Sunday, May 28, 2023

FYI Someone's using my art

 Someone named Jinx used some of my Chelsey Stine pics. He made her boobs bigger in one of them.

This doesn't bother me. I'm not even sure ai generated art is copyrighted at this time.

This does bother me:

Someone re-wrote Fuck Weed and posted it on darkwanderer with one of my ai's for the story. I had them pull it. 

Someone sent me an email the other day about some of my stories being stolen and sold on Amazon under the name Black Demon. One of the stories he was selling was written by THE Black Demon, so I contacted him. He's been around as long as me. He was outraged and bombarded Amazon with notices. Might be his first time. It's happened to me before. I also contacted Amazon and they're pulling the author.


  1. I saw that post on darkwanderer and reported it too. They literally just changed the names.

  2. Good for you. It's absolutely outrageous that someone would try to charge money for your hard work when you haven't done so yourself.

  3. Do you or any of your fans have any books to recommend on Amazon? I'm a big fan of the writer Bobbi Love who approaches the material in a similar way you do (i.e. a certain level of realism w/ the women being reluctant at first and being seduced). I also like Remy Leone who gets into more humiliation of the cucked man as well.

    1. Not Amazon, but if you go to my literotica page, you can click on the author's there that I've favorited.

    2. Just read a couple Bobbi Love and have to say "not bad". Read the one where the husband is slipping his wife horny pills and another where the couple have a black man living with them. I had a similar idea about a couple that buys a dream home, but with the caveat the elderly black owner gets to remain in the guest house until he passes with the wife eventually befriending, servicing him, and gifting him with an actual heir to inherit the house. Got the idea from Ozark.
