Carla Caples story (secret BBC Slut):
By Stealthbomber
She sat behind her husband Daniel Trump, as he and Solomon King stared at each other across the
room in Trump’s apartment overlooking Central Park.
The two men were working out some business deal, why she had to be present she did not know,
nor why it was only the two of them and not their lawyers, nor why it had to take place at this hour.
She and Daniel had been about to leave for dinner at the latest and most exclusive restaurant in
midtown, when Solomon King had arrived.
She felt her son shift in her belly, she was seven months pregnant, and her unborn son was growing
rapidly inside her. She let her hand fall to her bump, feeling comfort from the knowledge of how
blessed she was to be carrying this child. And how she did not care anymore about any of her fears,
that in carrying this child, this son, what she was doing was the natural, right, and absolutely correct
thing to do.
Men like her son’s father deserved to breed, to procreate, to spread their genes as widely as
possible, for was the father of her son not a powerful and wealthy man. And was she not thus
blessed to be carrying his son, the son of such a great man?
Trump and King were arguing back and forth about something, then she heard Solomon King say,
“Throw in one more thing, Daniel.”
“What’s that?” her husband growled back at the hulking black man.
“Carla gives me a blowjob, I’ll forgive the debt on 1/3rd of the loans, and you don’t even have to stay
and watch.”
She heard her own gasped intake of breath, and she felt butterflies flutter in her stomach, she would
have to be very, very careful. She could not seem too eager, nor could she seem to be scared, and
above all she had to keep her secret safe and hidden from Daniel, at least for now.
Unbidden her mouth flooded with saliva as she felt a fresh wave of lubrication wash through her
pussy. She had been wet and horny ever since she had come into the presence of Solomon King. But
that was only right Carla knew, Solomon King was a superior male, a black male and so naturally
superior to any white man.
The message boards that she liked to visit in secret confirmed what she already knew herself, black
men were genetically superior to white men, and Solomon King represented the absolute apex of
black male genetic superiority.
Every video she had seen only confirmed this, every chat room conversation, demonstrating the
statistics of black male genetic and sexual superiority had confirmed her opinions on the matter.
She wondered about that chance discovery of that chat room on her husband’s laptop and how
unfulfilled and empty her life would have been without the forbidden knowledge she spent so many
months discovering and enjoying.
She had been careful, oh so careful though, it would not do for that idiot husband of hers to find out
about her little secret, oh no. She had been circumspect, often only indulging in her fantasies at an
apartment that Daniel had bought for her. She never looked at her now expanded list of websites
and chat rooms in the apartments or houses she shared with Daniel Trump.
It was a discipline that she had held herself to tightly, and it had paid off in the end.
“Well, what’s your answer Daniel,” asked Solomon King, his voice deep and commanding and setting
off something achingly familiar deep in Carla’s belly. “I’m offering you the deal of the century, and all
for the price of a single blowjob from you wife.”
She schooled her face to its normal impassivity, soon, soon she would be able to take Solomon
King’s superior big black cock into her mouth and suck on it, worship it as it was supposed to be
worshiped. She would kneel before him and gladly, willingly suck his delicious, creamy, thick, heavy
cum out of his huge balls and into her parched mouth.
She had gone long without Solomon’s cum in her mouth, and she was desperate to taste it again, to
swallow it, to have him pump his semen into her gagging mouth and throat.
But she had to be careful, Daniel would be watching, and that was a major problem, for she could
not risk letting Daniel know of her secret now, no it was too early. Oh, he would find out soon
enough, but not yet she promised herself, not yet.
“Why?” her husband asked.
Carla hid a smile, Solomon King was a superior alpha male, and she was his right to take by dint of
his superiority.
“Why not, Carla’s got a set of blow job lips that I think would look good wrapped around my big
black cock,” came the level reply from Solomon King, whose dark and magnetic eyes she had been
avoiding all evening. She had wanted to gaze into them but knew that she could not betray anything
of what had happened to Daniel Trump, who was pathologically paranoid about his women and
Solomon King.
