This is a follow-up to Fresh Off the Bus 3 by Stealthboomber. There's a few spelling errors I'm going to see if he wants to correct before I move it over to the E&I section. I'm away for a week and out of contact.
9.3.1 Kim Preston’s story:
The Secretary Carol put down the phone and
motioned to her, “Miss Preston, Mister Jones will see you now.”
Kim stood up, brimming with confidence, she
knew she would get a contract, she had after all fucked Solomon King and Tyrone
Jones, the later several times now. Her mind slid away from the fact that she
had also had sex with Solomon King’s grossly obese black bodyguard Bull.
She had dressed as per instructions ‘sexy’,
in this case a tiny denim miniskirt and a yellow, nearly skintight tee shirt
top, which had a deep, scooped neck to show off her cleavage nicely. Around her
right wrist were several slim sliver chains of varying design, hoop earrings
adorned her ears, and a slim ankle bracelet adorned her right ankle.
That lesbian tramp Lara Sadler seemed to
have not gotten the memo, dressed as she was in some sort of floral summer
dress type get up, but still, she looked well in it Kim had to admit, despite a
pang of jealousy twisting sourly through Kim’s mind, the lessie was smoking
hot, with big tits and a killer body, to go with big blue eyes, blonde hair and
an angelic face. The other girls had all gone for the same sort of look,
skintight jeans and cropped tops, all showing off toned and tanned midriffs,
Michelle Stewart and Tracy Lopez also having pierced bellybuttons, both of
which had delicate chains dangling from the lower bell. In the case of Michelle
Stewart a single chain with two sliver butterflies dangled from the lower belly
button bell, from the bottom bell of Tracy Lopez’s piercing two sliver chains
dangled, each ending in a small, filigree heart. Kim decided then and there
that she would also get her belly button pierced at the earliest
Putting the other girls out of her mind Kim
strode towards the door to the office without a glance backwards. In truth,
despite what had just passed through her mind, they were nothing to her,
nothing, she was getting out of Idaho and that was all that mattered. And who
knows, she might even be able to fuck Solomon King or Tyrone Jones on the side,
and with that pleasant thought she stepped into the office and closed the door
behind her.
Tyrone Jones was present, as were four
other black men in the office with Tyrone Jones, she did not recognise any of
them, but they were giving off the same masculine, sexy vibes as Solomon King
and Tyrone Jones did. She sniffed at the air instinctively, catching a whiff of
the familiar musky scent she associated with hung, black hunks. This office was
different from the one she had previously been in, it was larger and looked
better furnished, on the floor was a grey carpet with what seemed a random arrangement
of white rectangular outlines with black and white squares inside each outline.
Like the other office she had been in this
one had one wall completely mirrored, something strange Kim thought, but she
could not resist giving herself a quick check in the mirror, she looked hot she
“Kim, you said you’d do anything to get out
of Idaho?” said Tyrone Jones, a smirk on his black face, he was not a handsome
man Kim knew, but he was, sexy, yes, that was it, sexy. Plus, he had a
big black cock like Solomon King, and he had been fucking her with it every day
and night since she had first ‘hooked up’ with him. Kim smiled at that turn of
phrase, ‘hooked up’, no, she had blow Tyrone’s huge black cock and swallowed his
jizz, and then he had fucked her in her pussy and her ass, shooting huge amounts
of his potent nigger cum into her. It was just as well she had a contraceptive
implant fitted, otherwise Kim was sure she would be knocked up, given the
amount of sperm Solomon and later Tyrone had blasted into her pussy.
All four black men were well dressed and
looking like they were very well built, she wondered if they had big black
cocks, a part of her knowing for sure that they had.
She could feel her pussy lubricating,
though it had been wet since she had gotten up this morning, and her nipples
refused to go down, standing out like little bullets. She was sure they could
see her nipples standing proud, not that she minded if she was honest with
“That’s right!” she confidently
“We want to utilise your skills as a
dancer. We have a place called the Zebra Club we want you to work at. Dancers
make around five hundred a night, the really good ones make that every time
they are on stage.”
Her eyes lit up at the sounds of that
amount of money, “Sounds good,” she replied, happy at the thoughts of the money
she could make.
“It’s a strip club,” Tyrone Jones added,
“What?” she stuttered, a strip club?
“You said anything Kim. Take it or leave it
Kim. I’ll add that its clientele are all black men. You can have all the black
cock you like.”
Tyrone’s words, crude though they were,
decided it for her, all the black cock she liked was the clincher as far as Kim
was concerned. She already knew that she would only date black guys from now
on, hell, ‘date’, make that ‘fuck’. She knew she was a good dancer, and she
knew she could make changes to her routine to make it much sexier and erotic.
“I’ll take it!” she said, confidence in her
voice, tossing her head to look Tyrone Jones straight in the eye.
“Good girl,” Tyrone replied
condescendingly. “Now go give one of our executives over there a blow job.”
A few days ago, Kim would have been shocked
at Tyrone Jones’s words. A few days ago, she would have never turned towards
the black men and took a few steps forwards as the man in question motioned to
her. A few days ago, Kim Preston would not have dropped to her knees and
unzipped the black stranger’s trousers and pulled out a huge and rapidly
hardening black cock.
The Kim Preston of a few days ago would not
have inhaled the musky, manly scent of the big black cock greedily, nor would
she have stuck out her tongue to dart its tiny tip into the oozing pee slit to
lap at the pre cum leaking there. Kim Preston would certainly not have moaned
and shuddered as her tongue touched the hot, hard black cock flesh to slather
the pre cum over the bulbous ebony cock head.
And she would certainly not have engulfed
the big, black cock into her mouth and let out a satisfied moan of pleasure.
She vaguely heard Tyrone Jones say, “Send
in Tracy Lopez,” but she was far too engrossed in sucking the big black cock in
her mouth. Kim attacked the big black cock, nothing was more important to her
than sucking this huge black cock, worshiping it, giving this unknown black
stud the best blow job she had ever done.
She barely heard the door opening and
closing and Tracy Lopez saying, “Before we start Mr Jones, I’d like to say that
while I appreciate everything E&I has done for me, I’ve decided to take
employment elsewhere.”
Kim nearly spat the black cock out of her
mouth at that. What? The dumb cunt was turning down big black cock, what an
idiot she chuckled to herself.
“Yes, you will be working at that other
modelling agency, but you will also be working for us,” Kim heard Tyrone Jones
say, she could detect a certain smugness in his voice, he was probably so smug
sounding because he had a big black cock, something Kim could certainly attest
“No mister Jones, you don’t understand,”
replied Tracy, Kim could hear a whiney tone in the bitch’s voice.
my god!” Tracy Lopez exclaimed; Kim bet the stupid slut had just noticed her on
her knees sucking a big black cock.
“It is you that does not understand Miss
Lopez,” Tyrone Jones announced, the tone of command and superiority in Jones’s
voice made Kim’s pussy spasm with desire. “Your mind and your body belong to us
Kim heard Tracy Lopez gasp in horror, she
took the big black cock deeper into her mouth at the urging of the black man,
his hand grabbing a fistful of her hair and tugging at it. Kim got the message
loud and clear and relaxed her jaw and throat to allow the big black cock to
slide into her throat.
Tyrone Jones said something to Tracy Lopez
but she did not hear it clearly enough over the sounds of her gagging as the
black man forced his cock deeper into her throat.
“Bring them lips over here bitch!” Kim
heard the man sitting beside the black guy that was trying to stuff all of his
cock down her throat say. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him stand up and
unbutton his trousers, another gigantic black cock sprang free to wave in the
air, he reached into his trouser and hefted out an equally massive set of black
“Go fill that belly with some protein!” Kim
heard Tyrone Jones laugh as she saw Tracy Lopez kneel before the black man, the
dumb bitch looked sick, but then she looked up at him and a frown crossed her
face. Kim smiled in her head as the teen suddenly clamped her lips onto the
rapidly stiffening black cock and began sucking and slurping like the black
cock was the most important thing in her life. Tracy Lopez slobbered and moaned
as she attacked the big black cock and Kim returned her attention to the black
cock in her own mouth, seeing a belt buckle fill her vision.
Still laughing Tyrone Jones said, “Send in
Lara Sadler.”
Kim wondered how that lezzie bitch would
react to her and Tracey sucking off black cocks, the man unbuckled his belt and
pulled down his trousers letting his balls swing free. They were big and heavy,
and Kim hefted them, a single nut barely fit into the palm of her hand.
Behind her she heard the gasp pf shock and
terror of Lara Sadler, noticing that one of the black men had jumped up and
prevented her from falling to the floor. Kim saw this as she turned her head to
one side, or as much as she could turn her head with a big black cock stuffed
down her throat.
She made eye contact with Tracy Lopez, who
had also turned to try and see what was going on with Lara Sadler, Tracy having
almost the same amount of black cock shoved into her throat as was shoved into
Apparently Tyrone was showing that dumb gay
bitch some video, neither Kim nor Tracey could turn their heads enough to see
what was being shown, but the white-faced look of terror and horror on Lara
Sadler’s face was enough to make Kim feel a smug sense of satisfaction.
Kim heard the unmistakable sound of a
zipper being pulled down and from the gasp of revulsion from Lara Sadler she
knew that the black guy who had caught her, and who had let her slip the floor,
must have pulled out his cock. Kim bet it was a big one too, though she could
not see it.
“You serve us now Lara,” she heard Tyrone
say with a cruel undertone in his voice, “as do Ann and the rest of the girls.
We have tapes on all of you.”
Ahh thought Kim, that made sense, but she
did not care, would not have cared, for all that mattered was that she was
getting out of Idaho and that she would have all the big black cock she could
ever desire.
The black guy was bucking his hips into her
mouth, holding onto the top of her head in a vice like grip, his huge hand
almost totally wrapped around the crown of her head. When he pulled back Kim
made sure to use her tongue to lavish attention on his cock head, lashing it
back and forth, up and down all over his cock head in the brief time it was in
her mouth between bucks and thrusts. She fondled and hefted his balls with her
hands, she wished he would let her suckle at his balls, they were so big and heavy,
and she could smell them, they smelt of masculinity, of male sexuality, and she
wanted to worship them. They were full to the brim with black sperm also she
knew, and she wanted to worship them for that reason also, to show her
appreciation for the huge load that they contained, that they would shoot into
her mouth.
“If you don’t want these tapes sent to you
parents, you’ll do as we say,” Tyrone Jones announced, and Kim’s pussy gushed
with lubrication at this.
“We have plenty of room for lesbians in our
company Lara, but your body still belongs to any black man who wants to use
it,” Tyrone Jones said in a matter-of-fact voice, “Lara, we have special planes
for you. Lara, you are going to continue the tradition Ann started. You will
fulfil your duties as Miss Teen Idaho and attend the Miss Teen USA pageant in a
few months. You will make as many friends as you can and convince them to
return to New York. We will pay all expenses of course.”
Damm, that was sooo hot Kim shuddered at
Tyrone’s words, she reached down a hand to slip her fingers past her panties
and into her sodden pussy, flicking at her clit as Tyrone’s words sent her over
the edge.
From the edge of her vision Kim saw the
black man who had went to help Lara Sadler sit down, his big black cock out and
erect and slathered with Lara Sadler’s spit half way down its shaft if she was
not mistaken.
