with a black man?"

Kate just nodded and fingered the cross around her neck. "I come from a
strict Irish Catholic family. Not that we're racist, we just never
thought about it. My dad didn't even care for the fact that my last
boyfriend was a protestant."

"You don't seem too upset."

"I'm not upset at all," said Kate, putting her hand on his knee.

"Venice beach," called the driver, an older white man, coming to a stop.

"I'll change in the car," said Kate, while Mustafa got out.

Kate sat back and rubbed her temple. She could have lived with a black
man, but good lord, did he have to be so ugly? Mustafa looked like a big
brutish ape. His skin was dark black. He had big, flat lips, a broad
nose and a short afro with sideburns. He was a full foot taller then her
5'6". His arms seemed abnormally long, helping to give him the apish
appearance. Plus, he barely looked eighteen and she was twenty-six.
Still, being confined in the limo with him, Kate had noticed a strong
very sexual animal magnetism coming from the black man which was no
doubt why her nipples were so hard right now.

Kate looked at her bikini top. It was very skimpy, made worse by the
fact her nipples were stretching the material even more. She still
couldn't believe she was about to appear in public dressed like a tramp
with a big ugly black man and a television crew filming her.

Even now, the camera crew, also two over-muscled black men, were
pointing the camera at the limo waiting for her to emerge. Kate gasped
when she saw Mustafa standing by the car. He'd left his sweats on, but
had pulled off his shirt. Kate had noticed he was muscular, but his
chest was even more impressive then she had thought. Every muscle seemed to bulge and was well-defined.

Kate pulled her sundress off and closed her eyes, summoning up her
courage. She opened the door and stepped out into the sun. One of the
camera men whistled loudly through his teeth. Kate faked a smile. "Well
what do you think?" she asked, as Mustafa checked out her body.

"Baby, you is fucking grade A white meat," he growled.

Kate looked over at the crew, but they were laughing and continuing to
film. She guessed they'd edit out his language. They were also busy
panning their cameras up and down her body. Her bikini was very small,
exposing a lot more of her tits and ass then it covered. It was also
light pink, which blended with her pale white skin making her appear
almost naked. High heeled sandals accentuated her calves.
"Well where to, big boy?" she asked.

"Hold on, lets me remove my pants," said Mustafa.

The big black man untied his sweats and her eyes automatically followed
his hands as they pulled them down. Just as Kate realized she was
staring right at his crotch and was about to avert her gaze, she noticed
he was bulging more down there then on his chest. Her eyes grew wide and
her mouth fell open with disbelief. Mustafa was wearing tight
swim briefs, that seemed stretched to breaking. It looked like he had
shoved a bratwurst and a pair of oranges in his briefs. Kate pulled her
gaze away and looked directly into a camera that was busy capturing her

"Ready," said Mustafa holding out his hand until Kate took it. "Lets
just walk around. I wants to show off my white woman."

Kate kept glancing sideways at his crotch as they walked along the
beach, the camera crew running along to keep filming them. The bulge
under his swimwear seemed to swell and shift a lot. The material was so
tight, she could make out a vein running down the shaft. On one shift of
his penis, the fat head came into view under the elastic. Kate looked
away before she was caught on camera and she noticed other beach goers
were staring at Mustafa's crotch.

Kate also felt a little pride. Her figure was easily as good as the many
fake boobed actress wannabes lying around. The only thing they had over
her was a nice tan to her pale skin which reminded her, "I shouldn't be
this exposed. Would you rub suntan lotion on me?"

"Sure, baby," said Mustafa, "but first, I'm gonna do this." The giant
black man pulled Kate into his arms and leaned down to kiss her.

Kate pulled away, but quickly recovered remembering why she was doing
this. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, then opened her eyes wide
in disgust as Mustafa clamped his big lips over hers immediately
thrusting his tongue down her throat. Kate pulled back, but he held her
tight. Her shoulders dropped as she resigned herself to her fate.
Mustafa started thrusting his tongue in and out of her mouth simulating
sex and Kate suddenly turned equally as disgusted with herself. She had
started unconsciously raising her hips up and pushing her crotch against
him. This caused his crotch to push against her belly. She felt his
penis grow and shift against her skin. It was truly a monster. When
Mustafa finally released her, she was a little dazed, though he was the
most disgusting kisser she'd ever met.

One of the camera men tossed Mustafa a blanket and sun block. Mustafa
spread the blanket out on the sand and Kate laid down on her stomach.
She reached behind her and lifted her long red hair off her shoulders as
Mustafa began coating her shoulders and neck with sun block. He
straddled her thighs and she could feel the weight of his penis and
testicles pressing down on her ass as he worked his slick hands down her
back. For what it was worth, it was a pretty good massage. She closed
her eyes and enjoyed the rubbing and the heat from the sun, pretending
it was a handsome white man touching her.

Mustafa's hands reached her ass. One big finger pushed her suit between
her cheeks so that her ass was fully exposed. Kate just laid there and
let the big brute have his fun. He squeezed and kneaded her cheeks,
pushing them together then pulling them apart. His finger hooked around
her suit and pulled it out of her crack. Instead of straightening it
out, he pulled it to the side exposing her crack. Mustafa poured some
sun block between her cheeks and rubbed one finger down between them.
She gasped and jerked as his big finger reached her anus. He was pushing
down so hard, the tip actually pushed in a little.

This was too much for Kate. She turned, struggling to get up and noticed
the camera men had zoomed in on her ass. Jerks, she thought, that wasn't
something they could air on television. She also noticed they had bulges
nearly as large as Mustafa's under their shorts. Were all black men
gifted in the penis department?

Mustafa didn't let her get up. He rolled her over on her back. Instead
of straddling her, one of his knees forced its way between her legs
until she spread them open and around his waist. Lotion soaked black
hands started rubbing her belly.

Kate looked at the contrasts between his huge black hands rubbing her
fair, freckled skin. His enormous shaft pushed hard into her crotch and
her panties started getting soaked with arousal. His hands moved up,
slipping under her bikini top. Lotion soaked fingers circled her areola
before twirling her nipples around between his fingers. Kate couldn't
help herself and she started writhing, grinding her crotch into his
shaft. The camera men were still filming and it actually aroused her a
little more at being watched.

Kate looked down her body and gasped when she saw Mustafa's penis. He
was fully erect and well over a foot long. His suit was some kind of
elastic material that stretched to accommodate such a large penis and
equally sized testicles. The material hugged his package like a second
skin. "Now you do me," he said.

Mustafa moved aside and laid on his back as she straddled his thighs.
He cupped his hands under her ass cheeks and pulled her forwards until
his erect penis was between her legs. Kate bit her lower lip to suppress
a moan as she poured lotion on his big barrel chest and started rubbing.
His muscles were so hard, she couldn't indent his skin no matter how
hard she pushed down on her fingers. Kate pushed her crotch down hard on
his shaft, thinking this might not be so bad after all. "Why you so
agreeable?" asked the black man. "I knows I ain't yo type."

"I need to win," said Kate, feeling guilty. She was so horny, she'd
forgotten why she was doing this.

"Why?" he asked.
Kate told him.

7. Kate's Interview

"How badly do you want to win?" asked Ann, seated on the couch by Kate

Kate fought not to cry and continued faking a smile for the camera.
"Actually, I hope to sell the prize. I rather need the money." The smile
dropped. "You see my mom's rather ill, she needs a bone marrow
transplant." Kate finally broke down and did start crying. "We don't
have insurance."

"There, there," said Ann. "You're quite attractive. I'm sure if you play
your cards right, this guy won't stand a chance.

"Maybe he'll be my prince charming, save my mother, and sweep me off my

"Maybe," said Ann, ending the interview.

8. Leverage

"Grab my cock."


Mustafa pushed Kate back so that she wasn't straddling his shaft
anymore. "Show me what yo willing to do to win this game."

Kate reached down between her legs and wrapped her hands around his
shaft. "It's so big. How is this possible?"

"That's a black cock, baby, and it's going to be your new best friend."

"There's no way it could fit in a woman."

"You're about to find out. We is gonna skip dinner." Mustafa stood up
and Kate continued to hold his cock until he was standing over her. "Why
don't you gives it a little kiss."

Kate found his obscenely large penis pointed right at her nose as she
kneeled before him. "What? Here? Are you kidding?"

"You wanna help yo mama?"

Kate nodded and brought her lips up to kiss the fabric over the
stretched cock head.

Mustafa smiled, pleased. "Lets go befo someone calls the cops."

Sunbathers stared in shock at Mustafa as the two walked back to the
limo. The giant black man might as well have been nude. His massive cock
stuck straight out before him with the elastic briefs stretched tight
around it. Even the white limo driver stared at it in shock as he held
the door open for them. "Leave it off," snapped Mustafa as Kate reached
for her sundress. He sat back and spread his legs. "We got a long ride."
When Kate didn't take the hint, he snapped, "Come suck my cock, bitch."

Kate felt sick to her stomach. She knew all about the bacteria in a person’s mouth and hated oral sex. She had only done it once with her high school boyfriend who she had thought she was in love
with. "But the camera?"

"They'll edit it out. Now hurry or I might start my date with the next
bitch sooner then I thought."

God, he was a vulgar man, but Kate smiled and kneeled on the floor
between his legs. There was one good thing about this, he might be too
worn out to try to stick that thing in her, but to wear him out, she'd
need to make him orgasm. Her instincts told her those big balls would
produce a lot of sperm and she'd risk getting some in her mouth, but mom
needed her to do it. "First, I'll do what you want tonight, but you
gotta agree that I'll win the contest."

"Depends whether or not you does a good job. You know what I'm saying?"

"I understand. Where do I start?"

"Ya starts by taking it outs, ya dumb bitch."

"You black bastard! Do you have to be so condescending?"

"Yeah, I do. And you is a dumb bitch. Tomorrow when you wake up a black
cock loving slut, you'll be a smart bitch. I don't care fo yo attitude
either. Why don't you address me as master?"

Kate got it. The worse she treated him, the worse he treated her. She'd
made a mistake telling him how desperate she was and giving him the upper hand. "Alright, lets get this over with."

Mustafa slapped her hand away as she reached for his briefs. "Never
mind. You lose. You still don't gets it."

Kate was stunned. Her hand retreated from his bulge and circled the
cross around her neck. "Wait, I'm sorry. Please Mustafa, my mother needs
this operation."

"You gonna quit disrespecting me?"

"Yes. Please give me a second chance? Please?"

"Please what, bitch?"

"Please let me suck your cock?"

"Little better. I'm still not convinced."

"Please let me suck your big black cock, master?" Kate sighed with
relief when Mustafa nodded. She was so worried he might change his mind
again, her hands quickly grabbed his briefs and pulled them out. The
material was extremely elastic as if it were designed specifically for
such a big crotch. Kate pulled it out, revealing his pubic hair and the
root of his thick shaft. She leaned forward as the waistband caught on
the head of his cock and gave his briefs an extra pull. His mighty cock
sprang up and smacked her in the right cheek before she could check it
out. Mustafa raised his hips and helped push his briefs down his thighs.

"Wouldn't have been half as big as me." Mustafa was sneering at her

Kate would have thought he'd be thrilled to have a white woman about to
suck his cock, but instead he seemed contemptuous of her. Kate got the
impression she wasn't the first white woman in this position. Hard to
believe? Maybe, but as Kate stared at it just inches from her nose, she
found herself lusting for it. It's manly smell filled the interior of
the limo and her senses until Mustafa's massive organ was all she could
think of.

"Talk, bitch. Tell me what you is thinking."

"It's so big. I can't handle it." Kate did handle it. Her hand came up
to squeeze the rock hard head and shaft. It was so hard, it could have
been plastic. It was bigger then a foot long by an inch. The shaft also
had a freakish leftward curve. In fact, his whole crotch had a weird
leftward slant to it. His left testicle was a big as a grapefruit while
the right was the size of an orange. "I had no idea there were cocks
this big."

"How many white boys you been with?"

"Just three."

"How do they compare and don't forget to call me master."

"One was maybe half a long and half as thick. The others less.
They...don't compare, master."

"That's why they is just boys. You is about to have a real man's cock.
You is privileged. Now starts suckin, we is halfway home."

Kate did feel privileged as she bent his big cock down while leaning
forward. She licked her tongue across the head, wincing as she tasted
his precum. The precum wasn't that bad and Kate relaxed as his cock
continued to leak large amounts of the substance into her mouth. His
cock seemed intent on lubricating itself, his precum rivaling her other
lover's entire orgasms. Kate quit licking the head and pushed down until
the end slid between her lips. She felt like gagging with just the head
in her mouth, but she suppressed her gag reflex and bobbed her head over
the tip.

Kate found herself bobbing her head more rapidly and tightening her lip
lock on the shaft to increase friction. Her hand was stroking his shaft
up and down. She couldn't understand why she was reacting as if eager
for him to orgasm. She was content sucking on the end of his cock.
Unfortunately, Mustafa wasn't.

Two meaty black hands grabbed the sides of Kate's head. She could feel
the strength in them and thought that if her were to clap them together,
her head would splatter like a grape. Yet, he never squeezed hard enough
to hurt her. Instead, he began controlling the bobbing of her head.

Kate glanced up the crooked black shaft and up the over muscled torso to
his face. He was still sneering at her as she felt is cock head press
against her throat. Kate felt like choking, then it was gone only to
come right back as he pulled forwards again. He pulled her head farther
forwards with each bob until half his cock was sliding back and forth
down her throat. Kate continued sucking half his cock. She'd done this
much with her last boyfriend, but his cock wasn't nearly as thick.
Still, he had enjoyed being deepthroated. Kate looked up to see if
Mustafa was enjoying it.

He was. The sneer had turned more into a dumb grin, but his eyes still
looked at her like she was nothing but a means to service his cock. He
brought the entire bottle of champagne up to his lips and gulped it so
fast he spilled some down his chin. Drinks like an animal too, she
thought suddenly realizing that his hands weren't on her head anymore
and she hadn't slowed down.

Kate continued sucking a little longer until Mustafa put the wine bottle
down and squeezed her head again. This time was easier as she'd grown
used to breathing through her nose. His bulbous cock head forced it's
way deeper and deeper down her throat. Kate stared cross-eyed
down his rapidly shrinking shaft until she shut them when she thought
his pubic hair would poke her.

Kate grew scared as his shaft started feeling even bigger in her throat
and she feared she might choke. To make matters worse, Mustafa was now
jerking her head up and down his entire shaft and she felt like a rag
doll in his arms. His cock head entered her mouth several times only to
shoot forwards back down her throat.

The next time it entered her mouth, her cheeks suddenly bulged out with
hot fluid. Mustafa's cock pushed back down her throat spewing semen the
whole time, forcing what was in her mouth to squirt out around her lips.
Mustafa filled her belly with sperm, then her mouth again. He slid
forwards a few more times until stopping with just the head in her
mouth. One last large wad of his black seed filled her mouth and Kate
willingly gulped it down. A bright light shown down upon her and she
felt illuminated as to what a real man's cock might be capable of. She
jerked forwards on the shaft so that more cum oozed out to roll on her
tongue. "How'd you like that, bitch?" he asked.

"It was good, master, she replied, blinking from the light and kissing
his cock head. Kate turned as she realized the light wasn't in her head.
The limo had long stopped and the driver was holding the door open,
looking at Mustafa's penis in shock. The poor white man looked like he'd
just seen his worst nightmare come true. Worse, one of the cameramen had
caught up with them and was shining his camera at her face, chin covered
in sperm, with her hand still holding Mustafa's still hard cock. They
might not be able to air the footage, but someone would end up with the

"Inside," said Mustafa, pulling up his briefs and exiting the limo.

Kate followed him stepping out of the car conscious that her chin was
covered in dried sperm. Plus her nipples were rock hard, poking out of
the little bikini top as cameras followed her to the hotel. Guests and
staff stopped and stared as the nearly nude couple walked into the
upper-class Holden Hotel, Los Angeles. "Penthouse," barked Mustafa to the lift operator.
Mustafa pulled Kate into his arms as the elevator started to climb. His
hands grabbed her ass cheeks and lifted her up so that he could shove
his tongue down her throat. Kate felt his cock start stirring already.
One cameraman had followed them in and taped the action. The elevator
opened in a short hall with large double doors for the Penthouse. The
deluxe room served as a honeymoon suite. The double doors were there so
the groom could carry the bride in. The cameraman didn't follow them.

