An E&I University story
Nineteen year old Courtney Hawkins woke with a start.She had fallen asleep at her desk, face down in an English Lit book. The redhead sat up and stretched, her 38 DD breasts straining against her blouse. She looked around the dorm room, first at her bedside clock which said 8:00 AM and then to her roommate's bed, which was empty. Untouched, in fact. She blinked. “Huh.”Michelle Lee was not as studious as she but wasn't a party girl either. In the six months they had been living together she had always known Michelle to be in the room, if not bed, by 1 AM at the latest. Still, the school library was open twenty four hours, perhaps she too had fallen asleep studying.Courtney pushed away from her desk and stood up. She had an exam in an hour and needed to clean up and get something to eat. In the shower, as she was soaping up her heavy breasts, over sized on her small frame, Courtney's thoughts turned again to sex. She was not a virgin, having been with a couple of guys in high school, but neither lived up to her expectations. Her only orgasms were from her own hand. Not that it was a big deal. She had always been more focused on studying than boys anyway, at least until arriving at Long Island University.There was a lot more male flesh, much of it dark, on display on the campus than she was used to, having grown up in a small town in Maine. A lot of that, she understood, had to do with Solomon King, the wealthy philanthropist who had revitalized and renovated the school, and Jubal Mfune, the man he had installed as Dean some years ago. At last count the student makeup was half black, half other, with a majority of the latter being women. Courtney herself came from less than wealthy parents and while her grades were always excellent she had to earn a scholarship to be able to go to college and LIU had the easiest entry requirements of any school in the country.Courtney spent most of her time in class, or studying, but had made a few new friends. In particular Lacy Snow, a sophomore, and June and Jenna Blake, twins and freshmen like her. The sisters were obsessed with sex, it was the subject of nearly half their conversations, though Courtney often wondered how much actual experience they had, and while everyone knew Lacy was a lesbian she rarely spoke about any women she was interested in or had been with. Whenever they met for lunch June and Jenna would stare at the black men, and to her surprise Courtney did too, admiring their amazing physiques and wondering about the parts she couldn't see. Because of this she had gone back to her room to masturbate more than once, and sometimes even found herself distracted by the need during class.“Damn it.” Courtney couldn't help herself. She stuck her hand between her legs and rubbed her clit until a shudder of pleasure washed through her and she moaned as she came. Feeling a bit more relaxed she went back to her room and put on jeans, a loose-fitting green-gray top and her favorite leather jacket, then went to one of the campus coffee shops, Roasted Nuts, for coffee and a bagel before heading to class. The English Literature exam was not as difficult as she was expecting thanks to her all night study session and she was the first to turn in her pages. With nothing else scheduled that day she decided to go to the library and went back to the room to get her books.As she opened the door Courtney was struck by a pungent odor that momentarily staggered her and sent a rush of arousal straight to her core. Catching her breath she discovered Michelle was laying face down on her bed. The lithe, tall nineteen year old Japanese girl sluggishly raised her head. “Hey Cour.”“Hey yourself.” Courtney couldn't help noticing only one of her roommate's buttons was done and from the swell of her mostly bare breasts she wasn't wearing a bra. Her long black hair, normally tied in a rather severe ponytail, was hanging loose and her makeup was a mess. “Have a good night?”Michelle sat up, wincing. “I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you.”“Try me.” Courtney sat down on her own bed. That strange musky scent was definitely coming from Michelle. She had noticed it around campus but never figured out what it was.“My friend Janet invited me to a party at the Alpha Omega house. I was feeling kind of stressed after my History exam so I decided to go. I lost track of her after a few minutes and wound up sitting on a couch watching people dance. Then this guy sat down beside me and we started to talk. He told me his name was Luke, he's a senior, a quarterback on the football team. He was such a stud, Cour. Big and handsome, and the next thing I knew...”Courtney smiled. “Let me guess. You went back to his room?”“Actually, we started making out right there. It was unbelievable. I'd known him for like five minutes and he had his hands in my shirt. I looked around and I saw a bunch of other people all over each other. It turned me on. So I asked him to take me to his room and he scooped me up in his arms like it was nothing.”“That wasn't your first time was it?”“No, but I've never experienced anything like this. His cock was huge. I mean, like the size of my arm. And when he started to fuck me, my god, I thought I'd never stop cumming.”Courtney was stunned. Not just at the idea of a penis that big but also her roommate's language. She wasn't offended, it was just the first time she had ever heard her roommate use words like cock and fuck. “Wow.” She wasn't sure what else to say. “So, what was the morning after like?”“There wasn't one. He was gone when I woke up but he left a note saying he'd call me.” Michelle smiled. “I do hope he calls. I can't wait to see it...I mean, him, again.”
