Copyright 2010 by Stormbringer
Pamela Barnes let the robe drop to the floor and smiled when her
husband whistled. "You like?" she asked, twirling around for him.
Pamela was wearing a baby doll teddy. It was light green and
looked good on her with her long red hair. The bra squeezed her
large bosom together giving her very impressive cleavage and it
was sheer enough her pink nipples were visible. The panty was a
thong that left the lush globes of her white ass bare. Her
stomach was covered by the sheer green fabric, but her toned, fit
body was clearly visible through it.
"Your doctor does good work," said her husband, Richard.
Pamela smiled and climbed beside him on the bed. Her husband was
her doctor. She was eighteen years younger then he was. They had
met when she got hired as his receptionist nearly fifteen years
ago. She laid on her side and looked at him sensually. She stared
at him with her piercing green eyes. She knew she looked good and
wondered why his face was buried in a medical journal instead of
looking at her. She also wondered why she had to initiate sex all
the time. Her hand moved over to rest on his stomach and slide
under his pajamas. She cupped his genitalia in her hand and
squeezed it. It was slow going, but she felt him harden. Richard
took the hint. He rolled over, pulling his pajama bottoms down as
Pamela quickly pulled the thong off.
Five minutes later, Richard rolled off her, breathing heavily,
but grinning. Pamela raised her hips up to hold his sperm in,
hoping they were finally making a baby. They had been trying for
a year, but Richard had a low sperm count. The fertility doctor
said, it was possible for him to impregnate her, but very
unlikely. So far, he wasn't willing to seek alternative means of
conceiving. She would have tried anything. A baby was what she
wanted most in the world.
Pamela had applied for the job with Doctor Barnes when she was
five years out of high school and had just about given up a
career in drama. He was a prominent plastic surgeon and offered
discounts to his employees. The chubby Pamela Barnes had taken
him up on the offer and had some liposuction done to her thighs,
ass, and belly. The results had been amazing. Doctor Barnes asked
her out for coffee one day and she joined him. They found they
had little in common, but both were lonely and soon they started
They dated only for a year before he asked her to marry him and
she accepted. Richard didn't want his wife to work so Pamela used
her free time to start working out. She hired a fitness
instructor who quickly had excess weight dropping off her body
and her muscles toning up. She wanted to tan, but she had the
pale white skin common among redheads and burned easily. Her skin
was mostly pure white, but tanning brought out freckles, so she
gave up the sunbathing idea.
Pamela's one remaining physical problem were her enormous
breasts. They were DD cups that looked big on her chubby body and
positively enormous on her fit body. The problem wasn't so much
their size, but that they sagged. Richard lifted them so that
they thrust out proudly to the world, but he didn't reduce them
in size. She almost wished he had as they made her back hurt, but
she liked all the attention they got her, especially at acting
A local theater group quickly took on the buxom redhead where
they had turned down the chubby Pamela. She had now starred in
three plays. It was all she had ever wanted to do before deciding
it was time to become a mother.
"I think you should go," said Richard, finally catching his
"I hated high school, Richard. Plus, you can't go that weekend."
"You're not the chubby geek girl you were twenty years ago, Pam.
Go to your reunion. Show off that hot body of yours. Flirt a
little. Let them see what they missed out on. Make them jealous."
"I wouldn't mind rubbing it in a little.
"Then go. I'm sure half the hot girls back then are chubby now."
Pamela sat up, leaned over, and kissed her husband. "You know
what? I think I will go."
"Good, have fun." Richard sat back up and returned to his
Pamela rolled over, but she couldn't sleep. Her three years of
high school had been the worst years of her life. Pamela Porci
was an overweight Wicca girl who dyed her luscious red hair,
purple, wore black nail polish and eyeliner, and played dungeons
and dragons. The nightmare began with the nickname, Porci Pig.
She still couldn't watch Looney Tunes without picturing her high
school tormentors.
Tormentor number one was Scott Johnson. He mercilessly teased her
throughout high school, but the worst was in the auditorium.
Several classes had been assigned to do short Shakespeare acts
before the school. Pamela, Greta, and Hazel had opted to do the
scene with the three witches from Macbeth. Greta and Hazel were
the closest things she had to female friends. They included her
in their group, but they were overly close and she suspected they
were lesbians. Pam often felt like a third wheel around them.
After their skit, Scott Johnson yelled out, "Ba-de Ba-de Ba-de,
That's all folks," in his best Porky Pig voice and everyone
laughed including many teachers, though he did get detention.
Then there were the blacks, Harlan, Gage, and Keisha. Their
torments were daily. Keisha was dating Harlan and Pamela thought
they had married after graduating. Keisha would say things like,
"Move that fat ass out of our way, white girl," when they passed
in the hall. Pamela had a particularly bad day and actually
turned on Keisha to slap her, but Harlan easily grabbed her
wrist. "Don't touch my woman, bitch," he growled. Afterwards,
Pamela had hidden in the auditorium to cry. Gage and Harlan were
close and rarely separated. Gage was the one that came up with
the Porci Pig nickname and everyday made some sort of pig comment
when he saw her. "Yo Harlan, you smell bacon? Porci Pamela can
sure ham it up. No, she's snout funny. Soooeeee, here piggy
piggy." And so on. She knew it was transference, but she came to
associate all blacks with her three tormentors behavior. It
wasn't fair, but she couldn't help it and was now quite bigoted.
She hated them.
Her last tormentor wasn't really a tormentor, but he ended up
hurting her more then any of the others had. Preston Hunt was a
friend since they were little and her secret crush. He was if
anything, geekier then she was. He was her dungeon master and the
two of them plus some others would play for hours in a bedroom
lined with Star Wars Hasbro figures. Pam didn't even like role
playing, but as long as Preston was there, she would follow just
to hear his voice. He was short, skinny, and not much to look at,
but he was the only guy who was ever consistently nice to her at
least up until the day she kissed him. They were alone and both
had decided to try drinking alcohol for the first time. She was
thrilled when he didn't pull away as she leaned over to kiss him
and his hand flew up to her enormous bosom, squeezing her tits.
Soon his hand slipped under her black blouse, slid over several
rolls of fat and then was playing with her nipples. Pam gasped
and quickly felt her panties go wet. Her nipples had always been
very sensitive. She decided to reward him and let her hand fall
in his lap. She squeezed his bulge and heard him groan in
pleasure. Preston went nuts and released her boob long enough to
pull his pants down. Believing that from here on out, her life
was taking a turn for the better, Pamela decided to do something
guaranteed to keep Preston interested in her. She fell to her
knees and sucked his dick. It was her first and last blow job. Oh
he loved it alright. He guided her head with his hands and
practically squealed like a girl when he came which was only
after a few minutes. She even swallowed. The problem came
afterwards. Preston wanted to do it again. He wanted to play with
her breasts. He wanted to do all that and she was willing, but he
didn't want to hold her hands in school or let her kiss him in
front of anyone else. He quickly turned weird, not wanting to be
seen with her at all, but always wanting her to come over when no
one else was around. It didn't take Pamela long to realize, he
was ashamed to be seen with her and when she did, it tore her
heart on two. She couldn't stop crying for days and finally ended
up emptying a bottle of sleeping pills down her throat. She was
in the hospital for two days and missed school for a week while
she underwent a psychological evaluation. She refused to talk to
Preston after that or anyone else. She spent the last few months
of school acting like a zombie, going through the motions until
she graduated, but she didn't show up for the ceremony.
Pamela quickly wiped tears from her eyes so that her husband
wouldn't notice. On graduation day, she moved far away from home.
Her dream was to go to Hollywood, but she moved to New York City,
took acting classes, tried to get a gig on Broadway, then off
Broadway, then way off Broadway. Her money ran out, she moved to
a cheaper apartment in the suburbs, and got hired as a
receptionist by one of the kindest men she'd ever meant.
Pamela boarded the plane to Atlanta wearing a black skirt with a
slit up her thighs. She had on black heeled boots that went up
just under her knees. She wore a green short sleeve pull over
top, that hugged her bosom and showed off a lot of cleavage. She
found her seat and waited for take off. She felt her body tremble
slightly when she saw the blacks board the plane. She had no
idea they lived anywhere near her. Pamela pulled herself together
as they approached.
There were four of them. The first two were Harlan and Keisha.
Unfortunately, in the twenty years since graduation, they hadn't
lost their looks. Harlan was a black giant covered in muscles. It
did look like he was losing his hair, but he's shaved it and it
looked good on him. Keisha still had a nice body, but now had a
little belly fat suggesting she'd had a baby. Pam would have
traded her flat tummy for some belly fat and a baby, but the way
things were going with Richard, there would be no baby anytime
soon. Keisha had a strange face. It was attractive, beautiful
even, but her mouth was constantly turned up in a sneer. It was
like she had a huge chip on her shoulder and went through life
hating everything. Harlan met Pamela's eyes and quickly looked at
her bosom. Pam feigned a smile as she stared at him and he smiled
back. Keisha followed him. Her eyes fell on the white woman with
the big tits and her sneer got bigger.
Gage and another black woman were next. Probably his wife, but it
was no one from their school. Unlike Harlan, Gage had let himself
go since high school. Gage had an enormous belly, big arms, and
several chins. His eyes also fell on her bosom and he licked his
lips. Who is the pig now asshole, she thought, looking at his
porcine face. Pamela smiled at the thought. Gage grinned back at
her, thinking she was flirting and he winked. His wife followed,
also overweight and not very pretty.
None of them seemed to recognize her.
The rest of the flight was without incident, but the two black
men stared at her when she got up to use the bathroom. When they
landed, Pam got off first and made her way to baggage claim. It
always took awhile for the luggage to arrive, but Pam waited
patiently. When the conveyor belt finally started up, she was
surprised to see her large bag was first. She reached out for it,
but a large black arm beat her to it. "I got that for you, Miss,"
said Harlan. He pulled it off the conveyor and handed it to her.
"Why thank you," she said, smiling at him.
"Harlan, get your black ass over here," yelled Keisha.
Harlan winced. "You're welcome, Miss."
"I'll see you in a few hours," said Pamela. She winked at him,
enjoying his look of confusion.
"What did that white bitch say to you?" asked Keisha, as Pamela
was walking away.
Pamela smiled.
Pamela stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off. Her
suitcase was open on the bed. She pulled out her outfit for the
evening. First she pulled out the tight green bra. It was sheer,
but tight and squeezed her boobs together amplifying her cleavage
even more. The matching thong was sheer and tight. It mashed her
red pubic hair down and she'd even had to trim some of her hair.
The top was a dark green halter top with spaghetti straps holding
it over her shoulders. Her large bosom made it hang loose over
her belly and it stopped an inch over her navel. She left her
belly bare to show off her flat stomach and the large $500
diamond on the pin through her navel. If she reached up, the top
would show off her entire belly and maybe even the bottom of her
bra. The second half of her outfit was a short green skirt, sort
of like a cheerleading skirt that left most of her legs bare.
