This could be
Jane and Patty servicing Aket.
Monday, March 28, 2016
This week
Jane Stalwart is finished and the entire edited version is now posted in the stories section at the bottom. It's been submitted to literotica and other sites.
The story request list has been sent off to Kaos, but I haven't heard from her yet.
Standard 8 page Kaos Tuesday morning update today.
The story request list has been sent off to Kaos, but I haven't heard from her yet.
Standard 8 page Kaos Tuesday morning update today.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
New Blacknwhite comic
Not affiliated with me in any way, but it's a Yair comic and I'm excited for it. This and the last few panels of Detention looks like he's using a new coloring technique and his art appears brighter and even better to me.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Just wanted to let everyone know, Blacknwhitecomics finished Detention today. God, I love that comic. Can't wait for Part 2. Art Class is looking really promising too. I think Yair be jumping up to my second or third favorite artist. Old style Pit being number 1 and Kaos being the toss up with Yair for number 2.
I'm on vacation this week, may be out of communication for a few days at a time, mostly late next week.
I'm on vacation this week, may be out of communication for a few days at a time, mostly late next week.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Lady Jane Stalwart and The Cock of Osiris: Ch10 Homecoming!
Unedited copy. I'll be doing a final read through/touch up and then posting it to story sites.
Part 10 Homecoming
“I recruited her the first time we
met,” said Karl.
Jane's heart felt like it was literally
breaking. She couldn't fight back the tears and they began rolling
down her cheeks. It was too far to tell, but Patty's cheeks appeared
to be glistening from tears to, but that was no comfort. “Why?”
she asked. “I loved you like a sister, no more then a sister after
the other night.
Blobel's face crinkled up in disgust.
Karl appeared shocked, then a smile crept across his face at the
thought of the two women together. “I loved you to,” said Patty,
sadly. “I still love you, but there are two things I love more
Jane. Me ma and da, and dear old Ireland herself. There's a war
coming Jane and Ireland's best chance for true independence is
Germany. The so called Irish free state is a lie, the Northern
counties want to leave. The only way the troubles will ever end is to
eliminate the British Empire in totality.”
“I had no idea you felt that way,”
said Jane just as the train lurched. It was starting to move again to
pull into the station.
“It's not too late Jane,” called
Karl. “Join us. I know it sounds strange.” He put his arm around
Patty's shoulders, “but the three of us can make a go for it.” He
seemed hopeful and delighted by the idea.
“Ekalhaft!” grunted Blobel.
“Homosexuelle sollten erschossen werden”
“I'd never betray England, Karl,”
said Jane, still sobbing.
“Very well,” he replied. “It
looks like I get the girl and the COCK.”
“The girl anyway,” said Jane. She
reached into her thigh pack. “I'll keep the COCK.” She held it up
by the base.
“Nooooo,” gasped Patty. She looked
horrified to see the COCK in Jane's hand. She had betrayed her friend
for nothing.
“Shoot the bitch,” growled Blobel,
aiming his Luger at Jane's face. His hand shook in anger.
Karl knocked his gun arm aside.
Blobel's pistol fired, but the shot was way off. “No,” said Karl.
“She outsmarted us.” He looked angry, but resigned. Karl clicked
his heels and bowed across the gap between the trains as a sign of
respect. Jane was still holding the COCK and her pistol, aimed at
Blobel. The Nazi hadn't lowered his weapon either. Both appeared
ready to shoot at any moment.
“Shoot her,” ordered Blobel.
Karl looked at him and over at Jane.
Patty had opened the box and was staring at the cucumber that Jane
had ordered several days ago. “No Blob, this is your fault.
Seriously, you didn't check to make sure it was in the box before you
stole it. I could have taken the COCK from Jane last night.”
“Shoot her,” ordered the Nazi, his
face was red with rage. “Shoot her Hauptmann, or I will see you
demoted. You will be scrubbing latrines when I am through with you.
Take out your gun and shoot.”
“Very well,” said Karl, pulling his
own Luger out of it's holster. He looked at Jane and raised the gun
turning it on Blobel. Blobel looked surprised just as the bullet
passed through his right eye, throwing his head back and knocking the
heavy man backwards over the railing. Patty screamed. “It looks
like I need a new political advisor,” said Karl with a shrug. He
holstered his weapon and bowed at Jane. “Come Patty,” he said,
turning and climbing the ladder to the roof.
Patty looked over at Jane and then
turned to follow Karl up the ladder. Jane's sorrow faded as the anger
took hold. Her cheeks turned crimson and her knuckles white as they
gripped the hard stone shaft of the COCK. She held the COCK up and
looked at it.
Osiris walked across the field and
looked out over the herd of cattle. He was naked, but for sandals and
a Pharaoh's headdress. His cock was hard and standing out erect
before him. It was an angry red and seemed to vibrate with power. He
smiled as the woman stood up among the herd of cows and strolled
towards him. For a moment, the sun was behind her directly on her
head and it appeared she had horns supporting the sun. The woman's
dress left her breasts bare and they bounced as she walked. She
couldn't take her eye of the god's cock. “Your cock has always been
in the forefront of my mind, my lord.” Osiris smiled, watching as
she pushed her dress down over her hips. “My cock enjoyed our two
previous encounters, Hathor.” The goddess licked her lips and
kneeled before Osiris, taking his mighty cock in her mouth and
sucking it lustfully. She ceased her cock worship and looked up at
Osiris. “Where is your wife, my lord?” Osiris stooped and sat in
the grass. “I caught her with my brother. No doubt Set tricked her
and she believes she is servicing me, but I felt the distraction was
enough to pay you a visit.” He held his cock up while Hathor
straddled and took him inside her. She was wet and hot, the hottest
pussy of all the goddess's he had serviced. Osiris squeezed her
tanned breasts as she rode him to many orgasms. Finally, the power
inside his cock burst forth and Hathor screamed in orgasm.
Her full breasts swelled and dropped as
two more perfectly formed breasts appeared on her torso. Her nipples
swelled and elongated growing six inches long. Osiris took the lower
breasts nipple in his mouth, grabbing the nipple beside it in one
hand and the breast above it with his other. Osiris slammed his hips
up, the final blasts of his god seed triggering a massive orgasm from
the transformed woman. White liquid shot forth into his mouth and
from the nipples in his grasp. Hathor climbed to her feet looking
down at her four swollen breasts, with nipples now as long as a
human's penis. “What have you done to me?” she asked, moaning as
she stroked her own nipples. “It is called milk,” said Osiris.
“Go forth among your herd and share this gift. It will nourish the
humans without the need to slaughter your cattle. Hathor the cow
goddess turned, still playing with her breasts and walked back among
her herd. The cows she passed began mooing as their udders swelled
milk. Osiris turned and stared at Jane. “Do it,” he said.
Jane shook her head and raised the
COCK, her anger taking hold of her. It was already glowing as she
aimed the head at Patty. The cloud shot forth in a stream billowing
out as soon as it come into contact with the redhead still climbing
the stairs in Jane's trousers and blouse. Patty cried out, arching
her back, seemingly in pain as the semen cloud embraced her. She
struggled to climb the ladder, but made it to the top, bending over
to cough up sperm dust. When she stood again, Jane could see glimpses
of skin as gaps appeared between the buttons on Patty's blouse. The
buttons were straining and began to fly off until the blouse fell
open. Patty's erect nipples sprang out now several inches long as her
breasts expanded. Patty looked down at her breasts then down off the
roof at Jane, still holding the COCK out. “What have you done to
me!” screamed Patty in horror, looking down at her breasts again.
She hefted them in her dainty white hands and stared as milk shot
forth from each nipple.
A ladder slid across the roof and
above Jane's head as the Graf Siegfried flew just over the length of
the train. Jaeger quickly wrapped one arm around Patty's ribs,
staring at her breasts in surprise as his other hand caught the
ladder. He hefted Patty up as he stepped onto the lower rung and the
mighty German airship rose higher into the air. Patty was still
staring at her breasts, but when she rose her head, she was smiling.
