Sister Nancy of Coxville County - PART TWO
By Thickwil - Inspired by SirSinn, Stormbringer, and ThePit (and Nancy, if there’s a real Nancy!)
This story takes place in Stormbringer and The Pit’s “Coxville” universe. The character of Sister Nancy is based on a pin-up done by The Pit “Nun for Nancy”, and then mentioned in Stormbringer’s story “The Coxville Curse: Part One”. My particular story is a sequel to a story written by SirSinn, that expands on Sister Nancy’s appearance in “Curse”. I enjoyed the story very much, and contacted SirSinn to encourage him to write a sequel, offering some suggestions. SirSinn informed me that the story was a one-shot and he had no intention to follow-up with the characters, but gave me his blessing to do so. I hope I can do him, Storm, and The Pit justice, and hope you all enjoy the further fall of Sister Nancy O’Malley. Please read SirSinn’s original story, and Stormbrigner’s “Coxville Curse” if you haven’t read them yet. If you guys like this one, let me know in the message board, or with a review. If you like it, I’ve got ideas for follow ups.
Linus lay on the classroom floor, still unable to believe his good fortune. He looked up into the lust-drunk blue eyes that stared down into his. Less than two hours earlier, he’d arrived at the convent and learned he was the only student who had shown up for class, due to the fog. He’d had a perfectly valid reason to skip classes today and under normal circumstances he’d have done so, yet something compelled him to go anyway. He’d thought it was the prospect of having class with Sister O’Malley. The young nun was the object of lust of every boy that attended classes at the Sisters of Mercy Convent. Her body was ridiculously curvy, and her black habit hugged every one of those curves, looking more like a sexy costume than a genuine religious garment. The sight of her made almost every boy’s dick stiffen, Linus’s included... and earlier he thought he’d seen her checking out his erection! Again, Linus felt a strange compulsion, this time to confront the pretty nun about her indiscretion. He’d expected her to blush and deny it... and she did.... but Linus felt compelled to press the issue, to squeeze his cock, to stare her down, to insist she was suppressing an intense desire. Just when he was starting to back down, to dismiss his rude behavior as being brought on by adolescent “horniness”, Sister Nancy did something very unexpected indeed. She told him to take his cock out of his pants. As it turned out, Sister Nancy had some unusual compulsions of her own that strange day... and Linus soon found himself ravishing his once-chaste, white object of lust!
Now, some time later, Linus lay on the floor, Sister Nancy straddling his body, both of them naked, and every inch of his black cock buried inside her as her practically virgin white cunt hungrily squeezed every last drop of cum from his heavy black balls. Her soft white hands lovingly cradled his face and stroked his head... his powerful black hands cupped her heavy, cream-white breasts. He craned his neck upward, taking a stiff pink nipple in his mouth, causing the sexy young nun to moan. He couldn’t wait to tell his boys... even if it meant they’d all want a piece of the action... hell, the thought of her taking them all on seemed even hotter. He couldn’t help but mention the idea to her... and she actually smiled at the thought! Linus laughed, and kissed her deeply. Somehow, in less than a day, he’d turned her from a chaste ‘Bride of Christ’ to a slut for Black Cock. He’d never felt so powerful. He felt his cock start to stiffen again inside her. Still kissing her, Linus slid his powerful black hands down her naked white back. Cupping and squeezing each cheek of Sister Nancy’s round white ass in his long black fingers, Linus began thrusting into the pretty young nun again...
The sudden, loud knocking on the classroom door was like ice water on the fires of their passion.
“Oh my God! The door! We... we forgot to lock the door!” Nancy gasped quietly, the serene lust draining from her eyes in a split second. She rolled off of Linus and frantically grabbed her black habit from the floor scrambled to pull it over her sweaty, curvaceous white body. “They can’t find us like this! Get dressed!” She hissed at Linus.
Linus, suddenly feeling the sensation of cool air on his wet cock, couldn’t help but snicker as he watched Sister Nancy leap off his cock and scamper across the room trying to find her clothes. Personally, he didn’t particularly care if he got caught with Sister Nancy or not. Sure, he’d get probably expelled from the convent’s school, but it would have been worth it. He’d been able fuck one of the hottest women he’d ever laid eyes on. Still, he wanted a souvenir of the occasion. As Nancy grabbed her habit from the floor, a golden gleam caught Linus’s eye and he saw her gold cross rosary lying discarded on the floor. Many was time he’d watched that bright gold cross around Nancy’s neck as she stood at the head of the classroom, it’s long chain and beads spilling over Nancy’s ample habit-clad chest, leaving the heavy gold cross swaying hypnotically below with her breasts every movement. He picked the gold beaded chain up an hung it around his neck. On Linus’s powerful body, the cross rested between his rippling pectoral muscles, bright gold shining against his dark chocolate skin. He smiled. His smile broadened when he noticed Sister Nancy’s underwear and bra also lying discarded on the floor. He quickly swiped the garments and stuffed them in his bookbag... his hand brushed his cell phone as he did so... bringing yet another smile to his face.
“Sister Nancy?” The Mother Superior called from the other side of the door, knocking again, having not yet heard a response from Sister Nancy. “Is everything all right?”
“Yes Mother Superior!” Nancy called out, desperately struggling to slip her habit on over her ample curves. To her dismay, the snug garment kept sticking to her sweaty, cum-splattered skin! She glanced over at Linus, she saw he wasn’t even getting dressed. Then Sister Nancy saw something that made her heart stop. The doorknob began to turn! Nancy thought fast, quickly dropping her useless habit to the floor and quickly rushing to the door, grabbing the knob as the door began to open and pushing her body weight against blocking the Mother Superior’s entry.
“OH!” The Mother superior gasped in surprise as her entry was met with sudden resistance, resulting in her practically walking face-first into the classroom door. Instinctively, she let go of the doorknob and took a couple of steps backwards.
“Oops! Sorry Mother Superior! I was just coming to open the door!” Nancy called sweetly, pretending the incident was just an accident. Hiding behind the door, Nancy used her free hand to quickly tug her wimple and hood over her head. Then, still holding the door open just one foot, she peeked around the door’s edge, carefully concealing her nude body behind the door and only allowing her wimple-clad head to be seen from Mother Superior’s point of view. The garment covered her head, neck, shoulders, and parts of her forearm, so that, through the small gap in the doorway at least, Nancy knew she appeared fully dressed. Nancy leaned into the door while gripping it’s edge with her fingers, preventing it from opening further than a few inches and revealing her true state of undress. “Please excuse me! I hope I didn’t hurt you!”