Pam twirled around in front of the mirror. She looked fantastic,
but wasn't sure if it was sexy or borderline slutty. Her outfit
was cool and June in Atlanta was hot, so she'd be comfortable in
it. Plus, she knew other women who had kept their figures would
be showing them off. She put on her green heels last, loving how
they showed off her legs.
Pamela sent off a text to Richard stating that she had arrived
safely and was going down to the reunion.
Pam had to pass the front desk on her way to the banquet hall.
The creepy looking black guy who had checked her in stared at her
as she walked by. He hadn't taken his eyes off her breasts the
whole time he'd checked her in. She held her head up as she
Pamela felt all eyes on her when she entered the large banquet
hall. She was glad the reunion wasn't at her old school. She
wasn't sure she could have handled walking back in there. She
pushed her shoulders back and strolled up to the table holding
the nametags. The two former cheerleaders sitting at the table
just stared at her. "Pamela Porci Barnes," she said.
"Porci Pig!" exclaimed the ex cheerleader, Melissa who had also
been homecoming queen. She held her hand over her mouth for a
moment before removing it. "Sorry Pamela."
Pamela was shooting death rays out of her eyes, but relaxed.
"That's alright, Melissa."
"You've changed." Melissa slid the badge over to her.
"Thank you," said Pam, turning to pin the badge on her chest.
"I'll get that for you, Miss," said a man's voice.
"No thank you," said Pam, looking up. She froze a moment when she
saw the speaker was Scott Johnson. "I can handle this, Scott."
Scott had aged well and was quite good looking. He stared at her
trying to look suave when she removed her hand from the nametag.
"P-p-porci Pi... Pamela. Pamela Porci!"
"Yes, Scott. Nice to see you."
"You look amazing."
"Thanks. You're looking good to."
"Can I get you a drink at the bar?"
"Maybe later." Pamela turned away from the stunned man. She
entered the large room. There was a dance floor. A band was
tuning up on it. A big hair eighties band no less. The bar area
was crowded. Tables surrounded the dance floor and it looked like
most of her class was already here.
Pam looked around and spied the two women near the bar. She
strolled up to them, grinning. Both women's eyes ran over her
body and focused on her breasts. My god, they are lesbians, she
thought. "Hello Hazel. Greta," she said, approaching them. Greta
was still a little Wicca. She was chubby, wore a black dress and
had black nail polish. Her black rimmed glasses were new, she
hadn`t worn any in school. Hazel was no longer Wicca, but had
gone butch, Hair cut short and kind of tough looking.
"Pamela!" they said in unison. Both women hugged her to the point
Pamela got uncomfortable.
"Nice to see you two," said Pam.
"Hazel here didn't want to come, but I made her," said Greta.
"This fucking state doesn't recognize our marriage," exclaimed
"Well I'm happy for you both."
"Join us for dinner?" asked Greta.
"Lets find a table near the food," grunted Hazel. "I'll go get us
some beers," she added after the three found a table no one had
claimed. She returned ten minutes later with three bottles of
beer and three shots. "A toast?"
Pamela held her shot up. "To Macbeth."
"To Macbeth," responded Hazel.
"And the three witches," added Greta.
The three women caught up with the lesbian couple going first.
Pamela told them of her life after school, quest for a baby, and
how she got so fit. "My husband, the doctor, only had to lift
them up a bit. They were tremendously saggy," she finished.
"You're lying. Those things are fake," said Hazel. "Don't fuck
with me, Porci."
"She always did have big boobs, honey," said Greta.
"Oh I remember them too, Greta, but I know implants when I see
Pamela leaned forwards. "Go ahead and touch them. Both of you."
Greta and Hazel didn't need to be asked twice. Each reached out a
hand and grabbed one of Pam's boobs. "Fuck, they are real," said
an awed Hazel, who didn't stop squeezing Pam's breast.
"My husband, the doctor, just had to tighten the skin a bit to
lift them up some," Pam explained again. "You can stop touching
them now." Both women pulled back, but still stared at Pam's
The class president came up on the stage and made some
announcements. Then she told what tables could get up for the
buffet. As soon as everyone was seated and eating, the band
started up. Greta got them another round of beers and three more
shots. Pamela bought the third round after they had finished
dessert. Her head was spinning a little after the third shot. The
beer wasn't helping either. Pam was about to announce that she
was going to go mingle when a male voice said, "Would you like to
dance, Pam?"
Pamela turned to see Scott Johnson again. "Sure Scott, why not?"
The song was fast and the two danced and talked. Scott was
divorced and seemed disappointed to find out that Pam was
married. "I'll get us some refills," he said, when Pam drained
her beer.
No sooner had he turned away when Pamela was spun around and into
the arms of Harlan. She found her boobs smashed against a hard
muscular chest. It was the closest contact she'd ever had to a
black man. He twirled her around once. "Pamela Porci, I don't
believe it," he said.
"You had no idea who I was on the plane," she laughed. He
laughter faded when he pulled her tight again and she felt an
enormous bulge against her bare belly. He must be stuffing a sock
in there, she thought, or maybe two socks, but then the thing
moved slightly and she pulled back.
"What do you do for a living, Pam?"
"Northing. My husband, the doctor, doesn't want me working and
we're trying to have a baby."
"What do you mean trying? Keisha had to get her tubes tied after
the fourth kid practically walked out of her."
Pam didn't want to tell him about their troubles conceiving, so
she lied. "We just decided to start trying recently."
"What kind of Doctor?"
"Plastic surgeon."
"Obviously," laughed Harlan. "He does good work."
"Enough. They're real. My husband only had to firm them up some."
"Real my ass... Wait a minute, Pamela Porci Barnes... Is your
husband Dr. Richard Barnes?"
"Why yes," she said, surprised.
"You live in Westwood, New Jersey then. I'm in charge of trash
collection there."
"Small world."
"Maybe after tonight we should stay in touch." Harlan pulled her
back into his body and pressed his crotch against her belly at
the word, "touch". If felt even bigger against her belly this
Pamela pulled back again. "Sure we could double date or
something. I thought you were going be a pro football player.
How'd you end up a garbage man?"
Harlan frowned, but his cockiness retuned. He knew the reunion
game. Pam hadn't gone to their tenth reunion, but there everyone
had been bragging about their jobs, big houses, spouses, etc.
"I'm manager of the entire department, thank you. I have a
healthy salary, benefits, and a pension."
"I'm back," said Scott, standing behind her. He waited a few
moments before adding. "I brought your beer, Pamela.
"I'm not ready to let her go," said the giant black man, looking
down into Pamela's green eyes.
"Harlan!" screamed Keisha. "Get you black ass over here and dance
with your wife."
"Now I'm ready," said Harlan. "Maybe we can get together later,
Pam." He winked at her and turned just as his wife ran up and
grabbed his arm.
Pam turned and took the beer from Scott. She took a few gulps and
then they started dancing again. Things were going well tonight.
Harlan was making innuendos to her and Keisha was jealous. She
clearly didn't want her husband anywhere near Pamela. Scott was
practically drooling like a little puppy just to keep her near
him. She took a swig and wrapped an arm around Scott's neck as
they started dancing again. For the next hour, Pamela Porci was
very popular. She always had a dance partner and a drink in her
"Wanna get some air?" asked Scott after another dance, when the
band took a break.
"Sure," replied Pam. "Some fresh air might clear my head. Scott
took her hand and pulled her towards the exit. She let him hold
her hand. Maybe she'd tease him some more and then tell him to
"Fuck off." As they neared the exit, her heart skipped a beat.
Preston was standing there, looking alone and dejected. He was
drinking and staring into the crowd. Then his eyes fell on her
body and like everyone else stared at her belly and breasts. He
was short, thin, ugly, and nearly bald. Other then the initial
shock at seeing him, she felt nothing. She was over her first
crush. Pamela smiled and he looked surprised as their eyes met.
Pam and Scott left the hotel. "Warm night," said Scott.
"That's Hotlanta for you." Pam followed him to the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" she asked.
"My SUV is right here. I'm not staying at the hotel. I only live
an hour away."
They arrived at his large SUV still holding hands. Scott quickly
tugged her hand and pulled her into his arms. Before Pamela knew
what hit her, he was kissing her. She wanted to struggle, but
instead found herself kissing him back. She still hated him, but
he was younger then her husband, in better shape, and better
looking. Her husband rarely, if ever, kissed her this lustfully
or passionately. Scott's hands found their way to her breasts
and she moaned as their tongues teased each other. "Lets get
in," he whispered.
"Ok," said Pam. She was breathing heavily. It was a little
embarrassing to be so turned on. She'd found herself wanting sex
more often then Richard was capable of giving as she entered her
sexual peak. The fertility pills made her even hornier. Plus, the
hormones were making her nipples ultra sensitive and just
touching them made her pussy wet. Alcohol always loosened her
inhibitions too. Pamela realized she was a walking sexual time
bomb as she climbed in the car beside Scott. She'd need to
control herself, but she wanted to tease this asshole some more.
Scott was kissing her again the moment she sat beside him. Then
his hands were on the spaghetti straps holding her top on. "No!"
she said, when he tried to pull them down.
"Please," he begged. "I really want to see those big melons."
"Alright. Since you're such a smooth talker, but let me do it."
Pam pulled her top down, watching his eyes go big in
anticipation. The bra's clasps was in the front. Pam unhooked it
and her DD's sprang out, up thrust and firm thanks to her
husband. She pulled the bra off.
"Dear god! They're magnificent!" Scott's hands sprang out to
squeeze them again.
Pam decided to let him play with her breasts for a minute and
then she planned on telling him she was going back inside, but
then he started gently teasing her nipples and she thought she'd
let him go on a little longer. She was about to make him stop
when he bent down and licked one nipple. Dear god, she thought,
echoing his words. That feels good. His tongue would flicker over
one of her hard pink nipples and then he'd suck the entire tip of
her breast into his mouth. Her pussy was gushing. Scott kept
sucking, though he was fumbling with something under him. Scott
sighed and quit fumbling between his legs. He switched to her
other breast, his hand grabbing her wrist and pulling it
Pam was a little drunk and confused as her hand wrapped around a
hard shaft. She squeezed it, quickly realizing what it was as
Scott leaned back. She was holding Scott Johnson, asshole
tormentors' penis and what a penis it was. "Wow!" she said,
regretting feeding his ego.
"Impressed. Bigger then hubby's is it?"
"A lot bigger," she replied. Damn him, but it was bigger, by two
or three inches she guessed. Richard's penis strained to reach
six inches. Nor had Richard's penis been this hard in several
years. Her husband's penis seemed to get floppier each year.
"Good. Why don't you climb onboard then?"
Pamela smirked and gently ran her hand up the shaft, caressing
it. "I'm a married woman, Scott."
"Just imagine how good that thing would feel in your pussy," said
Scott, reaching out to toy with her nipples again.
Pamela couldn't help herself and moaned. "Yes, it probably would
feel good," she whispered.
