A story by the Sinner (mc.sinner@gmail.com)
Set in Stormbringer's E&I Universe
This story is Copyright 2009 by the Sinner. It may be reproduced freely, but only unmodified and in its entirety, including the disclaimers and author's byline and email address.
ADULTS ONLY: If you are not of legal age to read erotic material in your locale, stop reading immediately.
Author's Note: This story is set in the "E&I" universe created by Stormbringer, and fits within the larger themes and plot of that group of stories. However, it can be enjoyed on its own by readers who are unfamiliar with Stormbringer's work. For a brief description of the premise behind the E&I stories, click here.
I don't normally write "celebrity" stories, but stories like this are part of the E&I cycle's tongue-in-cheek charm. When in Rome and all that.
Much thanks to Kerri for a bit of inspiration.
Note from Stormbringer: I'm setting this story in my universe in June 2009.
Shayna Train nursed her drink as she looked around the living room of the mansion in the Los Angeles hills. The private party in the posh home of the president of Capstone Records had been going on for several hours, and Shayna had been circulating through the crowd for most of that time. The pretty brunette country singer didn't like this part of the business; she was in it for the music, not for the glamour or the hobnobbing or the celebrity.
But her agent had impressed upon her the importance of this event. "Shayna, this guy is the new head of the label," he'd told her on the phone when he'd called her at her Swiss chalet the previous week. "You could do a lot worse than to get off on a good foot with him. Especially considering... you know, the situation with your music."
The "situation" with Shayna's music was that for the last several years there hadn't been any. Shayna had been promising her record label and her fans a new album for over two years now, but she had found herself having trouble writing songs. The music used to flow almost effortlessly from her soul through her mind and out through her voice and fingertips. Recently though, she'd been unable to find inspiration. She'd never had trouble writing passionate, heartfelt music as a poor teenager in rural Canada. But now that she was a successful multimillionaire country singer known around the world, it was as though all the passion had left her.
That wasn't the only passion that had left her life; a year ago she'd divorce her husband, a record-producer she'd been married to for fourteen years. Shayna didn't know whether her dulled feelings for Richard were contributing to her lack of musical inspiration, or whether her inability to write songs had made her realize how empty the relationship had always been. Either way though, she'd been single for nearly a year, and even in her early forties that was a long time to go without sex.
And so, Shayna found herself at an invitation-only party at the home of Eric Jackson, the newly-appointed CEO of Capstone Records, with two goals: first, to schmooze with the record company brass and soothe their annoyance at her lack of progress on a new album, and second to scout the gathering for eligible men who might give her something interesting to do with her weekends--or even her weeknights, for that matter.
Neither effort was going incredibly well. Unlike his predecessor, Jackson didn't seem to like Shayna all that much. The previous CEO of the company had always been warm and friendly towards Shayna, making it clear she had his full sympathy and support as the record label's spokesmen had repeatedly expressed their confidence that Shayna was working on a fantastic new album that her fans would love.
But over the last several months, a new investment group fronted by the iconic New York businessman Solomon King had made a major investment in Capstone, and Jackson had been appointed the new chairman. The new executive hadn't been unfriendly to Shayna, but he'd made it clear that the label was interested in results, even from established artists like herself.
And looking around the room, Shayna thought it was pretty clear that Jackson wasn't much of a fan of "established" artists in the first place. Many of the label's older singers and bands had been marginalized in favor of "up and coming" artists with a more "edgy, modern, urban" style, to borrow the words of the company's PR flacks. In practice this tended to mean a lot of younger musicians, especially blacks.
Shayna had to admit that the company's new focus made for some nice eye candy at these parties. A number of rappers had been invited, most of them in the recently popular mold of big, muscular, "thug" or "gangsta" style black men. The huge hard-bodied musicians strutted around the party like the cocks of the walk, openly leering at the many older female artists present, even in many cases giving blatant hey-baby come-ons. Eric Jackson, himself a solidly-built black man, seemed to enjoy swaggering around himself, albeit in an Armani suit rather than hoodies and tattered jeans.
And that largely sunk Shayna's other hope for the party. She wasn't oblivious to the raw physical attractiveness of all these black Adonises; she'd even felt a thrill run up her spine many times in the evening when she'd caught one of the men checking out her trim, fit body in the black leather pants and sheer leopard-print blouse she was wearing. But the "edgy" and "urban" attitude that the record label was cultivating in these young men was simply a turn-off. Shayna wasn't racist, but she had no use for a bunch of arrogant black wannabe-criminals who recorded songs (if that was even the word; most of the so-called "music" produced by these rappers was devoid of any kind of melody) that glorified violence and the objectification of women. Fortunately she'd managed to stay away from the rappers at the party, thanks to some deft maneuvering with her entourage.
It was getting late now; the party was winding down and many of Shayna's hangers-on had gone home. Her publicist and her personal assistant had just excused themselves to refresh their drinks and the pretty brunette found herself alone near the doorway of the spacious living room, glancing at her watch and thinking it was probably late enough that she could make a graceful exit. Pity there'd been no real men at the party, no men with an education, or a full grasp of the English language, or with the ability to understand a woman as something more than a sexual plaything.
"Aw damn baby, I been tryin' to get close to you all night. Didn't think I was gonna get my chance!" The deep voice came from behind her. Shayna spun around in surprise to find herself looking at smooth ebony skin stretched tight over a set of bulging pecs. She looked up to find a black face leering at her, big nostrils flared out, thick lips spread in a wide smile revealing a set of gleaming teeth, most shining white but one glittering bright gold in the soft light of the room. "Shit, girl," the black man continued in his inner-city drawl, "you look damn fine on TV, but that ain't half what you got in the flesh!"
