Sunday, November 18, 2018

This Week

Missed last week. Been very busy with work and haven't gotten much writing time in. I will have some time this week and the rest of the month.

Kaos has updated Gardeners 3. She is up to page 18 where Jerome has dropped the towel. Note the picture of the three women in bikinis on the wall. That's a possible set up for sequels with Janice's daughter and granddaughter.

If you're looking for something to read, I've been enjoying this series so far. It's up to 2 parts.

Busty Mom and The Bullies

Monday, November 5, 2018

This week

Standard news week.

Kaos updated Gardeners 3

Progress is being made on the next Houseguest chapter. For a guy that's complained for years about not having time to write with it only growing worse in the future, I find myself with more time to write. First, my wife's been volunteering some evenings and work forced me to change my day off to Monday's giving me a day alone. Though I'll always have errands to do, I can easily give myself a couple hours. Christmas is the busy season for me so I can't guarantee Mondays until the season is over, but so far I've only had to work one.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

TUH Chapter 9

Chapter 9:  Thar she blows!

Beth’s mouth still tasted like Gus’ cum when David got home. He kissed her, too polite to say anything about her breath, but she noticed his nose crinkle slightly. He stepped back, looking her up and down. She was back in the sweat shorts and tank top she’d worn watching a movie with him and was braless again. “I haven’t had lunch, mind if I have a bowl of cereal before we go out to dinner?”

“Sure,” said Beth, reaching up for the cereal on top of the refrigerator. She felt her top rise above her nipples, glancing at David. Her husband had a little smirk, staring at her breasts. She came down off her tiptoes, the top falling, but catching on her nipples. She gave her husband a stern yet playful stare as she handed him the raisin bran before pulling her top back down. “Anything else?”

“Only my lovely wife upstairs and in bed.”

“Tonight.” She lowered her hand so that it covered her belly button. “I had a protein shake for lunch and still feel full. Besides, I washed the sheets and haven’t made the bed yet.”

David beamed at the thought of sleeping in his own bed, freshly washed beside his stunning wife. “Well I can’t wait,” he told her. “You look so beautiful. It’s not just the sexy outfit. You’re glowing. The tan looks good on you too.” He’d never seen Beth so happy and cheerful either. Her resting bitch face seemed like it was gone forever.

“Just happy to have my husband home for a night.”

“Not just one night, three days and I can work from home. I’ll even be here for Valentine’s day.”

Beth struggled to keep smiling. “That’s… great, honey.” When would she get any time alone with Titus?

“It is great, but I have some good news and bad news. Mom wants us over to dinner on the thirteenth. She’s wants to cook Titus a going away meal before he heads off West.”

Beth rolled her eyes. She and Mary didn’t get along that well. They’d never connected. Beth considered her mother-in-law to be an embarrassment to feminism. She had rather loose morals and dressed like she was in her twenties and not a 53-year-old middle aged woman. She did have the figure for it, trim with great skin, and full breasts. David was even a little embarrassed by his mother’s outfits. She never wanted for male companionship and had several older black gentlemen that she dated. David never stopped by her house without calling first, not wanting to run into one of them. Beth lost all respect for her when she brought a black man as her date to their wedding. Not just any black man either, Jean Baptiste had been a Haitian refugee. Now he owned a construction company and had thrived in the South Florida construction boom over the last three decades. Beth found herself trembling a little when he took her hand and leaned in to kiss her cheek, congratulating her on her nuptials. He’d held her hand a little too long, staring into her eyes. They’d also danced, and Beth found herself remembering the hard tube that kept pressing into her stomach whenever he pulled her a little too close during their dance. At that time, she didn’t believe something so big could have been his penis. She assumed he’d had something in his pocket. She hadn’t cared for Mary from that day on. David’s mom wasn’t a bad person, but between her sexy outfits and proclivity for black men, they just didn’t have anything in common. Beth frowned. “What’s the good news?”

“I already told you. It’s Titus’ going away meal. Hopefully, he’ll be out of our lives for good and we’ll have our home all to ourselves.”

“Aren’t you going to have your cereal?”

“On second thought, lets just go have an early dinner.” He handed her the cereal box, grinning as her boobs popped out when she reached up to place it back on top the refrigerator. “I’m going to go shower and get changed.”

“I’m going to empty the dishwasher and then I’ll get changed.”

“Just wear what you have on now. We’ll just go to Mama Maria’s for pizza and beer. Nothing fancy.”

“I can’t wear this to dinner,” said Beth, shaking her head at her husband.

“Why not? I dare ya.” David started flapping his arms. “Chicken! Buc buc buc buc buc.” He flapped his arms as he turned and raced up the stairs.

