Saturday, January 18, 2025

Update from Storm

 No good news from me. Christmas as most of you know is my busy time at work and I get very little writing done. On top of that, I got bronchitis and felt bad half the month. January, the snow put me behind at work and my son's been home from college all month. Next month, I'm going on vacation for a good ten days. I won't have a lot of writing time for a bit, but I'll peck at some projects when I can.

The author who sent me the last piece of E&I fanfic has sent me some more, and I'll post his stuff when I review it.


  1. Sad you have been feeling rough, hope you feel better. Do you have any updates of Coxville Curse?

  2. Can't wait for that writer's other stories. Us E&I fans are finally eating good after years of waiting for something.

  3. Thanks. I'm over the bronchitis and feel fine just backed up now for the other reasons. I'll try to move on the author's other stories he's sent me.