She stared at Jane as her hand reached up to her neck and ripped the
crucifix off, throwing it away as the the zeppelin turned and carried
them off.
Jane started crying again as she
watched the two climbing the ladder towards the crew area growing
smaller as the Graf Siegfried picked up speed. Someone threw a
blanket over her shoulder. She smiled at the porter and pulled the
blanket tight around her nude body. The train was moving again, the
whistle blowing as it pulled forwards into the station. He held his
arm around her and led her back through the entire length of the
train. Passengers were milling about preparing to disembark, but he
waved them aside as he helped her to her cabin.
The porter opened her cabin and led her
inside. He cleared his throat and said, “My apologies Lady
Stalwart, but your traveling privileges aboard l'orient express have
been revoked. We do not like... disturbances on our trains, Lady
Jane snorted a laugh before sobbing
again. She stared into the French porter's eyes until he started to
look anxious. He looked even more distressed when she let the blanket
fall around her feet. His eyes roamed down to her breasts, her
stomach, and then her black haired crotch just under the garter belt.
She kneeled and fumbled with the
opening of his pants. “MON DIEU!” he gasped when her lips sucked
his penis into her mouth.
Jane reveled in the taste of his penis
and most especially it's normalcy. It was not a massive black serpent
cock or a knobby headed hammer cock. It was an average six inch penis
and it was a delight. He groaned and bucked his hips into her mouth.
His penis was already swelling, but then she hadn't expected him to
last long. She pulled back and let his ejaculate shoot out on her
tongue so that she could taste him. There was little more then a tea
spoon, but it was as delicious as the other sperm she'd tasted since
the COCK had first infected her.
He leaned back against the door
panting. “Well, perhaps I can speak to management about your
traveling privileges,” he said.
Jane stood and raised an eyebrow as she
stared at him. “Thanks for the blanket,” she told him, making the
same shooing motions with her hands that he had made at her back in
Strasbourg. He straightened and turned, nose held high and left not
even realizing his penis was still sticking out.
Jane felt emotionally drained as she
gathered her things. Patty had taken her work clothes, so she slipped
her voluptuous body into one of Patty's dresses. It was white with
blue flowers printed on it and Jane looked quite lovely as she left
the train.
Jane phoned Stalwart Manor from the
train station and told one of her father's staff that she would be
chartering a plane and flying in to London just as soon as she
gathered her luggage. There were no shortages of pilots willing to
fly her to London with the money she offered and soon Lady Jane
Stalwart was in the air aboard a Monocoupe 110 special that the
rather dashing pilot used for racing. Soon they were flying over the
channel. The pilot, Chadwick Lord, was a charming companion and for a
brief period, he took her mind of Patty's betrayal.
Chadwick gave her his address and a
telephone number at the Paris Le Bourget airport. “Feel free to
contact me if you need a pilot or a handsome dinner companion to show
off to your friends.”
“I certainly will, Mr. Lord, perhaps
next time you can take me for a more enjoyable ride?”
Jane turned and left the pilot a little
flabbergasted. “Uh... How about tomorrow night then? Hey Lady
Jane,” he called. “I'll stay in London as long as you need me.”
Jane smiled, but didn't turn around.
Ganju Thapta, her father's Gurkha servant and companion was waiting
beside her father's Rolls Royce Phantom. He smiled and bowed.
“Welcome home, Lady Jane. But where is Miss O'Toole?”
“She's left my employ, Ganju.”
The short wiry man sensed her
unhappiness and decided not to press the issue. He stored her luggage
in the rear compartment and soon was driving her West of London
towards Stalwart manor. Jane sat brooding in the back seat, staring
out at the city and then the English countryside. She glanced up at
Ganju's eyes in the rear view mirror and it occurred to her that she
had never fucked a Tibetan. He was short, lean, but all muscle,
average looking, but a hell of a fighter. He was also past 60 years
of age. No, she thought, not him.
Jane sat up with a start. She'd just
rejected the thought of having sex with Mr. Thapta and she hadn't
even thought about giving Chadwick Lord a blowsie on the flight over
here. The charming pilot was exactly her type too, handsome and
adventurous. She was recovering from the COCK's effects! She wasn't
even that randy! Well maybe a little randy and she didn't toss out
Chadwick's contact information. Her mood improved, Lady Jane Stalwart
laid back and closed her eyes.
At Stalwart Manor, Jane looked up
fondly at her family estate before heading up the steps. “I'll need
a ride to London early in the morning,” she told Ganju.
“Of course, Lady Jane,” he said
with a bow, before gathering her luggage.
The butler was holding the door for
her. “Welcome home, Lady Jane,” he said with a smile and then a
frown noticing how freely her breasts were bouncing.
“How's my father?”
“Doing well this evening. He's
looking forward to seeing you.”
Jane climbed the stairs and walked
towards her father's bedroom. He was sitting up in bed and smiled at
her. It pained her every time she saw the once vibrant and strong,
Lord John Stalwart's emaciated figure. “What happened to my little
Kate Hepburn?” he asked, jokingly.
“I lost my trousers in Paris, dad.”
He'd begun calling her that when she had started wearing pants
instead of dresses, alluding to the American actress' scandalous
fondness for the same.
“Well, let me see it?” he asked
Jane pulled her dress up, exposing her
thigh bag and pulled the COCK out. She stared at it nervously, but
there was no dangerous glow. “Be careful father, it's dangerous.
The stories are quite real.”
“Tell me everything,” he said,
taking the COCK and examining it from top to bottom.
Jane told him her story from the
beginning, but left out the filthier details. “I'm so sorry,” he
said when she got to the part about Patty's betrayal. “Don't hate
her, I too have put King and country before my friendships. I'm sorry
too for what the COCK made you do.”
“We both know the dangers involved
handling these artifacts of power, dad. She stared at the thing in
her father's hand. “Perhaps it can save you?” she asked, tears
running down her cheeks.
John Stalwart shook his head in defeat.
“Nothing you've told me and none of the legends, suggests the COCK
has the power to heal. I'd just be an old bedridden man with a giant
tent under my blanket.”
“You're not old, dad,” she said
sobbing again. Lord John wasn't even fifty yet he did appear to be a
withered old man in his eighties.
“Aren't I?” he said, just before a
coughing fit overtook him. When he recovered, John Stalwart took one
last look at the COCK before handing it back to her. “It looks like
a fit to me.” His eyes closed, his strength fading.
Jane pocketed the COCK again. “I'm
going to verify it in the morning father,” she told him, but he was
already asleep.
The house was hot and Jane slept nude
on the covers of her childhood bed. She tossed and turned in her
sleep, dreaming that the COCK was calling to her and once she awoke
to a green glow coming from her bag that quickly faded as she fell
back asleep. She was a strong willed woman and resisted the call. She
slept soundly after that.
One of John's inventor friends had
rigged a shower over the tub in the master bath of Stalwart manor and
Jane enjoyed a nice morning shower lathering up her entire body and
hair. She dressed in her “little Kate Hepburn” clothes and met
Ganju at the garage.
The British Museum was closed, but they
had telephoned ahead and the curator was waiting for her. The
daughter of Sir John Stalwart had the freedom to roam the museum's
halls at will. She walked alone through the Egyptian Wing, wondering
how many of the items here had been collected by her father. The most
famous of which was the statue of Osiris rising up on a pedestal from
the center of the hall.
It was possibly 5000 years old and
surprisingly not worn down by the ages. It had been pulled out from
the mud of the Nile, amazingly preserved. The statue was around eight
feet tall, uniquely nude, but for the Pharaoh's headress. It even
still had some of the black paint on the skin, the black representing
his infertility. Jane looked up at it as she climbed onto the
pedestal. It strongly resembled the Osiris of her insight involving
Hathor. The only chip or flaw on the statue was the rough broken area
above the statue's testicles.
She took the COCK out and brought it up
to Osiris' crotch. The base of the COCK certainly did appear to match
the rough broken edges on the statue. She held it closer and suddenly
there were bolts of green lightning running back and forth from the
statue to the COCK, pulling the COCK straight into the statue.