The old woman stared back at her silently for a few seconds, still a bit stunned at having walked into the door’s face. A feeling of dread crept over Nancy... but then the Mother Superior finally spoke.
“Oh, I’m sorry Sister Nancy.” The older woman apologized, still standing in the hallway outside the classroom. “I didn’t mean to push the door into you like that! Are you all right?”
“I’m fine thanks... I feel...great... never better in my life.” Nancy babbled nervously, stalling for more time. Her heart was racing from the fear of being caught ‘en flagrante’. “Can I help you?”
“Well dear, that’s just what I wanted to ask you.” Mother Superior said, eyeing Nancy curiously. “I know these boys can be rather difficult at times. How are you getting along with Linus today?”
“Oh!” Sister Nancy smiled, suppressing a wicked giggle. “We’re getting along very well! Linus is... very.... a very attentive and... impressive young man!”
“Oh, I see.” Mother Superior responded, sounding somewhat surprised. “It’s just that... as I passed the room earlier, I thought I heard some odd noises.”
“N-noises?” Nancy stammered, mortified. Dear God, what had Mother Superior heard? Did she know what Nancy and Linus had been doing? “I... I don’t know what you mean. Wha-what kind of noises?”
“Well, I thought I heard you... groaning... dear.” Mother Superior said, almost hesitantly.
“G-g-groaning?” Nancy stammered, her eyes wide with fear. She gripped the door tighter.
“Yes. You sounded quite frustrated!” Mother Superior said.
“Oh, no!” Nancy smiled, relieved that the old woman had so easily dismissed the sounds of Nancy’s groans. “No, not at all!”
“But...” Mother Superior furrowed her brow, confused. “The noises I heard...”
“OH!” Nancy blurted, thinking fast. “I was feeling a bit frustrated earlier, but everything’s fine now! Thanks to Linus’s... cooperation. He’s a very... talented and... attentive student!”
Linus was indeed paying close attention to the awkward conversation unfolding in the classroom doorway, admiring the way Sister Nancy cleverly positioned herself so that only her head ‘fully clothed’ head was visible from outside the classroom. What Linus truly appreciated, however, was the fact that, while Sister Nancy was distracted by the Mother Superior, he was able to snap several pictures of her with his cell while her back was turned... and what sexy pictures they were! Sister Nancy, clad only in her wimple, her naked white body bent forward at the waist at about a forty-five degee angle as she leaned against the door to prevent it from opening further into the room. Her heavy white breasts were squeezed between her arm on one side, and the door on the other, presenting an amazing view of ‘underboob’ cleavage hanging under her slender frame and spilling out around her closest arm. Nancy’s long white legs spread slightly, her round white ass sticking up and out, the cleft of her blonde mound clearly visible... Linus felt his cock stir again... and crept quietly up behind her.
“Really?” Linus heard the Mother Superior say as he got closer to the door. “Many of the other have complained about these boys’ behavior, and I’m afraid Linus is no exception.”
“OH NO! No-no!” Nancy suddenly gasped as she felt Linus’s hand unexpectedly touch her naked back.
“Yes.” Mother Superior lamented, lowering her eyes and shaking her head, unaware of the events unfolding on the other side of the classroom door. “I’m afraid it’s true. In fact, they’ve told me they’ve heard him make a number of inappropriate comments about you.”
Nancy glanced back over her shoulder, her eyes widening when she saw Linus standing behind her... still naked... stroking his cock with his other hand and wearing her gold rosary chain and crucifix around his neck! Linus boldly slid his hand up, then down Nancy’s back, then over the ample curve of her round white ass. Seeing Nancy had turned her head to look at him, he grinned wickedly, giving her ass a playful, quiet *smack* then stepping forward, rubbing his hard black cock against one of her bare white thighs.
Dear God! What did he think he was doing?
“NO! INAPPROPRIATE!” Nancy blurted, trying desperately to communicate to Linus without alerting Mother Superior. He had given her pleasure she never knew possible, but she couldn’t afford him distracting her now.“I suppose he can be inappropriate... sometimes...”
“Well then,” Mother Superior huffed. “Perhaps I should have a little talk with the boy...”
“NOT NOW!” Nancy blurted, a bit curtly. Still, she realized she needed to think fast to come up with a reasonable excuse to not let Mother Superior into a classroom in her own convent. “It’s really not necessary! We’re actually right in the middle of... taking a test right now. He’s hard... at work. I don’t want to stop Linus... I mean, I don’t want to distract him. if there’s nothing else...”
“It’s just that...” Mother Superior continued, obliviously. “After the things I’ve heard about Linus, and some of these other ‘urban’ boys’ behavior, I was a bit worried when I heard you were going to be alone with him today.”
“What she sayin? Was this bitch is afraid this ‘Big Bad Nigga Boy’ was going to FUCK you the second we were alone?” Linus chuckled softly under his breath, just barely loud enough for Nancy to hear, then feigned a sudden ‘realization’. “Oh Shit! I guess she was right, wasn’t she? Maybe you should tell her that she was right to be worried! Tell her I fucked you! Tell her you’re a slut for Black Cock, Nancy! Maybe we should open this fucking door and let her see what’s happening!”
“No! Please don’t!” Nancy whimpered desperately, trying to respond to both Linus and Mother Superior, without alerting Mother Superior to the situation. Nancy discreetly waved one hand behind her, trying to fend off Linus’s teasing advances while keeping her other hand clutching the doorknob, helping to support her wait as she bent forward. “That’s completely unnecessary! Please don’t concern yourself... with these terrible things... you’ve heard.”
“Racist old bitch.” Linus whispered.
“So, he hasn’t caused you any problems?” Mother Superior asked, suspiciously.
“No-NO!” Nancy repeated loudly, feeling Linus ominously slapping his heavy black cock against her bare white ass. “No problems to speak of.”
“I just don’t want you to let him give you a hard time!” Mother Superior huffed. “He hasn’t given you a hard time has he?”
Linus grinned. Hearing Mother Superior’s phrasing and seeing Sister’s hand waving at him gave him a devilish idea. He stepped to Nancy’s side, gripping her wrist and guiding her ‘defending’ hand to his cock. She tried to resist... but had to keep up appearances and continue her discussion with the Mother Superior. Nancy’s fingers wrapped around the hard shaft and began stroking it... Nancy loved the feeling of that heavy, hot black cock in her hand.
