copyright 2012 by Darksolid358
This story takes place in Stormbringer's E&I Series.
"Hey, boss man, just wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you on your
latest purchase." Will said, talking into his cell phone.
"Thank you, however, kudos to you as well for suggesting this to me. The Dallas
Cowboys are my favorite team; I don't know why I didn't think of this before.
I'm a little mad at myself; I should have made this move a long time ago." said
Will's boss, Solomon King, who just bought out the entire Dallas Cowboys
football franchise.
"Well, the important thing is you're doing it now what we are really after
obviously are those soon-to-be slut Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. And it's
probably a good thing that you did purchase it now than sooner because I think,
at least in my opinion, compared to other squads in the past, I have never seen a
more fuckable group of DCCs. So, maybe you can look at this as a blessing
"Yeah, I guess you are right, but I think it wouldn't make any difference. But
I'm glad someone thinks otherwise."
"I do. I have favorites in Sydney Durso, Angela Rena, & Alexandra Caroline. Also,
some rookies like Kali Nicole, Chelsea Elizabeth, Jessica Marie among others.
However, I'm just one guy. I bet some of your employees, friends and fans will
maybe agree with me. But, you're doing it and that what matters."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." said Solomon.
"So, what are the first changes you are going to make now that the Dallas Cowboys
are under new ownership?"
"Well, first of all, I'll be taking some of your ideas in having an all-enhanced
black football team, put some hidden cameras all over Cowboys Stadium, and to
hire black-enhanced coaches. I also I have one idea for the cheerleaders'
performances on games of "special" occasions."
"Really, what's that?" asked Will, intrigued.
"Well, for these performances at these games, only people who are 18 years or
older are invited to them and it will be the same for those who watch from their
TV screens in providing them with a "viewer discretion is advised" warning."
Solomon explains.
"Is that so?" Will said with a smile.
"Yes. In those performances, the cheerleaders would be wearing either lingerie
or bra & panties during their cheers and the moves they themselves do will also
be naughty & risque like bending over & spanking their half-naked asses to the
people and rubbing & gliding their hand along their exposed bodies."
"Sam, I think your idea just trumped all of mine combined. I'm getting real hot
thinking about it now." Will said, fanning his face with his hand.
Solomon laughed into the phone.
"I'm glad you're on board with that, but first, we must have the team turn all
of those virgin white cheerleaders into dirty whores for our superior bodies."
"No doubt about that." Will replied.
"Well, Will, I've got to let you go as I'm putting these plans into motion right
now." Solomon said.
"All right, then. Send me some video pieces."
"Will do."
"Okay ladies, here are your room keys and enjoy your stay." Tom the enhanced
hotel clerk said as he handed two hotel keys to a pair of women checking into
the hotel on the paradise of Trinibogo. Felicia & Crystal happily took the keys
on the opposite size of his arms as he then extended his arms again at each of
them for a handshake.
"Thank you so much." Felicia said with an excited smile on her face, lifting her
hand up and getting it engulfed by his massive black one.
"Yes, thank you." said Crystal the same happening to her.
"Not a problem, gorgeous." Tom said.
"You want to get a drink? It's really hot." Crystal said, fanning herself with her
"Yeah, I'm dying for a drink." Felicia replied, in a slightly anxious tone.
"OK, I saw a bar that close by here."
"All right, let's go."
The duo walked a little over a short distance away from the hotel to the bar so
they could quench their thirst in this intense heated day. There, the pair took a
seat in two stools next to each other when a big African native turned from
working behind the counter and turned his attention to the two hot pair of females
that just showed up.
"Allo, I'm Osir, what can I get for you two fine ladiees?"
"Um... just two iced teas on the rocks." Crystal answered a little taken aback.
"Just iced teas?" Osir said.
"Yeah, we're meeting a friend after this and we don't want to be tipsy when we
"Oh, I see. Well, coming up."
The women were a little startled by Osir's accent. Every black man they've met so
far had normal tongue incredibly as this was a foreign African island. Yet, he is
the first black with an African tongue that they have come across. Osir poured the
beverage into two glass cups. He also discreetly poured two concentrated doses of
X-Cite in the drinks and also put X-Cite laced ice cubes in for good measure.
"Here you are, ladies." he said as he walked over to the counter and put each of
the cups beside the two females.
"Oh, thank you." Felicia said.
"Yeah, thanks I really needed this. It's really hot today." Crystal said.
The girls then anxiously guzzled down their liquids as they really needed cold
ones on this oddly hotter than normal day.
"The weather is not the only thing that hot." Osir said, quietly.
"What was that?" Felicia asked.
"Oh, nothing. I'll be in the back if you guys need me."
"All right." Crystal said.
Osir went to take care of matters further into the place, leaving Felicia and
Crystal decide to look around their surroundings and chat among themselves.
"All those men. Look at all these black guys." Felicia said, amazed.
"I know. Every one of them are freakin' huge." Crystal said, just as.
Indeed, every single black native on this island were just as big as bodybuilders
they would see on the internet or in muscle magazines. They were all shaped to
perfection; in their arms, chests, backs, from head-to-toe. As they ogled all
these buff guys up and down, they eventually stopped their pupils on their body
parts that was really an eye-opener and that's what was in their pants. They
noticed the blacks in denim had noticeable bulges running down the pant of their
legs. The ones wearing much looser clothing sported rather large tents extending
fairly in front of them. The pair looked dumbfounded as they also noticed a few
women cuddled next to their own black guy, rubbing their hands all over their
ebony carved bodies. One even had her hand in one guy's pants! They noticed when
they got closer views that the women looked very humid. Their cheeks looked very
puffy & red, but they despite that, they appeared fine as they were moving really
well. The climate was unusually humid today so that's probably why some of the
women looked out of it. Looking at these men in nearly all their buff glory
seemed to take the heat within them up a level; the two became slightly aroused
and intrigued at the thought of maybe trying out some of that... w-wait, what are
they thinking?!