“So, Mimi finally got lucky, huh?”At lunch the next day, Courtney nodded as she took another bite of her chicken sandwich.Sitting across from her were June and Jenna Blake. The eighteen year old twins were physically identical, with taut and tan bodies they took great pride in maintaining, big breasts they liked to flaunt, bright green eyes and curly blonde, shoulder length hair. They even tended to dress in similar revealing clothing, though their friends could always tell them apart because the latter favored red and the former blue.It was June, younger by five minutes, who had asked the question. “Your roommate is built like a stripper. About time she put some of that to good use.”“Spend a lot of time staring at her body do you?” Jenna asked, smiling when her sister elbowed her in the ribs. “And here I thought that was your job, Lacy.”Sitting on Courtney's left, Lacy Snow nearly choked on her salad. The twenty year old had pale skin and short-cropped black hair. She was far less talkative and brash than the twins, which often made her an easy target, especially given her tendency to wear loose-fitting, almost frumpy clothing. “Hey!”“Don't sit there and pretend you never looked.” June laughed as Lacy's cheeks reddened. “That's what I thought. Hell, if I was into girls I'd do her.” She turned to Courtney. “So, what about you?”The redhead blinked. “You mean...am I attracted to Michelle?”“No, stupid.” Jenna leaned forward. “Your roommate is getting some. Shouldn't you?”Courtney wasn't sure what to say. It had been on her mind ever since Michelle told her. “Maybe.” She had to admit, the idea of getting fucked hard all night long did sound like fun but she wasn't quite ready to just spread her legs for the first hot guy she met. “If I meet the right man.”“Geez,” said June. “You don't have to wait for mister right.”Jenna nodded. “Just find yourself a mister right now.”“You two will bang anything that moves. Maybe Lacy and I have more discriminating tastes.”Lacy downed her bottled water. “Or just taste.” She looked at her watch. “Actually.” She scrambled to her feet and started gathering her things. “I have to get going.”“Why?” June asked. “Hot date?” Her eyes widened when Lacy's face reddened. “Shit, do you really?” The older girl turned and walked away without another word. “Is she seeing somebody?”“Not that I know of.” Courtney's mind wandered again to her roommate and the mystery man. A cock the size of her arm Michelle had said. What would having that inside you feel like? She felt her nipples hardening and was grateful her top was loose enough to conceal them. “I think I'm going to take off too. I have class.” She did, but not for another hour. In truth she was going back to her room for some 'alone' time.Jenna watched her go. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”“Alpha Omega?” June smiled at her sister's nod. “I'm in.”
Courtney had two full classes and then agreed to help out the theater department get ready for an upcoming production so she was busy for most of the day and didn't make it back to the room until late. As she walked in Michelle emerged from the closet in her underwear, holding a red skirt on a hanger.“Hey. Can I borrow this?”Courtney closed the door behind her. “Sure.” She tossed her bag in the corner. “Why?”“The Alpha Omega's are having another party tonight.” Michelle wiggled her hips to get into the skirt. “I'm going to stop by and see if Luke is there.”“Are you sure that's a good idea? I thought you were going to wait for him to call you?”Michelle shrugged. “I was. But I can't stop thinking about...you know.”“You keep pursuing him like this, you're going to come off as awfully needy.”“I am.” Michelle tried on several blouses, before deciding on one that showed off just the right amount of cleavage. “And I'm not ashamed. I need him inside me again, Cour. I can't explain it.”“You sound like an addict.”“I guess I kind of am. Or at least I could be.”Courtney shook her head. “Was he really that good?”“You remember those romance novels you told me you used to read in high school? Where the sex goes on for hours and the women experience bliss beyond their wildest dreams?” Michelle sighed. “That's what this was. Like one of your fantasies come true.” Her eyes widened. “Hey, you should come with me.”“What? No.”Michelle smiled. “Yeah, it's perfect. You can meet Luke, if he there, and maybe find a guy of your own.”“I had kind of a long day. I don't know if I have the energy.”“Just have a drink then. Unwind. You don't have to do anything if you don't want to.”Courtney gave it serious thought. She hadn't done much beyond schoolwork lately. Maybe a little socializing was just what she needed. And she did want to meet this Luke character. Plus it would let her keep an eye on Michelle. She didn't want anyone taking advantage of her friend's distracted state. She sighed. “Okay.”“Fantastic!” Michelle looked her up and down. “But first, babe, you have to change.”“Why?”