Sunday, January 13, 2019

This week

I posted the new comic-based version of Wife and The Black Gardeners at literotica and darkwanderer. I've picked up 20 new followers over at lit since posting it and gotten 20,000 reads in four days. Done some work on the sequel.

Made some progress with Houseguest. Should have some time Monday for some more work. I'm going away next weekend which will screw up my writing.

Kaos updated Gardeners 3 with some hot picks. I like the one with Jenny using a black strap on dildo on Donna. The comic is up to the part where they are making a porno and the gardeners have burst in pretending to be robbers.

Been slowly going through some of Hammertime's work on lit Hammertimes stories. He's got some great ones. "Capsize This" was an old favorite of mine. "Short Story: Slick" and "Brother-In-Law Cums to Stay" are quite good. He had also favorited a story, college-friends by an author that had written one story 11 years ago, but I quite enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A hot new Rabies pic was just added at johnpersons

Addendum to this week's news.

I just noticed a new Rabies pic was posted over at johnpersons. It's a scene straight out of Coxville Curse 3 featuring the scene where Kat Jones finds Principal Long at her mother's house and they end up fucking in Kat's childhood bedroom.

Check it out if you're a member.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Wife and The Black Gardeners

The Wife and The Black Gardeners

Story based on the comic version

Copyright 2018 by Stormbringer

Author’s Note:  This is the story version of a comic script I wrote based on my original story. It follows the same plot though some changes were made. It is also based on the illustrations done for the comic. Two follow up comics have been completed and there will be story versions of them, forthcoming.

The Wife and the Black Gardeners

The garden surrounding the pool was verdant and thriving. It ran along the fence in the house’s backyard, surrounding the pool and the small four stool tiki bar. The plants were well cared for, thriving and green as the warm Southern California spring turned into a hot summer. The thriving plants were ample and sumptuous, but not as ample nor as sumptuous as the two bikini-clad women laying on cots beside the pool.

“You should suck his dick,” said Donna, taking a sip of her margarita. She was clad in a skimpy blue bikini that her husband had bought for her to show off her shapely new body. The young woman had been chubby most of her life but had recently through diet and exercise transformed her stout body into one worthy of a stripper. She was rapidly developing a taste for showing off too and was loving the attention she was getting. Her husband, Bill liked showing her off just as much.

“DONNA!” Jenny exclaimed. Her copper bandeau bikini was more modest then Donna’s, but still did little to contain her buxom form. The top was a little tight, squeezing her 32F cup breasts together. Her hair was naturally light brown and the humidity made it curl as it fell down her back. Glasses covered her bright green eyes and an emerald necklace that matched her eyes hugged her neck. She was sitting on the edge of the cot, talking to her friend.

Donna leaned in. “I do it for Bill and he repays the favor if you know what I’m saying.”

“I don’t,” responded Jenny, truthfully. She stared at Donna, still unable to get over the transformation her friend had undertaken in just 18 months. She’d no idea such a beautiful woman was hiding under the extra weight. Donna had shorter, shoulder-length reddish brown hair. There was a beauty mark under her left eye. Her breasts were slightly larger then Jenny’s around 34FF and Bill had paid for them to be lifted for her 24th birthday. Jenny was tanner. It was her home and pool. Jenny laid out and tanned every day while Donna stopped by a couple times a week. Donna protected her skin more and was fairer then Jenny.

“It would be a great anniversary present,” said Donna, winking at her.

“Maybe,” responded Jenny, considering it, not keen at the thought of taking a penis in her mouth. “But if Charles can get it hard, I really need it inside me.”

“Still having trouble? They make pills for that you know.”

Charles was on a statin drug for blood pressure and over the last few years, his erections had gone from only lasting a few minutes to turning floppy to rarely materializing. His stamina disappeared along with the firmness. When he did get it hard, it wanted to ejaculate before he had managed to get the entire thing inside her. Donna’s husband didn’t have that erection problem, but his stamina went downhill steadily as she lost weight. He got hard easily, but he couldn’t handle her sexy new body and squirted after only a few strokes. Thankfully, he was skilled with his tongue, but he still had trouble keeping up. As Donna’s weight fell off, her sex drive began skyrocketing. She’d flirt with strange men and had even begun fantasizing about Jenny sexually though she didn’t have a lesbian bone in her body. Her nipples did harden as her eyes swept her friend’s sexy bikini-clad form. Still, an agreement to mutually pleasure each other would solve both their problems though Jenny was way too white bread for Donna to even mention it. Jenny pretty much only associated with straight white protestants.

“He’s too embarrassed to bring it up with the doctor, but for god’s sake, how are we going to start a family if he can’t even get it up.” Jenny was in her prime at 27, but Charles wasn’t getting any younger and closing on fifty. They were an odd couple and most people assumed she’d married him for his money, but the truth was they were deeply in love. Jenny had worked for him at his software company and the long hours together had turned into a mutual attraction. He wasn’t great around women, nor much of a looker, and couldn’t believe his luck that such a gorgeous young woman had developed an interest in him. His company had a no dating policy (he’d made the rule himself after an executive was accused of harassment), but Jenny had willingly agreed to quit so that they could see each other. They married quickly, Charles was very good to her, and there was no need for her to work. They had a cleaning service come in once a week and a landscaping service to take care of their yard. Other then grocery shopping and cooking dinner, she had it easy but was quickly growing bored. Jenny was good for her husband too. He was a workaholic and would be at the office seven days a week if it wasn’t for her. The blood pressure meds were the result of an early heart attack. She’d forced him to relax more, spend weekends with her, and to even take a couple vacations a year.

Jenny laid back on the cot and closed her eyes, praying erectile dysfunction meds would be the solution to her problems. A shadow crossed the sun, but the day hadn’t been cloudy. She opened her eyes and screamed. “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

Donna’s eyes flew open. She was just as startled to see a muscled black giant standing over them. The man looked with an angry lust down at the two women. He wore a white skullcap on his head and a tight gray tee shirt hugged his tapered waist stretching out as his chest broadened. He was clad in tight gray shorts, bulging in the front and tan working gloves covered his hands.

A rustling in the bushes behind them heralded the arrival of another black man. This one was older, past sixty, but in better shape than either of the young woman's husbands. He was wearing a tee shirt with suspenders holding his jeans up and work gloves too. His demeanor was friendlier, and both women relaxed. “Hi, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Miller. Didn’t mean to scare you.” He finished moving through the plants. “That’s my son Jerome. He’s helping me out.”

Jerome’s angry expression turned into a cocky smirk. His eyes sweeping up and down both women’s bodies. “How you two doin?”

