Thursday, April 19, 2018

A personal message from Kaos

Here's a message I posted at the site that's the biggest offender.

A personal message from Kaos,

Unfortunately I am close to retiring unless I get your support by becoming a member of my website. I am not one of the rich web masters with a massive porn production company making thousands per week. I am only one person with a talent for drawing and a passion for erotic art. I am at the point now where I have to consider retirement as I am not making enough money to sustain the high demands of this kind of work. By ripping off my work and displaying it for others to see for free, you are taking away my livelihood and my ability to continue to produce these comics for you all to enjoy.

It’s now over to you to do the right thing and support me by becoming a member so that I can continue to produce my work for you all to enjoy. If I can get enough support, I will continue my craft. I may even be able to quit my job and draw full time which means I can produce more pages per week so that you are all getting extra value with your combined support.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please go to my website now and sign up.

Sincerely Kaos.

She's serious and I'm sure she's not the only artist angry over this issue. Paying memberships have dropped precipitously over the last few years and sites will start shutting down. It's a shame that freeloaders are taking away talented people's ability to make a living. She told me she needs at least 100 new members to break even. I've seen files of sketches ready for coloring and posting for Lessons From The Neighbor 2, Dr. Bitch 3, and The Wife and the Black Gardeners 3. I'd sure love to see these get posted. Please support your favorite artists.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my weekly update. She sent me a screen shot showing all the sketches ready to go and I'd sure like to see her continue. Her updates are the highlight of my week. If you can support her, please do.

Annabelle 3 is by Interqueen and was a mistake on Kaos' part to list me as the author. She's corrected it. As for the few negative comments about it, every comic won't be for everyone and Annabelle did score high in the survey I took last year on what comic you wanted to see finished the most.


  1. Ok, you wanna quit? You can quit whenever you want, but at least try to do everything to protect your work. Get as new look of your site, be more active, get us new story in a monthly basis. Go work on privacy protection on your sotries... We are your public and we love your art, but you need to give something to us, not just collect our money, and think that eigh pages for week is fine. And when you finish one story, we have to wait who knows how long, because you don't have, or you don't want public another one. I love you, I love your work, but let's be honest, you can and you have to give us more.

  2. in every kind of human activity, nothing comes for free, most of all if we speak of money making.
    So in my opinion it could be a good agree subscribing memeberships, but only if we can see at least a sketch from her new comics you told about (drbitch 3, lessons 2 and gardeners 3) because it's a right of every man understand what he is subscribing for.
    Do you think it could be possible?

  3. Tell her to join patreon storm. So we will pay her for the comic we like to read.

  4. Can you show us the sketches from her new work especially dr bitch 3 please?

  5. Storm, tell her to setup a patron.

  6. I was a member on kaos site because I like her art and wanted to support her.
    I liked the pages she published in the first weeks. Then the comic was finished and there was no new comic coming. After three weeks I cancelled the membership, because I don't like to pay for nothing.
    It is not OK to get the comics for free! But I think patreon would be a better option for her as well. She could charge per update and set different amounts to pay. I would be willing to pay per update or with more variability in the amounts to pay.

  7. And what is the address of your official site?

  8. I am a subscribers of Kaos when the comic interest me... lately however she did comics I had already seen elsewere... Doctor Bitch was done by Poonet while Flag Girls and Lessons were done by Illustrated Interracial. But yeah the thing working is patreon, she should probably create an account there and do short sequences (3-5 pictures) instead of full comics, maybe she'll have more success.

    Wasn't a great fan of Annabelle either, until the introduction of the freckled secretary at the end of part 2... what a masterpiece. I can't wait to reach the point in Coxville where all the women are pregnant and fucking all around the town like rabbits due to pregnant hormones.

    1. Where could you find dr bitch by poonnet? , i have looked and couldnt find it anywhere, it looks like its been scrubbed for the internet

    2. Found it on, in the "comix" folder of the website... I don't know if you can find it anywhere else

    3. If there's demand, I could post it here. It was by Big Daddy the old owner of poonnet that passed away.

    4. Could you post it please, stormbringer.? It might be the only art we see that completes the story

  9. Rabies has a patreon doing herotales stuff. He pumps out atleast a pic a week or more. So the money is worth it. Kaos should do the same..At least test it out. A weekly update is always good

  10. I mentioned Patreon as an option. Pit was making over 2000/pic. No expense maintaining a website either.

  11. I've subscribed to her site in the past, and I've been a paying member of John Persons almost since it's inception. I pay for my porn, I support the artists, and I don't expect anything for free. But she's charging 40.00 per month. That's more expensive than a membership to pretty much any porn site. And they're putting out (as in the case of Blacked) four real live sex scenes a month. I'd love to re-join her site, but she's gotta' lower her prices. With all the options out there, 40.00 a month for a few comic pages just isn't a good investment.