And well he should be Carla reminded herself, the only relevant female in Daniel Trumps circle that
Solomon had not conquered with his superior big black cock was his daughter Ivara. And on that
score Melina knew that Trump’s daughters fall to Solomon was inevitable, the girl was too young of
course but once she matured and became a woman, Solomon would claim her. No women could
resist Solomon King, none, she could not, Trumps previous wife had not been able to, nor had his
mistresses or girlfriends been able to. Carla felt no jealousy at this, Solomon King would never be
faithful to one woman, he could not, he should not. Solomon King was a superior male, he deserved
to spread his superior African genes as widely as he could, and it was the duty of any woman to
accept her role as a receptacle for his DNA. Indeed, it was the duty of as many white women as
possible to get pregnant by genetically superior black men.
It was evolution in action she knew, women desired superior men to father their children, and what
could be more indicative of sexual and genetic superiority than a big black cock? And that those big
black cocks were sported by men who looked and acted like gods, and who dominated women the
way they were supposed to be dominated? Well, that was all Carla Trump, nee Caples, needed to
know on this matter.
“Fuck you Solomon!” her idiot so called husband announced. Oh no, that would not do, that would
not do at all.
“I’ll do it,” Carla said confidently, quickly, and decisively, it would be the only chance she would likely
get for a long time to suck at Solomon’s glorious, superior big black cock. Well for a few months at
least, once she bore her son things would change, of that she was sure. Then Solomon had promised
her as much big black cock as she wanted to suck and fuck.
“Carla!!!?” stuttered her husband, turning to look at her with a mixture of fear and surprise on his
sweaty, unattractive face. How poorly Daniel Trump compared to Solomon King she knew, how
terrible he stacked up beside her black Adonis, her superior, black lover, the black father of the black
son she now carried proudly, though for now secretly, in her womb.
And the fool Trump believed her that the baby growing below her heart was his, well he would
continue to believe this right up until she gave birth to Solomon’s son. Just like Trumps previous
wife, had, fooling ‘the Daniel’ into believing that she was carrying his child right up to the moment
that she had birthed a black son, courtesy of Solomon King’s superior African genetics. Daniel Trump
had been cuckholded by Solomon King with his previous wife, his mistresses and girlfriends, and
Carla saw no reason to break this run.
Trump had divorced Ivanka the day she had birthed Solomon’s bastard, Carla idly wondered if he
would do the same to her when Solomon King’s son emerged from between her legs and into the
world? And did she care? No, she cared nothing for the opinions of losers, and Daniel Trump, despite
all his bluster and bravado was a loser. And soon to lose once again to Solomon King. Solomon King
was a winner, and Clara liked winners, especially winners with big black cocks.
“The black fool is offering you a fortune!” she sneered. “You would turn down millions of millions of
dollars for something so trivial as a blow job?”
Carla was delighted when her pathetic, white, loser husband glared at her, then at Solomon King and
then finally said, “fuck it King, if you think a blow job from Carla is worth millions of dollars, be my
“I’ll have Jordan meet up with you to draw up the necessary papers for you to sign,” Solomon said
with a note of glee in his voice, and Carla knew that Solomon King would have laid a trap for her fool
of a husband. Not that she cared, and she doubted that her husband would be able to hold onto the
properties that he now thought belonged to him.
Just as she belonged to Solomon King, as her womb belonged to Solomon King. But for the here and
now, only her mouth belonged to him, and only for as long as it took her to bring him off. Which
was long enough she remembered, Solomon always lasted a good thirty minutes or more, despite
her very best efforts. And she was very skilled with her mouth, it had been quite the talent that she
had used to get her where she wanted to go. Daniel Trump had proposed to her immediately after
she had first blown him, declaring her the best cock sucker he had ever had.
“Carla, time for that blow job,” Solomon King announced with cocksure assurance.
“You don’t have to do this Carla,” said Trump, an edge of panic sounding in his voice.
She said nothing in reply, already walking around the table as Solomon King pushed his chair back
from the table and began undoing his belt.
Carla undid Solomon King’s pants and reached a hand inside his trousers, conscious of the act that
she had to put on. She would have to put on a display of acting to fool Daniel Trump into thinking
that this was the first time she had ever seen a big black cock and equally that this was the first time
she was sucking such a perfect, superior specimen of the male phallus.
