Sunday, December 3, 2017

This week

1) Kaos posted her 4/4 update. Kate is abut to get anal and Dr Bitch is nude and getting eaten out.

2) I'm nearly done the final Wendy and Dewey segment of CC3. Not too much left after that.

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Update to HOCC

Ota posted a surprise update to Housewives of Coxville County and the final chapter has been updated here. If you search for "Damballah be praised", everything after that is new.

Complete unedited Elin chapter

Samson took his eyes off the hot blonde staring at his cock sticking out for a split second to wink at his brother. Herc gave a little nod. “Feel free…,” Samson tried to say before he was interrupted.

“Can I touch it?” asked Elin.

“Sure. Touch it all you want,” he said, surprised.

Elin reached her fingers out toward the 12” black cock sticking out between Samson’s legs. She held her hand a few inches back. “Sorry, I don’t want to lead you guys on. I just want to test something out.”

“Go ahead,” said Samson, sneaking a glance at his brother again. Herc just shrugged.

Elin stuck her index finger out and tentatively touched Samson’s cock head. She yanked her hand away, but nothing happened. More fingers came out to gently touch the head. She pushed down before pulling her hand away. The huge penis bent down before springing back up and bobbing.

“Whatcha doin, girl?”

“I was just… I wanted to see if you were going to ejaculate if I touched it.”

“Shit Elin. It takes a good twenty minutes of hard fucking or sucking to make that thing blow.”

“Really? My ex-boyfriend couldn’t last more than five minutes and the last guy I was with… um, squirted right away.”

Herc laughed. “Looks like White Hot Hands fumbles more than footballs.”

“Who?” asked Elin. Someone had yelled that when she and Todd arrived at the bonfire.

“Todd,” said Samson. “I’ve always just called him pencil dick,” he added, feeling bad. He liked Todd, but lately it seemed he was taking everything that the white boy loved. He didn’t like feeling guilty. On the other hand, he really wanted to fuck this hot bitch.

“Todd’s not that small,” she argued, defending her new boyfriend of about three hours now. “Maybe compared to you guys.” Her hand came out to squeeze the tip of Samson’s cock. “So big. Like a golf ball.” She was distracted as the second hard cock stepped closer.

“You need a larger sample size,” said Hercules.

Elin didn’t hesitate. She reached out and grabbed the end of Hercules’ cock, thicker than his brothers and maybe half an inch longer. She yanked on it several times without letting go. “You’re not going to prematurely ejaculate either?”

“Nope. It takes…” Hercules smirked over towards his brother. “A good thirty minutes of fucking or sucking to get that thing off.”

“We should go somewhere brighter, so you can see them better,” said Samson.

“Okay,” she said, hesitantly. A black man took each arm and headed her off away from the crowded bonfire. “Just don’t get any ideas, okay. I just want to examine them some more.”

“Of course, we understand,” said Samson. “You’ve never seen real men before.”

“Yeah, we understand all right,” added Herc. “Don’t want daddy or your friends back in Tittsville knowing about you touching two niggas big black cocks.”

That’s not it,” she lied. Her dad would go nuts if he knew she was even touching a black man’s penis.

Rumor had it, Tittsville was founded by Coxburg citizens trying to get away from the growing number of blacks in Coxburg.

“Here we are,” said Samson, leading her into a campsite. There was a firepit going in the center. The flame helped to keep the mist away. There were two sleeping bags spread out beside each other. “Can’t afford a tent.”

“Which one of you owns the Hello Kitty sleeping b… WOW!” she cried, seeing the two huge black cocks sticking out of their pants in the firelight. Neither had shrunken in the least.

“Wow yourself, girl,” said Hercules, looking her up and down.

Elin normally didn’t care to be looked at in such a manner by a black man or two for that matter, but she still felt flattered. She looked down her body and quickly understood why they were being so bold. She was six feet tall and long legged with tight form fitting jeans hugging her thighs and the curves of her ass. They were strategically ripped to show bits of knee, leg, and thigh. Her tank top exposed her curvy belly which glistened with dew in the firelight and a blue gem piercing glittered in her navel. The top was damp already tight before the mist rolled in, now it hugged her ribs and enormous GG breasts exposing her areola and long pointy nipples. The top was already low cut to show off her cleavage, but this wet look was sexy even for the head cheerleader of the Titans. She wished she hadn’t left her bra in Todd’s car. “I should go,” she muttered, feeling uncomfortable being eyed by these negroes. Though as far as blacks go, Samson was quite the hunk. His brother had a more brutish thug look to him, but wasn’t bad looking.

“Soon Tittsville,” said Samson. “But you wanted to get a close-up view of what real men looked like.”

“Unh huh,” she muttered, staring at them. Once while shopping in Coxburg, her mom had hurried her past an adult novelty store and there’d been black dildos on display claiming to be modeled after a Coxville native adult film star. Herc’s cock reminded her of the oversized dildos.

“Then get a closer look.” Herc put his hands on her shoulders and pushed down.

Elin fell to her knees on the sleeping bags. Two huge black cocks were pointed at her face. In the light, she could clearly make out how big their scrotums were close to ten times bigger than her ex-boyfriend’s or Todd’s for that matter. She’d fondled his sack while sucking him off earlier. She reached out and lifted Herc’s cock up to examine the underside. It was crisscrossed with throbbing dark veins, blacker than his skin. She couldn’t help cupping his scrotum in her hands. One testicle filled her entire palm. It was surprisingly heavy. She reached her other hand over to cup Samson’s balls. They were just as heavy and full. “Bet you guys cum a lot,” she said.