Titus got home while David was upstairs. Beth heard him come in. She stood up from the dishwasher, his big strong arms wrapping around her from behind, hands sliding up under her shirt to squeeze her breasts. He bent down to kiss her neck. “David’s home,” she whispered.

“I saw,” said Titus, his fingers pinching and tugging her nipples. She pushed her ass up and back into his swelling erection. “How long?”

“Until after you leave.” Beth was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness. “I need you.”

“Sneak out tonight and we’ll fuck in the garage or outside or something. Just wake me. We’ll get together whenever we can.”

“Okay.” She turned up into him and they kissed, breaking it off when they heard David coming downstairs.

“No sex with him until I leave and no blow jobs either,” whispered Titus, stepping back

Beth nodded, turning away, opening the refrigerator. She grabbed a beer and handed it over to Titus just as David entered the kitchen.

“Beth!” David raised his eyes at her. She frowned. He pointed at his chest, frantically.

“He’s trying to tell you that your nipples are hard,” said Titus, opening his beer.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, looking down. Her nipples were so swollen and pointy, they’d stretched the top out lifting it so that the bottoms of her breasts were exposed. The top was also hugging her nipples so that the entire outline was visible. “Got a dose of cold from the freezer,” she explained.

Titus grinned. “Well guys, have a nice dinner. I’ll just have some cereal. Beth, can you hand me the box?”

“Sure.” She turned back, rising on her toes. She started reaching for the box.

“BETH!” David came up to them as she went back down on her heels. “I got it,” said David, reaching up for the cereal.

“Oh!” Beth turned on Titus. “Asshole,” she said, halfheartedly punching him in the arm. Titus laughed.

“Let’s get going,” said David.

“Alright,” she said, squeezing out between the two men. She faced her husband but raised her ass to scrape against his brother-in-law’s bulge as she passed. “I’m ready.”

“Aren’t you going to change?”

“Nope. I’m good.”

“You’re going out like that?”

“You dared me. Who’s the chicken now?”

He pointed a finger down at her nipples, making little circular motions. “But?”

“They’ll go down.” Beth flapped her arms, racing to the front door. “Buc buc buc.”

The next two hours at Mama Maria’s was the proudest of David’s life. Beth’s nipples did go down, but only a little. He areola flattened back into her breasts, but the nibs stayed hard. As fate would have it, a lot of his friends were eating out that night. Peter and Dean, two fellow tax accountants, formerly coworkers and now subordinates since he’d gotten promoted were there with their wives sharing a pizza. They were both nerdy, average guys as was David, but Peter and Dean had average looking wives. All four had met Beth, but none had any idea what she’d been hiding under her bulky dresses. The two men stared at her in awe. The two women stared in disgust, looking from Beth to their husbands. They hadn’t cared for her to begin with, now they hated her.

Jim from the gym was there with some other over muscled oafs. He was half black like Titus but favored his white parent more with almost albino like white skin, but African features.  He had the short curly hair of a black man, but the pigment was off in his hair making it light reddish brown. Beth thought he was hideous, but he was very popular among the ladies. He’d been their personal trainer for a while, but he yelled to motivate David, calling him a weakling girly man. David told her if he wanted that abuse, he’d have joined the army. David dropped out. Beth had just started going back but had only been a few times and hadn’t run into Jim. He hadn’t seen her wearing anything other than bulky sweats from when she’d gone with David. Jim shook her hand, checking her out appreciatively and she felt her areolas puffing out again under his piercing gaze. Her pussy quivered when she touched him. He complimented her physique and had her bend forwards touching her toes while he pulled her ass back into his bulging crotch. Her pussy immediately started drooling as the swelling cock pushed into it. She didn’t want to pull away, but her top was ready to fall over her bosom and expose her breasts at any moment. He pointed out some areas that he could tone up on her body. Jim offered some one on one time with her, warning her that it would be a long and hard work out that would leave her exhausted, but well satisfied. She politely told him that she preferred working out alone. He left, slapping David on the back hard enough her husband stumbled, telling David to come back to the gym again so they could start working that paunch off.

Sam and Jack, two of David’s clients were having dinner. They owned a small business and seemed stunned to meet their accountant’s wife. Beth watched them checking her out from the corner of her eye. Jack’s eyes roamed from her breasts to her piercing, staring at it a moment. He nudged Sam, whispering something to him and the two started laughing while staring at her husband.

Lastly, Frank and Joan were there having pasta. Joan met Beth’s eyes, a look of disgust crossing her face. Frank stared lustfully at Beth’s figure. They argued about something for a bit before leaving.