“You can't go to a party dressed like that.”Courtney rolled her eyes “Fine.” She did have a little black dress she had bought for just such an occasion right before coming to LIU but this was the first time she had been inclined to wear it. It was a little tighter in the chest than she remembered, emphasizing her big breasts more than she was comfortable with, but based several guys stopping to check her out on the way to the Alpha Omega frat house it had been a good choice.The party was in full swing when they arrived. A black DJ kept the music at a level where people could talk, there were several kegs, and all the furniture in the living room had been moved to make a dance area. Just like the rest of the campus a majority of the male party goers were black while the women were far more varied.Courtney took a deep breath as they walked into the room. The air was hot and heavy with musk, a scent she had become very familiar with since coming to LIU. The black men seemed to exude it. Whenever she got close to one it made her skin tingle and in some cases, like now, her nipples harden. She tried to cross her arms for cover but the tight dress made it impossible to hide, and looking around she saw many other women in the same state.“Do you see him?”Michelle scanned the room and pouted. “Not yet.”“Are you sure this is even his frat?”“Of course.” Michelle paused. “I mean, I guess so. I mean, he did take me to a room upstairs, so unless the members let just anyone borrow a bed...” Her eyes widened. “Come on!” She grabbed Courtney's hand and dragged her startled friend across the dance floor. “Luke! Hey, Luke!”When Michelle was describing his size, both in and out of his clothes, Courtney had assumed he would be black. He wasn't the biggest she had seen on campus, or even in the room, but he was nonetheless a sight to behold. Wearing tight jeans, boots, and a sleeveless T-shirt that showed off his rock hard abs and tree trunk-like arms, he had a gleaming bald head and a well-trimmed goatee. “Hey, girl. You looking fine tonight.”Michelle blushed. “Thanks.” She gazed longingly up at him. “You too.”“I know.”Courtney's brow furrowed. 'He's certainly got an ego. Then again, with a body like that...'“I thought you said you were going to call me?”Luke shrugged his broad shoulders. “I was getting around to it. Shit came up.”“I understand.” Courtney was surprised by her friend's passive tone but kept her mouth shut. “Since I'm here though, did you want to get a drink or something?”“Sure. But first, why don't you introduce me?”Michelle blinked. “Huh?” He nodded at Courtney. “Oh, right. Sorry. Luke, this is Courtney Hawkins. Courtney, this is Luke...uhh, what was your last name again?”“Devoe.”Courtney shook his outstretched hand, which engulfed hers, and felt a rush of heat. “N-Nice to meet you.”“You must be the roommate. Damn, you fine too.”“Uhh...thank you?” Courtney was flustered. On the one hand she was beginning to understand why Michelle was so enamored. On the other, she couldn't help notice he was ogling her chest.Luke put an arm around Michelle and she sighed, leaning into him. “Come on, girls.” He got a beer for himself first and then one for Michelle. “Red?”“No thanks.” Courtney reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of water. “I'm good.”Luke strode toward a couch, where with a glare he made the two white men sitting there get up and move. Then he sat down, pulling Michelle into his lap. She laughed. Courtney sat down on the other end. They people-watched for a few minutes while they finished their beers and she downed her water. “I think it's time to get this party started. Hey, Z.” He raised his voice. “Z!” The DJ looked his way. “Crank it up, man!”The party music was replaced by loud, pounding rap. Immediately there was a change on the dance floor. The black men pulled their partners closer. Not that any of them were complaining. Michelle certainly wasn't when Luke stuck his tongue into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck.Courtney suddenly found it hard to breath. That musky odor was stronger than ever and it made her head spin. There was a throbbing heat between her legs. She needed to collect herself. “I have to...umm...where is the bathroom?” Without taking his mouth off Michelle's Luke gestured toward a door. She got up and on unsteady legs crossed the dance floor, bumping into several grinding couples along the way. “Sorry.” They didn't seem to notice, or care. She opened the door Luke had indicated and found herself in a corridor of unmarked doors. “Damn it.”The first one turned out to be a storage closet full of cleaning supplies, along with a black man getting a blowjob from a half-naked blonde. “Whoops.” Another opened into a room with recliners and a huge, flat-screen TV. Several interracial couples in various stages of undress were kissing. To her dismay, when she finally found the bathroom it was mostly urinals and had only two stalls. She went in one, locked the door, and rested her head in her hands as she groaned. “I can't believe this.” Before coming to LIU she rarely masturbated. Now it seemed like she got the urge several times a day. She was so turned on right now she wanted to scream. “Can't...help it.” At least she was wearing a skirt. Soon her face was flushed and she was panting. As she got closer she arched her back and raised her legs to press her feet against the stall door. “Yes!” An orgasm shuddered through her body. “God that felt good.” Courtney was still coming down and froze when she heard the bathroom door burst open and two deep male voices.