“Shit Tittsville. I can fill a 12oz soda can with one of my loads,” said Samson.

“Mine fills about a 20oz bottle,” added Hercules one upping his brother again. “You really should see it.”

“I’d… I’d like to see it.” Elin found these two black cocks fascinating. Her right hand had grabbed the base of Samson’s rod and was trying to measure up to the head. Her left hand was squeezing the knobby head of Hercules’s cock. Even Rock hard, Todd’s grape-sized tip had been spongy. Herc’s was a solid ungiving mass of hardness. “I want to see it. Could you masturbate for me?”

Samson glanced over at his brother again. “No Tittsville,” he told her. Elin sighed and looked crestfallen. “But you can jerk me off if you’d like.”

She perked up before frowning. “You’re asking me to give you a handjob?”

“Oh yeah, me too,” added Herc.

“I couldn’t do that,” she argued. Honestly, she’d given plenty to three ex-boyfriends. Two before she was ready to give up her virginity just to keep them happy and the last when she was on her period.

“You will if you want to see it cum,” said Samson. “Besides, you’re practically doing it now.”

“Oh!” said Elin, startled to see the hand holding Samson’s shaft was stroking up and down his black rod. Her other hand was twisting all around Hercules’ shaft.

“What’s the big deal?” asked Herc. “A handjob aint sex or nuthin. You aint fucking a couple of niggas just jerking them off.”

“You can’t tell anyone,” she told them, sitting up on her knees. “No one.”

“Sure babe. Now spit all over that black cock head.” Samson looked down as Elin held her mouth over his cock and tried to work some saliva up. She drooled down over the head and started working it along his shaft with her hand. It was a big penis, so she added some more spit. Plus, the cock was helping her, sticky fluid shot out of the head each time her hand tugged on the tip. She sat back on her heels as her hand started gliding easily along the shaft.

“You’ve done this before,” said Samson.

Elin blushed. “Yes, but it was nothing like this. They were like those little cocktail wieners. Yours is a lot bigger, like a salami.”

“I think you’re enjoying this Tittsville.”

Elin had been smiling while watching her hand gliding along the shaft. The sides of her mouth curved downwards. “No,” she replied. “I’m just curious how much you cum is all.”

“Come on, you like that big black cock in your hands. Bet you never saw anything like it before.”

In many ways, Tittsville was far more racist then Coxville and that was because Tittsville did everything possible to keep blacks out of town. There were no black students attending George G Titts High School. No black people owned homes in Tittsville. If Elin never left town, she could have gone her life never seeing any African Americans except for one waitress at the diner and the two garbage men, but they came through town so early, she’d only seen them once or twice. Not having any blacks around meant less open racism. The first time they’d gone shopping in Coxburg and she’d heard her parents spewing hate about the worthless niggers hanging about had completely shocked her and it had rubbed off on their daughter.

She’d believed that blacks were inferior in just about all respects aside from some athletic skills for her entire life until now when she found herself holding two black cocks bigger and more perfect then any penis she’d ever seen on a white man. “I do like it,” she admitted.

“Like what?” asked Samson.

“Your cock… your big cock.”

“What kind of cock?”

“I like your big black cock,” said Elin, her arm starting to tire, but Samson’s cock was starting to expand even bigger.

“You ever seen a black cock blow?” asked Herc.

“No, that’s why I’m doing this, remember?” she sighed in exasperation.

“I know,” grunted the bigger black man. “I’m just warning you it can be messy.” He stepped away and moved behind her. “We don’t want to mess your shirt up.” He grabbed the hem and lifted up over her head before she could object. He released it and her top hung off her arm as she had refused to stop jerking Samson off.

“Damn Tittsville!” said Samson, appreciatively staring at her breasts. They were as large as Jenny Summers only on a taller, more thinly built, younger woman.

“Thank you,” Elin replied blushing. “Tittsville girls are hotter than Cox…AAAAH!” Samson’s cock exploded in her face. She inadvertently pulled his throbbing cock down and received another splatter of his hot cum across her tits. “Stop! Stop! You’re cumming all over me,” she cried even as her hand continued jerking his cock.

Herc grabbed the back of her head and pushed her forwards. The end of his brother’s cock pushed into her open mouth as she continued to object. “MMMPHHH!” she protested, her mouth filling with his seed. “MMMmmmm!” her tone changed as she tasted his semen. It was incredibly good. Elin gulped it down, swallowing almost too much in one swallow. Her mouth filled again as she sucked on his cock head, still jerking him off into her mouth. Elin released his shaft and grabbed his ass, pulling him into her mouth as she sucked the end of his cock. She stared up at him, her eyes thanking him for allowing her to swallow his seed.

Elin pulled her head back, staring as Samson’s hard cock appeared. An hour ago, she would have been disgusted with herself for even touching a black man. Now, she leaned forwards and planted a thank you kiss right on the end of Samson’s still swollen big black cock. It was throbbing, like it was breathing, but it was just his pulse making it twitch. After kissing it, she stared down his shaft watching it deflate quickly. The head no longer reared up, but bent down which turned to his cock sticking out angled downwards which turned to hanging between his legs like a spoiled black banana that reached nearly to his knees. She pushed herself to her feet. “I don’t suppose you have any tissues?” she asked, his cum sliding down her cheeks, chin, and breasts, one large thick clump encircling around her nipple until it engulfed it. “I need to get going.”