David beamed at all the attention his wife was getting. She was better looking than all their wives, the hottest woman in the restaurant. Sam and Jack bought their dinner as well as another pitcher of beer as congratulations on David’s promotion. After eating, the two men came over watching David and Beth play pool, joining them for the next game. Peter and Dean came over to watch, leaving their wives chatting angrily. All four men were watching Beth while David watched them watch her. The four sat in chairs along the wall while Beth leaned over for a shot. She sank the ball, smiling and walking around to the other side, now facing her admirers. Sam and Dean’s mouths were hanging open. Peter looked shocked while Jack was wiping sweat off his brown. She leaned down for another shot, feeling her top hang open under her breasts. She must have flashed all four of them! Now she was flashing the entire restaurant. Beth missed and stood back up. She turned, noticing a lot of male eyes glance quickly away from her. She pictured herself climbing up on the pool table and dancing nude before all these lesser men. She was once again, the goddess that these men worshipped, her areola returning to their engorged state under their gaze. The next few times she had to make a shot, she took her time and let them stare.

David put his hand on her knee, moving it up her thigh while they drove home. “You were so hot tonight,” he said, smiling proudly.  He moved his hand up to her inner thigh.

“Down boy,” she said, lifting his hand up. “Look, I’ll dress as sexy as you want, but next time I’m wearing a bra. I think I flashed everyone while playing pool.”

“Oh!” exclaimed David. “Yeah, that’s a bit much. Well, they can look, but I’m the only one that gets to touch.” He put his hand back on her knee.

 “Sorry to break this to you, I’m having some female issues.”

“Oh,” he said again, looking crestfallen and withdrawing his hand.

At home, the couple headed upstairs. Titus wasn’t home and was probably working a shift at the club. Beth was a little drunk and the alcohol along with the inadvertent flashing she’d done at the pizza place had made her horny. She was also sleepy but wanted to stay up until Titus got home so they could sneak outside or downstairs to fuck.

Beth and David stripped on either side of the bed. Though not much physically, he’d never had qualms about being nude around Beth. He walked nude to the bathroom and when he returned, Beth was rubbing lotion into her breasts making them shine and her nipples stick out. She glanced over at him. He was just staring stupidly at her breasts. Her eyes moved down to see his little hot dog sized penis sticking out from under the slight paunch. “Maybe you could…?”

Beth crinkled her nose. “Sorry honey,” she apologized. “I gave it a try just because I know you enjoy is so much but putting your penis in my mouth really betrays my feminist ideals.”

“Oh,” he said, looking thoroughly dejected. He slumped forwards and headed for bed.

“Wait,” she said. He was pathetic, but she felt sorry for him. Beth’s hand was still slick with lotion. She walked towards him and pushed him back on the bed. He fell backwards, legs hanging over. “I’ll beat you off,” she said, kneeling between his legs. Her hand wrapped around his little penis. She could hold almost the entire shaft, with just the crown sticking out. Beth jerked it a couple times, but David’s little penis withered in her hand. “What’s wrong?” she asked, staring at the limp prick.

David looked embarrassed like he didn’t want to explain, but she just stared up at him. “I just can’t stop picturing you holding my brother’s thing in your hand.

Not it was Beth’s turn to say, “Oh.” She released his penis, still it’s five inches, but floppy.

“That thing’s a freak of nature. I mean how do women even take that thing. I fill you up real good and his thing is almost twice as big as mine.”

No, you don’t and it’s a lot more than twice as big as yours, dear, she thought. “It is hard to believe, yet Ashley and Helen both seemed to love it.”

“I know, right? They were like addicts.”

Beth inched forwards and bent down, kissing the base of his penis just above his little grape balls. She licked up his penis, feeling it swell again. When she got to the crown, she sucked it in her mouth. It quickly turned hard as she bobbed her head a couple times.

“Uh Beth? Um, I thought you didn’t want to do that anymore?”

“I’m not,” she replied, arching her back. “Just getting it hard so I can do this.” Beth lifted her breasts up and squeezed them around his prick. They were still oily from the lotion. She hefted and lowered them around his penis. “Didn’t one of those sluts in your porns do this?”

David just nodded. His was looking down at her in awe. Her nipples were sticking out between her fingers as she titty fucked him. His penis had completely disappeared trapped between her prodigious breasts. It didn’t take long for the semen to well up in his balls. “Unnnhhh!” he cried out, somewhere between a grunt and a whimper. Beth slowed down, bobbing her breasts only a few more times before she pulled them all the way up. His spent penis plopped down on his crotch, now just a withered two-inch worm. “Thanks,” he muttered, falling back on the bed.