"Um...oh, Osir!" Crystal remembered, calling his name.
"Yes, ladies?" he asked, emerging again.
"Can we have refills?" Felicia asked.
"Of course."
He looked and saw that Felicia & Crystal's glasses were totally empty. Even the
ice cubes were gone from the cups when he got back. He went to serve the girls
their refills, knowing that those bitches will be horny for a while...
Around half hour later, the women came back into the hotel. They felt really
strange for around the last 20 minutes or so. Their bodies suddenly had an urgent
craving for a man. Much of their horniness was stemming from their most private
areas, their crotches, tits, & their nipples were killing them. Unaware to them
that it was all of the X-Cite that they unknowingly consumed that was doing this
to them. They drank enough for the effects to last an entire month.
Trying to ignore their bodies' sudden urges, they walked down the halls of the
hotel to get to their room. They wanted to be close by to Jean so they rented a
room just across the hall of her new place of living on the island. Which was
next door to the deluxe pad where Will Jefferson was staying. Jean visited Will
everyday in his room everyday ever since she sat down to talk to him. Her two
friends have seen what he looked like; they knew he was interesting when they
first saw him on the count of seeing how handsome and good-looking he was. They
could also tell that he must exercise on a daily basis because of his massive
size. But was he really that amusing to present herself to him in his place of
stay and to actually move close to him now?
"Did you see a big those guys were?!" Felicia asked amazingly.
"Yeah, they were freaking huge!" Crystal said, just as amazed.
"I know, huh? And not just him but all the black people here. They were even
bigger than some of the players on the field."
Felicia was always used to seeing big and athletic men in person on the the count
that she is a former cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins. However, seeing all
these even more physically gifted powerful men made her encounters with ripped
males feel somewhat new again. As if, deep down inside her, she couldn't help
but think that these were real men!
They couldn't get over the amount of buff men there were on this island.
Everywhere they turned, there was a ripped, big, African. In fact, not one of them
were along the lines of average or skinny.
As the women finally got to their room, they noticed a pair of huge double doors
just across the entrance to their place for temporary living.
"God, I wonder what's on the other the other said of those doors." Felicia said as
she and Crystal looked at them in wonder.
"Yeah, but will never find out though." Crystal replied.
"Well, I wouldn't say that."
"Wait,... you don't really mean...."
"What?" Felicia asked.
"Like... breaking in?" Crystal said, a little timidly.
"Oh, wait, no. We just ask Jean, since she knows Will now, to see if she can get
us an invite into his place."
"Oh, OK, then." Crystal said, very relieved.
"Yeah, but we'll do it after we change."
"Yeah, let's just go in our room finally so I can relax some."
The twosome walked over to the door of their room. Crystal took her key, inserted
it into the hole in the knob and turned, unlocking the door and opening it.
"Oh, wow!" they said in unison.
Their place was a really snazzy one. Just right from opening the door was the
bedroom. However, the first view that they both had was that of the tropical
trees, the sandy beach, and the very large widespread view of the ocean going into
the distance; thanks to the ground-to-ceiling large windows which were framed
along side of the room instead of a wall. The door on their left led to the
bathroom and on either sides of the door were a very comfy bed. The blankets were
neatly done and the pillow were properly stacked accordingly. The room on the
other side of them was the kitchen.
"Aaaahhhh." said Felicia as she just threw herself onto the bed on the right and
got comfortable in it, completely ignoring the well-organized pillows and just
leaving her stuff by the door where she dropped them.
Crystal then took her own bags & luggage, dropped them next to her bed on the
left, sat on it & leaned into the mattress with her hands spread out.
"Damn, this bed is comfy. Can't wait to be sleeping in this." Crystal
"Ditto." Felicia replied.
"So, I guess this island really is all that."
"Yeah, nice rooms, great service relaxing paradise. But, I think the best
feature of this paradise are the ripped, sexy, negros here.
"I know, right? I have never seen anyone so ripped, chiseled, and well-defined.
Hell, they even put my personal trainers at the bottom of the list.
"And not only that, amiga, but it's all the natives. I haven't seen anyone of
them so far who didn't look like they were carved out of ebony and brought to
"Oh god, this is getting me hot now." Crystal said, fanning her head with her
"Haha, me too. I heard that some American women even found love in the black
islanders, you know?"
"Well, that doesn't surprise me seeing how good they look. They are probably
just as gifted in the charm department."
"I even heard that a few times women have cheated on their husbands for these
guys and that they've got it from more than one black man." Felicia said.
"Oh my god, what's wrong with women this generation? Are they that horny?"
"I don't know girl, but I've been hearing that they couldn't help it and they
just wanted a piece of a black man once he makes the moves on them."
"Unbelievable. Luckily, that's not going to happen to us." Crystal said.
"No doubt." Felicia replied.
"Well, we should change now. We said we were gonna hang with Jean on the beach."
"Oh, yeah, right." Felicia said, immediately getting up from her bed and started
to take some of her beach swimwear out of her luggage. Crystal then did the same
Crystal decided to got with a red two-piece bikini that looked very hot and sexy
on her tight slender body. At 5'6 & 110 pounds, Crystal was always considered the
most beautiful & sexy of the three original cowgirls. She had long dark brown hair
& brown eyes which accented well with her cute & blush-like smile. She is also
considered to have the most delectable body of the three especially in her chest.
She had a gorgeous pair of size 35C titties on her that men just drool over. When
she saw her lively breasts in the mirror, she could see now how painfully erect
her nipples were. She hadn't remembered seeing them this upright in her life. She
went to feel one of them with two of her fingers and was surprised at how
sensitive they were; sending erotic shivers surging through her body on contact.
That made it somewhat tougher for her to put on clothes over her chest. Crystal
ignored how noticeable her nipples were under two layers of clothing and moved on.
