46.2 Jay's Bad Day (fanfic)

Jay's Bad Day

by Storywriter123

Jay stood with his head bowed. He had just finished filming a scene between a giant black man

named Tyrone and a new aspiring model for E&I named Aspen Meadows. The black behemoth

and the dainty but busty girl were walking towards the exit of the studio.

Jay’s heart was beating through his muscled chest as he stood in the studio in just his work


Tyrone had humiliated Jay during the shoot by making him pose nude with Aspen. The black

man surely didn’t know about Jay’s recent bout with erectile dysfunction but it was an

embarrassing situation to be naked in front of a beautiful woman and not be able to get it up. He

silently cursed his dick, once a source of immense pride.

The black bastard of course replaced him, his ugly and mean looking cock must have been a

foot long, and had fucked the hell out of Aspen while Jay filmed.

Jay’s current issue was that he had given a black man orders. He didn’t know why he did it. He

was just doing his job. But it angered the black man. Jay had learned in his time at E&I to

always be differential towards the black men he worked for, he was just caught up in the


He lifted his head to admire Aspen’s naked ass adorned with freaky tattoos one more time

before they left and he was horrified to see Tyrone staring at him, his cock still stiff even after

cumming twice with the young starlet.

They locked eyes for a moment before Jay again bowed his head.

“Hey dumbass, after you get done cleaning up my work here go to Mr. Wadsworth’s office.

We're going to discuss your insolence.”

With that the black stud slammed the door to the studio.


“I’m so fucked” Jay said aloud as he grabbed the mop and bucket and the cleaning materials.

He routinely had to clean up the scenes after the talent was finished. An unwanted assignment

for sure, but one he was duty bound to fulfill.

As Jay was mopping up the copious amount of Tyrone's thick sperm from the floor he thought

back to how he got in this predicament.


Six months ago, Jay was on top of the world. He had started a successful photography

business, had married an amazing girl named Jennifer, and was pursuing a modeling career.

Jay was a bit of a ladies man in his youth. He grew up in Miami and was a star football player in

high school. He came from a wealthy family that had an excellent reputation in the community.

He built an impressive physique during his youth and maintained his fitness as he got older.

Interestingly, it was his love for photography that pushed him away from sports and more

towards the arts.

He met Jennifer one night at a local gym. She was a vision.

Jennifer stood tall at 5 foot ten inches. She had long blonde hair that reached her lower back.

Her long mane was a siren call for Jay. He worked out and followed her around the gym

admiring her feminine, but undoubtedly muscled, physique. She had large breasts which stood

proudly in her tight workout gear. Her stomach was toned and Jay almost fell off the treadmill

watching her workout her backside. It was prominent. She was a fitness buff's wet dream.

He dared to strike up a conversation and the couple started dating. They had been married for a

year when Jay began photographing Jennifer, she was his muse. They would take tasteful

photos of her toned body and post them online. They got particular attention when they posed

together. They were perfectly matched.

Their most recent photos were what caught the attention of a recruiter at E&I Modeling and they

were brought in for a series of photoshoots.


“Hey white boy, heads up, we need this set changed over in ten minutes. Get that mess cleaned

up! Another large black man yelled from the studio door.

Jay had started on the makeshift bed, changing the linens and pillows, preparing the set for the

next shoot.

As he headed towards the laundry machines, installed in the facility due to the copious amounts

of sperm and female fluids that fly around during a typical shoot at E&I. He was quiet as he

walked past an open door in one of the offices.

“Fuck my ass Mr. Jones!”

Jay could only see Tyrone’s muscular buttocks working his monster cock into Aspen’s backside.

He could make out the wild looking girl's hands clenching the other side of the desk as the black

man worked his giant dick in.

“Jesus Christ” he muttered before quickly moving past the office.

This was a normal sight for him during his work days at E&I. It wasn’t rare to walk down a hall

with women’s moans and black men’s verbal ecstasy reverberating off the halls of the office.

The place was marketed as a normal modeling agency but was much more of a den of sin.

As he loaded the soiled bed sheets into the machine his mind wandered to that fateful day six

months ago where his life changed forever.