“Here,” said Samson, tossing her a roll of paper towels.

Elin had the feeling the roll was here for this exact purpose. She tore a sheet off and began clearing his liquefying semen off her chest and breasts. She was startled by hands on her hips. “You can’t leave me hanging,” said a deep voice in her ear. Hercules bent down and kissed around the nape of her neck. If felt good, erotic.

“I need to go,” she moaned, his cock head slid up her bare back leaving a sticky trail. His hands slid over her belly, fingers fumbling with the buttons on her jeans. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t want to get any jizz on yo pants, girl,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh god,” she moaned, pushing her ass back into his crotch, feeling his thick erection pressing against her back. “The panty stays on,” she managed to get out. The fire in her pussy was getting worse. Damn Todd for leaving her hanging earlier. She’d never been this horny.

“Sure babe,” he told her, stretching the tight hem of her jeans around her hips. His thumbs hooked into her panty and pulled it down her thighs with her jeans. Herc stooped, kissing down her back and her ass cheeks as he pulled her jeans and panty down to her ankles. He grabbed her calf and pulled it up until she stepped out of them. He pulled her sneakers off too for good measure before standing back up.

Herc stepped around in front of her. Elin stared down at his cock sticking out between his legs. She appreciated its size and power even more now, but looking down as he stepped closer, she also noticed her blonde pubic strip. She kept if trimmed in a thin line from her clit up. “My panty!”

“Got caught in yo pants,” said Hercules, placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing down.

Elin Linquist fell to her knees again, staring at the powerful phallus sticking out towards her face. Why couldn’t Todd have been this perfectly flawless in the cock department? She reached up to grab it, the muscles in her arm ached. “My arm’s tired,” she apologized.

“Use your mouth then.” He grabbed the back of her head, pulling her face towards his cock.

“I can’t suck you off,” she muttered, the head getting closer and closer to her mouth.

“You were sucking my little brother here,” he reminded her. “Besides, a blow job ain’t sex. It’s not like we’re fucking. The big brother should get his too.”

Elin gulped. She’d taken Samson in her mouth only to stop the never-ending splattering of semen all over her face and breasts. She could still taste him in her mouth. Her tongue flickered out to wet her lips at Hercules’ cock. She knew his cum would taste every bit as good as his brothers had and she wanted more. “Okay,” she whispered.

“Okay what?” he asked, louder.

“Okay, I’ll suck your black cock.” Elin opened her mouth and placed it on the tip. She stretched her jaw wide and started sucking around half his glans, bobbing her head until the ridge slid past her lips. She wanted to gag, but suppressed it, focusing on breathing through her nose as it pushed down her throat. “Mmmmm,” she moaned, getting into it. Elin breathed in through her nose, smelling the sweaty musk coming from his crotch. His stink wasn’t nasty at all, but masculine and virile, what a real man smelled like. Her nose wanted more, getting closer to his black mesh of pubic hairs with every bob of her head.

“You’re doing good,” said Samson. “I guess that’s why you’re the HEAD cheerleader.” She glanced over at him. He was squatting beside her watching her suck his brother off. His hand came out to pat one ass cheek congratulating her. It stayed there when he quit patting.

“Mmmmmm,” she moaned again. Elin pulled back letting his cock exit her mouth. She took a deep breath of air noticing that a full half his giant cock was wet from her saliva. She licked around the head even lifting him up so that she could lick under his shaft down to his balls. She’d never suckled on a man’s balls before, but she did it for Hercules, licking and sucking on them. She didn’t care that they were hairy, she only cared that her nose could inhale more of his virile man musk. It made her want to suck him again and she took the head back in her mouth craving his seed.

Elin quickly swallowed it up to the halfway point again. She didn’t care that Samson was feeling all over her bare ass or that his fingers were between the cracks of her cheeks. She jumped a little in surprise when his big index finger found her anus and pushed against it several times. She was about to object, but the finger slid down, finding the folds of her soaking wet pussy. She was so hot down there, if there’d been steam coming out, it wouldn’t have surprised her. “Mmmmm,” she moaned, pushing back into his probing finger.

Hercules placed his hand on her forehead and held her head still as he pulled his cock out. She stared at the twelve-inch monster as it bobbed in front of her eyes. A good two thirds of his shaft were wet now. Hercules let go of her head, but stepped back when her mouth went for his cock. Instead, he kneeled at the head of the Hello Kitty sleeping bag and sat back so that his cock was thrust upwards. Elin dutifully fell on all four and crawled forwards so that she could suck it again. She licked the crown and was about to swallow him back in when Samson shoved two fingers deep into her. “AAAHHH!” she squealed almost cumming. His fingers were big, combined as big or bigger than her white lover’s penises had been. “OH GAWD!” she moaned just as Herc bucked his hips, pushing the head of his cock into her mouth. She slurped around the head while Samson finger fucked her, but it wasn’t satisfying her need to orgasm. He temporarily pulled his fingers out as he adjusted position behind her.

“Don’t stop,” she begged, kissing around the head of Hercules’ cock.

