The Pseudo-Scientific Paper
by Stealthbomber
Project Ishtar
Professor Kwadwo Afune LIU
Associate Professor Angie Simpson LIU
PhD Student Jamal Washington
The first major difference which accounts for the larger size of the Enhanced Penis is that the Corpus Cavernosum is not only greatly enlarged, but also of a differing internal structure, it is much denser and heavier than that of an unenhanced male, with less than half the volume of the internal sacs that fill with blood at erection. This results in a much larger un-erect penis but still allows for significant growth at erection versus its flaccid state. The Corpus Spongiosum is also much enlarged versus that of an unenhanced male, most Enhanced males have Corpus Spongiosum’s that are much more prominent relative to the Corpus Spongiosum’s of unenhanced males, in the largest Enhanced males it is not unusual for the Corpus Spongiosum to stand proud by at least several centimeters of the underside of the Shaft, even when flaccid. This is because the Urethra of an Enhanced male is on average triple the size of that on an unenhanced male, with the size ratio of Corpus Spongiosum to Urethra being larger in Enhanced males than that of unenhanced males.
The size and density of the Superficial Fascia, Areolar Tissue and the Deep Fascia are also greater in the Enhanced Penis versus the unenhanced penis, contributing significantly to increases in girth and rigidity at erection.
The Superficial Dorsal Vein, Dorsal Arteries, cavernous arteries, and the Bulbo-Cavernous Arteries are significantly larger and more prominent than those of unenhanced males, often adding additional apparent bulk to the Enhanced Penis, both when flaccid and erect. In some Enhanced males these blood vessels can become particularly prominent and enlarged during erection.
Another difference between the penis of an Enhanced male and an unenhanced male is that the Bulbospongiosus Muscle is much enlarged, and it extends up the shaft of the Penis as opposed to ending where the shaft of the Penis emerges from the groin. The muscle fibers of the Bulbospongiosus Muscle are much denser and larger to cope with the more numerous and longer durations of the ejaculatory pulses of Enhanced males. The sheath of muscle which covers the Penis diverges to form two symmetrical sheaths that cover the upper and lateral side of the penis, but which do not cover its underside. This Bulbospongiosus Muscle can account for up to 15% of the girth of an Enhanced penis when flaccid.
The Glans Penis, the extension of the Corpus Cavernosum shows some morphological differences in Enhanced males versus unenhanced males, even when discounting for size differences. The internal structure of the Corpus Cavernosum in the Glans Penis being much more akin to that of the Corpus Cavernosum. In a flaccid state the Glans Penis of the Enhanced male tends to be more prominent and enlarged versus that of an unenhanced male, upon erection the Glans Penis will tend to be more prominent again than that of an unenhanced male. The Glans Penis in most Enhanced males is wider than the penile shaft by a considerable margin, in some extreme cases the Glans Penis can extend out from the shaft of the Penis by up to 2.4cm on either side.
Another significant physical difference is that the Meatus of the Enhanced Penis tends to be larger in relation to the overall size of the Glans Penis than that of unenhanced males. A further noted fact is that it is not unusual for the Meatus in enhanced males to widen and open when ejaculation is imminent.
The density per cm2 of Genital Corpuscles located in the Glans Penis is elevated over that found in unenhanced males, being on average twice as dense across the Glans Penis of an Enhanced male versus an unenhanced male. The Corona Glandis of an Enhanced male exhibits marked increases in the density of Genital Corpuscles, with densities three to four times that of an unenhanced male. The Frenulum of Enhanced males can have Genital Corpuscles densities of as high as six times that of an unenhanced male.
An average erect Enhanced Penis will measure 34cm in length and have a girth of 26cm, flaccid an average Enhanced Penis will typically measure 22cm in length and have a girth of 18cm.
Note: It has been observed that in about 10% of Enhanced males that the foreskin will regrow on Enhancement of a circumcised male. The exact cause and reasons for this are as yet unknown as the study did not have access to enough cadavers to study, in particular an Enhanced male who had experienced this side effect.
Like the Penis of the Enhanced male their Testes exhibit morphological changes independent of their increased size and volume vis a vis those of an unenhanced male.
The number of sperm produced is on average tied to the volume of the Testes – the larger the testes the larger the number of sperm (on average) that are contained in each ejaculation.
Unenhanced males, on average have testes with a (combined) volume of 18.24cm3 and produce an ejaculate with a semen volume of 2.49mL, which will contain on average 250 million sperm.
Enhanced males, on average have Testes with an (individual) volume of 197cm3 each and combined can produce an ejaculate with an average Semen volume of 319mL, which will contain on average 63 billion Sperm. Thus, the Enhanced male ejaculates slightly less than twice the amount of Sperm per mL of Semen volume as the unenhanced male.
Note: in unenhanced males any volume of semen above 10ml is considered a sign of Hyperspermia, a medical disorder.
Sperm production rates within the Testes of the Enhanced male are vastly elevated compared to that of the unenhanced male, Spermatogenesis in Enhanced males take only 30 days, as opposed to 120 days in the unenhanced male.
A single sperm in an unenhanced male takes about 120 days to grow within the Testes and then spends 2 days or so finalising its maturation within the Epididymis, before it is ready for ejaculation.
In the unenhanced male the Seminiferous Tubules of his testicles will produce on average 275 million sperm per 24 hours, meaning that his testicles could contain 33 billion or so sperm in the process of maturation. However, a significant number of sperm fail to achieve full maturity and only approximately 18 million sperm will successfully gestate and move into the Epididymis in every 24-hour period.
In the Epididymis the sperm spend two days fully maturing and then they can remain there for up to 14 days, ready for ejaculation, before being reabsorbed into the body. In the unenhanced male the Epididymis has been measured at around 6 meters in overall length and can contain on average 252 million sperm. The youngest sperm congregates towards the top opening of the Epididymis and tend to be favoured when ejaculation occurs, older sperm can be found further down within the tubing of the Epididymis.
Thus, the Epididymis of the unenhanced male can contain just barely enough sperm for a single orgasm, and that this orgasm may contain sperm that is up to 14 days old, which is senescent for the purposes of fertilisation.
In an Enhanced male the Seminiferous Tubules of his Testes will produce on average 140 billion Sperm per 24 hours and at the end of their 30-day maturation period approximately 66 billion Sperm will emerge from the Seminiferous Tubules and into the Epididymis every 24 hours. Unlike unenhanced males the number of Sperm that fail to gestate properly and reach maturity in the Seminiferous Tubules in the Enhanced male is markedly reduced, despite the much shorter gestation time of their Sperm within the Seminiferous Tubules. Having reached the Epididymis, the Sperm will need a further 2 days for full maturation before it can be ready for ejaculation, like the sperm of unenhanced males it can reside for up to 14 days in the Epididymis. The Epididymis of the Enhanced male is much larger in volume than that of the unenhanced male, having been measured at over 80 meters in length, and can correspondingly contain much more Sperm, on average the Epididymis of an Enhanced male can contain somewhere in the region of 934 billion Sperm ready for Ejaculation.
It is immediately apparent that the Enhanced male not only has vastly more Sperm available for Ejaculation than the unenhanced male, but that the number of Sperm available to the Enhanced male is a large multiple of their average number of Sperm per orgasm. There is also a much lower chance of senescent Sperm being present during ejaculation, greatly improving the chances of a successful fertilisation.
With the almost complete lack of any ‘refractory period’, Enhanced males they are capable of multiple sexual encounters daily and have sufficient Sperm to retain their average Sperm volume per orgasm almost indefinitely.
However, there is one small downside to this greatly elevated Sperm production as the Epididymis, though greatly enlarged, can become ‘uncomfortable’ feeling once it contains over 600 billion Sperm or so. A noticeable sensation of ‘heaviness’ and ‘fullness’ of the testes is perceived as this number of Sperm resident in the Epididymis is passed. This perception is often accompanied by an increasing sensation of a build-up of pressure in the groin, some enhanced report that these sensations are extremely pleasurable and that they greatly increase pleasure during subsequent Orgasm.
The weight of the average testes of an unenhanced male is 25 grams for each testes, the average weight of each individual Testes of an Enhanced male is 1073 grams, the Testes of Enhanced males being not only significantly larger but also markedly denser.
The greater heat load generated by the vastly increased metabolic processes associated with the production of sperm in the Enhanced male accounts for the fact that Testicles of Enhanced males will hang lower in their Scrota. This is to improve air flow and cooling for the greatly enlarged testes of the Enhanced male.
The vascular system in the Testicles of Enhanced males is correspondingly enlarged to account for the greater heat generation and metabolic requirements, the Pampiniform Plexus (Testicular Veins) and the two Spermatic Cords (which contain the Testicular Artery, the Cremasteric Artery, the Vas Deferens and the Deferential Artery) associated with each Testicle are noticeably larger in Enhanced males.