“Welcome you two!” Jennifer and Jay’s introduction to Peter Wadsworth had been cordial

enough. The well dressed black man paid way more attention to Jennifer than Jay during their

intro interviews. The couple signed contracts for their work for the day and would be going

through test shots with each other and separately.

“We’ll give you each a dressing room and we will be doing some tests with Jay first.

“We were planning to pose together only,” Jay said. He was getting uncomfortable with how

close Peter was sitting to Jennifer. The black man had rested one of his large mitts on Jennifer’s

exposed thigh as he discussed the opportunities at E&I.

“Jay, we understand that. We’ll need solo and duo shots of you both today to get what we need.”

Peter gave Jay a look that indicated the conversation was over and they headed back to the


The couple walked back to the studio. Peter walked ahead giving them the dime cent tour.

“Fuck me with that big black cock!”

They heard the distinct noises of a couple having sex in one of the rooms ahead, before they

could see Peter closed the door and they continued down the hall.

“Jay, you’ll be here. We’re going to leave you with Sally here to get you ready. I’ll take care of

Jennifer while you're getting ready.” Peter introduced Jay to a young looking girl, she was

scantily dressed, her large breasts straining the E&I logo on her shirt, brunette and she looked

none too pleased to be working with Jay.

“Mr. Wadsworth, can’t I go with you?” She asked, grabbing his arm.

“Sally, we’ll talk later. Get the young man ready for his shoot.” Peter took Jennifer's arm and

they continued down the hall.

“Bye honey!” Jennifer waved as Peter walked her further towards the set.

“Ok, it’s Jay right?” The hot young set assistant said.

“So, you're gonna model for E&I huh?” the girl was bringing over a tray of oils.

Jay was confused by the question “Yeah, my wife and I really want do this. Why did you say it

like that?

“Sorry, it's just we don't get many whitebo…. White guys in here. Anyways, lets see what you


“Ok, so what do I do?”

She smiled and said, “well you can start by stripping.”

Jay was comfortable naked. He worked out like a mad man and he was proud of his six inch


“Here goes!” he said as he took off his clothes.

The girl didn’t react how he had hoped. She smiled an almost bashful smile.

“Ok, big guy, let's get you oiled up.” She took time, rubbing oil all over his body. He was enjoying

the feeling of her small soft hands rubbing his muscles. His penis was reacting in kind, getting

hard in front of this girl he had just met.

“Oh, look at that! Your little guy is getting excited.” She smiled at him and started rubbing the oil

into his chest and abdomen.

“It's a little smaller than i'm used to, but its cute”

They locked eyes and she started gingerly stroking his shaft.

Jay’s first mistake was of course allowing this. He propped his head back, he was married but

being the horn dog that he was, he went along with it.

He was closing his eyes when the door opened unexpectedly.

“Jay, I….Oh sorry!” Peter and Jennifer had circled back and were checking on Jay.

He swatted Sally’s hands away and croaked “I..sorry..Jenn. She was getting me oiled up for the


His wife looked uber pissed “Jay, what the fuck?”

Now Peter was looking pissed. “Jay, come on man. She’s barely 18!”

“I, i'm sorry. I didn’t know. She just sort of grabbed me.” He was fumbling with his words. His

little soldier was deflating with his embarrassment.

“That's not true sir, he asked me to do it.” Sally lied.

“I did not! Honey, she’s lying. This is getting out of hand!”

Peter stepped in “Alright everyone. Calm down. Jay, let's get you on set. Sally, we’ll discuss this


Jay donned the thong style suit for his session and put on a robe. He looked at Jennifer as he

passed and she looked back staring daggers into him. The three walked back to the set.


Jay was finishing sweeping the set when the door barged open. Three black men, all down to

their underwear burst in. Jay needed to finish up and get the hell out of there.

“Whiteboy!” said one of them. It was basically his name now.

“Hi, Reggie. Just finishing up.” He put the broom away.

“You staying to film? You’re gonna wanna see this!”

Jay kept his head down until he spoke. “No, i’ve got an, ummm, meeting with Mr. Wadsworth.”

As Jay finished speaking he looked at the door to find his wife walking in. The color drained

from his face. He often shot her scenes. At this point it was more of a humiliation than anything


The black men ran back to her, playing with her and joking around. Jay heard her laugh, another

thing he had fallen in love with. She was dressed in a bikini that did little to hide her assets.