9. The Honeymoon Suite

The honeymoon suite was bigger then Kate's apartment. Windows provided a
spectacular view of LA. A large screen television sat opposite a long
couch. Nearby was a well stocked bar. A hot tub was enclosed near the
bathroom by the windows so that couples had a romantic view of the LA
skyline. Cameras were mounted everywhere pointed at the couch, bar,
hot tub, etc. The bedroom was the only room, she'd been told would be
private apart from the bathroom.

Mustafa put his hands on her shoulders from behind as she surveyed the
room. His hands slid down her arms to her back where he quickly yanked
her bikini top off. "Are you crazy?" she asked covering her chest from
the cameras.

"Put your arms down, bitch."

“When are you goin to stop calling me bitch?"

"Soon. Now put your fucking arms down and call me master. I want you to
look at the cameras and tell the world what we are going to do in that

Kate not only dropped her arms, but bent to slide her panties down too.
Maybe, they'd edit this out or at least blur her privates when this
aired. "You all know why I'm doing this and I hope you will forgive me.
I'm going into this room to let this big brute do whatever he wants to
my body. I'm not going to enjoy it."

"Like you didn't enjoy sucking my big black cock?" asked Mustafa.

Kate blushed with humiliation. Without a word, she turned and entered
the bedroom to get away from the cameras and her shame. As she crossed
the threshold to the bedroom, her leg broke through an invisible red
laser beam.

Warning lights flashed on a dozen computers and several black men sat up
in their chairs and checked their controls. The women had been told the
bedroom would be off limits to cameras, but the contract they'd signed
read that they would be filmed at all times. A camera hidden in the
cable box focused on Kate's red pubic hair while one hidden in the fire
alarm zoomed in on her pink nipples. One followed Kate over to the bed while another caught a nude Mustafa strolling into the room with his cock rising to half mast. The film would be edited into one of the finest porn movies ever made. State of the art sound equipment recorded Kate saying with surprise, "You recover quick!"

"Bitch, you ain't seen nothing yet. Prop yoself on dem pillows. I want
you to watch my cock entering you."

Kate scooted back on the bed until her back was propped up. Mustafa's
cock grew a little with each step as he approached her and was fully
hard as he climbed onto the bed. Kate found her legs parting
involuntarily so that he could kneel between them. "Um, please go easy
on me...master."

"You gonna thank me later. I want you to see how deep this mutha's gonna
go." Mustafa brought his crotch up tight against her pussy and pushed
his cock down so that it rested on her bush. The shaft pushed against
her stomach while the tip ended above her belly button. Actually, left
of her navel given the strange crooked bent of his penis.

"Oh dear god, there's no way." Kate was nude except for her crucifix
which she clutched with one hand. Kate was afraid and nervous and at
that moment she hated herself. She wanted that dick. That big black cock
was incredible. She'd enjoyed sucking on it to the point she wanted to
suck on it again. She also wanted to know what it felt like to be taken
and used by a rude, obnoxious man who'd use her just for his pleasure.

"You be surprised what you can take." Mustafa backed up now, his shaft
slipping down her stomach until the head was between her legs.
Mustafa looked at his glistening cock head resting against her labia.
"See you is ready for me." He bent his cock so that the head slid up and
down her slit, coating it liberally with her juices. Mustafa then pushed

Kate felt herself stretch wider then ever before until what might have
been a golf ball entered her pussy. The head plowed deeper followed by a
shaft equally as wide. Her pussy hugged the thick shaft tightly and Kate
soon felt a tingling sensation everywhere his cock touched her insides.
The sensation grew as his cock continued to plow deeper. Mustafa grunted
as his progress suddenly came to a halt. Breathing heavily, Kate looked
down her body to see half the black man's shaft still sticking out from
her crotch. She'd taken all she could which was about the same length of
her last boyfriends penis, though Mustafa's thickness was much more

"Damn, that's a tight pussy," growled Mustafa. Kate watched his
glistening cock appear as he pulled back only to thrust forward.
Mustafa's cock head pounded like a battering ram against a wall. He
pulled back and hit again, then again, again and he was through.

Kate felt like she had just lost her virginity all over again. She
watched her belly rise and fall and realized she was raising her hips
into his thrusts. "Oh wow! This...is...incredible," she wheezed through
clenched teeth.

"Like that black cock dontcha, bitch?"

"Yes! It's so good. You're so big... so thick. I love it."

"I fucking told you so, didn't I?"

"I didn't understand...Ow!" Kate suddenly jerked away from his cock as
it scraped the sensitive area around her cervix. "Wait! You're too big,
too deep. It hurts." Kate squeezed her eyes shut as the last few inches
pushed into her.

Mustafa was surprisingly patient. He held his crotch perfectly still
allowing her to get used to it. "Dems sure is some nice tittys." He
contented himself to kneading her large breasts. Kate had rather large
nipples, but they were a faint pink blending in with her skin. Mustafa
squeezed her nipples between his fingers, little spasms of pleasure
traversed her body as he toyed with them.

It felt like an hour as she waited for her pussy to adjust to his cock,
but in reality it was just one breathe of air. Kate relaxed her body as
she released the stale gasp of air only to suck it back in as he
suddenly jerked his cock. This was not a gasp of pain, but of shock from
the pleasure she felt. Her jerked again and her whole body jerked with
it. Mustafa started grinding his crotch against hers, making his cock
move without withdrawing it. All the while he jerked it. Kate gripped
his wrist above hands still playing with her sensitive nipples. She
squeezed his wrists tightly, her breasts mashing into his hands as she
arched her back. Kate's eyes closed, her whole body shaking until...
"Cumming!" Her body shook and her hands slowly unclenched their grip on
his wrists.

"I'm gonna let you make a choice. I'm gonna call you bitch or slut. What
is it?"

Both were demeaning, but coming down from her orgasm helped make Kate's choice easy. "Slut," she said, shuddering as the implications hit her.
Kate's pussy was suddenly empty, the full again and a second orgasm had
her writhing on the bed.

"Time for some serious fucking, slut."

The next twenty minutes were ones of complete bliss for the young woman.
Mustafa's cock pounded her so hard, the bed was bucking. Each time the
springs lifted her up right into his slamming cock. "Oh god, fuck me.
Fuck me, master. Fuck your slut." She lost track of the orgasms she had,
but the biggest came when Mustafa quit fucking her. He buried his cock
as deep as it would go before it started pumping jet after jet of his
seed into her womb. The thought of being seeded by such a man so racked
her body with orgasms that she appeared to be having a seizure.

Later, Kate bit down hard into the pillow to keep from crying out. Tears
rolled down her cheeks and she breathed heavily. Her rectum gripped
Mustafa's shaft like it was in a vice. Luckily, he had heavily
lubricated his cock before pushing it into her ass. Once more he was
patient, letting her get used to the anal invasion. In a surprisingly
short period of time, Kate was pushing herself up and back into his
thrusting cock and loving every minute of it. She looked at herself in a
mirror over the headboard. Her face was soaked with sweat, her red hair
matted to her scalp and dried sperm flakes covered her chin. She could
see Mustafa's magnificent torso rising up over her up thrust ass. Kate
had a sudden thought and laughed suddenly.

"What's so funny, slut?"

"I was just... god, your cock feels good in my ass. I was just happy
there weren't any cameras allowed in this room."

"Lucky us," said Mustafa winking at the camera behind the mirror Kate
was staring at. Kate thought he was winking at her and winked back.
Mustafa rolled his eyes, looking up at the ceiling light with it's
camera probably zoomed in on his cock in her ass. He planned on it being
a very long night.

10. The First Episode Concludes

"And Mustafa wins ten thousand dollars," said Ann. The camera panned
back to show her bikini clad body as she walked around the pool at the
Holden Hotel. The three remaining contestants were sunning themselves in
the background. "Mustafa has picked Nancy Hu for his next date. Tune in
tomorrow for their date. I'm Ann Dutton. I'll see you tomorrow night."

Part 2: Nancy’s Date

11. Nancy's Interview

"Well Nancy, why did you want to be a contestant?"

Nancy looked at Ann Dutton, then quickly looked down. She blushed, very
conscious of the cameras focused on her. "Well, to be honest, I'm
looking for a sponsor." A screen behind Nancy lit up with images of the
young woman surfing the waves off Hawaii. Nancy was actually just a
mediocre surfer, but she had all the qualities to be a star.

"So you're hoping to get discovered?"

"Yes, that's it. I'm not really interested in the prize. Of course, if I
won, I might make enough selling the prize to sponsor myself. I don't
think I'll win though. Those other girls are so pretty.

"What did you think of Mustafa?"

"He wasn't what I expected. He's certainly a big boy...oops, I mean man.
I didn't mean that in the racist sense."

"We'll edit it out," said Ann, winking at the camera. "Have you ever
dated a black man?"

"No. Not that there's anything wrong with it."

"Haven't you ever been curious?"

"About what?"

"About the size question? Certainly you've heard that black men make
better lovers because their penises are so big?"

"No, I haven't. Hawaii isn't exactly crawling with black men. Besides,
that sounds like just a racist stereotype. I wouldn't believe that
anymore than I believe Asian men have little penises." Nancy blushed.
"Should we be talking about this on camera?"

12. Nancy's Date Begins

Nancy was impressed by the cameraman's physique. The black man was
wearing a tight tee shirt that showed off his muscular biceps. The
elevator had opened in the lobby of the Holden Hotel and Nancy had found
herself staring into the camera.

Nancy was an Amer-asian. Her mother was white. Her father was part
Hawaiian, Japanese, and Chinese. Nancy was a very pretty girl whose
exotic features pushed her into beautiful. She looked beautiful now, with her long black hair tied up into a pigtail and no makeup at all. She was wearing a long tee shirt which covered her body down to her thighs and flip flops on her feet. She had the deep tan of someone who spent long hours in the sun.

The cameraman followed Nancy all the way to the limo where Ann Dutton
waited and the driver was holding the door open for her. Ann was wearing
a scandalously small bikini, openly flaunting an incredible body. Nancy
noticed Ann wink at the black cameraman before she climbed into the
limo. Nancy climbed in, sitting across from Ann. A camera was mounted
beside Ann. "I figured I'd use this opportunity to get some sun myself,"
said Ann explaining her bikini. "But since we're both here, lets get
some more questions in. So, Nancy Hu of Honolulu, Hawaii, are you
nervous about your date?"

"Not really. I actually think this was a great idea to break the ice.
It's what I do for a living anyway, or will if I can find a sponsor."

"Mustafa wasn't really interested. It was more the producers idea. So,
if the date goes well, are you going to let him kiss you goodnight?"

"I might," lied Nancy, but she didn't know how it might be avoided.

13. Poolside At The Holden Hotel.

"Lets get some drinks," said Paris. The debutante was wearing a skimpy
pink bikini. She was very tall and thin. Her nails and lipstick were
painted pink to match her bikini. She had a long torso with a large
space between her panties and top, broken only by the large diamond in
her navel.

"Well, it's a bit early, but ok," said Kerry. "I don't think the show
will pay for our booze though.

"You forget, I nearly own this hotel." Paris waved at the bartender to
get his attention. "I don't pay for anything." Paris couldn't believe
she was a little envious of this Midwestern farm girl. Where Paris had
the slim figure of a model, Kerry had a porn stars build and she covered
it with an ugly brown one piece. What a waste, thought Paris. "Oh look,
date number one has dragged herself out of bed."

Kate was wearing the same bikini she'd worn with Mustafa on their date
yesterday. "Hi, girls."

"You look like the living dead," said Paris. Paris loved herself, but
didn't like the fact that both these women had bigger bosoms then she

"I didn't get much sleep last night." Kerry was also walking a little

"Up all night with Mustafa I see," laughed Paris. "How did it go?"

"He's a big brute, but we hit it off."

"HEY!" The black cameraman who had stayed behind after filming Nancy's
departure came over to them. He was wearing a black Speedo. "It's
against the rules for you to discuss your dates.  You'll have to go to
the other end of the pool," he said to Kate.

"See ya Kate," said Paris. "Damn Kerry, did you notice it looked like
the black dude had shoved a couple potatoes in his crotch?"

"I don't stare at men's crotches," said Kerry, but she had noticed and
her eyes followed the cameraman back to where he was sitting, flirting
with the wife of some businessman.

14. Back At The Beach

Nancy followed Ann out of the limo and found herself staring into the
camera of the other black cameraman. He had on another tee shirt and
arms just as muscular as Mustafa and the other cameraman. "Enjoy your
date," said Ann.

This beach was rocky and steps led down through the cliff to the sand.
Mustafa was down on the beach standing beside two surfboards thrust
upright into the sand. Nancy began descending the stairs followed by the
cameraman. "Good afternoon," she called when she hit the sand. Mustafa
was staring out at the ocean. He was wearing a small brief-style
swimsuit. His ass and back were so perfectly sculpted, Nancy had never
seen such muscles on a man, even on all the surfer hunks she hung out
with. And speaking of hung...

"S'up," said Mustafa, turning around. Nancy found herself just as
impressed with his chest. Her eyes swept down pecs, past his abs, then
she noticed his bulge. The outline of his monster penis was such a shock
she tripped and fell in the sand. "You sho you is a good surfer. I
thoughts you had to be balanced."

"Sorry, lost my footing." Nancy stood. She was only about 5'4" and her
eyes were level with Mustafa's chest. It was hard not to stare at the
black man's crotch. His Speedo left little to the imagination. "Ready
for your first lesson?"

"I guess, though this is one of dem dumb ass white boy sports. Standing
on a piece of wood in the water while a wave breaks over you and a shark swims under ya, ain’t my idea of a good time."

"Well, it's my sport and I ain’t white, nor a boy." Nancy pulled her tee
shirt off over her head, using the distraction to look down at Mustafa's
crotch again. Nancy was wearing a flowery Hawaiian bikini. It wasn't
skimpy, it was practical for wipeouts. Her breasts were a large B-cup,
but looked bigger on her fit frame. Every visible inch of her skin was
the same golden tan color. She threw the shirt in the sand. She caught
the cameraman panning up and down her body before turning to look at
Mustafa. Her date was also ogling her body. His gaze was so intense and
lustful, it made Nancy nervous. Much to her embarrassment, it also made
her nipples hard. They were quite noticeable through her top. She also
felt signs of arousal between her legs. Mustafa's sideburns and
oversized arms may have made him look like a big gorilla, but he gave
off strong sexual vibes.

"No, you is definitely not a boy."

"Thanks, I guess. Alright lets start. First, I'm going to show you how
to stand up on a board." The lesson took nearly a half hour. The two laid their boards flat on the sand and Nancy went over paddling to get past the break, then how to stand when you caught a wave.

Nancy was going over standing one last time when she felt hands on her
waist. "Can't we ride one together the first time?" asked Mustafa,
pulling her back as he kneeled on the board. Nancy felt his crotch press
against her ass. "I'm kinda scared of sharks."

Nancy quickly pulled forward away from Mustafa's huge penis. "You're too
big for us to ride together. And the sharks are just as scared of you. Lets move to the water." Nancy needed to cool off.

Nancy paddled out beyond the break following Mustafa and giving him
guidance from time to time. When they were out deep enough, they
straddled their boards. Mustafa's briefs left little to the imagination.
His balls rested on the surfboard while his penis stabbed upwards
stretching out his suit. Nancy found it hard not to stare. She caught
the first two waves, letting the black man observe her technique. On
shore, the cameraman kept his camera zoomed in on them.
When Nancy made it back out to Mustafa, it was the black man's turn. He
missed a couple waves, caught the third, but never managed to stand. He
ended up bodysurfing the board in. The next time, Mustafa managed to
stand and rode the wave all the way in. He high fived the cameraman,
then paddled right back out to Nancy. "That was awesome, dude," he
laughed faking a surfer accent. "The wave was too small. I needs to try
a bigger one."

"Hurry, here comes one now." Nancy turned to watch a large wave forming.
When she paddled back around, Mustafa had already taken off to catch it.
"Ease up a little, you went too soon," she yelled. Mustafa kneeled on
the board, then looked back just as the wave broke over him.

Nancy jumped up, kneeling on her board, but couldn't see the large black
man. She waited for a wave to pass, then paddled rapidly where he had
gone down. Luckily, he bobbed to the surface, spitting out water right
beside her. Nancy grabbed him around his neck. "You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, fine. Just had the wind knocked out of me."

Grab my board and pull yourself on it. I'll get us in." Nancy swam into
the froth of another large wave and was soon past the break where the
water was calmer. Her feet touched ground and she stood neck deep in the
water. "Almost there."