Elin felt pressure return to the folds of her pussy again. She began to open for him, wider than she had the last time. She wondered how many fingers he was pushing in this time. She wondered how he was pushing fingers inside her when both his hands were on her hips even as her pussy opened up and swallowed his huge cock head. He quickly started working it in and out, pushing deeper. “No,” she told him. “We can’t fuck. I can’t fuck… you,” she finished, but she was thinking that she couldn’t fuck a nigger. She couldn’t fuck a nigger, but his big nigger cock felt really good in her pussy. Elin gasped as he pushed in deeper than any white boy had ever gone. “No,” she whispered in denial even as Hercules’ black cock was pushing against her lips to get her to start sucking again.

“Want me to stop?” asked Samson, pulling it halfway out and pushing it in deeper. Elin didn’t answer. She just moaned as he worked it around inside her, flexing his shaft so that she could feel his size and power. “Want me to stop?” he asked again. His cock head stopped, pressing against her cervix. The point where white girls got their pussies resized for good. Still, she didn’t answer. Samson slowly began withdrawing his cock, her pussy squeezing and fighting him every inch of the way. “Want me to take it out?” he asked, just as the crown of his wide cock head appeared hugged by her labia.

“No,” she moaned, planting a kiss on Hercules cock.

“What? I can’t hear you?”

“No,” she whimpered. She was pushing back on her knees, fucking just his cock head with her pussy. “I don’t want you to take it out.”

“What do you want?” He pulled his cock all the way out, Elin squealing in desperation for him to put it back in.

“Fuck me! I want you to fuck me,” she begged. He placed the head against her pussy and pushed in again. She sighed in relief when he penetrated her. “But?”

Samson yanked his cock back out. “But what?” he growled.

“Condom,” she whimpered. “You need to wear a condom.”

Samson looked down at his throbbing black cock glistening with her pussy fluids. It jerked, a small jet of pre-seminal fluids shooting over her pussy lips. “Already got one on,” he lied, shoving his cock forwards again. Samson hoped to god he’d get a big NFL contract to pay for all the little black babies he wanted to plant in these white girls. His cock head rested on her cervix again. He pressed down and pushed as his cock began the work of resizing her white pussy to service the black man.

“YES! Elin screamed as she took his cock balls deep and she finally had the orgasm she’d been craving since the mist came up. Fuck that, she’d been craving this her whole life. A twelve-inch big nigger cock was the perfect fit for her pussy. The only way she knew to thank him was to give his brother the best blow job of his life. She returned her mouth to Hercules’ patiently waiting cock and attacked it. She sucked the first third while jerking the rest of his shaft off as hard as she could with her hands.

Elin’s vocal cords vibrated around Hercules’c cock head as his brother’s thrusting cock made her cum again and again. Why wasn’t this acceptable? Black men weren’t inferior at all. More women should be doing this. All the women of Tittsville needed to experience the superiority of black cock and Elin Lindquist vowed to make sure they would.

Elin planned to start with her best friend before introducing the other cheerleaders to black cock. Elin fought not to gag. Her mom too. She loved her dad and her parents had a strong marriage, but her mom deserved true sexual satisfaction as much as any woman. She started to choke, and she came to her senses. Hercules’ cock head was swelling around her tonsils to the point it was starting to get stuck. She pulled back in fear just as it bucked, her mouth filling with the delicious warmth of black seed once again. She swallowed, gulping it down not wanting to spill a drop. The first few wads were tough, filling her mouth almost faster than she could swallow but she managed to suck him dry without one drop dribbling down her chin. She sucked him until the swelling went down when she paused, squeezing his shaft as tight as she could, pulling towards the tip and her mouth so that the last little pearl of semen filled her mouth.

Herc groaned as he fell back on his feet and his cock flopped out, already spent, and falling down, the head resting on the white face of a Hello Kitty. “I need to piss,” he groaned. The powerful black man seemed spent as he struggled to stand. Naked, he stomped off into the woods.

“Keep fucking me,” she begged, lowering her head so that her ass was thrust up.

“Not about to stop now, grunted Samson.

Elin came to a sudden decision. “Wait! Pull it out for a second.”

Samson wasn’t about to stop fucking her, but his curiosity got to him. Plus, he was getting close and wasn’t quite ready to cum so giving his cock a breather wasn’t a bad idea. He pushed his hand against her ass and slowly pulled his wet steel hard cock out of her.

“I want…” Elin hesitated for just a second. “Take the condom off.”

Samson looked down at his swollen cock. “You sure?”

“My first real fucking should be bareback.”

“Sure, Tittsville,” he said. “It’s off. Gonna give you what you want. Better hope this nigga doesn’t knock you up.”

“Just this once. I need to feel it. Next time, you can wear a rubber.” Elin moaned as he pierced her yet again. “Yes! YES! I can feel the difference. You feel so good inside me Samson. Gonna cum on your bare cock. Gonna CUM… CCUUMMMMINGGG!!!”

A scream pierced the forest around them. Samson looked up from the girl cumming all over his black cock. There was a crashing in the woods. Kitty charged out of the brush like a maniac. Elin was still cumming as she looked up in fear at the angry cheerleader. Kitty’s DD’s were bouncing freely beneath the tight purple top. “BBIITTCCHH!!” she growled. Her boots brought her closer. Elin looked up in horror as the furious blonde girl leaped up into the air less like a kitty and more like a tiger, fingers outstretched like claws to rip into the blonde slut fucking her boyfriend. Elin felt a calm come over her. She understood now. She understood her rival cheerleader’s jealousy. She’d react the same way if Samson were her boyfriend. She braced herself for the impact just as everything went into slow motion like the instant replay at a football game.