“OH, HE’S SO HARD!” Nancy groaned, closing her eyes thoughtfully for a moment before realizing Mother Superior had asked a question.. “I... I mean... IT’S’s BEEN... SO HARD... but... I... I think I’ve learned how to handle Linus!”
“Handle me, Sister Nancy!” Linus whispered, enjoying Sister Nancy’s hand stroking his cock. “ handle me REAL good!”
“Oh really?” Mother Superior beamed, still completely unaware of Linus’s demands on Nancy. “I must say, I’m glad to hear it. I’ve prayed that one of our girls would find a way to reach these boys. What’s your technique?”
“Oh it’s SO HARD!” Nancy whimpered, squeezing Linus’s rock-hard cock in her hand. Her lust was rising, making it more and more difficult for her to maintain her conversation with Mother Superior. “It’s so hard... to explain... but, Linus has been very... responsive.”
“Well, do you think you could apply this technique to the whole class?” Mother Superior asked.
“Oh...Oh... I don’t know...” Nancy smiled weakly. Her mind flooded with images of herself in her classroom, all those black, those black MEN, rising from their desks and surrounding her. She imagined herself shedding her long black habit, but leaving her wimple on, as she was doing with Linus at that moment. She imagined the boys pulling out their cocks... all huge like Linus’s... then she imagined getting passed back and forth, each young stud taking a turn with her... but then she imagined the boys growing impatient. They stop taking turns. They drag her to her desk... One boy lays on the desk and she mounts him missionary style... then two other boys stand on either side of the desk and make her stroke and suck their cocks... then...with her mouth, pussy and hands occupied by black cock... another boy takes her ass! The thought was exciting, but also frightening. “I... I think this might be a more one-on-one technique. I’m not sure if I could handle a whole room full of... boys like Linus!”
“That’s not what you said earlier.” Linus whispered sharply. He knew she was just trying to make up shit to say to Mother Superior, but still, her comment that she might refuse other black mens’ advances made him feel strangely angry. “You said you wanted to try it and I told you it was going to happen. Don’t worry I know you’ll be able to HANDLE us just fine!”
“Well perhaps you could meet with the other boys one-on-one.” Mother Superior suggested. “Or better yet, perhaps you could bless some of the other Sisters your technique so that they can learn how to handle some of these young black boys the way you’re handling Linus!”
“OH OH MY!” Nancy whimpered, shaking her head, he hand still stroking Linus’ rock had ebony pole. Poor Mother Superior had no idea what she was suggesting. Nancy’s imagination ran wild again. She imagined the other nuns in their classrooms, not the shrivled old women, but the younger ones like Sister Alyssa in her classroom or some of the novices. She could see some of them nervously unzipping their habits as their boys watched... She saw black boys leaping from their desks, tearing the Sisters’ habits from their practically virginal white bodies. She saw those same white bodies penetrated again and again by huge black cocks! She saw her Sisters moaning, screaming, ravished by muscular young black thugs over and over. “I... I don’t know... do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Yes, absolutely!” Mother Superior beamed. “I think you should do it!”
“Oh FUCK YEAH! I KNOW I want you to do it!” Linus groaned in approval. Relentlessly tormenting Sister Nancy as she talked to Mother Superior was hot enough, but the idea that the two women had inadvertently formed a plan that would result in the seduction of more of convent’s young nuns was more exciting than he could stand. He pulled his rock hard cock from Nancy’s desperate grip. “I gotta fuck you again. RIGHT NOW!”
“Do you think you can draw up a proposal and a lesson plan?” Mother Superior asked.
“OH PLEASE, NOT NOW!” Sister Nancy blurted, barely aware of Sister’s question. DEAR GOD, he wasn’t seriously wanting to fuck her now, was he? Surely he didn’t think he could get away with that! Not with the Mother Superior standing just on the other side of the door! Surely they’d get caught! Even so, her body cried out to submit to Linus’s demand... but how could she? She clamped her hand over her hot, wet pussy in a last-ditch effort to stay in control of the situation. Then she realized she Mother Superior was staring at her, a look of confusion on her face. Nancy tried desperately to remember Mother Superior’s last question. “Please... not now! I... I... need more time to prepare!”
“Well obviously not ‘now’ Sister! You don’t need to provide me with your curriculum at this moment. Monday will be just fine.” Mother Superior said, puzzled by Sister Nancy’s desperate plea for more time. Nancy’s odd behavior was finally beginning to register.
“Don’t resist me Nancy.” Linus said, growing angrier, but not quite understanding why. It wasn’t like she his property or anything... Then Linus thought again. No... no that’s exactly what it was like. She was his property... she was his slave. She DID owe him something... obedience. And she was defying him. He felt compelled to assert his dominance over the desperate young nun, and he knew just how to do it. “If you deny me your pussy, I’ll have to improvise!”
“Sister Nancy... are you certain you’re all right?”
“Yes of course! Everything is fine!” Nancy gasped breathlessly. “Why do you ASS?... ASK?!”
Nancy blurted awkwardly as she suddenly felt Linus’s hands gripping her bare waist and the head of his cock pressing against her virgin asshole! Her big blue eyes widened in fear. No! No he wouldn’t DARE! Not NOW! Not with Mother Superior on the other side of the door! Nancy quickly moved her hand away from her pussy, giving into Linus’s demand for the orifice. Linus immediately slipped a long black finger into her dripping pink cunt, but to Nancy’s dismay, he then slipped the same, wet, slippery finger into her virgin asshole.
“You seem quite anxious about something.” Mother Superior pressed, trying to dismiss Sister Nancy’s strange slip of the tongue. “Are you sure nothing is troubling you?”
“Nice try Sister, but I think I’m gonna take your ass anyway.” Linus said quietly, rubbing his cock’s tip against Nancy’s asshole. “I want to take every one of your holes and get you good and broken in before I turn you over to my boys!” Before Nancy could say anything, Linus pushed the tip of his cock into her virgin ass!
“OH! OH! OH DEAR GOD... NO!” Nancy cried. “You can’t be serious!”
“SISTER, PLEASE!” Mother Superior scolded, incensed. “That was a perfectly civil question. I’m sure you can answer that question without invoking the Lord’s name! Blasphemy IS still a sin!”
“OH...SO SINFUL!” Nancy’s eyelids fluttered and she blushed in horror and embarrassment. Nervous sweat began to form on her brow as Linus slowly, steadily, pushed that massive black cock of his deeper and deeper into her ass. Was this to be God’s punishment for her giving into her moment of lust that morning and breaking vow of celibacy? To have her ass to be violated by the very same black student she lusted after and led astray, while the threat of discovery looming over her head. And if it truly was meant to be a punishment for her sin... why was it beginning to excite her? “Oh Lord! Oh I’m sorry! I’ve sinned and beg... your... forgiveness!”