The Vas Deferens in particular of the Enhanced male is much enlarged compared to that of an unenhanced male, in an unenhanced male the Vas Deferens is on average 37 cm in length, in an Enhanced male the Vas Deferens is on average 10 meters in length, the fibromuscular sheath that comprises the Vas Deferens is also greatly thickened in the Enhanced male compared to that of the unenhanced male. The structure of the Vas Deferens in the Enhanced male is a tightly would spiral coil as opposed to the simple structure of the unenhanced, which accounts for its vastly increased length to enable the Vas Deferens to accommodate the several tens of billions of Sperm and the fluids generated by the Seminiferous Tubules and the Epididymis, as opposed to the several hundred million sperm and their associated fluids in the unenhanced male.
These enlarged structures in the Scrota often account for the apparent ‘vein like’ internal structure visible in the Scrota of Enhanced males, especially when unaroused and their Testicles are hanging at their lowest extent within their Scrota.
The composition by volume in Enhanced Semen of the fluids from the Testes is about 10%, significantly higher than that of unenhanced males. This is associated with facilitating the transfer of greater numbers of Sperm from the Testes into the Urethra for onwards Ejaculation in Enhanced males.
Due to their greatly increased size the Testes of Enhanced males produce greatly elevated levels of Testosterone, unenhanced males can produce up to 6mg of testosterone per 24-hour period, Enhanced males can produce up to 144 mg of Testosterone in the same period. Normally such grossly elevated levels of Testosterone would be severely deleterious, perhaps even fatal to a male, but in Enhanced males this is not the case. The only observable effects of this elevated level of Testosterone are greatly increased aggression and libido, none of the negative effects of high Testosterone have been observed clinically in any Enhanced males.
Seminal Vesicles:
These glands are responsible for the production of the majority of the fluids that constitute Semem and are noticeably enlarged in Enhanced males, typically having a volume of 1700cm3 as opposed to the average in unenhanced males of 13cm3. The fluids produced by the Seminal Vesicles of an Enhanced male show a marked difference in the ratio of various components in Enhanced males versus unenhanced males, Fructose levels in Enhanced seminal fluids being of the order of 70mg per mL as opposed to 5mg per mL in unenhanced semen.
The elevated levels of Fructose in Enhanced Semen may in part be due to the near doubling of the numbers of Sperm per mL volume of Semen, Fructose being a ready source of energy for Sperm to utilize immediately post Ejaculation. It’s increase almost certainly contributes to the much higher mobility of Enhanced Sperm compared to unenhanced sperm.
The increased Fructose levels may also contribute to the reportedly pleasant taste of Enhanced Semen versus that of the semen of unenhanced males.
The levels of Prostaglandins are elevated compared to those of the unenhanced, it is believed that this increase assists in the suppression of the female’s immune response to Enhanced Sperm. The composition by volume of Enhanced Semen of the fluids from the Seminal Vesicles is about 55%, lower than in that of unenhanced males. This reduction is primarily due to the large increase in the composition of the fluids of the Bulbourethral Gland in the Semen of Enhanced males versus that of unenhanced males.
Enlarged in Enhanced males compared to unenhanced males, with a significantly larger volume and much more dense smooth muscle throughout the organ. This organ functions the same in Enhanced males as it does in the unenhanced, releasing its Prostatic Fluid into the Semen at the beginning of Ejaculation.
PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) levels in the Prostatic Fluid are greatly elevated compared to those in unenhanced males, but the composition by volume of Enhanced Semen of the fluids from the Prostate is about 30%, in line with that found in unenhanced males.
In an Enhanced male the volume of Prostatic fluid in their Semen is on average 95.7mL as opposed to 0.7mL in the semen of the unenhanced male.
Bulbourethral Gland:
This gland is grossly enlarged in Enhanced males compared to unenhanced males, being of the order of 18cm long and 5cm in diameter, as opposed to being roughly the size of a pea in unenhanced males.
Note: The Bulbourethral Gland in an Enhanced male shows a remarkable morphological and dimensional similarity with that found in male Wild Boars (Sus scrofa). It is unknown currently as to why this should be the case, though the role that the fluids produced by the Bulbourethral Gland have been shown to have a significant effect on Semen Coagulation following ejaculation.
The Bulbourethral gland of Enhanced males has been recorded as producing up to 250 mL of fluid during sexual arousal/activity and is believed to greatly increase the mobility of Enhanced Sperm and assists with reducing the acidity of the urethra, vagina, and cervix significantly.
The discharges from the Bulbourethral Gland are the main component of pre-ejaculate fluid (pre-cum) along with small concentrations of excretions from the Urethral Glands that line the Urethra.
With the onset of Ejaculatory Inevitability in the Enhanced male the Bulbourethral Gland significantly increases its output of secretions, which also exhibit a marked elevation in viscosity. Much of these elevated viscosity fluids are retained within the lower urethra adjacent to the Prostate and the Bulbourethral Gland. They are then mixed in with the subsequent Ejaculate to form part of the Semen of the Enhanced male.
Like Prostatic Fluid, the concentration of fluids secreted by the Bulbourethral Gland can mainly be found in the initial Ejaculatory pulses during Orgasm.
In Enhanced males the composition by volume of Enhanced Semen of the secretions of the Bulbourethral Gland is about 5%, for a volume of 16mL, whereas in unenhanced males the fluids generated by the Bulbourethral Gland typically make us less than 1% of semen volume, or about 0.0249mL.
Emission versus Ejaculation
In unenhanced males the emission of sperm and seminal fluids occurs in a single, concentrated phase, known as the onset of ejaculatory inevitability. Once sperm enters the Vas Deferens it triggers contractions within the Prostrate to propel this sperm, which is contained within the fluids produced by the Epididymis and subsequently mixed with the secretions of the Prostate and those of the Seminal Vesicles onwards through the urethra. In the unenhanced male the interval between the emission of sperm into the Vas Deferens with the associated immediate onset of ejaculatory inevitability and the ejaculation of semen is typically in the order of five to ten seconds.
In Enhanced males this is different, the Emission of Sperm and their associated fulids into the Vas Deferens triggers Ejaculatory Inevitability but DOES NOT trigger an immediate Orgasm and Ejaculation. The pleasurable sensations associated with Ejaculatory Inevitability are experienced by Enhanced males, with increasing levels of pleasure and an associated feeling of ‘pressure’ in their groins as the volume of Sperm within their Vas Deferens increases towards the number that will be Ejaculated at Orgasm. In the Enhanced male this can take on average ten minutes for the Vas Deferens to fill with the requisite number of Sperm. It should be noted that the greatly increased duration of the Ejaculatory Inevitability phase experienced by Enhanced males almost directly corresponds to the volumetric difference between the volume of Semen that an Enhanced male Ejaculates compared to that of an unenhanced male.
The onset and duration of Ejaculatory Inevitability in the Enhanced male can often be observed within the Testes, Scrota and lower groin of the Enhanced male as pulsing contractions and muscle spasms, which are associated with this buildup of Sperm prior to Ejaculation.
Sperm Emission from the Epididymis of the Enhanced male into their Vas Deferens continues steadily for up to ten minutes before the Prostrate will commence secreting Prostatic fluid and the Seminal Vesicles commence discharging their fluids.
At this stage the Prostrate will immediately commence to expand and contract rapidly and powerfully, and the Enhanced male will Orgasm.
Basal changes in the spinal nervous system of Enhanced males specific to the nerves involved in the control of sexual arousal and Ejaculation have been noted and are believed to be responsible for this delay in Ejaculation to allow for the required buildup of the necessary volume of Ejaculate. These nerves are also believed to be responsible for both the delaying the onset of Ejaculatory Inevitability in Enhanced males without any corresponding reduction in perceived pleasure from sexual activity and for the extension of the duration of Ejaculatory Inevitability from a few seconds in unenhanced males to as mentioned above an average of ten minutes in the Enhanced male.
Also as noted above in the section related to the Enhanced Penis, the density of Genital Corpuscles across the area of the Glans Penis of an Enhanced male is on average twice that of on an unenhanced male and even higher in the areas of the Glans Penis that receive the most stimulation during sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, or anal).
This should decrease the time to Ejaculatory Inevitability, all other things being equal but in Enhanced males this is not the case.
Average times between penetration and ejaculation for unenhanced is on the order of 6 minutes, while for Enhanced males the average has been recorded to be 34 minutes.
Note_1: This is for penetrative vaginal sex, anal and oral sex times were originally included in this study, but the spread of their times skewed the data to an unacceptable level.
Note_2: the longest (recorded) time between initial penetration and Ejaculation for an Enhanced male was 54 minutes.
Sexual pleasure during intercourse post Enhancement is reported as being significantly increased vis a vis sexual pleasure before Enhancement by all Enhanced males. The changes in the central nervous system observed appear to be the cause of the changes in the duration of sexual intercourse with a corresponding increase in perceived pleasure levels.