“My GOD!” she gasped as she withdrew Solomon’s cock from his trousers, reaching on to heft out
his equally enormous balls.
The heady, masculine smell of Solomon King was filling her nose, her nipples instantly hardening and
her pussy slickening with her juices.
“What’s wrong slut? Never seen a real man’s cock before, a big black cock?” Smirked Solomon King,
his handsome face twisted into an ironic sneer.
“No, I, I mean, no, I’ve never seen a real man’s cock before, only, only small whiteboi penises.”
“I’m bigger than your husband then?” Solomon asked, a wicked grin on his face.
“Ye, yes, twice as big, easily!”
She lied. Hah! ‘Twice as big’? No, try eight times as big, if you properly accounted for the volume of
Solomon’s superior big black cock. And Solomon was not alone in being so genetically superior in the
sexual department, all the videos she had seen confirmed one salient fact, that black men were
much larger, much, much larger than white men. Or boys, the usual derogatory term for white men
on the boards and websites she liked to frequent was ‘whiteboi’. And their manhood’s, if you could
even call them such when compared to those of black men, were always referred to as ‘whiteboi
penis’s’, usually with the added epitaph and insult of ‘tiny’ and/or ‘pathetic’. Whitebois were always
denigrated and being unmasculine and that only black men were real men, and thus only black men
had real manhood’s, and always referred to as ‘big black cocks.’
“Are, are all black men, this, this big?” She exclaimed in mock horror, looking back and Daniel Trump,
her face twisted into what she hoped was a convincing mixture of shock, terror, and disgust. When
of course her real emotions were 180 degrees from those she painted across her face for the
benefit, no not benefit, to deceive, good, but not good enough. To defraud, yes, to defraud Daniel
‘The Daniel’ Trump, such a better term given Trumps questionable business practices, of which she
was well aware of.
“Shut up and start sucking bitch,” Solomon growled at her, ignoring her question and her pathetic
husband had of course no reply to her query. She had been already beginning to kneel before him
and she sank to her knees, her eyes riveted to the object of her desire, the big black cock of Solomon
She was proud to defraud Daniel Trump, a pathetic man, delighted to defraud him of his belief in his
wife’s loyalty to him, honoured to defraud him of his ability to reproduce, overjoyed at the notion of
defrauding him of his future. These thoughts echoed in Carla’s consciousness as she closed her eyes
and stuck her tongue out, its questing, muscular tip unerringly reaching the gaping pee slit at the tip
of Solomon’s cock and with practised, skilled licks and laps Carla lovingly distributed the ceaselessly
flowing pre cum that gathered there all over every inch of Solomon’s cock head.
Carla had promised herself to be very careful, to control herself, to not let the sight, smell and taste
of Solomon’s huge black cock make her lose control. But she could not, it was hopeless, once she
had coated Solomon’s bulbous, flared cockhead with his precum and her saliva she had engulfed
Solomon’s cock head with her lips, barely restraining herself from letting out a moaned sigh of
For Carla was where she belonged she knew, on her knees before a superior black man, sucking his
superior big black cock into her mouth, all while his child grew in her womb. It was her destiny she
knew; of that she was certain. All the stories that she had first dismissed as fiction that spoke of the
rightful domination of black males over white women, or how this was the natural order of things.
Of how white society had kept black males down out of fear of their sexual superiority, all were true
Carla Trump now knew.
Without caring or thinking, for she was now oblivious to any concerns with secrecy or guile, she
began to slide Solomon’s cock deeper into her mouth and down into her throat. For her only
conscious thoughts now were of pleasuring Solomon King’s cock until he spurted his huge load of
semen into her mouth.
Carla struggled at the halfway mark, she was out of practice with big black cocks, Daniel Trumps tiny
whiteboi penis was laughably easy to deep throat, and was it ever deep throat when it hardly even
slipped more than a few millimetres into her throat?
Being so out of practice she had to regularly come up for air and to let her tired jaw muscles rest a
little, during these interludes she simply lavished Solomon’s cockhead with licks and fat lipped,
pouted kisses.