“Really Sister!” Mother Superior huffed, still shocked by Nancy’s blasphemy. “What HAS gotten into you?”
“I don’t...I don’t... know...” Nancy shook her head, struggling with the confusing tempest of emotion swirling through her head.
“You don’t know?” Linus teased quietly, driving his cock all the way into Nancy’s ass, causing her to whimper and grunt. He pulled his cock back several inches, then continued talking, emphasizing his statements with a thrust of his cock.
“AHHH! AHHH!” Nancy whimpered, wordlessly. Nancy couldn’t believe that Mother Superior still hadn’t discovered the deception. Sister Nancy knew Mother Superior was old and half-deaf, but the woman could still see. True, Nancy’s trick with her wimple and the door covered her nudity, but she knew she had to be making the most awkward facial expressions as Linus pushed deeper and deeper into her virginal ass. What was more, Nancy could feel her whole body trembling. Was the Mother Superior SO sheltered from real life and disconnected from her own human sexuality that she couldn’t see what was happening right in front of her? And why didn’t Nancy feel more guilty about this debauched charade? Was the threat of discovery, the taboo, the danger... were all these things... turning her on even more?
“Sister, something is clearly vexing you!” Mother Superior pressed her questions into as Linus continued pressing his to the young nun.
“Go on, tell her Sister!” Linus hissed quietly, slowly thrusting his thick manhood in and out of Nancy’s tight white ass. He leaned forward, wrapping his powerful dark arms around Nancy’s slender white waist, gripping her huge, white tits, as they bounced back and forth with every thrust. “Tell her what’s gotten INTO you! Twelve inches of THICK BLACK DICK! Tell her THAT’S what’s VEXING you! Tell her you’re gettin’ VEXED IN THE ASS by a BIG NIGGA COCK!”
“!” Nancy gasped and whimpered, tried to keep a calm face as she felt Linus’s cock pushing deeper and deeper into her ass, stretching her insides in a way she’d never felt before. It hurt, but somehow it also felt good at the same time. She couldn’t believe what Linus was doing... and now she couldn’t believe how good it was starting to feel! Still, her face was turning red and she couldn’t help but wince. “Ah... Ah... Ahhh... I’m... I’m... fine.”
“You don’t sound fine!” Mother Superior pressed, growing more concerned. “Your face is turning red, you seem to be having trouble breathing, and you look as if you are in pain! Are you certain you’re well?”
“Unghh...OH...OH YES!” Nancy grunted, feeling her ass begin to stretch to accommodate Linus’s girth. “IT FEELS SO... I FEEL...SO...GOOD!”
“You don’t look like you feel good! You look as if you have a fever!” Mother Superior said, reaching out and pressing the back of her hand against Nancy’s flush cheek, then then pressing her palm to Nancy’s forehead.
“Oh...oh no!” Nancy nearly cried as Linus’s thrusts quickened and the Mother Superior touched her face. Surely now she’d figure it out... any second...Oh God! Oh God what had she done?
“My WORD Sister!” Mother Superior exclaimed. “You’re burning up! Your skin is so HOT!”
“You’re on fucking fire, Sister Nancy!” Linus whispered quietly as he thrust his cock in and out of the young nun, with LONG, fast strokes.
“Yes! YES! I FEEL SO HOT! OH! OH!” Nancy cried, completely shocked that her debauchery remained unexposed. She felt so depraved. How could the woman STILL not realize what was happening? Nancy didn’t care anymore. All she cared about now was the huge black cock thrusting in and out of her pale, trembling body... and ensuring nothing interfered in that. But she could feel an orgasm building and had no idea how she would be able to contain it. She had to get rid of Mother Superior. NOW! “I must be... coming... down... with something! Mother Superior... you... you should GO NOW. I mean... I don’t want you to... get... sick. YES! YES! I’m CUMMING! I’m CUMMING... DOWN...WITH...SOME...THING!”
“Yeah Nancy! You one SICK bitch, aren’t you?!” Linus taunted as he fucked Nancy’s ass harder and faster. “I’m gonna make your fine ass cum in front of this old woman! She gonna find out what kind of SICK slut you are! You want that bitch? You want me to make you CUM?”
“Yes I believe you are coming down with something!” Mother Superior nodded. “You feel quite feverish and sweaty, and your whole body is shaking! You also seem to be having trouble breathing! Yes! I think you’re a VERY SICK GIRL! None of your other students are going to show up today so just finish up with the Jefferson boy’s lesson and let him go home, then go to your quarters and rest. I’ll be praying for you!”
“YES! OH...OH THANK YOU!” Nancy blurted, trying to address both of her ‘tormentors’. Tears now streamed down her pretty face... for many reasons. She shed tears of confusion for her crisis of faith, tears of relief for the knowledge that Mother Superior would finally be leaving, tears of pain for the physical pressure in her ass, and tears of ecstasy for the inevitable orgasm that was building inside her. “Now... if you’ll e-excuse me... Mother Superior... I I really need Linus to finish taking me... I mean... finish up and... take my... instructions before sending him home!”
“Certainly.” Mother Superior nodded. “And go straight to bed when you’re done here! You look as if you’re about to collapse!”
“OH YES! Yes! Yes, oh yes! RIGHT THERE! I... I mean RIGHT AWAY! TH-THANK YOU MOTHER SUPERIOR!” Nancy babbled as Linus increased his pace again, driving her ever closer to the brink of orgasm. Her whole body started to shake. She felt her knees wobbling beneath her and instantly knew she needed Mother Superior gone immediately! As her climax began to overtake her, she hurriedly ended the conversation with a slurred, abrupt goodbye.
“OH GOD... GOD... G-GodBlessYouMotherSuperiorHaveANiceDay!” Nancy scream/slurred before pulled her head back from the doorway and slammed it shut in Mother Superior’s face with a loud bang!
The Mother Superior took a stunned step backwards, finding herself suddenly facing a slammed-shut door.
“H-have a blessed day, Sister!” She called, tentatively.
“THANKYOUMOTHERSUPERIORHAVEABLESSEDDAY!” Mother Superior heard Nancy shout from the other side of the closed door, her words running together in a barely intelligible rush, followed by the quiet click of the door lock!
“OH GOD LINUS! YOU’RE...AMAZING! !” Mother Superior heard Sister Nancy cry out from the other side of the closed door.
