Copyright 2021 by Stormbringer
A South Florida Universe Story
Danielle Bordeaux and Wendy Whiteman were both blacked on
the day they first met while competing in a bikini contest during the Sturgis
motorcycle rally in August of 2002.
Danielle didn’t want to do the bikini contest, but her
boyfriend talked her into it. The twenty-year-old beauty was no stranger to
pageants. She was Miss Teen South Dakota when she was seventeen, but that was a
beauty contest and a bikini contest was purely about sex appeal. This bikini
was also lot skimpier than the one she’d worn at the Teen USA pageant.
This particular contest was famous for homemade bikinis, one
of several contests during the Sturgis rally. Neil had purchased a deer skin
for her, insisting she sew dangling leather straps from the cups and the panty as
she cut out the small triangles to cover the tips of her breasts. They’d glued
beads into the material and painted some of the skin though there was little
enough material to paint. Neil had her use a left-over scrap of skin to turn
into a headband, adding an eagle feather sticking from it to complete her Indian
princess look.
“Danielle Bordeaux hails from right here in South Dakota.
She is part of the Rosebud Sioux and proud of it. Everybody, give this sexy
squaw a squawk,” said the announcer through his microphone.
Danielle put on her best pageant smile and strutted out on
the stage feeling ridiculous. She hadn’t wanted to do the bikini contest, but
once committed she gave it her all. The crowd went wild, hooting and hollering
for the raven-haired beauty. Danielle was roughly only 25% Native American, her
grandfather was full blooded and her grandmother half Lakota. Her parents on
her mom’s side were Caucasian. Danielle favored the white man, but had long
luscious dark black hair that fell down to the small of her back. She was fair
skinned and blue eyed, but her rounded face, high cheek bones, and especially hair
looked very Lakota. She did tan easily, showing more of her Native American heritage
during the summer than winter.
“When Danielle was six, she was fishing on a beaver dam when
she slipped and fell in,” said the announcer. Danielle’s cheeks started to
flush. Luckily, she had her summer tan and her blushing cheeks weren’t as
evident to the crowd. The announcer continued, “Danielle was given her Indian
name- And this is not a joke folks- Wet Beaver!”
The crowds roar grew louder, as burly bikers raised the
glasses up saluting her.
Damn you, Neil, she thought, maintaining a fake smile for
the crowd. She’d told him her Lakota name in confidence. He’d gotten the story
slightly wrong. It had been a beaver lodge, not a dam. The sticks had collapsed
beneath her weight dropping her into the den. Her grandfather, Pierre Bordeaux,
called Wambleeska or “White Eagle” had looked like his namesake while reaching
down into the hole. Terrified, Dani had reached out for the old man’s hand, his
long white hair fanning wing-like out from his head to block out the sun, his
aquiline nose looking like a beak. Their hands clasped, the strong old man
raised her from inside the den, pulling her back into the light. “I have your
name, little one.” He smiled. “You are “Wet Beaver.” Nearby, the beavers had
slapped their tails on the water in anger at her intrusion into their home, but
to her young ears it had sounded like applause.
Dani had liked it at first, then came middle school and the
snickers and teasing started. When she found out why, she quit telling people
her Lakota name. But Wet Beaver was also her spirit name and her spirit name
matched the metaphor. Her vagina got soaked at the least hint of arousal. Her
panties turned wet the first time she’d kissed a boy, she’d needed no foreplay
when he took her virginity, and the sight of her current boyfriend, Neil’s
penis always dampened her thighs. His straight six-inch penis always glided
right in with no foreplay needed.
Even male appraisal turned her pussy wet and her body got a
lot of appraisals. She was tall at 5’10” and lithe with an oversized bosom for
her frame. Her DD breasts never failed to get a second glance and the second a
male’s eyes, any male’s eyes, fell on them, her nipples hardened. Her nipples
were large and prominent, making little dents in any, but the heaviest of
winter clothing. They’d hardened at the Miss Teen USA pageant as she marched
out on stage, her arousal running down her thighs as she paraded her body
before hundreds of pairs of eyes. She was convinced her body’s reaction had
gotten her the runner up position in the contest.
Her body was reacting that way now parading herself before a
crowd of raucous bikers. The tan top of her bikini covered just a tiny fraction
of her large breasts. As her nipples hardened, they pulled the small triangular
cups out with them almost revealing her areola. She walked across the stage convinced
that if the crowd hadn’t been so loud, she would have heard the squishing
between her legs she was so wet. She’d never had so many big burly manly men
staring at her body before. She turned, getting more shouts and whistles when
the men saw how little of her ass the bikini bottom covered. Her rear was
heart-shaped, well-rounded but firm. Neil had cut some of the material off turning
her bottom into a thong, but then he’d cut out a little flap and had her sew it
to the strings on top. The flap acted like a little loincloth covering her anus,
but still displaying most of her ass cheeks. Her white ass stood out in
contrast to her tanned skin.
Dani strolled back to the center of the stage, facing the
crowd and posing with her hands on her hips.
“Let’s hear it for Danielle “Wet Beaver” Bordeaux.”
The crowd went wild with cheers, applause, and whistles
louder than any of the other contestants so far. Her pussy gave a spasm adding
fresh waves of arousal to her bikini bottom. Her anger at Neil faded for making
her do this. She was finding it exhilarating.
Danielle took her hands off her hips, lifting them up to increase the
applause. She gazed out at the audience of mostly male bikers. She’d never been
to a biker rally and Neil wasn’t a biker, but he thought visiting Sturgis would
be fun. He was right. This was fun.
Dani was smiling legitimately when she took her place beside
the previous contestants. They were a mixed group. A few had figures as nice as
hers, but weren’t as pretty. One was absolutely gorgeous, but her breasts were
as flat as her ass. She’d used cut up red solo cups to make her bikini. A few
contestants looked like tramps covered in tattoos and bellies that stuck out
over their bikini bottoms with. One woman with a nice body, but a butch haircut
had basically just pasted lettuce leaves over her breasts and crotch. The
announcer described her as a vegetarian and a vagitarian. A husky woman
whistled loudly for her from the crowd.
There were three more contestants, an attractive older woman
with a great body, but she looked tired and worn out. The next woman was
lovely, but chubby, but by no means undesirable to the men watching, many with
their own large bellies. Her bikini was fashioned out of duct tape and she got
considerable applause.
The final contestant was the threat to Dani’s winning the
contest. Dani saw her offstage, teasing her nipples with her fingertips to make
them harden.
“Let’s hear it for our final contestant, another native of
South Dakota, Wendy Whiteman!”
Wendy galloped out on stage, pretending she was riding a
horse. She was the cowgirl to Dani’s Indian. Wendy took off her cowboy hat and
waved it at the crowd. She was naturally blonde with bright blue eyes. Her
skimpy black bikini glistened in the light and covered a body every bit as
amazing as Dani’s. She appeared taller, but was wearing heeled cowgirl boots,
the heels making her legs look better than Dani’s. Her nipples had hardened,
poking out the thin plastic triangles covering her large tits. As she galloped
past, Dani realized her bikini was simply made from a cut up garbage bag. The
flimsy plastic tightly clinging to her body including her now hard nipples. She
was very fair skinned. Her breasts were proud and firm, larger than Dani’s by
an inch. Her legs were fit and stood out in her heeled boots. Her ass was a
firm bubble butt and completely on display, the garbage bag twisted up into a
string disappearing between her ass cheeks.