Jay was heartbroken when she looked right at him, more like through him. The look was almost

emotionless. Where Jay had floundered, Jennifer had found success modeling for E&I. She was

making great money and Jay could tell she loved her work.

“Best run along boy, you probably don't want to see what happens next.

Jay unceremoniously headed for the exit, taking a look back at the black men encircling his wife.

He closed the door and slid down the wall, beginning to cry.

“This is all my fault,” he thought.


“Alright Jay, flex those muscles!” The director of the shoot was a gay guy named Serge. He was

overly flamboyant, but pleasant to work with.

“That's it, hold that pose, let's see those meaty biceps.”

Jay smiled, he was in his element now. His pictures had gained him a small following online. He

would post his pictures, usually he was scantily clad. He got a lot of messages from women, but

he ignored them.

“Ok you big sexy man. Are you ready to drop those drawers?”

“Hell yeah, you ready for the show?” The director was excited, but Jay noticed that none of the

women nor the black men doing the filming were giving him anything other than ambivalence

and a lack of interest in the white man posing before them.

“We’ll see about that.” Jay thought, feeling confident. He swiftly pulled his underwear down,

exposing his semi hard penis. He was about four inches long now. He kept himself well

groomed and he had a decent sized set of balls.

“Wow, stud boy. Let's put you through some poses, first…”

The director was interrupted by the sound of laughter from the two black men and the two white

set assistants behind the camera. Jay flushed with embarrassment.

“People, people. Let's be respectful.”

“Ok Jay, grab your meat but flex while you're doing it!”

Jay followed the director’s instructions. He couldn’t help looking at the black men, openly

deriding him while he posed.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jennifer’s open dressing room. She was being oiled up by

another massive black man. Jay’s eyes went wide. His penis involuntarily got hard.

“Oh boy!” said the director, bringing Jay back to reality. Jay couldn’t help watching out of the

corner of his eye as the muscular black giant massaged his wife.

“You’re going to need to settle that thing down for us to continue,” said the director.

“I think I need a break,” said Jay. His mind wasn’t in the shoot anymore. He needed to go rescue

his wife from the black jerk that was openly fondling her.

“You know what, let's bring out Jenny! We need to get these done.”

Jay watched as the crew reset the scene and he pulled up his bathing suit. Jennifer walked

towards the set, looking like a goddess. Her skin gleamed. She was wearing a black bikini that

matched Jay’s bottoms.

“Hi,” Jay said, not knowing what to say.

“Hi” she returned. She was clearly still upset with him. He watched as she took a moment to

take a deep breath.

“Ok sweet hearts, let's take some pictures,” said Serge.

The couple went through the session. Jay felt like Jennifer was loosening up, she was having

fun and he enjoyed the touching and playfulness they were displaying at the director’s behest.

“Ok, y’all! I’ve got what I need. You can…” The director stopped mid sentence.

“I’d like to see one more set. Have them take a break while our third gets ready” Peter

Wadsworth was speaking to the director, Serge was listening intently to his bosses vision and

glancing at Jay and Jennifer while he spoke.

Jay became intensely aware of how hot it was on set. He asked his wife if she wanted some

water and he headed to the cooler and grabbed them each a large cup.

He returned saying “Hey, who was that guy in your dressing room?”

Jennifer spit out a little of her water “You saw that? That was Deon, he’s one of the assistants”

“He was getting pretty handsy.” Jay was definitely the jealous type. He was protective of

Jennifer, she got hit on alot and Jay often found himself having to protect her in public.

“You’re one to talk!” His wife was getting defensive. “That girl had her hands all over your junk?

What would you have done if we didn’t come back?” She crossed her arms, clearly upset.

“Baby, I told you. She just grabbed me!”

Before they could continue the conversation Serge announced “He’s here!”

The white couple had one of those movie moments, where they both just stood paralyzed and

things were moving in slow motion.

Striding across the set was the biggest man Jay had ever seen. He was bigger than Peter. He

was bigger than any of the black men he had seen that day.