Shayna found herself stunned, struggling to find words. Partly she was shocked and outraged at the impudence of this young man, talking to a wealthy, successful woman like herself as though she was one of his... his "hoes" or whatever demeaning term this brute used for women. But party she was simply overwhelmed by the power of his presence. She'd noticed the cocky swagger of the black rappers at the party, and she'd even seen how other people nearby tended to defer to them. But nothing had prepared her for the raw aura of masculine dominance this man exuded as she stood face-to-face with him.
The first flush of anger was quickly washed from her mind as she breathed in, her eyes dropping from the black thug's face down to his thick bull-neck and his huge shoulders. Shayna found herself feeling awkward, embarrassed. She realized she couldn't for the life of her remember this man's name, even though she was sure he was one of the prized rappers in Capstone Records' new lineup. "Um... I'm... I'm r-really sorry, mister... um..." she stammered.
"Aw, don't you worry about that, girl," the black man chuckled, looking down at her. Even in her heels he was nearly a foot taller than Shayna. "I'm just happy you finally found a little time to chat with ol' B-Love." That was it, Shayna remembered. B-Love, frontman for the hip-hop band Black Phallus, the most brazen of the new wave of black thug-rap groups that seemed to be taking the nation by storm. Shayna looked at the huge golden pendant hanging by a chain around the black man's neck: A capital letter B, a thick horizontal dash, and a big gold heart turned sideways. B dash Love. It would have been cute if not for the raw masculine power of the black rapper's body in front of her face.
Black Phallus' songs went a step beyond the objectification of women that was the norm for rap music, and specifically dealt with interracial sex between black men and white women. Shayna was certainly not a fan, but she knew enough to recall that in Black Phallus' ethos there were only two kinds of white women: those who were insatiable sluts for black cock and spent every waking moment seeking it out, and those who were insatiable sluts for black cock but simply hadn't realized it yet.
And yet Shayna couldn't muster any outrage as she stood like a simpering schoolgirl in front of this huge black man. If anything, she could almost understand where his attitude came from. With a body like that, he would certainly have attracted plenty of female attention, especially from some of those rich white girls who Shayna was sure were too curious for their own good. And his arrogant attitude, while not something Shayna would ever tolerate in a man, did admittedly have a certain raw masculine attraction to it.
Hell, given the volume and quantity of female companionship that B-Love probably had access to, Shayna realized she should probably feel honored that he found her so attractive. "Um... th-thank you, B-Love," she said. "I noticed you seemed to be interested in me all evening," Shayna giggled, remembering to use some of the feminine charm that had helped her get where she was today.
The ebony giant let out another low chuckle, his gold tooth glinting in the light as he raised one enormous black arm, pushing Shayna's thick brown hair back off her shoulder with his huge hand. The pretty country singer trembled at the touch. She would never have allowed a white man she had just met to act so presumptuously, but this huge black thug acted with a self-assurance and confidence that made her feel weak in the knees. She closed her eyes for a second, hoping to feel even the slightest brush of his fingers against the skin of her neck. "Well shit baby, can't blame a brotha' for checkin' out a fine white honey like yourself," the black rapper chuckled.
Shayna opened her eyes as she felt his big black hand settling on her shoulders, strong thick fingers gently stroking her soft skin through the sheer fabric of her blouse. Her spine tingled and she felt a thrill between her legs at the idea that this confident, powerful man found her attractive. She knew she was blushing like a teenager. "Oh... well, th-that's nice of you, Mr. B-Love. Being interested in an old woman like me." Without thinking, she straightened her spine and thrust her chest forward, pressing the orbs of her round breasts against the sheer silk of her blouse.
Her flirting had the desired effect, drawing the black thug's eyes down to her chest as his grin widened. "Aw yeah," he said in that commanding voice of his, "I hear you been real lonely since your divorce, baby." His strong fingers were caressing the nape of her neck now. Shayna felt herself mesmerized by his presence in front of her. "Yeah," the big black man continued, "ain't right for a fine-lookin' piece of ass like you to be all alone without a man to give you what you need." Shayna's heart pounded in her chest. She ought to be furious at being talked to like this. At least a dozen men had come onto her using some variation of this "sympathy" pickup and every single one had been bluntly turned down, and in a few cases, smacked. But this man... this man was different.
She looked down, breaking eye contact as she tried to clear her thoughts. Her eyes came to rest on the huge gold pendant hanging on B-Love's muscled chest. B dash Love. It had struck her as odd before that the heart was turned sideways, and she noticed now that the bottom of the heart that would normally have been pointed was blunt, pointing its rounded end towards the right, with the body of the heart flaring wider near the golden dash connecting it to the letter B. The dash itself was quite a bit longer and thicker than was really appropriate for the design, and the letter B had a pair of huge loops, which hugged the dash almost like... Shayna gasped and found her face burning red as she realized what the pendant's design looked like.
Then B-Love's hand was cupping her jaw, lifting her face to look into his again, grinning that arrogant grin with his golden tooth twinkling. "Aw yeah, I think you know exactly what you need, don't you baby?" he chuckled as Shayna stared doe-like into his eyes. The hand that had been on her shoulder was stroking her thick brown hair now, and damn it felt good. "Yeah, let's go continue this conversation somewhere private, baby," the black man said, letting go of her chin as he slipped an arm around her waist and turned her to walk out the door into the hallway. "Mr. Jackson gave me some keys," he said, reaching into his pocket where Shayna heard a jingling sound.
Shayna struggled to collect herself as she meekly allowed this huge black man to lead her away from the party. She knew she must be drunk, but she'd been careful all night and knew she hadn't had more than two drinks for the entire three hours of the party. Surely by now her publicist and her assistant would have come back and been looking for her. Surely someone had seen her leave the living room with B-Love and would be following them down the hall to investigate. Shayna couldn't tell whether she wanted that or not.
