Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mom Pounded Illustrated

I liked the illustrated Houseguest so much, I asked Johnpersons for permission to use the Pit art he did for Mom Pounded. The first is with the colored illustrations and I will be sending it in to literotica. I had to make some story changes as they rejected it previously, not liking that the daughter was only 15 (even though there weren't any sex scenes with her). The second version includes three uncolored Pit sketches.

Mom Pounded Illustrated

With sketches


  1. Not sure if you can do polls on here.. But would be interesting to see who everyone's fav male and female characters are. My vote is for Reverend Sharpespear, and any snobby, conceded and stuck up housewife lol.

    1. Male character: Chad, from "Me and Mrs. Jones."

      Female character: Ann Dutton, from "Fresh off the Bus."

  2. Male: Chad from " me & mrs jones"
    Female: Brenda from "the bigger the better"

  3. I'm indecisive and so many are so good

    Male: Dad from sons best friends dad and coach black
    Female: Nikki Nicastro and the main female From Patriotic Duty, of course Jenny and Kitty too but that's a shoe in and cheating lol

    Fav Story: Patriotic Duty, Flex Appeal, and any 2 Blondes stories

    Honorable mentions: the whole male cast in Patriotic Duty, The Big 3, Ty from sons best friend and Horse and characters like them, the son from the gardeners Jerome I believe, Flex, extended sons best friend story and sequel, Bush Bashing, Happy Annibirthary, Bikini Conspiracy, Nikki Nicastros stories where she's actually starts having sex with black people-actually one of my favs but didn't make it because I prefer certain chapters over others...The Princess was good too even though you didn't write it

  4. I like the new sketches! Buzz

    1. Not new, Pit just never colored them. Shame, because that oral sex sketch is a great one.
