The Housewives of Coxville County 2 by Ota and The Ogre

Chapter 3: Heavy Tutelage: Bianca's Story

(Several weeks before the fated Coxville book club meeting...)

“So, who wants to tell me what Carl Denham means when he says "t’was beauty that killed the beast?”

Bianca Blackwood stood before her audience and calmly scanned the expanse of the room. For all their youth and vitality, the stillness and quiet that came from the students held all the life and vigor of a grave yard.

“Anyone?” she asked patiently, tilting her horn rimmed glasses up slightly to get a clearer glimpse of her student’s young faces.

Not a peep from the crowd, just a slew of blank clueless stares and wholly disinterested sneers. It simply amazed Blackwood how selective teenager’s priorities were. Ask a relatively simple question about the meaning and significance of a line from a classic film – one they had just finished watching no less – and you received a hail of deer in headlights looks at best, and a topside view of neglectful heads at worst.

Ask them about what happened on the latest episode of “I’m a Teenage Mother-to-be” or the final score of the previous week’s football game however, and you couldn’t get them to pipe down without an air horn and a stick of dynamite in hand. Youth indeed goes wasted on the young, thought Bianca. It didn’t dishearten as much as annoy her these days. Bianca Blackwood – age twenty-eight -- had been teaching for a fair number of years now, and the steady lack of enthusiasm from her students towards any subject matter that couldn’t be summed up or abbreviated in monosyllabic forms or via tweet had already executed its due process of taking the wind from her sails. These days her disappointment was overtaken by vexation towards her pupil’s less than stellar performances and almost nonexistent enthusiasm.

“Um…” came a meek voice from the stilled crowd near the front of the class.

Bianca’s stark blue eyes settled on the voice’s source as a slim white arm lifted calmly upward. Of course, thought Bianca, because no one else seems capable of basic analysis aside from the AP student.

“Ah, Ms. Rosenwood” said Bianca with a warm smile.

It didn’t surprise Bianca that Daphne Rosenwood – age eighteen -- was the only student to raise her hand. She was Bianca’s star pupil after all, and she did appear to be the only one ever genuinely interested during their class sessions. Daphne was a…modest girl, if not wholly conservative. She had full chestnut colored hair, which she kept in a neat ponytail that trailed down to the lower part of her shoulders, striking hazel eyes, smooth white skin, high cheek bones, a button nose and rather full pinkish lips. A very pretty girl, who resembled an eighteen year old Sarah Palin clone to Bianca. Daphne was just very…traditional in her manner of dress, which – coming from Bianca Blackwood – was a statement. Daphne’s light blue and gray blouse, skirt and blazer reminded Bianca more of her parent’s generation rather than that of a teenage girl living in the first decade of the 21st century.

Bianca wasn't complaining however. She found it to be a breath of fresh air, compared what some of the other young ‘ladies’ in her class considered clothing these days. The atrocious outline of an outfit Kitty Summers was wearing on the other hand, was the antithesis of Daphne’s sensible style. Bianca didn’t know what she found most offensive, the obscenely high cut skirt that had the word ‘whooty’ (whatever that meant) on the front, the equally exposing pink tank top with that strange acronymic B.O.W logo along the chest, or the simply abhorent pink necklace/collar the girl wore that read ‘slut’. Normally Bianca would blame poor parenting for a student's lack of manners or poor appearance. But doing so in Kitty Summer's case would in effect be an insult aimed at Jenny Summers, a close friend and fellow instructor at Coxville high.

    Therefore, instead of giving the young girl the ultimatum of either covering up or taking a trip to the principal's office, Bianca was forced to keep her distaste for Kitty's ensemble behind gritted teeth. Unfortunately this immunity would by relation also have to apply to Kitty's friends, who were sitting next to the young girl, and were dressed just as poorly. The lithe and perky blonde, along with her two cohorts – Patricia and Miko – sat towards the back of the class, all them dawning different colored shirts bearing the same logo, its bold black B, lipstick shaped O, and the white colored W on each girl's shirt. The risk of seeming bias towards the Summers girl wasn't something Bianca was willing to chance. Bianca hadn’t the foggiest idea what the symbol meant, but over the last few weeks she'd noticed that an increasing number of girls around town had begun wearing the brand. Blackwood didn’t doubt it was something crass. Sad truth of a sad era she supposed. She had a knack for picking out subtle nods to the profane, even when she didn't want to.  It saddened Blackwood to see such young and breathtakingly beautiful young girls reduce themselves to lowly sex objects.

The word distraction came to Bianca’s mind. This word applied to Patricia, or 'Patty' as she was often called, perhaps most of all. The tall redhead’s bountiful chest was barely contained in such a tight fitting t-shirt, her curves on display inside the thigh high shorts and the lining of her thong underwear consisting of two slim strands of fabric that clasped to her hips. Bianca, being a woman of notably ample curves herself, could understand the girl’s plight of having difficulty finding properly fitted clothing (lord knew her students made it a point to remind her as such from their comments), but Patty didn’t even appear to be spitting in the general direction of trying to conceal herself. Miko, the smallest girl of the group – though not at all without her own seductive shape -- wasn’t  exposed as much as her two friends, yet somehow still managed to make herself blend right in among the trio with the degree of leg, thigh and bare stomach she had exposed.

All three girls scoffed in unison at Daphne’s gesture to speak before choosing to continue whatever side conversation they were having at the back of the class.

“What Denham meant was that it was Kong’s desire to have Ann that got him killed.” Bianca smiled.

“Interesting thought.” Daphne continued, her southern accent made most notable from her clipped and precise pronunciation.

“Ann’s beauty was what captivated Kong. It drove him to fight every beast on the island, it soothed him when he was fatigued or injured, and tragically it was what resulted in his death. His love and desire to keep her gave him strength, but also left him vulnerable. The fact he was a huge ugly gorilla aside, it is a rather romantic plight actually, I felt sorry for him.”

Bianca couldn’t have smiled any more brightly than she was at that moment. It charmed her to see her efforts to educate the youth weren’t entirely wasted.

“Yes, a brilliant observation Daphne. Well done. The film ultimately is just that, a romantic tragedy. One we’ve come across many times this year in Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Othello and so forth.”

Kitty and the other girl’s couldn’t have thrown knives any sharper than their glances at Daphne. It was foolish, but the trio’s malice towards the girl didn’t seem to be capable of anything but. The rest of the class just continued looking back and forth between Daphne and Mrs. Blackwood.

“It’s good to see at least one person is awake during class. Well said Daphne.” Daphne smiled sheepishly, her cheeks turning a stark rosy red.

“Half-truth!” came a gruff but youthful sounding voice from the very back of the room.

Upon hearing the voice Bianca’s heart instantly sank. Oh no, just when you thought it was safe, the beautiful blonde instructor thought, her motion to turn towards the blackboard frozen in its tracks as another hand went up from the crowd. The fact Bianca was able to stop before she turned her back to the class however left her slightly relieved, a silent looming fear evaded for the time being. In unison all the heads in the class, sans Daphne, turned towards the voice’s origin. The risen hand was a deep brown color, lined with muscle and bare up just beyond the bicep.

Bianca sighed, for she knew that from here on out, class wouldn’t be nearly as pleasant –or quiet- as it had been.

“Yes,Mr. Styles...” said Bianca hesitantly and with a bit more venom than what may have been necessary. “There’s something you’d like to add to Daphne’s assessment?”

“Mo' like correct…” came the voice snarkily. At this Daphne turned her head to the back of the room, her eyes narrowed at the thought of her intellect being openly challenged.

“The whole romance angle iz cute an eh’thang, but…” the voice trailed off for a moment.

“It wadn't homegirl who got Kong killed dou, it was that connivin’ ass promoter and tha anglofied system that got him put down, nahmean?”

The class all turned back to Mrs. Blackwood, their eyes looking alert and, for the first time that day, interested in the discourse. Bianca was so focused on loathing the young man's atrocious grammer and sloppy annunciation that she almost didn't notice the class's attention. A small band of students in Style’s vicinity began jeering and blurting a steady rise of instigative noise. The boys around him all used perhaps some of the most mashed and incoherent english she'd ever heard. It was the classic southern drawl, and the annoying lilt and tone held in the slang of today's black youths rolled into one audible ball of chaos. Bianca was able to decipher as much as,

“Aww shit, here we go son!”

“Tell em’ ma nigga!”

“Here we go cuh!”

It was the same breed of antagonistic call that Bianca would often hear on the basketball court and football field of the school. The stabbing pitch of intimidation that came mere moments before conflict. Of course it did, Bianca thought, it was the noise of black youths who were getting their kicks out of the prospect of discord, the scent of an argument. Four students, one Gerald Styles included, were of such color and caste. The four young men position in a box shape at the far end of the classroom. Slouched and slumped in their seats, wearing their baggy jeans, loose fitting shirts, brightly colored hats, beanies and so forth. They’d actually managed to remain silent all the way up until the point Gerald – the group’s ring leader – had spoken up.

Gerald himself was a shorter fellow, or at the very least shorter than Bianca, who stood half a head taller than the young black man. He was definitely the shortest in his little gang. He had black close cut hair, deep brown eyes, a strong square jaw and facial features, and was built like an ox. The young man was rather short – 5’6’ at most – but of a large and muscular build, with a wide chest, broad shoulders, and matching chiseled arms. His lower stomach possessed a bit more mass than muscle, which made him appear – Bianca secretly thought – a bit like the famed Kong himself. His strong facial features did not help this comparison either. While not an altogether unattractive boy (Bianca supposed...for a black man), Gerald’s wide nose and brow line gave him a more ape-like quality than the blonde teacher would allow herself to ignore or openly confess. Kitty, Patty and Miko’s eyes were suddenly fixated on Gerald, a curious anticipatory glint contained in their eyes as Bianca silently noticed.

“Really? Care to explain?” said Bianca.

“Fasho” Gerald said. Gerald's manner of speech was much clearer than that of his cohorts. This wasn't saying much of course, but he could most definitely utilize language at a broader level than his friends, which -- Bianca assumed -- was what made him leader of their little band.

   “Ya see, it was those white-bread American niggas, Denham and them, who thought it would be a good idea to go in Kong’s cut and uproot'm outta his land an’ shit.”

Bianca groaned somewhat while the other students remained silent, but all eyes remained on Gerald.

“Old girl didn’t have nothin directly to do wit Kong gettin tagged, though she was an incentive. When Kong got hot over bein confined and placed on stage as a figure'a fun in fronta folks, he fought to escape, but ultimately fell victim to an innately oppressive system.”

“And I’m assuming this oppressive system is the ‘anglophile’ one you spoke of earlier?” responded Bianca with a none-too-surprised hint of skepticism on her tongue.

“One in tha same. The movie’s a metaphor for slaves an tha black man’s struggle in a hostile anglophile environment.”

And here it comes, thought Bianca. The racially charged rant. Gerald Styles, aka G-Spotz to his peers, was what Bianca referred to as a “rabble-rouser”. If asked for the meaning behind his nickname, Gerald would –without fail-- reply with a ceremonious rap jingle of,

“Cuz dats what I hit wit ma fat ass dick, NIGGA!”

Being the ham and desperate seeker of attention that he was, it only made sense that Gerald would use any and every opportunity to seed controversy and uproar in whatever room he happened to be occupying at any given time. Every historical, cultural, biological, anatomical or literary topic they discussed in class inevitably veered into racial tirades whenever Styles opened his mouth. Bianca had complained on numerous occasions to Principal Long, but the old an invariably grumpy negro had made it painfully clear he intended to do all of nothing in terms of disciplinary action towards the disruptive youth. The class was turning back to Mrs. Blackwood when she noticed she’d crossed her arms tightly around her ample chest and she was fighting the onset of a scowl with little progress.

“Tha uprootin of a being of power from his homeland, totin’ him across tha sea to foreign soil, putting em’ in chains, and then destroyin him when he frees his-self, AND – most importantly – runs off wit a bangin ass white woman.”

“Ugh!” Shot another voice from the crowd. This one was on the far left hand side of the room.

Stacey Brown – a young and astonishingly beautiful black girl in Mrs. Blackwood’s class – turned in her seat to face Gerald. And Bianca thought Kitty and her group were shooting dangerous stares.

“Why does EVERYTHING have to revolve around a black man running off with a white woman with you!?” said the dark skinned girl in a flustered tambour.

Bianca remained silent, choosing to let the debate take its own shape. Mrs. Blackwood really liked Stacey. She was one of the few African-American students in her class -- probably in the entire school -- who made it a point to be polite and respectful towards her elders, and didn’t make everything into an issue of race. With a solid grade-point average and a wit belonging to the brightest of Coxvillian youth, Bianca didn’t find it at all unreasonable to allow the young woman to speak her mind in the face of what they both knew to be a ridiculous and bluntly racist piece of dribble. Whenever Gerald Styles started up on one of his rants, Stacy would often be one of the first to call him out on it, another character trait she admired about the girl. Bianca noticed that Stacy's firey temper wasn't entirely unlike that of her grandfather Mr.Long, who also happened to be the principal of their school.

“Psh, because it’s natural attraction. The black man is tha most desirable male specimen, a ‘wonder of tha world’ as they called Kong. Female impulse dictates dey go after tha prime and most fit male of da species.”

“PREACH nigga!” came the minion on Gerald’s right.

“It’s only natural dey go after tha black man. We got the bodies, tha strength, tha ability to protect, to provide in every way possible.  Dats why you saw old girl Anne weepin and getting all cozy with Kong after a while. And it can only be expected dat – as a result – tha other less desirable males, da hatin ass niggas of tha species do err’thing in der power ta keep thea betta male down b.”

“That’s absolutely ridiculous!” shot Daphne. “Not to mention totally racist!”

“Real talk boo. Why tha fuck else would the military roll in crazy ass force like dat against Kong?”

"Language", Interjected Bianca. She'd let student speak their minds, but poor language on top of that 'jive jargon' was something Bianca didn't have the patience or necessary ear plugs to tolerate.

“Because he was a menace!" came Daphne. "Not to mention the fact it was a movie! You can't have a movie without an exciting climactive scene!” the girl shot back.

“Yeah, a menace to the white man’s white pussy.”

The class gave a collective gasp, and if Bianca had been paying attention to her own body language, she’d have noticed her jaw being slightly agape.

"Mr.Styles!" came Bianca, her hands placed firmly on her wide and desirable hips. "Language!"

“Art imitates life Daph” Gerald continued, ignoring Blackwood outright. “Government, law, business, culture, it’s all set up in dis country to keep tha black man in chains, a tool of entertainment. When a nigga breaks free, and takes iz earned piece of tha pie, tha system only allows'm to go so far up the proverbial buildin til dey cut his black ass down. Is's all rooted in fear. Anglo fear of tha black man, fear of his abilities, an – most importantly – fear of what tha black man can do to'z white skinned maidens.” With this, Gerald’s brown eyes narrowed seductively on Daphne, a more than suggestive smirk lining the sides of his mouth.

And the space would’ve gone up in hellfire if Daphne Rosenwood’s cheeks didn’t turn red. The once silent class room had risen to a host of murmurs and chaotic conversation. Some were offended, some were angry, some were embarrassed, and others were simply shocked. Gerald and his boys however, found the response to be nothing short of comedic genius.

“That’s the dumbest shit in the world Ger” came Stacy, crossing her arms.

"Stacy!", came Blackwood, noting the girl's curse.

"Sorry Mrs.Blackwood".

“Don’t trip Stace, you know tha black man will always have love fo iz Nubian queens. Who else is gonna handle all dis dick we got goin on down here?”

“You’re-“ Daphne began.

“We jus gotta get these fine ass fraulines broke in first.”

The noise in the class rose to a near deafening clamor with the remark. Bianca’s calls to make the class settle down were lost amidst the rabble.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough! Everyone settle down! Mr Styles, one more crude word and you're off to Principal's Long's office!"

Her demands went ignored, and were only put down with the ringing of the bell.

“Ugh, goodness gracious…alright, class dismissed.”

Immediately the students grabbed their belongings and started for the door. Kitty, Patty and Miko were giggling as they convened Gerald and his friends and made for the door.

“Oh, and do not forget your outlines for the upcoming report are due on my desk tomorrow! No excuses nor pleas will be accepted.”

No one answered as they filed out of the room, and Mrs. Blackwood sighed deeply. Why do I even bother, she thought.

“Bye Mrs. Blackwood, see you tomorrow”, said Daphne, the signs of her blush only just beginning to fade.

“Take care dear”, said Bianca, “and thanks again for your input”.

“Check you later Mrs. B” came Gerald smugly a moment later with her crew, Kitty, Patty and Miko in tow as Bianca was sorting through her papers.