“Oh my!” The Mother Superior muttered to herself. “Apparently Sister Nancy’s technique involves a lot of loud, excessive flattery and celebration!” The Mother Superior shook her head and turned, walking down the hallway, a quiet, contemplative expression on her face.
† † † † †
Inside the classroom, Nancy leaned against the door. Free of the necessity to hide her actions, she clutched the door frame for support and violently bucked her thick, white ass against Linus’s thrusting black cock, digging her fingernails into the wood. There was no longer any pretense of resistance to the ‘filthy’ act of... she enjoyed what he was doing to her. She enjoyed him... fucking her ass!
“Oh God, please forgive me for this debauchery, but it fees so GOOD!” Nancy muttered a prayer as she bit at the hem of her wimple, taking the fabric into her mouth to muffle her own screams of orgasm so that they wouldn’t be heard outside the room.
“YEAH! WORK THAT ASS, SISTER NANCY! BOUNCE THAT BACK SHIT BACK UP ON MY COCK!” Linus crowed, slapping Nancy’s quivering white ass cheeks back and forth.
Nancy looked over her shoulder, eyeing her young lover hungrily, her blue eyes ablaze with lust and fury. Wicked boy! She didn’t want to get caught... but Linus didn’t really care. He’d obviously enjoyed tormenting her sexually while she tried to talk to the Mother Superior. Now he grunted and groaned and bellowed with every thrust of that glorious cock, unafraid of any interference or consequences. He was so free... so... so... savage! She watched him over her shoulder... watching the sweat dripping from his dark skin, making it shine... watching him slap her ass... watching him thrust his hips as he drove into her again and again as her climax higher and higher...
Then it hit her. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her body and she SCREAMED into her wimple through clenched teeth. She thought she’d known intimacy... known love... but before this day had never known true sexual pleasure... the kind that Linus had brought her again and again! And still, even now, even after she had climaxed, he showed no sign of stopping, no sign of slowing, no sign that he was anywhere finished with her!
“Oh...Oh my God! I just...again... you made me do it again... but... how?” Nancy gasped for air, releasing the damp fabric of her wimple from her mouth, unable to comprehend how Linus had just made her climax just by taking her ass. Who could have know that were even possible? She turned her head back towards Linus, as he continued thrusting away. “How did you make that... by taking me... THERE? What... what on earth possessed you to try this?”
“Lot’s of people do this Sister.” Linus assured Nancy. “Especially girls with nice thick asses like yours! All the brothas gonna want crack at this ass when I tell ‘em how nice and tight it is!”
“Oh Lord give me strength!” Nancy’s eyes widened at the prospect of all those boys taking turns with her poor posterior! All of those boys... with stamina like Linus’s! “All of them?”
“Hell yes!” Linus laughed. “and some of them are going to be kind of rough. They’re gonna wanna man-handle You need to be ready for that. So here it goes.”
“OH!” Nancy gasped. Before she could comment further, Linus grabbed her wimple hood and used it like a horse’s reigns to yank Nancy’s head back towards him as he thrust harder and faster into her ass.
“LIKE THIS!” Linus bellowed. “You like this bitch? You like getting fucked in the ass?”
“YES! OH GOD HELP ME! YES I DO LIKE IT!” Nancy cried. She felt her excitement begin to build again. Confessing her pleasure in the sinful act somehow increased her pleasure... but not enough... She needed to know it pleased Linus. That was... somehow... so much more important to her... she remembered how much enjoyed her swearing... and stumbled trying to find the right words. “Do you like it? Do you like... fucking... my... my... God-Damn ass with you’re big...COCK?”
“Oh FUCK yes baby!” Linus laughed. “I like it almost as much as I liked fucking that tight white pussy of yours!”
“THEN TAKE IT AGAIN!” Nancy heard herself say suddenly. She smiled nervously, embarrassed by her suggestion. It so depraved. So dirty. She wanted him to take is cock out of her ass... and put it in her pussy!
“OH...OH GOD-DAMMIT, SISTER NANCY!” Linus groaned and laughed. “YOU DIRTY FUCKING BITCH! You serious girl? You want me to take this BIG NIGGA COCK outta you ass and shove it up your HOT SLUT CUNT?”
“You heard me!” Nancy growled, brazenly. She could barely comprehend what she was saying... she felt as if someone else had taken control of her body. She stared Linus in the eye, bucking and gasping. Words tumbled from her mouth, reiterating her desire. “Stop blaspheming... flip me over... and...FUCK... my white... CUNT... you... you... GOD... DAMNED... NIGGER!”
Linus’s dark eyes flared wildly, he smacked Nancy’s ass, hard. Without any hesitation, he pulled back on her hood again, roughly forcing her upright, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around to face him. Nancy smiled, dreamily, her wimple and hood askew, and moved forward to kiss Linus. Linus, however, shoved her backwards against the classroom door with a thump, and nudging her knees with one of his, compelling Nancy to spread her legs. Then he unceremoniously reached down, grabbing both of Nancy’s legs behind the knee and stepped backwards, pulling Nancy’s feet out from under her and causing Nancy to fall backwards, her shoulders slamming against the door with another loud THUMP. As Linus quickly lifted Nancy’s legs, she started to slide down the door, but quickly reached and her arms over her head, palming door and bracing herself against it. Linus, meanwhile, had tucked each of Nancy’s long white legs under his powerful black arms, cradling Nancy’s thick white ass in his huge, dark hands, and positioning his rigid ebony cock between her pale, creamy thighs... and pointed straight at her little blonde pussy.
Now Linus stopped and took his time. He stood, holding Nancy against braced against the wall, and took in the sight of his conquest. Sister Nancy looked up at him, wearing nothing but her wimple, her big blue eyes filled with wonder, excitement, and lust. She breathed deeply, her huge milky-white breasts heaving and swaying with every breath, their soft swell complimented perfectly by her flat, taut stomach, narrow waist, and wide hips... a ‘Coxville’ woman’s body through-and-through. He moved forward resting long black manhood on that welcoming white body just for a moment, its head nestled between those amazing tits as he leaned forward and kissed his conquest’s inviting pink lips.
“Say that shit again.” He growled quietly.
“Fuck my... God-Damn... White Cunt...” Nancy croaked, staring at Linus’s cock. “You God... Damn...Nigger!”