“Who wouldn’t want to give this lovely cowgirl a cow poke?”
said the announcer.
The crowd roared and Wendy took her hat off and waved it for
the crowd.
The contest came down to Dani and Wendy.
“Let’s hear it for Danielle!”
Dani stepped forward, holding her hands out and raising them
to encourage louder applause. It worked, the increased applause turned her
pussy into a faucet.
“And let’s hear it for Wendy!”
Dani stepped back as Wendy stepped forwards. She already
suspected Wendy was going to beat her. This wasn’t a beauty pageant, this was
about sex appeal, and the one with the bigger tits was probably going to win
it. Also, the one that showed her tits was definitely going to win. Wendy cupped
her hands under her huge chest, her nails “accidently” tearing into the garbage
bag. She ripped her top open, her breasts falling out. They were perfect. The
crowd screamed. Wendy pursed her lips, holding her palm over her mouth in a
fake “whoops” pose. It was clearly fake as Wendy didn’t bother covering her
breasts when she stepped back beside Dani.
Dani glanced down at the crowd, her eyes meeting Neil’s. He
was motioning for her to lift her top up and show her tits. She frowned and
looked away.
“And the winner is… Wendy Whiteman.”
Dani smiled while politely clapping as Wendy was presented
with a sash, crown, and an envelope with the $500 prize in it. A good-looking
man pushed his way to the front of the crowd and tossed a black bikini top on
stage. Wendy reached down grabbed it and tied it on. Some in the crowd booed as
she covered her tits.
Dani was presented her own sash and $250 in cash.
An hour later, Neil was well on his way to spending all her
winnings. She pulled low cut jeans on over her panty, but Neil had insisted she
keep the bikini top on. Her outfit had gotten her into the bar without being
asked to show her I.D. They were playing pool. She stepped back watching Neil
sink a ball. She raised her eyes and scanned the crowded bar. Her eyes stopped
mid sweep, moving back towards a man standing at the bar, a black man, and he
was staring back at her with piercing dark eyes. She met them, held their gaze
for a fraction of a second that felt like an eternity before she shyly glanced
“Your shot,” said Neil.
Dani nodded and walked around the billiards table, looking
for a shot. She bent over, lining it up, hit the ball, and sank it.
“Nice,” said Neil.
She agreed. She wasn’t going to win this or any game against
her boyfriend. He was good. She did get lucky and sink a ball sometimes.
“Play the winner?” The voice was deep and commanding. Dani
looked up and saw the black man. Her pussy gave a little squirt. Danielle was
not attracted to black men, but this guy was pure man. She was taller than Neil
by a couple inches, but she had to look up to the black man. He was probably
around 6’2” and over 300 pounds, but none of it fat. He was pure muscle, clearly
a bodybuilder, and close to her age. He was dark-skinned with African features
that Dani did not find attractive. Yet he gave her a half smile half smirk that
made her nipples grow again and damped the panty of her homemade bikini.
“Sure,” said Neil, glancing at the tray the man was
carrying. “Those for us?”
“Yeah,” said the man. The tray held three shots of tequila
along with the salt and sliced limes that went with the shots. “Flex,” said the
“Neil, and this is my girlfriend, Dani.”
“Nice to meet you,” said the black man, eyes on Dani.
“Flex?” asked Dani, taking her shot off the proffered tray.
“Shane Johnson, but everyone calls me Flex.” He held his
right arm up and flexed his muscles. His bicep was huge. His waist was thin,
expanding out into a broad chest. A white tank top tightly hugged his
overdeveloped body. “I’m a competitive bodybuilder or at least trying to be
once I get out of college.” She liked a fit man, Neil was quite fit, but
bodybuilders were over the top muscular, and Flex was over the top. Still, he
was the manliest man she’d ever seen and her body was responding to his
masculine presence. Her eyes also noticed a wedding band on his hand.
“Where’s your wife?” she asked.
Flex smile-smirked at her again. “Back in our room. She’s
pregnant and needed to rest.”
“Congratulations,” said Neil. He sank the eight ball,
winning the game.
Dani sat down nearby and sipped a beer while watching her
boyfriend play the giant black man. Flex was good, but Neil was better. “Let’s
say the loser buys another round of shots,” said Flex.
“You’re on,” said Neil. He sank a couple balls before
missing the next shot. Flex sank one, but scratched. Neil ran the table and
expertly called the shot on the eight balls.
“Guess, I got the next round,” said Flex. “Be right back.”
Neil and Dani were playing again when he returned with three
more shots of tequila. They tossed them back. Dani’s head suddenly turned
heavy. She wasn’t used to drinking much more than beer. “Another game?” asked
Neil, sinking the eight ball while Dani still had four balls on the table.
“Gladly,” said Flex.
“Last game okay,” said Dani, sitting down. “I want to get
some dinner and go back to the room.”
“Sure babe,” said Neil. He looked up at Flex. “Same bet?” he
“No more shots, please” said Dani, rubbing her temple.
Flex looked over at her. “Wanna make it more interesting?”
“Like what?” asked Neil.
“Hundred bucks,” said Flex.
“You’re on,” agreed Neil.
“Hey, that’s the last of my winnings,” complained Dani.
“Yeah, so if I lose, we aren’t actually out any of our own
money and I’ve got a better then 50% chance of winning.”
Dani just sighed and headed off to the bar. She swore she
could feel the black man’s gaze on her ass as she walked away. A few men at the
bar offered to buy her drinks, but she refused. She returned with a glass of
ice water, hoping to water down the alcohol in her stomach to avoid a hangover
in the morning. More importantly she wanted to be sober enough to get laid that
night. Her pussy had been soaked since the bikini contest and she was desperate
for some dick. She hoped Neil hadn’t had too much, he was prone to getting
whiskey dick. Neil had a triumphant grin on his face when she got back.
“Look babe,” he said, holding up $200.
“You won?” she asked, thrilled he hadn’t lost her money and
hoping they could leave for their room.
“Yeah, I won,” said Neil.
“To be fair, I lost the game,” said Flex.
“He put the eight ball in,” explained Neil.
“I would have won otherwise,” said Flex.
“Oh, you think so big man,” said Neil.
“Yeah, I think so,” grunted Flex. “Another game, double or
“Rack ‘em”
“Come on Neil,” begged Dani.
“Just get us some more shots, honey,” said Flex, pulling a
twenty out of a wallet full of cash and handing it to her.
“Goddammit,” grunted Flex, snapping the pool stick as she
“HEY! Careful with the sticks,” yelled the bartender.