She had a very flat tummy on her & small, yet curvy ass on her. Her body was more
alluring with the red two-piece she put on. She checked herself out in the mirror
and was satisfied with herself by the pose she did while smilingly looking at
"So, you like?" asked Felicia, walking over to her in her white two piece bikini
and turning around for Crystal.
"Oh, wow. So sexy. Loving how good it looks on your curves."
Felicia decided to picked out a white two-piece that very well wrapped up her most
intimate curves. Felicia was a 5' tall, 113 pound, former Miami Dolphins
cheerleader and fellow former FSU Cowgirl prior. She had dirty blonde hair & brown
eyes and the most physically fit and athletic of the three. The most common
feature in the Miami Dolphins was that they were all gifted in their chests or
they gifted themselves big chests. For Felicia, it was the latter. Breast size
36C on her part, however big tits were very common among the majority of the
Dolphins. The squad were known for their curvaceous bodies and Felicia was no
different. She has some really toned, gorgeous legs on her. Not to mention, a
very sexy fatty on her like every other Dolphins Cheerleader. She then looked at
her nipples; she had never seen them so hard. Like Crystal, when she went to touch
them, she gave out a light gasp at how erotically vulnerable they were. She had
never felt herself this horny before. Maybe the weather was having some kind of
effect on her. Her most disciplined feature on her, however, was her abs. Her
tummy was the most impressive out of her Crystal, & Jean. So built & sculpted, it
was like her stomach was chiseled out of stone. The white bikini complimented her
skin well when she put it on her fit body.
"What about me?" asked Crystal, turning herself around to show off her body.
Felicia then proceeded to spank Crystal's half-naked ass when it faced her.
"Ooh." Crystal said as she jumped in surprise and her two hands instinctively
responded to the playful action, grabbing her rear.
"How's that for an answer?" Felicia said, jokingly flirting with her.
"You are such a bad girl, Felicia."
"I know I am." she said, bending her own ass for her which Crystal then playfully
"All right, let's finish changing." said Crystal.
The girls, of course, didn't realize that they were being filmed by hidden cameras
all over the island including the hotel itself, following their every move. The
feeds were being broadcasted to the subscribers of and their
viewership spiked when the women got naked for the people to see.
Crystal put on her red FSU top over her red bikini. The shirt which was torn
very much along the center(nearly reaching the bottom), cutting the FSU logo in
half; the "F" and one half of the "S" on her right breast & the other half of the
"S" and the "U" on her left. She then put on some short, tight pair of jeans. Now,
she looked like the complete package, showing off much amounts of cleavage(half of
each breast), a little stomach, and a lot of leg. Unlike her, Felicia decided to
just don a see-thru white t-shirt over her beach body.
"All right, you ready?" Felicia asked.
"Yeah, let's go." Crystal replied.
As they closed the door behind them, they heard some quite loud sounds in the
hotel hall.
"Did you hear that?" asked Felicia.
"Ohhhh... fuck.... oh shit!"
Those were moans and whimpers they were hearing. They listened intently to figure
out what the noise was.
"Yeahhhh...Ohhhh, yeah!!"
They were the sounds of a woman's voice! The duo got closer, putting their ears
closer to the cracked entrance.
"Hey, it's coming from inside." Crystal whispered.
They quickly realized what was happening, because they could also hear manly
grunts and groans. Was this girl really getting it that good?
"Come on, let's check it out." Felicia suggested.
"What?!" Crystal sharply whispered.
Felicia's curiosity took over to the fullest effect. She had faintly heard left &
right that even the most will-powered women are throwing themselves over to the
natives to be used however way the islanders want to use them.
"Crystal, you heard the rumors. Don't you want to see if it's true about the
black islanders?"
"Well, yeah I do, but-"
"Then, let's go." Felicia insisted, as she just barged into the deluxe suite.
"But Felicia... oh, man." she said, as she then reluctantly followed her friend in.
Both women got a good look of the room they just entered. It was the bedroom which
looked exactly like their's. The only differences between them was that the room
was much bigger, the view was that of the rest of the island rather than the
beach, it looked more expensive, and the bed was bigger as well. Speaking of the
bed, unlike how they first saw their's, was very sloppy & very much undone. And
when they looked closer, they saw some big amounts of white, gooey stuff laid
upon the mattress, pillows, & the sheets. If they didn't knew better, they'd say
that white stuff was-
Crystal & Felicia then turned their heads in the direction the woman's voice was
coming from. They were open-mouthed and stared at each other for a second,
shocked at how loud & vulgar she was being. Also, was it just them or did the
woman say "cocks" as in more than one?
"It's coming from that room." whispered Felicia, making her way to the double
"Oh, I don't know about this." Crystal said, nervously.
The women quietly tip-toed to the two doors, the moans, groans, & whimpers
sounding more noticeable and evident as they got closer. They motioned their ears
for a better sense of hearing the wild activity taking place just on the other
side of the wall. The girls had a pretty good idea on what to expect, but did not
know for sure so just in case, they had to be as quiet and as discreet as
possible to obviously avoid being seen and/or heard.
Felicia took her hand and slowly took hold of one of the door's knobs with Crystal
close behind with her hand on Felicia's shoulder. There, she proceeded to
carefully turn the knob to the left and gently open the door just enough for her &
Crystal to see exactly what was responsible for the voices they've heard. Their
eyes finally caught hold at the activity taking place where the noise was coming
from and the sight was a heart-stopping yet arousing one. What was self-presented
to them was a very large group of black native islanders gathered around in
another massive room(twice as much as the bedroom the duo was spying from) in a
close circular fashion. There were also two other blacks each controlling a camera
and looked to be recording what was taking place. But what had Felicia & Crystal
really locked-on had them dumbfounded: they were all naked! All of them were
completely undressed, even the two black cameramen. Not only that, but each &
every single one of these males were superbly and hugely buff. Every man in there
was built like a ebony greek god. Big & shapely arms, well-defined pecs, muscular
backs, and rigid & rock-hard abs, not one guy in there was average looking. These
Trinibogons were all athletically and physically gifted.