The stud was walking towards the set. He had to have been six and a half feet tall and twice as

big as Jay. His pecs were enormous and Jay had never seen arms that big. The guy was big

and wide. His head was shaved and the lights from the set shown on his giant head. He had

broad facial features. Jay didn’t think he looked like a model. More like a thug.

Jay looked at Jennifer and she was staring as well.

The big black man strode up to the couple. He was wearing a white speedo style suit that

played off the white couple’s black swimsuits. Jay’s eyebrows scrunched as he noticed the suit

obviously sagging down, it looked like he had three potatoes in the front of his suit.

“You must be Jennifer! They call me Big John. I’m excited to work with you!” The black man took

her hand and leaned down to kiss it. He put his back to Jay, ignoring him.

Before Jay could comment, Serge yelled “Alright people, places!”

Big John looked at Jay and gave him a grunt as positioned himself between the couple.

“Ok, guys, smile. Great! Now everyone cross your arms. Perfect! Ok, ok, mean faces. Their we

go. Ok lets have you all show off your arms! Great job y’all”

Serge was obviously feeling inspired with this new aspect to the shoot.

Jay looked past Big John at Jennifer. She was breathing heavily, her large breasts were

heaving. He noticed her inner thighs were damp looking. He figured it must be the oil.

“Ok, John, pick up Jenny there.”

“Wait a second!” yelled Jay. Everyone stopped and looked at him. He caught Peter glaring at

him and put his hands out signifying there was no problem.

Jay watched as Big John easily lifted Jennifer over his head.

“Ok John, take her over your shoulder. Yes! Now Jay, put your hand on his shoulder. You guys

are doing so good! Ok, Jay, give him a look like you’re mad.”

Jay had no problem. The black brute had his hand resting on Jennifer’s ass.

“Wonderful. Ok John walk with her in that position. Jay you follow behind and act like you’re

trying to say something! So good! Ok, Jay now bow your head and walk behind them. These are

going to be amazing!”

Serge worked with the trio for 20 more minutes. Jay became aware that a lot of the poses were

insinuating that Big John, or whatever his name was, was taking Jay’s wife.

Serge looked to Peter, who nodded, and the director said “Great work everyone, we're going to

kick it up a notch. Boys, drop those suits!”

Jay couldn’t take it anymore and protested “Hey, we didn’t sign up for this! I’m not getting naked

in front of some…”

His words cut off as he saw everyone staring at Big John. He had worked his suit down his

meaty thighs and everyone was staring in awe at his thick black cock. It hung tiredly between

his muscular legs, probably nine inches long. It was wide, probably wider than three of Jay’s

dicks, with rampant veins criss-crossing the shaft down to the broad cock head.

“Serge! Stop this!” said Jay, he was thinking of anything to get this stop.

“Go on Jay, you want the job don't you?” said Peter, standing next to the director, signifying he

was in charge.

“Come on Jay, just do it.” Jay was surprised to hear Jennifer’s voice. She was staring at Big

John while she said it.

“Fine” said Jay as he stepped out of his suit.

He would remember the howls for the rest of his life. He looked up as he removed the suit and

then went back down to his dick. Whereas he was usually half mast his dick looked weirdly

shrunken. Way worse than when he was in cold water. His dick was about two inches long and

his testicles looked smaller than usual.

“Oh Jay, don't be shy!” said the director trying to calm the staff watching the scene unfold.

“Enough!” yelled Jay. He was supremely pissed off looking at his wife staring at Big John's

rapidly expanding cock.

“Jay, calm down. Go grab some water.” said Peter. The studio head was walking on set and

talking with Big John and Jennifer.

Jay strode over to the water cooler and saw the two set girls pointing and laughing at him. He

covered himself as he went back to the set.

“Alright Jay, Jennifer and I are going to get her ready for her big shoot.” The well dressed black

man had turned to Jay who was embarrassingly walking back to the camera zone.

“Ok, so am I done?” Jay said he was embarrassed and ready to go home.

“No, we need you to take some more shots with Big John here. Don’t worry, well be back in a

little while”

Jay looked at Jennifer, his eyes looking for support.

“Jay, just do what they say. I’ll be back later.”

“Honey…” he said, as Jennifer walked off the set with Peter.


Jay picked himself up off the floor. The sounds of sex from inside the studio we're getting loud.