Nancy looked up at Linus he broke their kiss. She stared into his dark brooding eyes, then let her gaze drop to his soft lips, downward to his broad shoulders and chest. She saw her cross there, bright burning gold against Linus’s dark bronze skin. Iit had never looked more beautiful. his rippling dark muscles... pectorals... abdominals... and then... and then... that cock! She’d had it in her cunt once today and she wanted it again. She bit her lower lip hungrily, staring at it, it’s hard, dark majesty complimented so perfectly by her soft white beauty. Nancy’s big blue eyes stayed locked on Linus’s cock as he stepped backwards, letting his cock’s head drag slowly down the length of Sister Nancy’s trembling white body... dribbling a trail of pre-cum from her breasts, down over her white tummy, down to her neatly trimmed blonde bush. Linus held the tip there, gently grazing her pubic mound, glazing the soft blonde hair with his pre-cum... before sliding down her pink cunt lips.
The two of them stared for a moment, watching in awe as Linus’s rock-hard, twelve-inch black cock throbbed... neither of them able to believe what happened next.
“Holy shit.” Linus said quietly, unable to believe what he was seeing as his already enormous cock grew fatter and at least another inch in length! “It’s... it’s never gotten THIS big before!”
“Dear God!” Nancy gasped, her pretty blue eyes widening and her chest heaving in excitement. “Is it... Is it getting... B-BIGGER?”
“Yeah bitch.” Linus suddenly snarled, titillated by Nancy’s reaction. “It’s gift from God so I can give you the deep-dick fucking your fine white ass deserves! Now say all that shit again.”
“OH CHRIST! FUCK ME LINUS!” Nancy implored, violently bucking her hips, her body begging as loudly as her voice. “FUCK MY GOD-DAMNED WHITE CUNT...WITH YOUR BIG NIGGER COCK!”
“Keep begging me bitch!” Linus smiled enjoying how far the pretty, naive young nun had fallen. He stared appreciatively at the curvaceous blonde woman in his arms... Sister Nancy, his teacher, the beautiful blonde he’d fantasized about so many times... naked now... weakly bucking her wide white hips... desperate for his cock. Then, Linus slid his hands upwards, over her hips, then her waist, and took a good grip. The head of his cock pressed against Nancy’s wet, pink folds... Readying himself. “Nice and loud!”
Nancy’s plea erupted into a howl as Linus drove the entire length of his new, bigger, rock-hard black cock into her white pussy with one fast, powerful THRUST!
“AAAHHHH GOD DAMMIT!” Nancy screamed as Linus began hammering her pussy. He was harder than last time... his thrusts, more forceful...
“AW FUCK!” He bellowed. “I stretched your shit good before. I can fuck you harder now!”
“OH GOD...YES...YES... FUCK ME!” Nancy screamed. “HARDER! DEEPER!” Then Nancy realized... he was deeper... even deeper than he had gone before! His cock seemed to be getting longer... so much so that she could feel the fat head of his cock pushing through her cervical canal. Was that even possible?
Linus could feel it too... and it excited him. He started thrusting harder and faster, more so than he had ever done before, with Nancy or any other woman.
Nancy bucked wildly against him, her huge tits bouncing violently with his every thrust. He fucked her so hard she began to lose her balance on the door. She reached up with one hand, wrapping her fingers around the back of Linus’s neck. With her other hand, she reached down below her ass and found the doorknob, using in an attempt to support her weight.
Linus continued gripping her hip with one hand, grabbing one of her massive tits with the other, gripping it roughly, soft white flesh squeezing between the gaps in his long dark fingers. Leaning down he took the pink nipple in his mouth, sucking it hungrily. Linus let go of Nancy’s hips, forcing her to support her own weight on the doorknob or by hanging onto his neck. He grabbed Nancy’s big white titties in both hands, kneading them, squeezing them, mauling them... leaning forward and burying his black face in between them as his cock drove deeper and deeper inside her, his heavy black balls slapping against the crack of her ass. He felt his body begin to tremble. He sucked at her pink nipples hungrily... ravenously...
“Ahhhh AHHH!!!” Nancy threw her head back, moaning and gasping in approval. “YES! FUCK ME! SUCK MY... MY TITTIES! THEY’RE YOURS LINUS! I’M YOURS!”
“You ARE MINE Sister Nancy!” Linus bellowed, ominously. He stood up suddenly... without even losing his rhythm of his thrusts. Nancy looked up into his eyes... they seemed some how darker than normal... more brooding. “I have MADE YOU MINE! YOU HAVE GIVEN YOURSELF TO ME!”
“YES! OH GOD YES YOU HAVE LINUS!” Nancy gasped excitedly.
“IT IS TIME!” He said again, his voice growing deeper. He lifted a hand from one her breasts, and took hold of the arm that supported her weight on the door knob. “IT IS TIME FOR YOUR BLESSING, SISTER!”
“Bless...blessing?” Nancy gasped, confused, her head swimming with lust as she felt herself escalating to yet another climax.
“READY YOURSELF FOR MY SEED!” Linus bellowed, lift his other hand and wrapped his fingers gently around her neck... his dark flesh contrasting with the white color of her wimple, and restraining Nancy.
“YES! OH GOD LINUS! YES!” Nancy cried, looking down over her naked white body, her enormous bouncing breasts, her flat white stomach, and directly at the huge BLACK cock that plowed her beautiful white body. “DO IT! PLEASE! GIVE ME YOUR SEED! I WANT IT! I NEED IT! I LOVE IT!”
She felt her orgasm building faster and faster, with every thrust of Linus’s incredible cock... taking her to the very edge of ecstasy... He was SO deep inside her now that she could swear the whole head of his cock had pushed through her cervix and as now driving into her uterus itself! It seemed impossible!
Linus’s thrusts grew faster and faster until he arched his back, throwing his head to he sky and let loose an almost bestial roar of triumph to the heavens... driving his cock DEEP into Nancy’s uterus and releasing his load!
“AAHH-HAH-HAH-HAH-YESSSSSS!” Nancy screamed, throwing her head back as she climaxed simultaneously with Linus, feeling the first load of his sticky, hot cum erupt inside her. But this was no simple spurt or jet that Nancy felt inside her. It was a flow, a solid stream of thick, potent semen that sprayed from Linus’s monstrous black cock, directly into Nancy’s womb, filling it in seconds! Nancy gasped in surprise, unable to believe how much cum she could feel gushing into her uterus, and how deep Linus was inside her.