Beth pushed herself up off his knees and walked to the bathroom. It only took a couple pieces of toilet paper to clean the several drops of cum between her breasts. It was almost no mess at all. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. David had slid up under the covers and was already asleep. Beth stared at the drawer where she’d hid the black dildo, but she wanted the real thing. She slipped into bed, determined to stay up until Titus got home, but she was asleep within minutes.

Titus didn’t get home until David and Beth were eating breakfast. Beth glared at him suspiciously. “Late night?” asked David.

“Normal,” grunted the black man. He looked tired. “But when we closed, everyone stayed for a shit beer which turned into a going away party for me. We all went clubbing along South beach until dawn.” He yawned. “I need sleep.” He didn’t even wait for breakfast. Titus just climbed the stairs to his room.

“And what would you like to do today?” David asked his wife.

Follow your brother upstairs, she thought. “I don’t know,” she replied.

“Let’s go to the zoo.”

“The zoo?” Beth sneered. “Don’t you have work to do?”

“I’ll get it done.” He held his hands up in surrender. David looked at her sadly.

Beth calmed herself. She forced a smile and reached out to pat his hand. “I’d love to spend the day with you.”

He perked up. “Let me go get changed then.” He put his cereal bowl in the sink and headed for the stairs.

Beth waited for the footsteps to die off before pulling her phone out of her pocket. She went to Titus folder, gasping at the new video clips he’d posted. Beth was kneeling, jerking both Titus and Gus off. Staring at both their giant cocks did nothing to quell the growing need in her pussy. She quickly put the phone away when David came back downstairs. “Ready?” he asked.

“Let’s go,” she replied, standing, a genuine smile brightening her face. She was dying to get fucked by a real man, but something else had made her happy. The only new videos Titus had posted were of her. He’d kept his promise not to fuck any of his bimbo whores.

Beth wore tight jeans and a spaghetti strap halter. The day was colder than normal, so David wore jeans and a hoodie. They held hands as they strolled the zoo. “It’s been forever since we’ve visited,” said David happily.

She squeezed his hand as an answer. She’d come here with Titus on one of their excursions, holding hands with the giant black man It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be here with her husband, it was simply that his half-brother was more fun. David was read a plaque and point out facts he found interesting about the species while Titus would make jokes and laugh. His comments while watching a monkey masturbate had her giggling. As they approached a zebra, she speculated whether they were white with black stripes or black with white stripes. Titus directed her to the enormous dark phallus extending out from one male and whispered in her ear, “Clearly black with white stripes.”

“Want to go out for dinner again?” he asked as they headed home.

Beth was feeling increasingly irritated. “Maybe later. I think I’ll hit the gym first.” Working out always helped relieve some of her frustrations.

“I’ll go with you and we can go eat right after.”

“Sure,” she replied, looking over at him and raising an eyebrow.

David shrugged, taking their exit off I-95. “I could use a workout.”

The arrived home. Titus was out. David pulled his old gym clothes and bag out of the closet. Beth changed at home, wiggling into her yoga pants and sports halter. She put todays clothes into a bag to change into after her workout.

The gym always had a steady crowd and was open 24 hours. The receptionist was still on duty. David’s membership card had expired. If they’d arrived an hour later, she could have just swiped hers and let him in with her. David had no interest in renewing his membership. “Why don’t you go ahead and workout? I’ll wait in the car.”

“You sure?” she asked. “I’m usually about forty minutes.”

“Take your time. I have my laptop and I can get some work done.”

“Okay honey,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. She swiped her card and headed for the exercise bikes. Every male eye immediately checked her out. She smiled and nodded at some. They were fit good-looking men, but none of them were real men.

Beth mounted a bike and started peddling. It was an advanced machine that showed a screen. She selected mountain road. She loved the mountains and the views. Miami had its own views, but the land was as flat as a level. Beth started peddling, watching the screen.

“Well, hello there gorgeous,” said a deep voice.

Beth was peddling harder to get up a sloped road. She glanced over, trying not to make a face at the ugly man looming over her. “Hi Jim,” she said, looking back at the road.

“Need a trainer?”

“No thanks, I’m happy doing my own thing.” She leaned left as the trail curved.

He reached out and touched her shoulder. “You sure? I’d love to put you through some stretching exercises.”

