The Coxville Curse 3 Copyright 2017 by Stormbringer Based on comics by the Pit and Stormbringer.
TCCS Part 3: Chapter 24: A Fog Rolls in Across the Lake
Pink lips pressed hard against pink lips. Pamela pressed down harder on Miko. The smaller halfAsian girl writhed beneath the more dominant athletic Pamela. Miko’s hips began thrusting upwards as if wishing Pamela had a cock between her legs with which to fuck her. Pamela wished she had a cock to fuck Miko with. She could give Miko a lot of pleasure, but she couldn’t give her the pleasure Leroy’s huge black cock had. Nor could Miko do for Pamela what Leroy or Deon had done for her. “Patience,” she whispered, kissing Miko again. “I have one coming.”
“Oh god,” moaned Miko as Pamela kissed down her neck. “I need Leroy’s cock again.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t find him.” Pamela squeezed Miko’s gorgeous breast, watching the nipple swell up. C cups were on the smallish side in Coxville, but they looked big on Miko’s smaller Asian frame. Her own breasts used to be a large C-cup and it took a nearly obsessive daily physical routine to keep them down to their current B-cup size. No amount of exercise would reduce them further and once when Pamela was laid up with a broken leg, they’d ballooned back up to Cs within two weeks and she felt they would have kept growing if she hadn’t started exercising again.
“Knock knock,” said a deep voice outside.
A shiver of lust shook Pamela’s body when she heard the voice. “In here,” she said.
The flap of the tent was pulled aside, and the two young women’s noses were immediately filled with the scent of corn chips and beer as fat Deon crawled in to join them. Miko scrunched up her nose in distaste when she saw it was the fat black man joining them. Her arm moved to cover her breasts. He rose up to his knees. Deon’s immense bulk filled most of the tent. “You girls order some nigger cock?” he asked, pulling a stained tee shirt over his head.
Deon’s out of shape torso disgusted both women. Miko was thoroughly turned off by the excess flesh hanging off Deon’s chest and belly. Pamela saw him differently. To her Deon was a lump of dark clay, that with some training, proper dieting, and exercise, she could shape him into a black Adonis. His biceps were already shaped and bigger than any other blacks on the team.
“Ah, no,” answered Miko, “but I am looking for Leroy. Have you seen him?”
“Yeah, he’s around,” said Deon, undoing the strings on his sweat pants.
“Then I’ll get dressed and go find him,” said Miko. “Leave you two alone.” She gave Pamela a
glance that spoke volumes. How could you fuck this fat slob? Or Kitty for that matter? The most popular girl in school had taken both Stubby and Deon at the same time yesterday afternoon.
“You ain’t goin nowhere bitch, til you had some of this.” His meaty hand pulled his monster of a cock out of his sweats.
“Don’t talk to me like th…” Miko froze staring at it as if seeing it for the first time. She’d seen it yesterday. He’d fucked Pamela several times in the bed right beside Miko, but she’d been distracted by Leroy’s near constant fucking. Deon was darker skinned then Little Leroy and so was his cock. He held the floppy monstrosity in his hand and shook it. The thick black cock swelled some more.
It grew even bigger when Pamela reached out and grabbed the end. She shifted her position and guided the growing cock towards her mouth. It hardened fully when Pamela’s tongue flickered out to twirl around the head. Pamela stopped for a moment, holding the huge black shaft and staring at the head. Then she kissed it. She kissed the very tip of Deon’s cock with as much affection as she had Miko’s soft lips earlier. It was a strange thing to do and something she’d never have done for Brian. Todd maybe, if he’d asked, but not anymore. Pamela opened her mouth a took the giant black cock head inside her throat all the way down to her uvula.
“Let me try,” said Miko beside her. The smaller girl had come around on all fours and was staring at her friend sucking Deon’s cock. “I think he’s bigger than Leroy,” she said.
“I sure am,” chuckled Deon, proudly. He watched Miko grab his shaft and try to pull his cock out of Pamela’s mouth. Pam relented and Miko guided the head between her own lips. “You bitches sure is hungry for some nigger cock meat. I used to have trouble getting even that ho Stacy to fuck me, now you two is fighting over my junk.”