One moment Kitty Summers was flying through the air, the next a huge dark figure was running up behind her. Like the great football player that he was, Hercules West grabbed the girl’s waist and tucked her under his arm as easily as he’d caught many a pass on the field back when he played for the Coxville Cocks.

Elin’s pussy finally quit contracting around Samson’s buried cock. She laid there panting watching her angry rival. Kitty Summers was still struggling, but Hercules had a strong hand on her bare stomach. She was starting to calm down. He was whispering something in her ear. Her body relaxed, but she was still staring daggers at Elin. Samson apparently realizing he was not going to fend off his girlfriend, started working his cock in and out again.

Kitty’s stance was calm, but her face still looked like she could erupt at any moment. Hercules was still whispering in her ear, but soon moved his mouth down to her neck kissing her nape. Her anger faltered a little. His hand slid up her belly and pulled at the tie under her bosom. The second it came undone, the shirt loosened up around her tits and his hand slid up. Elin could see him working on her nipple under the shirt. Kitty’s free nipple was hardening up, poking at the top. A second later, Kitty’s hate-filled face was replaced by one of horny lust. She turned her head and kissed her boyfriend’s lover as he brought both hands up to play with her tits.

What a slut, thought Elin as she watched the Coxville head cheerleader about to cheat on her boyfriend.

Herc released her breasts and pulled the loose top up over Kitty’s head, quickly returning to kissing her. Elin had to admit, the girl had lovely breasts. The full DDs were much better proportioned for Kitty’s teenage body, then Elin’s larger GGs. Hercules West appreciated them too, his hands quickly returned to her bosom. Kitty’s swollen nipples ballooned out between his fingers as he squeezed them.

He released her breasts, his hands slid down to her jean shorts and unbuttoned them. Kitty wasn’t stopping him either. Elin’s impression of Hercules as a skilled seducer was shattered when the black man couldn’t pull Kitty’s shorts down over her hips. Kitty reached down and grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands up to her waist and leaving them there. She grabbed the hem of her tight shorts and wiggled her hips as she worked them down. The jean shorts were so close-fitting that it took the blonde more than a minute to get them down her thighs. Herc took back over and pulled them down her legs, lifting her cowgirl booted feet out of them. Kitty was wearing the sluttiest sheer blue panty Elin had ever seen. Herc planted a kiss on her bare ass before standing back up. This time he was hunched over and Elin watched his big beautiful black cock rising between her thighs. They were kissing again with Kitty reaching down between her legs to fondle the huge knob on the end.

She pulled away and turned revealing to Elin that the skimpy panty was indeed a thong. Kitty bent and slid it down her legs and stepped out of it. She was now nude, but for heart earrings, bracelets, a gold heart pendant, and her calf high cowgirl boots. She stepped into Hercules’ open arms and the two embraced, the blonde standing on tip toes to kiss the black giant while his hands came down to squeeze her ass cheeks. Elin had never seen a more beautiful sight in her life than the nude muscular black man pressed against the nude white woman. The sight made her even more determined to see all her friends in Tittsville with black men. The thought had her creaming all over Samson’s constantly thrusting cock. She closed her eyes and let the orgasm wash over her.

Elin opened her eyes, but felt empty inside. Samson’s foot-long shaft was resting on the crack of her ass. He was breathing heavily through his nose. He’d been close again, but was exercising some self-control so that he could keep fucking her. Kitty and Hercules were gone. There was a thud beside her that startled her. She looked over to see Kitty on all fours, her head inches away. Hercules was rearing up over her rear beside his brother. “Race ya bro,” grunted Herc.

“UNH!” grunted Kitty as Hercules cock pushed inside her.

“Not fair, asshole,” complained Samson. “I been fucking this slut hard for fifteen minutes now.”

“I’m not a slut,” said Elin correcting him. “Now hurry up and put that big cock back in.”

Kitty glared at her again, but Elin didn’t care, twelve inches of black cock was deep fucking her almost immediately. Kitty’s angry eyes rolled up as she came all over Herc’s big cock soon followed by another orgasm from Elin. “Take the reins, bro,” laughed Herc, reaching out to grab a handful of Kitty’s long blonde hair. He split it into two, one strand in each hand and started fucking her hard, holding Kitty’s head up. FWAP! FWAP FWAP! The rhythmic sound of his cock slamming into Kitty. Both her and Herc’s body glistened in the moonlight, from the mist, or sweat, Elin wasn’t sure, but they looked sexy as fuck. Elin’s own head was pulled back as Samson grabbed her hair like reins. FWAP! FWAP! FWAP! Came from her own pussy.

“Ima gonna turn my filly left, bro,” grunted Herc.

“Ima turn mine right,” added Samson.

Elin winced as Samson pulled back on the hair in his right hand. Her head turned towards Kitty. Her rival looked drunk on the cock fucking her, but her eyes still managed to turn hateful for a moment. Kitty’s head was being pulled to the left too. Before Elin knew it, their noses smashed together. Both women turned their heads away from the pain in their noses. Elin found her lips pressing against Kitty’s. She tried to keep her mouth closed, but a strong orgasm had her mouth open in a loud moan. Kitty was crying out too. Their tongues met half way and before they knew it, both head cheerleaders were kissing passionately while foot long black cocks constantly pummeled their pussies.