"Wait," said Mustafa. "Lets stay out here awhile."

Nancy stopped pulling him when she was halfway out of the water. She
turned and gasped. The big black man had rolled over on his back. His
bulging crotch was now level with her face. "We should head in," she
said staring at it.

"I just wants to spend some time alone withs ya. Get to knows ya. You
can eve touch it if ya wants."


"My cock. You been starin at it all day. Touch it, you know you is

Nancy was curious. "I haven't been... alright I was staring a little.
I-I just want to see it."

"Go ahead."

"But the cameraman?"

"He's zoomed in on us. Just move your body around so that your blocking
my cock from his view and you'll be fine."

"I just want to see it. I don't want to give you the wrong ideas or
think I'm teasing you or anything." Nancy was blushing furiously. "Just
a little peek."

"Just take it out. I like showing it off."

Nancy moved the board and her body around to block what she was doing
from the black cameraman on shore. "Peekaboo," she whispered, lifting the waistband of his briefs. "Good god!" she exclaimed, speaking loudly this time. Mustafa's penis had shot out through the opening like an animal trying to escape a cage.

"Impressed? That's a black cock, Nancy."

Nancy was impressed. The thick monster was more then a foot long. It had
thrust forwards past his navel, but leaning leftwards. In fact, now that
his cock was freed from his briefs, the elastic was hugging his balls.
The left one was clearly larger then the right, giving his whole crotch
a leftward tilt. "May I touch it?"

"Sure, babe. It's all yours. Do whatever you want with it."

Nancy reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. She actually had to
exert a little strength pulling it upright. "How big?"

"Right around thirteen inches."

"Jesus!" Nancy wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't been holding it.
"It's thick too, my fingers don't touch."

"It's as thick as your wrist."

15. Break for Commercial

The screen showed Nancy's back submerged in the water while Mustafa's
body bobbed on a surfboard. Ann Dutton appeared superimposed over the
screen. "Well, Nancy gets her first view of black cock and our cameras
didn't catch it. Or did she? Mustafa says she did, but he's got ten
thousand dollars coming to him if he can feed her some black cock. What
do you think? We'll be right back after these messages."

The screen faded and was filled with women playing pool. All were
dressed in high heels and evening gowns. "It's Only Natural" by Black
Phallus blared from a juke box. "Two, two, two clubs in one," said an
announcer. "The Zebra Clubs aren't one but two of the finest exotic
dancing clubs in one. One side for the men." The screen showed a crowded
bar filled with white businessmen while a beautiful girl danced nude on
stage. She danced past all the men waving bills at her to where a large
black man held up a single. The camera zoomed in on her milky thigh
where his black hand appeared pushing the bill into a garter.

"And one side for the ladies." A hunky white man danced nude on stage to
an unenthusiastic crowd of women. A few bills filled his g-string. The
man left the stage and a black man appeared dressed as Zorro. He ripped
off his pants and a huge bulge encased in a Speedo. The women went
nuts, crowding up to the stage.

"Friday night is amateur night. Win prizes." The screen showed happy
white couples entering the bar. The wives were girl next door types. The
husband's handed the wives off to a giant black man in a black shirt
with security written in white letters across the front. The black man
led them back stage. The wives appeared on stage in skimpy bikinis and
makeup, where they started dancing much to the delight of their

 "The Zebra Clubs, two clubs in one. Go to ww.zebraclub.com for a
location nearest you. Private parties, business lunches, amateur nights,
exotic dancers available for hire. The Zebra Club, it's two clubs in

16. The Limo Interview

The camera in the limo focuses on Nancy sitting beside Mustafa. Nancy
was wearing her shirt again. Mustafa was only wearing his briefs. His
cock was completely hard, his bathing suit proving to be amazingly
elastic. Ann was sitting by the camera across from the couple on their
date. "So Nancy, were you impressed?"

Nancy looked uneasy and was startled by the question. "Excuse me?"

"Were you impressed with Mustafa's surfing ability?"

"I was. Yes. Very much so."

"Mustafa, do you think, you'll try surfing again?"

"Yeah, maybe. If I pick Nancy to go on to round two, I might gets me
another lesson. And I mights not."

"What do you plan on doing the rest of your date? Dancing? Hollywood?"

"Naw, the beach tires me out. I was thinking we'd just take it easy." He
looked over at Nancy, who looked relieved, their date was almost over.
"We'll have a light dinner at the hotel. Then we'll relax in the
hot tub."

"How does that sound to you, Nancy?" asked Ann.

"Sounds great."

17 Nancy's Date: The Evening

"I'll wait here while you change," said Nancy as she and Mustafa
approached the door to his penthouse room.

"Now why woulds ya do that?"

"I thought you wanted to relax in the hot tub?" Nancy was thinking of the hot tub by the pool.

"I do." Mustafa opened the door and Nancy found herself staring at the
night skyline of Los Angeles. A tiled hot tub sat off the living room. "This is the honeymoon suite after all."

"Oh," said Nancy worried. She didn't trust herself around the black
man's penis and didn't want to be alone with him. Of course, she had the
cameraman to protect her, but the other black man hadn't entered the
room. "Where's he going?"

"The remote cameras take over now." Mustafa pointed to cameras placed
around the room. One was aimed at the hot tub. "If you don't like being
watched, we can always move to the bedroom?"

"No, the hot tub is fine." Nancy untucked her shirt and began unbuttoning it. Mustafa followed her example, pulling off his own shirt.
Nancy leaned down and untied her sandals, removing them. Then she pulled
down her shorts. She was wearing the same bikini she'd worn at the
beach. She turned just as Mustafa pulled his underwear down. "What are
you doing?"

"Getting ready to relax in the tub." Mustafa's penis was it's full
length, but soft. It swung between his legs, nearly to his knees. It
swelled a little and rose an inch as his eyes ran down her body.

"I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression on the beach today. I'm
not the kind of girl to fool around on the first date." Nancy put up a
front for the cameras, but she was secretly happy to see it again.

"Naw, I just see no reason to wear a suit in private." Mustafa stepped
up on the ledge to enter the tub. This made his cock dangle in her face
before he slipped into the water.

Nancy climbed up behind him and entered the tub, sitting directly across
from him. "This is nice," she sighed, sitting back and slipping into the
water up to her neck. "Hey! Oh oh, that feels good." Mustafa had grabbed
her feet and started rubbing them.

"Nice way to end the day. Turn around and I'll gets your neck." Mustafa
leaned up as Nancy turned her back to him. Her long black hair was in a
pony tail. She lifted her hair out of the way and Mustafa started
rubbing her neck.

Nancy relaxed as the black man's strong hands began rubbing her
shoulders. He adjusted her body, slowly pulling her back between his
legs. She came awake as his cock poked into her back, It slid up her
back as her body came to rest in his arms. She was aware of it pressing
into her back (and even more aware that he was flexing it on purpose) as
he massaged her neck and shoulders.

Nancy wanted to see it again, hold it, kiss it, fuc... Why couldn't she
get Mustafa's cock out of her head? She didn't trust herself around it
anymore. Nancy tried to pull forwards, but Mustafa had moved his hands
down her back and around her sides. He held her in place, his hands
slipping under her bikini strap and deftly unhooking her back. This
time, Nancy did pull away, cupping her breasts with her hands as Mustafa
pulled her bikini top off, tossing it far out of her reach. "I think our
date's over," said Nancy.

Mustafa lifted himself out of the tub and sat on the side. His cock rose
up with him, dripping with water and as hard as a steel rod, less then a
foot from her face. "The night's still early." He smirked, watching her
eyes follow his bouncing cock.

"Get my top, please."

Mustafa leaned down behind the tub and grabbed his shirt. He tossed t
underhanded and it fell right across the camera aimed at the tub. "It's
motion activated, so it's not recording us anymore." But three other
cameras secretly were.

"Oh! No, I don't care. Please get me my top."

"Nancy, please? You can't leaves me like this." Mustafa grabbed her
shoulder and pulled her head closer to the tip of his hard black dick.
"This is all your fault. You're responsible for making it get like this.
Now, you’re responsible for making it go down."

Nancy stared at the hard throbbing black cock before her eyes. Then she
looked at the camera covered by the black man's shirt. No one would
know. Her eyes returned to his cock. It was so hard and swollen. It
looked like he hadn't orgasmed in years. It was so large and unwieldy.
It must be very uncomfortable walking around with such a large erection.
Nancy reached out and grabbed it for the second time that day. In doing
so, she uncovered her breasts. "I still can't believe it's so big," she
said squeezing it. Nancy knew she should leave, but with the camera
covered there was no reason too. "How'd it get so big?"

"I tolds ya why on the beach."


"I told ya it was a black cock. That's why it's bigger and better in
every way to what you've had before." Mustafa smiled up at the hidden
overhead camera.

"It's hard to believe."

"The proofs in yo hands. Why is a hot surfer bitch like you holding onto
an ugly black man's cock? I'm a poor, high school drop out, gardener.
You find me attractive?"

"In some ways, you're the most attractive man I've ever met. I want to
help you. I want to make this thing go down."

"Do it, baby."

Nancy scooped up some water in her hand. She used the water to lubricate
his cock and started stroking his shaft. One hand steadied the base
while the other jerked him off. Mustafa was everything he said he was.
He was ugly, poor, and uneducated. Nancy was an athletic, exotic,
attractive woman, yet she felt a deep sense of belonging, kneeling
between his legs with his cock in her hands. Nancy switched hands.
"Water isn't the best lubricant."

"Use your mouth then." Mustafa cupped the back of her head and pulled
her mouth towards his cock.

Nancy saw the big round head growing larger as it approached. It pressed
against her lips until she opened her mouth. Nancy didn't particularly
care for fellatio, but her sense of belonging only deepened as her jaw
stretched wide around his cock head. She sucked on the tip, using her
tongue to tease the crown and pees lit while her hand continued stroking
the rest of his shaft.

It took so long, her neck started getting sore and her arms were tired.
Nancy continued to bob her head, letting his cock head push into her
throat several times. The big black man would grunt from time to time,
occasionally using one large hand on the back of her head to speed her
up or slow her down. His cock swelled and she could sense Mustafa's body
tensing up. His orgasm caught her off guard despite the signs. Nancy
half expected Mustafa to be a gentleman and pull out before blowing his
wad. Mustafa made no attempt to warn her. Instead, his hand actually
cupped the back of her head to hold her still. One second, Nancy's mouth
was stuffed with the end of his cock and the next sperm was shooting out
of the sides of her mouth.

Nancy was horrified to have her mouth full of sperm and even more
disgusted as she was forced to gulp the first wad down. Her bulging
cheeks deflated as she gulped, only to balloon back out as his second
wad filled her mouth and then a third. Mustafa pulled back on his cock
to make more room for sperm to fill her mouth. His semen rolled around
on her tongue and Nancy decided she liked it. The next time she gulped,
was willingly and she would have gulped more, but he finally pulled his
cock out. His hands pushed the shaft down and his last wad splattered
her breasts with semen. Nancy's tongue was already out trying to lick
more off her lips.

"I gots to go take a piss," said Mustafa, standing and climbing out of
the tub. "When I get back, we talk about where else I'll be putting my
black cock."

Nancy nodded. She was deathly afraid that his giant cock would rip her
in two, but a growing part of her wanted to fuck that cock no matter
what. Nancy climbed out of the tub. She retrieved a small purse, she
always carried, removing some mouth wash. The strong mint odored liquid helped clear her nose. The black man's masculine scent disappeared and she missed it. Her desire to get fucked by his big cock also started
disappearing and her fear of it's size started growing.

Mustafa came out of the bathroom, not only still nude, but his cock was
slowly rising to attention already. When he saw her dressed and standing
by the room's door, he didn't look happy. "Where da fuck you going?"

"I need to leave. It's been an interesting evening. I'm sorry, I don't
normally behave this way on a first date."

"You normally don't date black men, bitch. Now come get some of this
cock." He grabbed the base of his now fully hard penis.

Nancy found herself leaning forwards to get closer to it, but she
managed to pull back. "Not tonight. Maybe next time. Good night." Nancy
left wondering why she'd just told him they might go further on the next
date, assuming he picked her.

"Fuck," said Mustafa. He stomped over to the bar and poured himself a
drink, also retrieving a cigar. He made a quick phone call, pulled the
shirt off the main camera, and returned to the hot tub.

Not much later, the hotel room door opened and Kate O’Hara walked in.
"I'm glad you called." She was wearing a bathrobe which quickly fell to
the floor to reveal her nude body. "Please go easy on me, I'm still sore
from last night."

"WHAT! What the fuck did you just say?"

Kate jumped as he yelled. "S-sorry, master. My body is yours. I'll do
whatever you want."

"That's better, slut. Now come suck ma cock while I finish my stogie.
Then it's fucking time."

Kate joined him in the hot tub.

18 Episode Two Ends

"I hope you enjoyed episode 2 of "The Blackchelor." Ann was walking down
the beach wearing a skimpy bikini. "Mustafa failed to fuck Nancy Hu
tonight and thus failed to win another ten grand. Will he pick Nancy Hu
to move on to round two to get a second chance? We'll find out soon. It
looks like Kate O'Hara is fast on her way to becoming a slut for black
cock. If you want to see Kate and Mustafa's second night of fucking and
sucking, you'll need to purchase "The Complete Blackchelor" on DVD. All
ten episodes, plus ten additional hours of hot interracial fucking, are
available for $99.99. Operators are standing by.  Mustafa has picked
socialite and Holden Hotel heiress, Paris Holden for his third date.
Tune in tomorrow to E&I Pay-per-view. We'll see you then.

Part 3

19. Paris Holden's Interview

Paris was unaware that the camera's were rolling as she stared at
herself in the mirror. She pursed her pouty lips, winked one brown eye,
and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "Can we hurry things up?"

Ann Dutton rolled her eyes at the camera. This woman was completely
self-absorbed. "Alright lets start rolling. Paris…" The socialite went
from doing her impersonation of a female Narcissus to a picture of grace
and beauty as she stared into the camera smiling. "Paris, you stand to
inherit three hundred million dollars. Why are you doing this?"

"Well, to correct you first, I'm only going to inherit half that, my
sister, Nikki, will inherit the rest. As for why I'm doing this, hmm, I
guess I'm seeking my own identity. I've tried modeling and been very
successful at it. Shit, just look at me.” The camera panned up and down
her willowy frame. She did have a high fashion model’s figure. Paris was
wearing a black dress with the words, QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, across the
chest. "Now I want to try acting. My manager suggested a reality show.
It was this one or some dumb ass one where they put me and another rich
girl celeb on a farm. This seemed like the better choice. All girls hope for Mr. Right."

"What do you think of Mustafa? Is he Mr. Right?"

"I'm sure he's very nice, but this was a cruel joke to play on him. He's
so unattractive and low class. He talks like he's straight out of the
Ghetto and I hear he's a gardener. My family wouldn't even hire someone
like that to do our gardens. I mean you should be ashamed to pick
someone like that and surround him with beautiful white women. You go
and get his hopes up for women he could never have. Poor guy is probably
fantasizing about me right now. Anything else?"

"I think I've heard enough. No more questions."

20. Episode Three

"I wanted to go to the beach."

Paris sighed. She continued smiling for the camera mounted in the limo.
She also continued wondering why she was feeling so uncomfortable
sitting beside the giant black man. There was something attractive about
him. He smelled very masculine. Paris cracked the window and sprayed
some perfume on her neck to cover up the smell. "I wanted to do this and
your producers thought it was a good idea." Paris pulled out a compact mirror and checked her makeup.

Mustafa snorted. He wasn't going to fuck her on this date. He really
wanted to shove his cock down her throat or up her ass. That was exactly
what the rich bitch needed. Let her see the expression on her face in a mirror when a thirteen inch black cock is shoved up her ass.

The limo pulled up in front of a convention center. Fans and reporters
crowded around outside the door. The driver opened the door for Paris.
Paris got out and posed for the cameras. She was wearing a backless gold
top and a short white skirt. Mustafa climbed out behind her. There were
gasps and time stood still for a moment before the cameras started
flashing again. Mustafa was wearing jeans and a white tee shirt.

The reporters shouted questions. "Paris, why the bodyguard? Have you
been threatened? Do you have a stalker? Is your life in danger?

"This is my date," she shouted back, taking Mustafa's hand. "It's part
of a still unnamed reality show to air next year."

"What's your name? What do you do?"

"Mustafa. I'm a gardener."