Jane fell back and reached up to grab
the shaft of the COCK. She tugged and pulled, but it was stuck firm.
Osiris had his COCK back!
Jane's nipple were hard beneath the
diaphanous silk top. Her eyelids lined with kohl as she gazed up at
her lord. The statue was painted green to represent the fertility of
the great god. Jane looked behind her at the women kneeling before
the god, awaiting their third baptism to become temple
priestess/prostitutes of Great Osiris. They were mostly Egyptian
women dressed like Jane, but there were also black skinned Nubian
women, Hittites, Canaanites, and Assyrians. All were lovely and all
gazed in awe at the statue. Nearby the bald priests waited. Some had
their large cocks out, erect and waiting for the final arousing of
the women. Jane turned back to the COCK, stroking the glowing green
shaft, eyes closed, mouth open before the head, awaiting it's
blessing. Behind her the women kneeled in the same posture for the
mighty COCK would fill the entire room with a cloud of sperm. The
COCK seemed to swell in her hands and the high priestess leaned
forwards in anticipation.
Jane could feel the COCK swell and she
opened her eyes to watch in horror as her hands had gone from trying
to detach the bare stone to stroking a glowing green shaft. She
looked up at the face of Osiris and was filled with a sense of
satisfaction and happiness. “You have served me well child, now
receive my blessing,” said a voice in her head.
Jane smiled and closed her eyes,
opening her mouth just as the high priestess had done in her vision.
The blast of sperm hit her head with enough force to bend her head
back. His seed was wet again, no longer the semen sticking dust
cloud. Sperm filled her mouth, her throat reflexively gulping it
down, and it was the best she'd ever tasted. The second geyser of
ejaculate did force her to fall back. Her breasts ached and she could
feel her blouse straining to contain them until the buttons shot off
and her breasts sprang free, more of Osiris' ejaculate falling upon
them. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was how much
her elongated nipples ached.
Then there was only darkness.
Afterward: I've always had a love for
pulp adventure stories and this is my attempt at one. Lester Dent,
the creator of Doc Savage, wrote a master plot formula for writing
short pulp stories. I started this story out using his formula and
replacing some “action” sequences with “sex” scenes. I also
used something I stumbled upon while web surfing, The Modern Dispatch
42: Random Pulp Generator which uses 20 sided RPG dice to roll on
tables to create a villain, fiendish plot, action sequence, etc and
this story came from those dice rolls with some fudging on my part.
Jane may appear again if I get enough
positive feedback. I have an idea for a plane crash in Africa where
she's forced to kill a jungle cat and fashion a bikini from it's fur
while searching for a lost city. Going back and writing the
Brisingamen story alluded to here is a possibility too. Maybe
Jaeger's Thor amulet is responsible for his large penis and sexual
prowess and perhaps Odd Blob survived and steals the amulet for
himself taking on the aspect of Odin and calling his cock, Gungnir.
Perhaps Jane and Patty will reconcile or perhaps Patty goes all out
Nazi she-wolf of the SS.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Just a bunch of photos
When I decided to add some photos to my weekly updates, I started collecting any I saw that caught my eye. I've built up quite a bit, so here's a bunch to clean out my folder. Let me know, if no one is interested in seeing pics here other then the occasional one based on my art.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Lady Jane Stalwart and the Cock of Osiris Ch 9: Betrayal!
Chapter 9: Betrayal!
“If you don't mind, I think I'll rest
for a bit there then,” sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling
off Patty's fair skinned naked body.
“Please,” said Jane, using the
towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the
two women finally felt clean. Jane was starting to fantasize of a
long hot bath at her father's estate. She glanced over at Patty's
nude body as her friend climbed into the lower birth. Her usually
demure Lady's Maid didn't bother covering up. It was hot in the cabin
and even after washing there was a wet sheen to their skin from
sweat. Patty looked so beautiful at that moment, lying there on her
side, eyes closed as she tried to sleep.
“Mmmmmm, what are you doing?” asked
Patty as Jane slid in behind her.
“Ssshh,” whispered Jane in her ear,
snuggling up behind her.
“This is... nice.”
“It is nice,” said Jane, kissing
her friend just under her ear before moving her lips down to Patty's
Her hand slipped around Patty, softly
caressing the red head's plump breast. Patty's nipple was flat until
the tip of Jane's index finger began circling around it, slowly
coaxing the nipple to life. As it hardened, Jane began softly
pinching and twirling it between her fingers. Patty whimpered,
pushing her ass back into Jane's crotch and the Lady Stalwart wished
that she had a large cock between her legs to give Patty what she
truly wanted.
Jane pushed her other arm beneath
Patty's neck and used that hand to tease Patty's pink nipples while
her other hand softly caressed down Patty's ribs and stomach. Her
fingers combed through Patty's bushy red pubic hair and was rewarded
by a tremble from Patty as the tip of one finger found her clitoris.
It was distended and very wet! Patty wanted this.
“Aaah,” gasped Patty as Jane's
finger pushed inside her. Whimpering noises came from Patty's throat
as she rolled onto her back, her hips rising into Jane's finger,
humping faster when Jane added a second finger. Jane turned her
friend's head towards her and they kissed, lovingly and passionately.
Jane broke the kiss, Patty's lips following hers not wanting it to
end, but Jane instead bent over Patty and sucked one large distended
nipple between her lips. Patty cried out, humping Jane's fingers
faster even as Jane increased her speed. The walls of Patty's pussy
clenched down around her fingers just before Jane's fingers and hand
grew soaked from Patty's orgasm. Jane pulled her hand away and Patty
seemed to collapse into the bed.
“I love you Patricia O'Toole,” said
Jane looking down on Patty's nude body.
“I love you too,” replied Patty,
opening her eyes and looking at Jane. She lifted her head and Jane
bent down, kissing her again. Jane prolonged the kiss, hoping Patty
had come to terms with her lesbian desires. She really did want Patty
to move into her bed once they got home.
Their kiss was interrupted by several
loud raps on the door. Jane quickly worked her way back off the bed.
Her eyes flickered to the door and to her thigh bag with her Enfield
in it. “Who is it?”
she asked.
“I have a letter for Mademoiselle
Stalwart,” came the deeply accented voice of the easily irritated
French porter.
“Un instant s'il vous plait,” she
called back while standing and pulling a shift over her head. Jane
opened the door half way and blocked the opening to protect Patty's
nude form from sight. The poor Porter struggled to keep his eyes from
staring at the thin silk tightly cleaning to Jane's heavy bosom.
“I have a letter for you
Mademoiselle,” he said, sneaking a glance down when he handed the
letter over to her. “The gentleman awaits a reply.”
“What is it?” called Patty while
Jane ripped it open.
A smile spread across Jane's mouth as
she read the simple invitation. “Hauptman Karl Jaeger, requests the
presence of Lady Jane Stalwart at dinner this evening at 7:00pm.”
“Does it say anything about me?”
asked Patty, hopefully.
“No, I believe Karl wants a private
dinner,” said Jane. The Frenchman cleared his throat twice before
Jane looked up at him. “Please inform the Hauptman that I will be
delighted to join him for dinner.”
“Tres bien, Mademoiselle,” he
replied bowing his head to take another glance at her breasts before
turning to leave.
Jane raced over to her luggage and
pulled out her evening gown. It was a Lucien Lelong, a rather famous
Parisian couturier and sized for Jane's figure. “”Patty, would
you mind asking for another heated basin of water?”
“Of course, Lady Stalwart,” said
Patty a little coldly, but Jane failed to notice. Patty rose to her
feet and pulled her dress on over her head.
Later, after Patty had returned, Jane
dipped her head into the water and began washing it with soap. She
dried her hair and sat on couch while Patty combed her long black
tresses. Patty combed Jane's hair to the right so that fell down over
her right side. Jane wasn't one for cosmetics, but she kept some red
lipstick and eyeliner for special occasions. She held up a small hand
mirror while she applied her make up. Jane stood and held her arms
out while Patty dabbed perfume on her crotch, belly, underarms, and
Patty sat back and watched Jane step
into the garter before placing one dainty foot into the white nylon
and unroll it up her leg, attaching the garter straps to the
stocking. Jane did the same with the other foot. “Might I borrow
your underwear for the evening?” asked Jane.
