Tuesday, September 20, 2016

This week

1) No writing progress since my updates, but I'm about to start some work on Unwanted Houseguest now.

Speaking of Houseguest, I accidently posted the cut/paste of the original story plus some notes making it look like a garbled ending. I corrected it as soon as someone pointed it out.

As for CC3, the events I'm writing are following the outline I posted some time back so if you don't like the retirement home parts, you'll just have to wait for the next segment. Kielbasa's passing seemed to surprise some people though it's a pretty good way to go. I'm going to have Candy call Long while he's driving to New Orleans to inform him about his friend and have Long explain that Basa was terminal and should have died months ago. After writing it, it occurred to me that he should have died having sex with a cheerleader (a new one with 2 others volunteering at the home) just after impregnating her and making it look like the curse was keeping him alive to fulfill his purpose of knocking up a white woman.

2) Kaos updated Flag Girls.

Nothing else going on, but if you're following Cockhole's elderly story on lit, he posted Part 3 today. I got halfway through this morning before work and it was pretty good.


  1. Just a suggestion, but I would love to see a series for the Coxville cheerleaders, kind of like what you did in HoCC.

    1. Just for the record, I'm not the author of HoCC.

  2. Your stories and writing are excellent. I know this is not your doing, but Kaos seems to be mailing it in on the Flag Girls series. They have always had the best artwork of any of the cartoon sites (my opinion) and I was anxiously awaiting their version of Flag Girls. That is a great story and was done well on IllustratedInterracial. I thought the artwork from Kaos would take it even a notch higher but their version looks, for a lack of better term since these are drawings, cartoonish. Anyway, it is still a great story as is most everything on your site. Keep up the great writing!

  3. Is Kaos gonna do Annabelle's new life pt2? Like to see her in action some more

  4. Is Kaos gonna do Annabelle's new life pt2? Like to see her in action some more