"Aw yeah, let's relax in the hot tub, baby. Ain't nothin' more fun than helpin' a white girl warm up a lil'," the huge black rapper chuckled as he stopped at one door, using a key to unlock it before ushering Shayna inside. The room beyond was small and cozy, with floors and walls paneled in smooth hardwood and an intimately-sized round jacuzzi recessed into the floor. The far wall was a floor-to-ceiling window with a stunning view of the Los Angeles skyline at night.
Shayna paused, wondering what to do. "Um... I d-don't know if..." she managed before she heard the door close with a heavy metallic click behind her. A moment later she felt huge hands on her back, sliding over her tight body and wrapping around her stomach. She looked down to see B-Love's thick muscular arms holding her. "Oh... um..." she continued as she felt her face flushing again before the black rapper lifted one hand to cup her right breast through her blouse. "Ohhhhhhh..." she moaned, sighing softly.
"Damn baby, these titties look good on the TV but that ain't nothin' compared to feelin 'em in my own hands." Shayna breathed harder as she felt his fingers softly caressing her boobs, kneading the tender flesh. Opening her eyes, she saw the dark, strong fingers highlighted against her creamy skin. Unbidden, she bent her neck down to kiss one finger. The black man was wasting no time; already he was unbuttoning the front of her blouse, pulling it off her shoulders, leaving her with nothing but a lacy black bra between his fingers and her breasts. "Mmmm yeah, I could lose sleep dreamin' about these titties, girl," he chuckled.
Shayna found her head swirling. His strength and boldness were intoxicating. Being as pretty as she was, Shayna was used to men seeking her approval, always asking her permission before making the slightest move. This ebony giant was nothing like that. He didn't ask her what she wanted, nor did he even seem to particularly care. He just did what he liked and assumed she would comply. And god, was she complying. Shayna found herself wanting to do as he commanded, wanting to please this black god.
He had pushed her bra straps off of her arms now, the bra hanging uselessly around her waist as he kneaded her bare breasts with his huge black hands. Shayna arched her back, pressing her chest against the powerful fingers, enjoying the feel of his aggressive attention on her soft boobs. She raised one arm above her head, bending it at the elbow and sliding her hand behind his head, grinding her ass back against his crotch as she felt the thick muscles of his bull-neck. "Ohhh god that feels so good," she moaned as he pinched and twisted her rock-hard nipples.
"Yeah, that's it baby, put on a nice show," the black stud was whispering in her ear. Shayna grinned lewdly, her eyes closed as she slowly ground her ass against the hard bulge at the black rapper's crotch. Jesus, was it true what they said about black men? She moaned as she felt one of his hands sliding down her belly, deftly unbuckling her belt and unzipping the hip-hugging black leather pants she was wearing. Her hips grew tense and her grinding became more aggressive as she felt his fingers brushing the top of her black lace panties. "Damn girl," the black man chuckled, "you need it bad, don't you?"
"Oh god, yes!" Shayna moaned, raising her other hand up behind B-Love's neck, linking her fingers together, arching her back, giving him total access to her body. "I need it so badly," she cried out, humping her hips insistently back against his bulging crotch.
"Say what, baby. Tell me what you need." he drawled casually, his fingers teasingly stroking the top of her panties.
Shayna's conservative upbringing made it hard to say the words. "I... oh god, please just do it!" she shrieked.
"Do what, baby?" her black tormentor replied with that arrogant chuckle. "Can't make you feel good unless I know what you want," he whispered in her ear.
"Fuck me! God, just fuck me, you bastard!" she begged, her body writhing against his. His head dipped over her shoulder and she felt him kissing her neck as his hand slipped under the front of her thong panties, the huge black fingers stroking her damp pussy lips. Shayna let out a loud, low moan. She hadn't been touched there for nearly a year and god, it felt good! His hand cupped her mons, squeezing hard, making her pussy quiver with need. The other hand was still kneading her swollen tits, and he was now biting her neck and shoulder roughly. Shayna squirmed against him, knowing that he would leave bruises, but her body thrilling to this rough handling.
The lump in his pants was huge now. His middle finger had slipped inside her pussy, and Shayna's knees trembled as the thick digit penetrated her, spreading her open inside. Her body was responding powerfully to the black stud's attention, her breasts swelling against his grasping hand while her pussy clenched and dripped against his finger. No man had ever dared take her so aggressively before. He moved his mouth from her neck to her ear, biting her earlobe and then whispering softly, "Yeah, looks like you want some black gangsta-rap cock up in that lily-white country-western pussy, don't you?"
"God, yes!" Shayna moaned, desperate to feel this man inside her, desperate to be taken by him, to pleasure him. He was shoving the pants down her legs now, leaving her wearing just her thong panties and heels. Shayna felt his hand on her ass now, then behind her as he quickly unzipped his own jeans. Shayna gasped as she felt something big and hard spring up, smacking her bare ass. She turned to look, but before she could see, the huge black man was lifting her in his arms.
Shayna squealed like a schoolgirl as the black stud cradled her body, carrying her down the steps into the hot tub. "Shit yeah, girl, gots to get you warmed up!" the rapper chuckled as he stepped into the tub, setting Shayna down in the steamy water. The gorgeous brunette turned to face him just as he hit the switch to turn on the jacuzzi, eliciting another shriek of surprised delight from the white country singer.
Shayna looked down to the muscular black man's crotch, desperate to see the thing she'd felt against her ass moments earlier, but the bubbling water obscured her view. "God, I want to see it!" she moaned as she sunk to her knees in the water, reaching down towards the thug's crotch under the water. She gasped as her slender fingers closed around something impossibly huge.
