Sunday, April 23, 2023

Various stuff

 Look for an update to the Neighbor's Dick story soon. I'm still not sure about the title. I've been playing around with some simple ai generators to make my own character models with the ultimate goal of making illustrations for stories. I'm not sure I'll have the time to get good at it and may need to find a fan who wants to do it. Using the description I have for Gabby Gale in the current story, came up with this one that I think is near perfect for the opening scene apart from not being able to add the bikini color. I might just change the story to make it a white bikini.

Here's some more.

And some more generic women. The jungle one is for my blonde jungle girl from Jane Stalwart and she's not blonde and the generator invented a dick. I tried a black African bodybuilder with a huge dick and it gave me a white guy. 

Finally, Miri is sharing some of her Coxville art on twitter @scatwomanAOL


  1. Planning a Jane Stalwart return soon?

  2. Hey, are you also working on TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE, or is that one on hold?

  3. Great start to this story and "Try this on for size" Storm! You're nailing it 👍👌 2 more classics 💪

  4. "All hands on deck"
    "The deck was loaded before the game began"
    "the girl from down under gets a good decking"
    "Binga: the wizard of Aussie"

    1. All hands on deck was my original title. Liked it, but thought it too boatish.