Jenny grabbed her towel. “We’re good.” She motioned for Donna to follow her. “Sorry, I thought you’d be here later.” She never sunbathed when she knew the gardeners were coming. Even the old man, Mark Stanford was checking her and Donna’s scantily clad forms with lustful appreciation. “We’ll head inside and let you do your work.”

Jerome held his hand to his chest. “Don’t leave on my account.” He hadn’t seen anything like this in a long time.

Jenny’s nipples weren’t hard, but they still poked through her top and Jerome was staring right at them. She felt them began to grow and held one arm across her chest to hide them. “It’s time for lunch anyway,” she said. “Come on Donna.”

Jerome’s angry expression returned as he watched the women walk away. His eyes took in the first bare female asses he’d seen in five years.

“God! He was huge and scary looking,” muttered Jenny, walking ahead of Donna.

“You don’t know the half of it,” replied Donna, a little louder.

“What do you mean?” Jenny pulled the sliding glass door open. She had the materials ready to make sandwiches and retrieved two slices of bread.

Donna leaned against the wall, watching the two black men get to work. “Mark was mowing my lawn last week.”

“Yeah?” Jenny spread some mayonnaise on a slice.

“He said he was looking forward to having some help. His son was getting out of jail in a few days.”

“JAIL!” Jenny dropped the knife.

Donna walked over to the bar and sat on a stool. “Where are you going?” she asked as Jenny marched past.

“To make sure all the doors are locked.”

Donna shook her head and made her own sandwich while Jenny double checked the front door and locked the sliding glass door where they could see the two black men, rapidly turning sweaty in the heat.

Jenny sat down across from her. The two took bites of their sandwiches. “I told Charles not to hire a black man,” she said, shaking her head.

“I’m sure he’s perfectly fine.”

“Did you see the way he was staring at us?”

Donna waved her hands at Jenny and then herself. “Look at us, we’re hot,” she said, truthfully. “Besides, who knows how long he’s been locked up. Probably hasn’t seen a woman in years.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any safer,” said Jenny, even more scared of what the thuggish looking black man might do to her. “Did you see the cap on his head? It looks Islamic to me. Probably converted in prison.” Donna snorted, but Jenny ignored her. She was too busy staring at the huge black man pushing the lawnmower while Mark trimmed the branches on the trees.


One Week Later.

The gardeners came early to beat the heat. Jenny and Charles hadn’t even dressed. She was wearing a sexy piece of pink lingerie. It consisted of a boyshort panty and a bra with sheer lace covering her midriff. She often dressed sexily hoping it would stimulate Charles’ still flaccid dick. “I don’t trust those black men,” she said, staring out the curtain as Charles passed her, still in his slippers and robe after showering.

“Mark has a good reputation and works hard,” sighed Charles, accustomed to his wife’s distrust of minorities.

“His son’s a criminal.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, they’re only here on Wednesdays. One day a week.”

Jenny continued peeking through the curtain watching the two black men, but mostly Jerome trying to catch him stealing something though she had no idea what he might steal. Alcohol from the tiki bar most likely and if he didn’t steal their booze, that might mean he really was an Islamicist. The younger black man had his shirt off. She’d never seen so many muscles on a man before in real life. His chest was sleek with sweat and glistened in the sunlight. He walked over to their garden hose and began running water across his chest. She was barely aware that Charles was still talking to her.

… it’s only a few hours and you don’t even need to be home when they’re here. I’ll get rid of them if you prefer, but Mark’s been my landscaper since you were in diapers.”

“Here comes Mark,” she interrupted. “Don’t let him see me in this.”

Charles met the older black man at the sliding glass door. “Morning Mr. Richardson,” said Mark Stanford.

“Morning. Usual price?” he asked, holding the check up as he stepped outside. “YECH!” The humidity hit Charles in the face.

“Too early for this,” said Mark, wiping sweat off his brow.

Jenny was still peeping at Jerome. He turned sideways, pulling the hem of his shorts out and letting the cold water run over his crotch. She crinkled her nose with distaste, frowning and pushing her glasses up her nose as she stared closer at his crotch. The front of his shorts was bulging out as much as any of the other muscles on his body bulged. He turned away, bending to turn the water off.

Mark pocketed the check. “God it’s hot. Your pool sure looks refreshing.” His gloved hand’s thumb pointed back at the pool.

“Your welcome to cool off with the hose, but the pool is just for me and Mrs. Richardson.” Charles wasn’t overtly racist, but he was a classist. He didn’t want any dirty working-class person black or white taking a dip in his pool. Jenny, on the other hand, would demand he drain the pool if two black men went swimming in it.

“Of course, sir,” said Mark, not surprised.

“Have a good day,” said Charles, turning, wanting to get back inside to the air conditioning.

Mark turned. “One more thing Mr. Richardson. Next week, we’ll be here on Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Jerome’s got a court date and I want to be there for him.”

“That’s fine,” said Charles considering it. Normally, he’d be working anyway, but next Tuesday he’d been forced to take off by his wife and secretary. “It’s our anniversary, but I doubt we’ll be doing anything until later in the day.” He still didn’t know why he needed to take the whole day off. He and Jenny probably wouldn’t be doing anything other than going out to dinner that night. It was their seven-year anniversary after all and not a big milestone.

Jenny watched Jerome and Mark gather up their equipment. Seeing them head off, she turned to her husband, narrowing her eyes seductively and sucking her lower lip into her mouth. “I’d better get ready for work,” he told her, recognizing the look she was giving him.

“You’re the boss, you can be late,” she whispered leaning into his back. She touched the back of his robe, sliding her hand around him until she was standing in front of him, one hand on his sunken hairless chest. Her other hand slipped into his robe under his belt, fingers caressing his genitals. This used to work on him. Even when he wasn’t in the mood, when a woman like Jenny put her hand on your penis, you got in the mood quickly. “Let’s go back to bed.” The robe parted, and she looked down at her hand, tugging his uncircumcised penis, squeezing and stroking it, but aside from stretching it out to its five-inch length, it didn’t swell in the least staying as limp as a wet noodle.

“Sorry, nothing’s happening,” said Charles, cheeks reddening with shame. He pulled away, turning and heading up the stairs.

Jenny looked up after him. “It’s been months since we made love. I think you should see a doctor.” She began to follow him when he didn’t answer.

It’s embarrassing to need a pill to have sex with your wife, thought Charles, hanging his head down. He shuffled into the bedroom and pulled his shirt on. Jenny sat down on the bed. He could see her pouting in the mirror. “Okay honey. I’ll see a doctor this week about getting some ED meds.” He felt better when her lovely face lit up in delight.

“Oh, thank you, Charles. I can’t wait.”