Scott kissed her neck before saying, "My cock can reach places
your husband can't. " He kissed her again. "I've never had a
complaint." He kissed up under her chin. "Any woman I fuck cums
at least once and most multiple times."
"Hmm, I'm tempted," moaned Pamela. He was making a persuasive
argument. Richard had never made her cum, but she had given
herself orgasms, though she didn't masturbate much anymore. "But
no." Pamela felt her hand slide down to the base of his cock,
then back up. Lubrication was pouring from his pee slit, coating
his cock.
"Why don't you suck it then baby?" Scott kissed her on the lips.
She kissed back, their tongues fighting, first in her mouth, then
Pamela pushed him back. "No, this has gone far enough," she said,
her hand jerking up and down his shaft. "I should go."
"Let me play with your tits some more." Scott pushed her back
slightly and took one nipple between his teeth again.
Pamela gasped. She had never been this horny. Richard had given
her permission to tease, but this probably wasn't what he had in
mind. She looked over at the cock in her hand. It would feel good
in her pussy, she knew, but she was married, very fertile, and
she hated this asshole. She suddenly knew how to pay him back for
tormenting her. She would leave him high and dry.
Scott leaned back in the seat, moaning, but he kept playing with
one of her nipples. "God, it's even bigger now," she whispered a
little awed by his penis. She slowed her strokes to get a better
glimpse of the swollen shaft.
"Last chance," groaned Scott. "I'd sure like to fuck you."
"I'm never going to fuck you, asshole," she replied, sneering.
Now Pamela, she thought to herself. He's getting close. Stop and
leave him hanging. Her hand kept moving. His cock was hot and it
throbbed with life. His balls were splayed out on the car seat.
They were impressive. I want to see it squirt. No, leave him with
blue balls, Pamela. She couldn't stop jerking his cock. He was
close, going to blow at any moment. She had to stop now or it
would blow... His cock jerked and an impressive wad of semen
struck the back of the front passenger seat. It had shot out at
least six inches and several more wads squirted out, but they
didn't make it as far and fell on the floor. It was an amazing
sight to see and Pamela was glad she hadn't stopped jerking him
off, but she was a little pissed at herself for enjoying it so
much. "Damn it," she said as she kept stroking it until every
drop was drained. She even got some on her hand. Pamela released
his cock and opened the car door. She stepped outside topless and
began pulling her green top back up.
"What's wrong, baby?" asked Scott. "I was hoping you'd change
your mind and come home with me."
"No way."
"Then we could go up to your room."
"You don't get it Scott Johnson. I hate you. You like this body.
Well, I'd be fucking you all night if you had just been a little
nicer to me back in high school."
"Sorry, I was a jerk. Let me make it up to you."
"You're never touching this body again, Scott" Pamela turned and
walked away.
Scott slid up to his driver's seat. He started his SUV and pulled
out, rolling down his window as he caught up to her. "Thanks for
the hand job, Porci Pig," he yelled. "And for the souvenir."
Scott held up her bra and sped off.
"Fuck." Pamela stamped her foot down. If she had been holding
anything, she would have thrown it at him. She did hold up her
hand and give him the finger. Pamela looked at her hand. The flap
of skin between her thumb and forefinger was covered in sperm.
She had nothing to wipe it off. Pamela put her hand in her mouth
and sucked it off. She tasted the cold fluid on her tongue before
spitting it out. She hadn't hurt him at all. She'd even gotten
him off and now she had tasted his sperm. She stamped her heeled
foot down again. That hadn't gone as planned.
As Pamela neared the hotel. She saw some dark figures smoking
behind a dumpster. One whistled at her. "Hey, Pamela come join
Pam turned and headed in that direction. It had sounded like
Harlan. "Harlan?"
"Yeah. Come have a smoke with us." Harlan waited until she was
close. "Take a hit."
Pamela's hand automatically came up and accepted the cigarette,
correction joint. She had smoked pot with Hazel and Greta a few
times back in school, but hadn't touched the stuff in twenty
years. They were staring at her expectantly. She didn't want to
suck something that had been in a black man's mouth, but she took
a hit hoping it would calm her down and make her forget about
Scott. She exhaled and passed it over to Gage. There were four
black men in the alley, one she didn't recognize, but the other
was dressed in a hotel uniform and had been the pervert who
checked her into her room. They passed the joint around a bit,
the four black men staring at her tits the whole time. She was
used to it, but glanced down to see what they were looking at.
Without her bra, the entire outline of her areola were visible
under her top and her nipples were rock hard, pushing the
material outwards. "I should get inside," she said, starting to
feel uncomfortable.
"Alright," said Harlan. "Hey, the reunion's starting to wind down
in there. We're having an after party. Interested?"
"Maybe. Let me know what's going on. Thanks for the smoke."
Pamela turned, heading for the hotel lobby. The weed hit her
before she reached the door. "Damn!" she said, shaking her head
to try and clear it. Everything suddenly seemed amplified. She
felt drunker and she could feel the material of her top rubbing
her nipples. Cool night air was blowing up under her top,
caressing her bare breasts. The pot amplified her horniness too.
Damn you Scott, she thought. If she'd had his number she would
have been tempted to call him back. His seven or eight inch penis
could take care of her problem and he probably didn't have a low
sperm count either. Evil thoughts, Pamela, she thought. Evil
thoughts. She was thankful she didn't have his number.
"Pamela," said a voice as she stepped into the lobby.
Pam stopped and looked at the skinny bald man. "Preston. How are
"Good. You look amazing."
"Lets go back to the reunion and I'll buy you a drink," said
Not that she needed another drink, but Pamela accepted the beer
from Preston after he got two from the bartender. "So how's
life?" she asked. "Married? Kids?"
"Never married. No kids. You?"
"Married. He's a good guy, a doctor. As for kids, we're trying."
"Oh." Preston looked sad and dejected suddenly. "Why'd you come
back, Pamela? You were as miserable in high school as I was."
"Same reason everyone does, see old friends, brag, show off how
much you've changed. What about you?"
"I came here hoping to see you."
"Lets go up to my room. I've got something to show you."
"Alright, but only for a few minutes."
Pamela followed Preston to the elevator and the two rode up a few
floors silently until Preston said, "I can't believe how hot
looking you are."
"Thanks. My husband is a plastic surgeon. I got some liposuction
to start me off, but most of my body is thanks to a personal
trainer at my gym. My husband had to lift my boobs up a little.
You remember how big my boobs were. They were pretty saggy."
Pamela watched Preston turn bright red. Of course, he remembered
how big they were, he'd played with them.
Preston fumbled with his key card as she followed him to the
door. She entered a room identical to her own. "So Preston, what
did you want to show me? I'm eager to get back down to the
"It's on the table there. Let me get it." Preston picked up a
piece of paper in a plastic sleeve. And handed it to Pam.
Pam looked at it and smiled. It was a Shakespearean sonnet she
had written for Preston the night she had given him the blow job.
She had presented it to him the next day in school. "It's not
that good really," she said. "Why'd you save it?"
"It reminded me of you. Blowing it with you was the biggest
mistake of my life. The only reason I came here was to see you."
"Fuck you Preston Hunt." Pam was suddenly very angry. "I tried to
kill myself because of you."
"I know, I'm sorry. I just had this fantasy of coming here and
apologizing to you and we'd pick up where we left off. I know it
was stupid, but I had to try. Now I see you're married."
"And out of your league, geek. I bet you wouldn't be ashamed to
be seen with me now?" She walked right up to him with the
intention of slapping him. Instead, she grabbed his crotch. "Did
you come here hoping I'd suck your dick again?"
"No... Yes. I haven't had one since. "
Pamela felt him hardening under her grasp. She was shocked to
realize she was dealing with what was probably a 38 year old
virgin. Her desire for revenge trumped the sorrow she felt for
him. She quickly had an idea on how to get him back. Pamela fell
to her knees and fumbled with the buttons on Preston's trousers.
"I bet you'd love to have a woman as hot as I am sucking your
dick." Pam reached in his underwear and pulled Preston's penis
out. It was the first she'd ever seen and the only one she'd ever
put in her mouth. Funny, but she hadn't remembered it being this
large. It was an inch or so bigger than Richard's, not quite as
big as Scott's nice cock and it was skinnier, matching Preston's
body. Pam leaned forward and licked the head.
"Oh god!"
"You want a blow job or maybe you'd like to titty fuck me?"
Pamela pulled her green top off over her head and revealed her
breasts to her old classmate.
"Oh god," he said again when she squeezed his dick between her
big white breasts. The head of his penis was sticking out of her
breasts. She flickered her tongue over the head again.
Pam hadn't intended on actually tasting him, but she knew that
teasing him with her tongue would drive him nuts and she could
feel him trembling as she kneeled in front of him. Pamela had
decided to get his hopes up and then tell him to fuck off. The
only way a geek loser like Preston could have a woman like Pamela
suck his dick was to pay her and Pam didn't need the money. Pam
pulled back until his cock fell out of her breasts and hovered
right in front of her mouth. "Well Preston, this hot redhead is
about to give you the best blow job of your life... Not," and as
the last word came out of her open mouth, Preston grabbed her
head and pushed his dick in her mouth. "Hmmmph," choked Pamela in
Pam tried to push back against his hips, but he pushed it back in
her mouth. She pushed back again, hesitated and then pulled him
forwards, letting his penis slide down her throat. The moan in
Pam's throat matched the one coming from Preston. Old feelings
started to resurface. At one time she had loved this man. She
attacked his cock with gusto, staring cross-eyed at the shaft
disappearing in and out of her mouth. Pam pulled back and ran her
tongue all over the sleek helmeted head of his shaft. She pushed
down and took him all the way in her mouth, her lips burying in
his pubic hair.
Pamela's pussy was dripping and she made up her mind to fuck him.
She couldn't ever remember being this horny. She would stay with
him this one night and do anything he asked. Afterwards they
would always have the memory of this magical night together to
trump how much he had hurt her 20 years ago. Pamela pulled back
to lick the head of his dick again, but this time she looked
lovingly up at Preston. She still loved him even after all these
years. His mouth was open and he was drooling a little. His eyes
were rolled up in the back of his head. He was clearly enjoying
it. Strangely, she felt nothing. She didn't love him.
Pam felt nothing. She had no feelings for this loser whatsoever.
He had lost his chance 20 years ago. She wasn't going to spend
the night with Preston Hunt and fuck him. She was really horny
and wished Richard had come with her to take care of her needs,
but she wasn't horny enough to cheat on him especially with
Preston. Must be the booze and pot making me horny, she thought.
There was something else that was strange. She hadn't stopped
worshipping his cock. She was still attacking his shaft with
gusto. Moans of satisfaction were still coming from her throat.