Some of them also appear to be stroking something in their crotches. The twosome
couldn't see clearly, but whatever they were stroking looked to be extended far in
front of their bodies. By the looks on a few of their faces, they appeared to be
struggling with their swift movements below the waist. However, when one of them
removed their hand, they couldn't believe what that man was packing.
What he was packing was the biggest & thickest cock that either of them had ever
seen on a man!
'Oh. My. God.' the two each mouthed and for good reason.
His penis was nearly the size of a sausage! It stood almost straight up, pointing
towards the ceiling. So big and so black; it looked like it had been slobbered on
by it glistening in the sun's shine. When the guy moved in another angle, they
also got good looks at his nut-sack, but, god, those were not nuts his junk was
holding. They were the size of oranges. Damn, how much semen could those thing
hold?! It didn't take long before another guy let his dick free his grasp for
Felicia & Crystal to see. Soon, they would be able to see that every black man in
that room had a gargantuan big black boner on them. Not one of them in that room
had one that was normal or average. So, not only were the natives physically
gifted, they appeared to also be blessed sexually as well. Forget their big &
jacked up bodies, the girls' eyes were locked on to their endowments and have
never left the sight of them.
But wait? What about that woman who was screaming earlier? They had one shock
after another thrown at them over these past few weeks ever since finding out
about this island and their inhabitants. Well, if they were surprised at what they
heard and at what they had just seen, then they were really going to get
thunder-stuck at who was being pleasured in the center of this gathering because
when some of the un-decent natives dispersed, at was there they finally saw the
source of the satisfying screams come into view. This eye-opener topped them all.
"Oh, my god." they said in stereo, albeit quietly.
"Ohhhhhh, come here. Gimmie what I want." Jean said, seductively.
Crystal & Felicia's eyes were as wide as saucers as they saw their own very good
friend, Jean Sterger, nude herself, leaning her back against another black guy
laying on the floor, as he then proceeded to insert his big cock... into her
asshole?! His manhood fit like a glove in her; her ass immediately accommodated
his huge member.
"Oh, fuckin shit, yeah!" Jean let out.
But was that really her? The twosome could clearly see her face, but it looked
like she had work done on the rest of her. She now had bigger & rounder tits again
like the old days and they could see that her ass now had more bounce to it when
she was riding the guy's black stick.
Her ass then bounced up and down on the guy's abnormally-sized pole and had her
cumming virtually from the get-go. As soon as the superhuman pleasure started, it
suddenly stopped, much to Jean's slight disappointment, as one more black guy came
over to join the two bodies in the pornographic activity.
"Is that Jeff?!" Felicia said, dumb-founded.
"No fuckin way!" said Crystal, just as.
After looking closer, it was indeed Jeff. They almost didn't recognize him as he
was also among the big, buff, group of black guys. Wait a second? They were
looking up & down at his body and what a body it was. He was superbly built
exactly like his fellow blacks and, of course, they could see that he was also
sporting a monstrous dark cock. On top of that, here he was: his upright, stiff, & entering her body and proceeded to pump his shaft into
her pussy while being taken in her rosebud by another native.
"Oh, my god! Yeah! Fuck me, baby! Fuck your girl!" she shouted.
'His girl?!' her two friends each thought.
"I love you, Jeff."
"I love you." he replied.
Jean then grabbed the back of Jeff's neck with her right hand, pulled her head in
close and passionately put her tongue down his throat. He tongued her right back.
Felicia & Crystal heard from Jean how much of a arrogant, persistent, pervert this
guy was to her when they worked together on H!. They had spoke of how Jean said
she would never get together with such a horny, womanizing, jerk. Yet, here she
was getting lovingly & willingly fucked by that same horny, womanizing, jerk and
was proclaiming her love to him! She was also being gangbanged by a pack of others
and it was getting on film! Was doing some porn now?
"You a whore, baby?" Jeff asked.
"Yes, I'm your dirty fucking whore!" Jean proudly said. "I'm a fucking slut for
big black cock! Ahhhhh, fuck my holes!"
Clearly, the sexy duo couldn't believe what they're eyes were locked onto. Their
friend was being thoroughly taken by these pack of African wolves and she was
loving it! But it seems that she wasn't the only female in these black adonis'
presence that appear to be enjoying it. The smell of enhanced sex filled the room
and the women's noses caught the scent of the aroma and it effected them so. They
didn't seem to know it, but Felicia & Crystal's hands were gently rubbing &
sliding inside their clothes along their tight & fit young bodies. They had what
looked like seductive facial expressions as well, evident that they were turned on
by the visual experience. The outlines of their nipples showed well under their
beachwear, slight shivers of arousal went through their bodies, & their pussy
leaked just a little, although Felicia's crotch was more noticeable than Crystal's
as the latter was wearing denim shorts and the former wasn't; Felicia's small
cum-drippings fell from between her bikini bottoms and fell to the rug below.
Suddenly, Crystal hears sounds from behind them. She turns around to see where and
figures out that the room was coming from the bathroom. They thought for sure that
no one else was here. But all she knew was that she & Felicia had to get the hell
out of there.
"Felicia... Felicia, there's someone in the bathroom. We have to go now! Felicia!"
Crystal said, urgently.
But Felicia being so enamored with the explicit scene taking place before her,
could not feel Crystal's hand urgently tapping and rubbing her back in trying to
warn her. Also, her head stuck out in the crack between the doors, she also
couldn't hear Crystal's pleas and the sight and smell of the sex she was
witnessing effected her much more than it did Crystal.
Crystal then could see two small shadows in the crack beneath the door.
"Felicia!!" she yelled, rubbing her shoulder harder to warn her, but to no avail.
