Tuesday, October 2, 2018

This week

Edit: spoke to soon about Kaos. 12 pics for Wife and Black Gardeners 3 just went up and she is interested in doing Houseguest.

Still nothing from Kaos. We got 4 pics ending Lessons 2, four weeks ago. I did send her an email last week that I've been fielding some complaints. It might help to tweet at her if you have an account. I'd also ran the idea past her of doing the new Houseguest as an illustrated story (not a comic, too big) with 8 or so illustrations per chapter to tie in with me posting the story parts on literotica. But, like I mentioned, haven't heard from her.

Thanks for the compliments on the latest chapter. Final edits have been made through the threeway at the cove between Beth, Titus, and Esteban, but I'm waiting to post on lit until all the chapters are finished.

It's winding down with two chapters to go and they will be shorter then the last. The next features dinner at David and Titus' mothers as a going away meal before Titus rides off and another poker game. The final chapter will be my epilogue.

Not important, but if anyone was curious. I had considered tying Houseguest in with current events. Beth was a Trump hater who attended the woman's march and owns a pussy hat. When Titus states his theory of alpha males, he was going to claim Trump clearly was on of them, constantly cheating and marrying models, probably had a big old orange cock. I left it out because these things get dated so quickly. Look at Bush Bashing or The Adv of Nikki Nipples which opens with Obama's election. Probably best I left this out, but I did like the "Big orange cock" joke.


  1. After Houseguest are you planning to write part 4 of The Coxville Curse?

  2. Bring Coxville curse 4 on the floor ASAP

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Except it turns out Trump has a little dick that looks like Toad from Mario Bros. I think it would be better if she was a Trump supporter who was racist against blacks but couldn’t help herself with Titus. Probably a little more realistic as the racism would make the sex all that more forbidden, like a fetish, and more exciting for her in a taboo sort of way.

    1. Sounds like Coxville curse 4 being in cue for a while :(
      Miriam, any updates when your story part 2 will be posted. Can't wait to read some Jenny in action :)

  5. Hey Storm
    There is a pretty hot Hercules and Kate comics that had been posted @ John Persons. Here is the link


    Also, one of your story 'Shame' by Duke.
    Drawings look a bit weird but still. https://www.porncomixonline.net/duke-shame-5/