“Bro, you see that bangin' Asian chick?”“Fuck yeah. Luke has good taste.”Courtney heard zippers and the men beginning to pee. It was long and loud.“Hey, did you hear about King Hall?”“No. What happened?”“One of the new Xcite dispensers broke when they was installing it. Busted a water main. Ending up flooding one of the lecture halls where some ladies was talking.”“Sounds like fun.”“No brothers around. Ladies was all over each other. Big ol' lesbian orgy.”“They get footage?”“Of course. Cameras all over this fuckin' school. Should be up on voyuer.com by now.”“Damn I need to see that.”“Let's go.” They flushed and left the room, apparently without bothering to wash their hands.Courtney breathed a sigh of relief and dropped her legs. She was confused by what she had heard. What was excite, and why would it make women have sex with each other? And cameras? All over the school? The thought of someone having footage of what she'd just done squicked her out. Quickly washing her hands she returned to the party with the intent of getting Michelle away from this place so they could talk, only to stop in her tracks.The dance floor was a mass of tangled, sweaty bodies kissing and groping one another. Most of them were partly undressed, a few were completely nude. There were a large number of blowjobs going on. And several men had half-naked women bouncing in their laps. Fighting off the urge to squeeze her own breasts Courtney looked for Michelle and Luke but the couch where they had been sitting was now occupied by a blonde girl on her hands and knees, smiling as a black man was pulling down her pants. She thought briefly about leaving but was concerned about her friend. Something was going on and she needed to make sure Michelle was okay. Even though in the back of her mind she knew it wasn't a good idea she headed up the stairs to the actual dorm rooms, where she was struck at once by the even stronger musky odor and a cacophony of moans and groans and squeals coming from behind the half-open doors.Courtney peeked in the first one and saw a slim, dark-haired woman on her hands on knees on a bed, being fucked from behind by a hulking naked black man. It wasn't Luke though, and when she threw her head back, eyes and teeth clenched in orgasm, she knew the girl wasn't Michelle and moved on.A young brunette with small breasts was bouncing breathlessly on a short but still well-muscled black man in the next. He had his hands behind his head, clearly letting her do all the work.In the third two hard black asses were pounding two pairs of upstretched, tan legs. The girls were being quite vocal. Had Courtney not been so distracted she might have recognized the voices.Finally, she found Michelle and Luke. Her roommate was flat on her back, arms and legs wrapped around the black man as he hammered her pussy. “Yes! Oh god! Yes! Cumming!” Her whole body spasmed. “Fuck!” She seemed to be orgasming almost constantly. “You're incredible! Oh fuck, I'm...cumming...again!”Courtney bit her lip. She was actually watching her friend having sex and it was turning her on so much. She wanted to be the one under Luke. She wanted that big black cock inside her. She shook her head. 'What is wrong with me?' She had come up here to warn Michelle but it didn't look like she needed any help. After a few more voyeuristic moments she ran out of the frat house, her friends orgasmic cries echoing in her mind.Her mind was racing, so when she tried to go to sleep she mostly just lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She could still hear Michelle screaming in pleasure, and all the naked, writhing bodies. The sweat, the heat. Had she really been in the middle of an orgy? At some point she closed her eyes long enough for the sun to rise and stumbled out of bed and into the shower. She sleepwalked her way through classes.“Cour. Hey, Courtney.”Startled, the redhead blinked. “What?”“You with me?” Lacy, sitting across from her at their usual table in the quad, appeared concerned.“Sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night.”Lacy noted the redhead hadn't touched her sandwich. “You okay?”Courtney honestly didn't know how to answer that question. She wasn't sure how to tell her friend about what she had seen at the Alpha Omega house. “More or less.”Lacy finished her bottled water and looked around. “Hey, have you seen the twins?”“Not since the other day. Why?”“I don't know. It's just...they're usually the first ones here.”“Yeah, but it wouldn't be the first time they skipped out on us either.”Lacy nodded. “I guess you...oh. Hang on.” She reached into her pocket. “My phone is vibrating.” She flipped it open. “I got a text.” She smiled. “Amber.” Courtney was staring. “What?”