This increase in perceived pleasure from sexual intercourse as noted above corelates to an elevated transmission of neurological and endocrine signals from the brain to the Testes of an Enhanced male during sexual intercourse.
Measurement of these signals compared with results from unenhanced males and plotted cumulatively showed that in the case of Enhanced males that a certain threshold of cumulative values must be reached first before the necessary signals are sent over the central nervous system to command the Epididymis to release Sperm into the Vas Deferens and trigger Ejaculatory Inevitability.
In an unenhanced male semen is ejaculated at an average speed of 18 km/h, at least in the first few ejaculatory contractions. However, in Enhanced males the speed of Ejaculated Semen has been recorded as up to 45 km/h. The much more viscous nature of Enhanced Semen along with the increased speed and volume of Ejaculations accounts for the much greater physical pleasure experienced by Enhanced males during Ejaculation as these factors (speed, viscosity, and volume) are known to be highly corelated to the intensity of pleasurable sensations experienced during the male Orgasm.
The total average weight of the Ejaculate of an Enhanced male is on the order of 634 grams, as opposed to 2.4 grams for an unenhanced male. The greatly increased weight (density) of Enhanced Semen is also a known contributor to the feelings of greatly elevated pleasure associated with the Orgasms of Enhanced males.
It must be noted that the greatly elevated levels of pleasure experienced by Enhanced males during Ejaculatory Inevitability and Orgasm results in a marked psychological addiction to these sensations, irrespective of the greater sexual Libido experienced by Enhanced males.
Typically, in unenhanced males 60% of the semen volume is ejaculated in the first and second ejaculatory contraction, with declining percentages in each subsequent ejaculatory contraction, for an average total of seven ejaculatory contractions. In general, after the first two ejaculatory contractions a marked reduction in the velocity and volume of semen ejaculated is apparent.
Due to the vastly increased semen volume Ejaculated by an Enhanced male the volume of Semen expelled during each Ejaculatory Contraction and the number of Ejaculatory Contractions is much greater. The Enhanced male will on average experience sixteen Ejaculatory Contractions during orgasm, with 70% of the total Semen volume typically being delivered in the first seven Ejaculatory Contractions. These first seven Ejaculatory Contractions will (combined) on average contain 223mL of Semen and the first two or three Ejaculations will usually contain a higher concentration of Prostatic Fluids and the secretions of the Bulbourethral Gland than subsequent Ejaculations. This accounts for why these Ejaculations are on occasion the largest in terms of individual volume, in some cases very markedly so.
The largest volume of Semen recorded being expelled during a single Ejaculatory Contraction was 137 mL, which is fifty-five times the volume of the average total volume of semen ejaculated by an unenhanced male.
After the first seven Ejaculations the force and volume of individual Ejaculatory Contractions will steadily reduce. The smallest volume of Semen that was Ejaculated during a single Ejaculatory Contraction was found to be in the order of 25mL, ten times the volume of the average total volume of semen ejaculated by an unenhanced male.
These volumes can be accommodated by vagina due to its elastic nature, but it is not unusual for up to 100mL of Semen to ‘vent’ from the vagina during orgasm, especially if the Enhanced male continues to thrust vigorously during or after Orgasm. MRI scans have shown that the Corona Glandis of the Enhanced Penis acts as a ‘scoop’ in this case and remove Semen from around the cervix and transport it towards the entrance of the vagina, where it can be lost to leakage.
The female mouth can normally accommodate liquids with a volume of up to 55mL without any issue. However, if the female’s mouth is also accommodating the Penis of an Enhanced male, the Glans Penis (Head) of which can have an average volume of 52cm3 (or 52mL) and an Enhanced male commences Ejaculation it can be readily appreciated that a female can sometimes have issues with successfully retaining within her mouth the volumes of Semen being Ejaculated.
As stated above the average volume of the total of the first seven Ejaculations is 223mL, so if each individual Ejaculation is of the same volume (which is rarely the case), then each of the first seven Ejaculations would each contain 32mL of Semen. This would result in the female’s mouth having to accommodate a combined volume of 84mL, or 29mL over its normal capacity.
This additional 29ml over the mouths normal capacity will force the cheeks to bulge outwards significantly unless the female swallows the Ejaculate, and if not swallowed a subsequent Ejaculation will in most cases overwhelm the capacity of the female’s mouth to contain the Semen.
Photographic and video evidence of female’s cheeks regularly bulging under the pressure of the volumes of Semen being Ejaculated by Enhanced males into their mouths is abundant, but it was felt that extensive study of this phenomenon was warranted.
Dean Jubal Mfune, Professor’s Kwadwo Afune and Scipio Africanus Duffy, along with PhD student Jamal Washington volunteered their services directly to assist in this particular phase of the project, as only a small sample size of Enhanced males was required due to the fact that much, admittedly nonscientific evidence, of this phenomenon already existed.
The speed and volume of Semen that is Ejaculated has been noted to force Semen and Sperm into the cervical mucus that plugs the cervix at the entrance to the uterus, and even often beyond and directly into the uterus. In addition to the changes that cervical mucus undergoes in the presence of Enhanced Semen as detailed below the physical pressure of the Ejaculating Semen of Enhanced males further increases the volume of Enhanced Semen and the corresponding numbers of Enhanced Sperm that can cross the cervix and enter the uterus.
Note: this ability of the speed and volume of Ejaculation to physically overcome the barrier of the cervical mucus must be also understood considering the role which female orgasm plays in reducing the mediating role to Semen entry which cervical mucus undertakes. See below for further details.
Due to the length to the Enhanced Penis, Ejaculation will occur directly in the region of the uterus or in either the area of the Anterior Fornix or Posterior Fornix. This ensures that most of the Semen Ejaculated is deposited directly in and around the entrance to the cervix.
The multiple powerful cervical and uterine contractions associated with the female orgasm triggered by the Ejaculation of Enhanced Semen into her vagina acts both to physically reduce the effectiveness of her cervical mucus and to suction Enhanced Semen and its Sperm directly into her uterus.
Upon withdrawal of the Enhanced Penis from the vagina a significant volume of the Semen and Sperm of an Enhanced male will be lost due to leakage, often in the order of 50% by volume and about 30% by number (of Semen and Sperm respectively).
If the female does not engage in subsequent vaginal sex the remaining Semen inside her vagina will coagulate sufficiently within several minutes to keep several tens of billions of Sperm in proximity with the cervix.
Tests have shown that so long as Enhanced Semen is in contact with a female’s cervix small contractions of the cervix and the uterus will continue sporadically, often for several hours post orgasm. Some of these contractions are consciously noticeable to the female, especially the earliest one’s post orgasm, but most of them are not.
The speed at which Enhanced Sperm swim and these cervical and uterine contractions will also increase the number of Enhanced Sperm that can successfully cross the cervix and enter the uterus.
About a half an hour after a male ejaculates inside a female, chemical changes in the vagina and associated small muscular contractions will expel any semen of an unenhanced male remaining within the vagina. This process is often referred to as ‘flowback’.
The Semen from an Enhanced male that remains inside the vagina is only marginally impacted by this process of ‘flowback’, the only way to fully dislodge the highly coagulated Semen pool of the Enhanced male is by penetrative vaginal sex with another Enhanced male and the subsequent Ejaculation of that males Semen into the vagina.
If undisturbed the Semen pool of the Enhanced male will slowly disperse over a period of up to six hours within the female vagina, though volumes of Enhanced Semen in the order of several mL and Sperm counts of several tens of millions could be found for up to three days post Ejaculation inside the vagina, but only if the female did not engage in penetrative vaginal sex with an Enhanced male that resulted in the Enhanced male ejaculating inside her vagina.
Semen and Sperm:
As detailed above the Semen of the Enhanced male is Ejaculated in massively increased volumes but with just under double number of Sperm per mL as found in the unenhanced male.
The average volume of Semen Ejaculated by an Enhanced male during Orgasm has been calculated to be 319mL and which would contain an average of 63 billion Sperm. This is of course only an average and a wide variation was found, which depended upon several critical factors. The largest volume of Semen ejaculated by an Enhanced male during our studies was recorded as being 427mL, though there is strong circumstantial evidence that volumes even greater than this are possible. The most important factor in governing the volume of Semen Ejaculated by an Enhanced male was the length of time since their last Ejaculation, the longer this time the more voluminous the subsequent Ejaculation tended to be. Just like in unenhanced males the number of Sperm tended to decrease the more separate cases of Orgasm that an Enhanced male experienced throughout a set period, but the volume of Semen Ejaculated tended to decrease at a much lower rate than the number of Sperm present in the Semen.