"Think you got a chance, Mustafa?" The reporter's question was answered
by laughter from the crowd.

"Yeah I do," yelled the big black man.

"Enough questions," said Paris, and the two entered the building.

Mustafa's date went down hill after that. The producers thought going to
this charity event would be good publicity. He sat alone at a table for
two hours. It was a stupid gimmick event. Paris and nine other models
were walking a runway dressed as homeless people to raise awareness to
the plight of the home impaired. At the end of the show it got a little better. The models came out and decried that no human being should suffer the indignity of homelessness. They ripped off the dirty clothing, parading around in bikini's or lingerie.

"Yeah, I sho wants to put mah dick in that ass," said Mustafa watching
Paris walk past him. She looked great in her tiny bikini. She never even
glanced at him. "You gonna get my dick in yo ass, bitch. And that ass,
and that ass, oh fuck yeah between those dick suckin lips," he said as
other models walked by. Some fashion types at the table next to him gave
him shocked, disgusted glances. He gave them the finger.

Later, at a multi-million dollar Beverly Hills mansion, Mustafa had an
even worse time. The charity event hosted an after party. Paris barely spoke to him after the limo dropped them off. She was constantly surrounded, sometimes her friends would glance at him and they would laugh. Nobody would talk to him beyond a few polite words to prove they weren't above talking to an ugly black man. The only other black man present was his cameraman, Lucas, and he wasn't supposed to talk. The highlight of his evening came when he went to drain the monster and the cameraman couldn't follow to capture it.

Mustafa was pissing when two men came into the bathroom behind him. They
froze. One had a straw and a mirror. Mustafa glanced over his shoulder.
"You know, I is just a stupid nigga, but wouldn't it be better if you
just gave them homeless all the money you spent on that dumb fucking
show and this dumb fucking party. Not to mention that fucking coke you
is about to snort?"

"You don't have any idea what you're talking about," said one. "We help

"Yeah, we're doing good here," said the other. "We're raising awareness.
A real man shows compassion and helps others."

Mustafa finished pissing and turned around without putting his cock
away. Both men gasped when they saw his cock, soft, but over a foot
long. "How's this for raising awareness? Awareness the you two ain’t real men." He shook the urine out of his dick and drops fell on their shoes and pants. "Oops," he said as it started to harden. "Shake it mo then twice and yo is jerking off." Mustafa held his hard cock. "Either of you girls want to take care of dis for me?” The men stared at the giant cock, aghast and shook their heads. “I didn't think so. Next time you is with your bitches if you likes bitches, I wants you to think about what a real man has between his legs."

Mustafa left the bathroom as well as the party, abandoning Paris to her

21. A Word From Our Sponsor

The Picture showed a palm tree flapping in the breeze.

"Warm sun, clear water, white beaches, and friendly natives. Trinibogo
has it all."

The scenes rapidly changed showing a quick montage. A cruise ship pulled
up in the harbor. A seaplane full of tourists came in for a landing. An
attractive white couple in swimsuits walked down the beach. They passed
a shirtless black native. The bikini-clad woman turned to smile at the
native who smiled back. Tourists gambled in the casino. The camera
entered something called, The Bikini Bar, where all the women were clad
in bikinis. A black native and a white woman stood on a dock. They waved
at a departing boat as her husband left to go fishing. The scene changed
to the spa, where a white woman was getting a massage from a muscular
black man.

The camera flew over a beach filled with sunbathers. The camera stopped
at a clothing optional sign on the beach. A bikini top was thrown over
the sign. Nude sunbathers appeared. Beautiful nude woman had their
breasts and crotches blurred out. A white man lay beside a black man.
The white man was sunburned. A small ball was blurred around his crotch.
Everywhere from the black man's knee to his navel was blurred out.

A muscular black man waded through the water. He was wearing shorts and
an open Hawaiian shirt showing off his muscles. "I'm Devon, Governor
General of Trinibogo. Visit Trinibogo. Trinibogo really does have it
all. We're waiting for you."

22. Two Women Get Fucked

The screen was dark except for a slurping sound. The darkness cleared up
to show Ann Dutton sucking Mustafa's cock. She quit sucking and held the
base of his shaft, speaking into it like a microphone. "Welcome back
ladies and gentlemen. It's been a slow day. So far we've had three
episodes and Mustafa's only won ten thousand dollars by fucking Kate
O'Hara. Nancy's probably ready after sucking this monster off, but Paris
completely dissed our hero."

"I'll fuck them all," said Mustafa's voice off camera.

"And lucky me gets this big black cock tonight. Watch and enjoy, folks."
Ann stood up and spread her legs as she lowered herself over Mustafa's
bent thirteen inch shaft. "Oh god, that's so good." She easily took all
of him. "I was hoping I could fuck you again."

They were in Mustafa's bed. The tape was better indicating one of the
cameramen was filming and not just the hidden cameras. The picture would
zoom in and out on their crotches.

"Fuck me doggy style," said Ann.

Ann climbed off Mustafa's crotch and got on all fours as he sat up. The
cameraman focused on Ann's front as Mustafa pushed his cock in her from
behind. The camera moved forward, getting close and closer to Ann's
face. She grinned and the view moved down to show Ann's hand fishing the
cameraman’s cock out of his pants. It was light brown and around eleven
to twelve inches, but looked bigger through the lens.

Ann licked along the large shaft, smiling at the camera like the
professional porn star she was. She pulled back and took the head in her
mouth. Ann sucked for awhile, then suddenly rammed forward. Her eyes
widened in surprise as her lips nearly kissed the black man's pubic
hair. The cameraman panned up along Ann's back to show Mustafa had
started fucking her hard. The view moved back and forth between Ann
sucking the cameraman and getting fucked hard by Mustafa. From time to
time the view switched to one of the hidden cameras showing Ann wedged
between the two men. The three way continued for another twenty minutes
before Mustafa suddenly pulled out. His huge cock reared up between
Ann's ass cheeks and let forth a huge load of semen. The first wad
nearly hit the camera over Ann's head, but the cameraman ducked. Sperm
sprayed all over Ann's back concentrating on one side because of the
leftward bent of Mustafa's cock.

No sooner had Mustafa finished coming, then the cameraman panned down to
his cock. It pulled back out of Ann's mouth and the first wad coated her
face. She clamped her lips back over the tip. Her cheeks bulged out,
then returned to normal only to bulge out again.

"Yummy," said Ann as the cameraman backed up and focused on her face.
Sperm dripped down her cheeks, nose, and chin. "I hope you enjoyed
tonight's episode of The Blackchelor. Tune in tomorrow night for Kerry's
date. I can't wait to see what happens. Good night."

23. Hosted by Ann Dutton

"Oh that scene gets me hot every time I watch it."

The camera panned back from the credits to show Ann laying on a bed. She
was wearing a corset and crotch-less panties. One tit had popped out. She was squeezing her nipple with one hand and fingering her pussy with the other. "That didn't end my evening with Mustafa. We fucked and sucked all night, but you'll have to buy the complete Blackchelor special edition on DVD to see it. I didn't know it at the time, but there was another hot sex scene going on that night. That's also available on the DVD for just $99.99. Our operators are standing by to take your orders. Tune in tomorrow night on E&I Pay-per-view to see Kerry's date which is a hot one folks. For $29.99 a month you can subscribe to the E&I Channel to see hot interracial fucking and sucking 24/7. The E&I Channel will be airing The Blackchelor marathon this weekend. See you tomorrow night.

24. The other hot sex scene

Kate O'Hara sighed into her drink. "What the hell was wrong with her?
She'd surrendered her body and pride to save her mother, but found
herself wishing Mustafa would call. His cock filled her thoughts. She
shivered with yearning remembering the powerful orgasms he'd given her
the last two nights. A girl could get addicted to that kind of pleasure.
Two nights and she'd also surrendered her mind.

"May I join you?"

Kate looked up to see a giant black man standing over her bar stool.
"Isn't that against the rules?" she asked recognizing it was one of the
two black cameramen.

"No, I'm off duty till the morning. Name's Abe."

Kate put her hand in his outstretched one and felt another shiver go
through her body. Abe was big and muscular like Mustafa, but he was
better looking. Her instincts told her his dick would be big. God, was
she truly becoming a slut for black men? "I'm Kate, but then you know
that," she replied.

"You look like you're waiting for something, Kate."

"No," she said, glancing over at the phone. She'd asked the bartender to
put it near her in case Mustafa should call down for her. Surely, he
wasn't still with Paris Holden? "I'm just bored. Dumb show acts like
there's some kind of big dark secret and we can't fraternize with the
other contestants. Yeah, I'm just bored and lonely."

"No need to be bored or lonely," said Abe, putting his arm around her

"No there isn't is there?" Kate glanced at the clock. It was late.
Mustafa would have called for her by now. Maybe, he was tired of her? She thought of her sick mother and the thought frightened her. Maybe, he was fucking Paris? Jealousy welled up inside her and she was surprised by it's strength.

"Want anything for last call?" asked the bartender. He had on a perfect
poker face, but his eyes showed anger that a white girl would let a
black man put his arm around her.

"No thanks." Kate slid a bill across the bar to pay for her drink.

"How about we go on up to my room?" Abe squeezed her shoulder. "Watch TV
or something."

"Or something," said Kate, standing up with him.

"Let me grab my camera."

"Isn't it dangerous to leave something like that unattended?" Ann looked
at the camera and Abe just winked at her. He'd set the camera on the
table behind them. The lens faced where they had been sitting. She
noticed a red light was on, but assumed it was a standby light.

The picture bounced as Abe carried the camera. They entered the elevator
and Abe set it down. The screen just showed the wall of the elevator,
but it picked up the audio. "So Kate you ever been with a black man

The question caught Kate off guard. He'd placed his hands on her waist
and pulled her into his arms. She could feel his hard muscles under his
shirt and his even harder cock pressing into her belly. She wasn't
disappointed in it's size. "Yes," she answered.

"Ah, that explains why you let me pick you up so easily."

Kate didn't like that. It made her sound like a slut, but before she
could say anything he was bending down to kiss her and she was melting
in his arms. They kissed and Kate's hand went straight for the bulge
under his pants. It grew as she squeezed it.

There was a ding as the elevator came to a halt and the door opened. Abe
picked the camera up and the view showed the motel hall. They stopped at
a door.

"May I use the bathroom?" asked Kate.

"Sure, but hurry it up, slut." Abe smacked her on the ass as she entered
the bathroom. He set the camera up on the desk, pointed straight at the
bed. Abe moved around in front of the lens and stripped off his clothes.
His cock was a fat eleven incher.

Kate quickly urinated. She wondered what the hell she was doing in this
black man's room. He was treating her like she was a slut to be used for
his pleasure, but she had no intention of leaving. She saw why when she
walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh wow," moaned Kate when she saw Abe's body and his cock. It was only
small compared to Mustafa's penis. It would do nicely. Her belly
growled. "I'd like to start with a blow job."

"Listen, you ain't getting it yet. I tell you what to do and you do it,
but in this case I think you’re right. Come suck my cock, but strip for me first. Go slowly."

Staring at his cock, it dawned on Kate, that Abe was right. He would
tell her what to do and she would get what she needed in return. She
responded with the words Mustafa had taught her, "Yes, master." He seemed to like that. Kate slowly pulled her top up over her head. She
unbuttoned, then pulled her jeans down over her hips. Kate O'Hara stood
before Abe clad in her bra and panties. His cock had been sticking
straight out parallel to the floor, but now it rose a little pointing
upwards. Two days ago she had hated oral sex, now she half believed
she'd suck on any black cock in front of her face. Kate unhooked her bra
and was pleased that Abe seemed impressed by her tits. They were large
on her skinny frame. The panties came next and she made no effort to
cover herself.

"Not bad."

Kate blushed and her skin flushed from her breasts on up. "May I suck
your cock now?"
Abe waved his hand down towards his shaft. Kate kneeled and walked on
her knees towards where he sat on the bed. Her hand eagerly grasped his
cock. She examined it closely before kissing the head. "Thank you," she
said sincerely, looking up at Abe.

"Anytime," replied Abe. His large black hand grabbed the back of her
head and pulled her mouth down over his cock.

Kate easily took Abe deep into her mouth. He was easy after Mustafa. She
managed to swallow the whole thing, but couldn't keep it down her throat
too long without wanting to gag. She settled for varying the depth she
took his cock, sometimes just sucking the head and other times she was
kissing his pubic hair. Sucking black cock took on a zen-like focus for
her. She was so focused on blowing Abe, she didn't realize he was
inching back on the bed.

Kate followed him while continuing to suck on his cock. She had started
on her knees while he sat on the edge of the bed. Kate ended up on all
fours on the bed while Abe lay back. Kate wasn't aware of anything, but
the black cock down her throat until she felt another large cock push
into her from behind.

Lucas, the other black cameraman, fresh from having Ann Dutton suck his
cock while Mustafa fucked her, had walked in on a second potential
threesome. He sized up the situation quickly. Abe's camera was filming
the action on the bed. Lucas set up his camera from a different angle.
He then stripped and stepped behind Kate's up thrust ass.

Kate thought about stopping things then and there, but it was hard to
deny how pleasurable having two black cocks felt. There had been a
problem with her pussy feeling empty while she lovingly sucked on Abe's
cock. Now her problem was solved. Two black men would have their way
with her and she would willingly do whatever slutty thing they asked.

Kate came many times while Lucas fucked her. He came before Abe, largely
because his hard thrusts threw off her sucking rhythm. Strong spurts of
sperm filled her pussy and her body went wild. She gasped from a large
orgasm and found herself choking on Abe's semen. She clamped her mouth
tight around Abe's cock and swallowed what she could of his monstrous

"Keep on sucking it," growled Abe.

Kate did as she was told and sucked it long after the last little bit of
semen had squirted out. He stayed hard and was almost immediately ready to go again.

"Now come ride me, slut," said Abe.

Lucas' cock fell out of her pussy as she rose up and squatted over Abe.
She moaned as his cock filled her recently vacated pussy. Abe's cock
plugged her sperm filled pussy.

Kate bounced up and down relishing each time his cock pushed deep. She
continued cumming and a big one was near when Abe suddenly grabbed her
waist and held her still. Kate was about to protest when his hands moved
from her waist to her ass cheeks. He tightly grabbed each ass cheek and
spread them apart. The head of Lucas' cock began probing her anus.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" whispered Kate O'Hara as the black cock
pushed into her ass.  Her ass had gotten used to large shafts, but having one up her ass with another in her pussy was a different matter. Two cocks seemed to double her pleasure and soon, Kate was grinding her crotch down into both shafts.

The two black men quickly found a rhythm and fucked her hard. Sometimes
they alternated thrusts and sometimes they worked together.
Kate lost track of her orgasms and at times it seemed to be one
continuous orgasm that lasted forever. The forever orgasm suddenly
intensified as both men came again.

The three of them cleaned up. Kate showered between both black men. Kate
was exhausted, but she knew her night wasn't over as both men's cocks
quickly hardened again.

Part 4: Kerry’s date

24. Kerry's Interview

"So, what's it like in Topeka?"

"Well Mrs. Dutton," replied Kerry Martin, "It's absolutely wonderful.
Topeka could be the poster city for good Midwestern wholesomeness and
family values."

"What do you do there?"

"I help my daddy's church. Hi Daddy," said Kerry, looking at the camera.
"I help with church functions and pretty much anything to spread the
teachings of our savior, Jesus Christ."

"Would your father accept you dating a black man?"

"He'd welcome Mustafa into our church, but not into our family. We
aren't racists, but we don't believe in interracial mingling. I'm sure
he's a nice catch for a black woman."

25. Kerry's Date

Mustafa's dick had gotten hard the moment he saw Kerry Martin in her
swimsuit. The thing was, it was a lame ass swimsuit. She was wearing a
black, one piece with skirting to hide her hips. The woman's body was
built for a small bikini, but she appeared determined to hide it. This
Midwestern girl's figure would have looked good on the pole or on a porn
set and it was all 100% natural.

The limo ride to the beach had been uneventful. Kerry wore long, nearly
knee length shorts over her swimsuit and an open blouse. Mustafa wore
cut off jean shorts and a white tank top. They were mostly silent with
Kerry politely answering any question he threw out at her. The big black
man glanced down into her beach bag filled with a towel and tanning
lotion. He rolled his eyes when he saw not one but three bibles. All
were marked to show reference points.

Mustafa began to have doubts on whether or not he would fuck this one on
his first date. One good sign though, her nipples started poking out
through her swimsuit from her close proximity to him while in the limo.