Lara Sadler herself shuffled on her knees
into view, her mouth quickly resuming its place clamped to a big black cock.
Kim wondered if the lesbian liked sucking off big black cock, she was certainly
making a big deal of it, slobbering and moaning, gasping, and gurgling on the
big, fat black cock.
Kin supposed that big black cock was just
so good that even dykes could get off on it, “Send in Michele Stewart,” Kim
heard Tyrone say.
Kim idly wondered how the bigot would react
to the scene before her, three teens busily blowing big black cocks. She heard
a little gasp from the girl when she entered, and Tyrone told her something
similar to what he said to Lara Sadler, mainly about how they had videos of
Michele and that she belonged to E&I now, the thoughts of belonging to
E&I, of belonging to hung black men sent Kim over the edge again, another
orgasm coursing through her body from this and her frantically flicking
After her orgasm cleared Kim noticed
Michele Stewart on her knees and enthusiastically blowing a big black cock, and
Kim was not in the least bit surprised by this. But then she realised that
nobody was sucking Tyrone Jones and there was one girl still left, that blonde
bitch Terri Spalding. Jealously spiked in Kim’s mind at this, Terri Spalding
was probably the best looking of them all, much as it pained Kim to admit it,
tall, blonde, blue eyed and full figured. And of course Tyrone Jones had kept
her till last, and for himself.
She grunted with barely supressed jealously
at this, but decided to instead suck the cock in her mouth harder and faster
than before, a grunt of pleasurable surprise emanating from the man’s mouth as
she plunged her head downwards to smash her nose into his pubes, Kim moving her
hands from his balls to grab at his thighs, forcing his cock as deep as
possible into her throat. She stayed there for a few seconds, before she
smoothly slid back up to halfway, and then again plunged down to impale the big
black cock fully into her throat.
“Get naked slut,” the black stud she was
blowing grunted and Kim quickly obeyed, almost tearing off her top and bra so
that she spent the absolute minimum amount of time without the big black cock
in her mouth. Once topless she wriggled out of her mini skirt and panties,
resuming fingering herself as she once more impaled all of the considerable
length and girth of the black cock into her mouth and down her throat. Kim set
up as fast a rhythm as she could, swallowing all of the big black cock on each
bob of her head, this was the third hung black stud she had blown and doing
this was easy now Kim noted with satisfaction.
“Carol, send in the last girl,” she heard
Tyrone Jones say, his voice full of obvious relish at the thoughts of Terri
Kim did not hear Terri enter the room, but
she did hear Tyrone Jones say, “You don’t seem surprised Terri?” even Kim, who
was far too busy impaling her throat with big black cock, could hear the smirk
in Tyrone Jones voice.
“I’m not,” Kim heard the stuck-up bitch
say, “I knew something was wrong the minute I caught Michelle with the black
man in the shower. She hates blacks too much to fuck one.”
Which was ironic Kim thought as right
beside her Michelle Stewart was busy stuffing all twelve inches of a thick
black cock into her mouth and down her throat as if her very life depended on
Kim heard a series of little horrified
gasps from Terri Spalding, Tyrone was probably showing her the videos they had
of her, and Kim smiled at this thought, or smiled as best she could with her
jaw nearly dislocated and her oesophagus stuffed with big black cock.
“I see on your resume that your goal is to
be an actress. Well congratulations, you’ve already starred in several movies
for us. Now it’s time to move up to some higher quality films,” Tyrone Jones
said, glee and lust evident in his voice. Kim could only imagine the videos
that they had of that snobby bitch Terri, no doubt of her sucking and fucking
big black cocks.
Kim heard Terri Spalding let out a sigh of
resignation and defeat, “I suppose you want me to come suck your cock?”
“You read my mind,” replied Tyrone Jones,
Kim hearing Terri shuffle over to Tyrone and Tyrone let out a contented sigh,
Kim thought she could hear Terri Spalding moaning and slobbering over the
sounds of her and the other girls’ blowjobs. If she was honest Kim was slightly
jealous of Terri Spalding, she wanted to keep Tyrone Jones all for herself, as
he seemed to be Solomon King’s second in command and her best route to success.
“Welcome to E&I Enterprises” she heard
Tyrone Jones say, and Kim returned her attention to the cock in her mouth and
throat, deciding that it was not that important, as she had a big black cock to
She was still plunging it into her throat
to its maximum depth, she looked up into the face and eyes of the handsome
black stud she was blowing, she did not even know his name. But he looked well
pleased with the blow job she was giving him, and that aroused her, sending
pleasurable shivers through her. But she wanted to suckle at his balls, so on
the next up stroke she pulled back as much as she could, he did not want to let
her take his cock out of her mouth, but she locked eyes with him and he relented.
She popped her head up off his cock,
letting a loud gasp escape her mouth, she immediately licked down the underside
of his shaft until she buried her face into his scrotum, luxuriating in the
smell she found there. She attached his balls, licking and slurping over very
hairy inch of them, where they hung in a wrinkly nut sack. Kim hated guys pubic
hair, or at least she had, until she had encountered Solomon King and Tyrone
Jones, both of whom did not fully shave their pubes. Neither did this black
guy, and Kim decided that she liked this about hung black studs.
She kept up her suckling of the guy’s balls
for a long time, but eventually she felt him reach down and grab a handful of
her hair and pull her head back up towards the head of his cock.
“Suck,” he simply said and shoved his cock
head into her mouth, Kim barley having time to open her lips wide enough to
accommodate the huge black invader.
He kept his hand in her hair, letting her
suckle and lavish his cock head before he started pulling her head down his
cock shaft, at the same time bucking his hips upwards. With each tug and thrust
he slid deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat, until he was
mashing her head into his groin, holding her head there until she had to slap
at his thighs to let her up for some air. Kim liked deep throating big black
cocks, she liked getting face fucked, but she still needed to breath dammit!
The black guy did not seem to care, as he
bucked and thrust his hips up to meet her face, smashing her nose into the
dense tangle of wiry pubes at the base of his cock. He continued like that,
simply face fucking Kim until his cock seemed to swell even further and he
simply could not jam it down her throat.
He instead just fucked her mouth with his
cock head, Kim being able to use her lips and tongue again to increase his
pleasure, any other man who had treated her like that she would never have
thought for a second about his pleasure, but this black man?
Black men? Well, they were different Kim
knew, more masculine, more dominant than white men. And with huge black cocks
that just had to be sucked, it was her duty to suck their big black cocks.
Despite the strangeness of these thoughts in her head Kim did not think they
were crazy, or wrong, the opposite in fact.
As Kim lost herself in pleasuring the big
black cock in her mouth the guy began to shudder and moan, she felt his cock
swell even further if such a thing was possible. She had been jerking his thick
shaft with one of her hands, her fingers unable to fully wrap around the shaft,
and Kim felt the underside of his cock suddenly bulge massively and without any
warning her mouth was flooded with hot, thick sperm.
“Fuuucccckkkkkkk!” the black man growled as
Kim desperately gulped and swallowed this first geyser of cum. If Solomon King
and Tyrone Jones were any indication, and this guy had similar sized balls, so
she was sure of it, the guy was going to cum buckets.
She felt the cock bulge and buck again and
once more her mouth went from stuffed with black cock meat to also filled to
overflowing with thick, viscous, hot, black cum. She gulped at it, it’s
delicious taste familiar, but was difficult to swallow properly with the huge
cock head in her mouth and the fact the second wad had seemed to last at least
twice as long as the first. The big black cock jerked and pulsed again, a
powerful wad striking the back of her throat and nearly making her gag, but Kim
gulped frantically to swallow the copious semen filling her mouth, the cock
hosing cum into her mouth for several seconds.
Another wad exploded into her mouth, the
force and volume of sperm that erupted nearly causing her to lose her lip lock
on the black cock, Kim feeling frustration well inside her. It was not fair!
She had let two hung black studs cum in her mouth already, she should be used
to this, she should be a pro! But this black guy was cumming too much! He
shoved her head down more forcefully, jamming his cock head into the entrance
of her throat, but despite his best efforts he could push his cock no further.
Jammed there it swelled and pulsed rhythmically, spitting several more wads
directly into Kim’s stomach, and she was kinda disappointed that she did not
get to taste these wads, but a warm and heavy feeling radiated out from her
belly, calming her somewhat.
He pulled backwards slightly, and a wad of
black cum seemed to plop out of the tip of his cock and into her mouth. A wad
was probably a poor description Kim thought as she savoured its flavour and
texture on her tongue, it was a great dollop, like a big scoop of ice cream,
more cum that any whiteboi had ever spurted into her mouth, that was for sure.
This single wad was probably more cum into her that all the cum of all of her
boyfriends had spurted in total, and Kim could not even begin to imagine how much
cum the black guy had already blasted into her. Two, three, four times? as much
cum as she had ever gotten in total before from all the white guys she had had
sex with?
And so thick and creamy was its texture,
smooth and dense, unlike the cum of white guys, which was thin and often sour
tasting. This black guys cum, like that of Solomon King and Tyrone, tasted
powerful, masculine, strong, yeah, that was what it tasted like, it tasted like
how these black guys looked. Kim nodded to herself at that, it made sense she
supposed. As she had been musing the black guy had dropped off three more loads
of cum, each accompanied by a pulse of his cock. Rather than explode into her
mouth the semen simply flowed out, and Kim greedily suckled at his cock,
drinking his fluids, swishing it around in her mouth to savour it before she
reluctantly swallowed it to make room for more of the guys black cum.
After a long while the black cock stopped
leaking cum and Kim was suddenly slightly disappointed, she squeezed the shaft
and squeezed her mouth around the cock head, ahh, that was better, tasty black
cum flowed once again into her mouth.
Kim managed to coax out a few more dollops
of cum, knowing that this was only likely the start of it, that she would be
getting fucked by this black guy, or maybe by one of the others, in a few
9.3.2 Tracy Lopez’s Story:
The Secretary put down the phone and waved
a manicured, red nailed hand at Tracy, “Mister Jones will see you now miss
Lopez,” the older blonde said breezily, Tracy noticing that the secretary’s
eyes were hard and cold, despite the smile plastered on her face.
Standing up Tracy walked confidently
towards the door and opened in, determined that she was going to turn down
whatever offer Tyrone Jones was planning to make to her. Closing the door
behind her Tracy plastered her best smile on her face and faced a seated Tyrone
“Before we start Mr. Jones, I’d like to say
that while I appreciate everything E&I has done for me, I’ve decided to
take employment elsewhere.”
Tyrone Jone’s seemed completely unfazed by
this statement from her, and he simply replied, “yes, you will be working at
that other modelling agency, but you will also be working for us.”
Tracy furrowed her brow at this, why had
Tyrone Jones just said that, and why was a sneering, confident smirk plastered
across Tyron Jone’s harsh, ugly negro face at his words?
“No Mr. Jones, you do not understand,”
Tracy said, trying to voice as much confidence as possible in her words, but
her breath hitched in her throat as those words left her mouth. Out of the
corner of her eye she had seen movement and as she had spoken her eyes had
turned in that direction.
A shock like a bucked of cold water thrown
over her a spasmed through her as she saw Kim Preston kneeling between the legs
of one of the four other black men seated in the room. All wore suits and had a
similar look to Tyron Jones, big, masculine and strong looking, Tracy figured
that they must be other executives in E&I. Kim was busily sucking on a
giant black cock, the man’s trousers were puddled around his ankles, a huge
pair of black balls just visible nestling at the base of his black cock.