Shayna looked up in shock to find B-Love giving her that arrogant grin again. "Yeah, that's right, baby. That's what you think it is, white girl," he chuckled. She looked down as she pulled her hand up, lifting his enormous black cock from the water. Shayna's jaw dropped as her eyes took in its full size. The thing had to be a foot long, and so big around that her fingers weren't even close to encircling it.
Her eyes feasted on the vein-covered ebony shaft as her mind raced, wondering what kind of pleasure a man so well endowed could experience... and what kind of pleasure he could bring to a woman. Her ex-husband's cock had been less than half the size of this black stud's massive member. The country singer found herself overwhelmed by a desire to experience this huge black cock, to please it, to satisfy the powerful man who owned it. Shayna had never used her mouth on a man before, not even her husband in their fourteen years of marriage. But she knew instinctively what she had to do now--what she wanted to do now--and she eagerly leaned forward to kiss the throbbing purple head of B-Love's massive black cock.
The taste was delicious. More than delicious; it was like the sweetest thing Shayna had ever tasted. She looked up to see B-Love moaning, and her pussy trembled in excitement at the knowledge that she was pleasing him. Shayna widened her lips, leaning forward, sucking the huge purple cockhead into her mouth eagerly. God, it tasted good! The black rapper's moaning only encouraged her further, as she stroked the huge shaft with one hand while reaching underneath it with her other hand, finding his bloated testicles with her slim fingers.
"Ohhh yeah, that's it, white girl," the massive black stud moaned, reaching down with one muscular arm to push her brown hair back from her face, cupping the back of her head in his hand and pulling her forward insistently. Shayla moaned as she took more of the huge black shaft into her mouth, gagging as she felt his huge cockhead pressing against the top of her throat. She looked up into the eyes of her ebony aggressor, watching him moan and chuckle as she began to pump her head up and down on his cock, her cheeks dimpling as she sucked eagerly. "Awww yeah, girl," the arrogant black thug chuckled, "looks like you discovered the good life."
A hard knocking at the door startled Shayna; she cast her eyes over towards the locked door. "Shayna, are you in there? Are you okay, honey?" came the voice of her manager. She pulled her head up to reply, but the black man's strong hand in her hair stopped her. Shayna looked up at him, confused, suddenly nervous.
B-Love still had that arrogant smirk on his face as he looked down at her. "Now you don't want us to get interrupted, do you baby? Don't want anyone discovering you in a hot tub with a mouth full of black dick, do you now?" Shayna trembled; he was right. If she was discovered doing this, it would be all over the tabloids. God only knew what the repercussions would be for her already-uncertain career. The black thug's grip on her head softened as he seemed to sense her thoughts. "Yeah, that's right baby. Better for you to just keep quiet and keep on suckin'."
Shayna nodded slowly and started sucking again, pumping her head up and down again. In a moment she forgot why she'd even considered stopping as the sheer pleasure of servicing this black stud washed over her body again. She quivered in delight every time she felt his body tense up, and her pussy convulsed each time she elicited a moan with her attention to his cock. "Oh shit yeah baby, that's right. I knew that pretty mouth was good for somethin', baby," the black thug moaned as he ground his hips into her face. Shayna felt her face flushing at the condescending words, but she only increased the pace and intensity of her sucking, determined to prove that she could please his massive cock.
It wasn't long before she felt his grip on her head tightening as his body tensed up, his hips grinding harder and faster against her mouth. Shayna looked up to find B-Love's eyes closed, his mouth open in a low moan. "Shit yeah, here it comes girl," he groaned, slamming his cock forcefully into her mouth. Shayna gagged wetly as the huge cockhead penetrated her throat. A moment later he was cumming, his huge black testicles throbbing in her hand, pumping their heavy load down his thick cock into her throat. She choked on the hot, sticky thick fluid that shot into her in big gobs. "Awww fuck yeah!" the black stud exclaimed as his hands tightened on the back of her head, holding her in place as she struggled to swallow his massive ejaculation.
Shayna swallowed as fast as she could, feeling the hot fluid gliding down her throat into her belly. She looked up, taking in the rapturous look on the massive thug's face, his eyes closed, lips bared back from gritted teeth, cords of muscle straining in his thick neck as a raw animal growl erupted from his throat. She'd never seen any man experience such intense emotion, and the pretty brunette felt her soul burn with a desire to please this ebony god. She choked and gagged as she slurped down the thick wads of his seed, struggling to take it all in, to satisfy her black lover.
Shayna managed to keep most of it inside her, but the sheer volume of semen flowing from the huge black phallus overwhelmed her, accumulating in her mouth, making her cheeks puff until at last she couldn't contain it anymore. Dribbles of sticky cum dripped from the corners of her stretched mouth, oozing and then flowing down her chin as she suckled urgently on the ebony monster. The huge globs of fluid eventually slacked, slowly growing smaller as the huge black rapper panted with exhaustion, his god-like orgasm finally subsiding.
Shayna kept slurping and sucking, eager to take down every last drop of her lover's issue. When the huge black cock finally stopped shooting, she slowly pulled her mouth upwards, sucking eagerly, tongue swirling around the shaft before she finally let it out of her mouth, bending her neck to lick every exposed surface of the huge cock, eagerly seeking out every square inch of exposed black cockflesh with her nimble tongue. The huge muscular black hands were still in her hair, but they had relaxed, and when they pulled her face away from the black man's slowly-softening cock, they were less forceful, more gentle than before. Shayna looked up to see him smiling down at her, chuckling again. "Well damn, looks like you enjoyed your first taste of black dick, didn't you honey?"