God, he was foul! Pamela wanted to shut him up, stop him from talking. She sat up on her knees, placed both hands on his jowls and guided his lips against hers. His prehensile tongue pushed into her mouth and her own tongue danced with his. She could taste the corn chips as he slobbered all over her mouth with his own. Instead of being disgusted, her eyes closed, and a low lustful moan grew deep in her throat. She felt a stronger connection with this man than she ever had with Brian and her feelings were even growing stronger. One huge black hand came around and squeezed the hard cheek of her ass even as another meaty hand grabbed her tit and squeezed. Pamela threw her arms around his neck and pulled his tongue even deeper down her throat. Her body pressed hard into his flesh. Like most obese men, he sweated profusely, and her lithe white torso was soon as slick as his.
When she finally broke their embrace, she looked down to see Miko had swallowed more than half the thick 13 or 14-inch cock down her throat. She felt jealous at the sight and she wasn’t sure if she was jealous that Miko was getting his cock all to herself or was she envious that Fat Deon was able to give her beautiful girlfriend something Miko craved that Pamela couldn’t give her.
“Hey, hey, hey,” said Deon, doing a pretty good Fat Albert. “Time for some Jello pudding.”
He placed his hand on her head and pushed her down on all fours beside Miko. The half Japanese girl had forced nearly a foot of Deon’s cock down her throat. Her eyes were closed, tears running out from under her lips at the strain of swallowing such a huge cock, but her throat was making the same lustful moan that Pam’s had while kissing him.
Miko pulled back and then pulled back some more until the head sprang free of her mouth. Just as Pamela had, she placed a kiss on the tip of Deon’s cock. Then Miko surprised her. She noticed Pamela staring at Deon’s cock and bent the shaft towards Pamela, sharing it with her. Pam leaned forwards, but Miko yanked it back and kissed the head again. She giggled, teasingly and aimed it back towards Pamela. This time, she let Pam have it. Pam moaned again as Deon’s cock head pushed its way past her tonsils. Pam swayed her body sucking her favorite cock. Miko helped her, milking the shaft, her little hand looking ridiculously small against the thick cock.
“Here it comes bitches,” he grunted.
The cock shuddered like a garden hose suddenly coming to life. A river of hot cum shot down her throat. Pamela rocked backwards, the cock head entering her mouth. The volume caught her off guard, her cheeks ballooning outward as her mouth filled to the point she started gagging, sperm dribbling down her chin.
Miko yanked hard on the cock, pulling it free of Pamela’s mouth. Pamela swallowed his cum down just as the head blew out another wad that nearly covered Miko’s entire face with his hot thick cum before her lips closed over the head. She gulped contentedly, her hand slowly stroking along the shaft milking it for as much of his seed as she could get. Miko pulled back, her mouth open and Pam could see the last bit of Deon’s seed before she closed her mouth and gulped it down. Miko closed her eyes savoring the taste, swaying a little as if drunk on cum.
“You bitches sho do know how to drain a pair of balls,” grunted Deon. He was jerking his cock off trying to keep it hard. He reached out and grabbed some of Miko’s hair. “On your back, slut,” he growled. Miko leaped to obey, looking excited. He looked over at Pamela. “You on all fours.”
Pamela leaped to obey just as fast. She crawled over besides Miko, bending down to kiss her friend on the lips. Their tongues touched, but Pamela moved her mouth away to kiss and lap up some of the cum on Miko’s face. “FFUUCCKK!” she screamed, rearing up. Half of Deon’s cock had been shoved deep in her pussy. “FUCK!” she cried again as he worked it in and out of her, the head pushing deeper. “FUCK! FUCK ME!”
He slapped her ass. “Fuck you with what? My big nigger cock?”
“Fucking nigger loving whore,” muttered a white male voice from outside the tent.
“JESUS DEON! You feel so good in me,” moaned Pamela crying from the pleasure she was receiving. “I love your big nigger cock. I’m… I’m… CUMMING!”
“WOW!” said Miko beside her, looking up at the expressions on Pamela’s face as she orgasmed. The expression of pure pleasure turned to disappointment as Deon pulled his cock out. Miko watched in awe as the huge wet cock glistened in the light of their little lamp.
Deon grabbed it and bent the head down towards her pussy. “You want this?” he asked, slapping the head down on her pubes.
