Sunday, April 21, 2019

Next Houseguest section

Lily Whyte

“I appreciate this.” Beth hung up the phone and placed it back on the charger on John’s dashboard.

“You got a ride?”

“Yeah, driving up from Miami tomorrow morning. I’ll just need to find a place to stay tonight.”

“I’ll pay for a room.”

“No thanks, you’ve done enough for me already,” said Beth, smiling at the black man. “If I can get a spot, I should make enough to get my own room. There’s the exit.”

“You sure you want this one?” asked John. “There are better clubs in Orlando.”

“The Cuban in the video with me on the beach is the owner. Throwing his name out should get me a spot dancing.” Beth reached over and squeezed John’s cock through his pants. She mewled as she felt it swell. “It’s close to lunch time. How about one for the road?”

John winced, lifting her hand off his cock. “Sorry, gotta save some for the wife. She gets antsy when I’m away.”

“I understand,” she replied. The truck came to a stop outside the Temptations. It was slightly out of the way and smaller then Miami or Tampa’s. “Thank you,” said Beth, leaning over and kissing John of the cheek.

“I’ll walk you out.”

John exited the truck and came around to her side, limping and wincing from being cramped in the cab. He helped her down. “Can I get a real kiss?”

Beth came into his arms and kissed the fat old black man with as much passion as she’d shown Titus. “Thanks again,” she said, trying to stop herself from pushing her crotch against his bulge. “It’s nice to know there’s some decent hung men out there.”

John laughed. “Trust me, I was a first-class asshole when I was younger. I’ve mellowed with age.”

“Well, I won’t forget what you did for me.”

“Baby, I’ll never forget you either. This was the best haul of my thirty-year career. Plus, I got our movie to remember you by.”

“You were right about having a plot.” Beth had watched and rewound bits of the movie during the ride this morning. It was mostly responsible for her state of arousal. Lee had done a good job filming, holding the tablet mostly steady though his shouts did take a bit away from the movie. She kissed him again. “Thanks again.”

“Good luck to you.” John turned and left. He pulled down on the horn as the truck turned back onto the road.

Beth entered the club. There ware only a few patrons this early and one topless waitress walking around. One small breasted stripper was dancing unenthusiastically on the stage only earning a buck or two.

“Excuse me,” said Beth as the waitress walked past.

The waitress froze, looking Beth up and down. “Honey, we don’t need you coming in here and taking all the money. This place is filled with cheapskates already.”

“Is the manager in?” Beth’s eyes followed the waitress’ finger to a door with an office sign on it. She didn’t bother thanking the rude woman as she walked over to the office. She knocked, opening the door when a voice told her to come in. The man behind the desk had his feet up and a game controller in his hands. He was playing a shooter game on a large TV. He was a non-descript, very average looking twenty-something with a scruffy beard and an already balding pate. “Excuse me?”

“What?” he glanced up, looked back at the screen, did a double take and sat up, staring at Beth. “You’re hired.”

“Thanks, but I’m only looking for a couple spots tonight.”

“Sorry, employees only. We quit doing amateur nights years ago.” He turned back to his game and picked up the controller.

“If you don’t mind, could you give Mr. Perez a call? Tell Esteban that Bethany Beach would like a couple spots tonight.”

The manager sat up straight again. “Well, I think we can make an exception for you tonight. Come back at 8:00 and you can go on right after Lily.”

“What about an outfit?”

The man looked her up and down. “Oh, I think what you’re wearing works.”

“How busy will it get, Mr….?”

“Just call me Jeff. And Tuesdays aren’t the busiest.”

“Crap, I just need to make enough for a motel room.”

“Well, if that’s all you need,” said Jeff, looking her up and down again. “I’d gladly let you stay with me…”

“No thanks. I’ll be back at 8:00.” Beth left the club. There were some fast food restaurants about a mile down the road. She started walking.

She dragged lunch on as long as possible. Some men were starting to stare and she left before they could hit on her. It was unbelievably boring without a phone or anything to kill time. She ended up wandering through a nearby dollar store. Walking down the toy aisle, she paused and picked up a cowboy sheriff set. Smiling, she walked to the counter and purchased it.