“Oh my God!” Tracy cried out involuntarily
at this sight.
Before Tracy could say anything else she
heard Tyrone Jones say, “It is you that does not understand Miss Lopez,”
tearing her eyes away from the sight of Kim Preston fellating the black man to
look at Tyrone Jones, a shudder of fear running through her at the look of
predatory superiority plastered across Tyrone Jones’ face. She noticed a tv/vcr
remote in Tyrone Jone’s hand, idly she noted that it looked tiny in his huge
black hand, he nodded towards a wall mounted TV and pressed a button on the
device. “Your mind and body belong to us now,” he announced with a dark, savage
glee as the TV screen came alive.
Tracy let out an involuntary gasp, and her
hand flew to her mouth to cover it as it stayed handing open in pure, terrified
shock. On the TV screen it showed her being fucked by Avery the night guard,
and when she had sucked him off Avery had kept on glancing up and the hidden
camera. He had betrayed her Tracy realised with a terrible shock, she had
fucked and sucked Avery off every night since that first time, and she had
thought she was in love with him, or at least with his big black cock.
The TV Screen paused, and she heard Tyrone
Jones state, “unless you want this tape sent back home to your friends and
family, you’ll do everything we say. Your job is to introduce as many models as
you can to black love.”
Inside Tracy’s head her mind scoffed,
‘black love’, no ‘black cock’, big, black cock. She should be rebelling at
this, she should be appalled, disgusted, enraged at the words of Tyrone Jones,
but before any of these thoughts could come to the surface of her mind, one of
the other black men spoke up, rising to his feet, unbuckling his belt and
unbuttoning his pants. “Bring them lips over here bitch,” the man snarled
crudely, and Tracy turned and started walking over to the towering, strong and
brutally handsome black man, falling involuntarily to her knees before him as
he pulled out an impressively sized black cock.
“Go fill that belly with some protein,”
commanded Tyrone Jones, a wicked smile plastered across his cruel, sneering
Tracy did not know what to do, did not know
why she had obeyed this black man’s command to make her way over to him, nor
why she had knelt before him. Tracy knew that she needed to run, to get up off
her knees and flee, to not be here, a sickening feeling of absolute
helplessness filling her entire being. She quailed at the meaning of Tyrone
Jones’ crude words as the black cock pulsed and hardened before her, until it
stuck out, rigid and hard, mere inches from her face, from her mouth, from her
Tracy shuddered at this, feeling her
nipples hardening almost instantly, her pussy seeming to spasm and drench
itself with lubrication, her clit poking against the suddenly sodden material
of her panties. Tracy’s nose twitched, a heady, musky scent filled her
nostrils, and a frown crossed her pretty features, her thoughts suddenly full
of scorn for her hesitation, scolding her for not doing what she knew she had
to do. There was a big black cock right in front of her, and she was on her
knees, what was she waiting for?
Opening her mouth Tracy lunged forwards
without conscious thought and closed her lips around the thick, meaty black
cock head before her, frantically bobbing her head up and down over the hot,
black man flesh of the cock, slobbering and gurgling, rotating her head
sideways back and forth as she sucked the big black cock as fast as possible,
sucking in her cheeks as hard as she could, to increase the friction of her fat
lips on the big, black cock in her mouth.
Tyrone Jones’s barked laugh filled the
room, and she heard him say, “send in Lara Sadler”.
Tracy barely heard the door open, nor the
commotion as Lara Sadler had fainted dead away, for her entire being was filled
by the sheer, desperate need to suck the big black cock in her mouth. To
worship it, to love it, to give it pleasure, these and similar thoughts
consumed Tracy Lopez’s mind totally as she knelt before the unknown black man,
who had now disrobed entirely and stood naked over her. She had opened her eyes
to see his body as he had undressed, marvelling at the sculpted, muscular ebony
perfection of his torso, his broad and deep chest and the tickly corded muscles
of his arms. Her pussy had gushed at this, and Tracy knew that she was kneeling
before male perfection, black male perfection.
The black man had then sat down, a heavy,
huge hand of his resting on the top of her head, making sure that her mouth
stayed stuffed with his cock as he did so. Tracy shuffled forwards on her knees
to get more comfortable, resting her hands on his muscular thighs, feeling
muscle like living stone beneath her fingers.
“Suck them big black balls,” the man
growled, and Tracy complied instantly, taking his cock head out of her mouth
and leaning forwards into his groin, coming face to face with a huge set of
hairy, black balls. Tracy nearly gagged at the intense, musky odour that
assaulted her, but instead she stuck out her tongue and began to give each ball
a through tongue bath. The black man’s balls were far too large for her to take
into her mouth, though she did kiss and suckle at them, slobbering her saliva
all over their hairy bulk, coating every inch of their amazing size with her
“Enough bitch, wrap them pretty lips around
my cock again,” the man said, as Tracy removed her head from the man’s groin
she noticed that all five black men were naked and being sucked off by the five
girls. Kim Preston was being aggressively face fucked, and Tracy could see her
throat bulge as the black man shoved his cock to the hilt with every thrust.
Lara Sadler was worshiping a huge black cock, slathering it with kisses and
licks and slobbering all over it, moaning and gazing adorningly up at the black
man she was blowing. The lesbian bitch was hefting and gently fondling one of
the black guy’s huge balls, while with the other she was running her hands all
over his muscled torso. That racist tramp Michelle Stewart was, like Kim
Preston, being face fucked, but slower and the girl herself was leaning into
the black guy’s steady thrusts, a handful of her short, dark hair bunched in
the black guy’s massive fist. Tracy noticed Michelles face was slack with
obvious pleasure, and that both her hands were between her legs, the racist
slut had probably just fingered herself to an orgasm. Hah! ‘racist’? Oh yes,
Michelle Stewart was still a racist Tracy laughed in her mind, but now most
likely against white guys, because who wanted tiny white penis after you had big
black cock?
Terri Spalding was kneeling between Tyrone
Jones legs as he stood over her, her head thrown back and only her chin
visible, the rest of the blonde’s beautiful face obscured by Tyrone Jone’s
giant, wrinkly nut sack, his huge balls splayed across Terri’s face. Terri was
slobbering at Tyrone’s enormous balls as he tea-bagged her, one of Terri’s arms
was raised and her hand was wrapped around the shaft of Tyrone’s rampant, black
cock. Terri’s other arm was wrapped around one of Tyrone’s thick, muscular legs,
Tyrone being naked like all the other black men in the room. Tracy noticed that
Terri’s tiny white hand barely fit around Tyrone’s black shaft as she tugged
and jerked at it, there was a good three inches at least of a gap between
Terri’s slim fingers, each of whose nails was tipped with an expensive looking
French manicure.
All this observation took Tracy mere
seconds, but she realised that she was the only person still clothed in the
room, all the other girls and the black studs were naked, so Tracy quickly and
without any conscious thought undid the ties and the back of her neck and her
upper back and pulled off her halter top, quickly shedding her bra also. She
quickly undid her jeans and slid them and her panties off, feeling much better
to be naked for some reason.
“Nice,” she heard the black guy growl as
his lustful eyes greedily drank in her body, Tracy proud to show off her body
to the handsome, hung black man, pulling her shoulders back to push her tits up
Remembering his command Tracy leaned
forwards and dutifully positioned her head and opened her mouth to start
suckling on the man’s cock again, moaning involuntarily as her lips closed
around the hot, hard flesh of the big black cock. She felt a large hand run
through her thick, glossy hair and grab a handful of it, before the black man
began to push her head downwards, shoving more of his cock into her mouth.
Despite its girth it slid into her throat with hardly any resistance, Tracy
barely noticing as the man angled her head to allow him to face fuck her more
easily. With each push of the black man’s hand more and more of his cock slid
into her throat, and Tracy felt him begin to thrust upwards, bucking his hips.
Something tickled her nose and Tracy opened her eyes, to see glistening black
skin right in front of her eyes. She glanced downwards, her nose was buried in
a good half inch thick bush of dense, wiry black pubes at the base of the man’s
cock, a groan of pleasure escaping from the black man, “ahhhhhhh yesssss, good
This sent a jolt of pure, electric pleasure
darting through Tracy’s body, her nipples and clit seemed to twitch at the
man’s words. A similar smell as his balls filled Tracy’s nose, strong, manly,
powerful, musky, and Tracy inhaled deeply of this delicious scent, a wave of
fresh lubrication coating her pussy at this.
The man pulled his cock back and inch or so
before thrusting his hips up to hilt himself once more, letting out a long
groan of pleasure, and holding her head in place proceeded to fuck Tracy’s
mouth, though he removed about half of his cock from her throat with each
With this the guy continued to fuck Tracy’s
face, back and forth, in and out, his big black cock sliding easily between her
drooling lips and down her throat. Every few thrusts his pendulous balls would
slap heavily against the underside of Tracy’s chin, tickling her skin from the
pubes that covered the black mans ball sack.
On and on this went until for some reason
the big black cock would not fit down her throat anymore, so Tracy just bobbed
her head over the bit that would fit into her mouth, the big, wide, ridged cock
head. Sucking fiercely at it, hollowing out her cheeks Tracy bobbed her head up
and down the little amount of the cock that she could get into her mouth as
fast as she could, reaching up with first one, and then her second hand, to
jerk at the big black cock sticking out of her mouth.
Both her hands did not cover the black
cock’s length, nor did her fingers wrap around the shaft, so thick was it, but
Tracy still jerked away at it in time to her quickly bobbing head. The cock
flesh was hot and hard in her hands, unyielding, as she tugged and pulled at
it, feeling a shudder run through it to the accompaniment of a groan from the
black guy and his hands tightening their grip on Tracy’s head.
The cock in her hands stiffened suddenly,
the black guy letting out a roar that startled Tracy and then Tracy felt the
underside of the cock bulge and then a blast of cum exploded into her mouth,
filling it instantly to overflowing, shooting out of the big black cock and
into her mouth in an unstoppable flood.
Tracy gasped and gagged, and semen spurted
out from the side of her mouth in a great jet, shooting out to splash wetly and
heavily on the floor.
“Fuck bitch!” the black man whose cock was
cumming in her mouth roared, “swallow my nigger nut, don’t fucking spit it
Tracy had no way to respond to this as her
mouth was jammed with big black cock, which once again sent out a long,
continuous jet of hot, thick, creamy black jism to flood her mouth. Slightly
better prepared this time Tracy frantically gulped and swallowed, getting most
of it down before the cock blasted another huge wad into her mouth, followed by
another and another and another. Tracy swallowed as much as she could, but she
could feel semen pouring out over her lower lip to slop over her chin thickly.
And each time the big black cock spat out another huge wad, a large squirt of
semen would pulse out from between Tracy’s lips and the shaft of the black
Tracy had given a few blowjobs before, had
even swallowed some cum on occasions, but now she realised that did not count
really, did they? They had been small white cocks, with tiny, shrunken looking
balls, and their cum had been a few droplets, barely spurted into her mouth
with any force at all. And their semen had tasted yucky, thin and sour, not
like the delicious, thick, gooey black semen now filling her mouth and belly,
filling her belly with protein Tracy realised with a slight shock of surprise.