Once she saw the bathroom's doorknob turn, she began panicking and then, without
thinking properly, looked around the room; her head turning swiftly in every
direction looking for a place to hide. She then found the bed, scurried to it and
crawled under it for safe haven, abandoning her friend as she was too immobilized
by the gangbang. Now, from under the bed, Crystal could then see the door to the
bathroom opening and out came another almost naked, ripped black guy wrapped in a
towel from the waist down.
The guy then saw a female intruder spying on next room.
"Hey, who are you?!!!" yelled out Will.
Felicia jumped in surprise at the loudness of the voice in her direction. She
turned around, saw who it came from, and realized... she was caught!
The second her pupils aligned with his body, they instinctively explored his
anatomy. He was extremely well jacked-up, he had muscles on every part of him. He
looked like a black greek naked god in a white towel. However, all that hit her
was the very stern reaction of him seeing her, a complete stranger, intrude on
his temporary place of living. She was just speechless.
"I won't ask again, who are you?!" he forcefully asked.
It took a second for Felicia to speak.
"Uh...uhhhhh... I'm Fe-Felicia I'm a t-t-tourist." she answered timidly.
"Go sit on the bed."
"Sit on the bed! Now!"
Almost immediately, Felicia walked over to the bed and just noticed: Crystal was
gone. She didn't know what the hell happen to her friend. Did she get caught too?
Whatever the answer she thought, she shouldn't worry about that right now.
Felicia then sat on the bed with her hand in her lap, shaking at the thought of
what this guy will do now that she was caught trespassing.
Felicia was unaware that the brown-haired beauty was actually hiding just several
inches under her. Crystal was very shook up at the tone of this guy's voice. The
sounds of it escaping his mouth sent frightening chills up her spine. Crystal
could still hear was going on in the other room with Jean. But what she was really
thinking about was getting out of dodge. The hell with Felicia; she told her this
was a bad idea. The front door was still open so Crystal figured if she could
sneak her way out, she'd be safe from whatever consequences that would be brought
upon her. Until then, she had to stay put.
Will marched right up to Felicia. The demeanor in his walk had her body quaking in
fear. His massive body engulfing her more and more with each step. Just what was
going to happen?
"Now, why were you in my room?" he said, towering in front of her.
Looking up at this impressively masculine black man had her very overwhelmed yet
strangely at the same time, his physical stance made her hot for him. She had
never felt a presence like this before. It had a vibe of dominance and manliness
and that's what attracted her so. Him being half-naked heightened her fascination
of him. And was that his natural scent?
However, as inferior as she felt, she replied to his question as clear as she
"I-I heard some loud noises coming from y-your place."
"What kind of noises?" he asked.
"Um... sounds of a woman shouting." she replied.
"Mmm. OK, so let me ask you this: what did it sound like she was doing?"
"Be honest." Will sharply ordered.
That command right there convinced Felicia she couldn't afford to lie even the
slightest because somewhere in her body she knew she had to give this... this
stranger the cold hard truth. How could she let herself be intimidated by a guy
she "just met" three minutes ago?!
"Well, it sounded like she was having... s-s-sex." she hesitantly got out.
"So, knowing what was going on in my hotel room, you still sneaked in here and
wanted to spy on the action anyway?!"
Felicia sensed the outrage coming out of his mouth. Crystal could also hear the
seriousness of his voice. She was very relieved that she wasn't alongside her
friend in getting read the riot act, if you will. But, his sound of his rage yet
made her somewhat aroused. This gorgeous man now taking charge of the situation
is what made her so deep down lusting for him.
"M-My curiosity got the better of me and I was concerned for my friend. I-I'm
sorry." Felicia stuttered.
Will just stood there staring at her for a second.
"Oh, so you're friends with Jean. Well, I guess I can't blame you on both parts."
he replied in a calm voice.
"It is natural for women to want to be a part of interracial sex in some way."
Felicia just sat there somewhat surprised at the sexist sentence that came out of
his mouth yet he was telling the truth. It did fascinate her at how Jean took that
big and that many cocks at one time. In fact, she actually got horny watching her
friend be taken by so many perfect male specimens. Also, he's seemed to have
finally cooled off.
"But, you still invaded on my space and my place of living so I have to report
this now."
The thought of him doing just that had Felicia fearfully thinking: If all the
black men here were exactly like this one, the punishment would be very severe.
"Oh, no. I beg you please don't tell them." begged the blonde latina.
"What? You think I'm just gonna let you get away with committing a crime? That
wouldn't be the right thing to do." Will explained.
Felicia then got up from the bed, but his dominant presence made her immediately
lose all feeling in her lower legs, falling to her knees. Seeing her bow before
him like all females should, and eventually will, he came up with a solution in
how this will be kept between them.
"Well, let me ask you this..." he said as he step forward to the kneeling former
cheerleader; his towel wrapped waist directly in front of her face.
"Did you like what you saw?"
"Did you like what you saw?!" he said more sternly.
"U-um y-yes." Felicia said.
He seemed to like her answer.
"Did you like seeing you're friend with all those real men?
Hearing that question gave Felicia flashbacks in her mind and just thinking about
it, made her moist.
"Yes." she answered seductively & absent-minded.
Will snickered a little.
"Didn't matter if you lied to me." Will explained.
"I can smell your arousal just from several feet."
He knew she was horny! It didn't hit her just how powerful this guy was until he
said that. She was singing like a canary, was very obedient to him, was on her
knees before him; this guy clearly had took a hold on her physically, mentally,
emotionally, & maybe... sexually?
"Did you feel any jealously toward that woman in that room?"
"Be honest!" Will said bending her face to her with his arms folded.
"Yes, yes I was." she said rather quickly.
"You know, I was going to have you put behind bars for trespassing and since the
island will never be big enough to have separate men & women's prisons, you would
have to serve your "punishment" sharing a cell with a group of men in one of the
Trinibogo Correctional Facilities."