“I’m afraid so Mr. Styles”, replied Bianca.

“3B in the mu’fuckin buildin!” called one of the boys as they filed out behind Gerald.

“Little shit…” grumbled Bianca, who never used foul language unless she truly felt it necessary. As she organized the various sheets of paper however, Bianca Blackwood couldn’t help but recall how enthralled the class had been during Gerald’s uproar. In the span of five minutes, he’d managed to not only bring the entire class back from the dead, but actually excited them to the point they – granted chaotically – got involved with the day’s subject.

They were angry, offended, somewhat cajoled…but all the same, involved. Bianca could feel her brain begin to buzz with thought, though what it was zoning in on wasn’t clear yet. She followed her train of thought; let it take root…until the image of Gerald and that smug smile of his crept back to the fore of her mind.

“That little shit…” she repeated with a sigh, and set herself down in her desk chair to begin the less than invigorating task of grading the most recent stack of quiz papers.


            “Is it my fault?” said Bianca while standing in front of her bathroom mirror. She was diligently brushing her teeth from side to side while talking, the white foam of toothpaste cresting the sides of her mouth. “Am I just that terrible as a teacher that I can’t get even them interested for one hour out of the day?”

Bianca was wearing her typical night attire, which consisted of a plain white t shirt and pajama shorts. One of her bare legs was cocked the slightest bit forward as she leaned towards the mirror, her right arm placed on the countertop.

            “Honey”, came Bianca’s husband Jebediah Blackwood – Jeb he preferred for short – from the adjoining bedroom, “You know that’s not true. These kids today have the attention span of fruit flies, all that TV and tweeting nonsense have their brains everywhere and nowhere at once.”

Jeb was sitting upright against the headboard of their king sized bed, reading an issue of Forbes magazine. The cover showcased a very attractive, very muscular and regal looking young light-skinned black man. He had neatly cropped hair and was held a wide and confident smirk in a casual pose while wearing a smart looking business suit, the subtitle reading in bold: The Dawning of the Brook’s Empire.

            “Their not being able to focus I can handle, it’s watching them jump to life at the first sign of chaos that frustrates me. Read them Poe or Twain or the words of Shakespeare, and all I get is stark silence. But belt a few curse words and some crude toilet humor mixed in wild pseudo philosophy on racial superiority, and you’ve got a near riot of discussion in the classroom.”

Jeb chuckled at this.

            “Silence or a riot huh, interesting options.”

            “ARGH! Bianca sighed in frustration. “At this point a riot over classroom lectures would be a breakthrough. Today was the most alive I’ve seen that class in weeks.”

Bianca went about the process of rinsing out her mouth and spitting the minty dregs of now watery toothpaste into the sink. Afterwards she dried her mouth and took a few moments to appraise herself in the mirror. Bianca Blackwood, by the testimony of peers, friends and total strangers alike, was a knockout. Taller than most women she knew by an idle few inches – likely the product of her Germanic lineage – Bianca was the type most people would almost immediately notice upon walking into a room. She would often joke with others who commented on her height that she was descended from Vikings. With her glossy shoulder length blonde hair, straight and perfectly centered nose, ocean blue eyes and full round breasts, Bianca Blackwood resembled more of a goddess taken from lore of Norse Mythology than a high school Lit teacher. Her smooth, long and lithely muscular limbs were a natural part of her, and through healthy diet and regular exercise Bianca had accentuated these features as well as maintained a youthful glow about her skin that made her lily white features spring whenever she smiled.

            Her body was perfectly lean and shapely, and from a front angle one could easily note the healthy outer curvature of her hips, even after bearing two children to the disbelief of her peers. Bianca was content with this as much as any woman could be. She felt sexy, and knew that she was as such. It vexed her however when she turned to view her side profile in the mirror. Bianca sighed, and looked on with a frown at the immensely round and astonishingly plump orbs that made up her ass. After the smooth inward curve of her lower back, Bianca Blackwood’s backside bloomed outward, an unnatural degree of mass making up of the soft flesh and about as much muscle beneath as she could attain from her regular workouts. Despite being told time and time again that it didn’t look bad, the disproportionate mass and protrusion of it with the rest of her body often left her feeling somehow...unnatural. It didn’t help that her condition was noted by others, and it made for her feeling invariably uncomfortable around…certain types of people.

 Bianca could never understand how or from where she’d inherited such a large posterior. As far as she knew large behinds like hers didn’t run standard in her family, and she definitely knew it hadn’t sprouted from any kind of indulgence of fatty snack foods or lazing about. She had gained a little weight between having the children, and that certainly had compounded to the problem. She'd been able to bounce back from that however, and lost most of the extra weight through a controlled diet and an hour a day on the treadmill. The meat of Bianca’s ass held snug in her pajama shorts, an abrupt cup of skin and soft flesh at the bottom seam where her thighs were exposed. The frown deepened on the gorgeous blonde’s face, distorting her features. Finding out how to get rid of this would be another breakthrough, she thought.

            “Don’t stress yourself out over it dear” came Jeb from the other room, a reassuring tone in his voice. “You do what you can, and you leave the rest to what’s supposed to happen naturally.”

Bianca slowly walked out of the bathroom, a curious look on her face.

            “Is my…is my butt too big?” she bluntly asked.

Jeb’s green eyes shot up from his magazine to sternly look at his wife.

            “This again?”

            “Well…is it?”

            “Sigh…what did I tell you the last nine times about it?”

            “I know, we’ve gone over this before. But that was-“

“A week ago” Jeb interrupted.

“Yes, a week ago.”

“And what did I tell you then?”

Bianca sighed. “Not at all sweetheart” she said, making her voice low in imitation of her husband, who she thought always reminded her of Gregory Peck in his role as Atticus Finch. “It’s perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with you at all on the butt department.”


“But…I’m more than halfway certain eight of those times you weren’t being honest, and one of those times doesn’t even count on the grounds you just grunted like you do when you’re not really paying attention.”

 “These high school kids are rubbing off on you.”

“Be honest…” she said, a slight pout forming on her face, one she knew Jeb was ever impelled to cater to.

Jeb knew what that meant. When a woman said be honest, it really meant lie to me with everything you’ve got so I can feel better.

             And once again, Jeb reassured that her ass, on accounts and purposes, was not too big, and that there were no problems with it whatsoever.

Bianca sighed. She knew what that meant. When a man said there was nothing wrong with you at all, it really meant, yeah, that thing is beyond huge. I blame your mother. Jeb did his best to reassure her yet again. This was responded with,

            “Alright…you’re placating to me…but-” she said.

            “No” started Jeb. “I’m merely telling you the truth.”


With that Bianca approached the bed, abandoning the topic...for the time being, and fell onto the bed with a soft thud and the turning of covers.

            “Anyway, I wouldn’t be nearly as stressed out if it weren’t that darned Styles boy.”

            “That kid sounds like a typical punk”, Jeb immediately grunted back without even looking away from his magazine.

Bianca had told Jeb about her issues with Gerald “G-Spotz” Styles. He’d hated the boy from word one, and that loathing for the young negro only seemed to grow with each new report of disruption.

            “Its little wastes of space like that that make me grateful parts of town are set up the way they are.”

Bianca was silent, but knew what Jeb meant, and (for the most part) she agreed. The structure of Coxville, a county located in the Deep South, was one that had maintained a longstanding degree of structural and cultural division between differing races. This practice dated back many score and decades, as far back as the Mexican War from what she had read. Individuals like Gerald Styles and his friends made up the inhabitants of the much dreaded Westside, or N-Town, the run down part of the county that was occupied entirely by the colored citizens. There, crime and disorder were a common practice, and it was where many of the area’s youth had learned the dreadful habits (and atrocious grammar) she’d witnessed at Coxville high school.

On the polar end of town was greater Coxville, where Bianca, her family and all of her friends lived. If night and day had a demographic, their part of town would have been where the sun shone brightest. Bianca was an intelligent woman however. She did not equate this circumstance to be a simple matter of “good and bad”. Bianca Blackwood knew of the great injustices people of color had been dealt over the centuries, and the lingering effects those slights held over their cultural and financial development, mentallity, and emotional standing in America. She -- unlike many in her family, and even her husband to a tamer degree -- was not at all an advocate of the blatant racism that seemed inherent in the town’s history, racism being a force which stunts intelligence in her mind. But on the same token Bianca was aware that, in regards to pure fact, some cultures were – suffice it to say – simply better than others. As a teacher, Bianca was driven to instruct every student equally and to the best of her ability. As a thinking woman however, this did not blind her to the fact that – though she hated to admit it – not every student would take to her tutelage. Boys like Gerald Styles and his crew were just the unfortunate few who’d hadn’t fallen in line or come to understand how important education was. It was sad, but alas at the end of the day it wasn’t her fault.

            “I swear that boy gets joy out of making my job as difficult as humanly possible.”

            “It’s what his kind does dear. They’re angry at the fact they know other people around them are actually making something of themselves, and therefore make it a point to act out as a last ditch attempt to matter. They’d rather fail out loud and in front of an audience than buckle down and succeed through hard work, like this Brooks fellow here.”

Bianca sighed, settling herself underneath the covers. “The truly sad thing is”, said Bianca. “The kids really truly respond to him. It’s like he has this invisible hold over everyone in class. I’ve half a mind to take notes on how he does it.”

            “A jester’s talent dear” Jeb replied. “Fools can capture the attention of almost anyone, its their lot in life and sadly it’s a fleeting one at best.”

            “If only…” she began.

            “Stop worrying about it” Jeb then said, setting the magazine aside and turning over to face her. “You’re going to give yourself wrinkles overnight if you keeping thinking about it.”

            “Wrinkles and a big behind…attractive thought…thanks.”

Jeb grumbled.

            “Don’t even start.”

The two kissed gently, and Jeb turned out the bedroom light. In the dark Bianca was left to her thoughts. Many of them were random, and some revolved around the events of the day. Government, law, business, its all set up to keep the black man in chains. It’s all rooted in fear. Anglo fear of tha black man, fear of his abilities, and – most importantly – fear of what tha black man can do to his white skinned maidens. Bianca pondered the boy’s rant, indulged it briefly in the privacy of her mind. We jus gotta get these fine ass fraulines broke in first. Where does he get these ridiculous ideas, thought Bianca. G-Spotz! Cuz dat’s what I hit wit ma fat ass dick, NIGGA! Bianca turned over under the covers, resting her head against her pillows. B3 in tha mu’fuckin buildin! Bianca flinched, thinking back on that name, B3, and what it implied.

            “Ridiculous…” Bianca murmured to herself, lilting herself into a flustered sleep.

(One week after the fated Coxville book club meeting)

            “Conclusively, Twain’s final note to his audience is one of a satirical nature on the political, cultural, and racial standing of America during the 20th Century. A note that was bold and salient in its era and remains as such now as we traverse through the 21st century. Thank you…”

Daphne Rosenwood finished presenting her paper to the class with a small closing bow as a steady – if half-hearted – hail of applause filled the room. Several students kept their responses secluded to a ‘golf’ pitch, while others chose to opt out of joining in the round altogether.

“Good work girl” said Stacy Brown with a playful nudge as Daphne took her seat next to her.

“Thanks, I think it was alright” replied Daphne coyly. “A lot of the good material I had to omit for time purposes.”

“Shoot, I’ll be lucky if I break two minutes on mine” replied the dark skinned beauty.

 The most fervent and excited clapping of hands came from Mrs. Bianca Blackwood, who sat to the far right of the room in a simple brown chair that she’d brought from home sometime prior. She could have sat in one of the open student’s chairs while the pretty brunette read her report before the classroom, but she’d learned from previous experiences those things simply drove her mad with discomfort. The tall, buxom and extremely curvaceous blond couldn’t be paid to sit still in the standard sized chairs they provided at Coxville high.

The confining flat wood surface always pressed into her large round breasts and the seating was always too blunt for her skin and not nearly wide enough to accommodate the lower ends of her shape with any form of comfort. With the physical strain came the jeering whispers from Gerald “G-Spotz” Styles and his cronies on how Bianca’s ass sat on the edges became unbearable, she decided to bring one of her own chairs from home.

“Brilliant work Daphne” said Bianca with a beaming smile, “Hands down the best presentation yet.”

Daphne blushed, while other students near her scoffed. Bianca hated to appear as though she played favorites, but the young conservative girl had been her best pupil by far. Of all of her class periods, Daphne had shown herself to be the sole straight-A student of the lot. Over the last three days the class had gone through a wide number of presentations, and with no contest Daphne’s had been the star piece. Bianca already knew that even with the half dozen or so remaining papers to be read, Daphne’s was going to be best of the batch. Bianca went down her list of remaining presenters. The list was supposed to have gone alphabetically, with Daphne Rosenwood being the last of the R’s. Though Stacy made up the B's on the list, Mrs. Blackwood had allowed the girl to present two days later than she'd been slated. Family emergency had been the official reason, but Mrs.Blackwood figured the real reason was lack of preparation on the pretty young negress. Bianca however liked Stacy, and had allowed to hold on her report until after the R's had been completed.

            “With that, our next presenter is going to be…Ms. Stacy Brown”

Stacy took a deep breath and went about gathering the pieces of paper that made up her report. As she approached the podium at the front of the class, several voices arose from the back of the sitting crowd. They were scattered, and held such a thick southern drawl that the words sounded more like mashed paste is it were somehow made audible. A keen ear would have been able to decipher the noise as something like,

            “Don’t take too long lil mama!”

            “Read that shit fast, aight!”

            “How many more niggas gotta go today?”

The noise – of course – came from the three boys sitting at the far back of the classroom.

D’shawn, Khalil and Devon were the three cronies of Gerald Styles, or ‘G-Spotz’ to his friends. Their presence made Blackwood almost regret making attendance mandatory during the week of reports. The three boys had already gone up before the class. They’d succeeded in showing everyone exactly what happens when a student refuses to put any effort whatsoever into their schoolwork. D’shawn’, Khalil and Devon had all chosen the same topic, and – in their ingenious plan of strategy – had all copied from the same online analysis site. On a meeker and less scrutinizing teacher their plan might have worked, however Bianca Blackwood was simply not that breed of instructor. She’d given F’s to the three of them almost instantly, and had worked herself into a fine rhythm explaining to the class after each unutterable presentation why plagiarism would not be tolerated in her classroom. The boys were somewhat embarrassed, but cared little after the final word was spoken on the matter.

G-Spotz meanwhile had yet to show up to class that day, a fact which loomed over Blackwood’s mind as both a blessing and a curse. She was more than grateful to have some semblance of order in the young man’s absence, especially given the importance of the reports at the current stage of the school semester. Without G-Spotz’s lead, his three boys proved to be far less rowdy, and could easily be tamed with a stern glare or word of caution from the beautiful blonde teacher. Stacy glared at the trio and Blackwood shot at them a sharp shhh! Immediately the three boys piped down. Hmph! not nearly as tough without their ring leader, thought Bianca with a smirk that might have come off as a bit overly satisfied.

A part of Bianca wondered if Styles would try using the same material as his three friends. It would make failing him a heck of a lot easier, she thought. The other part of her knew better. Gerald Styles was a creep and a menace on a variety of levels, but a copy-cat and moron he most certainly was not. Blackwood could freely admit that to herself. She only hoped that whatever words the unruly youth chose to speak to the class for his report weren’t nearly as offensive as the last big scene he’d made in the room. That outburst had been weeks ago, but the memory still held a sour note on Bianca’s nerves. It may have been a case of her wounded pride as a teacher, or a woman, or as a southerner, or perhaps being a white, or (most likely) some aggregation of the lot.

Whatever the reason, her loathing of that boy held strong. It held, but these days – as Bianca slowly began to realize – held something…else attached to it. Something which Bianca – despite spending hours upon hours pondering -- couldn’t quite put her finger on. Much had happened since that incident involving Gerald, a great many things indeed for the 28 year old educator. New events and shared experiences with her good friends Sammy Spitzmen, Ivana Swallows, Anya White and Jenny Summer had her feeling like certain things in her life were…skewed and lacking somehow. The book club she belonged to with the other women had been where it all started for her. Things she had done had – done in a manner that almost seemed to be a trance now – had left her a several shades past confused.  Bianca’s mind had found itself drifting off more and more into places that she’d never even considered before. Not considered as a wife, a mother of two beautiful children, nor an intelligent teacher and female native of Coxville County. As a result her views on Gerald Styles had gradually begun to change somehow.

Assuredly she still found the young Negro to be rude, arrogant, argumentative, crass and outright offensive with his sexist and equally racist life views, but there was something else beneath all his boisterous posturing that which Bianca couldn’t place.