Next Tuesday, Charles got out of the shower and dried himself off. Nude, he walked over to the medicine cabinet. It felt odd to need to take a pill for sex. Looking at himself in the mirror made him feel lucky that he had a wife that wanted to have sex with someone like him and a super sexy stacked wife at that. His face was angular and plain. He was blind as a bat without his glasses. He had a sunken concave chest and a slight paunch. The muscles on his arms were taut but barely noticeable. He’d had three women before Jenny. Two were short-term girlfriends. Another had broken up with him just after their relationship turned intimate. None came close to Jenny in looks or figure. She’d come into his life just as he was closing in on an eight-year dry spell without sex. He felt like a complete fool. If the stupid pills were all it took to keep his wife happy, what a small price that was to pay.

Charles took out the bottle of “HARD-ON”. The doctor had told him he could take one to three pills. He settled on two. Let’s hope these work, he thought. Charles pulled on his swim trunks and went back into the bedroom. Jenny was out by the pool waiting for him. He couldn’t help himself and checked his work emails on the laptop. The pills were supposed to take an hour to kick in anyway. Satisfied that his business wasn’t burning down without him, he headed downstairs and quickly scrambled an egg. Jenny watched her weight and started her day with only a breakfast shake.

Finally, he headed out to the pool. Jenny was laying out on a cot sunbathing, earbuds plugging her ears. One foot was swaying to whatever she was listening too. He almost tripped into the pool at the sight of the purple bikini. It was bright and new, covering less of her body than any other swimsuit he’d seen her in. The top was a triangle cup, tied around her neck and only covered the front of her large bosom with tit flesh sticking out on either side of the purple triangle. The panty was so low cut, the top of her rather profuse pubic mound was showing. For the first time in months, Charles felt an ache in his testicles.

He kneeled beside his wife and kissed her neck. “Happy anniversary,” he whispered. Her nipples were poking out the tight top and as she sat up in the cot, he could see her bare ass. Damn! Good thing we don’t have neighbors. The ache in his testicles turned into a twitch in his penis. Wait a minute… something is stirring down there, he thought hopefully.

Jenny slid off the cot and stood. The twitch turned into a swell as she turned and bent down, thrusting her firm tanned ass cheeks out. She picked up a glass of white wine and turned, handing it to him. “It’s a little early to be drinking,” he said, disapprovingly, noticing two empty glasses beside her cot.

“I needed some liquid courage,” she said, demurely.

“For what?”

“For this,” said Jenny, squatting and yanking his shorts down so quickly, Charles jerked and spilled some of his wine.

Jenny squealed in delight when his rock-hard penis sprang up. She hadn’t seen it this hard in five years and had forgotten what a monster it truly was sticking out five inches from his crotch. The pill is working, I’m gonna get laid today, she thought, opening her mouth. She closed her lips around the head of Charles’s big penis and sucked on it, bobbing her head like Donna had shown her on a banana.

“Unh, what are you doing?” asked Charles. He knew what a blow job was. One of his previous girlfriends had wanted to suck him, but he wouldn’t let her, nor would he go down on her and she’d broken up with him shortly afterwards. “That’s dirty,” he complained without too much conviction as more and more of his penis disappeared into her throat.

This isn’t hard at all, thought Jenny, proudly as her lips pressed into his pubes. She could feel the tip of his penis pushing past her tonsils. She pulled back, letting his penis slip from her lips. It was still rock hard and showed no sign of losing its firmness. “Relax honey,” she said, smiling up at him. “Donna does this for Bill all the time.” Her tongue flickered out to lick around the head before she started sucking again.

“It is rather nice,” muttered Charles, starting to enjoy it just as his cell phone buzzed with a text.


“Don’t you dare answer that,” said Jenny angrily as Charles, stooped to pull his phone out of the pocket on his swim trunks. She stroked his penis, making sure he stayed hard. Why hadn’t he left his damned phone inside?


“CRAP!” said Charles, checking the message. “Major computer crash. I have to go.”

Jenny slid her hand over the hard penis as she looked up at him in horror. “You can’t leave me on our anniversary.”

“Sorry, but it’s an emergency.”

“It’s always an emergency.” Jenny gave up, reluctantly releasing his penis. She stood and grabbed her drink.

“Have Donna keep you company until I get back.” Charles pulled his trunks up his legs.

Jenny watched his penis disappear. It had already shrunk. It’s like there was a switch in his head and it had just flipped from sex back to “work” any interest in sex disappearing. “Bill has a new camera and has her modeling bikinis for him.” She put her hand on her hip, staring at Charles. “Besides, I want my husband today, not my best friend.”

“Sorry, I’ll be back when I can.” Charles turned, hurrying inside and upstairs. He pulled a jacket out of the closet and started dressing. As he adjusted his tie, Charles looked out the window into his backyard. Jenny was stretching a towel out in the grass beside the pool. She kneeled on it, laying down on her stomach. He headed back downstairs, stopping at the sliding glass door. “I’ll make it up to you when I get home,” he called. She didn’t answer, either angry with him or asleep.

Charles headed to the garage and got in his Mercedes. He pulled out into the driveway thinking about Jenny. His hands tightly gripped the steering wheel. You’re neglecting your wife idiot. You need to spend more time with her… just as soon as you’re done work today.

As he drove down the street, he passed Mark’s work van. The side normally read “Stanford Landscaping”, but he’d painted in “& son” next to his name. “SHIT!” said Charles. I forgot Mark was coming today. Better warn jenny.

The home phone rang until the answering machine came on. “Jenny pick up. Mark’s on his way. Just wanted to warn you.” He paused waiting for her to answer. “Love y…” he added just as it clicked off.

His phone rang almost immediately. He’d been ticketed for it before, but he held it up to his ear anyway. He expected his wife, but it was work. “Yes, Karen.”

“A tech’s coming in Mr. Richardson. Go enjoy your anniversary.”

“Great news. Thank you.” Another crisis averted. “He have any idea what it is?”

“He’s pretty sure he can have the system up and running pretty quickly.”

“You sure you don’t need me?”

He could hear her sigh on the other end of the line. “Get your ass home to your wife, Charles.”

Thanks, Karen, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“I don’t either Mr. Richardson. Have a great anniversary.”

Charles turned the Mercedes around. He honestly didn’t know what he’d do without her. Karen not only kept giving him reminders that his anniversary was coming up, but she’d even bought his gift for Jenny.

He’d forgotten about the black gardeners until he saw the van in his driveway. Need to warn Jenny the black landscapers are here, he thought. Maybe, he’d just pay them and send them home for the day. The yard could survive a week without them. He wondered if the HARD-ON was still in his system. Charles walked around the side of his house, looking for Mark or his son. Jenny was going to be pissed if they caught her in that little bikini. The Stanfords weren’t outside the fence. Charles stepped up and peeked through the wood slats. What the…? He thought stunned by what he was seeing.