“So, June was right. You are seeing someone?”Lacy's stuck out her tongue as she was gathering her things. “I have to go to Psych class.”“Okay. Wait. Psych? Ms. Kendrick's class? She's not in session today.” Courtney put two and two together. “Isn't her first name Amber?” Her eyes widened. “Are you dating a teacher?”“You know what Hawkins?” Lacy slung her bag over her shoulder.. “That inquisitive little brain of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days.” She turned to leave.Courtney rose. “Wait, Lacy. I'm sorry. That was out of line.”“It's okay. Better you than the twins. They'd be all over me for details.” Lacy sighed as the redhead followed right behind her. “You're going to ask me for details, aren't you?”“Not squicky ones.” Courtney's mind flashed again to Michelle and Luke. “How long has this been going on?”Lacy was quiet for a minute. “About two months. We started talking after class. She'd broken up with her boyfriend and was feeling kind of lonely. I was a friendly face.” She bit her lip. “One which, out of the blue, she kissed one day. I was floored.” She smiled. “But also really turned on. So I kissed her back.”“That's great. I'm happy for both of you.” Before they knew it they were in the empty corridor outside of Room 101 in King Hall. “Have fun. I'm going to the library.” Lacy knocked on the door as Courtney was walking away. She heard a gasp as it opened but when she turned back her friend was gone and the door slammed shut. She thought about going back but decided she didn't want a repeat of last night. “I need to stop being so paranoid.”Courtney sat down at one of the new computers in the library and tried to work but she couldn't concentrate. Her thoughts kept going back to last night. Not just seeing her roommate having sex but so many other people seemingly going sex crazy at the same time. She had heard frat parties could get wild but she never imagined anything like that. Her nipples were hard again and her panties were soaked. 'Damn it.' Then she remembered the two men she had overheard in the bathroom and what they were talking about. She did a quick search and discovered there had indeed been a water main leak and a whole section of King Hall was still cordoned off, but there was no mention of any unusual sexual activity. 'Not that I should've expected anything. That would be awfully embarrassing for the school.' And what had been the supposed cause? She typed in a search for excite but all she got back was a definition of the word. She added dispensers to the search and for a moment it looked hopeful as a long list of results came up but it turned out to be a dead end. It was just ads offering a variety of dispensers for sale. 'Fine. I'll just have to do this the hard way.'She would go back to the room to change clothes and get her digital camera, then she was going to King Hall to see if she could find one of these excite dispensers herself.
There were a number of concealed security centers located in key areas of LIU, where footage from the hidden cameras in the dorms, showers and sorority houses was uploaded and sent along to voyuer.com and King Enterprises. One such center was a small room situated in the back of the Computer Sciences Lab.The man in charge was Tyrone Johnson. A year ago the skinny little twenty-one year old had personally been selected for enhancement by Solomon King himself after successfully hacking King Enterprises to steal several million dollars. He had been allowed to keep his ill gotten gains, minus the fee for his enhancement, in exchange for helping keep King's business secure from hackers like himself. Now 6'4” and a solid wall of muscle, Johnson went wherever he was needed and did what he was told, and his current assignment was updating LIU's network.He had just finished banging the Computer Sciences teacher, Selena Lopez, and returned to the office to find an alert on his personal computer. After reading the screen he made a beeline for the Dean's office. He was one of only a handful of people on campus who could walk right past Mfune's secretary and knock on his door.“Come in.”Tyrone stepped inside, closing the door behind him. “Am I disturbing you, sir?”“Not at all.” Mfune leaned back in his chair. “I could use the break. What can I do for you Ty?”“We have a problem. One of the new security features I put in place are a numbers of filters which alert me if anyone uses particular search terms. Someone in the library just triggered one.”“Oh? What were they looking for?”“E-x-c-i-t-e.”“Hardly a suspicious term.”“On it's own no, but I can't think of any reason a student would be looking for info on excite dispensers.”Mfune nodded. “That is worrisome.” None of the enhanced had any reason to be looking up information on the Xcite dispensers, especially not on one of the open university computers, and even if they did they would at least have spelled it correctly. “Do you know who's responsible?”“Yes sir. A freshman named Courtney Hawkins.”“Well, considering you're the one who discovered this breach, I think it's only right you...plug it.”Tyrone smiled. “Thank you, sir.”