Another good sign was that she continued to make surreptitious glances at his crotch after he'd stripped down to his specially designed swimsuit. Now she was sitting in her chair reading one of her bibles while Mustafa waded out in the warm California water. He tugged on his cock underwater a few times to keep it hard.

Kerry looked up as Mustafa emerged from the water. Sunlight glistened
off his muscular chest. His cock was huge and throbbing under a swimsuit
that was so stretched, she felt it might snap. What would her father
think if he knew what she was looking at?

26. A Word From Our Sponsor

“The Sheriff is a nig(expletive deleted)”. The black gunslinger Shame
returns in the newest novel by Lacy Lovelorn.

Former slave and now gun for hire, Shame took the job of sheriff and
helped clean up the town of San Mandingo. Now one of the men he put away
has been pardoned and is returning to San Mandingo on the noon train.

Will the townsmen who hate Shame because of the color of his skin stand
beside him?

Will Shame stay and fight?

What will the women of town do to save their husbands and themselves?

Read "Hung Coon" to find out. "Hung Coon" features the much anticipated
return of Shame. "Hung Coon" the latest bestseller by Lacy Lovelorn in
book stores everywhere. "Hung Coon" on sale now.

27. The Real Kerry Martin

Mustafa wolfed down his steak like the lusty man he was. Kerry had
barely started on her plate and watched him amusingly. "So," he said
reaching for another piece of bread, "what's yo plans for the future?"

"Missionary work. I'm not sure where yet."

"What are yo plans for after dinner?"

"I was thinking we could go up to your room."

Mustafa nearly did a spit take and looked at the conservative girl in
shock. "Why?"

"I thought we could pray together."

The big black man nodded. "We can do that." He was starting to think
this girl might be incorruptible. Still, at least he could get her in
his room and she did have a strange glint in her eyes.

The two cameramen followed the couple to Mustafa's door. Kerry turned to
look at them. "I see prayer as a private matter gentlemen. You may join
us, but no filming."

"I think we'll be heading back then," said one of the cameramen. He was already thinking about getting an early start fucking Ann or Kate tonight.

Mustafa opened his door and stepped back as Kerry entered. "Wow! This is
some room."

"Sho is. Course this room has several motion activated cameras in it.
The bedroom is the only room without cameras."

"That would be acceptable. Just so you know, all we will be doing is
bible study and prayer. So don't get any funny ideas."

"No, ma’am," answered Mustafa, funny ideas running through his head. He
showed Kerry the way to his bedroom. The room was supposed to be off
limits to cameras, but E&I had secretly installed many hidden cameras.
They came to life the moment Mustafa entered his room. Kerry followed
him in. She placed her purse on the table and removed her bible.

"Lets me go piss before we gets started." Mustafa walked over to the toilet and started pissing without bothering to lift the seat up or close the door. He figured that he'd do the old swing around and zip up his pants so that Kerry could get a glimpse of it. His huge cock didn't have as bad of a leftward bend while soft. He gripped it's base and a steady stream of urine poured out. As he pissed, a white hand reached around his waist and grabbed his cock.

"Let me do that for you," said Kerry. "My god, that big black cock is a monster." Her hand barely closed around it and she moved the shaft around watching the urine circle the tank as the cock thickened in her hand.

"You better watch it," he replied. Mustafa was surprised, but pleased.
This wasn't what he was expecting. "Damn thing is getting some steel to

"You mean it ain’t even hard yet? I fucking knew you were the one the
minute I saw you." Kerry watched as the urine flow slacked down to
nothing. "Here let me suck it."

"What do you mean, I'm the one?" Mustafa stepped back as Kerry swung
around and sat on the toilet. He got another surprise to see the
blue-eyed blonde wearing sexy Hidden Closet bra and panties.

"I knew you'd have a big cock. The others didn't." Kerry couldn't point
his cock towards her mouth fast enough. Her tongue flickered across his
pee slit apparently not bothered that it was still covered by a large
drop of urine. Once the urine was gone, it was quickly replaced by
"What others?"

Kerry licked all over Mustafa's cock head before answering. "The other
black men. They all had small pricks like white men." She pushed his
shaft up against his stomach and licked along his thick vein, down to
his balls.

"You been with other black men?"

"I've only been with black men. Four of them and their cocks weren't any
bigger then a white boy's. I knew you'd be big. I just had to get you
away from the cameras so I could find out the truth."

"How? And don't forget to take care of my balls." Mustafa winked at the
hidden camera behind the bathroom mirror.

"You're just like the men in my books." Kerry licked up then back down
to the base of Mustafa's cock and let her tongue run over his hairy
balls. "The left one is so big," she murmured. The left testicle was
bigger then both her fists combined.

"What books?"

Kerry buried her nose in Mustafa's crotch and inhaled deeply. "My Lacy
Lovelorn novels. My guilty pleasure. Several years ago, all her romantic
heroes became black men. I just had to try black cock after reading a
few of her novels." Kerry twirled her tongue around his cock head.
"You're just like the men in her books."

Mustafa laughed. "You ever done read Lady Chatterley’s Gardener?"

"I've read all her books."

"I'm the gardener. I do Lacy's lawn and plow her white pussy once a

"Really? You know Lacy Lovelorn?"

"Yeah, I sho do. Now shut the fuck up and start sucking some black

Kerry leaped to obey, sucking a good four inches into her mouth. She
wasn't used to a cock this size and nearly gagged. Her romance novels
had been good training though. Every one she had read, gave instructions
for sucking big black cock. Kerry relaxed her throat and jaw taking the
thick shaft deep into her mouth. Her hand stroked the part of his shaft
that she couldn't swallow. Her other hand kneaded his balls.

Kerry had never been able to risk buying a black dildo, so she had found
a thick black flashlight to practice on. It hadn't been as big, but she
had managed to swallow down to the lens from the back. Remembering
what she had learned from her books and sucking the flashlight, she
pushed forwards, ignoring the need to gag. The flashlight had been good
practice, but it didn't throb with heat and power like Mustafa's
superior black cock did. Nor had it smelled so incredibly good. Kerry's
skill was rewarded by a tickling on her lips coming from his pubic hair.
With that accomplishment, Kerry pulled back and thrust forward sucking
his entire cock in and out of her mouth as fast as she could.

"God damn bitch, you know how to treat a black cock!"

Kerry looked up and winked at him as her hand crept from his hips back
behind his ass. A loud slurping noise filled the bathroom each time
it rammed down her throat.

"Oh fuck!" growled Mustafa, as Kerry's finger pushed into his asshole.
Next thing he knew he was cumming so fast he was caught off guard.

Kerry's eyes grew wide as she felt his shaft pumping cum down her
throat. She jerked back quickly until the head entered her throat. She
had to know if his sperm would taste as good as the women in her books
seemed to think it did. Her other black lover's semen had barely whetted
her appetite. Her mouth filled and she whimpered with pleasure at the
taste. Kerry swallowed, but not fast enough and more semen shot out the
sides of her mouth. "Shit!" she cried, losing control and getting a blast of semen in her face. She clamped her lips back down over the cock head and swallowed several more mouthfuls of black seed. "Shit," she said again after he'd finished cumming. "I had wanted to swallow it all."

"I is impressed girl. I have never cum that fast from a fucking blow job

"Speaking of fucking," she said, stroking his cock with one hand while
pushing the cum on her face into her mouth with her other. "Lets switch

Mustafa stepped back and out of his pants while she stood up off the
toilet seat. Kerry's hand never left his cock until he sat down and then
only to pull her panties down. "I shaved for you." Her pussy was indeed
shaved except for a small strip down the center. "But," she continued,
"I wanted you to see that I was a natural blonde."

"I see. I see," said Mustafa, mesmerized.

"I wanted you to see that this blonde white pussy is ready for it's
first taste of big black cock." Kerry straddled his legs. She grabbed
his thick shaft and guided it up between her legs, moaning as it scraped
her pussy lips. "Make me a slut for black cock, Mustafa. GOD YES!" Kerry
slammed her pussy down taking his shaft deep inside her.

"Bitch, I think you already are." Mustafa grabbed her hips and pulled
her down until their crotches connected.

Kerry had never felt anything like this before. Thirteen thick inches of
cock meat hurt and she didn't have the strength to move off of it. She
sat there frozen, barely aware of Mustafa taking off her bra. A stab of
pleasure coursed through her body as Mustafa pinched one of her nipples.
Kerry had never seen her nipples so engorged and they seemed to grow
bigger as thick black fingers tugged on them.

The big cock buried in her pussy suddenly jerked causing Kerry to
tremble from another wave of pleasure. The pain was gone now. Kerry
started raising herself up and was soon feeling like one of the heroines
in her romance novels discovering that black cock truly was the best
cock in the world.

Kerry bounced up and down in the black man's lap for several minutes
before the first orgasm burst from her. After that, the orgasms came
quickly and powerfully. She lost the strength to fuck him and Mustafa
took over. He grabbed her ass cheeks and easily stood up without even
straining. Keeping his cock buried in her pussy, he walked out of the
bathroom and over to the bed. Mustafa fell forwards.

Kerry hit the bed hard with Mustafa crushing her beneath his hard
massive body. The bed groaned from their impact before it started
bucking as the black man thrust his huge cock repeatedly into her pussy. Kerry wrapped her legs around his thighs and sat back to enjoy the ride. She could no longer count the orgasms. Indeed, it felt as if she were having one long continuous orgasm. She was barely conscious when he pulled his cock out. When Kerry recovered, she found herself on all fours with Mustafa pushing his cock back inside her.

Mustafa started a slow steady doggy style fuck. Giant black hands
squeezed her ass cheeks and one meaty thumb worked it's way over to her
anus. It opened under pressure and Kerry nearly collapsed as she came
yet again.

Mustafa picked up the pace and was soon fucking her so hard, her
forehead was pushing into the bed with each thrust. Kerry lost it again
when a torrent of hot seed flooded her womb. It quickly filled her pussy
and squirted out around the sides of his still thrusting cock.

Kerry came to her senses. She was still face buried on the bed with her
ass thrust high into the air. She pulled her head up and saw Mustafa
returning to the bed. His cock was hard again and he was lubing it up
with Vaseline. "Is it time?" she asked.

"For what?" replied Mustafa.

"For you to fuck my ass."

"How you know I was going to fuck your ass?"

"The black studs in my books always fuck their slut's asses. First, the
woman shows her subservience to the black man by sucking black cock and
swallowing black seed. Then they fuck and after that the black man
completes his possession by sodomizing her."

"Hmmm, sounds about right to me," answered Mustafa. "You sho know whats
expected of you, but I don't see you spreading them ass cheeks."

Kerry reached behind herself and spread her cheeks apart as Mustafa
climbed behind her. "I want your cock in my ass, master, but I know it
will hurt. Please make it as quick as possible."

"Alright. It'll hurt, but the pain will pass. By the time, I'm done,
you'll be loving it."

"I know, my master." Kerry gritted her teeth as the big golf ball sized head of Mustafa's cock pressed against her anus. Her tight little rosebud began to stretch and was soon open wider then it had ever been. "Jesus, you're ripping me in two. Do it now!" The cock in her ass pushed in fast and deep. "Aaargh," she screamed before clamping her teeth down around the edge of a pillow. Kerry had never felt such pain. First her eyes were wide with shock. Then they were closed as she winced with pain. The color drained from her face and sweat broke out on her forehead. Her other black lovers had all fucked her ass and it had hurt a little, but nothing like this.

Mustafa was decent with her and patient. He held still, flexing his cock
every minute or so. Mustafa was impressed. Kerry had taken around ten
inches in her ass before his cock had met resistance. About the fifth
time he flexed his cock, there was a slight push back from Kerry's ass.
He began to slide it out.

One part of Kerry's mind was relieved when the black monster in her ass
started to withdraw. The head nearly popped out of her ass before it
slammed back forwards and Kerry slammed her ass back to meet it. The
preacher's daughter fucked him back matching thrust for thrust. "Fuck my
white ass," cried Kerry. "Fuck that ass you big black stud."

"Slut, you is a natural," growled Mustafa, bringing one flat palm
down hard on her left ass cheek. Kerry yelped and the flesh on her cheek
turned red. They continued fucking until Mustafa deposited another load
deep into her bowels.
Later, after fucking once again, Kerry made herself as presentable as
she could and left the bedroom. "Hallelujah," she said in the living
room, aware the motion activated cameras had turned on. "I really think
our prayer session did that boy some good and me too. I think Mustafa is
close to salvation. My daddy would be proud of me if he could have seen me in action in there. A few more prayer sessions and I think he'll be
saved. Amen." Kerry smiled and tried not to walk bowlegged as she left
the room.

26. The First Elimination

"Decision time, Mustafa," said Ann, dwarfed by the giant black man
standing beside her. "Pick who you're going to continue to date. The
last one you choose will be eliminated."

Mustafa stood up straight and looked at each woman. "Paris," he said.
The skinny blond heiress stepped forward. The three others closed ranks
while dramatic ticking was heard and close-ups were taken of everyone's
face. "Kerry." Kerry walked over to join Paris. Kate closed in beside
Nancy. Kate had started looking pretty confident, but her expression was
starting to waver. The pause was longer this time as Mustafa studied
both Kate and Nancy. Kate looked hopeful each time his gaze fell on her.
"Nancy," he said.

"Kate O'Hara is eliminated," said Ann. Behind her Kate fell to the
ground looking horrified and betrayed. "Why Kate?"

"I never felt that we connected," said Mustafa, coldly.

"I see," said Ann. "And who will you be spending the rest of today

"I think I'll start with Nancy."

28. End Of Round One: Epilogue

"That was filmed five months ago," said Ann Dutton. This time she was
clad in a skimpy evening gown in a studio in New York. Episode five had
just finished airing to huge pay per view ratings. "Viewers may wonder
what happened to Kate O'Hara and her sick mother. Well E&I Enterprises
paid for Kate's mom to get her operation and you'll be happy to hear
she's been recovering quite nicely. "As for Kate..."

The screen behind Ann came alive with a picture of Ann nude while a
redhead licked between her legs. "That's her eating my pussy in the
world premier of "Lesbo Chicks Discover Black Dicks," up next and
starring me, Ann Dutton, Long Dong Lamar, Rashidi, and introducing Kate
O'Whore. After the world premier of "Lesbo Chicks Discover Black Dicks",
we'll be showing my very first E&I film, "The Lifeguard's slut." All ten
episodes of "The Blackchelor" can be yours to own on "The Blackchelor:
Special Edition DVD" with ten additional hours of fucking and sucking
for just $99.99. Plus, if you order now, we'll include the "Must Have
Mustafa", a thirteen inch black pussy pleaser molded from Mustafa's
famous crooked cock itself. Great for all you curious women who have yet
to try the real thing. Operators are standing by. I'll see you on Monday
as we began our second round of dates on The Blackchelor. The Ann Dutton
movie marathon begins right now. Goodnight everybody."

Round 2

Part 5: Nancy’s second date

29. Round 2: Nancy's second date

The boat sped West rapidly cutting through the waters of the Pacific

Nancy Hu tried hard not to stare at Mustafa nor at the other black men.
The other two blacks were the camera men. They always had their cameras
running. One was pointed at Mustafa and the other at Nancy. All three
men were shirtless, wearing Speedos, and packing enormous bulges. Even
the boat’s crew seemed intimidated by the three large men.  

Nancy had jerked off and sucked Mustafa's thirteen inch cock on their
first date. She had never done anything remotely like that in her life,
but that cock had a way of insinuating itself into her mind. That had
been three days ago and she had thought about his cock every waking hour
since. She feared being alone with him as she knew deep down she
wouldn't resist his advances. Nancy couldn't avoid her date for long.
She turned and walked down the starboard side of the boat.

"I thoughts I told you I was afraid of sharks on our last date." Mustafa
ran his eyes down Nancy's bikini clad body. She was wearing the same
flowery Hawaiian bikini she had worn on their first date.

Damn! she thought as her pussy sudden gushed making her panties wet.
Her nipples also popped out as his gaze rested on her breasts. Her own
gaze kept falling on his swelling cock. "Hey, I'm a surfer. We face the
shark threat every day. All you can do is ignore it."

"Black men hates the water."

The Captain's voice came out over the intercom. "I think we got a great
white on the fish finder. Lets suit our guests up."