She still had time to kill and ended up walking another mile and seeing a matinee in a five-screen movie theater and that brought her spending money down to a few dollars. Beth began the long walk back to the Temptations, two cars pulling over and asking if she wanted a ride. The first man was a little insistent and made her nervous, but eventually he drove off. The second guy seemed nice and she refused, but told him she’d be dancing at the club tonight, hoping he’d show and she get a few bucks off him.

Back at the Temptations, Jeff showed her backstage and introduced her. “This is Beth, she’ll be dancing a couple spots tonight only. Please give her anything she needs.”

“Good, we don’t need the competition.” The stripper wasn’t much to look at, with a missing tooth and saggy boobs. She looked worn and run down, near the end of her career.

“No, but we could sure use someone like her to bring the crowds in.” The woman speaking was sitting at the make-up counter. She turned and stood up, holding her hand out to Beth. “Lily Whyte,” she said.

“Bethany Shor… Beach.”

“Like the town in Delaware?”

“Sure, I guess.” Beth released her hand and let her eyes wander down Lily’s body. Lily would have been invisible in a snow storm her skin was so pale. The palest Beth had ever seen. Her hair was raven dark with piercing blue eyes. Her breasts were full and well-rounded D-cups. Lily was stunning and a cut above the rest in this particular Temptations. “Wow, you could play Snow White,” said Beth.

Lily was checking out Beth’s body. She smiled and looked up. “Actually, I have. I was a cast member at Disney. They’ll fire you for the stupidest shit and at that time, I’d already had my daughter…” Lily pulled a photograph stuck in the dressing room mirror out. The girl was nearly five and ironically dressed as Snow White. “Emma.”

“She’s lovely.”

“Thanks. Anyway, I’d certainly never intended to be a dancer, but this was the best way I could think of to make enough money to support her.”

“We do what we have to do,” sighed Beth. ‘I’m supposed to go on after you.”

“Great, because I certainly don’t want to follow you. Want me to do your makeup?”

“Sure,” said Beth, smiling.

The two women chatted while Lily applied some eyelashes and make-up to Beth’s face. Lily talked about Emma and working for Disney. She liked it here, but the money was slowly drying up and she might be forced to move to one of the newer bigger clubs. The other strippers considered her the biggest draw and didn’t want her to go. Jeff was easy to work for. He wasn’t very dynamic or proactive, but he mostly left the girls alone. A few tossed a blow job his way to get a good spot or a vacation day, but he never forced any of them. Beth explained some of her predicament and that all she was trying to do was to make it back to Miami.

‘Well, I’m on,” said Lily. She stood and walked over to the stage.

Beth opened her dollar store purchase and ripped into the cardboard. She stuck the badge on her shirt and just tucked the toy pistols into her pockets with the handles sticking out since she didn’t have a belt to pull through the holster. When she was finished, she went to the side and watched Lily dance.

Lily was strutting around on stage in a bra and g-string. As the second song started, she removed her bra and crawled around the stage. Beth could tell she was a favorite. There were maybe fifteen men in the audience and half came up to tip her a dollar. The other half came up during the third song when she was completely nude, tipping her more dollars with an occasional five. Her set ended and Lily scooped up some money off the stage, waved and strolled off.

“And now, for one night only, Temptations has a special treat here all the way from Miami just for you. Lets here it for Bethany.” The DJ hit play and Kid Rock’s Cowboy blared through the speakers.

Beth galloped out on stage like she was riding a horse, she circled around the stage waving her hat at the crowd. There was dead silence for a moment. Every eye in the club was on the stage from the strippers working the floor to the bartenders to the patrons. Then cheers and applause erupted. Beth pretended to dismount and strutted up bow legged, pulling her guns out and firing them into the air, using the barrel of one to push the front of her cowboy hat up. Nearly half the men in the club tossed some money on the stage before she’d even taken her anything off.

As the song came to an end, Beth pulled the end of the shirt tied between her breasts. He shirt came loose, but she let it hand open still covering her breasts. She turned and bent down, placing the guns on the floor and pulling the shorts down. She fumbled a little trying to get the shorts over her boots, but she managed just as the second song started.

