Monday, January 15, 2018

This week

Pretty much a rehash of last week. I've gotten no writing done and Kaos updated SBFD with only 4 pages. Ty is joining in with his dad. I know she uses an automatic uploader for her site and I'm assuming she lost track and doesn't realize it. I just sent off an email to inform her.

The next 2 weeks look bad for writing. Weeks with US holidays tend to be bad at work as things get backed up. Next week, I'm taking a short vacation. Maybe I'll get an easy workday and get in an hour or two to write.

UPDATE: Kaos answered my email and updated Son's Best Friend's Dad with something like 50 pics to the point it's almost done.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

This week

Not much to report this week. I've been living through snowmeggedon. Kaos updated Son's Best Friend's Dad, but still only 4 pics and no new comic started. The pics are hot though. Ty os about to join in.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

This week

Happy last day of 2017

Work has slowed down so I should be able to get a little writing done each week. Only a few more segments in Curse 3 to go. Still planning to pick Houseguest back up after that. There seems to be a lot of demand for it.

Only got 4 pages from Kaos today to Son's Best Friend's Dad. I was hoping we'd get 8 or see the start of a new comic.

Just posted in the E&I folder is a new piece of fanfic. It's a continuation of Aurochaotic's Afrikanos Kappa Gamma story. The author plans on doing some more E&I University stories.

Thanks to Adoring Fan for the Amazon gift card.