“Yes please.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to fuck me,” grunted Miko. Pam could see Miko’s hips were lifting up off the floor of the tent wanting to receive him.
“What do you want me to fuck you with?” Deon bent his cock downwards.
Miko moaned with frustration. “Your big cock. Fuck me with your big cock,” she whimpered, begging for it. He slapped the head down hard again, this time on her pussy lips and Miko winced. “Your big nigger cock. FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG NIGGER COCK!”
Pamela watched closely as Miko’s pussy lips spread out around the huge cock head, gripping it tightly, bending inwards slightly as the head spread her open. Miko looked shocked, then pleased, then stunned as more and more of the giant cock penetrated her. Her hips raised to receive him as inch after inch of his cock penetrated her. Then Pamela lost sight of her body as Deon laid down on the petite woman. All Pam could see were Miko’s white fingers digging into Deon’s shoulders and her legs spread wide around Deon’s hips as his flabby black ass rose and fell rapidly. Miko let out a muffled cry of pleasure and Pamela watched her toes curl as her legs trembled.
Deon pushed himself off with his strong arms and sat back up. Miko looked pleasantly stunned. She was covered with a sheen of Deon’s sweat as she laid there staring at the top of the tent, gasping for air. Deon slapped his cock against Pamela’s ass and guided the head back into her. He grabbed her hips pulling her back into his thrusting cock, fucking her hard and fast until she came again. This time she fell forwards burying her head in her arms. There was a loud POP as his cock sprang free.
He turned back to Miko. She nodded her head eagerly, reaching down and spreading her pussy open for him as he pushed the head back in past her folds. This time he didn’t lay down. He lifted her by the knees and fucked her hard. Pamela sat up and watched jealously as they fucked hoping that Deon wouldn’t prefer Miko to her and that Miko would still have time for some soft feminine love with her. Miko’s breasts flopped back and forth just as Deon’s entire torso shook with each thrust, his sweat flying off his body.
Pamela stared at Deon and for a moment she saw his potential to be a true black beast. Gone was the fat shaking flesh to be replaced by a hard-muscled brute as big or bigger than any of the
black brutes of Coxville County. She vowed at once to help him reach his potential.
Deon grunted and slammed his cock forwards holding it still as Miko screamed. Pamela could see Miko’s golden flat tummy undulating and she knew that Deon’s was filling her womb with his seed. Deon worked his cock around a little, making sure every last drop of his cum was inside her. Pam’s tongue could never give Miko that kind of pleasure no matter how hard she tried and she was filled with jealousy again.
Pamela was halfway dressed in her underwear by the time Deon pulled his cock out of Miko and looked her way. “Where the fuck you going? I ain’t done.”
She stretched her sports bra out and adjusted her panty. “I need to think. I’m going for a swim.”
“At night?” asked Miko finally sitting up, a stream of semen began flowing from her pussy.
Hmm, that looked good, though Pamela staring at the sperm. Deon’s seed flavored with Miko’s pussy juice had to be good. “I do it every time I come to the lake. I swim out to the island and back.”
“That’s like a mile off shore. You’re crazy.”
“I’ve done it a dozen times. Trust me, I’ll be back.”
“Wait,” cried Miko.
Pam ignored her and slipped out the tent flap. They weren’t far from the water and she didn’t feel nervous if anyone caught her in her underwear. It was athletic sports underwear and resembled the bikini that she’d worn yesterday at the pool.
Pamela strolled to the shoreline and into the water. The moon was full and over the island. The dark outline of slave island was visible and for a moment she thought she saw a light flickering out there. Campers this time of year were unusual. She fell forwards, feeling the cool water embrace her body cleaning it of Deon’s sweat. Her lithe arms propelled her forwards and soon she was rapidly swimming towards the lake. Her jealousy and confusion disappearing with the familiarity of a good workout.
Pamela was halfway across when the mist enveloped her.
Stacy wasn’t used to rejection. In the last 24 hours, it appeared she had lost all her boyfriends to white girls. It felt like everyone was getting laid but her. Even Susan of all people! A short time ago, the formerly uptight racist bitch who had tried to keep Stacy off the squad had passed her with LD, Leroy, and Omar in tow. She led them off into the darkness towards the picnic area openly joking about taking all three men. Obviously kidding, even Stacy hadn’t gone that far.