Courtney arrived back at King Hall.She didn't go inside, however. While there was a door to the basement in the office she was pretty sure they wouldn't let her through, especially not to find whatever they were hiding. Instead, she was going to try another way. Before leaving the library she had checked the blueprints for the building and found there was a small shack in the back which allowed direct access to the water main, where the dispensers she was looking for should be. She passed by the window of Room 101, and was so focused on checking her digital camera to make sure it was working she failed to notice two pairs of bare breasts being pressed up against the glass.The shack was neither locked nor guarded. Courtney was able to pry open the grate inside and make her way down a dingy tunnel lit by bare light bulbs. It was hotter than she expected and she partly unzipped her top, exposing the top swell of her breasts and part of her bra but she wasn't too worried about being seen down here. She followed signs on the wall to find the water main, and with them the dispensers she was looking for. They were labeled Xcite. 'Got you.' In order to get to them she had to wade through ankle deep water, but she was wearing an old pair of boots, in addition to sweat clothes she didn't mind getting dirty. As she was taking pictures she started to feel like she had a fever. Her heart was beating faster and her nipples swelled so hard they actually hurt. She slumped against the wall and moaned as the need to masturbate hit her harder than ever before in her life. She fell to her knees, sliding both hands into her sweatpants. She came twice but it wasn't enough. She needed to get back to her room. To her vibrator.Courtney lurched to her feet and started down the tunnel, around a corner, right into a big black man in an LIU Security uniform. She staggered back, he didn't even budge. “What the hell are you doing down here girl?” He saw her flushed face and heaving, half-bared breasts. “Never mind. You need some...help?”“Need?” The redhead's eyes widened as she noticed a huge bulge in his pants. “Yes!” She fell to her knees and went straight for his zipper. He didn't protest. A thick, ten inch cock sprung free. It actually struck her in the nose and she took in his musky, manly scent and smiled. “I need this.” She took it straight into her mouth.“GODDAMN!”Courtney had only given a few blowjobs. But what she lacked in skill she made up for in exuberance. The boys she dated in high school never lasted very long. This guard, whose name she didn't even know, pumped his rod down her throat for half an hour before he grabbed her head and filled her belly with red hot cum. She almost came from the sensation. He pulled out and she fell onto her hands, coughing.The guard put his cock away and zipped up his pants. “Fuck you're good at that, slut.”Courtney wiped her mouth. “I don't know what came over me.”“If you were down where I think you were, I do.” The guard helped her to her feet. “Why don't you come back to security with me? Find you some place to lay down while we can sort this out.”Courtney nodded. “Okay.” She knew she was in big trouble, in more ways than one. She felt sick to her stomach, and not just because it was full of a stranger's semen.They never made it to security. Along the way the guard, whose uniform said Rhodes, got a call on his walkie talkie telling him to bring her to the main staff building instead. He was clearly not happy about this but did as he was told. Courtney felt both relieved a little disappointed. She was still flushed, her whole body was tingling, and if he had told her to take off her clothes and fuck him she would have done so in a heartbeat. She had never seen a cock as big as his and now she would never know what it was like to feel it inside anywhere but her mouth.He didn't take her to see the Dean. Instead he led her to a small room with two chairs, a desk, and a flat-screen TV on the wall and told her to wait. She sat down in one of the chairs. She was still trying to come to terms with what had happened when she heard the door opening and she looked up as another black man entered.“Ms. Hawkins?” She nodded. “My name is Tyrone Johnson.”Courtney bit her lip to keep from moaning. It was happening again. The surge of heat and arousal. She had to get control of herself. “I-I...don't...what's going on?”“I'm the one asking the questions, Ms. Hawkins.” Tyrone smiled. “Do you mind if I call you Courtney?” She shook her head. “Good. Tell me, Courtney. Did you find the Xcite dispensers?” He chuckled at her shocked expression. “Oh yes, I know what you were up to.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote. “Let me tell you a story.” He hit a button and the TV lit up. “Though I'm pretty sure you already know the first chapter.”On screen was a still image of Melissa naked, sitting atop Luke with her head thrown back. Only when he hit another button it turned out to be a video. Her roommate was threshing about, sweat pouring off her body and screaming at the top of her lungs. “Aaahh! Fuck, yes! I've never....aaah...cumming again!”Tyrone paused it again. “This was thirty minutes or so after their first meeting, mind you. We have several hours of footage from it as well as the second at the party you both attended.” He smiled. “You got an eye full yourself as I understand it. How did that make you feel?”Given what happened in the basement, there was no point in trying to deny what she had been feeling ever since that night. “Turned on, okay? Is that what you want to hear?”