But she always returned to sucking Solomon’s cook as deeply as she could into her mouth, she loved
the feeling of his big black cock sliding past her lips and in and out of her throat produced.
She heard Trump storm out of the room and slam the door behind him, and this was Carla’s que to
really begin fellating Solomon’s big black cock the way it was supposed to be sucked. But first, she
had to worship Solomon Kings big black balls, to worship them as they deserved to be worshiped, to
be lavished with love and attention for providing the potent black sperm that had seeded her fertile
white womb. She slurped her lips off his cock and buried her face into Solomon’s groin, suckling,
licking and kissing his huge, black balls, hefting them in her hands, amazed yet again by their size and
weight. The manly aroma of Solomon King seemed to hang cloyingly thick around his huge black
balls and she breathed deeply of this intoxicating scent.
Carla spent several long minutes giving Solomon’s balls the attention they so deserved but she knew
that she would have to return to sucking him off is she wanted the reward of his cum. And she did
want it, she wanted Solomon to unload the fountains of cum that she knew was sloshing around in
his heavy, black balls into her mouth.
And so Carla Trump found herself frantically bobbing her head up and down as much of his cock as
she could, slobbering and desperate for the release of his cum.
She thought she heard Daniel’s voice raised in argument and then him leave, but she did not care as
Solomon’s cock bucked and bulged in her throat and she knew Solomon was about to finally cum.
His cock was in her mouth, just the head and Carla’s tongue and lips were working together
frantically to bring forth Solomon’s sperm, her lips were locked tight as she bobbed up and down
rapidly, inside her mouth her tongue lashed back and forth, back and forth over the sensitive
underside of Solomon’s bulbous cock head. Solomon let out a shuddering moan and Carla knew she
was about to get her reward, Solomon’s cock was about to shoot thick ropes of hot, delicious black
spunk into her mouth, and probably straight down her throat. Solomon came with such force that
this often happened, she had learned not to gag at this, and also to make sure that as little, or
preferably none of Solomons semen escaped her mouth.
“Here it comes baby, here it comes!” Solomon King grunted as Carla felt his cock give a mighty
shudder and then her mouth was flooded with Solomon’s nut. She felt an orgasm crash outward
from her pussy but she ignored it to concentrate on the cock bucking and jolting in her mouth.
Despite her swallowing the copious load that made her checks bulge Carla pushed her head back
and forwards in little nods, keeping her lips sliding over and back around the hard ridge of Solomon’s
cock head, while she kept her tongue slashing back and forth underneath Solomon’s cock head Or at
least she tried to keep her tongue as mobile as possible, it was difficult to do as she had to gulp as
fast as she could to keep up with the gigantic wads of cum that were spurting from Solomon’s cock.
Carla moaned in satisfaction as Solomon blasted great ropes of cum into her mouth and down her
throat, the only thing better than this was when Solomon came into her unprotected pussy and
knocked her up.
Solomon’s cum was delicious, thick and creamy and voluminous, as opposed to Daniel’s whose cum
had tasted sour and whose consistency had been thin and unsatisfying. And her husband’s cum had
barely dribbled out of his tiny whitboi penis, a few horrid drops of the stuff. Carla moaned again in
appreciation of the copious black semen filling her mouth, its taste something she had missed
terribly. Soon she promised herself, soon she would be able to taste Solomons cum as often as she
wanted, for was she not carrying his son in her womb, had he not promised her ‘all the big black
cock she could possibly want’ in return for going along with Solomon’s plans to cuck Daniel Trump?
A final explosion of cum erupted from Solomon’s cock and then seconds later a great dollop of cum
oozed out of the pee slit of his cock. Carla sighed contentedly, she would be now be able to properly
savour the taste and texture of Solomon’s cum. Another great wad oozed out to join the first and
Carla swirled the cum around in her mouth, luxuriating in the flavour and the consistency of
Solomons seed. More and more semen oozed out into her mouth, and she reluctantly swallowed
some to make room for the fresh draughts, hot and thick and delicious. Carla sucked hard on
Solomon’s cock head, trying to bring forth more semen, each dollop of cum that entered her mouth
still greater in volume than any single total load Carla had ever experienced with any of her previous
white lovers.