Stacy stood up and stretched seductively. She was wearing a white spaghetti strap top that left her dark belly exposed. It was actually sized to expose just a hint of midriff, but her Coxville breasts lifted the hem well above her navel. When she raised her arms over her head and stretched, the hem exposed the bottoms of her bare breasts. She relaxed and pulled the hem down, tightening the material over her hard-brown nipples. The outline of both nipples and puffy areola were on full display, telling the world that she was braless. No one paid her any attention.
Samson was near the bonfire with his brother, but she was still pissed at him for calling her Kitty the last time they’d fucked. Hercules was a strong possibility. She’d never had him and no doubt his cock would be as great as Samson’s. They were engrossed in conversation and not paying her any attention.
She frowned looking around for anyone to fuck, but most of the blacks had disappeared and only some of the whites were left. Many of the white football players had left distraught after what had seemed to be a mass dumping of them by their white girlfriends. She spun around and put a little extra shake in her ass as she walked to the keg to refill her cup. Her cheek hugging cut off jean shorts had enticed many a nigga to take off after her fine ass.
She filled her cup and sighed. Since discovering sex, she hadn’t looked back. Black cock was an addiction and the more you had the more you wanted. The problem was that sexual satisfaction was not emotional satisfaction and it often left her feeling empty that she didn’t have a more connected emotional bond with a man. She was just an easy piece of ass to the black team members. Stacy probably would have descended into having multiple babies with multiple unknown fathers if her mother hadn’t insisted she start birth control early. Her Pop Pop had made sure she kept her studies up to as long as she was a student in his school and she was grateful.
Stacy slipped off her flip flops when she reached the beach. She reached down and picked them up with one hand, sipping from her cup with the other. Stacy headed along the lakeshore away from the bonfire, the moon light reflected off the water and was enough for her to find her way.
She saw the man before he saw her and paused to watch. He bent down and found a stone, flicking it out and skipping it across the water three times before it sank. “Bet I could do four,” she said, startling him.
He straightened up and turned to look at her. His eyes fell down to appreciate her breasts. It felt good to be appreciated again even if it was a white dude. She smiled at him and he cocked a grin back. “You’re on.” They both scanned the beach for a smooth rock. Stacy took her phone out and used its light to help until she spotted a nice flat one. “Got one,” he said.
“Me too.” She took him in. He was tall and fit with an angular face. He had some scruff on his chin that she didn’t like. He had brown eyes and hair with one long strand that stuck out and hung down as far as his mouth. Alright looking, but not stunningly handsome. He wore a tee shirt that tightly gripped his muscles, not nigga brute bulging, but fit. His waist was lean with broad shoulders. He had long shorts and red sneakers and… a surprisingly impressive bulge for a white boy!
“Like what ya see?” he asked, embarrassing her. “Cause I sure do.” His eyes studied her appreciatively. This was one bold white boy. “Hugh Cox,” he said.
“So it appears,” she answered. “But what’s your name?” It took two to flirt. He laughed. “I’m Stacy…”
“Stacy Brown,” he finished. “Everyone knows who you are. We have Chemistry together,” he added with a wink.
He was good. “I’ve seen you around. It’s hard to keep up with all you Coxes, but I didn’t come up through the grades with you, right?”
“My family lives right on the border with Tittsville. I went there until last year, then I switched to Coxville for a change of pace. Figured a Cox might get better grades in Coxville. You’d do really well in Tittsville.”
She smiled. He was really good. If he made a play she was ready to fuck him even if he didn’t have no big black nigga cock. She tossed her rock up and caught it. “So, you ready?” He nodded. Her arm flung out, releasing the flat stone. It skipped three times and went pretty far.
“Not bad,” he replied, flinging his own out. It also skipped three times before sinking. “Four skips are tough.”
“It sure is. Well, nice meeting you Hugh Cox,” she said, but didn’t turn to leave.
He looked at her startled as if he was afraid she was leaving. “Wait. One more time?”
“This time we’ll make it interesting.”
“A bet? And what are we betting Hugh Cox.” Stacy waited for it. Here it comes, she thought. A blow job? You let me fuck you? In the ass? No, it would be a blow job. It was always a blow job. And she’d agree. Of course, she’d agree. She was Downtown Stacy Brown.