He couldn’t help himself and peaked into the studio.

The three black men were on his wife like dogs in heat. Jennifer had become very experienced

in pleasing these men. She had her hands wrapped around one of their cocks, while another

was sawing into her mouth. The third man was stuffing her pussy with his huge meat. Jay

listened to the foursome’s sex grunts, sighed and closed the door.

He headed towards the front of the building when he stopped dead in his tracks. The sign over

the dressing room read “Big John” in poorly written ink.

Jay had taken to tip toeing or speed running past this room since that fateful day.


“Looks like it's you and me boy.” said Big John standing on his mark. His cock had inflated to its

full size. It looked like a diving board coming out of his pelvis. It looked like it could hammer


Jay was keenly aware of the aroma filling the room. It was animalistic and intoxicating. He

lowered his hands, exposing his diminutive member.

“Come stand next to me”

Jay couldn’t think. He just reacted to the black man’s orders.

“Ok guys, Mr. Wadsworth wants some comparison shots. And we know what he wants, he gets.”

“Ok guys, let's do some flexing,” said the director.

For the first time, well the second with Peter, he felt small. Jay had always been the biggest, the

most muscular, the most popular guy when he stepped in a room. In this setting he felt small

and insignificant. He couldn't help admiring Big John’s muscles. He had never seen a more

developed body.

“Good, y’all, good. Ok, Jay, give him a jealous look. John, do the Arnold pose. Perfect! Ok, Jay,

now you. Soooo sexy. Great y’all.”

Jay couldn’t help staring at Big John’s unit as they posed. The big thing was insinuating its way

into his thoughts.

Jay was openly tugging on his dick, trying to bring it to life. It was like a worm trying to compete

with a barracuda.

“Ok, girls, go mist them up.”

The set girls ran in and doted on Big John, feeling his muscles and taking time to spray him

down. When it was Jay’s turn they smiled and gave him a few sprays instructing him to rub it in


“Hmmmm, what next?” thought Serge aloud.

“How about him on his knees?” said Big John.

“Great idea! Ok, Jay, get down on your knees” Serge smiled, encouraging Jay.

In his mind Jay tried to fight the idea of getting on his knees in front of this black giant.

Unfortunately his body acted involuntarily and he was now eye level with John’s rampant,

pulsing cock.

“Alright team, lets get some pics! Jay, look at it like you're jealous. Greatttt! Ok, now look up at

Big John. Perfect, you’re a natural! Johnny boy, put your hand on Jay’s head. Ohhh, so hot.”

From his seat Jay could spy John’s equally impressive balls, looking like two baseballs, hanging

down in his distended sack.

“Ok, Jay, we're going to get a little racy here. Grab that beautiful cock!”

Jay stared at Big John who stared back.

“I can’t…my wife,” he said to Big John.

“You wouldn’t be the first, whiteboy,” said the towering black man.

“Serge, I can’t,” he said, looking towards the director for support.

“Just do it!” Serge was being demanding now. Jay realized he was on his own.

Jay gingerly lifted his hands to encircle the thick black meat. He grasped the thing by the shaft,

noticing that the monster cock was thicker in the middle.

“Your soft hands feel nice,” said Big John. Jay was staring at the huge piece of meat and began

stroking. It was all so foreign, he had never touched another man’s cock before, he tried the

techniques he used on himself.

Big John was moaning and Jay watched as a dollop of pre cum dripped to the floor.

“Ok, Jay, now suck it.”

Jay looked at Serge, who had moved to right over his shoulder, speaking in a seductive tone.

His better angels he thought.

The formerly confident hunk opened his mouth and planted a kiss on the head of the black

man’s cock.


The camera brought Jay out of his stupor, the big black cock inches from his face.

“I’m sorry,” he said to no one and he ran away from the set hearing Serge and several of the

staff yelling back for him.


Jay peeked around the corner of Big John’s dressing room, he breathed a sigh of relief as the

room was empty. He still quicktime’d past the room and hurried towards the lobby.

Hitting the front of the studio was a breath of fresh air. The lighting was softer, he could see the


He approached the front desk, a hot young blonde sat at the desk.

“Jay, here to see Mr. Wadsworth” he said.

“Take a seat, he’ll be with you in a moment.” said the woman.