She gnawed on what it could possibly be, what had changed in her image of G-Spotz, when Stacy began her report. Bianca snapped her head up, knocking herself from her thoughts to watch the girl. Stacy Brown’s topic was a contemporary romance novel that their class had read earlier in the year, and how the traditional motifs of “romance” had been changed over the years to reach broader audiences. With any luck he’ll stay a no-show and I can just grade his report separately, Blackwood thought. She liked the idea of him staying out of class, if only for the day. Just thinking about him filled her with something that felt very similar to anxious and made her squirm in her chair.

Stacy’s points were concise, her speech clear and pleasant to the ear, and the class as a whole couldn’t have cared less. Many heads were staring off into space, and others were so bluntly ambivalent that their heads were lying face down on the desk. Blackwood made a note of these students, and was definitely going to be deducting points from the papers of those involved. However Bianca herself found it difficult to stay focused that day. What in the world could I have possibly been thinking that night, Bianca questioned herself. Despite her greatest efforts she just couldn’t get it out of her mind. That fateful night at the girl’s book club was assailing her brain again. Bianca had done her absolute best to press down the memories of what she and the other girls had done that night. Had done her absolute best to erase the brief stint of – what she could classify as – 'madness' she’d taken part in at the home of her good friend Jenny Summers.

After trying to explain that night logically to herself – and failing miserably – Bianca’s deduction eventually fell to more farfetched ideas. Theories spanning everything from strange waves of collective insanity, to mind altering drugs being spiked in her lemonade became possibilities. Such conspiracies however all fell flat upon Bianca’s realization she’d been reading too many fiction novels as of late. The reaction had been brought on by something unknown, but something incredibly real. Something very real that she somehow knew in her bones she’d not yet rid herself of.

While perhaps not as thorough as Daphne’s report, Stacy Brown’s was definitely a fine piece. When she was actually able to focus on the girl’s words that is. Stacy was two and half minutes through her report, when the classroom door suddenly swung open with a brutish shove. All heads in the room abruptly turned. Bianca jumped in her chair with shock. Downed students suddenly jerked upright in their chairs towards the opened door, as Gerald ‘G-Spots’ Styles proudly swaggered into the classroom. His cocky smirk was lining arched upward on his lips as though he’d been twenty minutes early as opposed to more than twenty minutes late.

“Whaddup nigga!” called one of the boys, the taller fellow named Khalil.

“Shhh!” hissed Blackwood again, however her warnings seemed to instantly lose their weight with the entrance of the young burly negro, his mere presence giving them arrogance and valor somehow by osmosis.

Stacy merely sat her report down on the face of the podium and crossed her arms in a pout. She chose to say nothing, instead allowing her eyes to shoot hostile rounds at Gerald.

“Sorry I’m late…car trouble.”

“Dis nigga…” came the shorter boy of the three sitting, the one named Devon. “Was the trouble blonde or red-headed ma nigga?”

“Both son” chuckled Gerald in a low tone.

“Quiet you three!” shot Bianca. “Mr. Styles, would you kindly take your seat, Ms. Brown is in the middle of her presentation?”

Gerald simply rolled his eyes and smirked at his boys. Inside Bianca churned with silent anger. It simply astonished her how easily Gerald got under her skin. The smallest insulting gesture from him never failed at taking her to her boiling point. She could feel the butterflies of fight or flight fluttering in her stomach. While he never came out and said it, his rolling eyes may have well been screaming fuck you, bitch. She absolutely hated that cocky smirk. Bianca’s husband Jeb had assured her that, as a teacher, students like Gerald Styles would come and go. She knew there was truth in his words…but that didn’t mean she had to accept such insults and disrespect.

In a couple months he’ll be out of school and out of your hair Jeb had assured while lying in bed.

She’d hoped he was right, despite the fact the boy’s grades – while perhaps not terrible – left much to be desired, and at this point in his senior year made the idea of graduation a bleak one at best. Bianca had spent a number of sleepless nights, spent hours pondering ways to somehow get through to the boy. She spent a great deal of time thinking up ways to somehow channel the boy’s need for disruption and his desire for attention into his studies. Then she’d spent a great deal more time imagining new and innovative ways to do him physical harm upon finding no amicable methods of reaching a truce with rude little bastard. Gerald eventually found a seat, one empty desk closer to his boys, and Stacy continued with her report after clearing her throat.

The remaining two minutes of the young black girl’s presentation went uninterrupted, and the class gave their standard half-hearted hail of applause after she came to her conclusion.

“That was really good Stace”, said Daphne.

“Thanks girl”, replied Stacy with a smile.

 Gerald and his three friends had actually managed to keep their side conversations to a dull whisper and only slightly irksome grunts and chuckles throughout most of her piece. Bianca sighed, and here I thought I’d get away with him simply not showing up. She knew it was a pipe dream, but to Bianca hope only killed upon it being relinquished…in most cases at least. Blackwood went down her list again. There were only a few more students left to present, with the final report belonging to Kitty Summers. Bianca had noticed early on that the young blond hadn’t yet shown up to class that day either. Indeed, neither the Summers girl nor her friend Patricia had made an appearance yet. Miko had been present the day she was called before the class, but somehow had managed to fall ill directly after giving her report, and requested to be sent home early by nurse Swallows. She hadn’t been seen in class since.

 Where are those girls, thought Bianca. A less than curious thing to Blackwood, despite her wonder. The young and astonishingly beautiful blond girl, along with her small host of cheerleader friends, had been missing an increasing number of school days over the last few weeks. That, and the fact their behavior had become more and more unsavory, even by young teenage girl’s standards. Initially Blackwood had equated it to Kitty and her friends simply reaching a rebellious stage of their youth, their hormones impelling them to 'make a little havoc' during their senior year.

When faculty members would converse in the break room about their disapproval of the girls and their choice of ‘new company’, Bianca would politely agree, but – to be fair – make a point to ask the elder teachers how they behaved when they were at that age. Some fellow teachers would scoff, others would negate with “buts”, citing seedy hearsay and secondhand rumor about the ‘simply detestable’ goings on at secret pool parties, football games and even on school grounds. Others would begrudgingly choose to drop the matter, and go back to reading the day’s newspaper. Their eventual neglect of the matter put Bianca somewhat more at ease with her own little secret. She'd seen Jenny Summers in action during one of her...activities, and didn't altogether see the image of Jenny's daughter as a non-possibility either.

Bianca fought to give the students an equal voice and fair representation in matters, despite the fact that even she had noticed the dramatic change in the girl’s behavior. While by no means a pushover (sans Gerald) Bianca Blackwood did pride herself on giving students an equal opportunity to defend their stance, whatever it may be. When Kitty Summers and her tall and very curvaceous friend Patricia – Patty to her friends – walked through the door however, Bianca could almost smell the mischief on them. Kitty and Patty attempted to casually – though quietly – tiptoe into the room. Patty was wiping at something on the cleavage of her ample bosom, which was tucked inside an entirely too small shirt. Meanwhile Kitty was subtlety wiping away the phantom dregs of…something…from the left corner of her lip.

“Ah, Kitty, Patricia, so nice of you ladies to finally join us”, Bianca said with a slight bite held in her voice. Students knew when Mrs. Blackwood was genuinely pissed when she got to using first names. “And may I ask where you two have been?”

“Umm-“both girls said in unison while looking to each other for a signal in a mutual wide eyed surprise. “Car trouble…” Kitty eventually said, more in the form of a question than an actual statement.

“Yeah, car trouble” Patty then chimed in.

Bianca sighed. If it weren’t for the fact that Kitty Summers was the daughter of Bianca’s dear friend Jenny Summers, she would have likely ripped her apart in front of the class right then and there. Instead she merely shook her head.

“Car trouble…of course, there seems to be a wave of that going around just lately. Coincidentally on the day that reports are due …”

The two girls merely gave coy little smiles and simple shoulder shrugs, which – as noted by Bianca – was returned with a cocky smirk from the mouth of Gerald and his homies.

“Just take your seats you two…”, Bianca said dismissively.

Bianca adjusted her glasses and looked back down to the presentation list. With Stacy's report complete, all the B's were taken care of. There would only be a couple students left of the S's. Bianca's heart sank when her eyes settled on the next unchecked name on her list.

“...Mr. Gerald Styles…” said the buxom blond, barely holding back the groan that sat atop her throat.

That same cocky grin, added with a clamor of instigative murmurs from his three cronies.

“Yeeah boi.”

“You got that shit cuh!?”

“Eh yo, make that shit fast nigga.”

“Before you step up to the podium Mr. Styles, I just want to know if your paper is going to sound anything like the previous three from Khalil, D’shawn or Devon.

“What, deez three clowns? Hell naw!” bellowed Gerald.

“Ey fuck you nigga!” said Devon.

“Devon! Language!” barked Bianca. “And may I trust you in assuming your piece isn’t going to be offense or disruptive to the class in any way?”

“Naw, I really put work inta dis one, so’s folks won’t be gettin all butt hurt about the truth. It’z mo thought provokin dan anythan…”

Bianca’s nose scrunched to the point it almost misaligned her glasses, and her eyes narrowed slightly upon hearing the boy. Their butchering of the English language grated on her ear drums. She didn’t have the strength or patience to break down all the flaws in his sentence, let alone the time. So Blackwood simply signaled him to approach the front of the class with a flat wave of her hand.

            “Very well then, the stage is yours Mr. Styles”.

With that, Gerald lazily pulled out a small and rather hard used looking stack of papers. It amazed Bianca that the boy could even identify the mangled pages as anything besides tarnished pieces of trash. Gerald approached the podium, and Blackwood noticed then that almost immediately all eyes on the class were alert and focused on him. Even the once sleeping students had come alive and were sitting upright to hear Gerald’s report. I can’t believe it, thought Bianca. Bianca truly hated to admit it, but the class really did follow the young negro. Even if they didn’t agree with his views, they traced his every word and gesture.

            “Mornin ya’ll” said Gerald in a confident boom after clearing his voice. “Ma report” he began, sifting to the presumed first page of his essay, “isn’t gonna be on just one book or film we’ve covered this semester.”

“What?” came a few hushed murmurs from the class.

Mrs. Blackwood herself was slightly taken aback by the declaration.

“Ma report is gonna briefly cover da broad strokes of tha major works we’ve looked at dis semester, an then correlate how all ah dem are speakin durectkly ta two specific audiences in America. Namely, tha African-American man…”

Oh god, thought Bianca.

 “An his counterpart…tha white American woman.”

    The response from the class was a strange one. It wasn’t just a collective gasp, it wasn’t just the sound of creaking desks as a cluster of bodies suddenly leaned forward in their chairs. It wasn’t just the giddy slew of giggles that came from Kitty and Patty. It wasn’t even the seemingly outraged fluster that squeaked from Stacy. It was a distorted and randomly meshed grouping of all those things, added with the more than peculiar silence of one Bianca Blackwood. Blackwood did not protest, she didn’t immediately tell the boy to leave the room, nor did she fail him on the spot for choosing such an absurd topic. That is something which should be remembered. Bianca Blackwood simply sat there in her home brought chair, her eyes wide open in a manner to match the O of shock that had been instantly slapped onto her face. It was a look carrying equal parts shock, awe, offense and an ineffable quality of curiosity at what was going to happen next.

            “Oh…shit…” cursed Mrs. Blackwood under her breath, not even taking notice to the fact that at some point – unbeknownst to her -- she had leaned forward in her chair, and her nipples had turned into two tight buds inside her white blouse.


(Three days before Gerald’s presentation)

     “Come on baby, harder!” cooed Bianca Blackwood in the dark of her bedroom.

      “Agh, agh, agh!” puffed Jeb in response as he did his best to comply with his wife’s plea.

Bianca was on all fours, naked and bent over in front of her husband. Behind her an equally naked Jeb pumped into her with everything he had, faint fleshy claps marking his efforts. Jeb’s body was slick with a layer of sweat from fucking Bianca from behind. Bianca’s curved naked form meanwhile hadn’t even shown the slightest signs of fatigue. She held her position firm and kept her back arched to give her lover entry.

            “Harder!” Bianca said, this time hinting more towards a demand than a request. She so very much wanted to be fucked, pounded by a hard cock. Staving off sex for weeks on in had that effect on her.

            “Agh, eh, Ye-Agh!” replied Jeb as he grabbed his wife’s lovely hips firmly and pulled her back onto his erect penis.

    At maximum length Jeb’s cock was about six and half inches. More than half of his manhood however was blocked entry into his wife’s sweet pink gash, as the meat of her large and extremely round buttocks cushioned most of his blows. To Jeb it felt amazing. Even after bearing two children, Bianca’s body hadn’t become any less robust or toned than it had when they’d first started dating. While he’d originally held a secret distaste for the prominent growth in his beloved BB’s hind quarters, Jeb had to admit to himself now – silently – that the soft abundant mass of that made up his wife’s ass felt simply divine. Of course he’d never say anything on the matter out loud. No sir, the topic of his wife’s posterior was all but forbidden. He’d learned to be a sure fire method to kill her good mood, and as far as Bianca knew, his perceptions on her bottom were that of it being by all accounts totally normal.

    It was anything but of course (no pun intended), but they’d comforted themselves in the safety of the lie. Jeb had gotten used to telling his gorgeous wife she was as such, and Bianca never got tired of hearing as such from her husband. In the end Jeb decided it would be best to keep Bianca’s bountiful bottom as something akin to a ‘silent’ guilty pleasure. One he’d never speak of aloud or acknowledge outwardly.

“Ugh my god!” Blurted Jeb as he thrusted his hips forward into her expose opening.

And if her glorious bubble butt wasn’t a national treasure in itself, her pussy was just as tight as the first time he’d ever been inside it.

            “I…I’m, I’m gonna” Jeb bellowed, not able to get his words to string together in proper order before they trailed off into an uncontrollable grunt of release.

Bianca turned her head towards Jeb to see him spasm behind her. She felt his cock abruptly harden, surge with the pumping semen, and then gradually soften between her ass cheeks. Within moments Jeb had collapsed onto her, his penis falling limply out of her, and he buried his head into the back of her blonde hair. Their love making had lasted a grand total of ten minutes, with two positions in total being executed. Bianca sighed, and lifted herself up from the remains of her husband. Bianca rose from the bed and threw on her night robe before heading off to the bathroom. Jeb meanwhile splayed himself backwards onto their large sized bed, taking deep breaths and wiping at the beads of sweat that had formed on his face and forehead.

            “That was…” he began in between labored breaths  “simply incredible…” said Jeb in a more than satisfied exhalation.

Well…that makes one of us, thought Bianca bitterly. In all their years of marriage, this had to have been the first time Bianca had ever walked away from her bed after having sex with her husband in utter disappointment. Granted they had both been tired from their respective days and work, routine and the mutual grind of raising their two children, but that had never put a damper on their sex life before. What’s going on, she thought. They’d made the mutual decision to stave off one another for several weeks before that night. The idea was rooted in allowing the anticipation to build – anywhere from a few days to a few weeks – so as to enhance the experience when they finally did getting around to it. Bianca had come across the idea in a women’s magazine she had read some months back, and had convinced Jeb to engage in the little experiment as well, as one of the rules consisted of ‘no masturbation’.

    They’d done it like that several times before, and each time the sex had been simply amazing. Bianca never had any notable complaints about Jeb’s skills, stamina or…or his penis size, she forced herself to complete mentally.

 But that night’s performance, along with at least two others recently, had just been so… woefully beneath her expectations. So thoroughly bland, that she could hardly believe they had occurred.

Bianca doused her face with cold water and looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe it’s me, she thought. This self-conscious nonsense with me and my butt is making me too insecure. To Bianca, Jeb had always been a perfectly adequate lover. He was in excellent shape for a man nearing his thirties, and it wasn’t a matter of her losing attraction to him. Not had their marriage come under any sort of recent strain or fire in the form of conflict within the last few months. She didn’t know if it was work, her own stressed mental state with her students, grading reports, or something yet unaccounted for. All she knew was… sex for her as of late, had taken a sudden and very much frustrating nosedive.

“Not to use an old cliché, but was it good for you dear?” said Jeb to his beautiful wife in the next room with a chuckle.

Bianca did not respond, being too lost in thought. No…not thought, more like lost in memory. Bianca thought back, in search of the last time she’d truly felt horny and been thoroughly pleased. The last time Bianca had been truly aroused -- wet to the point of dripping in fact -- had been more than a month ago. The memory shoved its way from the back of her brain to fore, for must have been the eighth time that week. The image of Bianca, positioned on her hands and knees around her girlfriends Jenny Summers, Samantha Spitzmen, Anya White and Ivana Swallows. The image of Bianca, her stark blue eyes gazing up for approval at the grinning face of a muscular young man, a student at the very school she taught no less. The image of Bianca’s lips pursed in a tight o while sucking on the head of his enormous cock. The image of Bianca, gagging on six inches of a veiny twelve inch rod of black flesh that made Jeb’s penis look several layers below inadequate in both length and girth. And she remembered the feeling of the young man’s powerful hands as they clasped onto her one of her ass cheeks. Bianca could feel her insides quake with the very memory of it. Deep down Bianca knew what was bothering her, what was making her so frustrated, but she wouldn’t allow herself to admit it.