Lily was supposed to be making the rounds for a lap dance, but she like everyone else was frozen in place, staring at the stage. Joe Cocker’s, “You Can Leave Your Hat On,” was playing as Beth pulled her plaid shirt back revealing her large perfectly shaped breasts. It was a slower, more erotic song, and Beth slowed down, swaying to the music and she left her hat on. She ran her back up and down the pole, twirling around it a couple times. By this time, every patron had tossed a dollar or more onto the stage. As the song ended, Beth turned away from the crowd and pulled her thong off. She spun around quickly and just as quickly, she pulled her cowboy hat off covering her crotch, acting shocked like the crowd had just caught her nude just as Nickelback’s. “Something in Your Mouth,” started playing. This was a faster song and Beth’s dancing picked up again. Beth rolled on the stage, lifting her hips up into the music, crawling on all fours towards men waving bills at her. During her third set, nearly every patron tipped her a second time. As Beth’s set ended, Lily’s applause was as loud as the rest of the audiences. As Beth left the stage, the first patron motioned Lily over for a lap dance. A lot more were staring at the stage door, patiently waiting for Beth to make her rounds.

Backstage, when Beth returned from the floor, Lily threw her arms around Beth and gave her a big hug.

“You were magnificent. I’ve never seen the crowd react like that.”

“Uh, thanks,” said Beth, a little taken aback. She was still nude. Lily was back in her bra and panty. Slowly, Beth lowered her arms and hugged Lily back. This was… nice.

Lily broke the hug and stepped back, keeping her hands-on Beth’s arms. She looked like she was proud of Beth. “Listen, after our last sets, do you want to grab something to eat? I’ll need to get home to Emma so It would have to be quick.”

“Sure,” said Beth. “I’m famished.”

After their sets, Beth and got in Lily’s car. Lily drove them a short distance to a nearby diner. “I know this is a rude question, but I have to ask, how much?”

Beth was counting her money in the car. “After tipping out Jeff and the DJ, lets see. It looks like about $250.”

“Wow! That’s crazy money for a Tuesday. Just how long have you been doing this?”

Beth snorted. “This is like my third time.”

“You gotta be fucking kidding me! You’re a natural. Get into one of the big gentleman’s clubs and you’d make a fortune. Maybe a hundred grand.”

“Now you’re fucking kidding me.”

“Not at all. The top dancers at the big clubs make that or more and you certainly have what it takes.” Lily pulled into an all-night diner and the two women got tables. Beth ordered a BLT salad with chicken strips while Lily ordered a soup and salad combo. “The cowgirl act was great,” said Lily, holding Beth’s hands across the table while they waited on their food.

Beth stared down at their hands. This was… nice, she thought again. Beth moved her eyes up to Lily’s piercing blue ones. She saw nothing but decency and friendliness reflected in those eyes. The two women had clicked fast. Not since childhood had Beth had a friend. She was fully aware that she was the one to blame with her attitude. Even her college lesbian friends were only nice to her because they wanted to get in her pants. She had missed out on one of life’s great pleasures over the last decade.

“I’ve noticed a lot of the dancers that make the most money have some sort of act or gimmick.”

“Maybe that’s what I need,” said Lily, pausing as the waitress brought them their food. “It’s looking more and more like I’m going to have to move to one of the bigger clubs. Temptations is pretty convenient and Jeff doesn’t give us a hard time.”

“Were in Disney country, we need to imagineer that shit.” Beth chewed on her food for a few minutes. “The answer for you is obvious, since you both look like and have played Snow White.”

Lily chuckled. “I actually already have to costume.”

“You’d need to alter it some so that the mouse’s lawyers don’t come after you.” Beth’s mind roamed to Big John’s stories and how much better a theme or story made things. Thinking about him reminded her of his big cock adding a fresh wave of arousal to the arousal already dripping from her pussy from displaying her body to so many admiring eyes. “Sexy, but not too sexy, and easy to remove. You’d want to project innocence at first.”

“I could put stuffed animals out on stage and come out, holding my dress up and dancing around the animals like they’re woodland creatures. Emma already had plenty in her bedroom.”

“I’d have another dancer in the audience, getting the crowd worked up by yelling for you to strip, but you refuse. As the second song starts, another coworker comes out dressed as the witch, holding an apple. You bite into it and suddenly are transformed. The DJ plays a thunderclap noise. You act confused, then let your hair down and your dress falls to the floor. Your underwear is pink and innocent, maybe design it with Velcro so you can rip it off as your third song starts.”

