Friday, January 31, 2020


Here's my current plan, subject to change

Finish Straight Outta Coxville. I'm really close to finishing now. I'm on the final sex scene and after that a quick finale. When I finish, I'm going to run it through Grammerly and correct any errors before I post it.

Write "Tipping The Taxi Driver." This will be a story based on the recently posted comic. I'm going to insert illustrations from the comic, post it here and on literotica. This is an easy project and I'll work on it when I have small amounts of time.

Write "Jane Stalwart and the Lost World." This is my focus and a harder project that I need to focus and concentrate on. I have the chapters and a plot outline. The artist of Taxi Driver may be doing some scenes from it. We're looking at Tuskegee airmen, dinosaurs, a jungle girl, Amazons, Neanderthals, serpent men, and Nazis.

Update The Stalwart Universe. I'll be touching up and rewriting both the original Jane Stalwart story and The Nosy Housewife and the Last of the Mad Nazi Scientists. They'll have their own story section on the left of the blog. Neither rewrite is a major project and won't take much time. The major changes will be the creation of a MacGuffin/Plot Device known as Vril. Vril is a universal energy source that can be used for many purposes. Some can be found naturally underground and some came to earth via meteorites. It's the power behind The COCK of Osiris, Karl Jaeger's Thor amulet, a lot of Jane's powers, and raw liquid Vril is what she's looking for in the Lost World. It can cause body growth, be used as an energy source for weird science, or grant psychic and magical powers. The Nosy Housewife won't really tie-in with Jane Stalwart, plus it takes place in the 80s, but I may use a younger version of the Nazi scientist in a future Jane story. Vril will be behind the weird science he used to bimbo-ify the housewife's body.

Along with my updates, I'll be sharing inspirational art that I've culled from the internet and I've culled a lot of it.

If you want some background, look up Vril on Wikipedia and you can read the plot synopsis to A Conan Doyle's The Lost World on Wikipedia. The events of the book (with some changes) took place in the Stalwart Universe some 32 years before my story.

I added Pit's drawing of Solomon King to the Solomon King page in the E&I Concordance.


  1. Sounds great Storm! Looking forward to the rest of Straight outta Coxville, it's an excellent story.

  2. What is the correct reading order for your comics with Pit and all other coxville related comics and pinups? Keep thinking I have the order right and then getting to a point that tells me I'm clearly wrong

  3. When can we expect Straight Outta Coxville

    1. Not quite sure. It'll depend on how much writing time I get. I'll have a little this week.

  4. Then, Coxville Curse is finished?

    1. Nope. I plan to do Coxville Curse 4 and 5. Then I'm probably done with Coxville. 4 will include the envents of the Hunt comic and end with the high school Halloween party. 5 will run through Nov, Dec, mixing with the Housewives stories and ending with the first babies and Jenny and the Coaches wedding on Damballah Island.

    2. I understand you are very busy but as a Jenny and Coxville Curse fan, it's been over 18 months without a single update. (Except Miri's story with first part a year ago, and lately the 2 paragraphs) With your new plan, is that a realistic shot for me to come back and check in two years from now ?

  5. Been waiting on a new Jane Stalwart ever since I read the first one, it's my favourite story of yours that I've read, I'm eagerly awaiting the plans you have for her in the Lost World and her further adventures. Thank you for your efforts.

  6. Too bad you're not working with Coxville Curse characters. That's where I found out about your stories, through PIT's drawings. I don't give a damn about the racial stuff, but your writing was fun to read and it had the pictures attached to it, because PIT made a lot of fanart (not only comics) to your stories. Since the others don't have that, well... I will just wait.

    1. Honestly, the only fan art Pit did for me was the Mom Pounded story. The comics were a joint project and the rest were an attempt by me with his permission to incorporate everything into my Curse story. I'm also sticking with his work on johnpersons. He's done new Coxville art since he's been on Patreon. I still aim to finish my Curse stories, just not sure when I'll get to it.

  7. These are very good news. Jane Stalwart is one of my favorite. What you sketch up, it is very promising.

    I hope we can read the ending of the Straight Outta Coxville soon.

    1. Very soon. I've officially finished and 10 pages of 94 into editing. Most optimistic Friday night, if not then Monday.

  8. Who is involved in Straight outta coxville? I mean characters in story

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