The black cock in her mouth continued to
pulse and bulge, but now the wads of semen were smaller, still huge by the
standards of nonblack studs, and were deposited into her mouth with less
overwhelming force. Tracy now had time to properly savour and enjoy the densely
viscous protein laden cum that thickly coated the insides of her mouth and
which pooled between her lower teeth, submerging her tongue completely in a
bath of hot, tasty semen. It was a shame that she had not been able to catch
all the cum that had been spurted into her mouth, but she resolved to get
better at this, but she could at least enjoy the fresh cum that was still being
pumped into her mouth.
Tracy let the cum build up in her mouth,
enjoying the feeling of it filling the parts of her mouth that were not stuffed
with the black guy’s huge cock head, until she was forced to swallow it as it
was sliding down her throat anyway.
Tracy could feel great dollops of cum
falling heavily on her tits, realising that this must be the cum that had
leaked out of her mouth, opening her eyes Tracy moved them and her head
slightly, to catch sight of herself in the mirrored wall.
Her chin was plastered with a thick layer
of cum, several long and think ropes of the stuff were hanging down from her
chin, and her chest and tits were also covered in a layer of cum. With her skin
tone her tits looked like glazed doughnuts she giggled inside her head, this
being the only thing she could think of.
9.3.3 Lara Sadler’s Story:
“Mister Jones will see you now miss
Sadler,” the blonde secretary said, the slightest hint of a sneer on her overly
made up face.
She ignored this and went straight to the
door, opening it and closing it behind her.
The first thing she noticed were the
sounds, obscene slurping and sucking noises, interspersed with wanton, though
muffled, female moans. The second thing she noticed was the smell, the smell of
sex and desire hung heavy in the air, making her nipples being to harden.
Her head whipped around so fast she nearly
fell, when she caught sight of Kim and Tracy on their knees sucking two big
black cocks and two seated black men who she had never seen leering at her as
if she was next. With is realisation she had felt her legs buckle from
underneath her, one of the black men not getting his penis sucked by the two
sluts had jumped up to catch her, preventing her from falling completely.
Tyrone Jones laughed and played a video on
the TV screen mounted on one of the walls, and if anything, this was worse than
the fact that neither Kim nor Tracy had stopped their blowjobs, Lara had seen
them give her the odd glance, and neither of the two girls gazes could be
considered as anything but hostile. On the screen there she saw her and Ann
Dutton, naked and eating each other out, then she saw Ann putting a blindfold
on her and, and then a naked Black man had walked in accompanying Ann Dutton. Ann
held a small video camera and was obviously filing her getting fucked by the
man’s big black cock. Lara had been unsure about the size of the supposed dildo
that Ann had fucked her with, and now she could see the truth of it. Not only
had Ann Dutton betrayed her, but she had also arranged for her to be fucked by
a hung, black man. Lara had foolishly thought herself in love with Ann Dutton,
and her heart broke at what she saw on the video screen, especially as after
the black guy had cum inside her Ann Dutton had given him an enthusiastic
Whatever strength remained in her legs
disappeared and the black man let her slump to her knees. From the corner of
her eyes Lara noticed that she was eye level with the black man’s crotch, which
bulged terrifyingly. She gasped as he reached down and unzipped his pants,
reached in and pulled out the biggest, ugliest, black cock she could ever have
imagined. It made Mark’s big black cock look small, its hideous size and
jet-black colour horrified Lara. She supposed a straight woman would have found
it beautiful, and Lara shook her head at this strange thought, all cocks were
hideous looking, big and black or not.
“You serve us now Lara,” she heard Tyrone
Jones say with confidence, “as do Ann and the rest of the girls. We have tapes
on all of you.”
As Tyrone Jones spoke these terrible,
hateful words the black man slid his cock right under her nose.
Lara was about to pull away in disgust when
Tyrone’s voice interrupted her, ”if you don’t want these tapes sent to your
parents, you will do as we say.”
A heady, strange scent filled Lara’s
nostrils, the smell of the big black cock underneath her nose she realised with
a sudden shock.
Before she could jerk her head back Tyrone
Jones’s voice again stilled her instinctive reaction, “We have plenty of room
for lesbians in our company Lara, but your body still belongs to any black man
that wants to use it.”
Like the way Mark had used her, like the
way he had given her orgasms undreamed of. She turned her head slightly to the
black man who was standing before her, he had pulled down his trousers to his
knees unnoticed by her, his huge black balls swinging free before her. A part
of Lara Sadler wanted to be disgusted by this sight, to turn away in revulsion,
but that part of Lara Sadler was rapidly fading, to be replaced by a new Lara
Sadler. A Lara Sadler that felt suddenly, and oddly sorry for the black man, because
she suddenly knew that he needed to cum so badly, so very badly. She knew that
it must be frustrating for him, to have such a big, hard black cock and such
large balls, so full of sperm. Sperm that must be causing him discomfort,
backed up and just needing so badly to be released, he needed so badly to cum,
she could feel it.
“Lara, we have special plans for you,”
Tyrone Jones said, but she hardly heard him, she was mesmerised by the big
black cock before her face. It was strangely beautiful Lara Sadler realised
with a profound shock, its shape, its length, its thickness, its blackness, all
looked correct in a strange way, a new way, to Lara. From the great veins that
bulged along its ebony length, to the wide, flaring, straining cock head at its
tip, where a vertical slit wept a clear fluid, to the heavy balls that swung down
low at its base, this big black cock looked right, even perfect to Lara
Sadler’s mind. Maybe it was because she had not seen a big black cock before
she pondered, and that she had only seen little white cocks, though was a white
cock even worthy of being called a cock? Before Lara could think more on this
the black man moved slightly so that the fat cock head was resting on her lips,
and rather than jerk her head away in horror as she would have before Lara
Sadler instead kissed the hard black cock head, her tongue darted out of her
mouth of its own volition to lick around the huge black cock head, her tongue
encountering a dollop of precum leaking from the tip of the man’s cock. The
sensation of his precum on her tongue was unlike anything Lara Sadler could
have imagined, and she shuddered in pleasure, suddenly realising that her pussy
was absolutely soaked.
“Lara, you are going to continue the
tradition Ann started,” she heard Tyrone Jones say, but it was as if he was far
away and not in the room, for only the big black cock existed for her now. The
man moved slightly to one side to stand more fully before her and Lara took the
entire cock head into her mouth, marvelling at its hard bulk.
“You will fulfil your duties as Miss Teen
Idaho and attend the Miss Teen USA pageant in a few months. You will make as
many friends as you can and convince them to return to New York. We will pay
all expenses of course.”
Lara was not listening to what Tyrone Jones
was saying, her entire world was now only about the big black cock in her
mouth. Lara had seen enough porno’s to know what she had to do, and if she
needed tips the two sluts that had entered the room before her and who were on
their knees were providing a noisy guide. But Lara did not need any guidance,
something instinctive was guiding her, she slid her mouth up and down the huge
ebony shaft, keeping her lips sealed tight to the shaft. This instinct guided her
tongue to lap and lick and twirl inside her mouth, making sure to lavish the
smooth, hard skin of the cock head with strokes and darts. She brought her hand
up to gently heft one of his balls, to weigh it, to marvel at its size, the
sheer masculine mass of it, where is rested, filling her palm, and of how black
it was, compared to the white skin of her hand and arm. Lara decided that she
liked this contrast, between her skin colour and that of the black man, it was,
very attractive to her mind, and she wondered how she had never thought of this
before, of how lovely the difference between white and black skin was. She
gently squeezed the ball in her hand, unable to get her little hand to wrap
around no more than the bottom third of the huge black nut. It felt dense to
her touch, heavy, solid, that must be because of the amount of sperm that this
and its twin must hold her mind reasoned, so full to bursting they must be. So
full and bloated with sperm, it must be so uncomfortable for the poor man, such
pressure that needed to be spilled, and spilled soon. This instinct had her
open her eyes and gaze up into the broad, but not unhandsome Lara had to
realise, face of the black man she was sucking off.
The black man pulled out of her mouth
suddenly and walked backwards to his seat, he sat down and pulled his trouser
down to his ankles, sitting with his legs splayed.
She heard Tyrone Jones say, “Send in
Michelle Stewart,” into the intercom, and Lara could hear the smile on Tyrone’s
face in the tone of his voice.
Lara shuffled forwards on her knees,
noticing that both Kim and Tracy were watching her out of the corner of their
eyes. She ignored them and bent her head back to take the black cock into her
mouth, slowly, sensuously wrapping her lips around the cock and letting her
tongue slobber over the cock head. Lara knew with a clarity she rarely had what
she had to do, she had to worship this black cock in her mouth, she had to make
it cum, because it deserved to cum. The man’s cock was so big, so masculine, so
black, so, so perfect. Before these thoughts would never have crossed the mind
of Lara Sadler, but now?
Now Lara knew they were true, and equally
that this black man needed so badly to cum, that his big balls must be so
inflated, so engorged with cum. It must be so uncomfortable for the poor man,
to have balls so heavy with sperm. To have such a hard, big black cock,
straining for release, it must be so frustrating for him.
Lara was determined to help out the poor
man, to help him with his plight, but not like the two sluts furiously slurping
and gagging on the cocks in their respective mouths. No, Lara would be kind to
this poor black man, she would ease his burden, she would make him cum, but
gently, even, even lovingly. There was no need to hurt the man, as Kim and
Tracy must surely be doing, what with how fast they were bobbing their heads up
and down, to the accompaniment of loud choking sounds.
She kept her eyes open and focused on the
black man’s face, watching for his reaction to each and every lick of her
tongue, every movement of her lips across the achingly hard cock flesh in her
mouth. The black man was in the process of removing the rest of his clothes, to
reveal a massively muscled torso, before Lara Sadler would have thought the
sight disgusting, much preferring the soft feminine curves of other women. But
now she could see the attraction of the male physique, or at least the black male
physique, for she knew she would still find the bodies of white men
unattractive, because who of them could match the absolute perfection of the
black man before her? Even back when she had been dating that white
quarterback, his body paled into absolute insignificance compared to the black
adonis she was kneeling before, and her white ‘boyfriends’ so-called cock,
pathetically tiny compared to the magnificently sized black phallus in her
She shrugged and used her hands to help
pull her dress off her shoulders, letting it fall to her waist, reaching behind
her to open her white, lacy bra she let her big, proudly perky breasts free,
the cool air of the room making her straining nipples seem to twitch. She never
removed the big black cock from her mouth, nor her eyes from where they were
fixed on the black man’s face, and as her breast came free she could see
appreciation for them in his widened eyes.
“Damm girl, they is some big, fine ass
white titties!” the man said, reaching out with his huge hands to roughly
fondle them, rubbing her nipples between his fingers as he did so. Lara gasped
at his touch, never before had any man touched her breasts and elicited such
incredible feelings, such pleasurable sensations, and she moaned wantonly.
Lara wriggled her dress down over her hips
and pulled her lace panties off, leaving only her shoes on, as the black man
removed his hands from her breasts, and he sat back in to the chair. He was
younger that the rest of the black guys Lara noticed, and his face had very
strong black features. It made him appear very handsome in Lara’s eyes, much
better looking then any of the other black men. Lara let out a tiny shudder of
pleasure at that thought, that she was sucking off the handsomest of the hung
black men.