“He sank the eight ball again.” Neil took the shot from her
as did Flex. The two men downed them. Neil was swaying a little, a sure sign
he’d had too much. He held out his hand and Flex pulled four fifties out of his
wallet. “These games are getting too rich,” he complained.
“Don’t want to go again?” asked Neil.
Flex slowly looked up from his wallet. “Come on Neil,” said
“Double or nothing?” asked Flex.
“You’re on,” said Neil.
Dani sighed, but watched intently as Neil sank ball after
ball. “Looking good, babe,” said Neil.
“Fine, but this is it.” She scanned the balls. It looked
like Neil had one more ball before he could go for the eight. Flex had four
still on the table.
“Last game, huh?” said Flex. “I was just getting warmed up.
Wanna make this even more interesting?”
“Like what?” asked Neil.
“You win, I’ll throw in two extra hundreds,” said Flex.
Dani’s eyes widened and she looked at Neil. If her boyfriend won, they’d be
leaving with a grand. He would have turned her hundred-dollar winnings into a
thousand. That would pay for this trip and give them something extra.
“And if I Iose?”
“Dani gives me a blow job.”
“What?” asked Neil.
“Fuck you,” said Dani, angrily.
“Alright. I’ll fuck you if I win.”
“Slow down,” said Neil.
Flex smirked. “If you win you leave with a thousand bucks. I
win, you keep the $400, but your girlfriend gets to find out what sucking a
real man’s cock is like.”
“There’s no way I’m sucking a bl… you off.” Dani glared
angrily at the black man, but suddenly all she could see was herself kneeling
nude before him, his huge hands wrapped around the back of her head pulling her
forwards as he thrust a rather large penis in and out of her mouth. She’d blown
Neil before, but he’d been rather passive, sitting back in a chair while she
bobbed her head in his lap. “Neil?” she asked. “You can’t possibly be thinking
about it. The answer is no. N… O...” Her eyes fell down to the black man’s
crotch, eyebrows shooting up when she saw the sizable bulge under his jeans.
“No, of course not, babe,” he said.
“What’s a matter?” taunted Flex. “Afraid you’ll lose the
game or your girlfriend? You’ve heard about going black haven’t you?”
“Shut up,” said Neil.
“Come on, Neil, let’s go,” she pleaded.
“Leave and you forfeit this game,” said Flex.
“Let’s just finish.” Neil sat down beside her and watched Flex
chalk up his cue.
“Alright,” said Flex. “Same deal only all she has to do is
give me a hand job.”
“What?” asked Neil, sitting up.
“Yeah, that’s no good,” said Flex, pausing to think. “You
win, you get the money. If I win, I get the money and a hand job.”
“No,” said Neil, shaking his head.
“Damn right the answer’s no,” agreed Dani, putting her arm
around her boyfriend.
“If I win,” said Neil. “I get all the money. If you win, I
still get to keep the $400 that I’ve won so far.”
“And your slut jerks me off?”
“Yeah, Dani will jerk you off.”
“No,” said Dani removing her arm from around his shoulders.
“I’m not yours to bet and I’m certainly not a slut.” Her cheeks were starting
to flush with anger. If she hadn’t been so horny she would have considered refusing
him sex she was so mad.
“Look babe,” he said, leaning in. “I can take this guy. I’ve
won every game so far.” She just gave him a “What the hell are you thinking
look”. “Come on babe, I’ll split the money with you.”
She furrowed her brow. “So, we split the thousand?”
“Yeah. And if I lose, we split the $400, but I ain’t gonna
“No,” she said. Neil looked disappointed. “If you lose, I
keep all of the $400.” One hundred of it was her left over winnings from the
bikini contest anyway.
“Come on, I want some of it,” he complained. She just arched
an eyebrow. “Fine. I’m not gonna lose.” He turned to Flex, patiently standing
and watching them. “It’s a bet,” he said.
Flex turned to her. “You agree?” Dani nodded her agreement.
“I want you nude.”
Again, she pictured herself kneeling nude before the black
man. Her hand gliding up and down a really large black dick. The size of his penis
had grown since her last fantasy. It was now cartoonishly large. Her nipples
were rock hard nubs, scraping against her bikini top. “No deal,” she said. She
didn’t trust the black man and Neil wouldn’t have been able to stop him from
raping her if he wanted.
“Your bikini then, Wet Beaver.”
Dani’s cheeks flushed so dark she knew the black man could
see her blushing through her tan. “Fine,” she agreed. Flex winked at her and
turned his gaze to the table. “But Neil’s not going to lose,” she said, just as
Flex was lining up a shot.
Neil lost.
Flex ran the table, calling every shot and expertly sinking
the eight ball. “Now that’s what I’m talkin about,” he muttered in triumph as
the black eight ball disappeared in the pocket.
“Fuck,” said Neil, starting to feel he’d been hustled.
“Fuck,” said Dani, drawing it out longer. Her eyes were
staring out onto the crowd unfocused, not believing what she was about to do.
“Let me go clear up my tab and we can head to your hotel
room,” said Flex, gathering up the money on the table. He turned and headed to
the bar.
“Asshole,” said Dani, punching her boyfriend in the arm.
“Ouch!” Neil rubbed his arm, his eyes on the black man,
trying to get the bartenders attention. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered.
“What?” asked Dani.
“Come on,” said Neil, grabbing her arm. He hadn’t run a tab
and they were free to go.
Dani realized her boyfriend was trying to run out on the
bet. “Wait,” she said, standing. “He’s got my $400!”
“Shit,” gasped Neil. “We’ll forget about it. Your only out a
hundred and you didn’t even have that a few hours ago. Let’s go.”
Dani nodded. Neil pulled her into the crowd which was
unfortunately swelling as a fresh influx of bikers filled the floor. They
weaved their way through the throng as quickly as they could. Luckily, their
hotel room was right across the street. They made it to the exit, pausing as
some bikers rode past. Neil said something, but she couldn’t hear him over the
roar of all the motorcycle engines. She hoped the noise wouldn’t go on all
night. This was kind of fun and dangerous. They would laugh about it later. She
decided Neil was going to get laid that night. They crossed the road.
Neil opened the door to the lobby.
“I got it.” A Large black hand grabbed the door above Neil’s
head, holding it open for them. Flex walked in behind them. “Nice place,” he
said, surveying the lobby.
Dani felt the color drain from her cheeks. Neither she nor
Neil said anything as the three of them got in an elevator and rode it up to
the third floor. Neil used his key card to open their door.
“Nice,” said Flex, surveying their room. His eyes fell on
the king-sized bed in the center.
“You’re not really going to make me go through with this?”
she finally asked.
“A bet is a bet,” said Flex. “You were going to keep my money,
weren’t you? Look babe, I got something to relax you. Dat a balcony?”
“Yeah,” said Neil. They’d gone out there when they first
arrived in their room earlier that day and watched all the bikes going up and
down the street.
Dani followed Neil out onto the balcony. There were two
chairs and a table in the center. She and Neil took a seat. Flex followed them out,
pulling his tee shirt off over his head. She couldn’t help staring at his
chest. It was as close to perfection as she’d ever seen. There was nothing
about him she found attractive, his dark skin, African features, his
over-muscled body, but all together it worked. Flex was a sexy man. It was
August, hot and humid. Withing minutes, his dark black skin had a sheen to it.