However, a statistical study of Semen volumes and Sperm numbers, closely corelated to time intervals between Ejaculations shows that an Enhanced male can Orgasm between 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period with no statistically relevant reduction in both Semen volume and Sperm numbers. It is only when the number of Orgasms exceeds 8 does both the number of Sperm and the volume of Semen start to decrease, though the volume of Semen ejaculated reduces at a much lower rate than that of the number of Sperm present in the Semen.
Enhanced Semen has been found to be much more viscous upon ejaculation than unenhanced semen, this is due to the changes in its chemical and amino acid composition, and the near doubling of Sperm number per mL also increases the viscosity of the Semen. The semen of unenhanced males typically undergoes a liquefaction phase after ejaculation to facilitate transport within the vagina to the cervix, and only then increases in viscosity, to facilitate sperm retention within the vagina such that the maximum number of sperm will have a chance to cross the cervix and enter the uterus.
Due to physiological factors associated with the Enhanced Penis and its ability to deposit Semen directly into the immediate vicinity of the cervix the need for Enhanced Sperm to traverse the vagina to reach the cervix is eliminated. As a result, Enhanced Semen does not require a preliminary liquefaction phase and thus is ejaculated with a significantly higher quantity of components that promote viscosity as opposed to liquidity and this assists in keeping the maximum number of Enhanced Sperm as close as possible to the cervix to facilitate the maximum number of Enhanced Sperm to penetrate the cervix and enter the uterus.
The greatly increased volume of Enhanced Semen also substantially increases the survivability of Enhanced Sperm in the vagina as it will reduce the pH balance encountered therein due to its sheer volume. The copious discharges of the Bulbourethral Gland of the Enhanced male will have also contributed to reducing the pH balance of the urethra and vagina prior to Ejaculation.
The greater volumes and increased percentages of particular secretions in Enhanced Semen act to increase the survival rate of Enhanced Sperm, increase their motility and mobility and also act to break down cervical mucus to allow for a hugely increased number of Enhanced Sperm to pass this barrier to the uterus.
Note: this is irrespective of any other changes to the composition and structure of cervical mucus that can occur as a result of exposure of the pheromones of Enhanced males or during the physical act of sexual intercourse with Enhanced males.
Cervical mucus on exposure to Enhanced Semen will within seconds commence to change its consistency to that usually found between day ten and day fourteen of a female’s monthly cycle, when it is most receptive to allowing Sperm to pass through the cervix and into the uterus beyond.
Note: exposure to the Pheromones of Enhanced males also initiates this process whereby a females cervical mucus undergoes chemical, hormonal and physical changes, though this Pheromone induced process can take several hours to complete.
Due to vastly elevated speed and volume of the Ejaculations of an Enhanced male the effectiveness in blocking Sperm passage of female cervical mucous is vastly reduced. Enhanced Semen has been observed during MRI scans carried out during sexual intercourse penetrating the female cervix during the ejaculation phase of an Enhanced male’s orgasm. Up to 30mL of Enhanced Semen has been known to successfully transit the cervix and enter the uterus in this manner. This Semen retains a significant portion of its constituent Sperm, up to a billion Sperm have been recorded within this Semen alone. This Semen has been shown to elicit a marked immunosuppressive and hormonal response from the female uterus that is highly favorable to the survival of Enhanced Sperm within the uterus.
In an unenhanced male only a few million sperm will successfully cross the cervix and enter the uterus, in an Enhanced male this number is typically several billion Sperm.
Upon entering a female’s uterus, the presence of sperm will trigger an immune response, and her immune system will aggressively attack sperm as it travels through her uterus to reach her fallopian tubes. This response in females with Enhanced Sperm within their uterus greatly muted, except in the single case outlined below.
Whereas on average less than 30 sperm will reach the fallopian tubes in the ejaculate of an unenhanced male that number for an Enhanced male can be as high as several hundred million Sperm.
However, a different immune response has been noted where a female has both Enhanced Sperm and non-enhanced sperm within her. This results in a notable immunological response between that to the unenhanced sperm and the Enhanced Sperm, with a strongly preferential negative response to the presence of unenhanced Sperm and the opposite to the presence of Enhanced Sperm.
The Sperm of Enhanced males differ morphologically from that of unenhanced sperm, it is notable that Enhanced Sperm is larger, by about 20% overall than the sperm of unenhanced males, and the midpiece is greatly lengthened and thickened in relation to that of unenhanced sperm. This midpiece enlargement makes Enhanced Sperm much more mobile and motile than unenhanced sperm and allows Enhanced Sperm to live on average for up to ten days within the reproductive tracts of a female, as opposed to five days for unenhanced sperm. These morphological changes, in particular the enlarged size of Enhanced Sperm compared to unenhanced sperm is also an indicator that Enhanced Sperm plays significant non fertilization roles.
In confirmation of the significant non fertilization role that Enhanced Sperm carry out it has been observed in laboratory conditions that Enhanced Sperm exhibits the ‘killer sperm’ behavior first put forwards by Professor Robin Barker in the late 1990’s. In addition, the original ‘kamikaze sperm’ hypothesis first put forwards by Baker and Bellis in 1989 can be seen in Enhanced Sperm, though Enhanced Sperm exhibits no polymorphic adaptations beyond a simple morphological change in size to act in non-fertilizing roles.
When Enhanced Sperm encounters non enhanced sperm it will wrap itself around the smaller unenhanced sperm and will effectively immobilize it. The two sperm will stay locked together in this fashion until both die. Given that under the usual conditions encountered in a vagina, uterus or fallopian tubes by Enhanced Sperm is that they will usually outnumber unenhanced sperm by several orders of magnitude at least, this behavior greatly enhances the chances of successful fertilization by Enhanced Sperm as opposed to unenhanced sperm.
Note: when the Sperm of two Enhanced males comes into contact, they exhibit similar behavior, vigorously ‘attacking’ each other.
The sperm of unenhanced males exhibits a wide size variation and a diverse polymorphic distribution and typically has only 4% of its total sperm classified as ‘normal’. As a result, only 10 million sperm per orgasm would be able to contribute to the fertilization of an ovum.
In contrast Enhanced Sperm exhibits a very high level of hetromorphology, with 40% of Enhanced Sperm being classified as ‘normal’. An Enhanced male can thus deposit over 25 billion healthy and vigorous Sperm in and around the area of a female cervix, all of whom can potentially fertilize an ovum.
Of the 38 billion or so Sperm of the Enhanced male that are not classified as ‘normal’, a large proportion of these will end up trapped within the cervical mucous of the female, where although not classed as morphologically ‘normal’, they have been observed in laboratory conditions reacting to the presence of unenhanced sperm the same way as their normal counterparts do.
Sperm competition as postulated by Barker et al was not found to be present in unenhanced males, but it certainly is present in the Sperm of Enhanced males. Laboratory studies have shown that Enhanced Sperm are fully able to destroy all unenhanced sperm that they encounter, and that these laboratory findings likely apply equally to the conditions within a female’s reproductive tracts.
Harcourts 1991 paper Sperm Competition and the Evolution of Non fertilizing sperm in mammals placed great emphasis on accessory gland secretions and their role in the coagulation of Semen and the formation of so called ‘plugs’ in the cervix to block access to the Sperm of other males.
Note: these cervical plugs consist of coagulated semen, sperm, and cervical mucus and act to block access through the cervix to the uterus. They are a noted feature of invertebrate sexual biology and that of rodents. Their presence in human females has never been fully confirmed prior to this study.
The formation of cervical plugs in females after sexual intercourse with Enhanced males has been definitively observed to take place. However, if the female engages in sexual intercourse several times with one or more Enhanced males in a short space of time the efficacy of these cervical plugs must be called into question for preventing Enhanced Sperm from reaching the uterus. It is believed that the same physical stresses that are placed on the cervical mucus during sexual intercourse with an Enhanced male would be placed on any cervical plugs and thus their efficacy in preventing Enhanced Sperm from entering the cervix correspondingly reduced.
In the case of unenhanced sperm passage through the cervix reduces the number of sperm by a factor of 1000, so the maximum number of unenhanced sperm that could reach the uterus is of the order of only 10,000.
As called out above several billion Enhanced Sperm have been noted as being able to transit the cervix and reach the uterus beyond.
Due to the greater volumes of Enhanced Semen and Sperm available to form cervical plugs and the observed greater viscosity of Enhanced Semen, it has been postulated that cervical plugs formed from Enhanced Semen would be effective in blocking access to the uterus for unenhanced sperm. Tests have shown that cervical plugs formed after sexual intercourse with Enhanced males would be effective for up to five days in preventing unenhanced sperm from successfully traversing the cervix and entering the Uterus.
Enhanced Semen is also highly spermicidal, especially to the sperm of unenhanced males. In laboratory tests within ten minutes of being exposed to Enhanced Semen (minus Enhanced Sperm) roughly 30% of all unenhanced sperm will cease movement completely and within thirty minutes 95% of all unenhanced sperm will cease movement altogether.