Elin broke their kiss, eyes crossing as she came hard over Samson’s cock. She shuddered. “Fucking love this cock,” she muttered, gasping. “My pussy is yours whenever you want it.”

“That’s my boyfriend, bitch,” grunted Kitty, letting out a squeal as Samson made her cum.

“And that’s my brother, whore,” said Samson to Kitty. “Unh shit! Ima gonna bust a nut.”

“Fill me up, stud,” growled Elin, looking hatefully at Kitty. “Mark your new girlfriend with your seed.”

The Tittsville cheerleader suddenly came to her senses. She was right between cycles and probably her most fertile. “NO! Wait!” The first jet of his hot seed filled her womb, triggering her biggest orgasm yet. His cock was bucking, splattering more cum inside her even as her contractions were milking his cock for every drop of his seed.

Samson helped too. When his cock quit jerking, he slowly pulled it out, grabbing his sticky shaft and stroking forwards as he pulled out, giving her every last drop. He sighed and sat back on his legs, panting for breath. Elin slowly pushed herself up and stumbled as if drunk over towards some bushes before squatting to pee. She managed to push most of his sperm out, but untold ounces were still trapped in her womb.

When she returned, Samson was laying on his back on the sleeping bag. Hercules’ huge cock was rearing up above Kitty’s ass shooting a long stream of cum over her back. It shot another wad that formed a pool in the small of her back. His cock quickly lost its steel turning limp. He grabbed the base and smacked it against her ass several times, the head dribbling more semen onto her butt cheeks.

Herc rose up and didn’t go far. He just turned his back and started peeing away from the fire. Kitty shakily stood and headed towards the bushes near where Elin had just vacated. Kitty was waddling, sperm leaking out between her thighs. Elin walked back to Samson. His musculature glistened in the light from the flickering fire pit. The mist was still present, but it was dissipating. His black body was magnificent.  The sight of his half hard cock made her pussy tremble with need.

Samson gave a little jerk when he felt someone nuzzling against his cock. Elin looked up at him as he raised his head to look down at her. She kept her eyes on him as she licked up his shaft to the head. “I want you again,” she told him, taking his cock in her mouth. It quickly started swelling.

Kitty came back and saw what they were doing just as Herc returned from the bushes. She fell to her knees on the sleeping bag and bent her neck to suck the tip of the older West brother’s dangling cock. Soon, Kitty wasn’t’ bending her neck, she was slurping on his cock as it stuck straight out.

“I need you to cum in me again,” begged Elin straddling Samson.

“No bitch,” growled Kitty. She leaned over and pushed hard, knocking Elin off her boyfriend. She left Hercules with a shiny cock bobbing up and down. Kitty quickly straddled Samson’s thighs. She pushed her pussy down hard into the base of his shaft, sliding up towards the head.

Elin, her ass and knees now dirty with sand and leaves looked like she was about to leap on Kitty just as Kitty’s pussy sucked the end of Samson’s cock into it. Hercules grabbed her wrists before she could strangle Kitty. “Why you fightin over my bro when you got somethin even better here?” He placed her hand on his cock. She grabbed it and absentmindedly started jerking it off while staring daggers at Kitty. He walked back to the sleeping back and knelt before lying beside his brother.

Elin straddled him, but was still staring at Samson. “I’m better than that bitch,” she told Samson even as her pussy lips engulfed Hercules’ cock head.

Kitty snorted. “Better at losing maybe. Just like the Titans lost tonight to my man here.”

“You wanna bet… Oooo, that’s nice,” she moaned, sliding down Hercules cock.

“Yeah slut, want to see who can get their man off first? If I win, you leave Coxville and never come back.”

“And if I win, I get Samson and you go back to white boys.”

Kitty gasped. “Fine,” she said, lying through her teeth. “You just fucked up big time, slut. I told Samson the first time we fucked that I could ride better than any girl in school, didn’t I, babe?”

“You sure did, Kitty, Samson replied.

Elin snorted. “I can ride better than any girl in Tittsville, bitch. Just say when.”

Both women were fully impaled by the West brothers’ foot long black cocks. Both tried to sit still, fighting off little tremors as well as their need to feel those same cocks thrusting inside them. “Ready,” said Kitty, watching as Elin leaned forwards and placed her hands on Hercules’ chest. Elin ran her palms over his muscles, staring in fascination at his great physique and the sexy contrast between their skin colors. “Get set,” said Kitty, also bracing herself. “GO!”

Elin started bouncing. She glanced over at Kitty. Her rival was like a whirlwind, tits bouncing as Kitty rode Samson for all she was worth. The little bitch was good at this. “OH GOD,” she cried as she came all over Hercules’ cock. She kept going. Her breasts were too big. They were weighing her down, slowing her ability to fuck the huge nigger cock. Kitty was moaning too, thrashing around from an orgasm for the first or second time. Paroxysms of pleasure permeated her body centered on her nipples. “NO!” she moaned, looking down at her nipples, now pinched between Hercules fingers. It felt great, but was too distracting. Her orgasm slowed her down. Kitty could cum and keep going.

“Come on, work dat white pussy,” encouraged Hercules. “Squeeze yo puss like a vice, gurl.”

“I can’t,” she whimpered. “Your too good. Too big. I.. love.. your.. black.. cock..” Elin stopped, staring down at Hercules, wasting valuable time as she bent down to kiss him. She continued kissing him while working her pussy over his shaft, slowly at first, picking up speed until she broke the kiss to sit up again, using all her energy in trying to make him cum, but it was too late.