Being drunk and stoned may have loosened her inhibitions, but
there was something else. She liked sucking dick. Why hadn't she
done this again since 20 years ago? Her poor husband would have
loved having his dick sucked once in awhile. Having a hard shaft
sliding in and out of her throat made her feel powerful and she
liked it. Richard was going to get a nice surprise when he got
Preston's dick hardened and jerked a few seconds later. The head
was in her mouth when he blew. She felt the spray of cum strike
the roof of her mouth and then it rolled off her tongue. It was
so hot and the taste was hard to describe, but she liked it.
Preston's balls weren't that impressive and he blew little more
then a table spoon's worth, but Pamela just clamped her lips
around his shaft and sucked every bit out of him that she could.
Pamela felt his dick's pulse between her lips and with each
pulse, his penis seemed to shrink a little. I should have taken
Scott up on his offer, she thought, remembering the large load of
sperm that had struck the car seat. That would have been tasty.
No, she hated Scott and despised Preston, she remembered, letting
Preston's dick plop out of her mouth. "I gotta go," she said,
Preston stared at her boobs. "I can go again. Just give me two
hours to recharge."
"No. I'm going back to my room. Alone."
"Please Alahandra, spend the night with me," he practically
Pamela rolled her eyes. Alahandra the Elven mage was her old D&D
character. "Preston, I'm a married woman. I love my husband and
we're trying to have a child together. It's not going to happen."
She adjusted her top once again over her braless chest.
Preston looked crestfallen. "How about another blow job then.
Maybe in the morning?"
"Maybe at our fiftieth reunion," said Pam, letting herself out of
his room. "Good night."
Pamela was horny as hell. She was drunk and stoned and overcome
with strange feelings. She'd just realized she liked sucking men
off even someone as unattractive as Preston. Her nipples were
hard and sensitive rubbing against the material of her top. Her
revenge wasn't going as planned. She'd actually performed sexual
favors for two men she hated and she'd enjoyed it. Clearly I must
have a slutty side I didn't know about, she thought.
Pam got back to her room, letting herself in. After going to the
bathroom she stripped off her clothes and laid on top of the bed.
She touched her nipples and moaned as she pinched them. They were
extremely sensitive and so erect, they hurt a little. Pamela's
hand left one breast and slid down her already undulating belly.
She hadn't done this much, but it was the only way she'd ever cum
and she wanted to cum now more then anything else. Her fingers
slipped through her the red wisps of her pubic hair. Her index
finger found her clit and gently circled it a little. Pamela
moaned and slipped the finger inside her.
The phone rang.
Pamela's removed her finger as she jumped in fear. Her arm flew
across her breasts and her hand came down to cover her crotch
reacting as if someone were in the room. She'd only calmed down a
little when the phone rang again. Pamela reached over and picked
it up off the receiver. "Hello?" she asked, tentatively.
"It's Harlan."
"Oh hi."
"I've been looking everywhere for you. Still want to go to the
after party?"
"I don't know, Harlan. I`m in my room all relaxed now."
"Aw come on. It's not even midnight yet."
"Alright, I guess so." Pamela had never been invited to a party
back in high school and being invited now, gave her a little
"We were hoping we could use your room seeing as how you're alone
and all."
Pamela paused. "I don't think that would be appropriate. Why
can't we just hit the hotel bar?"
"They're closing soon," said Harlan's voice in the phone. "Hey! I
got an idea. Did you pack a bikini?"
"Actually I did," she replied, knowing the hotel had an indoor
pool and swimming was big on her workout agenda.
"The pool here has a large Jacuzzi. I'll tell everyone to meet
there. Give me twenty minutes."
Pamela paused as she thought this through. Her bikini was
scandalously small. The top didn't cover even half of her large
breasts area and the bottom was a skimpy thong. The thought of
her classmates seeing her in that outfit sent a shiver down her
spine. The men would stare at her and their wives would stare
jealously at their men. "I'll see you then."
Pamela quickly dressed in her bikini. It was her favorite color,
green. She looked super hot in it and Richard kept a photo of her
wearing it on the beach in the Bahamas on his desk at work. Her
nipples appeared uninterested in going down and she didn't like
the way they poked out through the top. The material hugged each
nipple and her areola were visible underneath the top. She kept
her feet bare and wrapped her body up in a hotel robe.
Pamela exited her room and walked barefoot to the elevator. She
got off in the lobby and had a pretty good view of the hotel bar.
It was crowded and looked like her entire graduating class was in
there. She even saw Keisha, Gage's chubby wife, and some other
black women talking. She didn't think there'd be anyone left in
her class to hang out with in the Jacuzzi and she nearly turned
around. The black desk clerk nodded at her when she passed. When
she entered the pool area it was largely dark, but the lights in
the Jacuzzi section were on. A sign read that the pool had closed
two hours ago at ten o'clock. Two men were in the Jacuzzi, Harlan
and Gage.
"Where's the rest of the class?" she asked, stepping up to the
hot tub.
"They didn't seem interested," said Harlan. "Get in."
Pamela stared at the two black men. Her daddy would have shit a
brick if he ever knew she was even considering sitting in a hot
tub with two black men. Richard was a little racist too. She'd
didn't like the idea of sitting in the same water as two black
men, but she'd swam in the gym's pool with blacks before, but
they hadn't been this close to her. She hated these two and
figured that teasing them a bit wouldn't be as risky as teasing
Scott or Preston. Maybe Keisha and Gage's wife would come to
retrieve their husband's and see them flirting with Pam. That
would sure piss Keisha off.
Pamela dropped the robe.
Harlan smirked and let his eyes run up and down her body. Gage
was staring pretty hard too, right at her erect nipples. Pam
slowly stepped into the Jacuzzi as far from the black men as she
could get. Luckily, it was designed for a lot of people. Pamela
sighed as she sank into the hot water and powerful jets of water
began spraying her body. The waterline cut her breasts in half
right at the nipple area. She sighed again and sat back which had
her nipples sticking out of the water.
"Here, have a beer," said Gage. He had a couple six packs beside
him. He and Harlan already had two in their hands. She took the
can Gage offered her and took a deep drink. The heat in the tub
was making her thirsty.
She watched Harlan reach over to his shirt which was laying
nearby and retrieve something. It was another joint. He picked up
a lighter and lit the end of the joint, taking several puffs.
Harlan stood enough that she could see his hard muscular chest
and he held out the joint to her. She took it and inhaled a few
puffs before reaching out to pass it to Gage.
Pam stared at the two men. Gage and Harlan were both very black,
not brown like lots of African Americans. Harlan was the darker
of the two, almost Pam's opposite in that she was a pale white as
he was dark black. Gage only looked lighter next to Harlan. Gage
was big, really big. She put him at about three hundred pounds.
Harlan was so fit and muscular, he probably worked out as much as
she did.
Gage passed her the joint instead of giving it to Harlan. She
took a puff and handed it to Harlan. He gave it back to her. Pam
felt her head spinning as she took a long drag. She held it out
to Gage, but he shook his head declining it. She took another
drag and shared the rest of it with Harlan. Pam relaxed again and
found herself just staring off into space. She shook her head to
clear it. "I'm no expert, but that appears to be good stuff.
Where'd you get it?""
Harlan chuckled. "The guy at the front desk, names Bodie. He's an
old bro of mine. He's also letting us use the hot tub past
hours." Harlan laughed again and glanced at the security camera
pointed at the Jacuzzi. "I still can't get over how great you
look, Porci."
"Why thank you, Harlan."
"Gage, you know Doctor Barnes?" asked Harlan.
"Nope," said Gage, a man of few words.
"Plastic surgeon, office on Fennimore Street. That's Pam here's
"You don't say."
"He's the one that made her boobs look so good."
"Lifted them only," injected Pam.
"Pam here swears they're real," laughed Harlan.
"They look fake to me," said Gage nodding, sagely.
"They are all mine," said Pam, getting frustrated.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of Pam," said Harlan. "I love fake
"Ugghnnh!" she growled in frustration. Pam slid forwards toward
Harlan. "Give me your hand," she ordered. When the large black
man presented his hand, she placed his palm over the right breast
of her bikini top. "Squeeze them."
"Gladly." Harlan squeezed her breast.
"Satisfied? You can stop now." Pam looked down at the muscular
black arm and the hand gently squeezing her breast.
"No, I'm not satisfied," replied Harlan, still squeezing. "Gage,
grab the other one and tell me what you think."
Pamela watched the fat black man move closer towards her in the
Jacuzzi. His flabby black arm came up and squeezed her other
breast. "Well?" asked Pam.
"Feels real to me," replied Gage.
"Bull shit," said Harlan. "I can't be sure with the top on. Take
your top off and let me try again."
"That's enough," said Pam, finally pushing both men's hands of
her tits. "I'm not taking my top off in front of you two."
"I don't need to see them, just touch them. Turn around and I
will squeeze them from behind."
Pam stood in the center of the hot tub and turned around. Harlan
and Gage stared hungrily at her bare ass before Harlan stood up
behind her. Pam reached behind her and lifted up her long red
hair, the lower half was wet and darker. She moved it away from
the nape of her neck.
"I got that," said Harlan. He reached out to the knot just under
her nape, tied around her neck and pulled the string loose.
"Just a quick squeeze," said Pamela. "Nothing more."
"Sure thing, babe," said Harlan.
Pamela looked down as two beefy black hands came up to cover her
breasts. The contrast between his dark black hands and her pale
breasts was amazing. He squeezed them tightly, then kneaded her
fleshy globes. She watched as her hard nipples appeared between
his fingers before he started pinching them. The contact with her
pink nipples sent more spasms of arousal down to her pussy.
"E-enough p-playing with the nipples, Harlan. What's the
"Real," he sighed, still squeezing them.
"You can quit touching them now, please," said Pam.
Harlan released her breasts, but placed his hands on her hips.
"How about this tight ass, is it real?" He pulled her back.
"That's from yoga and some time at the gym... whoa!" Pamela
quickly jumped forward as her ass came in contact with his
crotch. She felt two little tugs on her hips as she pulled away.
She turned in time to watch Harlan toss her bikini bottom well
out of the Jacuzzi. Pamela quickly covered her red bush with her
hand and sank down into the tub. Her bikini top was nowhere to be
seen and her robe had somehow walked away. "What are you doing?"
she asked, her eyes focusing on the enormous bulge right in front
of them.
Harlan laughed. "Just messing with you. I'll get your clothes
when you're ready to go."
"I'm ready now," said Pam.
"Nonsense. We still got beer left," injected Gage.
"Well I'm not sitting in here nude, while you have your clothes
on," said Pam.
"Fair enough," said Harlan, sliding his bathing suit down.
"That's not what I meant." Pam stared in awe as the giant black
shaft revealed itself. "That's impossible," she muttered as
Harlan's dark black cock sprang free. It was plump, nearly ten
inches long and it wasn't completely hard.
"What's impossible?" asked Harlan, grinning broadly. His white
teeth shined brightly against his black skin.
"Your... I mean... Just finding myself in this situation," she
replied, confusedly.
"Come on and join the party, Gage," said Harlan.