The arrogant bastard. Shayna felt her face burning red, but she couldn't deny any more that he had a right to be arrogant. With a cock like that, she knew he could afford to treat women however he liked. He could call them "hoes" and "bitches" like he did in his music and they would still flock to him, eagerly throwing their bodies at him hoping for a taste of his black manhood. B-Love was a natural lover of women. No, Shayna corrected herself, a natural conqueror of women.
Of her own free will, the sexy country singer rose to her feet, hot water dripping from her toned stomach and her firm breasts as she arched her body upwards to kiss the huge black thug on his big, arrogant, gold mouth. Shayna squirmed with lust, feeling her crotch burning with need, pressing her bare tits into his rock-hard chest as she slipped her hand behind his bull-neck, pulling herself against him as she sucked greedily on his lips. "I want it," she whispered in between nibbles on his lower lip.
True to form, B-Love just chuckled, idly groping one of her tits in his big black hand as she clung to his mountain-like body. "Aw yeah, what's that you want now, girl?"
Shayna groaned in frustration, lifting one leg along his massive thigh, still wearing the stiletto heels. "I want you to do it to me. Please," she begged, looking into his eyes. She'd never met a man who she couldn't turn into putty in her hands with a sultry whisper and a flutter of her eyelashes.
B-Love became the first, just repeating that infuriating chuckle as he twisted her milky-white tit in his black hand. "Got to say it, baby. Got to make it specific, I told you."
"I already said it," Shayna whined. She sounded pathetic and desperate, even to herself.
"Say it again or you ain't gettin' it," he said. He lifted his hand from her breast to her head, tilting her face downward so she could see between them. His other hand was on his cock now, stroking the massive black shaft smoothly, gently. Shayna's eyes widened as she watched. Impossibly, the thing was swelling up again. It had been barely a minute since he'd unleashed more cum down his throat than Shayna could remember her ex-husband producing in his best month, and already his huge black phallus was ready to go again.
"Oh god," Shayna moaned, reaching down with one hand to grasp the onyx shaft. "Please..." Her slender white fingers curled around it, gripping it, feeling the blood pulsing through the thick web of veins in its surface. "Please... fuck me." The brunette looked up, meeting the black rapper's eyes. "Fuck me with your huge black cock," she breathed.
The thug was laughing again, but he reached behind Shayna to grip her tight, toned ass with both hands. She felt his fingers gripping her ass-cheeks roughly as she was lifted out of the water. The brunette squealed as her black lover set her round ass on the edge of the tub, pushing her legs apart with his knee as he stepped up to stand in front of her. Shayna felt the huge cockhead sliding up her belly and she looked down to see the purple crown looking up at her between her tits, the head looking angry and powerful, the slit already oozing clear precum. Her entire body trembled as she thought about how deep the foot-long shaft would penetrate inside her.
"Yeah, get ready for this, bitch. Your pussy ain't gonna be the same when I get done with it," the black rapper chuckled as he shifted his hips backwards, causing the huge cockhead to slide down Shayna's belly. The purple monster oozed precum all the way down, leaving a trail of slick fluid running from the bottom of her sternum down her taut belly, over the light thatch of hair on her mons and finally to the lips of her pussy. The fleshy lobes parted slightly as the huge cockhead nestled gently in between them, like a mouth kissing the huge member.
Shayna glanced up to find the huge thug giving her an arrogant sneer. "Fuck me," she moaned. "Just fuck me, you bastard!" Her plea was answered quickly; the pretty brunette gasped as she felt the massive cock-crown pressing forward against her tender, moist cuntlips. Shayna arched her back as she felt strong hands gripping her tight ass, holding her in place as the black stud's enormous phallus ground into her, seeking to pry her open. The pressure of the huge cockhead against her crotch had become almost painful when she felt her pussy suddenly give way, the fat shaft of his cock suddenly sliding into her, its enormous black length plundering the soaking depths of her pink cunt.
Shayna cried out in pain and pleasure, her body struggling to accommodate the black intruder. Her husband had felt nothing like this, nor had any other man she'd been with. This black stud was in a class apart, his enormous ebony fuck-spear ramming deep into her tight little white body. She looked down, her eyes widening as she saw half a foot of thick, veiny black cock still connecting her pussy to B-Love's crotch. As she watched, the ebony giant rolled and rocked his hips, pumping the shaft smoothly but insistently in and out of her, another quarter inch of onyx manhood disappearing inside her with each stroke. She felt as though she was going to split in two as the huge member plumbed the depths of her snatch. "Shit yeah, pretty lil' white bitch likes bein' filled with black dick, doesn't she?" the sneering thug taunted.
"God yes!" the pretty brunette cried out as she felt the enormous cockhead bottoming out inside her. She gasped for breath as the rapper curled his strong fingers around the firm white cheeks of her ass, holding her tightly as he ground against her, his wiry pubic hair scratching against the delicate skin of her mons, his swollen testicles rubbing against her asscheeks. Shayna moaned as she felt his mouth on hers, parting her lips to accept the soul-kiss, sucking greedily on the black stud's hot, rough tongue. The hands on her ass held her firmly as he ground himself against her. "Fuck me," she moaned as his lips left hers. "Fuck me with that big black cock!"
The massive black man complied, chuckling as he withdrew his huge member from her aching pussy before sliding it deep into her again. "Damn, you're nice and tight, baby. Guess that white boy you was married to didn't give you what you need, did he?" He lifted one hand from Shayna's ass as he found his pace, holding her firmly in place with the other hand while he cupped her tit and pinched her stiff, trembling nipple.