Her pussy gave a sudden spasm.
Flex reached in his pocket and pulled out a little bag with
some pot in it and a pre-rolled joint. He removed the joint, placing it between
his broad lips, lighting it with a lighter he removed from his pocket. Flex
took a couple puffs to get it going, holding his breath on the last puff. He
handed it to Dani.
“No thanks,” she said. She wanted a hit, but didn’t want to place
her lips where the black man’s lips had just been.
Neil was less inhibited. He took a long drag, holding it in
until he coughed. He held it out for Dani and she gave in taking a hit. It was
good stuff. She felt the buzz wash over her, relaxing her. She took another hit
when it came back to her. The marijuana calmed her nerves, but it also made her
horny. It was an extra layer of arousal on top of an already arousing day. She
sometimes wondered if her grandfather had cursed her with the name “Wet
Beaver”. A handjob wouldn’t be so bad. A part of her wanted to see what the
large black man’s prick looked like.
She smiled lazily thinking about it, her eyes staring at
Flex’s face as he took a hit off the joint. She swept her eyes down his
glistening perfect chest to his jeans. He was still standing, his monstrous
bulge eye level with her. She stared at it, the bulge taking form. She could
see the outline of a thick shaft and a long serpentine head. Two round bulges
the size of tennis balls pushed out his pants between his thighs.
It moved.
Dani reached out for his pants, staring at her fingers
fumbling to unbutton them. The bulge was squirming, growing. She pulled his
pants open, lowering his zipper. The snake reared up thrusting out at her,
mouth wide open, sharp fangs dripping a white venom.
She jumped in her seat.
Flex chuckled. “You alright there?”
Neil was looking at her too. His eyes were lidded and he was
smiling. His eyes followed her gaze to the black man’s crotch. He frowned. His
frown deepened when his brain registered the size of the man’s bulge.
“I’m fine,” she said, shaking her head to clear it. The
snake had been more a hallucination than a daydream. Her vision had replaced
her curiosity about the black man’s prick with a fear of what those bulging
trousers were hiding.
“Here, finish it off,” said Flex, handing Neil the last of
the joint.
She hoped Neil wouldn’t finish it off, but he did. He was
out of it and would be worthless the rest of the night. No hard dick for her.
Unless the black man tried to rape her and Neil would still be worthless trying
to protect her. Not that he had a chance against a man the size of Flex. Of
course, it she screamed loud enough she’d probably be able to get a dozen
bikers coming to her rescue.
“Ready to pay up, Dani?” asked Flex.
She gulped and nodded, her eyes glancing at the frightening
trouser snake. Her nipples however were pulling out of her breasts so hard they
were painfully erect. “Let me go change,” she whispered.
“Just pull your pants off,” ordered Flex.
She shook her head and stood. Neil tried to rise, but fell
back in his chair. “Help him in, would you?” She turned and went back into the
room heading to the bathroom. It was small. She stared at herself in the mirror
as she undid her jeans and wiggled them down over her hips. She stood back up
and stepped out of them. Her cheeks flushed when she saw how prominent her
large nipples were through her bikini top. Her bikini bottoms were soaked through,
but luckily the wet mark wasn’t visible. Her pussy hadn’t stopped producing
lubrication either. It was like she’d sprung a leak, but was it arousal or anticipation?
Dani turned for the door, noticing her hand was shaking as
it reached for the light switch. She left the bathroom shocked at the sight
that greeted her. Flex’s back was to her. Her was bending over the room’s desk
chair placing her boyfriend in the seat. The black man had pulled off his pants
and she could nearly see his ass, his briefs were so small. His ass and thighs
were as muscular as the rest of him.
Flex stood and turned. She caught a glimpse of Neil in the
chair. Her boyfriend’s eyes were open, but glossed over, staring off into space,
a dumb smile on his lips. Flex quickly blocked her view of him. His underwear
was ridiculous, man panty came to mind or banana hammock, but it made sense.
The tiny white briefs were a bodybuilder’s posing trunks. Furthermore, Flex’s
oversized penis was stretching out his posing trunks so that she could see
glimpses of hairy black testicle and parts of his swollen shaft. The thing was
hardening in its eagerness to get it’s promised hand job.
The giant black man stood up straight and with a confident
smile took a few steps until he was standing straight in front of her. Dani’s
heart pounded in her chest as she stared up at him now fully believing he was
going to rape her. He leaned down, arms surrounding her, huge hands grabbing
her ass cheeks. She raised her head up to meet his descending lips, pushing her
hands against his chest just as his lips were parting to kiss her. “What are
you doing?” she asked. Flex pulled back confused. “I only bet a hand job.”
He snorted, broad nostrils flaring out like a bull. “Fine.”
He stepped back until he was against the bed. “Let’s go,” he grunted.
“Alright,” she said, stepping forward.
“Hold on,” he said. “I want the headdress, Pocahontas.”
Well, that’s racist, she thought. Her headdress was in her
bag. She went over to her purse and pulled it out.
“Feather too.”
She put her headband on around her forehead and added the
eagle feather to the back. He nodded his approval when she turned back around
to face him. She felt ridiculous.
“I am disappointed in you, Spayachapa,” said her
grandfather’s voice in her ear using the Sioux name for Wet Beaver. She was
disappointed in herself too.
“Well?” she asked, stepping back up to the black man.
His eyes ran down her body. “Now that’s what I’m talkin
about,” he said, nodding with approval.
Her nipples throbbed aching under his scrutiny, scraping the
deer skin bikini. She would have been more comfortable topless. ‘Well,” she
said again. “What are you waiting for?” She gestured towards his crotch,
gulping at how much the thing had grown.
“What are you waiting for?” he repeated, pointing both index
fingers at his bulging posing trunks.
Dani fell to her knees. A shudder ran through her body as
she stared up the black muscle man’s developed torso. He towered above her;
lips curled up in a sneer. He knew the effect he was having on her. He knew his
place was in the dominant position and hers was to kneel submissively before
him. His penis moved beneath her vision drawing her attention back to it. The
thing was impatient, trying to free itself, but the white posing trunks were
very elastic stretching out obscenely to contain the monster.
Dani raised her hands. They were shaking as they grabbed the
waistband of his shorts. She pulled the waistband out and down, ready to throw
herself back if the evil black snake struck out at her. The bulging mass of
coils did strike out at her, but it straightened out, the tip sliding over her
lips and hitting her in the bottom of the nose. She drew back a little, staring
down at the monstrous penis in disbelief. It was bigger than it had been in her
fantasies and it certainly wasn’t an evil black snake though the head was
serpent shaped. If it was evil, it was evil in its grandeur and power. The
thing looked like it was sculpted from rock, an inch longer than a foot in
length. The shaft itself was ten inches long and as thick as her wrist sticking
out from his shaved crotch. The serpent head added another three inches to his
big dick, it’s glans were large and flared rising up a half inch from the
otherwise straight shaft. It was also a darker black than Flex’s already dark
black skin. “I don’t believe it,” she gasped in awe at the thing. “It’s so
“Never seen a big black nigger cock before?” he asked,
Dani inhaled sharply through her pursed lips at his use of
the forbidden word. His using it shocked her as much as the huge black penis
bobbing before her eyes. Big black nigger cock… Big black cock… So different
from Neil’s penis.