Lara barely heard what Tyrone Jones said to
Michelle Stewart and hardly noticed the racist slut join them on her knees and
with a black cock in her mouth, instead Lara ran her hands over the black man’s
thighs and lower torso, using her nails to gently tease at his skin. While in
her mouth her tongue swirled and lapped at his cock head, concentrating on his
reactions, watching his handsome face and listening to each sharp intake of
breath and grunt of pleasure.
What he reacted to positively she did more
of, what he did not react to she did less of, and Lara soon fell into a rhythm
that had the man groaning appreciatively. Lara closed her eyes with a contented
sigh, now she could concentrate fully on what she was doing, Lara had begun to
find the sights of the other girls busily sucking off the other big black cocks
far too distracting. She worked her lips and tongue in concert with each other,
and kept up a steady bobbing of her head, at first she could only take about
half of him down into her throat, but Lara knew she had to take it all, it was
only right, it was only fair.
So she slowly increased the depth she took
him down her throat, it was difficult but she persisted, until finally she felt
her nose bump up against something and she opened her eyes, to see black flesh
right before her eyes.
She slowly pulled back up a little, then
went back down again, doing this in several steps until she had about half of
the man’s cock in her mouth, she opened her eyes again to glance up at the
black man. His face radiated pleasure and that made Lara Sadler, once a lesbian
who hated all men, happy, happier than she had ever been in her life Lara had
to admit to herself.
But she could still see the pain, the need
to cum in his eyes, so Lara bent herself to her task, to making the man cum, to
relieve what must be terrible pressure in his balls, to end his obvious
frustration and discomfort.
She noticed in her peripheral vision that
Terri Spalding was kneeling between the legs of Tyrone Jones and was busily
slurping and slobbering her mouth and lips over Tyrone’s rampant cock head.
She put Terri Spalding, Kim Preston, Tracy
Lopez and Michelle Stewart out of her mind, they were of no concern to her. The
only thing that mattered for Lara Sadler was making this poor black man cum, of
using her lips and tongue and throat to relive what must be such an
uncomfortable erection. He needed to cum so badly she knew, he needed to empty
his swollen balls so badly. And she had to help him, she just had to, she had
no choice. She could barely remember why she was here, what had happened, the
betrayal of Ann Dutton, the blackmail of Tyrone Jones, none of that mattered
really, did it? She kept her eyes open and her gaze on the black man standing
over her, letting him know with her eyes that everything was going to be
alright, that she would take care of him, that she would ease the pain of his
swollen, black nuts.
And to make sure of this promise to
herself, to the black man whose huge black cock she was sucking Lara Sadler
slid his huge, thick black cock in and out of her throat, bobbing her head up
and down, alternatively deep throating the cock to the hilt with suckling and
slurping at the cockhead. Everything narrowed down to this, the cock in her
mouth and the aching, overwhelming need of the black man to cum, and to her
making sure that she looked up into the black man’s very handsome face, to make
sure he was okay, that she was not hurting him.
She heard a snarled “Fuuucccckkkkkkk!” from
the black man that Kim Preston was sucking off, something told her that he was
cumming, she glanced over, and this was confirmed when Kim Preston’s cheeks
suddenly swelled dramatically, explosively outwards, Kim’s mouth was obviously
being filled with the black man’s cum. Lara noticed Kim’s throat gulping and
bobbing, and her cheeks returning to their normal size and shape, before
seconds later they seemed to erupt violently outwards again.
Lara’s attention on Kim Preston was broken
when the guy fucking Tracy Lopez’s mouth let out a bellowing roar, and her eyes
darted over just in time to see Tracy Lopez’s cheeks distend instantly, bulging
obscenely. The Latino girl’s mouth sputtered and from her lips a thick, long
stream of semen burst out forcefully, spurting out and down to splash wetly on
the carpeted floor.
“Fuck bitch!” the black man whose cock was
cumming in Tracy Lopez’s mouth shouted hoarsely, “swallow my nigger nut, don’t
fucking spit it out!”
But despite this every time Tracy’s cheeks
bulged as her mouth was filled with black cum, great ropes of semen would burst
out between Tracy’s lips, shooting past the shaft of the black cock she had her
lips wrapped around.
Lara sniffed at this, disgusting, she
thought, it was disgusting that Tracy Lopez was making such a mess. She closed
her eyes and tried to blot out the sounds coming from Tracy, instead
concentrating on the need of the black cock in her mouth to cum. A part of her
wondered if she would be able to swallow all the cum that the swaying black
nuts at the base of the huge negro cock she was sucking would no doubt produce.
Deep inside Lara Sadlers mind a tiny part of her was frightened at this
thought, and the alien desires that she now had, but she ignored it.
Lara brough her mind back to the task at
hand and stopped, puzzled for a moment, she could no longer take the black cock
into her throat, it seemed to have swollen up even further. The poor, poor man,
to have such a swollen cock Lara thought, gently bobbing her head back and
forth as much as she could but keeping her lips running along the head as
tightly as she could. Inside her mouth she kept her tongue mobile and darting,
concentrating on the underside of the cock head, especially where two flared halves
of the cock head met on the underside.
Lara felt a shudder throb through the cock,
and the man let out a juddering moan, she kept on licking at the underside of
the cock head, slowing down her bobbing till it was just the barest of
movements, barely an inch. Lara only slid her lips up and over the hard, ridged
cock head and back, making sure that her lips stayed in contact with the black
cock flesh, seeking to sooth the obvious discomfort that the poor man was
For the last thing Lara wanted to do was to
hurt him, to make this any more uncomfortable than it must already be, having
such a huge cock with such a hard erection, and such swollen, heavy balls.
The man was breathing heavily now, gasping
and groaning, Lara reached out her hands to cup each of his huge balls in her
hands, gently fondling and weighing them, hoping that this would help reduce
the terrible pain he must be in. Lara was sure she could feel his balls pulsing
softly in her hands as shudders ran through the man’s body.
Lara opened her eyes and looked up at the
black man, his face was contorted in seeming agony, his torso was drenched in
perspiration, and she could see spasms shuddering in his lower torso and groin.
Lara was suddenly frightened, had she done something wrong, was she hurting the
poor man?
Lara had to ask and began to pull her mouth
off his cock, but as she did so she felt something happening with the cock
head, it seemed to be swelling even more, if such a thing was possible, and
something in Lara’s subconscious told Lara that maybe taking his cock out of
her mouth was a bad idea. So instead, she continued to gently flick her tongue
over his glans, slowly, gently bobbing her head over his cock head, letting her
lips slide slowly up and over and then back across the hard, flared ridge of his
cock head, the only thing she could think of doing, while see watched the black
man’s face with pleading eyes, hoping she was not hurting him.
Lara darted her
tongue upwards, across the broad and hard tip of the cock, noting with surprise
that his pee slit seemed to have opened up wide and was quivering, a thick,
slightly salty fluid was pouring out of the pee slit. She slapped her tongue
back and forth, back and forth over the pee slit, liking the taste of this
fluid, whatever it was. This seemed to be the right thing to do, as a long,
drawn-out groan issued from the black man, a moan that sounded to Lara’s ears
to be pleasurable and not indicative of any pain. Lara felt his hands grab at
her head, one resting atop her head and the other at the back of her head, Lara
idly noting that they were very big and strong.
Inside her mouth the cock head bucked
abruptly and violently, then bucked again and swelled, and suddenly Lara’s
mouth was flooded with a thick, viscous fluid, he checks bulging outwards under
the sheer volume and pressure of the liquid filling her mouth.
He was cumming! The black man was cumming!
Finally, he would get relief, finally he would not be frustrated by that big,
erect cock of his, by those heavy, swollen black balls.
As her eyes rolled involuntarily in her
head Lara Sadler tasted her first semen, and decided that she liked it, and its
thick, gooey, viscous texture, but she had little time to savour the guys cum
as his cock spat another huge load into her mouth, so she gulped and swallowed
the black seed in her mouth, for she was certainly not going to spit it out or
let it slobber all over her, unlike Tracy Lopez! Lara swallowed this load also,
knowing that the black man’s huge balls were likely to be so full of sperm that
more was sure to shoot out of his cock.
And sure enough
the black cock bucked and again her mouth was filled once more with a huge load
of black sperm, and Lara Sadler gulped down this load, not for a second
questioning why she had blown a black guy and that she was now swallowing his
cum without any complaint. In fact, she was proud to have relieved that poor
black man’s obvious tension, proud to have eased what must have been terrible
pain and swelling in his big black balls.
Many more times the cock blasted out the
contents of his balls into her mouth and Lara swallowed all of it, proud to
have not spilled a single drop, the cock was still pumping black cum into her
mouth, but in less copious amounts. Lara easily swallowed all of it, and now
she had time to savour and play with the cum, it was thick, like cream, or
yogurt, lumpy and with a taste that she could not describe. Not yucky as she
had thought sperm must taste, it was strongly flavoured, but it was not an
unpleasant taste she had to admit.
Eventually the black cock had stopped
spurting cum into Lara’s mouth, and a part of her was sad, a new part of her
she had to admit. The black man pulled his cock out of her mouth and Lara
opened her eyes, looking around her. Kim Preston and Tracy Lopez were being fucked
fast, hard a deep, but the guys who they had just blown had swapped places.
Michelle Stewart and Terri Spalding were still busy sucking their respective
big black cocks, Terri Spalding was vigorously and enthusiastically deep
throating Tyrone Jones with abandon, swallowing all of his considerable length
and girth with apparent ease. The blondes’ arms were wrapped around Tyrone’s
waist and Lara could see Terri Spalding’s hands gripping tightly at Tyrone’s
muscular ass cheeks. Michelle Stewart was bobbing her head up and down the
shaft of the black cock sticking out of her mouth, swallowing a little over
half with each swallow, pathetic Lara thought.
Michelle started fondling the guy’s hefty
black balls, prompting the guy to ask Michelle “You like them big black balls?”
To which Michelle could only reply with a ‘mpppffhhhhh’, which Lara took to
mean agreement.
The black guy replied with “Yeah you do
slut, and I bet you like it when I nut in your mouth, ahhhhhhh!” he groaned as
Michelle began to bob her head rapidly over the head of the big black cock,
Lara noticing that the black man Michelle was blowing looked to be in some
pain, if the grimace on his face was anything to go by.
Most likely the poor black man was in pain
from his swollen balls and badly needed to cum, and Lara suddenly knew that the
other black man was only seconds away from actually cumming. This was confirmed
to Lara’s mind when the black guy’s hands descended onto Michelle Stewarts head
and he let out a long, agonising sounding groan and then the inevitable
happened, Michelle’s cheeks abruptly expanded explosively and her head tried to
jerk back, stopped by the grip the black man had on her head.
Lara smiled triumphantly as a thick rope of
cum blasted out the side of Michelle’s mouth, the dumb racist slut unable to
cope with the volume of black cum shooting into her mouth. And each time
Michelle’s mouth bulged with the next wad of cum the same thing happened, a
stray spurt of cum would shoot out from between her lips and the big black
Pathetic really Lara thought with a savage
satisfaction, proud that she had not let a single drop of semen spill from her
mouth, she had successfully relived that handsome black guy of the swelling in
his balls.