"Lets do it," said Nancy. She and Mustafa headed over to the shark cages
where two crew men were checking the scuba gear. Other crewmen started
dropping chum off the back of the ship as the boat began to circle the

Mustafa was so big, he had to sit as the crewmen strapped the tank onto
the back of his massive chest. Nancy had scuba dived before and easily
put her own gear on over her bikini.

The Captain cut the motor and soon joined the crew. He ran a shark
touring tourist attraction which the Blackchelor producers had paid for
as one of the dates. "Nervous?" asked the Captain.

"Scared shitless," said the giant black man looking straight into a

"These things are perfectly safe. Sharktours has only lost a dozen or so
customers in the year we've been open." The Captain winked at the
camera. "Lower the cage," he ordered. The crewman swung the cage out the
side of the ship and lowered it into the water. "When you're ready to
come up, press the button in the cage."

The crewman helped Nancy first. She stepped out on to the submerged cage
and jumped through a hole in the top. Mustafa followed. As soon as they
were underwater, Lucas the cameraman suited up. He was going under in a
second cage to film Mustafa and Nancy with a underwater camera.

30. Shark Repellant

It was tight in the cage. Mustafa grabbed Nancy's hips and maneuvered
her in front of him. His cock pressed into her ass and it hardened.

A ghostly shape appeared in the distance. The shark turned for the cage.
The couple watched as some chum being tossed from the ship sank before
the cage. The shark sped up and grabbed the chum right before their eyes. It wasn't a great white, but was daunting none the less. Other sharks showed up attracted by the scent in the water.

Nancy had wanted pictures and wasn't aware one of the cameramen was now
filming them from another cage. She had bought an underwater camera and
started snapping some pictures. She was relieved when Mustafa quit
pressing his crotch against her ass, but he was just freeing his now
rock hard cock. Lucas filmed him taking his cock out as a shark swam
before the camera.

The other sharks rapidly scattered as the great white appeared. It swam
right for the cage gnashing it's teeth against the bars until it turned
to grab another piece of chum. Nancy cringed into Mustafa who was
cringing himself. His cock poked her.

Mustafa tapped her shoulder. He pointed at the camera. She handed it to
him and he took some pictures of the shark swimming past. Nancy felt him
grab her wrist. He pulled it back and she grabbed his cock as he poked
it against her. He snapped a picture of her hand wrapped around his
shaft before handing the camera back.

Nancy's hand automatically started stroking the cock in her hand without
even glancing down at it. She was enraptured of the large predatory
forms swimming around them. The great white circled the boat. Each time
it passed the cage it took a frustrated bite at the bars. It quit
circling each time fresh chum hit the water. Other sharks swam around
the larger predator waiting for a chance to grab it's leftovers.

Mustafa's hand rested on her belly. He slid his hand up and under her
bikini top. Her nipple was already a hard little nub. He squeezed it.
Nancy's hand sped up as it stroked his shaft. If she hadn't had the air
tanks on her back, she would have fallen back against Mustafa's chest. His cock pulsed in her hand as the giant shark swam past again.

Nancy remembered holding Mustafa's black cock in the hot tub the other
night. She missed being able to examine it up close. She missed sucking
on it. She missed feeling it pumping semen and the taste of his hot
sperm filling her mouth to overflowing. Most of all, she missed the

The sharks went crazy as the boat crew threw the last of the chum in the
water. The great white nearly rammed the cage in a race to grab a dead
fish. Nancy felt Mustafa's cock jerk in her hand. She looked down to see
an expanding white cloud billowing out from his cock head as his balls
continued to pump sperm. The giant shark reared away from the cloud
shaking it's nose. The other sharks turned from the semen cloud and swam
quickly away.

Nancy was in awe of the surreal event. She turned around, looking for
more sharks as the cage shifted and began to rise. Nancy saw the second
cage with it's occupant filming them with an underwater camera. Her
cheeks flushed as she realized she had been observed jerking Mustafa
off. At least they would never be able to show what she had done on

31. Commercial

"Hi, I'm Ann Dutton, host of "The Blackchelor. It seems a woman can't
even resist black cock when they're surrounded by sharks!"

The screen showed the underwater image of Nancy's hand wrapped around
Mustafa's shaft. The screen cleared and panned down to Ann Dutton. She was naked and masturbating. The camera zoomed in on her pussy lips spread wide by a black dildo.

"But what do you do when there's no black cocks around? Buy a temp
model." Ann pulled the large dildo out of her pussy. It glistened with
her juices. The hard plastic had a leftward curve. "This is the Must
Have Mustafa. A realistic dildo of a black cock molded from Mustafa's
very own thirteen inch dick. I can be yours too for only $29.99. Call
the toll free number below.

32 That Night

"So you two, any chance for romance?" Ann Dutton held the microphone
before Mustafa and Nancy.

The odd couple, a giant ugly black man and a beautiful Amer-Asian girl
had eaten a quick meal, filmed for the show by Lucas. They were holding
hands as Ann met them it the Holden Hotel lobby. Nancy looked at the
camera and leaned into the microphone. "Anything's possible Ann. Mustafa
is like no man I've ever met before."

"Right on," said Mustafa.

"Well then, I'll leave you two alone." Ann stepped back as Mustafa and
Nancy entered the hotel elevator. The cameramen stayed with Ann.

Nancy found herself in Mustafa's arms the moment the elevator doors
closed. His huge hands clenched her buttocks and pulled her tight
against his swelling cock. She looked up into his ugly face and wondered
why this man so excited her. He practically lifted her off her feet as
their lips met. The continued kissing as the elevator reached the top
floor. He did lift her off her feet long enough for her to wrap her legs
around his waist. Mustafa carried her to the honeymoon suite.

The big black man opened the door and entered the suite. Motion
activated cameras placed by the reality show came on and filmed them.
They continued kissing as Mustafa tried unbuttoning Nancy's blouse. His
big fingers fumbled and he gave up. Mustafa ripped her shirt open.

Mustafa lifted Nancy off of him and set her down on her feet. He pushed her to her knees before his crotch. He undid his pants and pulled the zipper down. His bulge stretched out his underwear as he freed it. Mustafa flipped his underwear down over his crotch freeing his massive black cock. "Come suck it," he ordered, grabbing the back of her head.

"Oh god yes," she answered eagerly. Nancy moved forward and buried her
nose in his crotch inhaling deeply. She moaned as his manly scent filled
her nostrils. She then kissed his scrotum and licked up his huge shaft.
She twirled her tongue around the head and was about to take him in her
mouth when she noticed the camera filming this. "Not here." She kissed
his cock head.

"Suck it, bitch!"

"Cameras," she whispered. "Lets go to the bedroom.

"Alright. Hurry it up." Mustafa grabbed her hand and pulled her to her

Nancy followed him into the bedroom. She and all the contestants
believed this room was camera free, but dozens of high tech hidden
cameras came on the second they entered the room. Most were pointed at
the bed. Their signed contracts stated that they would be filmed at all
times. She was on his cock the moment he shut the door.

Mustafa calmly removed his shirt as Nancy crammed his cock down her
throat. He'd seen women react like this before. She had a strong sense
of smell and his pheromones were having a stronger then usual effect on
her. She never stopped sucking his cock as she helped him step out of
his pants. Nancy paused long enough to say, "I love sucking-" she kissed
the top- "this cock (kiss), but I want to see (kiss) how much will
(kiss) fit in my pussy." She kissed it again then resumed sucking.

"Just sucks it woman. You''ll get it in yo pussy tonight."

"If it (kiss) will fit."

"It'll fit." Mustafa tired of bantering with her. He placed one baseball
mitt-sized hand on her head and started guiding her head as he forced
more of his cock down her throat.

Nancy bobbed her head as rapidly as she could. His cock swelled and she
began to moan in anticipation. The desire to taste his cum was as strong
as any desire to taste ice cream or anything else.

Nancy skillfully estimated the exact time he was about to blow. She
backed up so that just the head was in her mouth. She vowed not to waste
a precious drop. His first wad broke her vow. One moment her mouth was
around his cock head. The next sperm was squirting out the sides of her
mouth. She gulped trying to swallow as much as she could, but Mustafa's
succeeding three wads each overwhelmed her mouth. After that she suckled
on it while his cock pumped at least ten smaller wads of semen down her
throat. Her hand pumped his shaft while her other hand massaged his
balls. She wanted to make sure she got every bit.

"Go gets yo-self cleaned up." Mustafa pulled back and sat down on the

Nancy entered the bathroom. She wiped the sperm off her face. The amount
coating her cheeks and chin was more then any of her white or Hawaiian
ex-boyfriends had ever ejaculated during several sex sessions. Mustafa's
balls produced lots of semen. Her mind pictured the sperm cloud that had
erupted from his cock in the ocean. She could still taste the richness
of his semen in her mouth. His sperm must be quite potent and she wasn't
on birth control. She rinsed her mouth with some mouthwash.

Nancy left the bathroom. Mustafa was lying on the bed spread eagled. His
thirteen inch cock rested on the bed between his thighs like a third
leg. "Strip yo-self."

Nancy removed her torn blouse. She hoped he might recover by the
morning. His cock swelled and rose a little as she removed her bra. As
she took her pants off, the leftward leaning cock rested on his left
thigh. Once she slid her panties off, his cock smacked his rock hard
stomach with a loud thunk. His monster cock was as hard as she'd ever
seen it. "How can this be? You've cum twice today already."

"Baby, you gots a lot to learn about black men. I plan on cumming another five times tonight or so. Sound good?"

"God, yes," she moaned. Her nipples were so hard they ached and her
pussy was wet with desire. "But I'm not on birth control. Could you
where a condom?"

"You still gonna fuck me ifs I say no?"

Nancy scrunched her face up with frustration. "Yes,” she said, relaxing her face. "I'll still fuck you."

"Good, but I respects you baby. I'll wear a rubber." Mustafa reached in
the drawer beside the bed. He pulled out a condom packet. The packet
read, Black Magnums. The packet and the condom itself were black. The
rubber was so long, she could have blown it up and made a balloon animal
with it. Mustafa rolled it down his shaft. The semen receptacle was no
bigger then on a normal condom, but Nancy didn't notice. The receptacle
also had a tiny hole in it. It was designed to burst with the first wad.
"Climb aboard."

Nancy gulped as she stared at his long shaft. She climbed on to the bed
and straddled Mustafa's legs. She had to squat over his crotch. Mustafa
guided his cock head to her pussy lips. Nancy felt the tip pressing
against her slit. She lowered herself. The fat head pushed her labia
inwards before she opened up for it. "Ugh," she grunted as the head
pushed inwards. The thick shaft stretched her wider then ever.

"Let's rip off that Band-Aid, baby."

"Huh?" asked Nancy, working his cock head around a little. Mustafa
grabbed her hips and pulled down as he bucked his hips. Nancy yelled
something that sounded like, "gack" as nearly nine inches of fat black
cock forced it's way into her pussy. Nancy's head fell forward. She
breathed deeply as her pussy stretched around his shaft. Mustafa's hands
were holding her in place. He released her and she slowly slid down the
remaining four inches of his cock. She fell forward on to his chest and

Nancy slowly recovered to an intensely pleasurable feeling in her pussy.
Impatient, Mustafa had slowly started fucking her removing just an inch
or so of cock from her. "Oh yes," she moaned.

"Like that do you?" Mustafa held her still as she raised herself off his
chest. He held her breasts near his mouth and sucked on her nipples.
Nancy's moans started increasing in frequency.

"More, fuck me more," she begged, sitting up. Nancy started riding his black cock for all she was worth. "Gonna cum," she cried before having a large orgasm. "Oh god, gonna have another one. Cum...ming! So good. Here comes...another. Can't... stop...cumming."

"Gonna change your name from Hu to Ho cause you sure is a ho for a big
black cock."

"You might be right," gasped Nancy. She rode Mustafa's cock for a good
fifteen minutes. She lost track of the orgasms the mighty shaft had
given her. Her strength gave out before his cock did.  Nancy collapsed
on Mustafa's broad chest. Mustafa was used to this. His beefy hands
lifted her ass up and he took over fucking her. Getting fucked by the
black man still felt incredibly good, but Nancy didn't think she could
cum any more. She was wrong.

Mustafa started grunting. His cock jerked from time to time and it
swelled even bigger. His cock head was firmly wedged in her womb when it
sprayed it's first wad of semen. Nancy barely had time to register that
the condom must have burst as her pussy filled with Mustafa's hot seed.
Her womb flooded with sperm triggering Nancy to have an orgasm that had
her seeing stars. She would never ask Mustafa to cover his magnificent
cock with a rubber again.

That was just the start of Nancy's black taking. By dawn, she had
swallowed another load of sperm, had her pussy flooded twice more, and
he'd even broken in her ass. She could barely walk as she got dressed.
Mustafa was half asleep on the bed. "So my little Hawaiian whore, are
you a slut for my black cock?"

"Yes, Mustafa."

"Prove it. No one will ever know we fucked," he murmured, knowing half a
dozen cameras were filming them. "When you leave the room, tell the
world what you are."

"You mean on camera? I can't do that."

"Why not? You know they can't air it on television."

"All right. Good night." Nancy paused. She wanted to tell him something.
She felt like telling him she loved him, but is that even possible after
one night? "Good night," she said again.

"Good night, Nancy Ho," muttered Mustafa as he fell asleep.

Nancy walked out into the living room of the suite. The motion activated
camera came on when it detected her. She looked at the camera. "I'm
Nancy and I'm a slut for Mustafa's big black cock." She smiled knowing they could never air that on television.

33. Your Host Ann Dutton

"Well ladies and gentlemen, it appears Nancy the surfer has caught the
biggest swell of her life and Mustafa has won another ten grand. Mustafa
has now nailed three of the four contestants. Only rich bitch, Paris
Holden remains unaware that she's a slut for black cock. Will Mustafa be
the one to educate her? Keep watching to find out."

"The entire season one of The Blackchelor can be yours on DVD for just
$99.99. Order now. Our operators are standing by.

Tune in tomorrow night for Mustafa's second date with Kerry Martin. I'm
Ann Dutton and you've been watching "The Blackchelor."

Part 6: Kerry’s Second Date

34. Charity Work

Ann held the microphone to her mouth. "Now Kerry Martin, it was you who
asked the producers to do this as one of your dates."

The sound of a power saw and hammering held up Kerry's response for a
moment. "Yes Ann, Habitat For The Home Impaired is one of my favorite
charities. They build nearly 1000 homes a year for the poor and
disadvantaged. It's also been good training for me for when I do some
missionary work. You know building churches and such."

"That's wonderful, Kerry. Have you decided where you might do your
missionary service?"

Kerry smiled and quickly glanced at Mustafa. The giant black man was
shirtless and sweaty. He was raising a framed wall all by himself. His
muscles strained and glistened in the sun. "I'm considering Africa,

"Good for you. I'll let you get back to work then."
Ann walked over to where Mustafa was holding the wall up while other
workers nailed it in place. "You enjoying your date, Mustafa?"

"Yeah, Ann. I is enjoying it. It feels good to do sumptin to helps
people. I come from a poor background you know."

"Well keep up the good work."

35. Join Black's Gym

"Hi, I'm Marcus Black."

"And I'm Darren Brown."

"We're the owners of Black's Gym and we specialize in physical fitness.
At Black's Gym we take a hands on approach to physical fitness. Let's
hear from some satisfied customers."

"I went to Black's gym to lose weight before my wedding. Marcus Black
took one look at me and offered to become my personal trainer. Thanks to
his stretching exercises, I now look like this." Cut to picture of
blonde in bikini.

"I didn't like to exercise, but my trainer had me coming back for more."
Cut to picture of red head in bikini.

"I'm Laetitia Chaste and in between modeling shoots for Hidden Closet
and Sports Photographed, I work out a Black's Gym to stay in shape.
Pictures appeared of the world famous supermodel working out, then
climbing out of an Olympic sized pool wearing a bikini.

"That was me then, a 98 pound weakling. And this is me now." The
photograph of the skinny black kid was replaced by a muscular giant
wearing nothing but an overstretched brief. Now I'm a trainer at the
Black's Gym in Denver and I want to give you a work out."

36. During and After Dinner

"I assume we is having a major prayer session tonight." Mustafa cracked
open the lobster tail with his beefy fingers and scooped out the meat.

"I'll start on my knees and we'll say our prayers all night." Kerry
blushed as she pecked at her salad. She hoped no one who watched this
would guess her double entendre.

"I'd like Abe and Lucas to join us."

"No thanks," said Abe the cameraman, unaware that Kerry was a secret

"You're gonna join us," growled Mustafa. "And so will Lucas."