“Well, have you?” asked Flex.
“No. I’ve only seen a couple white ones. Neil’s bigger than
my first boyfriend and your penis is twice as big… more.”
“That ain’t no penis, Pocahontas. That’s a big black cock.
Say it.”
“Big black cock,” she muttered. Truly it was so different
from her boyfriend’s thin white penis, it should be called a different name. “Jesus!”
Dani was staring down the underside of Flex’s shaft. “Your
balls are huge.”
“They hold a lot of cum, Pocahontas. It’s time we get this
party started. Why don’t you feel how full they are?”
Her hands were still on the hem of his shorts. She pulled it
down his thighs. As shocked as she was by the size of Flex’s penis… big black
cock, the monster looked natural on the large black man. Neil would have looked
like a freak with such a big dick. She raised one hand up from his shorts and
hefted one of Flex’s testicles in her palm, cupping her hand around it. One
ball filled her hand and it was indeed weighty.
Dani moved her hand up to the base of the shaft. She would
have sworn Flex was at full mast yet as she closed her fingers around the base,
it swelled even more as did her nipples. She winced as they pressed into her
tight bikini top. She ran her small white hand up the shaft to just under the
bulbous head. His urethra was dribbling fluid at a rapid pace. Her spirit
animal name was in full swing also. Her beaver wasn’t just wet, it was swimming
through a waterfall. The deerskin panty was soaked through, her arousal now
running down the insides of her thighs. Flex’s buffalo cock was simply the most
masculine thing she’d ever seen or touched. She felt privileged to gaze upon
it, to hold it in her hand.
And with that realization, Danielle Bordeaux got into it.
She ran her hand around the crown, coating the head with his precum. It wasn’t
enough. She leaned forward, grabbing the base of his shaft with her free hand
to hold it steady. She removed her other hand and spat in her palm, returning
it to the crown. She stroked several inches, but it wasn’t enough. She released
his shaft and stood.
“What?” asked Flex.
“Needs more lube.” Dani returned to her purse and retrieved
a tube of baby oil. Neil had coated her body with it before the bikini contest
and it was mostly empty, but there was still enough to coat the huge black
cock. She turned back to Flex. He had sat on her bed, legs spread open. She
kneeled between his knees again, pouring some oil into her palm. She began
rubbing the oil into the thirteen-inch shaft. It worked remarkably well, her
hand gliding smoothly up and down his shaft. She brought her other hand up and
began jerking him off with both hands. He groaned leaning forward, Shane’s
large black hands grabbed the back of her head, pulling her long black hair
away from her neck.
Before she could object, he had pulled the string untying
the bikini top. Dani didn’t object, she sighed in relief as her nipples were
freed from the tight top. “Damn gurl, you got some great tits,” grunted Flex.
“Aah!” she squealed as Flex reached down and pinched one of
her erect nipples. He rubbed his thumb around her nipples squeezing the ends of
her breasts. His remaining hand found another nipple. Flex pinched both nipples
and pulled upwards. “Mmmm,” she moaned, her pussy giving a little spasm that
bordered on being an orgasm. Flex pulled
her nipples out and up. The pleasure she’d first felt when he pinched her
turned slightly painful forcing her to sit up on her knees. Her breasts rising
up on both sides of the giant black shaft forcing her to let go of his cock.
Flex quit pulling, but continued running his thumbs over her hard nipples while
squeezing her breasts together around his cock. He bucked his hips sliding his
black cock between the folds of her breasts.
“You do it,” he ordered, letting go.
Dani hefted her breasts and squeezed them around his cock.
She missed the pleasure she’d felt having him pinching her nipples so she pinched
her own nipples as she raised and lowered her breasts over the black shaft. His
cock was so slick now from the oil, it easily slid between the folds of her big
bosom. Flex bounced on the edge of the bed, bucking his hips, thrusting his
cock between her breasts. The hard head
of his cock slid over her lips and punched her nose. “OW!” she grunted
arching her head back and watching the shaft thrust outwards above her eyes.
This position wasn’t comfortable. She pulled her breasts up as he was pulling
his cock back, raising her head. “Slow down…” she got out just as he thrust his
cock back. “Mmph!” His cock head thrust past her lips into her mouth.
“Yes,” grunted Flex.
“Wait,” she pleaded, his cock pulling back. “Mmph!” It shot
forward again. His strong hands grabbed the back of her head, pulling her lips
further down his cock.
“Suck that big black nigger cock, slut,” he ordered. His
hands slid down the back of her head, spreading her long black hair apart and
wrapping the hair in his fists. He pulled on the makeshift reins forcing her to
bob her head up and down several inches of shaft, shoving inch after inch of
cock down her throat. Dani released her breasts, her mouth now doing the work
of getting the black cock off.
Strangely, Dani didn’t hate it. She’d sucked Neil a few
times. Not that she enjoyed it, but he sure seemed to. Neil was also easy, the
grape-sized head of his penis only pushing past her uvula. Flex’s thicker cock
head was going way farther down her throat and she was fighting not to choke.
She grabbed the base of his shaft, bobbing her head faster, swallowing several
more inches. It became a challenge, seeing how much of his cock she could get
down her throat. The only thing she didn’t like was the taste of the baby oil.
Underneath the oil, she could taste the hint of his natural taste combined with
the musky masculine scent coming off his crotch enticing her to suck harder.
“Now ya getting into it, slut,” he growled.
Asshole, she thought. She was only doing this to stop him
from pulling her hair. She looked up at him, taking in his muscular torso, the
nostrils of his broad nose flaring out as he breathed deeply. Her pussy gave
another squirt of arousal. His hands were resting on the sides of the bed, not
pulling her hair anymore. She was getting into it, but she wasn’t a slut.
Impossibly, his monster cock felt like it was swelling even
more, almost to the point she felt it might get stuck in her throat. Flex thrust
it forward, now ten or eleven inches past her lips, deeper than it had been
yet. She felt it jerk, the first wad of his cum filling her belly. Yech, she
thought. She hadn’t considered that he’d cum down her throat. Neil came in her
mouth and she found the taste of his seed disgusting. She had stopped bobbing
her head, his cock still cumming as she pulled back, the head exiting into her
Where Neil had shot a small spoon’s full of runny weak semen
across her tongue. Flex’s third of fourth wad of ejaculate filled her mouth,
bulged her cheeks out, and finally forced her to gag. Flex’s cock cleared her
mouth, sperm splattering her face. She pulled back feeling even more of his hot
seed strike her breasts.