Felicia was in utter shock. Had he chose to put her behind bars then she would've
been in for the roughest days of her young life, but thank god, he reconsidered.
The Trinibogo Correctional Facilities was two small prisons located on opposite
sides the island(East & West). The east houses just the white males while the west
contained the female inmates. However, the west also jails black enhanced inmates
so there wouldn't be trouble among the two male races if they were to be confined
together. Both were small complexes since the island wasn't big enough. Because of
that and the black & white males being unable to coexist, in the west building,
the black inmates were to share cells with the women and naturally in prisons,
whatever happens, happens. Once that door to their cells close, the black males
and the women would have free reign to use their time however they please.
However, unlike the blacks, the women have no control with their time during their
sentence. With that, the women were forced (and eventually enthusiastically
willing) to quench the pleasures of their male cellmates during their duration
serving their time. In fact, their were even a few of the women who intentionally
commit more offensives just to get sent back to prison to be ravaged again.
Instead, Will had something different in mind.
Will suddenly grabbed the latina's impressive big tits. He caressed, squeezed, and
massaged her two full orbs through her beachwear. Felicia strangely didn't reject
him or backed off. Her body wanted to get pleasured by a towering stud of a man.
She looked down at her chest, fully engulfed by his two big black hands; she
tilted her neck back & forth softly moaning and breathing at the heavenly
treatment her body was receiving. He could feel her nipples erected on the palms
of his moving hands even through her shirt and her white bikini. Crystal could
hear her friend sounding like she was getting seduced. She had a look of confusion
if that's what was really happening.
"I want to be the first to break you in." he said.
"B-Break me in?" Felicia asked, confusingly.
Suddenly, she saw that his white towel was forming a long tent, extending just
inches from her face.
"Remember? You wanted the same experience that my friends are giving Jean and
here it is."
Will then unwrapped his towel from his waist and it dropped to the floor and
Felicia's head jerked back in shock.
"Oh, my god." she cried out.
Crystal had the same look of surprise when she saw Will's towel had fallen and it
laid on the floor just beside her.
This intimidating yet very sexy black man took his own foot-long cock out in front
her, getting her first good look at what a real man's dick should be. Her eyes
crisscrossed when it the head stuck out inches from her nose. She angled her head
to get a better look at how long it was. Felicia would've gotten up and ran far,
far away. However, the X-Cite in her body, his natural pheromones, & her
fascination made her stay.
"11 inches." he said as he took Felicia's hand and guided it to his black shaft.
"Oh, wow." she said, heaving yet amazed.
Her hand instinctively wrapped her fingers around the dark monstrosity. Her whole
body tingled once her skin made full contact on the most prized part of his body.
With his hand, he motioned her's to stroke his endowment. He soon let go and now
she was voluntarily moving her hand up and down his black shaft. It was like
Will's cock had Felicia under his control; she couldn't tear her eyes away from
it. It was so beautiful; the most perfect thing she had ever seen on any person.
Will took his hand, put it on the back of her blonde head, & pull it closer to his
manhood; the tip touching her lip & her nostrils. She breathed in the enticing
pheromones his cock was giving off and it hit her.
"Oh, my god." she exhaled before inhaling a much bigger whiff of his aroma.
"I'm Will, by the way."
"...Felicia." she said.
She then anxiously leaned her head forward and started bobbing her head quickly &
aggressively on his beautiful cock. Something about this beautiful man made her
want to do this. He was a tall, dark(emphasis on dark), handsome, massively ripped
human being. Although, it didn't seem like he was human. However, it was the way
he presented himself that caught a hold of her. His was very physically built, his
dominant posture, & especially his radiating masculinity. When he was just inches
from her, on the spot she had intense feelings for him she never had for anyone
before. He also had a natural scent that made Felicia, deep down, lust for him.
She got what she wanted there. She was now ramming her mouth back & forth on
Will's monster cock, getting what she deeply wanted after getting intimidatingly
seduced into admitting it.
Felicia continued blowing on Will's hard dark shaft as he put his right hand on
the back of her head, assisting her in taking his dick inch by inch, little by
little. Crystal couldn't see clearly what was going on from under the bed because
of Felicia & Will being so close to the bedside. All she could see was Felicia's
body motioning back and forth next to Will's body. She couldn't see her face. Wait
a minute, her body rocking back and forth, Will's towel on the ground. Was Felicia
doing what Crystal thinks she's doing?!
"Oh yeah, suck that cock, you whore." Will egging her on.
She was! Crystal was open-mouthed at what she heard come out of Will's mouth and
that was all she needed to really see that Felicia was indeed blowing off this
Felicia was coating Will's enormous shaft with more & more spit & slobber each
time her tongue left a trail up and down the rigid pole. Her spit was lubricating
him so obviously she got in a lot of good licks on it. Will could tell, not
surprisingly, that this latina slut was enjoying blowing him as she was said
slobbering & briskly moving her head inward & outward on his crotch. She put her
hands on his ass for leverage in taking him deeper in her hole. It didn't feel
like an ass she was touching; more like two buns that felt like it was indeed
nearly made of steel. To say that this magnificent black man kept himself in very
good shape was an emphatic understatement.
Crystal could see what looked like drool and slobber that fell to the rug on the
ground. She still couldn't see the actual focus of the scene, just the cut legs of
Will and the motioning movements of her friend.
Will's hands then dug into her white see-thru and then, her white bikini. He got
palms full of big breasts and began to caress & massage them seductively. Felicia
gave out some soft yet more noticeable moans as her ample chest was getting felt
up in her swim gear yet she never swayed from trying to get Will off. But the
contact did managed to get every inch of his cock in her mouth as the hands-on
pleasure boosted her enthusiasm in taking all of his package. She was now taking
all of him swiftly & aggressively.
"Oh, shit! Yeeeaah, suck my black cock, bitch." Will let out.
"Mmmmmm...arggghhh...orrrrggggghhhhh." was all Felicia could get out.