    Jeb obviously didn’t feel like the sex was bad, which made Bianca’s guilt that much worse. On the contrary, the triumphant lion’s grin Jeb was giving her as she exited the bathroom and made her way back to the bed implied he was positively thrilled with the session.

            “So?” Jeb asked.

            “What?” Replied Bianca.

            “Was it good?”

            “Oh…yes, yes of course…” she lied.

            “Ahhh, that was a brilliant idea you had. Holding ourselves off from sex for a few weeks at a time.” Jeb threw himself back onto the pillow of the bed, arms outstretched.

Bianca meanwhile silently slipped herself in between the sheets.

            “You’re amazing when you’re horny” Jeb complimented. “I love this new aggressive side to you. Bossy definitely suits you in bed.”

Still, Bianca said nothing.

            “And that thing you do with your hips…my god, where’d you learn how to do that? It makes your ass just--”

            “Ok Jeb, thank you!” Shot Bianca, an obvious exasperation in her tone.

            “What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.

            “N-Nothing, you just…you know how I feel about people talking about my butt. It makes me uncomfortable is all.”

It was a true statement..‘sort of’. It ‘could’ have passed as true bother. Granted it wasn’t really at the fore of her present worries, but Bianca couldn’t possibly tell Jeb what was truly on her mind. Not a chance in hell she’d confess that.

            Jeb gave a quick chuckle before kissing her softly on the cheek.

            “We’ll have none of that, not after that kind of sex.”

    It was blunt, but the look on Bianca’s face couldn’t hold any anger. Jeb was truly a sweet man. If any part of her was evenly remotely tempted to out and tell the truth, Bianca killed it when she smiled back at her husband. In the end she decided to leave the matter at that, and kissed Jeb back before laying her head down to rest. It still bothered her greatly that his greatest efforts had barely gotten her moist. And it bothered her even more how wet the current collage of erotic images parading around her brain had made her in the span of a few moments. She had to fight the urge to slide her fingers into herself. It was just a one-time experience, she thought, trying to counsel herself back to logic and therefore lull herself to sleep. Just a stupid one time experiment to see what all Jenny’s boasting was about. That’s all.

            Bianca repeated this to herself many times. But even as Jeb curled up next to her, the thought of her previous venture – and the effect it had had on her – persisted. And at some point when Bianca finally managed to fall into a thoughtful slumber, she actually allowed herself to confess -- in a fleeting moment of acceptance -- …that black cock really was huge though...

    “Well Mr. Styles…” she said in a tone no louder than a breath, a smoldering anger sitting atop her words like froth. “You’ve done it...”

Bianca Blackwood was sitting in her rolling chair on the proper end of her desk. The blackboard wall was directly behind her as a dark gray rectangular mess of only scarcely visible markings from passed lessons. She was sitting upright, with both of her hands crossed neatly over one another underneath her more than ample bosoms. Her tense body language and low vocal pitch betrayed her attempts to appear calm and collected before her disruptive pupil, Gerald “G-Spotz” Styles, who sat on the opposite end of the desk. He was slouched lazily in the brown chair Blackwood had personally brought from her home. Her shoulders were stiff, and the smile painted on her face didn’t even come close to reaching her eyes, which were hurling every sharp object and foul curse word imaginable at the young negro for the presentation he’d given in class that day. “Disruptive” didn’t even count as an juvenile representation of what he’d done.

The classroom was barren aside from the pair of them, the rows of desks in the room having been hastily abandoned within seconds of Blackwood’s dismissal of the class…five minutes early. She’d given Styles a stern command beforehand to remain behind for a serious discussion as the students filed out of the room at near breakneck speed. They’d seen Mrs. Blackwood cross plenty of times. Cross they could deal with. Hell, most of the students aimed to make her cross before settling in their chairs each day, if only because the expression made her look that much sexier. Today however was something else entirely.  They had never seen such a look of concentrated hatred gathered on the beautiful blond teacher’s face as before.

“Oh shit” murmured an unidentified student amongst the exiting multitude. “ I think Gerald might've overdone it.”

“Yeah, he’s gonna get it this time” came another voice in response.

"So what?" came the familiar voice of Stacy Brown. "He deserves to get his ass chewed out, especially after giving something like that for his report!"

They most definitely didn’t wish to stick around to see her wrath unleashed upon the boy. Even G-Spotz boys, D’Shawn, Khalil and Devon wore a look of worry on their brows for their friend upon seeing the beet red complexion and narrowed eyes of the buxom teacher. The classroom hadn’t tested her anger upon her release of the class, or the look of sheer contempt she’d dawned in the wake of Styles completing his presentation. All the while, Gerald’s face remained defiant and (suffice it to say) looking rather pleased with his performance, which only assured his classmates that his punishment would be nothing short of brutal.

Blackwood had spent those first five minutes, and the few following the final tolling of the school bell, just staring at the boy. No, glaring at him, unblinkingly from her desk with her stark ocean blue eyes. She’d said nothing during the interim, refusing to utter a word. And it gave her a silent feeling of minor satisfaction when she saw the burly young man actually begin to shift uncomfortably in his seat from her unwavering gaze. Tha fuck is this bitch on, he thought. Maybe she serious this time.  The silence would have been maddening for Styles if hadn’t been for the steady click, click, click sounds coming from the miniature Newton’s cradle model which sat atop Blackwood’s broad desk. Two of five round black balls held up to the structure on strings were swaying back and forth in wide arcs, colliding with the single remaining ball in the middle. The transfer of kinetic energy then caused the two balls on the opposite side to then swing backwards and then forwards to continue the process in an endless reciprocity.

“Just when I thought you weren’t capable of being any more offensive…” Blackwood continued, her face visibly hot with anger. “Just when I thought you simply didn’t have it in you to bring any more disruption, chaos or propagandist filth into this classroom, you present this…”

The this Blackwood was referring to was the jumbled assimilation of tarnished pages that made up Gerald’s semester report. Nine some odd hand written pieces of mishandled paper which had singlehandedly sent Bianca Blackwood’s sixth period Literature class into frenzy. A small riot flavored with offense, shock, awe, and scattered points of uncontrollable laughter. So much in fact, that Blackwood had decided to simply allow the classroom to leave early for the day, as she knew there was no hope in hell or heaven that she’d be able to calm them down. Blackwood slapped the pages onto her desk with an audible clap, her hand slamming atop the mass with a dull thwack sound.

Upon assessing Blackwood’s anger – which could no longer remain hidden behind a calm veneer – Styles smirked arrogantly.

            “Wha’can I say? I stay shockin folks…”

            “This is just another joke to you, isn’t it? Just another punch line in the little stand up act of Gerald Styles. Do you realize this –“ Blackwood tapped on the papers for emphases, “is more enough to get you expelled from this school.”

            “How you figure?” said Styles in the tone of a dare.

            “How do I figure!?” the beautiful blond said in near disbelief. Is he serious, she thought. “It slanders our school, mocks its educators, mars the good name of our county, makes a joke out of our collective moral views and intelligence, and succeeds at offending not just our entire Caucasian female population of Coxville, but basically advertises white women in general as though they’re prostitutes.”

Gerald would slightly nod his head with each point, nod as though he were marking off a checklist in his mind.

     “And that’s just your preface and opening!”

    “Hey, it is wha’it is…” Styles replied plainly.

    “And your so-called commentary from local students and faculty are nothing short of lies. There’s no way any of our female students, teachers, or ANYONE of even fair intelligence and logic would say the things you’ve quoted them as saying, I don’t care how misguided they say your generation is.”

Despite how sick it made Blackwood to read aloud, she quoted some of the – simply outrageous – comments that Styles had supposedly gathered in research for his atrocious piece. There were many, a simply staggering amount on the actual paper, and consisted of wild personal notes of,

            Oh yeah, black dick is the only kind of dick that matters as quoted by one Big Red - BBC Queen

            I have to admit, I was skeptical and a bit scared at first, but once I got my first taste of nigger cock, I was hooked from that day forward. Stated one Kitty-Kat.

Many of the female commentators chose only scantly concealing pseudonyms.

A pair of girl’s naming themselves simply P&M gave corresponding statements.

Nigger cock is soooo bomb, stated P. Its big, its strong, its long, and it can just go and go for hours. Me and M got our first brutha together, and oh my god was it good!

  Yeah, I couldn’t even bring myself to look at limp little white dicks anymore after that, added M. It was a total eye opener for us.

Among other things, P added, and somehow Blackwood could imagine both the mysterious girls giggling in unison at their own joke.

I’ve been telling all my girlfriends since then to drop the losers they’re with and grab some real cock, some black cock, immediately commented one girl merely calling herself S. None of us have any regrets.

            And, I’d recommend every white woman be with a black stud. As a white woman, your sex life, social standing and mental well-being will be worlds better.

    “There’s no way any woman in Coxville would say such things” said Blackwood when she couldn’t conceivably force herself to continue. “These are obviously lies you’ve written down with fake names to further your preposterous theories”. She knew what she said wasn’t entirely true, but she wouldn’t dare let Gerald think she thought otherwise.

    “Hey, word is bond, that’s what those bitches said. You can ask em’ yoself.”

    “Language, and I most certainly would…if they’d been bold enough to give their real names. I also find the aliases these young ladies have all used to be very convenient in adding to your paper.”

    “Yo, dem chicks want tha black dick. Figured dey parents’d and teachers would get all pissed if word came back dey was tellin folks whats really up. So dey chose anonymity to protect deyselves. Didn’t stop em’ from tellin er’body how good the truth is dou.”

  Blackwood looked down the list again, she had to otherwise she’d have likely thrown the nearby blackboard eraser at the youth for his crass mocking and hideous pronunciation of words. Those had been only a few selections from the feedback. The list just went on and on with these statements. All of them carrying many of the same words of approval and with a tone and zeal of near fanaticism. Big black cock, huge, enormous, unreal, powerful, gigantic, nigger dick, humongous, pounded, perfect.

The words made Bianca stir in her own seat. These so-called quotes had to have been made up, she thought. Gerald obviously created the comments to further his own outrageous beliefs. Though…Bianca had to interject to herself, some of the comments did seem rather…familiar she thought. The speech and manner of the comments caused faces to appear in Bianca’s mind with familiarity. Students and perhaps one or two teachers at the school came to mind. Furthermore Blackwood did recall seeing a notable degree of…glee on the faces of Kitty Summers and her two cohorts Miko and Patty while Gerald read off the comments.

    And to a much more secretive degree, she had the account of her own encounter with this big black cock that the comments spoke of. Oh please, Bianca tried to rebuke herself. Sure, that West boy was rather large…but. She trailed off her line of thought for a moment, recalled how firmly Samson West’s rather large member was crammed into her mouth. How it pulsed heavily and grew hot on her tongue and in the tightly compressed corners of her mouth and throat. And how – upon grabbing a firm handful of one of her ass cheeks – he’d become incredibly stiff, and gagged her with the influx of inches down her throat.

   Big, black, huge, enormous, unreal, powerful, nigger dick.  The words danced mockingly before her eyes on the paper, and subtlety she felt portions of her body actually begin to respond to the scandalous dribble.

Ridiculous, she forced herself to conclude. Admittedly that West boy was huge…but he doesn’t account for the entire population. Bianca Blackwood wasn’t a fool. She knew better than to believe such nonsense based on one coinciding encounter. She knew such that sort of thinking was how those idiotic urban legends came into being. One account gets turned into a dozen, and replicates until it takes on the vague outline of proof. And he certainly doesn’t validate the rest of this racist garbage.

    “You cain’t get mad at me for tellin it like it is Mrs. Blackwood.” Gerald protested. “I did ma research, used the material we’d been given, and I followed tha guidelines you gave us to the letter. Jus becuz I compounded mo’ to the overall piece don’t make it slanderous.”

Bianca glanced over the papers again, forcing herself to sift passed the collected female commentary. She would hear none of it, wouldn’t allow herself to give the boy a half a centimeter of credence on the matter.

    “You can’t possibly look at what you’ve given me and call it good work”, Blackwood replied. “

    “No…” Gerald said bluntly. And just as Bianca had given a sigh showing a hint of hope that they’d reach an understanding, he continued with, “witout sounding like I’m dick stroking ma’self, I think its great work.”

Bianca’s jaw literally dropped in disbelief.

     “I followed all yo rules and guideless” he repeated, “went above an beyond backin up ma points wit fieldwork, and managed  include all tha material we’ve gone over dis year. I been putting work in on dat mu’phucka for weeks.”

    “Watch your language Gerald” Bianca said dismissively.

    “I bet Daphne is already wrote down in yo grade book havin a “A” for her little funky ass report she did on that nigga Mark Twain” Gerald continued, ignoring Blackwood’s warning.

By now Gerald had sat upright in the chair, and was looking Blackwood straight in the eyes.

            “Ms. Rosenwood’s report didn’t make it a mission to insult every white person in the country.”

            “Nah, just black folks, which is obviously cool wit you.”

            “What?” Bianca blurted in a tone of almost disbelief. “Are you…” Bianca began, taken aback by the insinuation. “Are you implying my reasons for failing this mockery of a report is racially motivated?”

            “It ain’t dou?” replied Gerald in a sarcastic pitch of feigned surprise. “A little upper middle class white girl does a report on a old racist white man, praises his racist works and gives him accolades fo basically just writing the word ‘Nigger’ over an over again enough times to make a book, A+.”

Bianca looked at him cautiously. Despite her anger and frustration at the boy, she wanted to hear where he was going with this.

    “But when a nigga hits the grindstone and writes about natural truths within American society, talks about tha real shit that no’body wanna look at head on, he gets a F and has to stay after class to get bitched at an shit!”

 With that Gerald actually rose to his feet in protest, and slammed both his hands down hard on Blackwood’s desk.

I’m bitching at him, Bianca silently fumed. If she had an inner view of her mind, it likely would have been a furnace.

            “Th-that’s not even remotely true” she replied, still seated in her chair.

To her surprise, that was all she was able to say in response to Styles. She’d have sworn she’d had more, but when the time came to retort, her mind simply went blank. For some reason, her heart began to beat faster in her chest. That adrenaline surge from conflict had spiked in her. More and more the words from the paper attracted her attention. Attracted her attention…almost as much as the huge bulge she noticed was bundled in the front of Gerald’s pants. She didn’t have a decent view of it before when he was sitting down, but now that he was standing up and right in of front of her, she had a full frontal image of it.

     From where she was sitting, the lengthy and unusually thick piece of hidden meat actually coiled slightly inside his jeans, strained by the confinements of his underwear. The outline looked like some freakishly thick king sized bratwurst sausage that had been cooked to near the point of bursting.

Oh my god, she thought. Her previous look of caged anger melted almost instantly in an O of shock at the mere suggestion of the thing. She had to actually shake her head slightly to bring herself back into sorts.

            “Your many slights and offenses to my classroom aside” she said, regaining her momentum, “and you dare accuse me of being racist?!”

            “Wouldn’t be nottin new. You’re just another member of this oppressive ass system

You arrogant little bastard, she thought. Bianca could feel her teeth clenching together hard enough that it actually hurt.

    “You ain’t got yours yet, so you’re still trippin. Tryin to keep niggas down.”

Bianca didn’t quite know what the young negro meant by “gotten yours”, but the look in his eyes hinted towards something that caught her off guard. She forced herself to take several calming breaths, and then made herself lean back in her seat. No, this is what he wants, Bianca thought. He wants to work your nerves and get you angry. Don’t play his game. She straightened herself up, forcing herself not to look down at Gerald’s humungous member and again folded her hands over one another on the top of the desk.

            “Mr. Styles…” she began. Her sudden change in mood and body language caused Gerald to shift in surprise. “Your paper – offensive and fictional as it may have been – was…compelling, I’ll give you that.”

The click, click, click of the Newton cradle filled the space of silence.

            “I understand you’ve put a lot time and energy into creating it, and I truly do appreciate your efforts to have something to present to the class.”

Now Gerald’s face had been slapped with its own O of shock.

“I just find it tragically unfortunate…”

Styles arched an eyebrow at this.

            “Tragically unfortunate that all that drive, all that passion, goes squandered on simply getting a rise out of me and your classmates. It just bothers me that you’d misuse your abilities in this way.”