“Left back in the alley with yours,”
said Patty.
“Oh!” said Jane in surprise. Her
spare set had been cut off her in Cairo.
“Perhaps you should cancel?” asked
Patty, watching Jane pull the gown on over her head. She struggled
for a bit trying to squeeze her breasts into the cups of the dress.
“No, but I'm afraid my gown is rather
form fitting.” Jane's gown was dark blue and cut low in the back.
Thin straps held it on her shoulders. The cups revealed a lot of
cleavage and without her brassiere, her nipples were clearly visible
through the top. Indeed, the dress hugged her for so tightly, the
indentation of her navel and the outline of her pubic mound were also
clearly defined.
Jane was going to cause quite a stir
especially in the pants of a handsome German officer, thought Patty
jealously though her mind was confused over who it was exactly she
was jealous of anymore. Jane was primping for Jaeger clearly
expecting intercourse this evening. The idea of joining them suddenly
popped into Patty's head, their joint encounter with Aket had been
most enjoyable, but Patty needed to stay here with the COCK while
Jane left.
“How do I look?” asked Jane,
pulling blue gloves on. They matched her dress and reached up to her
Patty stared at her mistress. It wasn't
often she saw Jane Stalwart dressed up. “As stunning as any
Hollywood starlet walking the red carpet,” stated Patty truthfully.
Jane smiled and nodded her head,
pleased with her appearance. She stood in front of Patty, her smile
fading and turning serious. “I'll come back to you,” said Jane,
leaning forward. Patty closed her eyes and met Jane's kiss, a tremor
of excitement sent her pulse racing. Jane winked and left the cabin
while Patty wiped the lipstick off her mouth with the back of her
Jane made her way through several
sleeper cars to the dining coach. Her entrance cause quite a stir
with every male eye in the room turning her way. Even the men facing
away from her noticed the stares of others and glanced over their
shoulders to see what everyone was staring at. Jaeger glanced up,
quickly pushing back his chair and standing at attention. A smile of
delight lit his face and Jane found one spreading across hers as she
stared at her former lover.
“You look lovely, Fraulein Stalwart,”
said a heavily accented German voice seated nearby.
Jane glanced down to see Blobel sitting
alone at a table sipping wine. He raised the glass to her in a salute
to her beauty.
“Danke, Sturmbannfuhrer,” replied
Jane bowing her head towards him at the compliment. He was wearing
his black SS uniform with the Nazi Party armband around his arm. An
odd mix of black and white with his pale skin.
She looked back up and towards Karl at
the far end of the coach. He was in his army uniform, the broad chest
decorated with medals including the highest honor, the knight's cross
at his throat. With most of the male passengers still staring at
Jane, they failed to notice that their female companions, wives and
daughters, were largely staring at the handsome German officer.
Jane strode through the dining car not
stopping or looking away from Karl Jaeger. She stopped just in front
of him, both staring into each others faces. “It is good to see you
Karl,” she said.
He leaned down and whispered in her
ear. “And it is good to see you, especially in that dress.” He
kissed her on the cheek and withdrew, pulling the chair out for her.
Jane blushed like a school girl and
took her seat. There was a tray of oysters on the table, a few empty
shells showing that he had enjoyed a few. She took an oyster. “I
was delighted when Patty told me you were on board.” Jane threw her
head back and swallowed the oyster.
“Yes, quite the coincidence,” he
replied. He'd also ordered a bottle of wine which he lifted and
filled her glass with. “I trust this will be to your taste.”
Jane took a sip of the wine and swirled
it around her mouth, nodding her approval just as their waiter came
up. “I'll have the fillet of beef with chateau potatoes.”
“An excellent choice, mademoiselle,”
he replied, momentarily losing his composure when he noticed her
cleavage and the outline of her nipples beneath the dress. He
recovered quickly. “And you, Monsieur?”
“The chaud-froid of game animals.”
“Tres bien, Monsieur,” answered the
waiter, sneaking a glance at Jane again before scurrying off.
“Congratulations on your promotion,
Hauptman,” she told him. “You were a lowly Oberleutnant last time
I saw you.”
“The fatherland rewards those who
serve it well,” he responded.
Jane looked at him seriously. “Do you
think there will be another war?”
“Who knows when dealing with
politicians,” he said, shrugging. “But Chancellor Hitler has my
utmost confidence to do whatever is necessary to maintain the peace.”
“Still, Germany is gearing up it's
war machine.”
“Peace through strength,” he
replied, filling her glass up again.
“Sometimes I think the world was
better off before your city states unified.”
“Deutschland uber alles,”
Their conversation was interrupted by
the waiter returning with their food and the two dug in. Karl sliced
off a piece of his meat. “Odd Blob and I looked for you earlier,”
said Jaeger.
“Odd Blob?”
“Blobel, my political adviser. You
met him last night.”
“Yes, of course,” said Jane,
cutting off a piece of beef and rolling it around in the sauce.
“Patty and I found ourselves running around in Strasbourg during
our stop.” She bit into the beef and chewed slowly. They enjoyed
their dinner, finished off the oysters, then the wine, ordering
pudding for dessert. “Patty tells me your luxury coach is quite
lavish for a train,” she told Karl while batting her eyelashes at
Jaeger stood quickly. “Please allow
me to show it to you, Miss Stalwart.”
They were halfway through the baggage
car before flying into each others arms. Their kiss was passionate,
tongues hungrily probing into each others mouths. Karl pulled her
dress straps down over her shoulders and kept pulling until her
breasts sprang out. He squeezed and hefted them, pushing her nipples
upwards to meet his lips. He growled with lust as he first sucked on
one, then the other nipple.
Jane jumped into him quickly wrapping
her legs around his waist. They kissed again while he carried her
towards the door. They were outside briefly, still kissing while Karl
carried her through the door to the Nazi party's luxury coach. He set
Jane down on her feet so she could wiggle out of the tight dress.
Karl watched her while loosening his collar to remove his Knight's
Cross. His hands worked their way down his uniform while she slowly
rolled her gloves off. “Leave them on,” he ordered when her hands
came down to undo her garter straps.
Jane left her garter and stockings on
and stepped in front of him. “You're moving too slowly.” Jane
knelt before him and quickly undid his belt. “Let me help with your
pants.” She pulled his pants and underwear down, his cock springing
up rock hard and ready to go. “Well it looks like Mjolnir missed me
as much as I missed him,” she stated before sucking the large cock
head into her mouth. She bobbed her head and took half his cock down
her throat while looking up at him as he pulled his uniform off. This
time it was Jane who growled around the cock in her mouth as she took
in his fit muscular physique complete with battle scars. She worked
her mouth around his cock before pulling back and kissing the head.
Jane sprang to her feet and climbed on the nearest bed. Karl yanked
his pants down and was moving between her legs when she asked, “How
long until Major Blobel comes back?”
Karl smiled at her. “All night.” He
climbed over her and she reached down for his cock, guiding it
between her spread legs. “I told him to find something else to do.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Patty was miffed at being alone in
their cabin without being allowed to join Jane and Jaeger for dinner.
She glanced around the room for Jane's cucumber which she'd never
eaten, but it was gone, probably thrown out by the Porter along with
the sandwich bread. She sighed. Patty wasn't that hungry anyway her
belly still felt full of Aket's seed.
There was a loud knock on the door. It
came suddenly and startled her, causing her to jump a little.
The young Irish woman stood and
unlocked the door. “Yes?” she asked pulling it open.
“Gut evening, Fraulein,” said
Blobel, a Luger in his hand. He aimed it at her and waved her aside
as he entered the cabin.