Elin looked over in dismay as Samson thrust his hips up off the sleeping bag, nearly throwing Kitty off him. “YES!” cried Kitty. “SEED ME, BABY!” The couple settled down, with Kitty slowly working his cock, milking it for every last drop of his cum.

“No,” sobbed Elin, still trying to ride Hercules.

“You doin great, bitch,” Hercules encouraged her again. “This just proves I got more stamina than my little brother. Keep going. You need to finish the race.”

“Need to finish,” she repeated.

“You lose Tittsville,” said Kitty, triumphantly.

“Why don’t you show her your trophy, baby,” said Samson.

Kitty smiled. Elin was slowly riding Hercules now, only able to move up and down a few inches of his shaft. She was in a constant state of euphoria now despite losing. Kitty was standing now. She stepped between the two brothers, turning around so that Elin was staring at her ass. Elin felt pressure growing in her womb as her eyes traveled down the crack of Kitty’s ass to the little V between her thighs and the tuft of blonde hair at the apex. A trickle of seed was dribbling out of the end of the blonde hair.

Kitty bent down, spreading her legs, giving Elin a better view of what a black fucked pussy looked like. The answer was: Beautiful! Open, the trickle of sperm turned to a stream. Kitty’s pussy lips were still spread open, the sperm welling up from the center hole. Her eyes followed Kitty down as her rival got on all fours, then rested her head on her arms, ass thrust up under Elin’s gaze just as Hercules sucked one of Elin’s nipples into his mouth, his own cock exploding inside her womb.

The Damn broke.

Elin screamed, her eyes rolling up in her head as she began to pass out from the pleasure. The last thing that went through her mind was relief when she saw that her head was going to hit the soft cushion of Kitty’s ass and not the heel of one of Kitty’s cowgirl boots.

Elin heard voices as she began to come back to reality a moment later. “I passed out the first time I rode Samson too,” said Kitty’s voice. “Whoa! I think she’s sniffing my ass!”

Elin’s nose was by Kitty’s anus, but she wasn’t sniffing her ass. The smell of nigger sperm filled her nostrils, delicious nigger sperm. She pressed her lips against it, feeling the warm flow of the black man’s seed running over her lips, coating her chin. She nuzzled and kissed the warm folds, tongue flickering out to lap the sperm up.

“Whoa!” said Kitty again, this time with more surprise.

“Is she going down on you?” asked Hercules, trying to see.

“Yeah she is,” said Kitty, her ass starting to hump up into Elin’s tongue.

“She trying to steal your trophy,” said Samson with a laugh.

“She’s… UH… doing a good job of it,” said Kitty.

Elin was only semi aware of what she was doing, but she was loving the constant flow of hot sperm down her throat. Her tongue probed deeper. There was a loud gasp and a large wave of semen filled her mouth. Finally, satisfied, she kissed the vertical hairy lips, opening her eyes to see Kitty crawling away from her. She looked around in a daze, her lower face covered in cum, her pussy still impaled on Hercules’ cock, though it had gone limp.

Kitty stood and grabbed her clothes. “I’m going to go check on a few things. Meet me at the car in a few,” she told Samson. She looked down at a still dazed and confused Elin. “You stay out of Coxville.”

Kitty walked off.


Kitty almost immediately bumped into Todd. He was as pale as a ghost and looked sick. “Todd!,” she said, surprised. She was still nude, but for the boots, but she didn’t really care anymore. He’d seen her nude before anyway. “What are you… Are you spying on us?”

“Uh, no,” gasped Todd. He looked like he was in shock. His eyes were staring off into the fire. “I was looking for Elin.”

“You brought that bitch here?”

“She wanted to be my girlfriend.” His gaze left the fire where Elin was still sitting on Hercules and Samson was laying on his back next to them. Todd’s eyes came back to life with a flare of anger. “But she’s just another nigger lover.”


Todd looked stunned, grabbing his cheek as Kitty pulled her hand back. “Watch your mouth white boy unless you want to get your ass beat on a daily basis.” Kitty slowly grinned evilly. He jumped when her hand grabbed his crotch. “I think some part of you liked what you saw,” she said, feeling his erection.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. She snorted. He knew she wouldn’t believe him, but his erection had come back while walking through the mist. He wanted to find Elin to try fucking again, but then he saw Elin and Kitty riding the West brothers. Kitty was fumbling with his zipper. “Kitty?” he asked, confused.

“I just want to see if it’s really as small as I remember.”

“Kitty?” he asked again. Her hand was undoing the buttons on his pants. He wasn’t even attracted to her anymore. Seeing her with Samson had disgusted him, but his penis was aching for attention. She pulled his underwear down and his hard penis sprang out. Kitty stifled a laugh.

“There’s the little guy. I think it actually got smaller.”

Todd trembled. Her was starting to hate her now, but he still yearned for her touch. “Suck it,” he pleaded. “Please.”

Her hand came out towards it. “You want me to suck it? For old time’s sake?” Her finger touched the small grape sized head. His penis jerked, spewing out a long strand of cum, more than he normally came. Kitty laughed in surprise and was still laughing as she strolled off.

Todd looked down as his little penis, still bobbing up and down, squirting his semen onto the ground.


Elin felt some of her strength coming back. She ground her pussy into Hercules’ cock. Limp and spent, it still felt good inside her. To her delight, it began to swell, filling her up as it inflated inside her. She laid down on him so that she could slide her body along his. Her legs, fit and firm from cheerleading, had little strength left in them to ride him hard.