Jenny was still laying on her stomach, arms crossed under her head. Mark’s son was kneeling behind her, squirting tanning lotion into his hand. He was shirtless and had the skullcap on his head. Mark was standing beside his son, grinning. Jerome squirted some oil directly on her back and bare ass cheeks.

Why is she letting that black man touch her? wondered Charles as Jerome placed his hands-on Jenny’s ass cheeks, squeezing and rubbing the oil in. He massaged her lower back, one hand returning to her ass, the other reaching up to untie the strings on her back and behind her neck.

“That feels so good Charles. I knew you loved me and would come back.” Jenny sighed with pleasure, the giant black ex-convict’s hands rubbing oil into her back. She remained on her stomach, head resting on her crossed arms. Her eyes were closed, earbuds still in her ears.

She thinks he’s me, thought Charles, watching in horror. He wanted to scream out to his wife, but he was tongue tied, his feet were frozen to the spot. Jerome pulled the thong up and away from her ass. Two slick fingers reached down between her thighs. Charles couldn’t see his hand, but Jenny jerked as two black fingers slid into her pussy.

Jenny’s ass slowly lifted off the ground as Jerome kept working his fingers between her legs. Jenny’s head lifted off her arms and Charles could clearly see that she was enjoying the large fingers in her pussy. “I’m gonna fuck this rich bitch,” grunted Jerome, loud enough Charles could hear, but Jenny couldn’t with her ears plugged.

“That white pussy’s begging for it,” agreed Mark, a man Charles had always considered a polite decent man.

I need to stop this, thought Charles, still frozen.

“OH GOD! Make love to me now. I need it so bad,” said Jenny, louder than normal with her ears blocked.

STOP STOP STOP thought Charles. His mouth finally open to warn his wife. “St…” he almost found his voice, choking on his words as Jerome pulled an absolute monster of a penis out of his shorts. It totally dwarfed Charles’ own penis more than double in length and thickness. It left him speechless. Jerome removed his fingers from Jenny’s pussy and emptied the bottle of oil along his huge rod. The black man adjusted her thong again, bent his penis down between her raised thighs. Jenny jerked again, eyes flying open in disbelief.

Jenny appeared to be in shock as she raised her entire body up on all fours. Her top slid off her arm, huge breasts dangling beneath her. One hand planted on her blanket trapped the wire and her earbuds pulled out as she rose. Charles had a better view now, he couldn’t see the penetration, but he could see the rest of the thick brown shaft connecting his wife with the black gardener. “It… it feels so hard Charles. Jenny’s lips parted, her head hanging down and she appeared to be panting. “The pill must be working.” Her eyes were wide with disbelief and with… delight.  “So thick too. Give me all five inches.”

Charles could see her pushing back into the huge black penis even as Jerome pushed it deeper. Her nipples were rock hard. Behind them, Mark pulled his shirt off over his head. For a man his age, he had a hard-muscled chest with an impressive six-pack. Jerome’s hands were hanging at his sides. It was Jenny that was working her pussy on his prick. “You’re so hard… so thick… deeper than normal.” Jenny’s lips spread in an ecstatic smile. “I feel funny.” Charles could clearly see her eyes roll up in her head as some powerful force overtook her. “Something’s happening. I think I’m going to cu… CUMMING!!”

She acted like she’d never had an orgasm before. Charles frowned. He’d given her orgasms before, hadn’t he?

Jerome grabbed her sides and pulled her up, another inch of penis disappearing into her. Now Charles could see the black man’s enormous testicles dangling between Jenny’s spread legs. They turned wet and began dripping fluids to her blanket. Jenny was gasping as she tried to catch her breath. She recovered quickly, moaning as Jerome reached around, squeezing her breasts and tweaking her nipples. Jerome’s father, now fully nude stepped around from her side. Jenny, lazily looked up, taking a second to react. Then her eyes flew open. “OH MY GOD! That damn nigger is watching us. Do something.” Her eyes fell to the penis dangling down between Mark’s legs like a foot-long spoiled banana. As her eyes fell, not only was she stunned by the size of Mark’s penis, but she caught sight of the enormous black hands squeezing her tits. What the hell, she thought?

The hands covered the front of her breasts, her nipples sticking out between thick black fingers. He pinched his fingers together, squeezing her nipples between them. She felt the penis opening her up wider as she turned to look over her shoulder at the smiling face of the black ex-con with the Islamic looking skull cap. “JESUS! What are you doing?”

“Right now, I’m pushing another inch of black cock into that white pussy.”

Oh shit! I’m going to cum again, she thought as Jerome’s penis pushed into virgin territory.

“And another inch.”

Charles could see her lips quivering, her face tightly concentrating, sweat flying from her brow. “AAAHHH!” She appeared to be fighting it. “OH FUCK!” Her eyes rolled up again. “AAAHHH!!!”

“And another inch,” grunted Jerome as another wave of fluid poured down his balls.

“So big. So good,” she cried. I’m cumming so hard.

“And another inch.”

“FUCK ME!” she screamed, wondering if the inches and the pleasure would ever end. “I can’t stop cumming.”

“And I’m balls deep,” said Jerome, pulling her into his lap before pushing her back down onto her hands and knees. He grabbed her hair, pulling it like reins. “UNH!” she screamed, as he pulled some of his penis back and slammed it forwards. “Why are you doing this?” Her eyes stared up at Mark standing above her, his penis sticking out erect now. It had to be at least a foot long. “SO BIG! UNH!” Jenny grunted. The thick black penis fucking her was every bit as big as the one staring her in the face. These monsters made her husband’s penis look like a little boy.

“You begged for it,” answered Jerome.

“I thought you were my husband.” Jenny’s pussy was quivering around the huge cock, squeezing and pulling it inwards, loving every inch of the titanic black penis. “He doesn’t make love like this.”

“Does this thing feel like Charles?” Jerome slammed his penis in deep, pushing her face closer to his father’s huge penis.

“NO! Your penis is huge.” Jenny stared up at the foot-long shaft rising above her face. These monsters were powerful and manly, so different from her husband’s penis.

“That ain’t no penis,” grunted Jerome answering her question. “That’s a cock. And we ain’t makin love, we are fucking.”

“It’s so big. Black cocks are for fucking?” Jenny pushed back into the black cock fucking her. The one before her eyes was bobbing hypnotically. “Built for fucking… black cocks,” she muttered.

“Right on,” grunted Jerome. “You sure is, baby.”