“As long as it's the truth. Let's move on, shall we?” Tyrone hit another button and the video of Melissa and Luke disappeared, replaced by a shot of herself along with Lacy and the twins at their table in the quad. “Do you recall having a conversation with your friends about your roommate's encounter with Mr. Devoe?”“Yes.”“So in a way we have you to thank...for this.” Now it was a picture of June and Jenna, in matching shorts and tops, being ushered in the front door of the Alpha Omega house. “The morning of the party the twins arrived looking for Mr. Devoe. He wasn't around, sadly, but plenty of the AO's were on-hand.”The view dissolved to video of the frat house living room. Now naked, the sisters were on their knees, each with a big black cock pumping their mouths. Before long they were bouncing on black laps, and bent over various pieces of furniture to be fucked over and over until the sun went down. They ended up in one of the bedrooms. June and Jemma, now on their backs, were being pounded side by side, their legs kicking straight up in the air. They were clawing at broad black backs as they wailed and moaned in near constant orgasm.Courtney paled. The party. She remembered now, she had seen them. She didn't realize it at the time, but she had seen two more of her friends having sex. Her pussy throbbed. 'Lucky bitches.'“But wait. The adventure continues.” Tyrone chuckled as he hit another button. Now it was a shot of Courtney and Lacy in King Hall, on their way to Ms. Kendrick's room. “I have to admit, it sounds like this one took a bit more effort. Especially since your roommate and the twins pretty much just spread their legs themselves.”Courtney was taken aback by what he was implying. “Wait. Hold on. Michelle and the twins I get, but Lacy is gay. There's no way she'd hook up with a bunch of black guys.”“Not of her own volition perhaps, but her liaison with Ms. Kendricks afforded us a way in.” Now it was video of inside the Pysch room. Amber Kendricks, a thirty-eight year old English woman with tan skin and curly brown hair, was being fucked in her mouth and pussy simultaneously by two big black men. She came with a muffled scream. “Thanks to footage of their lesbian encounters they were able to blackmail the teacher into servicing them and then used her phone to text your friend.” The footage showed another black man opening the door and yanking Lacy inside, where she looked on in horror at her girlfriend being fucked. “She refused at first but after it was pointed out they could both get in a great deal of trouble she too submitted.” Now Lacy was naked and on her knees, a black cock filling her clearly inexperienced mouth. “Lesbian or not, she was certainly enthusiastic.”“Aaah! Aaahh! Ooooh!” Lacy was dripping sweat as she was sandwiched between two black men, arms and legs hanging limply at her sides while they pistoned in and out of her pussy and ass. “Ohh! No! I can't! I don't like dick! I...” Her eyes went wide. “Aaagghh! Fuck! Yes! Cumming!” As the ebony haired beauty orgasmed in mid-air Amber Kendricks was sprawled on her own desk, moaning as another black man fucked her hard.Tyrone paused the video on another scene, with Lacy and Amber being fucked up against the window. “They're certainly not the first lesbians who've been blacked at LIU. I doubt they're the last either.”Courtney fidgeted in her seat. She was so close to an orgasm she could taste it. Seeing her friends being violated shouldn't have been so arousing but she couldn't help staring at the black man's crotch, and the massive bulge she could see within his pants, instead of his face. “W-What exactly do you want?”Tyrone pressed another button, and the redhead was not at all surprised to see her own face on the TV. With her mouth full of the black guard's cock. Sighing in defeat, Courtney nodded. “Good. On your knees.” As she moved to obey he unzipped his pants and whipped out a cock even larger than Rhodes'. She gawked. He smirked. “Like it?” She nodded. “Twelve and a half inches. Here. Have a taste.” He shoved it right between her lips.Courtney had to breath through her nose and his scent was intoxicating. She put her hands on his hips and began to suck hungrily. He relentlessly fucked her face for nearly forty-five minutes and she came twice before he finally grabbed her head and thrust one last time before finally erupting down her throat. Again her belly was filled with sperm, only this time it also filled her mouth and gushed out onto her chest.“Whew! Rhodes wasn't kidding. You've got talent slut.” Courtney blushed as Tyrone took a step back, his massive dick still rock hard. “Now, take that shit off.” She hurried to get undressed while he casually removed his own clothing. “Fuck you have nice tits. Get on the desk.” Feeling light-headed she lay down and spread her legs. He rubbed his meat against the sensitive lips of her soaking, furry red pussy. She moaned. “Here we go.”Tyrone drove all twelve and a half inches of his cock into Courtney with one brutal thrust. She arched her back and screamed as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed her. She was didn't even have a chance to catch her breath before he began fucking her hard and deep, and every few thrusts she came again. Her DD's bounced and shook like so much jello, and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Oh my god, yes! Oooh! Aaahh! Fuck! This is...aaahhh...fuuuuck!” This was what she had always imagined sex was supposed to be like. One mind-blowing orgasm after another. She grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Aaaah! Ohhhh! God! Cumming!”“Shit your pussy is tight!” As he increased the speed of his thrusts Tyrone found himself closer to orgasm sooner than he expected. “If I didn't know better I'd swear you were a virgin.”