Thursday, April 4, 2019

This week

So I just found out that my old pal Darklord has a Patreon page with lots of forthcoming projects. If you'd like to support him, here's the link:

Darklord's Patreon

I'm still making slow progress on the Houseguest epilogue and I have a few more edits to finish and post for the other chapters of Houseguest.

Kaos is consistently updating Dr Bitch 3, though there is a problem where some of the pics are out of order.

Monday, March 25, 2019

This week

1) Just added Rabies' cover to the Rise and Fall of the Queen of Hearts page.

2) Updated the Tony Parker's Bad day story page to include Jaguar's pictures.

I'm struggling to find time to work on Houseguest's conclusion. It's a long chapter. Got a little work done today, but it's still a way's off. It's got a lot of sex scenes. Kaos also wanted me to send her pic recommendations for the Houseguest chapters, so I've been working on that in my free time. That's why you're seeing the edited chapters going up.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

This week

Moved The finished Houseguest chapters into The South Florida story section. Ch 5 has just been posted.

Blacknwhite checked in with me. They're still planning on doing Patriotic Duty as a comic though I don't know a timetable.

Still chugging away at the Houseguest epilogue.