“We need to stop. I’m married,” she whispered, more for propriety’s sake then desire. She was still pushing back into Jerome’s black cock. Jenny wanted to cum again. Just one more time.

Jerome pulled back on her hair, raising her head. He pushed his beefy hand against the back of her head. “Shut her up dad,” he grunted, pushing her head down, the head of Mark’s black cock pushing into her mouth. “I need to finish integrating this white pussy.”

Jenny knew she needed to relax her throat or Mark’s big black cock would choke her. She’d only sucked her first penis an hour ago and now… Correction, this was a cock, she was sucking cock for the first time and it required more effort which was hard when there was another cock filling your pussy as it had never been filled before. Can’t stop, she thought, Jerome, pushing down on her head even as Mark thrust his hips forward. Jenny concentrated breathing through her nose as six or seven inches of black cock pushed past her lips. So big. So good. She pushed up off her knees, angling her back so that Mark’s entire cock slid into her throat until her lips were kissing his curly black pubes. Black cocks are bigger…better. Built for fucking. Mark’s hand replaced Jerome’s on the back on her head, but he was just holding her as she bobbed her head sucking his cock, her ass rising into Jerome’s thrust. A contented moaning sound came from her throat.

“Slut’s fucking me back now,” said Jerome, happily. “She’s integrated now.”

Jenny looked up at Mark, her brain was hoping he was pleased with her, but his normally, smiling and polite face was sneering down at her contemptuously. It made her want to try harder. “What do you think of this damn nigger’s cock? I hate these rich white bitches,” he said. “Looking down their noses at us.” She was staring down her nose at the thick black shaft sliding between her lips. “Thinkin we be dirtying up their pools if we swim in dem.”

Their timing was off, Mark pulling back the same time Jenny did. His cock cleared her lips, flying up. She grabbed the base, licking the underside, up around the head. Jerome squeezed her ass, thrusting his cock deep. “They all turn into sluts once they get the taste of some dark meat though,” said the younger Stanford fucking her.

“That’s not true. I’m not a slut,” she protested. She believed it even though she was currently sandwiched between her black gardeners, taking both father and son’s cocks. “I love my husband.” She pulled his cock back down towards her mouth.

“If he loved you, why’d he leave you on yo anniversary?” asked Mark.

He’s right, thought Jenny, stroking his cock while sucking the head in her mouth. Why Charles? This is your fault, asshole. Something pushed on her sphincter. The pressure grew, and her rosebud slowly pushed in. “My ass!” Her ass opened as Jerome’s thumb entered her. It brought entirely new waves of pleasure and she came all over his cock again. “AAAAAHH!!”

Jenny returned her lips to Mark’s cock head, sucking and jerking him rapidly. His cock seemed bigger for some reason. It was swelling even harder. Hot seed exploded into the back of her throat. It caught her off guard and she accidentally swallowed his first load before pulling back, more cum filling her mouth. His cock erupted above her face, hot seed splattering in her hair, on her forehead, her glasses, nose. It wasn’t disgusting at all. His seed tastes good, she thought surprised. Her hand jerked his shaft off, watching with fascination as jet after jet of white shot out from the tip. One of those little squirts was equal to Charles’ entire orgasm, but then Mark’s testicles were like coconuts compared to her husband’s walnut-sized scrotum.

Suddenly, Jenny felt horrified, empty inside. She pushed backward but the cock was gone. She felt her pussy lips spreading against his shaft. “MORE! I WANT MORE! Put it back in,” she ordered.

“Roll over, slut,” ordered Jerome.

Jenny couldn’t roll over fast enough. She raised her head, staring at the black cock, shiny and wet from her arousal. “Wow,” she muttered, wondering how she’d taken the entire thing.

“I want you to see who’s fucking you so good,” said Jerome. She looked up at him, taking in his broad chest, muscles, and dark black skin shiny with sweat. She’d been afraid of him last week. She was still scared of him and of what she’d willingly do now for more of his black cock. She opened her legs wider and he smirked in approval. “Put that black cock where it belongs, whore,” he commanded. Jenny pulled her bikini bottom to the side and grabbed the end of his cock bending it down towards her needy pussy.

Jerome pressed forwards, the wife shuddering as his cock slipped back inside. Jerome grabbed her hips. His hands were large enough they nearly encircled her waist, his thumbs touching above her navel. He raised her lower body up into his cock, pulling her back each time he thrust forwards. Not only had she never been fucked by a cock like this, but she’d also never been fucked by such a powerfully dominant male. “You like the way I’m fucking yo pussy?” he asked.

“YES! YES! GOD YES!” Jenny thrashed, her pussy exploding again under the steady thrusting of the huge cock. Her pussy was clamping down around his shaft, squeezing inwards like she was milking it for his seed. I’m cumming all over his big black cock. Warning bells rang in her head that she was unprotected, and it was a dangerous time of the month for her, but she wasn’t about to stop him now. She’d never experienced such pleasure before. Hopefully, he’d warn her, and she could tell him to pull out. “I love your big black cock,” she moaned. “Fuck my white pussy.”

Outside the fence, Charles winced, still staring in disbelief through the slats between the boards. His penis ached in his pants. I can’t believe her tight little vagina is taking that entire thing, he thought, reaching in to adjust his penis, but instead pulling it out. And why am I so hard? Must be the pill, he assumed.

I didn’t know God made cocks this big, thought Jenny as Mark’s huge slab of black meat fell on her face. She nuzzled, licking the underside. His seed had tasted so good, she’d gladly suck his black cock again and it looked ready to rise again at any moment even though he’d only spilled his seed minutes ago.

Jerome pushed forwards, the head deep in her womb. “Here it cums,” he told her.

“NO! Pull it out. I’m not on the pill. Mmmmpph!” Mark pushed his cock head back in her mouth. Jenny’s pussy immediately squeezed down on his shaft so tightly, she doubted if he could have pulled it out. Not that he tried. Her own orgasm exploded the second his cock erupted. OH SHIT! Cumming again. The orgasm shook her body, waves of pleasure spreading out centered right where his cock was spurting seed inside her.

Charles penis felt like it might burst. He glanced away from his unfaithful wife and down at his rock-hard penis. If he hadn’t seen what the black men were packing, he’d have been impressed by how big his five-inch penis looked. He poked his index finger down at it, his penis jerking upwards and shooting a four-inch-long strand of semen out of the head. Semen he should have been shooting inside his fertile wife. His penis jerked again, then collapsed, shriveling up into his scrotum, still dribbling sperm over his testicles.