“Dinner,” was his answer, startling her. “Tonight. I’m famished.”
Stacy froze in shock. A white boy wanted to be seen in public with a black girl? That was unheard of. He was waiting for an answer. “You’re on,” she replied. Fuck it, if Samson could be seen openly dating Kitty, then she could have a white boy of her own and screw what anyone thought.
“Let’s find us some stones.”
They both spent extra-long looking for just the right stone to skip for her bet. Hugh was first, flipping his stone over waiting on her. She finally found a nice smooth one. “Loser buys dinner?”
she confirmed.
“Yep. Ladies first.”
Stacy smiled and nodded. She strolled closer to the water until her feet got wet. With a strong toss, she skipped her rock out over the water. One. two. three… Plunk!
“Three. Not bad,” said Hugh. “Told ya, four skips is tough.” He lined his arm up doing a few practice swings. His arm jerked out as he released the stone. At the last minute, he turned the stone down. Plunk! “Damn! Looks like I blew it.”
Stacy didn’t say anything. He’d lost on purpose. He wanted to buy her dinner! Her head turned out over the lake. “Wow, look at that?”
Hugh followed her gaze at the wall of mist approaching. “Shit, that’s as thick as the fog last month. Let’s get out of here before it hits.” He held his hand out.
Stacy Brown was jokingly called Downtown Stacy Brown because she was always more than willing to go downtown on some brother’s junk. Now a white boy had his hand out for her wanting to take her out on a dinner date? She reached out and took his hand and it felt… wonderful.
Hugh and Stacy held hands as they hurried down the beach to escape the encroaching thick wall of fog. “How’s Floyd’s sound?”
Floyd’s BBQ was a popular spot on I-69, a slight drive, but she loved eating there. It was actually one of the few black owned businesses in Coxville County. “Floyd’s sounds wonderful,” she answered squeezing his hand with hers.
Stacy Brown couldn’t believe how happy she felt at that moment.
Wendy “Wonder Woman” Williams strolled down to the end of the dock, looking up at the bright moon. She turned around and glanced back at the bonfire in the distance. She could see some dark figures dancing around and the sounds of rap music drifted over the water towards her. She hadn’t wanted to come to the party, but her friend Carol had insisted and Carol had quickly disappeared in a tent with her boyfriend.
Wendy had just started attending Coxville High this year. Her family had chosen homeschooling for generations ever since the state forced integration on the people of Coxville County. Much to her embarrassment, racism was the primary cause. Her father detested the local blacks. She’d insisted on going to public school her senior year mostly because she wanted the high school experience and to socialize more with people her own age. So far Carol Birch was the only real friends she’d made. She’d hit it off with Pamela as they were both athletic fitness buffs, but Pamela was a cheerleader and their little clique was closed to outsiders. What she really wanted
was a boyfriend and though she’d received many admiring glances, few men measured up.
She was called Wonder Woman for several reasons. First, at 6’ 3”, she was an amazon. The tallest girl in the school and probably the entire town. She wasn’t a willowy skinny model type either like most tall women. She had a perfect hourglass figure with a firm outthrust rear end and Coxville EE breasts. Another reason she was called Wonder Woman was her resemblance to Lynda Carter. Long glossy black hair with curls framed a lovely countenance capped by piercing blue eyes. Her figure matched TV’s Wonder Woman also though her native breasts were much larger and she was taller by another half foot. The final reason was that Wendy was a true wonder at near everything she did. She was a setter on a female volleyball team based in Coxburg and there was talk of her trying out for the Olympics. She excelled at track, field sports, and was an amazing gymnast even though she was sized more as an American Gladiator than a petite gymnast.
Wendy lowered her eyes from the moon and was surprised to see the wall of white slowly moving across the lake towards her. The mist was the thickest she’d ever seen, solid looking and rising about ten feet off the water. She’d heard a lot about the fog last month, but she herself hadn’t experienced it. Wendy had been out of the county at a volleyball tournament that night. That was the night of September 24. She remembered it well as her team had won big that night and she’d woken up in her hotel room from a crazy sex dream where a shadowy bearded figure had convinced her to surrender her maidenhead to him. She’d been so aroused that night that she decided it was time to give up her virginity and find a boyfriend. The problem was that most of the men in her height range all had girlfriends or seemed intimidated by her. She’d heard that Todd White and Kitty had broken up recently. Now he would be a catch. Wendy and the quarterback of the Coxville Cocks! Maybe she would feel him out, flirt a little and test his reaction. He was close to measuring up to her in height, but no one could have measured up to her dream lover that night. A dream lover so good, it had left her wanting a good fuck in the real world.