Gage stood up. He was wearing white underwear and it appeared to
contain a huge coiled black snake, partially visible through the
wet fabric. He pulled it down and another giant black penis
appeared to roll out of it. The tip looked funny. There was no
helmeted head, just a bulging piece of skin. He wasn't as large
as Harlan, but he wasn't as erect as Harlan either.
"So big," muttered a disbelieving Pam, eyes flickering between
the two black cocks.
"What's that?" asked Harlan. "I couldn't hear you." Harlan's cock
suddenly extended another inch and rose a little until it was
almost sticking straight out.
"It gets bigger!" said Pam.
"Gage, it looks like Pamela Porci's a little fascinated with our
cocks," said Harlan. He took a step closer to Pam.
"I think you're right, Harl," grunted Gage.
"What's so fascinating about them, Pam?" asked Harlan, grinning.
"They is just a pair of normal cocks."
"They're monsters!" said Pamela, loudly this time. She brought
her voice back to normal. "Nothing normal about them. I've never
seen a penis as big as yours, Harlan."
"Oh," said Harlan wisely. "You've never seen a big black cock
before. I meant they was normal for black men."
"No wonder she thinks they is big, Harl," said Gage. "She's only
seen little white pricks."
"I don't believe it," said Pam, shaking her head. She half
believed it was the marijuana making her hallucinate. She shook
her head harder, but there was still a huge black cock pointed at
her face when she stopped. She sank a little in the water and
found herself staring at the underside which was crisscrossed by
large blue-black veins. Her eyes focused, then widened on his
testicles. They were as big as coconuts! Each black testicle was
bigger then her husband's, Preston's, and even Scott's entire
"Touch it. It gets bigger," said Harlan.
"Can I?" Pam lifted one arm out of the water. She hesitated,
holding it back. "I just want to see it at full size. I'm not
gonna do anything but touch it. Understand?"
"Sure girl," said Harlan. "I didn't say you could do anything,
but touch it. We're both married after all."
Pam reached out and gently touched the underside with just her
fingertips. She yanked her hand back when the shaft swelled some
more and then surged forward. It now stuck straight out and close
to a foot long. "Jesus," she whispered.
"It's not gonna bite you, girl."
Pam nodded and put her hand back on it. This time she gripped the
shaft. It was thicker then Scott's. Scott's filled her hand when
she gripped it, but Harlan's left more then an inch gap between
her thumb and fingers. She slid her hand up and down a little,
gently stroking it. She kept her composure not wanting this to
turn into another hand job. She did have a growing desire to see
it shoot. One of Harlan's balls must produce more semen then
Scott's entire load had. The big black cock had quit growing at
around a foot and it now curved slightly upwards. The head was a
big black plum and with each stroke of her hand, the urethra
would open like it was breathing, but instead it was spitting out
little spurts of fluid. She slowed her stroking aware that she
had subconsciously picked up speed. Her wedding ring glistened on
her finger as it moved up and down the shaft.
"You know Gage," said Harlan. "Maybe Pam here can help us out
with our little problem."
"What problem's that?" asked Gage.
"Which one of us has the bigger cock, of course."
"I'm pretty sure it's me," said Gage, coming closer.
"Bull shit. It's always been me," said Harlan. "Pam, I'm making
you the judge. Who's bigger me or fat boy?"
Pam's free hand came up and grasped Gage's shaft while she
continued stroking Harlan. Gage's cock was a fat, wrinkly black
salami. It was still hanging down, but quickly stiffened at her
touch. Soon it stuck straight out. It was hard to judge the
length with his belly draped over the root and hiding his pubic
hair. His balls were the same size as Harlan's. His urethra
peeked out of the flab of skin. It too was spurting little drops
of fluid. Pam moved her hand closer to the head and was surprised
to see that she was now pulling the foreskin down each time her
hand slid to the base revealing his huge cock head. "I think
Harlan's bigger," she said.
"Fuck yes," said Harlan.
"But Gage's thicker and I think the head is bigger, though it
could be his foreskin."
"Naw," said Gage. "Mine gets bigger. Try licking the head. You
don't have to give me a blow job or nothing."
Pam wasn't thinking straight as she moved her head towards Gage's
cock head. She stuck her tongue out, pulled the foreskin back,
and licked her tongue over the head. She immediately felt her
pussy spasm and squirt. She started pushing her crotch down
against the underwater seat in the tub.
"There it's bigger," said Gage.
Pamela slid her tongue right over the urethra, to lap up the
leaking fluid. She paused and said, "Looks the same to me."
"No fair," said Harlan. "Lick mine too and see if it gets any
Pamela moved her head to Harlan's cock and ran her tongue all
over the bulbous head. His cock head actually did seem to swell
up a little. "No noticeable difference," she said. "I think
they're maxed out."
"I know I've seen mine bigger," said Harlan. "Try taking the head
in your mouth and bob it a little like you is gonna give me a
blow job."
Pamela felt a shiver go down her spine. This was only pretend.
Make him think he was about to get a blow job just to trick his
cock into growing some more. Pam opened her mouth wide and let
the head enter her mouth. The huge size of his cock head gave her
some problems, but she tried her best, bobbing her head and
running her tongue all over it. She found herself bobbing her
head deeper as his cock reached her throat and she began to
swallow it. Preston's prick had reached her uvula when she had
sucked him, but Harlan's cock was crushing her uvula to the roof
of her mouth as she sucked him deeper. Pam wanted to choke as his
cock slid deeper and deeper. She was rushing this, afraid he
would stop her. Harlan hadn't given her permission to suck more
then the head, but now Pamela wanted to take it all or at least
try. Luckily, he didn't seem in a hurry to stop her.
Pamela found herself sucking more then half his cock. It was well
past her tonsils now. The head slid up and down her esophagus.
Her eyes were squeezed shut and were tearing up as she fought not
to choke. Slowly she got used to the large invader in her throat
and mouth. She relaxed some and kept swallowing. Soon her nose
pressed into his pubic hair and Pamela was filled with pride as
having swallowed it all.
Pamela began bobbing her head as rapidly as she could. She was
filled with a sense of euphoria as she sucked the giant cock. Her
throat drummed with each rhythmic beat of his pulse. She loved
this man so much, she'd loved him for twenty years. I'm so happy
sucking your cock for you, lover, she thought. Pamela opened her
eyes and looked lovingly up at Harlan. Her eyes widened when she
realized who it was she was sucking. She didn't love this man,
she hated him. He was looking down at her a little contemptuously
with a smirk on his face. Yech, she thought. I'm sucking off a
black man and one of my tormentors at that. He does have a nice
body though. She looked up his flat stomach and abdominals to his
ripped chest. Her hand came up to knead his balls while she
continued sucking and staring up his chest. Why are you doing
this, Pam? Just the sight of his huge cock had you practically
drooling to get it in your mouth. You should stop right now,
return to your room, and call your husband. Pam shook her head
with his cock down her throat. I'm not stopping. I love sucking
cock. I want to taste him. I bet he has lots of hot cum for me.
You slut, she thought to herself. First Preston and now Harlan.
Why'd she like sucking cock so much?
Pam had just noticed that Harlan's cock was getting bigger when
he suddenly grabbed her head and buried her nose in his pubic
hair. "Oh god," he grunted as his cock jerked in her throat.
Pam's belly felt full after the first spasm. She didn't like
this. She couldn't taste him. She pulled back when he relaxed,
letting his cock slide up her esophagus. When his cock spasmed a
second time, hot cum was striking her throat and flowing down
into her belly. When it spasmed a third time, the head was in her
mouth and his cum filled her up until her cheeks bulged out and
she worried she might spit it out of her mouth. Pam swallowed his
sperm while skillfully stroking his shaft, milking it for every
drop. It was as good as she imagined, his sperm was hot and rich
as it filled her mouth a second time. She swallowed in time for
the next load, but it wasn't enough to fill her mouth. It kept
squirting, five more times and even then it kept leaking after
that. She held her tongue out under it to catch the dribbling
sperm. The bastard dribbles as much as Richard's entire orgasm.
"That was great," said Harlan, pulling back. "You know your way
around a cock."
"Thanks, I guess," replied Pamela, wiping the back of her hand
across her face.
"Now go take care of fatboy over there."
Pamela glanced over at Gage. He was sitting on the edge of the
hot tub slowly stroking his enormous dick. She'd forgotten about
him. Pamela stood up and let the men openly stare at her nude
body before taking a few steps to kneel before Gage. Pam grabbed
the base of his cock and took him in her mouth. Yeah, he was
thicker then Harlan, but she noticed no difference as she took
his cock deep down her throat. Pam was soon filled with the same
sense of pleasure and love she felt with Harlan and Preston. She
looked up at Gage hoping his obesity and unattractive visage
would make the feeling go away, but they didn't. She loved
sucking his cock as much as Harlan's or Preston's. This was the
man that had come up with the Porci Pig nickname that had dogged
her throughout high school and all she could think about was
getting him to cum in her mouth.
Pam found that she had to stand to suck him off while he sat on
the edge of the Jacuzzi. She was bent over at the waist, her legs
spread, and ass above the water. She felt hands on her hips just
as she managed to deep throat Gage. She rapidly pulled back as a
large round knob pushed against her wet labia. Gage's cock
cleared her mouth just as the big knob pushed harder. "What the
hell are you doing?" she asked, a little pissed she'd been
Harlan started running his cock head up and down her wet slit.
His cock was fully rejuvenated. "Just thought I might put it in
and fuck you a little."
Pam felt a tremendous shudder run through her body. That sounded
like a great idea, just what her pussy needed. Her mind beat out
her body's lust. "Harlan, you know we can't do that. We're both
married and you know I'm trying to have a baby."
"I gotta fuck that tight white pussy of yours, Pamela. Just let
me put a little bit in? Just imagine how good this thing will
feel inside you."
Pamela shuddered again. She knew full well that it would feel
good, but she couldn't risk fucking Harlan of all people. Unless,
maybe, just maybe, he had a condom. No! Pam what are you
thinking. You can't fuck Harlan. He's black! What if he
impregnates you? Stop it girl, you're not that big of a slut.
Now's your chance to tease him. Tell the jerk off. Pamela was in
the same position, but her thighs were clenched as Harlan tried
to work his cock around her slit. She was slowly stroking Gage`s
cock, wanting desperately to get back to sucking it. Tell him off
Pam, she thought. Responses came to mind quickly. Never. In your
dreams, asshole. When hell freezes over. When pigs fly. She liked
the last one as it would remind them of the nickname they had
bestowed upon her. "Alright Harlan," she said, trying to look
over her shoulder. "You can fuck me, when pigs... Aaarh! What are
you doing?" His cock head had thrust forwards inside her.
"You just told me to fuck you," growled Harlan.