* * * * * * * * * *
.Jane's nylon covered legs wrapped
around Karl's waist as he buried his large cock inside her. “Yessss,”
they both hissed in unison before breaking into a laugh. He ground
his cock into her. “Slower,” she pleaded. Their lust wanted it
strong and quick, but after what the COCK had done to her and Patty,
Jane felt dirty, so dirty. “I need you to make love to me, Karl.”
“An easy task,” said Jaeger. “And
one I will gladly fulfill for I do love you.” Karl covered her body
with his and kissed her again. This time, he worked his cock in and
out of her slowly and rhythmically.
She trembled beneath him twice. Her
pussy clenching and spasming around his cock, trying to milk his seed
out, but he resisted and yanked his cock out until his need to cum
Jaeger pushed himself up and kneeled,
guiding his cock back inside her. His strong arms cupped her knees
and lifted her up into his thrusts. He liked it this way. His deep
blue eyes could take in her naked beauty, her lips parted in soft
moans, her breasts shaking, the way her belly undulated as he
penetrated her, his cock pistoning in and out glistening with her
arousal. Jane was staring back at him with equal adoration, his
muscles taut with exertion, his rugged face straining to make this
last, and most importantly, his nearly foot long cock sending ripples
of pleasure through her body each time he pushed it deep. Karl
grunted and buried his cock, Jane's pussy squeezing it tightly,
knowing what was coming. His first jet of seed triggered an intense
orgasm whose contractions sucked his seed into her womb. The orgasm
lasted through several more strong bursts of cum that left both of
them exhausted for a moment. Karl dropped her legs and collapsed on
top of her, breathing heavily. “Gott verdammte, he panted into her
ear while Jane writhed beneath him still overcome with lust.
* * * * * * * * * *
Patty tried not to gag when her lips
kissed Blobel's pubes. He was no Jaeger or Aket in the cock
department, but his prick was a thick seven inches. She pressed her
lips hard around the shaft and pulled back, his cock slowly sliding
out of her throat and into her mouth. She looked up at him. His SS
uniform was unbuttoned and open, exposing his fat white belly. He'd
removed his hat and his bald head glistened with sweat. Blobel was
staring at her sucking his cock with fascination. He still held the
gun in his hand. Patty let his cock plop from her mouth, immediately
missing it's presence in her throat. “”Put that gun away before
it goes off,” she ordered.
Odd Blob looked at his Luger and then
set it down beside him on the bed. Patty was kneeling on the floor
and took his cock back in her mouth bobbing her head rapidly. He slid
his fat fingers threw her
luscious red hair, perhaps the
loveliest hair he'd ever seen, and held her head tight while she
sucked his fat German prick. “Suck it, schlampe!” he growled.
“Harder you rotkopf Irisch schlampe!” She looked up at him
angrily, yet she obeyed and sucked him harder. Her lust for his cock
overcame everything else. This was perfect! His hands grabbed her
head tightly and pulled her down into his pubes. Blobel moaned, his
cock jerking and spitting his seed down her throat. Patty struggled,
not from fear of choking, but from her near addict like need to taste
him. He relaxed his grip and she pulled back so that the last few
spurts could fill her mouth. Now it was Patty that moaned as his
delicious semen pooled on her tongue. “That's it schlampe, taste
the seed of a superior Aryan male.” He closed his eyes and fell
back against the wall.
Patty made sure she'd milked the last
of his seed out before letting his cock fall from her mouth. It was
an ugly thing, pale and fat like it's master. The tapered head
peaking out from the foreskin made it look like a large garden grub.
She raised herself up and helped pull his open pants off his body
before guiding the fat man to lie down on her lower berth. He wasn't
the fit healthy man that Jaeger was and one blow job had nearly put
his asleep. Patty picked up the Luger by the barrel and moved it
aside as she climbed on Blobel and straddled him. Her hand grasped
his cock and tugged on it. She felt it harden again. The Blob opened
his lazy eyes and smiled at her even as she lifted herself up to take
him inside her.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Your still hard,” whispered Jane
into Karl's ear. He made his cock jerk in response. “Pull it out.”
Karl groaned in complaint, but lifted
himself off her until he was kneeling again. He pulled his cock out,
Mjolnir was gigantic and rampant, flushed red with blood. Jane licked
her lips. “Bring it up here.”
Karl raised his eyebrows in surprise,
but obeyed, sliding his body up until her was kneeling around her
stomach. He bent his cock down and she squeezed her breasts around it
and captured the head in her mouth. She sucked it, licking the
combined orgasms off his cock head even as he started to slide his
cock back and forth through the folds of her breasts. “I like
this,” he said.
Jane smiled up at him, licking the
underside of his cock as it slid up over her nose. It wasn't her
normal smile of happiness and joy, it was a sultry, dirty smile
filled with lust and promises. She lifted her head and took the end
of his cock in her mouth. “Fuck all night,” she said as his cock
pulled back. “Love your cock.” Sucking again. “Fuck my
titties.” His cock entered her mouth. “Fucking big cock.” He
thrust his cock and let her suckle the head for a moment. “Love
fucking and sucking Mjolnir.” His cock head entered her mouth. Jane
pushed his hands away and pushed her own breasts around his shaft.
“Own my pussy, Karl.” Jaeger watched in disbelief as she pinched
and squeezed her own nipples while he titty fucked her. “Use me
like a whore.” He lost it then and there. His cock entered her
mouth on the next thrust and shot his first wad against the back of
her throat. He hadn't measured his thrusts well and pulled back,
sperm fanning out from the head to coat her face in his white
pudding. Her mouth was open, tongue out wanting to taste more. Karl
jumped up and grabbed his shaft, semen splattered all over her right
breast before he could move his cock up towards her waiting mouth.
Her lips met his cock head while he jerked the shaft and Jane
hungrily swallowed every last drop.
“Since when do you swallow?” he
asked, but her only answer was a wink of an eye while she licked up
the final pearl like drip from the slit in his penis. Karl fell off
her and on his side. She wasn't quite satisfied and he watched in
amazement as Jane Stalwart hefted her own breast and brought her
nipple up to her mouth. Her tongue licked and teased her nipple
licking up every last drop of his sperm that it could reach. After
that, she used her finger to push the seed on her face into her
mouth. “Marry me,” he gasped, rubbing her belly affectionately.
* * * * * * * * * *
Patty slowly rode the Major's fat
prick. Her hands pressed down on his jiggling chest leaving red
marks. They were both pale white, but where Patty's skin was smooth
and lovely, his was blotchy and bloated. She ground down into his
cock and leaned down to kiss him while she came all over his fat pale
prick. “So good,” she moaned. “So fucking good.”
“Ja Fraulein,” groaned Odilo. “Ride
that superior Aryan fleischpeitsche!”
“Gonna cum again,” moaned Patty,
rearing up in Blobel's lap. “Your fat Willy's gonna make me cum.
Gonna cum. Gonna cum. CUMMINNG!” Her
pussy contracted like crazy all around The plump German's penis
“Mein Gott!” Odilo grabbed and
squeezed her heavy breast while thrusting his cock up into her. “So
gut sie sexy Hure!” Odd Blob's cock exploded his seed into her
orgasmic contractions. “Nehmen sie mein sperma!”
Blobel caressed her breasts while she
sat still, panting in his lap. He could feel his cock wither inside
her, going soft, but trapping his superior German seed inside her.
Some Irish racial purity was questionable, but Patty was too perfect
not to have come from Aryan stock. He wished his seed had been
planted inside her. “You like mein schwanz?” he asked.
“Hmmm,” she purred grinding her
pussy down around his limp prick. “I love it.”
“Gut! It is not as big as Jaeger's,
but it is still Aryan and gave you much pleasure.”
“Yes, much pleasure,” moaned Patty,
eyes closed so as not to look at the man's pale face and bloated
belly. She'd rather have been looking down at Aket's black skinned
body. Thinking of Aket made her cervix open causing the black man's
trapped seed to dribble down over Blobel's penis.
“Ja! I can feel your love juices
pouring over mein schwanz!” he gasped in glee.
“You can fuck me anytime,” she
moaned, squeezing her pussy muscles around his penis. If only he
knew, she thought.