The mist was getting closer. It approached the end of the dock. She closed her eyes and stretched her arms out prepared to feel it’s damp touch. She didn’t see the tendril of mist reach out from the wall. The tip of the spectral tentacle touched her right in the middle of her forehead.
Wendy’s body jerked and she fell forwards into the mist, hitting the water with a loud splash.
Wendy gasped and raised herself out of the water. “Here, hold da log,” said the black woman beside her. She reached out and wrapped her arms around the log. “Kick! Kick, you fool!” said the other woman. Wendy kicked staring out towards the island in the distance. She looked behind her. Bald black men were on the shore carrying more fallen trees down to the water to help the growing group of slaves fleeing the massacre on the plantation.
One giant black man wearing only loose pants with a tied rope around them for a belt aided Mama Tituba down to the water. She clutched her precious book to her chest until he took the book and placed it on a makeshift raft of sticks helping the distraught woman onto the raft.
Tituba wept and placed her head in her hands even as two more bald black men waded into the water and started pushing the raft deeper, kicking out to propel the raft forwards. Wendy turned away sobbing herself for not only had her own mother been felled by a white man’s bullet, but today her god had been hung.
Few of the blacks could swim, but they all made it across. A few of the bald men returned to the shore for more survivors, the occasional shot still ringing out in the distance. They would have lost more, but for the miracle fog that Zombi Damballah had summoned with his dying ejaculation.
Night was falling fast and Wendy dug a depression out in the sand filling it with leaves before laying down to sleep.
Two weeks later, Wendy was plucking the feathers from a goose beside her lean-to. Petruchio had brought it down with a spear. Tituba had claimed to summon the geese down for them, but Wendy had seen them this time of year her entire life. She looked up when she heard the whistle. Petruchio peaked out from behind a bush, motioning for her to join him. She smiled, knowing what he wanted. She looked around before sneaking off to join him.
“I suppose you want payment for the goose?” she asked demurely.
“Your payments are always welcome.” Petruchio was naked but for a loincloth. He was not bald like the followers of Prospero. The loincloth was already lifting up as his serpent of Damballah swelled with anticipation. It swelled even more when Wendy let her dirty shift fall off her shoulders. Petruchio stared in admiration at the swell of her breasts, young, firm, and proud, as large as the melons she’d gathered in the fields back on the plantation. Wendy fell to her knees and grabbed Petruchio’s cock. She stared at it approvingly before guiding the 10” shaft with its serpentine head between her lips.
“Praise Damballah,” groaned Petruchio as she swallowed the head. “That feels so good, Cordelia.”
Wendy swallowed deeper, bobbing her head faster at his compliment. She paused only long enough to sit up and guide his shaft between her heavy black breasts, suckling the tip of his cock while she bounced her breasts up and down the shaft of his cock. Before too long, Petruchio grabbed her hair and held her still while his cock spurted his seed into her mouth. She swallowed every drop, loving the taste.
“I want to be with you so bad, Cordelia.”
“And I you, Petruchio.” Wendy stood and embraced her lover. “I want to give you many babies.”
On the day Christians celebrated the birth of their god, Wendy was summoned to Mama Tituba’s shack. She pulled her goose down cloak tightly around her shoulders as she nervously walked to the shack. It was cold and lightly snowing. Many feared the winter and some hadn’t even seen snow before, but Tituba had assured them that Damballah would keep it from getting too cold.
They’d dried some fish and still had plenty of geese, but they were out of vegetables. Tituba warned them that soon some would began losing their teeth and she had sent small groups to raid storage bins near the plantation. Wendy herself had taken a canoe to the forest to hunt for nuts and berries.
She knocked on the door with trepidation. “Enter, Cordelia,” said Tituba from inside.