He looked up again, filled with hope. Jerome’s cock was jutting out above Jenny’s belly, spewing an endless series of sperm strands across her body. Maybe, he had pulled out before he’d cum inside her? Jerome leaped up, straddling her crotch. Jenny grabbed his cock, jerking the shaft so that it was shooting his endless supply of sperm into her mouth. “Yummy,” she said, apparently liking it, much to her husband’s disgust. Even when she’d been sucking him earlier, he had no intention of squirting in her mouth.

“Fuck it’s hot,” complained the old black man. He stood and jumped in the pool. Jenny seemed dazed as she rolled off her towel and stood up. She waddled over to the hose and sprayed it all over tits and belly, trying to clean the voluminous amount of semen covering her body. Her panty had become loose and it fell off her as she pulled it aside to let the hose run water between her legs. Jerome grinned as he stood up and pulled his shorts all the way down. Soon, he joined his father in the pool, slowly sinking into the cool water.

Jenny retrieved her bikini and was fixing the strings to put it back on when Jerome yelled, “Leave it off, slut. I want you to stay naked.” Jenny looked up, staring at him. Her hands opened obeying him, both pieces of her bikini falling to the grass. “Why don’t you make us some drinks?”

Jenny Richardson walked over to her tiki bar and mixed three margaritas. She returned to the two black men, walking nude with a drink tray in her hand. Jenny bent down, handing the two men a drink before setting the tray down nearby. She took a sip of her margarita and sat down on the edge of the pool. Mark was staring lustfully at her. He walked over to her. His cock had never quite gone down and was rising up out of the water. He put his arm around her back, caressing downwards to her ass cheeks. Jenny looked at him. He moved in, bending his head and kissing her on the lips. She started to pull back but stopped herself. She would never have ever considered kissing a black man, but refusing was stupid considering his cock had not only been in her mouth, but she’d swallowed his semen. She parted her lips, letting his tongue in her mouth and was soon kissing him back just as lustfully as he was kissing her. Her hand moved down between his legs, finding his hard shaft. She started jerking him off while kissing him.

Mark was a great, passionate kisser. She moaned, teasing his tongue with her own, her lust growing as her hand jerked his cock faster. Jenny jerked suddenly. Jerome’s fingers were between her legs, gently probing inside her wet pussy. He emptied what was left of his margarita over her breast, goosebumps swelling up around her already hard nipple. Jenny groaned with lust, jerking Mark off faster as his son clamped his lips over her nipple, licking and sucking the margarita off her breast.

“My turn,” said Mark, moving around between her legs. Jerome quit fingering her and stepped out of the way as Jenny parted her legs, staring down at the old man’s foot long black cock. She reached down and bent it down towards the entrance to her pussy.

Jenny gasped as he penetrated her. He waded forwards, pushing his cock deeper. The edge of the pool was the perfect height for him to fuck her. She opened her legs wider then wrapped them around his sides. Mark cupped her breasts, moving his face forwards. They kissed again as he began a rhythmic pumping of his cock. Jenny trembled in his arms, cumming again. She arched her back, breaking the kiss, catching herself with her hands on the cement sides of the pool. This thrust her breasts upwards so that all he had to do was bend down and suck her nipple into his mouth. “OOOHHH!” she moaned. Her cum flowed down his balls and the side of her pool again and again.

Jenny fell on her back, squeezing her own nipples as Mark hefted her legs, fucking her as fast as he could triggering three more orgasms until he pushed his cock in deep, the head poised in her womb. Once again, she felt the powerful jets of a black man’s seed, filling her with more semen than Charles had ever ejaculated in his life. She shuddered and collapsed.

Jenny came to her senses, struggling to force herself to sit back up. Mark was nearby bent over the edge of the pool retrieving his drink. She shook her head, dazed, but she’d never felt this good in her life.

Charles pressed closer between the slats. His wife was sitting on the edge facing him. Her legs were spread open and a waterfall of semen was pouring out of her pussy down into the water. Not in my pool, he thought. Charles wouldn’t be swimming in it again this summer. His eyes were drawn to the younger black man, nude but for his skull cap. The ex-convict was laying on Jenny’s towel. Impossibly, his cock was hard again. Jenny was smiling lazily as she turned her head and saw him. “Come ride me,” said Jerome to Charles’s young wife.

Sperm was still pouring into the pool as she pushed herself up and walked the few steps towards Jerome. Jenny straddled his large torso and squatted over his cock. Jenny lowered herself, sighing with pleasure as she sank down into his lap. She raised and lowered herself, staring down at the black man. She’d never been attracted to big muscles though she liked fit men and Charles could certainly use improvement in that arena. Jenny ran her hands across his chest, feeling his muscles. She’d never touched a black person before today and she found the contrast between their skin colors exciting. The first time she’d seen Jerome two weeks ago, all she’d seen was a scary dark-skinned thug. Now he was sexy, the hottest man she’d ever seen. Jerome was the perfect ideal man. Jenny shuddered, arching her back as her pussy spasmed all around his cock. He grabbed her tit like he owned it, pulling her forwards so that he could suck her nipple. Jenny moaned, her orgasm never stopping.

Charles felt broken, sad, watching his wife act like a slut with the two hung black men. Jenny was riding the criminal, occasionally leaning forwards so that he could suck her nipples, and once laying down on his kissing him lustfully while grinding her pussy back into the man’s crotch. Mr. Stanford was jerking his floppy cock watching them and Charles watched jealously as it stiffened turning rock hard again. He’d needed pills to get his penis erect and this older black man was on his third erection in an hour. Charles didn’t know what he planned to do with his current erection as Jenny and Jerome appeared quite fixated on each other.

Mark walked down behind Jenny and squatted. He poured some of her tanning oil down the length of his shaft. When it was good and slick, he walked forwards on his knees. Charles shook his head in denial. There was no way he was going to put it where it looked like he was going to put it. Mark bent his cock down above his son’s cock and pressed the head against Jenny’s asshole.

“HEY!” She broke the kiss, jerking upwards. “What are you…?”

Jerome held her still as she squirmed to get away, but she was nicely sandwiched between the two men. As hard as the giant black cock was it actually bent a little before Jenny’s sphincter gave in and the head pushed inside.

“NO! Not my ass. It’s too big.” Jenny’s face looked horrified like she was scared to death.

Charles may have neglected his wife to the point she was cheating on him with the hired help, but she was never about to let one of them stick his penis up her rear end.

“OW!” she squealed in alarm. Jerome was grinning. He squeezed her tit, sucking it again. “OW!” she said, wincing. Mark sank down on her as his cock pushed inside her ass. “UNH! OW!” Her face relaxed, a look of pleasure spread across her expression. No, thought Charles. No way was she that big of a slut that she’d get pleasure out of something like this. “OH!” she moaned this time. “OH YES! DO IT!” she ordered. “Fuck my ass. Fuck my pussy.”