"God no," the beautiful singer moaned, jerking her toned hips eagerly against her lover's crotch, meeting each thrust, trying to take him as deep into her as possible. Shayna leaned back on one arm, her elbow locking behind her to keep her upright against the rapper's relentless assault. She brought her other hand up to his body, running her slim white fingers over the bulging, rock-hard muscles of his chest. "He was nothing like you. You're so big... your c-cock is so big!" she exclaimed.
"Shit baby, this ain't nothin' for a black man," the giant chuckled. He gave that arrogant grin again, the gold tooth shining in the soft lights of the room as he picked up the pace of his fucking slightly, causing Shayna's swollen breasts to bounce and jiggle on her chest. "Guess if you only had white boys, this might be somethin' special."
Shayna gasped at the powerful thrusts, her mind reeling. She'd always thought that the rumors about black men were just old wives' tales. Growing up in Canada and rising through the country-music scene hadn't brought her into contact with many black men, and she'd certainly never dated any. She wasn't racist; she'd just lived her life in a culture where black people rarely appeared, and where interracial relationships were nonexistent. She'd gotten into the habit of just not thinking about black men as romantic possibilities. Had she really been missing out on great sex all these years because of that?
The massive cock buried in her pussy made a compelling case that she had. The way this black stud acted, his insufferable arrogance, was driving her wild. Shayna moaned as she stroked her fingertips over the rapper's chiseled pecs. She felt the touch of metal on her hand and looked down to see the huge "B-Love" pendant, with its phallic design glimmering in the soft light of the sauna. She closed her fingers around it, clutching the golden logo in her hand as she looked up, pulling on it, drawing her body up to press against his. "Fuck me," she moaned as she nuzzled the thick muscles of his neck. Shayna lifted her head from his shoulder, looking into his face with hooded eyes. "Fuck my country-and-western pussy with that big black gangsta-rap dick," she whispered.
As cool and arrogant as the huge rapper had been up to that point, her words drove him over the edge; Shayna's whispered plea was greeted by a furious pounding as the black thug began pumping his huge cock in and out of her. A series of high-pitched shrieks escaped her throat as the massive shaft slammed home again and again. Her whole body trembled and shook as he fucked her, her long brown hair bouncing against her shoulders and back as she was tossed back and forth by the relentless hammering of his black manhood into her tender pink pussy. "Yeah, that what you want, white bitch?" the huge black man growled.
B-Love had begun pounding her savagely, Shayna felt helpless under the sexual assault of this ebony brute. His earlier ejaculation into her mouth hadn't slowed him down at all. She could feel his huge wrinkled, sweaty testicles swelling and tightening underneath him as he fucked her tender white pussy without mercy. "Ohhh god yesss!" she groaned, clinging tightly to him, gripping his bicep with one hand while she clung to the gold amulet with the other. She wanted this more than she'd ever wanted anything, wanted him to cum inside her, wanted to feel his seed flowing into her, wanted his sperm in her belly. She wanted to bear this black thug's child. "Do it!" she moaned, gritting her teeth. "Shoot it into me!"
The black rapper's entire body tensed up, his muscles flexing as he gave an animal groan. He buried himself inside Shayna's aching, burning, swollen red pussy, is swollen, hairy testicles throbbing against her asscheeks. His groan turned into a roar of triumph as his cock exploded, thick hot seed rushing up the length of the massive shaft, the sheer pressure in the black stud's balls sending the thick jets of his cum spraying into her, filling her pussy with his black sperm.
Shayna knew that she could get pregnant, but it didn't bother her; it thrilled her. She screamed as her own body orgasmed, her bruised, battered pussy clinging tightly to the black fuck-spear buried inside her, the muscles of her tight pink cunt squeezing the shaft insistently, milking it, urging her black lover to deposit every drop of his sperm into her white belly. Fuck what anyone thought. Fuck her ex-husband. Fuck her agent, her handlers, the record company. She wanted this. She needed this.
"Oh shit, that's good!" the black rapper groaning as his body shuddered above hers, emptying an unbelievable amount of semen into the brunette singer's body. He held her there as they came together, his black balls pumping huge amounts of his seed into her greed, flexing white pussy. Shayna gasped as she took in the full volume of it; the black stud was cumming for the second time in barely fifteen minutes, and still he was pumping more semen into her than her ex-husband could produce in a week.
The two lovers held each other until B-Love's ejaculation had finished. At long last Shayna felt the huge black cock run dry, shuddering in release as her arms and hands went limp, falling onto her back on the wooden floor of the sauna, panting for breath. The black rapper regained his strength faster, laughing as he slowly withdrew his manhood from Shayna's trembling, beet-red pussy. "Shit yeah," the ebony stud chuckled. "Think you needed that, didn't you, white girl?"
"Ohhh god yes," Shayna gasped, grinning giddily as she basked in the afterglow of the most intense sexual experience of her life. "Now that made me feel like a woman!"
Yeeha! News - Entertainment - January 12
Country Singer, Rapper Exposed in "Love-Train" Sex Tape
An unidentified individual has posted a video to several internet sites appearing to show country music mega-star Shayna Train having sex with rapper B-Love, lead singer of the group Black Phallus. The video was pulled from most sites within an hour of its publishing, but copies have sprung up and the video continues to be a popular download on peer-to-peer networks.
Train's publicist has denied that the country singer appears in the video, saying the video is "a fake, using either an imitator or false images". Complicating the issue, B-Love has publicly acknowledged his presence in the video, and claims that the women in the video is in fact Ms. Train. "Oh, [gosh] yeah, the [woman I'm having sex with] is Shayna all right. [Oh boy,] she [has] a [well-toned body]. [There's] no way [I] could resist [having sex with her]."