Blobel's eyes glowed with intensity as
he reached up and pinched her nipples. “This is how it should be,”
he stated. “Women willingly serving as hures for the men of
Germany.” Patty's amazing pussy was squeezing his penis back to
life. “Our soldiers will need women to serve them and thanks to the
COCK OF OSIRIS they shall have plenty of willing sex slaves. I'll
shall be a hero of the THIRD REICH!”
“Yes, fuck me some more,” cried
Patty once more bouncing in his lap. “Then I want it in my ass.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Jane returned from wiping her face and
breasts down in the wash basin. Karl was smiling at her through half
lidded eyes. “Oh no you don't,” she said. “No sleeping until I
say so big boy.” She crawled between his legs and started sucking
on his big cock. Mjolnir sprang quickly back to life in her mouth.
She gave if one last kiss and crawled
on all fours next to Jaeger. “Do me from behind,” she commanded.
“Jawohl!” He sat up quickly and
kneeled behind her. They both moaned as he slowly pushed his cock in,
burying it and pausing, just to enjoy the feeling of being fully
inside her. Jane moaned and ground her crotch into him. Karl grabbed
her his and slowly started working his cock in and out of her.
“Harder Jaeger,” she growled,
thrusting her ass back into him. “Fuck me hard. Let Mjolnir hammer
that pussy.”
Karl obeyed slamming his cock with a
speed that would have made a normal man cum in seconds. She had so
many orgasms, her fluids were dripping down his hairy testicles to
soak the bed. He felt the sperm welling up in his balls, but he
wasn't ready to blow this load. He wanted it to last a while and
yanked his cock out. Jane kept pushing her ass back into him like
they were still fucking. “Put it in. Fuck me hard,” she demanded.
Jaeger looked at his cock, swollen
huge, fat, rampant and glistening with their love juices as it rose
above the crack of her ass. “This is a side of you I haven't seen
before, my love,” he told her.
“You don't like it? Do you think I'm
bad?” she asked through gritted teeth.
“No, I do rather like it. As for bad,
maybe just a little naughty,” he teased.
“Yes, I'm a bad naughty girl,” she
gasped. “I deserve a spanking!” Karl's eyes flew wide at that.
“Spank me with your cock.”
Karl Jaeger didn't need to be asked
twice. He grabbed the base of his cock and stared down at the white
globes on Jane's rear end. “Like this?” he asked. He slapped the
hard cock down hard on her left ass cheek. She shuddered and moaned.
He slapped his cock down hard on her other cheek. She whimpered in
lust. Karl brought his cock down again and again and was startled
when she squirted in orgasm all over his thighs from being spanked.
He couldn't take it anymore and slammed his angry red cock back into
her making her orgasm again. “Take your punishment naughty girl,”
he yelled.
“Your hand!” screamed Jane. “Use
your hand. SPANK ME! FUCK ME!”
Karl spanked her left ass cheek until
there was a irritated red hand print on it. Then he switched to her
right cheek. Her pussy gripped and trembled around his cock each time
his palm made contact her the jiggling flesh of her butt cheeks. He
would never have done this to any woman unless he assumed she'd enjoy
it. Still, there was a part of him that reveled in disciplining her,
the part that was angry she'd never submit and be his forever, but
Jane was too independent and valued her freedom.
Before the COCK had infected her, Jane
would have allowed any man to try this on her, and ended up throwing
him over her knee for a spanking. As for the new Jane Stalwart, there
wasn't any kind of sex act her body didn't crave. Everything gave her
immense pleasure. Even as her mind wandered from Patty's soft female
body to Aket's big black cock and being sodomized by Hassan and how
good his penis had felt plowing her ass, a craving began to grow to
be sodomized again. Her ass needed to be fucked even as her brain
screamed that Jaeger's cock was too big.
Jaeger's hand was about to slap down on
her ass cheek again when Jane lurched forward and his cock leaped
upwards free of her pussy. He watched it bobble, tossing drops of her
fluids all over her ass. She was head down on the bed, ass up in the
air, her labia was still spread open like his cock was inside her. It
was a very submissive pose and he liked it. He grabbed the base of
his cock and bent it down for her pussy, but she jerked forward as he
began to penetrate her. “You little tease,” he growled, thrusting
forward until his cock head pushed inside her. She jerked forward
again until just a fraction of the head was in her. Karl held the
base of his cock and watched her pussy lips spread and push back
before pulling forward again several times, the last time his cock
was completely outside her. Jane then ran her slit slowly up and down
the head of his cock several times before spreading her legs farther
open, her ass falling so that his cock head slid up her perineum and
came to rest of the tight puckered rosebud of her anus. He assumed it
was a mistake on her part, but then, her rear end pushed back against
his cock inviting him in. First Patty and now Jane. His cock was way
too big for sodomy, but both women had begged for it.
“Please,” begged Jane, sounding
desperate. “Fuck my ass, Karl.”
Amazing, thought the German. His cock
was as hard as steel as her pushed down. His cock head was the size
of a golf ball compared to her tightly puckered 1 Reichspfennig sized
rectum. It opened for his cock head, stretching wide, surprisingly
easier then Patty's had and he wondered if this wasn't her first
time. Jane gasped loudly. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.
Jane's response was to move her hands out from under her head and
reach around behind her. Her slender fingers grabbed her butt cheeks
and held them open for him. He pushed down hard on his cock. Jane
whimpered and it felt like she was sobbing, but she continued holding
her cheeks apart for him. The opening grew to the size of a 5
Reichsmark piece, opening wider and wider and then, his head pushed
“Yessssssss,” hissed Jane in
relief. She could feel his shaft pushing deeper into her bowels. It
still hurt, but the hard part was over. Karl's cock was so large, an
average cunny needed to get used to it and he treated her ass like he
was breaking in a new cunny, pumping slowly, letting her body get
used to his size, moving a little deeper with each thrust. Before
long, Jane began pushing her ass back into his thrusts, letting go of
her butt cheeks and rising back up to all fours as he began really
fucking her ass.
“So fucking big!” she stated.
“So Gott Verdammte tight,” he
growled, grabbing her hips and pumping her ass.
“Fuck my slut ass, Karl,” she
screamed. “Shove Mjolnir in deep.”
“Take it! Take meinen groben
schwanz!” He pumped her ass hard until she screamed, her orgasm
spraying the front of his thighs. “Gott, I love fucking you!”
Karl felt the sperm welling up in his balls. “Gott verdammte Jane,
ich liebe dich!” he grunted, slamming his cock forward, his sperm
pumping forth into her bowels. He grunted loudly, feeling another
spray of her cum strike his thighs. Exhausted, he fell on her back
even as she collapsed into the mattress, his cock still spewing seed.
Karl was panting heavily as he kissed her back once and whispered,
“Ich liebe dich, again. “I love you.”
Jane moaned contentedly, her body
satisfied now that he had taken all three holes. His cock withered,
still plugging her anus. He groaned, it took a lot of effort for him
to pull back and free his cock. Her anus immediately felt like a
waterfall, rapidly dribbling sperm out to run down her perineum and
coat her crotch. He collapsed hard beside her, letting gravity take
him down into the mattress. She was exhausted too, but managed to
climb off the bed and find a basin to clean off in. When she was
satisfied, she slid into bed beside the snoring German and snuggled
under his arm, throwing one leg over his as she too fell asleep.
Jane awoke after a few hours to waves
of pleasure flowing out from her breast. Her nipple was hard, a
tongue flickering over the long nub. She opened her eyes and ran her
hand through Karl's close shaved sandy hair. “Good morning,” she
Jaeger was kneeling by the bed. He
winked at her, kissing her nipple on last time and stood. His cock
was plump and sticking out. She leaned over and gave the head a kiss,
making it jerk with excitement.
“Come,” he said, holding his hand
Jane took it and climbed off the bed.
She could hear the water running as he led her over to the large tub.
“Now that is a luxury,” she stated, staring as lustfully at the
bath as she had at his cock.