She turned her head to tell him to fuck off but froze when she made eye contact. His eyes weren’t dark and piercing, they were an icy blue, but they had the same way of stripping away her reluctance with promises of what he could do to her. “No, I’m not sure,” she said, feeling her pussy lubricating. Jim was just so fucking ugly. His pale eyes staring at her above a flat negroid nose even bigger than Titus’ nose. Jim’s broad lips were pale too, slightly whiter than the rest of his skin. His hair was reddish and pale brown. His white mother must have been a redhead, for he also had the freckles of a fair skinned redhead. His nose and upper cheeks were dotted with brown spots. She wasn’t thinking about his ugly face, she was thinking about the giant cock he’d been pressing into her ass while having her touch her toes in the restaurant. “Maybe. My husband’s waiting for me in the car.”

“He can wait. I’m going to give you a workout that will make you forget about Mr. Shorthose.” Jim stepped back and held his hand out for her.

Beth gulped and took the hand. He helped her off the bike. She stooped and grabbed her gym bag while he led her towards the yoga room. Her areola rising off her breasts as they walked. It was private and empty, and it had a lock on the door.  Jim locked it and turned around, grinning cockily. He was wearing a white tee that nearly blended in with his skin with just his gold name tag standing out on it. It read, James Mobly, certified trainer. Jim lifted it off over his head. Her eyes lowered to take in his muscles. Jim’s chest was as muscular as Titus, maybe even more defined as Jim was a body sculptor. His chest was the same chalky white as his face with more brown freckles dotting his chest. His nipples were a flat colorless pastel, blending into his chest. He smirked at her every bit as cockily as Titus looked at her. It was hard to think of Jim as an uberman like Titus, but he had the same arrogant attitude. “I knew you’d be here tonight.”

“You did?” she asked, watching him lower his hands to the waistband on his sweat pants. They were blue with an orange Florida down one leg and Gators written in white under Florida.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist this when I pushed it into your ass last night.” He pushed his sweats down, slowly teasing her. His pubic hair was the same curly ugly blend of red and brown that was on his head. The pale root of his shaft appeared, followed by inch after inch, here and there dotted with a black freckle. Jim liked showing it to women. It was already swelling, rising against his sweats as he pushed them down. He was staring at her watching her expression.

Beth’s eyes were widening. Her mouth slowly falling open, her pulse quickening. It was still coming. It hadn’t felt that big when he pushed it against her ass! The sweats cleared the head and his cock flew up bobbing before her eyes. “Jesus,” she muttered. His smirk spread across his lips, but she didn’t see it. Jim’s cock was as ugly as he was, but it was a monster. It was nearly an inch longer than even Titus and a little thicker. As it bobbed, she caught a glimpse of his huge wrinkly white nut sack as well as the swollen blue veins crisscrossing the underside of the shaft. The head was knobby and larger than a golf ball. Lastly, his glans had a large swollen flare with two black freckles on it. They comically made it look like the huge cock had eyes staring at her, but she was too awed by the size of the thing to find it funny.


“God yes,” she muttered.

Jim stepped forwards, watching her closely. Beth stared at his pallid penis sticking out fourteen inches from its reddish-brown nest. She looked up when he reached out for the edges of her sports bra top. She raised her arms as he pulled it up over her head. “Dayumn!” he grunted, pale eyes widening as her breasts sprang free.

“Impressed?” Beth asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Fuck yeah,” he said, his large hands reached out to caress them and tease her hard nipples. With her tan, Beth’s skin was darker than his.

He leaned in, but Beth spun around out of his grasp. The thought of kissing those flat colorless lips disgusted her. Instead, she leaned forwards and wiggled her ass at him. He spanked one cheek, then grabbed the hem of her yoga pants, pulling them out and down over her ass, taking her panty with it.

She stepped out and turned around again. Jim was turning his head like he wanted to kiss her again, but Beth fell to her knees. She reached out and felt his cock for the first time examining it. The pale chalky color was strange enough, but the crisscrossing blue veins made it look even weirder. Beth leaned forward, kissing the tip while looking up at him. She couldn’t bring herself to kiss his lips, but had no problem kissing his cock. “What do you call this thing?” she asked, jerking it with both hands.

“I liked Mobly Dick,” he stated, staring down at her. “But Casper seems to have stuck.”

The two freckles on the head did look like ghost eyes. “Is it a friendly ghost?” she asked, letting her tongue curl around the head, while staring up into his pale eyes.

“The friendliest ghost you know.”

Beth kissed it again. “And what…” She liked just under the head, up and over his urethra. She was quickly becoming enamored of his huge cock. She may have found Titus’ replacement. “Do you want me to call it?”

“Dinner,” said Jim Mobly, placing his hand on her head and pulling her forward.