Dani swallowed what she hadn’t spit out. Her brain finally
registered that his semen wasn’t runny and weak like Neil’s, but rich and
viscous. The black man’s cum was delicious! She wrapped her lips back around
the head, jerking his shaft off to milk the rest of his semen from his huge
She sat back, licking her lips as she stared down at the
swollen rampant cock. It appeared even bigger after ejaculating. A large drop
of semen had formed on his urethra. Dani leaned forward and pursed her lips,
kissing it on the tip, her tongue flickering out to lick up that last drop.
Granted his balls were monsters, but he’d cum so much, she wondered if he were
backed up, not getting relief from a pregnant wife.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” groaned Flex, falling
back on the bed.
Dani braced her hands on his knees and pushed herself up.
She stumbled to the bathroom. She felt a little guilty for sucking off the
black man, but had no regrets. This had been the most erotic night of her life.
Plus, Neil appeared to have passed out and probably wouldn’t remember anything.
She gazed in the mirror. Her face was coated in white semen.
Large globs of it were sliding down her cheeks, the trail starting to dry and
flake. The same was true of her breasts. She scooped up a large wet wad of cum
from her right nipple and licked it off her fingers. It had tasted better at
body temperature, but it still wasn’t bad. “It must be the weed,” she told her
reflection, rationalizing her behavior. She was still wearing the stupid
headband, the feather now slightly askew. She pulled it off and dropped it by
the sink.
Dani started the shower, untying her panty and letting it
fall to the bathroom floor. She stepped into the tub, pouring large amounts of
the hotel’s provided bodywash into her palm. It was viscous and white, reminding
her of a large pool of Flex’s semen. She turned her back to the spray and
lathered the wash all over her breasts, squirting some more in her hand and
washing her face with her palms before using the washcloth. She went ahead and
washed her hair while she was in the shower. It has been sweaty on the stage
and in the bar, plus she had a few wads of sperm in her hair.
Dani felt fresh and clean, free of the black man’s seed when
she stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her voluptuous body
and walked back out into the room. She sighed with relief to see the black man
was no longer laying back on the bed. She glanced over at Neil, still smiling
and still passed out on the seat. She looked past him and gasped.
Flex was still here! He was nude, standing on the balcony,
and looking out at the motorcycles and pedestrians on the street below. His
back was as muscular and defined as his chest, his ass hard and firm. His legs
were slightly spread and she could see the end of his cock dangling between his
thighs. He straightened and turned, reentering the room, his big black cock
slapping from thigh to thigh, swinging like a spoiled black banana. “What are
you still doing here?” she asked, gulping.
He smirked, strolling up to her. “I gotta return the favor,
baby,” he stated, reaching for the tie in the towel between her breasts. He
opened the towel, staring down at her nude body. “Nice,” he said, approvingly.
Dani blushed, her nipples hardening again as her pussy gave
another squirt of arousal. He pushed her down on the bed this time, kneeling
between her legs. Flex cupped her knees and threw them over his shoulders,
moving his head between her thighs. Dani moaned, wanting this, needing this.
Neil wasn’t a fan of going down on her. He’d done it once, but only for a few
minutes before quitting and thrusting his little penis inside her. If only I
could wipe that smirk off the arrogant black man’s face, she thought watching
his tongue slide out from between his broad lips before the lower half of his
face disappeared between her thighs.
“AAAH!” Her hips bucked up into his tongue as it pressed
hard against the lower half of her pussy lips, licking up and flicking over her
clit. “Oh god,” she grunted. “Oh god. Oh god.” His tongue lapped at her pussy
from her anus to her clit. He didn’t seem to mind that his tongue was licking
her freshly cleaned asshole and to her it was a new, not unpleasant feeling. He
quit lapping his tongue slithering between her lips wiggling inside her.
“AAAHH!” she squealed again having a small, but satisfying orgasm. A slow smile
spread across her face. Dani kept her legs wrapped around his neck as she laid
back on the bed, her hips faintly rising into the thrusts of Flex’s tongue.
She felt she might cum again. She grabbed her breasts,
teasing her own nipples to hasten another orgasm. It came when Flex pulled his tongue
out and sucked her clitoris hard between his lips, two fingers replacing the
tongue inside her. She screamed loud enough the rooms next door might have
heard her. Flex’s two fingers were bigger than Neil’s penis. He thrusts them in
and out, rubbing the tips of his fingers inside her while his tongue danced
over her clit.
“FUCK!” she screamed, her hips bucking her pussy up hard
into his fingers as she had a large and very satisfying orgasm. She fell back
down on the bed, blissfully panting as he slowly removed his fingers. Just as
she had planted a kiss on the head of his black cock, his broad lips pressed
down on her pussy and gave her one last kiss and one last lap up to her clit.
She moaned, writhing with pleasure. His tongue didn’t stop
at her clit. It ran up and over her pubic mound. She kept her pussy shaved in a
thin black strip. His tongue slid up the sides of her pubes and over her
abdomen. Flex was slowly climbing up her body, planting a kiss in her
bellybutton before wiggling his tongue inside.
Her well satisfied body began to respond as his tongue moved
up between her ribs. His hot breath exhaled once over her right nipple just
before his tongue flickered over her hard nub, twirling around it. She gasped
when her sucked her swollen teat between his lips.
Dani moaned, writhing beneath him slightly, her hips lifting
gently. Her hands clenched at the sheets as he moved his mouth over to her
other nipple. The rising of her hips continued until suddenly something was
there, a firm hardness pushing against her pussy lips.
Flex grunted, lowering his hips. Her pussy lips spread out
around the giant cock head until she was open wide enough to take him inside.
“No,” she whimpered even as her hips continued thrusting up into the monstrous
intruder. “It’s too big!”
“Relax, baby,” he muttered, just before sucking her nipple
back between his teeth and pulling it out so far, her areola formed a pyramid
“Oh god,” she gasped. Her gasp turned to a moan as the big
cock head totally slipped inside her. “It so big! So big!” Her hips were
rapidly humping up into his cock, wanting more inside her, even as her mind
feared what the huge cock might do to her. “I can’t take it.”
Flex released her nipple and rose up over her. His dark eyes
staring down at her. “I think you can, Pocahontas. I think your body was built
to handle big nigger cock.”
“No,” she hissed, staring up into his eyes in fear. At that
moment he looked like a demon, a wendigo, or a black skinned hairless
Sasquatch. His phallus was too big to be a human’s.
“Prove me wrong. Show me you can’t take my big black cock.”
Flex pushed his hips down.
“YES!!” Dani’s hips bucked up off the bed as she was pierced
by nearly half the 13” cock. The head was pushing into virgin territory now and
her body liked it enough she came suddenly, her pussy tightening up around the
intruder as she soaked it with her fluids. He prolonged her orgasm by pushing
first one inch and then another into her. Thank God he was taking it slow and
letting her get used… “UNH!” Another inch. “Oh god,” she gasped. “So full.” His
cock moved deeper, the head pressing hard against her cervix. There was still
3-4 inches to go. She couldn’t take him, she relaxed, sighing with relief and
some regret.