"All three of you?" Kerry's eyes were wide open.

"The more people praying the better." Mustafa winked at her.

"Of course," Kerry gasped already getting wet at the thought. The only
thing better then one black cock was two and the only thing better then
two was three, and so on. The Lacy Lovelorn novels that had made her interested in black men had turned raunchier of late. The last one had featured two black brothers double teaming a happily married white woman. "I can't wait to start.

Abe called Lucas in his room and told him to meet them at the penthouse
while Mustafa and Kerry finished dinner.

It was a short walk to the Holden hotel from the restaurant. Mustafa
tried to hold Kerry's hand, but she resisted not wanting this to be
filmed. She settled for taking his arm and holding on to it. She wanted
to lean in close and get a big whiff of his manly scent, but she had an
image to uphold for the camera. They arrived at the hotel and Kerry
said, "Let me go get my bibles and I will meet you in the suite."

"Sho thing, honey," grinned Mustafa.

"This better be good Musty," growled Abe. "I was gonna fuck Ann

"Now you is gonna fuck that slut. That is one cock crazy whore. The
religious thing is all just an act for her daddy."

"You're fucking with me?"

"Nope. I tell you that bitch is wet just thinking of getting three black
cocks to herself."

"Fuck yeah, bro." Abe's cock turned hard at the thought. Even dressing
conservatively couldn't hide Kerry's porn star body. It must have driven
the blue-eyed blonde's preacher father crazy with worry.

Kerry returned to her room and changed her clothes. She pulled on thong
blue panties and a sheer light blue baby-doll nighty without a bra. She
covered her Hidden Closet lingerie up with a frumpy pair of grey sweat
clothes. Kerry grabbed one of her bibles and headed up to Mustafa's

The massive-sized black man answered his door buck naked. His erect cock
poked her breast through her sweat shirt just as she realized he was
nude. "Mustafa, the cameras?"

"Fuck them." He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the bedroom.

Aware they were being filmed by the motion activated cameras, Kerry
cried, "I insist you dress before we begin praying."

Mustafa pulled her into the bedroom and stepped back. He took his place
beside Lucas and Abe. Kerry's mouth fell open at the sight before her.
Three muscular black men stood naked in the room. None were under six
feet tall and all were as muscled as any heavyweight boxer or football
player. Each had a fully erect cock in the neighborhood of a foot long.
Their sheer masculine presence overwhelmed Kerry. She felt her knees
collapse and she fell on them before three erect cocks pointed at her
face. She reached for her prizes.

"Take the top off first, slut," ordered Mustafa.

Kerry pulled the sweat shirt off over her head. It caught on her face
and she struggled not wanting to waste any more time. Finally, she
pulled it free and tossed it aside.

"Nice," said Abe, as he looked at her large breasts through the sheer
nighty, "but I prefer them bare." He reached out and ripped her top off
with one strong tug.

Kerry gasped, but didn't resist. Abe was the first to line his cock up
with her mouth. She took it eagerly. Abe's cock was fat and eleven
inches long. It wasn't slanted like Mustafa's, but was straight as an
arrow. It was easier to suck and the fat cock head was soon sliding up
and down her throat.

Kerry saw another cock out of the corner of her eye. This one was light
brown and had a slight upwards curve. She grabbed it with her right
hand. She caressed the cock and hefted his balls. She felt it's power
and strength with her fingers. Meanwhile, her left hand had found the
third massive cock with it's familiar leftward curve.

Kerry used the large cocks in her hand for leverage as she bobbed her
head over Abe's cock. The black cock in her mouth swelled with power and
shook as it emptied it's load in her belly. She pulled back to taste his
seed, but missed most of his load. However, Kerry was rewarded with half
a mouthful.

Abe stepped back and disappeared from sight as Mustafa and Lucas both
came forward. Kerry didn't know whose cock to suck first. She took
Lucas's knob in her mouth then decided she was neglecting Mustafa and
switched to him. She wavered back and forth jerking off whichever cock
was not in her mouth. It took over an hour for the second black man to
cum at this pace.

Mustafa was the generous one. He pulled back so that his cock was just
out of Kerry's mouth's reach. She finished Lucas off. This time she
timed it so that his cock head was in her mouth when he came. Even
prepared, the enormous amount of sperm caught her off guard. Semen
spurted from her lips as she swallowed as rapidly as she could. It's
taste was so addictive she regretted each wasted drop.

Next it was Mustafa's turn. She lovingly took his cock in her mouth. He
was not her first black man, but he was her first introduction to big
black cock sex. Kerry's neck was sore and ached as she sucked him.
Kelly's belly also had so much sperm in it from Abe and Lucas she feared
she might vomit. She couldn't swallow any more for now. When she felt he
was close, she closed her throat. Sperm filled her mouth and dribbled
down her chin. When Mustafa realized she wasn't swallowing, he pulled
his cock out entirely and let his spurting cock cover her face with cum.
Still not satisfied, he pushed his cock down and coated her breasts.
Kerry groaned, rubbing his semen into the hard nubs of her nipples.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up," said Lucas, holding a drink from the
mini bar. "The night has just gotten started."

Kerry hurried to the bathroom and turned the shower on. She had just
finished wiping the last of the sperm off her body when the shower
curtain opened. Abe held it and stepped in with her. He had her lean
forward as he inserted his massive cock in her from behind. Kerry pushed
back against the shower tiles into each thrust of his cock. The orgasms
had her barely able to stand.

Afterwards, Kerry had to clean up again. She stepped out of the shower
and dried off. When she returned to the bedroom, Lucas was lying on his
back holding his cock up for her to mount. Mustafa stood beside the bed
sporting another massive crooked erection. Abe stood nearby to. His cock
was deflated, but still thick and gigantic.

Kerry climbed over Lucas and lowered herself on to his thick black
prick. He grasped and tugged at her breasts as she rode him to a series
of orgasms. It came as no shock to her when Mustafa started rubbing oil
around her anus. Soon his cock was pushing it's way deep into her
bowels. Their cocks battled each other before settling into a rhythm.
Soon after, a reinvigorated Abe stepped on to the bed and fed his cock
into her mouth.

Lucas came first. He load of cum filled her womb, mixing with the load
Abe had planted there earlier. Lucas was trapped beneath her. Mustafa's
forceful thrusts had Kerry sliding along Lucas which stimulated his
spent cock into hardening again before he had even removed it. These
black men are incredible, thought Kerry.

Mustafa filled her ass with sperm and was soon followed by another load
of cum down her throat. Kerry's belly was still full and she pulled back
so that Abe could cum on her face. Lucas shot again. This time, her womb
was so full, semen just flowed out of her pussy as she climbed off him.

Sore and exhausted Kerry cleaned up yet again. The black men weren't
ready to quit just yet though. When she returned from the bathroom, Abe
was sitting on the bed. He grabbed her and spun her around, pulling her
ass towards his rapidly swelling cock. Her ass, still stretched out by
Mustafa's fucking easily took his member. He reached around and squeezed
her breasts using them to pull her into his thrusting cock.

Mustafa stepped up, stroking his cock back to erection. He stooped and
pushed it into her pussy. The two men fucked her while Lucas came up
beside her jerking off. Lucas eventually left a hot trail of sperm from
her navel to her nose as sperm filled her ass and pussy yet again.

Kerry grabbed her clothes and dressed without bothering to clean up. "I'm sorry. I wish I could stay, but my body can't take anymore." She fled the room aware the cameras might be catching the white semen still on her chin and the fact that she was shuffling bowlegged unable to close her legs.

Mustafa chuckled. "You done for the night boys or should I get Ann up

"Get Ann," said Abe and Lucas in unison.

37. The Episode ends

"Kerry's gang bang gets me so hot," moaned Ann. She pulled the crooked
black dildo from her pussy. "Good thing I always have my "Must Have
Mustafa" around when I don't have the real thing to satisfy me."

"Mustafa, Abe, and Lucas handled me pretty good that night, but even
black men have their limitations. They only lasted a couple hours with
me. You can watch that scene by purchasing the entire Blackchelor
collection on DVD for just $99.99. Call now, operators are standing by."

"Tune in tomorrow night for episode seven and see what happens on Paris
the heiresses’ second date with Mustafa. So far our hung Blackchelor has
made $30,000 fucking three of our contestants. Is it now Paris's turn?
We'll find out tomorrow. I'm Ann Dutton. Good night.”

Part 7: Paris’ Second Date


"Not my idea of a date, yo," grumbled Mustafa.

Paris stared wide eyed at the black giant sitting across from her in the limo. "Your producers thought it would be good publicity. BITCH has wanted to interview me for awhile now."

"I wants to be alone with you. To gets to know you better."

"Perhaps later." Paris felt the dampness between her legs. Mustafa was so totally ghetto. He was big, ugly, and uneducated. Paris was unsure if this was the correct move to jumpstart her career, but now she was contractually obligated to see this through. No one would buy the concept of an ugly black brute with a slim white heiress such as herself. But, boy did he make her wet! He stank of masculine dominance and the smell was bad enough she rolled the limo's window down for fresh air. The air helped clear her head, but she kept squirming in her seat with horniness. The limo pulled up to the BITCH magazine building in Hollywood. One of the big black cameramen was already there waiting to film them arriving. He opened the door and Paris got out, followed by Mustafa. The second black cameraman was standing nearby. Both would follow them the whole day filming everything. The couple was greeted by Olivia Smythe, the magazines editor-in-chief. She seemed stunned by the giant black man standing beside the willowy Paris Holden.

39 Photo Shoot

Bored, Mustafa wandered around the offices of BITCH magazine. Olivia had set up a feature interview with Paris and the heiress was supposed to plug the upcoming reality show featuring her and Mustafa. He saw a door labeled photography studio and pushed it open. Abe the cameraman followed him. Lucas was filming Paris' interview. BITCH was only a year old and the interview/reality tie-in was hoped to boost their subscriptions.

"Oh oh, that's simply fab, you gorgeous hunk of man. Now drop that loincloth."  A young white model dropped his loincloth and stood naked before an obviously flamboyantly gay photographer. The model flexed his impressive muscles. "That's it stud, pose honey. Work the camera. See if you can puff that juicy dick up a little." The model grabbed his penis and jerked it once or twice until it started swelling. "Nice!" The photographer snapped some photos, but was interrupted by a derisive snort behind him. "Excuse me. I'm trying to work here...." The photographer turned and stared at the giant black man. "Oh my lord! Look at you."

"Sorry to disturbs you, but I was laughing at his little boy's prick."

"Fuck you," growled the model. His penis was nothing to be ashamed of.

"And I bet you can do better, big guy?" The photographer looked down and saw the lump in Mustafa's pants.

"I thinks I can do twice as better," grinned Mustafa. The black brute unceremoniously undid his pants and yanked his cock out. The huge slab of black meat made a smacking sound as it hit his hand.

"I think it's time this magazine had it's first black centerfold. I'm Dedrick." The photographer turned to the model, "Get lost Benjamin."

"But what about my money?" Benjamin, the model's penis had gone completely flaccid at the sight of Mustafa's massive cock.

"Maybe we'll use you next month. Centerfolds make $15,000," he told Mustafa.

"Good," grunted Mustafa. This was turning quite lucrative for the onetime Stony Harbor gardener. He was making 10,000 for each contestant he fucked and he hadn't given up hope on Paris yet. He had no idea what he‘d do with all this money. "I'm Mustafa."

"Get up there and strip ya big hunk." Dedrick found himself completely enthralled by Mustafa. This man was certainly not of the standards of a centerfold model, but Dedrick just wanted to stare at his dick. BITCH probably wouldn't use these pictures, but Dedrick could keep them for his personal collection. The gay man was a size queen and he had finally found a king-sized cock. "Go slow, honey." Dedrick started snapping pictures. "Good goddess. Look at that thing rise. Swollen is fine, but we're not supposed to show you completely erect."

"Not much I can do about that," said Mustafa.

"Is there anything I can do for you, honey?" Dedrick asked hopefully.

"No thanks."

A disappointed Dedrick sighed. "Oh well, I'll just keep snapping some shots. Pose for me baby."

"Dear god!" There was a loud gasp by the door. Mustafa looked over at Mrs. Smythe and Paris while Dedrick ignored them and kept shooting close-ups of Mustafa's cock. One of the black cameraman zoomed in on the women's expressions while the other filmed Mustafa. "Dedrick, what do you think you're doing?"

"Sorry boss, but I'm going with the big guy here as a centerfold."

"You can't use those shots." Olivia couldn't get over the size of Mustafa's prick. The crooked monstrosity was over a foot long.

"I know. I know. It doesn't appear like it's going down anytime soon."

"Well wait awhile and you can shoot Paris for the cover. You can go change into your bikini in the changing room, Miss Holden. Paris nodded and walked towards the changing room. Her eyes never left Mustafa's dick the whole time.

"I wants to be on the cover too," growled Mustafa.

"Sorry honey, it's not in our budget." Dedrick walked to a computer to download his pictures to prepare for Paris' cover shoot.

"We'll find the money. I want the big guy here on the cover with Paris." Olivia licked her lips as she stared at Mustafa. "This is going to be the issue that puts us on the map."

"I hate to say it Musty, but you got to cover that gorgeous slab of dark sausage up for the cover shot." Dedrick watched Mustafa walk over to his clothes and grab his tighty whiteys. The contrast looked good against Mustafa's dark skin even if his underwear looked about to burst. "The cover pays $20,000, Musty. That will be in addition to your centerfold pay. Not bad, huh big guy.”

Paris walked out in her bikini. She was young, hot, and beautiful. She had a thin build, with a long flat stomach. Mustafa found her almost too skinny. She looked great from the front, but like a stick viewed from the side. Her breasts were small, probably barely a B-cup. One of Mustafa's meaty hands could cover her entire breast. Paris could clearly have been a high fashion model though Mustafa preferred women with stripper or porn star bodies.  Still, her bikini clad body wasn’t making his cock go down any. “Where do you want me?” She asked.

Dedrick held his camera up and bit on his thumb nail deep in thought. “Change of plan, sweetie.  The big guy is gonna be on the cover with you. We’ll have him stand behind you and put his arm across your chest.

Mustafa grinned and walked over to Paris. Though unplanned, this was working out perfectly. Paris’ bikini was black so that the contrast between the black man in white briefs and the white woman dressed in black would look great on film. He stepped behind Paris and wrapped an arm just under her neck.

“Stoop a bit Musty, you’re too tall.” Dedrick just held the shutter down, taking shot after shot.

Mustafa stooped and smirked as he brought his cock up against Paris’ ass. She jumped forward, a look of shock on her face.

“Stand still woman.” Dedrick wanted to get her out of the picture and she was wasting his time. “Back it up.”

“No, it’s poking me.”

“Lucky you, honey. Just do it and I’ll make it quick.”

Paris gulped  and backed up into Mustafa’s bulge. She felt the dark monstrosity twitch as she touched it. “Sorry, it’s just not comfortable like this,” whispered Mustafa in her ear. She felt him pull the briefs down and his monster penis sprang free.

“Smile, Miss Holden.” Dedrick was really getting frustrated with her. “You’ve modeled before. Quick looking so horrified.”

Paris placed a fake frozen smile on her face. The massive cock was touching bare skin around the material of her bikini. His huge testicles smacked against her thighs. If that monster had been buried in her pussy, the head would be buried up to her belly button.  The thick shaft slid up and down a little and the small of her back suddenly felt wet and slimy. She couldn’t hold back the a look of disgust from replacing the fake smile on her face. The ugly black man had just cum on her back.

Dedrick sighed at Paris’ expression. “Oh well, hopefully one will work for the cover. You can go now, Miss Holden.

A grateful Paris, stepped aside, letting Mustafa’s big log fall free. “Goddess, it’s magnificent,” said Dedrick licking his lips as Mustafa stepped out of his underwear.

Olivia Smythe stepped closer to Mustafa and kneeled just several feet from his throbbing black cock. “It still hasn’t gone down. I want this thing in my centerfold, but you can’t be fully erect. Can you masturbate to make it go down?”

“Nope. I don’ts do that.”

Dedrick stepped forward. “I’ll just have to suck him off then. I’ll make any sacrifice for my craft.”

“No men,” growled Mustafa and a surprised Dedrick took a step back in fear. The power of that growl had made his legs weak. Mustafa stepped towards Paris who took an involuntary step back. The black man then turned towards the still kneeling Olivia Smythe and stepped forwards until his bulbous cock head waved under her nose.  “You take care of it.”

