Sunday, August 14, 2016

This week

1) Kaos updated Doctor Bitch

2) Back from vacation. I will try to get some writing done this week.

Update: Added the latest section of HOCC. Search for COOACH should put you at the new part.


  1. Glad to hear you're back. What about the recent hocc update that came today?

  2. Hey Storm! Question: Any idea why Kaos keeps posponing flag girls? its my favourite comic by far. Thanks buddy! Big fan here

    1. No. She had planned on posting it after the last comic, but went with Doctor Bitch. Since she alternates comics, she needs to have something to post in between FG's 5 chapters. I did send her the list of most desired from the recent poll. If she contacts me before DB is done, I'll tell her most of my people are asking for Flag Girls.

    2. Most appreciated feedback, please do tell her if you get the chance:)

  3. Storm...what HOCC story is being updated?
