Sunday, February 6, 2022

Still working too much

 Just wanted to give an update on my writing status. I'm still working 6 days a week and usually 11 hours a day. I got a tiny bit of writing done earlier in January thanks to having Covid part 2. I have Presidents off and might be able to finish the first sex scene of Mothers and Sons, but I have some errands and appointments that day so I can't be sure. Basically, I won't get much writing done until I get my day off back.

There is some hope. Some help has been slowly coming in and getting trained. I'll be getting a cut on my route which will let me get off a little earlier plus some more workload decreases. Time will tell.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year Update

 The new year doesn't bring any great news for story updates. My 72 hour weeks are over, but the six days a week will continue until we get more help and we're like everywhere else when it comes to finding workers. The lesser hours may let me get a little writing in, but not much. I'll post updates when I can.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Story status update

 Just a quick status update. 95% of my writing gets done on Mondays. It's my only day off alone and I usually devote a couple hours to getting some writing done. Unfortunately, I have a job that can force me to come in on my leave day and work. This upcoming Monday will be the fourth in a row that I have been forced to work. I've also put in some 11-12 hour shifts that have eaten into some of my other free time. I'll peck out a few sentences when I can, but don't expect many story updates anytime soon. It won't take too much work to finish Dani's story in Mothers and Sons before moving on to Wendy. I just need to find the time. I might get a little bit this upcoming Friday, but no promises.