Gerald actually took a step back from Blackwood’s desk, as if he were trying to confirm that he were trying to discern whether or not he was talking to the real Bianca Blackwood, and not some lookalike imposter.

“Despite the company you keep, you have proven yourself time and time again to be a very well read and highly intelligent young man. Not just that, you’ve proven yourself to hold some notable ability to gain the attention of the class. That’s the trademark of a natural born leader. And regardless of our past disagreements and…”

She recalled the numerous times Gerald and his clowns hooted and hollered at her whenever she turned her back to class. The names they’d called her, starting from the very first day of the school year.

“Got Dam!!” said Devon.

            “Dat ass fat as a mu’phucka!” chided Khalil.

            “Shit nigga, dats a fatty right der son!” chuckled D’shawn.

And the finishing blow, the remark that had made Bianca Blackwood thoroughly self-conscious about her ass and fearful of turning her back to any sort of crowd, came from G-Spotz’s christening her,

            “Mrs.Blackwood huh? Big Booty Blackwood mo like it. 3B up in this mu’phucka”

    “Regardless of our past…moments of unpleasantness, I’m honored to have had you in my class this past year.”

If Bianca could have taken a picture, she would have in order to commemorate the look of near shock that had bloomed over Gerald’s strong black features. He probably would have even blushed if he could.

 “I just think it’s a shame that your need for attention has trumped your desire to perform better in my class.”

Bianca’s tone had waned into a soft, soothing and shockingly sympathetic tambour. It was the same tone of voice she’d use on her own children when lulling them to sleep or reasoning with them to brush their teeth and go to bed.

 “I see all that potential, all that raw intellect and drive to be acknowledged by others, and it truly...disappoints me to see it being squandered on such juvenile pursuits…”

By now Gerald’s expression looked as though he’d seriously been slapped.

“I see big things in your future Mr. Styles” as she ended her spiel. “I simply don’t want all that potential to be spoiled on trying to impress your peers, or simply giving me a hard time.”

Bianca’s eyes widened to show their mesmerizing blue tint.  “As your teacher I certainly don’t want that, but it’s up to you to make that hope a reality…not for your friends, and certainly not for me, but for your own sake.”

Bianca's once stiff mouth melted into a warm and inviting smile. If she couldn’t best the boy in outright combat, she would win him over with a show of empathy and a desire for peace. She’d tried such tact perhaps once or twice before to lesser success, but in her eyes a third attempt certainly couldn’t hurt at this point.

     For several moments Bianca Blackwood and Gerald Styles just stared at one another. His deep brown eyes fixed upon her blue ones. Gerald's eyes had widened in a way that Blackwood had never seen before. His facial muscles relaxed and fell into an unknowable look that she’d hoped had been genuine contemplation and understanding of her words.

            “Mrs. B…” Gerald then said calmly and almost humbly.

By goodness, I did it, she thought. I actually got through to him.

            “Yes Mr. Styles…” Bianca said, doing her best to hide her excitement at what would have been the single biggest breakthrough she’d ever made with a student.

            “I…” he began. “I…”

            “Yes…” she said again, her tone trying to help him along in saying what she was certain would be “I’m so sorry Mrs. Blackwood."

“I...just gotta know…what tha FUCK kinda ‘after school special’ shit was THAT son!”

Gerald’s strong features instantly drew back into his normal antagonizing smile, and were punctuated by his cruel mocking hail of laughter.

            “3B tryin to bust a “Dangerous Minds” in this bitch, ha-ha-ha!” said Gerald, throwing his head back and actually pointing a mocking finger at the busty blond as she sat wide eyed with offense and embarrassment in her seat. The embarrassment was simply too much for her. That was the last straw.

             “Young man!” she then yelled, regaining the tempo of her argument and standing up from her chair to face down the cackling boy. “You are completely out of order!”

            “Ha-ha”, Gerald continued laughing hardily, “Naw nigga, YOU are outta pocket if you really thought THAT sugary sweet shit was gonna get me to stamp out ma own work!”

            “Your work?!” Bianca rebuked. “What you’ve given me is not, I repeat, NOT work! Its nine pages of ‘mockumentary’ porn that you’ve slapped together at the last minute with the sole purpose of pissing me off! And – Gerald – I must say, it is working!”

Bianca glared at him with unfettered hatred now. She'd tried reasoning with this unruly negro, and after spitting in her face like that, she'd most definitely had enough.

            “Well GOOD” Gerald responded, “Den I should get an A for giving yo stiff ass a glimpse of sex den. You OBVIOUSLY ain’t gettin fucked right if you so ass hurt about ma shit!”

That was a low blow to Bianca. Such a low and disgusting thing to say, and to an elder and a teacher no less! Styles would of course have no way of knowing, but his words actually stung Bianca with a bitter dose of inadvertent truth. Bianca’s sex life – unbeknownst to him – had taken a serious plunge as of late. Her last few bouts with her husband Jeb had left her -- to say the least on the matter -- more than a bit hungry for a better performance. All the same, the comment hurt, and Bianca finally lost her last shred of calm.

            “You…rude ignorant little shit!” she hollered at him, the last fraction of her patience incinerating with anger.

            “Hey, don’t be mad at me cuz you cain’t get a nigga to smash that shit out right!”

            “Fuck you!" She shot back in a blind verbal counter. "You’re a crude, arrogant, racist and repulsive little prick!” she said, not even really thinking about her words more than simply trying to verbally fight back. Bianca was so angry she didn’t even care that she’d lowered herself to cussing. They were both in each other’s faces now, and Bianca was glaring at him with a pointed index finger close to his face.

“Not only am I giving you an F on this project, but I’m going to see it personally that you be expelled from this school, immediately!”

Her other arm was down at her side, the hand balled into a tight white fist. Her blood was pumping furiously now, and her face was flushed with rage.

    “Try spreading more lies and garbage about your huge…” she suddenly stopped.

            “Huge what” Gerald said, catching her off guard and predicting what she was about to say. “Go on, say it bitch” he egged on, daring her to finish as one of his hands undid the zipper of his pants. She heard to sound of the front of his pants coming undone, and – despite every logical bone and sense in her telling her not to – she looked down at the sound’s source.

     The anger on Bianca’s Blackwood’s face fell away in the split second it took for her to identify what Gerald had done, what had flopped out of the front of Gerald’s pants and was now being held in one of his hands. Now, Gerald Style’s hands were big by most boy’s comparison. This fact only drove home the incredible truth that in his hand, Gerald’s deep brown cock was almost fatter than his grip. His brown veiny member rested in a long and incredibly thick tubular mass of – by Bianca’s downward view – an easy ten inches.

            “Oh my!” Blackwood then belted as her gaze settled and then marveled at the bare sight of it.

            “Yeah…” chuckled Gerald, his voice carrying nothing short of a tambour of triumph. That look like a lie to you, bitch?”

My god, Bianca then thought to herself in a mental gasp. That’s the hugest cock I’ve ever seen.

            “Yeah, told yo ass I wudn’t lyin.” Gerald then said, and Bianca was taken aback upon realizing she’d actually voiced her thoughts out loud. “You ain’t got yours yet huh, Mrs.Blackwood?”

Bianca didn’t respond, she simply kept staring at the incredible display of manhood that Gerald was holding in his hand like a cudgel. A long and (to Bianca’s silent terror) limp cudgel. Jesus, if it’s that huge when it’s limp, what does it look like when it’s hard, she wondered.

            “You want it huh?” said Gerald, his familiar cocky smirk creeping across his lips. “Well, hit yo knees and get it then, white ho.”

   Big, huge, enormous, unreal, powerful, nigger dick, the words on his report coming back to her mind again in rapid replay. Bianca Blackwood again recalled Samson West’s giant dark dick probing deep into her mouth, and how good his hand felt as it gripped her big round ass cheeks. Her heartbeat kept its rapid momentum, and she felt that same tingle surge in her body. Only this time she could discern that the tingle was situated between her legs. And lo and behold, Bianca Blackwood hadn’t even noticed how wet she was – how wet she’d been during the argument – until she felt herself descending onto both knees before the young black stud in her black skirt, and staring head on at Gerald "G-Spotz" Style's big black monster cock.

    Bianca Blackwood didn’t have much in way comparisons for black cocks. She had only seen her first via DVD, a feature which – admittedly – had looked astonishing to her as the well-muscled black man in possession of a simply monstrous member pumped furiously into her good friend Jenny. But alas Bianca herself hadn’t touched it with her own hands or saw it up close in person. Her single physical encounter with the young athlete Samson West had left her jaw aching from overexertion for the entire day after that night’s book club meeting. Samson West’s cock was huge, in the way the gorgeous blond would have sworn was one in a million. Adding the anonymous dark stud from Jenny’s DVD and you’d have two and a million. Gerald Style’s cock however -- in the best way Blackwood could discern or describe – wasn’t just huge, it was huge and fat! Three in a million? In such a small community the thought made for serious discrepancy in her mind.

    Gerlad’s pants and underwear dropped, the sound of his golden G belt buckle hitting the tile floor with a sharp clack as his jeans pooled at his feet. Up close it almost scared the curvy bodied blond how massive it was. A slew of powerful thick and thin veins trailed in various avenues down a ten inch stretch of deep brown meat that was  (by her estimation) as thick as a coca cola can. It dangled strongly before her blue eyes, hung heavy and paired with two gigantic testicles that looked like big brown grapefruits. God, no wonder he’s so arrogant, Bianca thought. The reproductive organs of a giant on the stocky frame of boy almost four inches shorter than her.

    Bianca wanted to fight this. She knew this was totally wrong, and the hesitation on her face gave Gerald reason to speak.

            “Come on Mrs. B” teased Gerald. “You was talkin all dat shit about big nigga dick just bein a myth. Now you got one right in fronta you and you gonna turn chickenshit?”

Bianca couldn’t believe she was in this position. On her knees in front of one of her students like some common bimbo. Her sensible half told her as such, told her how simply absurd this whole thing was. She was married with two children for crying out loud! But, for some reason her body refused to move. Inside she stayed planted in the spot before Gerald, marveling at the sight. Her eyes simply would not pull themselves away from Gerald’s big fat cock. Her knees reacted somewhat when she made an attempt to pull herself back to her feet, but this act was immediately put down by Styles’ placing one of his large hands firmly on her right shoulder.

    “Na-uh” he said while holding her in place, “You called ma shit lies. Now dat you know it’s tha real deal, you gotta put yo mouth where ma meat is.”

Bianca stared up at him, her blue eyes wide behind her glasses with near disbelief. Is this really happening, she thought. Am I really being berated and ordered to go down on one of my own students?

   “Wha’sa matter 3B, don’t know what ta do wit a real man’s dick?” Gerald’s cocky smile reappeared. That arrogant self-aggrandizing grin that always made Bianca boil.

The reaction it had on Mrs. Blackwood this time however, was a curious one. Mrs. Blackwood’s eyes furrowed, but instead of opening her mouth to chastise or rebuke the insulting young negro, she separated her lips wide…to allow the huge fat stretch of meat access into her waiting mouth. Despite all sense shouting otherwise, Bianca couldn’t deny how wet the idea of having something so long and fat in her mouth left her. Could I even handle something so huge, she asked herself. It had been weeks since she’d found herself at all enthralled at the thought of sex, and an incalculably longer stint of time since she could recall having an orgasm. Jeb hadn’t proven himself capable, and quite frankly she was still very much turned on by the memories of her and her band of sisters taking turns slobbering up that big nigger cock of Samson’s. If she were going to feel guilty later, apologetic to her handsome husband, and sorry to her two beautiful children…then she may as well enjoy herself now.

    Gerald accepted her oral invitation, and with one hand guided his big brown flesh missile passed the buxom blonde’s full pink lips. Enormous, powerful, nigger dick.  Memory of the paper’s commentary replaying again in her mind, written previews and rave reviews of what she could hope to expect.

Sweet jesus! Thought Bianca in a start as Gerald’s fat cock head probed and expanded her mouth wide. If a baby were on steroids I’d say it were an infant’s arm reaching into my mouth.

Gerald pressed more of himself into her mouth, but his fat knob of a cockhead having a little trouble gaining entry into her tight gob.

            “Dat’s a tight ass mouf on you Mrs. B” he groaned. “You gotta open that jaw wide if you’re trying feastin on dis mu’phucka.”

Bianca complied and spread her mouth wider, wide as it could go. A pushing of hips got Gerald’s head firmly into Bianca sweet mouth, and in steady juts he began to pump himself lightly in and out of the area he’d now traversed, starting off slow but picking up gradual speed. Blackwood’s mouth was tight, wet and remarkably warm on his sensitive circumcised dick head. Despite the fact his unnatural girth caused her teeth to graze lightly along the top and bottom of his manhood, he kept his pace and allowed Bianca’s open maw to swallow as much of him as it could. Bianca meanwhile was wishing she’d been gifted with the jaws of a snake, as Gerald hefty hammer muscled its way deeper and deeper into her mouth, and not long after that nearer to the back of her throat.

Goodness, so fat, she thought. If she were going to last long enough without breaking her jaw, she knew she would have to work in more lubricant. The act itself wasn’t too hard. Bianca’s mouth had started salivating the moment Gerald’s dick neared her opening. She used that collected wetness to lather Gerald’s monster cock as it probed in and out of her, letting the salvia and foamy spit sit on her full lips, basting the young man’s growing meat. It only took a few passes to get the first four or five hefty inches slick. Bianca immediately noticed an easing of the feat after she did this, as well as (to her silent joy) an increase in groans emitted from the burly young stud as he dipped in and out of her. His masculine coos made her even more eager to please, so Bianca then started to work her own motion into the blowjob.

    The beautiful blonde then began to bob her head, forwards and backwards in tight juts. All the while Bianca recalled the training Jenny had given her, and laughed a little bit on the inside at how much it had was actually proving to be effective. The first time Bianca had had a big black cock in her mouth, she’d choked and gagged near to death on the influx of inches. With Gerald’s great big bruiser of a dick, she most definitely did not wish to repeat that mistake.

    “Yeah, dats it Mrs. B, get at that mu’phucka. Hit it hard”

And by his command, Bianca began to suck harder. Her quick juts were soon replaced with longer pumps from her head and neck. A maximum of four fat inches turned into five, then five to six. A minute or two later Bianca was slurping at seven inches of big black cock. Wet schlop slurp noises rose in the room as she brazenly added more spit to her motions. This thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger in my mouth, but it is getting much easier now, she thought as Gerald’s cock hardened against the inside of her cheeks. To Bianca that was a good thing, because there were a fair share of inches left for her to take in, and Gerald’s big cock was already grazing the back of her throat! Jeb at his hardest and longest was six inches, but it looked like Gerald had that and then plenty more left for her.

    She could taste Gerald’s pre cum forming in tiny droplets on the tip of his dick. To her they tasted simply divine, and the feeling of her tongue licking the traces of it out of his urethra made Gerald’s toes curl inside his trainers. She found herself pondering if his load would taste just as good when the time came for him to finish. The big blond had simply amazing blowjob skills. Her head motions made her blond hair waft elegantly around her jaw and shoulders. He watched as lines of spit began to slip from the edges of her mouth and down the front of her blouse, occasional drops coming to rest on her bountiful white cleavage.

    “Yeah, yeah, ohhh fuck yeah” bellowed Gerald with pleasure.

Bianca started giving out her own noises of approval, as the mass and warmth of Gerald’s cock made her approach an orgasm. Goodness, am I really about to come from giving oral, she wondered.  She had heard of such things happening before, but she’d always classified it as mere exaggerations. Her wet pussy lips however were giving rise to it being true however. She could feel herself dripping, just like she had with Samson. The feeling urged her to slide two fingers in-between her black skirt and slip passed her pants, venturing onward to her tight wet clit. She was so horny now. What on earth has gotten into me, she thought, amazed at her behavior almost as much as her inability to control it, and still almost as much at her fascination towards Gerald’s cock.

 Bianca continued sucking, and looked up at Gerald to see he was staring down at her with a confident satisfaction framing his face. He didn’t even look close to climaxing. This in turn impelled Bianca to suck on his meat even harder. The schlops and slurps became louder, and the pressure from Bianca’s mouth on Gerald’s dick sent him into a near trance.

    “Oh my gawd, Mrs. B” Gerald sighed, tilting his head back as Bianca tried slipping his monster cock further down her throat. “You got mean head games…”

The compliment would have put a smile on Blackwood’s face if it weren’t so full of ebony dick. Aside from her ass it was probably the only thing the disruptive youth had ever complimented her on. She pulled Gerald’s long fat dong out of her mouth and held it firmly with her remaining free hand. She clutched it hard and appraised it from a side angle. It’s amazing, she thought. It was getting properly wet, but lord was it a challenge for her. Bianca noticed not even her longest fingers were able to connect over the sheer girth of Gerald’s cock.