Her orgasm subsiding, Nancy raised her head and stared directly between her spead white thighs, where Linus’s pelvis pressed against hers. Her whole body began to shake. She involuntarily began to buck her hips and tighten her abdominal and vaginal muscles, squeezing Linus’s dark member tighter as it pulsed and twitched inside her, as if her body was drinking his semen. She could swear she saw her stomach begin to swell from the fluid building up inside her! Finally, Nancy felt as if the flow from Linus’s cock had stopped. Linus began to pull back, slipping inch after inch of his shining, ebony cock from Nancy’s body and releasing a veritable tidal wave of cum from her wet white pussy. Then, with semen still pouring from Nancy’s cunt, Linus suddenly, violently THRUST forward again, driving his cock deep into her uterus!
“OOHHH.... MY.... FUCKING....GOD!” Nancy screamed, instantly climaxing again as Linus resumed his rapid, powerful thrusting, with long, deep strokes... as if trying to fuck the semen even deeper into Nancy’s trembling white body. A second jet of cum shot from the end of Linus’s cock, instantly flooding Nancy’s hungry white cunt again. Still her body bucked as if begging for more! Another jet came... and another... Nancy watched as thick, gooey white strands of semen poured from her with every thrust of Linus’s cock!
Still, Linus never stopped thrusting, never slowing down. He was relentless. He was like... a supernatural force... a man possessed... a demon! It was as if she were being taken by... a DEMON. Then the realization hit her... The dream that triggered these feelings inside her... the feelings that had compelled her to proposition one of her students... His superhuman stamina... his larger cock... being deeper inside her than before... all that semen! HIS blessing! HIS seed!
“OH JESUS! OH GOD!” Sister Nancy trembled, staring in horror at the huge black cock that STILL thrust in and out of her white body and STILL flooded her womb with its seed. She raised her eyes, slowly, terrified, fearing that she knew what she would see. She saw her gold cross resting on Linus’s muscular black chest... his skin seemed darker than before... and her cross gleamed so bright it appeared as if it were on fire. She couldn’t bear to look directly at it. Nancy closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts and vision before she looked at Linus’s face. Steadying her nerves, she opened her eyes... and looked up into Linus’s eyes... but they were not Linus’s eyes she saw... for it was no longer Linus standing before her, but instead the dark figure from her dream... the shadowy, bearded black man! “Oh Dear GOD! “YOU! YOU’RE...YOU’RE... AAHHHHHHHH”
Nancy screamed as another orgasm tore through her body.
“PRAISE DAMBALLAH!” The shadowy black figure bellowed, pulling its monstrous black cock from Nancy’s gaping, pink pussy, still shooting jets of thick, white semen. He held it upwards, pumping it, sending heavy ropes of cum arcing through the air, showering her convulsing, naked white body with his semen. Hot, sticky cum rained down on her, splattering on her flat white stomach and bouncing white breasts, and landing in her screaming mouth! “NOW SISTER HOLY WOMAN! NOW YOU ARE TRULY BLESSED!”
Nancy’s head felt as if it were spinning. Her eyelids fluttered... and like Nancy herself had done... everything went black!
† † † † †
“Sister? Sister, are you okay?”
Sister Nancy opened her eyes, her head still spinning. Where was she? What had happened? She felt cold and hot at the same time. She remembered something about a fever. She looked up, seeing a large dark, muscular figure towering over her, appearing to glow.
“OH GOD! GET AWAY FROM ME!” She screamed. “I REPENT!”
She clambered closer to the classroom wall to get away from the demonic figure, but as her eyes adjusted to the light, her vision began to clear. She realized the ‘glowing’ dark figure she saw was Linus, backlit by the fluorescent ceiling lights.
“Easy! You blacked out!” Linus chuckled. “In more ways than one!”
Nancy groaned. It was all just a bad dream... the figure in by the tree... Linus... Mother Superior.
“Sorry, bad joke.” Linus shrugged. “Don’t feel embarrassed, Nancy. I got pretty dizzy myself there while we were going at it! Here, let me help you up babe.”
“What are you talking about?” Sister Nancy said groggily as Linus helped her up. “And please do not address me by my Christian name. To you, I am ‘Sister’ or ‘Sister Nancy’.”
“Thought we were kind a past that.” Linus grinned. He stepped closer to her and leaned into kiss her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She gasped... then felt his hands on her hips... her... BARE hips!
Nancy looked down and saw that she was naked. Instinctively her arms flew to cover her breasts and pussy... barely able to do so.
“Sorry.” Linus smiled, handing Nancy her habit. “I got dressed while you were passed out.”
“OH DEAR GOD...Why am I...” Nancy blurted, snatching the garment from Linus’s hands. “Oh...Oh my God. That wasn’t just a dream.”
“Oh it was a fucking dream all right!” Linus laughed. “Dream cum true!”
“Mr. Jefferson!” Nancy pleaded. “Please turn around. I would like some privacy while I get dressed.”
“It’s a shame you gotta get dressed with a body like that!” Linus smiled.
“TURN AROUND AT ONCE!” Nancy hissed sharply.
Linus smiled and rolled his eyes, but turned his back to Nancy.
“Lord forgive me!” Nancy whispered quietly as she opened her habit, seeing the strange streaks and stains on the black fabric. She had no choice but to wear it if she wanted to leave the room. She sighed, holding the garment open low to the floor, bending down and stepping into it one leg at a time. “What have I done?”
“Everything baby.” Linus chuckled, glancing over his shoulder to admire Nancy’s round white ass as she bent over. “You were amazing!”
“MR. JEFFERSON! THAT IS ENOUGH!” Nancy hissed as she stood up, quickly pulling the garment upwards... until but it kept sticking to her skin. Every time she pulled it free, but it seemed to get stuck again... and again.
Nancy realized that just as before, her sweaty, semen covered skin made the snug habit’s fabric stick to her skin, making the task very difficult. Every time she pulled the fabric one way, it would just get stuck to some other part of her body... or itself. The young blonde woman began to cry openly as she struggled to pull the fabric over her voluptuous curves. She tried pulling it high up, raising her arms above her head and bringing the hem up off the floor, all the way up to her knees... but the fabric stuck fast to her cum-splattered thighs.
“Oh God!” Nancy cried, letting go of the habit and letting drop. The loose part of the garment draped at her waist, the hem still clinging to her thighs, making it look as if she was wearing a black mini-skirt with no top. Nancy buried her face in her hands and wept, her ample white breasts squeezed under her arms... the semen on her breasts’ skin stuck to the skin of her arms... making Nancy sob lounder.
“Hey, easy now!” Linus said, stepping closer. “Here, let me help you Sister.”