    1. She is pretty high, though it works out to roughly a dollar a picture and I think her art is worth it. But I just checked prices at three other sites and they tend to run about 20/month or half her cost.

  12. I was a member of for about a year. I had joined during a Christmas promotion that Verotel was running. I would still be a member if Verotel hadn't inexplicably cancelled my membership.
    I wrote Kaos about this problem but her only response was that she doesn't control Verotel and can't do any thing about it. That struck me as poor service.
    Kaos' work is great and I appreciate her persistence and artwork. But she needs to engage her website customers more actively. People want and expect more engagement with the artist. And the artist can keep subscribers' loyalty if they understand that there are many options (meaning competition) out there. If the artist in not interested in trying to keep their subscribers' interest (and therefore continuing monthly payments) then there will probably be a lot of turnover and pirating of their work.
    I would suggest she:
    1) Actively engage her subscribers by responding to their emails
    2) Ask the subscribers what they'd like to see.
    3) Go after the filesharing sites and make them take down her work that is being pirated.
    4) Use the fact that her work is being seen widely on fileshareing and social media platfroms to her advantage and figure out a way to promote her website and convince people to sign up. There are enough people out there who appreciate good work and are willing to pay for it, but she needs to get out from behind her Wacom tablet and engage with them, get them to sign up for her site and then work to keep them on board. In industry parlance, turning someone from a website peruser to a paying customer is called "conversion" There are some very successful artists doing just what she does, but these artists engage their fans regularly. She needs to convert fans to paying customers.
    5) Stormbringer, your blogspot is a perfect example of finding an audience, engaging them and keeping them coming back for more. She could open a blogspot or tumblr account so she can communicate with her subscribers and court possible new subscribers.
    5) I get the feeling from some of the "sour grapes" complaining I'm hearing from various erotic artists that they believe that all they have to do is produce good work and the money will pour in. Not so. They need to add value to their erotic work by working their client base and social media to both keep their existing subscribers and get new ones, make pirating more difficult by going after the filesharing sites. considers everyone who visits the site a potential subscriber and works to convert them to paying subscribers.
    Anyway, those are my thoughts. I appreciate her longevity, creativity, artistic ability and hope she will continue. But I also think she and other artists who want to profit from their art also need to understand that they need to engage with their base, provide additional value in some way. It's like that in any business. In the end, that's what she is engaged in...a business. She can enjoy the independence and self-determination that come with running a successful business, or she can work for someone else and collect a paycheck, but be vulnerable to the next round of layoffs or the next recession.
    Just my thoughts.

    1. Thanks for the well thought out response. She does go after some sites, but the biggest offender is apparently in a safe haven country. I've told her to monitor the comments here so hopefully she'll read this and take it to heart.

    2. We are speculating about Kaos in a vacuum because we, the fans of her art don't hear much from her. She is unique in one other way in that she is one of the few female artists doing this kind of work. But as was mentioned above, Pit has accumulated quite a following and seems to be making quite a bit on his artwork when he can motivate himself (these days). But even with Pit's lack of motivation, he still manages to drag his audience along, making them wait until he is able to crank out another picture. Assuming she can muster the continuing motivation, Kaos could consider whether she can cultivate a loyal following. Much of Pit's following has gone with him from platform to platfrom ( to and And complain as some of them do, they seems to stick with him. I believe it's because his personality comes through in his artwork and his interactions with his followers. My question is whether Kaos would be willing to do something like that. I don't see it as costing her more, except perhaps some time. But she would need to find a web platform that allows her to interact more easily with her followers. And perhaps allow a community to build up around her work and amongst her followers. Perhaps she should consider adding some kind of bulletin board to her website, allowing both members and non-members to view the bulletin board. She could tease upcoming work on that BBS and interact with her website members ( and non-members who may "convert" into paying members.) Buzz

  13. Hey Strorm! Has Kaos quit? Cause I’m a paying member of her site, but, I can’t log on, can’t contact her, the billing page is dead, in fact, the only thing I can do is cancel my membership, so has she quit? Cause this is a weird way to run a site, if you want money!