    “You like that Mr. Styles?” she said in a sultry purr, liking the idea of causing her pupil such pleasure. “You like my tight lips wrapped around your fat nigger cock?” It was like she’d become a different person! Bianca personally didn’t like such vulgar terms. Living in the deep south lord knew she’d heard it plenty of times from both blacks and whites in near equal measure, and she’d always found it to be a rather repugnant word. Granted she never outwardly spoke against either side using it, but that was only because Bianca wasn’t one to make unnecessary conflict when she could avoid it. That, Bianca figured, was a business more suited for her friends Ivana Swallows and Anya White, who seemed to have no problems whatsoever fighting openly with others, and more often than a little finding formidable opponents in each other.

    “Oh hell yeah. Dis is what the fuck I’m talkin bout.”

 She took a few more deep dips onto his massive meat, her breasts jiggling and shaking from quickening and more fervent movements. Soon the pleasure became a bit much for Gerald to remain standing, his knees actually beginning to buckle slightly from the sexy blonde’s servicing. Gerald never would have admitted it aloud, but Bianca Blackwood had been the star of many a fantasy he’d had since entering Coxville high. Her perfectly toned yet softly inviting body, her big round milk white breasts, and (most of all) her big bouncy bubble butt had been the focal point of many an orgasm he’d had in private since his freshman year. He took a seat in the chair he’d been sitting in at the beginning of his punishment, and removed his other articles of clothing, leaving on only his socks and shoes. Bare chested Bianca noticed that Gerald had a lot more muscle than was suggested when he had his clothes on. He had a bit of a paunch, but only barely. The upper parts of his stomach and oblique’s had firm abs and ridges of muscle, his shoulders broad and more sculpted than even a number of the boys on the football team. She followed him doggedly, horny from this new knowledge and totally engaged in the fun now. She was determined to get that big black monster cock back into her mouth.

He sat back in the chair, letting himself slouch and his erect cock to stand tall like a black vein-riddled tower.

    “Come suck on my Empire steak Mrs. Blackwood”, he said.

Fully erect Bianca realized that she’d been wrong about her earlier estimation. Gerald wasn’t ten inches. No…fully aroused he was closer to a full twelve! She sank to all fours when she got within sucking range.

    “Goodness gracious Gerald…your cock is just so enormous” she said admiringly, running a hand slowly up the long wet shaft, which she still couldn’t fit her entire hand around it. “This thing is gonna give me lockjaw if you’re not careful” said Bianca, leaning forward and slipping Gerald’s dickhead back inside her mouth, hands free and with both of her palms planted firmly on Gerald’s feet. She had to pull her head down some inches with the thing in her mouth just to keep her neck from overstretching. His erection made her pulling it down a taught position. She wanted to be careful. If it suddenly flew out of her mouth she thought she might’ve lose some teeth in the process, not to mention wind the young boy with a solid blow to the stomach from his own cock. His ebony tower was like a tubular brick with skin.

 My word, it’s so heavy too, she thought. Without the use of her hands her mouth felt the full weight of Style’s chubby cock. It felt like more than a pound while crammed in her mouth.

    “Careful?” Gerald shot back, “Fuck dat noise, fortune favors tha bold Mrs. B. Now go hard on dat shit.”

Immediately Bianca complied. Mmhhmmhhmmhh!! followed from her mouth with each pass. Bianca couldn’t swallow as much in this new dog-like posture, but what she had was drooled and sucked on furiously. It was like the once straight-laced teacher was suddenly possessed. She was really getting into it now, sucking and slurping so load and fast that it echoed throughout the expanse of the classroom. Mmmhmmhmm gack, mmhmmhmmh gurk, the sounds of Bianca feasting on Gerald’s massive manhood, and making a right mess of it in the process. Her cheeks hollowed from her labors of tackling the head. This definitely wasn’t what I had in mind for after school detention she thought as Gerald’s cock poked at one side of her cheek. Bianca then took a hand and let it slip to Gerald’s underside in order to cup his huge balls. Long trails of spit followed her mouth as she pulled her lips off his dickhead hard with a pop. She’d seen Jenny do that to Samson and thought it was an incredibly sexy move.

     When his fat rod became too much for her relatively tiny mouth and throat to handle, she ducked her head just a bit lower to lap hungrily at his nuts. The feeling drove Gerald near insane with pleasure as she licked and sucked, tugged and kneaded. She’d shift her hand from his underside, back up to the base of his heavy monster cock, and would lift it up so as to have clear access to the black buck’s bountiful nut sack.

God, his balls taste just as good as his cock, Blackwood thought with glee. A god view showed Bianca’s body pronounced on all fours as she sucked and pulled on both of Gerald’s cum filled balls. Gerald had a clear image of the amazing cleavage that hung forth inside Mrs. Blackwood’s white blouse. Two big milk white jugs that he simply couldn’t wait to fuck. It looked as though Bianca had a similar idea, judging from the seductive gaze held in her eyes as finished pulling on Gerald right testicle, a slick smock marking her release of it.

    His glee and anticipation for her bountiful mounds however was trumped upon his looking up to the area just below Bianca’s hips. There he saw the great big round double mass that made up Bianca Blackwood’s legendary ass. He’d fanaticized about that more than anything, and the mere thought of finally having a go at it made his cock swell and seep even more pre cum. As Bianca wrapped her lips around the other of Gerald’s giant balls, he smiled to himself. Nigga, you hit the jackpot dis time. He surveyed the near hypnotized gleam in Blackwood’s blue eyes, and knew that for today’s detention period, he would be the teacher, and she the student.

      “Ohhh, got damn you bad Mrs. Blackwood” he uttered as his fat cock disappeared back into Bianca’s mouth.

 Bianca was turned on by Gerald’s reaction. Never had she had him this compliant and responsive to her. Reluctantly she let Gerald’s monster cock fall from her mouth to respond.

    “Bad? Me? She said coyly. “Coming from you that makes me on par with an angel…” she smirked seductively as she took her tongue and starting from the bottom of Gerald’s balls to trace a wet line with her tongue all the way to the tip of his monster cock. Upon reaching the top with her tongue, she gently licked at his urethra, enjoying the drops of cum that seeped from it.

   Bitch has turned to straight Ms. Hyde for nigga dick “No doubt” replied Gerald. “Let me see dem big ass titties dou. My meat wants to get acquian’ed wit em.”

    “Oh really?” said Bianca.

And with that Bianca slowly undid the buttons on her blouse. She was curious herself at how Gerald’s fat black man-pipe would look wedged between her large breasts. She unveiled them after a quick motion to unlatch her bra. While Bianca Blackwood’s ass was her prize trait, her immense round 34GG breasts were certainly treasures of their own. Peaked with two delicate pink nipples that had budded during their fun, Bianca’s astounding chest flopped slightly from the fabric of her clothing.

    “Got damn! Dey look even betta dan I imagined dey would!” he said.

Immediately Bianca’s big round twins found themselves being placed on both sides of Gerald’s now rock hard cock. Bianca’s natural perkiness often astounded people. Two children and not the slightest signs of wear were seen on her immense rack.

    “Holy shit, looks just as good as it feels” he said, reaching forward and tweaking a nipple as Bianca aligned his big black monster to the proper place. Bianca hadn’t given a titty-fucking since college, and she’d forgotten how fun it was. A cock as large as Gerald’s was a bit daunting for the voluptuous instructor at first. Gerald’s almost overwhelming girth in several instances made her think the feat might actually not work, his cock too thick for the open space on her chest. With a bit of spit and some extra muscle used on her arms to clamp that monster down however, she was soon able to work herself into a rhythm. Gerald’s mind soared at the feeling. Mrs. Blackwood’s breasts were the softest things he’d ever felt. They bounced up and down on his dick, each downward stroke met with a slight plap of her breasts against his thighs.

    “Got damn, dats good Mrs. B.”

    “You like that?”

    “Fuck yeah.”

    “God, your dick is just so-“ she was cut off by her sucking of Gerald’s cockhead, which regardless of her breast’s grip still came up to near her nose. She sucked hard on his head as her breasts jacked him off, all the while gazing up at the young man.

Fuck, Mrs.B’s titty bangin skills put even Patty’s to shame, he thought.

Bianca picked up her pace, a steady mmhmhm maintained as her full luscious lips stayed latched onto Gerald’s dick head, refusing to let his steady drips of pre-cum go untasted. She could easily see herself becoming addicted to this. More and more she hated the idea that she hadn’t done this before. If not with Gerald, then with some other black stud on campus. Despite Jenny’s laying claim and dibs on Coach Black, Bianca had always secretly found him to be an impressively built and particularly handsome black man. Black himself had made it known from a few flirtatious words in the teacher’s lounge and several less than professional glances in the hallway that he’d found her and her big round ass to be incredibly sexy. As Bianca continued pumping her tits up and down on Gerald’s giant cock, Gerald leaned forward, his excitement towards her big round bottom trumping his patience.

    “All dis ass dou” said Gerald. Using both hands he grabbed two firm handfuls of Bianca’s ass as it stayed compact yet perky inside her black skirt. The round shapely forms jiggled inside the fabric as Gerald rubbed and playfully smacked at it. Bianca was always self-conscious about her posterior -- Gerald and his cronies’ mocking exacerbating the fact -- but she simply loved the way Gerald’s powerful hands felt clamped down on her butt. He massaged both ass cheeks while she used her massive tits and mouth to massage his cock. From a behind view one could see the two big spheres clutched in Gerald’s hands, and Bianca’s blond hair bobbing up and down with sloppy wet audible reactions.

    “I can’t wait no more, le’mme get in dat” Gerald then said, standing up with his massive dick at the ready before the eager blondes’s mouth.

He quickly helped Mrs. Blackwood to her feet, and immediately began pulling at her skirt.

    “Wait…she then said abruptly”

    “What!?” said Gerald impatiently, his desire now hitting a fever pitch.

    “We forgot to lock the door.”

    “So what, schools over. Ain’t nobody here cept the janitors.”

    Ignoring him, Bianca quickly walked over to the door. Half naked she tilted her head out of the room. The corridor was empty, all the students having filed outside and most of the teachers having either gone home or to the teacher’s lounge. Without wasting another moment, she firmly closed and locked the door to the room. She wasn’t going to get caught in the way Jenny was. Cock drunk she may have been, but Bianca Blackwood wasn’t stupid. She then turned on her heels and smiled invitingly at the waiting Gerald.

    “No interruptions during detention” she said. She could see Gerald’s monstrous meat perk up at the phrase.

    “Aight then”, Styles smirked.

The two approached each other, and Gerald instantly went for his busty teacher’s skirt. Not wasting a breath, he pulled at the hem of her pants. It surprised him how difficult it was to pull the tight fitting article down from his teacher’s gorgeous body. The meat of her ass held firm to the interior of her skirt, and he actually had to turn her around to get a firm hold of it. When Gerald was finally able to pull the piece down to about half way, his jaw dropped.

    “Got damn Mrs. B!”

The exposed portions of Bianca’s ass caked slightly over the tight fabric of her skirt, teasing the notion of how much ass Mrs. Blackwood had on her. As he pulled the black skirt down, her ass bloomed outward, revealing smooth and immaculate white skin clad in simple pink cotton panties. It was more than Gerald had even expected. Mrs. B’s ass would put even a lot of the sistas in town to shame. Bianca had to fight her initial discomfort with revealing her ass to someone. It had taken her time to warm up to showing it to Jeb, but now here she was exposing it to one of her own students.

     “Dis is a mu’phuckin work ah art”, Gerald said. And strangely, the compliment soothed her.

Bianca then found herself wanting to see how much Gerald appreciated her ass. As if he could read her mind, the burly young negro buried his face in her bulbous bottom. He used his tongue to lick at her sweet gash, the juices flowing freely from his touch.

            “Ohhh, that feels wonderful Gerald”.

His only vocal response was a hail of slurps and sucking sounds as he lapped at her wet pussy. She tasted so sweet on his tongue he’d have sworn her vagina was made of honey. As he lapped up and down her snatch, his nose would occasionally rise to hit her anus, which sent a curious sensation throughout Bianca’s body. After a few moments of this, Gerald’s rock hard monster cock could be stilled no longer. In only two moves he had Bianca on her back on top of her chair, her legs swinging up to be held by one of Gerald’s strong hands. His other hand was holding his dark stick and guiding steadily into Mrs. Blackwood’s pussy. Bianca’s hot pink pussy lips barricaded Gerald’s gigantic tool as best it could, his head being pushed back from them as he moved forward.

    “It isn’t going to fit...” She said.

   “Sheeeit” replied Gerald, “I’mma make it fit.”

And with that Gerald pushed his big black cock hard into the unprepared blonde’s pink pussy.

   “OHH GOD!” bellowed Bianca. The first inches making up the head and surprisingly gone in just fine after Gerald put a little more force behind his entry. The remaining ten inches however stretched the poor woman wide, beyond anything she’d ever expected…outside of childbirth perhaps.

    “GOOD LORD!” she screamed, ITS MASSIVE!” she cooed in some pain, but not so much that she wanted to stop. The pain quickly melted into an intensive wave of pleasure as that giant black member rubbed against her nerves and brushed itself against her soft wet insides.

   Gerald’s face clenched with concentration as he carefully guided another inch into his thick Valkyrie of a teacher.

    “Dis is one tight ass pussy…way tighter than I expected it to be…”

The heat from Mrs. Blackwood’s pussy was intense. She was like a mini furnace of brilliant wet flesh that was, very slowly, but surely allowing his monster cock to invade her. He held her legs up high, and tilted himself forward to get more of him settled inside her. Bianca’s back was flat, mushed atop Gerald’s essay papers.

   “Oh god, oh god…” she’s chant with each new heavy inch. She was getting spread wide, and she still had about six inches left to go!

   “Halfway there…”Gerald said.

    “Your cock is something out of fiction!”

    “King kong dick fo yo uptight ass…”

Bianca took as much as she could, which ended at about ten inches or so. Gerald then began move his rod back and forth inside her. He started slow at first, since anything faster would have likely been too much for the unversed black cock whore. Bianca’s first orgasm came from Gerald’s steady rocking motion.

    “Oh GOD, I-I’M-“ but before she could finish her pussy had already commenced convulsing and pulsing tightly onto her black lover’s man part.

Gerald took this as his queue to speed up, not wanting to lose momentum now that he knew what made his teacher cum.

    “Yeah, you bout to learn why they call me G-Spotz Mrs. Blackwood.

Blackwood recalled the name, and the apparent origin of its use. G-Spotz, cause dats what I hit wit ma fat ass dick, nigga! And after that first intense orgasm, the blond beauty didn’t much doubt the saying’s truth.

    From there on out Gerald showed Mrs. Blackwood little mercy. He stood up on the tips and balls of his feet, and proceeded to pound his once stiff nosed teacher hard. Blap, blap, blap was the report of Gerald Style’s body colliding with Bianca Blackwood’s. He’d pulled her closer to him, so that her big ass hung just off the edge of the desk. An underside view showed that every time Gerald punched himself into her delectable pussy, her ass cheeks would ripple in reaction to his impressive power.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh !!” he grunted.

“OH, AH, AGH, FUCK! Moaned Mrs. Blackwood, her face making a series of expressions that looked to be a mix of wonder, a peppering of fear, a dash of pain, and hefty amount of satisfaction.

 G-Spotz heavy balls clapped loudly against her unprotected anus, which was made visible next to her tightly stuffed snatch. It clinched every time it swung into her, and served as a second source of ecstasy. Sweet gentle Jesus! Bianca thought. Jeb on his best day couldn’t fuck me this good. She hit another small orgasm from the added punch of Gerald’s balls, just as his monster cock slipped a hard ten inch span of itself into her sweet pink pussy. Gerald spread her legs far with both hand and tried getting in as much as he could. But it seemed as though Blackwood’s pussy simply didn’t go that deep. It was a pity, Mrs. Blackwood was loving his powerhouse cock so much. She was either positioning herself in a way that made it difficult for him to reach the deepest part of her, or Mrs. Blackwood was built tinier than her impressive shape and height advertised. In any case, Gerald had a way and a plan to find out for sure. He pulled himself all the way out her, an act which clearly angered Bianca.

    “What are you doing!?” she asked, her eyes furrowed.

   “Come er’, sit on it. I wanna see you ride ma shit.”