“You’re really good at this,” said Lily. “I’m going to work something out with Jeff and the DJ.”

“That other girl, Jeri,” said Beth. She wasn’t much to look at, but with some make-up and a blonde wig, she could be Cinderella. And the Mexican dancer…”

“Inez, and she’s Venezuelan,”

“With her darker skin, she could do Jasmine. Come out in a harem girl outfit. Maybe roll her out on a magic carpet.”

“Or rig up a smoke machine with a lamp, like she’s the genie. She could grant patrons wishes which would basically be to remove her clothes and dance naked.”

“I like it,” said Beth. “This would work.” Lily pulled out some money, but Beth added, “No, I got this.” She threw some money down on the bill. “I need one more favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Could you drive me around to the nearest hotel with a vacancy?”

“Nonsense, you’re staying with me.”

“I couldn’t impose.”

“You’re not. We’ll have a two-woman pajama party. Emma can sleep on the couch and you can have her bed. I’ll take you to your rendezvous in the morning.”

“Well thank you.”

Lily drove them to her house. Her mom was asleep on the couch. She introduced Beth after waking her mother and asked after her daughter. After her mom left, Lily went and checked on her sleeping daughter. “She’s out like a light,” said Lily coming back. “It’s funny, she’ll talk to you, but still be asleep at the same time. She won’t remember me coming in to check on her in the morning. Lily went to the kitchen and poured them to glasses of wine. She sat next to Beth on the couch and handed her a glass. “Do you mind the couch? It’s going to be hard to move her.”

“Not at all,” said Beth, clinking glasses with Lily. “Tell me about Emma.”

Lily’s eyes lit up as she talked about her daughter. The dad was a deadbeat loser, but Lily clearly loved her daughter and would do anything in the world for her. Beth let her own hand fall to her womb as she thought of the life growing inside. She’d been too upset by Titus’ abandoning her and trying to get home to think about what she’d do about having a baby. She smiled as she realized, she’d do anything for her baby just like Lily was doing for Emma.

“You have a gorgeous smile,” said Lily. “It lights up the room and really projects your beauty. I wish I had a smile like that.”

“Thanks. I wish I had your eyes.”

Lily drained her glass. “This couch isn’t very comfortable is it?”

“I’ll be fine. I just need a pillow and maybe a blanket.”

Lily took Beth’s glass and took them both to the kitchen sink. “Come on, it’s a pajama party, you can sleep in my bed.”

“Not much of a pajama party when you don’t have pajamas,” joked Beth.

“We’ll call it a panty party then.” Lily pulled her top off and pulled her shorts down. “You can use the bathroom after me.” Lily closed the door to the bathroom. Beth listened to the toilet flush and then the sounds of Lily brushing her teeth. When she returned, she was topless, having left her bra in the bathroom.

Beth took her turn in the bathroom, stripping down to her thong after brushing her teeth. She returned to the bedroom and slipped in on the right side of the bed. Lily rolled over to face her, propping her head up on her arm. The blanket was under her breasts. “I think the gimmicks might works, but we need to increase awareness and get more people in. I’ll get Jeff to update our social media profile.”

Beth rolled over to face Lily. She stared into the deep blue pools of Lily’s eyes, but her new friend’s breasts kept distracting her. Her nipples were a faint rose color, but her skin was so pale, her nipples stood out on her breasts. She looked back up to Lily’s eyes. Lily hadn’t seemed to notice she was staring at her breasts. “You know sometimes the old ways are better. This is a big-time convention city.”

“Pretty much every week.”

“Dress in costume and pass out fliers. Get that convention crowd in. Lots of businessmen with money traveling. Offer a half price cover charge with coupon on the flier.”

“We don’t charge a cover.”

“You do now.” Beth’s eyes roamed back down to Lily’s breasts. “Makes people think they’re getting a deal on a fancier place.” Beth’s hand slid under the covers. It came out by Lily’s breast and caressed over it. Lily jumped in surprise, clearly not expecting it. Beth lifted her hand just above Lily’s breast. “Sorry, I…”

“No, it’s okay.” She reached out and pulled Beth’s hand down on her breast. Beth pinched her thick rosy nipple between her thumb and forefinger. It hardened immediately. Lily started breathing heavily. “I’ve never been with a woman before,” she whispered, both women sliding towards the center of the bed at the same time. “I’ve never even been attracted to a woman before.” Their lips met and Lily started moaning as their tongues danced back and forth.