"No! I was... Oh my god! It's so big. Never felt like this. It's
making me... CUM!" Pam found herself pushing back into his
thrusting cock as she had her first orgasm from vaginal
intercourse and it felt really good. She didn't even think a
third of his big cock was inside her when she came. She'd taken
about half his shaft when she quit cumming, but a second orgasm
came quickly on the heels of the first. A third orgasm followed
that one as the head forced it`s way even deeper. The last orgasm
was so big, Pamela nearly passed out. When she recovered, her
pussy felt completely stuffed with cock. Harlan was slowly
withdrawing his shaft and pushing it back in. His balls were
slapping her thighs and she knew she had taken the entire thing.
Her torso was laying on Gage. At some point she had released his
cock and it was now trapped between her large breasts. She
dazedly looked down at his cock head sliding in and out of her
breasts like a black moray eel emerging from a hole in coral. She
looked up at Gage. "He's fucking me, Gage. He's fucking me with
that big cock of his."
Gage stared back at her. "No, he's fucking you with that big
BLACK cock of his."
It is black, thought Pam just as another orgasm had her pussy
squeezing down around his cock. "He's fucking me with his big
black cock," she said.
Gage nodded, sagely. "Now there's another black cock that needs
to get sucked."
Pamela nodded. She pushed back off Gage and bent her head down to
take his cock in her mouth. The next moment a powerful thrust
from Harlan pushed her forward so fast, half of Gage's cock went
down her throat. Her lips quickly touched Gage's pubes as Harlan
kept his powerful thrusts coming. Pamela had another orgasm that
nearly made her choke on Gage's cock. The next chance she got,
Pam pulled back far enough for Gage's cock to spring free just so
she could catch her breath.
"Slow down and let her suck me off, Harl," said Gage.
"Go ahead and finish my boy off, slut," ordered Harlan.
Pamela's pussy clamped down over Harlan's shaft and she came
again when he called her slut, though she didn't like being
called that. Harlan kept his cock buried in her pussy and Pam
swore the head must have passed through her cervix and right into
her womb. He held it still, but every now and then he'd flex it,
the movement sending a tremor through her body. Pam turned her
attention to Gage and began sucking his cock. He was thicker then
Harlan, but she found it was getting easier. Soon she was rapidly
deep throating him. She found she loved sucking Gage off as much
as she had Harlan, but she was hurrying to get back to fucking
Harlan. No wonder Harlan thought she was a slut.
Soon Gage's cock swelled and Pam pulled back just in time to get
a mouthful of hot semen on his first ejaculate. She kept her
mouth clamped over the head and stroked his shaft with her hand
as wad after wad filled her mouth. He was as tasty as Harlan. She
pulled back the foreskin and licked the head clean before
entirely releasing his cock. "Alright Harlan, it's time to fuck
me hard with that big black cock," she said, bracing herself
against Gage. Instead, Harlan withdrew his entire cock. "Oh no,
what's wrong?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.
"Come mount me." Harlan sat down on the submerged bench, but a
good five inches of his cock stuck upwards out of the water.
Pamela walked over to him, straddled his lap, and guided his cock
back inside her pussy. Pam slowly lowered herself. There was a
moments pain past a certain point and Pam realized, it really was
past her cervix and in her womb. That jolted her back to reality.
"Remember, you can't cum in me," she said. The black man had four
kids and certainly didn't have a low sperm count.
"I remember," said Harlan. "Now let me suck on these big white
titties." Pamela arched her back so that her breasts thrust
upwards. "Dayumn," said the black man, squeezing and feeling
them. "These are perfect, milky white, pink swollen nipples,
fucking lovely." He pinched her nipples and was rewarded by a
moan from Pamela. "Time to ride me, bitch."
Pamela began bouncing in his lap while Harlan played with her
tits. He'd suck her entire nipple into her mouth or flick his
tongue rapidly over her erect nipple. In the meantime, his hand
was always working on her other nipple, pinching it, gently
tugging on it, or twirling it. The contact was driving her wild.
Pamela would pick up speed as she approached orgasm, then she'd
push up until just the head was in her and cum as she slowly sank
down his shaft. Once, the orgasm was so big, her legs gave out
and she slammed down on his cock.
"I love these tits," growled Harlan, still playing with them.
"Fuck! I love your hot body, Porci, tight white pussy, and that
fine ass." He softly spanked one cheek.
"I love fucking your big black cock, Harlan," moaned Pam.
"Better then Dr. Barnes?"
"I shouldn't say it, but yes, I love your cock more then my
husband's. It's so big and hard."
"This white pussy belongs to me from now on." Harlan spanked her
ass again.
Pamela wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to kiss him,
but he pulled back with a look of distaste on his face. "I love
fucking your big black cock," she said in his ear. "I love
sucking you, swallowing your cum."
"Getting close," grunted Harlan.
"I love your black cock," yelled a gasping Pamela. "Gonna cum
again," she said softer this time. "I love your black cock,
fucking me so good.
"Better slow down or you're gonna get a womb full of sperm."
"I'm really close," she squealed. "Hold on lover, let me cum
"Can't hold back," grunted Harlan. "Here it cums."
"Not yet, lover. "I love your black cock. I love your cock."
"Get off!" Harlan tried to lift her off his cock, but Pamela
slammed down and screamed. "Shit! I'm cumming!" Biology took over
and Harlan grabbed her hips and thrust up as he came.
"I love your co... cumming!" Pamela started thrashing. "I love
it. I love you. I love you," she cried, as jet after jet of hot
seed shot into her contracting womb. She'd never felt anything
remotely like this and her orgasm was huge.
Harlan moved his hands from her hips and up to her back. He
buried his face in her breasts and held her tightly as they both
came down from their simultaneous orgasms. Pam sat frozen, still
loving the twitching cock that was buried in her, but she was
filled with self doubt. She'd just told this asshole, she loved
him. Why was she having feelings for any guy she was with
sexually in some way? Feelings of love had filled her sucking
Preston's little cock. Maybe she really was a slut? Maybe she was
just reacting to the best sex of her life? Her last orgasm sure
had been gigantic when he came in... "You jerk!," she screamed
jumping off him. "You came in me!" His cock plopped out and sperm
began leaking out of her.
"You wouldn't get off me," said Harlan, holding up his hands in
"I told you not to cum in me." Pamela stood in the center of the
tub and tried to force more of his sperm out of her pussy by
squeezing her vaginal muscles and pushing outwards like a woman
giving birth. She was rewarded as large white globs of the stuff
fell into the water, but most of it was trapped behind her now
closed cervix. "You might have impregnated me, you asshole!"
"I tried to get you off, but you fought me. Do you think I want
another brat, you crazy bitch."
"He's right," said Gage, grabbing her shoulder and turning her
around. "He tried to stop you, but you were goin all crazy gettin
off on his cock."
Pamela looked down at Gage's reinvigorated cock. He sat down on
the bench as she followed straddling his legs. She stood there
dazed, so Gage took over and pulled her down over his shaft.
"Yes," she moaned as she sank down into his lap. "You're so big
and thick, Gage."
"True," he said, "but what about my cock?" Gage chuckled.
"I love it," she purred beginning to ride his shaft. Gage bent
down and took one nipple in his mouth. "Ohmygod, I'm gonna cum
"Work that pussy slut," said Gage while Pam thrashed around on
his cock while she came. "Squeeze that big black cock with yo
pussy. Now ride me fast, no faster."
"Damn!" said Harlan watching the action. His cock was growing
again. He watched as Gage grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them
apart as he lifted her up and down his cock. Harlan spit in his
hand and worked it around his fully hard cock, lubricating it. He
walked over behind Pamela. He looked at her tight sphincter.
Pam felt something long and hard smack her back and then slide
down her ass. When the end reached her anus, it started pressing
hard against it. She reflexively pulled away from it, sliding up
Gage's cock. "Hey!" she said. "What are you doing?" Pam looked
over her shoulders.
"I gotta fuck me that white ass," said Harlan, pushing harder.
"Ow!," grunted Pam. "That thing will rip me in two. I've never
been fucked back there before."
"I can tell," he said, watching as her sphincter opened and
stretched wide around his cock head.
"Ow! Oh god! I don't think that's a good idea," said Pamela,
scrunching her face to fight the pain.
"Agh, there it is," said Harlan as the head of his cock slipped
inside her ass. "You're right, Porci. It's not a good idea.
Keisha's gonna be expecting a good fucking when she gets back to
our room and this is about gonna tap me out. Your tight white ass
just looked too inviting to pass up."
"He's fucking my ass, Gage," whispered Pamela, as Harlan's soft
thrusts pushed her into the fat black man.
Gage looked a little disgusted. "Gawd dammit, Harlan, can't I
have some fun with her just once without you joining in?"
"Fuck you, Gage. You didn't even want to do this sexy slut, Mr.
Faithful-to-my-wife. This slut belongs to me now." Harlan was
working about half his cock in and out of her ass now.
"Too much," cried Pam. Both their big cocks were fighting for
space inside her crotch. "I'm so stuffed." Pamela was ready to
order Harlan to pull out when his cock slipped even deeper up her
ass and the thrust pushed her pussy down hard on Gage's cock. Her
orgasm caught her off guard and she nearly passed out. When she
came to her senses, both men had developed a rhythm to fucking
her, alternating thrusts and occasionally shoving them both in
her together. "Oh god, fuck my ass. Fuck my pussy. I love your
big black cocks. I love you both so much. Cumming again!"
"Getting close too," growled Gage.
Pamela was groggy, but new she shouldn't risk another load of
black sperm in her pussy. "You gotta pull out," she grunted.
Harlan had grabbed her hips and was fucking her ass for all he
was worth.
"Shit! Can't hold it," said Gage, "Harlan stop and let her get
off me."
"Not yet, about to fill that ass with cum." Harlan thrust
forward, shoving nearly three quarters of his cock in her ass.
His cock jerked and shot a load of sperm deep in her bowels.
Pam felt the cock in her pussy jerk. More hot black seed filled
her womb. Having two giant black cocks pumping sperm in her ass
and womb sent Pamela over the edge again. This orgasm went off
like a series of firecrackers. Pop! Pop! Pop!. Pamela collapsed
onto Gage exhausted.
When she came to, she was sitting naked in the hot tub, legs
spread, arms thrown out, and her head resting back against the
edge. Both black men were pulling their shots back on. Harlan had
a white hotel robe and Gage had brought sweat pants and a tee
shirt. "You assholes just gonna leave me here?" she asked.
"I was gonna wake you up, Porci," said Harlan. "Gotta treat my
pussy right if I'm gonna keep fucking it."
Pam shook her head and climbed out of the tub to find her bikini.
"This was fun guys, but it's a one time thing. We're all
"Agreed," said Gage.
"We'll see," laughed Harlan. "I ain't kidding when I say that
pussy's mine now."
"No Harlan, this pussy, this body, my heart and soul belong to my
husband. Lets just hope neither of you knocked me up and we'll
just say that whatever happens at reunion stays at reunion."
Both black men left and headed for the elevator. She didn't want
to be seen with them, so she waited for the next one. Luckily,
she rode up to her floor alone. The thin material of her bikini
covering her crotch wasn't enough to hold both black men's sperm
in. Liquefied semen was running down her thighs by the time the
elevator dinged on her floor. Nor did she get it all out when she
sat on the toilet for thirty minutes. Nor did she get it all out
when she took a long hot shower.