Without delay, Bianca sprung up from her spot on the desk. A flurry of papers went in multiple directions from how fast she rose. Gerald sat himself back down in the brown chair again, his arms dangling at his sides. Bianca took his queue and straddled herself just above the boy in nothing but her black high heels. Even without her heels, Bianca was naturally taller than Styles. She towered over him as she reached a hand behind herself to grab at Gerald’s dynamite mandingo stick.

    “You want me to ride this big beast huh?” she asked seductively.

    “Hell yeah, bring dat big ol ass here.”

Bianca clutched the hefty thing in her left. It had been a miracle he’d got in her during missionary, and she thought it would take another miracle to get back into her in cowgirl. However, after the minor beating her pussy had taken before, Bianca found it easier than she’d thought it would be to fit G-Spotz’ massive meat stick back into her, where it belongs she thought. Her sweet pink pussy lips spread as her mouth parted in delight meshed with strain. Her blue eyes glazed with the sign of a woman awash in pleasure.

    “OHHHH…!” was all she could get out for the first few fat inches. “FUCK!” she belted as Gerald’s flesh hammer slid upward into her, slid upwards and into her deep. “So THICK” she whimpered, unsure of how exactly she could handle something so monstrous.

    “Nah, you got this. Work that shit baby” encouraged Gerald, who took both his hands and gripped Mrs. Blackwood slim toned waist.

Gerald assisted her, and proceeded to pull her down onto his mammoth meat stick. He could feel Bianca’s oncoming climax even before she reacted to it.

    “Oh jesus, I’m cumming already!”

Bianca squirmed with delight, her back arched, and all its shapely muscles and curves flexed in applaud to Gerald’s immense length and girth. Gerald didn’t let her orgasm wane the pace of their fucking however. He clasped his hands tighter around her waist, and made her go up and down on his massive ebony cock. Bianca bounced in the burly negro’s lap.

   “OH, UGH, JESUS, FUCK ME! She groaned. Her back remained arched and she placed both of her hands firmly on Gerald’s knees for balance. Gerald would stare at the raw beauty of her curvaceous body before as it went up and down hard, her breasts heaving and flopping in alluring arches. At times Bianca’s moans dipped into low guttural sounds. Bitch sounds like she’s possessed by the dick, Gerald thought.

    “Ugh, shit, yeah, yeah!” Gerald chanted. Mrs. Blackwood was an unnatural at riding nigger dick.

When she finally came down from her sixth some odd orgasm, she grew bold enough to try and work her own body into the groove of their fucking. She leaned forward, close enough that Gerald had no trouble wrapping his big black lips around one of tightly budded pink nipples. Bianca angled her legs on the floor, placing all her weight on the balls of her feet, and clamped both her hands on the very top of the chair. In reflection, Bianca was so glad she’d decided to bring the thing from home. I’d never be able to do this in one of those cramped desks, she thought.

    Mrs. Blackwood then began to do something spectacular. Using her hips, pelvis and weight together, Bianca then started bouncing her ass up and down on Gerald’s rock hard black tower. Her bubble butt jiggled and shook hypnotically from a behind angle, wet secretions immediately seeping from her hot pink pussy and drooling down Gerald’s shaft and balls. Plap, plap, plap were the swift sounds that came from Bianca’s ass as flesh clapped against flesh.

    “OH MA GAWD!” Gerald groaned, unable to keep quiet on how amazing his teacher’s ass control was. Damn, he thought, she can work her shit like a sista too!  “WORK DAT SHIT! WORK THOSE BIG ASS CHEEKS!”

And working was exactly what Bianca did. She found it remarkably easy to pop and jiggle her ass, and slipped her hands down to Gerald’s chiseled chest to show off her control. She’d done it quite a few times to Jeb, and had managed to finish him every time with only a few thrusts. This technique didn’t work so easily with Gerald however. No, no matter how hard or fast Bianca popped and shook her big round bubble atop him, his monster cock wouldn’t relent. If anything her hip thrusts and booty popping only made the boy grow another inch or so in length and girth. Her lower back muscles flexed hard from working overtime of bouncing up and down, tensing and then releasing will immaculate flaring of the senses as payment.

    Goodness, what does it take to wear this monster down? , she thought. Gerald responded to her challenge by then pulling her down further onto his cock. It went in her deep, and made her face clench as she felt the better end of twelve inches hit her cervix and beyond.

    “FUCK!” she yelled, letting her body juices flow in another shock orgasm.

    G-Spotz upped his pace, moving his hands down from her hips and gripping her bulbous buttocks. So much ass, he thought. And it wasn’t even just big, Mrs. Blackwood knew how to use it! If he was going to get his fill of 3B, he would have to pace himself. He force himself to stop and pulled Bianca off his cock. By now the entire twelve inch span of his nigger dick was slathered and slopped with Bianca’s wet secretions.

   “Come on ova here” he said in more of command than a request.

    Forcefully he bent her over the desk. Her twin mountains were propped up before him. Her pussy was gapped from the pounding he’d given her, but still he had more in mind.

    “You gonna fuck me from behind Mr. Styles” Bianca said, turning back to look at him with a catty smirk to match his own cocky grin.

    “Yeah, I’m bout to wear this big ol’ ass out.”

    “About to? That big bastard’s been wearing me out since we’ve started. And I thought childbirth was difficult.”

 Gerald placed one of his dark hands on Bianca’ back, his thumb lining up with the long inward curve of her lower back.

   “Well, I got some’mo fo ya.”

   “An avid student…I love it.”

   “Student ? Bitch I’m bout to teach you…”

And with that Gerald shoved his black cudgel back into his eager big bootied teacher. It went in with enough ease, but instead of stopping at ten inches, Gerald gave her the full span of his nigger dick.

    “FFFUUCK!” screamed Mrs. Blackwood, her hands immediately clutching at her desk, and then a small set of scattered papers. He didn’t give her the option of settling down or allowing her hands to find purchase on the desk. G-Spotz just got back to pounding her, an incredible force behind each blow. Blam, blam, blap, blam were the sounds of Gerald’s hips hitting against Bianca’s big ass.

He had a clear upward view of the act, and it only made him harder to see the immaculate ripples cascade along her lily white skin.

    “3B in the mu’phuckin buildin!” he hooted.

    “AH, AH,OH, AH, GOD, OH, AGH, SO, GOOD!!” Mrs. Blackwood belted, her teeth gnashed with a mixed of pleasure and pain. Her eyes were wide and wanton as she looked behind her.

 Gerald fucked her hard, making sure each thrust went down to the hilt.

     “God, you’re fucking me DEEP!” she cried, a hint of a whine carried in her tone.

    “You like it dou huh, bitch?! You like learnin what dat nigga dick do to you white hoes!”

    “Oh yes!” She finally confessed. “I love it! I fucking LOVE it! Fuck me with your NIGGER COCK!”

Mrs. Blackwood was going wild. All the trappings and ticks of her professional character melted away with each deep plunge ‘G-Spotz’ took into her. The unruly youth was certainly living up to his moniker. Between her smaller lightning bolt orgasms and her big thunderous toe curling ones,  she’d lost count of how many times she came for Gerald. A mixed serving of shock and pleasure ignited on her right ass cheek when Gerald ceremonially smacked it with his large open palm. The hit flesh turned red within seconds as a result.

    “UGH, SHIT!” she writhed with clenched teeth as Gerald grabbed onto her firm shoulders for leverage. The pounding he gave Bianca actually matched the steady click, click, click tempo of the Isaac model still sitting atop the desk, but slowly inching its way to edge from the force of the pair’s power fucking. Bianca’s pussy felt like liquid magic soaking on his rock hard wang. He’d gone about as deep as he could into her, coming up only a little more than an inch short of his goal. It was more than enough for him however, and what he couldn’t bury into her the smooth and slightly glossy mass of Bianca’s bottom made up for in visual aesthetic appeal. Her hips working in concert with her ass as she threw herself back looked simply amazing. I can’t believe I’m pounding the biggest white ass in town, he thought.

     He needed to settle himself down, lest he cum before he get in his final triumph. Through her bouncing and shoving backwards onto him, Gerald learned that Mrs. Blackwood’s ass wasn’t just soft and big. No, what was hinted through her clothing was not actually just bulk, but the underlying existence of muscle, which resided just beneath the soft outer layers of Mrs. Blackwood’s great big bubble. Truly, Gerald had found himself in the jackpot.

    By Bianca’s next climax, Gerald pulled his black cock out of the writhing blond. It fell out with a small splash of effeminate liquids which cascaded to the floor like a small waterfall.

    “Wouldn’t a guess you was a squirter Mrs. B”, Gerald observing the mess she’d made.

   “Oh, oh god…” Bianca panted. “Neither did I dear…Don’t you dare take that thing out of me, put it back! I want to feel you cum” she demanded.

“Hold on, chuckled Gerald. I got one mo thing I wanna to try.”

Bianca flew up and spun on her heel. She hit her knees with near blinding speed, and got back to sucking on Gerald’s monster cock. There, kneeled in a puddle of her own secretions, she bobbed and blurted and sputtered on the big nigger dick she’d now been driven insane over. It didn't matter which hole, as long as big black cock was in her, Bianca was content. She even tried deep throating the thing during a couple passes, coming up short each time, but leaving a very pretty spray of fresh spit and saliva for her efforts. At some point during their ferocious fuck session Bianca’s glasses had flown off her face and onto the floor.  Her eyes were watering freely now, and two small streams ran down from her wide blue eyes.

    “Get up and bend back over.” Gerald ordered.

He pulled her back up, and bent her back over the desk. Bianca’s pussy was now officially beaten to the best of his Gerald’s ability.

   “Gimme more” she begged, wiggling her ass in front of him impatiently.

    “Now…” he began, “I’m about to see how good 3B’s ass really is…”

Gerald aligned both her legs together and mounted himself just behind her. He cupped one round buttock. Propping her lower half up slightly with hands, he could see the smooth, almost glossy complexion of Bianca’s healthy white skin. He then brought his big fat pussy killer up and let it rest atop of Bianca’s big round ass. Bianca was shocked again at the actual weight of it.

     “I see big things in yo future Mrs. Blackwood” the young negro teased, observing how his black master pole looked placed between Blackwood's sweet cheeks.

     “That thing is heavy as a brick” she replied.

Gerald sawed is humungous hammer between Bianca’s bouncy butt cheeks for a few moments. He then pulled at one cheek, making it part from its twin to expose the sweet starfish shaped butthole that resided just above her immaculate snatch.

    “Wait…Gerald, what are you-“ but it was too late. Gerald had already started shoving his massive cock into her unguarded anus.

    “UGH!” She cried. “Wait, wait, I’ve never done anal before, you’ve gotta-“

    “I know what I gotta do” Gerald assured her, pulling at her ass cheek further and keeping her legs and hips firmly in place.

There was more than a little resistance from the tight uncharted opening. But from Gerald’s mere efforts to get the head into her anus she could feel the telltale signs of yet another orgasm approaching.

   “Oh no, I’m-I’m cumming agai-“

   But Gerald had already begun. He pushed the beginning inch of his bulbous cock head into her tiny butthole by that point. His dick actually bent and showed signs of resistance, Bianca’s stubborn little asshole giving up only so much entry per shove, while her pussy leaked and squirted cum fluids freely. If the pounding Bianca Blackwood was taking wasn’t intense enough, the next part was bound to be the true hard part of her tutelage by Gerald ‘G-Spotz’ Styles.

     Mrs. Blackwood’s sweet anus didn’t stand a chance against Gerald’s black monster cock. It stretch and spread in obeisance of Gerald’s massive member. His big hand cupping her ass cheek didn’t allow her any greater mercy, nor allowed her squirm about as his black pipe invaded her.

    “UGGGGH JESUS!” Bianca screamed, flecks of drool coming from her mouth as the massive member dung into her. It would likely drive her insane before it got even half way in.

   “Dat’s right 3B, take this shit. Don’t fight it. The mo’ you fight the harder it is.”

Bianca tried taking deep breaths in an out. Her ass was getting annihilated just from the insertion!

    “Ok, ok…just, AGH, just slow…” she begged.

Gerald continued with his task, beads of sweat forming on his temples and forehead from his efforts. Man o man, I knew Mrs. B was a tight ass…but dis is ridiculous, thought the buff black youth. All his pushing and shoving had only gotten the head of his cock up Bianca’s big sweet bubble butt. Her cumming during the span of that time had acted as both an aid and a hindrance. In the waning parts of her orgasms, her ass muscles would relax enough for him to go deeper into her. However before this, Gerald would have to brave the initial obstacle of her thunderous culminations. Blackwood’s ass would clench up so tight during orgasm that further entry into her puckered asshole was all but impossible, and he ran the risk of losing ground every time he tried forcing it in. It had to be a timed action on his part, as Bianca’s climaxes were coming back to back in no discernible pattern.  As his big bootied teacher’s legs shook with excitement, ecstasy and just a little bit of visible fear, Gerald held her ass in place and guided his monster cock straight up her shaking asshole. The timing was right, and Bianca was just about ready to burst again from the intense mixture of pleasure and pain.

    “Ohhhh shit Gerald…” she whined. “Please tell me you got it all in…”

    “About half Mrs. B…” Gerald replied.

    “Goodness, that’s only half?!”

    “Yep…dis fine ass is gonna have to get a few cram sessions in before it can start excelling at takin nigga dick…”

Gerald pressed on with clenched teeth into his yellow haired Valkyrie. He held her shapely hips, gripped her thin toned waist and pushed and shoved. Bianca groaned and moaned and clutched at idle papers scattered on the desk. After what felt like an eternity of getting trained by the slow entrance of Gerald’s monster cock, Bianca eyes fluttered happily upon feeling Gerald’s hips pressed against the back of her ass.

    “There!” Gerald said triumphantly.

He pulled back, and gave Bianca pump, Bam. An intense wave of satisfaction crackled through Bianca’s body. Gerald pulled back, and gave another pump, bam. He’d done it! Gerald had really gotten that monster up her ass! A few more safe pumps, bam, blap, bam. After this Gerald continued with his brutal onslaught. Bam, blap, wham sounds reverberated throughout the room.

    “OH, GOD, OH, GOD! I can’t believe you got that thing up my ass!”

    “Tight fit…but I got it in. Now, lemme fuck it proper.”

    YES! YES! FUCK ME! FUCK MY ASS GERALD!” Bianca screamed freely into the air. Gerald pounded her ass with no remorse. Her moans and curses were mixed with what almost sounded like sobs, though her encouraging words for the negro to continued suggested the big blond was loving every second of it.

Gerald soon lifted her up and placed her onto the table, folding both her legs to one side in a half fetal position that propped her large moon shaped ass up at an angle.

Bianca’s angle granted her a view of her relentless black stud’s attack. His bare chest was sweating freely, and his arm muscles were pronounced from him holding her big round cheeks with both of his hands. He looked like he was hard at work satisfying her, and she truly loved him and his humungous nigger cock for it.

    “Oh, you’re pounding my ass so GOOD Gerald!” she complimented. Bap, bam, blap!

Gerald looked Mrs. Blackwood dead in her eyes as he kept up his pace, her ass turned up in a way that made her back muscles stretch and flex with the force each powerful blam. Looking at her piercing blue eyes and seeing the raw fervor that burned in them made his oncoming orgasm that much more intense. It was coming, and this time he couldn’t stop himself.

    “Oh, ah, Mrs. B, I’m bout to nut!” he exclaimed.

    “Yes Gerald, YES! Cum, cum inside my ass. Do it!” she encouraged with a clenched face of raw passion asas Gerald went balls deep into her.

    “Here it co-!” Gerald got that far into his sentence when his climax finally hit.

It was several beyond intense waves of pleasure that hit him in one controlled burst. His balls quaked, and his cock stiffened to an almost inhuman steel when the pearly white cum sprayed from his engorged black cockhead and shot deep into Mrs. Blackwood’s succulent ass.

     “UUUUGGHHHHH SHIT!” he growled.

     “AAAAAHHHH!” screamed Mrs. Blackwood, holding onto the edge of her desk for dear life as the hardening of extra length of Gerald’s cock made her cum again intensely. Her arm muscles tensed from her own final orgasm.

    Internally Bianca’s butt was flooded with creamy white semen. It was a gallon by her guess, but she had no way of really estimating, considering she was riding the arch of her own personal heaven. Soon her tight asshole was filled to the brim with sticky white cum, the liquids spilling out of her gaped asshole and drooling onto the desk and floor after reaching max capacity. When Bianca was released from her spasms or pleasure, she hopped from spot on the desk and hit her knees to suck at the rich bounty of white that was still seeping from Gerald’s master sized cock. Her mouth took to the fat head, and selfishly gulped and suckled at what came out. Mmhmmhmhh as she bobbed her head furiously back and forth, gripping his balls tightly to drain every drop from him. Soooo good, she thought drunkly The steady waves of jiz wouldn’t relent, even though she was sucking and swallowing as fast as she could. Her cheeks puffed up, having been filled with Gerald’s rich semen, and started to spill from the sides of her mouth. Jesus, I’ve seen horses come up shorter, she thought.