“Mmmm, yes,” she moaned, still humping up into his cock. He
was flexing his shaft, his urethra rubbing along her cervix, coating it with
little jets of precum. She helped him, making circular motions with her crotch
each time she raised her hips. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Her
eyes shot open again quickly when his hard cock pushed through her softened
cervix and entered her womb. “YYEESS!! She cried, wrapping her legs around his
hips. Her hands left the sheets, arms wrapping around his back. Her hips bucked
wildly up into his entire shaft.
“Balls deep, baby,” he grunted. “You know what that means?”
“I was built for big nigger cock,” she cried before
screaming as she came hard all over his shaft.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” smirked Flex. He
lowered his head, broad flat lips pressing into hers. She screamed into them
until her orgasm passed before she opened her lips and pushed her tongue into
his mouth, her arms grasping him tightly and pulling the large man down on top
of her.
Flex started to move. He pulled several inches out,
thrusting deep again, then half his cock, and finally he began fucking her hard
with his entire shaft. Dani writhed beneath him, continuing to kiss him as she
came constantly. His mighty arms pushed himself up. Dani’s hands slid around
under him, caressing and feeling his powerful chest as she stared up into his
handsome but brutish face. His face was strained, his brow covered in sweat.
How could he possibly be maintaining this pace and not cum yet? Cum! She hadn’t
seen him put on a condom. She’d never taken a man bareback before. He’d
mentioned a pregnant wife. No doubt he was very fertile and how much sperm did
those huge testicles hold?
“Here it cums, baby,” he grunted.
“NO! Pull out. Pull out. You’ll get me pregnant.”
“You don’t want me to pull out.” He thrust harder, more
“Don’t cum in me,” she pleaded, even as her legs locked
securely around his hips and her arms wrapped around his neck, clinging tightly
to him.
“You want my cum, slut,” he growled.
“Mmmmn,” she whimpered on the brink of a huge orgasm. She
was bucking up into him as fast as he was thrusting, at least her body wanted
his seed. “I want your cum,” she confessed.
“You want me to fill you with my nigger seed.”
“YES!” she gasped, desperate to cum again. “Fill me with
your… nigger seed.”
“Then here it…” His words were cut off turning to a grunt as
Flex pushed his cock deep and shot his first powerful wad of black seed into
her fertile womb.
“YES!” she screamed, clinging to him so tightly, he was
lifting her off the bed. His spurting cock triggered her own orgasm, each blast
of ejaculate prolonging her orgasm. She cried again as her orgasm intensified
when he pushed deep and shot another wad of seed into her womb. She was full
now his excess semen running down his shaft and flowing out around where they
were conjoined. The flow turned into a waterfall when Flex sat up and withdrew
his cock. He kneeled between her legs, stroking his shaft and shooting still
more long strands of semen that fell from her neck to her navel.
Flex groaned and fell on the bed beside her. Dani sighed;
her hips were still rising slightly as if they wished he was still fucking her.
She slowly brought them down on the bed. Dani raised her head staring down at
the semen covering her body. She raised her hands and spread the strands across
her belly, rubbing it into her skin, moving up to her still heaving bosom. She
rubbed his sperm onto her breasts and swollen nipples. She couldn’t detect any
slackening in the volume of semen he’d shot the second time he’d cum. If
anything, she felt he’d shot an even bigger wad then when she’d sucked him off.
“Wow,” she muttered.
“Baby, I just changed your life,” chuckled Flex beside her.
Dani wanted nothing more at that moment then to fall asleep,
but she forced herself to roll over and get out of bed. She hurried to the
bathroom, waddling with her hands cupped beneath her pussy to catch his leaking
sperm. She started the shower and sat on the toilet, trying to force as much of
his semen out of her as possible. It was useless, so much of it was trapped
past her cervix. She’d be dribbling Flex’s seed for days.
She got off the toilet and stepped into the shower, letting
the hot water cascade over her breasts. The wads of Flex’s semen seemed to
clump up and turn stringy as they got wet. She turned, letting the shower wash
her hair while she grabbed a large red bottle of Neil’s bodywash. She filled
one palm with the lotion and began rubbing around her breasts and down to her
navel. She filled her palm again and lathered up her crotch area, moving her
hands down to wipe between her thighs. She stood and filled her palm again.
She gasped startled when the curtains were pulled back and
the giant black man stepped into the shower with her. His dark eyes gazing
hungrily at her nude body. He reached out and took her wrist, pulling her hand
over to his chest. He released her wrist when she turned her hand and began
rubbing the bodywash across his chest. She shook the bottle of lotion, globs of
white fluid flying out of the tip to splatter on his muscles. Dani dropped the
bottle and ran both of her white hands through the bodywash, coating Flex’s
large chest and then down over the ridges of his six pack. Her arousal retuned
as she ran her hands over his well-developed masculine form before her gaze
fell down on his cock.
Dani slid down his body, clinging to one muscular thigh as
she stared at his cock. It wasn’t hard, nor was it soft and dangling. It stuck slightly
out before bending down. Her hand found the bottle of lotion and raised it. The
large container was as thick as Flex’s shaft. The bodywash was Dragon Blast by
Old Spice. She drained the last of the
lotion out on the base of his cock. Dani ran her fingers through the lotion,
encircling and stroking the base of his fat shaft. She stroked it, covering the
base with lather, she ran her hands up and down his shaft. Her grip widened as
his cock swelled. Soon it was sticking straight out from his crotch again.
“So big,” she said, staring at it in awe, as water
splattered along the shaft, cleaning the lotion off. Dani leaned forward,
pursing her lips against the tip before parting them. She took the head in her
mouth and began to suck. It still tasted of soap, but the taste was faint and
his cock was clean. She sucked him deeper, the large head pushing into her
throat. She fought from gagging, swallowing more, bobbing her head slowly and
breathing through her nose. I could get into this, she thought, filled with a
desire to please him. A little more practice and she felt she could swallow the
whole thing. For now, all she could manage was a little more than half. She
looked up to see if she was pleasing him, but his head was thrown back and the
shower was splattering off his chest blocking her view.
The shower cut off as Flex turned the valves. “Bed,” he
He pulled back, his cock exiting her mouth. She kissed the
tip again, letting him pull her to her feet. They didn’t bother drying
themselves, their wet bodies dripping as they hurried to the bed. Dani turned
to face him, but Flex spun her around, practically pushing her on the bed. She
fell on all fours, starting to crawl forwards, but his strong hands grabbed her
hips and held her still. He moved one hand down to his shaft and guided it back
into her.
“YYEESS!!” she moaned as his big black cock stretched her
out again. She took him more easily this time, her softened cervix opening and
allowing him access to her womb. She came hard as soon as he went balls deep.
Dani slowly recovered from her orgasm aware of pressure on
her anus. His hand had a tight grip on her ass cheek, the thumb pressing hard
on her sphincter which slowly parted as he pushed it in.
“Nooo,” she started to plead at this new intrusion. Instead,
her “Nooo… Ooooh!” Her pussy clamping down hard around his cock as she came
again, her sphincter muscles tightly gripping his thumb at the same time. She
was gasping and panting, swearing she could hear the jerk chuckling.
