Monday, July 15, 2019

This week

Not much news to report, but I'm making progress on Houseguest and the end is finally in sight. I've even had some bonus writing time that I wasn't expecting and I'll have some more this Thursday.

Literotica finally got the version of Mom Pounded with Pit's illustrations posted and it took off like crazy. It's hit 106,000 reads and 56 favorites in only a few weeks.


  1. Congrats!! You know, there's probably a few Stormbringer stories revolving around these new technologies we're seeing all around us, involving some questionable invasion of privacy; i.e. "Alexa" always listening in (also appears phallic like) and our phones suggesting things to us (Trinibago or an Al Sharpespear speech) that could work itslef nicely into the thoughts of a curvy conservative housewife. Just a thought... Keep up the epic work!

  2. Also possibly VR or AR along with various social media, networking apps and a Stormbringer scenario might be a thing we see arriving in the near future

  3. I see Kaos posted something random, and unrelated to her website, on her seems like she is still around, just maybe giving up with her website and comics.