Jay took a seat, feeling like a kid waiting to meet with the principal.

He stared at the closed door, cursing the man behind it who had ruined his life.


Jay ran, naked, towards the lobby. He grabbed an errant towel, sitting on a bench on the way,

covering himself.

He got to the front door to the lobby. He couldn’t hear the staff members yelling for him to return

to the set.

He looked at the secretary and without acknowledgement barged into Peter’s office.

“Now see here Peter!” He screamed as he walked through the door.

Jay's eyes again grew wide at the sight of his bikini clad wife, sitting with the fully dressed

hulking black man. The bastard had his arm around Jennifer as Jay observed them looking at

the screen displaying the set Jay had just fled.

“Jennifer…I” He couldn’t find the words.

“Jesus, Jay. I can’t believe it. You, you just…” Jennifer was looking back and forth from her

husband to the screen, indicating that they had seen everything.

“Sit down boy.” Peter said, barely moving as he didn’t perceive the nearly naked whiteboy as a


Jay sat on an adjoining couch.

“You’ve gotten yourself into a lot of trouble young man. We could probably look past the issue

with the young lady this morning. But this? I didn’t know you were a fag.”

Jay bolted up, still seated “I’m not. Honey, let’s go.”

Peter looked at Jennifer who eased back on the couch.

“Jenny and I have been talking. We were planning for her solo shoot when we watched your

disgusting display. You’ve cost us a lot of money today. And, for god's sake, have you no shame

man? Your wife is right here!”

“I’m sorry” Jay was broken. He had always taken life by the horns, but he had no confidence

left. “I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you back. We just need to leave.”

“Honey,” Jennifer said to her husband.

“Mr. Wadsworth and I have come up with a deal. It will keep you out of trouble and we can move

forward with E&I”

Jennifer put her hand on his knee. “You’re not going to like it. But it's what's going to happen.”

With that, Peter stood and began unbuckling his belt.

“No. Honey, no. Peter please!” The sad man said.

“It’s Mr. Wadsworth, wimp. And it's happening. Your wife wants to try a real man’s cock.”

The black man eased his pants down and sat back on the couch.

“It’ll be ok,” said Jennifer as she turned towards Peter and buried her face in lap.

Jay watched in awe as his beautiful wife started mouthing Peter’s huge black cock. It wasn’t as

big as Big John’s but it was still pushing 11 inches and way thicker than Jay’s best effort.

“There you go bitch,” said Peter as he placed his huge hand on Jennifer’s head, forcing her

down on his cock.

“Glurk, glurk, glurk,” the sounds of Jennifer’s mouth welcoming the black businessman’s huge

cock into her mouth danced in Jay’s head.

Jay watched as drool fell down all sides of the man’s cock as Jennifer struggled her way down

the black beast.

“That’s a big black cock, baby. Get used to it, there's a lot more where that came from.” said

Peter looking smugly at Jay.

The broken husband had his head buried in his hands. He felt the towel fall from his waist and

he was horrified to see his penis spring to life.

He couldn’t help touching himself as he watched his faithful wife going to town on Peter’s huge


It was a weirdly beautiful sight, his wife’s tan skin contrasting against Peter’s strong dark


He watched as his wife tried to tame the black monster cock assaulting her mouth.

Jay’s hand was a blur on his dick as he watched the porno level scene in front of him.

“Errghhh” he whispered as he shot three spurts onto his stomach.

“Here it comes you whore.” Peter yelled.

He yanked his thick cock from her mouth and began painting her face. He shot loads that

cascaded off her face, mouth, and hair.

Jennifer dove back on the cock, taking his subsequent cumshots directly into her mouth.

Peter sat back as the hot young blonde suckled at his cock getting out every last drop of semen.

He mockingly smacked his thick cock against Jennifer’s face. He instructed her to keep nursing

his cock as he began to speak to Jay.

“Jay, you work for us now. If you don't want to see the video of you sent to your friends and

family, you’ll do as you’re told.”

Jay nodded, feeling pathetic talking to this man who was having his cock sucked back to life by

Jay’s wife.

“Understood?” Peter said.

“Yes sir. May we go?” he asked.