“This coach is used by high ranking
party officials. It has it's own water tank on the roof and an
electric heating system”
“You're a high ranking Nazi now?”
“Nein, but I have connections,” he
said, winking at her and holding her hand while she stepped into the
Jane slid down into the water and laid
back, watching as Karl climbed into the other side. “This is nice,”
she moaned. Her moan turned louder when he lifted one of her feet out
of the water, kissing the base before his hand began kneading her
foot. He dropped that foot and went to work on her other foot and
leg. Jane moaned sliding down further in the water until her head was
submerged. “Do you have any soap?” she asked, coming up for air.
Jaeger smiled. “I can do better then
that.” He reached down on the side of the tub and came up with a
bottle, handing it to her.
“Breck's shampoo,” said Jane. “What
will they think of next?” She opened the bottle.
“Americans,” said Karl, shrugging
as if that explained everything. “Allow me.” He took the bottle
from her. He poured some shampoo in his palm as Jane leaned forward,
the ends of her hair floating in the water. He rubbed his hands in
her hair and began lathering up the shampoo, massaging her scalp and
coating her hair with this new bottled soap.
His fingers felt so good on her scalp,
she purred a little. “You're too good to me Karl.”
“Come back to Germany with me and
I'll be good to you forever.”
“I can't. Not yet. I'm not ready to
settle down.” Jane dipped her head down and shook her head under
the water.
“I guess we'll only have these short
encounters then,” he said, sadly when she came back up and wiped
her eyes free of the water. His cocky grin returned. “Didn't you
tell me once that you'd spent time searching for a monster in Loch
“Yes and I concluded it's nothing by
a myth. Why?”
“I think he's here in the tub with
us,” said Karl.
Jane raised an eyebrow, then smiled as
Karl lifted his hips and his erect cock broke free of the surface.
The thought briefly occurred to her that Aket's cock would have fit
the description of a giant black sea serpent more then Jaeger's fat
headed missile. “Maybe I should try to capture it then,” she
said, leaning down and engulfing his cock head in her mouth. Jane
adjusted her position and did a superb job at giving him one of her
best blowsies. Her belly growled as the COCK's effects took hold of
her and she craved the taste of his cum. Her hand delicately kneaded
his ball sack while stroking his shaft and sucking Mjolnir's head. It
was very fortuitous that Karl Jaeger had come on board just when she
needed a real man to keep her satisfied. His penis erupted, filling
her mouth with his delectable seed. She moaned as she tasted and
swallowed each spurt of his semen until his cock quit bucking in her
mouth. Jane didn't stop there, she kept sucking, keeping his cock
hard. When she felt he was ready to go again, Jane spun around in the
tub, reaching between her legs for his cock and guiding it into her
pussy. She sat in his lap and leaned back into him. “This is where
Mjolnir belongs,” she said.
Karl wrapped his arms around her. Jane
sighed and closed her eyes, her cheek beside his. He kissed her ear,
then her cheek, then her neck. The German reached out for the shampoo
and poured some on her breasts as his strong hands lathered up her
breasts, nipples, and belly. He slowly worked his cock, only moving a
little inside her, but her vaginal muscles seemed to do the rest,
contracting and tugging at his cock until she had the first of
several orgasms. It was a long time before his penis erupted inside
her, pumping more of his seed into her womb. By then the water had
turned cold.
Jane was bent over behind a dressing
screen attaching her nylons to the garter while Karl changed near the
bed. Her thigh bag was already strapped on. The weight of the Enfield
inside felt comforting on her hip. “Toss me my dress,” she
The dress flew up and draped on the
dressing screen. “Last chance to change your mind, Lady Stalwart,”
called Karl. “We can switch this coach over to a train bound for
“It's tempting,” she said back.
Jane stood and pulled her dress on over her head. She froze and
looked sad for a moment. “Karl, please don't think ill of me for my
behavior last night.”
He laughed. “Ill? That was the best
night of my life.”
Jane smiled in relief. “I just don't
want you to think, I'm some sort of slut. I wasn't... myself.” He
stepped around the screen. Jaeger looked handsome in his uniform. Her
eyes fell to the swastika arm band he'd put on. “You joined the
He shrugged. “One must, if one
desires to advance in rank these days. As for you mein liebchen, I
understand you were suffering the effects of the COCK OF OSIRIS and I
rather enjoyed the new you.”
Jaeger reached down to his holster and
pulled a Luger out, pointing it at her.
“How...” Jane was stunned as an
insight hit her. Chancellor Hitler stood on a podium beside another
Nazi, one she didn't recognize, but he sported the same toothbrush
mustache that Hitler had as well as rounded glasses. Before them
stood a hundred perfectly fit men on a field in tank tops and shorts.
Beside the men, a hundred women in shorts and tops were doing jumping
jacks. All were perfect Aryans, fit, healthy, blonde haired and blue
eyed. The women stopped and both sexes saluted Hitler with their
right arms raised. Hitler saluted back, but in his arm was the COCK,
a cloud a dust spewing forth from the end to engulf the confused
looking men and women. The coughing fit soon turned into an orgy as
the two Nazi watched on as their Aryan breeding program began. Jane
saw the image of a map with the swastika spreading forth into Russia,
North Africa, France, Scandinavia, and crossing into Britain. She saw
a crying despondent older Princess Elizabeth being led down the aisle
by her defeated looking father, King George VI to stand beside her
new husband and future King of England, Adolf Hitler. Elizabeth's
view of her new husband changed quickly, the next image showed her
laying nude on a bed, squeezing breasts that rivaled Jane's in size.
Tiny squirts of milk shot up from each nipple as the young princess
watched Hitler disrobe, a giant twelve inch cock bobbing between his
legs ready to make more heirs to the throne. Her insight resembled a
news reel with Hitler and Elizabeth standing side by side, rights
arms outstretched as a parade of uniformed Nazi children marched by
each brigade younger by a year. The Nazi flag began spreading heading
across the Atlantic for the Americas.
“Are you alright?” asked Jaeger,
truly concerned.
Jane was staggered and shook her head.
She had to stop this insight from coming true. “The COCK...
“By now is in the possession of my
associate along with Miss O'Toole.”
“Damn you Jaeger!” she screamed.
“If you harm one hair on Patty's...”
“I assure you, Miss O'Toole's lovely
red hair will not be harmed, but she will be coming with me as are
you. Perhaps another dose of the COCK is all that it will take to
make you mine.” Jane pushed past him, heading towards the door.
“HALT! Where do you think you are going?” He raised the gun and
aimed it at her when she stopped and whirled around.
Jane looked angry and betrayed for
there was a part of her that did love this man. “You won't shoot me
Karl,” she stated confidently.
“I will do my duty to the fatherland,
Lady Jane.”
Jane walked barefooted over to the wall
and took down the dueling swords. She hefted one to feel it's weight
and balance, tossing the other to him. Jaeger grinned and holstered
his pistol. “Always up for a challenge, Karl.”
“You can't defeat me Jane,” said
Karl, raising the Glockenschlager up in a slaute. “I was master of
academic fencing at Leipzig for two years at university and won the
silver at the 1924 Olympics. I handily defeated you last time we
Jane smiled. “That was three years
ago Karl. Since then, I studied under Barbasetti in Rome and Borsodi
in Hungary, as well as mastering several oriental sword fighting
styles. I've also bested Delporte, the man who took gold at the 1924
Jaeger snorted. “Well en garde!” He
held one arm back while thrusting the rapier forwards.
“I'm surprised by your choice in
weapons,” she replied, taking the same position, their sword tips
touching. “I thought you were a Korbschlager man.”
“Not my swords. They belong to
Hermann Goring, the new head of the Luftwaffe.”
“I'll try to go easy on you then.”
Her rapier's tip danced around the head of Karl's. He took several
steps forward increasing his strokes and Jane stepped back. She was
more interested in rescuing Patty then defeating Jaeger. Jane reached
behind her and undid the door latch. She slipped through the door and
slammed it on Jaeger, turning to leap over to the baggage coach. She
ran through the baggage coach tossing any piece of luggage she could
find down into the aisle to slow him down before slipping into the
next sleeper car with Jaeger in hot pursuit.