9.3.4 Michelle Stewart’s Story:
Michelle heard Tyrone Jones voice say over
the intercom ‘Send in Michelle Stewart’ and the secretary gestured to her to
enter the room, from which none of the other girls had come out of yet. It had
been at least twenty minutes since the lesbian Lara Spalding had been called
and Michelle wondered what was going on inside the office. Standing up she
flashed a sneer at Terri Spalding, she hated the fucking stuck-up bitch and
opened the door and closed it behind her.
Like the other girls Michelle had dressed
up for this meeting, being told to wear ‘sexy clothes’, and Michelle was
wearing skintight blue jeans and a pink lace boob tube, with a pair of
low-heeled sandals on her feet. The jeans were hipster cut and nestled low on
her hips, emphasising the curve of her hips and her slim waist. The slight
natural roundness of her belly was also shown off to good effect as the boob
tube was narrow and ended just below her breasts, her pierced belly button also
adding to her overall look.
She was met with the sight of Kim Preston,
Tracy Lopez and Lara Spalding on their knees and sucking the big black cocks of
three black men she had never seen before. All were beefy and masculine
looking, and in various stages of undress, apart from one, who was looking at
her the way a lion eyes up a gazelle.
The smell in the room assaulted Michelle’s
nostrils, a smell of power, of manliness, of musky desire, and Michelle felt
her nipples instantly harden painfully. Between her legs her pussy, already
well lubricated, as it had been ever since she had fucked that black man in the
shower, gushed some more, she felt her clit poke at the sodden materials of her
She supressed a moan as Tyrone Jones sat
behind his desk, smirking, he lifted up a remote control and pressed a button,
a screen burst to life, showing her in the shower with the black waiter,
sucking him off, being fucked by him.
“You black bastard,” she hissed, she put
every last bit of her defiance into her words.
“Unless you want that video to be sent to
you father you will do as I say from now on. We own you Michelle Stewart, all
of you, body and soul,” Tyrone Jones said in an almost bored tone of voice.
She fumed and glared at Tyrone Jones oh so
smug negro face, but she knew that there was nothing she could do.
“You believed that black men were inferior,
when in fact you now know that they are superior Michelle,” Tyrone Jones said,
as out of the corner of her eye she saw the remaining black man tug down his
trousers and free a gigantic black cock. “Go and kneel before the superior man
Michelle, kneel before a black man, suck his superior big black cock Michelle.”
Michelle was moving even before she knew
she was, it was like her body was obeying some sort of automatic command. She
sank to her knees without giving is a conscious thought, the huge black cock
right in front of her face, the cock head no more than an inch from her mouth,
if that.
The big black cock that now strained inches
from her face was very, very black Michelle noticed, almost purple black so
dark was its skin tone, even the flared cock head was as deep, darkly black as
the shaft. Several thick veins ran bulging along its considerable length, nuts
the size of baseballs hung low at its base.
Unconsciously Michelle licked her lips and
then moved her head slightly so that she could see the head of the big black
cock. The pee slit was very large and distended looking, a single droplet of a
clear fluid was forming at the pee slit, and suddenly Michelle had an almost
uncontrollable desire to reach out with her tongue and lap up the
ever-enlarging droplet of liquid.
“Stop looking, start sucking,” the black
man said, and Michelle obeyed him without hesitation, leaning forwards and
opening her mouth to take the big black cock head into her mouth.
“Good little white slut,” the black man
groaned at this, as she slid her lips back and forth, back and forth.
She had been brought up to believe that
blacks were inferior, but she knew different now, Tyrone was right, black men
were superior, the proof of that was the waiter’s cock, the three other huge
black cocks the other girls were sucking, and the big black cock in her mouth.
It felt so natural to suck a big black cock
Michelle suddenly realised, and it felt so right to be on her knees here, with
a big black cock in her mouth. The waiter’s big black cock had awakened her to
the truth, to the old saying that ‘once you went black, you never went back’.
And Michelle Stewart had no intention of ever, ever going back.
Michelle knew that she would never touch a
white penis ever again, that she would only desire big black cocks from now on,
and that sent thrills of pleasure radiating through her body.
She did not care that she, that all of them
were being blackmailed. That was nothing to her if she was honest, all that
mattered was that she had a superior black cock in her mouth to suck.
And she would have to properly worship it,
properly show that she knew this black cock was superior, that black men in
general were superior. This was only confirmed for Michelle when the black guy
took off all of his clothes to stand naked before her, like an ebony god, his
incredible body on full display. Michelle let her eyes and hands rove over his
body, not an ounce of fat marred his sculpted, hard muscled body, the knots and
bulges of his muscles etched in startling relief across his dark skin. Michelle
dragged her fingers across his six pack, ran her hands over the corded muscles
of his sides and up along his flanks, feeling the great bulk of his deltoids
flare out from his back, a counterpoint to his huge, deep chest. His arms were
like great tree trunks, bulging with muscles, his biceps gigantic, his forearms
thick and granite hard. He was perfect Michelle realised, no, not just perfect,
he was superior, to any other man, or at least any other white man. Michelle
gazed up into the man’s face, a look of absolute adoration upon her face and
saw the arrogant smirk splayed across his not unhandsome features. Michelle had
never considered black men handsome at all before, but now? Well now she knew
that they were the handsomest men she had ever met, even Tyrone Jones was
handsome, in his own way.
“Get naked bitch,“ the black man growled,
his voice deep and commanding, sending a shiver through Michelle Stewarts body,
causing her nipples and clit to spasm in pleasure. She went to pull her head
off his cock but he darted out a hand and grabbed a fistful of her short hair.
“Don’t take yo mouth off my cock bitch!”
Michelle nodded in response, fear in her
eyes and trembling though her body as she dutifully removed her clothes. She
had dressed in low cut blue jeans and a pink lace boob tube, like all the girls
she had been told to ‘dress sexy’ for this meeting with E&I senior
management. That half breed mud slut Tracy Lopez seemed to have had the same
idea as her, except that the girl had dressed all in white, white hipster jeans
and a white halter top, probably to better show off her dusky skin. That half
breed had barely a straight line in her body, she was curvy as fuck and
Michelle was just the tiniest bit jealous of the girl if she was honest.
Glancing over she saw that Tracy Lopez no longer had her halter top on as she
removed her boob tube and shucked out of her jeans, still kneeling and
wriggling careful to make sure she did not let the big black cock pop out of
her mouth as she undressed.
“Dem panties too,” the Black man commanded
her, and Michelle obeyed, pulling off the tiny pink thong to expose her totally
shaved, and total soaking pussy. She angled her head back up to look into the
face of the handsome black man she was blowing, pulling her shoulder back to
better display her tits, perky and tipped with achingly hard and sensitive
“Nice,” the black man smiled, and Michelle
liked the look of the smile on his face, liked that her body pleased him.
Then she heard Tyrone Jones say, “Carol,
send in the last girl” and she knew that Terri Spalding was going to see all of
them on their knees and with big black cocks in their mouths when she entered
the room.
She heard Tyrone Jones say, “You don’t seem
surprised Terri?”
To which she heard Terri Spalding reply,
“I’m not, I knew something was wrong the minute I caught Michelle with the
black man in the shower. She hates blacks too much to fuck one.”
She snorted at this, her whole attitude to
blacks was now 180 degrees different from what it once was. Yes, she once hated
blacks, but that was before she had seen a big black cock, before she had
sucked a big black cock, before she had fucked a big black cock. Terri Spalding
would soon find out for herself the stuck-up bitch!
“Hey,” she felt the man whose cock she was
sucking cuff her gently in the side of her face, “concentrate on sucking my
cock slut, not listening to Tyrone and that blonde slut!”
“Mmmuupppfffhhhh” she replied, unable to
talk with a big black cock now lodged at the entrance to her throat. The guy
now had a grip on her hair with one of his hands and he was tugging her head
towards his groin and forcing his cock deeper into her mouth.
Michelle relaxed her throat and let the
cock thrust into her throat, it was uncomfortable as the man was thicker than
the waiter but was probably an inch or two shorter than his cock. Still, it was
a monster, bigger than anything she had previously even believed to be
She choked when he was about halfway all
the way down, he was just so much thicker than the waiter’s cock, he eventually
gave in to her increasingly desperate choking sounds and let her come up to
catch her breath.
Her chest heaved and few times as she
gulped for air, rather than blowing him again Michelle decided to dive onto his
balls and suck them instead, guys liked it when you sucked their balls she
But these were not little white balls, no,
she was now face to face with a set of huge black balls, dangling in a hairy
nut sack. Michelle inhaled deeply, drinking the manly, musky scent of the huge
black balls deeply into her lungs, before letting her tongue out to give them a
through tongue bath. Michelle lost herself in her ministrations, nuzzling and
licking at the two huge black balls, so much bigger than any white balls.
Eventually the guy grabbed at her hair and
pulled her off his nuts and pushed her mouth onto the tip of his cock.
She dutifully opened her mouth and let him
fuck her mouth, all around her came the slurping, liquid sounds of blowjobs and
deep throat, along with muffled moans of pleasure from the other girls.
She glanced around, or at least as much as
she could with a big black cock lodged in her throat, all the other girls had
big black cocks stuffed into their mouths and down their throats, and all were
equally into it. Even that lezzie bitch Lara Sadler was taking a big black cock
down her throat with apparent ease.
Fuck that, there was no way she was letting
a lezzer get the better of her blowing black cock! The guy was still trying to
batter his way past the last resistance and down her throat, she changed the
angle of her throat and that seemed to make things easier and finally he forced
the last two inches of his cock meat into her throat. Her lips and nose brushed
against a dense bush of pubes at the base of his cock, a contented sigh of
“good little cocksucking slut” greeted this.
There was no way Michelle would have let
any black guy say something to her like that before, hell there was no way
Michelle Stewart would have taken a black cock into her mouth, but all that was
changed now. Black men were sexually superior, they were obviously superior to
white men, and as they were superior sexually, white women like her just had to
submit to them.
It was logical really when Michelle thought
about it, women desired the best, the fittest men to breed with, and these
black men she had encountered since coming to New York were absolutely the
fittest in every respect. They had the best bodies, the waiter she had fucked
had had a great body, superbly muscled, and opening her eyes she noticed that
all of the black men in the room were now mostly undressed. All had the superb
musculature that the waiter had, broad shoulders, deep chests, thickly muscled arms
and legs, six packs, all looked like professional body builders, but not the
massively, stupidly outsize ones. Each and every muscle in their bodies seemed
to be visible in startling definition, sculpted to utter perfection. And every
black man she had met so far had a cock that was massive, at least twice as
long and twice as thick as any white penis she had ever seen. Something tickled
at her brain, twice as long and twice as thick? That, that meant that the
average black cock she had seen was, was eight times as big as a white cock, if
you considered its volume……wow, just wow she gasped. Or she would have gasped
if she could have, it was rather hard to gasp with her throat fully stuffed
with a huge black cock.
And they had gigantic balls to match their
cocks, Michelle had seen porn actors with bigish cocks, but never with really
big balls to match their cocks, unlike black men. She wondered if the same
calculations applied to the balls of black men as it did to their cocks, and
she reasoned that it did. So the balls of black men were what? She
concentrated, trying to remember what white balls looked like, finding it
difficult to even bring an image of white balls into her mind’s eye. After a
few minutes she decided on ten times, black balls were at least ten times
bigger than white balls, at a minimum, though she suspected that she was
undersizing them a little.
