Monday, February 11, 2019

Gardeners 2 is posted

The new Gardeners story is posted in the stories section. It's with My Wife and The Black Gardeners (the original), The Wife and The Black Gardeners (The new comic based version), and The Wife and the Black Gardeners 2.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

This week

Just finished the story version of Black Gardeners 2. Should have it edited and posted tomorrow. I should get some Houseguest work done tomorrow provided I don't get called in to work.

Kaos finished Gardeners 3 and Dr Bitch 3 is the next up.

I also have the first pictures for Part one of Houseguest and have submitted the illustrated story to literotica. I'll post an update when it gets posted.

Monday, February 4, 2019

This week

Still working on Houseguest and Gardeners 2.

Rabies has some Jenny/Coach/Shondra pinups posted at Johnpersons.

Kaos has one more week until Gardeners 3 is finished. Looking forward to seeing what her next project is.