In laboratory tests after only five minutes of expose to a sample of Enhanced Semen AND Sperm no unenhanced sperm was observed to be still motile or functional.
Enhanced Semen has been demonstrated to retain its spermicidal properties for up to five days post Ejaculation.
As noted above Enhanced Sperm are on average 20% larger than unenhanced sperm, mainly a significantly thickened and lengthened midsection. The enlarged midsection contains much greater stores of Cytoplasm, significantly increasing both the speed at which Enhanced Sperm can swim and the time it can stay active within a female’s reproductive tracts.
Unenhanced sperm have been observed swimming at 5mm/min in semen and can stay active for roughly five days within a female’s reproductive tracts. Based on this speed it can take roughly four days for the sperm of unenhanced males to reach the ovaries.
The average number of unenhanced sperm that reaches the entrance to the (correct) fallopian tube is typically about 300 or so sperm.
Enhanced Sperm have been observed swimming at speeds of up to 50mm/min and have been observed to remain active in laboratory conditions that mimic a female’s uterus for up to ten days. The Sperm of Enhanced males can on average reach the ovaries in under a day, typically within eighteen hours after insemination.
The average number of Enhanced Sperm that reaches the entrance to the (correct) fallopian tube has been assessed to be in the order of several million Sperm.
Thus, up to three days after unenhanced sperm is introduced into a female’s reproductive system, Enhanced Sperm can still reach the ovaries before unenhanced sperm. Coupled to this speed advantage the ability of Enhanced Sperm to neutralize any unenhanced sperm encountered along with their vastly greater numbers means that under conditions of Sperm competition the chances of any unenhanced sperm being alive to reach the ovaries is essentially zero.
Based on all the evidence collected above it is a safe assumption that Enhanced Sperm can decisively outcompete unenhanced sperm in the race to fertilize an ovum.
If Enhanced Sperm is already present within the female before the introduction of unenhanced sperm the chances of unenhanced sperm successfully fertilizing an ovum are effectively zero.
Another very interesting observation is that a female who is in the very early stages of pregnancy with an embryo of up to twelve weeks of age and who has unprotected vaginal sex with an Enhanced male will spontaneously abort the embryo. The exact mechanism for this spontaneous abortion of what would otherwise be a healthy embryo appears to be related to the ability of Enhanced Semen to compromise the integrity of cervical mucus. Enhanced Semen and the Sperm in contains can cross the usually blocked cervix and enter the uterus where the uterus will detach the embryo and spontaneously terminate the pregnancy.
Further studies have observed that ova fertilized by unenhanced males will fail to attach to the uterine walls if there is Enhanced Sperm present in the uterus.
The Sperm and Semen of the Enhanced male appears to be perfectly adopted for absolute domination in the arena of Sperm competition and in ensuring that in the presence of competing unenhanced sperm that Enhanced Sperm wins every time.
The Pheromones produced by Enhanced males are those produced by unenhanced human males, but they are produced in such greater concentrations as to make their effects more obviously noticeable and immediate.
The Pheromones produced by the Enhanced male have been noted in studies to trigger behaviors and responses in keeping with the four main categories of Pheromones, namely Releaser, Signaler, Modulator and Primer.
Releaser pheromones prompt an immediate behavioral reaction, and in females will elicit an immediate increase in sexual arousal in the presence of an Enhanced male. Studies indicate that androstadienone is the primary Releaser pheromone secreted by Enhanced males, again it is the volume that it is produced in which triggers its effects. Increases in sexual arousal and its associated physiological and neuropsychological changes can be detected in females when an Enhanced male is up to five meters away from them, even if the female is unaware of the Enhanced male’s presence.
Signaler pheromones provide information on the social status and of an individual’s place in a social hierarchy, in Enhanced males this is provided by the compound androstenone. Enhanced males are viewed by unenhanced as being naturally superior to them, and as being automatically higher up in any perceived social order. Females (both enhanced and unenhanced) react to this pheromone by becoming submissive to Enhanced males, unenhanced males will shy away from Enhanced males and seek to avoid conflict with Enhanced males. If the unenhanced males cannot remove themselves from the presence of Enhanced males, they will become submissive and defer to the Enhanced males, many unenhanced males have admitted to being cowed and fearful of Enhanced males.
Human mating behavior shows a marked preference for mates that are dissociative with respect to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype. This is also known as the human leukocyte antigen system in humans. Individuals prefer a mate that has a dissimilar MHC genotype and studies have shown that the relative combinations of certain pheromonal compounds corelate closely with MHC genotypes.
In Enhanced males the relative combinations of their pheromonal secretions do not appear to match any known MHC genotype. It is postulated that this increases their potential attractiveness to females as their MHC genotype may be perceived subconsciously as being sufficiently removed from that of the female in question to indicate a very low probability of genetic convergence.
Modulator pheromones influence neuropsychological parameters and exposure to the Pheromones of Enhanced males in unenhanced females have been shown to reduce cognitive function and decision making by a significant degree. Memory and recall are also impacted as is IQ, any neuropsychological tests administered to females who are being exposed to Enhanced male Pheromones exhibit a statistically significant drop in scores. Long term exposure to the Pheromones of Enhanced males has been shown to make some of these changes permanent, particularly impaired appears to be decision making and the ability to carry out long term planning tasks.
Of particular note is the well-known phenomenon of females who are in long term contact with Enhanced males to stop (forget) to take oral contraception. For this reason, most E&I female employees are rapidly provided with subcutaneous contraceptive implants, unless they are required for breeding purposes.
Primer pheromones effect (neuro) endocrine parameters, including the menstrual cycle. Since endocrine changes generally modulate neuropsychological parameters, Modulator and Primer pheromones overlap in their effects and functioning. One of the most marked effects on females of Primer pheromones is that their menstrual cycle, after as little as an hour of exposure to the Pheromones of an Enhanced male a female who in the follicular phase of her menstrual cycle will undergo a marked rise in estrogen production above what is considered normal for this phase, along with dramatic increases in the levels of hormones that stimulate ovum growth. This has the effect of shortening this phase, often dramatically. Ovulation is not triggered at the end of this shortened follicular phase however, unless the female has had unprotected sexual intercourse with an Enhanced male.
It should be noted here that it is a very common occurrence for women who are near the end of their follicular phase, either one of normal length or one of reduced length to spontaneously ovulate during, or immediately after sexual intercourse with an Enhanced male.
Enhanced male Pheromones, Semen and Sperm thus appear to exhibit a powerful Primer pheromone effect upon a female’s menstrual cycle. In addition, testing has shown that the presence of live Enhanced Sperm within the reproductive system of a female has a marked positive impact upon their mood and general sense of wellbeing.
In testing it has not been able to definitively determine if specific 16-androstenes compounds in the Pheromones of Enhanced males are responsible for Primer and/or Moderator effects in females.
Enhanced males produce vastly greater amounts of Pheromones than unenhanced males, and they have been detected in very large quantities in the Saliva, Semen, Breath and of course Axillary sweat of Enhanced males. Concentrations of several hundred times that of an unenhanced male are normal in the axillary sweat of an Enhanced male, the sweat glands of the groin area show the highest output of Pheromones overall. In some cases, up to a thousand times the normal concentration of Pheromones can be found in the sweat produced by the axillary sweat glands in the groin of an Enhanced male.
Even though the Vomeronasal organ is nonfunctional in humans these levels of Pheromones are obviously detectable, if only unconsciously and are capable of having a series of quite marked effects on unenhanced exposed to them.
Evolutionary queues and triggers within the physiological and neuropsychological make up of human females appear to be highly impacted by the effects of the Pheromones of Enhanced males. As evolutionary pressures on females resolved around finding the best and fittest mate to father their children, they are highly sensitive to conscious and unconscious ques and signals that demonstrate this fitness.
The physical presence of Enhanced males, who are usually much bigger and stronger than their unenhanced counterparts coupled to the vastly elevated levels of Pheromones that they produce effectively overwhelm the physiological responses and the cognitive model that has evolved in human females in relation to mate selection. In the absence of a Vomeronasal organ to permit females to consciously sense and understand pheromonal signals the Pheromones of the Enhance male effectively cause a female to unconsciously view an enhanced male as an automatic, preferred and highly desirable mate.
This unconscious thought processes in females exposed to Enhanced male Pheromones has been confirmed by hypnosis. This is an area that would profit from further intensive study.
On exposure to the Pheromones of Enhanced males’ females will rapidly exhibit the normal signs of sexual arousal – heart and breathing rate will elevate, nipples will harden, and breasts will become fuller. The clitoris and vaginal lips will engorge with blood and vaginal lubrication will commence. Flushing of the skin of the neck and upper chest is also very common in women exposed to the Pheromones of Enhanced males. The longer the female is exposed to the Pheromones of Enhanced males the more intense her arousal will become, though the increasing levels of sexual arousal will plateau in most females within about 30 minutes of being exposed to the Pheromones of an Enhanced male. In this plateau phase, which will persist if the female continues to be exposed to Enhanced Pheromones the female remains highly aroused and very susceptible to sexual advances. The sexual arousal caused is completely uncontrollable consciously by the female and is extremely difficult for her to reduce or eliminate, save by removing herself from the presence of Enhanced males. It can take up to several hours for a female to return to an unaroused state after exposure to the Pheromones of an Enhanced male, depending on how long the female was exposed to Enhanced Pheromones.