Beth opened her mouth and took the tip in. He caressed her hair while she started bobbing along the end, sucking more and more down her throat. The added thickness strained her esophagus, but she kept going, moving faster, sucking more, loving this new monster cock. He may have been the ugliest man she’d ever seen, but Jim was a real man.

Jim was moaning. He had both hands on her head now, holding her tightly, but he wasn’t forcing his cock down her mouth. He was letting her do her job. She’d probably surprised him with her ability to take his huge cock down her throat, but he wasn’t complaining. Beth grabbed his ass, pulling him into her mouth. His cock throbbed, twitching. She bobbed faster, feeling his pubes brush her lips. His cock expanded to the point she feared she’d choke before she could pull back. A tremor rippled up his shaft causing the head to buck as his seed exploded down her throat. Beth gulped pulling back. The head bucked again as it cleared her uvula, sperm flowed out around the head of his cock, filling her mouth.

His seed was rich, thick, and delicious. Beth moaned as she gulped it down, her hands pumping the shaft for every drop. Her mouth filled repeatedly, slowing until the blasts only filled half her mouth. Beth sucked back, keeping her lips around just the tip while it shot several more discharges across her tongue.

“Damn girl, you can suck cock.”

“Thank you,” she said, kissing the tip again. She was stroking the shaft with both hands. It had gone floppy. “Do you have another load for me?” She sucked the head back into her mouth, licking around the soft crown.

Jim groaned. “Keep that up and I’ll go all night.” His cock reversed course, swelling back up to its original might.

Beth wanted his cock but didn’t want to look at him while she took it. She kissed the swollen head again before sitting back on her legs and spinning around. She got on all fours and wiggled her ass at him. Jim took the hint and knelt behind her. She felt his hand on her ass cheek, his hard cock resting on the crack, sliding down, the head falling against her pussy lips. She gasped as it pushed forwards, feeling the added thickness of this new larger cock. Beth moaned as Jim began working his cock in and out deeper. She braced herself on the floor mats as he started working his cock harder into her. “Mmmm, fuck me,” she groaned, pushing back into his cock.

Beth threw back her head, whimpering as the first orgasm hit her. She slowly opened her eyes, noticing that the walls of the room were mirrored, and she could clearly see exactly who was fucking her. His broad pasty torso rose above her head. His muscles were flexing as he pulled her hips back into his cock. Jim’s fuck face made him look even uglier. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were rolled up. Beth looked away and the other wall seeing herself on all fours getting fucked from behind by what appeared to be a ghost. “UNH! UH! UHHHHHH!” Her pussy erupted around his cock when he bottomed out inside her. It responded as it usually did with an alpha male by contracting inwards around the shaft trying to coax the seed from the two enormous testicles.

Jim from the gym held his cock inside her as she squirmed all around his shaft. He let her finish cumming before slowly pulling his cock out. “Get on top,” he ordered. “I want to look at you.”

Beth was weak and gasping for breath. She turned and crawled over his legs as he laid down. Looking at him was the last thing she wanted to do, but she slid up his crotch, letting her pussy glide up his shaft until she pushed it down around the head. Beth slid back into his cock letting it fill her up so that she could sit up a little. She looked down at Jim then closed her eyes as she started riding his shaft. “FFUCK!!” she cried in surprise, cumming when she felt one of her nipples sucked between his lips.

Beth fucked him harder. Her nipple pulled out each time she lifted herself up his shaft. “AAAHH!” She came again as his fingers pinched and pulled her other nipple. Her nipples sprang free as she tried to fuck him faster. Jim moved his hands down to her hips, helping her by bucking his cock up into her pussy each time she came down.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

Beth opened her eyes, looking down at the pale black man as she fucked his fat cock as hard as she could. She stared at her hands resting on his white chest, slowly looking up into his clear eyes. She broke eye contact, her back arching, breasts thrust out as she creamed all over his big cock again. She slammed back down into the root, looking back down at him while she rested a moment and caught her breath. Her hands were on the hard six pack of his stomach. She slid her hands up his chest, feeling the hard ridges of his muscles. Her eyes moved from her hands back to his face taking in his thick flat lips, the broad nose with its large flaring nostrils, everything a ghostly pale. Finally, Beth met his eyes again. “Oh my god, you’re so fucking hot,” she growled, falling on him. Her lips pressed hard into his, her tongue sliding inside his mouth first. She moaned as she kissed her new lover, her moans growing louder as he started lifting his hips, fucking her again. “I love your cock,” she whispered before sucking his lower lip between her teeth.

“It loves your fine pussy, gurl.”