* * * * * * * * * *
Patty was kneeling, head back, tongue
out. Blobel's sperm fell across her nose in a strand down to her
chin. He jerked his cock, more of his ejaculate spewing forth into
her mouth. Patty let it roll around her tongue before licking around
her lips and sliding his cum into her mouth before swallowing. There
was a last pearl like drop dangling from his urethra which she lapped
up, giving his cock head a kiss before he zipped up the dark black
pants. “Danke Fraulein,” he gasped, watching her dress.
Patty didn't go for her usual dress,
but instead grabbed Jane's “working” clothes of trousers, boots,
and a white button front blouse. It felt strange to feel her legs in
the trousers.
Odd Blob watched her lustfully. He'd
retrieved his Luger and was waving it at her. “Schnell fraulein.
“I'm going as fast as I can,” she
“Gut, now grab the COCK and ve vill
be on our way.”
Patty grabbed the antique Egyptian box
and held it to her bosom while Blobel motioned with the gun for her
to precede him. He followed her into the sleeping coach, holding the
gun down and out of sight, and they slowly walked towards the rear of
the train.
* * * * * * * * * *
The blades were a blur as they parried
and thrust, constantly moving. Jane was still being forced back and
trying not to be distracted by the numerous heads popping out of
their cabins to see what the commotion was.
“Your defense has certainly
improved,” said Karl, slowly moving forward. “But your offense is
virtually nonexistent.”
Jane remained silent, quickly spinning
around and dashing through to the next car. Karl was fast and she was
only half way through the coach when she was forced to turn to parry
his unrelenting offensive
moves. He was smug, confident in his
skills. He maintained a constant pressure on her trying to keep her
from fleeing into the dining coach. Jane was desperate to make sure
that Patty was alright and decided a little cheating wouldn't hurt
anything. Karl wasn't expecting her foot to slam down on his. Her
bare foot didn't do much against his boot, but it did surprise him
enough for her to slam her free fist into his nose. Karl staggered
and she fled into the dining coach.
Karl pursued, a trickle of blood
flowing from one nostril. Their blades whirled again. Diners and
staff stood up in alarm at their appearance. Voices rose in shock and
Jane heard a tray drop in surprise. She continued to step back,
hooking her foot under the leg of a chair and flinging it towards
him. Jaeger shoved it aside and continued his advance.
Hearing her name startled Jane and a
quick glance to the left revealed the fat Major, holding a gun in one
hand, his other hand grasped tightly around Patty's wrist. Her Lady's
Maid clutched the COCK's box tightly under her other arm. The
distraction was all Karl Jaeger needed, his rapier thrusting out and
up over her left shoulder and then sliding along just under her chin
to her right shoulder. Jane felt the breeze along her throat and for
a moment feared that he had slit it open, but no blood poured forth.
The only thing that happened was that her dress fell to her feet, the
shoulder straps sliced apart.
The noise in the crowd grew louder and
the young woman's charms were displayed to them, naked but for the
garter and stockings as well as the bag strapped to her thigh. She
parried several more thrusts, watching Blobel pull Patty through the
exit. “I'm coming for you Patty.”
Patty turned and shook her head sadly.
“See to yourself Jane,” she called before Blobel pulled her
through the door.
Jane parried one last thrust of Karl's
sword and turned to stare angrily at him. “That was a very
expensive dress,” she growled. Her defensive parries turned to
thrusts and probing attacks. Karl's smug look faded to one of
surprise at it was his turn to retreat, stepping backwards. Jane
stepped on a chair and onto a table, dueling downwards. The tip of
her sword ripped his chest once and then twice. Two medals falling to
the floor. Karl moved back faster as Jane leaped from one table to
the next and then finally down at the door just as he escaped through
Jane ran through the door in time to
see him climbing the ladder to the roof of the moving train. Of
course, we're going to be dueling on top the moving train, she
thought with a sigh. She hurried to the ladder, expecting an attack
from above, but none was forthcoming. When she climbed to the roof,
he'd already leaped to the next coach in the line. She ran, catching
him on the roof of the baggage car.
“I'm impressed,” he gasped,
parrying two quick thrusts. Karl glanced over her shoulder and up, a
smile forming again on his lips.
“I'm not going to fall for that
Karl,” she hissed thrusting forwards, the tip of her rapier at his
throat. His smile turned into a look of spite as his Knight's Cross
fell to the top of the train.
Now it was Karl's turn to cheat. He
parried one thrust and moved forwards, grabbing her sword wrist and
wrenching it behind her back. Jane wasn't expecting that and twisted
around, falling down on her knees. He came with her, his crotch
pressed into her bare ass. It was erect and he pressed it forwards
against her several times. Jane closed her eyes, wanting his cock
inside her again. “Do it,” she hissed.
Karl held her sword arm down with his
own, while he fished his big cock out of his pants with his free
hand. He bent the hard shaft down and glided it back into the hot
folds of her wet pussy. She was hot and ready for him. “Take my
schwanz,” he grunted pushing it deep.
“Fuck me! Fuck me, Karl! Harder!
HARDER!” Jane squirted all around his pumping shaft as she had her
first orgasm. She was soaked and ready for him, her pussy needed his
seed again. All she could think of was all those eyes staring at her
naked body, taking in her breasts and belly, her pubic mound and her
rear end. Eyes, staring... watching... and she wished those same eyes
were watching her now as she came all over Jaeger's cock a second
time. The damned COCK OF OSIRIS must have triggered another fetish
within her. Karl fucked her hard like she asked, this was an
animalistic fuck and both humans were grunting from his thrusting
cock until he pushed it deep and shot multiple jets of his hot seed
into her womb.
Jane was still cumming as she threw
herself forwards and to her feet. The train was slowing. It's whistle
blew. Karl stood, looking up over her shoulder again. This time Jane
turned. She could see Paris and the Eiffel tower in the distance, but
above that loomed the rapidly approaching presence of the German
Karl shoved his cock back into his
pants and raised his sword. He leaped, sword raised, bringing it down
hard, but Jane jumped back dodging the sudden attack. Her final
orgasm had forced most of his semen from her body and Karl's boots
came down right in the pool. He slipped, falling hard on his back
with a loud thud. His rapier fell from his hand and rolled down off
the train. Jane stepped up to him and lowered her sword to his
throat. “Yield,” she ordered.
Karl looked up her rapier and raised
his hands in surrender. “Foiled by the mighty contents of my own
balls,” he said, the old self assured grin returning. “I yield to
the superior fencer.”
“Get up. I'll trade you for Patty.”
Karl rose and stood. He clicked his
heels together and bowed, spinning around before Jane could stop him.
She pursued, watching him leap from the end of the baggage car across
a growing gap to the Nazi coach. Blobel and Patty were on the end of
the train. Patty stood holding the box while Blobel had just detached
the Nazi car from the train. Jane ran, but the gap was too wide to
jump now. Instead, she slid off the rook, dangling off the edge and
falling to the end of the baggage car. Jaeger was hanging by the both
hands off the end of the Nazi car. He fell down to his feet before
Patty and Blobel. The luxury coach came to a stop, but so did the
train, something ahead holding it up from the station.
“I win Jane,” said Jaeger, bowing
towards her again.
“Just let Patty go.”
I don't think so, Lady Jane. I'd much
rather keep Miss O'Toole and the COCK. Besides, the new Patty is much
more fun then the old.”
Jane reached into her thigh pack and
brought the Enfield up, aiming it at Karl. Blobel immediately turned
his Luger on her. “Let Patty go,” she slowly stated through
gritted teeth.
“You don't get it, do you Jane? Why
do you think I'm here anyway? Patty contacted me.”
“I sent him a telegram from Cairo,”
confessed Patty.
“Why would you do that Patty?” said
Jane stunned. “You know Karl's my biggest rival for artifact
“Because Jane,” said Patty. “I'm
a Nazi spy.”
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