Was it any wonder that it was now obvious
to Michelle Stewart that far from being inferior, blacks were in fact superior
to whites? And Michelle knew that she would do more than submit to them, she
knew that she would let them breed her, that she would let them knock her up.
Michelle would let them fill her pussy with their superior sperm and fertilise
her unprotected womb.
Michele Stewart, one time racist knew she
was going to have to have black babies, and that it was the most natural and
wonderful revelation she had ever had. And with that both her hands dropped
into her lap and she began to finger herself with one hand and frantically rub
at her clit with the other, her groin utterly soaked with her juices, an orgasm
bursting through her as in her head heated fantasies of being pregnant with a
black child filled her mind.
Of course, her family would be furious,
especially her father, but she did not care about his opinions anymore, no,
they were not opinions, they were lies, pure lies. Lies told by inferior white
men terrified of the superiority of black men, terrified that their women would
reject them and chose black men. Well Michelle knew that any white women that
had an experience like hers was never going back to white penis.
The black guy was busy fucking her face, he
seemed to be only interested in hilting himself into her throat and holding her
there until she nearly passed out, before relenting and letting her breath. She
would have been annoyed if any of her white boyfriends had treated her like
this, but Michelle accepted this, he was a sexually superior black male and he
could do with her as he liked, and that was okay with her, more than okay in
fact, Michelle Stewart would make sure that any black guy she fucked from now
on would treat her like the slut for big black cock that Michelle Stewart now
knew she was.
The guy’s cock became stuck in her throat
at about halfway in, despite her moving her head around to get a better angle
she could not force it in any deeper. After a few thrusts that went nowhere the
guy relented and though he still held a fistful of her hair, he let her move
her head as he wanted.
She bobbed her head up and down, up and
down the glistening, ebony shaft that was sticking out of her mouth, going as
deep as she could. She reached up a hand to cup and fondle his heavy balls,
hefting first one, and then the other in her palm, they weighed a lot Michelle
realised as she cupped one of the black nuts. Probably because they were so
full of cum part of her brain supplied to her consciousness, while she gently
kneaded and tugged at the ball.
“You like them big black balls?” the guy
grunted, and she opened her eyes to look up at his face. Michelle nodded her
head and let out a ‘mpppffhhhhh’ in agreement.
“Yeah you do slut, and I bet you like it
when I nut in your mouth, ahhhhhhh!” he groaned as Michelle flicked her tongue
back and forth over the underside of his cock head as she held his cock head in
her mouth. She just made shallow bobs of her head now, her lips just sliding up
and over the hard, prominent cock head, back and forth about an inch each time.
Inside her mouth her tongue was in constant motion, lapping and licking and
darting over the bulbous head of the big black cock.
Michelle felt the cock shudder in her
mouth, accompanied by a groan from the black man whose cock was in her mouth,
and whose hand suddenly gripped her hair tighter. His cock bucked and jumped
within the prison of her mouth before a huge wad of cum erupted out of it to
forcefully hit the back of her throat, blasting down her surprised throat.
Had it not been for the black man’s grip on
her head she was sure she would have reared back, partly in surprise and partly
from the sheer force of the cum shooting out of his cock. Michelle felt her
cheeks ballon out nearly instantly as her mouth was filled completely with hot,
thick, gooey cum. The speed and force of the cum filling her mouth, stretching
her cheeks out like that caused Michelle’s lips to be inadvertently pulled off
their tight grip of the spasming cock, causing a huge rope of cum to explode
out of the side of her mouth, shooting out to splash onto the floor.
Before Michelle had time to recover, or
even catch her breath another gigantic wad blasted into her mouth, filling it
and once more most of it shooting down her throat. But such was the sheer
volume of cum that again it blew her cheeks out dramatically, once more tearing
her lips from the seal they had around the black cock flesh, which resulted in
another great tide of cum erupting out from the side of her mouth.
Michelle gulped as best she could, not an
easy thing with such a large cock lodged in her mouth, the taste of the black
man’s hot cum filling her mouth. It was a pleasant taste, and his cum had a
thick and very enticing consistency to it. Again, the black man’s cock spasmed
and bulged and shot a huge wad into Michelle’s mouth, the wad striking the back
of her mouth with a heavy force. As Michelle felt the physical blow of the cum
hitting the back of her mouth she could also feel her mouth fill nearly instantly
to absolute overflowing, her cheeks exploding outwards, straining and bulging
obscenely, but unable to contain the sheer volume of semen being unleased into
her. Michelle frantically swallowed as much of the cum as she could, but it was
not enough, she felt her lips being wrenched off the bucking, spasming black
cock by the expanding pressure against her bulging cheeks. With this the
pressure would suddenly lessen, as Michelle could feel great ropes of cum spurt
out of her mouth.
Gulping down the remaining cum the big
black cock bucked and shot again, and Michelle’s cheeks were getting sore as
they explosively inflated under the pressure of the latest gigantic wad of cum
This made Michelle want to cry with
frustration, she wanted to be able to swallow all the black guys cum, not waste
any of it. She had seen that lesbian Lara Sadler swallow all that other guy’s
black nut, and he had a huge black cock and equally huge black balls, so why
could that cunt who did not even like men, able to swallow the cum of superior
black men? The same weas true for Kim Preston, but then Michelle suspected that
slut had some practice at sucking big black cocks already, she had definitely blown
Solomon King after that dinner when they first met Solomon King and Tyrone
Jones, and Michelle suspected that Kim had also blown Tyrone Jones at least
once before today.
That wetback tramp Tracy Lopez had
apparently also been unable to keep all the cum in her mouth or in her belly,
her lower face was covered in a thick film of cum, great gooey ropes of jizz
were dangling from her chin and slopping down over her tits, the contrast
between Tracy’s dark skin and the heavy coating of black cum making her tits
look like they were glazed.
Michelle could feel tears forming in the
corners of her eyes, but she furiously sucked her lips in as tight as she
could, hollowing her cheeks in as tight as possible, determined, despite the
pain in her cheeks, that she would let no more cum escape her mouth.
The big black cock spasmed and once more
near instantly filled her mouth with cum, Michelle desperately sucked her lips
in as fiercely as she could, while at the same time gulping massively. It was
uncomfortable to do, her jaw and cheeks burned with exertion and her gullet
spasmed in protest, but none of the semen leaked out of her mouth.
9.3.5 Terri Spalding’s Story:
Finally Carol indicated that it was her
turn to go in, none of the other girls had come out, that was a bit weird Terri
thought, but this whole thing was off…. She had a sinking feeling in her
stomach as she stood up and went towards the door, she probably never should
have taken up this E&I outfit on their offer she knew.
Closing the door behind her Terri Spalding
was greeted with the sight of the four girls who had proceeded her all on their
knees before semi naked black men, and all busily, no, enthusiastically sucking
their big, black cocks. The slurping, gurgling liquid sounds of determined
fellatio filled the room, with an accompaniment of moans and gurgles from the
four kneeling teenage girls.
Shock registered on her face, but a
definitive scent filled the air, heavy, musky, masculine, which made her
nipples harden.
“You don’t seem surprised Terri,” Tyrone
Jones said from where he sat behind his desk, his ugly black face plastered
with an insufferable smirk.
“I’m not,” she replied, “I knew something
was wrong the minute I caught Michelle with the black man in the shower. She
hates blacks too much to fuck one.”
But apparently not enough to suck one Terri
noticed, as Michelle Stewart appeared to be trying to impale her face on a huge
black cock.
Tyrone just smirked at her and pressed play
on a VCR, and Terri could feel the colour drain from her face at the images
displayed there. The, the monsters, the monsters had taped everything,
“I see here on your resume that your goal
is to be an actress. Well congratulations, you’ve already starred in several
movies for us. Now it’s time to move up to some higher quality films.” Tyrone
Jones said, grinning at her, no not grinning, leering at her. And suddenly
Terri Spalding knew what was to come next, why she was last into the room.
She let out a sigh of defeat, of
resignation. She knew she was being blackmailed but what choice did she have?
“I suppose you want me to come suck your cock?” she asked Tyrone Jones.
“You read my mind,” grinned Tyrone Jones
back at her.
Terri walked over to Tyrone as he pushed
himself back from his desk. She let out a little involuntary gasp, his pants
were already down around his knees, his proud black cock quivering and pointing
towards the roof.
She kneeled between his legs and took a
good look at Tyrone Jones’s big black cock. It was huge, thick, thicker than
her forearm easily, great bulging veins crisscrossed its ebony surface, making
it look gnarled to Terri’s wide open blue eyes. At the base heavy balls rested,
each at least as big as a tennis ball, splayed on either side of where Tyrone’s
cock disappeared into a dense matt of black pubic hair.
Terri tore her eyes away from Tyrone’s cock
with whatever willpower she retained and looked around the room. The other four
girls were sucking their respective black cocks with relish, with gusto, like
it was the greatest thing in the world. Racist Michelle, Lesbian Lara, it did
not seem to bother them in the slightest. Shy Tracy was drooling and gurgling
on a black cock and that slut Kim was being furiously face fucked. They had
been lied to, blackmailed and were now being used, and it seemed to be making not
one bit of difference to the enthusiasm that each teen was displaying to
sucking big black cocks.
Terri turned back to Tyrone, in the process
taking a big unconscious whiff of his masculine scent, her nose a mere inch
from the flared, bulbous tip of Tyrone’s big black cock. Tyrone Jones’s cock
was ugly to match its owner, its shaft crisscrossed with great, bulging veins
making it look gnarled and twisted. But
it was big Terri’s mind supplied, big and black, as if that last piece of
information about its colour was somehow of vital importance.
A drop of precum trembled and then oozed
out of the huge pee slit at the tip of Tyrone’s cock, something instinctive
deep inside Terri Spalding took over and she dipped her head, opening her mouth
to engulf Tyrone’s cock into her mouth, letting out a moan of sheer pleasure as
her lips touched black cock flesh.
“Welcome to E&I Enterprises,” Terri
heard Tyrone Jones say, she paused and angled up her head and eyes to look into
Tyrone Jones’s face, seeing a smile of triumph plastered across his negro
Taking as much of Tyrone as she could into
her mouth Terri Spalding felt Tyrone’s precum slide out of his pee slit and
coat her tongue and the side of her mouth, precum seemed to be pouring out of
Tyrone’s cock constantly. Terri liked the salty taste of it, liked the taste of
the meaty, manly flesh in her mouth, liked the musky smell that was driving
away all inhibitions, all cares that she might have.
She reached out a hand to grip Tyrone’s
cock shaft, not in the slightest bit surprised that she could not wrap her
fingers all the way around his thickness. She tugged at his cock, jerking it
into her mouth while she slid her mouth further down on the amazing black cock,
letting her lips ride up and over the hard ridge of the cock head. She brought
her hand up to meet her lips, Tyrone’s flared cock head stood proud of his
shaft, his cock head was thicker than her fingers wrapped around the shaft.
That fact seemed to blow away any last
vestiges of restraint that Terri Spalding had, and she dropped her hand to
Tyrone’s groin to fondle his heavy balls, while at the same time she began
bobbing her head up and down as fast and as deep as she could, twisting her
head around from side to side as she stuffed more and more of Tyrone’s cock
into her mouth. His cock head touched the entrance of her throat and Terri
gagged, but she ignored it, instead pushing his cock deeper, past the back of
her mouth and into her throat.