She opened the door and entered. The room had a fire pit with a cooking pot, several shabby wooden chairs and a mattress filled with goose feathers before the fire. A palace compared to the rest of the escapees living conditions. A large naked man was stooped before the fire, his ass facing, her back rippling with muscles. He was bald, a follower of Prospero. Tituba sat in one of the chairs holding her serpentine staff tightly in one hand. She looked her age. “Mama,” said Wendy, giving the wise woman a curtsey.
“I have chosen your mate, Cordelia. It is time for your breeding.”
Wendy glanced over at the man as he stood. Her heart sank. He was taller than Petruchio, his back muscles rippled before her turned around. “Rosencrantz!”
“I am Chaga!” he growled. “Rosencrantz was my slave name. I have taken a warrior’s name.”
“But Mama,” she pleaded. “I love Petruchio and he loves me.”
“Good for you, but I do not care for such things anymore. I’ve only loved two things during my time in this shell Cordelia, Damballah and his avatar on earth, Prospero Black, my son. Gaze upon Chaga, child.” She did. He was bigger and more muscular that Petruchio. He reached down and presented his hardening cock to her. It was impressive. “Chaga is superior in every way to Petruchio. His serpent of Damballah is much longer and thicker. Chaga’s balls are heavier and carry more seed. You child, have shown yourself to be intelligent and resourceful. You are young and healthy with full breasts and child bearing hips. You will give Chaga many children.”
“Petruchio will not be allowed to breed. You may fuck him as you desire, but only when you are already with child.”
“But why?” They had escaped from Massa but they still weren’t free.
“I have my reasons, child. Now remove your clothing and take your place on the breeding bed.”
Wendy did as she was told. Chaga gazed at her just as admiringly as Petruchio did when she stripped for him. She couldn’t help herself either, gazing with appreciation and trepidation at Chaga’s foot long cock, the head was already leaking fluid as he approached her. Wendy felt her own arousal pouring down her thighs even as her brown nipples hardened. She sat down on the soft mattress and laid back as Chaga moved between her legs.
Wendy sucked her lower lip into her mouth as Chaga ran the head of his cock between the folds of his womanhood. Tituba got up from her chair and moved closer to watch. “Remember Cordelia, your duty is to surrender your virginity to the superior cock. Your duty is to breed with the superior cock.” Wendy nodded her understanding before screaming in pain as Chaga thrust his cock in hard, bursting her hymen with little effort, his first thrust pushing as deep as Petruchio could have gone. Chaga pulled back and thrust again soliciting another cry from her. Tears rolled down her cheeks at the pain. Chaga buried his cock inside her and held still, letting her get used to its presence.
Tituba stooped near Wendy’s head and looked at her, almost evilly. “Do you know what Chaga means in Kiswahili?”
Wendy shook her head.
“It means, to do vigorously.” Tituba rapped the end of the serpent staff down hard on Chaga’s ass. “Get to work boy,” she ordered.
Wendy screamed again as the pounding began, but it hurt less than she expected. Chaga cupped her knees under his arms rapidly thrusting his hips, his cock thrusting in and out of her. She looked up at the hard muscles glistening on his wide chest and her hips began raising into his thrusts. Her whimpers turned to moans, her tears of pain turned to tears of joy and when he buried his cock and seeded her for the first time, the earth shook and stars appeared before her eyes as she discovered what true heavenly bliss really was.
Chaga was such a superior male that his cock only shrank a little inside her before reversing course to full hardness. This time he laid down over her, squeezing her nipples and kissing her. She kissed back, writhing her body in lust beneath her lover. The earth shook again and again and finally even stronger than the first time as he seeded her a second time.
Chaga lived up to his name, seeding her womb seven times that night. They mated many different ways, from behind as the animals did in the fields, he lifted her up and down his cock while standing and kissing her, and she sat on him rocking her body while he licked and squeezed her nipples. Wendy loved every position Chaga showed her.
Towards dawn, he stoked the fire a little higher and came to lie beside her. Tituba returned from somewhere and stared at her. She started to choke. She couldn’t breathe. She put her arms up to her neck in fear. Tituba smiled at her. Remember, Wendy Williams, your duty is to surrender your virginity to the superior cock. Your duty is to breed with the superior cock.”
Wendy Williams opened her mouth for air, but only water poured in.
Such a great series! Doesn't get much better than this!