Beth pulled back first. Kissing her quickly on the lips. “Are you sure?” she whispered. “I’ve never found myself feeling this close to anyone this quickly before. I don’t want to ruin this.”

“I’m sure,” said Lily, leaning in to kiss her again.

Beth kept her lips pressed on Lily’s as she raised herself on top her new friend. Beth slowly moved her lips down to Lily’s chin then her neck. Beth moved her body down, kissing her way to Lily’s breasts. The stripper’s chest flushed, rising and falling as she began breathing heavily. Lily gasped when Beth’s tongue found her nipple, sucking it into her mouth. Her gasp turned to a mewling sound as her legs spread and her hips began rising into the thrusts of an imaginary lover. Beth kissed her way over to the other nipple, flicking it back and forth with her tongue before sucking it to into her mouth.

Lily placed her hands on Beth’s shoulders, pushing down. “Please,” she begged.

Beth grinned as she gently bit at the nipple in her mouth before releasing it. She moved down, licking down Lily’s ribs and kissing her stomach. Lily’s skin was gorgeous, near perfectly unblemished by mole, freckle, or tattoo. There were no tan lines around her breasts or arms. If she wasn’t going to strip as Snow White, she could easily portray a gothic vampire. All she needed were some fake fangs.

Beth kissed down to her navel, letting her tongue run into the woman’s belly button. Unlike most dancers or even most women her age, Lily’s navel was unpierced. Lily sucked her stomach in as Beth tongued it. Her belly was shapely and sexy and Beth finally began to understand her husband’s fascination with women’s bare stomachs. She kissed her belly button again and worked her way south.

Lily kept her pubic mound full, but trimmed tight. Beth slid her tongue down the side. Lily whimpered. “It’s been so long,” she gasped just as Beth’s tongue plunged into her wet pussy and the whimper turned into a little scream. Lily sat up slightly, reaching down towards Beth’s head, but not touching it. She trembled and came, falling back down on the bed.

Beth didn’t stop. She licked faster, slowly inserting two fingers. Lily writhed, slowly raising her hips into the thrusts of Beth’s fingers. Beth worked her fingers faster, flickering her tongue around Lily’s clitoris. Beth sucked the swollen clit between her lips. Lily bucked and cried out as a waterfall of squirted out around Beth’s hand. Lily collapsed back on the bed, breathing heavily. Beth kissed her pussy and climbed back up Lily’s body, giving to quick kisses to her nipples before falling beside her.

“Better then any man,” hissed Lily, a lazy grin spread across her face. “I’ve never had two before.”

Lily stretched sensuously. “Okay, my turn.”

“You don’t need to, if you don’t want to.”

“I want to,” said Lily. She leaned forwards and kissed Beth on the lips. Her hand slipped under the pillow, retrieving something.  Lily didn’t climb on top of Beth, but slid down her side. She stared in awe for a moment at Beth’s breasts. Her nipples were puffed out and fully engorged. Lilly leaned forward and kissed the nearest nipple and her hand slid across Beth’s stomach and up to her breast. She suckled and bit at the nipple in her mouth while her hand kneaded and pinched Beth’s other nipple. It was Beth’s turn to start mewling as her arousal increased. Lily rose up, kissing down to Beth’s stomach. “A Q in a spade,” she said, staring at Beth’s piercing. She moved the chain aside and kissed Beth’s navel, wiggling her tongue into it. She kissed down Beth’s pubic mound and climbed over Beth’s leg. Lily planted a kiss on the tip of Beth’s crotch just about her clit as she took up her position. “I have a surprise.”

Beth looked down and laughed, quickly suppressing it. Lily looked confused. She looked at the pink vibrator in her hand. “You don’t want me to use it?”

Beth chuckled again. “No, it’s fine.” She opened her legs further.

“Trust me, if you’ve never used on of these, you’re gonna love it.” Lilly started lapping up and down Beth’s slit, wiggling her tongue between her folds and then out, to slide around her clitoris.