On top of getting her tits fondled by his huge hands, him calling her a bitch only
made her hornier instead of offending her. She was getting wetter & wetter as the
pleasure wore on. His dick then plopped out of her mouth. She tried to lean
forward to take it back in her mouth. She was near out of air, breathing heavenly,
but she still wanted more.
"Now lick my balls, slut."
Felicia obeyed and her tongue went to work on licking and munching on his very
big, round, testicles for a moment while he jerked off his spit-coated cock. His
oranges were so big, she wondered just how much semen he had in his tank. He then
motioned his long, thick stick to her mouth and she didn't hesitate, instantly
putting it back between her lips and running her throat along the shaft again. He
put his hands back in her bikini, repaying her with her own pleasure. Then,
suddenly, his hand went to the base of her bikini and there he just snapped the
center of the top in two. He proceeded to then grab her white shirt and ripped it
cleanly in half, along the center. Her front was now exposed to him and she indeed
have a very fine front.
"Wow, you got a very fine stomach there." Will said as he ran his hand up & down
smoothly on Felicia most sculpted region.
She felt the intimate action and couldn't help but get arousing chills in her
stomach. She exhaled harder through her nose at his erotic touch which then made
her pussy cum on the rug having very slight difficulty because of her bikini
bottoms over her most private area. Crystal could see that her friend had cum.
Her breasts mashed against the ground and felt something scrap against them. But
it was really her nipples that were now erected which pleasured her when they
dragged along the floor. She wasn't actually enjoying listening to her friend
trying to get this guy off, was she?
Felicia suddenly felt his cock swell a little in her mouth.
"Arghhhh, I'm cumming!" Will let out.
When she heard that, she tried pulling her head back to let his prick out of her
throat, but his hand over the back of her head prevented her from doing so. She
tried pushing his body from her to release his dick, but it was like pushing
against a brick wall.
She then felt something splash in her throat and realize this man was cumming in
her mouth. She could feel her mouth being feel with more and more of Will's
sperm. She couldn't power her way out of his grasp and instinctively swallowed
his load. However, she the taste was not as bitter as she thought it was going to
be. In fact, she found herself quickly & enthusiastically gulping down a lot of
Will's seed down her neck. Her clogged mouth couldn't fit all of his fluid
however as strands of it came flowing down her chin from the sides of her mouth
fell to the floor. Crystal could see his load falling to the floor just a few
feet from her. But it was one strand after another she had seen drop & stain the
rug. How much sperm did his balls have?
"Ahhhhh, that was good dick sucking." he said, plopping his cock out of her mouth
and stepping back a bit.
He let her catch her breath for a second. Felicia couldn't believe that she
actually enjoyed sucking off a virtual stranger. However, as she was looking up
at all his nakedness, she remembered why she wanted to do that.
"Don't think I wasn't done with you, I'm not." he told her exhausted face.
"Now I want to see all of you. Stand up and get those clothes off."
Felicia obeyed and stood up before him. He watched, while still jerking off to
his cock, his latest female conquest shed her swimwear in front of him. Since her
two tops were torn by Will, Felicia simply let them side off her arms and drop to the
floor. Crystal saw her garments fall to the floor, shocked that her friend's
possibly going to go farther with this guy.
"Turn around and let me see that ass." he ordered.
She turned her back to him, grabbed the sides of her bottom with her fingers and
pulled them down her toned, tanned legs. Her glutes were really well-toned, firm,
& shaped as Will looked on, admiring the fantastic ass displayed before him.
Kicking her flip-flops off, she was now totally naked along side this dark ripped
"Damn!" he let out when he saw her now-shedded, naked, toned, flawless, body in
front of him.
Once she turned around facing him, her eyes found that in a matter of seconds,
Will's cock stuck out completely hard & thick again, much to her surprise. It was
like his dark package was appreciative of her sexy, athletic, body and strangely
enough, she felt complimented at it's erection. Will then made his way to the bed and
laid his big body down on it.
"Come here and mount this fuckin' cock."
Felicia obediently climbed on the bed and went on top of him. Crystal could feel
and hear the sounds of their combined weight pressing down on the two mattresses
above her. When she saw Felicia replying to his command, she was surprised that
this guy had this much of a hold on her to be willing to engage him in sexual
"But it's too big. You'll split me open with that thing." Felicia said,
"Your friend didn't seem to mind and she's not the only slut that took my
monster. It can do any hole I fit this in and don't worry, I see your wet down
there so it'll be easier."
Felicia took another look at her pussy and it was indeed wet from the juices that
leaked out of her. She was somewhat curious to see what Jenn felt when she had a
thick black cock inside her. Will grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy down on
his upright shaft. Felicia felt anxious & nervous at the same time with the tip
touching her entrance. Will pulled down more, the tip ramming into her.
"Ooooo-aaaayyyyy." she gasped as she felt more of her hole stretched by his pole.
As Will furthered himself in her, Felicia, just like that, had the biggest orgasm
of her life.
"Ay, shit!" she reacted.
"Bitch, you haven't felt anything yet." Will warned her.
He then plowed deeper in her and proceeded into jackhammer himself on her labia
and out of nowhere, intense pleasure radiated throughout her entire body.
"Whoa! Oh, my god! Oooooooo-aaarrrgggghhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
Felicia was caught off-guarded at the powerful sensations that rock her whole
body. She could have fell out of Will's lap, but the brute strength in his hands
on her waist kept her in place. His big cock was stretching & pumping into her
pussy like no man has ever had.
"Ugh...yeah, you fuckin bitch! Bounce on my black dick!" he yelled.
"Ay, fuck! Ay, dios mio! Ay, fuck yes!" Felicia yelled out.
By her expressions, Will could see that his latest prey was now completely into
this. She tightened her hand on his massive pecs, thrust her big Puerto Rican
breasts out, & rode him with great enjoyment.