Many sources report that the background visible in the video is a sauna at the private residence of Eric Jackson, president and CEO of Capstone Records. A spokesman for Capstone Records, to which both artists are under contract, has declined comment.
TMI News Services - January 14
Breaking News: Train, Love to Meet in Private
Sources report that country music superstar Shayna Train and hip-hop artist B-Love are scheduled to meet this evening at a private conference at the home of Eric Jackson, CEO of Capstone Records. The two musicians are at the center of a scandal involving a sex tape filmed at Jackson's home last week, and yesterday Train's lawyer filed a lawsuit against B-Love alleging defamation of character and seeking unspecified damages.
In an unusual step, all participants in the conference have agreed to meet without aides or legal representation. "We need to clear the air and get Shayna's career back on track," Jackson said in an interview this morning. "This isn't about money, it's about personal relationships. We'll bring the lawyers in when we need them."
The New York Pest Online - Showbiz News - January 15
Train: It's Me
The entertainment world was shocked today when 43-year-old country music superstar Shayna Train publicly admitted last night that she did indeed appear in an internet sex video with 22-year-old rapper B-Love, frontman for the gangsta-rap band Black Phallus, contradicting earlier statements by her spokesman.
"It's me," Train said at a joint press conference with B-Love and Capstone Records CEO Eric Jackson, who hosted a private meeting between the two recording artists at his Hollywood home earlier in the evening. "I'm tired of lying about it. That's me in the video, and I don't regret it for a second." Asked about her passionate enthusiasm in the secretly-recorded video, the brunette country singer smiled at the black gangsta-rapper before replying. "Well, if you've seen the video you've seen what B-Love is packing. Can you blame a girl for getting excited by something like that?"
B-Love and Train answered questions together at the press conference, which started nearly two hours late as the private meeting ran longer than expected. When asked for an explanation of the delay, B-Love simply said that the discussions continued longer than planned. "You know how it is, things are going real well, and you got to keep it goin', get nice and in-depth. Shayna here was having herself a real good time with both me and Mr. Jackson. You know what they say about white girls." All three of the participants declined to elaborate on that point, although Train appeared to be blushing furiously.
Train also announced that she will be dropping the defamation lawsuit filed by her lawyer two days ago, as well as firing her lawyer and her publicist, who earlier publicly denied Train's involvement in the video. "Sometimes it takes a crisis to open your eyes, and it has taken this scandal to make me realize that many of the people around me have not had my best interests at heart."
Jackson, the record label executive, said that Capstone Records would be providing a new professional staff for Ms. Train. "We feel for Shayna in the difficult period she's going through, especially considering the creative drought she's recently suffered and the divorce from her husband last year. We're happy to assist in any way we can, which is why we've agreed to help her resuscitate her songwriting and singing career by providing her a handpicked producer, publicist, lawyer, personal trainer, wardrobe assistant, vocal coach, and all other professional services a singer of her caliber requires."
Jackson also announced that Train has now formally contracted to produce a new album for Capstone by the end of the year. "Shayna is now at the point where she feels she has the creative energy to commit to finishing and releasing a new album later this year. We at Capstone are pleased to have her on our team, and we're eager to begin helping her in any way we can. It is our belief that we can help Shayna capture the edgy, modern, urban style that is the essence of the new Capstone Records."
Train declined to comment on a small bandage on her upper right shoulder. "It's nothing," Jackson explained when the question was pressed. "Shayna got nicked by one of my cactus plants and we put the band-aid on her. Please, let's keep this focused on Shayna's career."
Gaggle News - Entertainment - February 28
Train "Working On New Album", Denies Plastic Surgery Rumors
At a brief TV appearance yesterday, country music superstar Shayna Train denied rumors that she has had plastic surgery recently. "No, they're all mine," Train replied in response to a question about her breasts, which many observers claim have recently shown dramatic expansion. "I know how these rumors get started, but really, there's nothing to it; I'm a healthy woman. Besides, my schedule's been much too busy for the last month and a half with my new album and all. Where would I find time to get a boob job?"
Train has been seen frequently at the Los Angeles recording facilities of Capstone Records in the six weeks since the "Love-Train" sex tape scandal broke. Her co-star on the tape, gangsta-rap artist B-Love of the band Black Phallus, has also been seen frequently at the Capstone studio, as well as visiting Ms. Train at her Malibu beachfront home. The rumors of breast augmentation surgery started when Train was spotted in B-Love's company on a private beach wearing a revealing string bikini that showed off her considerable cleavage. Pictures of the previously lithe-bodied singer's substantial breasts touched off a firestorm of speculation.
Rumors of a duet featuring Train and B-Love have not been commented on by the label or by either artist.
Bullboard Magazine - August 14
"That Don't Do Much For Me" #1 For Third Consecutive Week
Country singer Shayna Train's crossover country/hip-hip tune remained at the top of the Bullboard singles chart for a third consecutive week, earning heavy airplay on radio stations across the country. The song, whose full title is "(If It Ain't Black) That Don't Do Much For Me" has country roots but is set to a bump-and-grind style beat inspired by rap music. The lyrics tell the story of a young white woman discovering the joys of a relationship with a black man:
You may have the money and you might have a nice car,
But those wheels and that coin ain't gonna get you very far.
What you got in your pants is what I gotta see,
Cause if it ain't black, that don't do much for me.
Train acknowledges that the hip-hop influences in the song are owed to the presence of gangsta-rap artist B-Love, frontman for the band Black Phallus. Train also confirmed last week that the single will be featured on her new album, currently scheduled for release by Capstone Records later this summer.