Olivia was a classy older woman, nearing fifty. She was attractive when dressed as a successful business woman, but not someone you’d glance twice at on the beach. Her hand came up to push Mustafa’s cock away from her face, but when her hand closed around it, she didn’t let go. “I can’t do this, I’m married. My husband…”

“Doesn’t have half the cock that you’re holding in your hands now.

 “Wha… what do you want me to do?”

“Spit in your hand and start jerking the muthafucka for starters.”

Olivia spit in her right hand and began coating the big cock with her saliva. Paris watched aghast from just a few feet away.  Mustafa’s massive black cock was so big that the older woman couldn’t seem to generate enough saliva to coat it. Luckily, the cock seemed intent on making the job easier on Olivia. Paris watched as little squirts of fluid shot from the knobby cock head. The heiress realized that the black man hadn’t actually cum on her back. His penis had just been producing lubrication and his precum was producing in amounts greater then a normal man’s ejaculate. Paris glanced at Mustafa’s enormous fruit-sized testicles, the right ball the size of an orange and the bigger left as large as a grapefruit. How much sperm would those things produce?

The giant cock had now produced so much lubrication that Olivia’s hand was now smoothly gliding along the shaft. Her other hand was now massaging Mustafa’s larger testicle. Paris found herself kneeling down to watch and inching herself closer to the incredible hand job taking place before her eyes. Olivia seemed barely aware of her surroundings. It was as if she were hypnotized by what she was doing. Like Paris, she was bringing herself closer and closer to the huge shaft. ‘She’s gonna do it,’ thought Paris. The fat cock head brushed Olivia’s lips and the editor and CEO of BITCH magazine opened her mouth and kissed the tip just as another shot of precum coated her lips. Olivia licked the precum off then started sucking the head of Mustafa’s cock. Olivia brought both hands up to the shaft and held it still as she rapidly bobbed her head. Paris reached out and cupped  the larger testicle. “It’s so warm,’ she thought kneading it. Paris slid her hand up to the base of the shaft just under Olivia’s hands. Paris gripped it finding it to be as hard as a steel pole. Olivia released the shaft  as she tried to swallow more of it down her throat. Paris slid her hand up when the older woman paused to gag. Paris stroked it several times and felt the black pipe swelling in her grip and it began to throb. Paris pulled the shaft bringing it towards her mouth then found herself lying flat on her back as Olivia pushed her away. The CEO had just placed her lips on the head again when it blew. Paris watched in awe as the force of ejaculate seemed to push Olivia’s head back and a wave of sperm fanned out from the cock head to splatter on Olivia’s face. Those huge balls weren’t finished with the one load either. More sperm shot out to stain Olivia Smythe’s expensive blouse and ruin her hair. Paris convinced herself that she hadn’t been about to suck on it herself before Olivia pushed her away. She was both relieved and a little jealous. Mrs. Smythe had now wrapped her lips around the head and appeared to be swallowing still more semen.

Paris stood and walked back into the changing room to get out of her bikini. She passed the black cameraman who had his camera pointed at the blow job still taking place. “Your not filming this are you?” she asked.

“I always wanted to make a porno,” he grinned at her. He went back to filming. “Of course, we can’t air this on television. It’ll be for my personal collection.”

Paris disappeared behind the screen to change. ‘I dodged a bullet,’ she thought. What would she do if a sex video of Paris Holden showed up on the internet? Her grandfather Conrad Holden would have had a conniption and the notoriously “reformed” racist would have disowned her. When Paris finished changing she emerged to find that Dedrick had disappeared and Mustafa had dressed.  Olivia hadn’t cleaned up and her face was soaked with liquefied sperm. The area around her mouth was clean as if she had licked it all up. Mustafa handed her a business card. “Ask for Tyrone Jones and he will find you all the models you need.”

“As long as they’re like you Mustafa. I might even take this magazine in a more adult direction. We need to show cocks like yours in all their glory, not just a little swollen.

“Time to go. Come on Paris,” ordered Mustafa. Paris leaped to follow the domineering black man.

“Head on back and I’ll catch up,” yelled the cameraman. He turned to Olivia. “There’s something I need to take care of.” The black cameraman unbuttoned his pants as he walked over to Olivia. “I’m not gonna be satisfied with just a blow job Mrs. Smythe.”

Olivia nodded and began undressing.

40. Commercial break

“You’re the king on King cruise lines where you’ll be treated like royalty.”

A beautiful woman in a white cruise uniform stood on a ship’s deck. “Welcome aboard the Caribbean King, the first ship in King cruise lines growing fleet. King Cruise lines is the only cruise line servicing the island of Trinibogo.  Set sail with us from Port Miami and you’ll be treated to three days of  world class entertainment from shows to gambling in our casino. There’s plenty to do aboard the Caribbean King.” The scenes showed couples dancing, playing blackjack, and a husband skeet shooting. “Or do nothing at all.” Two women lounged in bikinis while a muscular black man served them drinks. “Then spend two days on the island of Trinibogo before heading for home. King cruise lines makes 20 trips a year with special trips for high school senior week and college spring break. So come aboard, you won’t regret it.”

“You’re the king on King cruise lines where you’ll be treated like royalty.”

41. The Dinner Date

The maitre-de frowned as the ugly black man belched. Even in a tuxedo the uncouth black man looked out of place eating at a five star restaurant. At least the odd couple had some privacy from the other diners so that a black cameraman could film the couple for some reality show.

“Good fucking steak,” growled Mustafa, “But the fucking thing wasn’t even half the size of my dick. Look up gourmet in the dictionary and it says, small and expensive.”

“My shrimp salad was excellent,” replied Paris.  “I’m quite full.”

“You sure? I can give you sumthin else to fill you up.”

The color drained from Paris’ face. Her pussy actually seemed to spasm with a quick surge of lust and she felt her nipples harden. Her body wanted to accept his offer. She could still smell that masculine scent his cock gave off. “I’m full, thanks.”

“I was talking about my cock.” Mustafa wasn’t sure if she had under stood his double end table or whatever the word was.

“I guessed as much. It’s getting late and we should call it a night. It’s been a long day.”

“Wanna do the hot tub in my room?”

“No thanks.”

“One drink then.”

DON’T go to his room, Paris, she thought. “One quick drink.” She should be safe, the cameraman would be there, though he was as intimidating as Mustafa.

“Fab,” said the black man, mimicking Dedrick higher pitched voice. Mustafa then guffawed at his own humor. “Let’s go.”

Thankfully, the limo ride back to the hotel was short. Mustafa put one meaty hand on Paris’ knee and she figured it was easier just to let him rest it there. In the elevator,  Mustafa pushed the button for the penthouse.  The giant black man turned to Paris and quickly swept her into his arms. The heiress didn’t even have time to resist. His ugly lips pressed down upon hers. Mustafa was so much bigger then she was, for a moment she felt like she was about to be eaten  by a giant. Then her body started responding and she kissed him back, their tongues teasing before his shoved past hers and into her mouth. She felt that massive cock harden against her belly as she was swallowed up in his embrace. He didn’t release her until the elevator made a dinging noise at the top floor. Paris was breathing heavily and looked pale after the kiss. She stared right into the lens of the cameraman who had filmed the entire kiss.  ‘My god,’ she thought. ‘If there was no way of getting caught, I’d fuck him. If the old man sees that kiss, I’m out of the will. Her grandfather didn’t have a high opinion of blacks.

Paris followed Mustafa as he left the elevator. She glanced behind to see the elevator doors close with the cameraman still inside. “He’s not coming!”

“No, the room has it’s own cameras set up. The bedrooms clean as is the bathroom.”

“Oh.” Paris followed Mustafa into the room. She’d stayed in the Penthouse many times on trips to Los Angeles and the heiress quickly picked out the mounted cameras.

“I’m going to get out of this monkey suit,” said Mustafa, loosening his tie.

Paris snorted at the term monkey. Mustafa resembled a gorilla in many ways. It was almost as if he were a racist caricature of a black man. She immediately felt ashamed at the thought. She examined the cameras, not aware that there were plenty of hidden cameras watching her too. The contract for the reality show specified that they would be filmed at all times even when they weren’t aware of the cameras.

“There that’s much better,” said Mustafa, walking into the room. “Miss me?”

Paris turned and gasped. The black man had returned to the room completely naked. His gargantuan cock was fully erect and jutting out with that leftward slant. “What are you doing? The cameras!”

“Don’t worry about them.” Mustafa had two towels draped over his arms. He unfolded them and tossed each one over the two cameras. “That’ll turn off the sound too,” he lied.

“I should get going.” Paris backed up, staring at the giant black cock as it approached her. Mustafa put his hands on her shoulders and pushed down. His grip tightened and he pushed harder as she still resisted until she collapsed  and his cock head waved under her nose.

“Shit baby, just doin ya a favor. You don’t have to share it with the other bitch now. That muthafucka’s all yours. Now suck that big black cock and I promise it’ll be goods to ya.”

Paris breathed in the amazing scent again and realized that the black man was right. He was doing her a favor. She should be honored to have this powerful weapon all to herself. “Thank you,” she said, thinking that it sounded stupid as she leaned forward and took the bulbous cock head in her mouth.

Mustafa groaned and placed one meaty black hand on her blonde head. “That’s it baby, suck that muthafuckin cock.”

Paris cringed at his crassness, though she was used to it by now. Old man Conrad would have been horrified to see her with any black man even a handsome well-spoken one. If he ever found out she was with a man like Mustafa, he’d have a stroke. Strange thing though, Paris wasn’t sure if she could stop at that point. I’m going suck this cock until my mouth fills with his cum even if Armageddon were starting.

Paris paused. “It’s so big,” she moaned. She used one hand to stroke the base of the big shaft while massaging his balls with the other. She was rewarded with a groan from the black man that filled her with happiness. Mustafa’s happiness was her happiness. Paris liked giving blow jobs and was quite good at it, but she didn’t feel she could do justice to Mustafa’s big cock. She took the head back in her mouth, redoubling her efforts.

Paris relaxed her throat and let the head push deeper in deeper. It’s so hard and unyielding, she thought. As she bobbed her head. Her throat thrummed as she could feel the steady beat of his pulse through the giant puffy blue veins that ran down his shaft. She continued to bob her head over half the long shaft while stroking the base with her hand. A tear welled up in Paris’ eye as she realized the black cock was outlasting her ability to make it cum. Her neck began to hurt and she started to tire. Mustafa sensing her distress, grabbed her head and held her still as he began to force his cock down her throat. She groaned her thanks and held still as he forced his cock deeper then she had taken him so far. He bucked his hips faster and faster as he held her head tightly between two hands that could have crushed it like a melon.
I’m completely at his mercy, she thought and the idea sent a wave of arousal through her body.

Paris almost gagged, but Mustafa didn’t slow down. My god, it’s getting bigger. I’m not going to be able to handle it. The thrumming in her throat grew as his pulse rate increased. The massive black cock swelled up until she thought she’d choke to death on it and she paced her hands on his hips to push him away. Her survival instinct was stronger then her desire to please his black cock. The cock bucked in her throat as she pushed him back. Her belly filled. Mustafa pulled back and hot sperm slid down her throat. It wasn’t like a wad, it was like a hose had been turned on. The cock’s head entered her mouth which quickly filled with semen. Paris’ eyes flew wide at the taste. It was good! The hot richness filling her mouth made all the aches and pains of sucking him worthwhile. She swallowed, gulping a mouthful, but his ejaculate had beat her, spilling out of her mouth. The hose had declined and the sperm was shooting out in bursts now more like a normal man or at least one with balls the size of an elephant’s. Still, the bursts could fill her mouth and more sperm dribbled down her chin as she swallowed as fast as she could.

Mustafa didn’t want her to swallow it all either. Before his cock was finished, He pulled it out completely and shot another wad that splattered on her face and hair. Then he aimed down and stroked a few more wads out to coat her designer dress. He acted every bit of the animal marking his territory. “You is a pretty good cocksucka. A few more times and you’ll be swallowin the whole thing. I’m gonna go takes a piss, then I’ll stuff your puss with this thing and maybe that boney ass too.”

Paris kneeled on the floor dazed and gasping. She watched as he left. Mustafa left the bathroom door open. There was a pause and then she heard the splashing of a powerful stream of urine filling the toilet. She stood. One hand reached up as she started to slip out of her dress.  Then she found herself running. The toilet was flushing as she fumbled through the penthouse door and into the elevator.

The small wire camera in the elevator light looked down at her as she scraped up some of the semen on her chin. Paris looked at the big glob and sniffed it. Her fingers were in her mouth before she could stop herself. Cold, but it’s still good, she thought, scraping more into her mouth. She was thankful the Penthouse suite had a private elevator and no one could walk in on her.

The elevator opened in the lobby and she scurried out, heading quickly for the pool. She walked down by the darkened pool area gulping fresh air into her lungs as quickly as she could. It took many minutes before her head cleared of the black man’s scent, though the memory of it still filled her with lust.

42. Round 2 Eliminations

Ann Dutton strolled out to the pool looking magnificent in her tiny string bikini. “We’ve come to the end of round two. Which of our lovely ladies will our handsome Blackchelor eliminate now.” Paris stood nearby looking at her feet. She wore a string bikini. Nancy stood next to her in a more modest bikini. It was the one she’d worn surfing with Mustafa. Kerry was next wearing a conservative one piece suit and a skirt over that. Mustafa stood across from them on the diving board. He was wearing only the tiny crotch huggers that showed off his massive bulge.  “Well Mustafa. Who will it be? You’ve now had two dates with each of our three contestants. Which two do you want to have another date with? Who will be eliminated? Will it be Nancy Hu, the surfer girl? Will it be the lovely Kerry Martin, the preacher’s daughter and future missionary? Or will it be the posh Paris Holden? Mustafa, it’s time to choose.”

Mustafa rubbed his fingers on his chin as if in deep thought. “Kerry, you’re beautiful and you hide an incredible body under those bulky clothes, but you may be too conservative for me. Nancy, I had a blast with you, surfing and diving with sharks. And then there’s Paris. Paris allowed this ugly black man to become a model and showed me a world of fashion and parties that I’ve never seen before and frankly don’t care for nor fit in.”

Paris stared at the black man. Don’t pick me, she repeated over and over in her head as Mustafa continued talking. Eliminate me, you black bastard. I don’t want to do this anymore.

“Kerry Martin,” announced Mustafa suddenly. “I want to see you again.”

Ann gestured towards Kerry. “Kerry, come stand beside Mustafa,” she said, to the blushing contestant.
Kerry stood on Mustafa’s left while Paris and Nancy squeezed closer together.

“Nancy Hu.” Mustafa held his hand out to the pretty Amer-asian.

Oh thank god, thought Paris. I’m out, though the thought left her disappointed for some reason.

“Nancy, it was fun, but the beach life isn’t for me. Paris, I want to see you again.”

In shock, Paris shuffled over to stand on  Mustafa’s other side. He stepped off the diving board and put his arms around both women. Paris stared down at his massive bulge unsure whether she had the will to resist it on one more date.

The camera focused on Ann Dutton again. “The blackchelor has chosen. Nancy’s out, Kerry and Paris our in for round three. Tune in Saturday, for episode 8.”

43. Paris’ Sister, Months Later

Nikki Holden slid her fingers as deep into her pussy as she could get them. There was a knock on her door. She ran to open it, her boyfriend’s eyes opened wide at her nudity then a smirk turned his mouth up.
Within minutes, she was lying beneath him as he thrust his little penis in and out of her. Nikki stared at the ceiling. She’d never considered it little before.

Nikki hadn’t seen her sister since she left for the reality show auditions. Paris had called her family sounding nervous and told them that it hadn’t worked out and not to watch it. The internet was rife with rumors about the show, including a trial to stop it. Most rumors Nikki scoffed at. When “The Blackchelor” finally aired on pay per view, she had missed her sister’s first episode, but gotten the second and just watched her sister turn slut for an ugly giant black man with a huge cock. I need to find a white guy with a cock that big, she thought. How could you do that Paris? How could you suck that ugly black man’s penis? Grandfather needs to know what she’s done.

Nikki’s boyfriend grunted and ejaculated inside her. Nikki was quick to roll him off her. She sat up and reached for her cell phone. She loved her sister, but felt betrayed by her behavior. “Pappy, we need to talk,” she said when he answered the phone.

To Be Continued



  1. And we never saw Mustafa again......
    Storm, there MUST be a winner!