"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming again!"
More like she wasn't stopping. The raw sexual pleasure of his cock was making
her experience one big orgasm after another, each more powerful than the last.
"Te gusta?" Will asked.
"Ay, si! I like it. It feels so good! Give me more! Please!"
Will then pump faster & harder into her and the cumming came faster for Felicia's
pussy, which was now more than used to his large 11-incher. He wrapped his arms
around Felicia's back and brought her upper body down to his. He then grabbed a
hand full of breast and put her nipple in his mouth, lovingly sucking on it like
a baby on a bottle. He wrapped his other hand around her lower back to keep
putting his appendage into her. Felicia, not getting any gratification on her
other breast, grabbed it with her hand and proceeded to rub, tug, & massage it
vigorously. She then felt something penetrate her anus. Will had put one of his
fingers inside her other hole! However, it didn't pain her; it felt just somewhat
great having pleasure come from not just one, but now both holes from her Spanish
culo. These multiple sensations from all her most sexual area made Felicia see
stars, she broke out a big smile on her face.
"Ay, shit yes! You are fucking me so great! Give me your negro cock! Ay, baby!"
she shouted out.
Crystal felt very overwhelmed by the X-rated scene taking place above her. She
can hear her friend yelling out how much she was enjoying Will's love-making just
like how she heard Jenn yelled out her desire for... black cock. She felt
shameful at being horny listening to her two closest friends being sexually &
ravishingly black-mauled by these gifted, unreal men. She couldn't help but feel
jealousy for herself in what looked and sounded like her two best friends getting
the best sex of their lives.
"Argh, yeah, I'm cumming!" Will yelled out.
Felicia suddenly felt his shaft swell up and immediately felt the most powerful
orgasm that rocked her world. Will's cum torpedoed into her body with great
force. The hotness of his load sent shivers of arousal & satisfaction surging all
throughout her athletic anatomy. The mind-blowing orgasm was so strong, her body
fell like a sack of potatoes on his and she passed out.
Almost immediately after that, she woke up & found herself bent over the edge of
the bed in the doggy position. What woke her up was a weird & painful feeling
emerging in what felt like... her butthole?!
"Oh, what are you doing?" she asked in an exhausted & whispered-like tone with her
head laid on the bed & turned to him.
"Your pussy was great, but I want something tighter for my cock."
"But, that's my ass! You'll rip me apart!"
"I've done this to a lot of other black cock sluts and just like you loved it in
your pussy, you'll learn to love it in your butt."
Will then proceeded to inch his cock further up into Felicia's now de-virginized
anal cavity. She felt herself getting slowly filled up by her black predator's
awesome black member.
"Ow! Ohhhhhh! Ouch!" she let out.
"Ahhhh, damn. Your ass is tight!" Will expressed.
No doubt that anal sex is painful at first, however Felicia toughed it out and after
seeing Jean take it down her butthole, the former wanted to feel how good it really
felt once the pain subsided.
"Oh, fuck! Ow! Shit, it hurts!"
"Ahhhh, the pain will be worth it, once you know how good it is."
It was very weird feeling her butt inserted, however the pain wasn't really as bad as
she thought it was going to be, on the count of Will's shaft being basically lubed up
thanks to his cum, her cum, spit, & juices. Felicia let out a groan-like moan when she
felt every inch of her rosebud tightly hugging his huge rod. Once Will's crotch made
contact with Felicia's ass cheeks, he now started to smoothly yet briskly pump into
her with every inch.
Her facial expression turned into a slight smile when she felt the slight pain
turning into enormous pleasure as evident by her pushing her ass back up into him.
Will took notice of her new-found appreciation and pumped into her harder. He then
took hold of her hips & grinded his cock up into her like a jackhammer, making
Felicia squeal in delight.
"Can see you like my cock in your ass, baby."
"Oh, yes! Come on, fuck my butt! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!" Felicia begged.
For more than 20 minutes, Will's monster rod introduced Felicia's body(and her
rosebud for that matter) to orgasmic experiences she's never had before; she left
a puddle of her juices staining the rug from under her crotch. Crystal's pussy
has never felt such tingling when aroused. The sound, the talk, & the smell of
sex pushed her to the brink and she couldn't help but to dig into her tight jean
shorts and rub her clit to curb her needy pussy, leaving her hand & fingers
stained with her own vaginal juices. Will then suddenly held is dick still in
Felicia's tight hole and lots of cum exploded out of his pee-slit and into her
anal cavity. Her back curled upright and she had an open-mouthed smile on her
face, feeling his hot and loaded seed now filling up her upper region. Once
again, she passed out from the orgasmic intensity.
Will plopped his cock from out of her ass, leaving a widened hole resulted by his
thick monstrosity. He then made his way to his phone that was on the drawer that
was by the bed. He dialed a number and made a call into the next room...
"Hey! Felicia! Wake up!" Will slightly yelled as he was shaking her body to wake
"Uhhhh...wha... what happened?" she said exhausted.
"You passed out again."
'That's what happened to her.' thought Crystal wondering why Felicia wasn't
moving her legs before as she continue to listen while hiding.
"You good?"
"Uh...yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."
"All right, I'm satisfied now. I can forgive you." he said, helping her up from
his bed.
"Thank you." she said, a little disappointed that her "punishment" was over.
"But wait, I'm not leaving?" I-I thought we were good." she said noticing he was
walking her to the double doors in which she was spying from.
"We are." he said as he then knocked on one of them.
"But you are not good with everyone."
And with that, the double doors opened and two pairs of big black arms swiftly
pulled her naked body inside, then closing the doors in an instant.
Will then walked over to the side of his bed.
"Besides,..." he said out loud. "There's still the matter of that other spy."
Will then suddenly crouched down by the bed and grabbed Crystal's arm...
To be continued...
Next: E&I Celebrity Takeover: The FSU Cowgirls - Part 3 - Crystal Durnan
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