Dani was still recovering from her orgasm when Flex began
moving his cock. His pace started slow, increasing his speed until her was
giving her the full shaft. Flex kept his thumb plugging her butthole while
pulling her back into the thrusts of his cock. “UNH! UNH! UNH!” she grunted.
“Fuck me.”
“I’m about to bust another nut,” growled Flex, fucking her
harder. “Ready for it?”
“Na… Na… No!” Dani’s body had a mind of its own, her ass
bucking up into the thrusting cock as her vaginal muscles began tightening up
around the shaft. “Please don’t… fuck… fuck me… can’t get pregnant…”
Then Flex did something that shocked her. He pushed her
away, his thumb exiting her ass hole just before his cock sprang up free of her
“Noooo,” she complained, her ass still rising up into
imaginary thrusts of his cock.
“Move over.”
Dani rolled over to her side as Flex climbed onto the bed.
His cock looked absolutely monstrous. It was swollen and glistening wet. It was
also jerking. He had been close, real close. She couldn’t help reaching out for
it, stroking the slick shaft as soon as her fingers closed around it. “Can I
suck it?” she asked, suddenly wanting to taste his seed again.
“No,” he said, pulling his cock away from her hand. Flex
laid on his back, holding his cock up by the base. “Ride me,” he ordered.
“But aren’t you close?”
“It’s going away,” he said, watching her sit up. “This way
you’re in control.”
“Just give me plenty of warning.” She straddled his broad
thighs and slid up over his crotch. Flex’s cock was so big she’d have had to
stand up and lower herself down on it. Instead, he quit holding it up and
allowed her to slide up along the shaft until the was pushing her pussy down
over the head. Dani moaned pushing back into the head. “Unhhh,” she cried,
continuing to slide back until she’d taken his entire shaft again. She pushed
herself up off his chest, sitting in his lap, eyes closed, just enjoying the
feeling of being so stuffed full of black cock, but also oddly missing having
his thumb in her ass.
“Dayum gurl,” he growled. His large hands caressed the sides
of her breasts, hefting them before his fingers tugging on her nipples. “These
are some of the best white titties I ever seen.”
Dani had always felt her breasts were too big. She’d
blossomed early, boys acted funny around her since she’d started showing at
thirteen. She was always a cup size or two ahead of the next girl with large
breasts throughout school. They’d gotten her too much attention, but now she
was grateful that Flex was so pleased with them.
He released one tit long enough to reach down and give one
ass cheek a little smack. “Whacha waitin for?”
Dani arched her back and started bouncing in his lap. She
couldn’t work much of his cock that way. She had to lean forward, pushing and
pulling herself into his shaft. He took advantage of the breasts thrust into
his face, to squeeze one tit and suck hard on the engorged nipple. “OHGOD!” she
screamed, cumming again. The orgasm didn’t exhaust her. Instead, it encouraged
her to hump his cock faster, desperate for another one. Flex continued sucking
her nipple while pulling on her other nipple. In no time at all another one
began to build.
“Getting close,” he growled before his mouth returned to her
breasts. This time switching nipples.
“Nooo,” she complained. “Not yet.”
Flex let his head fall back on the pillow, but continued
working her nipples with both fingers. “Come on baby, admit it. You’re a slut
for big nigger cock.”
“No,” she lied, wondering if there wasn’t anything she’d not
do to keep fucking this monster cock.
“You want to cum or not.”
“Yes, yes, gonna cum again. I’m a slut. I’m a slut for big
nigger cock.” She started humping him faster, her orgasm getting closer.
“Now that’s what I’m talkin about, gurl. What do you want?”
“Nigger cock,” she moaned, frustrated she couldn’t cum
“You have that, slut. What do you want?”
“OW!” He pinched one nipple particularly hard. “I want…”
Dani gasped. She was close. “I want… I want your cum… I want nigger seed….
YYYEEESSS!” She screamed so loud, people on the street might have heard her even
over the roar of the motorcycles. Flex bucked his cock up deep into her pussy,
his cum flooding her fertile womb with another load of his powerful seed.
Dani threw her head back, crying out in joy, not caring if
she was being bred or not.
She collapsed on top of the black man. He gently stroked her
hair, surprising her with this small show of affection. She felt his cock go
soft inside her. A feeling of warmth and contentment spread through her body.
Dani purred softly and started drifting off.
A phone buzz brought her to her senses.
“Get off,” he grunted, tossing her off him when she moved
too slowly.
Flex got off the bed and pulled a phone out of his pants. “The
wife’s wondering where I’m at,” he stated, checking his messages. “On my way,
babe,” he said, typing out a quick response.
“How could you do this to her?” asked Dani, sitting up on
the bed. “You’re about to become a father. What kind of man are you?”
“You just found out what kind of man I am,” said Flex,
looking up at her from the phone. “And you just found out what kind of woman
you really are too.” Flex slipped the phone in his pocket before pulling his
pants on. He finished dressing and pulled the wad of cash he’d won off them
playing pool. He pulled out a hundred and threw it on the bed, the bills
scattering around her legs. “That’s yours. You should have won that bikini
contest. I saw you up on that stage and all I saw was a body build for big
black cock.”
“Thanks,” she said, sarcastically, a shiver traveling down
her spine.
“You’re welcome.” He turned to the door.
“Wait,” she called.
He turned. “I gotta couple more in me, but I gotta go.”
“No, could you give me a hand with him?” She pointed at
Neil. Flex snorted. Neil was still sitting in his dazed state, staring blankly
into space with a stupid grin on his face. His sad little penis was tenting out
his shorts and there was a little wet spot showing near the head. Flex was
right. Her body wasn’t built for Neil’s tiny thin dick, at least not anymore.
Flex tossed him on the bed.
Dani watched Flex leave, latching the door behind him. She
turned and took another shower.
She saw Flex once again the next day. Neil was putting the
last of their suitcases in the trunk. She watched her black lover approaching
on a bike, a very pregnant white woman sitting behind him with her arms wrapped
around him. Flex didn’t see her as he passed.
Neil got in the car. He stopped and stared at her for a
“I had the weirdest dream last night. You and that black guy
were fucking on the bed.”
“Neil!” she said, feigning indignation.
“I know, but it was so vivid. Like I was watching a real-life
porno.” He trailed off in thought. “I remember the dream, but I can’t remember
anything else. He didn’t try anything else with you?”
“Just the hand job,” she lied, looking away from him.
“What was his penis like? Was he bigger then me?”
“A little,” she replied.
“His dick in my dream was a fucking monster. Looked more
like it belonged on a bull than a man. I’d never seen a penis…
“For fuck’s sake Neil,” she suddenly turned on him. “That
wasn’t a penis, that was a big black nigger cock!”
Neil’s jaw dropped as he turned to stare at her.
That is a promising start
ReplyDeleteNice to see Flex is using his signature trick (going down on the girl and then going up again... :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Amazing stuff, always leave us wanting more!
ReplyDeleteThanks Storm!!!! Spicy Read