    When her mouth and throat had had its fill, she released Gerald’s cock head from her mouth, choosing instead to bask in the rich flavor of her beast’s great serving of cum. Even after he had settled, dregs of the white substance trickled from the head of his now softening baton.

   “Got DAMN!” he breathed heavily, taking a hand and placing it on top of the desk so as to collect himself, his knees threatening to buckle. “Mrs. B…I gotta hand it to you. You hard as a teacher…but you go hard as fuck on some nigga dick.”

And that be the spoken truth. Bianca surveyed herself. She was an outright mess. Sweat, semen and bodily fluids covered her entire body. She was smothered in the stuff, but she felt…well…absolutely great. All the tension and anxiety that she’d been feeling for weeks now was just gone, purged from her body completely.

    “Gerald…” Bianca was able to say after swallowing the last serving of Gerald’s cum. “If you studied half as well as you fucked…you’d easily be my top student…”

Gerald looked down at her, his familiar grin dawned once again on his strong black features…but this time looking somehow…more endearing and boyishly charming to the spent blond bombshell.

     “So…did I fuck ma’self inta getting an A?” He asked.

    “You fucked your way out of NOT getting expelled” she said, not so out of sorts by being fucked stupid that she’d outright let the boy slide for disrupting her class. “And…I will reconsider your paper upon a second review.”

     “Psh, if you can find it” exclaimed Gerald, looking at the mess they’d made.

The papers that hadn’t been reduced to a wet soggy mess of sweat and cum had been bent, crumpled and/or ripped from the ferocity of their fucking. Gerald’s paper would have been easily spot, having looked so rumpled and hard used beforehand. Now all the papers looked to be in a similar state.

    “Well…” Bianca said, looking to the desk and around the scattered pieces while on her knees. “I suppose we might have gotten a bit carried away. Looks like I’ll be emailing all the grades this time…”

    “Yeah…guess so…” agreed Gerald.

The following week…

    “Alright class, that’ll do it for today” said Mrs. Blackwood to the class as the school bell tolled.

   “Remember, its chapters three to five you’re reading tonight in your book, Not three to five paragraphs of whichever chapter you like.”

A random hail of acknowledgements came from various points in the crowd. It was more than they’d ever given her in the past, so the response therefore was considered a positive one. Mrs. Blackwood – as usual – looked stunning in her red button down shirt underneath a black cardigan she’d picked out from near the back of her home closet. With it she wore a rather tight fitting pair of black slacks with making stiletto shoes. A lot of black to wear on such a hot day in the south, but Mrs. Blackwood was feeling particularly fond of the shade just now. Her hair, face and skin complexion looked immaculate and beaming with a healthy glow, as though she’d spent the night before spoiling herself at the spa rather than getting pounded senseless in her own classroom.

    “Bye Mrs. Blackwood” said Stacy Brown.

    “Goodbye dear, take care” Mrs. Blackwood replied while collecting her notes. During the process one paper slipped out from her grasp and gently wafted to the floor.

   “Ah crap!” Mrs. Blackwood cursed as she bent over to pick the piece up.

Khalil immediately saw this and wasted no time reacting.

    “3B up and on it!”

Rather than get angry or turning to face the oncoming troupe of Khalil, D’Shawn, Devon and Gerald “G-spotz” Styles, Mrs. Blackwood simply turned her head to the boy – still bent over and exposing her large round ass – and said,

    “I hope you’re up and on that makeup paper you owe me Khalil.” She grabbed the piece of paper and – perhaps a bit slower than was necessary – brought herself back up to a standing position. “You don’t want to spend all summer in here with me I know…” she smirked to the boy.

Khalil was stumped by Mrs. Blackwood’s smooth reaction, his face looking frozen in some considerable disbelief.

    “Move nigga!” came Gerald, pushing the stunned boy from behind. “You a fire hazard on toppa being stupid?”

    “Fuck you nigga!” replied Khalil begrudgingly.

    “You boys can flirt all you want outside.” Bianca said, hurrying the boys along.

On their way out, Gerald turned back to Mrs. Blackwood, “Catch you later Mrs. B” he said wearing his trademark smirk.

    “Chapters three to five, read top to bottom by tomorrow Mr. Styles” replied Blackwood. "And no, you may not skip on tomorrow's after school tutoring session if you read ahead to chapter six". And if some sort of secret nudge of humor was transferred between the teacher and student, Khalil and the others didn’t notice it in the slightest.

Seemingly overnight the class had made a drastic change. Order had settled over Bianca Blackwood’s final class period. Most of it being accredited to the fact that – quite frankly – Blackwood had found an effective agent in Mr. Styles. Allowing his commentary – with a bit of guidance from her end – to spark discussion in class had turned out to be the best way to get the class interested in the daily lectures. They had an agreement that Styles would act as her unofficial TA, aiding her in sparking discussion by adding a bit of his own personal outlook to each subject. Surprisingly several points he’d made in the days following his presentation had made a lot more sense to the blond beauty upon hearing them again. Gerald made it a point to prune and word his comments a bit more carefully…or at least he made it point to try as such. It proved to be most useful in getting useful input from the class. Especially considering that Bianca’s prize student – the one who hadn’t given her multiple orgasms – hadn’t shown up to class lately.

    Daphne Rosenwood hadn’t been to her class for several days now, and this fact very much bothered Bianca. The conservative girl’s mother had called the school to inform her teacher she’d come down with a case of something, a mild sickness that would leave her out of commission for the next few days. Bianca somehow knew in her bones that this wasn't the case however. The girl’s perfect attendance aside, the timing of her apparent illness just seemed too…convenient. Her disappearance had started the day after Bianca and Gerald had gotten in their first 'after school tutoring' session.

    “Mrs. Blackwood!” came a stern voice abruptly over the school intercom. “Mrs. Blackwood! Please report to the principal’s office immediately.”

Bianca’s ears perked up at the summons. What could that be about, she thought. She knew the voice on the above intercom immediately to be the voice of Principal Long. She most certainly hadn’t made a request to speak with him recently. The old grumpy coot was calling her to his office for something out of the sheer blue…and never hinted of anything good for anyone – student or teacher alike -.

    “Great” Bianca groaned to herself, “this is just what I want to do after my final period. Pop into Principal Long’s office for a nice long ear chewing.”

Bianca collected her notes into a neat pile and left them on her desk. The entire trip to Long’s office had been a nervous one. She wondered the entire way what in the world she could have done to attract the old grouches’ attention. Long’s secretary – a seemingly ancient woman in appearance – claimed to have known nothing about the reason to her being called the office…though Bianca got the feeling that something was being withheld by the old woman. As she entered Long’s office, her heart jumped into her throat for some indeterminate reason upon spying the young Daphne sitting in a chair across the way from the old balding man.

    Daphne looked a far ways differently than she normally did, her conservative garments and trademark beehive hairstyle having been replaced with a simple white t-shirt bearing the legend “talk nerdy to me” scrawled in black across the surprisingly ample and tight fitting chest area. Daphne’s dark hair curtained her pretty face and glasses, and she wore a simple pair of – again rather tight fitting – blue shorts, which showed off Daphne’s surprisingly toned and astonishingly smooth looking legs. Daphne Rosenwood – to Mrs. Blackwood’s silent shock – was quite the knockout when not dawning her conservative attire!

    A look of stark unease painted across the girl’s youthful features however, and filled Bianca with her own degree of discomfort.

    “Ah, Mrs. Blackwood!” said Principal Long from his position behind the desk.

He was slouched forward in his chair, his hands placed upon the desk in a with his fingers in a steeple.

    “Please, have a seat” he said bluntly. The man never sounded to be anything short of either irked or outright angry. No one could ever tell when he wasn’t pissed, which always left staff and students alike in a perpetual discomfort when around the old man.

    “Ms. Rosenwood here has just finished telling me a very…interesting story” the old man said, leaning back in his chair to take in the full view of Bianca as she took the empty seat next to Daphne.

Daphne didn’t look at Bianca once as she sat, and this only made Blackwood even more nervous. I locked the door beforehand, didn’t I? She began questioning and second guessing herself.

   “A very interesting story about you and one of your other students…”

Oh shit, Bianca thought to herself. Blackwood had found cursing to come far easier to her these days than they had before. Not so much in everyday speak, for she wanted to maintain her much deserved respect and eloquence in front of her students and peers. But in her mind and in private she’d found cursing and crasser uses of language in reference to others to be a rather liberating and fun habit.

    “A very interesting story involving you and Mr. Gerald Styles…”

    “Hmmm, me and Mr.Styles?” Bianca replied coyly. If all else failed, a pretty blond playing dumb worked more often than not in Coxville. Bianca and the lord himself knew it had gotten Jenny Summers out of trouble more than once.

   “Don’t pretend like you don’t know!” belted the young Daphne next to her. The look of shock and wide eyed expression on her face startled Bianca. “I saw you, I saw you both!”

The girl choked on her own exasperation as she turned in her seat to face her teacher.

    “You and Gerald were…I mean…you were both…and you were sucking on his…”

    “What on earth are you talking about Daphne?”

    “You can drop the act Mrs. Blackwood.” Chimed in the surly principal. “Our young Daphne here is talking about this little account…”

Long picked up a long sleek looking remote control. He pointed it at one of the far ends of the office and clicked it several times. A small bank of television monitors sputtered to life in tiny bursts of static and then blue light. Four television monitors flickered to life to show four different angles of – to the best of Bianca’s visual ability – a stunningly gorgeous and curvy woman being rammed mercilously by a big thick dark brown colored cock. The woman was blond, bare naked except for her black stiletto shoes, and wore a look of such pleasure while being throttled from behind, hammered in missionary, riding with incredible speed and ass control on top, and dropped to her knees while sucking at the black bulls gigantic balls, that it suggested the beautiful woman was drugged somehow.

    “My word!” Bianca said, a shocked O forming on her face to couple with the shocked look Daphne wore. Apparently while the girl hadn't walked in the classroomg to see Bianca and Gerald’s escapades, she did have a more adequate view of the event from her corner of the window facing outside. The high rise of bushes and the thick trees in front of the window made for excellent cover, and even more so when the blinds to the windows drawn. All the blinds were drawn, except for the one of the far right of the room. The blind wasn't shut after class due to Bianca's dismissing her students early, and the one that Daphne had used to get a near perfect view of the room from where she was standing outside. Bianca could see the girls head on the footage looking in on them in near shock. Daphne knew about Gerald and Bianca's fucking, but she didn’t seem to be at all aware that Principal Long was holding footage of the event in his office.

    It took Bianca a moment to realize that the beautiful woman in the video was actually her. When she did, she primarily felt a wave of fear take her. Fear of being fired from her job, fear of her husband Jeb finding out, fear of her children and friends discovering how much of a whore their mommy was for big black nigger cock, fear of how this would affect her social standing in the Coxville community. Another part of her however, some vain and wanton aspect living in the back of her mind, wondered if maybe education was the wrong career choice, and how much she’d be able to make exactly if she’d chosen a career in porn instead…high profile and with black male performers only of course.

    “Care to explain this?” said Principal Long, uncomfortably patient for her answer. His deep brown eyes didn’t waver from, nor even blink before the buxom blond.

    “Now, Principal Long…I…I can”

    “Let me guess” he interjected. “You can…explain?”

    “Yes…I can.”

   Daphne remained silent, her eyes too transfixed on the monitors to pay attention. Oh my goodness, Daphne thought with a start. As if the memory of seeing Bianca and her classmate hadn't already been burned into her retinas. The sight of it had marked her for life, traumatized her bad enough that'd she'd stayed home out of fear. The sight of her hero Mrs. Blackwood being treated so brutishly by Gerald and his incredibly large man part had left her dazed, cajoled and her mind confused. So much that Daphne had even started having strange dreams about the odreal.

    Bizarre and very sexually explicit dreams of a big man made of black shadow carrying an immense phallus which he'd use on her until repeatedly in every conceivable she'd awaken in a start and sweat to find that she'd orgamsed in her sleep. Daphne had lost her virginity to her boyfriend Roger some months ago. She'd managed to keep the affair quiet, yet it very much disappointed her with how thoroughly unimpressive the act itself was. Her dreams with the shadow man however, had been the polar opposite of that. She'd faked illness just to stay home and sleep because of it, deciding only afterwards that telling the truth about what she'd seen would be the only way to cleanse herself of such impure thoughts. After all, how could something feel that good and not be bad?

    Bianca would have noticed a rather familiar gleam settling in on the young girl’s features, if she had been looking at her rather than trying to stay her gaze of shock upon Principal Long rising from his seat.

    “You can explain to me how an instructor at this school was caught, on film, engaging in sexual activities of a near Olympic level – with a student – and on school grounds no less!?”

The old man’s voice boomed when he was excited or angry. It had always reminded her of that one black actor who had played the character Jules in that one film Jeb liked so much. The one where the black suited Negro recites stanzas from Ezekiel 25: 17 (though Bianca was versed well enough with the bible to know it had been a hod podge of various parts taken from the book). She squirmed in her seat, but not entirely because she scared. Bianca noticed before Daphne did the long, soft looking pipe that seemed to be wedged inside Principal Long’s pants leg. No way, Bianca thought. Is that?

    “Well Mrs. Blackwood, you can explain it can’t you?”

Bianca’s eyes faded down to the long trail that lined the old man’s pants. Christ, she thought, Is that Principal Long's cock? that thing from here looks to be an easy thirteen inches. Daphne was able to pull herself away from the screens long to enough to see Long reaching for the front of the belt.

    “Oh my…” she heard the surprisingly shapely brunette squeak as Long reached into his pants, and pulled out the longest stretch of dark skinned cock either girl had ever set eyes on.

    “Oh my god!” both girls gasped in unison as Long unveiled his astonishing third arm of a cock.

    “Now, Ms. Rosenwood here was good enough to bring your…talents and their effects on the student body to my attention…” he said slyly. Instead of outright firing her, he had something else in mind. If his inhumanly long dong hanging in an unspeakable length with two equally huge gray haired testicles weren’t three big enough clues as is.

    “P-Principal Long!” blurted Daphne, literally reduced to breathless gasps in her seat.

Bianca looked over to see that – very curiously – the young girl hadn’t chosen to run from the old man exposing herself to them both. No, Daphne was stuck in her seat just as much as she was, entranced by how long and full and robust their old codger of a principal's cock was.

    “Your dick is…” the young girl then said, lo and behold in the tone of what could have been interpreted as curiosity meshed with a dash of excitement and a pinch of wonder. “It’s…its enormous…”

It baffled Bianca on a quieter level. For one she hadn't known Daphne to be even capable of referring to male reproductive organs as anything besides a 'penis' and even then it was with more than a bit of reluctance. While perhaps not as thick as her black stud Gerald, Principal Long’s wang was exponentially longer than anything she’d ever seen in her life. Her mouth instantly watered at the thought of wrapping her full lips around it. It made her wet thinking about trying to tackle such an impressive anaconda…almost as much as the thought of watching the young Daphne try her hand at doing the same.

   “I think…” began Principal Long in a thoughtful drawl. “Your particular skills would be best put to use teaching another topic in our school. Our summer course for Sex Ed for example will be in need of a good instructor carrying just your kind of…enthusiasm. The black male students in our school could definitely use some fervent learning on the matter.”

   “I…” began Bianca, unable to pull her glance away from that uncoiled brown snake. “I do believe I agree you Principal Long…”

   “Excellent. And with our school’s top female student here to assist you, I think now would be the perfect opportunity to give your…lesson outline…a good hard overview, don’t you agree?”

    “Oh yes Principal Long…” replied Bianca in a sultry tambour.

Looking over at the astonished Daphne and her tightly budded nipples, Bianca was given silent confirmation by the young girl that she’d most definitely be able to count on her assistance in handling such a long and strong looking nigger cock.  

It’s getting easier and easier these days, thought the old Principal, as Bianca Blackwood took the reins and guided her mouth towards his long seasoned sausage. He had his ways and facts to understand why these two beautiful white sluts were so easily entrapped by his immense member. And he had one or two sound theories on why taming the lovely host of Coxville women had become near effortless for black males in town (even moreso than usual) as of late. But such theories would best be gnawed at a later time, when two pairs of full white lips weren’t slurping and sucking on both sides of his enormous and powerful nigger cock.


  1. Continue it where principal long is fucking Daphne and Bianca blackwood

  2. Amazing story, Bianca best character of all time