“I aaaahhhhhm...” Courtney whole body went rigid. “To big.....oooh....black...ahhh oh my god...cock!” Thirty minutes later, when he finally thrust deep one last time and exploded in her womb she came so hard she passed out, and woke to find herself laying face down and Tyrone was now teasing the knob of his magnificent cock against her last hole. “Wait! I've never...owww! Fuck! That hurts!” She dug her nails into the wood and gritted her teeth as he began to pound her pert little ass with the same ferocity as her still aching pussy. “Aaah! Don't stop! Cumming again!” He fucked her like that for another half hour and she lost count of her own orgasms before he even had a third. She lay there gasping, soaked in sweat and cum and trying to wrap her head around the last two hours of her life.Tyrone stood up and stretched. His cock was actually starting to soften. He couldn't remember the last time a bitch had made him cum so hard. This girl was something special. “I think we're done for now. Go ahead and get dressed. Take a shower, get something to eat, maybe go back to your room and take a nap. You're gonna need the energy.” She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Just be ready to come when I call. Understand?”“Y-Yes.” Courtney could barely feel her legs as she slid off the desk. She got dressed and waddled toward the door, cum dripping down her inner thighs. Tyrone had cum inside her. She knew she might end up pregnant but she didn't care. All she was thinking about was how long it would be before he was inside her again.Still naked, Tyrone sat down at the desk and dialed the phone. “Dean? It's done.”“Excellent work Mr. Johnson. I should inform you, however, I got a phone call while you were...busy. Apparently word of our little security breach made it all the way to Mr. King.”“Shit! How pissed was he?”“His exact words were “Rip the dick off whoever's responsible!” But he calmed down once I informed him you were dealing with the girl personally. He said to use whatever resources are necessary to improve security and make certain nothing like this ever happens again. Ironically, that slut might have done us a favor.”“How so?”“She didn't jut expose our vulnerabilities. She made me realize we've become too complacent. Just because we have a steady stream of pussy coming through here doesn't mean we should just be thinking with our dicks all the time. Imagine if this had been a reporter or a government agent, she could have uncovered our agenda and sent her findings out before we even knew she was here. We need to do better.”“I agree sir. And I have some ideas I'd like to discuss.”“Fine, get dressed and come to my office.”“Yes sir.” Tyrone hung up the phone and smiled at the wet mess on the desk.
Courtney returned to her room, where Michelle was laying naked on her bed, fingering herself. They looked at one another but neither said a word as the redhead peeled off her sweaty, cum-soaked clothes and threw them in the hamper. Her jaw, pussy and ass all hurt, and she was exhausted. She thought about taking a shower but just didn't have the energy, so she climbed into bed, lay her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes.A few minutes later, not quite asleep, she felt a warm body press up against her and a hand on her breast. She moaned as she imagined Tyrone fucking her again. “You smell so good.”Courtney's eyes popped open. “Holy shit, Mel!” Her roommate was spooning up against her and she had to admit it felt pretty good. She groaned as Melissa squeezed one of her nipples. “What are you doing?”“I don't know. I can't help myself.” Melissa scooped up some of the drying semen off her friend's inner thigh and licked it off her fingers. “Do you want me to stop?”Courtney shook her head. She was wide-eyed as her roommate leaned in and kissed her. Once upon a time this would have been unthinkable. But after today she was open to new experiences. She threw her arms around Melissa's neck and the two of them fell back onto the bed together.Footage of the busty redhead bucking in pleasure as her Asian roommate's head dipped between her legs went on to become the biggest selling feature of the week on voyuer.com.In an office far away from the LIU campus, the feed was up on a computer screen. The giant of a man sitting at the desk eyed it while a naked blonde woman was on her knees, sucking the massive cock sticking out of his slacks. He seemed almost indifferent to the oral sex as he reached over to his phone. “Get me Mfune.” Moments later he was connected to the Dean. “Jubal. This redhead, she's the one who caused you so much trouble?”“On the voyuer site? Yes sir.”Soloman King put a hand on the blonde's head, indicating she should suck harder and faster. “Send me everything you have on her. If she is as clever as you say, I may have a use for her.”“Mr. King, are you suggesting...”“I'm suggesting you do as instructed, Jubal. Quickly.” King hung up the phone and glanced down at the blonde. “How's that story working out?” Julie Creel, a local reporter, had been sniffing around King Industries. He invited her to his office for an 'interview' and in less than twenty minutes she was naked and screaming. Now she would report whatever he wanted her to. She smiled around his cock and kept sucking. “That's what I thought.”
28.8 A Redhead's Tale (KXXX)
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Maybe you could do a story on Solomon King seducing, fucking, & sexually-corrupting Julie Creel. I like to see reporter stories like that play out; would love to see that same scenario happen here in the E&I series.