The video for the song features Train and B-Love re-enacting their sexual tryst from January that appeared in a secretly-taped video that was leaked onto the internet. In the video, Train wears a racy outfit that she says is inspired by the look favored by urban black men, which is removed from her body during the song as she and B-Love become more and more intimate. The video has generated a firestorm of controversy for its nearly-pornographic portrayal of the liaison, but it remains the most popular video in the country for a fifth straight week, and is the most-downloaded video on the internet this year.
The video was filmed several months ago, before Train's pregnancy began to show. (Train continues to decline comment as to the identity of the baby's father.)
We Magazine - November 17
The We Interview: Shayna Train on Her Happy New Life
At 44 years old, Shayna Train couldn't be happier. The mother of a four-week old baby boy named Brandon, Train sits on top of the country-music world. Her new album, Black and White, is a lock to be the bestselling country album of the year. She's been seen socially with members of the gangsta-rap group Black Phallus, and contributed vocals for their new single "Once You Go Black". We caught up with the country-music superstar while she was taking a break during the shooting of the the "Once You Go Black" video.
We: Your life seems to have turned around 180 degrees in the last year. What does it feel like?
Train: It feels wonderful! When I think about where I was a year ago, I can't get over thinking about how negative everything seemed. It felt like my career had hit a dead end. I had realized my husband wasn't the right man for me, but I hadn't discovered who the right man was. So all the passion was gone from my life.
We: Does that mean you've discovered the right man?
Train: Well, not the right man as much as the right men. I know people assume that B-love and I are dating or something, but it's not like that. More of a... I don't know...
We: Friends with benefits?
Train: (Laughing) Yes, that's it. And believe me, there are plenty of benefits a girl can get from being friends with a man like B-Love! But we're not exclusive or anything; I know that B-Love has girls coming after him at every concert, and a man like him can't be faithful to just one woman. It's just not his nature. Besides, I get around too; I'm friends with all the guys in Black Phallus.
We: Do they get benefits, too?
Train: Anytime they want! I get benefits too! (Laughs) That's something I've really discovered about myself, and it's one of the reasons why these "gangsta" black men are so wonderful. There's nothing complicated about them; to the guys in the band I'm just there as a way to burn off some steam. With my husband I was always wondering if he was content, if I was stimulating him intellectually, and stuff like that. With B-Love and the rest of the band, I know what I'm there for and what they value in me, and I can focus on being that for them. It makes me proud, actually, that when one of the guys in the band needs a little stress release, I'm the girl they come to.
We: And the relationship has been professional as well, hasn't it?
Train: Absolutely. In a way, that sex tape scandal was the best thing that ever happened to me, because it was at the meeting that Eric (Jackson) set up between B-Love and me that I really for the first time took a good look at my life and my career and saw that I needed to change directions.
We: Was the new "urban" influence in your work the direction they urged you in? You've taken some criticism for that.
Train: I know, but you can't please everybody. And it's brought me a lot of new listeners. It used to be that I would do a concert and it would be just white girls and white boys in the audience. Now when I appear there aren't so many white boys, but the girls are all still there and a lot of black men are coming as well. So it's a more diverse audience, and I have to say a more exciting one for me!
We: Your new album also shows a lot of themes in common with Black Phallus, especially what some critics call the "sexual glorification of the black male".
Train: Honey, trust me, they're plenty glorious all by themselves! They don't need me to talk them up, I just report on the facts and on what I've experienced.
We: What about the charge that you're legitimizing the sexism of that kind of music by working with Black Phallus, appearing in their videos, and so on?
Train: There's nothing sexist about a woman wanting to please her man. Hell, that's been a theme in country music forever. I think my music really empowers women by encouraging them to think outside of traditional boundaries, by exploring the possibilities of a woman pleasing more than one man, and of course by breaking down barriers like the taboo associated with interracial relationships. I mean, if someone gets upset about a white woman being proud about having sexual relationships with black men... isn't that what you'd call sexist and racist?
We: Tell us what your life is like these days.
Train: Well, this week I'm with Black Phallus shooting the video for "Once You Go Black". They made me the star of the video, and it's basically about how I have a one-night stand with a black man and then find myself having one relationship after another with black men. It's kind of a spoof on the old saying, you know, the one the song's title comes from. And the guys in the band play my lovers, so it's been a lot of fun shooting these seduction and sex scenes with each of them. Today I'm doing a beach scene (gesturing at her string bikini) where I run into Bulldog [one of the members of Black Phallus] and he takes me into the ocean and has his way with me.
We: Sounds like a case of art imitating life?
Train: (Laughs) It really is! It's funny to be shooting a sex scene with one of the band members in the afternoon thinking about how he spent a good hour driving me wild in bed just that morning. But I think because I've slept with all the guys I'm shooting the video with, there's a level of comfort between us that gives the scenes in the video a real feeling of authenticity. When I look at the scenes we've already shot with me and B-Love, I can see a real intensity in our performance. You can see it in our eyes in the video that we really do want to tear each other's clothes off and go at it, and the reason that's there is because we have that familiarity, and he knows that I can service his needs and I know that he can rock my world.
We: And on that note, what's it like being a new mother again?
Train: It's wonderful. But I don't know if B-Love is the daddy. It might be Eric Jackson.
We: Really? That's news.
Train: Well, that meeting I had with him and B-Love back in January was a real eye-opener for me! (Laughs) I've thought about getting a paternity test for Brandon, but I don't really care which of them is the father. If he wants to know when he gets older, I can let him, but Eric and B-Love have both been very good to me and made me feel absolutely wonderful. I'm happy to know it's one of them. Whichever one it is, Brandon takes after his father. (Winking and showing Brandon's diaper, which is bulging outward in front.)
We: Ah. Well... thanks for your time, Ms. Train. We're all glad to see you so fulfilled and so happy with your life.
Train: What can I say? I feel like a woman!
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