Jennifer took the thick cock from her mouth. She looked at Jay saying “Why don’t you go on

ahead. I’ve still got to do my shoot.” She didn’t wait for his response and began sucking the

thickening black cock.

“See you Monday whiteboy. And close the door behind you.”

Jay was lost. He was crying as he headed towards the exit. He didn’t even worry about the fact

that he was just wearing a towel.


“Mr. Wadsworth will see you now.” the secretary said.

Jay softly opened the door to his tormentor’s office walking in and noticing how dark it was.

“Sit.” said Mr. Wadsworth, pointing to a chair.

Peter looked at Jay, who shrunk under his gaze.

“Mr. Jones tells me you had the nerve to order him about. Is this true?”

“Uhhh. Yes sir. But I was in error sir. I apologized to Mr. Jones and I beg your forgiveness.”

“What a fucking wimp.” said Tyrone, who was standing at Peter’s window, peeking out at one of

the Miami beaches.

“You are, aren't you?” said Peter.

“Am what sir?” Jay said. His legs were shaking. He was trying not to piss his pants.

“A wimp.”

“Yes, sir. I am a wimp.”

A black shadow was seated behind Peter’s desk. Jay couldn’t make him out. A booming voice

came from the shadow, “I bet you would suck all our cocks if we asked you wouldn’t you?”

Jay put his head down. He croaked out “Yes. I mean, yes sir.”

Peter spoke to Tyrone and the shadowy figure now “There. Jay has been a loyal servant of

ours. I think he will remember his place from here on out.”

It was then that Jay noticed the danger he was in. He always went about his work day, hating

his life and considering himself trapped. For all his torment, Peter seemed to be trying to spare


“Tyrone?” The shadowy voice asked the black giant facing away from the window.

“No harm done. He’s just a boy after all.” said the black man, still not giving the white man

enough respect to face him.

“You may go Jay.” Peter gave him a shoeing motion, encouraging him to move quickly.

“Oh, one more thing.” Said Tyrone. “I heard your mother is in the fold. I’d like to spend the

evening with her.” He was still not facing Jay.

“Yes sir. Very good sir. Enjoy.” He squeaked as he left the office.

Jay breathed a sigh of relief. He took a moment to compose himself.

He looked to the secretary who said “Hey Jay, we need a cleanup on set #2. They said it might

take a while…there’s a lot of cum.”

She laughed as Jay trudged back to the back of the building.


  1. The text is incorrectly configured and appears out of focus outside the central frame.

  2. First thank you for answering this request and telling this story of such a minor character and story.

    1. I liked the story but felt there wasn't enough sex action. Mainly his wife just blows a guy and that's it. Would have been nice if it was more he saw her get really fucked.

    2. Would have liked to see how his mother and sister joined the fray.

    3. Not knocking your kink, and it is hot but noticing that your past two stories have dealt with white boys kissing black cocks. If you do more with this theme would like to see a white boy who hands his wife/woman over to the black man because he feels intimated because of the enhance and feels the need to.

    Can't wait to see more.

  3. Thanks for the feedback! Definitely could have done more with this one. I have a mixture of longer stories and one shots coming, so hope they fit the bill. I didn’t really think about how to sequence them out when sending to Storm.

    I’ve always been most interested in the power/loss of power dynamics in the stories. Just so happens these two veered into the kissing cocks outcome.

    There’s a variety of outcomes coming. I think I have like 7 more stories finished and I’ve got ideas for a few more.

    Please share more ideas and I’ll try and work them in to stories!

  4. I have a few more ideas.

    1. One of my favorite segments ever was from Long Hard and Full of Semen l. It was the Sexual Reparations that is watched. I would love for a story that is about or includes Sexual Reparations 3. Women paying Reparations. This could also fill in your losing power fantasy.

    2 m the Problem with Sim Porn. It's a sequel/follow up. The idea, a streamer is playing the the game. They get so turned on while they play the game that they start acting up. MASTURBATING on stream? Maybe they end up fucking a black dildo on stream. And then finally end up fucking a real BBC on stream. I have idea what streamers you could use or have inspired a new character.

    3. Cosplayers going black
    Not sure how to fit it in to story. Maybe they are staying at an E&I hotel for a convention.

    4. Mexican family going black