The Pheromones of multiple Enhanced males will accelerate the onset of sexual arousal and it’s reaching its maximum, plateau phase, and will also prolong a females state or arousal after she is removed from exposure to Enhanced Pheromones.
Unenhanced males are as vulnerable to physiological and psychological changes from both short term and long-term exposure to the pheromones of Enhanced males, though the effects are markedly different from those in females.
We will be concentrating on the physiological effects on unenhanced males, though some of these may be mediated by psychological changes, it must be noted.
On exposure to the Pheromones of an Enhanced male for a period of five to ten minutes, the unenhanced male begins to experience a shrinkage in penis size as normal blood flow to the penis begins to reduce dramatically. In this state the penis is still functionally able to attain an erection, at least initially and this shrinkage effect can last for several hours after the unenhanced male is removed from the presence of Enhanced Pheromones. Any exposure to Enhanced Pheromones beyond several hours will induce a state of partial erectile dysfunction in an unenhanced male.
The longer a male is exposed to Enhanced Pheromones the longer it takes for them to recover from the effects of this exposure. The production of testosterone will begin to fall after several hours of exposure to the Pheromones of Enhanced males, males who are exposed long term of Enhanced males show an average drop of 30% to 40% in their testosterone production.
Note: No study was made of the effect of Enhanced Pheromones on homosexual men.
The Role of the Female Orgasm:
Long debated and even sometimes a controversial subject in the context of the Enhanced male and sexual intercourse with females the role of the substantially elevated number of orgasms experienced by females, along with their documented and demonstrated greater intensity and duration needs to be examined.
It should be noted that the female orgasm will be studied here mainly in relation to its role in reproduction and not in relation to female sexual pleasure or its impact on pair bonding process etc.
All sexually mature females having penetrative vaginal sex with an Enhanced male will experience multiple orgasms, this being a well-established observable fact. Anecdotal and clinical evidence has however, identified several female orgasm types associated with various stages of sexual intercourse with Enhanced males.
The 1st Orgasm: Most females will experience an orgasm within no longer than two minutes of initial penetration of their vagina by an Enhanced Penis. These orgasms are classed as vaginal orgasms based on anecdotal evidence and MRI recordings. This initial orgasm serves to loosen and further lengthen the vagina and seems to allow the Enhanced Penis to easier achieve a full depth of penetration.
The Deep Thrust Orgasm: like the above orgasm most females will experience a vaginal orgasm when the Enhanced male first achieves full penetration with his Penis of her vagina. The Anterior and Posterior Fornix are often out of reach to the penis of the unenhanced male but are readily reachable to the Penis of the Enhanced male. These two zones are nerve ending dense and, in some cases, have a nerve ending density comparable to that of the clitoris. MRI scans show that when the Enhanced Penis achieves full penetration it will significantly distend the area of the Anterior and Posterior Fornix, both laterally and longitudinally, putting intense pressure on these areas. This will cause a female to orgasm in about 95% of cases. These orgasms are vaginal orgasms.
The Multiple Orgasm: though multiple orgasms occur in less than 15% of the general female population all females report multiple orgasms when having penetrative vaginal sex with Enhanced males. In the general population up to five orgasms can be achieved by a female during any one sexual arousal phase. In females having penetrative vaginal sex with Enhanced males’ multiple orgasms of up to twenty separate orgasms have been recorded scientifically and described anecdotally. These orgasms are vaginal orgasms.
The Continuous Orgasm: this orgasm is difficult to quantify, both from anecdotal accounts and scientifically. MRI studies along with the monitoring of various physiological parameters confirm that this is a real event. It has however proven difficult to a ascribe a particular physical, hormonal or endocrine trigger or trigger level for the onset of this orgasm. This orgasm is however unique in that it appears to be centered solely in and around the cervix, continuous and powerful rhythmic contractions and elongations of the cervix both laterally and longitudinally have been observed during these orgasms. It is thus classed as a cervical orgasm, a phenomenon rarely observed in sexual studies not involving Enhanced males.
The Ejaculation Orgasm: When the Enhanced male Ejaculates during penetrative vaginal sex the female will experience a very powerful corresponding orgasm. Very rapid and extreme muscular contractions of the vagina, cervix and the uterus are observed during this final orgasm. It is not unusual for these contractions to continue sporadically for several minutes after the Enhanced male has finished Ejaculating.
Physical evidence collected during studies strongly supports the hypothesis that these orgasms are very closely corelated with encouraging the reproductive success of the Sperm of Enhanced males Ejaculated into a female’s reproductive system.
Irrespective of the pleasure a female will experience during any of these orgasms the physiological and endocrine changes that these orgasms produce within a female are observable and their results quantifiable.
The first series of orgasms which a female will experience upon the commencement of vaginal sex with an Enhanced male are tied to enabling her vagina to accommodate the size of the Enhanced male Penis, but it is the subsequent orgasms where the main changes are observed.
The concentration of observable musculature activity in the cervix during a Continuous Orgasm is of particular note. The cervical mucus within the cervix is subjected to repeated physical stress as the cervix contracts and expands, often rapidly and with horizontal and vertical displacements of several millimeters. It is postulated that movement compromises the physical properties of a barrier that the cervical mucus plays in regulating sperm access to the uterus. The observed ingress of significant volumes of Enhanced Semen into the uterus during Ejaculation supports this conjecture.
During the Ejaculation Orgasm the vagina, cervix and uterus will again undergo very strong and coordinated muscular contractions, these contractions acting to suction semen into the cervix and even straight into the uterus beyond. This semen suction effect has been postulated as being one of the physiological reasons for the female orgasm, but it has not been accepted universally in academia.
In the case of a female experiencing an Ejaculation Orgasm during sex with an Enhanced male it has been observably demonstrated that the Semen Suction effect takes place. As much as a quarter of the semen ejaculated by an Enhanced male has been observed to be siphoned off by the cervix and removed from the vagina and transported to the uterus because of the contractions during an Ejaculation Orgasm. This is in addition to the Semen of the Enhanced male that can directly transit the cervix due to the compromise of the cervical mucus to act as a physical barrier to Semen ingress into the uterus.
The physical actions taking place inside a female during a Continuous Orgasm and an Ejaculation Orgasm are very obviously associated with encouraging as much of the Sperm of the Enhanced male to cross the cervix and enter the uterus.
The levels of the hormone Prolactin, the female hormone that regulates ovulation are known to increase in females after orgasm. In females experiencing sex with Enhanced males the levels of Prolactin released have been recorded as approaching, or even in some cases exceeding the levels required for ovulation to occur.
Thus, the role of the female orgasm when having sexual intercourse with an Enhanced male is intricately tied to unconscious psychological and physiological changes designed to maximize the chances of conception.
A female unconsciously recognizes the Enhanced male as a vastly superior specimen to mate with and thus her body will go to extreme lengths to ensure fertilization of her ova by the Sperm of an Enhanced male.
It is the Pheromones secreted by Enhanced that triggers this perception in human females, overwhelming eons of evolutionary hardwiring, causing them to view Enhanced males as genetically perfect for mating with. These effects, when added to the direct sexual arousal effects of Pheromones are responsible for the complete collapse of resistance to the sexual advances of Enhanced males in all females. The only mediating factor is how long these effects take to collapse this resistance, additional factors such as alcohol and drugs, and the liberal use of Xcite ensure that in females will be unable to resist the sexual advances of Enhanced males for no more than a handful of minutes in the worst case.
Exposure to the Semen and Sperm of an Enhanced male elicits further unconscious psychological and physiological changes within a female, changes that she is completely unaware of on a conscious level.
From an evolutionary perspective the role of the female is solely one of reproduction and given the cost of carrying and child to term and then raising that child to maturity, females have a strong conscious and unconscious drive and to select the fittest genetic mate for their children. The unique reactions of their bodies to the Pheromones, Semen and Sperm of Enhanced males can only be understood in terms of their bodies choosing Enhanced Sperm as the most desirable to fertilize their ovum.
Following on research into the effects of Xcite were carried out after the conclusion of the initial studies outlined above as the required medical and scientific personnel were available and experienced in this type of research and a ready pool of test subjects had been identified. Xcite was discovered by Hank McGraw and is a very effective substance for inducing sexual arousal in women and the opposite in men.