Linus gently straightened Nancy’s habit out she stood in front of him, her back turned to him. She modestly crossed her arms over her ample breasts, trying to cover them... at least until Linus prepared the upper part of her habit for dressing. Nancy looked at him suspiciously, choking back her tears. She quickly uncovered her breasts and slipped her arms into her sleeves, covering her bare breasts with the garment as quickly as possible. Linus tugged the zipper in the back of the habit upwards, and Nancy was dressed... if disheveled.
“Thank you.” Nancy said quietly, turning to face Linus, wiping tears away from her cheeks.
Silently, Linus joined his hands with Nancy’s, wiping the tears from her face, then cradling it. He leaned forward and kissed Nancy... but she pulled away, her hands pressing against his chest.
“Please... don’t.” She looked at her small white hand resting on his chest, and saw her gold cross hanging next to it. “My cross? Give it back!”
“Of course.” Linus said, smiling, slipping the rosary over his head and gently hanging it around Nancy’s neck. As he lowered his hands, he cupped Nancy’s heavy breasts and squeezed them playfully.
Nancy slapped him hard across the face. “NO!” She hissed.
“What...the...FUCK?” Linus bellowed.
“I’m... I’m sorry.” Nancy stammered. “But you can’t do that. This has to stop. It never should have happened.”
“What? Us having sex?” Linus smiled. “Sex is natural baby, especially between you and me. Shit! Your body is BUILT for BLACK COCK! This was meant to be!”
“Stop it!” Nancy cried. “Stop saying things like that! I gave into a sinful, animal urge... and... and violated you... violated my vows... I... I led you astray. I’m sorry Linus!”
“You didn’t lead me anywhere.” Linus countered. “Your vows are unnatural. Your body needed black dick so bad, you broke your vow. You asked me to show you my cock, and once you saw it there was no turning back. There IS no turning back! You know what they say Sister, ‘once you go black...’! You gon’ be a ‘Black-Cock-Slut’ now!”
“No!” Nancy shook her head, backing away from Linus, but he kept moving closer. “That isn’t God’s plan for me!”
“Isn’t it?” Linus grinned. “How come none of the others showed up for school today, like I did? Seems to me it was DESTINY for you and me to be in this room alone together, today! If it isn’t ‘God’s Plan’, then why didn’t Mother Superior catch us? Because it’s your fate to take black cock in every hole!”
“No!” Nancy grimaced. “That’s wrong! This is all wrong! What we did... everything! You’re just a boy!”
“BITCH I’M EIGHTEEN, I AIN’T NO DAMN BOY! Did it feel like a BOY’S COCK that fucked you to a half-dozen orgasms today?” Linus bellowed, pushing Nancy against the wall next to classroom door. “And you sure as fuck didn’t think it was wrong when had you pinned up against this wall half an hour ago, fucking your brains out!”
“We can never do that again!” Nancy whimpered, trying to ignore Linus’s stiffening cock rubbing against her leg.
“FUCK THAT!” Linus sneered. “You’re MINE, bitch! We’ll fuck again just as soon as I say so!”
Sister Nancy trembled at Linus’s increasingly hostile tone... frightened, and excited. Still, she fought the urge to give into him again. “Linus... you... you need to go home and pray.”
“Is that where you want me, Sister?” Linus growled “On my knees? I got a better idea. Why don’t YOU get on YOUR fucking knees!”
Linus place his powerful hands on Nancy’s shoulders and started pushing her down to her knees, when there was suddenly a knock on the door. Distracted, Linus loosened his grip on Nancy’s shoulders and she raced to the door, flinging it open and finding Mother Superior standing outside the classroom.
“I thought I heard voices in here!” Mother Superior snapped as Nancy opened the door. “Sister, I thought I told you to send this boy home and go to your quarters to rest!”
“Yes Mother Superior! Of course!” Nancy blurted, nervously.
“What’s this mess all over the floor?” Mother Superior asked. “And what’s all that on your habit, Sister?”
Nancy looked at the area by the door where Mother Superior indicated... just exactly where Linus had been fucking her before she passed out. To her horror, she semen everywhere! There were shining spatters and slick dripping trails running down the walls. On the floor, there were gooey, white puddles, pooled and streaked. Between the walls and the floor, Nancy could almost see the outline of where her own body had been laying as Linus showered her with his cum! Then she glanced down at herself. Her habit clung to her body, damp with sweat and semen, white crusting stains streaked the black garment in several places! Nancy couldn’t imagine what excuse she could possibly give for the mess.
“Sister spilled some paste earlier.” Linus offered.
“Paste?” Mother Superior stared at Linus blankly.
“Yes!” Nancy added quickly, knowing excuse was absurd. The volume of spilled fluid seemed more than any reasonable sided jar of paste would contain. There was no jar anywhere, nor was there any reason for there to be a jar of ‘paste’ being used in the class. The smell of sex hung heavy in the air. The evidence of her depravity seemed irrefutable. Still, Nancy silently blessed Linus for offering some kind of explanation when she could think of none, and tried to support his story as best she could. “I w-was getting some supplies out of the cabinet and there was a... jar, near the... edge of the shelf and... the lid was loose... and...”
“All right Sister, that’s enough.” Mother Superior interrupted, incredulously. Miraculously, she seemed not to want to press the issue further. “I’ll call the custodian to take care of the mess, but right now I want you to get in bed!”
“That’s what I was tellin’ her, Mother Superior!” Linus said, adopting a mock-submissive tone as he eyed Nancy suggestively. “I was just tellin’ Miss Sister Nancy that she belongs flat on her back in bed right now!”
“We were just finishing up here!” Nancy almost hissed at Linus. “In fact, I’m confident we’re completely done!”
“Yes ma’am, all done... for today.” Linus smiled, wickedly. “But I’ll see you again on Monday! I’m sure my boys will be back on Monday too!”
Nancy shivered at the implication. Linus... AND his boys.
“All right, thank you Linus. You may go!” Mother Superior hissed. “And as for you, Sister Nancy! I want you to go to your quarters, NOW.”
“Y-yes Mother Superior!” Nancy said, wasting no time in fleeing the room.
“Oh, and Sister Nancy!” Mother Superior called down the hallway after the young nun. “Don’t attend any of the other functions or meals today. Stay in your room this evening and I’ll send someone up with your dinner! I don’t want the other Sisters catch your fever!”
“No, you definitely don’t want THAT!” Linus bellowed as he left the room, making sure his voice carried down the hallway, for Sister Nancy to hear. “But I hate to say, Sister Nancy’s fever seems pretty bad! I got a feeling it’s gonna spread, no matter what... ain’t nobody gonna stop it!”
Praise Damballah.
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