Monday, November 5, 2018

This week

Standard news week.

Kaos updated Gardeners 3

Progress is being made on the next Houseguest chapter. For a guy that's complained for years about not having time to write with it only growing worse in the future, I find myself with more time to write. First, my wife's been volunteering some evenings and work forced me to change my day off to Monday's giving me a day alone. Though I'll always have errands to do, I can easily give myself a couple hours. Christmas is the busy season for me so I can't guarantee Mondays until the season is over, but so far I've only had to work one.


  1. That is a good news.

  2. When are you going to start coxville curse next installment. Please start ASAP

    1. Just wanted to agree with anonymous-- coxville curse is my favorite :)

  3. I hope you update soon.
    I eagerly wait for the big finale.

  4. What about possibly more of kitty and jenny's expierence with the cops after being burglarized?