Beth gasped, humping Lily’s tongue every time she pushed it inside. She heard the vibrator switch on. Lily kissed her pussy, replacing her lips with the tip of the bullet shaped vibrator. The vibrations sent waves of pleasure up into her pussy and the pleasure only increased when Lily bent the head down and pushed it deep. Beth moaned enjoying the thrusts of the pink dildo, the vibrations helping bring her close to an orgasm which finally exploded from her body when Lilly returned her tongue to wet labia.

Lily didn’t slow, fucking her faster with the dildo, but the pink bullet wasn’t pushing as deep anymore. Lily was slowly pulling it back, replacing it with her tongue. The tip of the bullet slid down Beth’s perineum. “LILY!” cried Beth in surprise as the bullet pierced her anus. It was well lubricated from the first orgasm and easily slid in. The vibrating dildo sent tremors through her rectum and when Lilly added her fingers to the work her tongue was doing, Beth came hard again.

Lily switched the dildo off and slowly pulled it out. “Told you, you’d like it.” Lily slid up beside her and leaned down, giving Beth a long passionate kiss. She laid down on her side facing Beth. “Pinky’s been my replacement for a man for the last year.” Beth turned on her side facing the other woman, running her hand softly along the curve of Lily’s hip. “Honestly Beth, it’s better then a man. It never lets you down and it stays hard as long as you need it to.”

“Sorry, I laughed. It was just so small.”

“Small! The package said its maximum penetration was five-and three-quarter inches. That’s as big as any man I’ve ever seen. I don’t want you to think I’m a slut, but I’ve been with like a dozen men.”

“If that’s as big as you’ve ever had, then I’d say you’ve never been with a man.”

“There’s a little girl sleeping in the next room that say different.” Lily seemed a bit indignant now.

“I’m talking about a real man. A hung man with a cock twice the size of little pinky there.”

“A woman couldn’t take something that big.”

Beth smiled. Her hand moved up to Lily’s shoulder and she started caressing her luxurious black hair. “Don’t believe me. Go buy one of the big dildos.”

Lily crinkled her nose in distaste. “But those are all black!” She chuckled. “I thought they were only used as gag gifts for like bachelorette parties and such.”

“They’re based on the real thing. I’ve found the biggest cocks are usually on black men, but I’ve met a few white men with big horse cocks.”

Lily looked skeptical. “And how do I know which men have big horse cocks?”

“You can tell. They’re sure of themselves, comfortable in their bodies. The exude confidence and sexuality and you’re instantly sexually attracted to them.”

Lily snorted then laughed. “You’re describing yourself.”

“Me?” Beth was surprised.

“Yeah you. You were in command of the room the second you walked into my Temptations. And your routine, I’ve never known another dancer that projected their confidence and sexuality so strongly.”

Beth blushed at Lily’s compliment thinking how only a few months ago, she would have hated any woman that danced naked. “Thanks, I guess, but I don’t have a big cock.”

“And that’s a darn shame. If you did, I’d be trying out that big boy right now.”

“I didn’t quite finish. The men with the big cocks also tend to be selfish assholes. They can’t be faithful and usually are loners or leaders of lesser men.”

Lily’s eyes were closed and she was smiling. “Travis,” she whispered.


“Travis. He was the top jock back in high school. He was quarterback and basketball captain. He swaggered when he walked and all the other jocks followed him like he was a god. He dated the most popular girl in school, but there were always rumors of him banging most of her friends and even the French teacher. He hit on me a few times, tried to get me to go to some private parties.”

“And what happened?”

“I was a late bloomer. My hair was short then and I had braces and ugly glasses, but it’s hard to hide all this.” Lily swept her hand down her gorgeous body. “Whenever he talked to me, I’d get wet and my nipples would start poking out. He even called me over to a table full of the football team at lunch and told me I looked pretty. The whole team was staring at my chest and they all laughed when my nipples popped out through my shirt.”

“Told you they could be assholes.”

“Yeah, well my mom had me when she was a teen and didn’t want me ruining my life so she never let me go out all through high school. Not even to the prom. Asshole or not, I don’t think my virginity would have stayed safe if Travis had gotten me alone. Terrence came in late in the year and Travis lost his top dog spot.”


“This monster of a black guy. He seemed intent on breaking Travis. All the team started looking up to him almost immediately and he was better at everything. Even stole Travis’ girlfriend from him and I’m pretty sure he nailed most of the cheerleading squad. They would joke about who Terrence was going to integrate next and I’m pretty sure a few were pregnant by graduation.”