Pamela threw her nude body on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
She felt so guilty cheating on Richard, that she felt she'd never
fall asleep. Still, she had no regrets, the sex had been
fantastic. She'd certainly discovered she had a slutty side that
she hadn't known about. It worried her a little and she knew that
sex with Richard would leave her unsatisfied from now on. If she
was ever satisfied with him to begin with. She'd just have to
fake it and as long as she wasn't pregnant things would be
alright. She really did love him. The night's events had left her
exhausted and Pamela fell asleep more quickly then she thought
she would.
Pamela awoke to a pounding on her door. She assumed it was
housekeeping and couldn't remember if she had put up the "do not
disturb" sign. She threw the hotel robe on from last night and
opened the door. Harlan burst in.
"We gotta hurry," said Harlan, pulling a tee shirt off over his
"What do you mean?" asked Pamela stepping away from him, her eyes
flickering down over his bare muscular chest.
Harlan stooped and yanked his sweat pants down. His cock sprang
up, already at half mast and rising. "Keisha's down at breakfast.
We don't have long."
Pam felt a thrill of lust go through her body when she saw his
beautiful black cock again. She didn't resist when he yanked her
robe open or lifted her in his arms and threw her on the bed.
Soon he was rubbing the tip of his cock up her already soaked
slit and pushing his shaft in deep. He ended up cupping her legs
under his arms and pounding her to multiple orgasms with the hard
thrusts of his cock.
"Getting close," growled Harlan, "Want me to pull out? I can cum
on your tits or in your mouth?"
"No," she moaned. "One more time. Cum in my pussy." Pam lifted
her crotch in to his thrusting cock and soon felt him filling her
womb with another load of sperm. "It feels so good."
Harlan quickly pulled his cock out of her filled pussy and still
shot a strand of sperm across her red pubic hair. He squeezed a
few more drops out. "Gotta go," he said. Harlan quickly got
dressed. "Next time, we can spend the whole day fucking." He
opened the door.
"That sounds great," moaned Pamela, stretching. "Wait! There
won't be a next time," she said, but he had already left.
Pamela soon discovered that her morning wasn't quite over. She
took a long morning shower, trying to get Harlan's sperm out of
her. She dried herself off and walked out nude into her room. She
froze in fear when she realized she wasn't alone. A nude black
man was laying on her bed holding an incredibly big black cock in
his hand. It was completely hard, as long as Harlan's and as
thick as Gage's. Magnificent. He was circumcised and the shaft
was capped by a long serpentine cock head. "Just what do you
think you are doing?" she asked, staring at his cock.
"Come to get me some of what my two brothers got last night,"
said the man. "I watched you with Harlan and Gage for two hours
on the monitors. Made me a little DVD of it to show some people,
if you get my meaning."
Pamela walked around the bed, making no attempt to cover her nude
body. "Bodie right?" she asked and the man nodded. She'd smoked a
joint with him in the alley and he'd provided Harlan with the
pot. He was the pervert working the front desk last night which
explained how he`d gotten in her room. "Harlan tell you this was
"No," said Bodie, "He doesn't know I'm here."
Pamela climbed on the bed between his legs and wrapped her
fingers around the massive black cock. "So I take it you're
blackmailing me?"
"No," lied Bodie, fully intending to blackmail her if she refused
to fuck him, but he saw the look of lust in her eyes while she
slowly stroked his cock. "I saw what a slut you were on the
monitors and thought you might be hungry for some more dark
meat." He waited a few seconds while she hesitated. Then his cock
head was in her mouth.
Pamela paused sucking him long enough to say, "Just a blow job,
understand? That's all." Bodie nodded and she went back to
sucking him.
Bodie laid back on the bed with his hands under his head. Soon
the hot red headed chick was sucking his cock so fast, he thought
she might suck the black off of it. "Slut, you are one born cock
sucker," he growled.
His words had Pamela's pussy dripping. She was loving this. Her
slutty feelings were as strong with this complete stranger as
they were with Harlan or Gage. She almost wished he was
blackmailing her and would force her to fuck and suck him for
days and then maybe he'd bring friends. She felt him lean up and
tug on her arm. "What?" she asked. Bodie pulled her up his body
and soon she was lowering herself over his cock, breaking her
promise of just a few minutes early. Soon she was riding him and
her cum was soaking his balls while he played her big breasts.
Pamela wasn't completely gone. She knew she shouldn't risk
another man cumming in her. "Tell me when you're about to cum"
she grunted.
Bodie played with her tits while she rode him hard for another
ten minutes. "I'm about to cum," he suddenly said, grabbing her
waist and pulling her down into his thrusting cock as sperm
filled her womb.
Pamela had one final huge orgasm as he pumped her full of sperm
and she forgave him for not pulling out. Bodie rolled her off him
after he'd quit cumming. "Love to stay and get to know that pussy
better, but it's been a long night," he said.
"And I've got a flight to catch." Pam sat up and went to take yet
another shower.
Pam finished her shower and peeked out the door almost expecting
to see another black man in her room. It was empty and she sighed
with relief, but was also a little disappointed. "So ends my
fun," she said, out loud. "No more fooling around for me." She
giggled. "At least until my next reunion."
Four hours later just off the coast of North Carolina, Harlan was
emptying his balls in her belly. He'd wanted to join the mile
high club, but the airplane's bathroom was too narrow. Pamela was
forced to sit on the toilet and suck Harlan off while he stood in
front of her. Harlan was sitting many aisles in front of her.
He'd told Keisha, he had the runs and would be in the rear
bathroom for awhile. He'd grabbed Pam's arm as he passed her.
Fifteen minutes later, Pam was milking his long cock towards her
face as she tried to drain every drop from the long black shaft.
"This is the last time, Harlan," she said, licking her lips.
Pamela was wrong again.
Thursday, four days after the plane landed, Pamela awoke to her
doorbell ringing. Richard was long gone to work and having
nothing to do, Pam usually slept in before reading a few hours.
She looked out her bedroom window and saw a garbage truck parked
at the end of her street. Richard must have forgotten to pay the
bill, she thought.
Pam pulled a robe on over her nude body and ran down the stairs.
She tied her belt tightly at the door and pulled it open.
Harlan's hand came out and pulled her belt off. "But..," she
"Doing a route evaluation," said Harlan. He was wearing a suit.
Pamela stepped backwards as Harlan entered her house. He pulled
her robe open and pushed it off her shoulders. Her horny pussy
started gushing. "We can't."
"Sure we can," said Harlan. "Dr. Barnes is at work until 5:00."
"Oh no," she said, watching two black men in garbage overalls
enter her house behind Harlan. They shut the door behind them.
The two garbage men reached out and toyed with her breasts while
Harlan pulled his tie off and removed his hsuit.
For the next 90 minutes, Pamela experienced the joys of three
large black cocks. She fucked all three, took two up her ass, and
gave two blow jobs. At one time she was cumming like crazy with a
cock in each hole. None pulled out of her fertile womb.
So began a pattern for Pamela Porci Barnes. Harlan stopped by
twice a week for a long lunch of white pussy. Soon Pamela came to
believe that her pussy really did belong to him. She refused him
nothing. Every Thursday, her black garbage men took a break at
her house to use her, now that they knew what a slut lived there.
Pamela loved every second of it.
Six weeks after her reunion, Harlan was shoving his cock into her
while she laid still on her marital bed. "Ow!" she grunted when
he hit her cervix.
"Can't get in in your womb," growled Harlan. He slammed his cock
hard into her again.
"Ow!" said Pam and then, "Ow!" again when he tried a last time.
"Cervix is closed," he finally said.
"Oh god," she groaned, "My period's late too."
"Too bad. I hope it's hubby's. Turn over, I'm gonna fuck your
Her belly swelled quickly over the next seven months. Richard was
thrilled thinking his slow swimmers had finally done their job.
Harlan kept fucking her. He liked her swollen tits, especially
when they began lactating. One of her garbage men liked it to,
the other, was turned off by her big belly.
Nine months after her reunion, the doctors induced labor. Three
days later, she was at Harlan's house with a dark skinned baby
boy in her arms. The baby was so black it was hard to tell that
he had a white mother.
"What the fuck you doing here?" yelled Harlan, answering his door
and exiting his house.
"Meet Harlan junior." Pam held the baby up for him to see.
"Bitch, If Keisha and the kids were home, I'd be smacking your
ass right now."
"Harlan, Richard threw me out. I got nothing. No job. No money.
No place to live. You want your son living on the street?"
"Who says that's my son? It might be Gage's or some other
"He looks just like you."
Harlan looked at the baby and had to agree. "Get in my car," he
told her. "I'll take care of this."
They drove in silence, heading South to Trenton. They entered a
rather run down part of the city. Pamela crinkled her nose at the
neighborhood and held her baby close to her breasts. Harlan
stopped the car in front of a dirty brick apartment complex.
"Come on and get your ass out of the car," he said, opening his
"Where are we?" asked Pam.
"You'll see." Harlan used a key to open the front door. The
elevator was out of order, so they climbed four flights of
stairs. He stopped in front of a door and used another key to
enter an apartment. "Welcome to your new home."
"Would you rather live on the street? I use this place as my man
cave. Keisha doesn't know about it." He opened his wallet and
pulled out some money. "Here's two hundred to get you on your
feet. I'll bring you some more money tomorrow and some baby stuff
from my garage."
"Harlan, what am I going to do?"
"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna set you up good. Wanna fuck?"
"I just had a baby two days ago."
"Then suck my cock. Hurry it up, I gotta get back home." Harlan
watched her kneel while he pulled his pants down. "No, no, I want
you naked."
"Alright," said Pam. The only clothes she had to her name were
her underwear and sweat clothes. She quickly removed them.
"Tits look awesome, baby. I think your nipples have doubled in
size. Got some belly fat and your ass looks a little flabby. How
long until you can lose the flab?"
Pam took his hardening shaft in her hands and kissed the tip. "I
don't know. A few months maybe, if Richard didn't revoke my gym
membership." She started sucking him.
"Lose the fat and I can get you a job. We can work something out
with the baby. I can get him into free daycare at city hall."
Pam was still wiping sperm off her lips when Harlan headed for
the exit. "I'll be back tomorrow. I wouldn't leave the apartment
after dark if I were you."
Pamela looked around her new home. The kitchen was dirty and the
only thing in the fridge was a six pack of beer. She couldn't
drink because she was breastfeeding. The living room had a small
old couch and a chair. The baby was sleeping on the couch. Harlan
had sat in the chair for his blow job. A small table held a 19"
television. She turned it on, pleased to see that it was in
color, though her reception was bad and it only got a few
channels. There was no DVD player, but he did have a VCR and
about twenty video cassettes of old porn movies. By the covers
they were either all black or interracial.
The apartment had one bathroom, so dirty she nearly refused to
use it and one bedroom. The bed was large and it was just a
mattress with no sheets and the pillows were bare. The mattress
was covered in stains. A bag-less trash can sat beside the bed,
filled with nearly a dozen used condoms. "I guess that asshole
does know how to use a condom," she said. She crinkled her nose
and snorted when it hit her that he clearly brought women back to
this aprtment to fuck. The weirdest piece of equipment was a
camcorder on a tripod pointing at the bed.
Pam returned to the baby, grabbed the keys Harlan had left her,
and went down to the corner market for diapers and some food.
Harlan was back the next day with $1000 dollars, a crib,
stroller, and a baby bath tub. Keisha had trouble throwing away
baby memorabilia even though she'd gotten her tubes tied and they
wouldn't be raising any more children. Of course, Harlan wanted
another blow job before he went back to work.
Two weeks later, he was fucking her doggy style on her clean new
sheets. Pamela had gotten smart and was now on the pill. Things
were a little better for her as Richard had released her clothes
and car to her.
Three months after having her baby, Pamela was almost back down
to her pre-baby weight. Harlan was pleased and he loved her new
larger E-cup breasts and nipples. Pam was a little worried he
might suck all of his son's milk out of her breasts. He threw a
bag down on the bed. "Put this on. We got a job interview to go
"I don't think this is appropriate for a job interview." The
green skirt barely covered her privates. A tight green halter top
left her belly bare. She'd hocked her belly button ring at a pawn
shop for some extra cash. He'd also bought her green shoes with
three inch heels.
"That depends on the job you're interviewing for and you look
Pam was about to ask him about the job when he grabbed her hand
and led her out the door. Harlan had already taken the baby to
day care. They walked down the four flights of stairs and out the
door to Harlan's car. The drive was short, only a few blocks and
the neighborhood only improved slightly.
Pam got out of the car and looked up at the "LIVE NUDES" and the
"DANCING GIRLS" signs on the building. Her cheeks flushed some
when Harlan led her inside the dingy room.
"Yo, my man Harlan," said a big black man sitting at a table.
"Whasup homie," said Harlan. Pam watched as they engaged in some
long black handshake she couldn't follow. "Deon, this is Pamela,"
said Harlan.
"She's hired," said Deon, looking up and down her body.
"Pam never done this before," said Harlan.
"I don't even care if she can dance," said Deon. "Comere girl and
turn around for me. She can just stand nude on a stage for all I
care. Hot white bitch like her in this neighborhood. Fuck, she
ain't even white. She's white-white. Girl, get up on that stage
and dance for me."
"I'm not sure I want to work here," said Pam. "Harlan didn't tell
me this was a strip bar."
"Quit being selfish, Pam," said Harlan. "I know you like showing
off that hot body of yours and it ain't about you no more, it's
about the baby. You gonna need to support him."
"You're right Harlan." Pam stood straight up and nodded. She
sobbed a little at the thought of how far she had fallen going
from being a kept doctor's wife to applying for a job, nude
dancing. "Thanks for correcting me. Mr. Deon, how much does this
"Nothing, honey. You work for free."
"No pay? How am I supposed to support..."
"Shut up, Pamela," said Harlan. "You work for tips. You show up
here, come out and dance for fifteen minutes every hour and men
throw money at you. If they like you that is."
"They gonna like her," said Deon.
Pam got up on stage and tried dancing to the music. She watched
the two black men stare at her and discuss her. The bar was
nearly empty, but she made twenty dollars from the only two male
customers who were there. Pamela gathered her clothes and walked
back nude to Deon and Harlan. Deon gave her another twenty to
grind against his lap.
"I bet you can make a couple hundred a night for a few hours
work," said Deon.
"A girl like you could make thousands at a classy joint," said
"This is a classy joint, mother fucker," growled Deon. "Come back
tomorrow night and we'll see how you do. Work all weekend, eight
to midnight. One fifteen minute dance per hour. The rest of the
time you walk around nude getting the men to buy you drinks.
That's how I make money. You can generate more revenue by doing
lap dances like you just did for me. Got it."
"I think I can handle that."
"I can arrange a sitter," said Harlan.
On the way back to her apartment, Harlan stopped at a large
bookstore chain and bought her a DVD on stripping to lose weight
and please your man. He then drove to Wal-Mart and bought a DVD
player. "About time I upgraded," he grumbled. Pamela watched the
DVD and practiced the dances everyday until she started her new
Friday night at midnight, Pamela was bracing herself against
Deon's desk as he pumped his large black cock in and out of her
pussy. She was smiling and moaning as his cock felt great and
she'd made $500. The mostly black clientele loved her.
"You sure got one grade A pussy," growled Deon, as he fucked her.
"I'm giving you all the best shifts. I'm gonna put you on posters
around the building. Fuck it, I'm gonna buy ad space on a
billboard on the turnpike and put you on it. You gonna be a star.
Here it cums girl." Deon slammed his cock forwards and pumped her
womb full of sperm.
Months later, Pamela had just decided she'd made enough money to
make a down payment on her own apartment in a better part of town
as she climbed the steps to her current apartment. She opened the
door and wasn't surprised to see Harlan sitting on the couch
watching a porn and bouncing the baby on his lap. He often picked
Harlan Jr. up from daycare for her. "Still got my digital
recorder?" he asked.
"Sure, it's in the closet. Want a sandwich and a beer?"
"Sure," said Harlan, putting the baby down on the coach. He got
up and entered her bedroom, going to the closet. Harlan returned
checking the battery life on the camera.
"What's up?" asked Pam.
"Phase two of getting you back on your feet."
"I'm doing pretty good now, Harlan."
"You think you're doing alright, but there's a lot more potential
green out there for you. Now come suck my cock."
Pamela put the sandwiches she had made down. She glanced at the
baby who had fallen asleep. Pamela then kneeled between Harlan's
legs and started fumbling with his pants.
"Hold up," he said. "I wanna capture this." He held the camera up
to his eye and looked down his body at Pamela. "Now start."
Pamela had long ago realized she was Harlan's sexual toy. He'd
stop by at any hour, day or night and she'd submit her body to
him. Not that she had ever desired to deny him, but his visits
could be inconvenient and often he brought friends. So she found
herself fishing his cock out and then sucking him off while
staring up into the camera. She was swallowing his first load
when he pushed her head back and shot cum all over her face.
Pamela licked up what she could and said, "So what's up?"
"Go get my sandwich and I will show you." Harlan opened up a lap
top case and started the computer. Pam brought him his sandwich
and watched while he ate and fiddled with the laptop. He
connected the recorder to his computer and finished off his
dinner while it uploaded. "Alright done," he said, moving the
computer so that Pam could see the screen.
"What's this?" she asked looking at the picture of her in a green
bikini that now graced a billboard on the New Jersey turnpike
advertising Deon's strip club.
"This is, your new website. You'll be getting $5
per member each month. You already got 10 members, fans from the
club I guess. Just wait until we get some pics and content up."
"I'm not sure I want a website."
"Sure you do. I've made them for the other strippers. You is
gonna have a thousand members in a month or two. The only thing
is they is gonna want content. That's the secret to a good
website, content, content, content. Watch this."
"Oh god," she cried, watching the short video of her sucking
Harlan off. She embarrassingly found herself getting horny.
Embarrassed or not, she wanted some cock meat. Pam put her hand
in Harlan's lap and squeezed his dick. It immediately stiffened.
"Got time for a quick fuck?"
"Yeah, I think I can make time." Harlan stood and led her to the
bedroom. "I'm sending my photographer over to take some sets.
They start soft core, you in a bikini or lingerie, slowly
removing them and maybe getting off with a black dildo. Then
we'll graduate into you fucking and sucking some brothers and
we'll make some more movies. You'll need to ask some of the
clients you dance for, find out who's really hung and willing to
appear on the net. Most will do it just for a chance to fuck
Pamela had two thousand member after two months. New content
appeared every other day, from pictures to hour long movies. She
was even selling autographed pictures. Deon's club was full every
weekend, mostly people coming to see her. She was now making
$1000 a night. Just when she didn't think things could get any
better, the call came from L.A. An adult video producer was
offering her $5000 to make an actual adult movie.
Pamela flew out West that Monday.
That year, Pamela left the East Coast entirely and moved to L.A.
Harlan still managed her website and she emailed him content from
time to time. He kept her schedule listed on the site. She
headlined dancing at different clubs, signed autographs, made
appearances in Vegas, and made 20 movies that year, winning an
award for best newcomer. The next year, she had enough money to
produce. Her movie, "Reunion Revenge" was the number one movie of
the year. She insisted that this movie wasn't just about sex, but
also about acting. They even hired extras to play classmates. It
was semi-autobiographical and starred herself. It closely
mirrored her experiences at her 20th reunion three years ago,
except that she replaced Scott and Preston with black actors.
The next movie she wrote and produced was an interracial version
of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo's family was mostly men and all black,
Juliet's family mostly white women. Unfortunately, Pamela was too
old to play Juliet, so she played Juliet's mother. It too was a
huge success and Pam immediately started writing an interracial
version of "The Taming of The Shrew" where the shrew was bitchy
because her white husband didn't satisfy her sexually.
During the filming of "Romeo Black and Juliet Whyte", Pamela was
riding Romeo's cock in one scene. He was a new actor hired,
because his cock was the biggest Pam had ever scene and he was
quite attractive. She was working on her third orgasm, when she
happened to glance out the window of the apartment they were
filming in. The view out the window was up a hill and she could
see large white letters YW between to high buildings. She laughed
with delight causing Romeo to frown.
Pamela suddenly realized she had gotten everything she'd ever
wanted in life. Her childhood dream was to be a Hollywood actress
and the YW she could see from the window was from the middle of
the famous Hollywood sign. After that, all she had ever wanted
was a baby and Harlan Jr. was the love of her life. Hopefully,
Romeo here was about to give Harlan a little sister, she'd gone
off birth control months earlier. She had a dozen black lovers
and didn't care which one impregnated her. She laughed again,
causing the director to look at her funny. Yes, she had the two
things she'd wanted most in the world. Maybe porn star and having
an interracial baby out of wedlock wasn't what she'd had in mind,
but there wasn't anything about her life she'd change at this
Pamela Porci was happy.
The End
Author's Note: I had a lot of projects going on at this time and
didn't want to start a new story, but sometimes the story muse
takes over. I was going through my list of ideas and started
writing an outline for an idea about a wife`s reunion revenge. Of
course, that made me excited about it and I started writing it
almost immediately. I was in the zone and made a lot of progress
rather quickly.
With time constraints the way they are in my life, any future
stories will probably be similar to this one. That is, rather
short and stand alone. I still plan on finishing any open ended
stories I have going and I hope to write an ending to the E&I
Many of my stories take common themes of the cheating wife genre
and I write my take on them. I've done stories about sunbathing
wives, wives on vacation, the wife and her boss, wives posing for
pictures, losing the wife at poker, and others. This story was my
take on the reunion theme. I hope you liked it.
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