Charles could clearly hear the sounds of the three rutting. Grunts and moans echoed through his yard. Jenny was screaming, “Fuck me fuck me,” repeatedly interspersed with orgasmic screams. His wife may have been built like a porn star, but she’d never behaved like one until now. He wasn’t even sure he’d ever be able to look at her again without picturing her mouth, pussy, and ass stuffed with a black cock. He doubted he’d be able to kiss her again.

“UUNNGGHH!!” Grunted Mark, pushing and holding his cock deep in her ass.

“UNH!” Moaned Jerome at the same time.

“AAAAGGGH!” Jenny screamed, her body jerking between the two black men.

Charles watched as sperm flowed down to the bases of both men’s cocks and began running over their balls. Sickening, Jenny wasn’t on birth control and she’d always made him where a condom. Today, their anniversary, if he’d managed to get it erect, was to be the first day, they’d make love bareback taking their first steps to conceive a child. Jenny had just taken her third voluminous load into her unprotected pussy.

Better get out of here, thought Charles, stepping back away from the fence and returning to his car. He got inside and backed out of the driveway. He made a U-turn and parked on the side of the road where he could see his house.

Charles sat back, staring at his house. Despite her sluttish behavior, he still loved his wife, but he wasn’t sure he could stay married to her. Yet, the thought of divorcing her filled him with grief. Minutes ticked by on his watch. He’d neglected and completely took his wife for granted, but the thought of losing her was unbearable. The minutes had turned into an hour. Maybe, she’ll get it out of her system, he thought, hoping that this would just be a one-time thing while knowing that his penis even if he could get it hard again, would never give her the satisfaction Jerome or Mark’s huge black rods could give her. Speaking of Mark, he appeared in the front yard, pushing the mower. Where’s Jerome? He wondered.


Jenny leaned back on the edge of the tub. Jerome had watched her bath, washing the dried semen off her and cleaning up between her legs. He stepped into the tub when she turned the water off, holding her razor and some shaving cream.

Jenny thought he’d shave her bald, but he left a single line of curly brown hair. She sometimes trimmed her hairy pussy, but she’d never shaved it before. She ran her fingers down the smooth sides of the strip of hair, liking the look and feel. “A perfect landing strip for my black cock,” he explained.

Jerome helped her out of the tub and toweled her dry before bending down to kiss her again. Jenny reached down and grabbed his cock. It was limp but plump, and it rose slightly as she stroked it. Jenny gave it a squeeze and pulled him by his cock into her bedroom. Her husband needed pills to get an erection and Jerome was pretty much ready to go a third time in only several hours. His sixty-year-old father had cum three times. It seemed to her that black cocks really were built for fucking. Jenny had a strong urge to share this information with Donna but feared her best friend would think she was a slut and never talk to her again.

Much to Jenny’s surprise, Jerome wasn’t in a rush to sink his cock back in her. He pushed her back on her bed and crawled between her legs. Strong hands gripped her thighs pushing her legs open as she watched his white skull cap lower down over her newly shaven mound. Jenny’s body jerked when his tongue found her pussy. “Oh!” she said in surprise.

He kissed her down there and looked up her body. “Haven’t eaten pussy in five years,” he said, staring at her as his tongue slid up her slit.

Jenny started lifting her mound up into his tongue. So, this was what Donna had been talking about by the pool the other day? “Oh god yes,” she moaned. Her hands grabbed her breasts, pinching and tugging her hard nipples. The extra stimulation had her thrashing on the bed from a large orgasm. “OH! YES!” she screamed, cumming again. His tongue slid down her raised hips, probing at her anus before sliding back up, wiggling deep inside her then up and over her clit before traveling back down. His tongue felt better and thicker then Charles’ penis and her husband had never shown as much enthusiasm making love to her as the black man was showing eating her pussy. She moaned in frustration when he stopped, but it was only in anticipation of something better coming.

His tongue twirled over her clit, moving up and licking her newly shaved mound to the left of her line of pubic hair. He kissed over the mound of her lower belly, kissing her navel and letting his tongue slide inside. Jenny gasped and moaned, writhing beneath him as he climbed higher over her body, licking up her ribs, kissing both breasts and sucking her nipples between his lips. She grabbed his skull cap, holding his head down on her breasts. She could feel his hard cock sliding along her legs. Her hands slid down the sides of his head, pulling him up, trying to get his cock head closer to where it belonged. He kissed her shoulder blade, then her shoulder, then her neck, his cock head pushing past her pussy lips. Jenny gasped in pleasure as he penetrated her again. Jerome arched his back, pushing his cock deep. He looked down at her. “About time you actually got fucked in this bed,” he told her, bending down to kiss her.

“I agree,” she replied before their lips met. Jenny grabbed his ass, pulling him deep as she wrapped her legs around his thighs. He broke the kiss, gritting his teeth as he forcefully fucked her to another orgasm. “Oh Jerome,” she moaned, thrashing beneath him. She was crying from all the pleasure his cock was giving her. “I love it! I love your black cock!”

“I know,” he replied. He pushed it deep, the first spurts of his seed filling her fertile womb.

Jenny was shaken by the powerful orgasm that rocked her body while he came inside her. “YES! GOD YES!” He pumped it a few more times making sure he’d drained every bit of his sperm from his shaft, keeping it inside her until he went plump. “I love fucking you, Jerome. I love your cock.”

“I think I got one more left in me,” he answered with a wink, though even he was starting to look tired.


Down the street, Charles was resting his head on his fist against the car door. He’d watched Mark finish mowing then use a trimmer on the weeds. There was still no sign of Jerome. Hopefully, Jenny was ashamed of her behavior and had run inside to hide while Jerome worked in the backyard.

He partially blamed himself for neglecting her. Plus, by the time she realized it was one of the black gardeners pushing his penis inside her, she may have been too aroused to stop. But for god’s sake, she hadn’t just let him fuck her, she’d sucked his dad off at the same time. She’d kissed them both lustfully. She’d fucked the old man and then almost immediately fucked the son again while the old man sodomized her, and she’d loved it! She’d behaved like a complete slut for the hired help!

If this were a one-time thing, he might forgive her, but he wasn’t sure how long it would be before he could make love to her again or even kiss her for that matter.

I hope she gets it out of her system, he thought wistfully.


Jerome pulled his skull cap off and tossed it aside as he stepped back under the shower spray.

Jenny removed her glasses, her black lover going blurry until she stepped into the shower with him and he came back into focus. Jenny was surprised to see he was shaved bald and also surprised at how sexy it made him look. The hot water running down his bald head, his strongly built nude body, and his swelling cock was the sexiest most virile thing she’d ever seen. She ran her hands down his chest, loving the contrast between their skin color, loving the feel of hard muscular flesh beneath her finger tips. Jerome wrapped his arms around her, hands running down to squeeze her ass as he kissed her under the water. Her breasts mashed against the hard muscles she’d been feeling. His cock hardened.

