Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year Update

 The new year doesn't bring any great news for story updates. My 72 hour weeks are over, but the six days a week will continue until we get more help and we're like everywhere else when it comes to finding workers. The lesser hours may let me get a little writing in, but not much. I'll post updates when I can.


  1. Good to hear about you man

  2. Stay safe and have a happy New Year....

  3. Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year !

  5. Dude, you gotta quit that job now, that’s completely fucked. Is your boss Solomon King?

  6. Good to hear from you!

  7. You should write more stories of people "going postal" :-)

    For example, a big black stud who knocks up all the housewives pretending to be the mailman. At first it's easy, but then he really needs to come up with convincing excuses to have them drop their panties.

    After giving birth to a beautiful black baby, Abby Hoes (google her!) is determined to put a stop to this man. So she offers the other wives advice on how to resist the big black cock. When that doesn't work, she offers herself as bait.

    Okay so now every wife in the neighborhood drops a second clutch of black babies. But Abby does not give up! She lets all the black studs (the mechanic, the repairman, the priest, ...) fuck her in order to identify the "mailman's" cock. They're all long and thick, and they all fail to withdraw before cumming, but it isn't the magnificent cock she remembers, so she keeps trying.

    Finally, after giving birth to a third batch of black babies, she manages to catch the "mailman". But at that stage, she simply blackmails him (heh!) If he stops dicking the other wives, she won't tell on him.

    Of course, she then has to cope with him being unfaithful. How can she find out if the new babies in the neighborhood come from those other black men and not from the mailman? The wives won't tell, so she has to visit all those men all over again.

    Finally she's satisfied most of the babies were pumped into her friends by other men than the mailman, but at the cost of getting pregged up by no less than three of the men in addition to "her" mailman.

    So she forgives him. Of course, he dicked them all, he just didn't knock up those that already were pregged by the others.

    Oh well, life goes on. Despite her nagging suspicions her friends babies look too much like "her" mailman, she chooses to turn the other cheek. Her hubby finally abandons her after her sixth birth. She asks the mailman to move in with her, but he's a free spirit and just tells her no.

    He will keep visiting her, though, on one condition: that she stops investigating who fathered which baby, and just invites any man that rings her doorbell inside :-)

  8. Glad to hear from you.

  9. Thanks for the update, can't wait for your new adventures

  10. Damn. Looks like Jane Stalwart isn't coming back for awhile. Hope work gets better for you soon.

  11. Any other author similar to you that you recommend?
    While you find the opportunity to return to your writing

  12. Here's something different to tide us over until Storm's next story, a REALLy good porn music video (remove the two spaces I inserted):

    htt ps://www.x

    ("Faded" by adn7730 if the link acts up)

  13. Hey Stormbringer!
    I've been a fan for over 10 years. Keep up the great work!

    Your work has inspired alot of my art. Hope you get a chance to check it out!

    1. Thanks. Love it. I've saved your page and will keep checking it out.