She leaned down to kiss him, but the black man turned his lips away. Her feelings were hurt for a moment before she remembered that her mouth and chin was coated with his brother’s sperm. Hercules pushed her torso up and started sucking on her long nipples. His hands kneaded her ass cheeks, but his hands were on her arms holding her up?

Elin glanced over her shoulder. Samson slapped his cock down on her ass cheeks several times. It was floppy at first, but by the third time it was a steel hard rod. “Don’t worry, she’s not coming back,” said Samson, glancing off into the woods like he was the one worried. His hand coated his shaft with lubrication.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You’ll see,” said Samson while Hercules pulled her all the way down on his cock and held her still.

Samson West’s cock rested between her ass cheeks. He slid it down until the head was centered over her anus. Elin jumped when she felt the pressure pushing down against her ass. She started to struggle, but Hercules held her still. The pressure grew, her sphincter slowly opening for the hard golf ball sized cock head. “NO! Not there,” she gasped, her ass was starting to stretch to the point it hurt. “You’re too big!” Fuck, Todd White was too big. This was an unnatural act of sodomy.

“Damn, tighter then Kitty,” grunted Samson, giving one hard push. His cock head got swallowed up by her constrictive anus.

Elin squealed. Her face was red, scrunched up, eyes shut. Tears rolled down her cheeks from the pain. She was grateful for whatever lube he’d used as that was allowing him to slide the tip in and out easily. The pain grew as the thick part under the head entered her. She feared her sphincter might tear. Spasms of pleasure radiated out from her nipples. Herc was contentedly sucking one while kneading her other breast, pinching the nipple occasionally. His other hand still gripped her arm, but the grip was relaxing. Elin whimpered from the pain as Samson’s cock pushed deeper into her ass. Hercules flexed his cock, sending more ripples of pleasure through her body. The pleasure grew as he started bucking his hips to work his cock inside her. Elin moaned, pushing her rear back into Samson’s cock. The pain was gone. It felt weird now, but good. “So full,” she groaned. “Fuck me. Fuck my ass.”

It started out awkward at first. The black men were trying to get themselves off. Elin was too weak to fuck them back. Finally, the new quarterback showed his leadership skills and took over. He lifted Elin up so that she was on all fours over Hercules. She didn’t have to do anything but hold still. Hercules bucked his hips, thrusting his cock up and into her while Samson pushed his deep in her ass as Hercules was pulling out of her pussy. The team work and the constant pistoning of two foot-long black cocks paid off quickly. Elin creamed hard over Hercules’ cock. Her pussy muscles clamped down tightly over his shaft almost throwing off the West brother’s rhythm.

Elin was grunting and snorting. She came several more times. The boys were making noises too, speeding up as they began to fuck her harder. Hercules pushed up and held his cock still. Jets of sperm struck her womb. Elin squealed as her own orgasm exploded from her, but then Samson’s cock pushed deep in her ass. His first jet of cum filling her bowels. Her squeal turned to a shriek that echoed all the way down to the lake mingling with other screams of pleasure echoing off the lake that night.

Samson pulled out and squeezed some more sperm from his shaft onto her lower back and ass cheeks. He watched as his sperm began welling up out of her open anus to run down her crack. It flowed over pussy and the base of Hercules’ cock. The dark vein was still pulsing as Hercules was still cumming inside her. Samson pushed off her and stood.

Hercules rolled Elin over and sat up slowly removing his cock. It sprang up from her pussy shooting a long strand of semen from the bottoms of her breasts, down her belly, to end in her pubic strip. He stood, squeezing the sperm out of his shaft and letting it splatter down on her torso.

Elin’s ass and pussy felt squishy they were so filled with cum. Their seed poured from both holes. She struggled to stand, two streams of white sperm joining tighter to form a waterfall between her legs. Their mingled sperm fell to soak the Hello Kitty sleeping bag. Elin spread her legs wider, squeezing her muscles to force as much cum out as possible to cover Kitty Summers’ sleeping bag.

“Shit, I better meet Kitty,” said Samson.

Elin looked up at the two black men. They were standing nude on the other side of the fire pit. The fire flickered off their wet muscular torsos and giant dangling cocks. They looked like black demons at that moment. “I need to get going too,” she told them. She had a midnight curfew and Tittsville was over an hour away, maybe more if this mist was thick the whole trip. “I don’t suppose I could get a lift?”

“Yeah, I’ll take ya,” said Hercules.

“Thanks,” she replied gratefully. She’d been a little worried that they might leave her stranded or she’d have to go back and tell Todd she got lost.

Samson disappeared back towards the bonfire and the parking lot. Hercules got dressed and waited for her to clean off and dress. “You’re damn sexy, gurl,” he told her appreciatively.

“Thanks,” she said again, this time blushing. He surprised her by taking her hand as they walked back towards the bonfire. The Coxville High seniors had all seen her arrive with Todd White and they were about to see her leave with Hercules West.

“We gonna fuck again, gurl?”

“You know it,” she replied squeezing his hand, happily. She’d come to Coxville hoping to find a boyfriend and perhaps she had. Her friends were expecting the handsome Todd White though not some brutish looking nigger. She’d need to introduce to each of them exactly what her new boyfriend had to offer.

Elin Linquist smiled and squeezed Hercules’ hand again as they left to take her home.