“Sounds like two alphas fighting for dominance.”

“Well, I never got together with Travis and I avoided Terrence like the plague. The only other man to ever get that kind of reaction from my body was… oh yeah, Mr. Perez. The owner of the club came to check on why receipts were down so much compared to his other clubs. He wasn’t much to look at, but man did he exude confidence and a sexual presence. My body reacted the same way and I had trouble taking my eyes off him. Luckily, he spent most of the time in the office yelling at Fred and he had to head back to Miami that night or I think he could have had any one of us dancers.”

“You know what to look for. Find a man like that and I promise that you won’t be sorry you fucked him.”

“I’ll think about it,” said Lily, turning sideways and pulling the chain to turn the light off. She snuggled up Beth, their breasts pressing together. Lily turned her head down and Beth bent forwards and kissed her on the forehead. Lily kissed Beth’s neck and slid down, using Beth’s breast as a pillow. The two women fell asleep.

Beth awoke in the middle of the night to Lily twitching and whimpering as she dreamed. Beth grinned wickedly, working a hand between Lily’s thighs. The girl was aroused and Beth’s finger quickly slid inside. Lily whimpered raising her leg so Beth could finger her deeper. Beth pulled away slightly so that she could bend down and lick one of Lily’s nipples. The black-haired women moaned, still asleep and rolled over on her back. “Travis,” she cried in her sleep. Beth slid down between her legs and started licking her pussy again. “OH!” moaned Lily finally waking up. She opened her legs wider, humping Beth’s tongue. “AH! AH! AAAHHH!” Lily trembled as she came again.

Beth kissed her pussy and slid back up beside her new friend. She wondered if Lily was going to return he favor, but she was already snoring contentedly. Beth smiled and went back to sleep.

Beth woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon frying. She wrapped a blanket around her naked body and stepped out of the bedroom. “Care if I take a shower?” she called.

Lily was in the kitchen, flipping a pancake. Emma was seated at the table, holding a fork in one hand and a knife in the other. Lily turned. “Sure, but hurry, breakfast is almost ready.”

Beth had been thinking the two should take a shower together, but her eyes flickered back and forth from mother and daughter. Lily’s attention was on her daughter now. Beth showered and dressed in the now familiar daisy dukes, plaid shirt and boots. She placed the cowboy hat on her head and walked out to breakfast.

“I like your hat,” said Emma.

Beth took it off her head and placed it on the little girls. “Well it’s yours now, pardner.”

“Really? Mommy can I keep it? Can I?”

“If Aunt Beth really doesn’t mind, you can.” Lily turned, with two plates in her hand setting one in front of Emma and the other in front of Beth.

“And can I get an outfit like Aunt Beth’s too?”

Lily looked down at the short shorts and the plaid shirt tied up between Beth’s braless breasts. “Not until you move out young lady.”

“Thanks for breakfast,” said Beth, pushing her plate back, fully satisfied. “And for letting me stay here.”

“Best guest I ever had,” said Lily with a wink. “I guess we need to go.”

“Where we going, mommy?”

“Just to take Aunt Beth to meet a ride that’s going to take her home today.”

“It’s not too far, Emma,” said Beth, pulling the rim of the hat down so that it covered Emma’s eyes. The little girl used her thumb to push it back up, giving Beth a wink and then pretending to shoot her with a finger gun.

They three drove the short distance to the rendezvous point. Beth was a little nervous over how this was going to go down. “There’s the car,” she said and Lily pulled over in the row behind it. “Thanks again Lily.”

Lily leaned over and kissed Beth on the lips. “Come visit sometime okay?”

“As soon as my life gets back to something resembling normalcy, I will.”

“Yeah!” cried Emma, clapping her hands.

“Bye,” said Beth, leaning in to kiss Lily again. “And I’ll see you around cowgirl.” She got out of the car, slowly walking towards her ride. Beth gulped, feeling nervous and guilty. She walked up beside the passenger side surprised to see there was a second person already in the seat, an older black man. Beth hesitated and reached for the rear door handle.

There was a click as the doors unlocked.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this one Even though it was only one sex scene, it was nice to see Beth make a friend, especially another woman. I'm so invested in this character now ��
