I don't remember where I first started talking to Darklord, maybe it was when a fan founded the yahoo group. The cover for the yahoo group is by him. I remember he did some work for poonnet and had his own page with downloads available. Now, he's almost exclusively at johnpersons doing pinup series and comics. These pics while good are primitive compared to his more recent stuff. He's one of those artists where you can see lots of improvement as he becomes more experienced. The pics are some he did for Fresh Off The Bus, Rev Al Sharpspeare, and the Problems with Porn.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
This week in Stormbringer
1) Blacknwhitecomics updated Reunion Revenge with two pics.
2) Kaos did her weekly update for Flex Appeal. I'm estimating another 4 weeks and it will be all posted.
I think she's running a $10/month for life special at the moment.
3) I'm still working on Doctor Bitch and should have the comic script finished this week. I broke it down into three parts with the first 2 about 20 pages each.
4) Fobbs at illustratedinterracial is still posting the ocassional update to Flag Girls.
2) Kaos did her weekly update for Flex Appeal. I'm estimating another 4 weeks and it will be all posted.
I think she's running a $10/month for life special at the moment.
3) I'm still working on Doctor Bitch and should have the comic script finished this week. I broke it down into three parts with the first 2 about 20 pages each.
4) Fobbs at illustratedinterracial is still posting the ocassional update to Flag Girls.
Monday, October 19, 2015
This week in Stormbringer
Not a lot of news from me.
1) I worked on the Dr Bitch (not Naughty Pictures) comic conversion for Kaos some. After that, I plan to write the next segment for Coxville Curse 3.
2) Kaos posted an update for Flex 3 over at Kaoscomics.com Both women are now sharing Flex's cock and enjoying each other's bodies.
UPDATE: Also updated The Housewives of Coxville County: Epilogue to catch up with Ota's posts.
1) I worked on the Dr Bitch (not Naughty Pictures) comic conversion for Kaos some. After that, I plan to write the next segment for Coxville Curse 3.
2) Kaos posted an update for Flex 3 over at Kaoscomics.com Both women are now sharing Flex's cock and enjoying each other's bodies.
UPDATE: Also updated The Housewives of Coxville County: Epilogue to catch up with Ota's posts.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Shame pics from Duke
Here's some pics Duke did for Shame. Dukeshardcorehoneys.com. He drew this as an illustrated story in five parts.
Shame pics from poonnet
Here's some pics for Shame done by poonnet. 55 pics total done as an illustrated story not a full comic. I'm not sure who the artist is.
Working Vacation art
Some pics from "Working Vacation" found on poonnet. Sadly, the story remains unfinished and will probably never be finished. It was in progress when the webmaster passed away. Also, sadly I don't know who drew it and can't give the artist credit. It might be from Andes studio who poonnet used a lot. There are about 22 pics total including the pinup of Angie.
Nosy Housewife Art
Wertham did his own comic version of my Nosy Housewife and the Last of the Mad Nazi Scientists story. Here's some sample pics from it. The entire comic is available free on his blog site along with some other comics. He draws them in an old 60s style format.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
This week...
Just updated Darksolid's Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader's story #52.9 in the E&I folder. It's now finished. He has plans for future E&I stories.
I'm currently working on converting Doctor Bitch into a comic for Kaos.
Kaos has updated Flex 3
I'll try to get Otaku-Ogres Housewives updated soon.
No further news.
I'm currently working on converting Doctor Bitch into a comic for Kaos.
Kaos has updated Flex 3
I'll try to get Otaku-Ogres Housewives updated soon.
No further news.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Debating fanfic
I've been debating exactly how to handle fanfic/shared universe stories. I'd thought to do them as blog posts and label them so that you could just click a label and read all the stories for that universe, but that doesn't list them so you can click on them. It just runs through the entire story which takes a long time to scroll through.
I've decided just to add them as pages mixed in with my stories. I've moved the ones I posted about yesterday over to pages and will be adding more over the next few days. I may try to organize them together some how or just group Coxville together and E&I together.
UPDATE: I just figured out that you can do multiple page sites with different headers. I'll be organizing them along the lines of my asstr page or at least break them down to Coxville, E&I, Comic scripts, and mind control sections.
I've decided just to add them as pages mixed in with my stories. I've moved the ones I posted about yesterday over to pages and will be adding more over the next few days. I may try to organize them together some how or just group Coxville together and E&I together.
UPDATE: I just figured out that you can do multiple page sites with different headers. I'll be organizing them along the lines of my asstr page or at least break them down to Coxville, E&I, Comic scripts, and mind control sections.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Here's the opening chapter for Coxville Curse 3
The Coxville Curse 3
Copyright 2015 by Stormbringer
Note: The following is based upon scripts I wrote for the Pit at www.johnpersons.com known as “The Two Hot Blondes” series. Two Hot Blondes Hunt For Big Black Cock which takes place in this story includes some of my script, but the story is largely written by the artist, Pit. At this point, the Coxville universe is growing larger and larger with multiple authors and artists telling their stories set in this universe. Like a real comics universe it’s becoming hard to tell what is canon and what isn’t, but that’s alright, everyone has the right to tell their own stories as far as I’m concerned. Recently Sir Sinn wrote the story of Sister Nancy’s seduction followed by a sequel written by Thickwil. Within a week, Rabies T Lagomorph wrote a short Sister Nancy comic not connected with the two stories. With Rabies’ permission, I am including a story version of his comic here with some changes made to reconcile it with the two stories because I wanted to include elements of his comic in this story. Curse 3 also overlaps with Housewives of Coxville County and this story will reference some events from that story. Curse 3 also references several pinups drawn by the Pit.
9/27/09 Sister Nancy
Note: This story is based on the comic “Faith Exchange” by Rabies T Lagomorph
It follows the events in “Sister Nancy of Coxville County” by Sir Sinn and “Sister Nancy of Coxville County 2” by Thickwil.
Her knuckles whitened as she clutched the crucifix in her hands. She prayed for forgiveness. She prayed for guidance. “Lord forgive this sinner,” she muttered. She released the crucifix, letting it fall back to her habit, but keeping her hands together. “Forgive this sinner. Forgive this sinner,” she muttered rocking as she prayed on her knees.
Sister Nancy O’Malley had sinned before god. She was a fornicating whore. Her body had betrayed her. Even as she prayed, her sinful body was sending pangs of arousal through her soul as her mind kept wandering to Linus Jefferson and the huge black phallus that had given her so much pleasure earlier that day. The arousal turned to a trickle, slowly sliding down her inner thigh. Or was it just more of the black man’s voluminous load of semen still leaking from her womb? Her mind filled with the image of his huge black male phallus… COCK! His big black cock!… It came in her mouth. It came in her womanhood… PUSSY! Her horny white pussy! The trickle of arousal turned to a stream. Her plain white panty was soaked now. He would return and her body would not resist him. Her body wanted him again. SHE wanted him again. She knew she had committed a horrible sin earlier that day, but her mind couldn’t stop thinking about him. Linus Jefferson had taken possession of her body, her mind, and also, she feared, her soul. Her black student had mentioned introducing her to his friends and that thought excited her body even more. The stream of arousal turned to a flood. “Please lord,” she begged, her knuckles turning even whiter as she clenched her hands together. The verses came into her head even as she prayed.
“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Nancy repeated Matthew 26:41 several times before adding, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:13.
The peace and well being of god flooded her body as the answer came to her. She must remove herself from the temptation. She must leave the convent before Linus Jefferson returned and she sinned again. The young Coxville native had broken her vows to the holy church and the Sisters of Mercy. Nancy recited her vow of chastity once again, promising to be faithful to god and to the church. She prayed she wasn’t pregnant already for Linus Jefferson had ejaculated what had felt like a liter of his evil seed into her womb. She needed to be punished for her sins. She needed to confess, but not here. Nancy would leave the convent and confess her sins far away from Coxville County.
Satisfied, Nancy opened her eyes and found herself staring up at Jesus. The statue of Jesus was carved from a single piece of oak, nearly life sized, and old. Real nails had been driven through the palms to hold him to the cross. The paint was flaking off, his white skin seemed to be chipping away making him appear darker. The statue was strange for a depiction of Jesus. The body was more muscular than most depictions of Christ. His nose was flat making him look vaguely Negroid as he cast his eyes heavenwards.
“Magnificent, isn’t he?”
The voice startled Nancy and she nearly jumped out of her cassock. Nancy recognized the mother superior’s voice and didn’t turn around even as she continued to stare up at the old statue. “Yes, mother superior,” she answered. “Though I’ve always felt it an unusual depiction for such an old statue.”
“Yes, quite,” said the older woman calmly. “Nearly 150 years old. It was carved from a branch that fell off the giant oak in front of city hall after a lightning strike by one of our sisters.”
Nancy rose off her knees and turned to face the mother superior. “Didn’t I read in the Coxville Times that the oak was destroyed by lightning last night?”
“Yes, quite the coincidence,” smiled the older nun. “It’s nice to see you feeling better Sister Nancy, but you should be resting. We want you feeling better by Monday for your English class.”
“Yes, of course,” said Nancy, following the mother superior out of the chapel. Nancy turned to look back at the statue of Jesus one last time. “Which sister carved the statue?” she asked out of curiosity.
The Mother Superior stopped in her tracks and turned to face the 24 year old Coxville native. “Sister Samantha Small,” she answered. “A daughter of the Cox family. Both she and her sister Elizabeth were given to our care by their father. They had apparently committed some grievous sin.” The two women started walking again, as the older nun continued. “Sister Elizabeth repented, but Sister Samantha was more… difficult. She atoned for her sins by spending years carving out that fine statue of our lord.”
“How interesting,” said Nancy, now wishing she had spent some time learning more about the history of the convent. “Still the appearance is unusual.”
“Yes quite, but Sister Samantha claimed that her hand was guided by the lord as she carved. Who is to say that her vision of the savior is incorrect?”
“Thank you Reverend Mother,” said Nancy stopping near the hallway to her quarters. “but I do need to rest and I don‘t think my stomach could handle supper.”
“Good night, Sister Nancy. I’ll tell the other Sisters you’re still ill. I’ll see you at morning prayers.”
“Good night, Reverend Mother.” Nancy turned and headed to her quarters. She listened to the footfalls of the Mother Superior walk away. She was a good woman and Nancy felt even more ashamed for breaking her vows to the holy church. She crossed herself as soon as she entered her room. This time Nancy looked up at the more traditional crucifix on her wall and recited her vow of chastity once again before it. She felt the courage of her convictions grow as she did so. The young nun smiled and straightened her back. She would keep her vows this time, provided she removed herself from the temptations of the flesh that were represented by the devilish black cock that rose rampant from between the legs of Linus Jefferson.
Nancy O’Malley had little possessions which meant she had little to pack. By little possessions, she meant nothing but her habit, her cross, and a small personal allowance of cash that totaled less the fifty dollars. By little to pack, she meant nothing, but shoving her money into her habit. Nancy turned and opened her door slightly, peeking out to make sure the hall was empty. At this time in the evening, the other Sisters would be in the refectory dining. She could hear an echo of the Reverend Mother saying grace before the evening’s meal. Nancy frowned surprised she wasn’t hungry, but then her belly was full of a black man’s sperm and it had been a very satisfying meal. She scrunched her eyes closed, brow furrowed as she fought off another wave of desire for the black man. Nancy crossed herself again and proceeded on, more sure now then ever that she was on the correct path to forgiveness and redemption. She had to get out of the county before it was too late.
The keys were hanging in the foyer by the front door. She snatched them and quietly opened the front door. Stealing the convent’s van was less a sin the breaking her vows and fornicating. Besides, she was only borrowing the van. She would leave it with the Archdiocese of New Orleans and seek shelter with one of the convents there. They could return the van to the Sisters of Mercy. In New Orleans, she would confess, repent, and ask for absolution. The punishment would be harsh, but she deserved it.
Nancy felt guilty again when she saw several bushels of apples and pumpkins waiting to be loaded on the van tomorrow and driven down to the Sister’s produce stand. There were so many repercussions for her sins. Hopefully, they would have the van back within a few days. Nancy turned to look down upon the town of Coxville. Darkness had fallen and the town was lit up. Shining above all the other lights were the bright stadium lights at the high school. “Go COCKS!” she muttered, looking down the hill. And with those last words, Sister Nancy climbed into the driver’s seat and drove down the long driveway down the hill.
Nancy avoided entering main street to avoid the crowds heading towards the football game against Bartown. She should have avoided Coxville altogether, but there was one stop she had to make. The stop was in a small development of upper middle class homes on the Eastside of Coxville the opposite side of town from where the blacks lived. Blacks that the Sisters devoted a good chunk of their lives towards educating. There was even a class specifically devoted towards helping pregnant teen black women get their high school diplomas. Unfortunately, many of the teen moms were pregnant again before they got their GEDs. Nancy was horrified when the thought occurred to her that the reason the rate of teen pregnancy was so high among the black population was that the women couldn’t resist the giant black cocks of their males. A fate Nancy would no doubt share if she remained in Coxville, if she weren’t pregnant already.
Nancy pulled the van in on the street and shut it off. The curtains on the house across the street were open and Nancy felt tears roll down her cheeks when she saw her mother in the kitchen. Her dad soon appeared, leaning over to sniff whatever her mom was cooking before he kissed his wife on the cheek and strolling over to his recliner before starting to read the paper. Saoirse Flynn Doyle had married Patrick O’Malley when both were in their early twenties. Saoirse was about to turn fifty in a few weeks, but she was Coxville born and bred which meant she had the looks and body of a thirty year old. If Nancy remembered her fourth grade local history, the Irish had come here about a hundred years ago with the Dutch wave arriving earlier. Other waves of immigrants were on the heels of the Irish, all Northern European, German, Danish, Swedish, and even more Dutch. Her mom had an Irish father and a Dutch mother, but favored the Irish with probably the loveliest red hair and brightest green eyes in the County. Nancy favored her Dutch grandmother with blonde hair and blue eyes, but had the fair skin of her mother. Her dad was rather average looking with wavy brown hair rapidly graying. He was good man, stern, but hard working and he loved his family.
Saoirse cocked her head and yelled out. Soon Nancy’s siblings appeared. The O’Malleys were very Catholic and didn’t believe in birth control. They’d lectured Nancy about the sin of premarital sex though Nancy had done the calculations. She was born seven months after her parents were married. Maeve was the first to appear. She was twenty, and looked like her mother. She was living at home while attending college in Coxburg. The eighteen year old twins, Siobhan and Sinead were next. The were wearing COCKS shirts no doubt bound for the big game tonight. They were identical though Siobhan’s hair was reddish-blonde with green eyes and Sinead was blondish-red with blue eyes. Sixteen year old Erin was next, long naturally curly dirty blonde hair a mix of her parents. She wore a COCKS shirt too. The poor girl was endowed with EE breasts already and the O’Malley women’s breasts usually kept growing until they were twenty and usually added another cup size with pregnancy. Flynn was the last. The fourteen year old boy bore a strong resemblance to his father. Nancy strongly suspected her “every sperm is sacred” father had gotten a vasectomy as soon as he got a son. Two older sisters were absent. Twenty-two year old Ciara had met and married an Irish man on a trip to the Emerald Isle three years ago and moved in with him. She was pregnant with her second child. Last was Sofie, named after her Dutch grandmother. She was a bit of a black sheep and not just because she had raven dark hair and bright blue eyes. She’d moved to Los Angeles and was making a living as a model actress. Patrick didn’t approve of her work though. Her Coxville breasts got her cast as bimbos in bad B movies or as background scenery in television shows set in popular beach areas. Sofie had once confessed that she got weekly offers to pose nude and occasional offers to make adult movies. Sofie seemed to think the offers were amusing, but she had a no nudity policy.
Tears flowed freely down Nancy’s cheeks now. If god and the church forgave her, she might see them again, but who knows how long that might be?
Nancy was still sobbing when some cars pulled up on the street. The twins’ senior boyfriends were in the front seat of a convertible. They honked the horn twice and Nancy saw Siobhan and Sinead start wolfing down their food. A car with novice driver pulled up behind them. Erin’s boyfriend no doubt. Nancy had never met him, but knew he would have been heavily vetted by her father. Nancy started the van’s ignition and pulled away before her sisters came out and spotted it. For some reason, she aimed the van West towards the lake instead of East towards the interstate, the more direct route out of the county.
Nancy tuned the radio station to the local channel. They would be covering the big Coxville v. Bartown game. There was a pre-game show going on now. The one host was discussing whether or not the new Coach Black could pull off a win even though Bartown was favored two to one odds. Nancy had tried out for cheerleader back in high school and had handily been accepted. That was the same year, Principal Long had approved the new uniforms despite Coach Summers’ protests. Nancy had been quite scandalized when she tried on the skimpy new uniforms with their bare bellies and short tops. Many of the other cheerleaders could not have cared less and had no problems showing off some skin. Unfortunately, her dreams of cheerleading came to a crashing end when her football hating father showed up to the game to watch his daughter cheer and saw her in the new uniform. She was forced to quit the squad after one game. Her boyfriend Adrian hadn’t approved either and he grew extremely jealous of all the attention she started getting suddenly from her male classmates including the school quarterback, the most popular boy in high school, but he partied and cursed and Nancy was totally in love with Adrian. A few months later after turning eighteen, she relented to Adrian’s pleadings to go all the way with her. A week after losing their virginity a bus full of evangelicals struck and killed Adrian while he was crossing the road. “Fornication is the Devil’s work” written broadly on the side. Adrian was killed for her sins.
“Forgive me my sins, heavenly father,” she muttered while driving down the quieter roads West. She thought of Linus again her mind filled with the image of the handsome black youth dying horribly for her fornication too. “And forgive Linus Jefferson his sins.” She’d go crazy if she had another death on her conscience. Why god, why had he pulled his big cock out? Because you asked him too, her subconscious reminded her. You wanted to see it, you whore.
Warning beeps sounded from the radio’s speakers causing Nancy to jump. “Warning! There is a flash flood advisory for Western Coxville County.”
Nancy leaned forwards in the driver’s seat and looked up at the sky. Not a cloud in the sky. The stars were particularly bright. The radio had resumed with their coverage of the big game. The first quarter had gotten underway and a COCKS player named Samson West had scored a touchdown. “Go Cocks,” she muttered.
Nancy was heading Southwest now to skirt the lake. It was dark this side of Coxville. The only lights were from the occasional farmhouse or small cluster of trailers. Here and there were some nicer houses along the road. These disappeared as the farmland turned to forest. Then she saw the first streaks of lightning in the sky ahead of her. Some drops of rain hit her windshield. She leaned forwards again. It was strange, but the sky still seemed mostly clear. A few clouds had appeared. The game was still going on East of her with no reports of bad weather.
Nancy passed the Island Vistas of Lake Cox motel. It was a ramshackle dive catering mostly to fishermen during the summer months though most sportsmen favored a nearby campground with a boat launch. Next to the motel was a small campground general store that also sold bait and tackle. It shut down after labor day and was dark inside. The radio paused the game to blare the flash flood warning again. It was hardly raining at all. Nancy half thought she should stop at the motel, but it appeared shut down too and something told her, she wouldn’t be free until she cleared Coxville County and she still had an hour more driving until she reached the county line. The road was wet now and as it passed along a brook that emptied into Lake Cox, she noticed the water was running faster and higher. The drops hitting her windshield turned to a steady patter.
“Breaking News. A slow moving thunder storm has dropped nearly three inches of rain on the borders of… {Static} county and Coxville County. There is a flash flood advisory. Travelers are urged to seek shelter and stay off the roads. This has been a special breaking weather report. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.” “…amson West scores again! That boy is on fire tonight! Which is more than I can say for quarterback Todd White.”
“Damn!” she muttered, crossing herself for her blaspheme. It was raining harder now. She was only miles from the county line. Large puddles were forming. As she got closer it was getting darker and raining harder. Then she saw the flashing lights ahead. The signs were blocking the road out of Coxville County with “road closed” written across them and a detour sign that would make her turn around. She pulled off the side of the road and shut the van down, but kept the radio on to hear the game. She took her cross in her hands and said a brief prayer for guidance, but the only thing that came to her was, “Blessed is the man, who remains steadfast under trial.” She must remain steadfast! She would go forth and persevere. Hopefully, the flooded roads would not be too bad. Nancy turned the key in the ignition and the electrical systems went haywire, gages moving up and down. The radio announcer’s voice grew fainter and fainter until the radio died. The convent’s van lost all power.
Nancy sat there in shock for several minutes. It was almost like some force was trying to prevent her from leaving the county. She gripped her crucifix tightly in her hands and mumbled the lord’s prayer. When she finished, she tried the ignition again, but the van wouldn’t start or turnover though some of the lights flickered so the battery had some power. Nancy opened the door and stepped out into the rain. It was a downpour now and she quickly became soaked. The lord was testing her just as he tested JOB. Even as she started walking forwards to slip between the road closed sign, the wind rose up blowing hard against her wet habit. She had to clutch her cowl tightly to her head for fear it would blow off. It was looking more and more like she would have to sleep in the van. She bowed her head and prayed to the lord for help.
The headlights appeared just as she finished her prayer. They were coming slowly from the closed flooded road across the county line. The wind and rain, the occasional flash of lightning and thunder combined with the slowly approaching car felt like something out of a horror story to the young nun and she crossed herself again.
She crossed the road quickly to get out of the car’s way. Her black habit wasn’t exactly a safe nighttime outfit for drivers to spot easily. The car slowed as it approached her and the window came down. “Well hello, Sister,” said a voice from inside the car. He had a Louisiana accent. Lightning flashed to reveal a fairly handsome black man behind the wheel. His shirt was open at the chest showing off his hard pectorals. The man was also dressed a little strangely with armbands and a necklace that had a tribal appearance about them. “Need a ride?” he continued.
Nancy was taken aback at the sight of a black man. Patrick O’Malley had driven the lesson home to her as a young teen that she was never to take a ride from strangers especially black men for they all were desperate to seduce innocent young white women. Racist yes, but his views seemed to be shared by all the other adults she knew. The white citizens of Coxville seemed desperate to keep whites and blacks as separated as possible. Yet this might be the only car that came along down this road all night. “Yes, please,” she asked.
“The electrical systems in the van went crazy on me.”
“Could be several things, but most likely the water pump. You’ll need a mechanic for that.”
“Damn!” she muttered. He looked at her in surprise. “Forgive me,” she apologized. He smiled and seemed amused. “I’m Sister Nancy.”
He held his hand out for her and she shook it. Nancy let her eyes roam up his bare arm. The black man was very fit and she found his muscles impressive. The tribal jewelry made him look dangerous like a sexy jungle beast. Her dad may have warned her about accepting rides from black men, but he had also warned her that you shouldn’t pick up hitchhikers. Big guy like this probably has a big cock, she thought, her eyes flickering down. Sure enough the fat outline of a large male phallus ran down one pant leg. Maybe Mr. Despre was the one in danger here? Jesus! What had Linus Jefferson turned her into?
“How did you get through?” she asked
“Had to go slow, but I just made it without the engine flooding. Waters are rising though.”
“I was trying to get to a convent in New Orleans.”
“I live in Miami, but was asked to deliver a special case of wine to New Orleans. I thought I’d take a detour on the way home when Papa Shango threw up this weird storm.”
“New Orleans to Miami via Coxville County? That’s quite the detour Mr. Despre.” Nancy wondered who Papa Shango was.
“It’s hard to explain, Sister. I felt a disturbance emanating from here last night. A strange wave of energy like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
“Really?” She raised one eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. “You a Jedi or something?”
Despre chuckled. “No Sister, I’m an Obeah man.”
“Obeah man?”
“Yes, a priest of Damballah.”
Nancy felt an electric shock followed by a shiver of excitement course through her body at that name. She was naked, but for her cowl kneeling before a huge muscular bearded black man, his mighty cock rising up towards her lips. She vaguely remembered dreaming about such a man last night and she’d awoken aroused. It had almost prepped her for her encounter with Linus that afternoon. “Damballah,” she said, the word sounding good coming from her mouth.
“Yes, what you’d know better as voodoo.”
“You’re a VOODOO priest!”
Despre smiled again. “Relax Sister, you’ve nothing to worry about. We’re not all voodoo dolls and black magic. Ours is a peaceful religion that wishes to live in peace and harmony with one another and nature.”
Nancy relaxed a little. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. At the convent we only learn about the bible’s teachings which is good enough for me.”
Despre smiled again. He seemed nice, but certainly had a cocky attitude. “Hopefully Sister, before we part ways, I’ll have left a very deep impression in you of what exactly a priest of Damballah can do. Voodoo and it’s magic has certain perks that your religion does not.”
Nancy squeezed her thighs tightly together, but could still feel trickles or arousal running from her womanhood. Her nipples were hard little pebbles too. This had started the first time Despre had said the name of his god and worsened each time she heard the name. “What perks exactly does a Priest of Damballah have?” She sucked her lower lip into her mouth to keep from moaning. She had the distinct feeling that simply chanting the name Damballah over and over again had the power to make her cum.
“Perks of a very sexual nature, Sister,” answered Despre.
“Mr. Despre!”
He laughed. “It’s true Sister. Where your religion represses sexuality, mine revels in it drawing strength from the mating of man and woman. There is great power in sexual orgasms with both sexes. If you‘d like I can show you?”
Nancy was aghast. “Mr. Despre! I am a nun of the Sisters of Mercy convent. I have taken a solemn vow of celibacy!” Nancy paused feeling hypocritical. She’d broken her previous vow and had only reiterated it about six hours ago. However, she fully intended to keep this one.
Despre nodded his head in understanding. “I understand Sister, but if you change your mind and wish to be a woman for just one night, let me know.”
Nancy had never been so appalled in her life. She had never encountered such gumption in a man since… since… since Linus Jefferson this morning. “Now see here, Mr…” She was interrupted by the radio.
“I’ve just received an important update from the National Weather Service for Western Coxville County. The storm continues to be practically stationary and is steadily dumping rain by the bucket. All roads leaving Coxville from the West are reportedly flooded. Lake Cox and all it’s tributaries are swelling well above normal levels. State police have urged everyone to stay off all roads West of Lake Cox. Travelers are advised to seek immediate shelter. That’s the latest from the National Weather Service and if you’re here with me, I know it seems crazy folks. It’s a beautiful night here in Coxville though if I were playing for Bartown, I might be praying this game would get rained out. That West boy is dynamite. I‘ve never seen a player so motivated…”
Despre and Nancy looked at each other in alarm. The rain was pounding on the windshield so hard now, the wipers could barely keep up. The black man looked straight ahead trying to see through the blinding rain. The car slowed as it hit a big puddle and Despre pulled to the side to avoid going deeper. The car hydroplaned and ran onto the side of the road. He hit the brakes to stop forward momentum and put the car in park. “Umm, maybe we should just wait here until the rain slows.”
There was a flash of lightning illuminating their surroundings and Nancy recognized where they were. “Mr. Despre, there’s a motel up ahead just about a half mile. If we can make it there..”
“Right Sister. Lets go.”
Nancy sighed with relief. She didn’t want to be trapped in a car alone with Despre. The man had a very masculine aura about him and she didn’t trust herself if he made another advance towards her person. Her hopes sank when the car’s tire just spun out in the mud. The car didn’t move at all.
“Damn! We’re not going anywhere. The tires are just digging deeper into the mud whenever I give it gas. Look, I think I can see the motel up on the hill. It should be safe from the waters. We can make a run for it or stay here.”
Nancy closed her eyes and prayed for guidance. “Lets go,” she said. Despre grabbed a hand bag and the two ran out of the car into the pouring rain. Nancy almost lost a shoe in the mud and both were soaked by the time they reached the motel. As they drew closer, Nancy began to have a bad feeling about their shelter. There were no lights on anywhere and as they splashed though the parking lot, the motel sign became clear. It read; CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. “Oh dear god,” cried Nancy, her wet habit clinging to her voluptuous body.
“Wait under the awning, I’ll check the office, but it looks like we’re shit out of luck.” Despre jogged over to the office door while Nancy put her hands together and prayed. She did not want to be trapped in a car with the attractive black man. She looked up just as he jogged back. He was grinning. “We’re in luck. You’re not going to believe it, but there was a set of keys hanging outside for travelers in need of shelter. There was a slot to slip fifty dollars through or whatever you can afford.”
Nancy smiled. Thank god. He’d answered her prayers. “That’s Coxville County hospitality for you, Mr. Despre. Where’s my key?”
“It’s just Despre and there was only one key.”
Nancy’s heart sank. She would have been safer in the car. “Oh,” she whispered softly.
“Lets go check out our room, Sister.”
“Despre,” she called running after him. “I trust you’ll respect my privacy and my position as a servant of the church.” She crossed herself. As long as he kept to his bed and she kept to hers, they would be alright.
Despre fumbled with the old fashioned key as Western Coxville County hadn’t heard of key cards yet. “Sister Nancy, I will respect your wishes whether you choose to follow your beliefs or the needs of your body. Whether or not you experience the perks of a servant of Damballah, is up to you.”
Nancy’s nipples popped out again and a fresh wave of arousal wet her thighs at that word again. “Thank you Mr. Despre, but I choose to remain faithful to my vows…”
“Suit yourself, Sister,” said Despre stepping into the room. He turned when he realized she wasn’t following him.
Nancy was frozen outside the door still getting soaked by the rain. She was staring in dismay at the single bed occupying the room. It wasn’t even a king-sized bed, but a smaller Queen. “Oh no,” she moaned, crossing herself again.
Despre reached out and took her hand. “Fear not Sister, I’ll sleep on the floor.” He gently tugged the wet nun into the room and closed the door. “We do need to get out of these wet clothes before we catch pneumonia. Do you want to shower first?”
With you? Nancy’s breasts pressed hard against the glass shower door as Despre rammed his big black cock home again and again in her slutty pussy. She grabbed the top of the door holding tightly, big Coxville titties mashed against the glass, moaning as his cock brought her to orgasm after orgasm. Nancy shook her head. “No, you go first,” she told him.
Nancy watched him enter the bathroom. He left the door open a crack and she wished it was open wider when he pulled the soaked shirt off over his head. She could just make out the rippling muscles on his back. She turned away. “Ass,” she hissed though clenched teeth. She was sure he had left it open on purpose. Teasing her with his manliness.
Nancy went over to the alarm and turned the radio on. It was already tuned to the local station. “The Coxville Cocks have come away with an upset victory over the Bartown Beaver team. Thanks in part to the outstanding performance by our MVP of the game, Samson West!” Nancy sat up and clapped her hands in delight. “GO COCKS!” she cried, wishing she were in the stands cheering on her alma mater with her blood sisters.
“What’s this about cock?”
Nancy was still excited for her team. “The Coxville Cocks. Our local high school football team just showed the Bartown Beavers who’s boss.” She turned grinning, her smile dropping when she saw the half naked black man. Despre had a hotel towel tied around his waist. Otherwise, he was naked but for a strange silver necklace and armbands around his biceps. His chest was fit and muscular, perhaps the sexiest she’d ever seen on a man. Worse, there was a fat banana shaped bulge outlined beneath the towel. The end of the big bulge ran nearly to the end of the towel almost to his knees. Nancy threw herself to her knees, yanking down the towel. “But this is the only cock I like, big and black” she said taking the huge cock head between her lips.
“Sister… Sister… Are you alright?”
Nancy shook her head to clear it and stood off the bed. The ass was grinning at her. He’d caught her staring at his bulge. “I’m fine. Just fine. I think I’ll take that hot shower now.” Or maybe a cold one, she thought. She snuck past him to the bathroom while he sat on the bed and turned off the radio.
Nancy sighed as she stripped off her habit. The dark fabric was so soaked it felt like it weighed a lot more then normal. She bent over the tub and turned the water on waiting for it to warm up. Naked, she turned and looked at the door. She stepped through it. Despre was naked on the bed shamelessly masturbating his foot long black cock. “I knew you wanted this bad, Sister,” he said, grinning as she straddled him and guided the huge cock head to it’s new home in her soaked pussy.
Nancy turned away from the door. She looked down at her sinful body. Not only were her nipples hard little points, but her entire areola had swollen with her immoral lust. There was a little puddle on the floor between her legs where her arousal was dripping from her vag… no, her wicked needy pussy, as wet as her rain soaked habit. What had Linus Jefferson done to her? Why was her impious mortal form reacting with such lust just being in the presence of the handsome black priest of Dambal… Nancy almost cried out her need as the drips from her pussy turned to a steady trickle.
Her only adornment was her gold cross. She grabbed it, praying for guidance. Not for the first time did she began to have doubts about joining the church. It wasn’t just her newly awakened sexuality either. She didn’t want to wear her habit. She wanted to be dressed like a normal young woman, drinking a beer, and cheering on the COCKS besides her twin sisters and poor top heavy Erin. She stepped into the shower, moaning almost sexually when the hot water struck her back. She grabbed the bar of soap. It was already wet from where Despre had used it earlier on his hard black body. She rubbed it hard over her belly letting it build up a lather then she brought the soap and her lathered hands up to her heavy DD bosom. This soap, this lather, had touched his sexy black chest just minutes earlier. She pinched her nipples, moaning in surprise at how sensitive they were while Despre flicked his tongue over first the left then the right. He stood pressing his soapy wet body tightly against hers. He stared her in the face and she felt her love growing for him even as he grinned, his slippery body sliding down her voluptuous figure, kissing her nipples again, tongue slipping in her navel. She thrust her hips forwards, opening her legs as Despre’s tongue slid along her pussy slit. “Damballah,” she whispered, then “AAAHHHH!” as she came.
Nancy pulled her finger from her pussy in alarm even as the last little squirt of fluid shot from it. She’d orgasmed! Masturbation was but another sin to add to her growing list. At least maybe her orgasm would help calm her down, but instead she felt more lustful then ever. She needed something bigger then her little white finger to satisfy her needs. Nancy grabbed a towel. It wasn’t very big and it was the only one left. “Yes,” she answered, hearing Despre call her name.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I turned off the radio?”
“Certainly, Mr… Despre.” She wrapped the towel around her and exited the door.
“This West kid sounds like he’s dynamite. The press is raving about this upset.”
“His brother, Herc, was a couple years behind me and as good. The COCKS have had some great players, but not been a great team for some time now. Hopefully, the new Coach Black is turning things around.”
Despre turned the alarm radio off and looked up at her, eyes widening in surprise when he glanced at her. His head even nodded slightly in approval of her form. “Here I was feeling depressed about getting stranded, but then I realized that I’m being kept company by your ravishing beauty.”
Nancy blushed as she tucked the towel tight behind her back. It was large enough to cover her breasts, but it barely covered her vagina. If she stood on her toes, she’d be flashing him her beaver. A part of her wanted to do just that, drop the towel even for him, but then the light flashed off her gold cross reminding her who she was. “Mr, I mean Despre, don’t say that, I’m a plain boring old nun.”
“I would argue that all night until you were even redder in the face then you are now.” He smiled as her blush grew even more crimson. “In all honesty, I’ve never seen a white woman with a body as fantastic as yours. You’re as stacked as the black women of Damballah Island.”
FUCK ME! FUCK ME! Nancy nearly stumbled, her mind telling her to fall to her knees, yank off his towel and take his beautiful black cock into her mouth. She calmed herself. “You’re going to be very impressed with the women of Coxville, Mr. Despre.”
“I’m already impressed, Sister, but I think we should get some sleep.” He grabbed a pillow. “No spare blankets?” He asked, looking around.
“You can have the one off the bed. It’s hot in here anyway.” Nancy laid down on the bed deciding to stay on top of the covers.
“The air conditioning doesn’t appear to be working. I’ll be fine.” Despre laid down on the floor and groaned in disproval.
“You alright?”
“Fine Sister, floor’s just hard.”
“This is nonsense. We’re all adults here. We can share the bed, just stay on your side.”
“Well, I won’t argue that,” said Despre. Nancy watched the massive bulge of his penis swing under the towel as her climbed to his feet and slipped onto the bed. “Good night, Sister.”
“Goodnight,” she replied. They both rolled onto their sides facing away from each other. The bed was small and seemed even smaller with Despre’s muscular form sharing it with her. Their rear ends were touching. Despite the exhausting day, she was so wound up, she didn’t think she’d fall asleep quickly and it wasn’t that late in the evening. She assumed the young virile black man would be as wound up too, but then soft snores came from his side of the bed so quickly, she almost felt insulted that he wasn’t even going to try making a pass at her. Despite herself, Nancy’s eyes closed.
Nancy’s eyes opened. She was on her back now, the towel open, her finger had found her pussy again and Despre was standing at the foot of the bed watching her intently. She spread her legs wider, finger working deeper as he watched. His cock was a true behemoth. The black monstrosity rearing up before him in a show of approval for her performance. He was darker skinned then she‘d thought, his frame wider and more muscular, and he had grown a beard. He seemed familiar to her. She was whimpering for him. His head gave her a subtle nod. “Damballah,” she whispered.
Nancy came again and this time it was for real. She could feel the warm fluid coating her fingers. The bearded black man nodded his approval and it filled her body with pleasure that she had pleased him so. He approached her and she reached for his cock, but it was insubstantial and her hand passed right through it. He was insubstantial too. He had walked right through the bed so that his cock could line up with her pussy. She wanted his cock. It filled her with sadness that she could not give herself to him. He looked sad too, sad and angry. He glanced heavenward and held his arms outstretched. She was staring at Jesus on the cross only it was the antique crucifix with the Negroid features that she had prayed to earlier at the convent. Nancy was lucid dreaming both asleep and awake. The dream was bizarre and it made her feel both like an outside observer and an active participant.
The bearded man smiled for the first time, but it was a dark sinister smile. She raised her hips up towards his giant ghost cock noticing that her fingers were still masturbating her pussy for him. He nodded over to the sleeping form of Despre, now on his back. Nancy nodded. She kept fingering herself with her hips lifted off the bed even as her other hand reached down and pulled the sleeping black man’s towel open. She rose and straddled her companion looking back to see if the ghost approved. He was staring off into space, eyes bulging out. His hands came down from the crucified position and grabbed his throat like he was choking. His cock burst, spraying Nancy and Despre with his cum. It was as insubstantial as the rest of him, but she swore when it hit her, there was a slight breeze and afterwards, her skin felt damp. The bearded man’s head snapped to the side like his neck had just broke and he faded away. She felt sad for him.
Nancy slowly came to her senses to the sounds of drums off in the distance. The beat was a steady rhythm, lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub. “Hmmm,” she muttered, opening her eyes. “What’s that?” She reared up in shock. Her head had been laying on Despre’s chest just over his heart. “Oh my!!!” she whispered while wondering, how did I get on top of Despre? Luckily, his head was still turned to the side and he was snoring. With luck, she might slip off him without waking him. He may have been asleep, but his cock was coming to life. Her pussy was dribbling her arousal over his pubes and the base of his cock, she could feel his shaft swelling as it slowly lifted off his thigh.
I need to get him off, I mean get off him, she thought, but when she rose and turned to look down at his chest, she couldn’t stop her hand from coming down to touch his hard muscles. Oh my god! She thought. His body… it’s so sculpted. I’ve only dreamed of someone so sculpted. His skin is so dark next to mine. Her white hand stood out against his dark brown skin. She couldn’t have stopped her hand from wandering down his hard muscular chest if she had tried. The contrast was… sexy… arousing. She’d felt the same with Linus this morning.
Before she got off him, she had to see what the big thing rising between her thighs looked like. She glanced over her shoulder. His cock was a true monster and the tip rose inches above the curve of her ass. Oh god!, she thought. His… thing… it’s so… long… so hard. His cock was perfect, as sculpted as his body. There was one thing odd about it. His cock was a darker color then his skin, dark to the point of being purple like it was stained. Shit! I’m leaking all over him, she thought even as she pushed her dripping pussy lips hard against the thick shaft and let her hips rise, to slide her pussy higher, towards the tip. She had to fight her desire to moan by keeping her mouth tightly shut.
Bump and ridge and bulging vein all slid along her labia and clitoris as her pussy rose up along the shaft. The flared ridge of his head was next and then her labia was opening for the head. God forgive me, but I need to know how he feels inside me. Ow! Ow! Ow! She thought as the big head spread her pussy lips wide open. Wow, he’s so big! Unbelievable! Here was yet another superior black cock poised to fuck her. Up until then, Nancy still half believed she was having yet another sex fantasy, but as the tip of his cock slowly pushed into her, the pleasure she started to feel was way too real.
“WHAAA!!!” Nancy gasped out loud as Despre’s cock thrust up hard into her, pushing deep, but not fully penetrating her. Nancy found herself falling to his chest and then flipping over onto her back. She came down hard on the bed totally surprised with Despre grinning down at her, half his cock still spearing her pussy.
“What do you think you’re doing Sister,” he said teasing her. “I thought you were a chaste and celibate proper girl?”
“I’m sorry,” she hissed, gasping for breath. “I… I couldn’t control myself. “My urges… they.. I’m so… horny.”
“I’m disappointed in you, Sister. Some one has opened up this tight pussy already. I wanted to be the first.”
Nancy sobbed squirming beneath him, but it wasn’t to escape. Her hips were lifting into his cock trying to get more of it inside her. “One of my students… earlier today… fucked me so good… not a whore…couldn’t help myself… not a whore… he was eighteen legal… please Despre… I’m not a whore.”
“Oh, but you will be,” he growled.
“MMMFFF!!!” His lips came down hard on hers. Nancy wasn’t expecting him to kiss her. She stared wide eyed in shock for a few seconds before her eyes slowly closed and she let his tongue in her mouth. She had never kissed a man so passionately before.
Despre broke the kiss and reared up, arching his back as he shoved his cock in balls deep. Nancy’s mouth opened wide in a scream of pleasure. Her hands gripped the bed sheets pulling on them as her legs wrapped around his trim waist. “A woman with a body like this deserves to be fucked,” he snarled. “And fucked well. And fucked often,” he added.
“Despre… wait… I… oh MY GOD!” Waves of pleasure emanated upwards from her pussy as Despre laid down on top of her and started fucking her hard. His cock was like a jack hammer. “OH FUCK! DESPRE! PLEASE!!” This was so sinful, but then anything that felt this good had to be sinful. Her ultimate submission to him was growing inside her womb, but she fought it. “Stop! I’m a good catholic girl!! Nancy turned her face away and gritted her teeth. “Don’t make me cum like this,” she hissed.
He’s not going to stop fucking me! God forgive me! He feels so good! He was on his knees now, holding her hips off the bed as his cock continued to hammer her hungry pussy. How these black men could last so long at such a pace, she’d never know. Her white boyfriend had ejaculated after only a few strokes. Linus had fucked her hard with his powerful black cock. It had dominated her body into surrendering. Despre was the same yet different. His superior cock was dominating her too, but fucking the black priest was way more intimate like fucking a long term lover that knew exactly how to please her. She’d realized that the moment he kissed her. Her thighs wouldn’t stop quivering as his cock thrust in and out between them. She wrapped her legs around him tighter like they were her lifeline to her extreme pleasure. “Oh no,” she grunted. “I’m going to… I’m going to…” He slammed his cock forward and fell on top of her again. “C-CUUUMM!!” she screamed. He held his cock buried in her pussy letting it squeeze and contract around every inch of his shaft. She may have been married to god, but as a woman, she couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with a man that could make her orgasm like this. She gasped, panting for air as the multiple large contractions faded away.
Despre felt the same thing for the lovely young Christian woman writhing beneath him. He reared up again, grabbing the headboard as he continued working his cock on her sopping wet pussy. He’d never had a girl squeeze his cock like this one just had. All that celibacy is wasted on a girl like this, he rationalized.
“OH MY GOD!! PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER!! Screamed the hot young thing beneath him. “DON’T STOP!” He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to ever stop fucking this hot white servant of the Christian god, the oppressor god, the god of the enslavement of his people. I need to make sure this woman is mine, he thought. I gotta keep my shit together or I’m gonna cum hard. Even as the thought hit him, Sister Nancy twisted around on his cock in pure ecstasy. She was on her side, one leg around his waist and one over his shoulder. The cross leaped between her massive Coxville breasts. She was tensing up again. Gotta think of her as just another white bitch milking my dick. “OH! OH!! OH GOD!! F-FUCK!! Y-YES!! YES! FUCK YES!! Y-YES!! YES!! D-DON’T S-STOP_P!! He gritted his teeth. He didn’t plan to stop. He was going to fuck the sexy nun for hours… The wave of sexual energy hit him catching him off guard even as he buried his cock, the first spurt of his hot seed filling her womb. “I’M I’M CUMMING AG-AGAIN” Her pussy was contracting all around his spurting cock again, milking the sperm from his shaft. Despre’s orgasm lasted as long as hers. He looked down at her beautiful face still contorting with the ecstasy of her orgasm. He’d never lost control like this before. He’d never cum like that before. They both kept cumming as the waves of sexual energy engulfed their bodies though she couldn’t sense it like he could. Something big had just happened many miles to the East of them. Something very important to Damballah.
Nancy slowly came to her senses. She felt a chill and the rain was loud. She raised her head and glanced towards the open door to the room. Her black infidel was standing out in the rain buck naked and gazing off in the distance. “Despre?” she called. He turned towards the open door and then looked down the road again before turning to come into their motel room. “What are you doing?”
He picked up his towel and dried off. “What’s East of here?” he asked.
“The town of Coxville,” she replied. “Why?”
“Just curious,” he answered, walking over to the foot of the bed. Nancy was curious too. Coxville was almost two hours East and you couldn’t see the lights from here, but she let it go when he climbed back onto the bed with something in his hand. He grinned down at her. “Baby, you are one hot firecracker,” he told her.
Her slut body was betraying her again. She opened her legs and raised her hips up towards his swelling black cock. “Oh, Oh my,” she moaned writhing a little on the bed. There was still a river of his seed still pouring from her pussy, yet her body craved another load. “You’re amazing,” she told him. “Your dick is so amazing. Again please?”
He laughed and held up a small jar. “We’re not even close to being done,” he told her. Words on the jar read, Waters of Dumballa. “Remember the perks of being a voodoo priest?” He scooped some jelly from the jar. It was purplish black and had a thick consistency. She couldn‘t recognize the smell, but it was delightful. “Here it is.”
“Wait.. What is that supposed to do?” she asked even as he brought the dollop on his fingers down to her left nipple. “OH MY FUUUCCKKK!” she gasped. Her already erect nipple hardened and swelled even as her entire areola puffed up. The erogenous zone in her nipple suddenly felt enhanced by about 100%. “What the…” she panted even as he coated her right nipple, pinching it hard as that nipple swelled up. “OH GOD MY NIPPLES!!!”
“This just makes your sensitive parts drive you to the verge of maddening lust,” he told her, grinning evilly and Nancy wondered if her were indeed Satan for only the devil could have such an affect on her body.
Nancy writhed on the bed. “Uh oh fuck nipples oh oh,” she muttered like a woman possessed. She bent her knees and lifted her entire crotch off the bed. Her sexy belly was undulating with a rising lust. “OH DESPRE!” Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. “IT’S AMAZING! I FEEL SO HOT. SO… SLUTTY… OH FUCK… FUCK ME!!!” She was completely lost to the lust within her. She looked over at the black stud, kneeling on the bed. His mighty cock rising up from his crotch. She licked her lips as she took in it’s glory. “FUCK MY MOUTH.” She demanded. “I WANT TO TASTE YOU!”
“As you… URRRFFF… wish,” he grunted in surprise when she sucked half his cock down her throat. The encounter with her student earlier no doubt training her somewhat for sucking big cock. He pushed forward feeling his cock slide deeper down her throat even as her tongue wiggled the underside of his shaft. The waters of Dumballa never fail to bring out the slut in any girl, he thought, gritting his teeth at her wild enthusiasm. But this one… She’s so pent up with lust… Fuck! She’s goin suck the black off ma dick.
He grabbed the blonde hair on her head and began fucking her throat.
Nancy moaned lustfully around the throbbing living cock sliding in and out of her throat. Oh fuck! She thought. He’s using me like a whore. Like those nigger town whores I try to rehabilitate and it feels so good, so natural and right.
Despre released her head, but she kept slurping. He reached over for the jar of jelly. He scooped another dollop up on his fingers. “Now let’s get your pussy ready.” He reached over and easily inserted his two fingers into her pussy. The lust maddened nun was so horny she bent and lifted her knees so that her pussy was almost facing straight up for his probing fingers.
Nancy slurped on his cock while wondering, what he was doing to her. He coated her entire crotch area with the jelly before removing his fingers. Not that she needed them. The jelly was having the same effect down there that it had on her nipples. Her labia was quivering even as her clitoris swelled up. Everywhere his jelly coated fingers had penetrated, the nerve endings were quivering with intense pleasure. Oh fuck!!!! Nancy started choking on his cock. She needed to scream. Despre knew what was going on and yanked back on his hips until his cock sprang up dripping with her saliva. “I’M CUMMING!” she screamed even as he grapsed her arms and lifted her to her knees. “SO… SO… FUCKING HAAAAARD!!” She was on her knees, legs spread, back resting against him. Her orgasm was enormous and she was shocked to see a stream of fluid shoot from her pussy to splatter on the bed. “OH OH FUCK FUCK F_FUCK” she panted as the stream continued.
“Oh dear,” said Despre in her ear. “Looks like I used too much. “Good girl.” He pushed his cock between her ass cheeks and pulled her had back so that she was looking up into his eyes even though her pupils looked dilated. One hand gripped her neck and the other her wrist possessively. “Be a good Catholic girl,” he whispered. “Cum for me. Don’t stop cumming.” And she did. Even as he spoke more less powerful squirts of her cum were shot from her pussy in a steady stream. “Tonight this pussy, these tits…” He released her and reached around the grab her heavy bosom. She gasped and came again when he pinched her ultra sensitive nipples. “…are mine. Tonight you serve Damballah.” Another spray of fluid shot from her pussy at the mention of Damballah’s name.
He grabbed her neck again and turned her head towards his. She was gasping for air. “Oh Despre, I’m so sore.. So tired… make it stop,” she begged. Her first orgasm from the jelly had been as powerful as any three Linus had given her earlier combined. Cumming so much was exhausting and… addicting. “I’m not a whore, but I feel like I’m becoming one.”
He kissed her on the lips, her lips parting, tongue dancing against his before he pulled back. “I know baby, but you’re so sexy like this. I like it when you look like a whore, my little slut.”
Nancy threw her arms around his neck and gazed lovingly into his eyes. “I’m your little slut?” she asked, liking the idea. She was aware of his hand down between them stroking his cock and she felt bad that he hadn’t cum since she had started sucking him. “Oh god baby, fuck my hungry cunt,” she pleaded as her arousal grew again. “It feels like my pussy won’t stop throbbing and leaking.”
Despre’s evil grin seemed to never leave his face. “And it won’t stop baby, not until I’ve had my fun with you..” He pushed her back and nodded downwards.
Nancy’s eyes moved down his hard sculpted body and she gasped at the sight of his engorged cock, now coated with jelly as he stroked it. “Oh god!” she gasped in lust at the sight. This explained the stained blackness of his cock. He must use the water of Dumballa regularly. Not only was his cock so hard and swollen from the jelly that it looked like he was about to cum, but his entire cock looked even longer and thicker now. “It get’s bigger?” she asked in disbelief. Nancy had never wanted anything more in her life. “Please fuck me,” she pleaded, staring down at his engorged purple shaft. “Fuck me.”
He pushed her down on all fours as he moved behind her. His soaked cock fell between her ass cheeks and her anus started tingling with lust as the jelly slid over it. “This big nigga cock is gonna take you to heaven,” he told her, arrogantly as he slid the hard shaft up and down between her ass cheeks. “Say it my little slut.”
Nancy arched her back and looked over her shoulder. “Take me to heaven with your big nigga cock.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“PLEEEEASE!” Even Nancy was shocked by how quickly Despre yanked his hips back and buried his cock with one hard thrust. He grabbed her hips fucking her hard. Oh my god, he’s not going to stop fucking me. The jelly had made his cock look like it was on the verge of cumming, yet he didn’t seem anywhere close to cumming. His hard thrusts propelled her forwards and she fell flat on the bed with only her ass thrust upward for his ever plunging cock. His cock coated the entire inside of her pussy with the jelly amplifying her pleasure a hundred fold. Her cervix tingled easily opening for the hard knob of his cock head. “AH AH AAH AH UNH AH,” she grunted constantly. The bed beneath their crotches soon grew soaked from the constant spray of her arousal and orgasms she was cumming so much.
Depre’s mouth was beside her ear. “You’re so sexy,” he whispered. “You’re the hottest thing I ever fucked. You were born for black dick, baby. Your sexy white body gonna need some nigga cock somethin regular from now on. You shouldn’t fight it, Sister. You’re a slut for nigga cock.”
Despre pulled back, grabbing her arms and pulling her up with him. Her breasts bounced with each thrust of his cock. I love it so much I can barely breathe, she thought. He’s going to torture me with his cock until I give up everything to him. Despre thrust forward and the first strong blast of his seed filled her womb. Oh fuck!!! He’s cumming in me! She could feel every squirt from his rapidly pumping cock. Her womb felt hot from the warmth of so much semen. There is so much cum pouring into me. More then the first time. “F-FU-FUCK!!!” she screamed. “I C-CCANT S-STOP C-C-CUMMING!” It was too much pleasure for any woman to endure. She grew dizzy and the room faded black. She was finally getting relief from the constant torturous pleasure his still squirting cock was giving her. As Nancy slowly passed out she muttered thanks to the lord, “Praise… Damballah.”
“Dayumn,” growled Despre slowly yanking his engorged cock from the sweet nun’s pussy. It surprised him by sending one last spurt of semen across her ass. The waters of Dumballa (an alternative regional spelling, but then his lord had many names) acted not only as an aphrodisiac for both men and women, but also as a testosterone rub. He’s used it so often, masturbating when there were no willing women around, that it had stained his cock, but it had also enhanced his abilities and his semen production had kicked into overdrive. He’d once donated some sperm to a fertility clinic and the doctors had been astounded by the concentration of sperm and the sheer amount of his ejaculate. Apparently it had impressed the sexy Latina nurse too as he let her get hands on with it later that night. Nancy wanted to slump, but he pushed her ass up, to hold as much of his semen inside her as possible, though it was bubbling up from her pussy like a geyser as he watched. He hoped that the jackass student of hers that had gotten a crack at her earlier hadn’t knocked her up. He wanted to be the one that planted a baby in her belly and hopefully the waters of Dumballa would help. The stuff would have made her extra hormonal too, to the point of dropping quite a few eggs. He left the bed and went to the bathroom, plugging the tub and turning the water on. When he came back, his seed was still leaking from her pussy in a flood…
…A flood! Nancy felt like she was drowning in the white viscous sea surrounding her. Her heavy garments were pulling her under so she yanked off her habit as quickly as possible watching the black cloak quickly sink disappearing beneath the flood of sperm that had destroyed the world, drowning all the wickedness of man. Just when she felt the last of her strength draining from her and thought she would soon be joining her discarded habit, the boat appeared. The ark was as massive as it had appeared in all the illustrations she’d ever seen of it. A ladder was thrown over the side and her sperm soaked naked body slowly made it’s way up the side of the massive boat. She fell to her knees, kissing the deck in her relief and joy. She looked up, expecting to see two of every animal, giraffe heads sticking out of the roof, elephant trumpets, anything, but there were nothing but snakes, black snakes of all shapes and sizes slithering around the deck, thousands of them, millions even. Nancy reared back in alarm, scrambled to her feet and moved towards the prow of the ship. There a dark figure in a shepherd’s cloak was leaning over the side. “Noah!” she gasped, falling to her feet, still covered with sperm. The figure turned, his robe was open and his black body was covered in enormous muscles as was the enormous muscle between his legs. The huge black cock was hard and aimed over the side of the railing, spitting out semen like a fire hose at full blast. The kneeling woman looked up as the bearded black man turned to face her. She spread her arms out beseechingly as the strong spray of semen showered down upon her body coating her in even more of his seed. The spray moved down hitting her torso and she reached up to clear the sperm from her eyes even as the black man moved closer. He was grinning, pleased with her, and she grinned back even as the enormous cock between his legs rose back up towards her face, but it was no longer a cock, it was a giant black snake that opened it’s jaw wide, fangs dripping with white venomous sperm. The snake lunged at her, the head completely engulfing her face.
Nancy sputtered like she was being smothered and Despre pulled the washcloth from her face. Shower water struck her face again and her head turned up towards it, mouth open as if thirsty. He lifted her back, sliding her more upright in the tub and out of the water‘s spray. She struggled, but seemed to be dreaming in her semi-comatose state. He ran the soap all over her body and couldn’t help but spend some extra time on her giant white bosom even to the point his spent cock swelled some, swelled but didn’t rise. The last session had drained him almost as much as it had her and he wanted nothing more then to collapse on the bed, but he thought he’d clean the lovely Sister Nancy up first. He’d gotten her skin pretty clean, but there was little he could do about the constant cloud of white drifting out from between her legs in the water. “Ma shits gonna be leaking out for days,” he muttered, finally satisfied that she was clean. He moved the wet rag down between his legs and cleaned his junk off while he let the water drain. Despre stretched out to reach a towel and dried Nancy off as best her could before lifting her and carrying her back to the bed. He laid her down, muttering “Dayumn! In awe of her amazing body before laying down next to her. If the rest of the women of Coxville were anything like her, he was gonna love it here, he thought before falling asleep while spooning her hot body.
“Oh… Oh where am I?” asked Nancy as she slowly woke up. She was naked but for the large gold cross that constantly dangled down between her bosom. She never removed it. She glanced over and saw the sleeping black man next to her and the memories of last night came flooding back to her. “Despre,” she whispered. “He and I… we had… What would the mother superior say?” She’d be speechless with disappointment, that’s would she’d be. Nancy struggled to her feet, her entire body was weak and sore. My legs are so weak, I can barely walk, she thought limping towards the window. It was still raining and raining hard.
“Well look who’s up,” said Despre sitting upright in the bed. “Why don’t you come back to bed, Nancy and we can go at it another round or two.”
Nancy whirled on him a little angrily even as her nipples hardened at the mere suggestion of her getting some of that nigga cock inside her again. “Now see here, mister. It’s Sister Nancy and even though we did some… fun things together last night, it doesn’t make me any less a woman dedicated to the lord.” Shameless of her nudity, Nancy walked over to the open jar of jelly and scooped up a dollop with her fingers. She stared at the purplish jelly. “I am still a woman of faith devoted to serving god.” She licked her fingers tasting the jelly. “And when I get back to the convent, I will retake my vow of celibacy before god.” Yet again, she thought, third times the charm. She brought her fingers down between her legs and coated her pussy with the Waters of Dumballa. Her clit immediately began to swell and she felt the arousal growing. “But I am still a woman and a woman with needs and right now, I’m a woman with an itch that needs to be scratched.” She climbed on the bed thrilled to see his huge black cock growing as she approached. The perfect tool for scratching an itch deep inside your womb. “So Despre, won’t you help me? Won’t you scratch it for me? Won’t you make this woman a whore for just one more day?”
One more day only lasted three hours, but that was enough time for the handsome couple to go at it pretty hard. Nancy mounted him and came as she slid down his hard shaft. “My turn to fuck you now, stud,” she growled as she bounced widely in his lap. Despre liked this new and aggressive Nancy especially when she leaned forward and rubbed her breast on his lips until he opened his mouth and started sucking on her nipple. The combination of aphrodisiac jelly and Despre’s giant black cock gave her seven huge orgasm, the final and biggest one when he inseminated her fertile womb yet again with his potent black seed. She sat impaled on his cock for nearly ten minutes slowly catching her breath before rising up off the still hard shaft. His cock fell with a smack against his belly as she slid between his legs and lifted it up towards her mouth. His messy cock smelled and looked funky as she stared it. The monster cock was covered in her orgasms, ropey strands of his semen, and bits of black jelly. She brought the fat head down to her mouth and began to clean it.
Despre moaned and gripped the sheets bucking his hips as Nancy took half his cock down her throat. She knew that the water of Dumballa must be enhancing his pleasure, but she hoped that her cock sucking skills were also growing. She was pleased when a little squirt of seminal fluid shot across her tongue left over from his previous orgasm. It was mouthwateringly good and she wanted more, but she wanted his cock some where else first.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked when she stopped sucking him.
Nancy slid off him and kneeled on the edge of the bed and wiggled her ass for him. Despre winked at her and climbed to his feet. He stood beside the bed and slid his cock back inside her pussy quickly bringing her to another orgasm. “I love your black cock, Despre,” she moaned coming down from her orgasm.
“I know, baby,” he replied. He had kept his cock buried while she came, but was flexing it’s muscle. “You sure you can give it up?”
Nancy’s pussy was tightly hugging every square inch of his foot long cock, feeling every bump, ridge, and bulging vein on it. She even fancied she could feel his pulse flowing through the big shaft. She shuddered and suddenly sniffled a few tears coming to her eyes. “No,” she said, honestly, “but I need to try. I will rededicate my body and soul to the lord.”
“Suit yourself, but if you change your mind…” Despre pulled his cock back until just the head was spreading her pussy lips apart. “This cock is yours whenever you want it.” He plunged it hard back inside her and her insides trembled from another smaller orgasm. He pulled back again and grabbed the base of his cock rubbing the head up and down her labia. “Do you want it now?”
“Yes,” she moaned. “I want it now.”
“Want what, baby?”
“I want your big black nigga cock, Master.. Mister Despre.”
“Here it is then, slut.” Despre pushed his cock in slowly this time and was surprised when she fell forward until his cock plopped out and leaped upwards. She raised herself back up and he brought his cock back down between her folds, but she leaned forwards when he started to push it in. He frowned wondering if the bitch were teasing him. Nancy pushed back until she felt the head of his cock lightly touch her swollen labia, raising and lowering her ass so that his cock head was running up and down her wet slit. He smirked when he realized what she was doing. Nancy pushed his cock head against her engorged distended clitoris and then slid down until his cock head had moved up to her anus. She pushed back with her ass against his hard shaft. “This what you want then, baby?” he asked pushed forward.
“UNH!” she gasped as her rosebud stretched out around Despre’s superior black cock. “YYEESS!” she hissed as it penetrated her. “FUCK MY ASSSSS!!”
Despre was a little disappointed she took him so easily. She’d done this before. The little shit from yesterday had beaten him again. The voodoo priest was going to have to find his own Coxville woman or two to introduce to the pleasure of a big black cock. “So you like it in the ass, huh?”
“Yes,” she sobbed. “I want it bad. I was hoping that you’d just take it. I feel like such a slut asking for it.”
Nancy felt Despre slowly withdrawing his cock, her body pushing back to keep it inside her, but it plopped free. “No,” she whined. “Please put it back in.”
“I will my good Sister,” said Despre. He reached over for the jar of berry jelly and scooped up a dollop for the tip of his cock. His golf ball sized cock head swelled even bigger as it began to tingle and he had to stifle a moan. Only years of experience with the stuff kept him from cumming right then and there. He left a lot of extra jelly on top the head , but before sticking it back in, he brought his dripping fingers down to her little rosebud, coating it before pushing his slick fingers inside her anus. Nancy gasped when she realized what he was doing. Despre lined his cock head back up and watched her rosebud open wide as his cock head slowly pushed inside. Nancy howled like a dog as the jelly began to enhance the pleasure his cock was giving her. “Well my little sodomite, just remember that your student is just a teenager and I’m a man.” Despre rammed his cock deep and began fucking her ass hard, pounding his cock home again and again. Nancy never stopped howling. He fucked her so hard, she began to slide forward and he had to climb on the bed to kneel pulling her hips back into his ever thrusting cock. Despre grabbed her arms and pulled her back and up into his lap. His cock was nearly completely buried in her anus. She was still howling, her own hands were on her breasts, pinching and squeezing her hard pointy nipples quite roughly. Her howls grew louder and then her cum was spraying all over his scrotum completely soaking his huge ball sack. Despre felt his own cum welling up in his balls. He pushed her forward so that her head fell to the mattress with her ass stuck up in the air. He pumped her anus rapidly another couple dozen times before his own orgasm flooded her bowels.
Despre withdrew his cock, staring with interest at her anus, now a quarter sized open hole, dark one second, then white as his sperm welled up and began to pour from her ass. It dribbled down to her pussy, itself still leaking his semen from their earlier fuck. The good Sister seemed out of it, semi-comatose again. He stepped back and gather up the jar of jelly off the bed, putting the lid back on it. The stuff wasn’t plentiful to begin with and now with some production going to make the Diabolique Wine, it was rarer still. As a priest of Damballah, he was allowed an allotment, but he and Sister Nancy had gone a little overboard with it. Despre gathered his things and went to the bathroom. It was hard urinating with an erection. He had to bend over the toilet and push his hard shaft down towards the bowl. His cock wouldn’t go down for awhile yet unless he cleaned off any remnant of the jelly. He turned on the shower and hopped in the tub.
Despre had lathered up his chest and was soaping his hard shaft to the point he was starting to masturbate.
Nothing unusual, he was addicted to jerking off with the jelly. Just a little bit mixed in with some Vaseline or hand lotion was enough to give him an amazing orgasm. The hormonal jelly had increased the size of his cock by an inch not to mention his testicle size and sperm production, but it had permanently stained his cock a purplish-black. He threw his head back and was jerking off when the curtains opened and Nancy joined him in the tub.
She stood looking at him before reaching down and taking over the slow jerking of his cock. Nancy reached out with her other hand and touched his hard chest, spreading her fingers apart. “It’s so sexy,” she muttered. “The contrast,” She ran her hand over his chest feeling his hard muscles, her other hand automatically increasing it’s speed back and forth along his shaft.
“We’re a sexy couple,” he told her, reaching around her back and pulling her entire body against his chest. He moved his lips down even as hers came up and they exchanged the most passionate kiss of either of their lives. He broke the kiss much to her disappointment and spun her around, pulling her back against him. She reached back and grabbed his cock again still stroking him from behind as he brought the bar of soap around to her front and began lathering up her big breasts. Nancy moaned leaning hard against him as the soap bar ran over her nipples. Her hand jerked him off faster. Despre leaned down and kissed her neck while he continued to soap her up. Nancy slid down his hard body until she fell to her knees spinning around to take his cock in her mouth. The shower had cleaned all the lather off and she immediately began bobbing her head as fast as she could over the tip of his shaft while jerking off the base. Despre moaned and held her short wet blonde hair while she lovingly worshipped his cock. After a good fifteen minutes of this, his over productive balls emptied a big wad of sperm into her mouth which she gulped down while moaning in lust over the taste. The second mouthful caught her off guard and she gagged on the big load losing control. His cock sprang free of her mouth and shot a big load over her face and another on her chest and another on her chest and another in her open mouth and she regained control and sucked the last few wads down her throat. “Well, it looks like I have to clean you off again,” he said when she climbed back to her feet.
Nancy presented the bar of soap, but before he could start cleaning her off, she hefted her big breasts and began slurping some cum off her own nipple. Nancy released her breast before arching her back and presenting her torso for Despre to clean again. When he was finished, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately again for a good long while as the shower water splattered all over them.
The two lovers dressed. Both were quiet and sad that their amazing evening had come to an end. For some reason, Nancy decided to forgo her modest undergarments. In the future, she thought she might purchase sexier lingerie to remind her that she was a woman even if she was dedicated to god. Her habit was still damp and it clung sexily to her voluptuous body. It felt more confining then normal and she began to hate it.
“I’ll run the room key back,” she said. Despre looked up like he was about to protest, but instead he just shrugged and let her leave. Nancy found out why a few minutes later. A peg board outside the office displayed keys for all the rooms in the motel with the exception of their room until she hung the key up. Despre had lied to her. They could have slept in separate rooms. She felt no anger. Instead, she smiled. No regrets. She decided not to say anything. She could see some bills inside through the money slot so at least he had paid for their room.
A passing redneck in a pickup truck stopped when he saw a nun standing by the car. He frowned when he saw the strangely dressed black man with her, but helped tow Despre’s car out of the mud. He refused money for helping them. Soon they were on their way to Coxville.
Nancy stayed silent for a good hour of their drive East. She held her eyes closed and prayed for guidance and thought of her wanton actions over the last 24 hours. She felt remorse for breaking her vows, but not for what she had done. Trying to come to grips with her actions made her picture Linus and Despre in her mind which made her picture the two black men naked which made her picture their huge cocks sticking out from their hard bodies which made her picture their huge cocks doing things to her naked body which made her nipples hard and her pussy wet. She opened her eyes and glanced over at Despre. She stared at his sexy black skin, the muscles rippling in his arms and the long swollen bulge running down one pant leg.
“It’s yours whenever you want it,” he said softly without glancing at her.
“Thank you,” she answered not knowing what else to say though “take me with you” and “I want it now” came to her mind.
“I plan to stick around for awhile and could use a place to stay. I don’t suppose I could stay with you?”
Nancy laughed. “At the convent?” She laughed again. “We have a house for visiting priests. If you were a priest you could stay there,” she suggested not seriously.
“I am a priest,” he reminded her. “I’d need a dark suit.” He seemed to be actually considering it.
“I’m sure there’s a spare collar at the house,” she said, thinking they were playing a game, but realizing he wasn’t when she saw the thoughtful look on his face. “You’d need a cross too,” she quickly added.
Despre sighed. “Sorry, but that I will not do.”
They drove silently for another hour as they neared the outskirts of Coxville. “The convent is outside the town on a hill. Stay straight for another few miles then turn left at the stoplight.” She sat back and pondered what she would tell the mother superior. The right thing to do would be to confess her indiscretions. The church could punish her, send her off to be cloistered somewhere away from the temptation of the black cock.
“Mind if we take a detour?” he asked. “How do I get to the main street?”
“Turn right at the light instead of left. You can follow the sign for downtown Coxville. What are you looking for?”
“There’s an old oak tree in front of city hall. It’s a holy site to my religion. I’d like to see it.”
Nancy found that interesting and a little alarming. Why would their be a pagan holy site in Christian Coxville. Then she remembered something disturbing. “I’m sorry Despre, but I believe the oak was struck by lightning several nights ago and destroyed.” He looked stunned at her news and she added another, “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” he whispered, a tear running down his cheek. He wished he hadn’t put off his pilgrimage to the site of Prospero Black’s hanging for so long. He’d missed his chance. “Several nights ago?”
“Yes. No one saw it but the storm was around midnight Thursday night. Why?”
“It’s nothing,” he replied and made the turn at the light to head to main street Coxville. Midnight Thursday was when he’d first felt the wave of sexually charged energy that had prompted him to make the detour to Coxville only to find the lovely stranded and desperate nun. Despre smiled thinking that the tree’s destruction might not be such a bad thing. He remembered the waves of sexual energy that had hit him when he was having sex with Sister Nancy last night too. Something big was going on here in Coxville.
Despite his belief that the tree’s destruction might be Damballah’s will, he couldn’t help crying when he saw the lightning blasted spot in front of city hall. The ground was still torn up and the root system was sticking up. The mighty truck was largely gone, cut up by chainsaws.
“Strange, but we normally don’t get lightning storms this time of year,” said Nancy. “And now two in a few nights.”
“I’m rather glad for the one last night,” replied Despre, winking at her. His reminder of their activities causing the fair skinned nun to blush.
Nancy watched him walk over to a landscaping pickup truck nearby. A couple of Latino gardeners were taking lunch sitting in the shade of some bushes. Nancy could understand a little Spanish and caught some of their animated discussion about the Cocks/Beaver game from last night. Meanwhile, Despre was going through some of the oak tree’s branches that they had thrown in the back of the truck. He broke off a couple sticks. One was maybe half a foot long and the other a little shorter. She assumed he was just keeping a relic of his holy tree.
“Is there a thrift store nearby?” he asked.
“Yes, several. One within walking distance. It’s a Catholic charity and we help raise donations for it.”
“Excellent,” said Despre with a smile. He seemed to have perked up. She watched as he removed one of his leather armbands from around his big bicep while they walked to the store. Strangely, he ripped it apart into several thongs. Nancy waited outside eager to get back to the convent. The longer she was gone, the harder it would be to explain her absence. Despre came out of the store close to a half hour later. “What do you think?” he asked.
“Very handsome and distinguished,” she said approvingly. He was wearing a dark suit and shirt with no tie. She missed seeing his biceps though.
“Lets get you home.” They returned to his car and headed back the way they had come. Nancy got more nervous the closer they got to the convent. She was shaking a little when they got to the produce stand at the bottom of the long driveway. “Where’s this house for visiting priests?” he asked.
“Oh, over there,” she told him. He turned down that lane and drove up to the house. “You can’t stay here, Despre. I was joking.”
“This will suit my purposes nicely,” he replied, ignoring her. He tried the door, found it unlocked, and slipped inside.
“Despre! Despre! Come out,” yelled Nancy standing at the front door. “You can’t stay here,” she hissed.
Nancy jumped startled. She turned and saw the mother superior making her way down the hill off the road. “Ah..uh, Mother Superior,” she acknowledged, bowing to her superior as the woman approached.
“Just where have you been? We’ve been worried sick. We scoured the convent and when the van was reported missing, I called the sheriff and state police. Just what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m afraid that’s my fault, Mother Superior,” said Despre coming from the house. “My car got stuck in the mud last night and I called the convent for assistance. Sister Nancy answered the phone and offered to come get me.”
“I see,” said the older nun staring at the black man. Nancy turned and glanced at Despre. Her eyes widened when she saw he’d found and attached a priest’s collar to the dark suit. A primitive wooden cross hung from his neck. He’d fashioned it from the oak’s branches and bound it with the leather straps he’d had around his arms. Apparently this was a cross he was willing to wear. “Then where is our van?” asked the Mother Superior turning to Nancy.
“I-I’m afraid it broke down near Des.. Father Despre’s car,” she answered. “He thinks it’s the water pump.”
“It’s given us trouble before. I’ll have someone from the garage tow it. We’re just grateful you’re in good health. You must have had quite the night, Sister?”
“Uh.. Yes, quite.”
“Well it looks like Father… Despre is it?” She bowed her head towards the visiting priest. “It looks like Father Despre took very good care of you Sister.”
“H-he D-did, Mother Superior.” Nancy felt the blush returning to her cheeks.
“By god’s grace we broke down near the motel on the county line,” said Despre. “It was closed, but the owner left keys to the rooms outside for travelers. Thank god.”
“Thank god and the good folk of Coxville,” replied the Mother Superior. “Will you be staying with us, Father Despre?”
“If it’s not an imposition. I’d like to do some historical research on the plantation and the convent.”
The older nun raised an eyebrow. “Interesting coincidence, a local reporter, Mrs. Kindle is interested in our history too. She contacted me just yesterday.”
“I’ll be sure to look her up,” said Despre.
“And I’m sure you can stay here as long as you’d like. Father Robinson oversees the convent and is due for a visit, but I’m sure he won’t mind the company. If there’s anything you require, let me know.” Mother Superior turned back towards the convent. “Come along Sister Nancy.”
“Wait, Reverend Mother,” interjected Despre. “I might need some assistance with my research from time to time. I’d like Sister O’Malley if that’s possible.”
“Provided it doesn’t interfere with her duties and her teaching, Father Despre,” said the Mother Superior with a gracious nod. “You may use her as often as you’d like.” She turned and headed towards the convent.
“Actually, Sister O’Malley, I could use your help now dealing with a hard problem I’m having.”
A disbelieving Nancy followed Despre inside the house and soon found herself riding his hard cock in the priest’s bed. They’d striped quickly. She’d pulled the habit off, but had had kept the wimple and veil covering her head. She rode Despre’s cock to several orgasms as he toyed with her enormous breasts. Nancy might just have to put off retaking her vow of chastity until Despre moved on. Then she remembered Linus and his promise of introducing her to some of her other student’s black cocks. Yes, I’ll need to delay retaking my vows for awhile, she thought imagining the pleasure two black cocks could provide. I’m going to really pay for this later, she thought as she came, her Catholic guilt asserting itself. And I’m going to pay for that one, she thought cumming again. And that one…
Copyright 2015 by Stormbringer
Note: The following is based upon scripts I wrote for the Pit at www.johnpersons.com known as “The Two Hot Blondes” series. Two Hot Blondes Hunt For Big Black Cock which takes place in this story includes some of my script, but the story is largely written by the artist, Pit. At this point, the Coxville universe is growing larger and larger with multiple authors and artists telling their stories set in this universe. Like a real comics universe it’s becoming hard to tell what is canon and what isn’t, but that’s alright, everyone has the right to tell their own stories as far as I’m concerned. Recently Sir Sinn wrote the story of Sister Nancy’s seduction followed by a sequel written by Thickwil. Within a week, Rabies T Lagomorph wrote a short Sister Nancy comic not connected with the two stories. With Rabies’ permission, I am including a story version of his comic here with some changes made to reconcile it with the two stories because I wanted to include elements of his comic in this story. Curse 3 also overlaps with Housewives of Coxville County and this story will reference some events from that story. Curse 3 also references several pinups drawn by the Pit.
9/27/09 Sister Nancy
Note: This story is based on the comic “Faith Exchange” by Rabies T Lagomorph
It follows the events in “Sister Nancy of Coxville County” by Sir Sinn and “Sister Nancy of Coxville County 2” by Thickwil.
Her knuckles whitened as she clutched the crucifix in her hands. She prayed for forgiveness. She prayed for guidance. “Lord forgive this sinner,” she muttered. She released the crucifix, letting it fall back to her habit, but keeping her hands together. “Forgive this sinner. Forgive this sinner,” she muttered rocking as she prayed on her knees.
Sister Nancy O’Malley had sinned before god. She was a fornicating whore. Her body had betrayed her. Even as she prayed, her sinful body was sending pangs of arousal through her soul as her mind kept wandering to Linus Jefferson and the huge black phallus that had given her so much pleasure earlier that day. The arousal turned to a trickle, slowly sliding down her inner thigh. Or was it just more of the black man’s voluminous load of semen still leaking from her womb? Her mind filled with the image of his huge black male phallus… COCK! His big black cock!… It came in her mouth. It came in her womanhood… PUSSY! Her horny white pussy! The trickle of arousal turned to a stream. Her plain white panty was soaked now. He would return and her body would not resist him. Her body wanted him again. SHE wanted him again. She knew she had committed a horrible sin earlier that day, but her mind couldn’t stop thinking about him. Linus Jefferson had taken possession of her body, her mind, and also, she feared, her soul. Her black student had mentioned introducing her to his friends and that thought excited her body even more. The stream of arousal turned to a flood. “Please lord,” she begged, her knuckles turning even whiter as she clenched her hands together. The verses came into her head even as she prayed.
“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Nancy repeated Matthew 26:41 several times before adding, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:13.
The peace and well being of god flooded her body as the answer came to her. She must remove herself from the temptation. She must leave the convent before Linus Jefferson returned and she sinned again. The young Coxville native had broken her vows to the holy church and the Sisters of Mercy. Nancy recited her vow of chastity once again, promising to be faithful to god and to the church. She prayed she wasn’t pregnant already for Linus Jefferson had ejaculated what had felt like a liter of his evil seed into her womb. She needed to be punished for her sins. She needed to confess, but not here. Nancy would leave the convent and confess her sins far away from Coxville County.
Satisfied, Nancy opened her eyes and found herself staring up at Jesus. The statue of Jesus was carved from a single piece of oak, nearly life sized, and old. Real nails had been driven through the palms to hold him to the cross. The paint was flaking off, his white skin seemed to be chipping away making him appear darker. The statue was strange for a depiction of Jesus. The body was more muscular than most depictions of Christ. His nose was flat making him look vaguely Negroid as he cast his eyes heavenwards.
“Magnificent, isn’t he?”
The voice startled Nancy and she nearly jumped out of her cassock. Nancy recognized the mother superior’s voice and didn’t turn around even as she continued to stare up at the old statue. “Yes, mother superior,” she answered. “Though I’ve always felt it an unusual depiction for such an old statue.”
“Yes, quite,” said the older woman calmly. “Nearly 150 years old. It was carved from a branch that fell off the giant oak in front of city hall after a lightning strike by one of our sisters.”
Nancy rose off her knees and turned to face the mother superior. “Didn’t I read in the Coxville Times that the oak was destroyed by lightning last night?”
“Yes, quite the coincidence,” smiled the older nun. “It’s nice to see you feeling better Sister Nancy, but you should be resting. We want you feeling better by Monday for your English class.”
“Yes, of course,” said Nancy, following the mother superior out of the chapel. Nancy turned to look back at the statue of Jesus one last time. “Which sister carved the statue?” she asked out of curiosity.
The Mother Superior stopped in her tracks and turned to face the 24 year old Coxville native. “Sister Samantha Small,” she answered. “A daughter of the Cox family. Both she and her sister Elizabeth were given to our care by their father. They had apparently committed some grievous sin.” The two women started walking again, as the older nun continued. “Sister Elizabeth repented, but Sister Samantha was more… difficult. She atoned for her sins by spending years carving out that fine statue of our lord.”
“How interesting,” said Nancy, now wishing she had spent some time learning more about the history of the convent. “Still the appearance is unusual.”
“Yes quite, but Sister Samantha claimed that her hand was guided by the lord as she carved. Who is to say that her vision of the savior is incorrect?”
“Thank you Reverend Mother,” said Nancy stopping near the hallway to her quarters. “but I do need to rest and I don‘t think my stomach could handle supper.”
“Good night, Sister Nancy. I’ll tell the other Sisters you’re still ill. I’ll see you at morning prayers.”
“Good night, Reverend Mother.” Nancy turned and headed to her quarters. She listened to the footfalls of the Mother Superior walk away. She was a good woman and Nancy felt even more ashamed for breaking her vows to the holy church. She crossed herself as soon as she entered her room. This time Nancy looked up at the more traditional crucifix on her wall and recited her vow of chastity once again before it. She felt the courage of her convictions grow as she did so. The young nun smiled and straightened her back. She would keep her vows this time, provided she removed herself from the temptations of the flesh that were represented by the devilish black cock that rose rampant from between the legs of Linus Jefferson.
Nancy O’Malley had little possessions which meant she had little to pack. By little possessions, she meant nothing but her habit, her cross, and a small personal allowance of cash that totaled less the fifty dollars. By little to pack, she meant nothing, but shoving her money into her habit. Nancy turned and opened her door slightly, peeking out to make sure the hall was empty. At this time in the evening, the other Sisters would be in the refectory dining. She could hear an echo of the Reverend Mother saying grace before the evening’s meal. Nancy frowned surprised she wasn’t hungry, but then her belly was full of a black man’s sperm and it had been a very satisfying meal. She scrunched her eyes closed, brow furrowed as she fought off another wave of desire for the black man. Nancy crossed herself again and proceeded on, more sure now then ever that she was on the correct path to forgiveness and redemption. She had to get out of the county before it was too late.
The keys were hanging in the foyer by the front door. She snatched them and quietly opened the front door. Stealing the convent’s van was less a sin the breaking her vows and fornicating. Besides, she was only borrowing the van. She would leave it with the Archdiocese of New Orleans and seek shelter with one of the convents there. They could return the van to the Sisters of Mercy. In New Orleans, she would confess, repent, and ask for absolution. The punishment would be harsh, but she deserved it.
Nancy felt guilty again when she saw several bushels of apples and pumpkins waiting to be loaded on the van tomorrow and driven down to the Sister’s produce stand. There were so many repercussions for her sins. Hopefully, they would have the van back within a few days. Nancy turned to look down upon the town of Coxville. Darkness had fallen and the town was lit up. Shining above all the other lights were the bright stadium lights at the high school. “Go COCKS!” she muttered, looking down the hill. And with those last words, Sister Nancy climbed into the driver’s seat and drove down the long driveway down the hill.
Nancy avoided entering main street to avoid the crowds heading towards the football game against Bartown. She should have avoided Coxville altogether, but there was one stop she had to make. The stop was in a small development of upper middle class homes on the Eastside of Coxville the opposite side of town from where the blacks lived. Blacks that the Sisters devoted a good chunk of their lives towards educating. There was even a class specifically devoted towards helping pregnant teen black women get their high school diplomas. Unfortunately, many of the teen moms were pregnant again before they got their GEDs. Nancy was horrified when the thought occurred to her that the reason the rate of teen pregnancy was so high among the black population was that the women couldn’t resist the giant black cocks of their males. A fate Nancy would no doubt share if she remained in Coxville, if she weren’t pregnant already.
Nancy pulled the van in on the street and shut it off. The curtains on the house across the street were open and Nancy felt tears roll down her cheeks when she saw her mother in the kitchen. Her dad soon appeared, leaning over to sniff whatever her mom was cooking before he kissed his wife on the cheek and strolling over to his recliner before starting to read the paper. Saoirse Flynn Doyle had married Patrick O’Malley when both were in their early twenties. Saoirse was about to turn fifty in a few weeks, but she was Coxville born and bred which meant she had the looks and body of a thirty year old. If Nancy remembered her fourth grade local history, the Irish had come here about a hundred years ago with the Dutch wave arriving earlier. Other waves of immigrants were on the heels of the Irish, all Northern European, German, Danish, Swedish, and even more Dutch. Her mom had an Irish father and a Dutch mother, but favored the Irish with probably the loveliest red hair and brightest green eyes in the County. Nancy favored her Dutch grandmother with blonde hair and blue eyes, but had the fair skin of her mother. Her dad was rather average looking with wavy brown hair rapidly graying. He was good man, stern, but hard working and he loved his family.
Saoirse cocked her head and yelled out. Soon Nancy’s siblings appeared. The O’Malleys were very Catholic and didn’t believe in birth control. They’d lectured Nancy about the sin of premarital sex though Nancy had done the calculations. She was born seven months after her parents were married. Maeve was the first to appear. She was twenty, and looked like her mother. She was living at home while attending college in Coxburg. The eighteen year old twins, Siobhan and Sinead were next. The were wearing COCKS shirts no doubt bound for the big game tonight. They were identical though Siobhan’s hair was reddish-blonde with green eyes and Sinead was blondish-red with blue eyes. Sixteen year old Erin was next, long naturally curly dirty blonde hair a mix of her parents. She wore a COCKS shirt too. The poor girl was endowed with EE breasts already and the O’Malley women’s breasts usually kept growing until they were twenty and usually added another cup size with pregnancy. Flynn was the last. The fourteen year old boy bore a strong resemblance to his father. Nancy strongly suspected her “every sperm is sacred” father had gotten a vasectomy as soon as he got a son. Two older sisters were absent. Twenty-two year old Ciara had met and married an Irish man on a trip to the Emerald Isle three years ago and moved in with him. She was pregnant with her second child. Last was Sofie, named after her Dutch grandmother. She was a bit of a black sheep and not just because she had raven dark hair and bright blue eyes. She’d moved to Los Angeles and was making a living as a model actress. Patrick didn’t approve of her work though. Her Coxville breasts got her cast as bimbos in bad B movies or as background scenery in television shows set in popular beach areas. Sofie had once confessed that she got weekly offers to pose nude and occasional offers to make adult movies. Sofie seemed to think the offers were amusing, but she had a no nudity policy.
Tears flowed freely down Nancy’s cheeks now. If god and the church forgave her, she might see them again, but who knows how long that might be?
Nancy was still sobbing when some cars pulled up on the street. The twins’ senior boyfriends were in the front seat of a convertible. They honked the horn twice and Nancy saw Siobhan and Sinead start wolfing down their food. A car with novice driver pulled up behind them. Erin’s boyfriend no doubt. Nancy had never met him, but knew he would have been heavily vetted by her father. Nancy started the van’s ignition and pulled away before her sisters came out and spotted it. For some reason, she aimed the van West towards the lake instead of East towards the interstate, the more direct route out of the county.
Nancy tuned the radio station to the local channel. They would be covering the big Coxville v. Bartown game. There was a pre-game show going on now. The one host was discussing whether or not the new Coach Black could pull off a win even though Bartown was favored two to one odds. Nancy had tried out for cheerleader back in high school and had handily been accepted. That was the same year, Principal Long had approved the new uniforms despite Coach Summers’ protests. Nancy had been quite scandalized when she tried on the skimpy new uniforms with their bare bellies and short tops. Many of the other cheerleaders could not have cared less and had no problems showing off some skin. Unfortunately, her dreams of cheerleading came to a crashing end when her football hating father showed up to the game to watch his daughter cheer and saw her in the new uniform. She was forced to quit the squad after one game. Her boyfriend Adrian hadn’t approved either and he grew extremely jealous of all the attention she started getting suddenly from her male classmates including the school quarterback, the most popular boy in high school, but he partied and cursed and Nancy was totally in love with Adrian. A few months later after turning eighteen, she relented to Adrian’s pleadings to go all the way with her. A week after losing their virginity a bus full of evangelicals struck and killed Adrian while he was crossing the road. “Fornication is the Devil’s work” written broadly on the side. Adrian was killed for her sins.
“Forgive me my sins, heavenly father,” she muttered while driving down the quieter roads West. She thought of Linus again her mind filled with the image of the handsome black youth dying horribly for her fornication too. “And forgive Linus Jefferson his sins.” She’d go crazy if she had another death on her conscience. Why god, why had he pulled his big cock out? Because you asked him too, her subconscious reminded her. You wanted to see it, you whore.
Warning beeps sounded from the radio’s speakers causing Nancy to jump. “Warning! There is a flash flood advisory for Western Coxville County.”
Nancy leaned forwards in the driver’s seat and looked up at the sky. Not a cloud in the sky. The stars were particularly bright. The radio had resumed with their coverage of the big game. The first quarter had gotten underway and a COCKS player named Samson West had scored a touchdown. “Go Cocks,” she muttered.
Nancy was heading Southwest now to skirt the lake. It was dark this side of Coxville. The only lights were from the occasional farmhouse or small cluster of trailers. Here and there were some nicer houses along the road. These disappeared as the farmland turned to forest. Then she saw the first streaks of lightning in the sky ahead of her. Some drops of rain hit her windshield. She leaned forwards again. It was strange, but the sky still seemed mostly clear. A few clouds had appeared. The game was still going on East of her with no reports of bad weather.
Nancy passed the Island Vistas of Lake Cox motel. It was a ramshackle dive catering mostly to fishermen during the summer months though most sportsmen favored a nearby campground with a boat launch. Next to the motel was a small campground general store that also sold bait and tackle. It shut down after labor day and was dark inside. The radio paused the game to blare the flash flood warning again. It was hardly raining at all. Nancy half thought she should stop at the motel, but it appeared shut down too and something told her, she wouldn’t be free until she cleared Coxville County and she still had an hour more driving until she reached the county line. The road was wet now and as it passed along a brook that emptied into Lake Cox, she noticed the water was running faster and higher. The drops hitting her windshield turned to a steady patter.
“Breaking News. A slow moving thunder storm has dropped nearly three inches of rain on the borders of… {Static} county and Coxville County. There is a flash flood advisory. Travelers are urged to seek shelter and stay off the roads. This has been a special breaking weather report. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.” “…amson West scores again! That boy is on fire tonight! Which is more than I can say for quarterback Todd White.”
“Damn!” she muttered, crossing herself for her blaspheme. It was raining harder now. She was only miles from the county line. Large puddles were forming. As she got closer it was getting darker and raining harder. Then she saw the flashing lights ahead. The signs were blocking the road out of Coxville County with “road closed” written across them and a detour sign that would make her turn around. She pulled off the side of the road and shut the van down, but kept the radio on to hear the game. She took her cross in her hands and said a brief prayer for guidance, but the only thing that came to her was, “Blessed is the man, who remains steadfast under trial.” She must remain steadfast! She would go forth and persevere. Hopefully, the flooded roads would not be too bad. Nancy turned the key in the ignition and the electrical systems went haywire, gages moving up and down. The radio announcer’s voice grew fainter and fainter until the radio died. The convent’s van lost all power.
Nancy sat there in shock for several minutes. It was almost like some force was trying to prevent her from leaving the county. She gripped her crucifix tightly in her hands and mumbled the lord’s prayer. When she finished, she tried the ignition again, but the van wouldn’t start or turnover though some of the lights flickered so the battery had some power. Nancy opened the door and stepped out into the rain. It was a downpour now and she quickly became soaked. The lord was testing her just as he tested JOB. Even as she started walking forwards to slip between the road closed sign, the wind rose up blowing hard against her wet habit. She had to clutch her cowl tightly to her head for fear it would blow off. It was looking more and more like she would have to sleep in the van. She bowed her head and prayed to the lord for help.
The headlights appeared just as she finished her prayer. They were coming slowly from the closed flooded road across the county line. The wind and rain, the occasional flash of lightning and thunder combined with the slowly approaching car felt like something out of a horror story to the young nun and she crossed herself again.
She crossed the road quickly to get out of the car’s way. Her black habit wasn’t exactly a safe nighttime outfit for drivers to spot easily. The car slowed as it approached her and the window came down. “Well hello, Sister,” said a voice from inside the car. He had a Louisiana accent. Lightning flashed to reveal a fairly handsome black man behind the wheel. His shirt was open at the chest showing off his hard pectorals. The man was also dressed a little strangely with armbands and a necklace that had a tribal appearance about them. “Need a ride?” he continued.
Nancy was taken aback at the sight of a black man. Patrick O’Malley had driven the lesson home to her as a young teen that she was never to take a ride from strangers especially black men for they all were desperate to seduce innocent young white women. Racist yes, but his views seemed to be shared by all the other adults she knew. The white citizens of Coxville seemed desperate to keep whites and blacks as separated as possible. Yet this might be the only car that came along down this road all night. “Yes, please,” she asked.
“The electrical systems in the van went crazy on me.”
“Could be several things, but most likely the water pump. You’ll need a mechanic for that.”
“Damn!” she muttered. He looked at her in surprise. “Forgive me,” she apologized. He smiled and seemed amused. “I’m Sister Nancy.”
He held his hand out for her and she shook it. Nancy let her eyes roam up his bare arm. The black man was very fit and she found his muscles impressive. The tribal jewelry made him look dangerous like a sexy jungle beast. Her dad may have warned her about accepting rides from black men, but he had also warned her that you shouldn’t pick up hitchhikers. Big guy like this probably has a big cock, she thought, her eyes flickering down. Sure enough the fat outline of a large male phallus ran down one pant leg. Maybe Mr. Despre was the one in danger here? Jesus! What had Linus Jefferson turned her into?
“How did you get through?” she asked
“Had to go slow, but I just made it without the engine flooding. Waters are rising though.”
“I was trying to get to a convent in New Orleans.”
“I live in Miami, but was asked to deliver a special case of wine to New Orleans. I thought I’d take a detour on the way home when Papa Shango threw up this weird storm.”
“New Orleans to Miami via Coxville County? That’s quite the detour Mr. Despre.” Nancy wondered who Papa Shango was.
“It’s hard to explain, Sister. I felt a disturbance emanating from here last night. A strange wave of energy like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
“Really?” She raised one eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. “You a Jedi or something?”
Despre chuckled. “No Sister, I’m an Obeah man.”
“Obeah man?”
“Yes, a priest of Damballah.”
Nancy felt an electric shock followed by a shiver of excitement course through her body at that name. She was naked, but for her cowl kneeling before a huge muscular bearded black man, his mighty cock rising up towards her lips. She vaguely remembered dreaming about such a man last night and she’d awoken aroused. It had almost prepped her for her encounter with Linus that afternoon. “Damballah,” she said, the word sounding good coming from her mouth.
“Yes, what you’d know better as voodoo.”
“You’re a VOODOO priest!”
Despre smiled again. “Relax Sister, you’ve nothing to worry about. We’re not all voodoo dolls and black magic. Ours is a peaceful religion that wishes to live in peace and harmony with one another and nature.”
Nancy relaxed a little. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. At the convent we only learn about the bible’s teachings which is good enough for me.”
Despre smiled again. He seemed nice, but certainly had a cocky attitude. “Hopefully Sister, before we part ways, I’ll have left a very deep impression in you of what exactly a priest of Damballah can do. Voodoo and it’s magic has certain perks that your religion does not.”
Nancy squeezed her thighs tightly together, but could still feel trickles or arousal running from her womanhood. Her nipples were hard little pebbles too. This had started the first time Despre had said the name of his god and worsened each time she heard the name. “What perks exactly does a Priest of Damballah have?” She sucked her lower lip into her mouth to keep from moaning. She had the distinct feeling that simply chanting the name Damballah over and over again had the power to make her cum.
“Perks of a very sexual nature, Sister,” answered Despre.
“Mr. Despre!”
He laughed. “It’s true Sister. Where your religion represses sexuality, mine revels in it drawing strength from the mating of man and woman. There is great power in sexual orgasms with both sexes. If you‘d like I can show you?”
Nancy was aghast. “Mr. Despre! I am a nun of the Sisters of Mercy convent. I have taken a solemn vow of celibacy!” Nancy paused feeling hypocritical. She’d broken her previous vow and had only reiterated it about six hours ago. However, she fully intended to keep this one.
Despre nodded his head in understanding. “I understand Sister, but if you change your mind and wish to be a woman for just one night, let me know.”
Nancy had never been so appalled in her life. She had never encountered such gumption in a man since… since… since Linus Jefferson this morning. “Now see here, Mr…” She was interrupted by the radio.
“I’ve just received an important update from the National Weather Service for Western Coxville County. The storm continues to be practically stationary and is steadily dumping rain by the bucket. All roads leaving Coxville from the West are reportedly flooded. Lake Cox and all it’s tributaries are swelling well above normal levels. State police have urged everyone to stay off all roads West of Lake Cox. Travelers are advised to seek immediate shelter. That’s the latest from the National Weather Service and if you’re here with me, I know it seems crazy folks. It’s a beautiful night here in Coxville though if I were playing for Bartown, I might be praying this game would get rained out. That West boy is dynamite. I‘ve never seen a player so motivated…”
Despre and Nancy looked at each other in alarm. The rain was pounding on the windshield so hard now, the wipers could barely keep up. The black man looked straight ahead trying to see through the blinding rain. The car slowed as it hit a big puddle and Despre pulled to the side to avoid going deeper. The car hydroplaned and ran onto the side of the road. He hit the brakes to stop forward momentum and put the car in park. “Umm, maybe we should just wait here until the rain slows.”
There was a flash of lightning illuminating their surroundings and Nancy recognized where they were. “Mr. Despre, there’s a motel up ahead just about a half mile. If we can make it there..”
“Right Sister. Lets go.”
Nancy sighed with relief. She didn’t want to be trapped in a car alone with Despre. The man had a very masculine aura about him and she didn’t trust herself if he made another advance towards her person. Her hopes sank when the car’s tire just spun out in the mud. The car didn’t move at all.
“Damn! We’re not going anywhere. The tires are just digging deeper into the mud whenever I give it gas. Look, I think I can see the motel up on the hill. It should be safe from the waters. We can make a run for it or stay here.”
Nancy closed her eyes and prayed for guidance. “Lets go,” she said. Despre grabbed a hand bag and the two ran out of the car into the pouring rain. Nancy almost lost a shoe in the mud and both were soaked by the time they reached the motel. As they drew closer, Nancy began to have a bad feeling about their shelter. There were no lights on anywhere and as they splashed though the parking lot, the motel sign became clear. It read; CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. “Oh dear god,” cried Nancy, her wet habit clinging to her voluptuous body.
“Wait under the awning, I’ll check the office, but it looks like we’re shit out of luck.” Despre jogged over to the office door while Nancy put her hands together and prayed. She did not want to be trapped in a car with the attractive black man. She looked up just as he jogged back. He was grinning. “We’re in luck. You’re not going to believe it, but there was a set of keys hanging outside for travelers in need of shelter. There was a slot to slip fifty dollars through or whatever you can afford.”
Nancy smiled. Thank god. He’d answered her prayers. “That’s Coxville County hospitality for you, Mr. Despre. Where’s my key?”
“It’s just Despre and there was only one key.”
Nancy’s heart sank. She would have been safer in the car. “Oh,” she whispered softly.
“Lets go check out our room, Sister.”
“Despre,” she called running after him. “I trust you’ll respect my privacy and my position as a servant of the church.” She crossed herself. As long as he kept to his bed and she kept to hers, they would be alright.
Despre fumbled with the old fashioned key as Western Coxville County hadn’t heard of key cards yet. “Sister Nancy, I will respect your wishes whether you choose to follow your beliefs or the needs of your body. Whether or not you experience the perks of a servant of Damballah, is up to you.”
Nancy’s nipples popped out again and a fresh wave of arousal wet her thighs at that word again. “Thank you Mr. Despre, but I choose to remain faithful to my vows…”
“Suit yourself, Sister,” said Despre stepping into the room. He turned when he realized she wasn’t following him.
Nancy was frozen outside the door still getting soaked by the rain. She was staring in dismay at the single bed occupying the room. It wasn’t even a king-sized bed, but a smaller Queen. “Oh no,” she moaned, crossing herself again.
Despre reached out and took her hand. “Fear not Sister, I’ll sleep on the floor.” He gently tugged the wet nun into the room and closed the door. “We do need to get out of these wet clothes before we catch pneumonia. Do you want to shower first?”
With you? Nancy’s breasts pressed hard against the glass shower door as Despre rammed his big black cock home again and again in her slutty pussy. She grabbed the top of the door holding tightly, big Coxville titties mashed against the glass, moaning as his cock brought her to orgasm after orgasm. Nancy shook her head. “No, you go first,” she told him.
Nancy watched him enter the bathroom. He left the door open a crack and she wished it was open wider when he pulled the soaked shirt off over his head. She could just make out the rippling muscles on his back. She turned away. “Ass,” she hissed though clenched teeth. She was sure he had left it open on purpose. Teasing her with his manliness.
Nancy went over to the alarm and turned the radio on. It was already tuned to the local station. “The Coxville Cocks have come away with an upset victory over the Bartown Beaver team. Thanks in part to the outstanding performance by our MVP of the game, Samson West!” Nancy sat up and clapped her hands in delight. “GO COCKS!” she cried, wishing she were in the stands cheering on her alma mater with her blood sisters.
“What’s this about cock?”
Nancy was still excited for her team. “The Coxville Cocks. Our local high school football team just showed the Bartown Beavers who’s boss.” She turned grinning, her smile dropping when she saw the half naked black man. Despre had a hotel towel tied around his waist. Otherwise, he was naked but for a strange silver necklace and armbands around his biceps. His chest was fit and muscular, perhaps the sexiest she’d ever seen on a man. Worse, there was a fat banana shaped bulge outlined beneath the towel. The end of the big bulge ran nearly to the end of the towel almost to his knees. Nancy threw herself to her knees, yanking down the towel. “But this is the only cock I like, big and black” she said taking the huge cock head between her lips.
“Sister… Sister… Are you alright?”
Nancy shook her head to clear it and stood off the bed. The ass was grinning at her. He’d caught her staring at his bulge. “I’m fine. Just fine. I think I’ll take that hot shower now.” Or maybe a cold one, she thought. She snuck past him to the bathroom while he sat on the bed and turned off the radio.
Nancy sighed as she stripped off her habit. The dark fabric was so soaked it felt like it weighed a lot more then normal. She bent over the tub and turned the water on waiting for it to warm up. Naked, she turned and looked at the door. She stepped through it. Despre was naked on the bed shamelessly masturbating his foot long black cock. “I knew you wanted this bad, Sister,” he said, grinning as she straddled him and guided the huge cock head to it’s new home in her soaked pussy.
Nancy turned away from the door. She looked down at her sinful body. Not only were her nipples hard little points, but her entire areola had swollen with her immoral lust. There was a little puddle on the floor between her legs where her arousal was dripping from her vag… no, her wicked needy pussy, as wet as her rain soaked habit. What had Linus Jefferson done to her? Why was her impious mortal form reacting with such lust just being in the presence of the handsome black priest of Dambal… Nancy almost cried out her need as the drips from her pussy turned to a steady trickle.
Her only adornment was her gold cross. She grabbed it, praying for guidance. Not for the first time did she began to have doubts about joining the church. It wasn’t just her newly awakened sexuality either. She didn’t want to wear her habit. She wanted to be dressed like a normal young woman, drinking a beer, and cheering on the COCKS besides her twin sisters and poor top heavy Erin. She stepped into the shower, moaning almost sexually when the hot water struck her back. She grabbed the bar of soap. It was already wet from where Despre had used it earlier on his hard black body. She rubbed it hard over her belly letting it build up a lather then she brought the soap and her lathered hands up to her heavy DD bosom. This soap, this lather, had touched his sexy black chest just minutes earlier. She pinched her nipples, moaning in surprise at how sensitive they were while Despre flicked his tongue over first the left then the right. He stood pressing his soapy wet body tightly against hers. He stared her in the face and she felt her love growing for him even as he grinned, his slippery body sliding down her voluptuous figure, kissing her nipples again, tongue slipping in her navel. She thrust her hips forwards, opening her legs as Despre’s tongue slid along her pussy slit. “Damballah,” she whispered, then “AAAHHHH!” as she came.
Nancy pulled her finger from her pussy in alarm even as the last little squirt of fluid shot from it. She’d orgasmed! Masturbation was but another sin to add to her growing list. At least maybe her orgasm would help calm her down, but instead she felt more lustful then ever. She needed something bigger then her little white finger to satisfy her needs. Nancy grabbed a towel. It wasn’t very big and it was the only one left. “Yes,” she answered, hearing Despre call her name.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I turned off the radio?”
“Certainly, Mr… Despre.” She wrapped the towel around her and exited the door.
“This West kid sounds like he’s dynamite. The press is raving about this upset.”
“His brother, Herc, was a couple years behind me and as good. The COCKS have had some great players, but not been a great team for some time now. Hopefully, the new Coach Black is turning things around.”
Despre turned the alarm radio off and looked up at her, eyes widening in surprise when he glanced at her. His head even nodded slightly in approval of her form. “Here I was feeling depressed about getting stranded, but then I realized that I’m being kept company by your ravishing beauty.”
Nancy blushed as she tucked the towel tight behind her back. It was large enough to cover her breasts, but it barely covered her vagina. If she stood on her toes, she’d be flashing him her beaver. A part of her wanted to do just that, drop the towel even for him, but then the light flashed off her gold cross reminding her who she was. “Mr, I mean Despre, don’t say that, I’m a plain boring old nun.”
“I would argue that all night until you were even redder in the face then you are now.” He smiled as her blush grew even more crimson. “In all honesty, I’ve never seen a white woman with a body as fantastic as yours. You’re as stacked as the black women of Damballah Island.”
FUCK ME! FUCK ME! Nancy nearly stumbled, her mind telling her to fall to her knees, yank off his towel and take his beautiful black cock into her mouth. She calmed herself. “You’re going to be very impressed with the women of Coxville, Mr. Despre.”
“I’m already impressed, Sister, but I think we should get some sleep.” He grabbed a pillow. “No spare blankets?” He asked, looking around.
“You can have the one off the bed. It’s hot in here anyway.” Nancy laid down on the bed deciding to stay on top of the covers.
“The air conditioning doesn’t appear to be working. I’ll be fine.” Despre laid down on the floor and groaned in disproval.
“You alright?”
“Fine Sister, floor’s just hard.”
“This is nonsense. We’re all adults here. We can share the bed, just stay on your side.”
“Well, I won’t argue that,” said Despre. Nancy watched the massive bulge of his penis swing under the towel as her climbed to his feet and slipped onto the bed. “Good night, Sister.”
“Goodnight,” she replied. They both rolled onto their sides facing away from each other. The bed was small and seemed even smaller with Despre’s muscular form sharing it with her. Their rear ends were touching. Despite the exhausting day, she was so wound up, she didn’t think she’d fall asleep quickly and it wasn’t that late in the evening. She assumed the young virile black man would be as wound up too, but then soft snores came from his side of the bed so quickly, she almost felt insulted that he wasn’t even going to try making a pass at her. Despite herself, Nancy’s eyes closed.
Nancy’s eyes opened. She was on her back now, the towel open, her finger had found her pussy again and Despre was standing at the foot of the bed watching her intently. She spread her legs wider, finger working deeper as he watched. His cock was a true behemoth. The black monstrosity rearing up before him in a show of approval for her performance. He was darker skinned then she‘d thought, his frame wider and more muscular, and he had grown a beard. He seemed familiar to her. She was whimpering for him. His head gave her a subtle nod. “Damballah,” she whispered.
Nancy came again and this time it was for real. She could feel the warm fluid coating her fingers. The bearded black man nodded his approval and it filled her body with pleasure that she had pleased him so. He approached her and she reached for his cock, but it was insubstantial and her hand passed right through it. He was insubstantial too. He had walked right through the bed so that his cock could line up with her pussy. She wanted his cock. It filled her with sadness that she could not give herself to him. He looked sad too, sad and angry. He glanced heavenward and held his arms outstretched. She was staring at Jesus on the cross only it was the antique crucifix with the Negroid features that she had prayed to earlier at the convent. Nancy was lucid dreaming both asleep and awake. The dream was bizarre and it made her feel both like an outside observer and an active participant.
The bearded man smiled for the first time, but it was a dark sinister smile. She raised her hips up towards his giant ghost cock noticing that her fingers were still masturbating her pussy for him. He nodded over to the sleeping form of Despre, now on his back. Nancy nodded. She kept fingering herself with her hips lifted off the bed even as her other hand reached down and pulled the sleeping black man’s towel open. She rose and straddled her companion looking back to see if the ghost approved. He was staring off into space, eyes bulging out. His hands came down from the crucified position and grabbed his throat like he was choking. His cock burst, spraying Nancy and Despre with his cum. It was as insubstantial as the rest of him, but she swore when it hit her, there was a slight breeze and afterwards, her skin felt damp. The bearded man’s head snapped to the side like his neck had just broke and he faded away. She felt sad for him.
Nancy slowly came to her senses to the sounds of drums off in the distance. The beat was a steady rhythm, lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub. “Hmmm,” she muttered, opening her eyes. “What’s that?” She reared up in shock. Her head had been laying on Despre’s chest just over his heart. “Oh my!!!” she whispered while wondering, how did I get on top of Despre? Luckily, his head was still turned to the side and he was snoring. With luck, she might slip off him without waking him. He may have been asleep, but his cock was coming to life. Her pussy was dribbling her arousal over his pubes and the base of his cock, she could feel his shaft swelling as it slowly lifted off his thigh.
I need to get him off, I mean get off him, she thought, but when she rose and turned to look down at his chest, she couldn’t stop her hand from coming down to touch his hard muscles. Oh my god! She thought. His body… it’s so sculpted. I’ve only dreamed of someone so sculpted. His skin is so dark next to mine. Her white hand stood out against his dark brown skin. She couldn’t have stopped her hand from wandering down his hard muscular chest if she had tried. The contrast was… sexy… arousing. She’d felt the same with Linus this morning.
Before she got off him, she had to see what the big thing rising between her thighs looked like. She glanced over her shoulder. His cock was a true monster and the tip rose inches above the curve of her ass. Oh god!, she thought. His… thing… it’s so… long… so hard. His cock was perfect, as sculpted as his body. There was one thing odd about it. His cock was a darker color then his skin, dark to the point of being purple like it was stained. Shit! I’m leaking all over him, she thought even as she pushed her dripping pussy lips hard against the thick shaft and let her hips rise, to slide her pussy higher, towards the tip. She had to fight her desire to moan by keeping her mouth tightly shut.
Bump and ridge and bulging vein all slid along her labia and clitoris as her pussy rose up along the shaft. The flared ridge of his head was next and then her labia was opening for the head. God forgive me, but I need to know how he feels inside me. Ow! Ow! Ow! She thought as the big head spread her pussy lips wide open. Wow, he’s so big! Unbelievable! Here was yet another superior black cock poised to fuck her. Up until then, Nancy still half believed she was having yet another sex fantasy, but as the tip of his cock slowly pushed into her, the pleasure she started to feel was way too real.
“WHAAA!!!” Nancy gasped out loud as Despre’s cock thrust up hard into her, pushing deep, but not fully penetrating her. Nancy found herself falling to his chest and then flipping over onto her back. She came down hard on the bed totally surprised with Despre grinning down at her, half his cock still spearing her pussy.
“What do you think you’re doing Sister,” he said teasing her. “I thought you were a chaste and celibate proper girl?”
“I’m sorry,” she hissed, gasping for breath. “I… I couldn’t control myself. “My urges… they.. I’m so… horny.”
“I’m disappointed in you, Sister. Some one has opened up this tight pussy already. I wanted to be the first.”
Nancy sobbed squirming beneath him, but it wasn’t to escape. Her hips were lifting into his cock trying to get more of it inside her. “One of my students… earlier today… fucked me so good… not a whore…couldn’t help myself… not a whore… he was eighteen legal… please Despre… I’m not a whore.”
“Oh, but you will be,” he growled.
“MMMFFF!!!” His lips came down hard on hers. Nancy wasn’t expecting him to kiss her. She stared wide eyed in shock for a few seconds before her eyes slowly closed and she let his tongue in her mouth. She had never kissed a man so passionately before.
Despre broke the kiss and reared up, arching his back as he shoved his cock in balls deep. Nancy’s mouth opened wide in a scream of pleasure. Her hands gripped the bed sheets pulling on them as her legs wrapped around his trim waist. “A woman with a body like this deserves to be fucked,” he snarled. “And fucked well. And fucked often,” he added.
“Despre… wait… I… oh MY GOD!” Waves of pleasure emanated upwards from her pussy as Despre laid down on top of her and started fucking her hard. His cock was like a jack hammer. “OH FUCK! DESPRE! PLEASE!!” This was so sinful, but then anything that felt this good had to be sinful. Her ultimate submission to him was growing inside her womb, but she fought it. “Stop! I’m a good catholic girl!! Nancy turned her face away and gritted her teeth. “Don’t make me cum like this,” she hissed.
He’s not going to stop fucking me! God forgive me! He feels so good! He was on his knees now, holding her hips off the bed as his cock continued to hammer her hungry pussy. How these black men could last so long at such a pace, she’d never know. Her white boyfriend had ejaculated after only a few strokes. Linus had fucked her hard with his powerful black cock. It had dominated her body into surrendering. Despre was the same yet different. His superior cock was dominating her too, but fucking the black priest was way more intimate like fucking a long term lover that knew exactly how to please her. She’d realized that the moment he kissed her. Her thighs wouldn’t stop quivering as his cock thrust in and out between them. She wrapped her legs around him tighter like they were her lifeline to her extreme pleasure. “Oh no,” she grunted. “I’m going to… I’m going to…” He slammed his cock forward and fell on top of her again. “C-CUUUMM!!” she screamed. He held his cock buried in her pussy letting it squeeze and contract around every inch of his shaft. She may have been married to god, but as a woman, she couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with a man that could make her orgasm like this. She gasped, panting for air as the multiple large contractions faded away.
Despre felt the same thing for the lovely young Christian woman writhing beneath him. He reared up again, grabbing the headboard as he continued working his cock on her sopping wet pussy. He’d never had a girl squeeze his cock like this one just had. All that celibacy is wasted on a girl like this, he rationalized.
“OH MY GOD!! PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER!! Screamed the hot young thing beneath him. “DON’T STOP!” He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to ever stop fucking this hot white servant of the Christian god, the oppressor god, the god of the enslavement of his people. I need to make sure this woman is mine, he thought. I gotta keep my shit together or I’m gonna cum hard. Even as the thought hit him, Sister Nancy twisted around on his cock in pure ecstasy. She was on her side, one leg around his waist and one over his shoulder. The cross leaped between her massive Coxville breasts. She was tensing up again. Gotta think of her as just another white bitch milking my dick. “OH! OH!! OH GOD!! F-FUCK!! Y-YES!! YES! FUCK YES!! Y-YES!! YES!! D-DON’T S-STOP_P!! He gritted his teeth. He didn’t plan to stop. He was going to fuck the sexy nun for hours… The wave of sexual energy hit him catching him off guard even as he buried his cock, the first spurt of his hot seed filling her womb. “I’M I’M CUMMING AG-AGAIN” Her pussy was contracting all around his spurting cock again, milking the sperm from his shaft. Despre’s orgasm lasted as long as hers. He looked down at her beautiful face still contorting with the ecstasy of her orgasm. He’d never lost control like this before. He’d never cum like that before. They both kept cumming as the waves of sexual energy engulfed their bodies though she couldn’t sense it like he could. Something big had just happened many miles to the East of them. Something very important to Damballah.
Nancy slowly came to her senses. She felt a chill and the rain was loud. She raised her head and glanced towards the open door to the room. Her black infidel was standing out in the rain buck naked and gazing off in the distance. “Despre?” she called. He turned towards the open door and then looked down the road again before turning to come into their motel room. “What are you doing?”
He picked up his towel and dried off. “What’s East of here?” he asked.
“The town of Coxville,” she replied. “Why?”
“Just curious,” he answered, walking over to the foot of the bed. Nancy was curious too. Coxville was almost two hours East and you couldn’t see the lights from here, but she let it go when he climbed back onto the bed with something in his hand. He grinned down at her. “Baby, you are one hot firecracker,” he told her.
Her slut body was betraying her again. She opened her legs and raised her hips up towards his swelling black cock. “Oh, Oh my,” she moaned writhing a little on the bed. There was still a river of his seed still pouring from her pussy, yet her body craved another load. “You’re amazing,” she told him. “Your dick is so amazing. Again please?”
He laughed and held up a small jar. “We’re not even close to being done,” he told her. Words on the jar read, Waters of Dumballa. “Remember the perks of being a voodoo priest?” He scooped some jelly from the jar. It was purplish black and had a thick consistency. She couldn‘t recognize the smell, but it was delightful. “Here it is.”
“Wait.. What is that supposed to do?” she asked even as he brought the dollop on his fingers down to her left nipple. “OH MY FUUUCCKKK!” she gasped. Her already erect nipple hardened and swelled even as her entire areola puffed up. The erogenous zone in her nipple suddenly felt enhanced by about 100%. “What the…” she panted even as he coated her right nipple, pinching it hard as that nipple swelled up. “OH GOD MY NIPPLES!!!”
“This just makes your sensitive parts drive you to the verge of maddening lust,” he told her, grinning evilly and Nancy wondered if her were indeed Satan for only the devil could have such an affect on her body.
Nancy writhed on the bed. “Uh oh fuck nipples oh oh,” she muttered like a woman possessed. She bent her knees and lifted her entire crotch off the bed. Her sexy belly was undulating with a rising lust. “OH DESPRE!” Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. “IT’S AMAZING! I FEEL SO HOT. SO… SLUTTY… OH FUCK… FUCK ME!!!” She was completely lost to the lust within her. She looked over at the black stud, kneeling on the bed. His mighty cock rising up from his crotch. She licked her lips as she took in it’s glory. “FUCK MY MOUTH.” She demanded. “I WANT TO TASTE YOU!”
“As you… URRRFFF… wish,” he grunted in surprise when she sucked half his cock down her throat. The encounter with her student earlier no doubt training her somewhat for sucking big cock. He pushed forward feeling his cock slide deeper down her throat even as her tongue wiggled the underside of his shaft. The waters of Dumballa never fail to bring out the slut in any girl, he thought, gritting his teeth at her wild enthusiasm. But this one… She’s so pent up with lust… Fuck! She’s goin suck the black off ma dick.
He grabbed the blonde hair on her head and began fucking her throat.
Nancy moaned lustfully around the throbbing living cock sliding in and out of her throat. Oh fuck! She thought. He’s using me like a whore. Like those nigger town whores I try to rehabilitate and it feels so good, so natural and right.
Despre released her head, but she kept slurping. He reached over for the jar of jelly. He scooped another dollop up on his fingers. “Now let’s get your pussy ready.” He reached over and easily inserted his two fingers into her pussy. The lust maddened nun was so horny she bent and lifted her knees so that her pussy was almost facing straight up for his probing fingers.
Nancy slurped on his cock while wondering, what he was doing to her. He coated her entire crotch area with the jelly before removing his fingers. Not that she needed them. The jelly was having the same effect down there that it had on her nipples. Her labia was quivering even as her clitoris swelled up. Everywhere his jelly coated fingers had penetrated, the nerve endings were quivering with intense pleasure. Oh fuck!!!! Nancy started choking on his cock. She needed to scream. Despre knew what was going on and yanked back on his hips until his cock sprang up dripping with her saliva. “I’M CUMMING!” she screamed even as he grapsed her arms and lifted her to her knees. “SO… SO… FUCKING HAAAAARD!!” She was on her knees, legs spread, back resting against him. Her orgasm was enormous and she was shocked to see a stream of fluid shoot from her pussy to splatter on the bed. “OH OH FUCK FUCK F_FUCK” she panted as the stream continued.
“Oh dear,” said Despre in her ear. “Looks like I used too much. “Good girl.” He pushed his cock between her ass cheeks and pulled her had back so that she was looking up into his eyes even though her pupils looked dilated. One hand gripped her neck and the other her wrist possessively. “Be a good Catholic girl,” he whispered. “Cum for me. Don’t stop cumming.” And she did. Even as he spoke more less powerful squirts of her cum were shot from her pussy in a steady stream. “Tonight this pussy, these tits…” He released her and reached around the grab her heavy bosom. She gasped and came again when he pinched her ultra sensitive nipples. “…are mine. Tonight you serve Damballah.” Another spray of fluid shot from her pussy at the mention of Damballah’s name.
He grabbed her neck again and turned her head towards his. She was gasping for air. “Oh Despre, I’m so sore.. So tired… make it stop,” she begged. Her first orgasm from the jelly had been as powerful as any three Linus had given her earlier combined. Cumming so much was exhausting and… addicting. “I’m not a whore, but I feel like I’m becoming one.”
He kissed her on the lips, her lips parting, tongue dancing against his before he pulled back. “I know baby, but you’re so sexy like this. I like it when you look like a whore, my little slut.”
Nancy threw her arms around his neck and gazed lovingly into his eyes. “I’m your little slut?” she asked, liking the idea. She was aware of his hand down between them stroking his cock and she felt bad that he hadn’t cum since she had started sucking him. “Oh god baby, fuck my hungry cunt,” she pleaded as her arousal grew again. “It feels like my pussy won’t stop throbbing and leaking.”
Despre’s evil grin seemed to never leave his face. “And it won’t stop baby, not until I’ve had my fun with you..” He pushed her back and nodded downwards.
Nancy’s eyes moved down his hard sculpted body and she gasped at the sight of his engorged cock, now coated with jelly as he stroked it. “Oh god!” she gasped in lust at the sight. This explained the stained blackness of his cock. He must use the water of Dumballa regularly. Not only was his cock so hard and swollen from the jelly that it looked like he was about to cum, but his entire cock looked even longer and thicker now. “It get’s bigger?” she asked in disbelief. Nancy had never wanted anything more in her life. “Please fuck me,” she pleaded, staring down at his engorged purple shaft. “Fuck me.”
He pushed her down on all fours as he moved behind her. His soaked cock fell between her ass cheeks and her anus started tingling with lust as the jelly slid over it. “This big nigga cock is gonna take you to heaven,” he told her, arrogantly as he slid the hard shaft up and down between her ass cheeks. “Say it my little slut.”
Nancy arched her back and looked over her shoulder. “Take me to heaven with your big nigga cock.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“PLEEEEASE!” Even Nancy was shocked by how quickly Despre yanked his hips back and buried his cock with one hard thrust. He grabbed her hips fucking her hard. Oh my god, he’s not going to stop fucking me. The jelly had made his cock look like it was on the verge of cumming, yet he didn’t seem anywhere close to cumming. His hard thrusts propelled her forwards and she fell flat on the bed with only her ass thrust upward for his ever plunging cock. His cock coated the entire inside of her pussy with the jelly amplifying her pleasure a hundred fold. Her cervix tingled easily opening for the hard knob of his cock head. “AH AH AAH AH UNH AH,” she grunted constantly. The bed beneath their crotches soon grew soaked from the constant spray of her arousal and orgasms she was cumming so much.
Depre’s mouth was beside her ear. “You’re so sexy,” he whispered. “You’re the hottest thing I ever fucked. You were born for black dick, baby. Your sexy white body gonna need some nigga cock somethin regular from now on. You shouldn’t fight it, Sister. You’re a slut for nigga cock.”
Despre pulled back, grabbing her arms and pulling her up with him. Her breasts bounced with each thrust of his cock. I love it so much I can barely breathe, she thought. He’s going to torture me with his cock until I give up everything to him. Despre thrust forward and the first strong blast of his seed filled her womb. Oh fuck!!! He’s cumming in me! She could feel every squirt from his rapidly pumping cock. Her womb felt hot from the warmth of so much semen. There is so much cum pouring into me. More then the first time. “F-FU-FUCK!!!” she screamed. “I C-CCANT S-STOP C-C-CUMMING!” It was too much pleasure for any woman to endure. She grew dizzy and the room faded black. She was finally getting relief from the constant torturous pleasure his still squirting cock was giving her. As Nancy slowly passed out she muttered thanks to the lord, “Praise… Damballah.”
“Dayumn,” growled Despre slowly yanking his engorged cock from the sweet nun’s pussy. It surprised him by sending one last spurt of semen across her ass. The waters of Dumballa (an alternative regional spelling, but then his lord had many names) acted not only as an aphrodisiac for both men and women, but also as a testosterone rub. He’s used it so often, masturbating when there were no willing women around, that it had stained his cock, but it had also enhanced his abilities and his semen production had kicked into overdrive. He’d once donated some sperm to a fertility clinic and the doctors had been astounded by the concentration of sperm and the sheer amount of his ejaculate. Apparently it had impressed the sexy Latina nurse too as he let her get hands on with it later that night. Nancy wanted to slump, but he pushed her ass up, to hold as much of his semen inside her as possible, though it was bubbling up from her pussy like a geyser as he watched. He hoped that the jackass student of hers that had gotten a crack at her earlier hadn’t knocked her up. He wanted to be the one that planted a baby in her belly and hopefully the waters of Dumballa would help. The stuff would have made her extra hormonal too, to the point of dropping quite a few eggs. He left the bed and went to the bathroom, plugging the tub and turning the water on. When he came back, his seed was still leaking from her pussy in a flood…
…A flood! Nancy felt like she was drowning in the white viscous sea surrounding her. Her heavy garments were pulling her under so she yanked off her habit as quickly as possible watching the black cloak quickly sink disappearing beneath the flood of sperm that had destroyed the world, drowning all the wickedness of man. Just when she felt the last of her strength draining from her and thought she would soon be joining her discarded habit, the boat appeared. The ark was as massive as it had appeared in all the illustrations she’d ever seen of it. A ladder was thrown over the side and her sperm soaked naked body slowly made it’s way up the side of the massive boat. She fell to her knees, kissing the deck in her relief and joy. She looked up, expecting to see two of every animal, giraffe heads sticking out of the roof, elephant trumpets, anything, but there were nothing but snakes, black snakes of all shapes and sizes slithering around the deck, thousands of them, millions even. Nancy reared back in alarm, scrambled to her feet and moved towards the prow of the ship. There a dark figure in a shepherd’s cloak was leaning over the side. “Noah!” she gasped, falling to her feet, still covered with sperm. The figure turned, his robe was open and his black body was covered in enormous muscles as was the enormous muscle between his legs. The huge black cock was hard and aimed over the side of the railing, spitting out semen like a fire hose at full blast. The kneeling woman looked up as the bearded black man turned to face her. She spread her arms out beseechingly as the strong spray of semen showered down upon her body coating her in even more of his seed. The spray moved down hitting her torso and she reached up to clear the sperm from her eyes even as the black man moved closer. He was grinning, pleased with her, and she grinned back even as the enormous cock between his legs rose back up towards her face, but it was no longer a cock, it was a giant black snake that opened it’s jaw wide, fangs dripping with white venomous sperm. The snake lunged at her, the head completely engulfing her face.
Nancy sputtered like she was being smothered and Despre pulled the washcloth from her face. Shower water struck her face again and her head turned up towards it, mouth open as if thirsty. He lifted her back, sliding her more upright in the tub and out of the water‘s spray. She struggled, but seemed to be dreaming in her semi-comatose state. He ran the soap all over her body and couldn’t help but spend some extra time on her giant white bosom even to the point his spent cock swelled some, swelled but didn’t rise. The last session had drained him almost as much as it had her and he wanted nothing more then to collapse on the bed, but he thought he’d clean the lovely Sister Nancy up first. He’d gotten her skin pretty clean, but there was little he could do about the constant cloud of white drifting out from between her legs in the water. “Ma shits gonna be leaking out for days,” he muttered, finally satisfied that she was clean. He moved the wet rag down between his legs and cleaned his junk off while he let the water drain. Despre stretched out to reach a towel and dried Nancy off as best her could before lifting her and carrying her back to the bed. He laid her down, muttering “Dayumn! In awe of her amazing body before laying down next to her. If the rest of the women of Coxville were anything like her, he was gonna love it here, he thought before falling asleep while spooning her hot body.
“Oh… Oh where am I?” asked Nancy as she slowly woke up. She was naked but for the large gold cross that constantly dangled down between her bosom. She never removed it. She glanced over and saw the sleeping black man next to her and the memories of last night came flooding back to her. “Despre,” she whispered. “He and I… we had… What would the mother superior say?” She’d be speechless with disappointment, that’s would she’d be. Nancy struggled to her feet, her entire body was weak and sore. My legs are so weak, I can barely walk, she thought limping towards the window. It was still raining and raining hard.
“Well look who’s up,” said Despre sitting upright in the bed. “Why don’t you come back to bed, Nancy and we can go at it another round or two.”
Nancy whirled on him a little angrily even as her nipples hardened at the mere suggestion of her getting some of that nigga cock inside her again. “Now see here, mister. It’s Sister Nancy and even though we did some… fun things together last night, it doesn’t make me any less a woman dedicated to the lord.” Shameless of her nudity, Nancy walked over to the open jar of jelly and scooped up a dollop with her fingers. She stared at the purplish jelly. “I am still a woman of faith devoted to serving god.” She licked her fingers tasting the jelly. “And when I get back to the convent, I will retake my vow of celibacy before god.” Yet again, she thought, third times the charm. She brought her fingers down between her legs and coated her pussy with the Waters of Dumballa. Her clit immediately began to swell and she felt the arousal growing. “But I am still a woman and a woman with needs and right now, I’m a woman with an itch that needs to be scratched.” She climbed on the bed thrilled to see his huge black cock growing as she approached. The perfect tool for scratching an itch deep inside your womb. “So Despre, won’t you help me? Won’t you scratch it for me? Won’t you make this woman a whore for just one more day?”
One more day only lasted three hours, but that was enough time for the handsome couple to go at it pretty hard. Nancy mounted him and came as she slid down his hard shaft. “My turn to fuck you now, stud,” she growled as she bounced widely in his lap. Despre liked this new and aggressive Nancy especially when she leaned forward and rubbed her breast on his lips until he opened his mouth and started sucking on her nipple. The combination of aphrodisiac jelly and Despre’s giant black cock gave her seven huge orgasm, the final and biggest one when he inseminated her fertile womb yet again with his potent black seed. She sat impaled on his cock for nearly ten minutes slowly catching her breath before rising up off the still hard shaft. His cock fell with a smack against his belly as she slid between his legs and lifted it up towards her mouth. His messy cock smelled and looked funky as she stared it. The monster cock was covered in her orgasms, ropey strands of his semen, and bits of black jelly. She brought the fat head down to her mouth and began to clean it.
Despre moaned and gripped the sheets bucking his hips as Nancy took half his cock down her throat. She knew that the water of Dumballa must be enhancing his pleasure, but she hoped that her cock sucking skills were also growing. She was pleased when a little squirt of seminal fluid shot across her tongue left over from his previous orgasm. It was mouthwateringly good and she wanted more, but she wanted his cock some where else first.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked when she stopped sucking him.
Nancy slid off him and kneeled on the edge of the bed and wiggled her ass for him. Despre winked at her and climbed to his feet. He stood beside the bed and slid his cock back inside her pussy quickly bringing her to another orgasm. “I love your black cock, Despre,” she moaned coming down from her orgasm.
“I know, baby,” he replied. He had kept his cock buried while she came, but was flexing it’s muscle. “You sure you can give it up?”
Nancy’s pussy was tightly hugging every square inch of his foot long cock, feeling every bump, ridge, and bulging vein on it. She even fancied she could feel his pulse flowing through the big shaft. She shuddered and suddenly sniffled a few tears coming to her eyes. “No,” she said, honestly, “but I need to try. I will rededicate my body and soul to the lord.”
“Suit yourself, but if you change your mind…” Despre pulled his cock back until just the head was spreading her pussy lips apart. “This cock is yours whenever you want it.” He plunged it hard back inside her and her insides trembled from another smaller orgasm. He pulled back again and grabbed the base of his cock rubbing the head up and down her labia. “Do you want it now?”
“Yes,” she moaned. “I want it now.”
“Want what, baby?”
“I want your big black nigga cock, Master.. Mister Despre.”
“Here it is then, slut.” Despre pushed his cock in slowly this time and was surprised when she fell forward until his cock plopped out and leaped upwards. She raised herself back up and he brought his cock back down between her folds, but she leaned forwards when he started to push it in. He frowned wondering if the bitch were teasing him. Nancy pushed back until she felt the head of his cock lightly touch her swollen labia, raising and lowering her ass so that his cock head was running up and down her wet slit. He smirked when he realized what she was doing. Nancy pushed his cock head against her engorged distended clitoris and then slid down until his cock head had moved up to her anus. She pushed back with her ass against his hard shaft. “This what you want then, baby?” he asked pushed forward.
“UNH!” she gasped as her rosebud stretched out around Despre’s superior black cock. “YYEESS!” she hissed as it penetrated her. “FUCK MY ASSSSS!!”
Despre was a little disappointed she took him so easily. She’d done this before. The little shit from yesterday had beaten him again. The voodoo priest was going to have to find his own Coxville woman or two to introduce to the pleasure of a big black cock. “So you like it in the ass, huh?”
“Yes,” she sobbed. “I want it bad. I was hoping that you’d just take it. I feel like such a slut asking for it.”
Nancy felt Despre slowly withdrawing his cock, her body pushing back to keep it inside her, but it plopped free. “No,” she whined. “Please put it back in.”
“I will my good Sister,” said Despre. He reached over for the jar of berry jelly and scooped up a dollop for the tip of his cock. His golf ball sized cock head swelled even bigger as it began to tingle and he had to stifle a moan. Only years of experience with the stuff kept him from cumming right then and there. He left a lot of extra jelly on top the head , but before sticking it back in, he brought his dripping fingers down to her little rosebud, coating it before pushing his slick fingers inside her anus. Nancy gasped when she realized what he was doing. Despre lined his cock head back up and watched her rosebud open wide as his cock head slowly pushed inside. Nancy howled like a dog as the jelly began to enhance the pleasure his cock was giving her. “Well my little sodomite, just remember that your student is just a teenager and I’m a man.” Despre rammed his cock deep and began fucking her ass hard, pounding his cock home again and again. Nancy never stopped howling. He fucked her so hard, she began to slide forward and he had to climb on the bed to kneel pulling her hips back into his ever thrusting cock. Despre grabbed her arms and pulled her back and up into his lap. His cock was nearly completely buried in her anus. She was still howling, her own hands were on her breasts, pinching and squeezing her hard pointy nipples quite roughly. Her howls grew louder and then her cum was spraying all over his scrotum completely soaking his huge ball sack. Despre felt his own cum welling up in his balls. He pushed her forward so that her head fell to the mattress with her ass stuck up in the air. He pumped her anus rapidly another couple dozen times before his own orgasm flooded her bowels.
Despre withdrew his cock, staring with interest at her anus, now a quarter sized open hole, dark one second, then white as his sperm welled up and began to pour from her ass. It dribbled down to her pussy, itself still leaking his semen from their earlier fuck. The good Sister seemed out of it, semi-comatose again. He stepped back and gather up the jar of jelly off the bed, putting the lid back on it. The stuff wasn’t plentiful to begin with and now with some production going to make the Diabolique Wine, it was rarer still. As a priest of Damballah, he was allowed an allotment, but he and Sister Nancy had gone a little overboard with it. Despre gathered his things and went to the bathroom. It was hard urinating with an erection. He had to bend over the toilet and push his hard shaft down towards the bowl. His cock wouldn’t go down for awhile yet unless he cleaned off any remnant of the jelly. He turned on the shower and hopped in the tub.
Despre had lathered up his chest and was soaping his hard shaft to the point he was starting to masturbate.
Nothing unusual, he was addicted to jerking off with the jelly. Just a little bit mixed in with some Vaseline or hand lotion was enough to give him an amazing orgasm. The hormonal jelly had increased the size of his cock by an inch not to mention his testicle size and sperm production, but it had permanently stained his cock a purplish-black. He threw his head back and was jerking off when the curtains opened and Nancy joined him in the tub.
She stood looking at him before reaching down and taking over the slow jerking of his cock. Nancy reached out with her other hand and touched his hard chest, spreading her fingers apart. “It’s so sexy,” she muttered. “The contrast,” She ran her hand over his chest feeling his hard muscles, her other hand automatically increasing it’s speed back and forth along his shaft.
“We’re a sexy couple,” he told her, reaching around her back and pulling her entire body against his chest. He moved his lips down even as hers came up and they exchanged the most passionate kiss of either of their lives. He broke the kiss much to her disappointment and spun her around, pulling her back against him. She reached back and grabbed his cock again still stroking him from behind as he brought the bar of soap around to her front and began lathering up her big breasts. Nancy moaned leaning hard against him as the soap bar ran over her nipples. Her hand jerked him off faster. Despre leaned down and kissed her neck while he continued to soap her up. Nancy slid down his hard body until she fell to her knees spinning around to take his cock in her mouth. The shower had cleaned all the lather off and she immediately began bobbing her head as fast as she could over the tip of his shaft while jerking off the base. Despre moaned and held her short wet blonde hair while she lovingly worshipped his cock. After a good fifteen minutes of this, his over productive balls emptied a big wad of sperm into her mouth which she gulped down while moaning in lust over the taste. The second mouthful caught her off guard and she gagged on the big load losing control. His cock sprang free of her mouth and shot a big load over her face and another on her chest and another on her chest and another in her open mouth and she regained control and sucked the last few wads down her throat. “Well, it looks like I have to clean you off again,” he said when she climbed back to her feet.
Nancy presented the bar of soap, but before he could start cleaning her off, she hefted her big breasts and began slurping some cum off her own nipple. Nancy released her breast before arching her back and presenting her torso for Despre to clean again. When he was finished, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately again for a good long while as the shower water splattered all over them.
The two lovers dressed. Both were quiet and sad that their amazing evening had come to an end. For some reason, Nancy decided to forgo her modest undergarments. In the future, she thought she might purchase sexier lingerie to remind her that she was a woman even if she was dedicated to god. Her habit was still damp and it clung sexily to her voluptuous body. It felt more confining then normal and she began to hate it.
“I’ll run the room key back,” she said. Despre looked up like he was about to protest, but instead he just shrugged and let her leave. Nancy found out why a few minutes later. A peg board outside the office displayed keys for all the rooms in the motel with the exception of their room until she hung the key up. Despre had lied to her. They could have slept in separate rooms. She felt no anger. Instead, she smiled. No regrets. She decided not to say anything. She could see some bills inside through the money slot so at least he had paid for their room.
A passing redneck in a pickup truck stopped when he saw a nun standing by the car. He frowned when he saw the strangely dressed black man with her, but helped tow Despre’s car out of the mud. He refused money for helping them. Soon they were on their way to Coxville.
Nancy stayed silent for a good hour of their drive East. She held her eyes closed and prayed for guidance and thought of her wanton actions over the last 24 hours. She felt remorse for breaking her vows, but not for what she had done. Trying to come to grips with her actions made her picture Linus and Despre in her mind which made her picture the two black men naked which made her picture their huge cocks sticking out from their hard bodies which made her picture their huge cocks doing things to her naked body which made her nipples hard and her pussy wet. She opened her eyes and glanced over at Despre. She stared at his sexy black skin, the muscles rippling in his arms and the long swollen bulge running down one pant leg.
“It’s yours whenever you want it,” he said softly without glancing at her.
“Thank you,” she answered not knowing what else to say though “take me with you” and “I want it now” came to her mind.
“I plan to stick around for awhile and could use a place to stay. I don’t suppose I could stay with you?”
Nancy laughed. “At the convent?” She laughed again. “We have a house for visiting priests. If you were a priest you could stay there,” she suggested not seriously.
“I am a priest,” he reminded her. “I’d need a dark suit.” He seemed to be actually considering it.
“I’m sure there’s a spare collar at the house,” she said, thinking they were playing a game, but realizing he wasn’t when she saw the thoughtful look on his face. “You’d need a cross too,” she quickly added.
Despre sighed. “Sorry, but that I will not do.”
They drove silently for another hour as they neared the outskirts of Coxville. “The convent is outside the town on a hill. Stay straight for another few miles then turn left at the stoplight.” She sat back and pondered what she would tell the mother superior. The right thing to do would be to confess her indiscretions. The church could punish her, send her off to be cloistered somewhere away from the temptation of the black cock.
“Mind if we take a detour?” he asked. “How do I get to the main street?”
“Turn right at the light instead of left. You can follow the sign for downtown Coxville. What are you looking for?”
“There’s an old oak tree in front of city hall. It’s a holy site to my religion. I’d like to see it.”
Nancy found that interesting and a little alarming. Why would their be a pagan holy site in Christian Coxville. Then she remembered something disturbing. “I’m sorry Despre, but I believe the oak was struck by lightning several nights ago and destroyed.” He looked stunned at her news and she added another, “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” he whispered, a tear running down his cheek. He wished he hadn’t put off his pilgrimage to the site of Prospero Black’s hanging for so long. He’d missed his chance. “Several nights ago?”
“Yes. No one saw it but the storm was around midnight Thursday night. Why?”
“It’s nothing,” he replied and made the turn at the light to head to main street Coxville. Midnight Thursday was when he’d first felt the wave of sexually charged energy that had prompted him to make the detour to Coxville only to find the lovely stranded and desperate nun. Despre smiled thinking that the tree’s destruction might not be such a bad thing. He remembered the waves of sexual energy that had hit him when he was having sex with Sister Nancy last night too. Something big was going on here in Coxville.
Despite his belief that the tree’s destruction might be Damballah’s will, he couldn’t help crying when he saw the lightning blasted spot in front of city hall. The ground was still torn up and the root system was sticking up. The mighty truck was largely gone, cut up by chainsaws.
“Strange, but we normally don’t get lightning storms this time of year,” said Nancy. “And now two in a few nights.”
“I’m rather glad for the one last night,” replied Despre, winking at her. His reminder of their activities causing the fair skinned nun to blush.
Nancy watched him walk over to a landscaping pickup truck nearby. A couple of Latino gardeners were taking lunch sitting in the shade of some bushes. Nancy could understand a little Spanish and caught some of their animated discussion about the Cocks/Beaver game from last night. Meanwhile, Despre was going through some of the oak tree’s branches that they had thrown in the back of the truck. He broke off a couple sticks. One was maybe half a foot long and the other a little shorter. She assumed he was just keeping a relic of his holy tree.
“Is there a thrift store nearby?” he asked.
“Yes, several. One within walking distance. It’s a Catholic charity and we help raise donations for it.”
“Excellent,” said Despre with a smile. He seemed to have perked up. She watched as he removed one of his leather armbands from around his big bicep while they walked to the store. Strangely, he ripped it apart into several thongs. Nancy waited outside eager to get back to the convent. The longer she was gone, the harder it would be to explain her absence. Despre came out of the store close to a half hour later. “What do you think?” he asked.
“Very handsome and distinguished,” she said approvingly. He was wearing a dark suit and shirt with no tie. She missed seeing his biceps though.
“Lets get you home.” They returned to his car and headed back the way they had come. Nancy got more nervous the closer they got to the convent. She was shaking a little when they got to the produce stand at the bottom of the long driveway. “Where’s this house for visiting priests?” he asked.
“Oh, over there,” she told him. He turned down that lane and drove up to the house. “You can’t stay here, Despre. I was joking.”
“This will suit my purposes nicely,” he replied, ignoring her. He tried the door, found it unlocked, and slipped inside.
“Despre! Despre! Come out,” yelled Nancy standing at the front door. “You can’t stay here,” she hissed.
Nancy jumped startled. She turned and saw the mother superior making her way down the hill off the road. “Ah..uh, Mother Superior,” she acknowledged, bowing to her superior as the woman approached.
“Just where have you been? We’ve been worried sick. We scoured the convent and when the van was reported missing, I called the sheriff and state police. Just what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m afraid that’s my fault, Mother Superior,” said Despre coming from the house. “My car got stuck in the mud last night and I called the convent for assistance. Sister Nancy answered the phone and offered to come get me.”
“I see,” said the older nun staring at the black man. Nancy turned and glanced at Despre. Her eyes widened when she saw he’d found and attached a priest’s collar to the dark suit. A primitive wooden cross hung from his neck. He’d fashioned it from the oak’s branches and bound it with the leather straps he’d had around his arms. Apparently this was a cross he was willing to wear. “Then where is our van?” asked the Mother Superior turning to Nancy.
“I-I’m afraid it broke down near Des.. Father Despre’s car,” she answered. “He thinks it’s the water pump.”
“It’s given us trouble before. I’ll have someone from the garage tow it. We’re just grateful you’re in good health. You must have had quite the night, Sister?”
“Uh.. Yes, quite.”
“Well it looks like Father… Despre is it?” She bowed her head towards the visiting priest. “It looks like Father Despre took very good care of you Sister.”
“H-he D-did, Mother Superior.” Nancy felt the blush returning to her cheeks.
“By god’s grace we broke down near the motel on the county line,” said Despre. “It was closed, but the owner left keys to the rooms outside for travelers. Thank god.”
“Thank god and the good folk of Coxville,” replied the Mother Superior. “Will you be staying with us, Father Despre?”
“If it’s not an imposition. I’d like to do some historical research on the plantation and the convent.”
The older nun raised an eyebrow. “Interesting coincidence, a local reporter, Mrs. Kindle is interested in our history too. She contacted me just yesterday.”
“I’ll be sure to look her up,” said Despre.
“And I’m sure you can stay here as long as you’d like. Father Robinson oversees the convent and is due for a visit, but I’m sure he won’t mind the company. If there’s anything you require, let me know.” Mother Superior turned back towards the convent. “Come along Sister Nancy.”
“Wait, Reverend Mother,” interjected Despre. “I might need some assistance with my research from time to time. I’d like Sister O’Malley if that’s possible.”
“Provided it doesn’t interfere with her duties and her teaching, Father Despre,” said the Mother Superior with a gracious nod. “You may use her as often as you’d like.” She turned and headed towards the convent.
“Actually, Sister O’Malley, I could use your help now dealing with a hard problem I’m having.”
A disbelieving Nancy followed Despre inside the house and soon found herself riding his hard cock in the priest’s bed. They’d striped quickly. She’d pulled the habit off, but had had kept the wimple and veil covering her head. She rode Despre’s cock to several orgasms as he toyed with her enormous breasts. Nancy might just have to put off retaking her vow of chastity until Despre moved on. Then she remembered Linus and his promise of introducing her to some of her other student’s black cocks. Yes, I’ll need to delay retaking my vows for awhile, she thought imagining the pleasure two black cocks could provide. I’m going to really pay for this later, she thought as she came, her Catholic guilt asserting itself. And I’m going to pay for that one, she thought cumming again. And that one…
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