Beth kissed him again. He was tensing up as their tongue entangled. Jim from the gym bucked his hips, lifting her up into the air, her pussy slamming back down into the root of his cock just as the first geyser of hot cum exploded into her womb. Beth thought the other orgasms had been large, but they were nothing compared to the one his spurting cock triggered. Her pussy squeezed his shaft, contracting inwards to get every drop of his precious seed inside her. Beth fell onto top of him, her face buried above his shoulder in the mat, their cheeks resting side by side. His cock kept cumming and so did she. She used what little strength she had to keep sliding her body back into his cock, still slowly fucking it until it had shot its final wad into her.

“That was amazing,” she moaned, slowly lifting her head and kissing him again. This time with more affection and less tongue. She pulled back, staring him in the eyes and stroking his hair. “Your mother a redhead?”

His brow furrowed, and he looked perplexed before laughing. “No. My mama’s as black as the ace of spades. So’s my daddy.”

Now she looked confused. “But I thought…?”

“I may be albino, but I’m also 100% nigger,” he said, grinning proudly.

“Well Mobly Dick is certainly 100% nigger cock.”

He laughed. “You gonna get on my workout schedule?”

“Sweet Jesus, yes!” she exclaimed. “Weekly, maybe bi-weekly. I’m as obsessed with the white whale as Ahab, himself.” Beth grinned happily. Jim sure had the right tool to take care of her needs after Titus left in two days. The only problem was with David away, she’d grown used to having Titus’ cock in her multiple times daily. She wasn’t sure weekly or even bi-weekly would cut it. “David goes away a lot during tax season.” She bent and kissed him again. “Maybe after we workout here, you could stop by my house for a longer more intense workout?”

“I do prefer beds for working out in, especially marital beds. Get up with me and I’ll fit you in my schedule.” He tapped her ass.

Beth moaned in disappointment, but she slowly raised her crotch up until his spent cock plopped out. She climbed off Jim just as the river of semen began pouring from her pussy. He rolled over and jumped to his feet. Jim tossed her a towel which she caught and shoved between her legs. Beth stared at his ass as he walked over to a door. He had a fit firm, sexy ass. Staring at the sexy man made her want him again.

“The benefit of fucking in the yoga room,” he said, opening the door. “Is that it connects straight to the women’s showers.”

Beth grabbed her clothes and held the towel between her legs as she slipped into the woman’s changing room. “Thank you for the workout, Mr. Mobly,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Shorthose. You were an excellent workout partner.” He spanked her ass as she slipped into the shower room.


“Oh god David, I’m so sorry,” Beth said, slipping into the passenger seat. “I got caught up in the physical activity and lost track of time.”

“That’s okay, dear.” I barely noticed. I was busy double checking some client’s returns. I got so much work done, we can spend most of the day together tomorrow.”

“Great,” she lied, wondering if she was going to get together with Titus one last time before her left.

“Beth?” David closed his laptop, looking at her seriously.


“You look amazing.”

“You saw me in this at the zoo today!”

“Not the outfit, well, yes, the outfit, but I’m talking about you. You look amazing. Your glowing and when you got into the car, you were beaming. You are so beautiful when you smile. Working out really agrees with you I guess.”

“It sure does,” she replied. “And I thank you for the compliment, good sir.”

Beth was still smiling happily through dinner, as she munched on her salad. David cut into his steak. “You know,” he said, pausing to chew a piece of steak. “The gym really agrees with you.” Beth smiled. Yes, the Jim really agrees with me, she thought, taking a sip of her wine. David continued, “But you’re in incredible shape.” She frowned wondering where he was going with this. She needed the Jim. “What I’m saying is that you’re as close to perfection as a woman gets.”

“So, I can do the Jim?”

“Of course. Of course,” said David, cutting some more chunks of steak. “Do the gym as much as you want. Especially if it makes you this happy. What I’m trying to say is that you’re already fit, you certainly don’t need to diet also.” He nodded down towards her salad.

“Oh!” Beth smiled. “My fault really. I had a protein shake to start my workout. It’s a good energy boost. I guess I didn’t work off enough of it to build my appetite back up. I’ve been having a lot of protein shakes lately.”

“Yeah, well, I saw the salads in the fridge, but didn’t see any energy drinks. Maybe I should try one of your protein shakes? I could use an energy boost.”

Beth almost choked on a bite of her salad. “I don’t think they’d be to your taste, honey. What’s with the interrogation?” David looked a little embarrassed. “Tell me,” she ordered.

“I’m worried about your breasts.”

“My breasts?”

“You know hon, breasts are mostly fat and I’m quite fond of them as is.”