Jerome roughly spun her around and pushed her against the clear plexiglass wall of the shower. His cock probed between her thighs. She spread her legs, jerking against the wall as he entered her for the fourth time today. “FUCK ME!” she growled. He grabbed the top of the shower wall over her head, his thighs slapping against hers as he slammed his cock into her. He wasn’t pacing himself, he was just fucking her quickly to get himself off one last time. “I love it. I love your black cock.” She turned her head sideways as his thrusts grew more powerful, her breasts squashed flat against the glass wall. “I love it.” Her pussy squeezed his shaft, trying to hold him deep, trying to milk his seed from his balls. “I love your black cock.” Jenny shuddered. “UNH!” she cried, cumming again. She felt his cock jerk, his seed filling her womb again. “I LOVE YOU!” she screamed, her orgasm growing with each spurt of his cock inside her.

Jerome held her hips as his cock quit ejaculating. Jenny’s cheek still resting on the glass wall of her shower, gasping as she caught her breath. “I love you, Jerome,” she told him sincerely.

“We gonna fuck again?” he asked, also gasping from the exertion.

“Anytime you want,” she answered, missing his cock as he pulled it out, releasing a flood of semen from her. “This is your pussy now.” She turned wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his brutishly handsome face down.

He grinned and kissed her again.


Finally, sighed Charles when Jenny and Jerome appeared in the front door. He felt sick to his stomach watching them kissing passionately and kiss some more and they continued kissing and her hand was on the bulge of his pants caressing and squeezing it while they kept kissing as if neither wanted to be the first to break contact with the other’s lips.

Worse, when Jerome stepped back, breaking the kiss. Jenny was in her pink robe, but it wasn’t belted, and her nude body was on full display to anyone walking down the street. Jerome reached out and tweaked a nipple before leaving to join his dad in the work truck.

Jenny stood at her door, showing both men her nude torso as she waved goodbye.

Charles started his car, pulling away from the curb and onto the street. The Stanford and Son Landscaping truck heading his way. Mark flashed his lights, recognizing Charles’ Mercedes. He didn’t want to talk to the black men, but Mark had already stopped in the road. His window rolled down.

“You’re here late,” said Charles, pulling up beside them. He saw Jenny quickly duck back into the house.

“Mrs. Richardson had us do some extra work today,” said Mark, grinning. Both black men looked smug,  grinning at him

“Yeah, she worked us long and hard,” said Jerome leaning forward, his grin turning to a smirk. “Especially me.”

“Mrs. Richardson said you’d give us a bonus for today’s work,” said Mark. Jerome glanced proudly at his father.

Charles’ hands were shaking as he reached for his wallet. He pulled out a bill. “Here’s fifty,” he said, thinking, I’m tipping them for fucking my wife. “What exactly did you do for my wife?”

“We spread a lot of seed,” said Jerome, trying not to laugh. “We spread our seed all over the place. In the front…”

“And in the back,” added Mark. “I haven’t spread so much seed in a long time.”

“Did some hedge work too. I trimmed that bush real tight,” said Jerome, smirking at Charles again.

Charles wasn’t sure what he was talking about. “Uh, thanks, I guess. Well, I’d better get back to my wife.”

“Have a nice day, Mr. Richardson,” said Mark. “OH! By the way, Happy anniversary.”

“Thank you, Mark.” Charles couldn’t get his window up fast enough.

Charles drove past his house and kept going, pulling in to the local market. He purchased a bouquet of flowers and returned to his car. When he got home, Jenny was doing the laundry. She was stuffing the bed sheets into the washer. He frowned. His pool was bad enough, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to believe she’d fucked one of those negroes in their marital bed though he was pretty sure the housekeeping service had just washed the sheets. He cleared his throat.

Jenny smiled and kissed him on the cheek when she saw the flowers. She seemed clueless that her robe was still open with her body on full display. She was any red-blooded male’s fantasy come to life. Her nipples were hard, sticking out of those large perfectly rounded breasts. His HARD-ON enhanced penis extended a little at the sight of them. He wanted to reach out and caress them but wasn’t sure if they were his to touch anymore. His eyes swept down her flat tummy, widening when he saw she’d shaved. “Jenny?”

She assumed he was referring to her state of undress. “Oh, I was getting ready for our dinner date when I thought I’d throw the sheets in the wash.” She followed his eyes down. “Oh that. Well,, just thought it would be a nice surprise for our anniversary. Like it?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Good enough to eat?”


“Nothing. Why don’t you go for a swim and I’ll finish getting ready?”

Charles felt sick to his stomach at the thought of swimming in his pool after all the semen that had been spilled in it. Instead, he got out his laptop and opened some spreadsheets for work. Jenny was upstairs, and he could hear her humming contentedly. When she came downstairs, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. She was wearing a strapless little black dress with heels. She was also wearing contacts which tended to bother her, but she always looked even more gorgeous when her bright green eyes weren’t hidden behind lenses. He had been a fool taking this exquisite creature for granted.

At dinner, their waiter was a young black man who had difficulty not staring at Jenny’s breasts. It didn’t help that she leaned forwards to that they practically spilled out of her top while giving him her order. He gulped, trying to remain professional, but fucked up when he asked if they were having an early Father’s Day dinner. He tried to talk to her, but she was distant, staring off into space, resting her chin on her hand while twirling the wine in her glass with her other hand. When their food came, she ate ravenously trying to regain some of the calories she’d burned off.

Back at home, she made the bed. Charles stripped off his suit while she slipped out of the dress. He bent and stepped into his pajama bottoms catching her staring at his penis, her nose crinkled with distaste. She looked away quickly and pulled back the covers. Jenny was nude, but for her panty.

“I’m sorry about today,” he apologized.

“That’s okay. I took out my frustration on the gardeners.” Jenny fluffed her pillow.

“About them. I think you’re right. I’ll replace them with someone else.”

“Nonsense, dear. They’re the only men around here with the right equipment to get the job done.”

Aghast, Charles climbed into bed. He was sad but relieved when she turned away from him and didn’t try to initiate sex. Why would she? He turned his back to her. Jenny reached over for the light. “Speaking of the gardeners.”

“Yes?” he asked, hoping, she’d changed her mind.

“The grass is growing fast this time of year and I think they should come by twice a week.”

“Yes, dear,” he replied, knowing that he’d lost her, tears rolling down his cheeks.


The lights went out.

Next: Donna’s story