Faster and faster Terri bobbed her head,
deeper and deeper she took Tyrone, she cared for nothing else than sucking off
Tyrone, for sucking his incredible black cock. Because Terri Spalding finally
realised that black cock really was the greatest thing in the world.
Terri closed her eyes and put all her
concentration into sucking off Tyrone Jones, the other girls all had a head
start with their big black cocks and Terri was determined that she would give
Tyrone the best blow job he had ever received.
Deciding that she would be better off naked
Terri levered herself out of her skimpy top and quickly shed her mini skit and
panties, all the while making sure that she kept up the pace and depth of
sucking off Tyrone Jones.
As Terri undressed Tyrone shed the rest of
his clothing and stood up, Terri unable to but admire Tyrone’s hard, sculpted,
muscular body, her sopping pussy spasming at the sight of a naked Tyrone Jones
looming above her.
Once Terri was naked Tyrone reached down
and grabbed a handful of her blonde hair and pushing her head down so that
Terri was forced down, so that her bum rested on the back of her calves and her
feet. Tugging Terri’s head back further Tyrone stepped over her and let his
ball sack drag across her face, one of his heavy, hairy nuts flopped across her
open mouth. They were huge, Tyrone’s balls, each one bigger than her fist, and
they hung low from the base of his cock’s shaft. The smell coming from them was
delicious, her nose was buried into the flesh of the ball sack, and she inhaled
deeply of Tyrone’s powerful, manly scent.
“Suck them big black balls Terri,” she
heard Tyrone say and Terri opened her lips as wide as she could, the weight of
Tyrone’s nut slowly sliding past her lips. From what Terri could feel about
half of Tyrone’s nut was in her mouth, it felt very heavy where is dangled into
her mouth. Using her tongue Terri lapped at the huge black ball nestled between
her gaping lips, darting and licking at the dense and heavy ball, its normally
wrinkly surface taut around the nut, and rough with pubic hair.
“Good slut,” she heard Tyrone Jones moan,
and Terri pursed her lips slightly to suck a little bit harder on Tyrones’ ball
in her mouth.
“Now the other one Terri,” she heard Tyrone
command, and she switched ball, dragging her lips and tongue over the skin of
Tyrone’s nut sack before enveloping his other ball.
After she took as much of Tyrone’s other
ball into her mouth she wrapped one of her arms around Tyrone’s muscular legs
to steady herself, and with her other hand she moved it up to grasp at his
cock, wrapping her hand around its rock-hard shaft and starting to tug at it,
jerking Tyrone off.
Her head thrown back Terri worshiped
Tyrone’s balls with her mouth, settling into a rhythm of lashing her tongue
back and forth over the undersides of each ball. After a few minutes of this
Tyrone pulled his balls free of her mouth and moved his groin and ball sack
around so that all of Terri’s face was smeared with the spit that she had
slathered all over the bottom half of Tyrone’s huge, black balls.
Once Tyrone was finished he pulled her face
down and away from his pendulous ball sack, reached down and tugged her hand
off his shaft and then stepped around to stand before her
Terri lavished his cock head with licks and
kisses, but Tyrone reached out and grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair and
shoved her head downwards, thrusting his hips up at the same time.
Terri sighed with pleasure, finally,
finally Tyrone was going to face fuck her, like the slut for big black cock
that she knew she now was.
She opened her mouth eagerly and let
Tyrone’s massive member slide straight into her throat, feeling Tyrone’s other
hand grab at her head and pull her forwards. Down Tyrone’s huge black cock slid
into her throat, Terri keeping her eyes open as she passed the halfway mark and
finally her nose was pushed into the mass of pubes at the base of Tyrone’s
“Good white slut,” Tyrone groaned and then
he pulled Terri’s head backwards while at the same time moving his hips away,
until only the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Terri gave Tyrone’s cock head
a few quick licks before Tyrone pulled her head back down and thrust his hips
up to meet her descending head, once more hilting his giant black cock into her
“Ahhhhhhh,” Tyrone Jones moaned, as he
began to fuck Terri’s mouth, slowly at first, almost as if to let her get used
to it, but then gradually speeding up. On each downward stroke Tyrone would
remain just that little longer each time with his cock buried to the hilt in
her throat, each time trying to shove more into her, even though there was no
more of his cock for her to take, every thick, hard inch of his black cock
flesh was shoved into her mouth and down her throat.
Strangely Tyrone stopped forcing her head
down onto his cock but kept his hands resting on her head and in her hair,
Terri gazed up at Tyrone’s face leering down at her, a question evident in her
cornflower blue eyes, while her tongue worked its way over the head of Tyrones
cock where it lodged in her mouth, her lips tightly locked to the hard flesh of
his manhood.
“You can deep throat my big black cock
without my help Terri, now get to it!”
Tyrone’s words filled Terri’s mind, and she
bent to her task, never once calling into question what Tyrone Jones had said
to her. Steadying herself Terri took in a deep breath through her nose,
noticing that the room stank of the smell of hung black men, and pushed her
head down along Tyrone’s thick, black shaft, making sure that her lips stayed
in contact with the cock, until she reached about halfway, Tyrone’s cock head,
despite its width and bulk having easily passed into her throat. Opening her
mouth as she angled her head better Terri pushed all the way down to try and
hilt Tyrone into her throat, her eyes open all the time, but a stubborn inch or
so remained sticking out of her mouth. Terri tried angling her mouth and
throat, but it was no good, she just could not get that last inch of Tyrones
big black cock into her mouth.
Immensely frustrated Terri had a spark of
inspiration and lifted her arms, sliding her hands over Tyrone’s waist to grab
his muscular ass, a cheek in each of her hands. And with that Terri pushed her
head down while at the same time pulling herself forwards onto Tyrone’s cock,
closing her eyes to concentrate fully on what she was doing.
This was enough to overcome the last bit of
resistance and Terri mashed her nose the pubes at the base of Tyrone’s big
black cock.
Satisfied with this Terri withdrew her head
almost all the way, before repeating, again sliding Tyrone’s cock all the way
into her throat, hilting his big black cock fully, using the leverage of her
arms and hands gripping Tyrone’s ass.
She did this again and again and again,
quickening her pace, Terri never once questioning what she was doing, her mind
blank expect for the thoughts of the pleasure she must be giving Tyrone Jones,
if the appreciative grunts coming from his mouth were any indication.
Terri lost track of time as she bobbed her
head up and down, up and down, sometimes twisting her head from side to side as
she ascended or descended along the glistening, veined bulk of Tyrones huge
black cock. But slowly it became more difficult to deep throat Tyrone like
this, his cock seemed to have swelled just enough to make it impossible for her
to deep throat him.
Frustrated by this Terri instead
concentrated on bobbing her head up and down over the swollen cock head as fast
as she could, locking her lips as tight as she could to Tyrone’s cock head. The
huge, hard, ridged bulk of Tyrone’s cock head in her mouth trapped her tongue
underneath it, and Terri was barely able to wiggle her tongue from side to side
underneath its flared, rigid rim.
Tyrone was groaning with pleasure and Terri
opened her eyes, his torso was bathed in sweat, his face contorted as if he was
in great pain, grimacing as a shudder passed through him. Terri closed her eyes
once more, but not before noticing that the other four girls were all getting
vigorously fucked. Inside her mouth Tyrone’s cock shuddered and pulsed and then
without any warning jerked once and spat a gigantic quantity of thick cum into
Terri’s mouth.
It caught her off guard, both its volume
and the speed with which it both burst from Tyrone’s cock to fill her mouth to
near overflowing, and how hard it splashed against the back of her mouth, with
an almost solid, physical force. Its speed and sheer force drove much of
Tyrone’s semen straight down Terri’s throat without her even realising it but
left more than enough to fill her mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge outwards
to contain the hot, thick semen. Terri swallowed, more out of instinct than
anything else as the first wad ended, followed almost immediately by another,
for several seconds Tyrone’s cock strained and seemed to shake as it hosed the
contents of his huge black balls into Terri’s mouth. This second wad was even
larger and more forceful than the first and Terri heard Tyrone bellowing out an
inarticulate yell as his cock spurted continuously into her mouth.
Gulping frantically Terri barely had time
to savour the manly taste of the copious cum, nor appreciate its heady texture
and the surprisingly pleasurable gelatinous consistency of Tyrone’s cum, before
his cock pulsed again and for several seconds another forceful, thick rope of
semen was expelled from the tip of Tyrones big black cock into Terri’s waiting
mouth. Some of the thick cum shot down her throat but most of the volume
splashed against the roof and sides of Terri’s mouth to fill it almost instantly
to overflowing, again forcing Terri’s cheeks to bulge outwards under the sudden
pressure, as Terri timed her gulp to just after Tyrone’s cock stopped shooting.
Terri just about managed to swallow the
milkshake like mouthful of Tyrone’s cum before he came again, once more filling
her mouth with an incredible amount of cum, his balls must be absolutely
stuffed to bursting with sperm Terri idly thought.
For several more times Tyrone’s cock
blasted amazing amounts of cum into Terri’s mouth, before the cum shots began
to taper off and become more manageable, but still gigantic compared to
anything else Terri Spalding had known. Terri now had time to fully appreciate
the taste, consistency and texture of Tyrone’s semen, her entire mouth was
coated in a thick layer of it and Tyrone’s cock
was still pumping more of it into her mouth. Terri Spalding decided that
Tyrone’s cum was simply delicious tasting, it tasted of manliness, of power, of
strength to her, and its dense, almost jellylike consistency was divine, as she
played with it inside her mouth, swirling her tongue through a mouthful of the
thick, hot substance, enjoying the way it seemed to cling to her tongue.
Terri was lost in her own world of playing
with a mouthful of Tyrone’s cum, when Tyrone’s cock seemed to cease cumming she
sucked hard on the head and was rewarded with a fresh dollop, still several
times bigger than any whiteboi had cum, but still nothing compared to what had
previously spurted from Tyrone’s big black cock
Terri’s was still savouring her mouthful of
Tyrone’s cum, and did not want to swallow it, when she felt his hands move over
her head and push her off his cock, which plopped out of her mouth with an
audible ‘pop’.
Terri tried to say something, but then she
remembered she had a mouthful of delicious cum, and decided to instead look up
at Tyrone with a hurt look in her eyes.
Tyrone Jones laughed at the look on her
face and said gruffly, “swallow that last load bitch, there is plenty more
where that came from.”
Terri was reluctant to swallow but the
stern look in the dark eyes of Tyrone Jones and she felt herself gulping
automatically, swallowing down the last of Tyrones thick, mouthwatering cum.
Great job! This story reminded me how much I loved this entry. Reading back now, I would to see a follow up on some of the characters like who Lara converts. Who Travy brings over. And most of all Michelle being used as breeding stock. Some one write this please!
ReplyDeleteI would love to read a spin-off for the secretary Carol.
ReplyDeleteI want to commend Stealthbomber for an excellent first person perspective scene for each of the girls. I don’t know I need that but now it seems like the story is incomplete without it. It’s serious been one of my favorite moments of the entire E&I journey.
ReplyDeleteSide note, I feel like Storm needs to launch a Patreon. If you set up payments for a release of each new story, I’d be happy to contribute. I’ve been a fan since the 90’s and feel a debt is owed for so many hours of entertainment. There are authors on Patreon that receive several thousand dollars per chapter released (Tefler comes to mind) and I know Storm could beat that.