“I’ll do my best David, but I don’t think you need to worry. I think they’re mostly genetic. You’ve seen mother and nana was just as big.”

David nodded satisfied and went back to his meal.


David slipped into bed beside Beth. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “What you reading?”

“Uh!” Beth paused, aiming her tablet away from her husband. “Nothing, just mindlessly surfing.”

“Okay,” he replied, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. “Good night then.”

“Good night.”

He turned the light off, rolling on his side away from her. “Oh honey?”


“Do you think you’ll be better by Valentine’s Day? You know, down there?”

“I should be.” Oops, she realized she hadn’t gotten her husband a present yet. “Just give me another day and I should be fine.”

“Great, we’ll celebrate Titus leaving and the holiday.”

Beth felt the sorrow growing in the pit of her stomach. In a matter of months, she’d gone from hating the big black man and wanting him out of her house to feeling tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of him leaving. She knew one thing, she wanted the full Titan one last time before he left. David was gently snoring now, and she would have snuck over to Titus’ room, but he wasn’t home. Again!

Beth looked back at her tablet. She’d discovered sex story websites. There were a lot about hung men and wives and many featured men like Titus. The one she’d been reading was about a faithful wife being seduced by her black boss on a business trip. She closed the page and went to Titus shared folder. There was nothing new. Not that she would have blamed him knowing how his balls needed to be emptied constantly. Surprised, he’d kept his promise, she turned off her tablet and went to sleep.

“Eat your breakfast, sweetie.” Beth’s mom turned around and set a bowl of milk on the table. Her makeup was running, and her eyes were red. Her boyfriend had just dumped her for best friend and Beth’s father had left her for his secretary a year before. She was in full, “I hate all men” mode, but she still couldn’t seem to exist without one. Her mom was wearing a short robe, loosely tied around her waist. It looked like her big EE breasts might fall out at any minute.

Beth walked up to the table, looking down at herself. She was an adult with her 28 year old body, but she was wearing pink “Hello Kitty” jammies sized for an 8 year old. Her adult breasts had lifted her short up exposing her belly and her navel piercing. The pants were stretched up her legs all the way to her knees. She sat down. Her bowl was full of only milk, no cereal. “Cereal mommy?”

Her mom smiled. She was humming R. Kelly’s “Like and Oreo.” She held up a small pack of oreos and set it before Beth.

“Cookies for breakfast?” Beth took out the first cookie. They were round, but were penis shaped, bigger then normal cookies. It looked like two black penises with a chalky white penis between them. Beth twisted off the top cookie, an uncircumcised black cock and dropped it in the milk. She brought the rest of the oreo up to her lips, throwing her head back, the white part sliding right into her mouth, turning into a thick pudding. She savored the taste on her tongue before gulping it down. Beth plopped the bottom circumcised black cock into her mouth and let it glide down her throat. Satisfied, she looked down into her bowl at the cock shaped cookie floating in the milk.

Beth walked along the top of the cookie. She was in her bikini now and holding a harpoon. A man in sea captain’s garb was looking through a telescope and standing on the edge of the black cookie. He lowered the scope and turned to her. It was David, but with a beard and sideburns. He pointed out over the viscous milky white. “There’s hogsheads of sperm ahead, Mrs. Shorthose, and that’s what ye came for.” He raised his fist and shouted. “Sperm, sperm’s the play!”

A fountain of sperm erupted from the milky sea.

“Thar, she blows,” he shouted. “Mobley Dick.”

Beth readied her harpoon. Jim from the gym’s cock shot up from the water, swimming rapidly towards her. It dived, the head rising up from the white foam. She watched the eye slowly open, spitting the first geyser of sperm towards her.

David watched the growing wall of white approaching. “Let us squeeze ourselves universally into the very milk and sperm of kindness. Would that I could keep squeezing that sperm forever.”

The wall of sperm swept David overboard and away. Beth dropped her harpoon and held her arms out to embrace the sperm. It was like a firehose was turned upon her. The sperm stripped her bikini off, covering her body. She opened her mouth to taste him

Beth woke up. Her feet were flat on the mattress, lifting her hips off the bed. Her legs open to receive the dream sperm flowing from Jim’s white cock. She lowered them. Her heart was beating rapidly, and she was sweating slightly. She glanced at her alarm. It was 3:00am.

Beth slipped out of bed. David was fast asleep. She peeked out the window. There was no sign of Titus’ motorcycle. Beth sighed. She retrieved her tablet and snuck into the bathroom, pulling her dildo out from under the sink.

Beth spent the next hour, finishing her sex story before switching to one of the videos of her and Titus fucking while shoving the dildo in and out of her needy pussy.