Sunday, December 8, 2019

This week

I got a request to remind everyone that yahoo groups are shutting down which means the E&I fan group is going away. It's been pretty much dead for years, but the moderator Enilover has kept monthly postings of new E&I magazine covers. Kudos to him on his dedication.

Stormbringer's Universe

Nothing new from Kaos yet. It's Sunday my time and her updates are usually in Monday morning. I'll update this if a new comic appears tomorrow.

December is my busy month so I haven't gotten much writing in. I still have Mondays free and should get some more writing in soon.


  1. Can you ask Enilover to put a google drive/mega link with all the magazine covers to shared it buddy?

    1. Ask and shall receive.

  2. I wanted to suggest that Kaos should have a poll on her Patreon and or her website to vote for the next comics she draws. I figured this would encourage her to draw more often and less frustrated.

    1. I would suggest she sets up a Patreon first... Her Twitter feed is a joke, and her web store solution is old-school and unpopular.

    2. She has a web store? What does she sell?

  3. I just wanna see more Annabelle, that was one hell of a good comic she did. Lessons has been 10/10 too

    1. Disagree. Thought Annabelle was one of her worst. The main character had no redeeming features at all.

    2. I can respect Kaos wanting to write/draw a story where the woman gives zero fucks about what others think, and just get laid. Actually, reverse the genders and you have a fairly typical male story.

      That doesn't mean I like it, because what I'm into is attractive young housewives that, despite their best intentions, end up getting creamed by huge black bulls. That is, the key is the journey from prissy racist to BBC lover, ideally without ever confessing it even to themselves!

  4. Hi Stormbringer,

    I am a fan of Coxville's universe, I wanted to salute your work (really accurate) and thank you.

    One of the great successes of the history is the confrontation between the desire of the women of Coxville and their conscience, that gives a completely different aspect to the story. I hope you will maintain this aspect in CC4 and that it will not become a simple giant orgy without flavor.

    I love your work, other stories than Coxville too, keep it up man!


    Ps : sorry for my bad english