“Good slut, you still know how to suck a big black cock,” Carla heard Solomon say, and she shivered
with pleasure at the complement Solomon had paid her. She slobbered all over Solomon’s cock
head, finally swallowing the delicious mouthful of cum in her mouth. And it was a true mouthful,
thick and creamy and copious, and if she was honest she was a little sad to swallow it, for she would
have liked to have kept it in her mouth for a while longer, to enjoy its taste and heavy, thick
Solomon instructed her to clean off his cock, which she did with gusto, until he deemed his cock
sufficiently cleaned, then he tucked it back into his trousers and left without saying a word to her.
Carla was disappointed that Solomon had not fucked her, in her pussy and/or her ass, because she
did not only miss Solomon’s big black cock in her mouth, she missed him in those two other places
Daniel barely spoke to her for the next few days, for which she was thankful if she was honest, then
he was away on business for most of the rest of her pregnancy, a small blessing.
When she finally went into labour he was there, and the pathetic white loser was there when she
gave birth to Solomon King’s son, the horror and disgust on Daniel Trumps face ample reward for the
pains of labour and birth. Her son with Solomon King had beautiful caramel coloured skin and had
the looks of his father.
As she expected he had divorced her immediately, but she did not care, despite the best efforts of
Trump’s lawyers she retained quite a bit of money and property in the divorce settlement, enough
for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life.
But Carla did not want to live comfortably, she wanted Solomon King, and as agreed they kept apart
for four months until the furore in the scandal rags over the divorce had blown over.
It was finally the time when Solomon had agreed to finally meet her, she had sent their son, who she
had named Martin Luthor King away for the night, she loved her son but she wanted Solomon more,
her body was greedy for him, for his magnificent black cock.
A few days ago she had started to feel very, very horny, uncomfortably so, she was finding herself
aroused every waking moment, and her dreams were full of Solomon fucking her. Not that she did
not dream of Solomon King often, but every night she woke exhausted from dreams of such intense
sexual content that they seemed almost real to her.
The doorbell of her apartment rang and she made her way quickly to the door, she had pushed
herself hard to regain her figure after childbirth and she was proud that she was back to her pre
pregnancy figure. Carla was wearing high heels and a very see through negligee, and no underwear,
and she could not wait for the look on Solomon’s face when he laid eyes on her.
She opened the door and there Solomon stood, handsome as the devil himself, but behind him were
several very large and rather scary looking black men.
“Wha?” Carla asked as Solomon pushed his way into her apartment and the three black men
followed behind him, all of them giving off the same aura of absolute masculinity and dominance
that Carla associated with Solomon King.
Solomon stepped aside and the three black men advanced on her, their eyes filled with lust, their
hands reaching out to grope at her body.
“Solomon!” she cried out, before her mouth was smothered by the lips of one of the black men, his
tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Despite her outrage she moaned as unwanted desire spiked
through her body, the hands of the three black men pawing at her body, at her breasts, slipping
fingers between her legs to find her wet pussy.
“Damm this hot bitch is wet for big black cock!” one of them announced as Carla felt her negligee
torn from her body, her weak protests muffled by the mouth clamped over hers and the tongue that
stabbed and probed in her mouth.
She vaguely heard the door to her apartment close and she flet herself carried along to her
bedroom, until she was grabbed by her hair and forced naked to her knees.
The three black men loomed over her, in various stages of undress but with their three black cocks
out and inches from her face. They were big black cocks, almost as big as Solomon’s, and heavy ball
sacks swung at the base of each.
A familiar smell assaulted Carla’s nose and she inhaled instinctively, barely even aware that she was
opening her mouth and leaning forwards to take the nearest black cock into her mouth.
As her lips closed around the ebony bulk she let out a long moan, and a thought flashed across her
mind, Solomon King had promised her as much big black cock as she wanted, and it seemed that he
had not lied.
“Good little white slut, suck that big fucking black cock,” growled the man whose cock she was
sucking, and Carla felt a shudder of pure pleasure course through her body.
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