The ingestion of Xcite greatly stimulates the production of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Melanocortin and Oxytocin in females and inhibits the production of Serotonin and various natural Opioids. Ironically in males Xcite has the effect of suppressing the production of Dopamine and associated male sexual stimulants and increasing the production of Opioids, along with several male specific sexual inhibitors.
Is should be noted that though the Pheromones of Enhanced males can have similar effects to those of Xcite, the actual physiological process that result in the same outcomes are not altogether similar. Also as noted above, the duration of the effects of the Pheromones of Enhanced males is strongly linked to the amount of time a male or female spends in the presence of Enhanced male(s), as is the strength of the effects.
Xcite on the other hand shows little evidence of an increase in symptoms with increasing ingestion of the substance, increasing effects are only mildly correlated with dosage. Increasing doses of Xcite mostly serve to prolong the effects as opposed to increasing the strength of these effects.
Xcite also does not seem to have any of the long-term cognitive effects seen as a result of long-term exposure to Enhanced Pheromones, at least none has showed up in testing so far.
In MRI scans of the female brain the Medial orbitofrontal cortex preoptic area of the brain becomes very active within a minute or two of the ingestion on Xcite, the nerves that control vaginal lubrication and vaginal vasocongestion originate in this region of the brain. All the other well-known regions of the brain associated with sexual desire like the Hypothalamus, the Temporal Lobe and the Amygdala also ‘light up’ when exposed to Xcite. This closely mimics the observed responses in the brains of females when exposed to the Pheromones of Enhanced males.
Where the Pheromones of Enhanced males will cause a gradual drop in Testosterone production in unenhanced males, Xcite causes a much more rapid drop in Testosterone production within a few minutes of ingestion. A dose of 1ml of ‘standard’ Xcite will drop Testosterone production to about 40% of its usual level within a few minutes and keep it suppressed at this level for about two hours. Increased dosages can drop this level slightly lower but mostly acts to increase the duration of the effects of Xcite. The suppression of Testosterone, along with the production of sexual inhibitors in the male central nervous system in response to the presence of Xcite (a 1ml ‘standard’ dose) eliminates the ability of an unenhanced male to attain an erection for at least six hours, three times the duration of the suppression of Testosterone production.
The domestic water supply of the town of Stony Harbor is laced with 1ml of Xcite per liter, about a ¼ of what is normally considered the standard refence dose for Xcite. This reduced dosage has been sufficient to cause most the unenhanced male population of Stony Harbor to be rendered functionally impotent as they are unable to attain an erection under any circumstances.
The well documented effects of Xcite on the female population of Stony Harbor requires no further investigation or comment, nor does its widescale use coupled with is obvious effectiveness.
Though Enhanced males are resistant to the more extreme effects of Xcite they are not fully immune to its effects, and care should be taken to minimize exposure to it by Enhanced males. For example, Enhanced males should not drink from the domestic water supply in Stony Harbor and should take care to not put ice made from this supply in any of their drinks etc.
It must be noted that the effects of Xcite on males were a happy and fortuitous byproduct of the research that led to Xcite and were not its primary goal.
Different formulations of Xcite have been developed down the years, some focusing on stronger or more short-term effects, others on longer term, but with correspondingly reduced effects.
Standard Xcite: the original formulation developed and the most produced. Its effects are strongly tied to its dosage along with the duration of its effects. Slightly sour and slaty tasting and usually administered in conjunction with sweet liquids to mask its taste. Mass dosage, such as is happening in Stony Harbor is carried out at very low concentrations due to this fact. The Naïve Aqua Blaq bottled water brand has 1mL of Xcite per 250mL for still water, but its sparkling water has 2mL of Xcite per 250 mL, the slightly salty taste of sparkling water masking the taste of Xcite and allowing for a slightly higher dosage. The reference dose of 1mL dose of Xcite per 250mL of water can induce heightened sexual arousal in a female for roughly four hours, ingesting more Xcite will prolong the duration of this arousal.
Slow-Release Xcite: the first variant of Xcite was a ‘slow release’ variant which reduced the effects of Xcite in return for a longer duration of these effects. It leveraged commercially available pharmaceutical Slow-Release Mechanisms but their (licensing) cost and the difficulty in producing this variant of Xcite reduced it to something of a novelty. In addition to its increased cost its low efficacy in inducing sufficient sexual arousal in females and sexual dysfunction in males made it unpopular and restricted it to only several niche applications. In recent years the expiration of patents on several Slow-Release Mechanisms means that this type of Xcite could be produced now at a cost just slightly above that of standard Xcite.
Quick Action Xcite: the opposite of Slow-Release Xcite the effects of this last for a much shorter length of time but are more pronounced. Its effects, except where it is administered in very large doses, last for about 30% of the duration of standard Xcite. It is often mixed with Standard Xcite in a 25% Quick - 75% Standard ratio and this ‘blend’ is very popular. The only drawback is that Quick Action Xcite is both more expensive and stronger tasting than Standard Xcite. Care must be taken to mask its taste, least subjects become aware of its’ presence in their drink.
Topical Xcite: A variant of Xcite specifically designed for topical application, such as the Trinibongo Sunscreen Brand etc. Though not as effective due to its method of application, it can be added in concentrations higher than possible with methods that rely on oral ingestion to overcome this disadvantage.
Double Strength Xcite: As the name says this variant has double the effects and duration of Standard Xcite. Very expensive to produce (about 10 times more expensive than Standard Xcite), only very small quantities of this variant have been manufactured so far. Its most effective use has been observed when blended with Quick action Xcite, 50%-50%. Due to its cost, it is usually only available to senior members of the E&I executive committee.
Aerosol Xcite: A variant designed specifically to be delivered via inhalation, developed on the back of the research that led to Topical Xcite. Rarely used due to its indiscriminate delivery method, Enhanced males need to avoid where it is being deployed so that they do not suffer the deleterious effects of Xcite. Mainly used to spike aerosols such as perfumes etc. or to target specific locations and/or individuals.
Note: all the effects and durations etc. above are calculated for females only
Wcite: Its name comes from WimpCite and is a specific formulation of Xcite which eliminates all effects on females and solely focuses on its negative effects on males. Given the effects of standard Xcite and the effects of the Pheromones of Enhanced males on unenhanced males this compound is not regarded as a cost-effective solution to eliminating the sexual responses and abilities of unenhanced males. About four times as effective on a per dose basis as ‘normal’ Xcite in regard to the length of time of the effects it has on unenhanced males, it has another attractive feature in that in addition to causing complete Erectile Dysfunction it also induces the penis to shrink to its absolute minimum size. A standard 1mL dose can render an unenhanced male unable to attain an erection for 16 hours along with a noticeable shrinkage of their penis during this period. Quantities above 1mL extend the length of time that the unenhanced male is unable to attain an erection and the time that the penis remains in a ‘shrunken’ state. Doses higher than 50mL significantly reduce normal blood flow to the penis, which can cause further shrinking and risks permanent Erectile Dysfunction. Was originally produced in small quantities for testing purposes and some targeted usage, though it remains in production, see below.
Xcite is commonly used by Enhanced males to lower the sexual inhibitions of females and eliminate any residual resistance of targeted females to sexual advances from Enhanced males. The Zebra Clubs are large consumers of Xcite, as are any events where the Rap Group Black Phallus play. All Enhanced males can purchase Xcite and most of its derivatives from E&I Pharmaceuticals, for individual purchases it often comes in a package and bottle that indicates it is ‘eye drops’. For larger, mass applications it can be ordered in bottles that resemble industrial detergent or even in 60-gallon plastic drums. Xcite is also available pre-packaged in the E&I brand of bottled water, ‘Naïve Aqua Blanc’, in 250ml, 500mL, 1 liter and 10-liter drums (the latter for ‘office cooler’ applications).
For some specialist applications Xcite is available in a solid or semi soluble form, such as where a specific location (an individual house or an apartment) needs to have its domestic water supply dosed with Xcite. In these formats Xcite can be delivered over an extended period, the only downside being that concentrations of Xcite will usually be lower than if delivered by other means. For this reason, Double Strength Xcite is often used for these cases.
It is on Trinibongo where Xcite has come into perhaps its most widespread use. All unenhanced visitors to the island will be heavily dosed with it by various covert means from the moment of their arrival to their departure as a matter of course. The notorious Trinibongo cocktail known to all Enhanced as ‘Bitch Piss’, and somewhat more palatably to the unenhanced as Krazy Zuc, originated there. A blend of Everclear, vodka, several Fruit Juices, sugar and both liquid Xcite and crushed ice made with Xcite laced water. This cocktail is available for free to all unenhanced residents of Trinibongo and is foisted upon the unenhanced guests of the islands at every conceivable opportunity. All other drinks consumed by the unenhanced guests of the Island are also heavily, some would say excessively laced with Xcite, and the potable water supplied to the guest rooms is dosed at treble the concentration of the domestic water supply of Stony Harbor for example. The non potable water used for guest showers and bathing/cleaning in their rooms is laced at six times the concentration of the domestic water supply of Stony Harbor.
All alcoholic drinks supplied to unenhanced females on the island, in addition to being laced with Xcite, will also be spiked with Everclear to hasten the onset of inebriation. In some cases, a specific drug cocktail developed by Hank McGraw is also administered to the females’ drinks, a mixture of several Benzodiazepines, Ketamine, Ecstasy, GHB and LSD, known by its nickname KB. This drug was used somewhat by early Enhanced males before the development of Xcite as an aid to the sexual conquest of females, but its use has fallen almost totally out of favor by the Enhanced, except on Trinibongo, where it remains in use both as a ‘spiking agent’ and as a ‘party drug’, freely available to any unenhanced female who asks after this type of narcotic.
Aerosol Xcite is used in the air conditioning system of the guest rooms, especially when the occupants are asleep, and if no Enhanced males are present.
Another use case for aerosol Xcite is in the shower stalls, both of the guest rooms and the cabanas of the swimming areas, which are of course wired for vision and sound. When a guest takes a shower aerosol Xcite is introduced into the shower stall, its presence masked by the spray of water associated with the shower.
All toiletries of guests will be spiked with Xcite if possible while the guests are absent from their rooms, sunscreens purchased off-island are often removed and secretly disposed of during these activities, thereby forcing the guests to purchase the only sunscreen available on the island, which is of course heavily laced with topical Xcite.
The Trinibongo islanders persist in using Wcite to target unenhanced male guests, despite the efficacy of Xcite and its lower costs, for example male toiletries will be spiked with Wcite as opposed to Xcite and at every opportunity the Trinibongo islanders will attempt to use Wcite on males as opposed to Xcite.
Over the years the Islanders on Trinibongo have increasingly taken greater and greater exception to the presence of any unenhanced male guests on their island and as such will subject all unenhanced male guests to what they call ‘special treatment’. All drinks for unenhanced male guests will be excessively laced with Wcite and if the drink is alcoholic the drink will be spiked with Everclear to increase the inebriation of the male guest, above and beyond the quantities of Everclear used to spike female alcoholic drinks.
From a review of records and conversations with several of the Islanders it appears to have been decided that all unenchanted males visiting the island as guests are to be dosed with Wcite above the 50mL limit that has been shown to cause permanent penis shrinkage and erectile dysfunction. In most cases unenhanced male guests on the Island will be dosed with levels of Wcite well above this limit, by whatever means necessary.
However, the Islanders are now no longer content to rely just upon Wcite or Xcite to ensure unfettered access to unenhanced females accompanied by males. As such they will now also drug indiscriminately all unenhanced male guests on the island in order to remove as rapidly as possible the presence of unwanted unenhanced males from unenhanced female guests.
All unenhanced male guests will be drugged with sleeping agents at a minimum as early as possible during their stay. They will be drugged either using commonly commercially available sleeping agents or by KB and these are usually administered in either food or drink. KB is used in larger doses than on females to induce incapacitation of the unenhanced male as opposed to just confusion and reduced mental acuity in unenhanced females. KB is also especially useful if amnesia is required in the memories of the unenhanced male. If the unenhanced male queries their unconsciousness subsequently it is rebutted by the Enhanced Islanders as a combination of Jet Lag (if the unenhanced male is not from the same time zone as Trinibongo), being unaccustomed to the tropical climate of the Island, or over drinking, or a combination of some or all of these.
Another option used is to have the food of unenhanced male guests laced with strong laxatives or purgatives, or even a combination of both. Unenhanced males weakened by the effects of these drugs will then usually also have sleeping agents administered to them covertly.
A third method is the use of a special concoction of prescription medications and over the counter drugs that can be covertly administered, and which induces rapid fever like symptoms, along with a blinding headache. This later method has fallen out of favor as it can leave traces of the drugs used that could be detected up to several weeks later by a toxicology blood screen. But is it still used in some circumstances to incapacitate unenhanced males.
In some, thankfully rare cases, the Trinobongo islanders have been known to administer Ipecac, a rather dangerous emetic agent to unenhanced male guests as a means of incapacitating them, especially if the male guest has been particularly annoying or troublesome in the eyes of the Islander males.
Given how Trinibongo is marketed and its use by the wider E&I organization to fulfil specific sociogenetic goals, the number of unenhanced males that visit the island every year tends to be in the low tens and twenties.
Research into making a special formulation of plastic used in dildos and vibrators mimic the effects of Xcite is underway, but so far, the increase in arousal levels associated with this plastic is low. As an interim measure all E&I produced black dildos come packaged with a bottle of lubricant heavily laced with topical Xcite.
The so called ‘wimp shot’, which came about after a male was injected with a shot of Y-Serum by accident, is a special case for examination. Despite what has just been said, the ‘wimp-shot’ is not a Y-Serum injection, it has been derived from it, but it has evolved to a point where it cannot be correlated in any way with the effects of a Y-Serum shot.
It has been noted to induce the following in the unenhanced male test subjects exposed to it so far:
Reduction in Libido – this is linked to the permanent reduction of Testosterone production to about 15% of that of an average unenhanced male
Erectile Dysfunction – linked to the reduction in Testosterone production but also caused by a rapid case of arteriosclerosis in the arteries of the penis and by the onset of irreversible and swift atrophy of the smooth muscle tissue in the penis results in the male being unable to attain or maintain an erection.
Inability to Ejaculate – the ability to ejaculate ceases as a function both of erectile dysfunction, a reduction in sperm production associated with the reduction in the size of the testes and associated changes to the endocrine system.
Reduction in the size of the penis – linked to Erectile Dysfunction and the atrophy of the smooth muscle tissue in the penis accelerates to a point where the penis shrinks dramatically in size, until the penis can only be described as vestigial, completely incapable of performing any sexual or reproductive actions. The penis is reduced to roughly 2.5cm in length and 1.2cm in width.
Reduction in the size of the testes – the testes will shrink until they are roughly the size of a raisin, 9mm in length and 2mm in width and will weigh no more than 0.5 of a gram. Like the penis the testes can also be considered fully vestigial in this state, and they cease completely to produce sperm.
With the wimp shot being ten times as expensive as a traditional X-Serum shot, only a handful were produced originally, and none were used ‘operationally’.
However, the availability of large amounts of synthetic Carbronite and with its suitability for use in the W-Serum has led to something of a resurgence in interest in this formerly neglected product.
Several versions and generations of the W-Serum have been produced during ongoing testing, each one showing a reduced requirement of Carbronite, and research indicates that it may be possible to reduce the cost to around $1,000,000 a dose.
Unfortunately, the survival rates of unenhanced male test subjects have been poor, the first iterations of W-Serum killed the test subjects before the full effects had completed manifesting themselves and in its latest iterations only one in four subjects survives beyond six months.
It is theorized that its very efficacy in reducing the size of the male testes and the subsequent reduction in testosterone production is one of the main reasons for the low survivability rates. The use of artificial testosterone injections is being trialed to see if it improves the long-term survival chances of test subjects, but this is not a viable solution to the problem.
We recommend that research into W-Serum be expanded dramatically to develop it into a reliable and safe treatment as its potential has great possibilities.
Another offshoot of the accident that led to W-Serum, the T-Serum can transform a male into a female, or at least that is the theory. In fact, the T-Serum does not change a male into a female, it instead induces a condition identical to the genetic condition known as CAIS (Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome).
Though the subject remains ‘male’ in that they have one X and one Y Chromosome, they transform to look completely female. All primary and secondary male sexual and physical characteristics disappear, the penis shrinks and retracts into the body to form a vagina, the testes shrink and retract back up into the body, the skin of the scrota disappears as it is reabsorbed by the body during this process.
What is interesting is that the resultant female also reverts to what appears to be their mid teenage years in terms of appearance. With the complete lack of sensitivity to male sex hormones the effect of female sex hormones, even though the male will have a minimal quantity present in their body, is marked. Primary and secondary female sexual characteristics will become quickly obvious and prominent, facial features soften and remodel into strikingly attractive supernormal female features.
Breasts and hips become pronounced, the waist narrows and hair on the head grows rapidly and glossily, skin will become smooth and free of blemishes, and body hair will almost completely disappear, even from the pubic region.
The process can be helped along by injecting the test subjects with female hormones, which has the effect of speeding up the process, which initially took several months to complete.
As a precaution the ascended testes should be surgically removed to prevent a possible cancer risk, as is practiced with patients that suffer from genetic CAIS.
No cervix, uterus or ovaries are present within the body, and so pregnancy cannot occur, but to all external intents and purposes the person is now a female.
Unfortunately, the cost of the T-Serum is prohibitive, and even with the usage of synthetic Corbronite, remains in the region of $20 million dollars a shot.
Would love to see some detail on the unique reaction of females when enhanced male cum touches her tongue, mouth and throat !